dysberries · 2 years
(from @aegislash-logs)
I have no idea what's going on but.
What's happening between Galar and Paldea gym leaders? I have not been paying attention. Did Raihan call Iono short or something?
i'm not that much in the loop (i am) buuuut...
basically iono decided to start beef with raihan. not serious beef, likely something for a pr stunt. just mocking how he never could beat leon but a 10-year old could, poking fun at his selfies on stream, making a (very bad imo) diss track about him, you get the idea. honestly, this is par for the course for the two of them, they've had friendly rivalry collabs a few times. raihan retaliated with the standard playful bullying and a response that did sound better. not one of the best though i don't listen to rap much. all fun and games until Iono posted this
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this is the first time they've done something like this as far as I know. to me it's clearly supposed to be a friendly competition but Iono stans took this showdown very seriously. lots of iono fancams, iono outsold, you get the idea.
to "support" their streamers, fans playfully bullied each other. then it degraded into name-calling, until one person brought up one (of admittedly many) of raihan's previous controversies.
from what i've seen, iono stans and raihan stans are quite different from. raihan fans tend to bully him lightly with a 'fair enough' attitude when people make fun of him, while iono stans will vehemently defend her in an "only we can make fun of her" sort of way.
this was the straw that broke the camel's back, and raihan fans retaliated with bringing up one of iono's contreversies. and now they're going back and forth over and over with this. very entertaining 🍿
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Ohhh i almost forgot. Happy pride!!!!!!
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juleteinthrum · 1 year
I've been like. Not active bc the Sherlock fictive in our system decided he wanted to do my job this week as main fronter. The fandom is being freaks again hi guys whAt is happening rn lol /lighthearted /halfjoking
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(alternyan) just fyound out my old auspystyce (male, purple) was nyot only cheatyng on me (female, vyolet) but was alsyo "auspystycyng" for flushed couples (read: purposefully destroyyng deyr relatyonshyps). y try and stay out of cull dyscourse but gog y am so tempted ryght nyow. dat lyttle shyt.
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abysshydra · 1 year
What I find interesting about system dyscourse is that it feels like there should be similar conflict about alterhumanity, especially nonhumanity, in general.
You know how there's a lot of ways to experience alterhumanity in disordered ways? Delusions are very good examples of that, but other ways are always there such as autism special interests. We never compared nonhumanity to disorders but we always acknowledged that it CAN be disordered or connected to them, right as it can be non-disordered.
Why it can't be the same for plurality?
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correctproseka · 9 months
uhh with that endogenic system ask endogenic systems are systems without trauma and since they were using it as an insult i bet they were trying to start discourse
I know, i found it amusing tbh, not sure if they were trying to insult me or to make me start dyscourse.
0/10 anon hate. 10/10 amusing.
Plus, I am a system, they just assumed WHICH kind of system I am, which makes it more amusing. Im not up to starting syscourse in this acc.
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majorbaby · 2 years
LOL you don't need to ship Charles with a woman to consider that he might be bisexual!
Tempted as I am to defend myself against this, I don’t wanna do bye dyscourse here.  If, based on anything I've written or ever write, you suspect I may fall on the wrong side of whatever argument you’re having by yourself, consider blocking me.
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dakotadawn · 2 years
do you find it offensive that as an actual trans person who has dysphoria that these randos are saying they can be trans just because they feel like it and call themselves so? imo the trans movement began to lose the plot when there stopped being an criteria for what trans is. I personally think it’s unfair to people who actually experience dysphoria. i feel the majority of NBs just want to be special without any actual change.
Yeah, I do find it extremely offensive. I'll feel solidarity with someone like Indya Moore who is materially trans but Ezra Miller is just a man and you cannot force me to say otherwise.
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genderfvckery · 3 years
as an ex-transmed...honestly transmedicalism is so unscientific i s2g
there is no “man brain” or “woman brain” that can just randomly belong to either sex category...peoples’ brains are mixes of traits that may or may not be more commonly associated with one sex or the other...
like have y’all ever thought about the concept that a sense of “gender identity” forms in response to those brain differences being gendered by society - not things that are inherently gendered as man or woman - and people with certain traits then feel a dissonance? people absorb the social constructions of gender very young and have it imposed on them since birth. also have y’all ever heard of neuroplasticity? it’s foolish af to act like something so present in society wouldn’t impact how our brains and sense of self develop
transmedicalism relies on people not knowing anything else about the brain and looking at a few cherrypicked studies in a vacuum 
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lunacyles · 3 years
Being trans is a choice.
the action of transitioning medically is what will make someone trans.
no amount of dysphoria, dressing like the opposite sex, or saying your brain sex matches the opposite sex will change that.
having dysphoria doesnt make you trans.
no matter how much you want to show people stuff and screech about brain sex being real, even if it were real, it wouldnt make you trans.
being dysphoric and dressing like a greasy 17 year old cis boy won’t make you more trans than a post op ftm on t who wears skirts, makeup, and jewelry.
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riseandshineace · 3 years
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spaceriott · 3 years
I am begging you guys to stop saying people are pan only because they date trans people (binary or not) 🥴🥴🥴, people are pan because gender isn't a factor romantically or sexually. Bi people date trans people too!!! You’re not special for dating trans people.
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trutimeline · 4 years
idislikecispeople, The Most Infamous Dyscourse Blogger: Part 1.0, Rumors
idislikecispeople, also known as many names throughout her time on Tumblr (such as Adele, Kat, Mami, Samantha and Sayaka), was a former Tumblr blogger who became infamous for coining the term "tucute", among many other controversial things she has posted on her blogs. This was supposed to be one, very long masterpost about her, but Tumblr's post editor is a bitch and won't let me do that.
In this post, I'll be debunking or confirming rumors commonly spread about idislikecispeople. The rest of my posts about her will each be dedicated to a specific controversial belief she held or situations she got into. For simplicity's sake, I'll be referring to idislikecispeople as Kat for the rest of this post and future ones.
Kat Coined the Terms "Truscum" and "Tucute"
Verdict: Partially True
Kat coined the term tucute, but she did not coin the terms truscum or transmedicalist.
Here's a screenshot of Kat's original definition of a tucute:
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What is Tucute?
What does tucute mean?
Tucute is basically just the opposite of truscum, it’s a term and community for trans, nonbinary, and/or non-cis individuals created to separate anti-truscum from truscum and to serve as a safe place from truscum and from cis people, where they believe that being trans requires dysphoria, we do not,where they think that being trans is a medical condition, we do not,and where they deny numerous gender identities on the basis that it “discredits the trans community” we do not.
What are the prerequisites to be a part of the tucute community?
You have to be trans, nonbinary, and/or non-cis in general
You have to accept all pronouns and gender identities
You haveto believe that dysphoria is not necessary to be trans
You have to dislike truscum
You cannot side with truscum or believe in their ideology
You cannot misgender anyone no matter how mad they make you
You cannot be an ableist whatsoever
Did you invent the tucute community? Why?
I indeed did coin the tucute term and community and anyone who says otherwise are creeps who are trying to steal it from me and redefine it for their own nefarious doings. I started this community so anti-truscum could separate themselves from truscum and cis people who are a part of the truscum community, it serves as a safe space from both truscum and cis people.
I’m cis, can I be tucute if I believe in your movement and want to help?
No, you can’t be tucute if you’re cis, you can only be a tucute ally, and you need to be sure to never speak for or over a trans person.
I see a lot of tucuties being just as harmful as truscum, what will you do about it?
There isn’t much I can do to them other than ask them to stop aligning with the tucute community, and of course, that doesn’t mean they will. Also be noted that truscum and cis people will pretend to be tucute just to tarnish the name of the tucute community, so tread lightly, you might be talking to a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Spread the word, use the tag #tucute and join the army today!
[A digital drawing of Sayaka Miki from Puella Magi Madoka Magica in her magical girl form, with a banner underneath her reading "Tucute 4 U!"]
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Kat Was a Cisgender Woman Who Lied About Being a Transgender Woman
Verdict: False
This rumor primarily comes from a post on Kat's oldest known Tumblr blog, chromaghost, where she claims that she wasn't MTF and only tagged a selfie as such because she thought that transgender people were "cool".
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Anonymous asked: are you a mtf? i seen it tagged on one of your photos.
No lol. I wanted to post it to the tag because transgender people are cool :3
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However, Kat addressed this post and made it clear she very much was a transgender woman multiple times on her later blogs. This claim can also be confirmed with nude photos Kat posted online, which I don't feel comfortable spreading, so you'll just have to trust me on that one. I also don't feel comfortable directly encouraging you to go and dig up those nudes, as most of her nude photos were either taken when she was a minor, spread without her consent and/or were uploaded because people pressured her into posting nudes to "prove" she was a transgender woman.
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Anonymous asked: you bound with ace bandage in one of your selfies. i don't know what to think about you anymore. according to some people you're a 27 year old cis woman scamming us, but you say you're a 22 year old trans woman. i want to trust you but i don't know if i can. i'm sorry.
Rest assured I’m not 27 years old lol. What you’re referring to is a less than graceful ~art piece~ we did (”Playing a Boy” or something) on deviantART when we were 16/17 (?) and really ill-informed. I ask you to not take that as how I stand currently – as I have learned so much more since, and I have a penis and I was designated male at birth because of it (feel free to purchase a passcode to our nsfw blog to see for yourself). At the time we were developing breast tissue but still had to appear as a ‘boy.’ Don’t bind with Ace bandages, kids, it can damage your rib cage, something we didn’t know at the time.
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[A picture of two prescriptions, estradiol and spironolactone, both prescribed to Adele Sheffield.]
grandtran still gonna think I photoshopped it or what
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Anonymous asked: In other words, you aren't gonna cough up the pics because you know you can't fake that shit because you're actually cis. Cool. BTW why do you keep changing your story about the blog, and if the blog was run by you when you were in denial about being trans because of self hate, why were the pics tagged mtf and you were constantly saying trans people were cool?
Yeah I’m not gonna do something for y’all and get nothing in return except more doubt from you, you see how one sided that kind of request is? Also its technically considered sexual harassment, just because its on the internet, you’re a coward (whats your username btw?), and you think I’m cis and you want me to prove time and time again to you that I’m dmab doesn’t justify sexually soliciting someone when they’re not comfortable in being solicited – for free no less.
At first I genuinely had no memory of that blog, it was only active for all of 2 months and for some reason I moved onto a new email and new tumblr, and I haven’t the foggiest why. As for the whole “me claiming to not be ~mtf~” I don’t have any memories from that time, I can only assume it was a lot of dysphoria fueled self-hatred and wanting to be seen/pass as a cis girl lesbian.
If you’re really gonna solicit nudes from a trans woman (a second time) as they do sex work to try and stay on their feet without offering anything in return just so your transmisogynistic ass can get off to trying to tell me my dick is fake isn’t classy at all. I perish the thought of what you’re parents would think of this behavior from you. But yeah, feel free to send some money to my paypal so I can get the gender markers on my records changed because that’s gonna cost a lot apparently, and I’ll definitely send you the dick pics you want. :)
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[A picture of a a hospital bracelet on Kat's wrist. The patient's name is Adele Sheffield and her sex is labeled as "M".]
Kat Lied About Having Diabetes To Get Money From Tumblr Users
Verdict: False
This doesn't need much commentary from me, just view the screenshots below.
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To the people who keep harping on me buying a $15 video game for my mental health 7 MONTHS ago “with my donation money,” well, here you go, some proof, links and screenshots provided
So for everyone spreading misinformation about me spending $15 on a video game for my mental health, here’s a full list of reasons why there is no way, shape, or form I spent my paypal money on it:
Yes, I spent $15 of my own money after selling one of my possessions, not denying it:
[A screenshot of a Tumblr post by Kat where she shows off a copy of Fall Out: New Vegas, marked with a price of $14.99. The date of the post is marked as July 21, 2014 at 06:28.39 PM.]
Be sure to look at the date, July 21st, 2014 6:28 PM. Now lets look at my first donation post asking for help:
[A screenshot of a Tumblr post by Kat where she asks for donations to be able to afford insulin because she has no insurance. The date of the post is marked as July 20, 2014 at 08:14.00 PM.]
Hmm, one day before the purchase of said game, July 20th 2014 at 8:14 PM. Now, I’ve never heard of a video game store — much less a non-chain video game store accepting payment for video games in the form of virtual Amazon gift cards, have you? Oh, but you’re gonna say, “well you bought the game with your paypal donations anyway!” Well, here’s exhibit C:
[Another screenshot of a separate post made by Kat where she is also asking for donations to be able to afford insulin. The date of the post is marked as July 23, 2014 at 12:27.46 PM.]
Again, looking at the date of this posting which is the original donations post, you can see it was posted on July 23rd, 2014 at 12:27 PM, a full 2 days after I had bought the game. Now, if there’s no way for me to use Amazon gift cards for a real life video game store, then how can I go back in time a minimum of 2 full days to give past me $15 to buy said game, hm? This isn’t even accounting for the fact that I didn’t even have my own bank account associated with it until over a week later, and it surely doesn’t account for the fact that it takes up to 5 days to transfer from paypal to your bank account. All the dates are linked to the original unedited posts so you can see for yourself, and for added measure my first deposit was on August 14th, 2014:
[A screenshot of a deposit made by Kat. The date is marked as 08/14/14.]
Oh but yeah, anti-sjs, truscum, and the like took damniwishidthoughtofabettername’s postthey used to gaslight us with misinformation and you all bought it. Tell me how I could misuse donations that I could not use outside of Amazon and money I didn’t even start receiving until a full two days later, let alone the fact that there’s no way I could have transferred said money and used it two days prior as of the date of the paypal donations post.
I hope some of y’all could reblog this and get the word out, I’m sick and tired of people buying into that misinformation that person did solely to gaslight me as a means to try and disrupt my donations drive.
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[A selfie of Kat holding up a vial of Novolin to the camera.]
Hey anon, I don’t feel comfy giving you my receipts (because doxxing is a thing) but here you go, a selfie with my most recent insulin purchase. 👽
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Anonymous asked: Getting desperate for money again I see. How is your fake diabetes lately. I bet your blood sugar is like 800 this time and you're still able to be alive somehow.
You got me, I’m ~totally faking~
[A selfie of Kat. In the background several items used by diabetics are seen such as insulin syringes, glucose tablets, a blood sugar tester and test strips.]
[A picture that gives us a closer look at the background of the previous selfie.]
[A selfie of Kat holding up two vials, one of Lantus and the other of Humalog.]
Gee, must be one dedicated faker, right? To have hundreds of dollars of insulin equipment and insulin itself. Hmmm… Insulin syringes, glucose tablets, a blood sugar tester and test strips.. oh and insulin, hmmmm….
Oh and because you didn’t learn from last time you don’t die instantly when your blood sugar goes over 600 lol, something anyone who studies endocrinology can tell you, and I would know, being a diabetic, having to be hospitalized numerous times for ketoacidosis where the blood sugar has been too high for too long. Things you clearly do not know and you’re just jumping on the disableist bandwagon. I have an idea of who you are anyway, just doing this for future reference.
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viktors-opinions · 3 years
got reminded how godawful the transmeds and tucutes on this site are
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validgendersonlytm · 4 years
Why you don't need gender dysphoria to be trans!!!
You literally just need some reason to want to be another gender.
Most of the time, that reason is happiness.
I'm not saying being unhappy is a must for being transgender! In fact, you can be the happiest person you know, but maybe your face looking more traditionally feminine would make you happier- so you experiment with make-up. Maybe you put on a little lip gloss and absolutely adore the way it plumps up your lips. So you have the bright idea to put glitter in your beard next. Okay. It might look great, but this will be a pain to clean up. You call your mom, asking for advice about getting glitter out of hair. "Did your girlfriend do it?" Uh... Yeah, sure mom, lets go with that. You'll come out to her about finding out you're nonbinary later. And also tell her you actually have a boyfriend later. For now, can you please just tell me what shampoo works best for this?
Or maybe you're comfortable with your boobs- maybe you even like them, but one day you notice your trans friend looks so happy in his new binder- so you decide to get one in your size. It arrives and you put it on, look in the mirror at your chest, and burst into tears at how happy you are at seeing your chest flat. But, still, you do love wearing push up bras too, you love flaunting your tits and you're not ashamed to admit you have, and love them. So you keep your tits- and theres nothing wrong with that, even if you call yourself a trans man.
Maybe you were always an angry amab child. Your parents thought you were a nuisance, and you always bullied your little brother for being "too girly". Fast forward to adulthood. Your friends drag you out to the mall and take you to the women's section. You've always hated this section because they only sold frilly girly things, and you're not a girl!! They push you into the dressing room with a beautiful red, slim fitting dress. Well, you might as well humor them. After you struggle into it, ( how do girls do this all the time???), you glance in the mirror, and find yourself dumbstruck. This feels natural, looking at your broad shoulders stretching a dress, your narrow hips somehow filling the curves in a surprisingly flattering way. You come out of the dressing room, see your friends' faces of awe, and burst into tears. You may be amab, and you may not want any surgeries or hormones, but by god you are a woman. The second you realize that, all the anger leaves your body, and you smile at your friends, who are surrounding you, awkwardly trying to comfort you. Your tell them your new found revelation, and are immediately brought into a group hug. They're happy that you're over your toxic masculinity.
Idk, man. I just think persuing being the happiest you can be should be more important than forcing yourself to hate your body when, really, you don't. You'd just be happier as another gender...
Maybe I don't make sense.
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yumeceo · 5 years
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