#Echo scares Crosshair
starwarsbundle · 30 days
Pt. 5. TBB Headcannons they probably deserve.
…and I fell into the black abyss between doing things. I’m stuck. Help. T_T
(I’ll be fine, don’t worry.)
Anywayday, today’s fine boi(tm) is our poor traumatized sad boy Echo. No one can disrespect Echo. Poor baby has been through too much. He just needs a soft jumper, a warm hug, and some hot choccy, okay?
But! To business!
Echo is the Mum(tm) Figure. (Yes Mum, I’m an Aussie. I can and will fight God and America. Watch me.) He’s the 2IC of decisions after Hunter. Sometimes even before. Particularly decisions concerning Omega. It’s unspoken agreement in the Batch to run things past Echo if Hunter has no immediate answer. Hunter agrees.
His robot limbs can lock up. Simply stop working. So Echo keeps them in almost better condition than he keeps himself.
Drinks one of two (2) things in the morning. Black caf or hot chocolate with extra marshmallows. Each drink has a day’s set mood associated with it. Force forbid if Echo decides to drink alcohol in the morning. EVERYONE that day better watch out… or else.
Loves really soft jumpers. Soft, silky type things. Fluffy? Depends. Goes jumper shopping with Tech. Listens in silence to all the varied fabrics/fibres benefits Tech can and will list off to any and all jumpers.
Is the Emotional Support(tm) clone. Almost like the Batch’s therapist. Matters of the heart? Echo can help. Matters of the mind? Echo’s got you. Matters of the stupidity? GODDAMN has Echo got advice for you. (Warning: it’ll hurt.)
Sleeps like a mummy. (When he sleeps, poor baby.) Doesn’t move all night. Crosshair once made a comment that if Echo died, his funeral position was already determined. Echo replied that he’d like to die - just so he could haunt the living sh$t out of people. Crosshair didn’t make the comment again.
Gives the best hugs out of the whole Batch. Knows when people need hugs too. Probably because he needs a hug himself. Crosshair cried the first time he got an Echo hug.
Absolutely gives Omega piggyback rides. 100%.
Is Force sensitive - but realises it VERY slowly. (I think Fives was Force sensitive too btw). After the finale, he has time to cogitate on this disturbing discovery - which culminates in Force ghost Fives appearing and offering advice. Echo initially goes apesh$t, but finally gets the closure he needed surrounding Fives. (The Batch have a hard time getting used to Echo’s conversations with an invisible vod.)
Can and will fight God or Palpatine. But is too tired too. Would probably just project his crippling depression onto them and watch them wither away with satisfaction.
Often gets frustrated by being left-handed, but keeps his droid attachment on most to condition himself to being ambidextrous. (Tech did make him a hand attachment - Echo uses it occasionally.)
Is in unspoken charge of the Batch should anything happen to Hunter. And knows it.
If Hunter needs a break… Echo needs goddamn RETIREMENT. Dude has been through too much.
And he just needs closure on Fives, okay? :(
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cowboylikemorgan · 2 months
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Hey Bad Batch fandom, how we doing?
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sketchyjellyfish21 · 4 months
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humor is my coping mechanism
(We all saw that part in the promo right)
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tragedy-for-sale · 2 months
Brother I Love
@zaana made a post in which Hunter is the lovey-dovey type of drunk and naturally I really had to write about it.
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Tech had his back turned to his older brother. He listened to Hunter's seemingly silent winces, his shaky, ragged breaths. Tech closed his eyes, he'd already stitched Hunter up, already applied bacta patches, already did everything he could to help his brother's pain, he couldn't do anything else. Tech glanced to look at Hunter, his eyes were closed, hand gingerly tracing his wound. "I'll be back." Tech promptly said, walking to where Wrecker and Echo were waiting.
"Well?" Echo had been with him when it happened, and he had failed to keep Hunter safe. "How's he fairing, Tech?"
"He's in pain." Tech walked over to the fridge, opening it up and staring into the cold void, "He's in pain because he has broken ribs and three stab wounds, and we're not in a position to get him to a bacta tank." Tech shook his head, grabbing the cold blaster and putting it into his holster. Tech thought about suffocating Hunter just a little bit so he'd pass out and rest, but of course his stubborn ass remained conscious the entire time.
"What can we do?" Wrecker asked, standing up and walking to the fridge, was Tech really hungry right now? Wrecker usually waited at least an hour after a sour mission to eat. Wrecker looked at the door, "We need to go get more supplies, there's a village not too far."
"I agree. Tech?" Echo asked, they could leave now, Crosshair would be out of the shower soon and would watch Hunter until then.
Tech didn't say anything, he narrowed his eyes at the two bottles. "Yes, yes," Tech waved his hand as he reached for a bottle, opening it and smelling it. He wouldn't need anything too strong; Hunter was already such a lightweight. "Echo, power down the Marauder." Tech ordered as he grabbed a bottle of whiskey and set it on the counter.
Echo gave Tech a look, especially after seeing the bottle in his brother's hand. Day drinking wasn't usually Tech's thing, but Echo could really use one too. "We taking shots before heading out?" Wrecker laughed as he pulled down glasses.
"No." Tech said, shoving all but one glass back. He felt the Marauder go quiet and he sighed. Tech opened the bottle and poured a glass. This was the only thing he could think of to hold his older brother over until they got back. Now, Hunter would be the most annoying person ever but it was the best choice. For some reason. He walked back over to Hunter, he'd laid back, his breathing was short and shallow. "Drink this." Tech held out the glass.
Hunter opened his eyes, he barely had enough time to process what was in the glass before Tech had forced him to down it. "Whiskey?" Hunter coughed, whincing and pressing his hand against his wound.
"Yes." Tech poured another and held it out.
"Uh, Tech, can't say alcohol is going to help him any." Echo raised an eyebrow watching as Tech poured him a third glass. "Like, at all Tech." Echo's voice strained. Wrecker looked around the Marauder, that's why Tech had Echo power down the Marauder
Tech helped Hunter lay back down. He grabbed his helmet, putting it on before looking back to Echo, "Hunter is still in pain, alcohol will at least dull some of that pain until we return with proper equipment." It was clear Tech wasn't going to take Echo's objections.
"With only three shots?" Echo had seen Fives down at least eight before a blaster shot wasn't so bad.
"Ha, yeah, his lightweight ass can't handle more than that." Wrecker laughed as the main door opened and he walked down the ramp. Though he'd joked, Wrecker felt a great deal of worry. If they had to leave before Hunter had sobered up, the electromagnetic frequencies of the Marauder would be enough to completely overwhelm Hunter. Wrecker didn't want Hunter to be in more pain. He looked back to Tech, he was worrying about the same exact thing.
Crosshair stepped out of the refresher to a silent ship, he noticed someone had cut the lights and he spent the entire time coming up with the perfect comeback, but no one was here. "Figures." He rolled his eyes.
"Cross-" A giddy voice whispered. Crosshair looked around, "Cross, psst-" Crosshair turned and walked over to Hunter, who was laying on the big mattress. Tech must've finished patching him up and they all left?
"Hey, Hunter," Crosshair mumbled as he scanned the area, an empty shot glass, "Where'd everyone go?" He asked. Hunter's eyes were closed, Crosshair reached out, poking his brother's face, his cheeks were hot and flushed.
"-Cross can I tell you something?" Hunter whispered, opening his eyes. Crosshair let out a sigh as he checked the dressing on Hunter's wounds. "Cross-"
"Yes, Hunter?" Crosshair rolled his eyes as he continued to do a quick check-up on his vitals.
"I love you," Hunter reached out, poking Crosshair's shoulder, "Love ya, Cross," He whispered, narrowing his eyes. Crosshair stifled a chuckle, "Like a lot too, I don't think I've told you this, but I love you more than I love my hair and my knives, and I really love my hair and my knives-"
"That..." Crosshair's voice trailed, looking over to his oldest brother, he still had that stupid content smile on his face. Seems like he got Tech's special treatment plan. "You should lie down." He gently pushed Hunter back. He went willingly of course; Crosshair pulled the blanket up nice and high the way Hunter liked it.
"Okay but first you have to promise me something."
"Promise me you won't let Tech cut my hair with my knives," Hunter sat back up, eyes wide and waving his accusing finger, "I can see it in his eyes, he's just jealous cause my hair is really, really nice and his isn't-" He hung his head, his eyes became really heavy all of a sudden. Crosshair stared at him, making a face, did Hunter just fall asleep? Crosshair poked his brother's face again and jumped back when Hunter shot up.
"Pinky promise me, Crosshair."
"That's your middle finger, Hunter."
"Middle finger promise me, Cross"
This time Crosshair let out a laugh, no one was here except the two of them and he knew for a fact Hunter's ass was not going to remember any of this, "I middle finger promise, Hunter, now please lay down." Hunter nodded and leaned back, closing his eyes. Crosshair stood there for a moment, a lingering smile still on his face.
"I'd be bald and knifeless for you," was the last thing Hunter mumbled before falling asleep.
Crosshair rolled his eyes, pulling the blanket a little higher, "Love you too," He mumbled before leaving his brother to sleep. Crosshair was against the wall next to the big mattress playing on Tech's datapad when the door of the Marauder opened. Crosshair looked to Hunter, who had also woken up, Crosshair nodded to Hunter before he stood up. "Have fun," Crosshair patted Echo on the shoulder.
Hunter sat up and looked over, "Hi guys!" He waved, "You all look so grown up, I'm so proud of all of you." He held his arms out, gesturing them to come to him. Crosshair shoved his brothers toward Hunter. Wrecker laughed as he got on the mattress and let Hunter hug the three of them. "You guys went and got me medicine too?" Hunter felt weepy, "You guys didn't have to do that for me-"
Echo looked to Cross, understanding what he meant. "Hunter you're bleeding-"
"And you care that I'm bleeding," Hunter cried as he pulled them closer, "You guys are the best brothers ever-"
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sweaters-and-vertigo · 4 months
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i took an edible before watching the premiere of the bad batch season three and the third episode was especially distressing for me 😂
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ayyyy-le-simp · 2 months
Hey pookieesss 🤭
Happy Final Bad Batch Eve. I’m totally not crying.
All day I’ve seen final goodbyes and sad edits. And so to help ease the nerves and anxiety, I come here with some hopefully funny shenanigans. Featuring my beloved Mami again.
My mother has very little knowledge on Star Wars (which relatable, im still learning). And so I’ve asked for her to give me her thoughts on The Bad Batch characters!! I call this ✨ pre-game comfort ✨. Writing this two hours before midnight (it’s 10pm where I live).
Enjoy <33 and everyone thank my beloved mother!! (Spanish lines will be translated, blue print is me)
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“I already told you, Rambo.”
“Was he ever shirtless?”
“Unfortunately no.”
“He’s a 7/10 though.”
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“That’s the one who died, right?”
“Pobrecito.” (Poor thing.)
“Cómo se llama?” (Whats his name?)
“Ahh okay. He died the same way Bucky Barnes died.”
“Bucky Barnes didn’t die though. He came back as the winter soldier.”
“Exactly. And who’s that mystery clone guy?”
“I think that mystery clone is Tech.”
(Guys she supports our delusions.)
I’m typing this on my phone at the moment, and for some reason, tumblr isn’t letting me type under pictures and it’s literally annoying me and I’m too lazy to made separate posts, but stay tuned. But I might make another version on my tiktok 🤭
Moving onto Crosshair
“He reminds me of your dad. Bald and tall.”
(I showed my mom the scene of Crosshair sitting by himself in the cafeteria)
“Ay pobrecito.”
Moving onto Wrecker
“He reminds me of Drax. From guardians of the galaxy.”
“I think he would like Pitbull.”
“I literally love him.”
“Quién? Wrecker or Pitbull?” (Quién means who)
“Estas loca.” (You’re crazy.)
Moving onto Echo
“What happened to him?! Why does he look gray?”
“He needs to eat some red meat. Get some blood in that skin. That’s some low iron.”
“Yo le daría carne asada.”(I’d give him carne asada.) [steak]
“Echo? Like the movie Earth To Echo. I like that movie.”
Moving onto Omega (my literal daughter)
“She looks like her name would be Estella. Or Estrella.” (Estrella means Star in Spanish)
“I like Omega. It’s a cute name.”
Moving onto Phee
“I like her, she’s voiced by Wanda Sykes. I like Wanda Sykes, she’s funny as hell.”
“She really liked Tech.”
“She and Tech deserved better.”
“In my mind, Tech is not dead, he’s happily married to Phee.”
“You’re delusional.”
“I know.”
“Pobrecita, she didn’t see him around.”
Moving onto Cid
“Isn’t that the puta that snitched them out?”
(Puta means bitch)
“Hm. She’s a witch for that.”
“Que guapo.” (How handsome.)
“But he’s a captain?”
“Oh no. I can’t go cheating on my Captain America. America’s ass. He’s the only Captain in my life.”
“He can be your space Captain. Space’s ass.”
“Space’s ass.”
“Space’s ass.”
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djarinvettel · 3 months
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it’s officially pabover tomorrow guys
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din-miller · 10 months
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A Little Jive Is Good for You
PAIRING: All Bad Batch Boys x AFAB Reader (gender neutral) no incest/all separate stories
Summary: Reader surprises their partner with a new sex toy called Jive. (It's a wearable g-spot vibrator)
WARNINGS: 18+, sex toy, app controlled sex toy because we fancy here, oral (cunnilingus), fingering, semi public sex (?), tiny bit of angst (sorry echo), thigh fucking, I don't know what phones are called in Star Wars so I'm using device as a placeholder for now, afab, gender neutral reader, all established relationships, tbb headcanons but it's spicy
A/N: I originally wasn't going to write for Crosshair but the setting of the fic didn't work with the others so he made the cut. Congratulations buddy.
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Hunter doesn't notice the app at first. It's not until half his Caf is gone, the article he's reading is finished and his thumb swipes back to his home screen that his eyes fall upon the newest icon.
He frowns, never having heard of it before. For a brief second he wonders if he should get Tech to come over and look at it. Make sure it's not a virus or some kind of tracker. But his curiosity gets the best of him. It's probably some kind of prank of Wrecker's. He's done it before. So, Hunter takes his chances and opens the app and he's met with a dark purple background and a bold-all-caps word.
Definitely Wrecker's doing.
He hits the play button and it takes him to another purple screen, this time a lighter shade. There's four squares that surround a circle and inside that circle there is a smaller one labelled JIVE.
With a little hesitation Hunter presses on the smaller circle that he's able to move around. He plays with it, swinging it around inside the big circle before moving it to the bottom left square right on top of a little wave symbol.
Three things happen at once. A faint pulsing sound comes from the cockpit followed by a gasp and a wave of arousal – your arousal – hits his nose so hard that his cup falls out of his hand and onto the floor, bouncing a few times as warm Caf spills onto the ship's flooring, but his hands are too busy clenching the table to notice.
His nostrils flair, seeking the smell of your arousal, breathing it in deep inside his lungs and his tongue darts out to taste the air. Sweet and faint, yet it sits on the tip of his tongue and his eyes close, picturing the glistening of your wet pussy, the way your walls flutter around the toy – kriff, what he'd do to have his cock buried deep in your tight cunt.
Hunter breathes out your name, a plea and you're appearing before him naked as the day you were born.
"Ner kar'ta," Hunter swallows, eyes unapologetically locked on your sex, "Look at you, so wet, so beautiful."
You're in front of him now, his head perfectly lined up with your dripping cunt and his fingertips gleefully trail up your thigh stopping just where you ache for his touch.
"Hunter, baby, please!" You beg, desperate and unashamed. He must sense your desperation, because his hand lays flat over your mons pubis and his thumb rests on your outer folds. He doesn't part them, just presses lightly against them.
"I can feel the vibrations," He grunts, eyes falling close, "I can feel the anticipation as it rushes through your body, the need for pressure, for movement against your wet pussy. It calls to me, ner kar'ta."
"Kriff, answer it then!" You growl, pushing his chair away from the table and throwing a leg over his thighs to straddle him. You rock yourself against his clothed sex, seeking friction against the throbbing of your own.
"Very demanding for someone who started this," He reminds you, but his arms wrap around your waist, device forgotten as he helps you move against his cock, "Not complaining though."
You snake a hand down between your bodies to change the vibration with the built in button. This one's stronger and your hips jerk up, separating from Hunter but the clones quick to pull you back down onto his lap.
Slowly, teasingly so, he removes the toy and presses it against your clit with the palm of his hand as his fingers coat themselves in your arousal before sliding into your cunt.
It doesn't take you long to reach your orgasm, in fact it slams into you at full force when Hunter presses against your sweat spot with just the right amount of pressure.
Then his own orgasm stains the blacks he's currently wearing, messy and so fucking hot. He rarely cums in his pants – preferring to do it in or on you – so when he does your ego inflates. At least until Hunter pulls another orgasm out of you.
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Echo had figured it was Tech's doing too. His brother is always updating his technology, making sure everything works. He even programmed all the apps and keyboard to be one handed accessible.
Everyone except you and him had gone out for the next few hours, leaving the ship empty and comfortably silent. At least it was silent until Echo's curiosity got the best of him and his thumb started flicking the small circle labelled JIVE around.
He doesn't have heightened senses; he can't hear the toy, can't smell your arousal. It's not until you appear at the cargo holds door way, wide eyes locked onto the device in his hand with a desperate 'please' falling from your lips that he knew the app wasn't Tech's doing.
Echo's heard of apps like this. A way to pleasure your partner hands free. He went down the rabbit hole of sex toys when you and him first became sexually active. A fear of not being able to properly please you with only one hand plagued him night and day until you sat him down and reassured him that he satisfies you plenty.
"Please," You plead once again, crossing your leg over the other one seeking friction against your core as you squeeze your thighs shut, "Echo, kriff, I need more."
Echo's eyes flicker down to your body, clad only in panties, then to the screen in his hand. His thumb gives an experimental slide of the JIVE button and you stumble towards him, a wave of arousal soaking your panties, and without missing a beat you sink into his lap. Echo's dress in just his blacks, his cock straining against the fabric of his pants and the first brush of your sex against his is utter bliss.
His scomp snakes around your waist balancing you on his lap as he awkwardly tries to catch the device in his hand as it slides from his grip, his brain a little too distracted by the whispers of vibration against his cock to have proper coordination to hold the device.
A part of you is begging yourself to move and take off your panties, to free Echo's cock and slide your drenched folds over the wide width of his sex, but as much as you love pussy jobs you can't seem to separate yourself from your husband long enough to take them off.
So instead you unapologetically hump against his clothed cock, moaning when he moans at the feeling of the toy's vibration against his length.
Neither of you last long, which in all honesty is never a disappointment, and thankfully the night is still young and the way your husband is looking at you, you know you'll be sore tomorrow.
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Wrecker finds out about the toy by feeling it. You've momentarily forgotten you were wearing it until his fingers found the tail end of the toy as his deft fingers slip into your panties.
Your back is to his chest as he brackets you in with his meaty legs, one hand palming your tit as his hips expertly grind against your ass.
You've spent the day teasing him; dirty flirting, a brief risky flash of your tits – his biggest weakness – just to build up to this moment.
"Aw, mesh'la, did you get a new toy without me?" His fingers blindly feel out the new toy, or at least the part not inside you, until he finds a small raised bump near the end of the toy. His finger settles on the button but doesn't press it, awaiting your consent.
He's always been like that, a big man who will wait hand and knees to get the go ahead. Especially when it comes to sexual activities and new toys. You admire that about him, consent being the key to everything he does, but right now? Right now you want him to hold you against his chest until the vibrations shoot through your core and leave you a sobbing mess.
The need makes you beg without embarrassment, "Press it, kriff, don't tease me!"
The moment the toy activates you're letting out a silent scream, eyes rolling into the back of your head, body arching up and away from Wrecker's chest as the vibrations pulse inside your tight cunt, right snug against your g-spot.
His hand firmly squeezes your tit before pinching your perky nipple, his breath hot against your neck as he gently nibbles against the flesh again and again, leaving marks, claiming what's his.
His finger travels down farther until it reaches his target; your dripping cunt. He coats his finger with your juices before gently guiding it inside you, right behind the back of the toy.
Nothing about Wrecker is small, his fingers are meaty, chunky, and he knows it. With one finger he curls it in into the silicon of the toy, pressing it against your most sensitive area. Your hand shoots out to wrap around his wrists, nails leaving red crested shapes in his flesh and it's all you can do to keep the tears building up at bay.
You can't stop the cry that leaves your mouth as your arousal soaks through your panties and drips onto the mattress below you. Kriff, you didn't even last half a minute before cumming. It's the quickest you've ever finished and you probably should be a little ashamed of how fast it was, but Wrecker's chest vibrates with the loudest moan you've ever heard from him;
"Mesh'la, I'm gonna–,"
"Wait," You shakingly push yourself up farther onto his torso until his cock slides through the opening of your thighs, "Fuck my thighs, baby, let me see you cum."
He groans, needing no further instructions before fucking your thighs, fast. His precum acts like natural lubricant as his cock jerks back and forth, hot and heavy between your thighs.
"Squeeze around my cock, mesh'la." Wrecker grunts breathlessly and you press your thighs together tightly. The toy is still vibrating inside you and you reach down to the built-in button to turn it off, overstimulated.
Wrecker's fingers dig into the flesh of your hips as his release paints your thighs, his cock helplessly twitching between the valley of your legs as he cries out your name.
Once you catch your breath, and can lift a finger, you'll show him the app. Show him how to use it. Maker, you can't wait.
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Tech knew right away what the app meant for, his codpiece already becoming too restricting before he even opens the app.
He calls out for you, wanting to see your face as it overcomes with pleasure. Pleasure he's giving you, he's responsible for.
The moment you walk into the room and see his lust filled gaze, app open on his device, you're stripping yourself of your clothing, sitting across from him in the co-pilot's chair, legs spread wide to give him a clear view of your pussy.
He doesn't activate the toy right away, instead he's leaning forward in his chair, eye locked onto your cunt. He's studying the part of the toy he's able to see and you roll your eyes fondly before snapping your fingers together.
His eyes shoot up to yours, swallowing at the blatant need that reflects back at him. It's clear that neither of you will be lasting long. Not this time at least.
"I trust you're smart enough to figure out how to work it." You teasingly trail a hand down your body, ghosting over your sex before retreating back up to your chest to play with your breasts.
"Of course," He huffs, adjusting his goggles, "It's a basic design; clearly fashioned by humans with a basic understanding of technology–,"
With a soft chuckle you bring a hand down to hover over the built in power button, "Then you'd know I can control it with a quick press of the button right here. Really, I don't even need you–oh kriff,"
Your hips jerk up, a surprise moan falling from your lips as the toy buzzes to life inside you and your walls clench around the silicon, "Tech!"
"Too much?"
You shake your head, fingers clenching the arms of your chair, "No, it's good, it feels so good."
Tech hums, eyes once again locked onto your pussy and you know he's silently debating with himself on whether or not to take a holo. You're about to tell him to just take one but all that leaves your mouth is a pathetic whine as the vibrations change to a stronger setting.
Tech's out of his chair and on his knees before you, "I want to taste you."
That's basically all the warning you get before your legs are hooked over his shoulders, his tongue darting out to collect your arousal before spreading it over your clit. He flicks the tip of his tongue over your sex before pulling back, "You're so wet for me."
You nod, eyes rolling back as his mouth returns to your sex, "All you for, Tech. It's all for you."
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Crosshair knew instantly that the new app was your doing. You're the only one who knows his passcode. He just didn't know what the app was designed for.
He had ignored it at first, letting most of the day go by before managing to corner Tech and demand his brother tell him what the app was. Of course Tech had simply explained everything about it, but when he went to go turn the toy on Crosshair shoved the barrel of his rifle under the clone's chin. Tech was smart enough to make himself scarce.
Now with the knowledge of what the app was designed for, Crosshair was in control with you willingly at his mercy. He lets you continue your faux innocent act, pretending himself that he hasn't noticed the app.
He'll wait for the opportune moment to arrive. He's a patient man, he's not weak like his brothers. We won't wait on hands and knees for you to come to him and you know that.
The moment comes almost five hours later as he volunteers himself and you to do the supply run Echo and Tech were originally signed too. Hunter had given him a questioning look, obviously wondering why he'd willingly offer to do something he'd usually bitch about doing.
Crosshair had just glared back at his brother and Hunter was smart enough to end any further questions there.
"So," You start, eyeing the man beside you as you walk side by side through the market, "Why us? Echo was relieved to be getting some fresh air, you know. You also hate people, crowds and shopping. Have to admit, I'm a little baffled."
He doesn't look at you but his words are sharp, "You're not an idiot, ner kar'ta."
"I've never claimed to be one, I– oh, you, you wouldn't," You come to a halt, pulling Crosshair with you. Your eyes are wide, full of fear and a building of desperate want, "We're in public, Crosshair."
"Best not make a scene then."
It's not an order, nor a demand, it's a challenge.
One you already know you're going to lose.
But then again this is Crosshair, the man you've spent all day unknowingly giving him a raging hard-on. He's pent up, sexually so, and that's your doing and that doesn't go unpunished.
So it doesn't really come as a surprise that when you're about to cum he turns off the device, denying you of the orgasm you're desperate for.
Because when you do cum, you'll be on your knees, mouth wrapped around his cock. Not here, in a crowded marketplace; not when he can't praise you. Not when he can't taste himself on your lips.
Sorry about how roughly Tech's ended. I've never been good at writing cunnilingus. Blow jobs on the other hand I'm a master at but that's mostly because I've spent ten years writing gay porn.
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1- Confined 21/02
2- Paths Unknown 21/02
4- A different approach 28/02
6- Infiltration 13/03
8- Bad Territory 20/03
9- The Harbinger 27/03
11- Point of No Return 3/04 PLEASE NO.
12- Juggernaut 10/04
14- Flash Strike 24/04
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stars-n-spice · 2 months
Here the thing is-
Episode 15 better fucking be 3 hours long or some shit because what the FUCK!
And if it's not, it better end with like the fucking "The Bad Batch will return" title card shit they have at the end of Marvel movies with there being an announcement for a new series that is a continuation of the Bad Batch but it maybe called something else because it doesn't only relate to the Bad Batch.
I see people saying let's get a "Tales of the Clones" and that would be great, amazing even, but seeing as the last two "Tales of the [thing]" were series comprised of two stories focused on two characters (and backstories at that) I don't really see it working out well in tying things up in Bad Batch.
If anything, maybe it'll work, but if they do a "Tales of the Clones" I do hope it follows Rex leading some kind of clone rebellion or something and then also Cody and seeing him go to Tatooine to find Obi-Wan.
Even better? We get "Tales of the Clones" AND an additional other clone show that ties up everything in the Bad Batch.
Hahaha....right? Not like Star Wars would let us down, right? They totally would give the fans what they want instead of what they think they want, right? Right?
I say all of this as I put on my clown wig, nose, and shoes.
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sadiecoocoo · 16 days
Does anyone have any good fic recs for echo and Crosshair whump? Preferably pre-the bad batch series fics. I love their dynamic so much if fighting but also caring about each other even though Crosshair is a bitch
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wentasch · 2 months
Not the usual thing I blog about here but
I’m hella terrified of the last two episode of the bad batch and I need to ramble about it a little.
I already said to myself that I think everybody except Omega will die BECAUSE I don’t believe in plot armor since Tech. It’s also the final season so they can throw bodies wherever they want YET if I’m wrong with that theory, beautiful. I do not want them to die. I love these idiots too much.
Though if I’m right I can say that I was right with tears in my eyes. That will count for something. Hopefully.
…I’m still mourning Tech how tf am I suppose to react to the others dying. I’ve been rewatching Bad Batch and every time I see Tech I want to cry.
Also, I am very interested who that Shadow Trooper is or if he even is anyone of “interest”.
I’ve heard people talk about him being Tech. It would definitely bring more angst factor in the story but sometimes I think the fandom is just in denial with Techs death (I’m the fandom. I’m in denial)
Others also talked about how maybe Cody is the shadow trooper and could make a return with it. I would love to see him again.
If that guy turns out to be somebody who is unknown to us then I would be fine with it too.
I don’t have any real assumptions or expectations for the finale except that it has to have a good and interesting ending for my favorite Batch.
So if such a ending means killing everything I love than so be it. (I might regret saying this after tomorrows episode)
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clonelover31 · 2 months
The season finale of the Bad Batch can’t hurt you if you never watch it
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Only one day left, don’t know if I should cry because it’s the last episode or prepare myself for the worst possible outcome
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ellie-the-oracle · 3 months
Guys, I think we've seen all the trailer clips, which means we'll be going in blind now. I'm feeling like it'll be rough from here on out. Buckle up, It's about to get traumatizing 🤕😷
Edit: Most, not all trailer clips
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juliberrylive · 2 months
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prepping my bad batch tweets for wednesday night :D
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