#what causes eczema to flare up
healthhub123 · 4 months
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flowery-mess · 7 months
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Noah dating girl with atopic eczema
Soo I know this is very specific and probably not everyone is gonna relate, but as someone struggling with this condition and having big flare up this last month, I wanted to share this with you. It is important to me that this condition is spoken about, so feel free to slide in my inbox or message me if you want to talk about it.💗
*Atopic eczema is a condition that causes dry, itchy and inflamed skin. It is long lasting (chronic) condition and tends to flare sometimes. It is not contagious. The cause is unknown and there is no cure for it, only treatments that can make ot easier to lice with it.*
Noah learned about this condition when he met you.
You are used to living with it by now, but for Noah it's something new.
He sees it as any other condition and takes it very seriously.
He reads about it, because he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable by asking questions.
When you two met and it became more serious, you were scared that it will throw him off.
It's not contagious, but lots of people don't know that.
And because of that you get lot of stares and sometimes ugly comments.
When you started dating you were using your creams to make it better, but you HATE those oily creams, so you use them usually only when you know you will be in public and your skin will be seen.
As you two got closer you felt confident enough to tell him about it.
He was surprised, but just because he didn't notice it.
His reaction was very neutral, because he didn't see it as a problem, as you were scared he would.
Which was relief for you.
You stopped using your creams daily and it started showing more and more.
Noah asked some questions, mostly about how can he help, if it hurts when he touches you or if you want him to apply your creams for you.
Which was honestly one of your favorite things, him putting cream on your back and giving you a little massage along with it.
Those creams weren't so bad sinxe Noah started applying them.
But you have your ups and downs with this condition.
When it's really bad, it hurts.
It hurts like burns, and they're all over your body.
Noah makes sure you have water and your meds that help with the itching on your bed table.
He noticed that you're scratching yourself even in sleep, so he gave you one of his longsleeve t-shirts to avoid scratching yourself to blood.
He also started taking showers with you daily, because he noticed you always come out all bloody and bruised and the bathroom is like a fucking sauna.
That's because hot water triggers your skin, but it also feels really nice on your skin in the moment. But you're left with bloody hands and red skin afterwards.
So he showers with you to make sure you use warm water, not boiling hot water.
If you mention that some food or shampoo or washing powder triggers your eczema, you bet he will throw it out immediately and will look up options that are safe for sensitive skin.
When it's really bad and it effects you mentally (because it does) he showers you with love and cuddles.
He hates when it makes you cry.
Or when he sees you looking at your skin in the mirror with those sad eyes.
But what he hates the most is when you come home, obviously sad and he has to get it out of you, that someone at work said nasty comment towards your condition.
His heart aches when he sees you in long sleeved clothes almost every time you two leave the house.
It's not that you're ashamed of eczema, but you want to avoid those looks you get from strangers.
He also hates seeing you in long sleeved clothes at the band's concerts. Those venues get real hot really quick and he knows you're hot even if you say you're fine.
He makes sure to point out if your skin get's even a little bit better and he's all happy about it.
He helps you look for doctors that specialize in those conditions.
And he makes sure to attend every appointment with you, if you want him there.
He also uses it as a reason to go on vacations by the sea for a longer period than is usual, because sea helps with eczema.
Overall he helps you with everything, he helps build the confidence you lost because of this condition and he loves you unconditionally.
Remember that conditions like this don't definw you and you are beautiful and loved!💗
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maybank-archives · 1 year
Can I get one with Jj, one where the reader has a skin condition like eczema. And they are at a pool party and the reader is having an Eczema flare up, and they practically drag her to the pool not knowing she has eczema?
no matter what - jj maybank
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warning: mention of self esteem but other than none i think? lemme know if i miss something.
pairing(s): jj maybank x fem!reader
word count: 0.6k
author's notes: just like jj said: you look smokin' hot. to all my eczema people, love y'all be safe and don't let a skin condition stop you to feel beautiful and have fun.
Sarah Cameron knew how to throw a pool party, everybody knows that, so when you refuse to go, your friends and boyfriend practically carry you to her place.It was incredibly hard to get away, almost everyday they came up with something and most of the time, out when the sun is peaking.
It was frustrating living in a place aka an island, where summer lasts forever. You were almost running out of excuses, a pool party filled with the tourons and young mean people was not what you needed right now. Avoiding the questions was your best way out so you agreed on going.
You stared at yourself in the mirror, seeing if there was any missing spot, the sunscreen and moisturizer was applied at every bump on your skin, you couldn’t help thinking about your look, our brain loves to trick us but no matter how much you tried to avoid being mean to yourself, the comparison and embarrassment always seems to be there.
It was always “easy” to cover the rashes but recently, due to the extremely hot weather plus stress of your work, it was impossible to not wear something covering your body. You left the house covered in moisturizer, you had your hat, sunglasses and a long sleeve cover up on, you walked to Sarah’s house overthinking all your decisions.
I glanced over at JJ, who was totally in his element, having a blast with our friends by the pool. He looked carefree, all smiles, and I really didn't want to throw a wrench into his day. Truth is, I'd been dodging the pool like it was hot lava, making up lame excuses about not feeling like swimming or not wanting to get wet. But the real deal was that I was trying to keep my eczema under wraps.
JJ, being the observant dude he is, picked up on my hesitation and came over with a concerned look on his face. "Hey, ma’am, why aren't you taking a dip? It's hotter than Hades out here," he said, giving my shoulder a friendly slap.
I nibbled on my lip, trying to play it cool. "Ah, you know, I'm just not feeling the whole swimming thing today," I replied, hoping my voice sounded casual enough.
JJ raised an eyebrow, clearly smelling the bullshit. He lifted my chin, forcing me to make eye contact. "Y/N, what's the deal? You're usually the first one to suggest late night swims. C’mon, cut the crap."
“JJ…” I heaved a sigh, feeling a lump in my throat. "It's my skin k?," I admitted, barely louder than a whisper. "My eczema is acting up, It used to be like nothing and my whole fracking body is covered and I did not want people talking about it."
JJ's face softened as he absorbed my confession. "Babe, you don't have to put on an act for me or anyone else. We're all friends here, and they'll get it." JJ said, reaching for your hand. "C’mon, you look smokin' hot, just like always. It's gonna be really tough to change that, y'know?" 
I probably did not look convinced enough cause JJ was analyzing my face before pulling me to a hug. It felt like a weight off my chest, having JJ in my corner. "I just didn't want to make a big fuss or become the star of the show," I admitted.
"You don’t need to worry about that, I got ya. Your comfort is numero uno. We can head inside, whip out some drinks or chill far from the sun, and you don't have to swim if you don't want to, but you sure oughta be havin' some fun. Don’t let this shit stop you now,”
He was right, hiding my eczema had only given me unnecessary stress, it felt good to see that in another's perspective and realize that all that overthinking was useless. JJ's understanding and support were like gold, and I knew I hit the jackpot with him.
© maybank-archives 2023 — no one has permission to copy or translate any of my works, if you see any of my work being reproduced in another platform please contact me! :)
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papermint-airplane · 6 months
Ngl besties depression is kicking my ass rn. I'm gonna whine a little bit under the cut so nobody has to see this, I just need to get it off my chest.
* I am experiencing the worst eczema flare up of my entire life. I have rashes all over my body: chin, lips, neck, wrists, backside, labia, scalp, and feet. They're swelling and causing so much pain. Sometimes when I move, my skin rips open and bleeds. I am basically covered in open wounds right now.
* I keep having dreams about my abusers (parents). I know this is stemming from the Christmas card they sent me in December. I never gave my parents my address when I moved but my mother cyberstalked me to find it and then sent me a letter to gloat about how she did it immediately after. She's been sending me unsolicited things in the mail ever since. I never reply but she never stops. I literally havd left that Christmas card in the mailbox since December because I don't even want to touch anything she's touched but I accidentally brought it into my car the other day and I feel like my space has been invaded. I don't know what to do about it.
* Work is horrible and getting worse by the day. Sometimes I feel like I'm being punished for being a horrible child like I was always told I was. Like maybe I'm already dead and this is my personal Hell which is why I'll never be allowed to leave.
* I am exhausted all the time. I have so many things I want to do but I pass out the second I get home and don't wake up till it's time to get ready for work again. I can't even play my game. And it doesn't matter how much I sleep, I never get any less exhausted.
* I'm lonely but all I want to do is isolate myself. I wonder if anyone will notice if I do.
* I want to update my story but I feel like nobody really gives a shit about it. I got 3 times more notes when I posted a zero effort picture of a Sim dog than I do on story posts I work on for hours. I feel like just giving up. Nobody will ever want to read my shit. Nobody cares about my OCs. I am fundamentally untalented and uncreative.
* I want to cry but if I do, I won't stop for hours, and I just don't have the energy
* My therapist is on vacation this week so I just have to carry this around with me until next Monday.
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persnicketypomelo · 2 years
Imagine if the phantom had a massive eczema or acne breakout on his face for whatever reason, how would you headcanon his inevitable freak out and how would his S/O reassure or comfort him?
As someone who had an eczema breakout on my face in the past I can say its not cool at all aha. Can you write for merik and gerik?
I assume by merik and gerik you mean musical Erik and Gaston Leroux's Erik? I'm not very trendy with slang and terminology 🥲
Also prescribed steroid creams are my one true love--truly a miracle for eczema
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Leroux Erik
It's inevitable when wearing something covering one's face for nearly all waking hours, that it will result in some kind of skin blemishes
Even for Erik's self-proclaimed "dead flesh"
Leroux's Phantom faces much more insecurities regarding his appearance, and for understandable reason
His physical abnormalities are not confined to a botched sunburn on one half of his face, and can be noticed by first glance, even while he wears his mask
This Erik craves your approval and yearns for your glance, like a child eager to show off to his parents
But when he finds, one day, unsightly red and inflamed patches littered across his face, he cannot help but feel panicked
All this time, he has been trying to seek your approval by venturing to take off his mask and catch your eye, only to find that a new plague ailed him
He will suddenly become reclusive and flinch from your sight
Though it cannot help his troubled skin at all, the mask will not leave his face for even a moment
His music, as of late, rages like a brewing storm, reflecting his troubled feelings and irritated skin
Erik will disappear for large swaths of time, seeking out all manners of ointments from the local pharmacies*
But even with the best solutions the druggists have to offer, his skin truly needs to breathe most of all to clear up
It is inevitable that you notice his atypical behaviour--the way he turns his back to your gaze, like a frightened animal trying to hide its vulnerabilities, and how reluctant he is to let you close
With determination, you eventually manage to force him to show you what his bothering him, and his trembling as you pry off his mask doesn't go unnoticed
This was what he was so concerned about?
You could laugh at the hilarity of the situation
The mighty, formidable Phantom shy to face you over a skin rash?
Like an overbearing mother, you order him to leave his mask off to avoid further aggravating his face
He had been frightened at the prospect of your disappproval, but after you show him only he gains the confidence to trail after your attention like a stray puppy again
Erik would sink into your touch as you gingerly apply his ointments, always failing to mask how much he truly craved your approval and affection
It will take time, patience, and care but eventually his flare up will subside
The Phantom would be even more determined to catch your approval and attention after that ordeal
Even this living corpse is not immune to wanting for love
*pharmacies/drug stores/apothecaries have existed for a very long time. Needless to say, what you could purchase then would be vastly different and likely toxic
Musical Erik
I've mentioned it before, but musical Erik does not not really desire your reassurance of his maskless face to the same degree as Leroux's Erik
He cares more that he has you within his grasp, bound to him
In a twisted way, he has grown attached to his mask, for he likes the powerful, confident feeling it gives him
So when he must abstain from wearing it due to the friction and irritation it causes with his skin, he is rather irritable
He will be irked, like a kid told that it's their bedtime, at your fussing and insistence that he foregoes wearing it
Erik much prefers to be the one in control, and he feels rather helpless with his irritated skin, that he can do nothing to fix other than wait and allow you to fuss over
You will find small tokens of appreciation from him, once both his skin's and his own irritability has subsided
Whereas Leroux's Erik feels much more shy and desperate for approval over having a flare up or break out, musical Erik will be sulky and irritable over it instead.
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grisailledreams · 1 year
Please put the beauty industry on blast for often treating chronic incurable skin conditions and even stuff like mild temporary acne as things you can just ~solve~ by buying expensive creams/treatments, “drinking more water,” or “not being fat/dirty.” 🙃
Also Christ, I went through so many drafts of this because I just kept rambling because there is SO MUCH to say about this, way more than what I have here. Kristin and I have talked about this kind of thing S O much. Under a cut because it is LONG.
First and foremost: There are no skin conditions that come to mind that involve being fat or dirty. N O N E. As my instructor likes to say, "Did you rub dirt on your face? Then you're not dirty." I won't even elaborate on the fat thing because that's just ridiculous and honestly boils down to the same thing (because of course "Fat People are Dirty Sweaty Grease-Soaked Slobs"). Y'all wanna know what causes most of the common disorders?
Acne - Genetics/hormones, friction, or skin sensitivities. Congrats, you're really good at producing sebum, a vital component of your skin's protective barrier!
Keratosis Pilaris - Genetics, occasionally made worse by harsh exfoliation. Congrats, you're really good at producing keratin, the building block protein that makes up skin, hair, and nails!
Rosacea - Who the Fuck Knows, but the National Rosacea Society hypothesizes that it's either down to the way your immune and neurovascular systems function, serious systemic diseases (none of which are Obesity), or a species of mite that everyone has on their skin already.
Psoriasis - Immune disorder.
Eczema - Who the Fuck Knows, probably a combo of genetics and environmental factors.
HS - Who the Fuck Knows, but probably genetics/hormones.
All of these things have flare-ups or cyclic behavior, btw. Flareups can have a hundred causes, it just depends on the individual! Stress is common across the board, but it's far from the only one. What doesn't happen? Get breakouts or flare-ups by being Dirty or Fat or Eating Poorly. Your skin just Does Stuff. So many genetic disorders come down to "My skin makes More or Less of something than is ideal for my body" or "My body is Very Protective of me." Literally, every disorder pretty much comes down to genetics, illness, or Who the Fuck Knows (because there is not enough research being done on way too many disorders). And none of this is simply "fixed" or "cured" by throwing money at the problem, regardless of what anyone tells you.
Does a skincare routine make your skin feel good? Sure! Soft skin feels nice and might give your mental health a boost because you're doing something nice for yourself most days. Also you do a lot of blood flow stimulation in the process and that might make you feel a bit more energized. But if you have a disorder and you feel like you've Tried Everything to no avail, it is not your fault, either. Skin, entire functioning organ that it is, is so much more complex than a skincare routine makes it seem.
My biggest takeaway from this education has just been Bodies Do Stuff and Everyone's Skin is Different. If you have a skin disorder, including all the hundreds of disorders I didn't mention, you are not dirty or bad or gross. Your skin just Does Stuff and the Beauty and Wellness industries are really bad at saying, accepting, and teaching this - it doesn't make money, after all.
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sashi-ya · 1 year
Hello! I'm curious about something if you want to talk abou it. Could you tell me more about lupus? How did you get it and which symptoms do you have? How you get through your days when you have them? You stay at home?
Sorry for the many questions but I don't know physically nobody that has it and I'm curious. Hope you are well!
Hello hello!! of course! It's always a good moment to spread the word and inform about certain illnesses, so thank you for asking!
TW: This is MY personal experience and my medical knowledge (rn nurse uni degree, med school student). However if you have the following symptoms DO NOT assume you have the disease, BUT VISIT YOUR DOCTOR. And, if your symptoms get underestimated don't be afraid to visit others. YOUR SYMPTOMS ARE VALID, YOU ARE NOT LAZY, YOU HAVE A REAL PROBLEM.
What is Lupus or SLE? So, basically Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (aka Lupus) is what we know as an AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE. What it means is that basically your own immune system attacks the body's tissues because it recognizes your own body parts as "threats" (like it would consider a virus or a bacteria, like something coming from the outside to hurt your insides). When your tissues get attack, that means your organs and body parts will suffer damage. And, unfortunately being "systemic" means that it can attack any tissue, such as skin, kidneys, brain, eyes, lungs, etc.
How did I get Lupus? I have no idea, as a patient nor as a future doctor or as a rn nurse. This little shit comes with you since the day you are born inside your dna, however not always it manifests. Some do not have symptoms until one day, others have symptoms and signs all throughout the years (me) and never get diagnosed until it becomes REALLY visible (let me make a little note here: even if the majority of lupus patients are female, we often get misdiagnosed because of the misogynist look that the medical field still has. Women often get called "lazy" or "dramatic", until you have eye or kidney damage like me).
Symptoms So, it varies. Lupus is not just SLE. There are a lot of different types (4), from cutaneous, to systemic, to neonatal, and even there is another type that can be induced by certain medication (this is one of the reasons why we should never auto medicate).
Important note: all autoimmune disease gets triggered, awakened, crazy when we are under high stressful situations. The outburst of the symptoms are often (if not always) triggered by a stressful situation and these are called "LUPUS FLARE UPS". So, in my case some symptoms are:
fever with no apparent reason (while being totally "healthy". This I had it since I was a kid, no fucking doctor EVER give a fuck about it. My mother got told that "I was probably having a tooth infection" spoiler: no, i didn't).
skin rash and what looks like "eczema". Sometimes over the bridge of my nose and cheeks, this is called "malar erythema" or "butterfly rash" and it looks like you have a red butterfly on your face.
joints pain / muscle pain (it hurts like a bitch, sometimes you can even move your legs) and muscle weakness. I had my right knee cartilages degenerated, also because of Lupus.
Shaky hands (and sometimes I can't even open a bottle of water cause I don't have muscle strength).
cognitive problems (i can't remember shit, sometimes I can't study, anxiety attacks, etc)
Last year during this month I got something called "ANTERIOR UVEITIS" for which I am still paying the consequences. My right eye got super inflamed and red and some parts didn't receive enough blood (like a stroke) and I lost some % of my visual capacity.
Renal problems (p a i n, stones, etc)
weakness, tiredness, sleepiness (I also have hypothyroidism, which causes me to have 0 energy so I live off energy drinks: DO NOT DO THIS)
A lot of sadness and depression.
What do I do when these symptoms hit? unfortunately there is no much you could do. I learned that nobody in the "adult world" gives a fuck about you being sick and nobody will wait for you. University don't care. Jobs either. So, what do I do? I try my best and work/study as "i can". Sometimes I just can't stand from bed, so I am lucky (and at the same I am not) to live with my family who often helps me to even go to the bathroom. I try to do stuff until I can't stand in two feet and that's when I call my doctor to ask for a permission to rest (Argentina is a country where is pretty difficult to leave your parent's house earlier like the rest, we are kinda poor and rent is EXPENSIVE)
I hope I have answered some of your doubts, and I am very very open to answer more if any wants to ask! 💖
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wolftheghost · 11 months
Making ears for a springtrap cosplay
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Nearly injured myself but its finneeee
What i gotta do is:
Finish carving
Get fabric (duh)
Find a thing to attatch it to (alice band??)
Sculpt the frame thingy
Find a wire
Wait for my eczema to heal so i can do makeup without crying when i have to take it off
Mate eczema fuckinf sucks its why i hate snow. When it reaches below 10°C my skin flares up and i get severely dry skin around my lips and eyes and i end up having to use oilatum moisturiser cause its the only brand that doesnt burn. Even the sensitive skin stuff hurts
Anyway, its gonna be like a closet cosplay kinda thing cause i cant make the whole suit so im gonna make the ears and do makeup for the face parts
Ramble over!
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meditating-dog-lover · 2 months
Skin update
My skin is looking so much better recently it's so impressive.
It al started when I began following an anti-inflammatory diet and drinking aloe juice in the morning. I'm going to keep this habit up.
I'm still working on stress relief of course. I might consider the cortisol reducing supplement and finding ways to ease my tension and stress. This has generally been a happy week for me, so I'm not going to be on edge.
I know my hands get dry and itchy and develop cuts when I wash my hands. I do have the tendency to overwash my hands. But I didn't today. My hands were dry yesterday, but I applied some Vaseline on them and went to bed. Maybe I can reduce my handwashing frequency. But that's definitely not the root cause of eczema. It makes skin dry out, but it doesn't cause flaring and cuts.
I am getting some allergies at home and my skin is itchy. Especially my face and neck area.
I just want to be healthy and have control over my health. I know doctors will always fear monger and recommend stuff I don't need or give a very narrow approach to recovering. Not all of course, but they're there to give recommendations. I'm ultimately the one who gets to make the decisions. I definitely want to be more proactive in making these decisions. But under the circumstance that I take my health seriously and put in the effort myself. I also don't want this condition to consume me because I want to live and not suffer.
I don't follow most articles and association sites on eczema because they don't know what they're talking about. They are funded by pharmaceutical companies so of course they're going to be pushing for those over personal wellness. I'm doing my own trial and error and seeing what works for me.
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oneshortdamnfuse · 1 year
I have intestinal malrotation, which basically means that I was born with my intestines arranged incorrectly inside me. I have abdominal scars and abdominal adhesions from a car accident, as well as from a cholecystectomy - or rather, I had my gallbladder removed. So, I can’t digest fats. I am diagnosed with IBS, but what that really means is that they don’t know what’s wrong with me. I can’t eat wheat, dairy, alliums, legumes, and many cruciferous vegetables without pain. I can’t eat acidic foods without pain either, because I also have GERD / silent reflux. My flare ups cause stomach acid to travel all the way up my throat to my nose and ears.
I have sinus pressure, pain, and congestion just about every day. There is always pressure in my ears, and a low ringing noise. Occasionally, the tinnitus is louder. I can hear, but I can’t process sound very easily. I have positional vertigo, and I feel dizzy frequently. I also have allergies, asthma, and eczema. I have contact dermatitis, so certain materials against my skin will give me a rash. My chest feels tight most days. I am intolerant to heat, and I can get dangerously overheated very easily. My heart beats very fast from various triggers including caffeine, sugar, heat, stress, dehydration, and any kind of exercise. I also get palpitations just laying on my left side.
I have paresthesia in my limbs - the “pins and needles” sensation you get when a limb “falls asleep,” but mine do that every day multiple times a day regardless if I am sitting, standing, or walking. I have sprained my fingers and my toes multiple times. I have sprained both ankles multiple times. I was wearing knee and ankle braces and finger and wrist braces on and off throughout my life. I broke the transverse process in my lumbar spine from a car accident, and I still have pain from it. I also struggle with restless legs, insomnia, and daytime fatigue. I am obsessive compulsive, and I’ve had tics. I have anxiety and panic attacks, and likely (C)PTSD, too.
All of this, and I still wouldn’t necessarily qualify for disability especially since these conditions individually aren’t necessarily considered “serious.” Tell me why I or anyone who has to live like this shouldn’t consider ourselves disabled, especially when we exist in the hell that is the You’re Undiagnosable, so Drink More Water and Stop Being Anxious “diagnosis” that prevents us from getting answers. When I say I can’t do things, people assume I am being lazy or I don’t care. The reality is that I spend most of my days pushing my body to the limit as I work with all these invisible conditions, and then spend all my free time recovering.
At some point, there’s power in being able to self determine disability.
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shytastemakerthing · 7 months
If its alright, can I have a TWST matchup? Romantic and platonic if possible pls! Sorry if I overdid it I got a little anxious about what to put lol. Take your time and make sure to take care of yourself. 💙
I am about 5'6 with chest length brown hair that I am growing it out so I can do hairstyles with my sister. I'm nearsighted plus see double so I wear glasses. I have eczema on my arms. I am around 120 pounds and prefer wearing soft baggy gender neutral clothing. I normally look a tamed mess now a days cuz I'm at home 24/7 taking care of my grandma, but when going out I try to look "presentable".
I'm a Scorpio and my MBTI is INFJ-T. I am autistic so how I interact with people varies. Around people I don't really know I'm really quiet and polite, but towards people I don't like I tend to be more passive-aggressive and bitchy. I've had a few friends say that I'm terrifing when pissed off or if someone is being bigoted. I do know that I'm pretty quick to start a fight verbal or physical if my friends are being messed with. I do like to tease my family and friends a lot, but if I see I'm getting close to a boundary I try to pull back. With loved ones I'm overall just more comfortable with being a little silly.
I have pretty simple likes and dislikes. Like I love animals and have had various pets in the past as well as a dog right now. Drawing is one of my passions though I'm trying to get past my anxiety of showing people my art. I absolutely love to sing and I'm willing to listen to (almost) anything, but I love musicals more than anything. It's pretty easy for me to starting rambling about something I'm hyperfixated on then get a little embarrassed. I enjoy the cold more heat because I'm prone to heat strokes. Though exercising is difficult for me I love roller skating. My whole family loves video games so I grew up playing and really loving them. I have difficulties reading so I don't really enjoy it and use to hate it. I have a couple of fears like bug, clowns, and swimming. Sometimes talking is really hard for me cuz of my memory issues, slight lisp, and overall difficulty with pronuncing words, so I don't talk much and enjoy listen to people a lot more.
My love language is pretty evenly spread out, but I enjoy quality time with some sort of physical contact the most.
Varies health stuff that are unfortunately important about me: So, I was born without a sense of smell and with it food is very difficult for me. Most food looks very weird and gross to me, so I rely on texture the most with food. I do have fun making people skirm when they forget about my lack of smell though. I have a diagnosis for anxiety and memory issues, but my therapist agrees that I have more mental health related things. When I was young I had gotten myositis in my legs. Myositis is just muscle weakness caused by your immune system attacking your muscles. Symptoms come and go in episodes/flare ups so when I first got it I was in a wheelchair for six months. I still can't fully recover my leg strength so walking is still difficult if I do it too much.
Hello and thank you so much for this request! I hope that this match-up finds you well and I am so sorry as to how long it took for me to get this out to you! I hope that you enjoy it! I will do the romantic one first and as soon as I catch up on requests, I shall do the platonic!
Tw: None
I match you with...........
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Jamil Viper
He is very much used to taking care of people (Kalim), and he has been doing it all of his life.... but it is different for you
Because you are his beloved partner
While he is forced to take care of Kalim, he takes care of you because he wants too
Is your eczema beginning to act up once more? (As someone who also has eczema, I understand this quite literal pain), he has the best remedies sent in from the Scalding Sands and will certainly help.
You don't know where he gets that lotion but by the sevens, the relief that you feel as he puts it on is unreal
With your lack of a sense of smell, he knows that this will certainly impact your food tastes and he will adjust accordingly
Jamil pays extra attention to how to react and respond to certain foods and will make adjustments to better suit your tastes, just so long as you are able to enjoy yourself
Another one who can't stand bugs (rather ironic for a man who grew up in what is basically a desert.... which is known for a lot of bugs), so good luck having some help when it comes to taking care of them
Okay.... if it is really small, he may try to squish it or something, but you have had to stop him more than once from lighting the thing on fire
You both enjoy whatever time it is that you are able to have with one another. He is usually quite busy, between taking care of Kalim, his club, duties as a vice hoursewarden, on top of his normal studies. But if you are both just able to be in the same room as one another, he certainly loves that
Speaking of his club, you are more than welcome to join him at the Basketball club. It's nice and air conditioned so you don't have to worry about getting too hot, and he loves that you come to see him
Overall, Jamil is a very attentive lover, doing what he had to be able to meet your needs and to ensure that you are well taken care of. He will continue to love and cherish you for as long as you allow him.
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Thank you for your request!!
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virdemption · 8 months
Jimmy headcanon. Moment.
Nonbinary and uses He/She pronouns!! She's so sillay.
Everyone in the Thang family has naturally black hair underneath their wigs and Jimmy started growing his out as a sort of memento since he hardly had anything to remember her ex by. It's really embarrassing for him though.
But he and Wario are dating now and he's happier than he's ever been. They keep it a secret from the rest of WWInc though at the request of Wario because 1. He didn't find it relevant/important enough to tell everyone, and 2. Ego reasons.
A lot of people think he's kinda stoic upon first meeting her but no he's actually mute. Though granted she was a bit more on the soft spoken side before losing his speech. His voicemail is a recording of Jamie telling the caller to text him instead.
Okay buckle your horses cause I'm gonna rant about rabies now.
Encountered a weirdly friendly fox outside during the summer but this kid's 1st grader brain couldn't comprehend rabies, distemper, the likes. So yay new friend! Wrong. Couldn't be any more wrong. And Wario was with her too but watched from a distance and never interacted with the animal cause he didn't really care about it. She wasn't bitten at all but the animal did lick her face a lot.
It wasn't until I'd say maybe a day into the furious stage when she was taken to Crygor who managed to I guess milwaukee protocol this guy. Which is also what made Crygor one of Wario's oldest acquaintances. Aftermath: Eventually got back on his feet but lost the ability to talk. Messed up Jamie the most and Wario too. Aversion towards canines.
But not only will this not stop him from hanging out with strays every other night but she also frequently jokes about it (Reasoning being he's not dead and didn't remember any of it so what's the harm done). Wario doesn't like this but can't and won't stop him. He will lash out at people who joke about Jimmy unprovoked though (Cough Mike Cough Wheeze).
Okay rabies rant over.
One of his prized possessions is a phone charm Ashley made for him out of a rare phoenix feather. It's such a pretty blue!!
Is also great friends with Mike! He's one of the few people who downright adores her singing because he thinks all voices are beautiful and something to adore. They've actually sort of sang together-ish before, with Mike belting her heart out as Jimmy trying to sign out the lyrics. It's fun!
Eczema on her hands and torso. Like me, he also refuses to slather on skin cream when it flares up.
#1 fan of slushies. She likes any blue flavor.
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martianbugsbunny · 1 year
You know what was not fun? Suddenly out of nowhere developing eczema when I was in my mid teens.
1, it gets bad every time the season changes—every summer I'm like no yeah it gets really gnarly when it gets all hot and humid and every winter I'm like no yeah it gets really gnarly when it gets all cold and dry.
2, I'm horrible at the not-scratching thing. Do I know it will make the problem worse, and probably also cause some bleeding/weeping? Yep. Does that make it easier to resist? No. It itches. When things itch I want to scratch. I often do it without even thinking and oh shit now I feel bad because I should've "just not scratched" and also now my hands hurt more.
3, I fear even scratching what appears to be a regular itch on my hands, the insides of my elbows, or the backs of my knees, because I have it predominately on my hands but it's been really horrible on the backs of my knees especially, like before I realized there was actually something going on there I scratched so much it hurt when I ran soap over the skin while I was showering, and there were always these big red bumps with little spots of blood, and if I scratch in one of those places what if I cause it to flare up by irritating the skin?
4, I feel bad for complaining about it, because I feel like people are going to see me feeling sorry for myself about my (legitimate) skin condition and say okay dramatic bitch it's just a skin thing it's not that big a deal, and because I sometimes feel that way towards myself about it even though I live in my own body and I know it is a big deal; it itches all the time and it hurts and as you can clearly see by this post that all effects me mentally.
5, it makes me feel ugly sometimes. When I had it on my knees it was summer, and therefore I was wearing shorts, and it was visible and I knew it. I was so worried that people were going to look at it and be revulsed or make fun of me or just laugh about how ugly it was, because it's not pretty—and it's a medical condition, it's not supposed to be, but it still makes me feel lousy. On my hands, depending on how long my sleeves are, I can cover most of it, but I still know it's there and I worry that if I shift my hands too much while talking other people are going to see it and wonder ew, what's wrong with you, and not want to be near me.
6, it started at the worst possible time. I was a teenager with my first boyfriend, a very hard-won boyfriend mind you, talking to him in the first place was the boldest thing I'd ever dared to do not just because I knew he was cute and smart and that he liked superheroes, but because he was a human being and speaking to other humans is one of my greatest trials, and it was all well and fine until our second date was coming up and suddenly I had these horrible red patches all over my skin and all I wanted out of life at the time was to hold hands with my boyfriend but I felt incredibly self-conscious and sad about the idea that my eczema might gross him out and he wouldn't want to hold hands with me. (In case you're saying poor Martian, hunny did he let you down? no. he did not. I drove myself crazy not scratching and was lotioning day and night to try and get it under control and for the most part I did so I suppose I'll never know if he would've, given the opportunity, but I didn't have to worry about it on the day of the date itself so that's what counts for me.)
7, it's something I had to adapt to. not very good at doing that tbh. Every time I have a flare up I'm can't help thinking it wasn't always like this and being upset, because my skin used to act the way skin is supposed to and for some reason I don't even know, it stopped.
8, I was prescribed medicine (one that will literally do permanent damage to my skin if I use it too often but that's barely here or there), but if I forget to put my preemptive strike on for a couple of nights and there's a change in the weather and I don't use my anti-eczema lotion enough during the day then I have a flare up anyway.
9, once a flare up starts it's really hard to stop. Nine times out of ten one of the problems is that my hands are too dry to start with, but the medicine only makes them dryer, which while it does help them heal, it also creates a different secondary sort of problem that stymies the healing at a certain point. So I take a break from the medicine to focus on getting my skin to a healthy moisture level but that's really hard to do, I don't know why, and the eczema is getting worse because I'm not applying the medicine and I'm kind of stuck.
So...yeah. Eczema sucks and I'm not even a little brave about it, I'm just tired and sad.
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fujimusume · 2 years
On Yuri Petrov's scar
I'm so sorry, I'm not that familiar with how Tumblr works; I only come back here every now and then when I remember to post (or feel like it), and/or to lurk. I reblogged this very insightful meta post to add to it, but I think the formatting got messed up (? I'm not sure), so I decided to just copy-paste what I said to a separate post (i.e. here) just in case:
I had always assumed Yuri’s scar was real and not just a metaphor for his trauma (didn’t know that some people read it that way!), but thank you OP for that post, as it prompted me to check out the reference sheet you mentioned. And here’s where it gets interesting…
Here is the text accompanying the reference sheet:
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Japanese is not my native language, but I live in Japan and can speak and read Japanese at around the intermediate level. I had to reread this just to make sure I wasn’t misunderstanding things, but I am pretty sure the text here (below 私服, which is Japanese for “plain clothes”) says:
“Off-hours, he spends his time wearing his shirt casually. The scar on his face that flares up when his emotions run high was given to him in the past by his father, when he [Yuri] burned him to death with his own powers.”
I try not to translate too literally, but the phrase in particular to take note of is 浮かび上がる, which can translate to “to float/ rise/ emerge/ come to the surface” or “to stand out.” I translated it as “to flare up” here, which imo is more natural-sounding while still pretty close in meaning to its literal meaning of “to emerge.”
I had always thought that Yuri covered his scar with heavy layers of makeup, and that his scar inconsistently appearing and disappearing could simply be explained by Yuri’s makeup coming off (or him not wearing makeup), but apparently not.
Afaik in real life, there can be a link between stress and some skin disorders (e.g. stress causing skin allergies, acne, eczema, etc. to flare up), so maybe this is a case of artistic license being given to a real-life phenomenon? Some kind of fictional phenomenon based on psychosomatic illnesses/disorders? I guess that explains why the scar’s appearance is inconsistent.
TL;DR: Yuri does have a scar, but its visibility is psychosomatic.
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sickchild · 1 year
i used to get eczema on my hands occasionally when i was at uni and i think i've had one or two flare ups since i left but over the past few weeks it's just gotten so extreme like the worst it's ever been and it's spread to my chest now and like i truly cannot find the cause. when i was in uni i would get flare ups from stress or caffeine or a few things i was allergic to but i've changed out all my soaps and stuff and i've cut out caffeine and the only thing stressing me out is the eczema so like i have absolutely no idea what's causing it or why it's so bad. help.
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Eli ask time!! (bc I'm not sure who else you got that's disabled, but feel free to correct me and I wanna hear about them too)
~ M <3
So I have a few disabled OCs so let's start with that, because that's technically an ask:
Neon Glow:
Eli (rheumatoid arthiritis, gout, eczema)
Ari (gout, rosacea) (Autism)
Neptune (Anemia) (PTSD)
April (Anemia, Anorexia) (borderline personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, C-PTSD) (ADHD)
Cardinal Sins:
Roman (ADHD, C-PTSD)
Mercury (PTSD)
Sasithorn (Suffers from panic attacks where she can't remain corporeal and goes nonverbal, PTSD)
Mallory (He dislocated his shoulder and crushed his arm in a work accident) (psychosis, depression, paranoia)
Kieran (Fibromayalgia, chronic fatigue) (Depression, social anxiety)
Those are the ones I could think of off the top of my head.
Anyway, onto the rest of the ask:
♿️ - What is their disability? What symptoms do they show? Be as specific or as vague as you want
Eli has rheumatoid arthiritis that affects his entire body, but is particular harsh on his legs. He also has gout which mostly flares up in his hands and makes it difficult to grab and hold things as his joints will swell up. His eczema causes him to scratch - sometimes until he bleeds but he does have some pretty effective cream for this.
❤️ - Would they have any advice for someone else struggling with their disability?
"Know your worth, know your limits, and enforce your boundaries - don't take shit from people who don't know shit, and they never know shit."
🦿 - Do they know anyone with the same disability as them? Are they close?
So Ari has gout too, but it's concentrated to his hands, and they're brothers. I assume there are other people with any and all of his disabilities.
💤 - How would/will they cope with their disability worsening?
Unlike Ari, Eli is smart, he knows when to rest. He struggles to ask for help though - much to Alicia's (his wife) chagrin. He tends to rest in bed when he has flare ups, and will walk around the house (or possibly to the end of the street) just to keep some semblance of movement. He's a restless person, and he gets bored really quite easily (much like Ari), so if he has the mental space, he'll also work from some catching up on paperwork. He's been disabled his entire life, so even though he can get frustrated and outright angered, he always tries to approach it from a divine-intervention standpoint, IE, this is me being told I need to rest my body and take care of myself.
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