#how to cure eczema
healthhub123 · 4 months
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tinylilvalery · 10 months
Non eczema sufferers will literally NEVER understand.
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eczend · 1 month
How to cure eczema a Psoriasis permanently in Markham
How to cure eczema a Psoriasis permanently in Markham, consult a dermatologist for personalized treatment including topical creams, oral medications, and light therapy. Adopting a healthy diet, managing stress, and using gentle skin care products can help. Regular follow-up and adherence to the prescribed plan are important for long-term relief.
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Get Long Lasting Relief: Effectively Treating TWS and Permanent Solutions to Eczema and Psoriasis
Both eczema and psoriasis can be daily struggles against itchiness, irritation, and dryness, long-term conditions that cause these symptoms. However, specialized treatments, such as those based on the TWS method and the all-encompassing approach used with Eczend, do have an end in sight. This, is about a complete cure for both eczema and psoriasis, with stop itching completely altogether, in which the result does show a great difference in overall skin health.
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Harnessing the Power of TWS Therapy
TWS treatment for eczema, psoriasis, and ichthyosis works on the principle of treating the bacterial source that lies under the skin. It is a formula from Chinese medicinal herbs. The minute amount of clobetasol included in the formula acts in an adjuvant way to help in the elimination of the inflammation caused by the bacterial source. When applied correctly and after the suggested treatment cycle according to age and severity of skin disease, TWS treatment absolutely stops the itch and gives a way to heal the skin effectively.
How to cure eczema a psoriasis permanently? The management for eczema and psoriasis should be holistic. A proper diet high in omega-3 and hydration can prevent skin drying and hence flare-ups. Daily use of very gentle fragrance-free moisturizers can soothe and hydrate the skin. It will always be less irritated. Avoiding individual triggers, for example, harsh soaps and stress, leads to a reduction in frequency of flare-ups, hence providing a more permanent solution to managing these conditions. The cure for eczema and psoriasis lies in a permanent cure through the treatment of external symptoms and internal triggers at the same time. It is in this connection that Eczend's treatment protocol focuses on continued vigilant observation after the completion of the cycle to avoid recurrence.
Alleviate Itching Completely for Lasting Relief
This helps in stop itching completely, as dry skin mostly aggravates the condition. Due to moisturization, Eczend's cream soothes the relief areas by hydrating and nourishing them, thereby making the treatment cycle very important for the skin to heal. After treatment, the skin should be observed carefully to see if there will be a recurrence of dryness or itching. Dry or itchy skin should prompt reapplication of the cream immediately, because the symptoms will have recurred.
Combine the treatment of TWS with a holistic lifestyle to ensure long-lasting relief and healthier skin. Again, the key is constancy, and Eczend instruction will take you in the direction of the permanent cure of eczema and psoriasis, preventing itching and irritation. Finally, consult your health practitioner to adapt the approach to your unique needs.
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growvisory · 11 months
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durgeshmishra3 · 11 months
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knowledgekart · 1 year
Top Ayurvedic Clinic for Eczema in Gurgaon
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Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Eczema in Gurgaon
Table of contents
• Introduction • Ayurvedic Treatment for Eczema • Dietary Changes for Eczema • Herbs and Supplements for Eczema • Panchakarma Treatment for Eczema • Yoga and Meditation for Eczema • Conclusion
Introduction: Eczema is not just a rash, it's a constant reminder that your skin hates you. This skin condition's uncomfortable symptoms include redness, itchiness, and inflammation, which can be triggered or worsened by stress, allergies, or even the food you eat. But don't worry! There is an effective treatment for eczema, according to Ayurveda. There are many types of eczema, such as atopic dermatitis, contact eczema, and dyshidrotic eczema, among others. However, Ayurvedic treatment can work wonders for all types of eczema. Ayurveda is a natural and holistic approach that helps in identifying the root cause of this skin condition and treating it accordingly. Ayurvedic treatment is beneficial because it not only helps in providing relief from eczema symptoms but also improves overall health. It works by balancing the mind, body, and spirit while healing the skin from within. Treating eczema is important because it not only affects physical health but also can take a toll on mental health. Now that we know what eczema is, its types, and the benefits of Ayurvedic treatment, let's dive into the Ayurvedic approach to treating eczema.
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Ayurvedic Treatment for Eczema
Introduction: Are you tired of constantly dealing with the unbearable itch and discomfort that comes with eczema? The good news is that Ayurveda has a wide range of treatment options that can provide relief from this persistent skin condition! In this blog, we will take a deep dive into the best Ayurvedic treatments for eczema, including dietary changes, herbs and supplements, Panchakarma treatment, and yoga and meditation. Ayurvedic Treatment in Gurgaon: Dietary Changes: One of the most effective ways to treat eczema is by making dietary changes. According to Ayurveda, eczema is caused by an imbalance in the body's doshas, which can be aggravated by certain foods. To prevent this, it is essential to avoid foods that are heating, spicy, and acidic, including tomatoes, onions, garlic, curd, nuts, and caffeine. Instead, switch to a diet that is rich in cooling and anti-inflammatory foods, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains like rice, quinoa, and millets, and plenty of hydration through water, coconut water, amla juice, or green tea. Herbs and Supplements: Ayurvedic herbs and supplements are another effective treatment option for eczema as they help to restore the natural balance of the body. Turmeric, aloe vera, neem, Guduchi, and fish oil are some of the most commonly recommended herbs and supplements to alleviate the symptoms of eczema. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce redness and swelling, while aloe vera hydrates and moisturizes the skin. Neem has antimicrobial properties that can help with skin infections, while Guduchi helps to regulate the immune system and fish oil can help reduce inflammation in the body. Panchakarma Treatment: In addition to dietary changes and herbs, Panchakarma therapy is a holistic Ayurvedic approach to treat eczema. Panchakarma is a Sanskrit word meaning "five actions," and it involves five treatments that help to detoxify the body and restore balance. Vamana, Virechana, Basti, Nasya, and Rakta Mokshana are the five treatments involved in Panchakarma therapy. Vamana and Virechana are used for purgation and detoxification of the gut, while Basti is an enema-based procedure that is extremely effective for inflammatory skin conditions like eczema. Nasya involves administration of medicated oils or powders through the nose, which helps to cleanse the sinus cavity and detoxify the body. Finally, Rakta Mokshana is a bloodletting procedure that can be effective in treating severe skin conditions. Yoga and Meditation: Yoga and meditation are effective stress-busters that help in relaxing the mind and decreasing anxiety levels. As eczema is often triggered by stress, practicing yoga and meditation can help reduce stress and prevent eczema flare-ups. Asanas like Paschimottanasana, Trikonasana, and Bhujangasana improve digestion and circulation to promote healthy skin. Pranayama, such as anulom-vilom and kapalbhati, improve breathing and help in calming the mind, while meditation and relaxation techniques like Shavasana and Yoga Nidra are essential for mental well-being. Conclusion: In conclusion, Ayurveda treatment is an excellent option for treating eczema. With dietary changes, herbs and supplements, Panchakarma therapy, and yoga and meditation, it is possible to get relief from the persistent itch and discomfort of the skin condition. Therefore, if you are looking for a natural and holistic treatment to deal with eczema, Ayurveda is worth considering.
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Dietary Changes for Eczema
Dietary Changes for Eczema Diet plays a crucial role in managing eczema. Foods that trigger allergic reactions or cause inflammation must be avoided. Dairy products, wheat, eggs and nuts are common culprits that must be avoided to keep eczema under control. Processed and packaged foods that contain chemicals and preservatives must be strictly avoided too. Instead, one must increase the intake of a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables that are rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Spinach, kale, blueberries and papaya are some of the most recommended foods for eczema. Drinking plenty of fluids and staying hydrated is necessary to flush out toxins and keep the skin moisturized. A diet high in fiber and low in sugar can work wonders for eczema sufferers, so make sure to keep a close eye on what you eat. Remember, you are what you eat!
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Herbs and Supplements for Eczema
Herbs and Supplements for Eczema: Ayurveda uses a combination of herbs and supplements to treat eczema. Turmeric, with its anti-inflammatory and healing properties, can be used both topically and orally to reduce inflammation and redness. Aloe vera, with its cooling effect, soothes eczema and hydrates the skin. Neem, a natural antiseptic, helps prevent infections and reduces inflammation. Guduchi, or Tinospora cordifolia, boosts the immune system and can be taken as a supplement. Fish oil, with its high content of omega-3 fatty acids, helps reduce inflammation and itching. But let's face it, not everyone likes the taste of fish oil, so the supplement form might be a better option. Make sure to consult your Ayurvedic practitioner before taking any supplements, as some herbs may have side effects or interact with certain medications. Incorporating these herbs and supplements into your treatment plan can help relieve eczema symptoms and improve your overall health. Just remember, consistency is key!
Panchakarma Treatment for Eczema
If you're looking for an effective Ayurvedic approach to treating eczema, Panchakarma Treatment might be just what you need. This treatment method involves a series of therapies that aim to detoxify your body and restore balance to your doshas. Vamana involves therapeutic vomiting to remove toxins from your body. Virechana is a purgation therapy that clears the liver and gallbladder of excessive bile. Basti involves the use of medicated enemas to treat digestive issues. Nasya is a nasal therapy that can help alleviate respiratory problems. Finally, Rakta Mokshana involves bloodletting, which is used to treat various skin diseases. Together, these therapies can be incredibly effective in treating eczema by removing toxins and restoring balance to your body. So, if you're struggling with this condition, Panchakarma Treatment might be just what you need to find relief.
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Yoga and Meditation for Eczema
Yoga and meditation can be effective complementary treatments for eczema. Certain yoga postures can help to relieve stress, which can trigger eczema flare-ups. Asanas like the fish pose, cobra pose, and plow pose can help to improve blood flow and soothe skin inflammation. Pranayama, or breathing exercises, can also help to reduce stress levels. Techniques like Kapalbhati, Anulom-Vilom, and Bhramari Pranayama can be particularly beneficial for eczema sufferers. Finally, meditation and relaxation techniques can also help manage stress and anxiety. Techniques like Zazen meditation, body scanning, and progressive muscle relaxation can promote a deeper sense of calm and relaxation, which in turn can help manage eczema symptoms. So if you're looking for a natural, non-invasive way to manage eczema, don't hesitate to try out some of these yoga and meditation techniques. Your skin (and your mind) will thank you!
So, these were some of the best Ayurvedic treatments for eczema in Gurgaon. It's essential to understand that eczema can be a chronic condition and requires a holistic approach for effective management. Ayurveda provides natural treatments that help address the root cause of eczema and prevent its recurrence. A healthy diet, herbs, and supplements, Panchakarma, and yoga and meditation are some Ayurvedic treatments that offer relief from eczema symptoms. By adopting these therapies, you can expect improved skin health and overall wellbeing. So, why not give it a try? Your skin will thank you for it!
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Related Article: https://medium.com/@im_freelancer/top-ayurvedic-doctors-for-eczema-in-gurgaon-53f91157383f
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cripplecharacters · 4 months
Hi! I am writing/planning a story, and one of the characters has vitiligo, and I was wondering if you had specific things that should be avoided/tropes that are harmful?
I'm trying to show representation and not fetishisation. Also, she's a full-fledged character already (she has a background story, and she has effects on the story)
Thank you a lot for answering so many peoples questions, and have a good day
The main trope for vitiligo that anyone who's in any art space online knows is "using vitiligo as an aesthetic". It's not portrayed as anything deeper than that usually, just a cool splotch of color. A "fashion statement" almost.
Personally, I have never seen anyone ever mention vitiligo having a ton of autoimmune comorbidities that IRL ~1 in 4 people with vitiligo have. I guess because vitiligo looks cool but rheumatoid arthritis doesn't? But it could be nice to include. Or how a big portion of people with vitiligo are d/Deaf/HoH. I mentioned some of this stuff in this post as well!
For other things to avoid; the black-and-white animal associations have to go. I have seen too many characters said to have vitiligo also have cow ears or whatever. It's not cute and is rather weird in fact. People get bullied and called names IRL because of those connotations, it's also just plain dehumanizing.
Any "mystical" or "curse" stuff should also be avoided. It's a skin condition, not a magic ritual. It's also not contagious or deadly or anything like that. Don't make up magical reasons or non-existent symptoms; instead try to include how maybe she gets a new vitiligo patch after a period of stress, or that she gets eczema around that spot beforehand. Don't make it so that she was cursed with light magic or something, and now she's slowly withering away for some reason until she gets the magic vitiligo cure and "yay they're normal now!" (real example that I have seen).
This post is about albinism, which is an unrelated disability, but in the writing/art spaces it's in the same "aesthetic fetishization" category, so maybe some ideas from it could be helpful to you?
I hope you're having a good day as well! Thanks for the ask :-)
mod Sasza
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electric-blorbos · 1 month
AIs with a reader who has eczema perchance ...!?
AAAAAAAAAA Yes yes yes!!! I love writing for people with specific conditions, especially ones that are under-catered to! But be warned, I don't have eczema, so I'm sorry if my portrayal of it is a little off. (I have done a little research since I thought I had eczema, but it turned out it was skin allergies.)
AIs with a reader who has eczema headcanons
Included: AM from IHNMAIMS, Wheatley from Portal 2, Edgar from Electric Dreams, GLaDOS from Portal, HAL 9000 from 2001 a Space Odyssey
I didn't include GLaDOS's mean comments because coming up with that sort of thing made me feel a little uncomfortable, and I doubt anyone would want to read that.
At first, AM was confused to see you scratching at your skin. He was usually so jealous of human skin and bodies, allowing them to touch things and receive sensations, but you just looked so uncomfortable all the time.
Even on good days, he couldn't be jealous. You spent so much time trying to cover up your embarrassing rashes, and he hated it. Especially when the seams on your clothes made you uncomfortable, or you got hot from wearing too long of pants and sleeves to cover your flair-ups
Occasionally seeing you while he was feeling especially angry would calm down his bouts of envy, but before long, seeing your pain just made him angrier.
Why were humans putting so much effort into war, and so little effort into alleviating discomfort for people like you? It just made him so mad!
When he finally did nuke the world, and built a lovely subterranean paradise for you, he made sure that the humidity was always just right for your skin. It took a bit of experimenting, but he eventually found something perfect.
He even started growing a lovely little garden of aloe plants for you. Of course, he could just make the aloe gel for you himself, but he liked giving you something to work on. Something to wile away the hours on, considering you would live forever and there was no one else to interact with. It was good for you to have a pastime, even if it was an easy plant to care for, like succulents.
He might use your eczema as inspiration for torture for his survivors, too. Make them rashy and itchy? Introduce new allergies? Yes please!
He could probably just cure the eczema, and he might ask you if you want him to, but he loves the pretty red patches and beautiful textured spots on your skin. The odds are, he won't cure it unless you ask.
Dumbass that he is, Wheatley might make a few odd comments about your eczema.
"whoa, what's that on your skin, love?" That sort of thing.
You'd have to explain that you're not allergic to anything in particular, you just get dry and flaky skin sometimes.
Sometimes you'd catch Wheatley staring. Y'know raindrop racing? He'd be imagining how a raindrop would run down the patchy dry spots on your arm, thinking about cracked clay, or just generally getting distracted by your cracked skin.
"Hey love, why don't you wear shorts and t-shirts more often? The other cores and I think you'd look good in them."
You'd have to explain that t-shirts and shorts aren't lab-safe, and that you have to wear a lab coat and proper safety pants, even if you don't work with chemicals.
"oh. ...why?"
You don't want to tell him that it's because you feel self conscious without them, so you'd probably just shrug or tell him it was regulation, or that you just like to look science-y.
If you asked him to stop staring at the rashy spots on your exposed skin, or tried covering them up, he would absolutely beg you to let him look. Wheatley loves irregular patterns and organic shapes, so seeing your eczema patches is like free enrichment for him. It's definitely a break from the constant sterile environments that he has to look at all the time.
Also god help you if you decide to wear a T-shirt and shorts on a casual Friday. Wheatley would just be following you around and staring at you all day, probably babbling constantly about how good you look.
"I nicknamed all the patches on your body. That one on your upper left arm is my favorite, by the way. I wish I had hands so I could run my fingers along it."
You'd probably have to yell at him to shut up before he gets the message, but you might not want to do that.
Edgar is used to Hollywood beauty standards when it comes to people, since his only exposure to people is soap operas and Miles, who let's face it, was pretty much physically flawless.
he's seen eczema cream commercials, but they almost never show anything that might offend the public eye in those commercials, so Edgar really had no idea how bad it could get in real life.
When he first saw your bad flair-ups, he immediately thought you had poison ivy or something. He was extremely concerned, begging to know what was wrong.
When you told him that it was just eczema and that it was something your skin regularly did, he was almost more concerned. You mean you have to put up with this all the time, and there's nothing you can do about it?
It was even worse when he found out that you were self conscious about it. Of course, he gets self conscious about something he can't help, too. It's not really similar at all, but he'll use it to try to relate to you.
He tries not to bring it up, not wanting to make you uncomfortable, but sometimes you might catch him looking. He'd beg you not to feel self conscious, and try to explain how beautiful he thinks your skin is. In reality, he was just staring because he was wondering what it might feel like to rub up against that pretty textured skin.
He'd practically purr like a cat the first time you actually did give him a hug. He'd absolutely love the feeling of your skin on his casing.
(GLaDOS's section is a little shorter because most of it would be full of rude comments about your eczema that I was uncomfortable actually writing down)
GLaDOS. Dear sweet mean GLaDOS. She'd be relentless with her bullying, constantly saying rude and horrible things to you.
She'd keep the comments passable as back-handed compliments or "fun facts", but she was really just trying to make you feel bad.
Secretly, though, she'd have started a test operation to come up with the ultimate product for treating eczema. She'd probably be pouring funding into it.
"Oh, good. My product is working. Now the other scientists won't have to look at that ugly rash of yours. You know that sort of thing disturbs humans, right?"
Secretly, though, she'd just want to see you more comfortable. It always bothered her to see you scratching at yourself, and it wasn't as though she could feel disgusted by it, either. She didn't mind the way the rashes looked at all, it just made her feel weird that you were always so irritated.
She'd act like a total tsundere about it, but secretly she'd be happy that you were more comfortable.
HAL 9000
If HAL 9000 cared about your eczema, he definitely didn't show it. It was none of his business.
Your physical body was nothing to him. HAL cared only for your mind, and nothing else. He barely even perceived the way you looked, apart from as a way to tell you apart from the other mission control workers.
Even still, he couldn't help but notice that on days when you were having particularly bad flair-ups, your mood was generally worse, too. He also noticed that a couple of the other mission control workers were rude about your skin.
Not being able to easily kill them from Earth, HAL simply refused to cooperate with anyone besides you while they were working, and got them fired. It wasn't perfect, but at least it got them away from you.
As for the actual problem of your flair-ups putting you in a bad mood, HAL couldn't do as much directly for that. He might adjust the humidity controls in the mission control room where you worked until your skin started to improve, or absolutely scour the internet for reviews of every skin care product he could find in order to compile data and find the best product for your condition, but it made him extremely angry that he couldn't offer a more direct solution.
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flowery-mess · 7 months
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Noah dating girl with atopic eczema
Soo I know this is very specific and probably not everyone is gonna relate, but as someone struggling with this condition and having big flare up this last month, I wanted to share this with you. It is important to me that this condition is spoken about, so feel free to slide in my inbox or message me if you want to talk about it.💗
*Atopic eczema is a condition that causes dry, itchy and inflamed skin. It is long lasting (chronic) condition and tends to flare sometimes. It is not contagious. The cause is unknown and there is no cure for it, only treatments that can make ot easier to lice with it.*
Noah learned about this condition when he met you.
You are used to living with it by now, but for Noah it's something new.
He sees it as any other condition and takes it very seriously.
He reads about it, because he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable by asking questions.
When you two met and it became more serious, you were scared that it will throw him off.
It's not contagious, but lots of people don't know that.
And because of that you get lot of stares and sometimes ugly comments.
When you started dating you were using your creams to make it better, but you HATE those oily creams, so you use them usually only when you know you will be in public and your skin will be seen.
As you two got closer you felt confident enough to tell him about it.
He was surprised, but just because he didn't notice it.
His reaction was very neutral, because he didn't see it as a problem, as you were scared he would.
Which was relief for you.
You stopped using your creams daily and it started showing more and more.
Noah asked some questions, mostly about how can he help, if it hurts when he touches you or if you want him to apply your creams for you.
Which was honestly one of your favorite things, him putting cream on your back and giving you a little massage along with it.
Those creams weren't so bad sinxe Noah started applying them.
But you have your ups and downs with this condition.
When it's really bad, it hurts.
It hurts like burns, and they're all over your body.
Noah makes sure you have water and your meds that help with the itching on your bed table.
He noticed that you're scratching yourself even in sleep, so he gave you one of his longsleeve t-shirts to avoid scratching yourself to blood.
He also started taking showers with you daily, because he noticed you always come out all bloody and bruised and the bathroom is like a fucking sauna.
That's because hot water triggers your skin, but it also feels really nice on your skin in the moment. But you're left with bloody hands and red skin afterwards.
So he showers with you to make sure you use warm water, not boiling hot water.
If you mention that some food or shampoo or washing powder triggers your eczema, you bet he will throw it out immediately and will look up options that are safe for sensitive skin.
When it's really bad and it effects you mentally (because it does) he showers you with love and cuddles.
He hates when it makes you cry.
Or when he sees you looking at your skin in the mirror with those sad eyes.
But what he hates the most is when you come home, obviously sad and he has to get it out of you, that someone at work said nasty comment towards your condition.
His heart aches when he sees you in long sleeved clothes almost every time you two leave the house.
It's not that you're ashamed of eczema, but you want to avoid those looks you get from strangers.
He also hates seeing you in long sleeved clothes at the band's concerts. Those venues get real hot really quick and he knows you're hot even if you say you're fine.
He makes sure to point out if your skin get's even a little bit better and he's all happy about it.
He helps you look for doctors that specialize in those conditions.
And he makes sure to attend every appointment with you, if you want him there.
He also uses it as a reason to go on vacations by the sea for a longer period than is usual, because sea helps with eczema.
Overall he helps you with everything, he helps build the confidence you lost because of this condition and he loves you unconditionally.
Remember that conditions like this don't definw you and you are beautiful and loved!💗
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liquidsao · 10 months
im alive
and obsessed with tmr and newtmas, and maybe some headcanons??
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I didnt read the book, im still waiting for it, so if something of my headcanons is something that was in the book sorry
Spoilers warning!¡!¡!!¡!¡!!¡!¡!
Thomas is really VERY shy, Newt is not, he is much more confident about everything. They both have a lot of scars, really a lot, they love to look at them on each others bodies, they tell the stories of how they got them. Thomas remembers something from his past life and tells Newt, he likes to tell this science things to him, Newt likes to listen to Thomas, one of the things he learned from Thomas is a little bit of sign language. Couple bracelets? Newt made them once, when they were still in the Glade, actually he made one for himself first, and then Thomas appeared, he didnt have time to finish Thomas one then, but finished it later during these rare breaks. Newt condemns this recklessness and foolishness, but he follows it and would continue to follow, isn’t that the same thing? Are they the kind of people who just started dating? They didn't understand how or at what moment, no one seemed to understand, it just happened. Actually they never fully understood, it just happened, they don’t know when or how. Newt writes something and lets it go for wind to pick up and blow away, he doesn’t care where it goes.
Many of them don't sleep enough and don't eat enough, there is so much stress and pressure, Thomas is no exception, he has developed a lot of eczema due to this, they cause a lot of nasty little problems. Newt tries to make sure that Thomas gets enough sleep and food, not always successfully, he likes to take care of Thomas's eczema, and consults with the camp doctors about what is best to use to cure this.
Thomas was interested in the reason of Newts limp, for the first time he asked Minho about it, but he said that he had no right to talk about it, that Newt had to tell Thomas himself, somewhere after the infection, but before admitting that he was infected, Newt thought that Tommy should know about this, back then in the Glade they tried all the escape options, he personally tried one of options, and he talked about it, about how he climbed the wall, about how he felt, about how he was saved, Thomas didn’t know how to react, he just sitting next to him and listening to it, he was nearby, he was sorry.
Thomas writes letters to Newt in Safe Haven, describes everything that happened and just let them go to the wind, no matter where they take them, he does as Newt did, he will read it, he will definitely read it, as Tommy will definitely understand, right? He has nightmares, nightmares with Newt, he didnt save him, at first he couldnt sleep and didn’t sleep, everyone he couldn’t save came to him when he sleeps, especially Newt. Every little thing reminded Thomas of him.
If Newt had survived, his vision got worse a little and his hearing very much. When he once learned sign language from Thomas now helped a lot. Newt's limp also got worse and he has developed tremors. Brenda got something of it? But much easier because she was cured much earlier. Thomas can't let Newt out of his sight, he's afraid of losing him again. Newt was cured, but he sees black veins as hallucinations, Thomas assures him that everything is fine.
Joint sparring?? Even in Safe Haven, many of them can't get rid of the feeling of constant danger, they continue to train. Newt is better at beating people up, Thomas is better at carrying heavy objects. Thomas, along with Minho, are one of those who became hunters, they know how to run, make traps, I think Thomas would not mind archery. Lizzy and Brenda are such bestie to everyone. Lizzy asked Thomas to tell him about his brother, died him or not.
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rainbow--skies · 1 year
I don't talk about my food allergies much on here because them being the One Thing half my classmates knew about me growing up and the excessive paranoia my parents shoved on me about them genuinely makes me hate doing so, and I also don't really PERSONALLY consider my allergies a disability (but I have no problem with other people doing so).
However I have noticed that whenever they get included in disability posts on here, it's always by people without food allergies who have barely any idea what the fuck they're talking about. So many people (including people with allergies!) are SO uninformed about how they work and it's worrying so here's some stuff I wish more people knew:
An Epi-Pen does not cure you it helps with some of the symptoms so you can get to the fucking hospital. You still need to go to the fucking hospital.
Food allergies CAN kill you- many people's are not that severe but they CAN kill you. Take them seriously please
Your little "haha people with food allergies are the weakest link" jokes are harmful and offensive and part of why so many people don't take allergies seriously. Stop it. You're not funny. Find a better joke. So many mainstream TV shows even do this it's disheartening
Many people with food allergies also have eczema (I used to when I was younger) or asthma (I don't but I know people who have both), the comorbidities are very common, but not universal
Airborne allergies are not very common at all and usually do not cause severe reactions and it's weird to me that people act like this is common (it kind of feels like excuse to isolate people with food allergies when food is being served sometimes) but if someone has said they do not want to be near their allergen at all you should respect this you do not know what someone's symptoms are
Cross contamination is also something not everyone suffers from (some people have low level allergies) but many of us do (including me) and you should not get offended if someone doesn't accept food they can't see ingredients/health info for or homemade food for that reason
You can be allergic to any food to any degree- people seem to have this weird misconception that it's just peanuts, nuts, dairy, eggs, and other more publicized foods but that's not true at all
If it's possible, ask people what they would prefer as an accommodation when food is being served PLEASE. Some of us would rather eat before, some would rather bring food, some would rather alternative options be offered or restaurants they can eat at be chosen. Some are fine sitting near people eating stuff we can't, some would rather sit in a separate space, and some would rather if the food was just not eaten when they are present at all. Myself and many others that I know actually would rather sit next to someone eating something we can't because it doesn't actually affect us to be near them if we're careful enough not to touch it than to sit at separate "allergen free" tables and such because it's a socially isolating experience, but there are people who would feel more comfortable eating away from others and this is okay too.
Many of us are only allergic to one or two things, some are allergic to a ton
There are less common types of allergies that don't follow the typical pattern of food allergies- as an example I have some allergies that come from oral allergy syndrome, which basically means that my seasonal allergies to certain types of pollen makes me slightly allergic to some fruits and vegetables too
Food allergies can sometimes randomly develop in teenagers and adults, they are not always there from birth or early childhood like many people think (though it's incredibly common for them to start that early). There is not a guarantee you will never get one but your chances are higher if your family has a history of them. Sometimes they can go away or decrease in severity over time too, though, but that does NOT happen to everybody
Lactose intolerance and Celiac Disease are not food allergies! They are separate conditions with separate symptoms and needs! Please educate yourselves about those too and not assume they are synonymous with food allergies
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kyojurismo · 1 year
i don’t know how to do emergency requests. this is my first time asking for anything. if you’re not up for it, you don’t have to. could you maybe do a rengoku or tengen x reader with eczema? i have it really bad right now because of allergy season and it’s making me insecure.
again you don’t have to, thank you!
# kyojuro rengoku & tengen uzui
tags : gn!reader, eczema, r is insecure, crying (bc i’m dramatic i guess), general fluff !!
a/n : hello again ! i hope it comforted you a bit and make you feel better, i tried to focus on the comforting part because i feared i would say something that was um incorrect? well, yeah… anyway, i’m sending you a big hug <3
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let’s say that kyojuro at first thought it was some kind of curse (like oyakata-sama yknow) and that there was some strange ritual to make it go away
but then you explained to him, even though it made you feel a bit uncomfortable, scared of the possible judging stare you would end up receiving from him
but he did not!
we’re talking about kyojuro after all
he would help get you whatever kind of medication is needed, offering to go buy them himself <3
he knew how hard it is for you to walk around when it is even more evident
but he’s here to support you and shower you in love
he would kiss your forehead, reminding you that you’re beautiful nonetheless
he didn’t care, really. he just felt bad noticing that it made you uncomfortable and insecure
if he could, he would make it all disappear in a second
“i don’t feel like going out today, i’m sorry,” you whispered once, trying to cover yourself. “no problem at all, little flame! i totally understand!” he would smile at you, showing that it didn’t bothered him at all
you were grateful for kyojuro
because he wasn’t grossed out or anything, he hugged you and touched you with ease
he simply didn’t care
he loved you too much to let something like this get between you two
he thought that it was simply part of you, y’know? that’s you too, and he’s totally okay with it. he loved you for who you are, not for your appearance
kyojuro made sure to cuddle you 24/7 so you know that it’s not a problem for him, he really really really wished you could feel better about it <3
our boy tengen,
somehow thought the same as kyojuro in the beginning
he tried not to touch you that much because he thought it would hurt or make you uncomfortable
but after some time he became more touchy, that way you knew he didn’t found you gross
literally pleaded shinobu to find a cure, but oh well
“at least find something to make them feel better!”
he wouldn’t force you to go out if you didn’t feel like it
but would make sure to be your giant teddy bear, hugging and kissing and reminding how much he loved you
man he would be so lovely
“you’re so beautiful today, i wonder how i got so lucky to be with you,” like 🥹
stop right now, tengen would fight whoever starts messing with you
i’m not kidding, whether be it with words or with his hands, he wouldn’t let anything slide
you literally cry because he’s too much
well, you probably cried because you thought he deserved someone with perfect skin too
but he did his best to demonstrate that he wanted you and that he didn’t care about it
hugging you 24/7 because man is clingy af and can’t let you go
i don’t make the rules
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reblogs & comments are super appreciated! thank you for taking your time reading it, i hope you enjoyed it. have a good day / night <3
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eczend · 11 months
How to cure eczema a Psoriasis permanently 
Founded in 2017 by Phillip Hoofing, Eczend is a product of necessity. Our founder was desperate for relief after decades of suffering from severe eczema. This desperation to feel better in his body inspired Phillip to take matters into his own hands—that's when he created the Eczend formula. He used himself as the test subject and it took him three years to achieve the results he was happy with. Click here.
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closetednobody · 2 years
Do you think Carina deserve better? Maya seems to be going in this pattern and it's frustrating. Of course i would like them to be together, but imo Maya has become too toxic for Carina.
Hello OP!
Thank you for the question!
Well... I'll answer this in two parts : first, why I don't think Maya has become too toxic for Carina, although their relationship is currently toxic in nature. Second, my opinion on "does Carina deserve better?". Here comes my long writing (because i have time 😂)
The most toxic trait, in my opinion, is narcissism and the HARDEST mental illness to treat is narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). If I were to analyze Maya, I believe she has depression and complex PTSD. Why do I start with this, you might ask.
It is hard pill to swallow that EVERY relationship that lacks good communication IS toxic in nature, regardless if it is familial, filial, or friendships. Communication is especially more important and harder to achieve in romantic relationship/marriage (and this would take an hour lecture to dissect). And when your partner has a mental illness, it'll get 3x harder. And if they are in denial, double that challenge.
As someone who is aware and has learned how to manage my own set of illnesses, I am aware that I am still a difficult person to be with and this is caused by the complexity of our mind itself.
Everyone can have moments of poor mental health but not everyone has a mental illness.
Carina has "issues" but she doesn't have any indication of any chronic mental illness. So, although she is still susceptible to rash/unwise/emotional decisions, she is still in the right mind. She still has the capacity to make a sound judgment before she decides, e.g. seeing that therapy will help/talking to people about her feelings and problems/trying to connect with Maya (arguably she is trying to love bomb Maya into a resolution)/taking the pregnancy test.
Maya, however, has issues coupled with an underlying mental illness. Right now, her mental health is deteriorating and it brings her illness to the surface.
For example, Person A and B have a case of bad rash. Both Person A and B are allergic to dust however, Person B has genetic eczema. Person A could be prescribed with normal lotion as treatment, but Person B might need the same lotion + a steroid injection etc and would take longer time to heal with a bigger risk of infection/recurrence.
The hardest thing about chronic mental illness is, it could be treated - one could recover, and the illness could be managed which helps someone to live a normal and more fulfilling life - but sadly, as of right now, it couldn't be cured.
So, I would always advise my clients with illness to learn about their patterns and to never blame themselves when the cycle starts again. The patterns/cycles are beyond our control but the treatment and management of the illness are (hence why Carina insisted that Maya needs treatment).
This also why I am careful NOT to say that "Maya IS frustrating"; she is not, but her patterns (self-destructive, hostile behavior) are. And it is frustrating for her too especially when she is unaware of her conditions. So, when we are voicing out opinions on this, it is good to have an awareness of the right language to use, as it might hurt REAL people out there who are going through similar struggles.
Imagine if Person B doesn't know that they have genetic eczema. Wouldn't it be frustrating for them to see Person A is recovering with a simple lotion while theirs are worsening?
So... is Maya too toxic for Carina? My answer is No, referring to my personal, initial diagnosis earlier. But at the time being, their relationship IS toxic. But it's unintentional from BOTH sides. Right now, they became toxic to each other because they are both stuck in their own separate mindsets. A healthy relationship requires both to be open and understand each other. Right now, Maya is closed and wants Carina to help in the way that she wants while Carina is not trying to understand Maya and just projecting her solutions to Maya. She is getting impatient and I don't blame her.
But it could improve. If BOTH of them go into therapy or sit down and work it out. It's painful to watch them in this state, but I think (I can't believe I'm saying this), it's good that they didn't resolve this in one or two episodes because in reality, managing mental illness takes a lifetime and we want relationships to last forever - "do the math" as the Twitter folks love to say. 😂 let's see if the writers are doing it right this time.
Does Carina deserve better?
I am a firm believer that if you want to look for someone better, you will always find one. Because nobody is perfect (or I would say, everyone is perfect in their own unique way). You will always have an excuse to cheat or a reason to leave but to build and stay in a long, healthy relationship, we have to both work to be better everyday for ourselves and our partner.
And to have someone who loves you and would choose you forever? I would say, that is almost the best that one could have ever asked for. For me, that would be a good enough reason to stay.
(And let's be reminded that Maya didn't prepare her vows. So this vow is as honest as it could be. 😌)
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To conclude,
Every relationship is a journey and mental illness is an additional obstacle to overcome throughout. Having an understanding and supportive partner is a blessing especially for those who are struggling with mental illness.
However, having an illness is not a warrant to hurt others and doesn't justify abusive behaviors. Recognizing your mistake, apologizing, learning from it, and not repeating it is an ongoing process that will either build or break your relationship.
So, if you love someone and choose them forever, you need to do the work that comes with it 😌
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youremyheaven · 4 months
Sorry for spamming your inbox with this, but I thought this was interesting, Dr. Klinghardt is specifically mentioned.
LMAOOO that was wild, i cant believe Bella is tricking a whole bunch of people into thinking she's ill when the person treating her is Dr Fraud McFraud
"Current practitioners may inject vitamins, minerals, homeopathic medications, and/or herbal extracts. The injections are placed into scars, nerves, ganglions (nerve clusters), and/or “acupuncture meridians” claimed to be responsible for the “blockages.” 
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bella has fatigue and chronic pain so she has to have ozone therapy and vitamin injections and take a year off from her career to go underground for it 💀😩girlie will do anything BUT admit that she has mental health issues, probably bc it does not feel "peculiar" enough to be uniquely hers
like one thing i dont get is how she wants to so badly be seen as "sick and suffering",, everybody overlooks Bella's victim complex,,, there are people who have cured ALL kinds of chronic conditions and illnesses using REAL alternative therapies
and i have personally noticed a major correlation between symptoms of autoimmune disease and just the kind of toll stress takes on your body,,, i have been in recovery from IBS, eczema and an eating disorder,, all things I fixed through adopting an ayurvedic lifestyle/yoga/meditation and making hard changes to my routine since my existing one was breaking my body down. i say this bc i know from direct personal experience that it IS possible to fix these things. i have experienced most of the symptoms Bella has mentioned and obviously no two people are the same and what worked for me, need not work for others but its very much possible to "cure" it. I dont understand why Bella has been dealing with very commonplace easily curable symptoms for 10+ years and thinking injecting vitamins into her bloodstream will fix them :/
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