#Eddie Munson & reader
carolmunson · 1 year
still thinking about seeing eddie at the laundromat, only one by the trailer park for a few miles. in the hot of the summer, sticky and shining with sweat in an undershirt and light wash jeans that have seen better days. you’re new there, he could tell ‘cause he’d never seen you before and because you don’t know how to trick the coin machine. he smirks when the coins fall, splattering all over the ground. he can tell by how you look around tentatively that you’ve probably never done laundry and a laundromat before.
he keeps folding him and wayne’s laundry while you load a washer awkwardly. your shorts are short, and he curses himself when his boy brain things nice tits, when you bend over in your halter top. your skin glistens and you smell like sunscreen.
‘oh come on,’ he hears you whine in frustration, quietly to yourself. ‘c’mon just start.’
he looks over to see your embarrassment while you look over the washers to find the attendant, mrs. clarkson, but she was out for a smoke break which eddie always did laundry during so he could trick the machines.
‘you alright?’ he asks, walking over.
‘i um, it’s just not starting,’ you say quietly. he grins with white teeth, not teasing, just sweet.
‘don’t worry sweetheart,’ he says, giving the start button a harsh two bangs with his fist, ‘she just needs a firm hand to get her started. real temper-mental, these washers.’
the machine roars to life and he sees the relief relax through your shoulders, the hum of the metal fans filling the silence.
‘thanks, m’new here,’ you say.
‘yeah, i could tell,’ he says with a smile, patting the tops of the machines while he walks back to his laundry, ‘hope i see you around.’
he winks. you wonder if he’ll use a firm hand to get you started one of these days too.
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spiderrrling · 2 years
Cuddling with Eddie on the couch and he nearly falls asleep with his head on your stomach
a classic, a fan favorite
The heavy fall rain that always seemed to return after the last long warm days of August had come and gone was once again soaking the ground of small town Hawkins Indiana
Making the air smell of wet concrete and damp soil, the air echoing sounds of rain drops falling on rooftops and rolling between the last of the green leaves which any day threatened to turn the crimson colors of the sunset
The air was still lingering of the last summer warmth as you sat on the threadbare cushions of the swinging bench Wayne had put up last summer, the extended roof giving you some shelter from the heavy rain
Eddies heavy head laying in your lap as you slowly swung back and forth on the swing, the soft creaking being drowned out by the rain
Your fingers tangled in the mess of Eddies curls, slowly pulling them apart as you watched his eyes slowly shut before quickly opening again
You could feel his breaths become slow, heavier, with each breath he took, his words becoming slurred together as you tried to talk to him
It had been his idea, to hopefully catch the stars during one of the last warm nights of the year. It hadn't been his plan for the rain to start falling the way it did
But it didn't matter much, it was a moment between the two of you that you'd longed for between the hectics of starting a new school year, new classes, new clubs, new friends all happening so quick after the long lull of summer
"Eddie?" You half whispered to him, trying to keep your voice soft, in return all you received was a hum which you felt more than you heard with his face pressed against your stomach
"You falling asleep there?"
"No..." He mumbled, tiredness soaked deep into his voice, "just comfy" the last words trailed off into a yawn Eddie desperately failed trying to suppress
His arms moving to grab around your waist, pulling himself that much impossibly closer. There weren't many things Eddie was convinced of but one of them was that he could never get enough of you. Not until he knew everything there was to know, every nook and cranny of your being and maybe even then it wouldn't be enough for him.
"You want to go to bed?"
"In a minute?" Eddie tilted his head as he spoke, sneaking a glance at you through his long dark lashes, his words felt more like a question than a statement "you're really comfy"
The sight of him made you want to laugh, his face still pressed to your stomach, the mess of his curls fanned over your thighs, his long legs curled up on the small space of the swing
"In a minute," you agree softly, pushing away his dark curls and pressing a chaste kiss to his temple
send me some blurb requests!!
comments and reblogs are always very appreciated and will make my day <3
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sweet-villain · 1 year
My Little Joy~ E.M
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Words : 6k
Anonymous asked:
Hi!! I love your fics, so i saw is opened and i think it 🤍
I don't know if you make requests about dad!eddie, but here's one; I see a lot of fics about dad!eddie and mom!reader asking their little boy if he wants a brother or sister, but what if they ask and the kid is like "you want another one why don't you like me more?" and start crying? haha poor baby 😅
@babyloutattoo89 @palomam18 @becca-alexa @sadbitchfangirl @alienthingstwo @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch
Those big brown doe eyes lit up as soon as he found out you were pregnant. His mouth was jar as he stared at you in awe and shock. Tears began to shed down his cheeks and you thought he didn’t want this. 
“ I-I’m sorry” you mumbled thinking you have made a mistake. Your own hands shock and you dried your bottom lip, wetting it with your tongue and turned around having your back to him.
Eddie’s eyebrows knitted together in confusion on why you turned around and he shooks his head.
He made his way towards you and wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into him. 
“ No, no, no. You’ve got it wrong, sweetheart. I’m so excited to start a family with you” your pouty lip and the sadness in your eyes changing into surprise and you turned around to look into your husband’s eyes.
It wasn’t that you two talked about having kids one day, it was just after high school things got a little busy with Eddie working in the mechanic shop while you had your own job. 
“ Really?” You asked. He nodded, a wide smile appearing on his face. 
“ I never wanted something more than this, well more than being your husband is to be a father. To our children” he says, brushing his nose against yours causing you to giggle.
One of his favorite sounds in the world. Your eyes dropped down to your wedding ring on your finger.
It wasn’t too big or too small. It was perfect and it had your initials and his together. He followed your gaze and grabbed your hand in his bringing it up to his lips as he kissed the wedding band. 
“ I always think about how lucky I am that day that I got to meet you, to have you as mine, to marry you and live our lives together” 
“ You’re such a sap, Eddie Munson” he shrugged with a hint of red on his cheeks. 
“ Only for you, sweetheart” his hands came to your stomach, “ I can’t wait to meet our little bugger.” 
“ Be nice, Munson” Eddie caught your eye, “ Oh? You want me to be nice? I thought you like it when I’m mean and scary?” He asked, he teased with an eyebrow raised. You couldn’t really tell as it disappeared into his hair line. 
“ I like to have both world” you muttered. He was about to say something when your eyes grew wide and you ran to the phone. 
“ Wait till Steve and Robin hear about this, and the kids too!” You took the phone off the wall to dial the familiar number that you remember by heart by now. Eddie groaned as he threw his head back. 
“ They always have to be the cockblocks” he mumbles, running a hand through his hair and settling down on the couch as he watched you talk on the phone.
From your excitement in your voice and the little jump you had made was that you called Robin first to tell her the news knowing that either Steve was with her or he wasn’t. He would be second to receive the news. 
“ He was beyond excited, we’re going to have our little Munson baby” you gushed, squealing. Eddie chuckled before shutting up as you shot him a glare. 
He watched as you did the little gesture with putting your hand on your stomach that didn’t even have the bump yet. You were distracted to hear the knock on the door as Eddie turned his head.
He wasn’t expecting anyone and when he looked over to you, your back was to him as you talked on the phone.
He slowly stood up from the couch and made his way to the door. 
“ Who is it?” He asked. He didn’t need an answer as the person shoved the other person and the two started to play fight. Eddie rolled his eyes when Dustin and Mike appeared on his doorsteps, shoving one another.
He put his arms across his chest and waited till they were done. You were done on the phone and stood behind Eddie. A chuckle had stopped Dustin and Mike from fighting noticing the door was opened. 
“ If you two knuckleheads are done fighting, care to tell me why your here?” Eddie asked. Dustin fixed his hat on top of his head and cleared his throat. 
“ We wanted to know if you’ve been working on the next campaign for next week?” Mike asked. “ You’ve postpone the last one and said something about working on something new” 
Eddie nodded his head. 
“ I’ve been working on something but my two little sheep, I do have a wife” he motions to you which you wave your fingers over at the two of them as they first noticed your standing there. “ And I do have a job too.” 
“We-“ Eddie put his finger up to silence them. They know better than to anger Eddie. 
“ But, that doesn’t mean I forgot about the campaign and something else has came up, that will have less and less of campaigns happening” Eddie says. 
“Eddie” you put your hand on his shoulder, “ It’s okay.” He looked over at you over his shoulder and shook his head. You and his child were going to be more important weather the sheeps liked it or not. 
“ What? What does that even mean?” Dustin asked, looking upset between Eddie and you. 
“ It means” Eddie took your hand in and smiled. 
“ I’m pregnant” you tell them. Both Mike and Dustin looked at each other with happy and shocked looks on their face as they both hugged each other and screamed. 
“ Boys!” You shouted causing them to stop their hugging and happy dances.
“ I get it your excited but don’t be so loud. It’s enough that our neighbors don’t like us” you looked to your right and to your left to see if one of. Your neighbors had came out to yell at what or who was being loud. 
“ Congratulations Eddie, you’ll be a great dad” Dustin wrapped his arms around Eddie and got a hug and a pat in return as a thanks. Mike went next.
A certain BMW pulled up and an unhappy Steve got out of the car followed by Nancy, Max, Lucas and El who happened to talk all at once. You looked towards at Eddie to crow back at little and over look his shoulder. 
“ HEY!” Eddie shouted over them. It all got quiet. 
“ Why are you all yelling?” You asked over his shoulder. 
“ You told Robin first??? Come on, I was your best friend first” Steve stomped his foot. “ I should of been the first one you should of told” he had his hands on his hips like he usually does. “ And I thought we shared everything together” Nancy said. “ Yeah, sisters for life” El says as had her arms over her shoulder, looking at you grumpily. “ We’re like family” Max added. 
“ You’re all like family to me” you came around from Eddie’s shoulder looking at them. “ We’ve been through together so much, and I love each and every one of you. A lot. Trust me.” 
“ Doesn’t explain to me why I wasn’t told first” Steve says throwing his hands up in the air. 
Dustin looked back at him, “ It’s not all about you.” 
Steve gave him a look before he looks back over to you. 
“ Congratulations” he smiles over to you.
“ This baby is going to have a lot of aunts and uncles” Lucas says. 
“ We’re all spoiling the baby” Mike says. 
“ I get first dibs on the first gift” Dustin says and another yelling fight starting on who gets what. The baby was going to be so loved by so many. 
“ I love you” Eddie says, kissing your cheeks. “ I can’t wait to start our family, even if this baby is going to have this” he motions with his head towards the scene in front of him causing you to laugh. 
“ Eds, they are all going to love our baby” He nods. 
“ Our baby” he repeats those words with a a big smile on his face before his eyes grow wide. 
“ I have to tell Wayne” he threw his hands up and run out to the street but not before returning as he chuckles to himself. “ I forgot I had no shoes on and no shirt” he says glancing down. 
“ Pick up your pants too while your at it” Steve says, scrunching up his nose. “ We don’t need to see anything to scare us off” He says. 
“ You’re so funny, Harrington” Eddie says. “ Not like you can get any by looking like that” he points towards him. Steve glances down at his choice of outfit in the polo shirt he’s wearing, some jeans and his shoes. 
“ What’s wrong with this?” Steve pouted. 
“ It’s not giving an vibes that girls would scream for you” 
“ Eddie..” You warned sending him a look. 
“ What?I am just telling him how it is” 
“ Now is not the time to be a jerk” you pointed towered the road knowing that it wasn’t very far where Wayne lived. “ You have somewhere to be” Eddie did the salute with his forehead and left after putting on a shirt and some shoes. 
“ Don’t listen to him Steve, there are plenty of girls for you out there” you motion with your hands around. Steve appreciated it but it did hurt a little and you saw. 
“ Does Stevie need a hug?” You asked. Heads turned but Steve put his hands up as he shook his head. “ No, thank you. I appreciate it.” 
But you stepped down with a smirk on your face. 
“ You better run, Harrington while you still can” Steve’s eyes went wide as he said “ Guys.” But no one was listening as they all took a step forward. 
“ Guys, come on” Steve tried again. But then another step until you said the words, “ run” to Steve. He gasped as he turned around and ran for his life with you and the rest running after him. Lucas has caught up to him and tackled him on the ground before a pile was formed on top of him. You stood there laughing, shaking your head. 
“ If only Eds could see this” 
The nine months flew by before you know it, you weren’t allowed to carry any heavy lifting even nothing from the grocery store. When Eddie was at work, either Steve was with or Robin or Dustin if he could.
You were always with someone. Eddie was too worried that something might happened when he wasn’t there. He picked up extra shifts too, he didn’t want you to work a single finger but you argued with him on it until he gave in. 
You were just on your way to the kitchen for a snack when you felt it. You glance down seeing the water on the ground meaning your water had broken.
Your breathing picked up and your eyes grew wide as a mass amount of pain shot through you. 
“ Ow!” You shouted gripping your side. Steve who has been in the house had heard it and rushed to your side thinking that something bad was happening. Something was happening alright. His eyes fallen on the water on the ground. 
“ What is that?” He asked, his tone growing in panic. 
“ What do you think that is?” Your voice grew louder by the end of the question. His hands went to his head as he gripped it. “ Don’t tell me…” you nodded your head, wincing in pain. 
“ What are you still standing there for?! I need to get to the hospital” He ran in panic to the phone, “ No time for a phone, Harrington!” You yelled.
“ Get me to the hospital. NOW!” His hands shook as he grabbed your to go back for the hospital and helped you to his car. 
“ Hurry up, Steve” you muttered him grabbing onto his sweater and angrily spatting at him, “ If you don’t get me to a damn hospital right now Harrington, I will end you. You hear me?” He shakily nodded with his eyes widen. He got into the driver side after he put you into the backseat of his car and drove off. 
But it seems that he wasn’t driving fast enough and in panic he kept looking back to see how you were doing and it looks like you were in a mass amount of pain. Your face was red, you were panting and gripping his seats.
Your eyes clenched in pain while you tried to take deep breathe in an out. Steve’s foot pressed on the gas so hard he thought it was going to break the gas pedal.
Beat of sweat appeared on his forehead while he looked through the review mirror seeing the pain you were in and his heart raced like no tomorrow.
When he arrived at the hospital, he didn’t even parked the car properly as he raced to the side you were on screaming, “ Pregnant lady needs help!” 
You were to busy wincing in pain to shoot him a look as people around you both rushed to help you into the hospital. Steve was gripping his own hair as he looked around in panic when it downed to him that Eddie had no idea you were in labor and having his kid. 
“ Eddie!” He shouted racing inside the hospital partially flying over the receptionist desk and sending a few files onto the floor which he ignored.
His chest was rising up and down as he said in one breath “ Need phone now.” The receptionist looked at him like he had two heads instead of one and backed up from her chair. 
“ I need to make a phone call” he says after he calmed down a bit, but he wasn’t really calm because you were taken away to have Eddie’s baby and he had no idea what room number or anything.
The receptionist put the phone on top of the counter carefully but Steve was scrambling to get the phone and it slip from his hands but he caught it somehow in mid air and gave the receptionist a look that it was okay.
He ran a hand through his hair while he dialed the mechanic shop. He knew it by heart because Eddie had made him study it for in case of emergencies just like this.
Steve repeated the numbers in his head like he remembered to himself while dialing the number.
On the first few rings, he patiently waited while muttering for Eddie to pick up the damn phone up before he rips his own hair out.
Once the phone picked up, it was Eddie since it was only him while the other two mechanics were helping the customers outside of the shop not hearing the phone. 
“ Harrington?” Eddie question hearing Steve’s voice. “ What’s wrong?” Eddie asked hearing the panic in Steve’s voice. “ She’s having the baby!” Steve screamed scaring some on going patients and nurses. “ Sorry!” He shouted while going back to talking to Eddie on the phone. 
“ Now, Munson. Now. Hospital!” Eddie gasped on the other line, gripping the phone tight as his eyes widen. You were having his baby right now.
He needed to hurry. Steve has hanged up the phone before Eddie could ask him what room number they rolled you in or anything else for that matter.
Eddie scrambled to tell his boss who walked through the doors a minute ago screaming he had to go because his child was about to be born.
He didn’t even wash his hands racing to the van, and hopped in pressing on the gas racing towards the hospital. 
You were screaming at the nurses to give you something from the pain with tears streaming down your cheeks asking where Steve Harrington was at the moment and you swore to god to kick his ass for leaving you alone like this.
Minutes later after you were cursing to yourself in pain and mentally kicking his ass, Steve raced through the doors gripping it. His shirt was soaked with sweat showing in on the futon of his shirt and near his armpits.
His har hung in front of his forehead, some strands plastered to his sweating forehead. 
“ Steve Harrington where the heck have you been?!” You winced in pain throwing your head back. Sweat captured on your forehead feeling someone near you and taking your hand in theirs.
“ Eddie is on his way” they say. Steve. The grip on his hand tightened and your eyes flashed open in anger as you looked towards him. “ I swear to god Steve Harrington, after this baby is born. You will have your ass handled for leaving me alone like this” 
Steve shook his head, “ I was in panic and had to call Eddie” you nodded your head. “ He better get here in time or your the one that better stay with me.” 
Steve was shaking tying to not to panic more than he already is hoping that Eddie was going to make it. He needed his hand and it felt like right now it was going numb from the way you were gripping it. 
“ Jesus” he mumbles to himself. “ Munson, you better be racing here.” 
Eddie raced through the doors of the hospital in his overalls, a bandana wrapped around his head with his hair tied back. There is grease on his overalls and his arms are covered in sweat too from working on the car all morning.
He is turning his head left in right in panic and races to the receptionists and almost flying over her desk while she looks at him in fright. 
“ Sir? Can I help you?” She asks. Her name tag reads “ Marie” which Eddie uses to his advantage.
“ Marie, hi” he says to her throwing her a smile but he’s all dirty and looking freaked out so it scares her a bit.
She has files in her hands and stands a few steps back not knowing what to expect from Eddie. 
“ What room is Y/N L/N is?” He asks, he brushes his hands down his overalls knowing they are covered in grease and dirt. He looks around for something to clean his hands but finds nothing and sends the receptionist an uneasy look. 
She slowly types in her computer and tells him not asking if he’s related or who he is because she has seen enough for the day. Eddie thanks her and races towards down the hall.
His boots squeaking as he runs passing by nurses and patients who send him a look of if he’s crazy or something. Your screaming trying not to cry being told you were getting closer and closer to the time you were going to pop this baby out of you. 
The door flies open at your next scream and it’s Eddie stumbling into the room as he is trying to catch his breath.
He takes in the scene seeing you laying in the hospital bed and in the hospital gown with Steve holding your hand but he’s on his knees in front of the bed holding onto the the bar with his teeth gritted. He can’t feel his hand anymore but sends a look towards Eddie in relief he’s here. 
“ I’m here” Eddie slowly walk towards your other side of the bed but your hand reaches out to grip his overalls. His eyes grow to the size of saucers from the grip as you bring him closer to you. 
“ Where the hell have you been, Munson?” He softly chuckles, but your eyes are sending him into panic. “ Baby, I got here as fast as I could” he says.
You release the hold you have on Steve’s hand and grip Eddie’s causing him to yelp for the moment.
Steve shakes his hand in hoping he gets blood flowing through his hand and getting to feel it. He doesn’t mind holding your hand, but you have such a tight grip that he never imaged you’d have. 
He slowly stands up from the floor and looks down. 
“ It’s almost time” he says. 
“ Get me a nurse or doctor, Harrington before I rip my own hair out” you spatted to him in anger. You were ready to have this baby. You didn’t want to be in pain anymore. 
“ NOW!” You shouted causing Steve to run out the door in panic screaming for a nurse or a doctor.
“ Munson” you mumbled to him. He became alert that you were calling him and leaned closer, “ next time your staying home with me.” 
He nods and breaths in relief when a doctor walks in with two nurses.
“ It’s time” he say after he checks to see how much you were dilated. You look at Eddie with worry as he softly smiles at you, “ I’m here. Your going to be great, sweetheart. I’m not leaving you.”
The words reassure you and turned to the doctor with a nod. You looked up towards the bright lights and clenched your eyes, as you pushed. 
It felt like hours and hours while you pushed, getting more tired and tired by the minute and by every push. 
“ I’m so tired” you cried out. “ I don’t want to push anymore” you cried out.
A pair of lips landed on your sweaty forehead, “ Just a little bit more, sweetheart. You’re doing great. I’m here. The baby is almost here.” 
“ Give it a few more pushes” the doctor tells you, “ the head is about to come out. Just give me a few more pushes” he says. You threw him a glare his way, “ I am pushing!” 
You shouted, clenching on Eddie’s head who’s ready to pass out not feeling his hand anymore and his heart clenches at your cries as you push.
Then he hears it, the baby’s cries and it brings him to tears. He smoothes the hair away from your sweaty forehead.
“ I’m so proud of you, sweetheart” he says. 
“ It’s a boy” the doctor says, “ Congratulations, you two” he says. He gives the baby to the nurse to clean him off and cut the umbilical cord before the nurse comes over to you to hand you the baby.
You have tears streaming down your face, from happiness and from the fact that your a mother now. 
“ He’s so perfect” you look down at your son. Eddie is leaning over with tears of happiness and smiles wide. “ What is his name?” The nurse asks.
You didn’t need to ask Eddie what he wanted.
To be because the both of you agreed on the name already. You wanted to name the baby after Wayne, the one person that looked after both you and Eddie. 
“ Wayne Munson” you replied before Eddie could. Eddie’s mouth a jar hearing that you were giving the baby’s last name as his.
“ I love you so much” Eddie says. Your eyes meet his brown teary eyes in happiness, “ I love you too.” 
Eddie ended up racing out the room to tell Steve that the baby was here to be met by Dustin, Mike, Will, El, Nancy, Robin, Lucas, Max, Steve and Wayne in the waiting room as they all stood up when he appeared.
Hopper and Joyce, and Jonathan walked down the hall just as Eddie appeared. 
“ So?” Max asked him, waiting to hear the baby’s name since you haven’t told her or anyone. It was something you wanted to keep until the baby was born. 
“ The baby is here” Eddie says in tears. His shoulder s are shaking as he’s crying with happiness.
He was a father, and you were the mother of his child. His heart was so happy and could burst any minute now. 
“ What the baby’s name?” El asked. All of them were on their toes awaiting the name. Eddie wiped his eyes with the back of his now cleaned hands. His eyes locked his uncle, and gave him a wide smile.
“ Wayne Munson” he says. Wayne’s eyes grew wide hearing the name and he walked over towards Eddie to bring him into a hug. 
“ Son, you better not be joking with me” Wayne says mumbling into Eddie’s headband. Eddie shook his head and pulled away from Wayne staring up at him with big doe eyes with happiness, love and appreciation. 
“ I’m not, we wanted to name our son after the person that looked after us all along. It was you, Wayne and we couldn’t be happier with the name” he says. 
Wayne couldn’t handle this as he started to cry. 
“ When can we see the baby?” Robin asked. 
“ Can we?” Dustin asked. The doctor walked out from your room and jumped a bit seeing how many people were in the waiting room with Eddie. All heads were turned to him.
“ I’m guessing you all want to see the baby” he says. 
“ Please doctor” Will says. “ She’s our friend, our best friend” he begs. 
“ Please” El begs with her eyes as she steps forward staring up at the doctor. Max steps next to her, Robin too and Nancy too as they all glare up at him.
The doctor rose his hands up and chuckled. 
“ Only a few at a time” He looks towards Eddie, “ Congratulations again.” Eddie thanks him, but sighs hearing who’s going in with who to see the baby.
He pinches the bridge of his nose but peeks through the window seeing you holding the baby, and cooing at it. He doesn’t miss the smile on your face. 
He was a dad. He promised himself he was going to be the best dad there ever will be and was. Wayne slips a hand around his shoulder and pulls him to his side, “ You did good, kid. I’m proud of you and your boy will be too.” 
The next couple of days haven’t been too difficult as Eddie took some time off to be around you and little Wayne.
But he had more hands on him to help look after the little one, Steve stopped by with Robin as the two looked after Little Wayne while you and Eddie rested. Jonathan and Nancy had stopped by too.
Everyone has been stopping by and Wayne even stopped by to give you and Eddie a chance to have a date night.
But, you were more happy to stay at home with Little Wayne and spend time with your son.
He was the light to your world, your little nugget and he was starting to have really dark hair like Eddie has. Little curls appeared on top of his head. His eyes were just like yours as your nose while he was the exact copy of Eddie. 
Little Wayne cooed every time Eddie took out his guitar and softly sang towards him.
It was like music was pulling your little nugget. He was Eddie’s son, a copy.
You would watch when Eddie spent time with him always talking about music, how beautiful you were and that he was so happy to be a father. 
Eddie didn’t miss Little’s Wayne’s first steps, first words which was “ Mama” which Eddie wasn’t too fond off because he pouted about it. He wanted Little Wayne’s first word to be “ Dadda.”
He’s been trying for Little Wayne to say it day after day. Eddie didn’t miss Wayne’s  first tooth smile either.
He partially called everyone letting them know that Little Wayne was growing teeth.
Yours and Eddie’s relationship was stronger than ever, you still went out on date nights, sometimes taking Little Wayne with you and everyone gushed about how cute your son was.
Eddie build a back seat in the car and had a car seat for Little Wayne. Sometimes Dustin rode in the back with Little Wayne talking to him. 
“ Dadda” Eddie’s head turned as soon as he heard the word and turned off the stove. He was hopping over his soon seeing him awake and reaching up with his arms at nothing in the air. Little Wayne had awoken up a bit before you did. You happen to walk in the time where Eddie had him in his arms, bouncing him on his hips. 
“ What happened?” You sleepily asked, yawning. 
Eddie had the biggest smile on his face once heard his son speak the word he has been trying to teach him every day for the past few months.
Little Wayne was growing and growing looking more and more each day of a copy of his father. 
“ Why don’t you say it again, Wayne? Tell Mommy what you just said”Wayne looked at his dad with curious eyes reaching for his curls and tugged on his hair.
Eddie winced in pain for a moment, but smiled toward his son. “ Come on” he bounced on him on his hips. Eddie pouted and looked over at you.
“ He said “ Dadda” 
“ I’m sure he did, Eds” you nodded, chuckling to yourself and turned around to go into the kitchen to make breakfast when you stopped in your tracks hearing it. 
“ Dadda” you heard the sound of your son’s voice. You turned your back quickly staring with a wide smile on your face and hands over your mouth.
Little Wayne giggled with his hands on his dad’s face. “ Dadda” he said it again. 
Little Wayne noticed that you were by his other side and he turned his head and reached with his hands, giggling saying “ Mama.” 
“ That’s right, you little nugget. Dadda and Mama. We are your Dadda and Mama” Eddie tickled his little tummy, the giggle that became your second favorite sound and squirming from your son as he giggled in happiness made your heart swell up in happiness. 
“ You two are my favorite” you kissed your son’s cheeks causing Eddie to pout. 
“ Excuse me, m’lady but where is my kiss?” Eddie huffed and stomped his foot like a child.
You playfully rolled your eyes leaning over while holding Little Wayne in your arms, kissing him quickly. 
“ That’s not fair” Eddie mumbled. Eddie took Little Wayne from your hands and kissed his cheek.
“ Why don’t we attack Mama with kisses? Huh? What do you say, nugget?” He asked his son who giggled. 
“ I think that’s a yes” he nods his head and turns his head, “ Mama, get ready for some lovin” 
“ Bring it” you giggled as the two chased you around. 
Time went by quick, Little Wayne was six years old already running around and trying to learn how to play D&D already, he became interested in the things his father liked to do along with reading books like you like to do.
He took interest in drawing, painting and loves exploring outside. He would go to work with Eddie sometimes, holding a wrench for him or stealing candy from the front desk.
He was loud, adventures, a sweetheart and loved spending time with aunts and uncles. 
One day he was drawing in his sketchbook that you had gotten him for his birthday when Eddie came home from work.
Little Wayne dropped the color pencils he had in his hands and raced towards his dad. You were in the kitchen putting away the dishes when you heard the front door open. 
You walked in to see Eddie picking up Little Wayne and flying him around making airplane noises with your son laughing in happiness. This was one of your favorite sights to see.
Eddie always came home from work, even with having a bad day, he always put a smile on his face for his son. Eddie put him down noticing you were watching them.
“ Hi, sweetheart” he greeted you. He looked like you have given him the world and you did, you’d given something he wanted. A family.
He was a better father to Little Wayne than his own father was too him.
He never missed Wayne’s birthday, Christmas or any holiday. He always made time to spend time with you and Wayne. He put on hold practicing and doing gigs with Corroded Coffin. They still did it, but once a month.
Family was more important to Eddie. You two came first to him. 
“ Hi, Eds” you threw your arms around him. He always smelled like sweat, his cigarettes and something from the shop that was always different. “ How was your day?” You asked. 
“ Better now that I’m home” he says, pecking your lips. The shy smile appeared on your lips.
“ I love you Eddie Munson” his hand reached over to wrap around your waist. “ I love you too, sweetheart.” 
“ And me??!” Little Wayne shouted jumping up and down in the air. He had those same eyes as his father has looking up with those brown doe eyes.
Your heart melted at the sight. 
“ We love you too, our little nugget” you ran your fingers through his hair.
“ Mom!” He shouted, “ You’ll ruin my hair” he says styling back to the way he wanted. Eddie chuckled, shaking his head. 
“ Go wash your hands for dinner” you tell your son, “ you too, Munson” you turn to Eddie.
He made a salute with a hand to his forehead as Little Wayne copied his dad too as they both raced towards the bathroom with giggles and laughter.
You walked back into the kitchen to finish off dinner. 
A few minutes later, Little Wayne walked in minutes later drying his hands on his shirt. 
“ You know there is a towel in the bathroom, sweetheart for your hands” you noticed sending him a look.
He sighed and stomped back into the bathroom to dry his hands grumping underneath his breath. 
“ Where is your father?” You asked him. 
“ Shower” he answered you walking back getting himself something to drink for dinner. “ he better finish fast, dinner is about done” you mumbled. 
“ Dad’s fast” he says as he sets his drink on the table. Eddie walks in ruffling his hair with a towel dressed in a black shirt and some sweats with a pair of sock on his feet. 
“ Hey nugget, I have a question for you” Eddie asks as he sets the towel on the back of his hair.
Little Wayne turned to him with his hands on his hips. It reminds you of the way Steve stands like that. He learned it from him wanting to be like his Uncle Steve too. 
“ What?”
“ What do you think about having a little brother or sister?” The question caught you off guard as you drop the spoon you were holding to mix something in the bowl you made, eyes wide looking at Eddie in an alarming way.
He put his hand up signaling you to wait for your son’s answer. 
Suddenly your son’s lower lips quivers and tears form in his eyes. 
“ Eddie” you hissed noticing your son was about to cry. 
“ Hey, Hey, Hey” Eddie shakes his head kneeling down and taking his son in his arms. “ What’s wrong, nugget?” He asks. 
“ you want another one why don't you like me more?” Little Wayne huffs as tears run down his cheeks. You make your way over to them and kneel down, rubbing his back. 
“ Baby we love you so much, more than mommy loves reading and daddy loves playing guitar” Little Wayne sniffles pulling away from Eddie and rubs his eyes.
“ Really?” He asks. He looks between Eddie and you with the little pout he always seems to do when he’s upset. He breaks your heart to see him so sad. 
“ Really my nugget, we want you to have someone to play with. Isn’t that right?” You turn to look at Eddie for answer. He nods.
“ Yeah, bud. We love that you love exploring, drawing and painting and reading. But what if you did that with your little sister or brother? Hm?” 
“ That sounds fun” Little Wayne says. “ But I want two brothers and sisters” he says causing you and Eddie to chuckle before Eddie grabbed him into his arms and lifting him off the ground as the two ran away together while you got dinner ready. 
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boogiewrites · 2 years
Unnamed Single Dad/Older Eddie fic - Intro
Single Dad/Older Eddie Munson x f!reader
Reader recently divorced, moves back to her hometown to try to find herself. She finds an old almost-flame from her past to spend her time with. He was always a bit chaotic and messy. And still seems to be. But after a decade of gala's, academia, and white-collar work - maybe that's exactly what she wants.
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You walked down the stairs from your apartment onto the street. The sunset painted the town in nostalgia. Muted colors like looking back into your memories surrounded you. It all felt different and somehow exactly the same. You’d been back for about a month now. But with the exception of holidays, you haven't spent any time in Hawkins for over a decade. You didn’t even go to your 10-year high school reunion. You’d had no expectations of coming back here. Certainly not without an exit date firmly scheduled prior. But life is funny that way. You never expect to get divorced when you get married. You never expect to quit what once was your dream job. You never expect to move back to your hometown in some potentially pathetic, you hadn't decided yet, attempt to find yourself. Along with a lot of other lessons you were finally learning, expecting the unexpected was one being driven into your life hard. 
So when you wandered the towns Main Street and saw the old record store you hadn't expected, but maybe you should have, the man standing behind the counter to be the boy who helped form most of those happy memories you’d come back home to revisit.
“We close in like 5 minutes. I can check you out if you know what you want but at 9 you’re getting kicked out.” He didn’t look up from the book of numbers he was staring at on the checkout desk.
“Oh shit. I didn’t look at your hours on the door. Sorry. I’ll leave.” You rush out, not even looking at the guy, his hair hiding his face as he leaned on the counter. You’d barely taken in the familiar space before feeling like a burden. 
But then you hear your name called to your back as your hand sits on the door handle. That voice. You hadn’t heard your name said like that in so long. Not just from him but in a way that made it sound like someone was genuinely happy to see you. 
“Eddie?” It leaves your slightly parted lips before you even verify the owner of the now much deeper, voice. It’s still cracked and popped when you heard it last. A young man with his training wheels freshly off was now grown before you. He looked so different. And just like the town… somehow exactly the same.
“Holy shit it is you!” his face lit up, it was a wonderful sight. Eddie was always a big emoter, being absolute shit at hiding how he felt on his face. And right now he was happy to see you. Your face was a bit more hesitant, only for the heavy smack of memories you were drowning in as you shared a silent smile, eyes very boldly meeting one another's. 
“It’s me.” you held out your hands in a jazzy presentation of yourself that made him laugh. 
“What are you doing here? Oh shit, is everyone okay?” His face went from curious to concerned in a flash.
“Oh yeah, the family’s fine.” you finally stepped forward and dismissed his concern with a wave of your hand. “I moved back.” he could see the way your jaw tensed when you said it. Last he’d heard you were married and working some white-collar job and doing just fine. He certainly hadn’t expected you to walk into his shop on a random Tuesday. He wanted to ask a hundred questions that had all poured into his brain but withheld. 
“How long have you been back?” he got away with looking at your hands, checking for a wedding band as they ran through your hair nervously. There wasn’t one. That gave him plenty of answers to sate his intrusive tendencies. Little did he know you’d already looked at his ring finger to see the same. 
“A few weeks. Not long. Just got settled into the apartment on 3rd street. Pure luck it opened up when I was looking.”
“An apartment?” he had a playful smile as he quirked his brow. “Would’ve pinned you for a house sorta girl.”
“Needed a change.” you wrinkled your nose, vague answers meant you weren’t ready to talk about it. Which he understood. 
“I heard they re-did those recently.”
“Yeah, it’s way nicer than I expected. Overlooks the park which is very cute. And is a hell of a lot cheaper than my mortgage was.” a genuine smile graced your face, and the sense of relief wasn’t missed by him in your voice. 
“Tell me about it.” he groaned and slapped the open book in front of him. 
“Oh, doing the books?” you leaned forward curiously, intimately familiar with the layout of the paper before him. “Wait. Why are you doing the accounting?” you didn’t hide the confusion on your face as you looked back up at a smirking Eddie. His hair was the same save for the lack of bangs, a change with the times. He had a past 5 o clock shadow and light circles under his eyes. You knew you had the signs of wear and age on your face now as well. 
“Because I own the place?” he tilted his head to the side and chuckled. “You don’t have to look SO surprised.” he then broke into a laugh. 
“Sorry! I just. Wow.” you shook your head. 
“Give me a little credit. I’ve grown up since you last knew me.” a playful defensiveness was apparent in his shaking curls as he challenged your slack jaw at the news. 
“I’m sure you have. Sorry. I didn’t mean to -” 
“Shut up. I’m fucking with you.” the deepness of his voice bloomed out of a laughing chest. “I do own it but I agree I didn’t scream responsible business owner at 18.” he grinned. “I started working here shortly after you left and ten years later Mr. Orison wanted to retire and well…” he motioned to the room then let his arms slap to his sides. 
“Good for you. Seriously. Running a business is fucking hard. People don’t realize it.”
“Yeah neither did I when I bought it.” he bent over and ran his hand through his hair, elbows to the countertop. 
“I used to crunch numbers all day for a living so I get it. I’ll leave you to it. It’s past 9 anyway, I think you’re supposed to kick me out.” you smiled brightly, you felt the strain in your cheeks. It’d been a long, long time since you’d smiled so big. 
“You get to be an exception to the rule. You can wander around if you want. I don’t care.”
“No, no. I know you need to focus. I’ll get out of your hair.” you take a few steps back. “I could come back when you aren’t busy?” you offered, a raise of one shoulder to your chin. 
“Yeah! Yes.” he cleared his throat and nodded enthusiastically, spooling out some blank receipt paper. “Since you’re back-back we should catch up.” he dabbed the pen to his tongue to get it to work, and a few shakes and grunts later he was writing his number down. “And I don’t mean in that fake reunion - oh my god let’s get coffee sometime kinda way.” he looked up, hang dancing over his papers as a fuller face than you recalled smiled at you. 
“Glad we’re on the same page. I need some friends. Not gonna lie.” you chuckle nervously and give a purposely strained smile. 
“Lucky for you, we are built-in friends.” he holds out the paper as you step back toward him. 
“Good.” you say softly, ripping part of the paper and writing down your own information. “You’re busier than me right now so feel free to call me whenever and we can go not get coffee.” you joke and he accepts it heartily. 
“You drink?”
“Not as well as I used to.” you laugh.
“That’sthefuckintruth.” he grumbled. “I’ll hit you up and we’ll go to the old Hideout. We’ll be two old schmo’s reminiscing just like the people we used to make fun of.”
“Sounds perfect.” the relief of something casual and easy flooded you. There was no pretentious pretext, no formalwear to buy, or people to schmooze. Beers, a dive bar, and an old friend sounded close to heaven after the way you’d spent the last decade. “See ya soon.” you wiggle your fingers in a wave before Eddie watches you walk down the street and out of sight, locking the door behind you. 
“Well, shit.” he didn’t have to hide his smile now, chuckling to himself, rubbing his face as he walked back to the counter. “She’s back.” he talked to himself, no one else was around, and being alone was a rarity for him these days. He gathered up his books and looked at the mirror in the hall on the way to the back office. “And single.” he said to his reflection before looking over it and frowning at the sight. He looked fucking tired. In all fairness he was. “And you’re a struggling single dad with two jobs.” he sighed and looked away from the mirror. A reality check he needed was cashed to himself. He wasn’t exactly relationship material at the moment with barely any time for himself let alone dating someone. You were used to money and the city and some fancy pants professor was your ex-husband. What’s a small-town mechanic with a sob story, a kid, and a treading water business going to offer you? He groaned, his annoyance clear on his face as he plopped into the old creaky leather chair. Little did he know, that craving a slice of real life, something raw and passionate, full of imperfections was exactly why you’d left your husband and old life behind. He had more to offer than old romantic nostalgia. He just didn’t know it yet.
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l0velysmut · 6 months
family: “why are you just sitting in ur room smiling at ur phone?”
me who’s been reading smut about fictional characters for the past 6 hours:
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42K notes · View notes
poltoreveur · 9 months
I can’t fix him but I could fuck him.
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itshelia · 9 months
Taking anti-depressant pills?? Seeing a therapist??? Journaling???? No need babe, my fav writer just dropped another x reader fic.
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moonxnite · 9 months
y’all ever fantasize about a fictional character a little too hard to the point you’re convinced you should be admitted to a mental hospital?
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natti-ice · 2 months
18+ mdni
that reality check hitting after reading smut
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asuperconfusedgirl · 5 months
how I read the most toe-curling, spine-shattering, nerve-wrecking, nastiest smut ever written in this god forsaken app
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sleepyangelkami · 6 months
smut's fun. have you ever read soul crushing, heart aching, head throbbing comfort that makes your eyes burn out of your head to the point where you just have to crawl into a ball because your inner child feels so safe? haha... yeah smuts fun.
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strangerstilinski · 1 month
smoke me out
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𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: you and eddie are friends — and really, what's a little shotgunning amongst friends? [ 7.4k ]
𝗰𝘄: friends to lovers, dubcon bc they're high, reader with a vagina & breasts, drug use (weed), smoking & shotgunning, pathetic attempts at dirty talk, unprotected sex, cream pie, and goofy eddie (always)
𝗮/𝗻: the stoner in me came out at the beginning, ngl. this is just a horny culmination of my need to shotgun with eddie and also to rub his sweaty body with my own. and yes, that one part is inspired by the gifs of the hoard scene featuring joe's tight little ass grinding away.
𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖 𝟏𝟖+ 𝙚𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙚 𝙢𝙪𝙣𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
It's just you and Eddie today.
You're propped up against the headboard side by side, a nest of pillows providing you both with a cushion from the uncomfortable framework behind your bed. The muted sound of James Hetfield's voice floating through your stereo speakers over a heavy clash of drums and guitar has your head bobbing in time with the beat. Eddie has long-since gone from shredding on air guitar to intently staring at the way his own ringed fingers bend toward his palm every time the pitch shifts incrementally, mentally contemplating the chord changes by ear. 
Despite the windows thrown open on either side of the room, your small apartment reeks of smoke and weed. The humid Indiana summer air filtering through the curtains is not nearly strong enough to properly air out the cramped space. It's one of those wonderfully warm days — peak summertime. Not overly hot, but enough to have your skin prickling with heat beneath a tank top and cotton shorts. 
Eddie is still lounging in a threadbare pair of checkered pajama pants and a cutoff tee, the top half of his hair tied back in a haphazard bun to lessen the weight of the thick curls sticking to his neck. 
Eddie is prone to complaining when it's hot. Or when it's cold. And also when it's rainy. Or windy. 
Point is, you're not sure why he's yet to complain about the lack of air conditioning in your apartment, but Eddie seems content as ever. It could have something to do with the little glass pipe the two of you have been passing back and forth all afternoon. The bowl on the end had been packed tight, more than enough weed to have both of you thoroughly stoned, well before it's even finished.
The ceiling fan is stirring up the faintest breeze. You've burned yourself thrice on a rogue, billowing flame while trying to light up. The circulating air keeps pushing an errant dark curl down over Eddie's face every time he dips his head to take a hit.. You've combed it back for him four times, already—God forbid he set his hair on fire. Again. You're not sure he's even noticed the way your hand lingers on that smooth strip of skin behind his ear just a little longer each time.
But you can't help it, not with the way everything's gone a little foggy at the edges. Your eyes seem to process your surroundings in near slow-motion, all while the world shines with a barely-perceptible gleam. The last twenty minutes the two of you have spent smoking have done wonders to soften the world around you. Your head is full of air in that familiarly pleasant way that leaves you feeling a bit like you might float away at any second. Like a balloon in the sky. And with the added bonus of Eddie by your side, you're entirely relaxed. Contented.  
Weak beneath the lazy weight of your high pressing in on you, you suddenly flop your weight down sideways across the bed, your head landing over Eddie's thighs. You blink slow up at him, hazy gaze focusing on the underside of Eddie's face while he brings his bony knees up from the mattress to cage you a little closer to his chest. The angle would be outrageous were you looking up at anyone else, you're sure, but Eddie..
He's so pretty.
All rogue-ish boy. Unkempt and wild, but still entirely beautiful.
You can't help the way your hand finds its way up, up, up. Your fingertips dancing across the barely-there five o'clock shadow on the edge of his jaw. You trace the hard line all the way from his chin to his ear, his stubble scratchy and wholly soothing when you lightly scrape your nails against the grain of it.
Eddie, on the other hand, has found himself entirely focused on the way gravity has moved your breasts in your new position below him. The awkward angle has carried them up and out, bra-less and soft and hypnotizing. They shift just a little every time your hand moves across his face. The tank top you've chosen to wear today is thin, indecently so, in his opinion. His brown eyes have been glued to the obvious outline of your nipples beneath the fabric since the moment you'd greeted him at the door, and his ogling has only gotten less subtle as his high settled in. He risks another longing glance down past your collar bones, reddened eyes dragging over the shape of your puffy nipples hidden underneath.
You're thumbing softly at the coarse hairs just under his chin when Eddie gives in to impulse and  purses his lips to blow a cool breath of air over your neck and chest. You can't help but giggle as your skin reacts, goosebumps spreading down your arms, and unbeknownst to you, your nipples tightening into semi-hard peaks beneath your top.
They're not the only things that are suddenly semi-hard. 
Eddie smacks his lips and swallows the drool that he's embarrassed to admit has pooled beneath his tongue. His ring-clad knuckles brush the side of your breast as he reaches to take the forgotten bowl from the blankets. 
He attempts to gather himself as he takes another hit. He holds it for a count of five and then exhales a cloud of smoke whilst urging himself to imagine something utterly repulsive.. His uncle in the shower, roadkill, the way his balls itch uncomfortably after he plays a gig at The Hideout in too-tight jeans — anything that might keep him from popping an unwanted boner while you've got your pretty, unassuming head resting in his lap.
Your fingers are now trailing lightly over the light freckles dotting the bridge of Eddie's nose. His skin is a little pink from yesterday's sun, despite the number of times you'd physically dragged him from Steve's pool to apply sunscreen to his steadily-reddening cheeks. The previous day outside has Eddie's barely-there freckles appearing far more visible than usual, speckled along the round tip of his nose, his cheeks, even the crinkles around his eyes. You think they make him look even more handsome, boyish perhaps, but handsome all the same.
Through the warm fog in your brain, you find yourself smiling up at him. A dopey grin on your face as you poke at the soft apples of his cheeks — Like he's your own personal plaything. Your heart ticks excitedly when the corner of Eddie's lips quirk up at you in response, his pupils blown wide, surrounded by a thin ring of molten chocolate. His teeth flash with his sweet little chuckle of amusement, cheeks dimpling beneath the sparsest area of his stubble.
“You've got freckles,” You comment quietly. “They're cute.” You smack your lips once, mouth dry with dehydration, “I like 'em.. 'nd your stubble, too. Feels nice.”
“Thanks, sweetheart,” Eddie chuckles, stoned and more than a bit flattered under the weight of your attention. His chest puffs up a little proudly, his words flowing without any real thought behind them, “Made it all myself.. 'S hard work.. But, uh, y'know. Someone's gotta do it.”
He slips his lighter between two of his fingers and holds the bowl off to the side so that he can drag the fingers of his free hand softly, delicately, over your hair where it's fanned out over his lap. He doesn't want to mess it up, especially doesn't want one of his rings to get caught and pull. But it looks so soft, and through the haze, he can't fight the impulse to simply.. touch. So gently. 
His attention seems intently focused on the careful motions of his fingers along your hair, and you take advantage of his distraction by finally allowing your gaze to drop to his mouth. Eddie keeps slowly rolling and biting his lips between his teeth. Canines dig into the flesh before he's scrunching his nose and pursing his lips, only to scrape his teeth over them again in a never-ending loop. You doubt he's even aware he's doing it but it's beginning to make his lips swell, the skin darkening to a brighter shade of pink from the abuse.
All at once, your trance is broken when his tongue pokes out to wet his smoke-dry lips. Your mind flashes suddenly with an idea. 
The absence of both the Hellfire crew and your other friends was truly a rarity. You hardly ever got to be alone with Eddie like this. You'd tried to ask him out once upon a time- No, not just once. Twice. Twice you'd asked him on a date — both of which had somehow ended in group excursions rather than romantic one-on-one time, how it had happened two separate times, you still weren't sure — and at this point you'd given up entirely. Because maybe it just wasn't meant to be. It was okay, really, you'd almost grown content in your longing. 
But, the way Eddie's lips shone lightly after his tongue stroked over them.. It had your brain reeling with possibility. If you were ever going to get his mouth on yours in private, even just for a fleeting moment, it didn't seem possible that an opportunity so seamless would ever present itself again.
It was worth a shot.
“I want another hit.” You tell him, licking at your own lips as brown eyes refocus on your face.
“M'kay, well, you're prob'ly gonna need to sit up for that, sweets,” Eddie points out, entirely unaware of the way your tummy always swoops when the thoughtless pet name falls from his lips. “Unless you were really lookin' t'get a face full'a ash.. In which case, you can definitely keep layin-” A burst of air leaves his nose with a laugh of surprise, repeating his own words to himself with a sweetly boyish giggle, “Sounds like ass. Face full'a ass. Now, that I'd like-”
Normally you'd join in on the joke. Poke a little fun at him for saying such a thing. Freak. You'd say it fondly, with an eye roll to go with it, maybe you'd throw in a half-serious offer involving his face and your backside- But you don't say any of those things. You can't. You're in the middle making the not-so-carefully crafted scene in your head a reality — And, can't he see that? Why is he trying to distract you? 
“Ash. Riiight, uh huh. Well,” You pause, feign innocence before your next words. “Maybe.. Maybe you could shotgun it to me n' that way I can stay right here?” You suggest cautiously, before adding as an afterthought, “If you want, I mean.” 
Any amusement is immediately stripped from Eddie's expression. He spends a few achingly long seconds blinking down at you with heavy eyelids, gaze hooded and distant. His weed-hazy brain takes a moment to actually process your words, but then, just as suddenly as he'd zoned out, he's nodding and bringing the glass pipe back up to his lips, one hand cupped around the end to shield the flame from the path of the ceiling fan.
The lighter clicks and swishes quietly as he lights up. He lowers the bowl after a long second, ringed hand dipping beneath your head and guiding you oh-so gently to arch your neck upward, until he can lean down and press his mouth down softly against yours. 
That first soft brush of his lips has your whole body thrumming. Butterflies begin a rampage in your stomach, so much so that you have to actively remind yourself to part your lips beneath his.
He presses down just a bit more, lips squishing solidly to your own parted ones and sending your heart racing dangerously, but then he's exhaling the smoke into your waiting mouth. You breathe it in as it comes, letting the warmth of it flow from his body and into your own.
He watches you intently as he moves to pull back and sit upright again. Watches the way you seal your mouth shut, lips rolling between your teeth while your lashes flutter against the apples of your cheeks. You allow the smoke to simply sit in your lungs for a long moment before relaxing your chest and exhaling through your nose, releasing the diluted cloud up into the air between you. 
Eddie blinks down at you with heavy lids. There's a long moment of silence between you. It's a palpable thing — not quite awkward or tense, but brimming with an unexpected energy that neither one of you can quite decipher. It's charged. Something like static electricity, or the tether between two magnets of an opposite charge. It nearly tingles in the breadth of space between you.
Eddie feels it. He wonders if you feel it too.
“D'you want another hit?” He asks after a minute, his voice scratchy.
You merely nod your head, not trusting your own voice, and the movement has you refocusing suddenly on the soft press of his calloused fingers where they linger against the nape of your neck. You watch with bated breath as Eddie brings the glass pipe in his hand back to his lips again, letting his gentle grip fall from the top of your spine for just a moment so that he can flick the flame of the lighter over the tiny pocket at the end of the pipe once again. 
Eddie drops the items in his hands to your bedside table carelessly once he's gotten a good lungful of smoke. He leans down in a faster movement this time than he had done before, his hand dipping back beneath your head in a flash to bring your mouths together again.
His lips are dry against your own, but so soft. You're not sure if it's the high or simply Eddie, but the barely-there scratch of stubble over his upper lip is delicious. It feels so good it makes you a little lightheaded. 
Your mouth slips open, inhaling as he exhales. You feel the warmth of the smoke entering your mouth, taste the bitterness of it on your tongue as the two of you fit together like puzzle pieces.
You're preparing to let your craned neck fall back to his lap, to close your lips in an effort to keep the smoke inside of your lungs — but then Eddie is tightening his grip on the back of your head incrementally, and instead of pulling back, he slots your lips together more firmly. Your heart skips in surprise and you can practically hear the blood pumping in your ears. Your brain seems to white out for a moment, unable to focus on anything that isn't Eddie's soft lips moving tentatively against your own. 
A thin cloud of smoke escapes into the air around you as your mouths begin to move together in synchrony. You can't hold back a soft gasp of surprise when Eddie's tongue swipes warmly across the seam of your lips. Your heart pounds, your mouth opening beneath his again without hesitation. 
The kiss that follows is a frenzied rush of lips and teeth and tongue. Hunger blossoms in the pit of your stomach. But it somehow manages to feel so languid, so sensual beneath the relaxed fogginess of your high. 
Your back arches, shoulders lifting from Eddie's thigh to meet him more than halfway. The movement prompts his hands to find your hips and Eddie is tugging you upright in a flash. Suddenly you're wedged between his legs, practically in his lap. Your knees curling around his waist as he leans farther into your space, chasing your warmth until barely any space exists between you. 
Your hands slide idly along his body in a slow trail. Each scrape against your palms feels divine. Every inch of him feels like silk under your fingers. The smooth, worn cotton of his tshirt. The tight ringlets of curls at the nape of his neck, a little damp with sweat. The soft give of warm muscle beneath your eager hands on his chest, his arms, his hips. You attempt to memorize every inch of him, your limbs seemingly moving of their own accord, touch-hungry and weightless all at once. 
He's so warm and- God, you want to be inside of him. You think you might want to bury yourself beneath his skin and make a home there. He smells like heaven, like sweat and weed and masculine body wash. Your fingertips drag leisurely along the length of his inked arms, inching slow back toward his neck like you have all the time in the world to explore every inch of his body. 
Your touch is scorching across his skin, overwhelming and seemingly everywhere at once but simultaneously not enough. It's like all of his wildest dreams have come to life, and Eddie can't fucking believe that this is happening. That you're practically in his lap, your tongue in his mouth, legs draped around his waist, hands tucked beneath the gaping sleeves of his muscle tee to roam freely and grope at the exposed skin of his hips.
Eddie's head cranes just a bit to the side in an attempt to deepen the kiss, licking his way deeper. His own arms curl around your waist, tightening at the curve of your spine to tug your body flush against his. The action has a needy noise pushing its way into his mouth as your tongues explore one another with warm, wet licks. He groans at a particularly slow curl of your tongue, he swears he feels it in his fucking balls. 
He's so turned on he thinks his dick might explode. Eddie changes your position in another quick movement, holding you flush to his chest before he's directing you to lie back against the mattress and slotting himself right there  between your thighs. 
Despite the way your head has gone a little fuzzy from lack of oxygen, you can't find it in yourself to pull away from him. All you can do is slide your hands from Eddie's shoulders and up into his hair. Tingles shoot from your fingertips as they slide into his frizzy curls, yanking some of them free from his bun just to feel the way they tangle around your fingers. A hot flush of arousal pulses in your cunt at the satisfied noise that Eddie lets out when you tug lightly, and that noise alone has you suddenly frantic. 
You can't get enough of him; his sounds, his taste, the press of his warm body between your thighs.  
The hand he isn't using to support himself against the mattress rubs along your waist of its own accord, his fingertips slipping beneath the hem of your shirt to brush featherlight over your skin. You swear sparks erupt in his wake. 
You pull back just enough to murmur his name desperately against his lips, but the syllables are barely out before you're licking into his mouth again with unbridled hunger. Eddie's groan meets your ears in response to your weak plea — what you're begging for, you're not quite sure, but then his hips drop against yours with a slow roll and that- 
Oh, that is exactly what you needed.
You can't help the soft whimper that falls into his mouth. The warm line of his half-hard cock pressing against your cunt through the thin barrier of your pajama bottoms has you dizzy. Eddie grinds hips against yours in another slow roll, clothed erection pressing soft into your cunt and prompting the seam on your shorts to nudge at your clit. You both groan in sync, parted lips barely brushing through the breathless sounds.
You also can't help the way you lift your hips in time with each grind of his length against you. The warm weight of his balls squishes against the fabric of your shorts every time his pelvis drags over your own. The thin cotton feels far too thick of a barrier currently between you and his cock. 
Ringed fingers sneak up a little farther beneath your shirt, his hand tightening over your naked breast, and you keen at the feeling. He alternates between brushing the calloused pad of his thumb over your nipple and covering the area with his palm to give it a soft squeeze. His lips fall slack against your own, too busy focussing on the way his fingers release and then grope again and again, the kind of distracted intrigue that could only be a result of his high.
A soft whine falls from your lips after a minute of putting up with his lazy fondling. You tug at the hair between your fingers again and nip encouragingly at his lips in a silent plea for a kiss. His mouth finally resumes moving against your own, and you gratefully allow him to direct the kiss. You give him full control of the pace, which turns out to be a give and take of desperate licks into your mouth followed by gentle caresses of his spit-slick lips against your own. Lips smack each time you part, tongues sliding together wetly, heaving breaths rush in and out of your noses as you both attempt to pull as much oxygen in as humanly possible in an effort to not break apart.  
Your fingers find the knob of his spine, and you tug on the collar at the back of his shirt in silent question. Eddie answers by pushing back up on his knees to yank the fabric over his head in a quick movement. His tattooed chest heaves with slightly labored breaths and you watch him with rapt attention, your eyes drawn to the tiny patch of hair nestled between his pecs and lightly dusted around his nipples. Then your focus drops to the thicker trail that leads down into the waistband of his pants. The pale skin beneath the hair glistens with sweat, and good God you want to taste it-
But you're only granted a few seconds to ogle his torso before Eddie is dipping back down to catch your lips with his, your mouths immediately separating just enough that he can strip you of your own top. 
As soon as your naked chest is exposed to him, Eddie is dragging his lips down your body in a slow trail. He pauses for a moment to kiss a spot just below your ear, his voice raspy when he speaks, “You good? This alright?” He checks quietly. 
You reach up to tangle a hand in his hair again, a breathless sigh leaving your lips as you feel the warmth of his mouth pressing against your neck, “Good, yeah. Very, very alright.” 
Eddie wastes no time, his lips trailing lower. He leaves a series of wet, open-mouthed kisses to your exposed breasts, relishing in the way you react to his mouth, the way your spine arches up from the mattress at the attention. 
“Jesus H. Christ. 's incredible,” Eddie mumbles, his words slurred against your chest as he bites and sucks at the skin on the side of your breast. His head has gone hazy with lust, his fingers slipping beneath your body to grab a desperate fistful of your ass, “Hand to God. I swear, I've never fuckin' seen more perfect-”
You interrupt the filth spewing from his mouth with an entirely unintentional moan, slightly overwhelmed by the influx of sensations. His praise in your ears. The feeling of his fingertips sinking into the plush of your ass. The prominent bulge in his bottoms dragging against you. 
Eddie curses under his breath, taking your nipple into his mouth and biting down softly before immediately soothing his tongue over it in apology.
Your brain is a little fuzzy. Sweetly faded and hazy at the edges, but somehow, each touch and sound between the two of you feels heightened — Magnified and all that more intense. As if your high has somehow managed to mute everything on earth except for Eddie. 
You release his hair in favor of sliding your hands down his back to grope the globes of his ass over his pajama bottoms while his hips continue to rock forward in a dizzying rhythm. A knead to the flesh there has Eddie whining sinfully against your tongue and your pussy fucking throbs in response.
"Baby," Eddie pants into your mouth, his voice nearly cracking with need, "Take 'em off, please- Baby? c'n we-?"
He doesn't finish the question but you nod, nose brushing against his as your hands slip underneath the waistband of his pants. Your fingers are very nearly trembling while you shove the fabric down below the curve of his ass. 
You feel the moment that his cock springs free and you immediately have to crane your neck down to take a peek — The urge to see him is too strong. And God is it a glorious sight. 
Flushed red at the tip and achingly hard— Jesus it's thick, gloriously thick. His pubes are dark and untamed around the base, hiding just how big he truly is. It's the most gorgeous cock you've ever fucking seen and it's bumping softly against the crotch of your shorts, wetting the fabric with smeared pre-cum that Eddie's fucking leaked over the head. He's wet with need, same as you, and the thought makes you feel fucking insane. 
Which means you ogle perhaps longer than you should. 
A needy grumble rises in Eddie's throat that has you snapping out of it suddenly and bringing a hand up into the narrow space between your faces. It takes a moment with the dryness of smoke lingering on your tongue, but you manage to gather enough spit to lick a wet stripe up your palm and fingers, and then you're reaching down to curl your fingers around him. 
Half-naked is practically Eddie's default state when he's stoned or drunk, you've drooled over just the outline of him in his underwear more times than you can count, but you're still somehow surprised by the sheer size of him in your hand. The weight of him. Long and curved just a little to the right — so silky and so soft under the slippery glide of your fist. You work your hand slow over him, rewarded with a beautiful little groan of thanks from the man above you, the sound of it guttural as you begin to jerk him with slick strokes. 
“Ohhh my god, that- that's, j-jesus-” His voice fucking cracks. 
Eddie's hips jump as he fucks into your fist. His eyes roll back, a little delirious just from the sight of your smaller hand wrapped around him. You switch from long strokes in favor of shorter ones where you can focus your attention on his tip, your thumb swiping back and forth over the head of his cock with each flick of your wrist. Eddie doesn't even recognize the sounds leaving his mouth. The combination of his high and the wet glide of your hand is too maddening to care. 
You make your own small noise of amazement that has Eddie coming back to himself suddenly. He yanks your shorts down your thighs with an impatient huff, pulling away from you just long enough to discard the last of both of your clothing before he's caging you back against the mattress once again. And then his lips are making their way to your neck, kissing and sucking lightly between these oh-so pretty little groans against your throat, his hips bucking restlessly into your own all the while. 
You give an eager cant of your hips, feet pressing into the mattress until the tip of Eddie's cock brushes the seam of your cunt. Eddie makes another sweet little noise of surprise that has you draping an arm around his neck, your face pressing into his shoulder as you repeat the movement with intention. 
You want him so bad your pussy fucking aches. 
“Ed, can we, please?” You whisper desperately into his skin. 
The question is barely out before he's nodding against your throat, bracing his knees and lining himself up with your hole. His hips push forward until just the tip of his cock presses into the wet heat of your cunt, but good lord-
He's so big. It feels a bit like he's splitting you right down the middle, but it's so good. He rocks his hips forward slowly, each little push stretching you wider than you thought possible. Every time you think he can't possibly have more to give you, he slips in a little deeper. He reaches so far inside of you that your eyes roll back, a long, drawn-out moan tearing past your lips at the slow stretch, the dull fullness behind your navel that you can nearly feel in your throat. 
“Oh, fuck.” You whine breathlessly, hands scrambling for purchase along his skin. Your nails bite into the sweat-slick muscles of his back before slipping lower still. You find the dimples at the base of his spine, nails raking over the pale white skin of his hips and ass. Your whole body goes lax underneath him as the wiry bush of his pubes finally meets your own. 
The noise Eddie releases into the curve of your shoulder borders on a whimper, his breath hot against your skin as he rocks his hips forward again and again. His weight pushes you deeper into the mattress, his cock grinding desperately against the absolute deepest parts of you. He gasps with each nudge of your cervix against the head of his cock, practically humping you through the haze of his high as he tries to give you time to adjust to his size. 
“Y'good?” Eddie pants into your neck, words slurred together with need. He feels half a second from fucking begging when your legs spread further, your thighs falling back toward the mattress and allowing him even deeper and holy fucking shit. “Ohh, c'n I move?” He’s all but whining now, “Please. God, please can I-” 
“Uh huh, 'm good, 'm good, I-” Your assurances cut off with a wail when he begins to pull back and drive in again with a sharp snap of his hips. Your fingers tighten where his hairy thighs meet his ass, nails biting into taut muscle in an attempt to ground yourself. “Ohmygod.” You whine, eyes glazing over with the heat that pools behind your navel with each thrust.
“Y'feel so good.” Eddie mumbles, slack mouth pressed to the sensitive spot below your ear. 
He pushes up on his elbows, but only enough that you can gape up at him with hooded eyes, brows furrowed with just how fucking good he feels. 
“Fuucck, y're pretty,” Eddie groans between deep thrusts, his words drawing a moan from your lips. He brings one hand to your cheek, thumb pushing into the plush cushion of your swollen lips before he's covering them with his own in a messy kiss, “Y're so hot. So. fucking. perfect.” 
His words are spoken quietly against your lips between thrusts, his nose squishing your own in close proximity, and you draw him back down to your mouth in a hungry kiss, teeth clashing. 
The pace Eddie has set is intoxicating, pulling nearly all the way out before slamming his hips forward to fill you up again with deep thrusts. Your moans are loud, wanton and uncontrollable under the haze of your high, only somewhat muffled by Eddie's mouth covering yours. 
In a frenzy, you find yourself kissing away the sweat beading on his upper lip. You lave your tongue softly over the light prickle of stubble at his cupid’s bow, but you're only granted a moment to relish in the scratch of it before Eddie is nosing at your cheek and urging you back into a scorching, albeit distracted, kiss. His fingers wrap around your upper thigh to hitch your leg a little higher on his hip, rocking his hips forward again and managing to hit impossibly deeper inside of you. He drives into that spongey spot behind your navel and you writhe-
“Oh-” You gasp into his mouth in surprise, head gone fuzzy as he continues fucking your at the new angle, “Eddie!  I, fuck-” 
He responds with a groan. His lips leave yours to forge a trail of biting kisses over your skin. He wants to kiss you everywhere. He wishes he could kiss every inch of your skin and still keep fucking you. You're weak to do anything but lie there and take it and it makes Eddie feel dizzy with power. Your arms curl around his shoulders again, head thrown back against the bed in ecstasy. 
Eddie's mouth is seemingly everywhere, lips sucking at the underside of your jaw, tongue leaving a wet trail over your collarbones and throat, teeth sinking into the curve of your shoulder. Each new sensation sends another spark of arousal down your spine, sends your brain farther into the clouds. 
It’s almost too much. It has you tightening your thighs around his hips and rolling sideways over the bed to switch positions, his cock slipping free as you find yourself straddling his waist with only a slight wobble from the momentum. Eddie makes a quiet noise of surprise and petulance, but it melts into a grateful, high-keening moan when you sink back down onto him. Your hips press flush to his as you set a new, slower rhythm of your own making. 
“Oh, Jesus,” Eddie whines in amazement, hands tracing over the curve of your waist and breasts as you rock back and forth onto him, “Shit. You look so good like this.” His praise comes out through heaving breaths.
You rest one hand supportively over the sparse hair at the center of his chest, the fingers of your other hand trailing up the skin of his arm until you can tangle your hands together against the mattress. You grind your hips down harder, deeper, and Eddie groans, his hips bucking up unconsciously to meet you halfway. 
Your forearms fall on either side of his head. Your weight pressing down against his chest has Eddie immediately fisting your ass and thighs in a bruising grip to help guide your movements. You lean down to bury your face in his neck as you slide back and forth along his length in a slow rhythm, your legs already aching with exertion even with the help of his strong arms.
The loud slapping of skin meeting skin every time the backs of your thighs meet his own rings loudly in your ears. Your staggered breathing falls against his lightly stubbled jaw, lips leaving distracted kisses in apology for the way your hot breath fans out against his already sweaty neck. 
“God, Eds,” You moan into his skin, sucking a mark against his throat while he uses his tight grip on your hips to fuck you down onto himself, “You feel. So f-fucking good-” 
You let out a yelp as Eddie twists your bodies again with a grunt, and suddenly his body above yours once more, his hand on your shoulder as he sinks back inside of you.
“Need it faster. Harder.” He pants, “That okay?” 
You nod, head rubbing against the mattress, “Yes. Please, yeah-” 
Eddie trails his fingers down the back of your thigh and guides you to wrap your legs around his waist, and then he’s fucking into you in quick, punishing thrusts. Your moans only increase in volume at the change of pace, your whole body seemingly flushed with heat. Your hands scrape desperately over Eddie's back as he pounds into you, nails cutting into pale skin. 
“Shit,” Eddie groans, his forehead dropping down against yours in an unexpectedly tender movement, though it does little to take away from the sound of your bedframe creaking, the wet squelch every time he drives back into you. “God, 're you close?” He asks desperately.
“Uh-huh.” You confirm immediately, brain hazy and muscles tensing with each hard thrust that brings you closer and closer to your peak. 
Eddie's nose rubs soft along your cheekbone as he nods, joining your mouths in a kiss that's more breath and tongue than anything else. You struggle to focus on moving your mouth against his as your orgasm begins to creep into the corners of your vision. Eddie's weight drops down onto one elbow to allow him the stability to reach in between you. His hand settles over your pelvis, his fingers swiping messy over your clit as his quick thrusts grow shakier. 
“C'mon, sweetheart,” Eddie murmurs against your lips, “C'mon, I really-” He's cut off by the groan that rumbles up his throat when you pulse around him, the sound entirely animalistic. “Goddd. N-need you t' fuckin' cum, baby, please.” 
His voice has gone husky with arousal and exertion, the sound has your eyes rolling back. It only takes a handful more thrusts like that, with the help of his fingertips tracing light circles over your clit. Your whole body tenses as your orgasm crashes over you, legs clamping around his hips. You whine brokenly in his mouth, a sharp gasp immediately following as you scrape your fingers down his shoulders, your whole body shaking as you come undone around him. 
The increased tightness of your muscles spurs on Eddie’s own orgasm within a few thrusts, and then he's following you over the edge. He buries his face in the curve of your neck as he cums with a whine, hips stuttering twice before burying deep. His weight crushes you to the mattress, your back arching at the warmth of his release filling you. Your eyes water with the strength of your orgasm, Eddie's hips unconsciously grinding into your own as he rides out his own, whimpering into your ear with the aftershocks. 
You both remain unmoving for a long minute, sweaty chests heaving as you struggle to catch your breath and come back to yourself. You card gently through Eddie's sweaty hair, his curls having long since broken free from the hair tie that had once held them back from his face. You fingers trail thoughtlessly through the damp tresses while Eddie's hot breath fans out over your neck. His dick twitches inside you when your fingertips scrape softly against his scalp and you struggle to bite back a quiet laugh of amusement. Your muscles tense even with the smothered laugh, and Eddie groans as your cunt pulses around him. 
He huffs when he catches the look on your face, entirely dramatic as he begins to roll away, but he only maintains that feigned annoyance for about half a second before he's cackling madly and dragging you into his chest. He nips sharply at your shoulder as he tugs you into his sweaty chest and buries his face in your hair, fingers beginning to trace soft shapes over the skin of your hip. 
“You feelin' okay?” He murmurs after a moment. 
“Yeah,” You confirm with a sigh, already relaxing into his touch. Your brain is pleasantly dulled from the combination of the lingering high and your orgasm. “Yeah, 'm great.” 
“Oh, same, yeah. Super great. I just, uh-” Eddie pauses and you find yourself focussing on the gentle caress of his fingers along your skin, “I wanted to check, y'know.. Make sure you weren't havin' any.. I dunno, just, regrets-”
You're readjusting in a flash so that you can look at him directly, your head settling onto his bicep as your eyes flick between his, “I don't. Regret it, I mean.” 
It feels much too serious of a conversation to be having considering how deliriously high you currently feel, the previous strenuous activity did little to clear your head, but you mean it with every fiber of your being. You've been hung up on Eddie for what feels like forever now, the thought of him outright regretting the events of the last hour- It has you feeling sick, stomach sinking and twisting and souring all at once.
Eddie's throat bobs as he swallows, “Just, I mean.. Y're real stoned and- Shit. I, fuck. I probably shouldn't've-”
“Eddie,” You cut him off, feeling desperate with the need to reassure him, “You smoked just as much as I did—probably more. I-I wanted this. I wanted it, like, really bad. Unless..” Your heart drops, “Do.. Do you regret-?”
“No!” Eddie disagrees immediately, and vehemently — With urgency to correct you. “No. No, sweetheart, I do not regret it. Could never regret you. I mean, that was- Shit, I've been wanting to do that since-”
Your hand finds the warmth of his chest, fingers scraping at the small tattoo there, “You have?” 
Eddie nods his head against the blankets, sweaty curls sticking up every which way around his head like a messy halo, “Yeah.” 
“Does that mean.. I mean, would you maybe wanna do it again sometime? But, like, when we're not high as all hell?” 
Eddie's dimpled grin has an embarrassingly wild burst of butterflies erupting inside of you, “Yeah. Yeah, I really do.”
You lay like that for a while, pressed together despite the heat. His fingers wander over your palms, tracing the lines there while you watch the way his rings shift. Your naked bodies separated only by a thin layer of sweat. The ceiling fan pushing light waves of blessedly cool air over your skin. 
After a few minutes Eddie suddenly tears himself out of your grip, and he does it so abruptly that your brain is hardly able to comprehend the loss of him. He lets out a quiet yelp of distress and nearly collapses face-first into the blankets in a mad scramble toward your legs. He manhandles you until you're sprawled on your back, pushing your thighs apart before flopping entirely ungracefully onto his belly in the narrow space he's made between them. 
As you push up onto your elbows to peer down at him, Eddie is simply stroking his fingers soft up and down the length of your cum-soaked folds. His eyes are alight with wonder while he watches his own spend begin to leak out. One of his thumbs catches it as it falls, and he pulls his hand back for just a moment to get a better look at the pearlescent mixture of your combined cum. 
“What're you doing?” You giggle after a long moment of simply watching him.
Eddie's head snaps up with such surprise it looks as if he might've forgotten you were even there, if such a thing were possible. 
“Just, uh.. Admiring my handiwork.” He grins like he's all-too pleased with himself, dimples poking into his cheeks. 
“It's our handiwork, actually,” You correct playfully, “Half of that's mine, and- No, wait. Actually, 's all mine now.” You tell him triumphantly.
His eyes narrow in confusion and you redirect your gaze pointedly. His attention follows your own, eyes flicking briefly toward his own hand, where the cum has begun to drip slow down his thumb toward the meat of his palm. 
“What, this?” He questions in amusement. 
“Yes that.” You tell him with a frown, “'s mine.” You have to bite back an honest-to-god cackle at the entirely contrived look of betrayal on his face. “Put it back.” You challenge. 
Eddie's eyes roll in irritation as he repeats your words mockingly, his voice thrown high in an exceptionally poor imitation of your own, but he does dutifully drop his hand down between your thighs again to attempt to push the cum back inside you. 
He looks pleased as punch once he's done. He looks at your cunt with a dopey grin on his face, cheeks still pink with exertion and hair wild. 
“Don't miss me too much, pretty. A'right? I'll be seein' you again real soon.” Eddie murmurs softly, eyes never once leaving your cunt. He punctates his words by pressing a gentle kiss to your mound, just a hair's breadth from your clit. 
And then that dumb, dazed smile takes over his face again. 
You squint down at him, “Was.. Were you talking to me or my-”
“Was talkin' to this pretty pussy.” Eddie says matter of factly, stroking his hand over the coarse hairs between your thighs in the way one might pet an animal. 
“Okay.” You manage, laughter preventing you from saying anything else. 
Eddie tugs a large chunk of loose curls across his face and lays his cheek to your upper thigh. He stays like that for a moment, hidden behind the curtain of his hair, big brown eyes blown about as wide as he can manage through his high.
 “..Do you still wanna fuck me?” 
He pouts. It's ridiculous. It's adorable.
You can't pretend to mull it over for more than a few seconds, your cheeks ache with the need to smile. He makes you so happy you feel borderline deranged. 
Your lips quirk up even as you sigh dramatically, “Regrettably? Yes.”  
He fucking cheers. 
He drums his hands enthusiastically against your thighs and yells so loud in victory that all you can do is laugh and cover your ears until he's finished. 
You don't regret it, not a goddamn bit.
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colmiilllo · 15 days
me acting like I just didn't read the most filthy nasty hot smut fic of my life
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shoot1ngst4r · 1 month
going out of your way to search up [insert character] ANGST and all you get is smut
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7K notes · View notes
mcntsee · 4 months
me when i get asked why i suddenly dislike a character (i can’t tell them it’s because i read a fanfic where said character made y/n’s life miserable and now i have personal beef with them)
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rebelfell · 2 months
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made for lovin’ you
older!Eddie Munson x fem!reader
A bad Tinder date gets a whole lot better…
18+ MDNI┃9k
cw: age difference (30s/40s), alcohol, smoking, light choking, softdom!Eddie, face fucking, light hair pulling, fingering, piv sex, finishing inside, and aftercare ‘cos we deserve it ♥️
I’ve been in a Mood and now you all have to suffer.
eddie edit by @eddiemunsons-missingnipple
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Holy shit, was this guy boring.
Not terribly surprising, unfortunately. Your expectations weren’t all that high to begin with. Most of your recent forays into online dating had been yielding overwhelmingly middling results and this one was no exception.
He had seemed perfectly nice on the app, when he was nothing but a handful of generic pictures and a smattering of inoffensive text bubbles. But any appeal he held had been in steady decline the moment he took his seat next to you at the bar.
He looked more scared of you than anything—fumbling his words and constantly having to push up his glasses as they slid down the bridge of his sweaty nose. You did what you could to help him relax, coaxing him into the conversation, asking all of those tedious first date questions.
And every single one, he answered with nothing but curt, clipped responses. Making no attempt whatsoever to follow up or ask you literally one single thing about yourself.
Then you made the fatal mistake of asking about work, and suddenly longed for the wall of silence. As soon as he got the chance, he launched into a long and droning explanation of his research on the behavior of crickets.
Acheta Domesticus, not that you asked. And he didn’t so much as smirk at your gesundheit joke.
You might have called it quits entirely by now…if it wasn’t for the guy at the end of the bar.
He had arrived not fifteen minutes after your date did, and slid smoothly onto a stool directly in your eyeline. Which was good, considering you would have snapped your neck trying to get a look at him otherwise.
In a word, he was beautiful. 
Slightly older, with long dark hair that was wavy and ruffled. A short and scruffy beard that only further accentuated the hard line of his jaw where it met the thick, muscular column of his neck.
He was quite literally littered with accessories—a silver hoop that glinted in his nose, leather cuff and chains on his wrists, chunky rings on his fingers that rapped rhythmically on the bar.
Then there were the more permanent accessories in the form of black ink tattoos that covered both his arms and scrawled upwards to peek out from underneath the collar of his t-shirt. A mix of all different styles and designs, ranging in quality from the kitchen scratcher bats on his elbow to the larger and more artful pieces clearly woven in later to complete the tapestry.
You’d certainly never seen him here before, and that was sort of a feat for this place.
West End was one of your favorite places for this sort of date. It was close enough to your place to be convenient, yet far enough that there was no chance of a guy trying to invite himself over to “use the bathroom” or “wait for an Uber” or whatever other excuses they dredged up.
It was actually two businesses in one, sharing the same name, running out of opposite sides of the same building. Causing only mild confusion.
To one side was a wine bar with cozy seating nooks furnished with plush loveseats, sofas and overstuffed armchairs, all a mishmash of vintage styles from thrift shops and flea markets.
But the other side was all modern and industrial—a billiards hall with high ceilings, exposed brick walls, and a large, glossy horseshoe bar that surveyed the tables from the center.
You tended to frequent the wine bar with your roommate Robin whenever you found yourselves in need of a moody atmosphere and some low, soft lighting, your evening scored by the crackle of some great vinyl record. But the other side was better for dates because it automatically gave you the out of an activity in case you found the conversation lacking.
And boy was it lacking tonight.
He regarded the pool tables more like they were live alligators and quickly dismissed your offer to play before launching right back into his overly-detailed explanation of the differences in the eating habits of crickets and grasshoppers. You sighed, no longer attempting to disguise your boredom as you propped your elbow on the bar and rested your chin on your hand.
It wasn’t just that his research was boring—though it was. Really, the problem was all of his technical explanations were so dry and devoid of any emotion that it made you wonder if he even enjoyed it. You had more stimulating interactions with the bartender, for crying out loud.
He was new to you too, but he moved behind the bar with such ease it seemed like he’d worked there for years. He’d introduced himself as Steve, a row of pearly white teeth winking at you as he flashed a smile you were sure had won him his fair share of superlatives in high-school. 
His look read more upscale mixologist, sporting a dark gray vest over a crisp white button down. Sleeves rolled up to show off his forearms that flexed with the pour of every drink, and the collar left open to reveal the glint of a gold chain resting on the soft down of his plentiful chest hair.
The hair on his head was shorter and lighter than the other man’s, but it was long enough to curl slightly around his ears and along the nape of his neck. The ends of it were kissed with caramel highlights that shone in the light when he flipped his head back or ran his large hands through the feathered locks whenever a piece fell forward into his bright hazel eyes.
Most importantly, he also seemed to be friends with your current fixation.
They had greeted each other jovially, hands meeting in a tight clasp over the bar before Steve grabbed a bottle of whiskey and started to pour without the other man even having to order. You watched with morbid fascination as those plush lips wrapped around the rim of his glass and his eyes fluttered closed as he took his first sip, the tattoo on his neck bobbing with the swallow. 
Jesus Christ on a cracker…
Suddenly, as though he could sense you watching, his eyes popped open and immediately locked on yours. You started at the sight of the deep brown, almost black, vortexes in the middle of his face, nearly choking on the sip you were taking of your own drink—an excellent Malbec Steve had recommended when you first arrived.
A rush of warmth exploded on your face and you looked away, doing your best to pretend like he hadn’t just caught you blatantly staring at him.
Or that you hadn’t felt that egregious burst of excitement when he did. Did he care that you were looking? Was he looking at you now?
Doesn’t matter, you reminded yourself, trying to return your attention to the man in front of you.
The one you had made an actual plan to come here and meet; the one who was…still talking.
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The next bit of your date felt like it took an entire year. You mostly phoned it in, reluctant to admit defeat too quickly. But over and over again, you found your focus drifting either to the stranger at the end of the bar, or to the bartender. And often, those two went hand in hand.
Again, they were either very old friends or both of them were extremely friendly. They talked and joked back and forth in between Steve helping other customers, bouncing from end to end of the bar with ease, charming smile never faltering as he enchanted every person he served.
As for the other man, you’d caught his eye enough times by now that there was no mistaking he was watching you. Though, you suppose that meant he knew you were staring at him as well…
At the end of your first glass of wine, you excused yourself from the bar—needing a break from this guy’s droning voice more than anything.
He nodded, finally taking a sip of his beer he’d barely made any progress on he’d been so entrenched in his recent soliloquy.
The bathrooms at West End were towards the back, down a long hall that obscured them from view of the rest of the bar. It gave the impression of being in an alleyway with black beadboard paneling that came a little over halfway up the wall and an eclectic gallery of pictures.
There were two bathrooms side by side, just single-room stalls adorned with brass apartment numbers rather than gendered signs, and you slipped into the one with no light coming out from underneath the door. And maybe you took a little longer than you probably needed, milking your break for all it was worth. Not stalling, just…taking care of some things.
Things like touching up your lip gloss that needed no touching up since you hadn’t said more than two words in the past half hour. Or like pulling up Tinder on your phone and setting your location to the absolute minimum distance. You know…just on the off-chance someone in the immediate vicinity happened to also have the dating app installed.
No such luck, you found.
A bit more deflated than you had any right to be, you tucked your phone back into your bag and rolled your eyes at yourself as you reached for the doorknob. You didn’t look up until you were almost at the end of the hall and when you did, you found brown eyes looking back at you.
He was headed for the bathroom as you were coming back and he caught you at the start of the long, narrow hallway leading to them. Your eyes met his as you approached and you paused, already anticipating that awkward shuffle of both of you trying to get out of the other’s way.
There was no awkwardness, though. 
Heat pooled low in your belly as he held your gaze, and rather than breezing right by when you came to a stop, he stopped as well and leaned against the wall to let you pass. He was close enough now that you could see his hair was streaked with slivers of silver and more grays tinged the edges of his beard, particularly under his ears behind the hinge of his jaw.
Your shoulder just barely brushed his chest as you passed, eye contact holding until you were looking back at him over your shoulder as you returned to the bar.
He stood there, watching until you’d rounded the corner and were out of sight before he moved. Pulse thrumming, you slid into your seat with his cologne still in your nose, tickling your brain.
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By the end of your second glass of wine, you were more than ready to go. Frowning as you took your last sip, you gave Steve a regretful shake of your head when he asked if you wanted another.
And beside you, Dale just requested your checks as he pushed away his beer.
You didn’t bother with feeling annoyed he hadn’t offered to get even one of your drinks. To be fair, you had not been remotely good company as it was, and especially not once the guy at the far end of the bar decided to call it a night.
Your heart sank just a little as you watched him stand and pull on a creased and faded leather jacket. He then headed for the door, his eyes locking with yours one last time as he went.
Beside you, your date cleared his throat loudly to get your attention and your head jerked up as you realized Steve had placed your receipt in front of you to sign. If Dale—wait, was it Dale or Dave?—noticed your fixation, he was too polite (or too chicken) to mention anything about it.
Tabs closed and coats thrown back on, you followed Dale (Drew? Dirk?) outside. The wintry air cut through your tights and you hugged your coat a little tighter around you.
“So, which way are you headed?” you asked, rushing out the words before he could ask the same thing and float the idea of sharing a ride.
“Uptown?” he replied.
“Ahh, I’m the other way.”
A derisive snort made your head whip sideways and your eyes darted to the source, landing first on the glowing orange dot of a cigarette and then on the plush pink lips wrapped around the filter at the other end. The snide comment locked and loaded on your tongue abruptly stalled.
It was him.
He leaned against the brick facade, foot kicked up behind him, watching your whole interaction. It made your cheeks burn with indignation, but the hungry look in his dark eyes made your entire lower half throb. His lips curved like the blade of a knife into a smirk as he stubbed his cigarette out on the wall and dropped it in a planter filled with sand next to him. You stared at him, your mind sort of blank, and his eyes remained fixed on yours as he strode back inside the bar.
“Okay, well…I guess I’m gonna go,” Dale sighed, a little petulantly.
You brought your eyes back to him and plastered on your most professional smile, shaking his hand formally like this was the end of an interview for a job he was never gonna get.
“Sounds good,” you said. “Nice to meet you.”
He frowned as he turned away, but you felt relatively certain you’d navigated that fine.
Surely he hadn’t felt the date warranted any other sort of follow-up or lie about doing it again—you certainly hadn’t been on your A-game. And you shuddered to think that was his.
Once he’d gotten in his Uber, alone, and you had assured him the one you had yet to call was on its way, you tugged your phone out of your coat pocket and checked the time.
Right now, you had two choices. It was still early enough that Robin could probably come pick you up with minimal begging required.
Maybe you two could get fries and milkshakes and watch some garbage reality tv before falling asleep in a little cuddle pile on the couch.
It was the reasonable option.
The logical, safe choice.
But all your dates lately had been so painfully reasonable and logical and safe. There had been no horror stories to regale Robin with at Sunday brunch, nor any explosive sexual exploit the two of you could squeal and giggle over while curled up on your overstuffed sofa.
It was downright boring. And you were growing pretty weary of it.
You glanced down one more time at your phone, still thinking. Your thumb hovered over Robin’s contact info, needing only a single tap to dial, while your index rested on the lock button.
With a subtle flex of your hand, you clicked the screen off and headed back into the bar.
One more drink couldn’t hurt…right?
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“Back so soon?”
Steve was already smiling smugly at you as you approached, his eyebrow cocked as you slid back into your original seat and returned his smile with one of your own.
“I decided I couldn’t live without another glass of that Malbec,” you sighed dreamily. 
He nodded, amusement still tugging at his lips as he uncorked the bottle you’d been steadily draining all night and took down a clean glass from one of the wire racks suspended overhead. You pulled your card from your bag and held it out for him to reopen your tab, but Steve waved it off as he placed down the newly filled glass in front of you and slid it smoothly across the bar.
“It’s taken care of, honey,” he said.
“Oh, really?” you chuckled. “By who?”
Steve smirked at your incredulous tone, his muscled forearms flexing as he leaned on them.
You leaned forward as well, crossing your arms under your chest, knowing how nicely it propped up your cleavage. It made the bartender’s eyes flash as he lowered his voice to a leading hum.
“The dirtbag at the end of the bar.”
He nodded his head backwards, making those caramel-kissed locks of his flop across his brow. Your gaze followed Steve’s nod, landing on the wild head of hair and all-consuming brown eyes you’d been distracted by all night. The “dirtbag” in question was staring straight back at you, the corner of his mouth curled as he raised his rocks glass of brown liquor and tipped it to you.
“Is he really a dirtbag?” you asked him, your eyes never dropping the stranger’s gaze.
“Nah,” Steve shook his head. “Just looks like one.”
“Good to know.” 
You hummed to yourself, feeling almost a little cocky as you brought your glass to your lips and took an excruciatingly slow sip. The eyes of the man across the bar watched you intently, a fire burning in them that ignited your very being.
As Steve moved on to another customer, you pulled your eyes from those of the handsome stranger and let them fall briefly to the empty stool beside you. It was about as bold as you were willing to be at the time, but it did the trick. He promptly swiveled in his seat to slide off it and you smirked to yourself as you looked down, pretending to be fascinated by the garnet liquid swirling in your glass as he came around the bar.
“That’s a great Malbec,” he said.
God, his voice.
It made your cheeks (among other things) tingle, smooth and smoky as the whiskey in his glass you could smell as he placed it down beside your wine. The scent of it mixed with his cologne that was dangerously close to becoming your new favorite aroma—something woodsy and heady with a tinge of lightness like a salty sea breeze.
“It is,” you agreed, brow arching as he took the seat beside you. “You’ve had it before?”
“Nah,” he smirked. “You made it look so good, I had Stevie give me a taste. I told him to put your next one on me.”
Both of your brows raised at that. “And how’d you know I was coming back?”
“I didn’t,” he said, taking a cheeky sip of his drink. “I just hoped.”
You felt a smile burgeoning on your lips and pulled your bottom one back with your teeth trying, unsuccessfully, to fight it. He watched it spreading, the tip of his tongue running over the edges of his teeth as he offered you his hand.
You slid your own into his, feeling the exquisite pressure of chunky silver rings pressing on your fingers as he gave them a gentle squeeze.
“Hi,” he said. “I’m Eddie.”
“Nice to meet you, Eddie,” you purred right back, offering him your name after a beat.
He repeated it once, all low and rumbly, taking his time with the sound of it in his mouth like it was a piece of chocolate melting on his tongue. Holding your hand a bit longer than necessary.
“So I’m assuming Desperate Dan out there wasn’t your boyfriend?” Eddie asked, chuckling into his next sip. The sound of it spiraled down your back, electrifying your spine.
“Nope,” you sighed heavily. “Just another drop in the Tinder bucket.”
Eddie’s dark eyes gleamed with something like mischief and he made a tsking sound with his tongue. “Well, if that’s the case, I sincerely apologize, sweetheart.”
“Oh, yeah?” You smiled at him. “What for?”
His eyes flickered again, this time taking a long moment to do a sweep up and down your body. Landing on your knees in your tights, flitting back up to your face as she shook his head.
“If someone like you has had to resort to dating apps…we’ve clearly failed as a gender.”
You actually shivered at the words, forcing your shoulders still not to show it as you propped your elbow on the bar and swiped the tips of your nails across your chin and along your jaw to play with your earring. Deepening your voice to a sultry murmur he had to lean in close to hear.
“No argument there.”
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You rushed into the bathroom, flapping both your hands back and forth to fan your face and then under your arms. Safely hidden behind the door, your air of detachment could fall away and you could finally let out all the patently un-cool reactions you had been fighting the last hour.
With trembling hands, you pulled your phone out of your bag and fired off a text to Robin.
hey, I’m gonna share my location with you the rest of the night.
wait WHAT? Losera Annoyingus is getting a bang pass?
no he left…
…about an hour ago.
A blue bubble with three blinking dots immediately popped up on the thread and you imagined Robin’s thumbs actually smoking she was typing so furiously fast. But she must decide to abandon her message, because within a split second, a picture of you and her with your faces smushed together came up on the screen as she called you instead.
“Hey,” you whispered, praying your voice didn’t echo too much off the tiled walls.
“Explain,” she demanded. “Now.”
The excitement in her voice only increases your own, your cheeks still impossibly hot as you stand over the sink and fan yourself some more before another layer of sweat can form on your face.
“It’s this guy I met at the bar. He was like, making eyes at me while I was on my date and we started talking after and I just—I don’t know for sure, but it feels like he’s gonna take me home.”
“Is he hot?”
“Yes,” you breathed out a heavy, lustful sigh. “He’s so hot I wanna rip his appendix out.”
“Holy shit,” Robin whistled. “What’s he look like?”
“He’s…I don’t know,” you laughed. “He kind of looks like a Harley that came to life.”
“Alright then, you better go ride him.”
Robin’s snorted laugh makes you cover your own face with your palm. It’s searing hot now, your blood pumping furiously beneath the surface of your skin.
“Well, I have to get back out there to make that happen.”
“Go, go, go—have fun, use protection! Wait, hang on, not in that order!”
You laughed at her warning coming through faintly over the receiver as you mashed the button to end your call. With one last steadying breath, you leaned on the sink and nodded decisively.
“Okay,” you exhaled. “Let’s do this.”
Sage and sea salt filled your nose as you yanked the door open and nearly ran straight into the source of the scent. Eddie leaned against the wall across from the bathroom doors, shoulders shifting subtly as he twisted one of the large rings on his fingers. 
You stood face to face now, hands hovering at your sides as you edged into the hallway.
“Sorry,” he said sheepishly, tucking his chin to his chest as he looked up at you from under long lashes. “Someone’s in the other one.”
You glanced suspiciously at the second bathroom door, seeing no light coming from underneath it. Eddie winced, still smirking adorably as you turned the knob and pushed it open to reveal it was empty on the other side. He chuckled, holding up his hands in a mock surrender.
“Fine,” he sighed. “You caught me.”
“Thought I was making a break for it?” you asked, pulling the door shut. Eddie’s tongue pushed against the inside of his cheek, his eyes roving over you slowly.
“I’d hate to think I scared you off,” he said as he kicked off the wall to stand up straight.
You crossed your arms under your chest, giving him a smile. “I don’t scare so easy.”
He nodded at that, his eyes still taking you in, scanning you like he was reading invisible stats. They lingered a few places you expected, like the curve of your hips and the swell of your chest. But then they landed on other things too, things you weren’t used to people noticing. 
Things like your shoulders, or your calves in your boots, even your fucking ears.
“So…everything alright?” he asked, his voice lowering as he took a step closer.
“Yeah, I was just letting my roommate know I might be gone a while.” You held up your phone and tucked it back inside your bag with another coy smile. He chuckled.
“A while, huh?” Step.
“Yeah, you know...it’s pretty late.” Step. “Might be tough to get an Uber.”
“I wouldn’t know,” Eddie shrugged. “I live close.”
“Oh yeah?”
You were nose to nose now, barely a whisper of space between you, the air thick with the heat radiating off your bodies in the narrow space.
The well worn leather of his jacket sleeve creaked softly as his hand came up to rest on the wall, caging you in with his arm.
“How close?” you asked, breath shuddering as you leaned on the door for support.
“Up the street,” he sighed. “But it’s still too far.”
His warm breath ghosted over your lips as they parted, the smell of the liquor coating his tongue making you feel woozy. Or maybe that was just the effect he was having on you.
He was so close now you could hear the bristly sound his beard made as he scratched at it with blunt fingertips. He’d barely inhaled to ask if he could kiss you when you surged forward to press your lips to his—the roughness of his beard on your chin a welcome abrasion.
Scratching the itch that’s plagued you all night.
It’s a hungry, lawless sort of kiss. Quick and clashing and difficult to tell if it’s actually mean or not—like two dogs play-fighting, both trying to see how much they can get away with before light snarls and soft snaps of their jaws turn to whimpers and whines.
Eddie parried with you for control, his tongue darting in and out of your mouth as he plied you with teasing, playful kisses you fought to deepen, tugging at his shirt. He pushed off the wall and reached down to grab your wrists, pinning them over your head to keep them in place.
The thrill of him trying to restrain you only made you unravel further, straining impatiently against his grasp. Breathless, you stretched out your neck and pushed your face past all his hair to place your lips beside his ear and pant into it.
“Can we go back to—”
“You wanna come back to—”
The both of you chuckled and exhaled with relief as your words and his overlapped, and you felt a sudden rush between your legs from the way Eddie’s eyes blazed with intention.
He released his hold on your wrists and your arms fell limp at your sides. In an instant, he had your hand wrapped tightly in his and was pulling you along as he angled towards the exit.
As you hurried after him out of the hallway and across the bar, you distantly registered music playing, picking out the chugging guitar and bass riffs of some 80s dance song. From behind the bar, Steve caught Eddie’s eye and you saw him offer his friend a two finger salute as the two of you burst through the door, your departure narrated by Paul Stanley’s deep, silky croon.
And tonight, I want to lay at your feet. Cause girl, I was made for you, And girl, you were made for me…
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Eddie wasn’t kidding about living close.
Your boots clacked on the sidewalk as he ushered you along under his arm, the quick pace of your walk driven both by the chill in the air and the desire to resume what you started at the bar.
“This is me,” he said, indicating a four-story brick building just a block away from West End.
His place was on the top floor. It was a large studio with high ceilings and many features similar to the bar you’d just left. Half of the space was raised like a platform with a steel wire railing running along the edge. He had his bed up there and what looked like an office, but he’d created a divider of sorts with cube shelves filled with sweats, hoodies and t-shirts.
Promptly, you recalled him telling you he owned a company that designed and distributed merch for independent artists, and how he was constantly receiving samples from suppliers.
The kitchen was simple, sleek cabinetry and stainless steel appliances without a single smudge. A massive butcher’s block with a wooden top and wire racks underneath serving as an island. And a steel rack hanging down from overhead laden with cast iron cookware.
You took a few more careful steps inside, chest heaving as you tried to catch your breath from being kissed stupid in the elevator while Eddie flipped some switches that illuminated the space with recessed lighting. Large black-paned windows revealed a view of the city and the night sky outside, some amber light from the street filtering in and casting across the oak floors.
In his living area was a massive brown leather sectional with extra-deep cushions and a chaise at both ends. It faced a plain wall with a screen you assumed went with the projector hanging down from one of the exposed beams overhead.
Every inch of your skin crackled with excitement as he came up behind you and reached around to grip the lapels of your coat and help you out of it, letting his fingertips skim your bare arms as he did. It made you shiver in spite of the warm air you could feel pumping out of the vents.
He hung up your coat next to his on a hook by the front door and you turned to face him as he sauntered back over. His gait was relaxed and casual, like he had all the time in the world. 
Like he wasn’t driving you up the wall with every second you went without his mouth on yours.
“Did you want another drink?”
He gestured in the direction of a liquor cabinet, glass shelves lined with a modest array of wines and spirits, but you shook your head at the offer.
“Not particularly,” you said with a coy grin.
Reaching out and hooking a finger in his belt loop, you whirled yourself into him and slotted your mouth against his, licking into it to taste the smoky remnants of whisky there. He breathed into it deeply, his broad chest expanding with it and chuckling when he felt your hands on his belt.
“Easy there, tiger,” he teased, your lips breaking apart and taking hold of your wrists to still their efforts. “What kind of girl do you think I am?”
“Hopefully the kind that knows how to fuck.”
You smirked, the tip of your tongue flicking out between your teeth as your face veered in again. Your hips pressed with his and you began to sway back and forth, gently grinding them on him, resuming the dance you’d begun. His face came close, his hands settling on your waist.
“C’mon, honey,” he drawled. “Haven’t you heard good things come to those who wait?”
His lips trailed along the column of your neck, sending a riot of shivers down your spine causing you to release a breathy sigh.
“Sorry, what? All I heard was come.”
Eddie chuckled at that and his breath rushed across your neck as he smiled into your jugular.
“You’re funny,” he sighed. “We’ll see how funny you are when I get done with you.”
It was a miracle your knees didn’t buckle on the spot. Your eyes rolled back in your head, almost seeing the inside of your skull as his hand came up and he placed it around your throat.
“You want this?” he asked, his tone cool and precise, his eyes wandering across your face.
“Yes,” you gasped, all desperate and panting now you were so eager for him to start.
His thumb and middle finger pressed the sides of your throat, slowing the flow of blood just enough to make your head go fuzzy and your body to go just barely limp in his arms. 
“Yes, what?” he growled. You drew a shuddering breath, unrestricted by his expert hold.
“Yes, I want this,” you answered. “I want you.”
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Eddie took his time undressing you, softly kissing the new expanse of skin he unveiled with the removal of each piece of clothing.
He nipped lightly at your collar bones as he shed your blouse, canines catching briefly on the chain around your neck. He dragged his lips torturously slow over your stomach as he undid your skirt and it fell to the floor with a soft plop. His breath rush across your thigh as he kneeled to drag down the zippers of your boots, kissing your inseam though your tights all the way down to your ankles.
Every second was a kind of exquisite torture. Your heart hammered behind your ribs, the bones almost rattling with the force of it. And as much as you were dying to grab him by the back of the head and take over, you let yourself slip steadily under the spell of his affections.
You believed what he seemed to be whispering with his eyes in between every indelible kiss he dropped to your buzzing skin. He had you. He would take care of you. You could trust him.
And once you were totally bare in front of him, he held out his hand for you to take and he spun you in a slow circle like a ballerina in a music box, his eyes feasting on every inch of you.
If it was anyone else, you might have shied away. You might have felt some level of shame or concern about being stark naked in front of him while he was still fully clothed. You might have worried he would see something he didn’t like, some flaw or defect you preferred hidden. But the look on his face was nothing short of rapturous.
He walked you over to the couch and kissed you deeply as he removed his clothes. Showing not an ounce of the kind of care and consideration for his own as he did for yours, he stripped them off hastily and discarded them, tossing them away like they were garbage.
Your naked bodies came together in a full press, his arms curling around your form and his hands stroking your skin like he was trying to make sure not a single part of it went untouched.
At last, he sank down onto the sofa and his knees spread apart, his hard cock standing stiff and ready for you. He took your hands in his like he was going to pull you forward onto his lap, but you dropped to your knees instead, tucking your feet under your ass.
You looked up at him expectantly, your eyes darting between his face and his cock, the corners of your mouth curling upwards in a smile as your brows raised with a silent question.
“You sure?” he asked, circling his base with his thumb and forefinger to give a gentle squeeze. “I can take care of you, you know? Fuckin’ love to.”
“Don’t worry,” you said cooly, lashes fluttering as you scooted closer. “You will.”
You placed your hands on his knees and pushed them further apart so you could lean forward to kiss up the inside of his leg. Trying to give him a taste of his own slow, teasing medicine, you worked your way all the way up to the crease of his thigh and turned your head inward.
Eddie’s breath stuttered as your lips met his shaft, poking your tongue out to run it up the length. His head tipped to the side, his ear touching his shoulder to get a better view of you licking at him, halting grunts and gasps tumbling past his lips as yours puckered to kiss it more.
When you were satisfied you’d gotten him sufficiently worked up, you reached out and wrapped your hands around him fully, your fists stacked and twisting gently.
You stroked him off slow and even, your hands squeezing tight around his shaft, mixing your spit and the beginning of his spend that leaked from his tip. He watched you reverently, eyes hooded as he enjoyed your show. And looking up at him, a gooey sort of warmth filled your entire body.
You felt yourself slipping further into that sort of headspace you craved—all pliant and willing, your knees digging into his plush area rug as your legs tingled with numbness.
Your heart raced as you imagined giving yourself up to him completely. 
Letting him take whatever he wanted from you.
As though he sensed it, as though he could read the desperation in your eyes, he cradled your jaw in his large hand and dotingly stroked the side of your face as he tilted his head at you.
“What is it, baby?” he cooed encouragingly. “What do you want? You can tell me.”
“Want you to use me,” you pleaded, fingers still sliding around him. “Use my mouth.”
Eddie gazed at you where you kneeled in front of him, your eyes having gone all big and round and glassy, shining with the tears you were dying for him to make spill down your cheeks.
Begging for it.
“Of course, baby, of course,” he sighed, gripping your chin and swooping in to kiss you deeply.
His firm hold gave you permission to go limp and you let your hands fall from his cock to rest on his muscled thighs, palms coasting over his tattoos and sparse leg hair. He pulled back, keeping your chin grasped in his fingers, holding your face still as he instructed you.
“You slap me three times in a row if you want to stop, okay?” he ordered in a husky rasp. “Do it for me now, so I know you can.”
You obeyed instantly, delivering three strikes to his thigh. His lips curled in a devilish grin. 
“That’s it, just like that,” he hummed in approval. “What a smart girl you are, huh?”
The praise rippled down your back, his words making you tingle all over, much like your calves that were starting to go numb from sitting back on them. He reached around the back of your neck, gently guiding you into position so his cock was pointed directly at your lips. 
His large hands nearly covered your entire head, holding it in his firm grasp, his fingertips digging into your scalp and causing even more shivers. Eyes locked with his, you let your mouth hang open and your tongue loll out fully, reaching almost all the way to your chin. 
Eddie moaned loudly, mesmerized by the pool of spit you’d let collect in your mouth and the way it dribbled past your lips, running down your tongue and dripping onto your chest.
“Fuuuuck,” he chuckled low and rough, touching just the tip of his dick to your wet tongue. “You really want me dead, huh?”
Your eyes danced as you nodded, the motion causing your tongue to brush against his sensitive slit and spread his precum across the flat of it. A sharp gasp punched from his chest, not ready for the sensation, and his whole body shuddered with need. His eyes blazed and his nostrils flared as he gripped tighter around the back of your head and thrust fully into your mouth.
Lewd sounds filled the room as he pushed his cock past your lips, your mouth flooded with spit that poured out of you and pooled in the wiry thatch of hair at the base of his cock. You felt your body going lax and floppy as you gave yourself over to him, letting him hold your head up as you melted into little more than a puddle.
“That’s it, baby. Just let go, let me take what I need,” he drawled in that smoky voice, beginning a gentle thrust of his hips that pushed him deeper still into your mouth. “You’re doing so well…”
The salty tang of him covered your tongue as your jaw slackened to accommodate more of him, the sounds you were making coming out garbled.
“Christ, you sound so fucking sweet choking on my cock” he groaned. “What a good slut you are, huh? Giving me this mouth, letting me ruin it?”
You gagged loudly as his cock pushed in further until his tip met the back of your throat. He held the back of your head and your nose was nuzzling against the hair at his base, breathing in his thick and heady musk. Far earthier than his cologne, this was a smell that could only be him.
His eyes flitted to your hand clutching at him, your nails digging into the meat of his thigh.
But you made no move to tap out. Another tight spasm of your throat had him throwing his head back, his eyes pinching shut and his lips falling open in a desperate gasp.
“Shit, that feels so good,” he whined softly, his domineering mask slipping ever so slightly—the broken sound only making you go more feral.
Bracing yourself on his thighs, you began to push your head down to meet his thrusts, fucking your own face with his cock so hard that his grip on the back of your head was extraneous.
“Okay, okay—okay,” he grunted, chest heaving as he pulled you off him before he could blow.
His fingers held fast in your hair, squeezing it at the roots. You drew in air in great heaving breaths, panting from the effort, your tongue still hanging out of your mouth and head bobbing as you tried to chase the cock he had to drag you off of.
“You’re a greedy fucking girl, aren’t you, baby?” he chuckled, yanking your head back sharply so you were staring at the ceiling, eyes straining to look at him over the curves of your cheeks.
“Yes, sir,” you gasped back, chest still heaving.
“You want my cum that bad?” he teased lowly, pushing his face against yours and smearing the wetness of your tears across your cheeks.
“Yes, please,” you whined pitifully. “I need it.”
“Oh, you’ll get it,” he assured you, reaching down with his free hand to rub between your legs. “But only if it goes in this needy little pussy.”
Your entire body writhed as his fingers toyed with your swollen clit and dripping folds, scalp stinging where he gripped your hair with his other hand.
A pleasurable wail burst out of you as his thick fingers thrust inside your warm, wet hole and started to scissor relentlessly.
“YES, fuck—come in me. Please, please…”
More tears spilled freely down your cheeks as you begged him, drip, drip, dripping off your chin and onto your heaving chest, rolling down your naked body, leaving wet trails in their wake.
Eddie had to fight the urge to lick your clavicle. 
He hauled you up onto his lap, scooting down so he could plant his feet properly on the floor. Your knees sank into the worn leather of his cushions on either side of his hips and you used all what little strength you had left to reach down and align yourself with him.
“Don’t you hold back—haah—alright?” he said, hissing softly as you sank down on his length. “I want that fucking loser from Tinder to be able to hear you from here. Understand?”
You nodded, hips beginning to slide back and forth, relishing the way his thick cock prodded at your insides and stoked your desire. Eddie let you keep control for a moment, his hands squeezing at the softness of your stomach, molding it with them. He watched you raptly, mesmerized by the undulations of your body, the way you let it writhe and rock and squirm on him until he thought you might come solely from your own movements.
A loud, exhilirated moan burst out of you as he suddenly thrust his hips upwards, eyes rolling to the back of your head as he slammed into your g-spot on the first fucking stroke—as if he could see straight through your flesh to aim for it.
The room filled with sounds even more lewd than before—the wet clap of his thighs with your ass cheeks, his balls slapping your soaking pussy, your mound squishing into his pelvis.
Eddie threw his head back, overwhelmed by the sight of every part of you bouncing so prettily on him. And as he exposed his neck, everything in the room went hazy except that thick, taught, muscled column. Sending you feeling.
You clawed at it desperately and drew hot, red streaks down it with your nails that trailed all the way to the middle of his tattooed chest.
“That’s it, baby,” he groaned. “Mark me up. Show everybody who owns me—”
He slid his hands back to grip your ass, spreading the fleshy globes wide and stretching your holes further open as he continued to slam his length inside you. He let one side go and delivered a single stinging slap that reverberated throughout your whole body. 
The burn made you keen, arching your back until your chest was flush with his. He reached up to grip the back of your neck, taking your earlobe between his teeth and raking them over it.
“Now that that mouth is free, I wanna hear how good you feel,” he growled.
And if you thought you were loud before, it was nothing compared to now. The combination of his words and the perfect pace being set by his cock sent you instantly toppling over the edge, with Eddie’s own release following right behind.
In that moment, you vowed to send a fruit basket to every single one of his neighbors—an apology for making them think that a woman was getting murdered in the middle of the night two or three stories above their heads. The orgasm he brings you to makes you scream, practically sobbing as you cry out in immeasurable relief while searing hot pleasure ravages your entire body. 
It’s an ascent you’ve never dreamed of reaching the peak of, the feeling spreading to the tips of every extremity, filling you with fire. It feels so good, it almost makes you sad to know you might never feel like this again. And if your brain hadn’t already turned to mush, you might have cared.
As you dwindled down from your high, you slumped forward limp and spent—your body still rippling with the effects, Eddie’s arms coming up to hold you against him as he peppered your shoulder with soft, sweet kisses.
“That’s it,” he breathed out in your ear. “That’s it, baby, just feel it…such a good girl f’me…”
He ran his fingers slowly up and down the column of your spine, creating waves of shivers waiting for your trembling to subside.
His length grew soft inside of you, but he made no move to slide you from his lap or to rush you in the slightest. He let you cling on to him, your face buried in his sweaty neck, his long hair tickling your face, losing yourself in his touch.
Slowly, your breathing grew deep and even, your racing heart slowing in your chest. Eddie turned his head and spoke to you quietly with his warm breath fanning across your cheek.
“You ready to move?” he asked.
You gave a weak nod.
Wobbling on unsteady legs, you stood and his hands quickly moved to the curve of your waist to keep you steady. He took you to the bathroom which looked more like it belonged in a spa than someone’s house, sitting you on the toilet.
From a hook hanging on the back of the door, he produced two bright white waffle weave robes, offering one to you. And as you wrapped the soft material around your shoulders, he turned on one of the faucets and held his fingers underneath it to test the temperature.
Once he’d deemed it warm enough, he took a fluffy washcloth from a little pyramid of them that were rolled up next to the sink basin. He held it under the stream, saturating the cloth and then giving it a gentle twist. You watched his hands every step of the way, mesmerized by the way his veins bulged under his skin and the muscles in his arms flexed as he wrung out the excess water.
He rubbed the warm cloth gently across your face, wiping off the residue of tears and spit and cum and what little was left of your make-up until your bare face shone in the soft lighting. 
Once he had finished, he dropped the cloth into a hamper and cradled your face in his hands, his thumbs gliding easily over your slippery skin.
“So pretty,” he hummed, the words so soft you wondered if you were even meant to hear them.
From one of the drawers in the vanity, he brought out a pot of moisturizer and offered it to you with a smile. You frowned up at him, jutting out your bottom lip in a comical pout, not ready for him to stop taking care of you. It made him chuckle and a bemused smile spread across his lips as he tapped the tips of his fingers in the gel and started to smooth it over your cheeks.
“Come lay down with me?” he asked when he’d finished, head tilting back in the direction of the short set of stairs leading up to where his bed sat.
You nodded and he held out his hand to lead you out of the bathroom. You curled up on top of his dark duvet, your head sinking into the softness of his down pillow that held the faint scent of what you guessed was his tea tree oil shampoo.
The thick mattress dipped as he climbed onto it with you and draped a beige knit blanket over the both of you before he sidled up against your body.
It was…nice. More than nice. Shit, it was as close to perfect as you had felt in a long time.
The feel of his chest expanding and contracting against your back; his steady breath on the nape of your neck; the soft robe wrapped around your body and the comforting weight of the blanket on top of you. Not to mention Eddie’s arm curled securely around your waist. 
Your eyes felt heavy, like your eyelashes suddenly weighed a thousand pounds, and you drifted fully into sleep, succumbing to the relief that had washed over you not twenty feet away.
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When you woke, it was still dark out. 
The street noise had lessened significantly and if you had to hazard a guess, it might have been close to one or two in the morning. Eddie’s place was darkened, lit only by orange street light that filtered through his windows and a half-dimmed reading light in the corner.
It was an arc lamp, suspended over a leather Eames chair where you could see that your coat and all of your previously discarded clothes were arranged in a neat little pile. But laid out at the foot of the bed right next to your feet were a pair of black fleece pants and hoodie, both about your size and emblazoned with the names of bands you didn’t recognize.
You sat up slowly, fingers hovering over the thick material as you debated. Were they for you? They looked a little big for Eddie, but maybe he had laid them out for himself? Was it a sign he was about to go to bed and you needed to get moving?
In the end, you slid out from underneath the blanket still draped over you and redressed in your clothes. After pulling your tights and skirt back on, stepping into your boots and zipping them up your calves, pulling your coat back on, you looked around the loft searching for Eddie.
From up here, you could see the bathroom door was open and the light was off…eliminating the only place he could actually be. And then your eyes fell on one of the windows that was cracked open with a short step-ladder built into the wall that had been pulled down in front of it.
You pulled your coat around you tighter the closer you got to the window and tentatively climbed the steps leading up to it. You pushed the large glass pane the rest of the way open and poked your head outside to find Eddie sitting on his terrace, resting with his back to the brick, head tipped back as he exhaled a cloud of smoke from his lips that drifted up towards the stars.
“Hey,” you said softly. His head turned at the sound and a wide smile spread across his lips.
“There she is,” he said in a gentle cheer.
You climbed through the window and a breeze carried the scent of the joint he was holding. You took a seat across from him, leaning back against the metal railing and letting your legs stretch out alongside his. He dropped his hand to rub your calf and he frowned at the realization you had redressed in your tights and boots. His brow furrowed adorably.
“Something wrong?” you asked.
He shook his head and took another drag of the joint before passing it into your waiting fingers.
“The clothes were for you,” he said. “Y’know, if you wanted something to sleep in.”
You paused, the joint just shy of touching your lips. “Like…if I was staying?”
“Would you stay?” he asked, a ribbon of smoke curling in the air as he exhaled.
Your mouth hung open, clouds of your hot breath escaping. “Oh, um…I mean, only if you—”
He cut you off with his lips, slipping his hand around the back of your neck and pulling you into a long kiss. Tiny embers scattered from the joint, being taken by the wind that blew and made the ends of Eddie’s long hair tickle the sides of your face. You pulled apart and he answered solidly.
“I want you to,” he said.
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wasn't expecting this to be so long (that's what she said), but I hoped you liked it if you made it this far 🩷 love you, mean it!
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