#Ed sees the really cool and original person from the start
philippeauguste · 1 year
I love how Stede was never afraid of Ed. He never really saw him as Blackbeard. Stede knows that Blackbeard is just the persona, the disguise that Edward wears.
Stede met him thinking Ed was just a nice guy from Blackbeard’s crew and they hit it off from the start. I mean, he shows him his secret auxiliary wardrobe after 5min knowing him, they have that instant mutual connection.
Ed was already fascinated by Stede without actually talking to him, while Stede was just meeting some guy he liked. Kind of a reversal of the way everyone else reacts to them.
They are each other’s I like everything about you
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rhysdarbinizedarby · 10 months
‘Our Flag Means Death’ Star Rhys Darby on Stede’s Transformations & Hopes for Season 3
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[Warning: The below contains MAJOR spoilers for Our Flag Means Death Season 2 Episode 8 “Mermen.”]
Our Flag Means Death saw Gentleman pirate Stede Bonnet (Rhys Darby) transform from a fish-out-of-water swashbuckler into the romantic hero he was always destined to be in the latest season of Max‘s original comedy.
After realizing the error of his ways at the end of Season 1, Stede sought redemption in the eyes of the infamous Blackbeard, a.k.a. Ed (Taika Waititi), after recognizing he was in love with the pirate. While the path wasn’t a direct one, they eventually found their way back to one another with the help of a fantastical mermaid sequence, some much-needed apologies, and ultimately a better string of communication.
Reflecting on his journey, star Rhys Darby is opening up about Stede’s various transformations in Season 2, including the excitement surrounding that mermaid tail, as well as about where he thinks the pirate lovebirds might end up next should the series return for Season 3.
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Congrats on Season 2! Now that we can finally talk about it, what has it been like getting to see fan reactions, especially during the SAG-AFTRA strike?
Rhys Darby: Yeah, it was like a pressure cooker that needed to burst, for us and for the fans. When it finally came out, the burst happened and there was so much love for us, [but we] couldn’t talk about it. We were still stuck in this bottle and the cork wouldn’t come off, and that was difficult, but it was really lovely to see all the love and the surprise from everyone. Obviously, as you know, the fan artwork, it’s what we would say in New Zealand is pretty full on. So yeah, it was super cool.
And not that anyone gives out numbers, but I think I heard on the ethos that people [are] watching it, and it’s rating really high and at a time when we need this kind of beautiful love fest of comedy with a whole bunch of silliness to take us away from the disasters that are happening in the world. It’s been lovely. I just wish it was longer. I know people watch and rewatch and they’re so fanatical, but it’s just a comedy show, so to have any effect means so much to us.
In Season 2, Stede’s gone through a few transformations, one of which is that he’s a real pirate now, at least comparatively to Season 1. What helped you get into that new version of him? Was it the writing, costumes, or a combination of the two?
Yeah, the costumes are the first thing that comes to mind because once he starts wearing different gear, he looks at himself and goes, “Oh my God, I’m a different man.” And he really is turning from a man who is wearing these beautiful gowns with high heels and things inappropriate for a pirate ship to becoming an Errol Flynn-type hero straight away. That’s what they wanted to do with the character. So he’s lost a lot of that beautiful pageantry and is becoming a more practical guy who has to survive. He returns to this nightmare of a world because he wants to fight for love, and for want of a better term, “man up,” whatever the modern-day version of that is, “person up?” To become the guy that he dreamt of being in the first season.
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He didn’t dream that he was going to fall in love with someone. He dreamt he was going to be this amazing pirate and that just was not going to happen. But then when he found this love, I think he went away from that [dream] going, “I don’t deserve this.” And then when he realized upon returning home that he does deserve it, he had to fight for it. And so the only way to fight for it was to drop the battle armor of the gowns and actually become the pirate he imagined being. So it was great to become that and to fight for that love and to thank god that [Blackbeard] didn’t die. He would’ve actually lost it, I think, because it would’ve been like, “Well, what am I fighting for now?”
I think it was just so fun to see that character change, but also within that change, see a bit of the old self come through, especially when he found that cursed red suit. And all of a sudden it was like, “Oh my God, the old me again, look how good I look!” So it was lovely that they had those elements… I was missing a little bit of the old Stede myself. So it was great to find that again. And then again near the end with the British invasion scenario where I got to do the big coat and everything, which of course looked awesome. You can see that moment where I put it on and did that slow turnaround. It was way more filmic shots of me wearing that kind of stuff. And I think that gave Stede's strength as well. So much of Stede's embodiment comes from the things he’s wearing.
Speaking of costumes, the big one of the season had to be Stede’s mermaid look. How did you wrap your head around getting ready for such a fantastical, and ultimately, beautiful scene?
That was the highlight of the whole season for me. As a kid, I used to swim around like a little merkid. I would put my legs together and I’d swim under the water. I’ve always been into mermaids and things because I’m into cryptozoology. So when I got to be a mermaid or a merman, I really took to it. It was pretty easy, to be honest with you. I didn’t have any training to swim like that. So the only training I did was some breath work beforehand to help me hold my breath longer. But that was kind of almost superfluous. Once I got that [tail] on, I just became a mermaid. It’s hard for me to describe how I suddenly become these things, but I think I just got under the water. I could swim really easily with it.
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And I had weights on. So one of the things was we had to make sure I was the right weight so that I wouldn’t just float. That thing was sort of buoyant. So once we sorted that out, I could actually swim really well, and then just sort of hover underneath the water for a long time while [Taika]’s looking at me, I’m looking at him. To see it on the day, on the screen when I knew they’d got [the shot], there were just so many cheers, and I think they even played the music to see how the scene would work out. It’s one of those life moments where you go, “Oh my God, I’m becoming a cryptid again. I’m never going to forget this.”
This season really does focus even more on Stede and Blackbeard’s romance. How did you and Taika prepare for that? Especially since Stede’s more transparent about his feelings this time around.
It was good, and it was time. And because I was the new strong Stede, it felt really natural for me. I think it just worked really well with the writing because of the aggression that I was going through. When I was fighting that really bad guy [Ned Low (Bronson Pinchot) and] threw a violin at him because he ruined Calypso’s birthday, that was a good moment because it is not just about Ed, it’s about the crew, Stede’s family, and they were going through this amazing moment there, and all of a sudden this guy turns up and next thing we’re getting tortured. And I’m like, “How dare you?”
I think that progression of strength helped [Stede] break into the moment of, “I’m just going to take my lover as well now, and do something with him.” He probably had no idea what he was doing because it’s Stede, but it worked out and it was the right time in the show. Taika and I are really good mates, so it’s really easy to do emotional scenes together. As soon as we put our gear on, we’re just looking at that character, and we admire each other.
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You and Taika have been known to improv on the show. Was there any improv moment from Season 2 you were particularly proud to see onscreen?
Yeah. Well, one, I noticed that some people are talking about that they thought was scripted, which wasn’t — most of the [scenes where] I’m with Taika are improvised in those emotional close moments — is on the deck of the boat where we’d do the thumb thing. That was all improvised on the day. So that was fun that we got that kind of stuff in. And there were some more little bits and pieces, but that’s one that comes to mind. That worked really well.
By the end of Season 2, Stede and Blackbeard have settled in to open their own inn. Do you think the peace and quiet will last in a possible third season, or will they get bored and want to rejoin the excitement?
Well, obviously as it stands now, it’s very lovely and it’s a nice positive ending, which is lovely for Season 2. But in reality, if you think about the characters, even in the fictional world, they’re both outlaws, they’re pirates, and the British back then… they never gave up. They did track down all the pirates and either hang them or get rid of them. There was only a couple that got away, and it certainly wasn’t those two. So I think what they’re thinking is, yes, this is bliss, but both those characters must be thinking, this is not going to last because you’ve got to sleep with one eye open.
Even though they’re in the middle of nowhere, they’re still in an area where everyone knows what they are, so they’re going to be tracked down. So I think if it was me, [they’d] end up back in action one way or another, especially if their inn is popular, which it probably would be. Word would get around. I mean, in those days, had you heard the Blackbeard and Stede had opened up an inn, [you’d have] to check that one out. It’ll be like Planet Hollywood.
There would be a wait-list, for sure.
Yeah, absolutely. Basically, they’re too famous now that Stede’s killed Ned and everything. He’s a famous pirate. So death is going to come to their door at some point. They’ll have to deal with it.
Do you think this version of Stede and Blackbeard’s story could avoid the fate of the real-life pirates?
Yeah, no, I think you’re dreaming if you think they’re going to live happily ever after.
Our Flag Means Death, Seasons 1-2, Streaming now, Max
Source: TV Insider
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wolfjackle-creates · 11 months
Bring Me Home Arc 2 Part 20: FINAL
So guess what I realized this morning. Today, November 13, 2023 is the one year anniversary of me posting my first DPxDC fic to tumblr. It was the original fill for this very fic. (Which you can find here.)
So I decided I just had to finish this arc and get it posted. This year has been amazing and so much fun. I've become a much better writer and joined a community that has brought me so much joy. I'm glad to be here and I'm glad so many of you like to read what I'm sharing.
I noticed I got a few new readers over the past week or so, so welcome to all of you! Hope you enjoy this early update!
In personal news, my nephew was born and he's adorable and I'll be meeting him tomorrow! (As soon as I'm done posting this, I'm off to make food for his mom.)
Story Summary: Tim and Danny are both neglected by parents who care more about their work than their families. They deal with this by spending too much time online and find each other playing MMORPGs. They keep up their friendship as Tim becomes Robin and Danny becomes Phantom and don't bother keeping secrets from each other.
Arc 1
Arc 2: Part 1, Previous
Word Count: 1.2k
In the end, it ended up taking several hours for Danny, Sam, and Tucker to escape their families and converge on the park. In that time, Tim had called Bruce to let him know he’d be back in Gotham by tomorrow and finished most of his homework.
While he worked, Wulf and Bart were having an animated conversation in Esperanto.
Tim was pretty sure Wulf would be bringing Bart to the Ghost Zone for a tour sometime and started making plans to learn Esperanto himself and bribe Bart to get in on them.
Cassie was helping Conner sort through some of the music Sam had given him. Tim was jealous as he solved more banal trig questions. Why did school have to be so boring? He tapped his pencil on the paper in time to the beat of whatever music Conner had playing.
Tucker was the first to arrive. “Danny and Sam not here yet?” he asked as he plopped down next to Bart and Wulf.
“Nope. Haven’t heard from them, either,” said Tim. He opened his phone notifications again just to be sure, but there was nothing new.
Tucker shrugged and pulled out a stick of jerkey to munch on. “Not surprising. The Fentons will be all overprotective after the mayor was kidnapped by a ghost on live TV. And Sam’s parents are just as bad. Only they smother rather than check the weaponry.” He turned to greet Wulf in Esperanto.
An email came through on Tim’s phone and he groaned. “Our evening interview was canceled. No one wants to hear us try to defend Phantom anymore.”
Cassie cursed. “Course not. Bet the paper won’t publish our editorials either.”
Conner looked over, confused. “Won’t they? Clark works for the Daily Planet. They publish stuff like that all the time.”
Tim didn’t look up from his math as he answered, “That’s the difference between a big, Pulitzer winning publication and a small-town op-ed.”
Tucker sighed. “Well maybe someone will remember your interviews from this morning in a positive light.”
Bart rolled his eyes. “Come on, we can’t change it. So let’s move forward. Next step, make friends with more ghosts! Wulf says there’s a bunch of cool people in the Realms.”
“Realms?” asked Tim.
“It’s what he says the Ghost Zone is actually called. The Infinite Realms.”
“Huh. I’ll have to check JL databases, see if they have any information on them.”
Tucker asked something in Esperanto and Bart burst out laughing as Wulf looked on in confusion.
With Bart’s help, though, he rephrased until Wulf was able to reply. And then the three kept to Esperanto. Tim really had to find time to learn it.
Sam was the next to arrive. She grinned and sat down next to Conner. “How you liking the music?”
Conner grinned and showed her the sheets where he ranked the bands so far based on which songs he’d listened to. She then took over the speakers and searched for specific tracks to try and change his mind about some of the bands he liked the least.
Tim let his eyes close as his friends’ voices washed over him.
After some indeterminate time where he dozed between sleeping and awareness, a foot nudged his hip. Tim grumbled out what was supposed to be a, “What?” but was too mumbled to really be understood.
“Come on, Secrets. You can do better than that.”
Tim cracked an eye open to see Danny grinning down at him. He pushed himself up slightly and blinked heavily in the sunlight.
“Finally got away from your parents?” asked Tim.
Danny collapsed on the ground next to him. “Ugh, don’t remind me. They’re freaking out over everything that’s happened the last few days. Jazz and I are basically going to be on lock down until they feel confident the ghosts are gone.”
“Did you have to sneak out to get here?” asked Cassie.
Danny shook his head. “No, I told them I was going to find you guys to make sure you were all safe. You’re welcome to come back to ours tonight, by the way. Mom and Dad basically insisted on it.”
“What do you guys think?” asked Tim. “Spend one more night here at Danny’s and head out in the morning?”
Cassie sighed. “My mom’s already freaking out that I’ve been gone longer than planned. I should get back tonight.”
“I’ll stay,” offered Conner. “I’m your ride home, anyway.”
“Why don’t you come to my place, Conner,” offered Sam. “Your nails need a fresh coat after fighting today. And I need teach you about the different brands of makeup and what to look for in terms of cost, quality, and ethicality. Plus I can get you more music.”
Tim laughed when Conner looked to him. “Go for it. Have fun.”
Conner grinned. “Then yeah, let’s do it!”
Bart shrugged. “Wulf is going to go back to the Realms soon. I’ll head out after. Wally and Linda want me over for a family dinner tonight.”
“Well, looks like that’s it, then,” sighed Danny. “Been fun having other heroes around.”
Tim nudged his shoulder. “Join the Young Justice. You could join us and we'd help out whenever you wanted. Get you around people who actually appreciate what you do for them.”
But Danny was already shaking his head. “I have to stay here. And now Amity trusts heroes even less. I want to improve that, not make it worse.”
“Even if you don’t join,” declared Conner. “You’re not getting rid of us now.”
Bart nodded his agreement. “Yep. We’re gonna be stopping by all the time. You’re in the group chat.”
“Exactly,” agreed Tim. “And we’ll figure out ways to help you. Starting with how to minimize property damage. That seems to be the big thing people focus on. You can make shields, right? How big can you make them and how much power do they take?”
Danny smiled wryly. “Can’t say I’ve really tested it.”
Tim laughed. “Well, I know one thing we’re doing tonight. We’re going to go back to Nasty Burger—” Tim looked around at the whole group “—all of us. Then Cassie and Bart are going to go home. Danny and I, at least, are going to take a nap. Then we’re gonna test the current limits to Danny’s powers.”
Danny bumped their shoulders together. “You know, this is just like gaming with you all those years.”
“Yeah, well, it’s best to be thorough.”
“We’ve measured, like, his top speed and stuff,” said Tucker, pulling out a PDA. “Want to see what we’ve got so far?”
“Absolutely.” Tim took the device and looked through it. “You’ve a decent amount of information here. Maybe instead of taking a nap, I’ll help you organize it and come up with a testing plan.”
Conner flew over to him and pulled the PDA out of his hand. “Not after pulling an all-nighter you won’t. We’re going to get some food, then the two of you are going to sleep for at least four hours.”
“I’ll set Jazz on you, too,” threatened Sam. “Don’t think I won’t.”
Tim pouted as the device was given back to Tucker. And grumbled more when Conner picked him up and threw him over his shoulder.
“Come on, food time.”
“I am going to put kryptonite in your phone,” threatened Tim.
“Bingo!” shouted Cassie.
Danny laughed as he stood. “Does this mean I can join the next round?”
Tim scowled. “Traitors, all of you.”
And that's the end of this Arc! Arc 3 will pick up where the original fill did. (Only this time, Tim won't be the only DC character there to help Danny.)
I'd say something like I can't believe it's only been a year, but so much has happened to me in the last twelve months that it feels like a lifetime ago, to be honest. But it's been a good year and I'm glad this community has been part of it.
Please follow the subscription post if you want updates for when I start transferring this arc to AO3 or begin posting Arc 3.
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breathe-2am · 6 months
hey idk how to tell u this but the big cliffhanger in s1 isn’t the crew being separated it’s stede going out to find ed when ed has fallen so deep into heartbreak and self-loathing that he’s destroyed stede’s ship and split up their crew. the cliffhanger is about “how will ed and stede fix their relationship after stede broke ed’s heart and ed went off the deep end?”
bc what’s going on with the crew is not the main storyline. the main storyline is the romance between ed and stede, djenks has said this many times. the main plotline is the development of ed and stede’s relationship. the show didn’t “shove most of the characters into 1 minute scenes between much longer gentlebeard arcs” in 2.04, the crew was just part of the B plot that episode, which is to be expected because they are all side characters who are always in B or C plots if they’re not part of the plot with the main characters (ed and stede). the main A plot of 2.04 is ed and stede making up now that they’ve finally been reunited, and the show develops this storyline in a rewrite/adaptation/homage to the play who’s afraid of virginia woolfe.
it’s fine if u don’t like gentlebeard or if your main enjoyment from the show is izzy/the crew, but if that’s the case for you then unfortunately you’re always have a harder time enjoying ofmd bc the writing in the show is always going to prioritize gentlebeard over the other characters. the crew reuniting was always going to be much less important than ed and stede reuniting and making up. that’s what david jenkins meant when he said “the show is the relationship.”
Heyo! I see my meme has breached the side of ofmd tumblr I usually interact with, which is really cool! Thanks for stopping by haha
I think your response is so emblematic of the shift the show went thru from season 1 to season 2- namely, that season 1 was an ensemble show and season 2 was not. Stede was the main character, yes, and he got more backstory and focus than a lot of the crew, but the story of the show in s1 was that it was a bunch of people with conflicting personalities shoved onto a boat together. Stede’s the center, but every other character gets focus as well. This show, by djenks own admission, was not originally intended to be a rom-com romance between stede and ed. He said that he didn’t commit to actually have them be together until filming season 1 episode 6- more than halfway thru the story of the first season, and that it was mainly due to rhys and taika’s acting that made him change it from an unrequited love to a relationship. So while the story is a lot about gentlebeard, saying that every other character is secondary to them and their romance isnt true.
I think a great example to bring up would be season 1 episode 7, the episode that solidifies (via lucius) that yes, this is happening. This is a very relationship heavy episode, but crucially gb isn’t the only focus.
Here's a breakdown: we start w a 1:00 gb scene, then roach comes in asking about the oranges, which leads to a 2:00 scene w the whole crew that sets up the episodes plot (swede has scurvy, we need to get more oranges). Jim protests going to st augustine, which is followed by a 1:00 scene between jim and olu, including a jim flashback. Stede and lucius return with the treasure map, there’s 1:30 more of the whole crew, then we go into the captains cabin for 1:00 of stede, ed, and lucius. 6 minutes into the ep flashes to the crew on land, a 0:50 conversation between jim and olu, then 2:00 of the whole crew, ending then nana invites them all to eat some cake at 8:15. We then go to stede, lucius, and ed in the marketplace until the 9 minute mark (abt 0:45), then back to the church where olu and jim talk to nana for 1:15, including more jim flashbacks. Back to the adventure w stede ed and lucius, which is 2 scenes back to back, totally about 3:00 (the “oh my god this is happening” scene). Then back to the church for jim olu and nana, a 1:00 jim flashback inside a 3:00 scene. Then back to the captains and lucius for 1:30, then to jim and olu, more jim flashback, then the a and b plots converge at the 2:30 mark when jim sees stede digging up their tree. Stede, ed, and lucius exit the scene after 1:30, jim and olu have a conversation for another 1:00. We see the crew leaving, then olu and nana talk, which all takes 2:00. Back on the boat, ed and stede become co-captains in a 0:45 scene, then the final 1:30 of the ep is izzy at jackie’s with 1:30 credits
Gentlebeard: 9:00, whole crew: 5:30, Jim and Olu: 11:35, Izzy: 1:30, credits: 1:30
I would say that s1e7 is the most overtly gb episode before the kiss in s1e9. But as you can see, it’s not just gb. There’s a lot of focus on jim, who gets multiple filmed flashbacks, there’s scenes w jim, olu, and nana, there’s scenes of the whole crew together, stede and ed are really only oncscreen together for abt 9 minutes- not even 1 third of the episode. And this is the ep that says directly to the audience “yes, they have a romance building”. I’m not trying to say w this that every member of the crew needs to b given equal screentime, bc that didn’t happen here obv, but everyone is doing something, and the plot is moving forward propelled by more than just the gb relationship.
Now this is very much changed in season 2.
S2e4 starts with 0:20 of stede waking ed up, then 0:45 of stede and the crew, 0:30 of ed and buttons, izzy’s w the unicorn for 1:00. The crew kick ed off the boat in a 1:15 scene. Now at the 2:25 mark we get to the plots splitting. Ed has a 1:15 scene on land, 0:45 is spent talking to a bunny. Stede and buttons find anne and mary’s antique store after 0:45 of walking. The scene in the antique porch is 2:15. Back to the revenge where there’s a 1:00 scene where wee john, roach, and pete talk about how the kraken crew, lucius, and izzy are different, and the kraken crew thinks they’re plotting to kill them. Already we go back to anne and mary’s where theres various conversations for 3:00. We go back to the revenge for a 0:45 scene where the revenge crew scare the kraken crew and lucius by trying to surprise them. Back to land, where anne and stede and mary and ed talk for 2:00. Back to the revenge for a 1:45 scene w the crews, izzy enters at the 1:00 mark and then crawls away. Well that’s that, we go back to the dinner on land for 1:00, then ed storms out and he and stede have a conversation on the couch for 2:15. Anne and mary reenter, followed by a 3:00 argument that ends with anne burning down the house and they don’t kiss for some reason. We have a 0:20 scene of the crew preparing the unicorn leg, izzy is in his room and received the leg in a 0:40 scene, and well it’s been a whole minute on the revenge, time to go back to ed and stede for 1:00, ed and buttons talk end when buttons turns into a seagull after 1:30. Ed and stede talk for 0:30, and then we end w izzy the new unicorn for 0:45. Credits are again 1:30.
Gentlebeard: 19:50, whole crew: 5:05, Izzy: 3:10, credits: 1:30
To illustrate my point, i made some graphs
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You don’t even have to think very hard to see the change in distribution of screentime season 1 vs season 2. And i’d argue that this is absolutely to the show’s detriment, because that ensemble cast is given way less time to shine, grow, or even speak. Notice how for the second chart there isn’t a jim and olu section? Yea that’s cause Jim has 10 lines this whole episode, and Olu has 5. Two characters, whose relationship, backstory, and plot takes up more screentime than gentlebeard’s in season 1, have a combined 15 lines between them, only 4 of which are longer than 1 sentence- 2 for jim, 2 for olu, and those lines are two sentences long. god bless us every one.
I get that there’s a large subset of the ofmd fandom that only cares abt ed and stede. I get that that’s how u find enjoyment in the show, and u know what? All the power to u. I’m not saying stop liking the show, stop liking gentlebeard, stop caring abt these characters. I don’t like gentlebeard, but i used to, and i remember really really loving ed and stede and their relationship in season 1. That changed in season 2 because of ed’s abusive actions and stede pivoting from being an independent character to just basically following whatever ed says (but that’s a story for another day).
But let’s be honest with each other, and with ourselves: season 1 was an ensemble show. Season 2 narrowed its focus to gentlebeard, while also making it (for some people) harder to like. That’s why a lot of people (myself included) didn’t like season 2 as much as season 1.
Also, just to focus back in on the original issue, the meme was not about gentlebeard. It was about Anne and Mary. And there is literally no way you can convince me that they were used as well as they could have been, or that they were implemented into the story in a smart, necessary, or even respectful way.
Because i'm a nice person, i made a brand new updated meme just for u, anon!
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respectthepetty · 11 months
I started to watch Kiseki last week thanks to my dash. My original plan was to bingewatch it after it`s finished if it has a happy ending which might have been wiser. However I am obsessed with Ai Di and Chen Yi. I think it`s interesting that Chen Yi tells Ai Di that they have to be quiet during their first night because Ai Di would get angry if he heard. I am not sure how he wouldn`t recognise Ai Di even if he is drunk because they have always been together but that`s not the point. He clearly cares about Ai Di and doesn`t want to upset him. But how does he know that Ai Di would hear them? Has he heard Ai Di with another man and has he been mad? Even though he calls Ai Di brother at that point he seems awfully upset when Ai Di is with other men and drags him away from them.
Anon, you didn't know this when you sent it, but I am the wrong person to ask.
I'm stressed.
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I'm spiraling.
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I'm laying in a field of lavender trying to snort the stems in an attempt to chill the fuck out.
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All because Kiseki: Dear to Me's finale is so close that I feel it, yet I'm terrified the scene we are all clinging to from the extended trailer is a fake-out, and we are about to be MODC-ed all over again.
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If this doesn't make sense to you, GOOD! Stay innocent, anon. Three episodes ago, I was worried about the same thing as you, but here I am on the eve of the eve of the finale, and I can't bring myself to fathom the show will kill someone, even though IT ALREADY KILLED SOMEONE!
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But if you do know what I'm writing about, Anon, HOW ARE YOU SO CALM RIGHT NOW?! At least calm enough to send me this ask on the eve of the eve of the finale?! How is Laws of Attraction the only show to know the value of a bulletproof vest unlike all these mafia BLs WHERE IT SHOULD BE A GIVEN?!
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And you're just as cool as a caterpillar on a leaf. I'm the caterpillar in the cocoon dissolving into liquid mush freaking the fuck out about death and bulletproof vests, while you are munching on the good bits of this story. Teach. Me. Your. Ways. I'm over here praying to all the santos about a FICTIONAL CHARACTER! My ancestors are judging me right now. So is God.
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So due to divine shade, I'll try to answer your question - Chen Yi admitted he was always jealous of Eddie being with other people which is why he was dragging Eddie's ass out of places, (so I can't imagine him being on your level of chill if he heard Eddie having sex with someone else), but Chen Yi didn't realize that it was jealously and possessiveness until Eddie was . . .
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Until Eddie WASN'T THERE!
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See, I'm already detouring again! Because what will Eddie do if Chen Yi ISN'T THERE?!
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I don't care if this chick is Zhang Teng's sister avenging his death or just has a crush on Baker Boy. She is the sole female character, and as a feminist who supports female wrongs, if she is the shooter, Mortal Kombat "FINISH HER ASS"
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I support the gays, the goths, and the girls, but in the words of a woman who got it, Jane Austen,
Had not my feelings decided against you, sus high school girlie— had they been indifferent, or had they even been favorable, do you think that any consideration would tempt me to accept the woman who has been the means of ruining, perhaps forever, the happiness of a most beloved menace?
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She better have really gone to the dumpster to throw that glass she just conveniently broke and helps step in to save Chen Yi when she witnesses the shooting because if not . . .
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sopheadraws · 26 days
Thanks for the tag, @birdofmay!
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Okay, so I don't actually have any playlists of my own; I entirely use playlists made by other people/generated by Spotify/actual albums, so I had to improvise. I stuck all six Spotify "Daily Mixes", my top 100 songs of 2021, 2022, and 202; my "On Repeat" playlist, and my "Repeat Rewind" playlist into a brand new playlist that contains 563 songs. I'm not good about favoriting songs, so I thought this was the fairest system. Some songs I don't actually know may come out of the Daily Mixes, so if that happens, I'll listen to it for the first time. Okay, cool.
1. Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran do a cover of the "Thriller/Heads Will Roll" Glee mashup.
Well, Taylor and Ed are two people, and this is a duet, so that's a good start. However, that's as far as my enthusiasm goes. Taylor has a *good* voice, however, she's not really a belter, which is all the "Heads Will Roll" part is. And Ed Sheeran covering Michael Jackson is not something that needs to happen.
2. The Warblers from Glee cover "I Feel Pretty/Unpretty"...also from Glee.
This is a song a female insecurity (arguably with lesbian undertones). I do not want an all male a cappella group involving themselves. Terrible idea.
3. Johnny Cash covers "Girl on Fire". Specifically the Glee arrangement.
This is so stupid that I love it. Johnny "Ring-Of-Fire" Cash covering a 2010s pop song about a woman being metaphorically on fire is hilarious to me. And the Glee arrangement is the icing on the cake.
4. Johnny Cash covers "champagne problems" by Taylor Swift.
Interesting that I got Johnny Cash twice in a row. Anyways, I think this just might work. I can't explain why. But it would.
5. Brittany from Glee covers "Million Reasons" by Lady Gaga.
Brittany can only really pull off heavily produced dance pop, and this song is a belting-heavy ballad. Sorry, Britt, but it's a no for me.
6. Simon & Garfunkel cover "obsessed" by Olivia Rodrigo.
I can't * f a t h o m * how this would sound. I am intrigued to hear it, but I sense it would be terrible. But, then again, Paul Simon is a musical genius and I could listen to Art Garfunkel sing anything.
7. Natasha Bedingfeld covers "Last Kiss" by Taylor Swift.
Natasha Bedingfeld is one of the never-heard-of-this-person-before-in-my-life musicians I warned you might appear on this playlist. Having heard one song, she's a generic pop artist. Sort of a Beyoncé vibe. I'm sure she'd do just fine covering Taylor.
8. Avril Lavigne covers "Operator" by Jim Croce.
Avril is another person I don't actually listen to (I actually know who she is this time). Uhh.. this cover would be wack, but I'm not sure if it's wack in a good or bad way.
9. Darren Criss covers "Talkin' Bout a Revolution" by Tracy Chapman.
(Yes, this was a DC original song, not a Glee cover.) Okay, so, having been on Glee, Darren knows how to do a killer cover, and I'm sure this would be no different. Kind of a tone deaf song selection on his part, however.
10. Olivia Rodrigo covers "Heaven Is A Place on Earth" by Belinda Carlisle.
I do know this song, and it's not *out* of my taste range, but I don't think I've ever listened to it on Spotify before, so. Anyways, I think this is the best combination I've gotten! I really want to hear this now! Best for last!
Well, Sina, and these the crazy combinations you expected from me? Very Glee heavy and most of the combinations would be horrid, which seems in character.
I would like to see what @doctor-whu @porcelainvino @wheresurboytonighthelookslikeenj @katyobsesses @angelhummel and @hevanderson get if you want to try :))
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stackslip · 27 days
Just wanted to say I love your fma 2003 posts. While I do think the original story is more cohesive and stuff, I think that the stuff they did with the 03 show is really interesting and provides a lot of cool angles on the character. It's a completely different story after a certain point with its own merit, and I think that it gives a lot of development to the characters in fascinating ways. I feel like seeing it added depth to my appreciation of the story. There's juicy bits in there that I wish were in the original and I'm just glad they were explored and that I'm not the only one who loves it. :))
sorry i took so late to respond lol
i think the og IS a lot more cohesive and planned out, and more consistent in quality! it's just that i don't think it's much to write home about either. it's a very solid fun shounen and as long as you don't think too deep about its implications, it's definitely a lot better written than 90% of mainstream shounen. and i can see the appeal in that, i genuinely do. i don't think 03 is to everyone's taste, even outside of people for whom og fma is comfort food, for whom even a slight deviation feels Wrong because that's their emotional support anime or whatever. like, i'm a fucking dbz fan always and forever you know? i don't have room to say "why do people enjoy mangahood better, it's so much less mature than 03" bc i still get pumped and emo from super saiyan transformations. i do wish these fans at least would understand WHY one might have frustrations with the themes of the story and what it does with very serious subjects lol
i do think that 03 is its own story but i don't think it's its own story "from a certain point". yes the early anime follows a lot of the manga's story, albeit rearranging it differently. but i'd argue that it's different in essence from the very start. its tone it starkly different from the manga, which is and remains a Cool Mystery Action Shounen. fma 03 from its very first episode leans more into brooding and psychological horror territory, even outside of the extra gore. even the subtle changes it makes early in the story aren't just to change/"improve" or adapt the manga's story, but to set up what they do when 03 REALLY departs from the manga's storyline. ed and al's characters are, i'd argue, leagues away from their og counterparts by ep 10--the flashback and making them go through all that trauma at age 12 really sets up that 15 year old ed isn't a confident shitlord like he is in the og, but a deeply insecure and guilt ridden teenager forced to grow up too fast and hiding his insecurities behind a mask of confidence. al is still kind and polite, but also a lot more ruthless and even more dependent on his brother than the og one is--the sensory deprivation and dysmorphia from the armour is cutting him off from other humans than his brother, and a lot of his own doubts and anguish at his situation begin eating at him to the point that when barry throws out the "you're an artificial person" accusation, al's brain immediately latches onto it because he's been wondering if he's even human for years.
i do think 03 has pits and valleys in terms of quality--but honestly i'm fine with it (bar a few genuinely infuriating decisions such as the transmisogynist serial killer trope in ep 8), it's a 2000s anime that was insanely ambitious and butting against the author and funding, some episodes visibly have a shoestring budget and while it remains thematically consistent you can very clearly see moments/places where the production committe threw in "hey uhhhhhh put in more kimblee he's popular" or "we're not giving you more episodes sorry. wrap it all up in three". do i wish a more consistent version of the show existed, meticulously planned out and with all the time and money in the world they needed existed? yes. would that version have been perfect? not necessarily tbh!
but really, 03 has a number of strong decisions and genuinely genius twists on the og that make it very hard for me to come back to the fma manga without feeling deeply underwhelmed. i like greedling so, so much--i just don't like him enough to not feel really bitter about how lust is treated in the manga. i genuinely love the scene where ed swears he'll get al's body's back at the gate, 10/10 shounen scene--but also, there's the scene ed happily tells al that after digging up their mom's body it turns out the transmutation they did had nothing to do with their mom, and every time i'm like "this is so stupid and i wish they'd kept the failed transmutation homonculi". the absolute heights of fma as a manga never ever manage to hit nearly as strongly to me as 03's does, because og fma will always feel just..... lacking in ambition and in depth, where imo in some aspects fma 03 still hasn't been outdone. where can i find something like the 03's homonculi? how many narratives are there that celebrate a character like scar instead of playing the trope of the Well Meaning Extremist Who Kicks A Puppy? this is a real question btw send them to me immediately i need them.
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Well that Champion of Champions episode was great. Ridiculously funny from start to finish, and all the tasks were top quality (maybe apart from the studio task, but even that wasn’t bad). I thought every contestant had at least a few really memorable moments.
I love the way the COC episodes get to be celebrations of Taskmaster as a whole. They can’t really do that in the regular episodes, because they’re playing to a studio audience that hasn’t seen the previous episodes from that season, so they try not to call back to too much stuff they haven’t seen. And they’re trying to appeal to casual TV viewers who might not have seen previous seasons, so there aren’t too many references to that either. But I guess they figure that anyone watching Champion of Champions has seen the preceding stuff, and they make it full of references.
I loved bringing back the bandstand from the early seasons, and this was the perfect time for it. I wouldn’t want them to do that in any of the regular episodes, for the same reason why I think Alex is right to say they won’t reuse old tasks – too easy to slip down the road to capitalizing on nostalgia and stop being original. Seeing the new, increasingly elaborate task location is a fun part of all the new seasons, I wouldn’t want to give that up. But bringing back the site of some of the greatest, establishing early Taskmaster moments for a one-off special was perfect.
And then they got in lots of ways to bring back old seasons. Kiell referencing the banana task. Dara’s outfit being a tribute to all of season 14. Ramsey’s name coming up on Sophie Duker’s signs. The comment about proposing to Alex Horne like in season 12. And obviously the constant mentions of Mae Martin. I like how they did that. That they didn’t try to be slick TV and pretend that everything had gone exactly according to plan and this is how the lineup was meant to be; roasting Kiell for an entire episode was much more fun than that.
I think I also agree with what Ed Gamble said on the podcast, that this may be the first time there’s been a Champion of Champions that makes total sense. Let’s be honest, Josh Widdicombe was quite good at Taskmaster but not the best player out of all 25 from the first five seasons (I think that might have been Noel Fielding, but then he chose to mess around and stop being competitive in COC1). And I also agree with Ed Gamble’s assessment that Richard Herring was competent in only one episode of Taskmaster, and it was COC2. That’s what happens when you only have one episode instead of taking the winner from an aggregate. And when you add a Golden Snitch studio task to it. But Dara O’Brien might be the most competent person to play in seasons 11-15, so that’s nice to see him as a Champion of Champions.
So there was a lot to enjoy about the episode for its place in the larger Taskmaster lore, but it was also just enormous fun as a one-off. That’s the other thing that’s fun about the COC episodes – it is cool to see an episode where everyone’s actually trying and no one’s particularly bad at it and everyone brings something interesting to the table.
Alex immediately going way too hard and way too personal when Sophie asked him to insult her. Sarah Kendall clapping for like half the episode and not realizing she was wearing a watch. Dara completing an entire task without even standing up by popping elastics off his head. Morgana remembering that season 12 task where she popped all those ice cubes in her offer and roundly outdoing herself with paint. Dragging the Greg statue across the ground. Sarah Kendall just being furious for the entire episode. Kiell not even bothering to try to find Alex. Kiell getting roasted all episode for the embarrassing flaw of not being Mae Martin. Sophie calling out Greg. Dara's wig montage. Sarah Kendall being absolutely furious. Did I mention that enough? God, I’d missed Sarah Kendall being furious.
Do Something Stupid was a brilliant task concept. I’m glad that stealing things from other versions is a loophole in Alex’s stance against reusing tasks, and I’m glad they found a way to make it broadcastable (though of course we all salute Guy and Urzilla for the lost task that the NZ producers are too cowardly to show us).
Hats off to the new champion. Hats, and wigs off to the new champion.
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vanilla-ending · 1 year
Random Markiplier ego headcanons: Relationships edition (platonic, familial, romantic!) 🩷
Bing, Derby (Cool Patrol Leader), and Marc (E-Boy) are all friends- they’re the shades boys and do dumb shit like make tiktoks of Bing trying to pull Derby on his skates while skateboarding down a street-
Derby and Bop (MarkiplierTV) are Yancy’s younger brothers. They all have the same dad but different moms, and are thick as thieves with each other. Part of Yancy’s incarceration was protecting his brothers from his mother. The younger two visit him on third Sundays 🥺
There is a possibility that Actor is Yancy’s father. There is also a possibility that Actor has attempted to treat Marc like his son despite their vast generational gap-
The Nightguard and the Survivor (FNaF Musical and Resident Enis musical) are brothers, who got separated when their lives went in different directions. They only meet again in the manor with their own sets of trauma and a quite bond over singing
Speaking of singing, there’s a Glee club type get together between all the egos who sing (Yancy, Derby, Bop, NG, and Res-), where they mostly just sing and Yancy tries getting them to do original songs he’s written (even if Bop is only vocalizing and not verbally speaking-)
Ed Edgar and Derek Derekson are work partners, who are attempting to fight for their businesses to get more advertising time on the Markiplier TV scheduling. They’re both awful fathers who convince each other they’re just Doing the right thing :/
Eric has been lowkey adopted by Captain Magnum, the two bonding over their prosthetics at first until Magnum offers to get the boy his sea legs, wanting to take Eric away from the loud bustling manor and onto the “calming” sea. Eric is just happy someone so big is being nice and caring to him 3:
Dr. Iplier and Dr. Plier (My Therapist, Dr. Plier) are cousins, who don’t know exactly why their last names are so similar but Different, but don’t really care. Edward (Iplier) and Greyson (Plier) have coffee together in the morning before their appointments and chat often, they have a solid relationship 🩷
Dark and Wilford are in an open marriage, Wilford enjoys flirting and being with many other egos while Dark is content as long as their husband returns at the end of the night to sleep with them.
Dark and Wilford have also unofficially adopted the King of the Squirrels as their youngest kid, as well as Ayano (Yandere) who was possibly the bastard child of William and Celine in their past life. All she knows is these adult egos feel safe to go to when she’s in trouble at school-
William and Michael (Actor) were brothers, Michael was adopted into the Barnum family and adored his older brother until their adult years, when the affair came to light. In the manor, Wilford has no idea why his spouse despises the depressed Actor that he just wishes to befriend!
Micheal had a short relationship after his divorce, with a writer named Arthur (Author) who wrote him violent poetry and made him feel adored. Now in the manor, Actor finds himself fondly listening to the Host when the man reads in the library ❤️
Google Blue is assigned the task of working with the Engineer to keep the man busy now that he doesn’t have a ship to take care of, leading to the Engineer to grow affectionate over the android as the “nicest” person in the manor (seeing how they barely leave the lab)
Murdock (A Murder With Markiplier) and Yancy are in a relationship that started as only physical and developed into more personal, both sharing their interests with each other the more they hung out. Murdock offers his couch in his apartment for Yancy when he gets on parol
The Googles do not see each other as siblings, more as separate parts of one being. They share files and memory space between each other, work on the same projects, simply having their own color coded folders for anything deemed unnecessary to share between each other. They all see Bing as a reluctant colleague while he sees them as his friends-
Edward has taken responsibility for HeeHoo, while it isn’t domesticated enough to stay in the manor full time, he leaves a cellar door open with a nest of fabrics for HeeHoo to curl up in during the cold months, as well as bowls of food and fresh water by the back door of the manor. Every few months he gets Illinois and Res to hunt it down so he can do a check up and give it necessary medical work.
Illinois and Res are adventuring buddies, in the sense they go on forest walks in near silence. Illinois talks the most while Res is just interested in getting out of that too clean and too fancy house for a few hours. Illy has the maps and the experience while Res has the weapons and skill to keep them safe.
Maybe I do a a part 2 for these adding in JSE egos or non-Mark characters from his projects?? I dunno- also I hit 30 whole tags for this post trying to name everyone and what they’re from 😭
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ratstuckinamarble · 2 years
All right, lets talk about Pyramid Scheme! Because why not.
So the episode starts with Cleo being as pompous as ever (don't get me wrong, I love that about her) while talking to her diary-eyeball thing about the school play. She wants to audition for the role of Cleopatra, and we get to see her practice in front of Clawdeen and Frankie. And can I just say, I love her personality this gen, because it even shows in how she's practicing her lines: "I have immortal longing! In meee. And then some- other words!"
It's great. Frankie looks so happy to be there, they even stood up while clapping for her. We all see you Frankie.
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Clawdeen does not seem quite as impressed ("Wow Cleo! That was... Uhm. Anyway."). They're looking for the mummy talisman, and I'm exited to see that storyline continue. But Cleo has other priorities.
It isn't in her jewlery box, so she stopped looking. Yeah that seems about right for her.
She outright says that she was named after Cleopatra, which made me really exited on my first watch. Because we all knew that's why she was originally named that, but it's cool that it's canon.
Nefera was studying abroad in Scaris, and I really hope we one day get some kind of special or something where they all go there, cause that seems fun. Apparently, they both have an interest in acting, but their parents only ever supported Nefera in that regard, while Cleo got to be... The tree.
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Ouch. No wonder she doesn't want to see her sister, if she can only associate her presence with getting sidelined.
Before she arrives, Cleo talks to her heart: "Cleo + Cleo's heart forever!" Which is stronger, Frankie's feelings for Cleo, or Cleo's love for herself? Does Frankie have a shot?
Jokes aside, I do think Cleo's behaviour is a symptom of her self doubt, and it'd be cool to see that explored some more. Definitely shows how parents not showing enough pride for one of their kids can effect them.
Frankie's manner of fact speaking once again shines through: "Do you have another sister? (...) Cause you said Nefera's in Scaris, but that girl behind you looks a lot like you. But even more royal." Damn.
Nefera makes her entrance, very exited to see her little sister. Cleo does not share the sentiment. She was invited to audition for Cleopatra as well, and Cloe is desperate to find a way to get the role.
Aside from that, we get to see her room for the first time! Neat.
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"We all know what makes you royal! Jewles." I think you might have gotten the wrong message there.
She thinks she can get the role by dazzling everyone with Cleopatras necklace, which is why she wants to sneak into her families tomb. The passageway is a small pyramid, and once again, Frankie has the best comments: "Should we tell her that's a paperweight?"
Nefera barges in before they can leave, and asks if Cleo "...Join(ed) the track team, cause you ran out of there like you wanted to set a new record!" Girl, either you're oblivious, or in De Nile. Hah.
Cleo and Frankie rush off to the tomb, leaving Clawdeen to come up with an excuse: "Urgent snack break." Based.
Followed by Frankie's iconic line: "Anything for you Cleo." Right before dematerializing. Okay, so they just get sent back to Cleo's room, but it's still amusing. To give Cloe some credit, she does look concerned.
Cleo takes the necklace and it all goes wrong, because it has to be replaced by something of equal value, a.k.a. not the random rock she picked. The tomb starts falling apart, and Nefera, Clawdeen and Frankie go after her, because they know Cleo is putting herself in danger. But then Nefera is the one who falls down.
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Something interesting, Cloe looks to her for what to do. I think she does look up to her, to an extend, and would like her a lot more if she didn't get so overshadowed by her.
Their conversation after that is interesting too. Cleo admits to taking Cleopatra's necklace, and Nefera asks: "Why do you have to do things like that? If you're just-" Things like what?
Cleo says she knows, she'll never reach her high bar, but she's trying. Seems like Nefera had some expectations of her she couldn't meet? I'd really like the context to that.
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We find out that the necklace is the heart of Cleopatra, so if you want to replace it with something equal... It has to be a heart. Cleo is about to put it back, but doesn't. Because the mummy palisman is on it, and helping Clawdeen get her mom back is more important to her. She throws it to her, and Frankie does not know the right time to simp. "Impressive throw Cleo!" jhgfdkj
Cleo puts her own heart there to stop the tomb from falling apart on them all, effectively dooming herself to being emotionless and cold forever. Gotta show you her monologue: "Goodbye heart! It was super cool that you let me feel emotions all these years. I'll miss that! If missing is something I can do without you nearby."
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The destruction stops and they all get Nefera out of the pit of doom. Cute little scene, she helps Cleo fix her bandages.
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Of course, Frankie can't let Cleo go heartless, so they, uhm. Bite a rock into the shape of a heart.
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Are their teeth made of steel or something? Gotta love what they say before that though: "Gonna try something. Sorry if it traps us all in here forever." They're so nonchalant about it. Still, it works and they announce it as their own heart. I don't know what kind of passion they put into making that thing for the tomb to recognise it as equal to an actual heart, but I'm sure the Francleo shippers have their theories (I say, as if I don't ship them too).
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The talisman ends up showing that Cleo is the mummy representative, because her sacrificing her heart was so selfless. Which makes me think, it seems like the other amulets match with the main cast, right? So maybe they all find their respective amulets, and have to do something selfless so they can be the representatives when they all open the portal again. Just a thought, I haven't looked at the episode summaries, so I don't actually know.
Also; "No ones ever chosen me over you." That is so sad. Frankie you better pick her right now >:(
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And try not to kill your friends.
So yeah, fun episode, I liked it a lot. Also big thanks to bluebelleisabelle for sharing all the episodes on her pinned post, we all really appreciate it.
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mister-faltine · 7 months
Characters from the Dark Dimension that I would love to see in the MCU.
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Warning: The images in this post belong to their respective creators, such as Steve Ditko, Ed McGuinness, Luigi Zagaria, among others. Sorry if the images are in poor quality, some comics weren't on the best sites. English is not my main language, sorry if there are errors in the text.
Another Warning: The characters on this list will not be characters like Umar, Olnar, Orini, Dormammu, Clea, etc. I want to focus on lesser-known characters, and currently, Clea is getting a lot of attention and Umar appears more than before. Olnar and Orini are already talked about in certain parts of Fandom and I want to focus on others here.
5 - Kronik.
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Okay, let's start with this character, because Kronik only appeared in ONE comic and I'm not even kidding. Kronik appeared in "Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #78" and he is some kind of Dormammu's personal telepath. Why does Dormammu need a guy like that? I don't know, but the character only served to inform Clea about a new crisis in the Dark Dimension, because some inhabitants were turning into monsters and killing everyone around them. So, Kronik wanted to team up with Clea to defeat this threat, but I believe that this story has not been continued to this day, and if it has, then it is in the darkest corners in the comics, because I never found it.
Now, why would I want to see this character in the MCU? Because I believe it has the potential to be a much better adaptation than the original. Like, his name is "Kronik", which is synonymous with "Chronos, the Personification of Time" in Greek mythology. So why not expand this idea into the MCU? Since the Dark Dimension was established to be "Beyond Time", he could have some important role and still be one of the oldest beings in the Dark Dimension. Perhaps because he was old and wise, Dormammu gave him a place in his royalty and he would talk about the past and FUTURE battles that the Lord of Chaos would face.
4 - G'uranthic Guardian.
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G'uranthic is a character that some people may know exists, but even so, he is mega unknown. For those who don't know, G'uranthic is a being that was created long before Dormammu took the throne and he was created by one of the ancient rulers of the Dark Dimension (G'uran The Great). He is represented as a mystical construct that has immense power, because he was created to obey and protect not only the current ruler of the Dark Dimension, but also keep his palace safe from any threats.
I would really love to see this monster in the movies, because not only would it be one of the most powerful beings in the Dark Dimension, but it would also make a lot of people find the history of the Dark Dimension very rich, even if just a little. Seriously, the Dark Dimension has so much potential and has an interesting story behind it, but it's a shame that Marvel almost never focuses on it.
3 - These 4 Henchmen.
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Yes, those guys. For those who don't know (or don't remember), these 4 henchmen were sent by Dormammu to kill Stephen in "Strange Tales #126". In other words, they were the first 4 henchmen from the Dark Dimension to be revealed in the comics, if you don't count the G'uranthic Guardian and Orini. I'm going to talk about each one separately and let you know that they don't have names, at least not that I know of. I'll talk about each one in order, starting from left to right of the image.
1 - The Golden Golem: This was the first henchman who faced Stephen in the Dark Dimension and his ability is to consume spells. In short, the more spells the opponent throws at him, the bigger and stronger he becomes. I'll admit, I think it would be cool to have this guy in a Doctor Strange movie, because I think it makes sense for Dormammu to have troops that consume spells from his enemies, since the Lord of Chaos is up against several Sorcerers Supreme normally. And of course, I like the look of it, because it's simple and beautiful at the same time.
2 - Dark Knights: These guys attacked Stephen through a portal and were trying to capture him for Dormammu. However, Stephen realized that spells don't work on them and had to use the "Amulet Of Agamotto" to defeat them. Anyway, one idea I thought of for these characters is if they have a power similar to Noob Saibot's power in Mortal Kombat, because Noob (Bi-Han) can create shadows (Saibot) to attack his opponents. It would be easier to combine all these knights into just 1.
3 - Fake Tiboro: Yeah, this guy looks like Tiboro to me because of the helmet, but whatever. This guy is just a distraction for Stephen, because the next henchman wanted to surprise Stephen. However, I can imagine this guy being just an evil spirit who hangs out with the henchman and could have a more menacing look in the movies. Speaking of that other henchman...
4 - The Bubble Guy: Yes, this guy's power is to release bubbles and he almost managed to crush Stephen with them. However, Stephen being smart, managed to create a hole inside the bubble and released a spell to trap the enemy inside another bubble. As much as I can't invent many things for this henchman, I will admit that his helmet reminds me of the hat that the Pope (or Priest, I don't know) wears in churches. In short, I think this guy could be some kind of leader in Dormammu's cults, because Dormammu wants to control everyone not only by force, but by religion as well. I don't know, it would be interesting and it would also explain why certain inhabitants of the Dark Dimension are loyal to Dormammu.
Anyway, these are the ideas I have for these henchmen.
2 - Asti The All-Seeing.
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Now, let's talk about one of the most interesting characters in the Dark Dimension and one of the most wasted to date. Asti is one of Dormammu's servants, he appears to have many duties, he is sent to fight, lure, capture and keep an eye on the Dark Lord's adversaries. This character even worked for The Maker for a while, but that doesn't matter. His powers seem to be based more on summons, such as summoning creatures, tentacles, etc. He appears to be powerful and even faced Wiccan himself once, despite losing.
Asti even has potential, because I think he could be one of the few servants that Dormammu trusts in the MCU and could still be considered a friend, honestly. He could be sent to keep an eye on many things, even Dormammu's own family. I believe that Asti could have a similar personality to Starscream in "Transformers: Prime", but the difference is that he is loyal to his master and perhaps he will be loyal to Clea, if she is Dormammu's apprentice in the MCU. It would make sense for Dormammu to have "Eyes and Ears" in places he can't be or doesn't have control over.
1 - Jack The Ripper.
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Yes, Jack is a being from the Dark Dimension in the Marvel Universe, but with some differences. Long story short, Dormammu sent a parasite to England because he couldn't invade Earth at that time, thanks to the Ancient One. Then, when the parasite arrived in London, it possessed a man called "Tom Malverne" and used his body to cause the deaths of several people. However, according to certain Thor comics, it is said that the parasite is from a race called "Zaniac", but I can't say if this is true, because I don't read many Thor comics. Jack has the ability to create knives through his body and cause immense savagery in the host he is possessing.
I know that Jack is a person who existed in real life and maybe Marvel would never have the courage to put him in the movies, but man, how I wanted to see him in a Doctor Strange movie or series. He could be one of Dormammu's most lethal assassins/agents and still be very intimidating with his comic book look. Listen, if the Ancient One got a series in the MCU, I believe Jack could appear as the Main Villain. Like, it was said that the Ancient One was the last in a long line of Sorcerers Supreme, but we still don't know what happened and what forced her to use the power of the Dark Dimension. However, Jack could be the perfect explanation for this, because he could have arrived on Earth to destroy the Sanctum in London and then go on to destroy the other Sanctums for Dormammu. BUT, the Sorcerers were there to prevent this, but Jack managed to kill them and the Ancient One was forced to use the power of the Dark Dimension to banish/destroy Jack and live long enough until Stephen arrived in Kamar-Taj.
Anyway, that's the list, and once again, I'm sorry if there are errors in the text because of my English. This post was supposed to be released a long time ago, but I ended up being too lazy to finish it. I hope you liked the post and tell me what you thought later.
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riality-check · 2 years
So no pressure at all intended, but am I allowed to ask for Appalachian!Eddie headcanons? Or Steddie headcanons with a ✨️ sprinkle ✨️ of Appalachian!Eddie? Or Appalachian Munson Family headcanons! You've awoken a beast in me that craves this version of Eddie. 🥰
Yes, of course!! I'm physically incapable of shutting up about this, so you giving me an excuse to talk about it is wonderful. I'm going to take this in a slightly different direction and talk about all the Munson Family Lore (TM) that I couldn't necessarily fit into the first chapter of the big ass Eddie backstory, but it is all canon in my brain and my little universe.
(I promise I'm working on getting chapter 2 up!)
Anyway, in no particular order, have some of My Thoughts (started out as family lore and devolved into Steddie. I'm all over the place, it seems!):
Both of Eddie's parents are originally from West Virginia.
They had Eddie at 16 and dropped out of high school.
They had a quick courthouse wedding when they were 17. Wayne was one of the witnesses, and Eddie's mom's sister was the other one. They jokingly asked the judge if Eddie, six months old and dressed in a tiny suit-patterned onesie, could be one of the witnesses when Wayne was running late.
Eddie's dad's side of the family is Baptist, and his mom's side is Jewish. Neither one of them are particularly observant, so Eddie grows up with holidays as more cultural/family traditions, rather than religious ones.
His mom's family did not approve of the marriage. They thought his dad was up to no good. His mom doesn't really talk to her family after that.
There is a Reason(TM) why Wayne and Eddie's dad don't talk. Yes, it's a spoiler.
Wayne is about ten years older than Eddie's dad. He enlisted in the Army as soon as he turned 18 and was shipped off to Korea. When he came back, years after he got plopped back in the States, because he had to piece himself back together, he sees that his little brother dropped out of high school and has a wife (not legally, not yet) and a baby on the way.
Wayne and Eddie's dad's father was a coal miner. He also just sucked as a person, and he died when Wayne was around 17, so he didn't feel as guilty for leaving.
Wayne was a truck driver for years before he settled in Hawkins. He starts off doing construction there before he starts working at the plant.
Both of Eddie's parents are addicts. They tried their best, but they absolutely were not equipped to handle a kid.
All hail Dolly Parton. That's it, that's the thought. Eddie's parents (and Wayne) love Dolly. And a bunch of other old school country artists, like Loretta Lynn, Johnny Cash, and Willie Nelson. They just sort of get it.
Eddie's got an accent, but from state-hopping so much as a kid, it sounds more pan-Appalachian than anything else. His parents keep their vernacular from West Virginia, but they'll change it up for wherever they're staying. Anything to not draw attention to the fact that they're new in town, anything to keep a low profile.
Eddie likes reading Twain books. They're not written in his dialect, but he thinks it's cool that they're written in dialect at all. They're really fun to read out loud.
Eddie can't, for the life of him, say "tobacco." And I wrote a fic about it.
Eddie's mom called him all sorts of pet names growing up, but the one she used most often was "sugar." Eddie's dad was the only person who called him "Ed."
Neither one of Eddie's parents could carry a tune in a bucket, but that never stopped them from singing to him growing up. Wayne can't sing, either, but he doesn't try.
Steve thinks Eddie's accent is cool and also hot.
Eddie thinks it's a little bit funny when Steve can't understand conversations between him and Wayne. They talk so fast and the vowels and vocab are different and he is lost. Eddie will fill him in after, though.
Eddie's accent automatically kicks in when he sings lullabies.
Eddie's dad's name is John, and his mom's name is Rebecca.
"Edward" was the only first name the two of them could agree on, though they never call Eddie that, and his middle name is his father's name.
That's all I have off the top of my head! Everything else is kind of a spoiler, so I'm avoiding talking about it, at least until I get more chapters of the big ass Eddie backstory out. Thank you so much for asking, this was so much fun for me!!
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everythingtoony · 1 year
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S tier: Timon, Pumbaa, Nuka, Rafiki, Scar
Timon and Pumbaa- I feel like this one is an obvious choice tbh, at least for me! I adore these two, they are extremely gay, and I just love the contrast between their two personalities. Timon is impulsive, reckless, and can be loud and rude at times. Meanwhile, Pumbaa is the literal definition of a sweetheart. He's kind, loving, and although he may be oblivious at times he can actually be quite smart in his own way.
Nuka- Ah, where to start with this loopy boi... he is such a dummy, and I mean that in the most affectionate way possible. He's got a few screws loose in his brain, and he can be very jealous of his younger brother Kovu. And while his selfishness ends up being the thing that kills him, he's got a very endearing personality, and I just adore how dumb he is!!
Rafiki- I'm just going to start by saying rest in peace to Rafiki's voice actor, he brought this character to life in the best way possible, and I am so glad he gave this monkey as much personality as he did. He is very wise, yet can come off as confusing to others. She can actually be quiet sarcastic when he wants to be, and he has outbursts that I find quite funny. I also love it when he just casually hit Simba on the head with a stick with no warning. And in the second movie, when Mufasa's spirit talks to Rafiki, suggesting that Kovu and Kiara should get together, Rafiki loses his mind, it is the funniest thing ever. I also quote him on a daily basis, he's actually one of my favorite characters!
Scar- he was actually my favorite character before I realized that I may like Timon and Pumbaa a little more... but! That does not mean I still don't love him. Scar is my favorite Disney villain ever! I just love his menacing personality, and I think Disney knew what they were doing with his design and voice, because come on, you can see it in the animation. Jeremy Irons voices Scar and I think he did an excellent job on the character. And at one point Jim Cummings had to take his place in the end of Be Prepared, and you can barely notice the difference. The only noticeable thing is that Scar's voice sounds more vicious and chaotic. I really love this character, and he is the last one to go in S tier.
A tier: Ed, Banzai, Shenzi, adult Simba, Zira, adult Nala, young Simba
The hyenas- I don't think I need to say too much about these guys, they pretty much speak for themselves. I think I tend to lean towards chaotic trios and Duos. The hyenas are actually extremely hilarious, and I find their Antics quite funny.. in fact, these hyenas are probably the reason why Timon and Pumbaa exist. Nathan Lane and Ernie Sabella originally auditioned for the hyenas, but they loved their dynamic so much that they created two characters just for them, Timon and Pumbaa! I adore the way the hyenas talk to one another, and I think that their dynamic is so cool to watch
Adult Simba- Okay, bear with me here. This list gave me young and adult versions of a lot of the characters, including Simba, Nala, Kiara, Vitani and Kovu. I mainly placed them on the list based on their personalities, because they have two very different personalities... I might like an adult version more than a younger version, or vice versa. With that out of the way, I'm going to talk about adult Simba. I actually really like the way his character was evolved in the first movie, and while he's kind of a jackass in the second movie, he gets better in the end. I think it might also have something to do with his voice, both speaking and singing. I just really like Simba.
Zira- Her obsession with Scar is actually so important to this movie, it's not even funny. In the deleted scene of her death, she says and does a little more than she does in the final scene. Either way, she chose death, because the only thing she wanted was to be with Scar. She would've rather died than be helped out by those she thought she had been hurt by. I think her whole motive is a little strange, but I understand where she's coming from. I think the only thing I don't like about her is how she treats Nuka. She only cared about him in the end when he died. My stupid baby boy did not deserve any of the treatment that came from that woman. Either way, I still think she's a great villain. Scar is way better, but Zira is second place
Adult Nala- This lioness is one of the best moms I've ever seen. I was unsure about where to place her at first, because of the way she reacted with Simba in the first movie...I don't like how pushy she was with her. But like Adult Simba in the 2nd movie, Adult Nala got better by the end of the first movie, and I think she was great in the 2nd one. She saw Kiara, and knee she wanted freedom. She understood that, and tried to help Simba understand as well.
Young Simba- Finally, this little shit is the last to be on the A tier. He's absolutely adorable, but he's constantly getting himself in trouble. He's energetic and just wants to be like his father, but JEEZ, SIMBA WHEN HE SAYS DONT GO TO THE SHADOWY PLACE IT MEANS DONT GO! I think his voice is adorable, and he was super close with Mufasa, which made Mufasa's death so much sadder. Either way, Young Simba is great. Not my favorite, but he's cute.
B tier: Adult Kovu, Zazu, Adult Kiara, young Nala, Mufasa
Adult Kovu- He's pretty nic
e looking, and I love how he's eventually taught how to let go and have fun. I also love how he decided to go against Zira's plan in the end, although he was going to do it at first. And of course, Scar was a heavy influence that he was taught to look up to as a cub, he didnt know about the blackness in his soul. Other than that...yeah, I think he's a meh character. I certainly don't hate him, but he's definitely nit my favorite.
Zazu- He's so snooty and I love him, but he played such a small role in the 2nd movie, and it made me sad when I didn't hear Mr. Beans voice. I think he's kinda in the middle because he's not really anything special. Yes, he's smart, witty, and can be rude at times, but he's also extremely overbearing and it kinda annoys me sometimes. Either way, he's a good character, just not my favorite.
Adult Kiara- Ehh...I like her voice, and the way she stops the war at the end of the 2nd movie by making Simba eat his own words was pretty good...but she's kinda meh. She was quite annoying sometimes, and Imma be honest, her laughing is fake as he'll. But I do like how she has the same energetic spark in her soul that Simba once had. I think that's cool.
Young Nala- Again...nothing really special...yeah, she's sassy and witty, but other than that...she doesn't really do a whole lot. Her adult self does way more than her younger self.
Mufasa- He's a really good dad, but he did let Simba go off on his own constantly. And I think he definitely deserved more screen time, because he's such a good father. But now he's dead, so oh well.
C tier: Sarabi, Adult Vitani, young Kiara, young Kovu
Sarabi- Okay, getting to the ones I'm really kinda "meh" about. Sarabi didn't do much...I do like jer personality, but the only thing exciting on screen was when Scar hit her across the cave. I don't really have a lot to say about her.
Adult Vitani- ehhh...she joined Simba's side in the end, but other than that, dhr really didn't do much, either. I do like her personality, and her and Nuka's dynamic was funny, but other than that, she's mid.
Young Kovu and Kiara- dislike these two but not enough to put it in D tier..they're just...there for story, I guess. They're eh.
D tier: Young Vitani
Don't come at me but I don't like Vitani that much. She's just there to be the "voice of reason" between her and Nuka. I don't have much to say on her.
Well, that's it, there's everything. I'm gonna take a nap.
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kidflashimpulse · 11 months
A new chapter!!!! Dude it was SO GOOD
Your backstory of Bart is so so so interesting and MAN I'd love to read a prequel of it or something because BOY it sounds like he went through it
And his time travel shenanigans being public record in the future?? I can't help but think that he was the one that inspired the Legion to build time machines, that'd be so cool
And GAH his conversations with Imra and Reep?! He's a hero through and through, but we know our boi, and he's going to get that information one way or another, so interesting to see how it all started and where they are now
I feel so bad for him though, he's not having a great time lately, hopefully Ed can cheer him up
rlly glad u enjoyed it :) thank u for reading 🧡 yeah bart sure has been through a lot understatement of the year lol
yes i really would love to write something like that some time !!! i have the major events of his childhood roughly mapped out for such a story (including what happened with Owen, Jenni, Meloni, Don etc) so it’s definitely been on my mind. With how i’ve drafted the Owen Bart fic that i’ve mentioned in the past, i included most of it there cause it would really explain the specifics of my HC of their troubled relationship, so hopefully i’ll write about it sooner rather than later 👀
since i try to roughly base lore on “canon” content i think time travel is just a standard thing in Legion era that came about in different ways. For ex like mentioned by Reep in the fic, their “guy” i.e Brainiac 5 builds the Legion their time spheres. But the one LOSH used was in a museum, and from comics the origin is kinda complicated but some other guy has been mentioned to have built it. Then in YJ we see that Metron keeps Lors time sphere for himself and plays with it to set Lor up.
Basically quite a few different aliens and ppl are in involved with time travel stuff, but i like to think for Earth and human contributions Bart (and in my HC the Thawnes) are significantly involved. time travel is major part of Thawne/Bart lore and Bart is the person most associated with in the series, dubbed Space and Time expert etc. Considering his history with Timelines and the Reach, I don’t imagine it wouldn’t be public record at some point in the very far future i.e 31st century.
I rlly tried my best with the Legion conversation because i wanted to try to make it in a way where i can fit it into canon themes and not have my HCs make it vary too much but kinda naturally slot in, so i’m rlly happy u liked it <3
yeah everytime i think of bart i just think this guy needs a bed like now LOL
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brokentoys · 1 year
More Riddler asks cuz I like your insight.
Which of the four Arkham Games did Ed the best?
Hard one between City or Origins. But probably City lol. Only because compared to Origins, Ed is "featured in it more" - hell, he's even the face of the challenges you can do aside from story mode. Which, imo, is pretty awesome. Aside from having, perhaps the best, Riddler design in any media (I've explained why it's so good on my personal) But the characterization was pretty darn good, too. He had a good mix of being taken seriously / being seen as threatening and still having some comedic relief. For example, Eddie telling his men he could take on Batman himself (but clearly can't.) The hostages actually show how frightened they were of Riddler, how dangerous he is (literally stabbing somebody in a leg for not doing what he wanted) And just his whole atmosphere - how he's still mysterious as you only see him on screens... but it's very little. Like usually you only see him if you go to save a hostage (versus Knight where he's just CONSTANTLY talking regardless what you're doing.) Eddie has some pretty cool renders in loading screens and on the challenges menu screens.
I'm gonna start comparisons of him in City versus him in Knight. Why he's much better in City, why I prefer him in City, and why Knight is the worst depiction of Eddie in the four games. (It's no secret on this blog I'm highly critical of Knight's depiction - and how I think it's heavily overrated amongst the fandom)
You see, in Knight... they notched up the comedic relief on him to a 10. In City, you can hear a thug saying, "doesn't that Riddler freak have anything better to do than leave question marks around?" or something very similar to that. Sure, this can be considered a thug being disrespectful of Riddler, but it's also to show the thug simply doesn't understand Riddler - like he doesn't understand what the question marks really are. (That they're something smaller to something much grander) This fits in accordance to the fact Riddler has some mystery to him, he's an enigma the employees cannot understand. Meanwhile in Knight, there's at least two audios (maybe more) of the thugs literally making fun of Eddie. Some implying he's very annoying and wanting him to shut up, and one even saying he's funny. The mystery is gone - Eddie's just somebody to laugh at now rather than being confused by. And plus Ed himself makes a lot more jokes, too. His game over screens had no "jokes" in them, just Eddie having this childlike joy in his voice when Batman loses - which actually made Eddie even more intimidating to see the genuine glee he takes in this. Meanwhile, in Knight, there's a game over screen where Ed expresses his genuine shock that he won - before quickly going "oh yeah, of course. haha." Which, YES - it could be a genuine game over screen commenting on the fact that Riddler finally won after four games. Buuuuut... with the literal goons making fun of Eddie, and practically every other character in this game? It just feels like another "Eddie is pathetic" joke. Especially when all these comments / jokes were used far less in City.
Ed also just tells a lot more jokes that doesn't involve him being "pathetic" either - but still makes it hard to take Ed seriously. As much as I do love it, there's the "mating" joke where he said he'll be mating Batman, then quickly realizing how wrong that sounded. There's him talking about how he's the perfect chef to the point he can make the perfect salad or whatever. And just many more jokes about him being oblivious to how "egotistical" he's being, or whatever. Which yeah, some of these jokes are fitting for Ed's character - as said, some of them were told in City. But the issue becomes when Ed's more jokes than he is serious characterization. I am willing to bet there are more jokes / humorous scenes with Eddie in Knight than there are serious ones. And it highly disappoints me, given that I really dislike depictions where Ed's just a joke and/or seen as pathetic amongst the cast.
Eddie was also far more "stereotypical" in Knight. Like they also turned up his nerdiness + pretentiousness. Which the easiest example of showing this would be, again, to demonstrate with the game over screens.
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In City, Eddie still speaks relatively like a real person. He insults people's intelligence, but only by comparing them to animals (or using slurs) The biggest word he uses in these is "primitive." And he doesn't really speak in geek or explain anything here.
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See? Compared to the above, he's become much more pretentious. First saying it was a "statistical certainty" - get it? He studied the statistics and knew there was no way he'd lose - the statistics said so! Or the fuckgingngng "Expert Consummate in its Ideal Preparation Methods" what a mouthful! Like Eddie didn't really talk like this in City - but he does in Knight. More examples of him being Rick Sanchez now is also him making fun of religious people (pretty sure he never did that in City) as well as him saying the, ugh, Love is just a ChEmIcAl ReAcTiOn!!! I'm above it!!!! (🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮) Which Eddie in City didn't behave in such a way. At least from all the scenes I can remember (and I have been watching my brother replay City recently, and he got pretty far sooo)
Anyway, Eddie in City was a well rounded character who was mysterious, intimidating, sometimes funny, and sometimes even creepy. In Knight, he's been flanderized, and turned into a complete comedic relief that not even any goon can take seriously. And I had to bring up the bad in Knight to point out how much better Eddie in City was. Knight's design doesn't help. I don't care what anyone says about it being proof he's spiraling into a depression - I don't see it as that. It's just a mechanic design to match the fact that he does race tracks now, and Knight was a more vehicle mission based game compared to the previous installments. You can do Eddie being desperate to beat Batman and spiraling into a depression without turning him into a joke, too.
Origins Eddie is a runnerup, and miiight be just as good as City Ed. Because like City Ed, he was mysterious - hell, to the point where you ONLY see his face if you get a game over screen, or renders outside of the story. Origins Eddie also highly inspired my depiction of Ed, where I got the idea that Ed would see himself as the "good guy." Origins Eddie also had the best pre-Riddler concept of him working at the GCPD in the cybercrime unit. It shows Eddie's intellect without making him a scientist (generic concept for genius characters) and also shows how good he's with computers. Also irony, as he used to work at the police station. Also Eddie, before he was even Riddler, when Batman basically just started, was ALREADY suspecting Bruce was Batman (they should've continued with that imo rather than doubling down on his patheticness in Knight) and the boy got away in the end - he wasn't even there to arrest when you find his location. Reminds me of the ending in Riddler's debut episode from the Animated Series! Very cool! PLUS. PLUS. Origins Eddie had an original design that was different from the iconic Riddler look, all while still feeling like Eddie / something he'd wear. (Unlike Knight Eddie)
Anyway, this got VEEERY long - but I'm a bit more passionate about Arkham Eddie than some Eddies you've asked about. Or, at least, there's just more for me to talk about regarding it than there is, say, regarding 2004 Eddie
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dajaregambler · 2 years
HeliosR - Tonight at 8 o’clock, at that place (drama track)
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Translation of the drama track "Tonight at 8 o’clock, at that place" featured on the CD of Helios Rising Heroes ED Second Season Vol.1.
This is my first time posting a HeliosR drama track translation, if there are any mistakes due to potential mishearing, please do notify me about it. I mostly TL'd it by intense repetitive listening.
I might dabble in some others that I personally really enjoy and think it's crucial character lore(tm), but for now drama track TLs for Helios are mostly a side gig for the fun.
Victor: Tonight at 8 o’clock, at that place
(Drama track start)
Gast: (This is pretty sudden but I, Gast Adler, am currently at a sushi bar in Green East. As to how I ended up here, I have no idea myself. The other members I’m with are Doc, Jay and also Brad. No but why, like seriously, why the hell did I get invited out here?) 
Jay: Brad, Gast. Many thanks for accepting Victor and I’s invitation today. Man, talking about aquariums with Victor made me crave some sushi.
Gast: (No, no, no, why!? Why did talkin’ about aquariums make you wanna eat some sushi? Is that normal? Or am I overthinkin’ this?)
Victor: How unbelievable, I wouldn’t have imagined appreciation for marine life would take a sudden turn to sushi.
Gast: (Oh thank god, I ain’t the only one. Didn’t think Doc would be on the same page as me, but thank god!)
Brad: I appreciate the invitation. I had been interested in conveyor belt sushi since this place opened its doors in Little Tokyo. 
Jay: Haha, can’t leave Brad out when it comes to sushi. Not a chance we wouldn’t have invited you.
Victor: It’s my first time eating conveyor belt sushi. For what reason would one go out of their way to make sushi get transported in such a manner?
Brad: Originally, sushi had a strong luxurious image to it, thus as a result of trying to make it more affordable for the general public, conveyor belt sushi was born.
Incidentally, the idea of serving sushi in such a way had come from how they used said machinery in factories. 
Jay: Hahaha, look at you go Brad. Usually you keep it cool but when it comes to sushi, your passion bursts out.
Gast: Huh, so Brad likes sushi. Think Akira told me ‘bout it before. Makes sense as to why Brad would get invited, but why did I get called out here today?
Jay: Ah that’s because---
Victor: You just so happened to be there, that’s all.
Gast: Eh?
Victor: Since Jay invited Brad, I was told to take someone with me too. Without anyone coming to mind in particular, I coincidentally ran into Gast, you, first while walking in the hallway.
Gast: J-just so…?
Victor: Is there anything?
Gast: Not really!? Nothin’ at all. Like nothin’ at all.
Gast: (Was wonderin’ there was something due to how I was suddenly called over but, to think he seriously just took me along like that. S’giving me some mixed feelings though.
Well, that's how things go normally? It’s true I tagged along ‘cuz I had nothin’ to do. If that’s how it is, then I’ll have my fill of sushi and go home.)
Jay: Your short courses on substance are great, but why not throw in some classes about fish for the kids at the aquarium too? How about it, Professor Fish?
Victor: You’re tenacious, Jay. Please stop with calling me that.
Jay: Hahaha, sorry, sorry! Can’t wipe that scene from the kids calling you so from my mind though.
Victor: Good grief…
Gast: Huh, Doc and Jay surprisingly get along pretty well.
Jay: We’ve been getting along for quite a while, you know! Especially from the time we both got admitted to Helios. 
Gast: So when you were a rookie? That’s amazin’.
Victor: We did indeed interact, although I’m unsure if it’s correct to frame it as being on good terms.
Jay: Wha- Don’t say something so lonely now, Victor! You know we were there for each other during our tough time as rookies. 
Gast: When Jay was a rookie then… Doc was, uh… 
Victor: I was about 13 years old back then. Just as Jay, I joined the research department at Helios early.
Gast: I see! So Doc had a time like that too, eh. I totally can’t imagine it though.
Jay: Wanna hear about what kind of boy Victor was?
Victor: It’s not your place to discuss that, Jay.
Jay: Huh!? You won’t let me talk about it!? Even though we’re having such a blast tonight. Brad’s curious about it too, no?
Brad: Well, it’s not right to disregard him. I agree with Victor on that front.
However, personally speaking I am interested about both of your pasts. It’s not often I get to hear you talk about such things, which honestly makes me happy when you do. 
Jay: Exactly, exactly! You get it, Brad. You’re enjoying your sushi, no? Make sure to eat to your heart's content since we’re here after all.
Brad: Yeah. Gast, is it to your taste?
Gast: Ah, yeah. Been havin’ my fill since earlier, the salmon’s so tasty I’m on my 10th plate already!
Brad: I see, that’s good then.
Gast: (Man, s’kinda feeling like a waste to just eat sushi and head home. Thinking ‘bout it for a sec, everyone here ‘cept me are all major heroes. Reminiscing about the past is nice and all, but there’s also lotsa things I’d like to ask.
Guess I’ll air out some of my worries now that I got the chance.)
Victor: What’s the matter, Gast? Your chopsticks froze in place.
Gast: Er- How should I go on ‘bout being more reliable for my team members? Everyone here are adults from the 13th gen, and all have this dependable vibe- in my opinion.
That’s why I wanted to try askin’…
Jay: Nice one, Gast. These are the types of questions you should come at with full force.
Let’s see, I recommend following Brad’s example in this case. As a Mentor Leader he’s leading the 13th generation, which makes him quite dependable.
Brad, if there’s any advice you got, lay it out on him.
Brad: When it comes to earning the people’s trust, I believe Jay to be the most suitable example to follow.
The idea of Mentor Leader is a mere title in comparison. Jay operates without it, and is trusted by friends and allies, being someone you can rely on. I tried to follow Jay’s teachings myself.
It’s no exaggeration to claim that’s where my roots come from.
Jay: Guh- It’s kind of embarrassing when you put it like that… It’s true that I taught you, but you’ve been firm on your feet ever since your days as a rookie. 
Victor: It’s true that there’s a difference in types, I’d even go as far to say that they’re both extreme variants. Neither can you deny that both Jay and Brad are suitable to be leaders.
Brad is the character of order, a leader that exemplifies what oneself ought to be. Jay on the other hand garners respect, a leader that leads the people- is what I would say.
I can’t clearly say which Gast resembles closely, however since there are many different types, I think it’d be best to look at the good points of each respectively, and apply it to yourself. 
Gast: Apply the good points, huh… I wanna be a bit more reliable but it ain’t like I wanna become a leader.
Victor: Is that so? I do believe that you have it in you though. On the same aptitude as these two, even.
Gast: Huh?
(*mysterious distance noises*)
Jay: Huh, what’s that noise?
Victor: It sounds like something’s on the move. Which is that train-like object heading over here…!?
Brad: Sorry… This is… the sushi train I ordered.
Jay, Victor & Gast: Sushi train!?
Brad: I’ve heard this is something unique to conveyor belt sushi, so I’ve been curious about it for a while… Although I had no idea there would be an actual train…
Jay: Ooh, it’s a toy train. The sushi’s hitching a ride on each cart. 
Victor: It seems to be an item from the kids menu. 
Brad: U-ugh…
Jay: Pay no mind, Brad! For today- or rather, amongst us, there’s no need to worry!
Victor: Indeed. You can ask for whatever you’d like after all.
Brad: T-that’s not the problem here…
Gast: (Huuuh, so that’s how Brad gets when he’s with these two. Kinda hard to imagine when keeping in mind how the Mentor Leader’s usually like. It’s a given with these people though.)
Jay: Gast, don’t sweat the details either and just kick back and relax.
Gast: Eh?
Jay: You’re somewhat similar to Brad in a way. Out of all the rookies you came with the most maturity, and I often brought up to Brad how you might have an issue that would be hard to talk about at that time. 
Brad: Yeah.
Gast: Huh!?
Jay: Victor, you’ve honestly had that on your mind too, which is why you invited him, no?
Gast: EEEEEH!?
Victor: How many times have I told you to stop talking on my behalf now.
Jay: Ahahahaha, my bad! After all said and done it was a worthwhile outing for Gast, you think so too don’t you?
Victor: Sigh. 
Gast: (What… so in the end there WAS a reason I got invited!? Or there wasn’t!? Gaah, I don’ really get it- but I mean, I’m glad I was asked to.
Ate some tasty sushi, and I was able to hang out with mentors I don’ usually have to do much with. Since I’m here, might as well take ‘em up on their offer for today and go all out enjoying myself while kickin’ it back.
Just kidding♪)
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