#what is eczema
healthhub123 · 4 months
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So. Eczema. Am I right?
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kiivg · 5 months
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not-spiders · 1 year
skin conditions are super fucking hot actually. like fuck the beauty industry we are SO beautiful dude
sincerely, someone with perioral dermatitis and rosacea who is fucking sick of being told i’m supposed to want to get rid of them for any reasons other than physical comfort. fuck you, this is my face. get the hell used to it.
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saturnsorbits · 5 months
Spent the whole afternoon at A&E and now all I can think about is Hospital AU Bakusquad…
Kirishima is in paediatrics.
A giant of a man, who everyone assumes (or hopes) is a physio or maybe even cardiology, but is most often seen with his hair in odd pigtails or butterfly clips, the tattoos on his forearms partially coloured in with bold felt tip. His mega-watt smile and calm, protective demeanour has both kids and parents seeking out his warmth and it isn’t uncommon to hear calls asking when ‘Dr Ei’ is going to be back on the ward. His office is littered with drawings from his patients and thank you cards from their parents - and it isn’t uncommon to see the odd scrawled phone number appear on the edge of a post it note that has somehow found its way into the pocket of his scrubs or coat.
Kaminari is a radiology tech.
He specialised because he thought he’d have a higher chance of seeing tits in his day-to-day work life, but stayed when he discovered his unexpected talent of reading radiographs. He’s got an eye for it, a weird knack that has his final year professor outright refusing to let him pivot to midwifery or plastics. He doesn’t mind so much these days. He’s the life of the department, with an easy going charisma that lures his, often anxious, patients back to relative calm and a manner that makes him more than approachable. ‘Ask Kaminari’ are often the first words spoken in front of a grainy X-Ray, his name the first on patients lips who have been seen by him before.
Mina is a specialist paramedic.
Trained to the highest level alongside Bakugo in med school, Mina decided surgery was just a little too detached for her liking - choosing instead to be the front line for those in an emergency. She likes the rush, the adrenaline filled afternoons that rely on her quick thinking and flawless bedside manner, but she also likes the breaks. Some of her favourite rides are booked appointments ferrying over the resident old dear for her routine CT scan and she’s a favourite amongst the frequent riders. The urgent care staff love her, knowing that they’re getting the best possible hand off when they see her bubblegum curls bounce through the doors, gloved hands gripping the stretcher as she reels off seamless histories and reassurances.
Sero is in orthopedics.
Having undergone his own elbow arthroplasty as a young adult, he knew exactly what he wanted to specialise in even before he started his first year of rotations. By his graduation, he had co-published a series of papers, pioneering a new innovative surgical fix for adolescent joint restoration that involved a veterinary technique using medical grade fishing wire. Despite this, he is humble to his core and steadfastly patient focuses where others may have sought out further research possibilities. His youthful demeanour makes him popular, despite his shyness, oh, and it doesn’t hurt that he’s absolutely smoking hot (and oblivious) either.
Bakugo is an ER Doctor.
It was certain that Bakugo was going far. Graduating top of his class, it was a sure thing that he would become one of the leading surgeons of his generation… Only for him to join the emergency department instead. Longing for a challenge, there are no safer hands in the department than his. Called in for the more harrowing and difficult cases, what he lacks in bedside manner is made up for easily in skill. He is blunt in demeanour and easy to anger, but ask any of the nurses in A&E and they’ll tell you all of that vanishes as soon as a child walks through the door. He has a cult following among the staff, nurses who long to crack his impenetrable shell and get to the gooey stuff they know is underneath and who can blame them? They’ve seen him shirtless in the overnight rooms.
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sadtrashking · 5 months
I believe in qtubbo stubble + acne scars + eczema realness...
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i kept meaning to draw this and then getting distracted, you can tell the art block is starting to hit
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the-meme-monarch · 4 months
hey can I get an appointment with like a doctor's stamp or signature on my receipt "yeah can we get your id" well I'm. I'm getting the appointment bc I need a doctor to sign off on my existence so i can apply for a new id. bc I don't have one. the social security administration told me to do this. "well you need an id to get a doctor's appointment" nevermind I'll just kill myself
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jadewritesficshere · 1 year
18+ Only MDNI
Steve who loves every inch of you. Steve who kisses you silly and holds your hand during sex. Steve who makes sure to call you beautiful every day, because to him you are the most beautiful person he's ever seen and every day he falls more in love with you.
Steve who finds out you don't see yourself as beautiful, who thought you had brushed his compliments off because you were shy not because you didn't believe him. Steve who holds you as you cry over your insecurities. Steve who spends extra time kissing where you are most insecure, making sure to lather you with love. Steve who washes your mouth out with soap every time he hears you talk bad about yourself (it's supposed to be a punishment and he knows you would enjoy being spanked too much). Steve who makes you watch yourself in the mirror while he fucks you, so you can see how he loves you and how hot you are. Steve who buys a thesaurus to find synonyms for beautiful that he can call you. Steve who loves every inch of you and hopes that you can start to love every inch of yourself.
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couch-house · 1 year
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i never poasted i made my fursona into a morbian in like november. so like. 8 months ago lol. art style change jumpscare! idr if i said they r a fawn or ruddy abyssinian b4 but well they r fawn now teehee
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aprillikesthings · 5 months
how am I supposed to stop scratching my rash (the literal only thing that actually makes it go away) when I have ADHD and no impulse control and do not realize I am scratching until it's too fucking late at least a dozen times per day
also how am I supposed to focus on literally anything else when I am literally constantly itchy. it feels like the majority of my brain is spent trying to ignore how itchy I am. the irony is that when I do finally focus on something else, that's when I start scratching, because I'm no longer focused on Do Not Scratch
I'm going to LOSE MY MIND
(do not tell me to see a doctor or put on lotion or wtf-ever)
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stardustdiver · 4 months
i have conquered the evil wet box
i hate the evil wet box
i feel like i need a treat now
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missus-paint · 5 months
shoutout toooo people with eczema
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a-little-bit-oddish · 7 months
had a nosebleed that lasted 40 minutes recently. i'm not new to nosebleeds but i think a stream like a faucet that soaks through the tissues in less than 20 seconds might be a new one. it started up again less than a day later. anyway the lower half of my face is peeling off and i look like a lobster and i'm developing joker lips and my eyes are bloodshot and my neck hurts and my eczema has crawled to my elbow my ears are flaking right now and a healed piercing started bleeding and i literally cannot keep up with all the side effects
shout out to accutane, which i think is like chemo-lite in terms of absolutely wrecking your body on purpose. evil pills. on the bright side my scalp does not produce oil and i haven't needed to use shampoo in a week
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dimsilver · 1 year
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gardening-guy · 2 days
as it turns out, pruning tomato plants is very much not good for my eczema...
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jordanswitches · 9 days
dude when will my skin condition stop ruining my day
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