#eczema triggers
healthhub123 · 4 months
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igbylicious · 9 days
but at least San posted a video of him petting Byeol so really how bad can life be
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anonymous-polling · 9 months
this is for people with eczema. I have gluten-induced eczema and don't know many people with that specific condition so i'm just curious
I have eczema with no triggers
I have gluten-induced eczema
I have eczema with a specific trigger that is not gluten
no eczema / show results
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star--anon · 5 months
my eczema recognizing that it's only as strong as the body it inhabits and obediently not causing a big problem for me during the day
my eczema deciding "fuck you, fuck your face, fuck your sleep, fuck your entire fabric of being" at night and making my face itchy AFTER I put oily stuff on my face and can no longer scratch it
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kawamagi-crow · 8 months
The struggle of having autism and atopic eczma and the texture of the cream makes you want to throw yourself out of a window
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spookylightwhispers · 8 months
eczema gang 🤙🏼
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i am probably being a hypochondriac but looking up whatever the fuck this is and talking to mum I kept seeing stuff about fibromyalgia and god, fuck I just
i hope this is temporary, i hope it goes away in the morning because I spent most of the first two decades of my life in pain like this all of the time and, whilst, no, this isn't as bad as my eczema, as bad as the constant itching and open sores, it's too close to comfort
getting the UV treatment for my eczema felt like a fucking miracle, and the thought that I could suddenly one day be shoved back into that pain for NO APPARENT REASON WHATSOEVER
that's fucked up, that's not fair
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velidewrites · 1 year
16, 21, 23
thoughts on mint chocolate chip?
A thing from hell
a number that weirds you out?
I don’t think I have one!
do you wear jewelry?
I do not :/
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Mystery how are you and your family doing? Are they ok? Are you ok? I hope you still have power. I think the worst of the storm is over but there's a lot of damage. Be safe ok? Lots of love.
Answering this now before I lose power and cell service again for hours (long est is five)…
I’m okay. We’re experiencing wind speeds up to 100mph in my area and roads are littered with fallen trees. Some people have already left town, but there isn’t many places to go to. The lower part of my state is completely flooded. We’re expecting flooding here. Fingers crossed that it work happen. I’ve lost power for hours last night and we’re losing it again this morning. It’s insane.
I’m safe. I promise. Thank you for checking in on me, my dear. I really appreciate it ❤️✨
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bipedalseal · 2 years
Presses the button that electrocutes my family whenever they say something stupid. Usage of this button goes up every time i come back from the doctor's
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catchmewjsn · 2 years
I've put all the things i needed on my skin so why do i feel like i fail in caring for it all the time
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astral-catastrophe · 2 years
on my fucking face
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negativity ahead be cautious
is feeling indescribably shitty every single day even more so than normal for the past three months seasonal depression even if there are only 2 seasons in your country
#repressed anger is a b#i think i am gonna reach my limit for this half of the year very soon#anger management issues + avoidant attachment style is like the most bad person thing ever#i mean if you have those you're not a bad person don't listen to me#i am so tired#my eczema and gastrointestinal issues are flaring up like crazy#which means my anxiety is getting worse and worse because it's the only reason i have so many physical health issues in the first place#senior year is effing me up#and i have the shittiest most anger-inducing history teacher known to man replacing my old history teacher#who wants us to do group presentations to cover the entire fucking rest of the syllabus that my old teacher didn't cover#because this fossil is so lazy to teach that everytime she enters the class it's a 50/50 chance that she gives a “back in my days” lecture#for either half the class or the entire class#i genuinely cannot even tolerate my parents anymore#it was easier to suck it up back when i didn't have many issues#but now i genuinely can't hold myself back from snapping at them#now the least hostile route i can go is feigning ignorance#ignoring them and trying not to appear in their line of sight#or staying in my room for as long as possible so I don't have to make contact with them#okay maybe it is my fault that my stomach literally eats itself every day#but if it helps me not unalive myself then i gotta do what i gotta do if ya know what i mean#can't i just sleep for the entire year#i bet my friends hate me for not replying to their texts for weeks#i was sleeping is such a shitty excuse#but i do sleep 16 hours a day#i genuinely can't do anything so i avoid everything by sleeping#the sound of my mom's voice amplified by the small space in the car actually triggers me#i hate it so fucking much when people sexualise arlecchino#she is not someone low scum like you can touch#and i think I've just been sucking up other people's negativity like a negativity vacuum#because my empathetic ass can't stand to see someone suffering without feeling their emotions
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dyke-ulaura · 6 months
stupid fucking pussy triggered my eczema
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evanna11 · 8 months
Honestly I'm so grateful for the existence of steroid cream. Yesterday my sides were a mess and now they're.. ok.
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bluriki · 9 months
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