#Ember Byrne
wannabeelf · 4 months
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I had a stupid idea for a "family portrait" that I thought would be cute. It was pretty cute, but I spent far longer working on it than I intended.
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afoolandathief · 2 years
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Day 6 of Nano
WIP: Something Wicked
Status: Rewriting
NaNo profile: afoolandathief
NaNoWriMo 2022 Goal: 250 words a day
Words written today: 304
NaNo WC total (not counting prior work): 1,937
Total WC for rewrite: 35,180
So I've only done a pretty tame amount for this session on Something Wicked, but for now I'm going to stop here to get back into revising Those Horrid, Horrid Things (I miss my chaos monster family). If possible, I'll write some more SW later tonight and update this post!
Excerpt below ↓
From: CHAPTER XII (In Which Corpse Dick is Alluded to)
(TW for discussions of corpses, death, and cremation)
Amber’s blood-orange lips twisted as Ember maneuvered a mouse in front of an ancient-looking desktop computer. A noise of disgust came from the back of his throat.
“This guy’s family wants to bury him in an Elvis costume and wig?” he asked.
“He was a famous impersonator and the family’s providing everything,” Amber called back, not taking her eyes off Jade. “Why do you care?”
“Because I’ve got to look at it!”
“Well, if it makes you feel any better, you get to be the one to incinerate him, costume and all.”
Ember leaned back in his chair, a flare of something lighting up his ice-cold features for a moment.
“Yeah, that does help,” he said.
Bonus: Picrews of the Byrne twins
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(Two children of the 80s: one a master of fire and one a master of death; but if you're trying to guess who's who based off their appearances, you're probably wrong)
Edit: I unfortunately could not include what Amber's necklace really should look like in this:
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(that's her familiar. her lil buddy)
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gowns · 3 months
this concert is an example of humans being a conduit for a divine spark... i've listened to this album over and over again. "stop making sense (live)" sounds different than the talking heads' studio albums, even different from any of their other live albums, any solo david byrne output, any solo tina weymouth output, etc; they channeled something otherworldly in this recording.
good example of how you have to keep showing up every day to put in the work, even if the work is kinda just so-so, and one day you might be lucky enough to be open to pure inspiration / energy / creativity. then you just put your fingers to your instrument and turn off your brain and go. this is often recommended but rarely followed. it's hard to have the discipline, right? but imagine being visited by a muse and your body is out of practice. you can't make the connections. a flame turns to embers. no, you have to keep the stoking the fire. your body is an instrument! you are the instrument!
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mmmeso · 14 days
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Bronwyn Byrne//
Raised by her Adopted parents in the town of greypoint, Bronwyn was the only tiefling, she was one of a kind. one day her home was burnt to ashes, everything was gone except for a single book. Bronwyn picked up the grimoire 'whispers of ash and ember' embossed onto the tough leather binding.
She studied the book day and night, becoming lost in it. the book quickly consumed her thoughts, needing to find who the author was, who burned down Greypoint and why the book was the only thing to survive
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Mon - The Last Drop Tues - Red Running Hood Thurs - Red Running Hood Fri - The Last Drop Sat/Sun - Mind-Wolf (New Chapters every weekend)
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Finding Alice - {Completed} [Chapter One] [Chapter Two] [Chapter Three] [Chapter Four] [Chapter Five] [Chapter Six] [Chapter Seven] [Chapter Eight] [Chapter Nine] [Chapter Ten] [Chapter Eleven] [Chapter Twelve] [Chapter Thirteen] [Chapter Fourteen]
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Embers and Thorns - {Completed} [Part One] [Part Two] [Part Three] [Part Four] [Part Five] [Part Six] [Part Seven] [Part Eight] [Part Nine] [Part Ten] [Part Eleven] [Part Twelve]
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The Beautiful Mind of Orbelle Foley {Completed} [Part One] [Part Two] [Part Three] [Part Four] [Part Five] [Part Six] [Part Seven]
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Red Running Hood {Ongoing...} [Part of the Fractured Fairytale Series]
[Chapter One] [Chapter Two] [Chapter Three] [Chapter Four] [Chapter Five] [Chapter Six]
The Devil Next Door {More Coming Soon...}
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Love Lines - {Completed} [Part One] [Part Two] [Part Three] [Part Four] [Part Five]
The Tragedy of Finnegan Byrne
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retisonic · 2 years
Kispál és a Borz- Forradalmár (1989)
Ma két dolog jutott eszembe. Az egyik, a Kispál és a Borz demó, a másik, hogy van ez az opció a tumblr-en, hogy audio fájlt is lehet posztolni, amivel 2009-ben, amikor csatlakoztam, többször éltem is, de aztán így feledésbe merült, mert minden ott volt youtube-on kb,
Na, és tök jó, hogy ez az audio posztolási lehetőség nem szűnt meg, mert a Tökéletes Helyettes 50 percig demó nincs fent sehol, ahonnan linkelni lehetne egyszerűen, én meg mindenképpen akartam erről pár sort írni, ha már eszembe jutott. Nagy mák, hogy mp3-ban megvan a gépen.
Igazából csak azt akartam leírni, hogy vannak olyan számok, lemezek, amikre így emlékszik az ember, hogy mikor, hol hallotta először, és akkor éppen mi történt. Na nekem az egyik kevés ilyen, amiről vannak ilyen emlékképeim. Persze semmi extra, ülök a szobámban, a lábam az íróasztalon, és az asztalon lévő Goldstar két kazis magnóból megszólal a Forradalmár, én meg így leesett állal hallgatom, de tényleg. Mindjárt mondom is, hogy miért, de előtte azt muszáj leírnom, hogy a Goldstar magnót egy évvel korábban, nyolcadikban kaptam karácsonyra, és anyukámék jól megvicceltek, mert eldugták nagyon a fa mögé, én meg azt hittem, hogy nem kaptam semmit, de nem háborogtam, csak tudmásul vettem, ugyanis 1-2 hónappal előtte volt egy rendőrségi ügyem, csoportos garázdaság miatt, és akkor az egyik fenyegetés, ami elhangzott, hogy nem lesz karácsonyi ajándék. Nem voltak túl következetesek a szüleim, vagy túlságosan szerettek, de még az is lehet, hogy már akkor megvették az ajándékot, és kénytelenek voltak odaadni. Mindenesetre én nagyon megörültem, még meg is öleltem anyukámat, pedig akkor már minden ilyen érzelem kimutatás a szüleid felé elég cinkes volt.
Na mindegy. Hogy miért emlékszem ennyire a találkozásra a Kispál demóra meg miért esett le az állam? Akkor már kb 1 hónapja jártam gimibe, ez 90-ben volt, ha valakit érdekel. A gimi nekem ilyen kultúrsokk volt, mert én egy ilyen metálos lakótelepi sutyerák voltam (rendőrségi ügy, ugyebár), és a gimiben meg ez a vonal nem volt túl erős. Gyakorlatilag mindenki ALTEROS, ELVONT arc volt, a legmenőbb arcok és még a legszebb lányok is, szóval muszáj volt odatennem magam ezen a téren. Szerencsére volt egy idősebb arc ismerősöm,aki ilyen alter prototípus volt. Magas, sovány, sápadt, a haja félhosszú középen elválasztva, Magyarország legnagyobb David Byrne rajongója. Na őt megkértem, hogy másolja át az összes kötelező cuccot, ő meg örömmel csinálta, gondolom, azt hitte, hogy kineveli az utódját. Kaptam vagy 20 kazit, Kiadó, Bizottság, URH, Balaton, Neurotic, Kontroll Csoport, Művirág (!!!). Szarabbnál szarabb volt az összes, de próbálkoztam rendesen, de egyszerűen kurvára idegesített a modorosság, a megjegyezhetetlen dallamok, meg a céltalan zenélések. Már éppen feladtam volna, amikor a legjobb haverom mondta, hogy a bátyja hozott egy kazettát Pécsről az egyetemről, a haverjai zenekara, és úgy hívják, hogy Kispál és a Borz, és kurva jó. De fasz egy név, gondoltam magamban, egy újabb szenvelgős, nyomasztó szar. Vicces sztori: később egy béna osztálytársamnak nem jutott eszébe a Kispál és a Borz név, és azt mondta, hogy Feri és a Kutya LOL!
Na, hazavittem a kazit, bementem a szobámba, beraktam a Goldstarba, feltettem a lábam, és leesett az állam, mert végre egy ELVONT zene, amiben vannak dallamok, értelmezhető gitározások, és úgy általában rövid, király dalok. Ja, és persze a szövegek is lenyűgöztek, lehetett együtt énekelni őket, mert meg tudtam jegyezni őket. Persze lófaszt sem értettem belőlük, de az annyira nem is érdekelt, nem elemzés miatt hallgattam zenét. 15 szám 50 perc alatt, pont az ideális hosszúság. Nem én vagyok a legnagyobb Kispál expert, mert az Ágy Asztal TV után kiszálltam, addigra már más zenék érdekeltek,de szerintem ez a 15 szám a legjob 15 Kispál szám. Amikor elkezdték pár éve kiadni bakán a Kispál cuccokat, akkor titkon reménykedtem benne, hogy ezt is kiadják  újból, de valószínűleg meg sincsenek az eredeti szalagok meg ilyenek. Persze sokkal szarabbul szól, mint a lemezek, de engem ez nem zavart, mert mondjuk egy Neurotichoz vagy Kontroll Csoporthoz képest ez csúcsminőség volt. Később sok szám a demóról felkerült a későbbi, rendes lemezekre, de azok már ilyen túl profinak, túl sterilnek tűntek a demó után. Ráadásul a Forradalmárból kikerült a kedvenc részem, mikor Lovasi énekli, hogy puska a vállamon, a lovam felnyerít, és akkor így Kispál csinál ilyen nyerítő hangot a gitárral. Most ezt meg tudjátok hallgatni, hála nekem! Ja, és itt még négytagú volt a zenekar, Lovasi még gitározott az ének mellett.
Az elvont karrierem ezzel a zenekarral le is zárult, még egy kis PUF-ot hallgattam néha, de egy év múlva jött az MTV Keszthelyre, és jött az EMF, akik kb egymilliószor néztek ki jobban bármelyik elvont arcnál, úgyhogy inkább EMF sztílót nyomtan onnan!
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iliketopgun · 9 months
Meet the OCs! Miscellaneous
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Name: Willow Elizabeth Pride
Nickname: Mardi Gras
Age: 26
S/O: Christopher LaSalle (happy ending)
Show: NCIS: New Orleans
Family: Dwayne Pride (Father), Linda Pride (Mother), Laurel Pride (Younger Sister)
Fun facts/call backs: She's Laurel's older sister
Played by: Katherine McNamara
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Name: Josette Lee Routledge
Nickname: Josie, Jo, JoJo
Age: 15 (season 1)
S/O: JJ Maybank (happy ending)
Family: John Routledge (Father), unnamed mother, John B Routledge (Twin Brother)
Show: Outer Banks
Fun facts/call backs: She's John B's twin sister
Played by: Kaylee Bryant
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Name: Delilah Leigh Singer
Nickname: Lilah, Del, Blondie
Age: 26 (Season 1)
S/O: Dean Winchester (happy ending)
Family: Bobby Singer (Father), Karen Singer (Mother, Deceased)
Show: Supernatural
Fun facts/call backs: She's the prophesized vessel of Lilith
Played by: Penelope Mitchell
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Name: Harlow Penny Gibbs
Nickname: Har, Gibbs 2.0, Tiny Gibbs
Age: 26
S/O: Timothy McGee (happy ending)
Family: Shannon Gibbs (Mother, Deceased), Kelly Gibbs (Twin Sister, Deceased), Leroy Jethro Gibbs (Father)
Show: NCIS
Fun facts/call backs: She was Kelly's twin sister
Played by: Scarlett Byrne
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Name: Samantha Danielle McCall
Nickname: Sam
Age: 15 (season 1)
S/O: Stiles Stilinski (happy ending)
Family: Scott McCall (Twin Brother), Melissa McCall (Mother), Rafael McCall (Father)
Show: Teen Wolf
Fun facts/call backs: She's a witch
Played by: Danielle Campbell
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Name: Evelyn Mary McCormack
Nickname: Evie
Age: 16
S/O: Willard Hewitt (happy ending)
Family: Unnamed Mother, Unnamed Father, Ren McCormack (Twin Brother)
Movie: Footloose (2011)
Fun facts/call backs: She's Ren's twin
Played by: Danielle Rose Russell
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Name: Harper Marie Stark
Nickname: Harp, Ember (super hero name)
Age: 14 (in Captain America: Civil War)
S/O: Peter Parker (Happy ending)
Family: Tony Stark (Adoptive Father), Pepper Potts-Stark (Adoptive Mother), Morgan Potts-Stark (Adoptive Sister)
Movie: Multiple MCU movies
Fun facts/call backs: She's a mutant
Played by: Abigail Cowen
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Name: Lydia Isabelle Gideon
Nickname: Lyds
Age: 23
S/O: Spencer Reid (Happy ending)
Family: Jason Gideon (Father), Unnamed Mother
Show: Criminal Minds
Fun facts/callbacks: She's Gideon's daughter
Played by: Danielle Campbell
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Name: Vanessa Emily Keating
Nickname: V, Nessa
Age: 17
S/O: Charlie Dalton (Not a happy ending)
Family: Mr Keating (Father), Unnamed Mother
Movie: The Dead Poets Society
Fun facts/callbacks: She uses Emily as her poetry alias as it's her middle name and the name of a female poet, she likes butterflies
Played by: Jenny Boyd
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farthest-light · 2 years
Chapter 1 - Page 5
“You said she’s resting in my bed?” Finn asked Havok. The Woobat had a small purple ribbon tied to the top of her round head, marking her as a member of the team. Finn fluttered around in excitement at the entrance of the cave. “Yes, that’s where I left her just moments ago before I ran into you,” Havok explained absentmindedly. He closed his eyes and listened for the sounds of the forest. There was nothing out of the ordinary. He liked it that way. “I can’t wait to meet our new member! Race you there, Byrn!” Finn called out and flew into the cave. Byrn didn’t even get a chance to react. The Houndour sat loyally next to his leader when his teammate called. He wondered what Havok was focusing on. It took him a moment to even pick up on what Finn wanted from him. He quickly jumped up in surprise and followed after the Woobat. There was no way he could win this “race”, but he didn’t care about competitions to begin with. Havok turned around and looked into the cave. “Wait, she isn’t yet-“ He stopped himself and sighed. Finn was as excitable as ever, but Havok guessed that she would be the best chance he got for the Chingling to actually accept his offer. He didn’t like the way Chime reacted to it, but if she were to decline, he would have to accept her choice. He slowly walked into the cave to give the others a chance to get to know their guest. He wouldn’t want to overwhelm her even further. Finn flew directly into the open door that Flunk had just left. Byrn on the other hand stopped for a moment. “Ugh, it’s too dark in here,” he mumbled and looked at the brazier that stood in the center of the main room. Byrn used Ember! A small flame formed in Byrn’s maw and he spit it at the brazier. The room lit up with a blaze. Flunk winced and covered his eyes. “Ah, the light!” Havok noticed the brazier being lit. His long wing arms drooped to the floor and he gasped. Oh no, I brought a guest in here and I completely forgot how dark it is in this cave. Our poor guest probably wasn’t even able to see properly in here. I’m a terrible host. He noticed that Flunk was trying to slink away back into his room. “Flunk!” Havok awkwardly ran up to the Salandit. “You could have reminded me how dark it is or even turned on the light yourself.” He was distraught at his own poor leadership. Flunk looked at the distressed Noivern, his eyes reluctantly adjusting to the light of the flickering flame. He shrugged. “She didn’t ask, so I thought she was fine. And I was still in a sleeping mood, so I wanted to avoid…” He tried to look at this flame, but quickly turned his head away again. “This. Now if you don’t mind, I need to get back to sleep.” Havok took a few deep breaths. “You’re right. Sorry for disturbing you in your sleep, go get some more rest.”
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eldridgecandell · 3 years
Send me a face claim and I will use that face claim to make an NPC in my muse's life, as well as talk about their relationship, connection, and feelings towards my muse.
Nathalie Emmanuel, Mariette Hartley, Henry Fonda and Gabriel Byrne.
Nathalie Emmanuel as Tidsage Gennifer Valinsen A Childhood friend of Cheryl Duun; Tidesage
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"We grew up together in Fallhaven for some time, but then the local sage found her and led her off to the college in Boralus. It's been a long time since I've seen Genny."
Mariette Hartley as Jessica Nubern Josiah Nubern's Mother; herbalist
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"My mother didn't deserve this."
Henry Fonda as Lieutenant Jeremiah Dewitt Rachel Dewitt's Father; Waycrest Guard and Artillaryman
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"My father was a tough as nails cannoneer. He was also quite the bastard."
Gabriel Byrne as Arom Waycrest Duncan Waycrest's Cousin; First Lord and Savior of Drustvar
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"As you command cousin, I shall protect the Lady Iseult."
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1863-project · 2 years
A Non-Exhaustive List of Real-Life Train References in Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
A disclaimer before we get started here: this list is by no means definitive. There’s always a chance that something slips past me, so there’s a possibility that I’ll be editing this post from time to time. I should also note that as much as I love LoZ, I’m coming at this from the perspective of a railfan for a change, and especially as someone with extensive knowledge of steam locomotives, which is particularly relevant to this game. With that said, let’s jump into this!
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This post will be under a cut due to potential length and potential future edits, as well.
Character Naming Conventions
The most obvious references in the game come from characters’ names, but they do need some explaining in places. In the English version of the game, names like Anjean (Engine), Byrne (Burn), and Cole (Coal) need no explanation, but others are less obvious - and in Japanese, they require some knowledge of Japanese steam locomotives.
Link and Zelda are, of course, Link and Zelda. Nothing new there. The side characters, however, often have puns for names. The Lokomo, the native population, all have train-themed names, as you’d expect from a group of people whose name is derived from the word ‘locomotive.’ Anjean and Byrne are mentioned above, but you also encounter:
Gage: a railroad’s width is referred to as its gauge. Standard gauge, used in most of the world today, has the rails 4 feet 8.5 inches (1,435 mm) apart. Certain countries, including Russia, use their own gauges. Gauge can also refer to the sizes of model railroad sets - HO and O are the most commonly used model train gauges in the United States, for example.
Steem: this one’s obvious, so I don’t think I need to elaborate on how steam locomotives work for now.
Carben: the primary element in coal, the most common fuel for steam locomotives, is carbon.
Embrose: a reference to embers; fuel is burned in the locomotive’s firebox to boil the water and produce steam.
Rael: another obvious one - a pun on ‘rail.’
And that’s not all - our little foamer friend Ferrus has a name derived from the Latin word for ‘iron.’ This naming pun appears in multiple languages - in Japanese his name is Tetsuo.
A few puns only make sense in Japanese. Alfonzo’s name in Japanese is Shirokuni, which doesn’t look like much to people who don’t know about Japanese railroad history. But if you break it down as “shi-roku-ni,” you might notice that it can be read C62 (in this case reading ‘shi’ as ‘C’ and not ‘4′). The C62 was a class of 4-6-4 Hudsons that are popular in Japan to this day, being the basis of the locomotive in Galaxy Express 999. The class also inspired the brothers who founded Hudson Soft to name their company, as they both were fans of the locomotive.
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Another one that only makes sense if you know Japanese railway history is Byrne’s name being Diigo. This is a reference to the wildly popular D51 class of locomotives, 2-8-2 Mikados that were designed by Hideo Shima, who was later the driving force behind the creation of the Shinkansen. (Shima actually also designed the C62, described above.) If you watch Thomas and Friends, there’s a chance you’ve seen a D51...
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...because that’s Hiro’s class.
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Cole gets one of these, too, with his Japanese name being Kimaroki, a very specific layout of a locomotive and cars involving snowplows.
Lastly, we have the one that I’m personally most invested in, because it involves one of my favorite locomotives in the entire world. But this does involve spoilers for the endgame, so be careful reading from this point forward.
The villains in Spirit Tracks are trying to summon a demon named Malladus back to life, and to do this, they’ve separated Zelda’s spirit from her body so Malladus can possess her body. It goes badly, and the final fight ends up being Link and Zelda against Malladus - who, once separated from Zelda’s body, has possessed Cole’s body instead. Link and Zelda ultimately defeat Malladus together and restore peace to the realm. So what’s so delightful about this to me? We’re going to go back to July 3, 1938 for a moment.
On July 3, 1938, a 61-year-old grandfather named Joe Duddington opened up the throttle of an A4 Pacific (4-6-2) in England. With him in the cab was his fireman, Tommy Bray, and an inspector from the London and North Eastern Railway named S. Jenkins (I’ve seen his name listed as both Sam and Sid). This was mostly a normal run, but the locomotive, Mallard, was allegedly doing a brake test that day, so a dynamometer car was attached to the train to keep an eye on things.
The crew in the cab knew better. They had orders from Sir Nigel Gresley, who designed Mallard and the other A4s. They were going to try to take the speed record for steam traction that day. There were some interruptions, including construction that slowed them down before their buildup point, but they eventually hit a location called Stoke Bank and Mallard shot downwards towards Kings Cross in London; in Duddington’s own words, she “jumped to it like a live thing.” The speedometer crept up bit by bit, soon surpassing the English steam speed record of 114 mph set by the rival LMS, but Mallard was chomping at the bit and hungry for more and Duddington let her go, encouraging her with a “Come on, old girl, we can do better than this!”
She did far better than that, eclipsing the 124 mph record set in Germany by clocking 126 mph for a quarter mile. Mallard’s big-end cylinder failed not long afterwards, signaled by an aniseed stink bomb the crew had planted on her beforehand, and she was slowed down and taken back to Doncaster for repairs, but not before this photo was taken:
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(L-R: Tommy Bray, Joe Duddington, S. Jenkins, other LNER staff; Mallard is behind them)
Mallard’s record is the official one, although other claims are out there, because Mallard was officially recorded and documented. Today her record still stands, as it was set close enough to the end of the steam era that most railroads were switching over to cheaper diesel and electric options.
Anyway, long explanation aside, Malladus was quite obviously and deliberately named after Mallard herself - in non-American releases, Malladus is straight-up called Mallard. They even made Malladus blue - Malladus’s non-corporeal form looks like this:
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Compare to Mallard herself:
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Mallard is a much darker blue, but it does make you think.
In-Game Controls
Now we get to the part where I actually talk about steam locomotives in general and how they work, and how this ties into the gameplay of Spirit Tracks. Now, as some of you are aware, I’ve driven a steam locomotive exactly once in my life so far, but I’m fully planning on getting certified to drive them regularly as a volunteer thing in the future as soon as I can arrange that because I took to it like a fish takes to water.
Link’s locomotives have a driving system more similar to a car, which is definitely weird to me as someone who knows how to drive a steam locomotive:
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(Pictured: Alfonzo reminding Link to read his iron)
Link has very simple controls to work with - really, they combined the throttle with the Johnson bar (yes, the reversing lever is sometimes called that, I know it sounds dirty). He has four settings - backwards, which can be used as an emergency brake, the regular brake, forwards, and forwards at high speed (highballing). And of course, he has the whistle cord to blow the whistle with! These locomotives are pretty bare-bones (I don’t even know how they run since there’s no visible fuel source; let’s say it’s magic because this is Zelda), and Link is able to operate them without a fireman in the cab with him. In reality, it’s a bit more complicated than that...
I drove a locomotive built in 1924, Strasburg #90. 90, being a more modern steam locomotive than what Link has access to, has her controls separated out instead of being on one gearshift like a car. To make 90 move forward, I first had to release a “parking brake,” set the Johnson bar to the forward position, release the regular brake, and finally open up the throttle. Before opening the throttle, I also had to indicate that I was moving, which I did by turning her bell on and blowing the whistle twice - two short whistle blasts told everyone I was driving forward. Once I had her moving, I had to keep making small adjustments to the throttle (only a notch or two at a time) to keep her at a steady speed.
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(A photo of Strasburg #90 I took on the day I drove her, 3/26/22.)
Spirit Tracks is not a realistic train simulator, and it was never meant to be one - it’s a Zelda game, not Trainz. Since it was a DS game the controls had to be simplified as much as possible, and making it similar to the controls of a car, something far more people will encounter in their lifetime and learn to operate, makes it pretty easy to use for most players. What I do like is that you have to navigate rail traffic and pay attention to signs and signals, just like in real life.
That said, Link is absolutely dressed the part.
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(screenshot from here; this is how he appears in Smash Ultimate)
There’s actually a lot of things right with Link’s engineer uniform. He has thick gloves and closed-toe shoes to keep himself safe when working, and although generally you want to wear long sleeves it’s not uncommon to see engineers and firemen roll their sleeves up because it gets warm in the cab. The only thing he’s missing is a pair of safety goggles (I’d have added them on the cap if I was his character designer for this game). The day I drove 90, I was dressed like this:
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(Pictured: the author in a pair of overalls that are a couple of sizes too big, with her driving gloves in her pockets, as she poses by the drive wheels of a Pennsylvania Railroad K4 Pacific to show how much taller than her they are. The Submas badge is on her engineer hat.)
I’m not sure why they gave Link a v-neck for the uniform shirt, but whatever, he’s Link and can pull off literally any outfit so it doesn’t matter. There’s never been a Link that doesn’t look good in whatever he wears. That’s part of being Link.
Everyone Who Likes Trains Has Met Someone Like Ferrus
Maybe you even are Ferrus, who knows.
I’ve enjoyed trains my entire life, and I’ve spent a lot of time on and around them. Like most people who enjoy trains, I like photographing them and railroad infrastructure, as well as trying to track down my favorite locomotives when I can (there’s one NJT locomotive I keep an eye on because I’m hoping to push to get it preserved when its retirement comes). And of course, I’ve now begun dedicating my spare time to figuring out how to become fully qualified to operate steam locomotives, because my one time on the throttle was the best moment of my life.
Anyway, when you’re in this hobby, you meet people like Ferrus.
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Ferrus calls himself a “trainiac” (in real life we say “railfan,” at least in the United States). What makes Ferrus one of “those” railfans is that despite not having any driving experience he somehow has instructions that he has made up himself about doing passenger service himself, which he gives to Link...who has trained professionally to be an engineer. In his defense, these rules are correct, but in general it’s not cool to tell someone who’s actually trained in a field how to do their job. Luckily, Ferrus doesn’t seem to do anything more egregious than that - he doesn’t trespass on the rails, for one.
Ferrus’s main hobby, like many railfans, is photography, and he’s nearly always seen with his camera photographing trains. He also hero-worships Alfonzo and goes into a blue screen of death when Alfonzo denies being a legendary engineer and instead claims to be a legendary swordsman (i.e. Alfonzo is more proud of his swordsmanship than his driving). He keeps asking Link to ferry him about from one location to the next so he can continue his railfan activities, all the while wearing a replica uniform even though he doesn’t actually work as an engineer.
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Ferrus reminds me of a lot of railfans I’ve seen and met - there are certainly some out there that act like they know more than even the actual rail staff, and whilst they might know more history, they’re not the ones operating the train and need to take a step back when it comes to that. The only reason I can talk about operating steam locomotives the way I do now is because I’ve done it once, and that was under engineer supervision. I’ve never operated one solo and I’m by no means an expert engineer or anything, as much as I want to be one and am planning to work on that certification in the future. But Ferrus’s passion does come in handy for Link in the game, because his notes on how to use the spacetime gates in-game are also somewhat correct, including a deduction on how to activate them that isn’t too far off from the in-game solution.
This Game Has A Stamp Rally?
Yes, yes it does. Stamp rallies are a common feature on railroads in Japan, and they encourage you to visit each station on the line and mark that you were there. You get a stamp book, and at each station you hop off the train, mark your stamp, and hop back on. It gives you a souvenir of your trip, and the railroad gets more revenue because people are visiting more stations, so everyone wins.
If you’re a Pokemon fan and like trains, you may have seen a stamp rally before - in the anime, there’s an episode where the Battle Subway implements one, with the reward for completion being a battle against the participant’s choice of either Ingo or Emmet. Cilan proceeds to go bonkers and do it, and ultimately due to a number of circumstances he and Ash end up having a Multi Battle against Submas and get curb-stomped because a) it’s Submas and b) Cilan somehow forgot electricity could be conducted by the metal bars in the subway car and Emmet and Eelektross didn’t forget.
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(Pictured: Cilan, a green-haired triplet who’s actually a lot like Ferrus in terms of his interest in trains, holds up a blank stamp sheet/booklet for a stamp rally.)
In Spirit Tracks, Niko asks Link to fill out his stamp book for him at each location, as he’s rather old and traveling is difficult for him at this point in his life. Link obliges and receives clothes as a reward, as is usual for this sort of sidequest. The fact that they put this in the game is a nice little touch for Japanese railfans who would certainly recognize it, and it’s a cool way to introduce international railfans - and gamers - to the concept. Stamp rallies exist outside of railroad contexts, of course, but there’s definitely an association there!
Is there anything else you want to talk about?
I’m sure there will be, but for now, this is a good stopping point because I’ve been working on this post for several days. If there’s anything you think I should add, message me! I’ll be happy to edit this post - I’ve put it under a cut so it can be edited at any time!
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wannabeelf · 8 months
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Been in kind of a shitty mood the past couple of days. Tried to cheer myself up by making a gpose of my WoL and The Favorite™ having a cuddle on her private island.
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afoolandathief · 11 months
Countdown to NaNo, Part 4/4: Some more characters ...
Two days till NaNoWriMo! I'm not sure how ready I am for it, but for my last post, here's some more characters in Something Wicked:
Violet Anouilh
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A hedgewitch living in a ranch outside Las Vegas with her mother, Marie, where they care for monsters and other supernatural creatures in need. Her powers specialize in plant and fungal growth. Likes: Jade Shaw. Dislikes: Caz Mraz
Ruby Hall
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Jade's best friend and a witch working at a casino as a magician's assistant. The real trick? She's a master of illusions and the magician in question is her rabbit and familiar, Domino.
Lila Brown
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Caz's ex and a werewolf with a past. She and Caz had a wild time in the 90s and 2000s, but something happened since that led to her not speaking to Caz beyond a few sentences.
Amber and Ember Byrne
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The Byrne twins operate a funeral home in a strip mall in Las Vegas, serving as a front for selling all manner of ingredients to other witches. With Everett "Ember" Byrne's fire magic and Amber's necromancy, they make a formidable pair indebted to Theoris Myrina since the late 80s. Which brings us to ...
Theoris Myrina
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Jade's former mentor and head of the Southwest Coven, which Jade was a part of until she made a deal with a vampire. According to the Byrne twins, Theoris is making some big changes due to some influences back east.
Kenneth Brooks
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A detective on the verge of retirement trying to solve a series of seemingly unconnected homicides and disappearances. Old-fashioned cop not afraid of old-fashioned policework — such as blackmailing Caz and Jade to do his dirty work for him.
Amelia [redacted]
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Caz's last girlfriend, who left him after interpreting his secretiveness and strange habits as signs of a drug addiction. Caz is determined to win her back (but if he happens to date some others along the way, including a rich Fae prince, what’s the harm?).
Post 1/4, Post 2/4, Post 3/4
WIP: Something Wicked
Status: Draft 3.5 (rewrite)
NaNo profile: afoolandathief
NaNoWriMo 2022 Goal: Maybe 50K? we'll see
WIP taglist: (ask to be +/-): @author-a-holmes, @avian-writes, @captain-kraken, @ceph-the-ghost-writer, @digital-chance, @diphthongsfordays, @drippingmoon, @ellierenae, @enchanted-lightning-aes, @faelanvance, @fearofahumanplanet, @flowerprose, @frankiestfrank, @houndmouthed, @joaniejustwokeup, @leiwritess-moved, @mjayatlas, @outpost51, @purplezebraproductions, @rhymingteelookatme, @somealienquill, @thegreatobsesso, @thelaughingstag, @vylequinnewriting, @writing-is-a-martial-art
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solipseismic · 3 years
Solipsism’s WIP Directory (and other things)
Fuck it bulletpoint writeblr intro and WIP list
- my name is sol and my pronouns are they / them and ze / hir!
- i mainly write urban / high fantasy and slipstream but other favorites are futuristic horror and bio- and cyberpunk. most of my works are new adult / adult 
- i’m korean-american and favorite tropes are enemies to lovers, found family, and bridging two worlds
- here is my carrd do with it what you will
- i love tag games (writing or otherwise) so always feel free to tag me in any or ask to be tagged! 
- i don’t often do follows or follow backs because various brain reasons. that being said, always always feel free to add me to any taglist you have, tag me in writing or art you’re proud of, or come interact! i love hearing about other people’s characters and projects :)
- post subject to updates and edits 
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THE QUIET ⤐ Nix Byrne’s world is small. It is her planter box in the spring, when green shoots begin to show above black dirt; it is the rows and rows of old, faded sketchbooks lined up on the shelf by her bed; it is the pair of pointe shoes that don’t fit her anymore but used to belong to her older sister. She hasn’t seen or talked to Ruarc Wilson in almost five years, but here he is--windswept, exhausted, desperate. Kids with alien blood--like Nix, like Ruarc--are disappearing all across America. Is anything a choice if you already know the answer?
DEMON CITY ⤐ Ira Neda Roshani--the ex-vigilante known as SKYSTEEL--only wants to avenge her dead brother. Despite her best efforts, she’s pulled deeper and deeper into the mystery of the countless missing across Anehaven. Book one of APOTHEOSIS.
DEMON EYES ⤐ The world is ending. Fortunately, Skysteel is a problem solver. Unfortunately, four other people--the vigilantes SOLSTICE, EQUINOX, HUSH, and POLTERGEIST--think the same exact thing. A group of pissy, formerly-retired superheroes have to learn to work together before the veil between dimensions disappears entirely. Book two of APOTHEOSIS.
DEMON SPITE  ⤐ Skysteel has been described as many things, most of them uncomplimentary. When her bloody past is revealed to her friends and allies and her twin brother’s murderers start hunting her, she’s left with two options: fight or run. Book three of APOTHEOSIS. 
UNDER GODLESS EYES ⤐ Orrick Graves is a part-time necromancer working for the city. Normally it would be a cushy job, nothing too complicated, nothing too hard. Normally, though, there isn’t a serial arsonist dead set on turning the city to ash and embers.
SAINT ⤐ Neasa needs to stop a war. Step 1: travel to the enemy country. Step 2: try not to kill the enemy country’s General and High Councilor. Step 3: apologize for breaking his nose. In her defense, he’s got a very punch-able face. On the other side of the continent, Fell wakes with no memories of her past. All she knows is that she used to heal--and with a war looming on the horizon, Fell has to choose between recovering her memories or making new ones. 
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andstolenstares · 4 years
wlw books released & upcoming in 2020
I was thinking of sorting them by genre, but there wasn’t that much for some. Anyways, something to read or look forward to whenever this lockdown is over.  Enjoy :))               
 Upright Women Wanted - Sarah Galiey 
When Were Magic - Sarah Galiey
The Midnight Lie - Marie Rutkoski
The Empress of Salt and Fortune - Nghi Vo
 The Unspoken Name - A.K Larkwood 
We Used To Be Friends - Amy Spalding
The Seep - Chana Porter 
A Phoenix First Must Burn - Patrice Caldwell
Jamis Bachman, Ghost Hunter - Jen Jensen
The Love Hypothesis - Laura Stevens
 Nottingham: The True Story of Robyn Hood - Anna Burke 
Witches of Ash and Ruin - E. Latimer 
The Winter Duke - Claire Eliza Bartlett
Belle Révolte - Linsey Miller 
Look - Zan Romanoff
Under the Rainbow - Celia Laskey 
Lady Hotspur - Tessa Grattion
Ink in the Blood - Kim Smejkal
 Blood Countess -  Lana Popovic
We Were Promised Spotlights -  Lindsay Sproul
Music from Another World - Robin Talley
The Animals at Lockwood Manor - Jane Healey 
Brooklyn Summer - Maggie Cummings 
No Parking - Valentine Wheeler 
 The Falling In Love Montage - Ciara Smyth
Girl, Serpent, Thron -  Melissa Bashardoust
Cinderella Is Dead - Kalynn Bayron 
The Mermaid, The Witch, and The Sea - Maggie Tokuda- Hall
The Henna War - Adiba Jaigirdar
Something to Talk About - Meryl Wisner 
I Kissed Alice - Anna Birch 
The Secret of You and Me - Melissa Lenhardt 
Queen of Coins and Whispers - Helen Corcoran
The Storyteller -  Jea Hawkins
Burn Our Bodies Down - Rory Power
The Scapegracers - Hannah Abigail Clarke
Ghost Wood Song - Erica Waters 
The Space Between Worlds - Micaiah Johnson
All My Mother’s Lovers - llana Masad 
Late to the Party - Kelly Quindlen 
You Should See Me in a Crown -  Leah Johnson 
They Never Learn - Layne Fargo 
Waiting For You - Elle Spencer 
Beyond the Ruby Veil - Mara Fitzgerald 
Super Adjacent - Crystal Cestari 
The Circus Rose - Betsy Cornwell 
The Lady Upstairs - Hailey Sutton 
The Ballad of Ami Miles - Kristy Dallas Alley 
 The Dark Tide - Alicia Jasinska
Dangerous Remedy- Kat Dunn
The Art of Saving the World Book - Corinne Duyvis
A Curse of Roses - Diana Pinguicha
Afterlove - Tanya Byrne
Kiss Me Every Day - Dena Blake
The Summer of Impossibilities - Rachael Allen 
Ruinsong - Julia Ember 
I Think I Love You - Auriane Desombre
The Road Home - Erin Zak 
Islands of Mercy - Rose Tremain
Lobizona (Wolves of No World) Romina Garber
I’m sure there’s a lot more so feel free to leave some recs of your own below! :)
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crimsoncityhq · 3 years
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They say history is bound to repeat itself, and the sentiment rings just as true tonight. Ash and embers disperse from the burning from of the Art Institute while its patrons scramble to escape through broken windows and a front door packed with too many bodies. Those who manage to breach the crowded threshold sprawl across the lawn, some dragging their wounded dates to the line of first responders clogging the street and others snapping at the opportunity to collapse into the grass and catch their breath. Paramedics and firemen rush the crowd, loading the critically injured onto gurneys and fitting others with oxygen masks. 
While the crowd recollects itself on the lawn, the Fausts concern themselves with a discreet exit. A slip of paper and a nod to the police officers who swarm the scene promises a way out, and the street, while already packed shoulder to shoulder with the injured and uninjured alike, is closed off by the placement of their flashing cruisers. It’s as clean of an escape as they can manage given the circumstances, but the victories don’t end there—a rumor is leaked that the Walshes, who gave the heftiest donation of the night, were responsible for the carnage that engulfed the Art Institute. All eyes turn toward the Irish family, and the tension rises impossibly higher not just among their industry rivals, but among the citizens who suffer at “their” hands. 
A deal has been made, and the night has been won for the Fausts.
The Grand Reopening of the Art Institute of Chicago Event has concluded ! You may continue or finish your threads as you see fit, but please prioritize regular threads for now. 
The Fausts and the Chicago Police Department have joined forces after, uh, overcoming their differences. Not only does this mean the CPD is now considered an ally to the Fausts, but it also means we are introducing ROLES to the CPD ! You can take a look at the roles here—we could always use a few more uniforms working under the table, eh ? 
Faust affiliated characters that actively participated in the event can add 40 points to their character. All other family & family affiliate characters can add 30 points if they actively participated in this event!
Summary & plot slots are under the cut!
CYRUS ROUSSEAU has gone missing.  ANATALYA VASILE is being hospitalized with a concussion and a broken ankle. SERAFINA EATON is in the hospital a minor head wound and a possible concussion. 
BIRDIE MENDOZA has caught their gown  in the rotating door whilst trying to make their escape, and TORI MASSARO has to decide whether they want to risk their own skin and help or chalk it up the BIRDIE MENDOZA’s bad luck.
JIN-AE ‘JJ’ RAU-BYRNE is engaged in a conversation with the bartender & JESSE VALENCIA, but that conversation is cut short when the bartender catches an unfortunate stray bullet in the face. It’s up to save themselves or help each other get shelter.
ZAKIYA AL KHATIB & OLIVER FAUST detonate the bomb underneath the elevator that traps WYATT LEON, ISABELLA FAUST, AND RAFFERTY DOYLE inside and they have to work together to get out.
NPC strikes a deal with NPC to use this opportunity to steal the most prized piece of artwork in the Art Institute. It almost goes perfectly, until they launch it out a window that’s not illuminated by flames. However, when they finally make it out to collect their prize ▬ EVELINA VASILE is holding it and also brandishing a weapon.
DIAMOND WASHINGTON who not-so-cautiously accepted a colorful pill from a stranger earlier in the night, is convinced the eyes of the painting are moving, suggesting someone may be trapped inside. NPC and NPC notice DIAMOND WASHINGTON dashing further into the flames and take it upon themselves to help, but that means they’ll have to handle the chaos of whatever DIAMOND WASHINGTON is hallucinating.
AMADEUS JUDE CASTELLANOS completely giving no fucks whatsoever picks up a glass of what they assumed was water from the bar to douse a lick of flames that got too close. The problem was it was vodka that fuels the fire, and starts to cover ZOE WASHINGTON. They can either run or stay behind, but ZOE WASHINGTON is 100% able to ID them.
AUDREY ROUSSEAU was in the restroom when the explosion occurred, and a large chunk of the balcony has blocked the door. Smoke is filtering through the cracks in the threshold, and AUDREY ROUSSEAUcalls frantically for help. EZEKIEL “ZEKE” HALLIDAY hears their cries and opts to help, but the flames are moving closer by the second, and the smoke is getting heavier. EZEKIEL “ZEKE” HALLIDAYhas to move fast or they will suffer the same fate as AUDREY ROUSSEAU .
ABRAHAM SWEETWINE helps others to safety using a nearby window, but another explosion leaves them burned and trapped under a large piece of the ceiling. JULIA FAUST bolts to their aid and carries ABRAHAM SWEETWINE to safety. Once outside in the lawn, JULIA FAUST must keep ABRAHAM SWEETWINE awake long enough for medical personnel to arrive.
SERAFINA EATON  is able to convince WIKIMAK CLARKE to assist in rescuing the artwork from the chaotic flames. However, after they’re injured in the process SERAFINA EATON realizes the artwork they’re trying to save is falsified. Almost as if the original artwork had been swapped.
ANYA VOLKOVA uses the opportunity to pickpocket abandoned purses scattered around the main hall. They find a loaded pistol in MARKIE “PAIGE” KRAVTSOV ’s purse right as MARKIE “PAIGE” KRAVTSOV comes to collect it and whatever else ANYA VOLKOVA has taken. It’s up to ANYA VOLKOVA to figure out whether or not a purse is worth killing over, but be warned—the flames are moving fast.
TARON LYNCH is outside enjoying a cigarette when the explosion rocks the foundation of the Art Institute, and the law enforcement immediately think they’re a suspect along with IAN LOCKE  that had ducked out for a breath of fresh air. They’re taken into custody for questioning.
JAMESON ROBERTS ( WALSH ) narrowly escapes to the lawn, but CONRAD ODAIR( FAUST ) is only a pace behind with a weapon in hand. CONRAD ODAIR fires and barely misses JAMESON ROBERTS, who realizes if they don’t retaliate, there’s no getting out of the art museum alive.
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kaialone · 4 years
Spirit Tracks Translation Comparison: Character Names
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In this post I will cover how the names of notable characters were changed in the English versions of The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks.
Like many Zelda characters, the ones introduced in Spirit Tracks are connected by common naming themes. Specifically, most of the major characters in this game have names that relate to trains.
With such pun-based names in particular, the localization may choose to adapt or even change the names in ways that make them more appealing to the target audience.
And that's exactly what happened with Spirit Tracks, so let's have a look at them.
With each of these I will list the character's English name, as well as my romanization of their Japanese name, and then explain the origin of both.
Note that my romanizations won't always match the respective literal romanizations, depending on the name's origin.
The Lokomo:
Anjean = Sharin
Anjean's Japanese name is シャリン/Sharin.
It's taken from 車輪/sharin, which means "wheel".
Her English name is derived from the word "engine".
Gage = Valve
Gage's Japanese name is バルブ/Barubu.
It's taken directly from the Japanese spelling of the English word "valve", so the most logical thing is to romanize it as "Valve".
His English name is taken directly from the word "gage".
Steem = Stym
Steem's Japanese name is スチム/Suchimu.
It's taken from the Japanese spelling of the English word "steam", スチーム/Suchīmu, with the long-vowel mark "ー"  removed. This means the vowel is short instead of long.
To get the short vowel across, I personally like to romanize this name as "Stym" (rhymes with "gym".)
His English name is derived from "steam" as well, following the same idea of being an altered spelling of the original word.
Carben = Senrin
Carben's Japanese name is センリン/Senrin.
It's derived from 前輪/senrin, which means "leading wheel".
His English name is derived from the word "carbon".
Embrose = Boila
Embrose's Japanese name is ボイラ/Boira.
It's derived from the Japanese spelling of the English word "boiler", ボイラー/boirā, with the long-vowel mark "ー"  removed.
Therefore, I like to romanize it as "Boila".
His English name is derived from the word "embers".
Rael = Tenda
Rael's Japanese name is テンダ/Tenda.
It's derived from the Japanese spelling of the English word "tender", テンダー/tendā, with the long-vowel mark "ー"  removed.
His English name is derived from the word "rail".
Byrne/Staven = Dego
Byrne's Japanese name is ディーゴ/Dīgo.
ディー/Dī is one way to transcribe the letter "D" in Japanese, and ゴ/go means "five". The name is a reference to the JNR Class D51, an old Japanese type of steam locomotive that is quite popular.
This also gives this name a connection to Cole's Japanese name, which I'll explain in his section. The reason for them being connected is likely since they were designed as a duo from the start.
I personally like to romanize this name as "Dego".
His US English name is derived from the word "burn". Like the Japanese name, this one also has a connection with Cole's name.
In the EU English version, he is called "Staven", which is derived from the BR Standard Class 9F 92220 Evening Star, the last steam locomotive to be built by British Railways.
While "Staven" is closer to the Japanese name in the sense of being named after a specific locomotive, "Byrne" retains the aspect of being connected to Cole's name.
In general, all the Japanese Lokomo names are taken from the actual parts of a train, with the exception of Dego (Byrne/Staven), who is named for a specific locomotive. This is likely because he was one of the earlier characters to be created, going through many design changes, and wasn't planned to be a Lokomo from the very start.
The English version is a bit more loose with their pun sources, but still sticks to the theme of train-related names. Overall, it feels like they were trying to go for names that sound similar or allude to actual real life names, though.
Byrne/Staven stands out again, this time as the only major character to have his name be different in the EU English version. I don't know the reason for this, but he also has different names in the respective American and European versions of French and Spanish.
Main Antagonists:
Cole = Kimaroki
Chancellor Cole's Japanese name is キマロキ/Kimaroki. Also of note is that he is a minister in the Japanese version, not a chancellor.
His name is taken from the キマロキ編成/Kimaroki-hensei, a Japanese train formation used for snow-plowing.
Notably, JNR Class D51 locomotives were commonly used to lead the Kimaroki formation, thus giving the names Kimaroki and Dego (Byrne/Staven) a connection. Again, this is likely since they were seemingly designed as a duo from the start.
His English name is derived from the word "coal", and I presume his title was changed to chancellor for the sake of alliteration. Like the Japanese name, this one shares a connection with Byrne.
Malladus = Mallador
Malladus' Japanese name is マラドー/Maradō.
His name is seemingly derived from the LNER Class A4 4468 Mallard, the holder of the world speed record for steam locomotives.
The name takes the Japanese spelling of "Mallard", マラード/Marādo, and moves the long-vowel mark "ー" to the end.
Thus, in Japanese, his name is simply an anagram of the word "Mallard".
To reflect that, one could adapt it into English as something like "Mallad'r", but the problem with that spelling is that it doesn't get the Japanese pronunciation of his name across.
Therefore "Mallador" is my personal compromise.
Of course, there's plenty of other possible romanizations, depending on which details one wishes to keep.
His English name is derived from "Mallard" as well.
Supporting NPCs:
Alfonzo = Cirokuni
Alfonzo's Japanese name is シロクニ/Shirokuni.
シ/Shi is a Japanese transcription of the letter "C", ロク/roku means "six", and ニ/ni means "two". The name is a reference to the JNR Class C62, another old Japanese type of steam locomotive.
Given its origin, I like to romanize it as “Cirokuni”.
His English name was likely chosen since it sounds similar to “Gonzo”, his ancestor from The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker.
Teacher = Jī ("Geezer")
Teacher's Japanese name is ジイ/Jī. This literally translates to "Old Man" or "Geezer".
From what I've seen, ジイ/Jī appears to be an at least somewhat common thing to call characters who fill the archetype role of "elderly retainer of a princess".
In any case, I like to go with "Geezer" as a translation for this name.
His English name is taken directly from the word "teacher".
Fun Fact: While it's never mentioned in the game, I know of at least one Japanese guidebook for Spirit Tracks which states that Teacher's real given name is アルバトロス/Arubatorosu. This would be romanized as "Albatross".
There have been multiple train models called “Albatross", so he was likely named for one of them.
Ferrus = Tetsuo
Ferrus' Japanese name is テツオ/Tetsuo.
Tetsuo is an actual masculine Japanese given name, chosen here for sounding similar to 鉄道/tetsudō, which means "railways".
His English name is derived from "ferrum" which is Latin and means "iron". I would assume they chose that because 鉄/tetsu by itself also just means "iron".
That’s about it for major characters first introduced in this game.
In this post I only went over the name changes of the more prominent characters, but if you are interested in learning a bit more about the names of all the characters from this game, you can read about them here.
If you wish to see the rest of my The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks translation comparisons, you can find them here.
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