chubbyheadquarters · 2 years
It’s so hard to find LMK (Lego Monkey Kid) characters x chubby Reader sadly (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)so I’m glad i finally find one!
Anyway sorry for blabbering
Can you please do lmk Characters (Mei,Mk, and Redson) with a famous YouTuber/Streamer partner? Like they stream random games Horror,Story,etc. or like just Tell funny Storys? If not that’s completely fine! Hope you See this!
Have a nice day/afternoon/night! Take care of yourself!
Of course! Hope you have a great day/night yourself!
Genre: Romantic
Pronouns: Gender-Neutral
TW/CW: None
Character(s): Mei, MK and Red Son
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Y'ALL DEFINITELY DO STREAMS TOGETHER! It's so cute omg. Y'all will game together, do outside vlogs, sometimes even do little food and drink reviews, or sometimes it'll be a chill stream with the two of you talking and laughing with your fans, who by the way, are basically combined. All your fans know Mei, and her fans know about you. Usually, you'll see comments about how cute y'all are together.
She tries to make it to wherever you're streaming to join you, but if she can't, maybe because of a mission or life stuff, then she'll watch, sending messages every five seconds about how much she loves you and how awesome you are. It's really cute.
Unfortunately, some people are gonna be douchebags and make comments about your appearance, but don't worry, having Mei as your partner definitely decreases them. Her fans are also really nice and try to overdue the negativity with positivity. It's definitely brought tears to your eyes a few times.
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He watches every single one of your streams and always comments his thoughts, like "my girlfriend's so cool!" "She beat the game! Look at how skilled she is!" Stuff that one usually thinks in their head, but his fingers glide over the keyboard and he's typing before he knows it.
Sometimes he'll pop up in your vlogs/streams, and people will ask about him. You always introduce him as your "wonderful and supportive boyfriend" makes him happy. He also gets blushy when he sees the comments talking about how much you speak about him. In turn, he talks about how amazing you are.
Seeing you in all your grace and beauty entrances him every time. If he sees negative comments, he's typing a whole essay about why you're the most beautiful person in the world. The pureness from his comments make people ship y'all even more.
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He doesn't really get it, but if it makes you happy, then he's fine with it. He offers to help fix your equipment should it ever break/dtart acting up, which you're always thankful for. When he's working on anything, he'll have your stream on in the background, enjoying the sound of your voice.
Sometimes he'll join you, which gets comments about. He gets all nervous and blush when people comment on how cute y'all are. They like his fiery attitude and always ask for him to join you. One time, you got him to play a horror game, and he absolutely refuses to play after that. Although, he will play strategy based games with you.
If he sees one negative comment, he's going off. He's trashing them, throwing insults at them while complimenting you at the same time. It's basically game over for them. No one disrespects his beautiful and wonderful future fiancee! >:(
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siixkiing · 2 years
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Because, I am a forgetful idiot who just remembered I have more art to share for Lego Monkie Kid. Cause you know...Monkeys have taken over.
Anyway, if you’re part of a certain LMK server these will be very familiar to you already. My only excuse? It was just fun to draw some very blushy Sun Wukong and Macaque, Wukong’s might be my favorite honestly.
From here and here
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godlessandwrecked · 2 years
good bad luck | p. parker
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the black cat — a master burglar who has come swinging into peter’s life like a fist, to snap him out of it with witty comments and breath-taking punches. even when he thinks he hates her, he absolutely adores her, and unfortunately for him, he’s failed to realize he’s falling until he’s inches off the ground…
PAIRING: peter parker (mcu) x blackcat! fem reader
CONTENTS: post nwh, peter’s pov, pining and blushy messy peter, some suggestive stuff but mostly sfw, a lot of cute banter and a heist? also, i mention the cat has white hair like once, but she’s completely self-insertable, just like the rest of my fics!
A/N: tried to be as loyal to the black cat as I could because I adore her in the comics, but I totally made her my own here for the sake of having a version that would make sense with a younger Peter :)  first time writing for Tom’s Peter and I’m: scared. ok enjoy <3
Peter’s number one, most hated, vilest enemy he’s fighting nowadays is… biochemistry. And he’s losing, by a lot. Not because he doesn't possess the capabilities to defeat said enemy, but because New York City doesn’t give him a damn rest, and he’s exhausted.
In the few months he’s been in college, to no one’s surprise, he’s already managed to be late on a pile of assignments. He doesn’t have the time to work on them, and even when he does and sits down to get on with it, it’s like his brain won’t stop running. 
It should be easy for him—he’s good at it and he’s passionate about it, after all—but he can’t focus on the task at hand. His brain keeps shifting back to the city, to the rooftops, to the people who need his help, to her, and suddenly his cheeks start heating up and he’s back to thinking of how good it would feel to swing around the city, with the sun behind him and the wind whizzing by, clearing his mind of everything.
Peter huffs, clicking the delete key on his run-down laptop until the two lines he’s managed to write in the last half an hour disappear from the document, leaving it blank once more. His suit stares back at him from the other side of the room, laying on a chair, the goggles on his mask ogling at him, as if begging him to please put it on and take it out for a stroll.
For a few seconds he thinks he’s actually going to give in, but then he shakes his head, reprimanding himself and murmuring a No. No, Peter. No. He can’t keep avoiding his responsibilities, he needs to get the assignment done. College is far too expensive for him to throw it all away just to swing around like a monkey. He’ll have plenty of time to do that later.
He accommodates back on his chair, cracks his knuckles, and is about to begin typing away when–
Tap tap tap. 
His head shoots to his right, facing the window where the sound has come from, to be met with nothing but that—the window. Chastising himself for getting distracted once more, he returns to his work, thinking it must have been the wind, or a knocking next-door.
But as soon as he looks away, there it is again, tap tap tap on the glass. 
He turns on his chair once more, expecting nothing again, but gives a little jump at what he sees, surprisingly startled. 
A head hangs upside down from the top of his window, wide eyes staring at him through even bigger spectacles, hair the color of snow flowing in the breeze.
He furrows, “Again?”
She waves happily, still upside down, and points at the lock on the window, asking him to let her in. She could bust it open easily—she is the best cat burglar ever, after all—but she doesn’t want to get him in trouble with his landlord. Not again.
“What are you doing?” he asks, slightly annoyed as she jumps over the windowsill and into his one-room apartment. 
“Aren’t you happy to see me?” she asks with that playfulness that comes naturally to her, even in the worst of situations.
“I told you not to come around here, Cat. Someone could see you.”
“So what? No one’s gonna think you,” a sharp fingernail pokes at his chest, “Of all people, are Spider-Man.”
“Wow, thank you. A lot. That’s really kind.”
“I’m joking, Spider. Who’s gonna see me hanging out of your window on a 4th story, anyway?”
“My neighbors? I don’t know. Don’t do it again.”
“Relax, Spider-Boy. I won’t,” she rolls her eyes, and he knows reprimanding her is of no use. She’ll do it again whenever she pleases.
Peter’s eyes follow her as she moves around his apartment comfortably, opening up cabinets in search of food, running her fingers over the notes on biophysical chemistry on his kitchen counter, straightening up items here and there. He watches with narrow eyes as she finds a pack of cookies and pops one into her mouth, sitting down on his bed. 
How has this become his life? Two months ago they were kicking each other’s asses out in the cold, and now she’s laying on his pillow. He’s not sure if he likes it or it unnerves him, how naturally it comes to her to invade his personal space.
“What are you up to? Wanna go out for a stroll?” she asks, still chewing. 
“No. I’m doing school work.”
They sit in silence while he waits for her to get the hint and leave, but she doesn’t, just stares at him. So he stares back, blinking awkwardly, arms crossed, and then cocks his head toward the window.
“Oh, you want me to leave?” she realizes.
“Well, yeah, I have things to do.”
“I’ll be really quiet,” she shakes her head, a grin on her face. “You won’t even notice I’m here.”
He’s probably going to regret this, but how can he tell her no? She’s not going to leave either way, and the more he presses, the more she’ll do the exact opposite. He knows her well by now. 
For a few minutes, as he stares at the blinking cursor on his screen, he actually believes he’s going to get some work done, but he can hear the tapping of her fingers on the leather of her suit, the steady up and down of her breathing, and if he concentrates hard enough, even the fluttering of her lashes. It’s driving him nuts.
His brain is foggy, and he’s itching for that freedom only the free-falling can provide him with. And he’s thinking of last week, when they played tag over Queens, swinging and chasing each other around narrow alleys and crowded streets. It’s just what he needs, exactly what the doctor ordered. 
Peter gets up from his chair abruptly, closing his laptop and already reaching for his suit, “Okay, let’s go.”
And they’re stumbling back onto a rooftop, giggling and out of breath. This in particular is the one they favor, one that overlooks Central Park, and a little further away, the Empire State, peeking its pointy head over the less impressive skyscrapers. 
They sit at the edge, legs dangling off the ledge, watching as the sun sets and hides behind the buildings in the distance, recalling the amazing stunt she’d pulled by swinging off his web and landing flawlessly on her feet.
It’s funny how things work. She found out about his identity completely by accident two months ago, catching him half naked in an alley, all bloody, with his suit torn and no mask on. “I knew you were cute, Spider,” was all she said as she offered him a hand to help him back home, and ever since then, they’d grown closer. 
Now that she’s on his side–at least, most of the time–he finds himself enjoying his patrolling nights. Their nights together. Sometimes he even catches himself looking forward to the sun setting, running back home from class, dying to get into his suit just to do this. And he likes doing it with her. He’d spent so much time alone, he’d forgotten how good it felt to just be around somebody, no matter how bothersome they are.
It really does mess with his head, because technically, he’s not supposed to like her. She’s been trouble from the start, and she’s made things more complicated for him countless times, but he has so much fun with her. And sure, if he doesn’t think about the morality of her profession, she’s the best partner he could ask for. 
“These are really good,” he points out, scrolling through the pictures she’d taken of him mid-air on his second-hand camera.
He’s been selling pictures of Spider-Man to The Bugle for a couple months now. It’s a job he’d rather not do—after all, they do literally hate his guts over there—but it’s one he has to do if he wants to keep a roof over his head. At least, now he doesn’t have to tape his camera to a wall to take his pictures. She does the job for him.
“I have many talents.”
“Yeah, I can tell,” he says absentmindedly. 
Her brow shoots up, “Can you, now?”
His slow brain doesn’t realize she’s messing with him until a few seconds later, when he sees through the teasing smirk on her face and her comment downs on him. “I mean, thank you.”
“You’re so easy,” she laughs in a bright smile that reminds Peter a little too much of pure sunshine, pointing out his reddening cheeks. “Anyway, wanna make out?”
“Wh- what?” he chokes out. Did he hear correctly?
“I said: do you wanna get takeout?”
“I don’t think that’s what you said.” 
“I’m pretty sure it is.”
He’s sure his face is bright red at this point. Now he’s really wishing he hadn’t taken his mask off. She’s messing with him again, and he’s fallen for it, again. How embarrassing. “Why are you like this?” 
“Like what?”
“Do you have a thing for me blushing or…?”
“You are just so damn cute, Spider,” she bumps his shoulder, leaning into him slightly. 
She blinks slowly, her lashes fluttering softly, and Peter starts shaking. 
Maybe not literally, but on the inside, it feels like every cell on his body is vibrating, shaking away, like turbulence on an airplane, and he feels like he’s about to crash. It’s too late to worry about a bad landing, because he’s already trying to shove his wildly beating heart back into his ribcage before it spills out through his mouth.
Fortunately for him, just as he feels himself shifting forward the slightest bit, before he dares do something stupid, she stands up in a gush of energy and leaps onto the ledge of the roof.
She walks along the dangerously narrow path, putting one foot in front of the other with cat-like grace, her arms spread out. He knows her balance is quite literally perfect, knows she would never fall, and if she did, she would land on her feet, and yet, he can’t help it, it comes out of his mouth, easy as breathing, “Be careful.”
She turns around to face him, a smile on her face that is as sweet as is dangerous; a double edged sword. “Would you catch me? If I fell?”
And he means it, of course he does. She’s the closest thing he’s had to a friend the past few months, the only person who has been around, getting to know Spider-Man, and now Peter Parker alike. 
After losing everything he’d ever had, he felt lost, angry and lonely. And that’s when she came around, swinging into his life like a fist, to slap him back into the world of the living and fill him with something other than grief. 
Those first few months, when he chased her around the city, hoping to catch her with her hands on the smoking gun, he felt alive again. And then everything changed between them, and she went from foe to friend. 
Now he can’t think about patrolling without thinking of her. He can’t picture the night without an image of her popping into his head, with her bratty attitude and wolfish grin, about to make a comment that will turn his ears pink. But he enjoys it, how she fills up the silence, how warm he feels next to her. Sometimes that warmth is anger and annoyance, sometimes it’s other things. Things he doesn’t dare admit, at least not yet.
She doesn’t say anything at his answer, even though he’s well aware that it sounds more like a confession than an offhand comment. If it has affected her in any way that isn’t prideful, she doesn’t let it show,  just smiles triumphantly. 
She’s got him wrapped around her finger, and she knows it. And maybe he’s in deeper than he thought he was. Maybe.
A week of absolutely no distractions and assignment after assignment has given Peter a lot of time to think about various things. He’s come to a few realizations:
He should probably not take off his mask when he’s around the Cat, just so he won’t give her the satisfaction of seeing him blush anymore.
College really is just not worth it.
He can’t live off of cheese strings and coffee.
College is not worth it again.
There’s a criminal organization in New York he needs to take down sooner than later.
Maybe he should’ve gone grocery shopping first, but he’s already barging into their shared rooftop, letting go of the web that swung him there to walk up to the Cat, already waiting for him and picking at her long nails. 
“We’re gonna steal something!” 
“Hello to you, too. Did you say “We”?” she grins, instantly intrigued. “That’s very immoral of you, Spidey.”
Normally, yes, he would find it immoral, but this is an exception. He’s been thinking about it for over a month now, and every time he runs it over in his head, it becomes more and more clear that he needs her expert hand if he wants it to be successful. 
“It’s for the greater good.”
“Okay. What are we stealing?
“Just some records. Numbers. Proof.”
“Records,” her brow shoots up. “From whom?”
Peter kisses his cheek, dreading this moment, and whispers the answer through his teeth, almost inaudibly as he scratches at the nape of his neck. She gets a little closer to him, her inquisitive look piercing right through him, “Huh? You’re gonna have to speak a little louder. I don’t have your abilities, Spidey.”
“The Maggia.”
Her eyes widen. “The Maggia? Yeah, no, thank you,” she turns away from him and starts to walk in the opposite direction. “Already did that once and it was…not good.”
Maybe he doesn’t need need her help, but she is really good at what she does, and besides, he wants her by his side. Of course, he’s not about to tell her that, no need to feed her ego. 
“Please,” he pouts under the mask, holding her back by her wrist so she doesn’t walk away from him. Begging doesn’t work with her, not at all, but he can try. “I can’t do it without you.”
Her stance softens at that, so she sighs, annoyed, “You know I’m all about being reckless, but not without a good reason. So what’s in it for me?”
“The satisfaction of knowing you’re going to help a lot of people by overthrowing organized crime?”
“Ugh,” her nose scrunches up in disgust. 
“Why do you always need to get something out of it? We have a deal, don’t we? You help me sometimes, and I overlook your ‘visits’ to the Guggenheim,” he says, making air-quotes.
“Why do you care about that, anyway? I’m like Robin Hood.”
“You’re the British Museum at best.” She gasps, looking extremely offended for a few seconds, her hand over her heart, so he clarifies, “You don’t take from the rich to give to the poor.”
“Yes, I do. The rich being,” she makes a vague gesture with her hand, as if batting away some fly. “And the poor being me, of course.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s not how it works.”
“Whatever you say.”
“It doesn’t matter,” he shakes his head, catching her before she tries to divert the conversation. “Are you gonna help me or not?”
Her eyes roll, “Well, if I must…”
Barely a few hours later, once the sun has set, the crescent moon providing them with enough coverage in the shadows, they’re already on the go, towards the outskirts of the city.  
It only takes them a few minutes to get to their destination, and once they do, they wait, watching the entrance of the property from their hiding place in the heights, observing in silence and coming up with their plan of action. 
“Rooftop, you think? The skylight?” asks Peter.
“Yeah, that’ll be the quickest and safest way. You web me down, I’ll get whatever I can find. Nobody will even notice we were here. Easy as that.”
“Are you sure? I should go in with you.”
“No. They probably have security systems you won’t be able to recognize or avoid. I’ll go in. You keep watch.”
“I really think I should go in with you. What if–”
“Spider,” she interrupts him, getting closer to him until they’re face to face, inches away. “Let me do my thing. You don’t need to worry about it.”
Peter is not particularly fond of this plan, but she’s the expert at this sort of thing, so he follows after her, silently swinging past the guards patrolling the perimeter and landing on the rooftop unnoticed. Once they reach the skylight at the center of it, she pulls a pin out of her suit and starts fumbling with the lock with expert hands. 
Nearly two seconds later, it pops open, “Ta-da!” 
“Wow. You are really good at that.”
“The best,” she announces happily. “Alright, pull me down.”
They manage to create some sort of make-shift harness out of his webs, wrapping them around her waist tightly so he’ll be able to hold her easily and bring her in and out of the facility with no problem. Once they’re done, she jumps down into the building with no hesitation, and he steadies himself, bending his knees and planting his feet firmly on the floor to hold her up. 
And damn her, because even now, as he slowly lowers her down the skylight, she looks beautiful, with the moon shining down on her, her body contorting on the web to keep herself steady, her doe eyes looking up at him, instructing him to go a little slower now, more to the right then.
The Cat has many good qualities and abilities, but Peter found out very quickly that the weapon she wields the best is her beauty—a perfectly angled knife that slashes through him, punctures his lungs and leaves him gasping for air. It’s the one thing he hasn’t learnt how to dodge yet.
“Spider?” she asks suddenly. “Why’d you stop?”
“Sorry,” he clears his throat and resumes his job in aiding her to rappel down. “Got distracted.”
“Why? Do you like what you see? Is that what it is?” she purrs, obviously trying to make him tick. He’s not falling for it this time.
“Sure. Indiana Jones could never,” he jokes, and unfortunately it’s true. He might have the style, but he doesn’t have the elegance nor the effortlessness of the Black Cat.  “What do you see?”
“Give me a second. It’s too dark.”
“You can’t be too far off the ground, can you?” It’s just a warehouse. “Can you?” he asks again, but there’s no answer, so he tries once more, “Cat?” 
No answer still. Was this part of the plan? Wasn’t he supposed to get confirmation that she’d made it in? Sure, they didn’t talk about that, but isn’t it a normal thing to check on? Now he can’t recall what they’d discussed and his palms are starting to get sweatier and sweatier by the minute. 
She told him to wait and keep watch, but he can’t just sit back. He has no business getting so worried, so quickly, but he’s not the most patient person, and he doesn’t like a single one of the hundred different scenarios that are rushing through his mind right now. 
So he jumps into the building, with no thought in him but his partner getting hurt or taken or worse. And two seconds later as he lands on a dark hallway, just like she said he would, he triggers some sort of alarm, and the whole building goes on full blast, blaring a high pitched noise, bright red flashing lights and all. 
“Shit,” he murmurs under his breath. 
Peter doesn’t know what to do except run, instead of back through the skylight, right down the hallway, in search of The Cat. Just when he rounds out the corner, running frantically like a maniac, he slams hard against something, sending him almost straight to the floor.
“Oh, thank God, you’re okay,” he places his arms on her shoulders to ground himself, relieved once he sees her, safe and sound. 
“What did you do?” she asks, annoyed, over the deafening sound of the alarm.
“You weren’t answering! So I came in.” 
“Yeah, no shit.” Red light illuminates her face, matching her annoyance. “I was doing my job. You clearly didn’t do yours very well.”
“Uh, excuse me, lady, for worrying about you.”
“Get us out of here, Spider. Out, out,” she taps his shoulders.
They run back down the hallway, to make their way out of the skylight once more, and he’s wrapping his arm around her waist to swing them both out and away when-
A bullet whizzes past them, making them jump. 
“Holy fu-”
“You!” Two burly men in suits are sprinting down the corridor towards them, guns pointed, fingers on the trigger and ready to shoot again. 
Peter tugs at her hand to get her out of there, but she steps in front of him instead, on the line of fire.
“Watch out! Faulty construction!” she yells out in a mocking tone, and somehow, the whole ceiling panel ahead of them breaks away and tumbles down onto the men, knocking them down and burying them under plaster. “Oops!”
Peter’s eyes widen, weirdly impressed. Those bad luck powers truly are something. 
And as soon as he’s about to praise her and her little stunt, a whole group of mobsters round the corner, marching at them with all kinds of weapons ready to fire. They’re way too many to fight on their own, so like real heros do in times of trouble, they make a run for it.
“Hold on tight!” His arm wraps around her waist as her legs wrap around his, and Peter leaps out of the skylight, carrying them both out into the night.
A bullet whizzes by way too close to them, cutting through the air and making his hair stand on end as he shoots out a web to propel them towards the edge of the building. He jumps off the railing, the arm around her tightening its grip, and for a couple of seconds where time stands completely still, they’re free falling, and falling, and falling, until Peter shoots out another web, preventing them from slamming onto the pavement.
He swings them back to his apartment, his mood souring further the closer they get, guilt starting to creep in as the adrenaline washes away. Perching her gently on the window ledge, he allows her to crack it open and let them in easily, too defeated to even try to argue about it.
He rips his mask off as soon as he steps in, throwing it across the room carelessly. “Damn it,” he barks frustratedly, kicking the floor. “I messed it up, didn’t I? I almost got us killed.”
“You did,” she nods her head, adjusting the fur on her collar. “But it was fun. A little run in with the mob is always good. Could’ve gone worse.”
“Fun? They were firing multiple guns at us. That wasn’t fun, that was insane!”
“That was all my fault! I almost- How could I be so stupid?”
“I can assure you, you can get stupider. it wasn’t that big of a deal,” she tries to cut in again, but Peter keeps on frantically pacing, his breathing getting agitated, his face blotchy.
“I didn’t listen. I should’ve listened to you.”
“Don’t worry about that.”
“Oh my god! I put you in danger! I fucked up and I put you in danger and it was all for nothing-”
Now, that shuts him right up. 
“I swear to God, you better shut up right now.”
But he’s so caught off guard that he wouldn’t be able to speak even if he tried. 
She has never called him that. Never by his name. Always Spider, sometimes Spidey, other times any weird name that crosses her mind. Never Peter. And he doesn’t understand why he’s so shocked by it, but he guesses it’s because it’s been a while since he’s heard his name coming out of the mouth of a friend.
And the realization is soul-crushing. 
He’s too preoccupied with that to process anything else she’s saying or to notice how she’s ruffling through her pockets in search of something. 
“Hey!” she snaps her fingers to get his attention. “Who said it was for nothing, huh?” she purrs, a smirk on her face, and in her hand, between her index and thumb, a shiny, silver pendrive, glinting in the dim light, like the final quest reward in some videogame.
He takes it from her and studies it in his hand, fascinated with the little token and even more fascinated by her and her abilities and how she somehow keeps surprising him again and again. “Cat, I could kiss you right now.”
“All in its right time,” she laughs, sitting beside him on the end of his bed, her hand on his shoulder. “I told you I had your back if you had mine, didn’t I? When I found out,” she points at his face. “I meant it. Don’t beat yourself up. We did this together. I know you don’t like me most of the time, but-”
“Don’t say that. I do. Like you. All of the time.”
How could he not? Even back when he thought he hated her, he adored her. Cherished every second they spent together, throwing punches and kicking each other in the shins, throwing witty and snarky comments back and forth like daggers. 
Bold and brass, she’d shaken him awake from a deep slumber. Not gently like the warmth of the early morning sun on your closed eyelids would, heating up your chilling bones; but more like the punching shock and the grimace that follows after sucking on a lemon. Or getting kicked in the mouth, those terrible seconds when you notice that rusty taste on your tongue and you check in fear if you’ve still got all of your teeth. 
That's how she makes him feel, which is not a pretty picture, but somehow explains it perfectly. 
“That’s very sweet of you, lover,” she says with a fond smile. “I like you too, even when you’re scolding me for being a master at my craft and looking good while doing it.”
“Ha-ha,” he fake-laughs despondently. His hand finds hers on her knee, and he interlocks their fingers, squeezing reassuringly. “Is that really what you think? That I don’t like you?”
“Not really. I’ve seen your cheeks turn bright red enough times to know it’s not exactly anger. But…”
“What is it?”
“I dunno. I feel like there is a side of me you can’t get behind, and that really bothers me,” she says honestly, in a tone he’s not used to hearing from her. “This is not a game to me. You know that, right? I know I say I’m having fun all the time, but really, I do have my reasons for doing this. I’d much rather be in college, like you are.”
The breaking and entering, the robberies, the fights, the getting acquainted with the wrong people. Of course he knows there’s a reason behind all of it. She’s young and on her own. He doesn’t know what brought her to this point, but he understood from the beginning that she’s just looking out for herself. 
“I’m sorry,” he says. “If I ever made you feel bad about that. I know you’re just doing what you need to do. We all are.” They just have different ways to it. But he can’t judge her for that.
“It’s okay,” and her smile is back. Sunny and undefeated. “You couldn’t bring me down if you tried. I’ll beat your ass.”
“Oh, I’m sure,” he laughs with her, and it flows easy and free, his chest feeling lighter, his hand still on hers.
But then the laughter dies down, and the silence settles in, and they stare at each other with nothing to say for once. They’re sitting way too close together. The faint fragrance of her perfume–something sweet and floral he hasn't had the chance to indulge in until now–fills up his nostrils, making his head spin. 
Tentatively, he reaches up, his gloved hand meeting the side of her face, and he expects her to pull away, make some comment about him keeping his hands to himself. But surprisingly, she gets even closer, nuzzles into his touch, and he’s suddenly wishing he wasn’t wearing his suit, just to feel her warm cheek under his fingers.
“Can I?” he simply whispers.
Their eyes meet, and she nods coyly, giving him the green light to move forward. His fingers clasp around her goggles, perfectly fitted to her face, and he pulls them off, slowly. 
She once said she wore them only for theatrics, not to actually hide who she was, because she was too pretty for that, and besides, no one would ever catch her. Peter wasn't too sure about that, but he agreed on the former. 
He’s never seen her without them, and even if they don’t do much in covering her face, it feels weirdly intimate. Like some sort of metaphorical mask; a veil that’s being lifted to reveal truths, ones that he suspects have been ready to be uttered for a while now. 
And it’s like he’s seeing her for the first time all over again. 
He remembers the shock, the awe, the intrigue. It still feels fresh in his mind, imprinted there, the way it does when someone makes one hell of a first impression. He recalls every single move she’d made during that first fight, every punch she’d thrown, every kick he’d received. 
And yet, all of it dissolves into nothing but feelings and sensations, faint memories, because the girl in front of him–the girl he’s seeing–is not The Black Cat, infamous master burglar. He’s seeing her, just the girl, more akin to him than he’ll ever know.
The girl, who fills his nights with giggles and joy, amidst the blood and the bruises and the darkness. 
Sure, she enjoys teasing him, toying with him, pressing all the wrong and right buttons. Her presence is intoxicating in all senses of the word. Most of the time, he finds her extremely annoying, especially when she goes a little rogue, but he wouldn’t trade her company for anything. She fills up all the empty spaces in his life left by the people who are gone, and the ones that no longer know him. But she does–know him. He’s gotten the chance to start over, with her, a blank slate.
He’s afraid he’s given her too much of an in into his life, and having someone know about his identity again is terrifying, it strangely feels like he’s doing it all over again. He just hopes history doesn’t repeat itself, and although he’s learned to not take anything for certain, the one thing he knows is that he wants her here, by his side. He wants her.
He can pinpoint that feeling now, clear as day. It’s that very last second playing roulette, when you see it’s about to land on red after you’ve bet all of your money on it. 
He might have just gotten lucky.
Before he knows it, he’s leaning in, and after a beat of a heart, his lips are on hers.
She doesn’t pull away, just leans into it, letting him take the reins of the kiss, his hand cupping her cheek, her hand wrapping around his wrist. She presses on a little closer, her other hand falling onto his thigh that’s brushing against hers on the bed, tainting the kiss with a fervor unfamiliar to him. He welcomes it gladly, allowing her to climb onto his lap, his hands coming to rest on her waist, pressing her body against his as she lays him on his bed. 
Her kiss is tender, and strangely sweet considering she’s sitting on top of him, but not gentle–more so, demanding. He’s tempted to move his hands on her waist a little lower, explore every inch of that damned leather suit, but he doesn’t dare move them, just keeps kissing her. It’s only when her hands start snaking down his body and her lips move down his jaw and neck to plant open-mouthed kisses there that he snaps out of it
“Wait, wait,” he pulls away, holding her face in his hands. He can’t believe he’s saying no to a girl already in his bed–even if it’s the stuff of his wildest fantasies and a younger version of him would smack him on the back of his neck–but he wants to do this the right way. He owes her that. “I really like you.”
“I can tell,” she assures him with half a smirk, her eyes drifting down between their bodies. 
But he doesn’t blush this time, not even under her scorching gaze. “And I really, really want to keep kissing you.”
“But I really, really care about you, so let’s not jinx it?”
“You really just don’t like fun, huh?” she sighs.
He laughs, sitting up to rest his forehead against hers, his nose gently grazing hers, his hands flat on her back. “I wanna be with you, Cat,” he whispers.
She just studies him silently, pondering his words, her mind surely working through a hundred different scenarios and outcomes. “You’re too good for me, Peter.”
By the way she’s looking at him, he can almost hear her next words in the silence. I’m not a hero. I’m not some broken toy you can fix. I’m a thief, proudly so. And I’ll always be one. You can’t change that.
And that’s the thing: he doesn't want her to change. He’ll take the good with the bad, the shiny and the rusted. He likes her as she is. Even if she does not understand boundaries, even if she’ll go to the ends of the world just to see him blush at one of her dirty comments. 
Most of the time, she represents everything he’s trying to fight, but it’s like every single time he thinks he can’t see past it, she surprises him with some small, little confession in the midst of some casual conversation that hits too close to home. He can’t help but feel like there is more to her. There is something hidden under the leather and the pout and the pretty face and the witty, flirty comebacks, and he’s more than willing to uncover it all, if she’ll let him.
“What if it doesn’t work?” she asks, their bodies still tangled together on his bed. “What if it ends up horribly and I’m just someone else you have to lose?”
Peter places the softest of kisses on her forehead.
She looks so sad, and he gets it; he really does after losing everybody. This lifestyle is not easy, and it’s hard to let people in. Fear eats away at you slowly, until you’re left with nothing, all jagged and sharp edges, with a “Danger. Do not touch.” sign printed on your chest. 
But it’s been a year already, a very long year, and he’s already gotten a taste of what a second chance might look like. If he thinks back on everyone who has ever loved him, he knows he can’t let her go. He wants to try his luck.
After all, she came in right when he needed her the most, and if that’s not good luck, he doesn't know what is. It’s a lonely life, the one they’ve chosen, but it’s theirs, and they have each other now. She’s got his back, and he’s got hers.
“I’ll always be there to catch you, remember?”
Both her hands come up to his face, and a second later, she’s kissing him again, with the same passion from that first kiss, but still gently, confirming everything Peter needed to know. That she might be the one–the one who sticks around, who understands him.
She pulls away, with a smile threatening to break free on her face, and whispers against his lips, “You’ll have to let me go about my business, though. You know that.”
His whole face lights up wtih a silly, shit-eating grin. “Don’t I already do that?”
“Alright,” she hums in agreement, tilting her head like a kitten with glossy eyes. “Can we keep kissing now, or…?”
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ok can i request macaque x s/o and their like mk's sister headcannons please
hi um...keyboard smash, I had fun writing this and sorry it took a while to get out but I hope you enjoy!
macaque x s/o and their like mk's sister headcannons please
Six Eared Macaque
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You know the forbidden love trope like Romeo and Juliet or Rewrite the Stars from Greatest Showman, that’s how he’s going to act even though both you and him aren’t technically enemies (He’s dramatic like that just humor him)
There’s going to be a lot of joking around and teasing, especially about how he shouldn’t be courting you since your brother’s the oh so heroic monkey kid. “To think, the sister of The monkie kid is friends with- no- courting his mentors enemy. Hm.”
Now getting Macaque to actually trust you is going to take a bit given his past but having patience and reassuring him that you indeed love him, spending quality time with him rather than anything else. Once that’s done and he trusts you enough to let his glamour down (after much begging from you) he’s going to wish he hadn’t.
When you both met you’d always wondered what his fur felt like and you knew it was soft but actually feeling it…..Damn…It was like cuddling a cloud and you had to be pried off him, not to mention how blushy your lover was when you couldn’t stop fawning over his six ears.
The reaction you got when you got him noise canceling headphones was one of awe and shockingly a few tears, murmuring how quiet the world was, no yelling, no flinching or deafening sounds (he always keeps them on his person and cannot love you more than he already does)
Absolutely is going to be protective and slightly possessive whenever Sun Wukong shows up since there’s still some underlying tension but still makes a point to show off how lucky he is to be with you and how it’s curious that his successor’s sister is his lover.
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ssatoritendou · 3 years
Another lifetime
Pairing: teen gojo/reader
Satoru Gojo
Word count: 2.2k
+ summary: Gojo needs to get laid. So he takes his friends out to land himself a cute girl. Only to be met with his match
Genre: humor, fluff
Warning: vulgar
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“You want to go out?” Gojo asked his friend who was laying on the couch reading a book.
“Are you shitting me? The last time we went out, not only did we get in trouble with the school we had to fight a cursed spirit.”
“I know. And I almost got laid too.”
Geto dropped his book and stared in disbelief at his best friend. “Is that all you can think about? Getting your dick wet? I'm still going either way.”
“Not all the time. I think about my hair from time to time. And how to annoy Utahime.” He smirked at him.
“You are unbelievable.”
“That’s what they all say.”
“Let me go get Shoko. Make this a real party.”
“Where are we going?” Shoko asked lighting a cigarette while walking with her classmates.
“No clue.” Gojo laughed.
Geto sighed. “There is an arcade over there.” Geto pointed across the street.
Gojo watched as a group of girls around their age enter the establishment.
“Good call.” Gojo laughed.
You don’t know how you were dragged into this but you were. Your friends had dragged you to their flirting quad-date, you being the fourth for one of the guy's friends.
“___ smile they are getting us food.” Akiko jabbed you.
“Why should I smile like a monkey for an idiot I don’t even like? I’m getting nothing out of this experience. I’m being extorted for the three of you.” You complained.
“You promised!” Higuchi pulled on your sleeve.
“Yah stop complaining they are all good-looking. And they are the top players on the baseball team.” Koyo told you sternly.
You just growled looking around the arcade place. ‘How could people still enjoy this shit it’s so cheesy.’ You thought internally.
Your eyes stopped on the prize table and stopped on a large white squishy cat. The cost was 150 tickets.
You wanted that squishy cat plush that easily cost you more than your weekly allowance.
If you had to act dumb for that stupid plush you would.
The boys had come back with food all smiles. Sakaguchi the glasses-wearing boy was the boy you were going to have to woo to get plushie.
You sat across from him. You had never really talked to him before. As soon as he handed you your soda and a hot bun.
You smiled brightly at him. “Thank you, Sakaguchi. How did you know this was my favorite flavor?”
He smiled and responded, “Don’t all girls like strawberry.”
You giggled letting your hand fall on his arm lightly rubbing it.
“How come I never see you at our games like the other girls?”
Oh lord, here you go, turn on the charm, and poor you act.
“I have very strict parents. I can’t be out too late unless it's for academic reasons. I don’t even get an allowance for pretty or cute things.”
“What about today?”
“I might have lied a little bit about where I was.”
“You lied for me?”
You faked getting blushy and nodded your head when taking a small bite of your hot bun. “Is there anything you would do for me?” You asked shyly.
“Hmm, I don’t know what do you have in mind?”
“Well we are in an arcade maybe you will get a kiss if you win me a prize.”
“I like the sound of that. Let’s go to the prize table and pick one out. I’ll definitely win one for you.”
Now Gojo had a type, oh he did definitely had a type.
Ditzy, shy, whiny, small, nice ass and- well you get the picture.
As soon as he walked into the arcade after the schoolgirls only to see them sitting down with egotistical guys that if you stroked them in two different ways that would keep them satisfied enough but only for a while.
He outranked them in every way possible. And once he spotted the girl he wanted and overheard the conversation. He could defiantly get her before he could make it to 1st base with her.
He followed discreetly listening to what the girl picked out for her prize and beat the simple boy with his ability before they could even get to the cat plush.
“Hey, Geto Shoko want to cheat at some games?”
“As long as I get control of the tickets,” Shoko said.
“150 of those tickets are mine for a prize.” Gojo snickered watching the boy throw the skee ball only landing in 5x points.
God, it had been 2 torturous hours of this act go smiling and giggling at every little thing he did.
He finally had the tickets you held onto his arm walking over to the prize table.
But you saw this tall, white-haired, sunglasses-wearing rat holding the cat.
“He has my cat.” You pouted to Sakaguchi.
“Don’t worry. I’ll handle it.” He walked up to this guy. “Excuse me. Hey man, I was wondering if I could trade these tickets for the cat?”
“You don’t seem like a cat plush guy?”
“And you are?”
“Yes, I like cute things.”
“Can’t you pick something else out for yourself? This is my first date with this girl and she said she really liked the plush.” Sakaguchi said point behind him at you.
You still kept up the sad dimwit girl act.
He called you over to their conversation. This random guy called you over with his hand.
You bounced over. “What seems to be the problem, Sakaguchi?”
“How badly do you want this?”
“Uh…I mean it is the only likable toy here.”
He smirked and nodded to your comment. You could tell by the way he was standing he was never going to give up the plush.
“You know what it’s not a bid deal. You can get something you want Sakaguchi.”
“What about the”
“Kiss? Maybe another time.”
“Woah Woah. How about this you kiss me it can be a peck and the cat is all yours.”
“Hold on she is not going-”
“Just a peck and it's mine?” You said seriously.
“Yes, babe.”
“Wait for a second ___.”
You looked back at Sakaguchi before looking at him who was still smirking again. You pulled him down by his black shirt and pecked his lips.
Sakaguchi was standing there with his mouth open.
“Plush now.”
“Here. Have the glasses too they work on him.” He laughed. “Satoru Gojo but the way.”
You held the plush. “Yeah, I really don’t care.”
Gojo was shocked by the sudden change in personality. You were no longer the cutie he saw when he walked in. You were a bitch.
“Sakaguchi I’m sorry I played with your emotions and promised you a kiss. In reality, I was never going to kiss you I just wanted this.” You shook the plush. “How much did you waste on the game?”
“uh, 40.” You pulled out your wallet and paid him the 40 he spent on you. “I thought you didn’t have an allowance and had strict parents?”
“I lied. When I set my sights on it I want it and you. I saw you come in and stare at me. Much like Sakaguchi over here never going to happen. Especially with somebody who looks like a blind rat from Shrek.” You checked the time on your watch. “But I do have a curfew. That probably the only strict thing about my parents that and good grades.” You walked past both of them clipping Gojo in the shoulder. “See you on Monday Sakaguchi or whenever again I don’t care.”
“That was so unfair I went out and set my sights on the perfect little cutie and she was a fraud.”
“Why are you complaining you still got laid,” Geto said.
“Yeah but that other girl was still so bitchy and annoying. You act like you didn’t get laid either.”
Geto went to smack him in the back of the head. Only to be stopped by his limitless energy.
“I fucking hate that. You aren’t being hit enough.”
Shoko turned to both of them, “You ever think Geto that Limitless is off when he is fucking someone?”
“That is a great idea! Does hitting Satoru while he is fucking someone out way my mental health.”
“I think it does.” She said walking away. “Come on we got a mission.”
“I can’t believe what you did. They are mad at us ___.” Higuchi whined as you were walking down the hallway.
“You told me to be nice and I was. Maybe for an unpure reason and I pecked Gojo on the lips.”
“You remember his name?!” Akiko jabbed your arm.
You rubbed your arm. “Ok Ok. You know what you put me in an unfair situation. You asked me to do something for you. I did it. It’s not like they are going to be mad at you forever. Akutagawa doesn’t even really care. Dazai and Sakunosuke are the ones who are probably upset. They’ll realize that you are the best they can do. Because look at you look at them. While you were eye fucking them I watched Dazai and Sakaguchi convince Akutagawa that they needed to test out their cup strength. They hit him with their bats for an hour-long at his crouch.”
“You were being selfish,” Koyo argued.
“You have no clue what-” you were turning the corner when something came through the wall. It looked like a large worm with extra eyes and arms. You fell on the other side of your friends with a brick hitting your head.
“Well well. If it’s isn’t you babe?”
That annoying voice maybe it was because you were out of it. You felt your body being dragged.
“Hey hey, what is going on?” You asked.
“Babe I’m saving you.”
“White Rat?”
“Again it’s Gojo.”
“Already told you not going to happen buddy now get off.” Your hands hit the air.
Gojo felt something go through him. Cursed energy.
“Trust me the last thing I want is to sleep with you. You got hurt I’ll explain it to you later. I’m just going to get you out of here.”
“What about everyone else?”
“Babe you were the only one that got hurt. My friend is handling the cursed spirit that is coming right that way. Geto come on!”
“You try holding down a worm by yourself. Just quickly bring her to Shoko.” Geto yelled back to Gojo.
Gojo slung you over his back and ran over to Shoko.
“Hey isn’t she-”
“Yes. Just heal her. She is coming back with us.”
You woke up with a sudden gasp.
“Hey, Babe your up.” God that damn annoying voice. It could pierced through titanium walls.
“So it wasn’t a dream after all. Should have known this was going to happen. Man, I shouldn’t have used the cursed energy to try and win that stupid plushie.”
“Huh, so you knew?”
“Knew about curses and cursed energy? Yeah, it doesn’t exactly run in my family. It’s not common but I’m one of the few that has it. The only person alive that has it is my grandfather. We don’t use it often. We only use it if we have to. Those who are alive teach it to the new users.”
“You didn’t know there are schools for learning techniques and about your abilities.”
“And fight things like that every day of my life and be near death forever. I’m surprised you are still alive.”
Gojo laughed. “Hit me.”
He leaned forward close to your face and whispered. “Hit. Me.” He settled back into his chair.
You sat up from the bed and went to slap him. Your hand stopped two inches from his face. It felt so weird like you could feel molecules.
“Cool.” You smiled. “But I’m not going to your school to learn that.”
“I don’t know if any of the teachers can teach you that. It’s just something I learned. I come from a family of powerful sorcerers.”
“Gojo I don’t think this life is for me. I know basic skills. Trust me I know these things lurk around some are necessary to balance out the world. Others cause trouble but I don’t think that is my life.”
He chuckled and ruffled his hair taking off his glasses. “To think if I just came up to you the other day maybe things would be different.”
“Yeah maybe if you weren’t such a player.” You laughed back. You leaned close to him and grabbed his face. “Jesus Christ your hair is actually white I thought you just dyed your hair like every other asshole that wants to stand out.”
Gojo leaned in, “I think I stand out on my pretty find.” Smirking he captured your lips in a kiss. It was heated to the point where he was practically dragging you out of the bed onto his lap.
You broke it off. “Are you try to lure me into staying?”
“Maybe. Did it work?”
“As tempting as that was. Still no.” You carefully got out of the bed and saw your school uniform on a chair. You were leaving the school. “Maybe in another lifetime Gojo.”
“Another lifetime…I just realized I don’t your name.”
“____, ___. You know where to find Gojo in the future.” You finally left the school.
Gojo watched as you left a bright aura leaving him. “In another lifetime.” He chuckled again. He went to put his glasses back on. “That bitch stole my other pair of sunglasses. Now I have to buy more.”
You smirked leaving the campus sliding the glasses on flipping the building off. “Satoru Gojo you can go fuck yourself.”
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moun · 4 years
— inosuke headcanons —
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Synopsis: redone version of my inosuke headcanons
Warnings: none
Pronouns for reader: gender neutral/ not mentioned
Anime/ manga: demon slayer
Disclaimer: I’m doing a modern AU
A/n: not gonna lie... I’m going through a bit of a inosuke brain rot... (and kinda senku cause like why not) so her is a byproduct of said brain rot. I did some inosuke headcanons a long time ago so I’m not surprised that no one probably knows that (it was when I just got tumblr too) anyway, hope you enjoy the remastered version!
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I can imagine inosuke being almost the cliché troublemaker kid in school. But like he’s friends with tanjiro (an absolute angle who could kill you if he wanted) and zenitsu (who’s just... zenitsu. Even in a modern AU)
Wether it be in a modern AU or just... normal (I don’t know how to say it) inosuke is protective and possessive over you. He always has been that way even before he found out he had feelings for you.
Inosuke’s live languages are, physical touch, and acts of service. He would rather show you how much he cares about you because for 1. He’s not great with words and 2. Whenever he tries to explain just how much he loves you he can’t find the right words and gets very blushy and embarrassed
Will die if you wear his clothes. As I said he’s extremely possessive and protective of you so, he adores it when you wear his clothes.
I said inosuke wasn’t good with words but that also contains not asking for something he wants from you. He wants to cuddle? Instead of asking you ‘hey you wanna cuddle’ he just... stares at you. Or just drags you to cuddle despite whatever your doing.
Speaking of cuddling. He adores it. I imagine he’s very touch starved so you give him a simple hug and it turns in to a 3 hour cuddle session. Hope you have some time to kill. Also I feel like he’s fairly cold? Like yes he has a lot of muscle so that’ll make his body heat warmer but he was so cold to begin with???
Inosuke is big spoon. And big spoon only. Will occasionally lay his head on your chest though. The only time he lets you be big spoon and play with his hair (which I believe is very soft thank you very much) is when he lays on your chest of between your thighs. Or if he lays his head in your lap but that doesn’t happen too often.
Gets jealous but doesn’t say anything about it. Again nit good with words. He’ll get jealous and try to hide it (spoiler he’s god awful at hiding it). He’ll be pouting and be scowling at the other person until they get so uncomfortable that they leave.
I think he really likes going on dates with you. But not like ‘let’s go to semi nice restaurant date’ no no no. He likes going to a random shop then walking, or driving around maybe even get some food. He doesn’t like anything that’s super nice or classy he just likes hearing you laugh as he tells the worst joke in the world.
Speaking of driving, he can’t drive. Like he hasn’t passed his drivers test yet. And he probably won’t for a while. He’s not incapable of doing it per say, but he doesn’t cooperate very well (if that makes sense)
Also remember when I mentioned going shopping during your date? The place that you’ll probably go a lot is a guitar shop. I heavily headcanon that inosuke can play guitar, bass, drums, and almost any instrument if you give him enough time to learn.
Also he’s a heavy rock and roll fan. Also indie rock. Listens to Arctic monkeys, fall out boy, mother mother, nirvana, and really any other artist in those genres
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husbandograveyard · 4 years
Can i please have I,K,V letters for luffy and Ace? Thank you so much in advance ❤️❤️
Hi anon! I write max 5 for these at a time, so I chose to do all 3 with Ace and the first 2 with Luffy!  Feel free to jump in and ask V for Luffy again (in addition to 4 other letters/characters if you want, just make sure the combination is 5 things to write for me!), as long as the fluff alphabet requests are open~ (they are for now still!) Enjoy~ ! ヽ(o^▽^o)ノ
Fluff Alphabet: Ace - I, K, V & Luffy - I, K 
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I - inspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Ace is incredibly insecure when it comes to actual relationships. Constantly doubting if he’s worth having people around that actually care for him. Of course, Luffy and Sabo helped, and being a part of the Whitebeard Pirate’s family made it a little easier for him to open up his heart, and yet. It takes you a lot of patience, a lot of affirmations. Ace worships you, thinks you are the best, most wonderful thing in the world, and will often tell you so. He has a hard time believing you when you tell him the same, but eventually, it gets better, with his family’s love and yours, Ace gets better at loving himself, and returning that love to you even more. 
Because Ace believes in you one thousand percent, he’s so supportive of everything you do, that if you need any convincing or help to overcome any struggle in your life, he will be there, every step of the way. You lift each other up and bring out the best in each other. 
K - kiss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Ace is warmer than the average human, a side effect of the mera mera no mi, and so his kisses are warm, no matter the temperature of the place where you’re kissing. The first kisses are very soft, tentative, his insecurities shining through a little. As the relationship progresses, kisses will get more intense, passionate but also more playful. His lips are a little dry because he has a terrible habit of biting on them whenever he’s thinking or focussing really hard. 
Ace is a fantastic kisser and he cannot get enough of kissing. Whether it is stolen kisses, quick pecks on the cheek or nose, Ace loves being close to you and loves kissing you. Ace loves it when you kiss his face, focussing on his freckles. It makes him all red and flustered, which you think is the most adorable thing ever, he loves making you all blushy with his kisses too. 
V - value - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Ace has three important things in his life: his brothers, his crew family and you. He’d kill and die for all three of them without any hesitation. He values you and your relationship so much. More than his own life. Again, he’s pretty insecure when it comes to him deserving love, so he does need some reassuring and you telling him he is worth just as much. 
Compared to the other two, you do need to understand that Ace will do anything and everything for his brothers and crew too. He will definitely dedicate the most private time to you, but you will have to understand that sometimes he’ll be off to visit his brothers, do missions for his crew and fulfill duties otherwise. 
It is a must for a relationship with Ace that all his family, at the very least, approves of you. You don’t have to get along great, although it would be a huge plus if you did. But he cannot be in a relationship with someone that would really clash with his family and or their ideals, it would tear him apart too much and he does not ever want to choose, he just wants to love. 
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I - inspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Trying new things? Afraid to do something? Luffy is always up for any kind of adventure and he loves it if he can take you along without putting you in any immediate danger. If you are scared to do something, he will try and convince you to do it anyway, and eventually, you’ll be inspired to be more fearless and adventurous than you were before. He makes you grow as a person, and the other way around, you help Luffy mature and be a little bit more diplomatic. Only a little, because this stubborn monkey will always follow his heart first, and that’s a quality you cannot ever change. Not that you would want to.
Luffy’s inherent talent is to inspire everyone and anyone around him without even trying. If there were any goals you had that you tell him about, he will do anything to help you achieve them, without interfering too much, it is your goal after all and not his, and you need to be proud of your accomplishment of reaching it yourself! 
K - kiss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Luffy tends to be a little over-enthusiastic in almost everything he does, and his kisses are no exception. With little to no experience, you’ll have to be a little patient with him and how rough he can be. It’s never his intent to hurt you, he just cannot help it, he gets carried away in the moment. 
Luffy is not too big on long passionate kisses anyway. He generally prefers hugging, or soft and cute surprise kisses while you’re doing other things together. Forehead kisses, kisses on your cheeks, nose, soft pecks on the lips, those are way more frequent than actual French kisses. 
The first kiss was very sloppy, a little clumsily done and in the end had made you laugh a lot, which is a huge part of why you love him so much, he makes you so happy and is able to make you laugh even with the smallest actions. You actually had to ask him to kiss you, making sure he was okay with it too, and when he went in, it was all teeth no passion. He got better after, especially if you let him know that you do like the occasional passionate kiss, everything for his lover!
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edengarden · 4 years
Hello! I'm here to request a MHA matchup if you could please! I'm a 15 year old female but I look and act mature for my age(due to trauma *vibes with shoto in corner*) so I often get mistaked as an 18 year old or even older sometimes. Some good qualities of mine are maturity, level headedness, and then I can be motherly. Some bad traits can include bluntness, coming off as cold, and stubbornness. My hobbies or things I enjoy including hanging out with friends, swimming, listening to music, art, laying in bed on my phone, animals(I want to work with animals as a job), watching anime, the ocean(I love water if I could choose a quirk it would be water based), stargazing(I love galaxies, the moon and stars I find everything so fascinating), then finally goth/emo style! My music taste includes the artists, The Neighborhood, Girl In Red, The Arctic Monkeys, Billie Eilish, Melanie Martinez, Alec Benjamin, Corpse, and Conan Gray! Traits I dislike in others are immaturity, impatience, disrespect, pushing boundaries, and not listening. Traits I look for in others are respect, kindness, understanding, patience, and humor. A bit about my appearance is I have longish black hair, pale skin, freckles, im a bit chubby, and tall(5'8). Im also very insecure and I doubt myself a lot but I'm trying to work on that! I have mental and physical health issues so I would need someone who could accept and be able to handle that. I would also need someone that would accept that I have trauma as well. I would want this relationship to be a two way thing so I would try to the best of my abilities to give what they want and need back since that's how relationships are supposed to work! I think thats it... I'm sorry if I missed anything you needed or if this is to long! I understand if you don't get to me right away or at all its alright! I hope your having a nice day! Thank you!
You didn’t specify your gender preference, so if this isn’t to your liking feel free to tell me! (you said you liked Girl In Red though and I took it as the universal sign it is)
I’m matching you up Uraraka!
Uraraka has had hardships of her own in her life and, although they’re not the same as yours (which she very much understands), she knows how to support you or will learn how to! She’s very giving and generous, but most likely doesn’t expect much back so when you throw back as much support as she gives you, it’s a very welcomed surprise, though she might take a while to wholeheartedly just accept it.
I feel that, as soon as she gets comfortable with you, communication is very important to her. Especially with how you can be a little cold. She wants to know if there’s anything she’s done or if there’s anything she can do and, if not, she at least feels a little better that she’s not in the wrong. There are a few rocky spots in the relationship because sometimes she just doesn’t ask since she doesn’t want to seem like a bother or seem nosy, but you’re both mature enough to know that with discipline and talking, you can work it through. Your relationship seems quite mature, but still adorable as heck (since Uraraka gets a lil flustered/blushy thanks to you, no matter how long you’ve been together).
Bonus: pls y’all have the Soft Gf w/ Goth Gf thing going on and I LOVE it.
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nad-zeta · 5 years
Hi! Just recently followed you and im in love with your blog💙 can i get a matchup for ikesen? Im 21 y/o, gemini sun with scorpio moon, an intp. I am into classical and j-metal/vkei music. I am really shy and awkward when it come to the opposite sex. This also caused me having trouble making eye contact with ppl when talking.Have little to no self esteem. Tend to hide problem to myself. Hmm cant think of anything else 😅 thank you so much in advance 💕
Hi, there love! Awww you are too sweet <3. I’m so glad that you like my content! *blushes*. Thank you so much for the matchup request! I hope you enjoy it and have a good day!
So I match you with................... Hideyoshi 
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So, to be honest, I had a hard time deciding between Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide lol, but at the end, I decided Hideyoshi would suit you better <3
It’s evident that that Hideyoshi doesn’t trust you the first time the two of you meet. He is fiercely loyal to Nobunaga, and won’t even hesitate to cut down anyone who threatens his lord. The longer Hideyoshi observes you, the more his mistrust of you grows. He finds you so suspicious, and your actions don’t make sense to him al all. You are a crazy hard worker and can often be found chatting with the maids. But when it comes to him, you completely shut down, you can’t even make eye contact, and it’s as if a cat’s got your tongue. This strange behaviour you demonstrate towards him makes him convinced that you have to be hiding something. During this time, you and Mitsunari actually become good friends, and its Mitsunari who stands up for you whenever Hideyoshi starts throwing accusations your way. One day after the war council, the warlords began gossiping, you know as they do, and you came up as the main topic of interest. Masamune, Mitsuhide and Nobunaga were all saying how much fun you are to tease because of your cute shy demeanor and inability to hold eye contact for more than three seconds. Ieyasu said that he was surprised a weakling like you could work so hard and that you were way too sweet and naïve for your own good. This was when the wheels in Hideyoshi’s head started to turn, and dots started being connected. It wasn’t until Mitsunari said he was proud of you for making so many friends even though, you had said you were so awkward around boys, that the final puzzle piece was put into place in Hideyoshi’s head. Shit, he has treated you with so much hostility.  He was internally kicking himself for not seeing you for the sweet, kind, cute girl that you were sooner.
He was now determined to make it up to you. Even if he as to spend eternally atoning for his rudeness towards you, so be it. He starts by showering you with gifts and sweets. He apologized profusely. The way he is making a scene, you could swear he killed your family or something. You in your own awkward way, try and console the poor man by telling him its okay and that you understood the kind of position he was in. But he wasn’t having it, so instead the two of you found a compromise. You said that you would forgive him if he bought you some tea at the local teahouse.
The next day the two of you walked together to the teahouse but was interrupted halfway on your journey there by Hideyoshi’s fan club. You never realized how loved Hideyoshi was until he was encircled by more than 10 women. They managed to work you out of the inner circle. You couldn’t help but feel a bit awkward and insecure, so you started to walk away. Hideyoshi pushed his way through the gaggle of women trying to catch up to you. He grabbed your hand and asked if you were okay. You just smiled and nodded. Once at the teahouse, he started to probe further about your strange behaviour, and that is when he had found out that your self-esteem was super low. He had made up in his mind at that moment that he was going to slowly start helping you with your self-esteem. The two of you enjoyed your tea and the light conversation that flowed, and it wasn’t before long that your sibling relationship started.
Hideyoshi would dote on you, buying his little sister all sorts of accessories, sweets, and clothes. He would make a point of it to mention how cute you looked whenever he saw you. He, in his free time, would invite you over for some tea or walk around the palace gardens. The two of you could chat for hours about anything and everything. Hideyoshi would always give you comforting head pats and big brother hugs during these meetups.
One day he decided to take you on a hike to his favorite spot to watch the sunset. The two of you stayed there and chatted way past the sun had set, and it was now time to hike back home. Halfway home, you slipped on some loose stones and fell. Hideyoshi helped you up, but once you started walking a sharp pain shot again through your ankle, darn, you must have twisted it. You tried to walk on, hiding the pain as best you could, but nothing escaped the mama bears radar. He knelt in front of you and insisted on giving you a piggyback ride back. *cue you being a blushy mess*. You gentle wrapped your arms around his neck as he lifted you off the ground. You couldn’t help but nuzzle into his neck a little and take in his scent. He smelled like cinnamon and sunshine. Still blushing, you smiled to yourself as you realized between all the meetups and friendly gestures you had fallen for Hideyoshi. You took a deep breath and tried to push your feeling down and shut them off, realizing that he only saw you as his dearest little sister. You couldn’t help but feel a bit heartbroken at the realization.
In the days to follow, you couldn’t help but feel a bit sad at your one-sided love. One night your mind just refused to turn off, so you decided to take a little walk in the garden. You found a bench and took a seat, staring up at the stars. That is when a small tear managed to slip from the corner of your eye. Mitsuhide spotted you sitting by your lonesome self and thought this the perfect opportunity to tease his favorite little mouse. Before he could get a word out, he saw the small tear stain on the side of your cheek. He gave you his signature smile and asked you what has been troubling you. You were reluctant at first, but you had come to become good friends with this sneaky snek and knew deep down past all the teasing, he was kind and gentle. He knew you tended to keep your problems bottled up, so he patiently waited for you to open up about the situation at hand. You told him about how much you loved Hideyoshi and how much it hurt that you have been sister zoned. The kitsune just sat there quietly listening to you, and now and then gave you a few reassuring head pats. He walked you back to your room after making sure you felt a little better and promptly made his way to Hideyoshi’s manor.
He confronted Hideyoshi because he knew that the foolish monkey felt the same way as you did. He scolded Hideyoshi and ended off the conversation by saying, “if you don’t confess your true feelings to the little mouse soon, I will take the sweet little thing for myself. It certainly does seem like; I, too, have taken quite a liking to her. And trust me when I say that if that were to happen, you, my dear old friend, will be left with nothing but regret for what could have been”. After that, Mitsuhide turned heel and left.
Hideyoshi wasted no time confessing his true feeling to you after that night. The two of you loved each other dearly, would often leave little notes around for the other to find reminding each other of your love. In Hideyoshi’s free time, you guys would often drink tea and play with Yoshi’s little pet monkey. Hideyoshi was your rock in the stormy sea of life. He was your own personal cheerleader and would support you in everything and anything you did. He loved how you would blush and look away, trying to hide your face every time he would kiss your cheek or forehead. The two of you could often be found snuggled up together just enjoying the others company and presence.
Other potential matches…………Mitsuhide
I hope you enjoyed it love! 
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tobiomlk · 5 years
those tsukki fluff hcs? i am LIVING. could i get general dating hcs for tobio? 👉👈 good luck with your blog - 🐸
— kageyama as your boyfriend
LISTEN kageyama has a condition where brain is filled by (2) things: volleyball and food. relationships? that doesn’t exists. you’re gonna need either a miracle or a saint’s patience to get anywhere with this nerd, whichever works best for you.
i hope you’re well aware that your luck is on a negative count from the get-go, since 1) his knowlodge about romance is next to none and 2) he’s dense as fuck. even if he’s the one to develop feelings first, he wouldn’t act on those any sooner because he doesn’t even gets what’s going on. he just goes ( ??? ) whenever you smile at him and there’s this funny feeling around his ribcage and he’s 100% sure it’s hunger. so, unless you have the guts to fess up first… get ready to simp over this boy for the longest time.
that or until his teammates ( namely, suga ) do a divine intervention ‘cause damn, he’s so grossly in love, and if kageyama was already in the dark we fucking lost him, because what does it means to be in love??? that’s not a position or a game tactic as far as he’s concerned.
he even goes as far as to seek the textbook definition on dictionaries and spiel to himself like a damned mantra in the hopes he’ll get it but guess what? he doesn’t. if anything, he just further confused with the poor intent of describing such abstract concept with big words.
the whole process of realization is so agonizing and infuriatingly slow, it has gotten to the point where all da fucking team is up to date with the tragedy and they’re even making bets as to how it’s going to end ( tanaka and noya are putting all their money to kageyama not ever knowing about his feelings, ennoshita and the third-graders still have a bit of hope for their son. the first-graders are just enjoying the shitshow. )
but when it finally hits him… that there’s no better place than the one by your side and he couldn’t possibly have it otherwise… then it’s over for both of you.
once tobio is set his way, there’s no stopping him. hell, he might as well blurt it out as soon as he sees you, for all he cares. “it seems like i’ve fallen in love with you”.
but now you returning his feelings??? the most unrealistic and unlikiest scenario. his monkey brain definitively didn’t think out this far and now he’s in shambles. you’ve to spent half of an hour explaining to him that, all of it apparently means that you can be “a couple or something” and you can literally see his braincells combusting through his eyes.
are you going to clown him for his confession for the rest of his life? yes. do you hold the moment close to your heart regardless? Yes You Do.
needless to say, kageyama as a partner is awfully awkward. the boy’s barely familiar with platonic relationships, dating it’s like walking blindfolded onto unknown territory. he’s going to need you to teach him the ropes !!! ( not that you’re complaining, of course you’re not complaining )
being as unapproachable and volleyball-crazy as he’s known to be, i think many people depict kageyama as someone who doesn’t fully invests himself onto his social relations, especially the non-platonic field; because yes, to kageyama, volleyball comes first and foremost, but he’s just as devoted and earnest when it comes to his teammates and friends, and more importantly, you. once there’s something that means a lot to kageyama, he’ll give everything he has to offer, and you aren’t the exception to the rule.
while volleyball still takes most of his time and that won’t change under no circumstances, you can tell he does his best to spend the scarce time he has to spare with you. juggling between his passion and his loved one is not an easy task, but kageyama knew what he was applying himself for and there’s no way he’ll be half-assing, no sir!
at the very least, he always makes sure to walk you home. even if that means he’ll have to return afterwards to the gym, because he always trains ‘til very late and there’s no way he’s gonna keep you waiting that long for him ( you keep telling him it’s fine, that you don’t mind waiting, but he doesn’t relents “no. im taking you home first, then practice. and that’s final. now come here, dumbass.” )
he also calls you every single night before heading to sleep! he can’t stay long on the phone because he needs to go to bed early for morning practice, but just being able to hear your voice… to know about you and your day… is more than enough for him.
honestly it never fails to melt your heart when he begins talking in this raspy, low voice and you can tell he’s sleepy by the way he mumbles his words so you tell him that it’s ok for him to go to sleep now but he just shakes his head in spite of the fact you can’t see him and goes like “i still have a couple of minutes left. i want to hear your voice.” like honestly GET FUCKED !!!!!! HE’S SO LOVELY I’M-
kageyama understands if you have different interests and things you’re passionated about ( in fact, he’ll even try it out just so he can something to share with you! ), but, truly, nothing would make this blueberry as happier than you showing the tiniest bit of interest into volleyball. sometimes, the topic creeps onto your talk and unavoidably, tobio switchs to full nerd mode and starts geeking out about the matches and stuff and he’s just so giddy about it but then he freezes, and realizes he might be info-dumping you about something you probably don’t even care about, so he kinda cuts himself before going on… but the look of sheer happiness he offers you when you encourage him to go on? how his big, doe-eyes lit up once you ask him to explain you more carefully? can you possibly fathom how joyous it makes him to know he can get the best of his favorite things together?
to be honest, you’d expect him to be less considerate and act more fit of the self-centered, entitled king role he has been granted— not saying that he doesn’t slips and has his bossy moments of no filter, because he does, but the thing is: he’s surprisingly open to your opinions, too. over time, he’s been taught that communication is of utmost importance and the only way to understand others and have them understand you, and he’s firmly sure that applies to every aspect of his life. he wants you to know that, just as he speaks his mind, you’re free to do the same.
it’s ok if you argue, it’s ok if your points of view don’t match, because that means you’re talking to each other, and that’s way better than letting things sink without actual closure. kageyama learnt that the rough way. his speech might not be the most articulated or refinated, but he tries his best to get his points accross without unecessarily hurting your feelings. communication is so crucial to him, please, keep it in mind.
with that being said, kageyama’s prone to be unromantic and even insensitive at times with how he voices his opinions, because he’s no concept of sugar-coating and won’t hesitate to tell you if you suck at something, or flawlessly ignore your efforts to put on a lovey-dovey mood. but if you talk him about it and express that you’d like him to have some more tact, he’ll take the note! “tact? ok, ok. i’ll.  try to be as tactful as possible from now on and… read the mood? but i make no promises” ( spoiler alert: he keeps telling you that you suck but now he lets you have a sip of his milk and pets your head to soften the blow. )
and speaking of physical affection… god, kageyama is an utter stranger to pda. i mean, the boy is just a prude, unripe blueberry. he doesn’t know how it works, he’s not used to it, and the last thing he wants is to go and do something that’ll put you on a tough spot. your comfort is one of his main priorities, so you have to let him know what’s ok and whatnot, then he’ll start getting the hang of it. once he does, you’ll find out that kageyama is, as a matter of fact, one of the most touch-starved persons you’ll come accross with.
he just can’t seem to get his hands off of you, in the most literal and non-sensual way possible. be it small gestures like your hands brushing together, shoulders bumping, or your heads resting against each others’, kageyama just craves the feeling of your skin against his. despite how bad he denies it, he’s pretty clingy.
you’ve picked on how much he apparently enjoys holding hands, and petting your head, for that matter. you don’t know why, but his hand would always makes its way atop your head. it has even gotten to the point in where he does it out of habit, and when you ask him what’s wrong he just replies “nothing? why do you ask?”
i think kageyama has two stages while he’s on a relationship. the earlier ones, where he cannot lock eyes with you for more than give seconds before going all blushy and stiff, and the advanced ones, in where physical contact has practically become a must and one of his primary functions as a human being to operate naturally.
kageyama’s hugs are so freaking awkward at first… there’s no guides about this. does he just envelops you with his arms ??? and then stay still like that ??? what if he hurts you by holding you too tight ??? oh my god he’s even holding his breath while he’s at it SOMEONE FREE HIM-
and don’t even get me started on the kisses. LISTEN YOU DEFINITIVELY CLASH YOUR TEETH DURING YOU FIRST KISS AND YOU ABSOLUTELY CANNOT CHANGE MY MIND ON THIS ONE !!!!! knowing him, he needs weeks of mental preparation and advice from his god-send suga-senpai before going for it, and when the moment comes… he goes too hard for literally no reason and right after you’re both on the floor whimpering ‘cause that shit HURTED.
“ow, ow… tobio WHAT the HELL” “oh, PISS OFF”
well, at least he has an excuse for rehearsing!!! don’t worry, he’s a fast-learner ;))))
cuddling is just about the same you guys spend all day squirming in order to find a comfortable position and it’s just a mess™ of limbs and giggles.
“wait… maybe if i put my arm around here…” “wait, tobio, you’re tickling me-” “??? don’t laugh !!! STOP LAUGHING THIS IS NOT FUNNY”
but once you finally manage to settle down, god, it’s so pure… kageyama loves to have you in his beefy, setter arms as much as he loves being hold by you. the crook of your neck? a heavingly place for him to rest his head and which belongs to him and him only !!!
look kageyama is so weak for physical affection i’m not even kidding. all you need to calm him down is to rub his back soothingly and he’ll even forget why he was so mad about to begin with. the amount of power you hold over this boy… it genuinely surprises people to see how tame he’s when it comes to you. everyone can agree that if kageyama has a weakness, that’s you.
tobio is not the one to get particularly cheesy or romantic, everyone knows at least that much. however, he has this thing in where he genuinely voices out how great he considers you to be without batting an eyelash which of course makes you super flustered because “why are you getting so cheeky for?” “??? it’s the truth though” SHUT UP IM SOBBING.
you know how slow and oblivious your boy is, so the last thing you expect is him being able to read you as easily? it takes its sweet time, but within the years, kageyama steadily learns to understand you and how do you operate. your habits, your body language, what makes you happy or upset, he knows all of it. he can tell when something’s off just from a glance, yet he’s so nonchalant about it— like it’s obvious to know what’s on your mind. now, does he know how to act knowing this? not really, but give him props, he tries his best!
with all that has happened to him, it should come as no surprise the fact kageyama can get pretty insecure in the relationship. it’s not like he doesn’t trusts or you ( god, the boy could trust you with his life ), but you can’t blame him for letting his insecurities get the best of him. he’s just so, so afraid… that one day you’ll notice how unlikeable he truly is and you end up leaving him, like most of the people have done to him in his life…
tobio desesperately needs the reasurrance, the words of affirmation, to bask on the feeling of knowing he’s so deeply loved, and that he’s no such thing as an unlovable person. i hope you let him know that, just as he lets you know how grateful he’s for having you in his life.
all in all, kageyama can be a blunt, awkward and more than a bit dense partner, but he’s striving to become a better version of himself day by day, so, he secretely wishes you’ll put up with him a little longer.
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flowersfrombefore · 6 years
Flowers and Pianos:Part 2  (Greta Stirling X Roger Taylor) (OC)
AN: today on ‘I am the worst’ I’m so sorry you guys ended up waiting so long for such a short chapter but my writers block has been killing me. I think it’s gone now so I should be getting stuff out faster. Anyway, this chapter is kinda a middle ground thing. Not really story line until the end, more relationship building (they’re cute and I’d die for them) 
Editing isn’t real in this chapter because I got pissed off don’t @ me about spelling mistakes or I’ll fight. 
Part one
Word count: 1430 (I’m sorry I know it’s short ) 
Enjoy babes.
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Warmth hung in the air of the bedroom though outside the wind would send a chill through bone. Light from the sun still soaked the ground and the trees but it was a cold light, an empty promise of warmth.
Rays of light began to seep through the sheer curtains, casting ridges of shadow and white light across the floor and across the two bodies intertwined together in the sheets. Sleep had hardly settled over them when the sun had found its way through the curtains and onto their bare skin. Words had passed effortlessly between them until the darkness gave way to the soft gray that morning tended to bring.
Greta stirred only a short time after she’d drifted off in the comfortable heat and exhaustion, mixed with intoxication that her body was swimming in. Her eyes fluttered open lazily, only partially sure of where she was. The muffled pounding in her head was enough to tell her that no matter how long she’d been awake the night before her hangover had still caught her. She attempted to ignore it the best she could, looking out through the small break in the curtains on the window to the trees and the patch of flowers only just visible.
One thing she was aware of completely was the body pressed against her in the sheets, the lips still brushing against the back of her neck and the feeling that his arms were safe and warm and a place she never wanted to part from. She closed her eyes and let the warmth of his touch wash over her as she tried to recall exactly what had happened. She knew generally what she’d done, what they’d done, though a little blurry on why it had happened in the first place. She searched her mind for a sense of regret and came up empty, and came to the conclusion that this was something she was okay with.
A whisper of his name crossed her lips, only to see if he was awake as well. It was met with no response.
She needed to look at him.
She didn’t know why.
She supposed there was a need to know it had happened, even though a glance at her chest and the blossoming bruises was enough to tell anyone it definitely had. Less a need to know it happened than, more a need to know they were who she thought. When nothing feels real it’s all you can do to make sure your bad decisions were worth something and that they were real.
They were almost too close together for Greta to move without waking him, but it didn’t matter. She just wanted to look at him. They could fall back asleep just as easily if her head lay on his chest.
Shifting her position was easier than she expected even with his arm lazily draped over the outline of her ribs. With a slow movement she was able to turn herself without much disturbing of the sheets and was met with a mess of blond hair obscuring the face she wanted to see so dearly.
For only a moment her heart stopped in her chest.
Now without the dimness and the blurry vision of last night it hit her how similar the two could be. With a shaky hand she brushed the hair away and exposed Rogers face. Strips of light illuminated lines across his face leaving the rest in a shadow. Where it fell on his hair it gave off a glow that was almost unnatural. Greta remembered the thought that had crossed her mind the night before about him giving off the appearance of an angel.
“I was right.” She whispered to herself at the thought, not being able to stop herself from dragging her fingers lightly over his cheek. At her touch Roger stirred, his breathing changing from its previously steady sound.
As Roger slowly started to wake Greta closed the gap between them and brushed her lips against his. His eyes shot open in surprise and he pulled away, but only for a moment. The shock on his face softened in an instant.
“You’re still here.” It was a statement that could have been mistaken as a question.
“So are you.”
The words that passed between them would have meant nothing to anyone outside of the events but it was almost a realization on both sides. It’s all that was said for a time. Nothing else needed to be said after Roger had enveloped her in his arms and kissed her like his life depended on it. His hands found their way into the the sea of red that was Greta’s hair as he pulled her on top of him.
Twenty minutes later they broke apart, breathless and a little overwhelmed. Roger’s back was pressed against the headboard with Greta in his lap. The sheets had fallen from them leaving them colder than before. Roger trailed his hands up and down the sides of Greta’s body, tracing over the outline of her hips and her a-little-too-prominent ribs. The touch sent a shiver through her spine, it was like ice had been injected into her and froze her where she was, except to tighten her fingers in Rogers thick hair.
It was almost innocent.
“Stay with me.” Roger spoke up finally. The words fell from his lips like a plea.
“What do you mean?”
“I-I know that it’s not typical of me, and I know it would be hard with both of us touring and-” He was babbling, Greta thought it was sweet. She brought one finger to rest of on his lips to quiet him. She didn’t need to say it for him to understand. It was an unspoken request for the blunt truth. She lifted her finger away when she was sure he understood.
“I don’t want you to just leave after this. I want to be with you.” He looked away from her, resting his gaze on the window. “I’m sorry, ignore what I said I’m sure it’s just me.”
Greta tore her eyes from him and shifted her eyes to the window as well, she could see the flowers outside clearer now, and she smiled to herself remembering part of a conversation her and Roger had had the night before.
“I have two conditions.” As she said it she turned him to face her with a hand on his neck. She held up two fingers and dragged them down gently over his eyelids making them close. She lifted them away but Roger kept his eyes closed until she leaned down to kiss his forehead.
“One.” She poked a small bruise on his collar bone with one finger. “I get to call you Flower.” She giggled in spite of herself, as she was trying to sound even a little serious. Roger grinned, he’d found that her laugh was one of the most beautiful things he’d ever heard.
“Why is that going to be my nickname? We can’t compromise the tiny amount of masculinity I have with that.”
“Yeah we can, seeing that we spent an hour last night ranting about flowers. Just cause you were drunk doesn’t mean I’ll let that go.”
“Okay, okay it’s acceptable. I’ll just pretend I don’t like it to keep up some kind of image.” He let his head fall into Greta’s shoulder as the giggles he had been trying to hide died down. “What’s the second?”
Greta moved herself off of Roger before she spoke. She interlaced their finger and brought herself to sit beside him. She tapped two fingers this time on his knuckles.
“No one else. That’s my condition.” She turned to look at him, finding his eyes had been lingering on her since she had moved. “If I stay you’re mine.” She pressed a small kiss to his shoulder and nuzzled into his neck. “And I’m yours.”
“No one else.” He didn’t need to say anything else, Greta knew it was an agreement.
It didn’t cross either of their minds until later, when they had parted to find their bands, that staying together was going to be almost impossible. The promise had in no way been empty on either side, but the quiet oblivion of that bedroom had erased the serious obstacles.
There was no way.
They’d live knowing they’d made that promise, knowing they wanted the other, and they’d never be able to live up to it.
Or it seemed to them for weeks, until what seemed like an empty promise was filled by luck and coincidence.
Tag List: @blushy-monkey @crazyweirdocalledfriday @dreamer7black @greywind2 @clara-who @secretsweetscollectionblog @rogers-wristbands @bitemerog @thebohemianpenguin  @anuknowha @goodoldfashionlovergirl
(sorry if i forgot to tag, there’s a few people I forgot to write down.)
As always my rule to be on the tag list is that you leave some kind of feedback, i dont care what it is just something.
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espship18 · 5 years
Kpop ship for 00cult
Hello everyone! I hope you all are having an amazing day and I am here with a ship for @00cult ! I’m terribly sorry for the wait, but I hope that the wait was worth it! 
Based off of your request, I learned these things about you; 
You’re 5′1 with dark wavy hair and brown eyes
You enjoy artsy things: editing and photography 
Can be a little antisocial at first but fun to be around 
A jokester 
You love the nighttime and the stars
Your ideal date would be: exploring a city then going out to the beach for a walk 
And in your request, you asked to be shipped with NCT and Seventeen! Let’s go shipping!
NCT: Jungwoo 
Okay so you two are flat out cuties, so I didn't have a hard time shipping you with NCT. Right off the bat, the first thing I think about when it comes to you two is that you two are soft, sweet, and innocent beans who are also playful beans, who love each other. I rest my case, you two are just precious and I want this to be real. I highkey feel like height would play a role in your relationship, because I think Jungwoo would handle you like glass. Although you are very sturdy and you’re not actually glass, you can’t help but smile and flush at the fact that Jungwoo wants to be very careful with you, and he never wants to hurt you. There would be one time where he accidently yeeted you too hard when puling you in for a hug, so he made a vow to himself that he would be more gentle with you. Jungwoo is also an absolute sweetheart in a sense that he is so considerate of you in a sense that he can accommodate his schedule for you. If you’re having a rough time and need extra love, he’s got it. You need to recharge from life for a night or two? He’s okay with that. You wanna go exploring a nearby city? HUNTY HE’S ON IT. Jungwoo is a very big sweetheart, and I can not only see him bend over backwards for you, I can also see him being very blushy around you. No matter how long you two have been together for, Jungwoo is always flushy by your beauty, because he can’t help but think ‘wow, this piece of beauty is my S/o” he’s just head over heels whipped for you. He also can stumble on his words sometimes, such as when he’s on a love rant. He gets himself so excited because he wants to tell you he loves you so much, he stumbles on his words, and it’s so cute! Moving right along, Jungwoo would love to take you out on the town for date night and you two can take all kinds of pictures together whether it be of a street or each other. You two also love to tell corny jokes all the time. It can be almost three am if one of you can’t sleep and you’ll get a text from Jungwoo about some joke with a banana and a monkey- that kind of wholesome love. And this has popped up in my head, and I love it, but Jungwoo would share his food with you all the time. Of course we all know Jung loves his food, and it doesn’t matter if you just wanna try it after saying you don’t wanna eat, he will persist on letting you have a bite, he’s just so sweet. His favorite thing to do however it take you star-gazing. This boy would keep track of the night sky so you could get the optimal experience. Lastly PDA, he’s very touchy. He loves to be soft and give you pecks and kiss your cheek. He’s super sweet and always wants you to know he loves you. 
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Seventeen: Jun
Okay so, here’s the tea. I can see you two being soft and cuddly, but also super sweet and goofy- especially goofy- trust me. Tbh, I think you and Jun would be just as goofy as you and Jungwoo would be. However, staying on the conversation of you and Jun, Jun would take the BEST care of you ever. Listen, Jun would always make sure that you would never go hungry, you’re in a good place with your mental health, you’re getting enough sleep, like this boy has got you covered. I also think Jun would be great at breaking the ice if you’re feeling a little antisocial and awkward. Jun has that type of personality where he can be awkwardly funny, but also quietly sweet, so with a little poke and prod, Jun would be able to break the ice between you two. Nearly every time Jun would work his magic, you would either be left laughing, extremely confused/interested, or you’re ready to have a conversation about the statement he just said. This boy just has the magic touch for anything, I seriously believe that. Moving right along, Jun is your prank buddy. You like to pull little gag pranks on him like scaring him or putting salt in his drink, nothing too severe. You also like to tell him something is wrong, when it’s right just to psych him out-because he can be very gullible sometimes. You never abuse your power though, because it’s playful banter, never intending to be mean. You two are also a good couple for tag teaming pranks on Jun’s fellow group members. Your pranks can go to new levels, such as bubble wrapping Woozi’s studio or putting air horns underneath someone’s desk chair. You two are also very good at convincing people you’re innocent, so that’s even more of a good reason to be an iconic prank duo. A lot of your dates would either be at home or on picnics. If you were home, you would have some food, with board games. I don't know why but I love the thought of you two with board games/card games. Then Jun would work his magic again and picnics would be super special. Right at sunset in your favorite park, with your favorite food, you get to see gentleman Jun at his finest and it’s unbelievably romantic. And make sure to bring another set of clothes because you two would go walking on the beach afterwards. You two could easily stay on the beach for hours, the world being your oyster in those moments. Those moments were full of laughs and soft smiles with warm eyes- a perfect night every time. Lastly, PDA, height would also play a roll in your relationship. Jun would like that you were smaller than him and you get kisses. Kisses, kisses, kisses, KISSES. 
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eun-binnies · 6 years
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pairing: sanha x reader
genre: fluffFFFF!!!!
a/n: this was SO impulsive i cannot explain lol but i hope you also like this messy thing!!!! because inspiration is finally coming to me ya yeet
also lol if y’all don’t mind my bullet point ones will be in lower case while my actual stories will be in Proper Grammar and Capitalization~
hi everyone it’s time for bf sanha
and if you’re a real aroha,,,, y’alls already know him
you guys could be sitting on the couch watching a movie peacefully...
then some random bug starts flying around his head
popcorn: spilled
pillows: everywhere
sanha: screaming
“noOOOO let’s watch this in bed i don’t want to be in the living room anymoreeee”
or you guys could be in the library and studying
but you really don’t understand the content
and sweetie pie sanha would gladly help you through everything, not even getting frustrated with you
he’s also the sweetest giraffe EVERRR
like if you have new classes that you have no idea where they are
he will miss his first classes just to help you out
btw if you’re not swooning over yoon sanha by now idk what you’re doing
not to mention
he’s also the type of boyo that will use aegyo to get whatever he wants
like you could be in a clothing store,,, peacefully picking out clothes to wear for an event
then all of a sudden sanha’s all like ...
“jAGi~~~~~ bBUbBu!!! can i go to the gaming store like right there!!!! noOna yA--”
then he’ll bring you into a bear hug like the GIANT he is and literally run off like a monkey
and literally even though he’s the tallest giraffe you’ve ever met ,,, he’s also the snuggliest for some odd reason
also before he does everything he asks for consent (not in a sexual way you fools he’s still a youngin)
for example,, before snuggling close next to you in bed,, he’ll ask to make sure you’re okay with it
“sanha why do you keep asking ,, we’re dating now wyd”
“i-i just want to make sure!!!!”
then when you basically say yes he lets out a squeal, yells out bBu bbU, and pulls you in sO close
are you not screaming rn bc i am 
when sanha plays his GUITAR
it is the most beautiful sound in this world
he could lull you to sleep sO easily with it
and sometimes you guys would sing a song together as he plays and it would be a jolly good wholesome time
“heyyyyyyyy let’s go eat!!!!!”
“sanha i am so full we literally ate an hour ago. and it was kbbq. how are you still hungr--”
“tHERe’S A corn doG STAND LETS GO”
and he will literally drag you
but even though he eats so much you secretly enjoy seeing him eat so well
despite you guys being a pretty young couple (i’m just saying this in terms that you were either his age or a one year gap)
you still acted like the most mature type and kept your composure in public ... most of the time
basically if you initiated anything with sanha in public he’d be so blushy and flustered
it’s not that he doesn’t like it, it’s just young love and he’s just a youngin yk
but at home WHOoof
he’d let you lay on his chest while you guys have the deepest talks
and tbh sanha is the type to give really good advice despite his age
sanha has that type of personality where he can be bubbly and do all aegyo but also can turn into a mature, serious sanha 
he’s just an all around person and we just wholeheartedly love our youngin <3
hi i hope you liked this impULSIVE sanha au and btw sorry for calling him a youngin even though i’m like 2 years younger than him lolol
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evenshands · 7 years
not the kind of fool who’s gonna sit and sing to you
Isak doesn’t sing. He just doesn’t, not by himself.
In the time (nearly a year, now) that they’ve been together, Even’s at most heard him hum, or mumble a few words along, barely audible compared to Even bellowing out the lyrics to some cheesy pop song. Or else, Isak will shout a few words along with Even when he’s drunk, but in that state, you can hardly call it singing.
Isak just doesn’t sing - and Even’s not going to push him, or anything. It’s not a big deal, Isak probably just doesn’t enjoy it. Which is fine. The hums that Even sometimes hears when Isak’s listening to music through headphones are good enough. Anything with Isak is good enough, really - but that’s not the point.
He gets home one day in October, and Isak is. Singing, that is. He’s sitting at the table, back to the door and headphones on - the new noise-cancelling ones he bought last week - which explains why he hasn’t heard Even come in. He’s singing softly along to the soundtrack of the film Even showed him last night - Submarine.
Even places his bag down gently, leans one shoulder against the wall, and just watches. Watches, and adores.
I’m not the kind of fool who’s gonna sit and sing to you
About stars, boy
Even smiles to himself at the lyric change - wonders to himself whether Isak is thinking of him as he sings.
But last night I looked up into the dark half of the blue
And they’d gone backwards
Watching the film with Isak had been great - as it was every time. They’d shut out the rest of the world, laid on their stomachs on their bed and watched, giggling together at the funny parts, shoulders bumping into each other occasionally, and Even twisting to drop kisses onto Isak’s bare shoulder where his baggy tshirt had slipped off and revealed bare skin. When Even did this, Isak would immediately turn his head in response, demanding a proper kiss from Even, which Even would give with a grin, before nudging Isak’s attention back to the film.
Something in your magnetism must have pissed them off
Forcing them to get an early night
After the film had finished, Isak giggled, and rolled on top of Even.
“That was the weirdest film you’ve ever made me watch.”
“I highly doubt that, baby,” Even had grinned, looking up into Isak’s eyes as the boy above him conceded with a tilt of his head.
“Okay, probably not. Still weird though.”
I have been searching from the bottom to the to the top
For such a sight as the one I caught when I saw your
“You loved it.”
“I love you.”
Fingers dimming the light
Like you’re used to being told that you’re trouble
Isak had told him later that he’d liked the soundtrack. Even had replied that it was the guy from Arctic Monkeys. They hadn’t talked much after that. Mostly they just kissed, until Isak curled up, yawning, head on Even’s chest, and demanded that they both sleep.
And I spent all night
Stuck on the puzzle
Even thought he was past being surprised by Isak. Not in a bad way, just in the way that they know each other now. Shaky beginnings last year had melted into excited exploration of each other, and now they’ve settled into knowing each other, loving each other. He should have known, though, that Isak won’t ever stop surprising him. There’s always new things to learn, and he loves every second.
The thing he learns today is how Isak reacts when he didn’t know Even was listening to him singing.
He doesn’t know what he expects. Probably something more dramatic, Isak doing the adorable blushy face and hiding himself in Even’s shoulder while he laments how embarrassed he is that Even heard that.
It’s not like that at all. He does jump when he turns and sees Even in the doorway, but apart from that, he’s a lot more relaxed than Even thought.
“How long have you been there?” he asks, eyes narrowed slightly as he stands and steps towards Even.
“A minute or so,” smiles Even leaning forward to catch Isak’s lips in a greeting. As usual, it’s not a quick greeting. Even pulls away slowly, a minute later, smile slightly dopier than it had been, and speaks again. “I’ve never heard you sing properly before.”
“Huh?” Isak says, blinking at him in confusion.
“Seriously,” says Even. “I mean I’ve heard you when you’re drunk, and I’ve heard you hum. But not like you were just now.”
“Oh,” Isak says, realisation dawning and cheeks flushing slightly as he looks down and shrugs. “Yeah, I - I’ve never really thought about that.”
“I like your voice,” Even tells him, and they both smile. Isak moves forward into Even’s chest, leaning his head onto Even’s shoulder and wrapping his arms around Even’s back.
“I used to sing a lot more,” Isak says quietly. “I mean, around other people.. But then I - I stopped, and…” he tails off, sighs quietly as Even runs the fingers of one hand through Isak’s hair and moves his other hand up and down his back. “I guess I just never started again.”
Even doesn’t ask, because he knows he doesn’t have to. If Isak wants to tell him, he’ll do it in his own time - and it turns out he does want to.
“I mean, it was around the same time that I stopped doing a ton of things that made me happy.” Even holds him tighter and breathes with him. “Not everything, but you know.” Even does know, at least, he’s pretty sure, and sure enough - “you know. The ‘gay’ stuff.”
Even nods. They stay, still and silent for a few moments. Even just holds, and Isak just breathes. That’s what works.
A minute later, Even takes a breath, and speaks.
“You should sing more,” he tells Isak, before turning to press a kiss to Isak’s temple. “I love your voice.”
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wannasoftimagine · 7 years
imagine park woojin as your classmate
project partners to dating partners :’)
(( AS REQUESTED // omg since ure a woojin stan can i get a request where y/n and woojin study in the same course after his wanna one activities (before he debuts in brand new music) and got closer after a project andddd you can write whatever after that LMAO :^) THANK YOU ))
okay so ure a fan of wanna one
who isnt tbh
and lucky u bc it turns out tht ure going to college w the one and only park woojin!!!!!!! (srsly tho what r the chances)
u forgot tht woojins age is kinda similar to urs bc he always acts like a tough guy on stage or a little kid off stage and u forget that hes a student like u
its a little weird to get used to seeing him in person after all the pictures n videos uve seen of him online
like?? hes a Real Person??? what a wild idea
and even tho ure both in the same college course, u try to keep ur distance
as much as ud like to befriend him, hes still an idol (even tho he hasnt debuted w brand new yet) and its rlly hard for u to start up a conversation w someone famous
also ure lowkey worried tht its going to ruin how much u admire him, and that actually talking to him will destroy how highly u view him
little do u kno hes seen u around campus before n thinks ure pretty cute
okay but anyways
u make sure to stay out of his way bc the last thing u want is to bother him by asking for a signature or picture or smthn
u try and keep a minimum of like 10 yds between u at all times
(bc itd be even more embarrassing if u tripped right in front of him and that was the first thing he noticed abt u)
but lucky for u, life doesnt care what u have planned
bc its only a month into the semester and u already have a huge project assigned
of course, it’s a partner project
it might be okay if u were able to choose ur partners, but ur teacher insisted on trying to help everyone “bond w their classmates” so its all completely random
unfortunately for u, u get sick the day that ur teacher assigns partners
so u have no idea who ure paired up with
ure stuck asking some of ur classmates, but none of them rlly remember
everyone was a bit busy stressing out over their own partners tbh
and u keep asking around a bit, but u only know so many ppl in the class so eventually u kinda give up and hope ur partner isnt too bad
u settle on focusing on ur other classes, studying for future exams and reviewing ur notes in the library
even tho ure not sick anymore, u still feel a bit drowsy from all of the different medications u took and all of the work u were trying to catch up on
so. all excuses aside u fall asleep
prob not the best plan esp since some of ur things are balancing on the edge of ur desk
but the heart wants what the heart wants, and it rlly wants to sleep
ure having a rlly weird dream abt pirate monkeys when ure jolted awake by someone bumping into ur side
u look up to see someone sprinting away from u and like okay. thts a little weird
u try not to think abt it too much bc ure still kinda sleepy
so u settle on gathering ur things so u can head back to ur dorm and decide whether or not u want to study, sleep more, or find something to eat
as u collect everything, u notice a little post it note that hadnt been there before
in messy handwriting, it says “i didnt want to wake u but im ur partner for the partner project. im woojin and u can text me at [xxx-xxx-xxxx] whenever u want to meet up i hope u sleep well”
u realize that ur partner is prob the one u saw sprinting away from u earlier after he accidentally bumped into u lol
somehow u momentarily forget that ur partner is THE park woojin and ure like aw cool this woojin guy seems nice
then ure like WAIT A SECOND
ure highkey in shock and keep pinching urself to make sure its real
so u end up taking the rest of ur stuff back to ur room and wondering how u should text him
eventually u decide on a simple greeting and ur name, and u ask him when hes free
u have to send the text and then throw ur phone onto the floor bc U JUST TEXTED PARK WOOJIN ABT MEETING IN PERSON. GOD BLESS
ure suddenly super grateful abt every decision tht led u to this moment
ur phone buzzes on the floor so u scramble to pick it up
only to realize tht its a text from ur mom asking how ure doing
u text her back and tell her not to worry, then attempt to clean ur room a little instead of waiting for woojin to text u back
u just finish reorganizing ur closet when he texts u
its a quick text, smthn along the lines of “im free tmrw afternoon, do u want to meet by the cafeteria” so u agree quickly and hope u dont seem too desperate
and u KNOW its not a date
u guys havent even spoken to each other before so???
but ure still rlly nervous bc its WOOJIN and u want to impress him, even if ure just going to spend most of ur time talking abt boring coursework
u both settle on a time to meet and u pretend not to freak out
anyways skip to the next afternoon
u get there a bit early but ?? hes there already ??? ldsjks
and he looks Really Cute like hes wearing a sweater and ripped jeans and looking like complete boyfriend material wow ure p sure u can feel ur heart stop in ur chest
hes a bit awkward but uve heard abt how shy he is so u try not to take it personally
as soon as he sees u he blurts out tht u look nice and that is not helping the way tht this feels like a date
u guys end up moving to a bench in the shade bc its rlly nice out and this way ure able to talk freely without worrying abt being too loud
he explains the project a little, and u guys go back and forth offering up ideas
he always nods super enthusiastically whenever u suggest smthn and its honestly the cutest thing uve ever seen
its so weird for u to remember that this is the same guy uve seen videos of online bc what the heck
neither of u are extreme geniuses in the class, but ure both still pretty smart
ure pleased to find tht u guys complement each other well, w different areas of interest inside the same field
it helps ur project run a lot smoother than u thought it would, so u guys split up the work and agree to do as much as u can before u meet up again
ur conversations are still a bit stilted bc ure both still shy w each other, but overall u seem to get along well so ure happy
u text each other every once in awhile to talk abt the project or ask questions
u meet up a few more times in the next couple weeks but its all work and no business
still, over time u find urselves joking around with each other a little more, teasing each other and talking abt urselves instead of the project
of course, all things must come to an end
so all too soon, the day u submit the final project arrives
and ure a little worried tht woojin is going to disappear from ur life again
bc maybe he’s only been this nice to u bc hes just a sweet guy, but as soon as the project ends he wont care abt talking to u anymore
after all, its not like u guys meet up for meals or to hang out that often - even when ure just relaxing w each other, theres always some part of ur convo tht centers around the class
so as ure freaking out over this
he texts u asking if u want to come over to his dorm while he submits it
and mb u guys can just hang out afterwards?
obviously u agree and u cant stop smiling
when u show up at his dorm, hes wearing sweatpants and a tshirt and he looks adorable as heck when he invites u in
u guys sit on his bed as he loads all the stuff on his laptop and u try not to be hyperaware of the space between u two
woojins also screaming internally but somehow u dont notice the way he keeps staring at u out of the corner of his eye
u click the “submit” button together and HIS HANDS ARE SO GENTLE also theyre shaking a little???? huh
u assume its just bc hes Extra Nervous for the project but honestly? no hes just never been this close to u and hes freaking out
but anyways
u decide to go out to eat off campus afterwards to celebrate being done
a lot of the places have long waits or are too expensive so u just eat at a chikfila
its rlly casual but its fun and u guys argue abt whether chicken nuggets or chicken sandwiches r better and u cant help but think abt how much fun ure having w hiim
u end up blurting it out to him on accident and ure v v embarrassed
but he laughs and admits tht he rlly likes spending time w u too
so u promise each other to keep hanging out afterwards
it gets to the point where weeks later, ure still texting each other to complain abt classes or ask abt the other persons day
it still feels like a dream tbh
but u guys enjoy each others company whenever u can
most of the time u end up meeting each other at the cafeteria or studying together in the library, but u both just rlly like spending time w the other person
this routine continues for awhile and its prob the best part of ur life
but at one point ure trying to sneak up on woojin and surprise him when u see him talking to himself
as u creep forward, u realize tht hes actually on the phone, and he looks kinda stressed
it feels a bit invasive so ure looking around trying to find a place to go while he finishes up his phone call
but then u hear him say ur name so. consider u INTERESTED
and he keeps getting flustered and shutting down anything tht the other person says which is weird bc hes p shy, but hes never usually tht adamant and blushy abt something
eventually he tucks his phone away and lets out a Huge sigh so ure like,, hey u good
and he laughs it off but u can tell hes a little antsy, so u decide to tell him tht u overheard a little bit of him on the phone, and u ask him what it was about
he literally turns into a tomato its so funny u wish u had recorded it
but hes like “HOW MUCH DID U HEAR”
even tho u tell him u didnt hear much, he refuses to believe u and he spends the next few minutes pouting
u keep trying to get him to talk to u normally, but he refuses
finally he ends up grumbling smthn and ure like ???
and after a few half hearted efforts to repeat himself hes like “just tell me u dont like me back”
and. WHAT.
he pouts again and its so sos sosososoos o so cute u think ure going to combust honestly
“i kno u heard me tell him tht i like u!!!! just tell me u dont feel the same and leave me alone to cry”
and u have to reassure him tht u definitely didnt hear that BUT ALSO what???
n hes literally mortified when he realizes ure serious
but he has this rlly cute determined expression like “ok well now u kno i like u!!!!! y/n, please go out w me???”
n its like OF COURSE and u tell him tht u like him too and he keeps smiling and acting shy
honestly u both just make each other super happy
when u start dating, its not too diff from when u were friends, except now ure more affectionate w each other
both physically and with ur words
he loves hyping u up, and u feel the same
esp when he starts practicing more to debut w the rest of the bnm boys
u support the heck out of each other and can always count on the other person to be there for u when u need it the most
honestly its super soft and ure totally proud to be a lowkey campus couple even tho u have to keep ur relationship on the down low bc of dispatch
still u both care for each other a lot and u wouldnt trade what u have for the world
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letsliveblog · 7 years
Dragon Ball 011 - Your Death Machine Did Not Need To Be This Convoluted
I’ve been gone for a while, but I’m back!  Let’s liveblog Dragon Ball!
Ah, that’s right.  Last time, they were trapped in the dreaded Easily Escapable Room!  Let’s see what these world-renowned martial artists do when faced with their toughest enemy yet… a brick wall!
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You guys aren’t even trying.
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Mai.  Shu.  They have it on them, why on EARTH would they leave it in the car.
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I watched you punch through these brick walls last episode.  I saw you do this.  Guys.  GUYS.
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I know it’s not gonna happen, but I WANT it to.
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This is just a nice little shot of the Pilafites.  Mai is so TALL.
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This is why you guys are my favorite.
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Yamcha and Goku finally try to punch through the wall, with disappointing results, which I can honestly forgive because then Goku makes this face.
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Fist... lost to wall???
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Bulma casually disrespecting the new ruler of the universe, you go girl.
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“Oh no, they took Bulma!!  One of us… probably liked her?  Right?”
(Goku liked her.  Tolerated her.)
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HA, betcha THAT got cut from the dub!
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It’s going to be something childish and stupid, isn’t it.
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Oh they are playing it up sooooo much as a sexual thing, it’s going to be something REALLY childish and stupid, isn’t it.
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Okay but like, would he really make a bad emperor?  He tortures people by blowing them kisses, this is some Jelliah Jamb Land of Oz capital punishment right here.  We’re looking at a fairy tale utopia under this guy, just let him have this.
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Also Mai can just up and marry me, omg.  (And look at Pilaf’s smug little blushy face, just let him have this.)
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Yamcha is impressed with Bulma’s composure under EXTREME TORTURE.
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When Bulma suggests some less… cutesy interrogation techniques, it is just too much for the Pilaf Pals.  “Toss her back in the cell, TOSS HER BACK IN THE CELL”
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I feel like I should be taking more screenshots, but there is just nothing of visual interest going on in this episode.  The entire thing so far has been set in two tiny rooms with pretty static boring backgrounds of a brick wall, and a security monitor displaying brick walls.  This chapter was probably a lot more fun in the manga; being trapped in a tiny room doesn’t really translate entertainingly to animation.
Guess I’ll just screenshot cute faces ’til something happens.
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Puar trying to escape the sleeping gas!  Cute?  Very.
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Sleeping Yamcha.  Definitely cute.
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Goku asleep on top of Yamcha.  The epitome of cute.
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Pilaf falling victim to his own sleeping gas?  Not really cute so much as endearing, the little scamp.
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Oh right, mortal peril and all that.
Mai checks between Yamcha’s legs for the balls.
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An ominous shot of the full moon?  This is the were-monkey episode, isn’t it.
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First time in the show we get to see all the dragon balls gathered together!  This is a cool moment.
It cracks me up that they went out of their way to have this cool little case custom made JUST for this little reveal.  They don’t need this case.  They’re not going to keep the balls and display them or something, they literally just put them in there so they could take the lid off dramatically and show Pilaf.  I mean, I’m not knocking it.  They’ve got style.
Also, you went through all the trouble of getting a case for them but then you didn’t display them in numerical order??
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Enjoy it, guys.  You earned this.  C:
Well no, you stole this.  But in my HEART you earned this.
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Seriously, this is SUCH a cool moment.
Might want to make that wish reeeeal quick though, guys.  The protagonists are not gonna let you have this.  (Please though for real let them have this.)
No?  We’re just gonna keep staring?  Okay then, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.
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“Quick Yamcha, check between your legs!”
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In a crisis, Bulma goes to Goku.  Mainly because Oolong’s untrustworthy and she barely knows Yamcha and Puar, but still.  At the end of the day, this is THEIR adventure.
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Yamcha found the dragon balls!  Oh wait, no, that’s just Bulma’s cleavage.  Tragically, this does not lead to an adorably concerned Puar moment.
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Oh no.  Oh no oh no, that’s right, that was Gohan’s.  That was the thing you were projecting Gohan’s spirit onto.  Oh Goku.  Oh Goku.  :C  You weren’t gonna get to keep it, but oh Goku.  :C :C :C
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I feel like she cares less about Pilaf’s potential world domination and more about the fact that SHE could have used that wish to get a boyfriend.  Though to be fair, Bulma put a LOT of work into gathering these things.  She went on a miserable road trip, lost all her possessions, almost died so many times…  Yeah, no, I feel you, girl.  That was your wish and you worked hard.
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Surely even the Stealing Dragon Balls From all Over the World with Pilaf Brigade isn’t THAT stupid.  It’s gotta be leading them into another trap.  I note, with grudging acceptance, that they still haven’t explained why they couldn’t break out of THIS trap.  Seriously.  Why.  It’s BRICKS.  You broke them last episode, I am NOT LETTING THIS DIE.
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Okay fine, yeah, they are that stupid.  It only makes me love them more.
Hey, why haven’t you made your wish yet?  Does it have to be outside?  Like, will the dragon just not show up if you’re inside a building?  Or if it did, would the building crush Shenron, or would Shenron break through the building?  I can totally see some important story arc of this series come to an abrupt and grisly end because they accidentally summoned Shenron indoors and the ensuing mass of dragon spewing forth rapidly into a tiny space crushed them all.
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Spoilers, they get away.
You guys are supposed to be martial artists, what the heck.  I can see Mai getting away, but Pilaf and Shu have tiny legs, come on.
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Pilaf controls the deathtraps in his castle with an electric keyboard, and that is so delightfully convoluted and unnecessary.
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Pilaf has a giant pinball machine in his castle specifically to kill intruders, and I am convinced this is the first time he’s ever gotten to use it because seriously, who else even knows he lives out here?  The man has no enemies.  He probably just sat around one day like:
“Mai!  Shu!  When I’m the ruler of the world, there will probably be many assassination attempts on my life!  We need to booby trap the castle!”
“Yes sir, Emperor Pilaf!  We’ll start digging some spike pits and-“
“No no no, what we need is a GIANT PINBALL MACHINE.”
“Uh, sir, that’s-“
“That I can control with a PIANO.”
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He doesn’t even play the piano, he’s just repeatedly slamming his hands down on the keyboard.
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Indiana Jones’n it.
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Look I just… the scope of this is just…
He built a giant labyrinth.  To kill the people who escaped the pinball machine.  He could have just built the pinball machine with no exits, but no.  He went the extra mile and built an exit to a giant labyrinth where the pinball would chase you down and actually follow you around corners.  He could have just built a straight path that dead-ended, so the pinball would crush you, but NO.  He made CORNERS so you could DODGE the pinball, and then wired the pinball into his electric piano so he could make the pinball chase you AROUND THE CORNERS.
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And THEN.  Despite the fact that the pinball can chase you around the corners, he makes it smash DIRECTLY THROUGH THE WALLS.  Of HIS labyrinth that HE built.  How much did this elaborate death machine cost you, Pilaf.  How many workers, how many hours of labor.  How many of those walls were structurally important in holding up the rest of your castle.
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And THEN.  And THEN, he’s not done, NO.  He built a STAIRCASE made of GIANT DOMINOES, so you could run down it while the pinball chases you down and knocks over the dominoes behind you, BUT, and this is important, NOT ACTUALLY FAST ENOUGH for the cascade effect to catch up with you on the staircase, PURELY for the intimidation factor of making you do this.
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And the staircase is set up so that the pinball can’t follow you into the next room, purely so that you’ll think you’re safe before a curtain dramatically pulls back to reveal ANOTHER PINBALL, for which he set up STRATEGICALLY PLACED SPOTLIGHTS
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Which FINALLY leads you to a dead end where the pinball can crush you, you know, instead of putting it RIGHT AT THE BEGINNING AND KILLING YOUR ENEMIES WHILE AT THE SAME TIME SAVING YOURSELF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF EVIL LAIR DESIGN.
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But does it kill you there?  No.  It traps you BACK IN THE EXACT ROOM YOU STARTED IN.  That was the twist all along.  This was never a deathtrap, it was just an overly elaborate Rube Goldberg device to stick them back in their cage.  Which… he has mechanical arms rigged around his base for.  He could have snatched them up and dumped them in here at any time, and he chose all of THIS because…
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because it’s friggin awesome and he knows it
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Ok but joking aside, can we appreciate how LUCKY our little cast of characters was that they timed this out the way they did?  Not just because it’ll save the day and help them defeat Pilaf at the last second, but because… well imagine if they’d taken just a few days longer to get here, and had the full moon rise during their road trip.
Just… picture that.  Out of little capsule houses, their RV destroyed, sleeping out in the desert under the stars.  They take turns taking watches; they’ve had bandits come after them before, after all.  Oolong and Bulma fast asleep, unaware, unwarned.
And Goku looks up.
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Man, I’ve been saying that all episode, thank you Yamcha.
I mean I know it’s not gonna work but somebody at least ought to be trying.
Also, Goku doesn’t know you know he knows that attack.  Is anybody gonna question that, or…?
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“Goku.  Listen to me.  STEALTH.  GOD.”
“That doesn’t answer my question but okay.”
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Wow.  That… actually worked!  I was expecting it to just ricochet off the walls or something because this is apparently the strongest brick known to man, but no, apparently this is just regular brick.  You know you could just do that attack about two or three more times and make the hole big enough to climb out of.
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More creative use of shapeshifting powers, back when characters other than Goku were useful in this show.
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Bulma if you make him do that in this tiny enclosed space, you’re all gonna have to smell it.
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Batpig is cute.
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Oh please let him have this.
I am legitimately sad that this episode is over, I was really getting into this.  So much hype for the giant monkeys.
So, will our hero Pilaf get his wish?  No!  But we’ll have to watch him fail next time we liveblog Dragon Ball!
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