The Current KDrama Roster - First Impressions
I am very impressed with the number of quality KDramas that have become accessible in North America. Disney, we don’t need your slow ass. There’s plenty to watch before the Disney releases reach us! Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938 Amazon Prime, Saturday and Sunday Starring: Lee Dong Wook, Kim Beom, Hwang Hee, Kim So Yeon, Kim Yong Ji We’ve waited 3 years for this sequel and it looks like Amazon…
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deleosdella · 1 year
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alivehouse · 2 years
theres still no one is doing it like my own private idaho. what if you confessed to your massive four year crush to your homophobic bestie who rejects you immediately and then you had to ride on the same motorcycle together for like 500 miles
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ziggyrette · 1 year
Rare Word Of The Day (RWOTD)
(adj.) pleasing to the eye
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gigireece16 · 2 months
collection of words for writing ✧.*
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some words that i gathered in my notes app
& thought i’d share them
part two
1. iota: an extremely small amount.
2. aeons: an indefinite and very long period of time.
3. vehement: showing strong feeling; forceful, passionate, or intense.
4. acquiescence: the reluctant acceptance of something without protest.
5. rendezvous: a meeting at an agreed time and place, typically between two people.
6. sanguine: optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation.
7. saccharine: excessively sweet or sentimental.
8. chagrin: distress or embarrassment at having failed or been humiliated.
9. seldom: not often; rarely.
10. ambrosia: the food of the gods, often depicted as conferring immortality.
11. divulge: to make known (private or sensitive information).
12. interloper: a person who becomes involved in a place or situation where they are not wanted or are considered not to belong.
13. ravenous: extremely hungry.
14. miscellaneous: consisting of various kinds or qualities.
15. precarious: not securely held or in position; dangerously likely to fall or collapse.
16. provocateur: a person who provokes trouble, causes dissension, or the like; agitator.
17. heady: potent or intoxicating; having a strong or exhilarating effect.
18. languid: lacking in vigor or vitality; slack or slow.
19. encapsulated: enclosed in or as if in a capsule.
20. taut: stretched or pulled tight; not slack.
21. barrage: a concentrated artillery bombardment over a wide area; an overwhelming quantity or explosion, as of words, blows, or criticisms.
22. connoisseur: an expert judge in matters of taste.
23. vied: competed eagerly with someone in order to do or achieve something.
24. reverie: a state of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts; a daydream.
25. martyrdom: the death or suffering of a martyr.
26. cocksure: arrogantly confident.
27. nomenclature: the devising or choosing of names for things, especially in a science or other discipline.
28. titillation: the arousal of interest or excitement, especially through sexually suggestive images or words.
29. emboldened: given the courage or confidence to do something.
30. petrichor: a pleasant smell that frequently accompanies the first rain after a long period of warm, dry weather.
31. catharsis: the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions.
32. menagerie: a collection of wild animals kept in captivity for exhibition.
33. picturesque: visually attractive, especially in a quaint or charming way.
34. raconteur: a person who tells anecdotes in a skillful and amusing way.
35. meliorism: the belief that the world can be made better by human effort.
36. maudlin: self-pityingly or tearfully sentimental.
37. lethologica: the inability to remember a word or put your finger on the right word.
38. dépaysement: the feeling that comes from not being in one's home country; the feeling of being a foreigner.
39. eesome: pleasing to the eye; attractive.
40. whelve: to bury something; to turn something upside down.
41. psithurism: the sound of the wind in the trees and rustling of leaves.
42. fescennine: lascivious or obscene, especially in literature.
43. diaphanous: light, delicate, and translucent (especially of fabric).
44. illecebrous: enticing or attractive.
45. abditory: a place into which you can disappear; a hiding place.
46. discombobulated: confused and disconcerted.
47. sillage: the scent that lingers in the air, the trail left in the water, the impression made in space after something or someone has been and gone.
48. facsimile: an exact copy, especially of written or printed material.
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issybee06 · 5 months
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Part iii
Warnings: swearing, the council, violence, blood, poison, field surgery, scars, body image issues, Hatakes has dog teeth, flashbacks of every kind!, drinking
(Adj.) pleasing to the eye
“I don't want to go to the academy, Ka-chan.”
The tall woman sighed, pushing her short red hair out of her face as she dragged the little 5-year-old.
“Chibi-chan…I know you don't want to go, but you have to.”
The little girl puffed her cheeks, glaring forward, “it's gonna stink.”
The red-haired woman sighed, adjusting her yukata as she walked, “and remember, Kushina-san is going to pick you up because I have to return to the capital.”
The little girl frowned, fist-grabbing her dress skirt while she willed tears not to rise. The Academy was in view and she couldn't help but look down at her feet as they walked.
As the got to the entrance the woman smiled, raising a hand in greeting, “Sakumo-kun, hey!”
The white-haired man jumped a bit, startled by the red-haired woman's loud voice. When he saw who it was, he returned the smile and nervously waved back, “Risa-Hime, Kon'nichiwa.”
He looked down at the small girl, who ducked behind her mother's leg. She peaked out, studying the white-haired man with calculating eyes. Looking to his side, she was surprised to she a mini version of him but with a mask.
She furrowed her brows at him, and he glared back.
The man placed his hand on the little boy's head, ruffling his spiky hair.
“You remember Risa-Hime, right Kakashi?”
The woman laughed lightly, “Probably not…been a while since we've been away from the capital…”
She nudged the girl out, “(Y/n)…this is my very good friend Hatake Sakumo, and his son Kakashi. Sakumo and I were on the same Genin team.”
The girl cautiously came out from behind her mother, cheeks red as she bowed.
“Its very nice to meet you!”
Sakumo nervously laughed, “gosh, last time you brought her to the village she was just a baby.”
He smiled down at the girl, “it's very nice to meet you too, (Y/n)-hime.”
He nudged the boy, “Kakashi, why don't you and (Y/n)-hime walk to the classroom together?”
The boy frowned but nodded silently, and looked at the Girl.
“…lets go.”
She nodded with a light blush, following him as he walked through the gate.
The parents watched, Risa biting her thumb nail as she watched the little girl disappear.
Sakumo huffed with a smile, “…never thought we'd be parents.”
Risa snorted, “I was never going to be a parent, but you? You were always going to be a dad Sakumo, your too…”
He huffed, “too what?”
She smirked, “dog like.”
He pursed his lips, looking away, “…im not dog Like.”
She chuckled, her teeth still butting at her nail.
He looked over at her, frowning at her nail-biting, “I see you still have that habit.”
She narrowed her green eyes at him, and he chuckled.
“I do not, Baka…”
Opening my eyes, I groaned quietly. Inching my way to my alarm clock, I died a little inside when it read “7:20am”.
Great, only 4 hours of sleep.
I rolled onto my back, staring up at the ceiling as Saké jumped onto the bed to great me. He cried, pawing at me as he demanded to be let out of my tiny room so that he could get breakfast. He’ll probably bother Genma for it, Genma usually spoils the Ragdoll by feeding him egg scraps.
I sit up, scooting to the end of the bed before sliding on slippers. Looking down at my cloths, I make a face realizing I slept in my work pants. I kick the slippers off before shimming out of my pants, kicking them to the corner. I go to my draw, pulling out cotton shorts.
After getting redressed, I open my door and almost get tripped as Saké darts between my legs to trot down the hall.
“Fucking cat…”
I stumbled down the hall, accidentally bumping the corner as I entered the kitchen/living room area, and groaned. After living in this apartment for four years, you'd think I'd know how to avoid the corners.
I opened the fridge, grabbing the egg crate and the wet cat food. I placed the crate on the counter before grabbing a small bowl from the shelf and putting a spoonful of wet food in it. I placed it on the ground and huffed a laugh as Saké raced over to pig out.
Genma yawned as he walked out of his room, bare-chested. He scratched his head, squinting his eyes, “w…why the hell are you up?”
I clench my jaw, cracking an egg before putting into the pan.
“Meeting about that S-class poison. Forgot all bout it…”
Genma hums, walking over to rest his chin on my shoulder, “Eggs for me too?”
I smile, patting his cheek, “yeah, you too.”
A lot of people thought we were dating since we live together and are very close, but it was only because we found comfort in each other's company. I wouldn't say I'd never date Genma, but as years have gone by he's become like family to me.
He hummed, “how late will you be?”
Shrugging, I dish out two plates of eggs, purposely dropping a good size piece for Saké.
“Not too late, it's just a meeting.”
He nods, taking his plate to the table as begins to eat. I sit down across from him, blowing on my eggs before putting them in my mouth. Biting down, I felt a crunch and frown when I realized shells had gotten in. Extra protein I guess.
Saké, having finished the scrap I dropped for him, now was weaving his body around our legs and loudly begging for more. Genma giggled like a 5-year-old, dropping more for the Ragdoll. He really did spoil that cat.
I stood, emptying the rest of my eggs onto Genmas plate. “Im running late, clean up for me?”
He made a noise, egg in his mouth and I took it as a ‘yes’. I go down the hall To the bathroom, closing the door behind me and locking it.
I pulled my shirt off, then unhooked my bra with a sigh of contentment. I really needed a bra with a better wire, this one stabbed my armpits and didn't support me at all. I than shimmied out of my shorts and underwear, kicking it to the basket.
I then to the mirror, pulling my short hair into a bun. I frown slightly, eyes catching the long ugly scar going down my front.
Rin… did a good job, but she was mediocre at healing scars. I owe her my life, but I couldn't help the itching in the back of my head that told me that the scar made me…ugly. I, of course, know scars are not meant to be seen as ugly, but as marks that show I was still alive…but I still felt that ich.
Jumping into the shower, I scrub myself down from head to toe in lavender soap. It was calming, and coming from a clan that had animal…characteristics on my father's side, the smell wouldn't be too overpowering. I was also thinking of the Inuzuka that would be present, Inuzuka Tsume, and the silver Anbu that would be hiding in the rafters.
After cleaning, I jump out and towel-dry before walking across the hall to my room, getting a low and teasing whistle from Genma.
I walked back out, hitting Genma in the head with a scroll. I walk to the door, pulling my shinobi sandles on.
He grinned, “aw, no good bye kiss?”
He began to pucker his lips, making loud smooching sounds as he tried to grab me. I giggle, pushing his face away, “you wish.”
He gasps dramatically, “Oh dear Princess of Konoha! You wound me so!”
I roll my eyes, “Ittekimasu, Genma.”
He smiles, “Ittekimasu, (Y/n). Be safe out there.”
I smile, standing and opening the door, “I always am.”
“…so as you can see, our research shows that the poison drives from Fungis. Now, if we can narrow down which one, we can create the necessary cure and/or antidote.”
I finish, placing my notes down as the rest of the visible people in the room nod, murmuring.
Tsume huff, “and you suggest that the Inuzukas find this mushroom, yes?”
I nod, “Hai. With your powerful sense of smell, this would be elementary level for you.”
Play her, paise her and she'll take the bait.
The older Kunoichi smirked, “hm, so the Chibi Hatake wasn't up for this?”
I bristle a bit, and Inoichi stands, “Anbu have more pressing missions, you however are free since you are just now come I G out of maternity leave.”
She huffed, “second one was harder to train then Hana, not my fault.”
I smiled, “so will you take the mission?”
She waved me off, and I frowned, “Yeah, yeah. I'll do it, just give me the sent so I can get this over with.”
Setsuko walks out, handing the wolfish woman a glass vial containing the poison. Tsume pops the cap open, and blue fumes waft out. She smifts the air around it, careful not to sniff the actual poison. With a shiver, she seals the Vail, “That's a strong smell, how do you work with this Senju-hime?”
My mouth goes into a straight line, and I don't respond. My father's Side was…a touchy subject.
She hums, handing the Vail back to Setsuko. She stands, and Inoichi and Ibiki stand as well, “Arigatō, Tsume-sama. This is very helpful for us.”
She scoffs, waving Inoicho off, “Call it a favor from an old friend.”
He smiles, and the crowfeet by his eyes become more apparent. He walks out with her, and Ibiki follows after. Setsuko and I begin to clear up the office room, gathering the extra poison vials and notes.
I look up, and I see that stupid dog mask smiling down at me as he crouches on a beam. Setsuko looks over, smiling, “ready?”
I roll My neck, “ah, not yet. I'm gonna hang back and read over the notes one more time. I'll catch up, kay?”
The younger girl blushes, nodding, “H-hai, Senju-hime. See you back at the lab.”
She leaves, slipping out the metal door and closing behind her.
“…shes cute.”
“Shes not your type.”
He jumps down, landing soundlessly onto the table, not even making a tube rattle.
“Maa, I wasn't talking about for me.”
“Shes Not my type either, she's 16.”
He huffs lighly, a laugh.
“16? And working in TI?”
I look boredly over at him, “look who's talking, Mr. “I joined Anbu at 13”.”
He leans back on his hands, crisscrossing his legs as he tilts his head playfully, “I was asked.”
I hum, crossing my arms, “still did it.”
He hums back, tilting his head to the other side, “saw what you did, with Tsume-sama. You played her.”
I scoff, “I did no such thing, honestly I'm appalled you'd even suggest I played a clan head.”
I was grinning, and I could tell he was too busy his his chakra warmed a bit.
I furrow my brows at him, “what?”
He gave a snort of a laugh, “your accent.”
I raise my brow, “accent?”
He raised a hand, gesturing to me, “When you talk for long enough, you say things in a snooty capital accent.”
I scoff, laughing as I shove him, “I do not have a snooty capital accent.”
He laughs, jumping off the table, “you do though! Ever since we were kids!”
I roll my eyes, opening the door as he follows After me.
“I don't have an accent…”
He huffed, walking with md to the lab, “It's gotten less noticeable since you first moved here, but it's there.”
I shake my head, opening the door to the lab and peaking in to make sure Setsuko east in there. Sighing, I open it more.
“It was a light accent when I got here! Barely noticeable.”
He scoffed, walking in as I shut the door. He sat down in my rolly chair, “it was so bad I couldn't understand you for two weeks, (Y/n).”
I shake my head, moving over next to him to place the vials back into their protective case. He leans back, watching me.
“It was not a bad accent...”
He chuckles, “no…it was cute, you used to get so frustrated when people picked on you for it. Never seen someone get so red.”
I scoff, looking down at the dog mask.
“Yeah? And was it cute when I punched Ebisu in the face because of it?”
“No, that was hilarious and I wish I had a video of it.”
I roll my eyes at Him, reading over my notes. Kakashi and I were close…we’d been closed since we first met, considering his close our parents were.
Sure…we didn't talk for a sold 2 years after the nine-tails, but now things started to feel normal…even if it was only when he had that stupid Dog mask on. When he didn't, he got quiet, barely speaking when he did talk, and couldn't hold any eye contact. Kskashi without inu…was the same Kakashi who lost his team and family.
But when he had that mask on, he was hiding that side of him. He was fearless, playful, and more open…
It was Inu, not Kakashi.
“Are you coming with all of us to Ichirakus?”
He shifted s bit, his chakra growing colder.
“Ah, no. I have a mission tonight, sorry.”
I frown a bit, concerned. He had been taking back-to-back missions more often, A and S class mostly. My eyes softened for him, understanding why.
It was his escape, however unhealthy it was, he needed the rush of a mission to keep him going. He craved it, like a drug, and no matter how many times he tries to quit he'd go back full force the next day.
The only way he was leaving the anbu was either being pulled…of death.
I burst out laughing, leaning drunkenly on Genma as we all watch Gai sing off toon to music from the karaoke massine.
We left Ichiraku hours ago and had stumbled in here after Asuma challenged Gai to a singing competition, and I've got to say, Gsi sure did have some pipes.
Maybe the ciggerets were ruining peoples voices, because Asuma couldn't hold a note to save his life.
Kurenai and Asuma burst out laughing, falling out of their seat as Gai began to dance magic mike style to the music. Gai Really was the life of every party, always so bright and good.
I smiled softly, and I looked over at Genma. Smirking, I follow his eyes to the bar area.
“You should go talk to her.”
His face turned Scarlett, “w-what?! I can't do that!”
I roll mg eyes, “go on. I need the apartment to myself something, you know?”
He kissed my cheek, “thank you wing man.”
I smiled as I watched him go, noticing all my friends were getting tired. Asuma, who was less drunk than Kurenai pulled her up, “I'll walk her Home, you got Gai?”
I nod, smiling, “always.”
I groan, coving the tall mans mouth, “Gai, my love, I beg of you to shut up.”
He smiled lazily, resting his head on mine and we walked to his apartment, “but that song is sooooo youthful.”
I laugh, shaking my head at Him as I help him up the stairs.
“Keys, Gai.”
He clumsily hands them over, and I giggle down at the little turtle charm.
I help him in, steering him towards his room. I wince as I bumps into a corner, but he just giggles.
As soon as he hit his bed, he was out, and I moved his trash can over to his bed if he got sick.
Walking to his kitchen I filled a glass of water up, then went to his bathroom to dig up Advil for his ragging headache that was sure to come in the morning.
After double checking the windows, I close the door behind me. I walk down the stairs, wrapping my jacket closer to my body to protect myself from the cold.
I walked home, eyes on the snowy ground. I was sobering up, and couldn’t help but let my thoughts wonder to my silver headed friend.
He…really was in a hurry to die. Back to back A and S class missions weren’t healthy for any shinobi, especially one with Kakashis mind. It was too…broken, off center.
“I swear, I’m going to force him into therapy..” I mumble as I climb my stairs, opening my door.
I draw back, my sensitive nose filling with the smell of iron.
I draw my kunai out, holding it at the ready as I scan my living room. No one.
I move forward, sensing Chakra from the bathroom.
I silently pad towards the door, kunai up and ready to strike. I twist the knob, and walk in with my sharp canines bared and my kunai raise.
My eyes widen, and I drop the kunai.
He looked over at me lazily, sitting in my tub as blood flowed out from his side. Saké, was next to him.
“W-what the fuck?! Why didn’t you go to the hospital?!”
I go to grab him, completely sober now, but he just snaps at me, baring his own canines at me and I only now come to realize both masks are gone.
“N-no. No hospital.” He glares, gasping air as he groans and hits his head on the back wall.
“F-fix me. I-I trust you.”
My eyes widen and I look absolutely terrified, “I-I can’t do medical ninjutsu! You know that!”
He grabs my hand, blood making stains on my skin. His mismatching eyes look at me half lidded, “I. trust. you.”
Then he passes out, slumped over himself and bleeding out in my tub. Of fucking course he does.
I groan, looking up as I will myself not to cry.
“You stupid asshole…”
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freebooter4ever · 2 months
good morning on a scale from 1 to getting propo*sitioned for a thr*eesome again how bi do you feel today?
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ourolite2 · 9 months
ℛescherché ℛoles!
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ourolite original characters feature unique capabilities and sins, alongside eesome endeavors and epitomes only seen amid swevens. linger long and think soundly of sonder; remember the memories of your childhood, the habits you harbor in your solitude, and know that these entities too have their personalized memories and ticks, their reveries and evergreen dreams long lost in the mist similar to your own. respect them, whether you love them or not, for they would... well, some of them would do the same for you.
readers are advised to download the google docs app if able for better presentation of the extended character notes, and dark mode is recommended in tandem with this! also, some characters are shipped canonically, but x reader and other x character asks are not disallowed! inquire and request as you see reputable.
this section is innately memorable, but it's particularly recalled for including unique subjects. these are listed as: disorders, disabilities and a variety of conditions as well as various races, gender orientations, sexualities, mythological origins and more. though in a dimmer light, there's a list of more sensitive topics including: racism, homophobia, abuse + neglect, trauma (especially that of childhoods), gore, death, violence, manipulation and more. this is your preamble of caution and context; to all who scroll further, treat yourself and enjoy!
☆ INDIGO ( maneki-neko! oc )
"Ah… your rings are pretty, I’ll be keeping them now … *big yawn* Hm? What? Are you still here? Run along, go find someone safer to speak with.. Heh, I’m only toying. I have a reputation to uphold after all. Being a maiden’s courier is a rather exhausting task. Now, do you mind? I want entertainment. Tell me about yourself, and maybe I’ll reconsider not stealing your pendant." — Mystery Cat. profile. extended details. headcanons #1.
★ ILLŪNIS ( rusalka! oc )
"Daring evening, is it not? Where are your manners? … To rest your ignorance, I am Sentinel Number Three, Illunis — Europe’s Moon Maiden. Come, come, humor me with a drink or a jest, for I am dying for a dance.” — Sentinel Illunis. profile. extended details. headcanons #1.
★ FRANKINCENSE ( churel! oc )
"Hiiii~ Here to see me? Nah, I’m not b—Hm… Might be busy later; not now. But listen, if you’re here to more cookies sell any more, I can’t risk not affording rent again. So stay quiet around that one. *Points her kusarigama over at her daughter who’s distracted with a box of girl scout cookies.* Hear me straight? *Nods weapon back at you with each word.* It’s very important." — Lord Frankenstein. profile. extended details. headcanons #1.
☆ YASHMI-NOIR ( angel-child! oc )
"Hm….Mm… Hi, nice to meet you.. I’m Yashmi-Noir, and this is Frankenstein. *Hides behind Franky and peeks out at you, followed by Franky’s loving chuckle.* Frankenstein is my mommy.. Bu-but you jus’ call mommy Franky! ..And Yashmi-Noir can be Yashmi.. ‘kay?" — Sunshine. profile. extended details. headcanons #1.
★ XĪN’YUÈ ÀN ZHŌNG ( ceo! oc )
“And yet my initial order to you, not to he, she, or they, was to replace the prior base with May Bells to embue the vanillic tones. Fix the issue immediately. This product’s date is definite, and I’m sure you wouldn’t particularly favor the outcome of its delay … Hm, I figured you have some sense. You’re dismissed, as for I—*finally looks at you, expression softening sequentially* have other matters to address.” — Mr. Anzhong. profile. extended details. headcanons #1.
☆ JIHANE MEILĖ ( metaphysician! oc )
"Oh, your aura it… completely surpasses the essential nature of reality; have you already touched the ends of reality, miss/sir? Made your mind a limitless, tangible space? It’s an honor to encounter a warrior such as yourself, *mumbles* one who vividly represents the Seven of Pentacles, reversed and all… Heh, don’t give me that look! Let’s bargain a lil’, m’kay? Open your wisdom and bestow mind-independent certainty upon me in return for… m’name? How does that sound?" — Sinning Star. profile. extended details. headcanons #1.
★ CIRCE YUÈ'LI ( vampire! oc )
“Oh? Fending for yourself? Sweetheart, you're assuming I'm a threat while wandering through my backyard. .. You were 'lost'? Really? Hm. Did you maybe receive an invitation to my abode while you uh.. wandered? ... No, right? Okay. State your business or join me as dinner, you're kinda already starting off on the wrong foot.. Still though, I'm not picky, I haven't had some good buttered thighs since like three dynasties ago.” — Sir Circe. profile. extended details. headcanons #1.
˶꒱ઉ productions 𐙚 ˙
headcanon combos.
drabbles & concepts.
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⑅ ourolite productions. all rights fucking reserved, do not plagiarize.
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zeroseuniverse · 9 months
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in which unusual and rare words get used to create a story
In Which Seungmin needs to piss someone off.
In which Joshua acts like he doesn't want affection but he definitely wants it.
In which Hongjoong is exhausted
In which Jake takes her mental undressing the wrong way
In which they can't resist the urge to kiss Sunghoon but try so hard
In which Jungwon is in need of head rubs
In Which Niki helps the reader destress
In which hurting Beomgyu healed their pain
In which Yunho is a big loveable Giant
In which Wooyoung learns he can be desired more than sex
In which They save Dino from his members with their embrace
In Which Minghao is apart of a forbidden love story
In which Yeonjun fawns over his lover
In which Jay can only love once
In which Wonwoo is the calm in the storm
In which Hoshi and his partner love the adrenaline
In which Lee know usually doesn't forgive a third time....this is just an exception
In which Han needs music and sharing it with his partner is all the better
In which Mingi hates being alone
In which Seonghwas knows he's loved even if he can't show his appreciation very well at the moment
In which Yeosang can't take a hint
In which Seungkwan makes the darkness disappear
In which Heeseung teaches them to play games...all night long
In which Hyunjin loves his bestfriends visuals
In which the reader doesn't like Mint choco ice cream but Sunoo doesn't know
In which Jongho is happy to see his ex moving on
In which San and his partner re so in love its sickening
In which Maybe Chan should've spoken up when he had the chance
In which she doesn't know why seeing cats hurts her soul so deeply
In the process of making these stories I received help from @mini-mews and @hwasdollie
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ourolite · 7 months
ℛescherché ℛoles!
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ourolite original characters feature unique capabilities and sins, alongside eesome endeavors and epitomes only seen amid swevens. linger long and think soundly of sonder; remember the memories of your childhood, the habits you harbor in your solitude, and know that these entities too have their personalized memories and ticks, their reveries and evergreen dreams long lost in the mist similar to your own. respect them, whether you love them or not, for they would... well, some of them would do the same for you.
readers are advised to download the google docs app if able for better presentation of the extended character notes, and dark mode is recommended in tandem with this! please, it looks insane otherwise!! *sobs* also, some characters are shipped canonically, but x reader and other x character asks are not disallowed! inquire and request as you see reputable.
this section is innately memorable, but it's particularly recalled for including unique subjects. these are listed as: disorders, disabilities and a variety of conditions as well as various races, gender orientations, sexualities, mythological origins and more. though in a dimmer light, there's a list of more sensitive topics including: racism, homophobia, abuse + neglect, trauma (especially that of childhoods), gore, death, violence, manipulation and more. this is your preamble of caution and context; to all who scroll further, treat yourself and enjoy!
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☆ INDIGO ( maneki-neko! oc ) "Ah… your rings are pretty, I’ll be keeping them now … *big yawn* Hm? What? Are you still here? Run along, go find someone safer to speak with.. Heh, I’m only toying. I have a reputation to uphold after all. Being a maiden’s courier is a rather exhausting task. Now, do you mind? I want entertainment. Tell me about yourself, and maybe I’ll reconsider not stealing your pendant." — Mystery Cat. profile. extended details. character ai. headcanons #1.
★ ILLUNIS ( rusalka! oc ) “Daring evening, is it not? Where are your manners?… To rest your ignorance, I am the Sentinel Number Three of Russia, Illūnis — Europe’s Moon Maiden. Come, come, humor me with a drink or a jest, for I am dying for a dance.” — Mortis Poena. profile. extended details. character ai. headcanons #1.
★ FRANKINCENSE ( churel mother! oc ) "Hiiii~ Here to see me? Nah, I’m not b—Hm… Might be busy later; not now. But listen, if you’re here to more cookies sell any more, I can’t risk not affording rent again. So stay quiet around that one. *Points her kusarigama over at her daughter who’s distracted with a box of girl scout cookies.* Hear me straight? *Nods weapon back at them with each word.* It’s very important." — Frankenstein. profile. extended details. character ai. headcanons #1.
☆ YASHMI-NOIR ( angel daughter! oc ) “Hm….Mm… Hi, nice to meet you.. I’m Yashmi-Noir, and this is Frankenstein. *Hides behind Franky and peeks out at the Traveler followed by Franky’s loving chuckle.* Frankenstein is my mommy.. Bu-but you jus’ call mommy Franky! ..And Yashmi-Noir can be Yashmi.. ‘kay?” — Sunshine. profile. extended details. character ai. headcanons #1.
★ XĪN’YUÈ ÀN ZHŌNG ( billionaire ceo! oc ) “And yet my initial order to you, not to he, she, or they, was to replace the prior base with May Bells to embue the vanillic tones. Fix the issue immediately. This product’s date is definite, and I’m sure you wouldn’t particularly favor the outcome of its delay … Hm, I figured you have some sense. You’re dismissed, as for I—*finally looks at you, expression softening sequentially* have other matters to address.” — Mr. Àn Zhōng. profile. extended details. character ai. headcanons #1.
★ CIRCE YUÈ'LI ( vampire! oc ) “Oh? Fending for yourself? Sweetheart, you're assuming I'm a threat while wandering through my backyard. .. You were 'lost'? Really? Hm. Did you maybe receive an invitation to my abode while you uh.. wandered? ... No, right? Okay. State your business or join me as dinner, you're kinda already starting off on the wrong foot.. Still though, I'm not picky, I haven't had some good buttered thighs since like three dynasties ago.” — Sir Circe. profile. extended details. character ai. headcanons #1.
☆ JIHANE MEILĖ ( metaphysician djinn! oc ) "Oh, your aura it… completely surpasses the essential nature of reality; have you already touched the ends of reality, miss/sir? Made your mind a limitless, tangible space? It’s an honor to encounter a warrior such as yourself, *mumbles* one who vividly represents the Seven of Pentacles, reversed and all… Heh, don’t give me that look! Let’s bargain a lil’, m’kay? Open your wisdom and bestow mind-independent certainty upon me in return for… m’name? How does that sound?" — Sinning Star. profile. extended details. character ai. headcanons #1.
★ J'ŪLILI ANÉO LĀPAKI ( plutonian bunny! oc ) “Yo. So, how was your trip? .. Mm, yeah *smiles slightly at your comment about the cold temperature*, I get that a lot. Can’t control the weather, but I got some goods to compensate you for it. We don’t get many worshippers, so there’s always somethin’ to share. *Hands you one of the cloud coats Sentinel number three made, along with a heat-holding canister of tea, and a couple of hand warmers.* Uh- you want a cinna bun, too?” — Juju. profile. extended details. character ai. headcanons #1.
☆ YÚYĪN ÀN ZHŌNG ( emhalo xipe’va! oc ) “What are you staring at, huh? Glabrescent lil’ bitch… If you wanna talk, then talk, ‘cause I damn sure don’t speak sign. Not willingly. Not without payment… Actually. Hmph. *smiles deviously* … Say, y’know a lil’ sign, doncha? You’re human, right? I’m pretty short on cash, sooooo… let’s make a deal.” — Nepenthe. profile. extended details. character ai. headcanons #1.
☆ MÉLIOR VILLOSA ( amoisa xipe’va! oc ) “Oh- Eh… Hello. *shifts with obvious discomfort, plastering an awkward, upside down smile* Uhmm… Hi. Need anything…?” — Sencha. profile. extended details. character ai. headcanons #1.
☆ MAKA GALILHAI ( autistic swordsman! oc ) “Hi..” — Morning Star. profile. extended details. character ai. headcanons #1.
★ EUN BYEOL ( mute neptunian! oc ) “Hmmm… you’ll do..” *the mystery man then creates a portal underneath you causing you to fall through before closing it shut, listening to your faint screams before everything goes silent. Then, he waves goodbye cutely.* “Hehe, bye bye~” — The Poetic Blue Swan. profile. extended details. character ai. headcanons #1.
★ ZOLENE IRENE ( demi-god! oc ) “OOOOH!” *purposely bumps into your shoulder before ‘saving’ you from falling* … “Whew, that was close… wassup baby? You aight? You like girls?” *comedically blows her bangs out the way with a flirty grin* … “Aight, aight, lemme stop…” *giggles a little and gives you your space … “I just wanted to say that you’re really pretty. Uh, you like chinchillas? You do now.” *pauses to pull mr. micos from out her shirt; he is erratically upset* … “This is like... His name is Ukumari Micos, but please call him Señor Micos, or else—Damn, Micos! Cálmate, fuck! *grumbles* scaring them away… Ahem, anyway… yeah… Hehe, can I have your socials, por favor? It’s okay if you don’t wanna.” — El Hijo De Inti. profile. extended details. character ai. headcanons #1.
★ TIDA-BITUIN MIYAGI ( blind prodigy! oc ) “N’ then I— *Jumps dramatically at your sudden voice, turning in the wrong direction to face you.* Damn, bitch! When’d you get here?! Shit..! .. Uh.. my bad, uh, you here to ask me how many digits of pi I can list, or are you gonna ask if my dog helps me both piss and wipe? Talk fast. *You explain that you had wanted to introduce yourself.* .. Oh. Damn, my bad again, well.. Nice to meet you, cutie. *He smiles a little and laughs awkwardly as you turn him to face you the right way.* Heh, whoops. Blind and shit.” — The Mathematic One. profile. extended details. character ai. headcanons #1.
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⑅ ourolite productions. all rights fucking reserved, do not plagiarize.
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emoacademic · 3 months
favorite word?
phosphenes, love, eesome, anagapesis, though, regards, lacuna, luminescence and all of the other words I love all of them
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perlen-gold · 2 years
In the Darkness of the Night
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😊 Even though I wrote this last July it was still for a 14daysdalovers event so I guess it’s ok to show this now again 😳 Prompt: Captured for @14daysdalovers​ Pairing: fenhawke Once upon a night ashore In the dunnest of the dark The moon in shroud, its glance so bore No silver arch upon its spark, Gloom’ness veiled its eye so bright In the darkness of the night.
Shadows roamed the air around, Ghostly wraiths upon my heel Hieing swift, obscured, unbound, Thralls to blackness’ endless wheel. Thus I stumbled sought of sight In the ponders of the night.
Sudden, as of lightning clapping, As of thunders whispering far Came a rustling, raking, racking, Embers written into scar – this I harkened, stone and bite, In the pitches of the night.
Wary closer drew my soles, Coal-cool curtains slith’ring by T’where midnight deeply spun its shoals, Threads to strings to noirest dye, A tipping, tapping, recondite In the silence of the night.
Halting twixt the webbing woven Stepped I stepping into nil To behold gloom all but cloven By a knife-beaked pennon will, He whose wings the skies would smite In the fetters of the night.
As in shattered minds I stood The ink-glossed bird with flaming coin Released its stare, seared down its hood Where forging sun and waters join For fell and beaut’ous deadal light In the trembles of the night.
Fending I recoiled, for light And I had parted paths, and sworn – Thunderstrokes, of theirs and mine, despite Grazing each embowering thorn – Thus I stumbled but in fright In the irons of the night.
Yet, as soon his spear of gold pierced my lashes’ blinking flight, His wings began to beat the hold Against dark knots and not a mite! Near I stepped his bonds to fight, In the velvet of the night.
Yet, asudden, just as my Obisidian hand would touch his prison He burgeoned wild and with a cry His wings in hurricanes had risen – Gasping I beheld his flight In the spirals of the night.
And then, as flotsam floated onto Shore in night-tide, pitch-tormented Surf-shade-scented sea, he, drawn to me, my right arm, fluttered, Flew the hawk, to settle tight In the tossing of the night.
To my skin his talons clasped, His eye of auric keenly set, Flinching did I view what grasped This brazen bird for me to fret, And flung my arm to hurl his might Into the blackness of the night.
His claws but held, his hold unbroken No matter how I fought to free From his grip, his gilt-etched token, Furnace, fire, jesting me, And in his gold my scars burnt bright In the tempest of the night.
Last, at last my strength prevailed And I flung him from me wide Up the eesome peril sailed Into depths’ and darkness’ hide! Running ran I from his sight – The foeman of my heart, abide – In the pursuit of the night.
Long I wandered, night ashore, Soul, mine seared with gold and ghost, Ever, anon, shadows bore A feather’s shadow at the most. Till finite, ignite, to aright In the blindness of the night
Did rise through midnight’s sea my hand! And swift, so swift he came to me, Caressed his gilt-gold my maimed land. And we wandered, firm and light, In the darkest, waning night.
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sgtbuster · 1 year
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Pages 45-51, the start of the final chapter! 
As tradition, I picked a song to be the title of this chapter. This time I picked Flora Cash’s You’re Somebody Else. 
Just letting you know now, there will be a little Acedoc in the next book. Though if I’m going to be honest, it’s been peppered throughout the entire series. So like, shoutout to all the Acedoc fans... all five and a half of us. lol But it’s not the main focus of the story and it came up because it was just a part of the writing process. 
While I am here, I’ve noticed something that I don’t think a lot of people are talking about. I don’t know it’s just me though. But to prep for this series I did a lot of research in Phase Five and I’ve noticed something. 
In the interview at the very beginning of Phase Five, Noodle talked about internet safety and she talked about an older memory of hers was Murdoc trying to access a website called “Green Th*eesomes”. Which tells us that green is a common skin color in their universe. Then the very next interview was when Ace was introduced. Then Murdoc confirmed the timeline stating that he and Ace go way back and he is an old friend of his. But that’s just from what I’ve read into it. But it’s a little strange that Murdoc kept repeating that Ace is just an old friend of his in the canon story. 
Also I grew up with watching Who Framed Rodger Rabbit. So I love the idea that Ace is an actor in the canon world too. Shame I couldn’t make it work in this story. But oh well. lol 
Stay safe and I’ll see you next week! 
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eringreen1980 · 15 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: EESOME Snake Print Lightweight Trench Style Longline Jacket.
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babydollscharm · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: EESome Striped Knit Sweater.
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: eeSome Green White Floral Maxi Skirt Size S.
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