#Elite Supplements
flipping-the-coin · 1 year
[Audio file: #001 - Alpha Trion]
[Audio file of Optimus Prime: Security level = PRIME]
[Authorization detected… Confirmed]
[Audio playback commencing… Recording begins]
I recently read one of Orion Pax’s personal journal entries and felt inspired to record my own thoughts on the subject matter in the hope that I might better understand my own… situation in a sense. 
I would have been inclined to write these musings down if only to ensure that they could be kept in a more controlled documentation format. However writing has never been a particularly successful endeavor for me. When me and my host shared a frame, it was near impossible for me to write without pain since he could predict my thoughts and read the words I wrote down. Often he was displeased with my attempts to record my ideas, emotions, or considerations. Writing was merely a way to ask for suffering, so I kept from it as much as possible. 
He could not hurt me for speaking, at least not as much since he was unable to predict exactly what I would say at any given moment. It certainly helped me to learn the ways of political  and emotional manipulation, not that I am proud of that fact. I learned that if I warped my mannerisms and glyph usage to a degree, becoming more vague and leaving plenty of room for unsaid meaning, additional pain could be avoided. As much as my host seemed fond of causing me pain, he often did not bother hurting me while I spoke so long as I kept within certain parameters. 
It is safe to say that the habit of speaking my thoughts aloud in this form has lingered, and I see no need to eliminate it. It is comforting to speak into the void as if another could hear me… it is easier to cope with reality that way…
With that said, when it comes to Alpha Trion, my views regarding him are… complicated to say the least. My memories have always been questionable, a fact that has become more and more prominent in recent cycles. Things come to me in tattered pieces and some memories are locked away from me entirely, unable to be accessed despite the fact that I can feel gaps in my recollections as starkly as I do the hostility from my host. I believe the Matrix may be involved, but that is beside the point. 
The gaps in my memory notwithstanding, Alpha Trion holds a unique place in my mind and spark. I have vague recollections of a time long gone by, a vision of things that have since passed. I remember him speaking to me in a place where only stars hung overhead, calling me ‘brother’ and saying something about me having ‘a grand purpose’. He seemed younger in that memory, but I do not know where or when it is from. I remember a distant feeling of affection directed toward him, but it was a strange form of love, one that I only recall experiencing during my youth after my initial forging in the frame of my host. 
In those tattered memories from the time when stars shone brightly overhead, Alpha Trion was kin, family in an odd sense, and a guardian to me. He was security and wisdom given form, a view I now find to have been somewhat misplaced. 
To offer some context for any listeners, when I first came into being, all I knew for a blinding moment was agony, then complete adoration toward my host, before finally everything settled on a rather cold and calculating apathy toward that which was unrelated to my duty. At the time all I knew was that Cybertron’s children needed my aid and protection, that was all I was required to be aware of. It was a simpler time for me. Alpha Trion was there during my forging, and I recall quite vividly how he scooped me up as if I weighed nothing, threw me over his shoulder, and ran down a dark path as if his life depended on it. Looking back, his life very well might have. I remember the screams of agony from the priests who were there for my forging, the mecha who lingered in the shadows and watched in awe as I awoke.
I have yet to confirm my suspicions as I have not yet taken the time to speak to Megatron, but I believe he was there that cycle, and I am near certain he tore every last one of those priests and observers to pieces in his rage. I must have fallen into recharge somewhere along the path, as my next recollection was of me awaking once more, this time within the Primal Citadel, before its destruction of course. I believe that was the only time I ever entered that place. Something in me was terrified of that structure after what I went through there. 
I have already stated that my memories are not exactly the most reliable. That fact becomes quite prominent here as I cannot recall what Alpha Trion put me through in full. I believe it was an attempt on the Matrix’s part to protect my mind and spark from corruption. However some things are clear to me amidst the fog. I knew Alpha Trion was my brother from the moment I came into being, it is the nature of Primes to sense others like us due to our rarity and common origin. To those who know the chill of the void and the warmth of Primus’s embrace, it is not difficult to locate those who have also seen the beginning of times. Thus, with that knowledge, I remember reaching out to Alpha Trion, searching for guidance from him as I could not seem to access my host. 
However, instead of treating me with any degree of kindness as I flailed in confusion at being given a mortal frame and being unable to speak to my host, he gave me to the Elite Guard. Do not mistake what I am going to say following this as hatred toward the guard. No, if anything I pity those mecha who took me upon themselves in those early cycles of my functioning. When I was passed to them, I was cold, unfeeling, and did not at all care for others as I do now. The mind of a Prime… It is something I struggle to describe. I have unknowingly buried my nature quite deeply beneath memory and pain, but I know what I was, what I was intended to be. 
With Alpha Trion observing, my fourteen elite guardsmen put me through vigorous combat, strategy, speech, and political training. It is all a large blur for me, as at the time I was still adapting to my host’s memory and attempting to soothe him, not understanding why he was so frightened and angry. Despite that, the aches of hydraulics and cables from long cycles of being pushed to the limit are a lingering sensation even now. I recall the hymns sung without end during my training in the dark halls as if it were my own spark singing them. I… I remember the confusion and the turmoil that burned within me as I struggled to find something to cling to amidst the storm of change.
The Matrix was quiet in those cycles. Upon consideration, I believe it was still adjusting to my presence and Orion’s aggression. Whatever the case, it offered little comfort, and reaching out to my host in a desperate attempt to seek affection yielded nothing. I see now that the way I expressed my desires was… frightening to a mortal. Primes have unique methods of communication that I did not yet know were unacceptable and likely only frightened my host further. Still, I made attempts, and when I received nothing back amidst the chaos, I reached for Alpha Trion, trying desperately to understand and to seek familiarity if not a chance to be soothed. 
The cycle I went to him was a rainy one. Acid fell from the skies outside and looking out a window in the long dark halls revealed mecha running for safety. At the time, I felt nothing more than the slightest hint of concern before I continued on my way, eager to reach my destination. When I arrived at Alpha Trion’s office, I entered quietly and tried to ask him to help me, to explain and give me comfort in the only way I knew how. But when he stood to face me, I felt fear for the first time. He took my audial in his servos and tore my finial off, causing me to cry out on instinct, still unused to mortal pain. Energon fell from the wound and I remember being so confused, wondering why a fellow Prime would hurt me as I gazed down at where energon coated my digits from my attempts to staunch the bleeding.
“You are a Prime. A Prime does not show weakness or hesitation. Your duty is clear. The enemy must be destroyed and peace returned to Cybertron. Put these foolish mortal emotions aside and focus on what you were forged for, brother.” 
That is what he said to me that cycle as tears fell from my optics. I did not return to him after that. I did not know why at the time, but I see now that it was because I was afraid. I did not wish to be hurt, so I trained with the guard until it was time to be deployed to the front lines to meet my Autobots with the false tale Alpha Trion gave me of my ‘acceptance’ of the Matrix and the ‘reforging’ it put me through. 
He frightened me, and whatever else he did to me during my time at the Primal Citadel scarred me so deeply that even now I cannot recall all that came to pass in that place. I only spent perhaps three stellar cycles there, but it changed me, it snuffed the mortal emotions that I began to develop and kept me from trying to reach out to others in any significant capacity until Bumblebee came into my life. I do not know what Alpha Trion did to me… I do not think I want to know. But I am prone to believing that ripping off my finial was not his only crime against me. As I left that place and observed my frame for the first time in the quiet of my battle front quarters, I found quite a few additional scars, some looking to have come from a wide assortment of weaponry and others looking as if they were from claws.
I never returned to the Primal Citadel, nor did I ever wish to. My spark flared in fear whenever I considered the location, even now I am not yet content with whatever horrible atrocities befell me there.
Alpha Trion is my brother. I know that much. But… he was no friend, nor was he kind. He was cruel, and now as I learn more about my host, I have found he hurt Orion just as much, if not more than he ever hurt me. I will never claim to understand his motives, but his influence is everywhere. I struggle to see it amidst the storm within my mind and the Matrix’s constant whispers now that it is active, but sometimes I see his work in the way my guardsmen act. Sometimes I can sense the corruption he instilled as I observe my beloved’s total devotion to what he believes. Sometimes… I can see it in myself when I see the face I stole in the mirror and the sickening white of my optics that comes whenever I don’t want to feel… when I want to forget…
There have been no sightings of Alpha Trion or any indicator of his death. He has vanished, but I do not believe he is gone. If Alpha Trion is anything like me, he will not rest until his duty is done. I suspect he lingers, watching and observing somewhere in the dark, waiting for a chance to act again and move things as he sees fit. I am no fool, I can feel the fragility of my mind only barely held together by the affection of my lover, the adoration of my sparklings, and the soothing whispers of the Matrix. If Alpha Trion were to return…
I do not believe I would survive the encounter.
[Recording ends.]
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prime90inc · 1 month
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Choosing the Right Phosphorus Supplement for Optimal Horse Health
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clausa2022 · 1 month
Discovering America’s Favorite: The Best Nootropic Supplement in the USA
Why Choose Nootropic Supplements?
In the hustle and bustle of modern life, maintaining optimal brain function is more important than ever. From demanding work schedules to the relentless pace of daily activities, many Americans are turning to nootropic supplements to boost their cognitive performance. Among the myriad of options available, one stands out as the best nootropic supplement in the USA: Focus Plus.
The Rise of Focus Plus Supplement
Focus Plus Supplement has quickly become a favorite among those seeking to enhance their mental clarity, memory, and overall brain health. This supplement is meticulously formulated with a blend of powerful ingredients designed to support cognitive functions. The combination of natural extracts, vitamins, and minerals in Focus Plus works synergistically to provide a noticeable improvement in mental sharpness and focus.
Scientifically-Backed Ingredients
One of the standout features of Focus Plus is its commitment to quality and efficacy. Each ingredient is carefully selected based on scientific research, ensuring that users receive the maximum benefit. Key components such as Bacopa Monnieri, Ginkgo Biloba, and Rhodiola Rosea are well-known for their cognitive-enhancing properties, making Focus Plus the best brain focus supplement in the USA.
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Holistic Approach to Brain Health
What sets Focus Plus apart from other nootropic supplements is its holistic approach to brain health. Not only does it aim to improve cognitive performance in the short term, but it also promotes long-term brain health. The inclusion of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents helps protect the brain from oxidative stress and inflammation, which are common contributors to cognitive decline.
Real User Experiences
Users of Focus Plus consistently report enhanced concentration, better memory retention, and an overall sense of mental clarity. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or someone looking to maintain cognitive health as you age, Focus Plus is a reliable choice.
Conclusion: The Best Nootropic Supplement in the USA
In conclusion, if you’re searching for the best nootropic supplement in the USA, Focus Plus stands out as a top contender. Its scientifically-backed ingredients and comprehensive approach to brain health make it the go-to supplement for anyone looking to boost their mental performance and maintain a sharp mind.
Buy from: www.clarigenz.com
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eryka · 2 months
So delicious
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kiserspeaks · 9 months
Unveiling the XS Difference: A Deeper Look at the Health and Mental Benefits
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In the dynamic world of sports nutrition, where supplement choices abound, the discerning athlete seeks products that not only enhance physical performance but also prioritize overall health and mental well-being. XS Sports Nutrition, a rising star in the industry, sets itself apart by embodying a holistic approach to athlete nutrition. In this blog post, we delve into the distinctive health and mental benefits that XS Sports Nutrition products offer in comparison to other mainstream supplements.
1. Clean and Transparent Ingredients: The XS Promise
One of the standout features of XS Sports Nutrition is its commitment to clean and transparent ingredient lists. Many mainstream supplements may include artificial additives, colors, and excessive sugars, which can have adverse effects on health. XS products, on the other hand, boast a carefully curated blend of ingredients, ensuring athletes fuel their bodies with premium nutrients without unnecessary additives.
2. Balanced Nutrient Profiles: A Symphony for Health
XS Sports Nutrition products are crafted with a focus on balanced nutrient profiles. This approach ensures that athletes receive not only the macronutrients essential for performance but also the micronutrients crucial for overall health. Striking this balance contributes to sustained energy levels, improved recovery, and the foundation for long-term well-being.
3. Mindful Energy: Beyond the Boost
While many mainstream supplements prioritize a quick energy boost, XS Sports Nutrition takes a mindful approach. The inclusion of adaptogens and natural sources of energy, such as green tea extract and B-vitamins, distinguishes XS products. This holistic approach not only enhances physical performance but also supports mental clarity and focus without the crashes associated with some mainstream supplements.
4. Gut Health: The Core of Wellness
XS Sports Nutrition recognizes the vital role of gut health in overall well-being. Unlike some mainstream supplements that may disrupt digestive balance, XS products aim to promote gut health. Probiotics and digestive enzymes are incorporated strategically to support nutrient absorption, reduce bloating, and contribute to a healthier digestive system.
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The mental benefits of XS Sports Nutrition extend beyond performance. The inclusion of ingredients like Rhodiola Rosea and L-theanine supports mental resilience, stress reduction, and improved mood. While mainstream supplements may focus solely on physical enhancements, XS products acknowledge the interconnectedness of mental and physical well-being.
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XS Sports Nutrition products are developed with a foundation in science-backed innovation. Rigorous research and testing ensure that each product aligns with the latest advancements in sports nutrition. This commitment to excellence distinguishes XS from some mainstream supplements that may lack the same level of scientific rigor.
7. Personalized Approach: Tailoring Nutrition to You
Understanding that every athlete is unique, XS Sports Nutrition adopts a personalized approach. Products are designed to cater to various dietary preferences, ensuring that athletes can find options that align with their individual needs. This level of customization sets XS apart from one-size-fits-all mainstream supplements.
Conclusion: Elevating the Athlete Experience
In the realm of sports nutrition, XS stands as a beacon of innovation and mindful nourishment. The health and mental benefits embedded in XS Sports Nutrition products showcase a commitment to enhancing the athlete experience holistically. As athletes prioritize their well-being, XS emerges as a compelling choice, offering not just supplements but a holistic approach to a healthier, more resilient, and high-performing self. Elevate your nutrition; embrace the XS difference.
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merriclo · 2 years
got my blood work results back guess who has above average levels of iron 😎
idk how tho considering i eat like a rabbit
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whencyclopedia · 13 days
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The Nerge: Hunting in the Mongol Empire
The peoples of the Mongol Empire (1206-1368 CE) were nomadic, and they relied on hunting wild game as a valuable source of protein. The Asian steppe is a desolate, windy, and often bitterly cold environment, but for those Mongols with sufficient skills at riding and simultaneously using a bow, there were wild animals to be caught to supplement their largely dairy-based diet. Over time, hunting and falconry became important cultural activities and great hunts were organised whenever there were major clan gatherings and important celebrations. These hunts involved all of the tribe mobilising across vast areas of steppe to corner game into a specific area, a technique known as the nerge. The skills and strategies used during the nerge were often repeated with great success by Mongol cavalry on the battlefield across Asia and in Eastern Europe.
Hunted Animals
The Mongols, like other nomadic peoples of the Asian steppe, relied on milk from their livestock for food and drink, making cheese, yoghurt, dried curds and fermented drinks. The animals they herded - sheep, goats, oxen, camels and yaks - were generally too precious as a regular source of wool and milk to kill for meat and so protein was acquired through hunting, essentially any wild animal that moved. Animals hunted in the medieval period included hares, deer, antelopes, wild boars, wild oxen, marmots, wolves, foxes, rabbits, wild asses, Siberian tigers, lions, and many wild birds, including swans and cranes (using snares and falconry). Meat was especially in demand when great feasts were held to celebrate tribal occasions and political events such as the election of a new khan or Mongol ruler.
A basic division of labour was that women did the cooking and men did the hunting. Meat was typically boiled and more rarely roasted and then added to soups and stews. Dried meat (si'usun) was an especially useful staple for travellers and roaming Mongol warriors. In the harsh steppe environment, nothing was wasted and even the marrow of animal bones was eaten with the leftovers then boiled in a broth to which curd or millet was added. Animal sinews were used in tools and fat was used to waterproof items like tents and saddles.
The Mongols considered eating certain parts of those wild animals which were thought to have potent spirits such as wolves and even marmots a help with certain ailments. Bear paws, for example, were thought to help increase one's resistance to cold temperatures. Such concoctions as powdered tiger bone dissolved in liquor, which is attributed all sorts of benefits for the body, is still a popular medicinal drink today in parts of East Asia.
Besides food and medicine, game animals were also a source of material for clothing. A bit of wolf or snow leopard fur trim to an ordinary robe indicated the wearer was a member of the tribal elite. Fur-lined jackets, trousers, and boots were a welcome insulator against the bitter steppe winters, too.
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Personal Trainer & Prep Coach Brendon Theron.
A perfect example of what happens when a male bodybuilder embraces the supplements, training and mentoring opportunities available: Elite status and a dedicated fan base follows.
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scotianostra · 24 days
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On August 27th 1788 the trial began of Deacon William Brodie, a respected pillar of Edinburgh society by day, a thief and housebreaker by night.
Brodie is said to have been the inspiration of Robert Louis Stevenson's Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, which was published a century later.
The prestigious title of deacon did not refer to religion, as many assume, but instead to his presidency of one of Edinburgh's trades guilds. His trade was as a cabinet-maker and his position as deacon of the Incorporation of Wrights made him a member of the town council.
The trial of William Brodie for breaking into and robbing the General Excise Office for Scotland took place at Edinburgh on 27th and 28th August, 1788. The story of his strange career is as enthralling as any romance. The double life which he so long and successfully led – as a respected citizen and town councillor by day, and by night the captain of a band of housebreakers – was the wonder of the country at the time. Nowadays you would call it a celebrity trial.
Brodie was quite rich with 10,000 pounds and three houses that he inherited from his father. He also inherited the business, allowing him to sustain the wealth. Traveling in the highest social circles, Brodie had the key to almost all of the richest people’s houses. Literally. No wealthy Edinburgh resident would ever think that such a respected man would keep a copy of their key in his drawer and that he would slip inside their homes after nightfall to steal everything worth taking.
During the day, he was a well-known gentleman who shared jovial times with his rich customers and enjoyed the company of highly respected persons such as himself, but during the night, Brodie could be found gambling in the dark corners of Edinburgh, accruing debts that forced him to consider a life of crime, and so, he became a thief.
After installing a lock in a rich man’s home, Brodie would also make a copy of the key for himself. Not because he collected souvenirs, but because he intended to visit those homes again, some other night when a burglary without breaking in but entering the house with a key would be his tactic. In this way, the man had supplemental payment to support his double life as a gentleman by day and a gambler in the evenings. On top of everything, Brodie had to support his five children by two mistresses who didn’t know of each other’s existence.
Allegedly, his criminal career began around 1768, when he stole 800 pounds from a bank that he sneaked into during the night by using a key. The Deacon’s nightlife was filled with gambling, robbing, and stealing. He didn’t mix his daily business and finances with his nightlife. Whenever he would fall into debt while gambling, he had the “ace key” that would pay off his debts.
Another source says that although Brodie had already robbed a bank, his real criminal career began in the summer of 1786 when he met George Smith, an Englishman. Brodie and Smith got into business together, targeting the rich people’s homes in Old Town. By the end of that same year, the duo had successfully robbed a tobacconist and a goldsmith’s.
Soon, the Deacon and the Englishman recruited two other members to their group: Andrew Ainslie, a shoemaker, and John Brown, a thief. In 1787, the gang stole tea from a grocer’s store in Leith. Back then, tea was a valuable commodity, a luxury that only members of the elite could afford to buy.
Encouraged by their success, the gang, led by the Deacon, decided to steal the revenues of Scotland from an Excise office in Chessel’s Court on the Canongate. They organized an armed raid, and for the first time, instead of welcoming themselves inside with a key, they broke in. However, they managed to steal only 16 pounds when they were caught. The unsuccessful robbery led Brown to claim the King’s Pardon the same night and named Smith and Ainslie as the culprits.
When his partners got arrested, Brodie traveled to London, and from there he boarded a ship to Amsterdam. But, since there was a reward for Brodie, he was tracked down in Holland and shipped back to Edinburgh. He and his friend Smith were tried on August 27, 1788. Although at first there wasn’t any strong evidence against Brodie, he was convicted after a disguise, pistols, and of course, copied keys were found in his workshop. After a trial that lasted only 21 hours, Brodie was hanged in front of 40,000 people on October 1st that very year.
You can read an account of his trial here https://archive.org/.../trialofdeaconbro00brod_djvu.txt
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flipping-the-coin · 1 year
Guardsman Recruit - Paradox: Entry #003
[10 Vorns after the restoration of Cybertron]
[Stellar cycle 1 of training]
[Phase 1: Induction (halfway complete)]
[Recruit Type: Chaplain]
[Recording begins]
This is Paradox signing on. I joined the elite guard a stellar cycle ago as a new recruit. Currently all I can say is that I am... very tired. It has been... rough to say the least. I joined pretty excited, but its been a whole stellar cycle and I can say for certain that I am exhausted. Its not even because of the physical training anymore, at least I don't think so.
I watched a great many of my fellow recruits get picked to join separate groups. I didn't understand why or where they were going until I was taken from amongst the few who remained unselected and brought away. I recall is vividly, I was just going about my usual exercises when it happened. Speaking of said exercises, they have moved away from carrying material and into actual combat training. We lift weights, transform until our T-cogs burn, practice with all weapon types until it hurts to move, and then are promptly dragged off to recharge cycle lessons before we are at last allowed to rest.
But that is beside the point. I was about halfway through training when two guardsmen came and collected me. They said nothing, but they had me collect my things from my room and moved me to a separate building. This place is far different. Its quiet, totally silent in fact. My room is exactly like the one in the barracks, only in here there is the symbol of the Primacy painted absolutely everywhere and in startling detail. There are hymns on the walls too, old hymns. Its all very off putting if I am honest. However its comfortable even if its a bit too silent for my liking after all the songs that continually played in the barracks.
There aren't many other here. Its just me and around a dozen robed mecha. They say they are priests of the Primacy, but last I checked there was no formal religion around the Primacy. Mecha believe in the Primes and their glory, but there aren't any preachers of any tenants of faith. Somehow though these mecha claim to be part of the Primacy as if it were a true faith. I don't believe them, not really. I am worried though. The guard gave me to these mad mecha, they GAVE me to them and occasionally walk these halls as though nothing is wrong.
I don't understand what is going on anymore. I thought I was training as a solider, but ever since I have gotten to this place, things have changed. These priests... they never have me train, no, instead I have been denied energon all but once every three cycles and am taught what they call 'The Doctrine'. All cycle every cycle it is prayer, reading, and singing in the old language. I am not allowed to use the common speech, I learned that the hard way... my plating still aches from where the priests engraved "Purity through Duty" on my back. That's not the only engraving they've given me. They've covered every single inch of my body in prayers and quotes, lines and 'truths'. Should I fail to memorize the word or show proper respect, these robed glitches will hold me down and carve yet another line into my plating. They aren't afraid to overlap, even if it is painful for me.
Its dark in this place too. I haven't seen the faint light of the nearest star since I came in, and I haven't been allowed to leave. Its always reading 'The Doctrine', praying to Primus for his grace, and offering up songs of praise. I've memorized about half of 'The Doctrine' by now just because of how deeply they've beat it into my helm. Its all very fanatical stuff. Quotes from the Primes, words of the ancients, and so on. These priests are serious, and they are not afraid to break me down to get what they want. I am too weak to fight back now, my plating is even starting to gray in some places. The guard never do a think when they come by, even when I pleaded with them for answers and understanding. All I've gotten from them is an examination from their medic once a deca-cycle to assess my physical health.
I don't like to think about how much my cabling has atrophied, but the priests refuse to let me move. I must follow their designs. I stopped trying to struggle or speak out about a deca-cycle back, and since then... things have been somewhat nicer. Its quiet in this place hidden underground. Everything is lit by energon crystals too high for me to reach and every single part of this almost chapel like structure is totally covered in religious imagery. I don't understand anymore. The priests teach me things... they say things that I know sound strange... wrong almost. And yet I can do nothing, their words ring out in my processors at all moments of the cycle. I am not even sure when I am supposed to recharge anymore due to the lack of access to the surface for time measurement.
It doesn't matter much anyway. The cycles blur together after a while. But I have begun to notice things now that I am not struggling to think so hard. These priests, they are all horribly thin. They have no armor whatsoever and wander in their protoform, only protected by a thin layer of steel cable cloth that makes up their robes. I've watched their routines and all they seem to do is pray and tend to their strange objects of interest. There are around six priests who dedicate themselves solely to handling vials of an ominous blue liquid and strange bits and pieces of shredded protoform material. Another priest tends to a whole crystal garden down here, cycle in and cycle out always making sure the crystals grow. I think I have seen a few corpses in there... hidden amongst the glittering shards.
Others I have seen carrying around 'The Doctrine' as if it is a holy relic. There are even an odd few who I have seen tending to actual relics used during the war. I am fairly certain I saw a priest pass of the phase shifter to a guardsman a few cycles ago. The priest who handles most of my teaching has 'The Doctrine' on him all the time. He treats it reverently and has gone through great pains to ensure that I know how to properly clean and preserve it. He's even begun having me carry it around strapped to my back in a case covered in Primacy marks. I hated it at first. The thing was heavy and hurt my back... but strangely enough... now I find it somewhat comforting. I know the book almost as well as I do my designation... having it near me is a comfort within this darkness beneath the surface.
I asked about my Nurturer a little while ago. She promised she would send me messages. The head priest who teaches me said that there have been no messages addressed to me. Its odd, but my Nurturer is a busy femme. She works at the docks and its hard stuff. She probably has just been distracted. I am certain by the time I make my next report, she will have sent me a message and all will be well.
This place is strange. I don't know what is going on and honestly... I am afraid. Whatever it is they want from me... it frightens me. I want to go back to the training grounds with the others, or better yet, home.
Its all so hazy now. I always get this way before its time for recharge. The world seems to shift and I swear on Primus's holy name that I can hear whispers speaking to me in the dark. Am I losing my mind? I don't know...
At least I have The Doctrine with me this cycle. The head priest was kind enough to let me have it. Perhaps I should read a bit from it before resting to clear my helm. I have grown to be rather fond of Optimus Prime's quotes on the Art of War.
Paradox signing off.
[Recording ends]
[Recording uploaded to supervisor]
[Recruit - Paradox: Progressing rapidly. Chaplain training taking with extreme efficiency]
[Likelihood of Survival: 98%]
[Estimation until initial training complete: Three stellar cycles]
[Second phase training prepared]
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mychlapci · 8 months
… I like to think Sentinel would manage to condition himself completely by accident. Most of it could have been avoided by just not trying to optimize his studying time by taking his supplements at the same time. He probably started off like you said, trying to hold still as his /medical device/ expanded in his valve to connect with his gestation tank. Maybe even felt a little uncomfortable with how wet he got, feeling it pump the nutrients into him until his belly was swollen with more than just his bitlet. And of course he wouldn’t just overload himself afterwards to get rid of the charge, it’s not like he’s INTO this! That would be ridiculous. Him, a Prime and an Elite Guard, getting charged up over carrying of all things… Sentinel growing increasingly horny until just prepping the applicator has his sensitive pussy drooling, day by day subconsciously anticipating his lessons more and more as the mental link between being horny and being a good mommy strengthens. But then throw housekeeping into the mix—Sentinel Prime would never stoop so low as to be dirty, but he IS a bachelor, after all.
Maybe he sits up one day and feels a little broody, a little like nesting. Well, he’s already taking his supplements while he does his parenting classes. He might as well look up some tips on keeping things clean. Getting up from his desk afterwards, tingling with charge that he keeps denying exists as he sets about tidying up the kitchen. He needs to sanitize it after cleaning the applicator after all. Subconsciously setting his hand on his belly as he straightens up from scrubbing the floor and deciding he’s earned a reward with all this hard work. Rushes back to his berth to wring out a weak, dry overload from his limp spike, just enough to sate the urge but not to clear the charge—belly swollen with a bitlet, his valve and node are his frame’s higher priority. And maybe he adds his little rewards to the schedule, right after completing his lessons and preparing his hab for a bitlet! A hardworking Prime like Sentinel deserves a little tlc after all.
But after a few weeks, he finds himself rocking on the applicator. Grinding in his chair as his calipers cycle down and clutch at what is basically a false spike anyway… a little moan sneaking free as his last video ends with a “you’re doing a great job, carrier!” or perhaps a “you’ll be such a good mommy!” Well, it’s just more efficient to get his overload NOW rather than wait, right? A good Prime shouldn’t waste time when he could be working on other things. So he moves his daily overload to lesson time, feeling guilty and a little embarrassed… at least until his next vid brings up how an increase in libido and sensitivity are perfectly normal for carriers. Of course there’s nothing wrong with Sentinel, nothing odd here. He’s just a perfect, textbook case of a carrying mech. In fact, the neediness might even be a sign that he needs MORE supplements a day than he’s been getting. Might be time to talk to a medic.
And of course, months down the line when he’s so swollen that he can’t even SEE his array let alone play with it, he might even realize what he’s done. Well, the apron made sense when he scratched his handsome paint one too many times while cleaning the hab, but did it need to be so pretty? Did his valve need to clench when his vids praised him? Did his panels need to heat up when he cooked or cleaned or set the pump up for his poor, leaky titties? But it’s too late to turn back, too hard to untrain his reactions (especially when he can’t bring himself to want to, too used to multiple overloads daily). Too much effort when no one needs to know.
And then the bitlet finally arrives, and all Sentinel can think is that his last vid kept saying how beneficial it is for a youngling to grow up with a sibling or two… and what a perfect little mommy he is, for only doing what’s best for his little one. Well, the office hasn’t burned to the ground without him yet, now has it? Maybe he could do some paperwork from home. At least until the bitlets wean. That’s awfully young, though… maybe when they start at school.
of course it’s Sentinel’s own fault. He’s so stupid. If he hadn’t tried to optimize his study hours and transfluid implants, then he wouldn’t have ended up discovering getting this damned pregnancy fetish.
i love to imagine Sentinel realizing, despite himself, that he’s conditioned himself into associating his pregnancy with overloading and having to face the fact that he doesn’t have it in him to change it… if he even tries to clean, or watch a video or read a book about carrying he gets so unbearably horny and it’s too hard to resist. He can always reason that his frame is simply… demanding the nutrients for the bitlets, nothing more, just a basic reaction. He’s doing fine. Getting incredibly wet just while cleaning is… a side-effect he’s willing to push through. No one needs to know.
oOoh Sentinel getting himself knocked up again… that’s just exquisite. I mean, back then, it was just an accident, but this time… no, of course it was an accident. He just accidentally wrapped his legs around the designated mech and made him overload inside, he wouldn’t have done that if he’d known he was gonna end up knocked up again, surely. But it’s alright, a youngling should have a sibling. 
i am so glad that my fantasy, regarding any mech at all times, is now applicable to Sentinel. I need him visibly pregnant, swollen with his second baby, with his first one latched onto his chest as he feeds it<33
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clausa2022 · 2 months
Exploring the Science Behind Nootropic Supplements
In the fast-paced modern world, cognitive enhancement is a highly sought-after goal. Nootropic supplements, often dubbed “smart drugs,” are designed to improve mental functions such as memory, creativity, and motivation. Let’s delve into the science behind these fascinating supplements and explore some popular options.
Nootropics work by altering the availability of the brain’s supply of neurochemicals, enzymes, and hormones, while also improving oxygen supply to the brain. One well-known nootropic is the Focus Plus supplement, which combines various ingredients aimed at enhancing cognitive function. These supplements often contain natural compounds, vitamins, and minerals that support brain health.
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For those seeking an alternative to Adderall, a prescription medication commonly used to treat ADHD, nootropic supplements can offer a safer, non-prescription option. Adderall is known for its potential side effects and risk of dependency, making natural nootropics an appealing choice for many. These alternatives aim to provide similar cognitive benefits without the associated risks.
When choosing the best nootropic supplement, it’s essential to consider the ingredients and their respective benefits. Look for supplements that include proven nootropic compounds like biocitroid, alongside other brain-boosting ingredients such as Bacopa Monnieri, Rhodiola Rosea, and L-Theanine. These ingredients work synergistically to enhance focus, memory, and overall cognitive function.
In conclusion, nootropic supplements offer a promising way to enhance cognitive function and brain health. By understanding the science behind these supplements and selecting high-quality products with effective ingredients, individuals can potentially improve their mental performance safely and naturally. Whether you’re looking for a focus plus supplement or an alternative to Adderall, the world of nootropics has something to offer for everyone seeking cognitive enhancement.
Buy From: www.clarigenz.com
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quinnlarrabee · 1 year
Palo santo 101
Before you click play on the audio recording and blithely ignore the written guide, be sure to review the important science-based charts and insight-rich visuals sprinkled throughout it.
If you’ve ever walked into a party hosted by someone under 40 in Brooklyn, Lisbon, California, Condesa or Roma Norte, or Venice Beach and not smelled palo santo, then you probably had covid. Over the past decade palo santo has become the official scent of good vibes. It is an olfactory assurance for anyone who recognizes the scent that conversation will be limited to polyamory, regional burns, and adaptogen supplements. Despite the fact that no one ever doesn’t want to smell palo santo, it’s important to know when to use it and when to relegate your surroundings to their default odor. This guide will ensure that you know exactly how to make the most of the palo santo you carry in the shoulder bag you purchased at the Sant Jordi flea market in Ibiza during the off-season.
Like most cultural appropriations, no one who burns palo santo knows what it is, where it came from, why they use it, or why it’s even called palo santo. Let’s uncover the facts. 
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Bursera Graveolens is a tree native to the dry tropical forests of South America. Its discovery by white people dates back to 1972 at a now defunct swingers resort in Quito, Ecuador, where a guest from New Jersey named Paulo Santonicola noticed a stick with a burning ember on the end of giving off a fetid, wispy trail of smoke. He pointed at the burning stick and asked the guy holding the cocaine tray, who would now be called a consent educator, “por que?”
“Plaga,” he replied, and gnashed his teeth and made a flapping-wing motion with the hand not holding the cocaine tray. Paulo brought the wood back to his central New Jersey home as a last-ditch effort to ward off the deer that were eating the tomatoes in his garden. He started burning the wood around the clock in the steamy summer of 1972, during which he and his girlfriend hosted dozens of play parties. 
“I didn’t care if people at my parties had a problem with the smell,” recounted Paulo. “Those frickin’ deer were jumping my fence and chewing through wire to eat my tomatoes. When I caught a whiff of that wood down in Quito, I thought, ‘they won’t come near my garden if I burn this shit.’” 
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Mr. Santonicola had achieved some level of notoriety in the adult film industry in the early 1970s, and his parties were well attended by neo-hippies, the disco elite and the first generation of yoga professionals. Over the course of the summer, a pavlovian association formed between the scent of the wood and casual sex, and his friends started asking him for sticks so that they could take the vibe home with them. At the sunset of his porn career, he saw an opportunity not only to rebrand his legacy, distancing himself from grainy adult films with problematic titles, but also to make oceans of cash: import the wood and sell it through his readymade network of yoga instructors under his stage name, Palo Santo. 
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Palo santo’s ubiquity today grew from its two foundational use cases: repelling pests and masking the odor of too many naked bodies in poorly ventilated New Jersey basements. Palo santo is still used today as a repellent of sorts to ward off bad vibes and people who do not use the word vibe in place of most nouns at the end of a question, such as scene, weather, temperature, culture, menu, rules, culture, law, opinion, suggested attire, relationship status, sexual proclivity, net worth and so on. It is also still used during group sex, but only when the group sex is intentional and/or ceremonial. There are many other ways, however, that you can improve the vibes of the world through the smoke of this wood, which was recently added to IUCN’s Red List of “near threatened” species, making it even more important to burn palo santo as a way of calling attention to its growing scarcity. 
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For a brief, blissful period during the pandemic, the only people who traveled were intrepid hipsters who had already contracted the virus and been instrumental in scaling it to global significance through music festivals, long-distance polycules and global nomadism. Commercial airlines from the spring of 2020 through the summer of 2021 were basically private air travel for people who know to always ask if party buffet chocolate is psycho-active. Air travel today is a much lower vibration experience, and it’s important that assertive restorative steps be taken by conscious travelers to make flying chill again. Hanging a dreamcatcher from the back of the seat in front of you and burning palo santo on the tray table is a great way of making a public flight experience feel more private. Be sure to light your palo santo only after the aircraft reaches cruising altitude, because tray tables must be stowed until then. 
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Other people’s parties
Not everyone with whom you may socialize is aware of how critical palo santo is to creating and maintaining a vibe. Some less experienced hosts try to make do with incense from India, Japan or other countries that have been annexed by Brooklyn or with candles from La Labo, and it may be up to you to rescue the vibe. Back when people consumed alcohol, bringing a nice bottle of wine was a way of showing a host your appreciation, but these days bringing palo santo, immediately lighting it and waving the stick around like Harry Potter on quaaludes is the optimal way of saying thank-you to someone who has invited you into their home.  
While palo santo has not been proven by any form of science to deliver the healing benefits touted by people who sell or use palo santo, be assured that it does all of the things people say it does. Burning palo santo creates smoke, and smoke is pretty to watch and - like cardiovascular exercise - creates a healthy challenge for your lungs. Medical facilities are places where people go to heal, and bringing palo santo to visit a recovering friend is a beautiful contribution to not only their journey back to health but also the recovery of every patient within a twenty to fifty foot radius. 
Conscious uncoupling ceremonies
Modifying your relationship trajectory in a direction that disappoints the person you are with might seem like a low vibe experience, but you can make it a high vibe experience by burning palo santo. While explaining that the rules that you set last week for your ENM pairing have become too confining, burning palo santo will deflect negative reactions and in some cases even seduce your partner into being amenable to a situationship that has absolutely no structure, rules or expectations. This can add to your sexual abundance and also serve as a pillar in your temple of confidence that helps you acquire new lovers at floor parties. If, rather than just undefining the relationship, you are certain there is no future with the person to whom you have exposed particles of burning wood, palo santo will prevent your ex-partner from making an opposing case or lingering too long after you have had uncoupling sex. 
During sex with someone you don’t want to fall in love with you
In a rare moment of cultural relevance, Science has proven that pheromones strengthen the bonds of attraction between two or many more people during sexual activity. Sometimes, though, it is undesirable to strengthen bonds with a sex partner. Sometimes, it is optimal to maintain a totally impartial, unattached, stoic distance between the person who you are inside / is inside of you, given that attraction can lead to unintended expectations. Burning palo santo is an excellent way of muting the potency of pheromones, leveling the olfactory playing field and creating a piney through-line for all the people participating in a sexual experience. 
Any kind of intentional wellness space
Because the smell of palo santo is so potent and distracting, burning it during intentional experiences (e.g. yoga, journaling, meditation, tantra classes, tantric sex, facials or any kind of PRP therapy) compels participants to step up their intention-setting efforts. It forces deep focus and concentration, kind of like how the deafening emo whines of RY X at a RY X concert force you to lean in, cock your head and make that weird squinty-eyed, mouth-agape listening face to be able to hear the unsolicited story of how literally anyone you happen to be standing next to was in an intentional polyamorous relationship with RY X.
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Ancient actually sacred genuinely authentic real cultural events that were not invented by white people to extract money from other white people
Many people who attend Burning Man have begun to explore other intentional gatherings outside of Nevada that don’t involve metallic gold body paint. Some of these gatherings are thousands of years old and are led by people who have trained their entire lives to uphold traditions that have been passed down for generations within their culture. Particularly if a gathering takes place in its country of origin (rather than being exported, diluted and branded, like an ethnic fast food franchise), you may encounter native smells that don’t smell like palo santo. In these cases, it is not only permissible but even advisable to add palo santo to everyone’s experience, which you have probably been very reluctantly allowed to attend. Burning palo santo will communicate to the religious or cultural leaders of the gathering that you are on their level and (despite having never read anything about the gathering other than first few words of the top Google result you saw while standing on the Premier Access line into your Delta flight at JFK / LAX / SFO) have a deep respect for whatever they are chanting in a language that you cannot understand while you record the most intensely sacred moments for the Instagram story that you will post at the appropriate time in your home time zone so that everyone will know that you are an internationally intentionally spiritual person who gets access to authentic cultural events. 
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Despite its countless unproven benefits and its universal appeal within a very small circle, there are certain times when palo santo should not be burned. Palo santo can trigger flashbacks for people who first encountered the scent of it during acid trips. If someone walks into your container, smells the palo santo you’re burning and begins behaving erratically, just ask them to immediately return to their own container, lest they harsh the vibe you’re cultivating. The only other times that do not call for burning palo santo are when you’re alone, and no one else will see you lighting the stick and waving it around the room, bringing it within inches of everyone’s face whether they’ve invited it or not, while making awkwardly long eye contact with them, nothing but the winding trail of smoke in front of your your vulnerable gaze, thus communicating to them that you are a spiritually endowed person and care deeply about them knowing that you are a spiritually endowed person. So, a helpful rule of thumb is this: as with masturbation, you should always and only be burning palo santo when someone is watching, otherwise what’s the point.
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sgiandubh · 5 months
Hello good afternoon! On Sam's part, we already have some speculation there in Mordor (will we have a Barbie Fitness revival?). But what about IFTA? Will we have a two-pronged attack this weekend?
Dear IFTA Anon,
The IFTA event is in Dublin, on April 20th. Next week, not this week-end.
For the moment, we have Landcon in Paris on Saturday and yup, he registered for the Cologne Hyrox on Sunday:
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And so is Mrs. Xena, what a surprise:
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Of course she geotagged herself, aaah-ing and oooh-ing near the Dome. Ha. Ha.
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After all, she told Herr Lederhosen, her Bavarian fan Numero Uno, she was going to race PRO at Hyrox Cologne, hashtag lonewolf, hashtag Club Flamingo (but afterwards, LOL) - more about this, here: https://www.tumblr.com/sgiandubh/744955031835541504/out-of-the-ol-bubble?source=share
If you care to see the event's agenda, you'll notice Hyrox PRO women is very short (I have no clue why, ask me about Pre-Raphaelites, instead) and almost simultaneous with the beginning of the Men's race, where S competes. Cue in salacious comments from *urv, I think we should expect at least that.
On the flip side, a revival would be very farfetched, taking into account that Daily Fail article which portrayed him as a Raya lookin' for a hookin', elite available man (LOL for years). PR might be a bitch, but never does something like that without a reason.
Fingahs crossed for that Flamingo Club. Oh, and pour la bonne bouche, she even told us where she is staying in Cologne:
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A 'full appartment with kitchen' and thank you Primal (paid partnership, of course) for today and the ESN hotel, starting tomorrow. Here is an interesting clue, just in case anyone pre-empts the fanfic and imagines a kama-sutra side event in one of the numerous hôtels de charme of Cologne.
There is no ESN hotel (yes, I looked, Deutschland and her beauty are not my forte) in town. The ESN she is talking about is Elite Sports Nutrition, a German fitness supplements company (https://int.esn.com/) prominently featured at FIBO 2024 (same dates, roughly, same place):
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They pay for the room and she doesn't even know or care where the hotel is.
So long for the fish, Anon. That settles it for me. Also, for having participated several times at different high-level events organized by the German authorities (think EU ministerial summit level), I can tell you these people do not joke about accommodation, transfers and registration formalities: this is very strict and very, very effective. Best organization in the world and I know something about it.
*fondly and suddenly remembers her miraculous long week-end at the Adlon Hotel, in Berlin, circa 2007 *
[Later edit]: Told you. *urv already wrote Chapter 13 of Fitness at Dawn. It's based in Cologne:
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*bangs head against wall*
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brandwhorestarscream · 8 months
elite trine x elite trine
I'm telling you right now that Starscream is the one getting sparked up, solely because he is such a size queen and demands double penetration every single time the trine faces. Double the spike means double the transfluid, and even though they're all stocked up on contraceptives, eventually having his gestation tank so full bites him in the aft.
Now, the elite trine are old lovers. They've been around a long time. You will never convince me that they didn't have at least one litter of sparklings sometime before Vos fell. Probably more. They all died in the fall. So Starscream knows what this feeling is--the swelling, the nausea, the sudden rampant hunger.
And he's in denial.
He's terrified. This can't be happening! Not now, not again, not here! Not while they're stranded on earth, not while he and Megatron are at their very worst, not when Vosians are on the very brink of extinction and there's less than a hundred of them left! No, no, no! This could not be worse, it really could not be any worse-
There's nine of them.
Starscream screeches in devastation and anger and a million other emotions when he bears his spark before a mirror and there's more than three, more than six, and sure enough seven, eight, nine teeny tiny sparks like little sprinkles of stardust orbiting around his. That's nothing crazy for a seeker, they always have sparklings in threes, but nine! It's just him and his mates--there's the rest of the airforce, of course, but they're not a proper aerie! He can't possibly terminate them, not when Vos's people are one bad battle away from total annihilation, but he can't keep them!
He dusts off some old protocols and tries desperately to put the sparklings into diapause, refusing to breathe a word of their existence to anyone. With their growth frozen he can double his efforts to finish this war and then they can go home and the little ones can be born safely. That's the plan, anyway.
Unfortunately, diapause takes a lot of energy. It has to keep all of the sparklings suspended in what is essentially a cryosleep funded by his own body, for all nine of them, and that's got very serious demands on his frame. Demands that he can't realistically cater to for long. He's very sneaky for awhile and does everything in his power to distract, misdirect, keep anyone from noticing the extra fuel going missing, but it's not long until Soundwave catches him. Recognizes the shift in his EM field and the way he walks, and promptly rats him out to Megatron.
Big boss is far from happy, but is honestly more exasperated than anything. Of course. If anyone was going to get themselves knocked up during wartime, it would be Starscream, wouldn't it? Then, he does something that's worse than anything he's ever done before:
Assigns his SIC to desk work
Starscream is seething! His position as air commander has been handed over to Thundercracker (who's none too pleased about the situation either), and he's been taken off active field duty for the foreseeable future. He's more prone to making mistakes and having lessened reaction time in his "condition", and Megatron wants these new seekerlings born healthy. Which will be kind of hard if their carrier gets himself blown up, so Starscream is stuck at the base devising battle formation strategy and barking at the air force not to get sloppy in his absence.
His two mates are no help either, he'll grumble to anyone that will listen. Skywarp's been following him around like a lovesick puppy and always wants to feel his belly and coo nonsense to his chassis, and no amount of wriggling away will get him to stop. He's so clingy its suffocating, always sneaking cheeky kisses and tummy pats. He thinks Starscream is just more and more adorable the more his belly grows 🤭 and Thundercracker remembers perfectly all the things Starscream likes when he's expecting, exactly what kind or sour snacks and how he likes the cushions for his wings, and also has the dietary supplement table memorized. If he's having 9 bitties they'll each roughly be X amount of weight when 30% grown so he needs to drink at minimum Y number of cubes a day to keep up with their growth demand and-
So on and so forth. Overall, they're excited, but deep down... they're all individually terrified of loss. When Vos was bombed, the seeker population lost 95-98% of it's members. They lost everyone, every parent, aunt, uncle, cousin, and distant relative: it's only by sheer luck that they survived. Their previous litter of bitties was lost then, though they don't know how they died. Every familial bond they had shattered that day and the bodies were never recovered. They don't know if they suffered. They don't know if they were scared. They don't know if it was instant or if it was dragged out and torturous. All they know is the deep, gaping loss left behind by the lost sparkling bonds still ring so painfully and clear-cut it's near debilitating sometimes. They're afraid that the autobots will take these ones away, too: that they'll die at the hands of bigoted grounders that think they don't deserve to live just for being children of the sky. They're so afraid that they won't be able to protect them, and that they'll lose them, too.
It shows in the way Starscream paces and mumbles feverishly to himself at 3 a.m. It shows in the way Skywarp becomes vicious and bloodthirsty on the battlefield, and it shows in the way Thundercracker carefully curls his shaking hands around his mate's belly in the middle of the night when he thinks they're asleep, muffled sobs overlayed with whispered prayers to please, please let this time be different.
When the bitties finally arrive they're in little eggs, 9 perfect little spheres with rubber outer shells and stuffed to the brim with gelatinous filling. Every egg pulses strongly with the force of the infant spark within, and they can see outlines of their children, all curled up in the fetal position and almost ready to hatch. They've already prepared a nest for their eggs, a perfectly warm and secure spot where one of them will always be there to watch them. Mostly Starscream, as the other two have more work to do, but he doesn't mind. He can read and draw up plans while sitting next to them, occasionally reaching to turn them if he thinks one looks cold, and making sure to talk to fill the silence. Sometimes to them, sometimes to himself to narrate what he's doing, just so the sparklings know they aren't alone.
When they start to hatch Skywarp and Thundercracker both get a frantic keysmash text from Starscream falling out of his chair, then another with ITS TIME!!!! followed by a blurry picture of their nest, and one of the eggs has a noticeable hairline fracture in it. Skywarp, bless his spark, is so excited and also very much not thinking straight, grabs Thundercracker's hand and forcibly sprints out of the command center dragging him along. It takes him a full 10 seconds to realize his mate is telling him to, "Just teleport us!"
"...oh yeah!"
They arrive just in time to witness the birth of their first son: a darling little seekerling that's all blue head to toe with a deep gray faceplate and Skywarp's eyes. These babies are tiny, as there are nine of them, they can easily be cradled in their hands. Skywarp moves to pick him up and promptly gets nipped at: Starscream laughs, and lowers his helm to chirp at the little one. Bitty responds in turn, knowing instinctively that this is his carrier, and reaches out both tiny servos to him.
His siblings come quickly after, all range of lovely color combinations: a red and purple one, white and blue, black and white, on and on it goes! They're all beautiful and healthy, and the proud parents give them all names befitting Vosians, as well as a solemn promise: to never, ever let anything hurt them. To love and protect them now, for always, and forever 💖
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splosh-crime · 4 months
Death of the Moon AU
Zhao successfully kills the Moon Spirit Tui and incapacitates Yue before she can fix it.
The tides and weather are so thrown out of balance that ATLA becomes an almost fully-submerged planet, with only the tallest mountain peaks remaining as islands; most notably, the Air Temples, Omashu, & Crazy Herbalist Greenhouse.
Yue is both waterbending and the Avatar Cycle’s only chance to return. Until then, the return of the moon is the Gaang’s new mission.
Northern Water Tribe is one of the first communities submerged due to being the coastal city and epicenter of La’s grief. La wishes to protect Tui’s corpse under his waves.
The majority of Fire Nation territory, including the capital (Caldera City), is completely submerged. What remains of the Fire Nation’s citizens lives on rare mountainous colonies, the navy, mercantile fleet, fishing industry ships, and the elite’s literal showboats.
Fire Navy ships undergo catastrophic amounts of bad luck, so many sinking that it may be a curse from La. Civilians are encouraged to join merchant and fishing ships instead.
The Herbalist’s Greenhouse, Gaoling, and Eastern & Southern Air Temples are the planet’s main sources of food besides aquatic life.
Refugees learn quickly to survive off fishing and farming aquatic plants, learning from Water Tribe members and Coastal City residents.
The Northern Air Temple’s tech-enhanced citizens remain free as always, their gliders becoming an even more valuable transportation method with so little ground to walk on. To be safe, they gain a focus on naval technologies, building the whale submarines early and spreading their borders with floating docks.
Toph is warned of the incoming disaster by the spiritually connected Badgermoles. She, along with her fellow Earth Rumble Competitors are able to raise Gaoling and part of its surrounding forest high enough to create a mountainous island before the floods arrive. Tall enough for even the Badgermoles to remain underground.
Sokka fails to contain his smugness when his sister asks for boomerang lessons to supplement her waterbending.
Ba Sing Se, Eclipse Invasion, or Boiling Rock Prison Break storylines are either postponed or erased since all those places are underwater.
If you are inspired enough to write or draw this, please tag me! I’d love to see your work!
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