unofficiallyswizzy · 2 years
whoever created canker sores can exploud immediately disrespectfully
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periwinkla · 2 months
PokeAttorney AU Masterpost!
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I'll update this as I go ♡ ---- posts ---- #pokeattorney AU main tag Choco-Phoenix-Travesty post Unnecessary feelings + WHOOOP post Pokeattorney x 15th Anniversary skit post ---- Teams (for now) ---- (in brackets the mons I haven't drawn yet) Phoenix - shiny Decidueye, shiny Umbreon, Goodra Trucy - Hoopa, Eevee, Hydrapple... (all her mons here) Miles - Gardevoir, Kingambit, Espeon, Dachsbun Maya - Mismagius, Snorlax Mia - Noctowl, (Alakazam) Godot - Luxray Franziska - shiny Gallade, (Dragonair) Gumshoe - Yamper Larry - Smeargle, (Infernape) Pearl - Clefairy Blackquill - Hisuian Braviary Klavier - Toxtricity Apollo - Skeledirge, (Exploud) Athena - Rotom, (Pawmot), (shiny Lucario) Ema - Reuniclus Nahyuta - Alolan Ninetales Kay - shiny Greninja, (Honchkrow - inherited from her father) Eustace - Politoed Iris - white Floette/Florges Dahlia - (Roselia) Kristoph - (shiny Roserade) *the WAA’s main partner pokémon are all Ghost types: Decidueye - Hoopa - Skeledirge - Rotom *Mia's Noctowl is mentor to Phoenix's Decidueye *after her death Mia's pokémon become the WAA's resident caretakers and eventually Trucy's helpers for her shows *More info about the teams: Phoenix + Miles Maya & Miles Wrightworth family x Eevee-Umbreon-Espeon (1) Wrightworth family x Eevee-Umbreon-Espeon (2) Franziska, Pearl, Blackquill, Klavier, Apollo, Athena, Ema, Nahyuta, Kay, Eustace
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roseandgold137 · 3 months
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popfizzles · 2 years
Okay so this is random but would Val have an Alcreamie if she had a pokemon?
Now, I'm definitely not the type to draw Cuphead ocs in Trainer clothes with Pokeballs in hand (crossovers aren't really my cup of tea is all).
BUT. I can provide a team of Pokemon I think have the most Val vibes :)
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In order;
Ruby Cream Love Sweet Alcremie, Tinkaton, Audino, Bewear, Shiny Exploud, and Mawile!
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What type of Pokémon would Marinette and crew have... Just because I've been on a Pokémon craze and I like giving random chacters pokemon.. I wanna here others thoughts
Okay okay okay SO
I've decided that their Kwami are their Starters, and then each character's Team has a theme to it. Often this theme is limiting their types, but we also get some more 'vibes' teams.
I'm.... honestly too out of energy to go down the full list, especially as some aren't fully listed in my notes, but we do have a tag! For now have the Main Five!
Marinette - Bug Types. Ledian(Tikki), Leavanny, Illumise, Volbeat, Joltik, Frostmoth
Adrien - Dark Types. Umbreon(Plagg), Zoroark, Meowscarada, Houndoom, Liepard, Weavile
Alya - Fire and Electric Types. Ninetails(Trixx), Rotom, Pawmot, Zebstrika, Scovillian, Talonflame
Nino - Music Theme. Torterra(Wayzz, only theme exception), Chatot, Rillaboom, Exploud, Noivern, Kricketune
Chloé - Fairy Type. Ribombee(Pollen), Mimikyu, Clefable, Primarina, Tinkaton, Galarian Rapidash
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endergirlplayz · 8 months
Tf2 "pokemon teams"
pokemon teams is in big air quotes because theese aren't full teams amd ass I made theese I thought about more potential pokemon options so I'll make a note of what pokemon they have and what pokemon I'm thinking about adding to fill out there teams
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Scout has a scorbunny and jolteon because those were the only pokemon I could think of for him (I think theese cod be added to tho!) As far as alternatives I saw someone mentioned exelgore which could work. I did at one point have an intrusive thought of giving him one of the sus pokemon (specifically, lopunny or vaporeon) but decided against it :Di was also just now thinking about it, maybe he could have a cyclizard
Medic :
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Up front i should mention that Medic's pokemon were partially chosen based on how messed up there pokedex was or also vibes
Pokemon drifloon(loose nurse joy assosciation + steals children) , essspur ,pidove (arcimedis), yamask (let's be real here if medic could keep a human soul as a pet he probably would), and litwick (later chadellure ) (again messed up pokedex, kidnaps children and drags them to the afterlife, feeds of life force of humans).
Other options were wigglytuff (most messed up main nurse joy pokemon to me, once you start petting it you physically cannot stop, it can also expand to over 20× its soze whichis terifying ) or mimikyu (only not here bc he was givin to pyro)
Speaking of which
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Pyro has a rapidash, sylveon, fuecoco and mimikyu (idk if I gotta justify any of theese other than masked eldrich horror is mimikyu's whole thing and also fits pyros vibes good)
Other options were centiscoch, cyndiquill , magmortar, galarian rapidash
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Spy and medic have the most fleshed out teams
Spy has a intellion, ditto, zoroark ,leopard, and indede
Some suggestions for spy other pokemon were froufrou and ... idk I forgot whelst writing this
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Soldier has a braviary and a zigzagoon
other idea are bibbarel/ bidoof and staraptor
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Demoman gas some of the fewwest pokemon but the most ideas
He has a roggenrolla( or either evolution) and an electrode
Other ideas are aegislash, herdier/ stoutland, exploud , and maybe foretress
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Heavy has a blissy machamp and hariyama
I dont have any specific other pokemon he should have but I'm gonna be looking into ones that are bulky like him :3 (also was looking at beware, maybe that would work, or ursarang)
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sniper has a nictowland a Sandler ( it was supposed to be a krokorok but I couldn't get the intended effect of the image with that one.
Im also thinking sniperhas some silly/cute lil guys as poekemon, like munchlax, slow poke, spoink, or pinchirchin (snom? Maybe?)
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Engi has a magnazone and a rottom.
the only orher pokemon I've thought about giving him is tinkatuff
he's probbaly the merc I've put the least thought into the team of
anyway that's my lil surprise for yall, I'll try to draw more pokemom x tf2 stuff soon
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skeletondoggy · 7 months
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OH IT'S POKEMON DAY!!!! Probably a good time to share them publicly, meet BOW!! A Normal Type gym leader, trumpet player, and my player character for a pokemon tabletop I'm in!!
A musician first and foremost, they approach the mysteries of the world with open arms and cherish the individuality of person and pokemon alike! They hope to understand people and pokemon alike through the five senses! (MORE details under the cut I have a lot to say about them)
A bit of an older trainer, Bow is a trumpet player and composer who recently found themselves as a gym leader despite not being too big on Pokemon Battling! They work together with pokemon as equals both creating music and living daily life, and give all the love they can give!
While quite nice and always happy to teach, they can get pretty stubborn about their ideology and competitive on low risk tasks! They're very much the type of person to pick up many hobbies...they've recently been doing a lot of painting and clay sculpting!
Bow thinks the world can't be described alone by science and information, and feels there's a great importance in understanding things on a unique, individual level! No one person or pokemon is the same, and it's best to embrace those differences!
Bow feels more than anything that Normal types capture this individuality and "out of the box" existence better than any other pokemon! A type ascribed to the undefinable, they feel a kinship with the typing as well as their own thoughts of self...
Their dream and ultimate goal more than anything is for people to open their hearts to each other, and communicate on personal levels! They feel the five senses are a universal language that all life can understand, and thus be a threshold to communicate with...For them, sound presents their soul much stronger than any spoken word could!
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THEIR GYM FOLLOWS SUIT AS WELL! Their gym challenge test's trainers' understanding of pokemon's body language, and asks for them to infer information about both the gym's pokemon and their own through several tests focused around the senses!
Will someone react more positively to a specific smell? What's a sound that indicates safety? Can a relaxing touch spot for one pokemon be a point of irritation for another? To Bow, this is key to understanding Pokemon!
As of right now, Bow is trying to return home and to their original team as well while making friends along the way...the only Remnant of their original team is Glottis! A Whismur born from their very first Exploud...here's hoping they can make it!!
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banananutsmuthie · 2 years
Oh you like off shoulder. How are you going to take care of "Elite 4"? Is there anything you want to do for "Elite 4?" It seems that they didn't just expose their shoulders lol (They expose a lot of things!)
The Elite 4
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Idol(s): Soeun [weeekly], Seoyeon [fromis_9], Yena, Mina [TWICE] Word Count: 800+ words A/N: The dumbest smut you'll read today. You've been warned.
"To be the very best that no one ever was." 
This was the mantra you repeated to yourself when you first left your hometown in your pursuit to sleep with the finest woman in each of the surrounding towns in your region. Along the way, you've collected badges of honor (8 in all)—metaphorical notches in your bedpost, if you will—after each successful sexual conquest. Not a lot of people can say they've done what you have, but now you face a different monster entirely with the "Elite 4", the group of women shouldering the weight of being the finest four in the region.
"Once you start, you have to finish all four of us. Think you can handle that?" Soeun isn't as well known as the other three, but she is still an absolute freak in the bed, worthy of her place in the Elite 4. 
"I think you're the ones who won't be able to handle me," you reply.
She can't help but Pikachu, staring at that blooming Bulbasaur in your pants. She is known for the best Lickitung in the land, so while she doesn't let you have her, she puts that perfectly tight Meowth around your Soodowoodo, masterfully Lickilicky it until you can't hold it in anymore.
"Swellow it," you command Soeun, "all of it." She complies and takes a huge gulp as you move on to the next room, just a little drained, but with enough stamina to carry on with the endurance challenge.
Seoyeon is waiting for you, slightly annoyed and unamused that it takes you this long to get to her.
"Lie down," she says as she pulls down her pants and plants her Cloyster directly onto your face, giving your Geodude a little break. It opens up gently to your sweet Togekiss you plant on it. The taste has a bit of Metang to it, but you enjoy it regardless. Eventually it leads to harsh Lickitung action, until finally, Seoyeon Spewpas all over your face.
Yena is up next. Unlike Soeun and Seoyeon before her, she is a Miltank. She gets on her knees, and you pull Yena's top down to reveal her pink Jigglypuffs. She goads your Rhyhorn with one hand while the other hand fondles your Rotom. It's too much to last even a couple minutes staring at Yena's Jigglypuffs gently swaying in time to the metronome of her jerking hands. When you can't take anymore, you Exploud sweet relief onto her Jigglypuffs.
With only one woman left, you excitedly make your way to the final room where the most beautiful woman is lying on a bed, bored. She looks up excitedly, introducing herself as Mina.
"No one's ever made it this far," she says. "I'm gonna let you have something that none of the other three girls let you have. Mostly because I'm dying for some action but also as a reward for finally making it to the final girl."
Mina slips the spaghetti straps off her shoulders, her dress floating down her slender frame and revealing her perfectly smooth, pink Blissey that's waiting for your Pokéballs to be used on it. 
"Ho-oh, that body looks like trouble," you let out in admiration of Mina's body. 
She curls a beckoning finger toward you and you waste no time in pinning Mina down to the bed. But you want to savor the moment, so at first, it's just a little Slowpoke. Mina lets out a Gastly moan, taking in the pleasure that she's waited for since she first took the throne as leader of the Elite 4.
Two bodies Tangela up in one another as you finally get that sweet reward. You Cubone her hard, and Mina blows hot breath against your ear in Loudred moans of satisfaction. She is almost Weezing from just how good it all feels.
"Fuck, I think I'm gonna cum!" 
At first, Mina's orgasm is just a little Squirtle, but you Beedrill faster into her and it quickly evolves into a huge Blastoise, sullying the pristine sheets beneath her. Her Blissey tightens around your Luvdisc until you are spraying her with all your Seedot. There's Swalot of it. So much in fact that it Dwebbles out of her Blissey.
Your vision blurs in a Drowzee haze until you eventually pass out, unable to go any further. When you wake up, Nurse Joy is there to greet you in an unfamiliar, Unown place.
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"What happened?"
"This may sound Farfetch'd, but you passed out, dear. A couple more seconds and you would've conquered the Elite 4. You're gonna have to do them all over again."
"Yes, exactly. But for now, sit back, relax, and let me take care of you," she Mews, Gulpin on your Luvdisk.
Some would find it Tentacruel and unusual punishment to have to face the Elite 4 again, but you find the situation Tentacool.
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I decided to make dndads pokemon team headcanons
Each character will be limited to 3 max (exceptions pending)
Greedent - Looks just like him, Matt said so himself. Calls it Grant. It gets confusing.
Meowth (Galar) - Scruffy just like Daryll. Evolves into Perrserker, fitting Daryll's barbarian class. Named it Aragorn on a whim and wouldn't change it even when people told him it doesn't fit.
Kangaskhan - Loving, protective parent. Inherited from Frank as the baby of his own Kangaskhan now grown up. Named it after his grandmother, Sally.
Cradily - No brainer. Best of both interests (nature and geology). Named it Lily. Simple, sweet.
Carnivine - Thorn Whip/Entangle/Grasping Vine! Also representative of his more aggressive nature that he pushes down until he snaps. Named it simply Flower cause he wanted to associate it with nice and gentle imagery.
Trevenant - Had it since he was a boy and both lost their memories when they were transported to earth. Gifted to him by Beary to help attune him to the Doodler's eldritch nature within him by interacting with the ghost type. Made of the husk of an oak tree. Perhaps possessed by the lost soul of an Oakvale child. Can learn Will-O-Wisp, which is a good enough justification for Wall of Fire for me. He never named it.
Beeheeyem - Had it since it was an Elgyem, but doesn't remember catching it. He remembers getting high in the desert one night, then waking up with a new friend. He doesn't even know the species name, he just calls it Star Wars.
Rotom - Let's it chill in his amps or guitars when at home and in his vape pen when on the go. When it possesses his electric guitars it can play loud even without an amp. Calls it Lil' Dude/Lil' Man/Lil' Guy/Lil' Buddy. It responds to all.
Pikachu - of all the characters, he feels the most right to have a Pikachu. What's it's name? Nick Jr.
Glenn hasn't technically captured any of his pokemon.
Herdier - His first pokemon that he had to give up long ago. Named Rogue.
Greavard - It found him one day.
Tyrogue - It's the same size as him and he found it after joining the dads. He fought it himself. Calls it his Rival.
Walter the Immoral:
Honedge - The sword that gave him his name. He never wanted a pokemon, but when the sword he crafted broke and killed that hero, it became possessed and returned to him. Has no name, and he barely refers to it. Good friends with Paeden.
Scam Likely/Well Actually/Scam Actually:
He has no set team. Every time he crosses paths with the daddies he has a different pokemon accompanying him, even if they were only separated for an hour.
Some examples of pokemon he's been seen with -
Sneasel (both versions)
Each of the daddies' pokemon (at different occasions)
Meowth (Kanto)
Zorua (most commonly seen)
Arin O'Neal:
Trevenant - (Lots)
Torterra - (Lots)
Dusknoir - Uses it as a tool and nothing else. Doesn't refer to it at all, conditioned it to respond to orders only.
Darkrai - Keeps it contained and under wraps. Never tries to use it for battle or utility. He doesn't want to risk losing control, even in his dreams. He would have to be desperate to resort to using it.
Liligant (Hisui) - Uses it as a partner for light aerobics and yoga. Calls it Lily.
Golurk - Created it himself. He considers it something of a magnum opus. Refers to it by its species name.
Dragonite - His ace up his sleeve. He lets it guard the O-Dads compounds and bases. Calls it Raymond Dio Labot.
Slaking - His oldest pokemon. Extraordinarily powerful, but just as lazy as he is. Calls it Brother.
Exploud - He likes it loud. Taught it to beatbox and Willy fucking hates it. Calls it Rock and/or Roll.
Rotom - Glenn's Rotom. He bequeathed it to him some time before he "died". He's the one that started calling it any variation of "Lil'" that Glenn caught on to.
The Doodler:
Unown Unknown
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channelsurfer02 · 4 months
Slayers Pokémon Teams: Naga the Serpent
Now we move on to everyone’s favorite stacked sorceress, Naga the Serpent. As usual, the team is directly below and the justifications are under that.
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Nidoqueen: Naga, despite what one might think, is a princess of Seyruun, hence why she gets Nidoqueen. Also, I thought it would be cute if at least one of her Pokémon was an evolved form of one of Amelia’s Pokémon.
Golurk: Next we have Golurk, which was chosen due to Naga displaying a penchant for Golem making magic throughout the series. Well … I suppose more throughout the movie, but my point still remains.
Serperior: I mean, I had to add a snake Pokémon here at some point considering Naga’s name. Serperior felt like a fitting choice because it’s royal serpent, which fits both Naga’s position as well as her notoriously haughty demeanor.
Salazzle: Considering Naga’s status as the main fanservice character in Slayers, it made sense to add the Pokémon known for having harems of male Pokémon and releasing pheromones.
Gothitelle: This Pokémon represents Naga’s aesthetic tastes, since she goes for a whole “evil sorceress” look. Also psychic types are one of Pokémon’s go-to’s to represent supernatural forces.
Exploud: Naga’s laugh. Need I say more?
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transguygardner · 9 months
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Into the GuyLoboVerse: Day 11
Earth 383: Pokemon AU
Pokemon Breeder GUY GARDNER was out on a supply run with his beloved shiny growlithe when Biker LOBO rolled into town. While GUY had his back turned, his growlithe decided to investigate the strange motorcycle. Unfortunately, LOBO's mightyena snuck up on the growlithe. Who then did a flare blitz on the motorcycle. Destroying it. So now LOBO has decided GUY has to pay for it and he's not leaving until he does.
Author's Notes:
Guy's design is an edit of the Pokemon Breeder sprite from Black and White. While Lobo's is an edit of the Biker sprite from HeartGold and Soulsilver. These designs are pretty old (over 4 years old!) and I haven't kept up much with pokemon trainer designs since then so one day I might give them more of an update.
The concept is the classic pokemon journey started because someone fucked up someone else's bike. Middle aged men edition! If I remember correctly the plan was that Lobo was hunting down a rare or legendary pokemon and was going to convince Guy to help him track it down as payment for the motorcycle. Before Guy became a pokemon breeder, he was a pokemon ranger and those skills would be helpful in that kind of journey. Well, I just got an idea for how that would end so now that's definitely what it would be. The end is still a secret though :P
Guy and Lobo's teams were decided between the release of Sun/Moon and Sword/Shield and Lobo's definitely needs at least one major edition (Obstagoon. He HAS to have one but I'm not sure who to cut yet).
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Guy has his shiny growlithe, an exeggutor, an exploud, a breloom, a manectric, and a grumpig. All but the growlithe were with him when he did his gym challenge before becoming a pokemon ranger. He switched gears from the Punk Guy trainer class to the Pokemon Ranger trainer class before finishing the Hoenn gym challenge. The growlithe was the first pokemon he raised from an egg after becoming a Pokemon Breeder.
Lobo has a mightyena, a houndoom, an absol, a krookodile, an aggron, and a granbull. At his home Lobo has some lanturns, primarinas, frillish, finizen, and palafin that he doesn't take out on jobs. Obviously there is now an obstagoon in the mix but I still have to mull over who is getting removed from his team. Maybe the aggron?
Here is the initial drawing I did of Lobo confronting Guy after the bike incident and a drawing of Guy throughout his pokemon journey.
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brokecorviknight · 9 months
Interview 1 + Pokey Reveal
Detective Shapiro flips through her notebook. “Six Legendaries, in this backwater town?”
“Pika?” Her partner, Pikachu responds. Her trainer pats her head.
“Probably just mass hysteria, not surprising, those woods give me the creeps too. We’re gonna get to the bottom of this.” She shouts to Officer Bailey and his Skarmory, “Send in the first witness, please.”
A very average looking man sits down across from her, accompanied by his partner Pokémon. He adjusts his tie nervously and awaits the Detective’s questions.
Shapiro looks at her notes again. “Mr. Matthews, thank you for coming in.”
“Perkins,” He corrects her. “I’ve been married for a few years now.
“Congratulations. Now, could you tell me about this strange Pokémon that you encountered?”
“I wouldn’t say I’ve seen anything particularly strange. This is Hatchetfield after all.” On his lap, Ditto morphs to copy Pikachu.
Detective Shapiro is beginning to get frustrated, her notes are almost completely useless. “Do you have any information on these supposed Legendary Pokémon that live around your town?”
“Umm. No, but you should ask Paul. He’s got a knack for sensing when one of them is around.”
“I thought you were Paul Matthews?” She questions.
Finally understanding her confusion, the man reintroduces himself. “My name is Pryce Perkins.”
Interview 1.2
With the knowledge gained from her last interview, Detective Shapiro is confident she’ll have this one nailed.
The interviewee enters the room, he looks practically identical to the first, but a bit scruffier and not quite as well dressed. He holds his partner, an Espeon to his chest for comfort.
The man makes a small ‘mreow’ as he sits, very odd, but perhaps it’s just a Hatchetfield thing. Pikachu hands her a notepad. Learning her lesson from last time, the detective starts off with a simple question.
“Could you state your name, please?”
Not the man she’s looking for. “Is there a last name that goes with that?”
“Umm, no. It’s just Puss.”
“Thank you for coming in.”
Interview 1.3
Detective Shapiro sits across from the third identical man this evening, this one has an Exploud for a partner. Pikachu eyes him suspiciously as her human does the same to the man.
“Your name is Paul Matthews is it not?” The woman asks.
“Yes it is? Or Yes is isn’t?” Pikachu fluffs up with electricity. Exploud makes a concerned roaring sound. She’ll have to remind her partner that this isn’t a criminal investigation later.
“My name is Paul Matthews” he answers quickly.
“My sources tell me that you have a connection to the reported sightings of some mysterious Pokémon. Could you elaborate?”
“I get a kind of weird feelings when one of them is around or meddling in things. I’ve seen one of them before, the blue one. It was unlike any Pokémon I had seen before. My partner and I barely got away.” He pets Exploud as he says that last part.
“Could you please describe it in detail to me?”
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gay-charizard · 7 months
Alright so im hyped for pokemon za already, so im just gonna start placing bets/wants now
Putting it under the read more just for the people that dont care
Im guessing these three, mostly because i dont think theyre gonna give any new mega forms to pokemon that already have them (unless its fuckin charizard) and i think theyre gonna want a diverse spread from a couple gens. Im also guessing that theyre not gonna want anything new, so sv starters are out and i think swsh starters are on thin ice. Sinnoh starters are a definite, considering its the only older gen that doesnt have any megas and hasnt been used in legends arceus. I just picked piplup bc theyre my favorite :)
New megas (no reasons, just vibes)
Dodrio (give them 4 heads itd be funny)
Ninjask/shedinja (i feel like they could do something creative here, but big doubt theyre gonna)
Aegislash (hyper popular, very memorable, shown in the trailer, prob getting one)
Crobat (bro aint got a single new form in any game they need some love)
Clawitzer (kinda already looks like a mega honestly, i just want to see what theyd do)
Lapras (suprised they didnt have one to begin with honestly)
Flygon (they fucking deserve it give it to them)
Bisharp (if kingambit doesnt come back, idk maybe kingambit gets one)
Klefki (they better just stack a couple together like a magnemite itd be funny)
Ludicolo (bro just vibes, they wouldnt care if they got one or not, theyd just keep vibing)
I literally just went through the kalos dex and just wrote the ones that would sound cool, im not expecting any of these to get in lmao.
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pwnyta · 3 months
Omi & I have been going through some things.... So we decided to keep drawing Charizard characters based on their parent hybrid species... First to make little differences like Poison hybrids having slight resistances to poison or Dragon hybrids being slightly more sensitive to the cold etc... but then we got silly (making them all characters for no good reason at all).
Omi has a master list on her page (currently incomplete) also I only typed out the stories for the characters I made personally (tho we came up with some of the stories together).
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More under the cut!
Mary Wolfram- Char + Aggron- A single mother with an Aron son. Shes stoic but mostly trains to protect her son. Shes a bit of a loner but wont push people away from her & will even help other Chars train. Still she prefers to be alone or with her son.
Diego Just (DJ)- + Exploud- A laid back artsy kinda guy, he can get very excitable when dance music is involved (you can basically adjust his energy by changing the music he's listening to). Raised by his Exploud mother (after his Char father died) has given him a love for music & loud aesthetics. He likes to decorate his too-tense bestie (his other bestie. He also considers his mom his bestie) Jay-A with jewelry & flowers... it's tolerated.
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Jackson Alexander (Jay-A)- + Blastoise- A very well behaved kinda guy. His Blastoise dad is a military man and has raised him to be such. Hes besties with DJ & has slowly allowed DJ to help him relax a little... but only when theyre at the Valley where his dad cant see. (His dad is mostly the way he is learning about Zippos incident where when Zippo was young he was almost killed by a Squirtle. Hes very anxious now that his own son is a Char, he very much wishes Jackson was a Squirtle but since hes not he'll hammer in survival instincts and military grade defensiveness & toughness. Hes gotta stop being so sensitive.)
Ethan Kohn- + G. Slowbro- A rather timid kinda guy who was dating a Clefable at some point. Unfortunately his boyfriend got into some trouble with some unsavory types & he got roughed up because of it. After that his boyfriend disappeared. Who knows what happened to him (Ethans dear brother Ivan happened to him... by ripping his arm off as payback for Ethans pain & told him to gtfo of Ethans life.)
Gwen Feng- +Dragonair(Dragonite)- As per usual the Dragonite line is questionable. Gwen left her Goodra husband for her bestie(& secret Dragonair lover). Her eldest daughter Molly has some issues with this... her youngest Lulu has no thoughts as her head is completely empty.
Katla Long (shiny)- +Dragalge- Katla is a feisty, adventurous Charizard who mostly battles to look cool. Her passion is more for fashion and her charisma is so high she turned her wannabe-criminal Grimmsnarl boyfriend to completely drop his plans to become a criminal mastermind. She doesnt know this & it probably wont cause any problems. Unrelated but having a Dragalge lineage & an adventurous nature... she sure wants to swim. She cannot cuz if her tail gets wet she'll die. Tragedy.
Elizabeth Reina- +Nidoking(Queen)- Due to her father being a Nido she had some fertility issues by the time she fully evolved(seriously why cant Nidoqueen breed...). This was fine with her, she adopted like a reason person. She and Katla have been besties since they were little girls.
Liza & Kat as kids --v
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Jethro North (shiny)- + Dragapult- Due to his weird & questionable lineage & him being a shiny... Jethro is a little strange as is all Dragapult!Chars. They have the ability to see spirits which not only freaks living Pokes out but even the ghosts are a little freaked out by them. Jethros grandson Jacob is not freaked out by him at all which makes him a great caretaker for any little Dragapult!Char whos family did not keep them.
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Tori Stills- +Bastiodon- (tbd)
Lars Laman- +Swampert- (tbd)
Haley Staal- +Rampardos- Shes very athletic and loves to skate. She worked very hard to evolve asap so she can do more fun tricks while skating. The edges of her wings have been scuffed up from some of her more exciting tricks. Her determined nature makes it impossible for to give up on anything... which includes even talking to people. Even a weirdo like Yuki.
Yuki- +Abomasnow- Was raised by his Abomasnow father on a cold mountain which stunted the strength of his wings & his overall health & left him secluded from other Chars until his father died. He hasnt been to the valley much but the warmth keeps him there now but he has trouble socializing.... Staal is one of the few people who continues to try to talk to him.
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Cera Rovere- +Rhyperior- A based her character in my mind as: Mihoshi from Tenchi Muyo but BUFF (I.E. the ideal woman). Shes a sweet natured doofus who doesnt actually battle. Her body is from all the rock lifting & mountain climbing. She could fly... but then she might miss some cool rocks! She quite like rocks. (WHO DOESNT? I may or may not been watching a grown man cut into agates & giggle when they had cool patterns inside while making her.)
Malek Dera- +Kingdra- Seemingly an aloof dancer/singer. He's one of the few Chars who doesnt really enjoy returning to the valley... but only because he has to leave his Kingdra twin back at home. When he's with his brother (& their little sister) he's actually a lot more playful and fun. When their father is getting ready to head to the valley his siblings also try to help him hide because they also dont like being without him.
His tail actually doesnt curl naturally, but being around his siblings caused a habit. Hes learned the hard way not to curl it so tightly.
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Syla Brand- +Gyarados- A strict and serious woman, she's part of the militia & is absolutely 0 fun. She's one of the few Chars not worth trying to get to lighten up (Haley might bed to differ but she has another project atm.) She's a highly skilled fighter.
Florence Kane- +Sceptile- Basically the complete opposite of Syla. She's very excitable and fun loving. She practices martial arts & dance but doesnt actually fight anyone at any point she does not care enough to even argue with people. She will simply walk away.
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Gil Florentine- +Kommo-o- Due to his mothers ability 'Soundproof' he was born partially deaf. He loves music & chime sounds but can only really hear it well if its very loud which also damages his hearing. Hes pretty quiet himself and although hes not always aware of his surroundings hes never anxious about anything probably due to his higher than normal defenses.
Alma Braeburn- +Appletun- A very shy girl who longs to be a baker like her mum. She doesnt have any close family that are Chars so she can be a bit closed off at the Valley but when shes cooking and passing out food she's very chipper. Fryda is probably her closest friend due to her need to FEED.
James LaFleur- +Turtonator- Have you watched LOST? You gettit. ehehe. (personality-wise... not all the crazy family stuff)
Sara & Rory(shiny) Lito- +Aurorus- Sara is a gentle and quiet lady & Rory is an excitable little girl. Rory used to get a little self conscious about her shiny coloring, but her older sister started wearing lighter shades similar to her coloring to make her feel less different. It worked very well! Rory might not evolve further because she doesnt want to be completely different from her sister.
Kari & Jada Morosite- +Slowking (+ their full-Char father Domenic)- Due to the Slowpoke tail trade Kari & Jada were targeted, Jada had been kidnapped & killed having her tail chopped off. Domenic hired his criminal brother Ivan to find his daughter & Ivan has taken it upon himself to avenge his fallen little sister. Kari used to be a very friendly little girl but after her sisters death she's become anxious and clingy to her father, her father enables that because he doesnt like his surviving daughter being far from him anyways.
Maya Lamina- +Kangaskhan- She takes after her Kangaskhan mother being very nurturing and sweet. She carries around her plushie everywhere and would only ever start throwing hands if someone were to take it from her. That is her baby. Her mother doesnt like being apart from her and tasks her lover with keeping an eye on her 100% of the time & they do as theyre told.
Murphy Black- +Scrafty- Murphy is actually a good boy but his Scrafty sister is a bad influence. When along they cause mischief together but the minute another Char is around he'll get really embarrassed by his sisters shenanigans and try very hard to look like a proper lad. His sister teases him relentlessly over it.
Rika Bell- +Seviper- She has a love for spicy food and fashion (on other people. Not her. She has no desire to wear the silly fashion she likes to see on others... shes very casual with her own fashion. Some might say shes a hypocrite, those people coincidentally have singed eyebrows.). Tho she can be a bit judgy she's otherwise a fun person to be around. She loves a vibrant color palate.
(there are more Chars but their page aint finished & I have limited space on this post...)
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Abari Saraf- +Dragapult- Zippos long lost grandmother. Being a ghost!Char her creepy nature as a child left her ostracized by other kids, but that all changed when Cyrus (Zippos grandpa) made it basically his mission to make sure she had a friend. As they got older Cyrus also trained her since she was too shy to train with anyone else. She got very powerful and really really enjoyed that power. She also really enjoyed Cyrus and became possessive of him, hating when he spent time with his friends especially Graham who she found very irritating due to her teasing. She takes Cyrus showing affection for others as a personal slight. Her and Cyrus eventually tried to start a family but after being pregnant once she realized how much she hated the down time and hated Cyrus feeling the need to take care of her... and she also hated sharing her husband with their son. After an intense fight with Cyrus that left him almost dead (he lost an eye & was permanently scarred by the electric attacks her taught her), she was fully marked (having her face scarred, horns charred, wing tatted black) and banished from the Valley (like Ivan). No one has seen or heard from her since.
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Cyrus & Zippo
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Baby Zippo & Kreetan have some good old FULLY RESTRAINED summer fun. (Kreetan is more sensitive about Zippos tail than Zippo is... mostly because he almost killed him that one time.) The floaty will keep him SO safe.
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Constance/Condor is a villainous Perrserker. By day they go about life as a photographer by the name Constance who is very upbeat and kind. She writes in her journal every night, when she reads back some pages, which she always remembers to do, she remembers her identity as Condor. A serial killer who collects trophys of their victims in a secret room in their house. Before he goes to sleep he writes in their journal about who they are and what to remember for the next night out, then uses Amnesia to forget whatever crimes theyve committed & the pages of their journal where theyve been detailed just in case some psychic sleuth comes sniffing around.
Condor/Constance has effectively turned themselves into two completely different people which Constance is completely unaware of.
Condors calling card is using feathers to hint at their next victim.... its a whole thing.
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(they are not to scale btw... I drew Altin as an extra)
Prince Rissan is the next in line to be king of (handwave) Kingdom. He's been raised for this very purpose by both his parents and the Kings Hand... however he just hates the idea of it. he doesnt want to live a life restricted as a king. he wants to go out and compete in fashion contests and enjoy life. His younger siblings are far more ambitious in their life and want to rule but thats not how things are done.
Though Rissan seems very kingly and put together hes actually far more sensitive and lighthearted. Its a side to himself he only ever really shows Altin who he considers to be far more of a father than his actual father (not that his father is a bad guy but he acts more like a friend than a guardian). Altin is the only one in the world who is allowed to call him Riri.
Altin is a shiny Arbok who was sold to the king by his clan who was entirely put off (& a bit superstitious) about his green & gold scales as a child. Altin is somewhat resentful of this, but still tattooed himself with clans style to pay them homage (I used the RSE game Arbok sprite for their type of marks). That said he was treated well by the King & his family & is completely loyal to them, especially Rissan who hes been transferred to as the King has gotten older and his starting to divest himself as ruler. Altin IS actually very stoic and composed and is who Rissan models his persona off of to look professional.
Rissans younger brother is especially jealous of him & wants more than anything to be king, while his sister would also like to rule, she'd probably have to kill her brothers to do so and she's not THAT unhinged.... well she might kill her Glimmora brother but Rissan has been pretty good to her, if a little distant, and she kinda knows that if their brother wasnt in the way and she asked, Rissan would probably fake his death and leave the kingdom to her anyways.
The King & Queen actually have a pretty good marriage & had a good time ruling. She looks a little devious but is pretty chill & she loves her husband even if she does wish he wasnt so... Dionysussy.... She looks forward to seeing her eldest son rule due to his more regal demeanor and delicate touch with problems but hes also prone to disappearing which is a whole OTHER problem.
The King has been a good ruler and his jovial nature and general power has left him in the good graces of other kingdoms but has made things a little awkward with his family. Rissan is distant & doesnt like being his next in line and his youngest find him embarrassing despite his overall success. But he's never one to let anything get him down. Hes got a comfy home, good wine, a lovely wife, and 3 healthy kids PLUS a shiny Arbok whos been a longtime companion (& is practically like another son. Bonus gold son! HELL YEAH). He is currently dying but hell he's lived a great life & his beloved Kingdom is in good hands.
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heavenlyhoundoom · 30 days
Me roasting Hoenn.
Treecko: I bet this pokemon licks its eyes.
Grovyle: You had a very weird meme.
Sceptile: Do those back seeds hurt?
Torchic: The boys have small specks on their butts.
Combusken: Some pointed out that it looks like a certain body part, and now I can't unsee it.
Blaziken: The first fire/fighting starter that everyone "loves".
Mudkip: The most overused pokemon meme.
Marshtomp: It looks like it can't think.
Swampert: One razor leaf and you're dead.
Poochyena: Only known for chasing Birch.
Mightyena: Aka, Diet Houndoom.
Zigzagoon: I hope we get a tanuki pokemon that actually looks like a tanuki one day.
Linoone: Apparently, tanukis evolve into badgers.
Wurmple: Slightly more interesting than the other regional bugs due to its split evolutions.
Cascoon and Silcoon: It sucks that which evolution you get is determined by something completely out of your control.
Dustox and Beautifly: Living proof of pretty privilege.
Lotad, Lombre, and Ludicolo: Did you know these pokemon are based on kappas, a yokai known for drowning people?
Seedoot: This kind of looks like a mario enemy.
Nuzleaf: Why does it have nipples?
Shiftry: How are you able to do anything with those leaf hands?
Tailow: It's just a bird.
Swellow: You're mainly known for one of the biggest ass pulls In the anime.
Wingull and Pelliper: Why are you in every region after your introduction!?
Ralts: And the winner for most ridiculous haircut goes to...
Kirlia: Your haircut has gotten slightly better, but only slightly.
Gardevoir: Poor thing was rule 34ed beyond repair.
Surskit: Ah. =)
Masquerain: You have to be the most forgettable gen 3 pokemon.
Shroomish: I can't unsee the clip where someone flipped its face upside down and made another face.
Breloom: AKA: The kangashroom.
Slakoth: I wish people could be as chill as this guy.
Vigoroth: The caffeine addict pokemon.
Slaking: Oh my gosh, it's the man behind all those live action Disney remakes!
Nincada and Ninjask: They went from having a super cool type combo to having the most overused bug combo ever.
Shedinja: Don't go looking at its back.
Whismur: Why does it have a butt hole!?
Loudred: It's so ugly!!!
Exploud: Why would anyone want to train such a loud pokemon!?
Makuhita and Hariyama: It's sumo time!!!
Azurill: This pokemon created the first pokemon trans icon.
Nosepass: How big are its boogers?
Skitty: Too bad You're only known for being able to breed with a whale.
Delcatty: Look at that neck pillow.
Sableye: I feel like if it could talk, it would sound like Stitch.
Mawile: How heavy is your mouth hair?
The Aron line: Why would you create metal termites!?
Meditite: It looks like it's wearing a diaper.
Medicham: Now it looks like a pingas!
Electrike and Manectric: I would've never known that these were supposed to be dogs if people didn't tell me.
Plusle and Minun: These pokemon only exist to show off the new(at the time) double battle mechanic.
Volbeat and Illumise: Zzzz....
Roselia: You should've been a gen 4 pokemon.
Gulping and Swalot: Their names are such a dirty mind test.
Carvanha and Sharpedo: Apparently, piranhas evolve into sharks.
Wailmer: Not nearly as memorable as your evolution.
Warlord: And you're only known for being able to breed with a tiny cat.
Numel: The slowpoke for camel lovers.
Camerupt: You're Maxie's ace pokemon, and you're still forgettable.
Spoink: I would hate to have to bounce all the time to stay alive.
Grumpig: Miss Piggy without her makeup.
Spinda: If you're trying to catch every spinda variant, then you have no life.
Trapinch: This was the bane of my existence in X and Y.
Vibrava and Flygon: The "Why aren't these bug/dragon type" pokemon.
Cacnea and Cacturne: I'm gonna add these pokemon to my list of reasons to never go to the desert.
Swablu and Altaria: Mmmm... cotton candy...
Zangoose: Don't leave this pokemon alone with your pet snake
Seviper: Shiny killers, shiny killers, shiny killers!
Lunatone and Solrock: Shouldn't you two be in the super star daycare?
Barboach: More like barbitch!
Wishcash: This pokemon eats masterballs for breakfast!
Corphish and Crawdaunt: Mmmm...crawfish...
Baltoy: Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, I made it out of clay.
Claydol: Ah, yes. Biblically accurate pokemon.
Lileep: You'd think the first rock/grass type would look more interesting.
Cradilly: Don't lie. You also used to think Cradilly's eyes were its teeth.
Anorith: Stop staring at me with them big old eyes!
Armaldo: A another shiny ruined by the saturation of the 3d era.
Feebas and Milotic: Ugly duckling but with fish.
Castform: How does it feel to have gone years without shinies for your alternative forms?
Kecleon: How are you able to hide from opponents when the stripe on your belly doesn't change?
Shuppet and Banette: You two really need therapy.
Duskull: You're just a bully.
Dusclops: I don't like how it feels like it's staring into my soul.
Tropius: Are those bananas removable, asking for a friend.
Chimecho: Who are you again?
Absol: The emo pokemon.
Wynaut: Was this pokemon really necessary?
Snorunt: It looks so puntable!
Galie: Why do you look so pissed, man?
Spheal: I can't roast perfection.
Sealeo: Your mustache looks like cut-up paper.
Walrein: Who else used to think this pokemon was a pseudo legendary?
Clampearl: Give me them pearls!
Huntail and Gorebyss: Everyone keeps talking about how Remoraid evolving into Octillery makes no sense, but what about these guys?
Relicanth: How have you survived for so long while also being able to die from a single vine whip?
Luvdisc: Boring pokemon, cool shiny.
Bagon: How are you able to do anything with those practically nonexistent arms!?
Shelgon: Another cacoon pokemon.
Salamance: I'm glad you can finally fly, but is shooting all those beams of energy necessary?
Beldum: Just stay in the ball, damn you!
Metang: Hide your Nosepasses.
Metagross: I've got nothing. This is such a cool pokemon.
The regis: I can take you all down with one fighting type!
Latias and Latios: The only difference between their megas is their eye color!
Kyogre and Groudon: Someone clearly has an unfair advantage.
Rayquaza: Its mega has to be the most op thing in the franchise!
Jirachi: I wish Gamefreak would just give us a fire/fairy type already!
Deoxys: The ultrabeast before ultrabeasts.
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wigglytuff-guild · 10 months
To all guild members: Have you ever considered evolving in the Luminous Spring? If so/not, why?
Chatot: Well, that excludes me. ♪ What about the rest of you? You're certainly all strong enough to give it a try. ♪
Wigglytuff: But you should be yourself, first and foremost! ♪ If evolving doesn't mean being yourself, that's okay. ♪
Sunflora: I still don't understand why any of you would wait to evolve... being a Sunkern was so... eek!
Chimecho: I was actually born a Chimecho, so I wouldn't know!
Loudred: Can we get to the ACTUAL answers? I ALREADY evolved ONCE, so I'm planning on it once I'm strong enough to become EXPLOUD. That way, MORE PEOPLE can HEAR ME!
Bidoof: By golly, I hope I'm not around for that day... I... I want to evolve, but I don't think I'm anywhere near there, yup yup... My body gets all tingly imagining it, though!
Croagunk: Meh-heh-heh... That means you're ready to evolve, you know. I'm fine as I am, though. No need to mix up my Swap Cauldron's brew...
Bidoof: A-are you pulling my tail, now? There's no way that's true, yup yup...
Corphish: Hey, hey, hey! Let me answer here! I can evolve, too! But apparently Crawdaunt are pretty scary... So I'm thinking of waiting, hey hey hey...
Diglett: When I go off to school.... I'm thinking I might evolve. Like my dad!
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