#Duck x Donald
tttewolves · 4 months
Here are my main TTTE Shippings and my Alternative TTTE Shippings!
My Main TTTE Shippings
James x Thomas (MY OTP)
Edward x Henry
Gordon x Rebecca
Percy x Rosie
Toby x Nia
Emily x Caitlin
Duck x BoCo
Douglas x Oliver
Mavis x Glen (OC)
Ryan x Kirra (OC)
My Alternative TTTE Shippings
Thomas x Rosie x Percy
Rebecca x Emily x Caitlin
Edward x BoCo x Henry
Toby x Henrietta
Gordon x Connor
Duck x Donald
And the others remains the same, lol
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str33tydr1ft · 1 year
idk why but im ill and i wanna say smt
Is it just me or would Donald have a mozerella stick addiction
He just
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jessythebunny · 4 months
Hello Jessy how are you? I have a d re for Duck
I dare Duck to kiss Donald on his cheek
Heh heh ;)
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Here's Duck giving a kiss on Donald's cheek, ngl but i think they are cute💚🖤
P.S: Duck is not the same height as Donald because he is much shorter than him so he had to climb on his back to kiss him because he is a smurf. Poor Monty🙂😢
Oh another thing.Duck is Bisexual and Donald is Demisexual
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thunderxleafart · 2 months
Heya Thunder, hope everything is well on your end!
Do you mind dropping any 8 x 9 headcanons you have?
Hey, thanks for checking in! :)
I'm doing alright, just trying to get back into the art groove LOL Hope everything is well on your end too! ^^ As for your question, I'd absolutely LOVE to drop my 8 x 9 headcanons >:D ~ 8 x 9 Headcanons ~
-Unlike 10 x 11, I see their relationship as more of a slowburn/"Will they won't they?" type dynamic. -The events of "Donald's Duck" is really what kicks off any romantic feelings; they bounce off each other so well, it feels so natural and good and-oopsie! Now they're catching feelings!
-No one was quite sure what to make of their little thing at first; are they a couple or just really good friends?? They act like an old married couple sometimes, but then again they really could just be friends.... - Donald is also just a flirt in general which only confuses things more LOL - They don't actually "get together" in any sort of romantic sense for quite a few years. There's a lot of dancing around and neither really make a definitive move. Donald is too much of a flirt and, admittedly, not the best when it comes to dealing with deeper feelings, and Duck doesn't want to "ruin" this good dynamic they have by reading into things too much. (After all, Donald's so charming he could prolly get anyone he wanted, why would he want Duck of all engines?) (Safe to say, most of Donald's genuine flirting went right over Duck's funnel as a result LOL) - Eventually one of them just kind of blurts it out and the other goes; "Wait... you thought I didn't like you back???" Hilarity ensues LOLL - Donald is definitely the kind of witty, charming flirt that will turn into a spluttering mess if someone he genuinely likes shows any interest back. And Duck finds that absolutely adorable/very endearing. xD - Donald is one of the only engines who gets away with calling Duck "Monty". He also uses a slew of other nicknames/pet names, including; Sweetcheeks, Sweetheart, Darling, Duckie, Darling Duckie and Waddles. (Jokingly) - Duck doesn't use pet names but doesn't mind the ones Donald's given him. (Honestly he kinda loves it) - Dilly is basically Donald's daughter and Duck is her step-dad. It's a whole thing LOL - Duck is always able to tell the Scots apart. They don't know exactly how he always knows, but he just does. (They've tried every trick in the book, nothing has ever worked LOL) - These two have the absolute best banter.
Favourite Things About Each Other ~
Donald about Duck: How assertive/no-nonsense he is, his voice (he loves listening to his passionate rambling.. most of the time LOL), how hardworking he is, and just how blunt he can be. Duck about Donald: How relaxed and "no-fucks-given" he is (especially since he overthinks a lot LOL), his humour/sharp wit, his good work ethic, and that little twitch he does when he's trying not to smile at a bad/lame joke but is clearly failing.
Honestly they're easily one of my absolute favourite TTTE ships. They're opposites in a lot of ways but that's what makes them work so well together. Duck brings out the more mature side of Donald, and Donald brings out Duck's more playful side. They bring out the best in each other and it's so good. They're also just super cute and silly and I love them ;;;
Thank you for the question!! <3
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shelli-gator · 2 years
what ttte ships do you have besides 2x5, if any?💙❤️
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I do I do! 🥺❤️ thank you for asking anon! It makes my day!
🖤💚 I loooove Donald and Duck. I love their playful back and forth, and I think for all his teasing, Donald is quite enamored with Duck's fussiness and practicality. It makes him an easy target for his teasing, but really it comes from him being in love and dumb about it. Duck is also the only one who can reign in Donald's temper, and get the two brothers to stop arguing. Mostly because Donald won't listen to anyone else.
My partner and I have a human au and in it Duck is the manager of a quaint little general store (the kind that sells organic and fancy stuff, some luxury goods and fresh produce marked up really high, that sort of thing), and next door is a hardware store manned by Donald and Douglas. They share a breakroom. Donald's favorite pass time is taking drinks and snacks from the general store without asking, and playing with rubber ducks and putting them around the store for Duck to find. Sometimes Duck will hear incessant quaking coming from the break room, and he'll charge in to yell at him only to stop short because Donald is smiling HUGE at him, turning to his brother to be like "See I tol' yoo Douggie I speak 'is language! That's 'is matin' call, that is." And Duck's shoots back with a "YOU OWE ME M O N E Y!" Don't worry. Duck will just go take it from the cash register in the hardware store later. With a little note detailing all the things he knows he took.
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(You know Donald would call him is quackeroo)
For all his teasing, Donald really loves him, and that scares him. Duck aspires to what he believes to be bigger and better things with his life, dreams he won't stop chasing. And that makes Donald scared he'll leave him behind. What's wrong with what they have now? Some would argue it's pretty good...
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💚💙 This leads into my next ship, but it's really just an unrequited, quite surface-level thing; Duck and Edward. I won't say too much since it's in my fic, but Duck rather likes his old friend. And it makes him and James scowl at each other all the more. But of course, it's not to be. Edward cares for him, but not in the way Duck might want (or at least, THINKS he wants, or really DOESN'T). It's all very confusing when you don't even believe engines should or CAN love and what purpose does love have when you're MADE to work. There's the right way of doing things, and the wrong way...
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💙💚 Another ship I dabble in is Gordon and Henry, though I'm not as mentally ill about them as I am with James and Edward. I like the complexity that comes with Henry having been designed as a bootleg Gresly to start, only to be totally overhauled, and WOW that must have been well and truly fucked. You would think there would be some mockery or resentment there, but Gordon doesn't hold it to him. Deep down, I think he had compassion for him that he couldn't really express because he's so fucking emotionally stunted and you gotta keep up appearances. And we see that compassion in It's Good to Be Gordon. He felt so awful to have made Henry feel worse that nothing else mattered.
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I've been reading A New Way of Life, and I adore how the author characterizes their relationship. Being there for an anxious, panicky partner doesn't always have to be gentle and saccharine. Gordon grounds Henry in a way only HE can, not through words and coddling, but with a big, firm hand to squeeze and hold him. And that tells Henry he isn't alone. That he's got him. It pulls him back, and I really like that for them. Gordon is an anchor, and Henry needs a pretty big anchor.
So yeah, I like that for them! And I'm just as susceptible to big men being dumb and in love and finding solace where they might not find it anywhere else because big men have big problems or whatever.
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💚🩵 this next ship is like, I mean, okay. It comes with a disclaimer. I really like Thomas and Percy, but NOT in the traditional romantic sense. I mean there's really not much romantic to me about it, but that's also why I think it's as sweet and funny as it is. They're best friends that trip each other up and fight over the Xbox, and they really wouldn't want to be with anyone else. Thomas can't even think of girls (who terrify him anyway) because he just wants to go hang out with Percy. I guess I see it as kind of crack ship, and that's why I love it. As humans they would hold hands and get so red and spooked over it that they never really do anything else WHEEZE. And as engines well, they spend all their time together, that's enough for them.
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Most of what I like about them is in our human au, and it's insane. They're the worst. Percy waking up Thomas in the middle of the night because he doesn't sleep and he's looking for his vape. "Where's my vape Thomas, have you seen it, come on I think you're lying on it roll over. Sorry! Thomas. Thomas where's your vape can I use your vape what flavour is it. Thomas-" (my partner is so fucking smart and funny for this)
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I'm sure I'll come up with more as I go along. Like I really want to find someone for Emily, I like her as a headstrong Scot so very impatient and so very very right about everything bossing people around WHEEZE. She's the worst ❤️🥺🤩 but also really kind, and the only one practical enough to actually go talk to Toby when everyone was very happy to just believe he was being scrapped (even Edward which is SO funny and cute to me it kills me). I think she'd make someone very happy. I'm open to suggestions! Very susceptible to good marketing if you know what I mean 😏
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(I see Caitlin back there hmmm I've heard good things 👀❤🧡🩶🩷💜 🤔👭)
I still need to watch Emily in the middle but I also think it would be so funny Donald and Douglas vying for her attention when it's really only Douglas that fancies her and Donald is just fucking stupid and getting in the way because he can and Douglas wants to throw him off the rails in frustration because why can't he just have this WHEEZE.
Anyway thanks for reading sorry it's long!
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houseboatisland · 2 years
hey man!! I love seeing your 10x11 HCS btw :) I was wondering if you have any douglas hcs (or donald and douglas hcs idk)
Thank you! Hm let's see
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Douglas has become a bit of a cricket nut since arriving on Sodor. Donald doesn't understand his interest in it, at all.
"The Missing Coach" debacle was Douglas' DRIVER'S idea more than anybody else's, and if you want my opinion, he got off too easily for the BS it caused. The twins of course were incredibly loyal to their crews at that time, and still are to this day, so his responsibility has never really been acknowledged beyond the story text. They even tried to hide this from the Thin Clergyman, but he by then had outsized experience with interviewing engines, and saw right through them. Hatt, once he read the book, just... pretended he hadn't seen that part.
Donald and James had a brief, and I mean brief, relationship in the winter of 1959-60. They ended it peacefully enough but don't reminisce about it. Donald has since then tied the knot with Duck, and James has a history of jumping in and out of partnerships that predates the twins' arrival.
They were both blue only briefly. Douglas went back to being black within a year, and for a while they liked being different colors as Donald continued with his blue coat. But by 1970, when Donald went in for overhaul, he decided he’d had his fill of being different from his twin and became black again too.
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shakey-loves · 2 years
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Duck threw Donald over his shoulder and Donald's been on it ever since
And he's got no plans on getting off anytime soon
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jammyjams1910 · 2 years
Pls tell me i'm not the only self-shipper who doesn't mind it when my f/o is shipped with other characters ;v;
E.g. I actually rly like Duck x Donald as a ship despite the majority of my posts 😂
Its probably just me being a multishipper but still- ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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verypsbfan019 · 2 years
Some Duck x Donald (work in progress) 🚂🚂
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just-honey-dewd · 10 months
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So a month ago I got slammed into a whole ‘nother rabbit hole…
I’m rarin’ to go! Been thinking of these fools for DAYS, had to attempt to draw them eventually! And of course I had to compare one of Zé and Donald’s moments to Baffy’s, them’s the rules.
Anyways!!! This December, I’m gonna aim to absorb more content of these three gay cabs from the comics. ‘ready watched Legend, and their classic films (though I’ll keep rewatching them). Ducktales 2017 is taking some time to finish so… *shrugs
Also also, if y’all got good songs that sound like the classic films, pls give recommendations!!!
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alleycatchitchat · 3 months
Just rewatched The Three Caballeros and wasn't expecting such a goldmine of cute little moments that specifically appealed to a certain, uh, subset of the fandom... anyway have some Three Gay Caballeros screenshots
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Donald Duck, coming on strong
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Lots of dancing together in this film but I specifically like that Donald and José are reflecting the couple behind them in this scene
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If I had a nickel for every time Donald leaped onto José and clung to him tenderly I would have two nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice
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I call this one "Gay Panic"
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José and Panchito's little cuddle here is really cute. Notice that Panchito pulls José closer; their heads are probably touching underneath the sombrero.
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No thoughts head empty just thinking about Donald's head resting in José's lap
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José is having the time of his life right now
Donald kisses him 6 times during this sequence btw. if you even care
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I think my general conclusion is that Panchito slaps Donald's back and then lets his hand slide all the way down before he pulls away. But again, not 100% certain.
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This one isn't shippy I just think Panchito looks really cute
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I love this little dude look at his goofy rooster face
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This one doesn't need a caption I don't think
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I tried so, so hard to find a screenshot of this moment that wasn't cursed. So hard. This was too important to leave out
But still, look at José's horrible beak, that's going to haunt my nightmares
anyway shoutout to the polycule ever! three gay caballeros truthers were right all along
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azulcelestian · 7 months
I want to create an alternative story, where Panchito decides to give up his dream of forming a musical band and travels to the United States. to help Donald.
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theyamjam · 4 months
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its his birthday tomorrow!! UAA!!!! immight draw something new tomorrow bt heres a doodle i did for his last bir thday :0]]
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kiiwiighost · 3 days
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sweettjrose · 3 months
This is probably the best time to share that Masanori Sato, the artist for the Mario & Luigi games, shared some crossover art on his instagram a while back and...
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It is probably one of my favorite things in the world.
Honestly makes me want a crossover game some day though it is unlikely to happen.
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polisena-art · 9 months
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MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Unless you're one of those people that think people born in December should only get one gift...
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