#face eczema
healthhub123 · 4 months
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papermint-airplane · 5 months
Today is my age up day!!! 🎂🎈🎊🎉🥳
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Looks like I got hit with the dreaded pigtail glitch though. 😔
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kbeautynotes · 11 months
ILLIYOON Ceramide Ato Concentrate Cream Review
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I'm sure you've heard of the Illiyoon Ceramide Ato Concentrate Cream, a popular Korean moisturizer. However, like with most skincare products, it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. So, let’s delve deeper and explore which skin types and conditions are best suited to reap its benefits.
Read the full blog post here: ILLIYOON Ceramide Ato Concentrate Cream Review
Have you tried this before?
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star-spangled-man · 3 months
come to the realisation that many of my problems would *poof* into thin air if I simply did not have SKIN!!
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khihi · 8 months
most days i can power through and ignore the physical and psychological pain and discomfort having a skin condition causes but some days it hits me all at once how much of a toll it actually takes on my whole life... today is one of those days apparently 🤠 wuhoo
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I'm making this poll because some folks think autoimmune disorders are rare. This is entirely untrue. To prove the point, please reblog and answer this poll. No need to include tags. I want more people here aware they are not, in fact, alone.
Fun fact: having one can result in later developing more.
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angelcatsiel · 6 months
nothing worse than being cursed with having sensory issues with creams or ointments and also having severe and very treatment resistant eczema on most of my body. truly I am cursed
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brisingr-sword · 1 year
sensory issues and eczema are literally the worst combination bc what do you mean eczema compounds the Thing Feel Bad quality of things? what do you mean the stuff that works best on my eczema has the WORST sensory profile ever???
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centurieslove · 6 months
:) i do not :) want to be :) at work
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hd-cookie · 1 year
To my fellow crusty/eczema gals and pals that have patches on their faces: Hydraulic acid and nicinamide (I use the Ordinary Brand) are excellent for repairing your skin barrier, then topped with your normal non-fragrance moisturizer.
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a-little-bit-oddish · 7 months
had a nosebleed that lasted 40 minutes recently. i'm not new to nosebleeds but i think a stream like a faucet that soaks through the tissues in less than 20 seconds might be a new one. it started up again less than a day later. anyway the lower half of my face is peeling off and i look like a lobster and i'm developing joker lips and my eyes are bloodshot and my neck hurts and my eczema has crawled to my elbow my ears are flaking right now and a healed piercing started bleeding and i literally cannot keep up with all the side effects
shout out to accutane, which i think is like chemo-lite in terms of absolutely wrecking your body on purpose. evil pills. on the bright side my scalp does not produce oil and i haven't needed to use shampoo in a week
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jordanswitches · 9 days
dude when will my skin condition stop ruining my day
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mxdragonturtle · 11 months
Let it be known I hate eczema
It’s stupid and horrible
0/10 would not recommend
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akasztofavirag-por · 2 months
This heatwave is fucking up my skin so bad eaughhhghhhh
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wingwounds · 5 months
i dont have bangs anymoare but i still picture myself with them 🧍🏽 i havent had them in YEARS but im maeking a gaia avatar of me reading shoujo manga and . i gave myself bangs andnxjcjjcjca
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freckleslikestars · 3 months
Folks, the one piece of life advice my mother gave me that I still actually follow is this:
Keep a bottle of aftersun gel/lotion in the fridge. Straight-up aloe vera gel works, too. Something that's gonna get the moisture back into the skin and help cool it down when you get sunburned.
I genuinely keep a bottle of gel and a bottle of lotion in the fridge year round, because even with 50+ spf I burn like a bitch (gotta love that Scottish blood). And even when you're not burnt, summer can dry your skin out and having something that a) moisturises you and b) cools you down is gorgeous to have on hand.
Always. ALWAYS wear sunscreen. Even when it doesn't look all that sunny. Reapply after you've been in water and every two hours. But I understand ADHD and remembering sunscreen is a bitch, and that sometimes you leave the house and it's cloudy and raining and an hour later it's the most intense sun you've ever experienced.
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