#Edward nygma spin
the-jesters-jaunt · 2 years
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a gender based off of ones special interest involving riddles and DC's The Riddler!
<[ This term can be used for any version of The Riddler, and does not have to partain to both, as long as it is related to one of them. ]>
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Not to out myself, but my spin is Edward Nygma from Gotham. I also literally have two notebooks dedicated to only writing down riddles. I have all of them memorized, including the ones Nygma says in the show. As a system most of us share this spin, but some of us don't? It's really the ones who haven't fronted or the non-human hm's.
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legerdomain · 2 years
something i was doing that i gave up on
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stoneqoldcrazy · 1 year
riddler isjust a loser nerd butch he/him lesbian. to me
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Another day, another defeat • The world was dark, and his head was spinning.
He was dead. He was falling backwards into purgatory. Falling, spinning, hurting. Hurting so badly he swore that he could feel every single cell in his body screaming in pain. Strange, he had always thought being dead would be painless. Maybe he was skipping purgatory and going directly to hell.
Wait, when did he start believing in hell?
And since when was hell so goddamn loud?
He opened one eye, brows furrowed from the pain in his body and the shrill noise ringing in his ears. If he was dead, the least the world could do was give him some fucking peace and quiet. He blinked once, as his blurred mind recognized that awfully familiar sound.
“It seems that he got him again”.
He could suddenly hear the sounds of footsteps coming his way, when someone finally decided to turn those blasted sirens off. He closed his eye again, hoping that he would actually pass away for real in the next couple of seconds and save himself from the embarrassment. He could already hear some layman, who probably didn’t even have the cognitive ability to tie his own shoelaces, snicker from the back of the group.
Edward Nygma didn’t believe in hell.
Being alive was quite enough.
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sister-lucifer · 5 months
Psssst what's your favourite version of the Riddler? - Marc
ohh lordy lord where do i even start
so 2022 riddler has a special place in my heart bc the batman 2022 was my first interaction with batman (or any superhero media!) ever, and he’s definitely the one who’s the most outwardly freako perv and he’s 1000% a nasty faggot for bruce wayne. plus he’s self centered-ness and arrogance are just on full display it’s so great. we also get to actually see him kill and be violent with his bare hands which is always nice
gotham riddler is also great, he was my 2nd riddler after 2022 kicked off my obsession. before he becomes the riddler he’s just some nerdy guy who wants to infodump but no one will let him (i would though i’d let him sit in my lap and tell me all about biology until he was blue in the face), and he gets points for murdering his crush’s abusive boyfriend. after he becomes the riddler he turns into such an evil conniving little bastard and it’s so yummy.
batman unburied riddler as voiced by hisan minhaj deserves a big fat smooch not only because he is (to my knowledge) the only riddler of color (and they aren’t afraid to talk about it in his spin off series!) but he’s so smug and self righteous, only to immediately start whimpering and crying the second anyone puts a hand on him. plus his voice is just mmmffhgghgh
batman the audio adventures riddler is also great because he’s by far the most pathetic. his crime is art and he throws complete tantrums when he can’t think of anything he deems good enough for batman. he is so unbelievably fucking butthurt that the joker over shadows him and can’t stand having his intelligence and perceived superiority questioned or minimized to the point he has a mental breakdown and sends himself back to arkham just because batman said something kind of mean. i also love the bumbling, awkward dad trying to be hip with the kids and angsty teen daughter relationship he has with miss tuesday
any of those work as my fave tbh, just depends on the day. i love my eddie so damn much. i need edward nygma in my pants NOW
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Ok ok 60s Riddler anon here. What would 60s Riddler do if he asked the reader (maybe a rando caught in his schemes) a riddle that ended in "What am I?" And they just said "Sexy" in response.
"So you think I'm sexy-" 60s Riddler x Reader
This prompt had me tickled when I read it, especially for 60s riddler!
TW: Suggestive
The one time you got to go to a fancy party, and you weren't going to be able to enjoy it. Nice outfit, good food, decent company- All of that was dashed as you were being held hostage with the rest of the group by that prince of puzzlers... The Riddler.
He monologued about the complexity of plans that led to this from initial conception to all of you being netted and then tied up to wait for Batman. A chance to prove his brilliance to this city and finally be rid of that troublesome duo! You weren't really sure why he had such a thing about taking out the two but you WERE sure your eyes were entranced watching him move.
The green suit was something you should have found ridiculous. Indeed, it was. Yet the sleek way he moved in it, with grace and with an intentional purpose- It made you overlook the trail of question marks that lined the sides of his tights.
You stared so intently, you hadn't even noticed him posing a riddle at you. To the crowd, really, but he was looking at you. By the time you tuned your focus back in, all you heard was "What am I?" followed by a giggle.
Your brain functioning on pure panic and an odd sense of attraction to this man, you answered too honestly, "Sexy."
His giggling stopped and immediately you winced. What. Others in the crowd made horrified, over dramatic gasps at your admission. A criminal like him?! The indecency! Riddler was giggling again in a hurry. You could see a flush creep up his cheeks and ears.
"What is that, pretty?" He holds a hand to his ear before clutching his gut in laughter, "Oh, sweet thing... I won't make you repeat yourself." He whistles, grabbing a pocket knife to cut your bindings.
He pulls you up and to him, one hand on your arm and the other hovering over your face. Loud humming.
A click of his tongue, "I suppose I'll just have to allow you to go- For now. A fine specimen like yourself shouldn't be trapped amongst the common species, after all." He seems to trace your bottom lip with his fingers. Looking for some sign from you.
When you give the smallest nod, he's twirling you into his arms into a grand kiss. Honestly, it's might be one of the best you've had in your life. Passionate and you feel like you could float off your feet. He spins you back on your feet and takes something off a nearby table.
One of his henchmen is guiding you out the building on his orders. The whole thing is such a whirlwind, you hardly even noticed the small card Edward Nygma put in your hand as you left. His phone number and a heart with a question mark inside. "Call me."
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allzelemonz · 2 years
Not Your Tie: Oswald Cobblepot X Male Reader
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Prompt: Tropesgiving Day 6: Clothing Swap Pronouns: He/Him, reader called ‘boyfriend’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: M/Mature Themes Warnings: Oswald stays in the closet to get votes, mentions of sex, Ed knows everything and doesn't hate Oswald, Oswald isn't in this very much Summary: After a long night of celebration you arrive at the mayor’s office wearing Oswald’s tie. Luckily for you, Edward is a good friend.
Working on the mayoral campaign for Oswald Cobblepot brought about many new things. You and Oswald grew much closer as the victory neared. All the while you began to notice that Edward Nygma has a way of noticing little details that no one else would. He can tell when Oswald is acting odder than usual, he can tell when you’re not as focused as you should be, and, most of all, he sees the little hints of dishevelment in everyone.
This is something you didn’t quite know until it was too late.
Oswald claims victory like anyone else would. He drinks, he cheers, and he spends the night with his boyfriend. After such a great victory the night is a long one with hours of telling Oswald just how good of a mayor he’ll be. The dear little Penguin lives for praise just as much as he lives for the thrill of crime.
When morning comes around it becomes clear that Oswald will be arriving to the office late due to his limp ‘acting up’ as you’ll say. A simple flare up of an old injury. Nothing scandalous or something people may look down on. You tuck him in, leave a small breakfast on his nightstand, and give him a kiss goodbye. He gives you a small groan in farwell as you brush back his tousled hair.
When you arrive at the mayor’s office you’re swarmed with cameras. Your exact relationship with Oswald isn’t quite public in order to save face and get more support, but the people seem to know you’re close to the new mayor. Some news sources equate your relationship to that between brothers. You push through them and into the building where Edward waits with a clipboard.
“Where’s Oswald?” He asks as if every plan for the day is in immediate jeopardy.
“Sleeping in, his leg’s acting up.”
Edward walks beside you, silent for a moment as he processes the information you’ve given him.
“He has a lot to do today-”
“I know, Ed.” You cut him off, pinching the bridge of your nose as you feel a headache come on. “He’ll be here when he can present a strong front, just do what you can for now.”
Edward stops you, grabbing your arm to turn and face him. “You expect me to play mayor in his absence?”
“I expect you to keep the office running while Oswald recovers.”
He stares at your blankly, eyes glancing down to your chest.
“What?” You asked, exasperated.
“Nothing, it’s nothing.”
“It’s something, Ed.” You sigh and grit your teeth. “Tell me in a non-riddle format.”
Ed presses his lips together. “Well, it’s simply that…” He pauses again, thinking his words through.
“That’s not your tie.” He blurts out.
You look down to see the red-ish purple spotted tie that Oswald had worn the night before. In your rush of gathering clothes you must have grabbed in by mistake.
“Shit.” Your hands go to your head in worry.
The press saw you with it on. Any little rat with too much time on their hands could spin this and out Oswald. It could cost him support, funding, a chance at reelection. Considering the worst case scenario, nothing is looking good.
“There are spares in the breakroom, I'll take it and we can hope no one noticed you.”
You untie the knot and hand the tie over to Ed. He takes it in his pocket and you both walk to the breakroom where you grab another tie. None of the staff see you, thankfully.
“What time is the parade?” You ask as you tie the new tie.
“We have to be in the lineup in an hour.”
“Get everything together, I’ll call Oswald and get him up.” You start towards the door.
“You should brush your hair.” You stop in your tracks.
You sigh and brush a hand through your hair, patting it down as best you can before opening the door. You spend the rest of the day covering up why Oswald is limping more than usual and staring at yourself in the mirror to double, then triple check that you didn’t swap anything else of Oswald’s. It isn’t until you're back in Oswald’s office with he and Ed that you feel relaxed. Until Ed points out that Oswald is wearing your watch.
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the-autistic-vulcan · 2 years
Batman Forever!Edward Nygma headcanons
Requested By: @mashedpotatosinacup
warnings: fluff, bit of angst, slightly possessive behaviour (it’s Ed, so yea)
Prompt 28: How they hug
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a/n: i kinda headcanon he likes the moomins, so that’s the reason for the gif
look me dead in the eyes and tell me he ain’t touch-starved
this man is lanky af
so, if you’re shorter, expect to just watch him drape over you and grab you from behind
if you’re taller, in which case good luck bc boy is 6′1, expect some neck burying
just at the crook, maybe leaves a small nibble or kiss there
most likely, if you guys are laying down or on the couch, he likes nuzzling into your chest, no reason, just a comfort thing
he is whipped for you, play with his hair, he’s absolutely drunk on your affection
if, however, you aren’t so into physical affection, he respects that and hugs don’t last long
maybe into the shoulder, by the side, and if he’s had a particularly good day at work, he’ll pick you up and spin you till y’all collapse on the bed or the couch
so yea, he smiles like an idiot with any attention given to him, but his hugs are magic
but also restricting, so bring an inhaler or something
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
ok um please and thank you i am absolutely consumed by the notion of yj!riddler trying to be more dominant and using some of those dialogue prompts with afab/female reader, particular ones of interest are: "don't you hide that cute face from me. i wanna see all of you." and "you heard me. i told you to take off your clothes." also ily ri u-u 💚
A/N: asdfgfghj omg the baby boi yj!riddler! It's the baby everybody!! I absolutely adore this idea, this took longer than usual cause I had to wipe the tears from my eyes a couple times and do some research rip. Hope you enjoy it ily finnie!
Trigger Warning: suggestive content, making out, blowjob, some strong language? Sorry I make y'all sailor mouths rip
Word Count: 1.5k
YJ!Riddler x AFAB!Reader - Desirable
Intimacy was something both you and Eddie were just dipping your toes into. You haven’t had sex in a few years…and no offense to Ed but he’s literally a walking definition of a virgin. Due to this, you try to take it easy with him, in hopes he doesn’t clamp up or pass out. 
Like he did when you two first kissed.
You were straddling his lap on the sofa. Your hands were cradling his face, your thumbs raked through his cutely absurd sideburns. His warm spinly hands had a vice grip on your hip, before fulling wrapping his arms around you to pull you closer into him. 
This gesture made you giggle softly, before planting another sweet kiss on his lips. The kiss slowly but surely became more passionate. You teasingly poked your tongue in between Eddie’s puckered lips. You felt him tense slightly, before exhaling softly through his nose. He relaxed and slowly allowed your tongue access. 
You were surprised how quick Ed caught on, gently spinning his tongue around your own. You can feel a slight pinching sensation as his nails dug into your skin. When you decide to let up and let him breathe, you slowly pulled your tongue back but not without dragging it below the gap in his upper teeth. 
You giggled again at his small gasp at the sensation. You slowly, but sensually removed yourself from his lap. Your arms were still loosely wrapped around his neck. Your hands cup his face one more time before you dragged them down his neck and chest, where you felt his heart working over time. 
“You want to take this to the bedroom, Eddie?” You offered your a hand to him.
“A-absolutely…” He shook his head slightly and corrected himself, “uh..I mean, yes. I do.” 
You could cry he was so fucking cute. 
He grabbed your hand and you two were off to make another step in your relationship. 
You closed the door behind him and turned around to face him. You walked over to him and teasingly slipped your hands down the beltline of his pants, in search for the ends of his shirt that were tucked in so you could take it off of him. 
Edward grabbed your wrist before you could untuck his shirt. 
“T-Take off your clothes, first.”
“You heard me…I-I told you to take off your clothes.” 
You blinked a few times to make sure this was the same Edward Nygma you let into your home. To say the very least, you were gob smacked, but you couldn’t deny the pitter patter in your heart it caused.
“O-Okay.” Now you were stuttering and unsure, but Edward very rarely felt confident to take things in his own hands when it came to elements of your relationship. You would be damned if you took this opportunity away from him. 
You stepped back away from Ed. You slowly dragged your oversized sweatshirt over and off your body. Next you unclasped your bra, but not before you teased Ed by quickly covering your chest by the cups once the straps left your shoulders and almost fell off completely. 
There was that small gasp of air again from him. 
My shy Eddie is still there…
You winked at him before finally dropping the bra to the ground. A squeak could be heard, but you were fairly certain it wasn’t from the floorboards. 
You began to strut over to the other side of the bed. Ed’s green eyes haven’t left  yours for a second. Your body is hidden from the waist down behind the mattress. You bend down and pull off your shorts and panties, completely out of Edward’s view.
 You lift back up. You slowly bring up your hands to your shoulders. Shorts in your right and panties in your left. 
If there was ever such thing as heart eyes, you were certain Edward would have them. His mouth was agape and his eyes twinkled in awe. 
You toss your undergarments over the bed and onto the floor below. As you make yourself comfortable on top of the bed and propped up the proper pillows, you could hear the shuffling of fabric and the clinking of a belt. 
When all that was left was his glasses, he began making his way over to you. 
Ed’s body hovered over yours, his eyes never once strayed away from your own. You reach out your hand to cup the side of his face, letting your thumb caress his cheek. When he leaned into your touch, it breaks whatever confident resolve you’ve had throughout your whole relationship. 
You sigh exasperatedly and hid your blushing face behind your hands. 
“H-Hey…d-don’t hide that cute face from me…I-I wanna see all of you.”
You spread your fingers so you could look in between the gaps of them. Edward responded with a nervous chuckle and sheepish side shrug. Your hands went away from your face and found home on his. 
“Okay, I won’t if you insist.” 
Edward gasped. 
“Is there anything else you’d like me to do, Eddie?” You inquired suggestively.
“I-uh-er..um…” His face heated up, lighting up his complexion with a soft pink hue along his cheeks. “I just..thought…I- nevermind..”
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” 
“N-NOTHING! Oh..sorry didn’t mean to shout…just uh…wasn’t expecting you to respond to that..” Edward leans back and plops next to you on the other side of the bed. 
You turn over on your side to face him. 
“I-I didn’t mean to sound so…d-demanding earlier, I just…I thought it’d make me…a more..er..make me more desirable.” 
That’s what it is. 
The air was hung in silence for a minute. You weren’t sure what to say. You were overwhelmed with how sweet and adorable he was being, but you knew he needed you to say something before he changes his mind. 
“Edward…look at me, please…”
He reluctantly turned his head down to look at you. Edward’s eyebrows were furrowed at the center and his once goofy smile was replaced by a straight line. 
“First of all, you’re already very desirable just by being yourself…as cheesy as that sounded.” 
Ed chuckled and you saw a small hint of a smile. 
“You don’t need to change anything about you, baby. Especially not around me or for me. But I do appreciate the attempt, it was pretty hot, but I think everything you do is hot.”
“Really, really.
Ed rested his head against the pillow, he seemed to be contemplating everything you said. 
You knew you had to do something before he got trapped in his own head. You lift yourself away from your side of the bed and move where the bottom of his feet where. 
“W-Wait, what’re you doing?”
“I’m gonna show you how desirable you are to me…” 
You get on your stomach and scoot in between Edward’s legs. Once you were close enough, you took your hand and gently took hold of his member. 
“Aaahh…” Ed groaned. “Y-you don’t h-have to do that…”
“But I want to…I want you.” Your thumb gently rubbed his swollen head. 
You start slowly pumping his cock, going at a long drawn out pace, tightening your grip slightly every now and then causing Eddie to let out more of those adorable soft gasps. 
“Tell me what to do next, sweetheart.”
“Like earlier, did you like telling me what to do?”
“Y-Yeah..I did..”
“I want this to be about you, Eddie. Please tell me what you want me to do…” 
Eddie gulped. You’re still steady pumping his cock to keep the momentum, waiting patiently for his next orders. 
“P-put it in your mouth…”
You beamed a satisfied smile. “It’d be my pleasure.”
You wrapped your lips around his head and gently start sucking and licking up the precum there. You slowly took in more and more of him until he hit the back of your throat. 
Ed’s head was tossing and turning on the pillows, he had a death grip on the sheets. Once he got used to being all the way in your mouth. You started bobbing your head, mimicking the rhythm you had earlier with your hand. 
You sped up the pace and started sucking harder each time you pumped his cock back into your mouth. You kept going, bringing him closer and closer to his peak. 
“Y-Y/N…I-I think I’m gonna….aaahhh.” He barely whimpered that declaration, but before he knew it he was completely gone. 
You made sure to suck, collect, and swallow everything he gave to you. You slowly slide your mouth off his cock, but not before kissing the head. You sat back on your haunches, taking in your handiwork. 
Oh, I can get used to this.
Edward was an erotic wreck. His glasses have long slipped off his face, his hair was going in tangled, and his sideburns were going in various directions and poking out from his jaw. His face was red, he was panting heavily, and his eyes were completely blown. 
He looked so desirable in that very moment. 
“Y-You didn’t have t-to do that…” He murmured. “N-Now what about you?” 
You smiled. He’s always as thoughtful as ever. “Don’t worry, Eddie baby, like I told you, this was about you. Besides the night is still young...”
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ramenflavoredchaos · 1 year
It was very typical of Harley to host a rogue’s only talent show, it was also very typical of her botanical girlfriend that everyone’s safety hinged on their participation. Now Oswald found himself in the back row of an abandoned theater while a handful of criminals were showing off their skills ranging from dislocating and relocating their arm (It was glaringly obvious Jonathan was getting a kick out of the reactions he got out of that) to recounting the entire ace attorney series word for word (Harvey was very hung up on the spin off series being chess themed). The gentleman rogue was trying to find out of this predicament, weighing out whether he could sneak out through the fire escape or just blow a hole into the side of the wall and book it, both ending is Poison Ivy either strangling him or Harley tackling him to the floor.
“Next up! Edward Nygma who will be performing a,” the clown girl held her cue cards closer to her face and muttered something in Korean, “He will be performing three hula numbers back to back honoring the the lava goddess Pele and- Aigoo this handwriting is atrocious…”
“I don’t need your input on my penmanship just read what’s on the card,” a voice backstage yelled.
“How!? You write like you don’t have hands!”
“Forget it I’m going to start!”
Thinking back, Oswald did remember Edward mentioning that when he was growing up in Hawaii he use to dance hula professionally.
“He must have had a hard time looking for a green aloha shirt,” Oswald chuckled to himself thinking about how the Riddler was seen in skin tight costumes or sparkling suits, a button up shirt and khakis was probably a change of pace for the prince of puzzles.
That is until Ed began to dance out once the speakers played a prerecording of Ed chanting to the beat of a percussion. Oh wow! Oh dear! He was wearing a cloth barely covering his lower half and wreaths around his limbs and head. With each turn the cloth moved out of the way to briefly show his ass giving way to a couple of whistles from the crowd. Oswald meanwhile was preoccupied by Ed’s expressions, the way his eyes followed every movement his hands made, the way he would call out the first word of each verse, the way his face displayed this unadulterated joy and love of his performance. Of course, the fact the man was practically naked didn’t go unnoticed by Oswald but there was something charming about Ed’s enthusiasm radiating from his body once the second number started and he was alternating between standing and dropping down in his dancing.
“You’re really focusing in on him,” Selina pointed out from behind him, “Wanna share with the class?”
Oswald blushed, “I don’t know what you mean. Ed is just a very charismatic performer.”
“I am. I am sure!”
The cat thief just hummed a response, turning her attention to the stage where Ed was on his knees and bending backwards, his upper body just barely touching the floor. In that moment, the dancer’s eyes locked onto Oswald’s and everyone else seemed to disappear from their mind’s eye. Edward held his position for a good while and winked before shooting back up to wrap up his dance.
Suddenly, an escape plan sounded like a terrible course of action and it was swiftly replaced with how he can get this man to dance for just him.
All based on this picture I drew of him-
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velveteenshadow · 1 year
8. Batman dies instead of Jason so Tim dresses as a bat cause robin needs a bat
10. Timari Death Kisses [totally didn’t help you with it]
2. The Curse of Adoration
7. Midnight and Faux Feather
Ooo good list. I'm going to put a line just in case people don't want snippet spoils
Seriously? Children were forced into holding onto powers they don’t understand. Why did Bruce never mention this before.
“When are we heading off then?”
Jason turns around to the voice. Roy in his Speedy get up is casually walking up to the two.
“Hey, where did you find the kid? I didn’t you replaced me Jay.”
“I did not replace anyone. Why are you here, Speedy?”
 “I came to see how you were doing. I also happened to find an interesting set of stolen artifacts that I thought we could look at it. Seems there is something that demands your attention more.”
He goes to leave but Jason stops him. Roy raises an eyebrow with a slight smile. Jason sighs.
“For the record, he found me. How about we go deal with the thing you found then set our eyes on the Paris situation?”
“Hey, Sir. I think you should look at this.”
On the screen, there is a list of jewelry. Next to it are seemingly random words. “Choker of Perfection, Anklet of Passion, Hair comb of Subjection, what are these? Why would there be a random list of jewelry?”
“Are you okay? It’s not really my place but I heard you crying. Did you get hurt?”
Her eyes meet his before quickly falling. She did not have to speak for Tim to get an answer. He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a little charm he carries with him when he scouts.
‘She needs this more than I do. Maybe it can help raise her spirits.’
“Here, you can have this. It is a little robin to lead you out of the dark. It has helped me so far. Perhaps it can help you to.”
Now, for this one. There's a chapter out on Ao3. I'll leave a little inside info.
The next chapter is titled "The Black Cat is Awakened".
Basically, I was in a rogue mood during the hanahaki hours. (An event by the lovely @the-coffee-fandom) That's what made me decide to use Edward Nygma as my main character or well, at least, for right now.
The version I'm using for Ed is the Gotham tv show version. Yes, I know it may not be the best show but I liked it so... that's the one I went with.
This is one of my favorites that I have been working on in the shadows.
So, I play on this idea of Adrien not being dense. He can actually figure things out and he doesn't look at Mari being treated like crap and go "I magically cannot see the bs happening in front of me."
Felix is this. I really just wanted to write some Felix, Adrien, and Mari shenanigans.
Umm... let's see. Oh, this was inspired by Mr. Brightside but I think my mind decided to spin it in a weird way. I won't say it's super fluffy or angsty. It's writing itself is how I would put it.
Thank you for the ask!
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riddlethat · 2 years
@arcticrime asked: “why do you have that look on your face?” more random dialogue prompts (accepting)
Edward rests jaw to knuckle, elbow to chair. He smiles, crossing his legs. “What face?” 
Nygma, all games. He knows full-well the look he’s giving Os. Delights in the furrowed brow Oswald gives back.
There’s something happening tonight at the Iceberg Lounge, some special hour for the Penguin, something big and spectacular and once-in-a-lifetime important, although Edward presumes everything’s important. Oswald had just stepped out of the dressing room donning a new three-piece suit—perfectly tailored, fur trim and midnight black, the kind where the thread count is higher than anyone can guess. Edward likes the hat, too. Larger than life.
Rising from his seat, languid and long-limbed, spinning something in his hand. “Ozz,” he croons, sweet and taffy-stretchy. “I hope you’re not forgetting something.” Not his cane, but an umbrella. He’d held onto it while Oswald dressed, and now he stops straight behind, looks at the old bird through the mirror up front.
Oswald: tending to fat around the middle. A glass, milky eye and graying hair, getting grayer. Edward hands the umbrella over and pinches the edge of Oswald's hat, setting it down imperceptibly lower.
"You could at least smile on your big night," he plays, the look on his face never dropping even as he catches the look on Oswald's: the could-be scowl, a sign of Cobblepot affection. The pointed teeth.
The Riddler laughs, swiping his shoulder. "I think that’s what they call sharply-dressed."
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the-suicidal-lizard · 3 years
Unexpected Duets
Kristen&Edward: *Holding hands*
Edward: *Singing* A whole new world...!
*Another voices joins, and the two look over*
Oswald: *Singing* A dazzling place I never knew! *Stops* Sorry... *walks off.
Isabella&Edward: *Holding hands and singing, Isabella quieter* Can you feel, *stop singing hearing a third voice.
Oswald: The love tonight!
Edward: Really?!
Oswald: *Gets up and leaves* Sorry!
Lee&Edward: *Holding hands, singing* Tale as old as time, song as old as — *hear a third voice, and Edward raises a finger and stops her*
Edward: *Pulls back a curtain to reveal Oswald*
Oswald: Beauty and the Beast!
Edward: Dude!
Oswald: Sorry... *Walks off*
Edward: *Grumbling and follows*
Edward: *Singing, holding hands* And at last I see the light!
Lee: *Smiles and turned around* And it's —!
Oswald: *Also holding Edward's hands* And it's like the sky is new!
Edward: *Looks over, still holding Oswald's hands* Do you mind?
Lee: *Embarrassed* Sorry. *Walks off*
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Seizing my guts (he floats me with dread)
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I will never be over this. I also want him to sing the full song please robin lord taylor please(has he?). I'm also very sorry because to me this is the superior version because I heard it first. although the original is very cool as well. It's also a very non-platonic hallucination to have hrm hrm. but that's neither here nor there.
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trellanyx · 4 years
I’m a hopeless romantic, I make no secret of that. But I think that for Scriddler to work, they need to not be each other’s true and foremost love. Ed and Jon have to know that there’s something the other will always love more than them. And they have to be okay with it.
Jon’s greatest love is his work, and it always will be. Even if he falls in love with Edward, his research will always take top priority. Likewise, Edward’s agenda is more important than anything; doing what he wants, when he wants, how he wants.
If Jon abruptly drops off the radar for a few days or weeks, I don’t want an Ed sitting up at home waiting for him and getting angry when Jon doesn’t call. I want an Edward that shrugs and thinks Oh well, he’ll pop back up when he wants to, and then continues his own projects. Because Edward has a life, goddammit, he has shit to do and Bats to challenge and an ego grand enough to fill the empty spaces on its own. He’s Edward Nygma. The idea that his life needed Jon to continue running smoothly pole vaults over laughable into downright insulting. It implies that there is someone more important to Edward than himself.
I was gonna give an example for Jon but honestly, I don’t remember ever seeing this trope reversed. It’s usually Ed who gets insecure and lonely, who lectures Jon for fucking off to do his own thing, or who stops functioning if Jon’s gone too long.
And there’s nothing wrong with that! You do whatever the hell you want with your versions of the character. But for me, I think Scriddler is much more interesting and much stronger as a couple if Ed and Jon know that, given an ultimatum between their work and each other, that they’ll pick their work every time. Even if they love each other. And not only do they understand that, it’s part of the reason why Ed and Jon stay together, because they know the other gets it. Edward will never ask Jon to pull back from his work, and Jonathan will never try to control what Edward does.
Give me a confident Scriddler. Give me a brutally honest Scriddler. Give me a Jon and Ed who can fall in love and not restructure their lives around it.
Give me two villains who are happy being alone, because that makes the moments they choose to spend together that much more significant.
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Shhh everyone's asleep, post self ship fanfic from ages ago
S/I/OC x Riddler
Tw: nsfw 🔞
Belle was anxious as she waited in her uber going over to Edward Nygma's house. It's the first time she's been invited over- all the banter and clever word play culminating in an actual date. He'd been so *persistent* in a way she found charming, damn her instincts.
She pulled at the skirt of her dress, suddenly feeling self conscious. The choker on her neck felt tight, though she knew it wasn't. Of course she'd decided to dress up! Most of the time when he had seen her, she was so casual, usually in some kind of t-shirt.
What in the world did he see in her anyway? Sure, he'd said there was a list if she wanted to hear it, but- really, what could he want? They were so different in a lot of ways. He was immaculate and always well groomed from what she'd seen. Well spoken, brilliant- a narcissist with plenty of flaws, yes, but she would expect a guy like that to want a model. Or a rocket scientist, at least!
Yet as she read over the texts of the morning confirming her coming over for dinner... he really did want to see her. Maybe for a polite "the chase is over, but I had fun" spiel. No. No, no, he's not THAT socially inept... is he?
The car stopped in front of his home and she felt her heart wanting to stop with it. Instead she gave the driver a thanks and got out, straightening her clothes to be presentable. The dress had pleasant different colored vertical stripes and a collar that dipped down to show *just* enough cleavage. She wished she had a mirror to check her hair and makeup.
Too late to leave now. Her knuckle raps on his door, no indication this place belongs to the illustrious Riddler save for a small green question mark by his mailbox. That and the camera that looked down at her above the door. The place is relatively discreet among all the other buildings around it. If she didn't know how extra he was, it would look like a regular apartment or townhouse on the outside.
She can hear a sort of shuffling behind the door before it opens and immediately her heart goes for a loop.
Her mouth goes before she thinks, "You're casual! I didn't think you even owned a t-shirt!"
Yes, in fact, for all the times she had ever seen him dressed in a full suit- Edward Nygma was in an open button down and plain shirt underneath. His hair wasn't perfectly pushed back with product. His brows might have even been a few small hairs out of place! It spoke to a vulnerability she hadn't quite seen from him before. His bravado lowered.
He clears his throat before grinning, "And you're not! Look at you. Do a spin."
Belle scoffs with a nervous laugh, "Stop. I'm just- I thought-" She rubs her arm and looks away.
It clicks in his mind and he puts his hand to his head, "Of course! And here I thought an evening at home should be more comforting. Should I change?"
"Oh god please don't I already feel embarrassed." She says, "You look good. I was just surprised."
He ushers her into the building, quick to hover his arm just above her waist. He's looking at her up and down, seemingly very pleased.
"And I was thinking while you look wonderful normally... this is something I could get used to." His arm ends up on her shoulder as they go towards the kitchen.
"What, the makeup and everything?" She's ready to roll her eyes.
He leans in closer to her ear, almost in a purr, "No, I meant seeing those legs on full display. And these *curves.*" A finger brushes over her waist and she almost jumps. Before she can scold him, he's pulling away to step in front of her, facing her.
With all her nerves, she hardly even noticed the heavenly smell in the house. As it catches her nose she takes a deep inhale and smiles.
He holds up a finger, "Ah, yes! The menu. Lobster tails."
"Geez, aren't those expensive?" Belle asks, "You didn't have to go all out."
"Then I shouldn't tell you about the steaks." He says with a raised brow, "You finally said yes, I need to impress! Well. I thought the clothing would balance it out, really." In truth, he hadn't expected her to dress up and he wanted to match. Now that he's seen her, however, there's no way he's going to just say that.
The idea of balancing out makes her laugh, "You're a dork. It's cute." Despite herself it rather spills out and she's flush.
What she wasn't expecting was him to flush as well, "O-oh. You... think so?" He clears his throat and is pulling out a chair for her to sit on in the small dining room of his home.
Her heart flutters and she's blunt, "I mean. I always thought so? Not always but. Once I got to know you." She's flustered remembering that first time. Being caught up in one of his schemes and catching his attentions. Being stuck with him for that short time period and seeing, every once in a while, that villainous facade slip.
"Ah yes. That plan should have worked... but I suppose if... if meeting you meant it failing..." he stops talking, his face getting redder, "I wish I'd recorded you saying I'm cute, dear Diana. Proof you're fond of me."
Her eyes narrow. *That* nickname. It had confused her the first time he had called her that, after one of their run-ins. Diana, the goddess of the hunt, of the wild and the moon. Once splashed a hunter with her spring water to be set upon by his own hounds for gazing upon her bathing.
For some reason, Edward associated her with the moon- one of his compulsive little habits was to categorize. One of his "love letters" had even been attached to a Moon tarot card stuck into her door. Animals ended up fitting as he found out more about her. Over their meetings it became a unique pet name.
Belle leans forward in her chair, "I'd hope me being here is proof enough."
"There can never be enough evidence of one's affection." He points out before going back to the kitchen. The smile on his face gave her butterflies. Internally she chastised herself. Ridiculous.
As she looked around she realized his place was... actually nice. Cozy. Way less clutter and organized chaos than hers. She wondered if it had anything to do with his diagnosed OCD or if this was him impressing her.
Green was definitely the main color in different shades. But not so much so to be overpowering. Several pieces of question mark themed furniture or small pieces that she could see. In that way he was delightfully predictable. A shelf of puzzle boxes and complicated brain teasers she could never hope to solve without some help. Another shelf of devices she can only assume he made himself.
No computer that she can see from her seat. Either out of sight or his technology and workspace was somewhere else entirely. A basement? Or a different building entirely? It was nosey, yes, but she couldn't help being curious given his status as a member of Gothams infamous rogues gallery.
All of that wiped from her mind, however, as Edward returned with two plates in hand. Once a plate was put in front of her, she couldn't help but swallow back her excitement. Damn. He really did call her out on what she'd like.
"This looks and smells wonderful!" She praises, "I... didn't know you could cook."
Edward sits across from her, preening, "I'm skilled with more than technology, Miss Jones."
"Oh please, stop the bond villain routine." She scoffs, which just makes him give a short laugh.
He puts up a pointer finger, "Hold that thought." He gets up from the table and digs through a cabinet in the kitchen before returning with a candle and a box of matches.
Belle almost snorts with laughter, "You have not been saving that!"
He returns his own grin, "We get power outages in Gotham, as I'm sure you know. But... it creates a mood, doesn't it?" As he lights the candle he snaps his fingers and the lights in the house dim. Belle moves to cover her mouth, face red, and he would think she's possibly embarrassed if it wasn't for the delighted look in her eyes.
Her hand moves over her eyes and he can see the wide grin on her face, "You're so dramatic, oh my god."
"But you like it." He says, feeling at peace seeing how happy she is.
There's a moment where she pauses and catches her breath. A sigh, "Yes. I do. I really like it. And you."
The admission leaves him with a dopey look on his face and he lets out his dorkiest chuckle. In front of anyone else, he'd be embarrassed for it but for her he feels... safe. At home. It doesn't hurt it makes her laugh just as loud and as embarrassing. It's infectious.
When she realizes, she's putting food in her mouth to change the subject. Immediately she's humming, "This is so good! Thank you for making dinner."
"You're so very welcome." He replies, drinking in her pleased reactions. The rest of the dinner passes as expected. Light anecdotes about their lives, a joke here or there. Nothing too deep or too vulnerable- them having the dinner at all was vulnerable enough.
Yet as everything cleared and she was following him into the kitchen, she felt... there needed to be more.
In fact she jokes, "It's only 8:30. Did you... want to do something? Or-"
"Don't even suggest you've overstayed your welcome." He stops her, putting rinsed plates into his dishwasher, "But what could we do... I suppose hacking Gothams mainframe doesn't do it for you?"
She shakes her head with a grin, "I was thinking more of a movie? Unless that's too low-brow for you."
That laugh again, "Cute. A movie is an excellent choice." She can't see it but he feels the heat under his collar. She wants to spend more time. With him! He needs to calm down. If she'd asked to see the workshop he'd likely hand her the keys and that just won't do.
"What do you think of a mystery?" He asks, that cat like smirk showing over his face, "See if you can figure it out before the credits."
She gives him a look, her brow raising, "Better than a riddle, I guess."
"As you said, the night is young so don't tempt me." He laughs and leads her to his living room. She doesn't say it, but is absolutely not surprised he would have a fancy flat screen and a cushy couch for optimal viewing. She can see game systems tucked into an entertainment center underneath.
He puts out his hand to the table in front of them, grabbing the remote, "Alright. I know a good one."
Dramatic music swells and several familiar names and credits flash over a river. It's older. She doesn't recognize film until she sees that man with the mustache, Hercule Poirot, sitting by a pyramid.
"Death on the Nile?" She asks.
Edwards face goes sour, "You've seen this?"
"It's Agatha Christie." She laughs, "Next you'll try to show me Alfred Hitchcock."
Hitchcock was his next choice.
Belle is quick to pat his leg, "I haven't seen this in ages. It's fine."
The affection is enough to make him completely forget about trying to make her guess. Funny thing, that. The colorful cast of characters, the aesthetic- it's all so easy for her to relax next to him on the couch, slowly coming to lean on him. He tries to be nonchalant about it, his hand going to rest over her arm. It's when she moves her arm and his hand falls to her waist that he hesitates. Her hand laces over his and he feels a shiver up his back.
Internally she's panicking and deciding if she wants to go further. Her eyes close and her head leans on his shoulder.
His breathe tickles as he turns his face, "You can't be falling asleep."
"I'm not." She says clearly, "Just. Enjoying the moment." Her voice is quiet and both of them have racing hearts.
His lips move to her hair and lay a soft kiss atop her head. She feels like she could swoon. Instead she looks up at him and places her own kiss on the corner of his mouth. There's a fluttery sort of sound that comes out of him and he sighs. His grip on her waist gets tighter as his other hand goes to her chin. He guides her face to his and her hand finds purchase against his chest. The kiss between them feels electrifying.
Her lips are still buzzing when he pulls away. There's calluses on his hands that she only notices as they run up her thigh and threaten to push up her skirt. Her breath catches and her hand stops his. He's quick to pull back.
"I- I'm sorry did I-" Did he misread all of that?
Belle shakes her head, "No, I want this I'm just-" She kisses him on the jaw and stays close to his body, "It's just been a minute. I'm worried I- you know-"
His hands go to her face and he looks her over, giving a pleasant smile, "I want you, Belle. All of this." He kisses her forehead and her shoulders untense. The look she gives him... that trusting, soft vulnerable look- its enough to get him right back where he paused.
His hands go up her skirts as they make out and her hands twist in his shirt. There's a look of surprise as his fingers reach a particular fabric. She can feel the friction of his skin against hers as they dive beneath the band of her underwear.
"Lace? For me?" He asks with a smug glance.
She looks away for a moment before admitting, "I thought there was a possibility."
"So prepare." Edward nods, "Oh, I was right. I knew we'd make a great match. From the moment I saw you."
"Is that so?" Belle laughs as his kissing get to her neck. A soft moan and she holds onto him tighter.
"Of course. I'm always right. I'm a genius!" Edward pulls away just enough so she can see his overconfident smile, "And these... oh, these need to go. What color are they, I wonder...?" She says nothing as his hand yanks down on her panties and he catches a peek of the most delightful shade of green. Her face flushes.
Yet he doesn't tease her. Instead he continues his kissing, the underwear swiftly hitting the floor. The pad of his thumb delves at the very edge of her lower lips and Belle shudders. He moves up and over the clit, circling over with just enough pressure.
"Ff... fuck, Edward-" Belle breaks away from the kissing and allows her head fall back.
The riddler goes for her throat, "That's the idea- hm... I think we should change venues." A nip over that soft flesh to feel her shiver.
"Yeah maybe... maybe the couch isn't..." Belle can't complete her thought at first, but feels a quiet whine in her throat when his touching stops.
Edward gets up from the couch, giving her a hand to stand, "As much as I'd love to get it on like teenagers on the couch, I think we'd both be more comfortable on the bed, hm?" Belle briefly thinks on it. Both of their backs. His knee.
"Yeah, that's... that's fair." Belle kicks away her panties and waits for him to pull her down the hallway to his room. Not exactly a tour but she does take in the decorations and art that lines his walls even as they round the corner to the room at the end.
She has to stop herself from laughing at the ridiculous (what she assumes is) custom grey and green comforter- carefully embroidered with question marks and geometric patterns at the bottom. It's so him. The little work desk next to the bed covered in grease, tools and a half finished project. A closet filled with she assumed a various collection of suits. A dresser that she wasn't actually sure of... but she'd love to find out at one point.
All of this she takes in just before she feels his hands unzipping the back of her dress. Instinctively her hands go to her front as the dress falls forward. Those callused hands go to her shoulders, pushing the fabric away. His lips find her bare back and she shivers as she moves her arms to let the dress fall to the floor.
"Cold, dear Diana?" Edward murmurs, "Let me warm you. Let me the grace of touching you. If you should not allow me this, let me be be cast by your spring water and eaten by my hounds-"
Belle finds herself flustered by his words but turns around to stop him, "I want nothing more than for you to touch me, Edward."
She unbuttons his pants as his fingers unclasp the choker around her neck. Then he tries to start on her bra. A growling hum as his pants start to fall and her hand dips over his hard cock. A small squeeze before he's grabbing at her wrists.
"Too much?" She teases, biting her lip.
Edward has a desperate dry tone to his voice, "Get on the bed. And get that damn bra off." He gives her hands back, his own pressing on her hips and guiding her to lay down. The bra quickly thrown off somewhere in the room. His pants and underwear thrown somewhere else in the room.
He's quick to knock her legs apart and press his middle digit inside of her, curling along her walls. Pumping slowly, his thumb going back to her clit. The sharp sound of her moan makes him twitch and he kisses at her torso, then her breasts. His tongue goes to work around a nipple, trying to study what elicits the best response.
She can hear him take a deep breath and sigh out. Her own concern brushes his hair back and gives a light tug and he stops his ministrations. Her voice is soft in the dark room, "You okay?"
"Y... of course! I'm just... is this good?" Edward Nygma for once struggling to find the words, "You're so beautiful. I want to taste and touch everything." His finger slides out of her and she leans up on her elbows, seeing him better.
She wishes she could save this image in her mind. His flush face and messy hair. His cock leaking precum and she hasn't even really done anything yet. How desperate he looks right now for her.
She could get emotional, someone being like this for her.
"It's so good, Eddie." She leans forward to kiss him, "I just want to feel you inside me. Is that okay?"
His eyes widen and he seems to have lost his brain function for a moment, "....Yes! Yes. Yes, yes. I can- hold on!" And he's digging in a drawer next to the bed feverishly before pulling out a condom, "Let me just-"
"Let me." Belle moves to stand on her knees on the bed. She pulls the condom from his hands and tears it open with her nails. Just as she positions it, she moves closer to kiss his chest and then his jaw. Her hand rolls down over his cock and she can feel him shudder at the attention. It isn't long before she's moving her hand up and down. His hands go around her back and his face goes to hide in her neck.
Its only for a moment before he's sighing, "Come on. There's plenty of time for that later."
"Oh, you're expecting rounds?" Belle laughs before she lays on her back and spreads her legs.
Edward has that smile on his face as he lines himself up, "No. But I am expecting you'll be wanting more of me." She can't even make fun of him, of his narcissism- he presses his cock inside of her and any laughter turns to a giggling moan.
A smile on her face and she wraps her legs over his, pulling him deeper. Hands in his hair, this time to pull his face closer. Her lips going to his shoulders, tasting and nipping. Something about it, her using her teeth just so makes him calculate his thrusting. Pulling out slowly just to fill her up in a swift push. Pausing just that one moment to feel them joined at the hip.
Her own mind gets hazy and she looks him in the eye to tell him, "You're so handsome, Eddie...."
He gulps, moving faster, eyes focused on her, "I... I am?"
Belle nods, lopsided grin on her face, "You are. You're handsome and smart and- oh, you feel so good-" He seems almost stunned by the sudden compliments and his movements get... sloppy.
He loses his words and moves to kiss her neck, teeth and tongue as she had done to him. Her nails pressed into his back but she resisted the urge to scratch or accidentally hurt him.
"Please don't stop-" was all she could manage as she started to reach that peak, "Edward, fuck, please please I'm so close-" her grip around him was almost white knuckled as she came. He pressed in deep, the stimulation of her finishing almost pushing him over the edge.
"Edward..." she murmured as she came down and his own actions sped up. Her body clenched slightly at the sensitivity as he continued. She wound her fingers in his hair and mumbled in his ear, "You're amazing... You're so handsome and I feel so, so good and- and- ah, ah-"
As she stuttered, Edward moved his lips over hers. The sloppy thrusting moved to a standstill before he pressed in again, his groan quiet against her.
He collapsed over her for a moment, his arms wrapping around her. He could feel her heart beating hard in her chest. His eyes fluttered.
"That was..." he paused to think of exactly what he wanted to say, "...spectacular." There. Amazing. You did it.
Belle put her own arms loosely around his back and sighed, "Yeah. That was- probably the best- You get it."
His brain booting back up, he smirked, "Oh? The best? I'm the best you've ever had?"
Belle pushes his face back lightly, "Get off. Your ego is blowing up with hot air." A scoffing laugh before she leans up to kiss him again. A soft smile. He's definitely going to remember that.
With a soft grunt, he rolls over and off of her, his hand going to his bum knee. As her eyes had adjusted to the light she could see the scars of multiple surgeries across the skin. He was lucky he didn't have a rod in there by this point. Still weary, her movements were slow, her hands going to his knee. Feeling the scar tissue.
"Ah. Yes, you've never seen that." He says, "I'm greeted by the sight every day."
Belle hums, "Didn't hurt too badly with you on top, did it?" She kisses his knee and he feels his heart flutter.
"N-no. No. Unless that's an offer for you to be on top next time." Edward winks. She rolls her eyes.
"Where's the bathroom? I'd like to clean up." She asks and receives a point to the right direction. The moment she's out of sight, Edward is ditching the used condom in the trashcan and finding underwear to put on. Getting back under the sheets and covers and almost posing for when she returns. Not too posed, though.
When she does return, she seems so... nervous. Her mouth opens, "Do you want me to...?" She makes a movement with her thumb behind her.
"Leave?! No!" Edward almost loses any of what he thinks is his cool appearance, "I- I mean if you WANTED to, I won't stop you but if you wanted to stay... I... wouldn't mind that either."
Belle laughs at the whiplash of his reaction before trying to cover her smile, "If it's really okay... can I stay?"
Edward has this look on his face that resembles a sad kitten left out in the rain, "I would like you to." The facade broken. As tired as he is, he realizes how desperate he is for more contact and affection.
Which is why he gets into a perfect spooning position for Belle as she gets into the bed with him. At some point during cleaning up she found her phone for an alarm in the morning. It's placed next to her glasses on the nightstand. As he holds her he thinks of how nice this would be... all the time.
Can't move too quickly, he knows. No, this is going to be healthy with healthy boundaries. From what he knows about her, she definitely deserves that much. She's so cute and warm and soft to hold-
Even as he falls asleep, Edward's hands and body find new ways to brush against her even as she moves around. Magnetic, almost. Her dreams are light and she feels... safe as she sleeps. Even the one or two times in the night when she wakes up, she sees Edward next to her and immediately falls back to slumber.
In the morning they'll both rush off to do different things in their lives. But she tells him goodbye with a kiss and that she'll talk to him soon. That along with the instant ping on his phone once she's home reminds him- yes, he was absolutely right to take the grand effort for her attentions.
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