#Emotional story
skimmeh · 1 year
So I was thinking about fun places to place gills on a person
I propose this idea
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One weakness: particularly long double handshakes
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slut-for-001 · 19 days
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Where do broken hearts go?
“You’re crazy. You’re going to get yourself killed!” Dustin practically yelled, yet it was in a hushed whisper. You gazed at your friends who all seemed to be overly concerned about you doing this. “It’ll be worth it. I promise.” You spoke before attempting to walk out of the room, only to be pulled back by a hand wrapping around your wrist “I said I’ll be fine”
You yanked your hand away from them before walking out, Billy was clearly possessed. He had a strength no normal human being should have. “Y/n you’re going to get yourself hurt!” Lucas exclaimed but you didn’t listen, whatever you did and how you acted today was all because you loved Billy and you wouldn’t let him suffer. You could see the real Billy underneath the layers of cruelness, you knew he was hurting… he was scared… he was being controlled by a worthless monster who only cared for hurting individuals and ripping them away from their trauma only to add more trauma to their lives. You walked down the hallway silently stopping just at the barrier as you looked down at the mall- abandoned and in ruins. Whatever this thing was, was clearly way more powerful than you or anyone put together. This thing was nightmare fuel completely. It lurked in the shadows awaiting for its slaves to bring back its meal… it was sickening.
You stood at the top staring down the hairs on the back of your neck standing up as you looked around, “when I find you it’s going to be your funeral” his voice echoed about, disorientating you to the point you didn’t know whether he was in front of you or behind you. You knew you had to act fast… if you didn’t Hawkins was in deep shit. It was already cursed, it didn’t need to be cursed further and so you took a deep breath hair jerking as you twisted your body as you started running your footsteps grasping his attention almost immediately his senses being heightened as he kept his fingers up- his fingers which were covered in blood. El’s blood… he was trying to find you all… but he couldn’t… and so hearing the sound of you grabbed more than just his attention his entire focus being on you now as he stood up straighter, a cruel grin tugging at his lips as he followed after the footsteps. You ran for your life, checking over your shoulder occasionally. “Billy!” You yelled keeping him interested in you and as you saw his tall bloody figure lurking down the stairs you quickly hid behind one of the pillars your breathing heavy but you tried to conceal it, eyes searching around in an attempt to find something to help you…
“Why are you breathing so fast?”
His voice was right by your ear your eyes widening as you quickly tried to make an escape but his hand was quick to grab a hold of your wrist teeth bared as he stared at you emotionless “Billy stop this. You’re scaring me.” You demanded looking into his eyes trying to find some part of him to try and work on getting to bring forward but you saw none. His iron grip on you was so tight you were sure it was going to cut off circulation, you knew you weren’t getting anywhere with him and so you instead of pulling away got closer to him, free hand gripping onto his hand that was holding onto you as you began to push his hand back until it bent in a way that it shouldn’t be bent, this wasn’t billy. This was a monster. A demon. A cry left Billy’s lips as he let go of you, your body immediately backing up as you backed away from him watching how tears pooled in his eyes but the anger on his face was quick to make those tears disappear “why would you hurt me y/n,” he spoke voice now Billy’s sounding broken and hurt as you tried to maintain distance from him. “I thought you loved me. Were you just lying? Faking it? Was I nothing but a pawn in your game” he spoke in such a way that you knew it wasn’t Billy talking. It sounded like him but it wasn’t him.
He took slow steps towards you as you kept taking steps backwards “why are you scared?” He whispered out, your eyes catching onto a raised metal pole raised just behind him, Lucas wielding the weapon in such a way that it was sure to knock Billy unconscious “I’m not,” you assured “yes you a-“ his words were silenced as the loud ding of the pole hitting against his head rang around the empty building his body falling onto the ground, forehead slightly cracked as he breathed heavily on the ground “max!!” Lucas exclaimed, Dustin and Mike yelling at the girl to get the injection and you watched as the girl slammed the injection straight into Billy’s neck but it seemed to have an opposite effect, his lips curving up into a grin that wasn’t recognisable in the slightest “it’s too late for that, Maxine” Billy spoke the way he said it being evil truly evil as he pulled the needle out of his neck throwing it onto the floor as he got up onto his knees pushing himself up completely. His skin had gotten darker with black veins that were practically protruding out of him making him look like some monster… some kind of demonic entity that would be seen in children’s nightmares.
Billy turned to max as he attempted to reach for her “fuck you asshole!” Lucas’ words were strong as he hit Billy with the pole again, this time forcing the pole against his chest and trying to shove him back but instead Billy grabbed a hold of the pole lifting it up, Lucas not letting go as Lucas and the pole was thrown in the opposite direction a grunt of pain coming from Lucas, the monster turning to Lucas, Billy taking slow steps towards the boy “billy! Hey! Over here!” You shouted grabbing his attention as he walked towards you at a fast pace, hands clenched by his side making your eyes widen before watching as Billy was thrown to the side just as he was about to grab you, el’s hands trembling as she tried to keep Billy at bay- trying to stop him from hurting any of you. All of you had formed a small circle not sure on exactly what to do, your eyes soon picked up on the dark shadow lurking just outside- it was inhumanly large. Larger than any human being and existent animal… it was like a dinosaur… a monster… it made your breath hitch
You soon yelled “this is what it wants! Stop it! Just… just trust me!” You begged watching as el stopped, everyone backing away just behind you as you stared at Billy watching as he stood up his attention turning to you “c’mon… come get me” you taunted and within seconds he had grabbed you hand wrapped tightly around your throat as he lifted you up into the air strangling you, your nails dug into his wrist, feet kicking as his chest as you let out strangled cries yet you still shook your head at your friends if they went to hurt Billy… if your death meant your friends could survive then you would happily die. You could see the tears in his eyes the real him shining through once again his fingers practically digging into your windpipe stopping any breath from going in or out before his large hand let go of your throat as he threw you into the pillar his breathing heavy and uneven before he walked towards your limp body, your friends crying but trying to reassure each other that you knew what you were doing.
Billy knelt down beside you lifting you up into his arms bridal style, your head leaning over his arm, body limp in his embrace as he walked you carelessly into the centre of the mall before he dropped to his knees gently placing you onto the ground being rather gentle comparing to how he had just acted, his hand pushing some hair off of your forehead as he leaned down to rest his lips just beside your ear “don’t be afraid… it’ll all be over soon…” he spoke to you tone cold and unrecognisable as you stared into his eyes and in one last attempt to stop him and rid him of whatever was happening to him your hand gently cupped his cheek “Billy” you whispered tears glistening in your eyes, seeing the way a tear gently rolled down his cheek as he stared down into your eyes “just stay very still” he whispered to you emotionlessly and your eyes searched his desperately as your body began to tremble “Billy please” you begged out a lump growing in your throat as you struggled to calm down
“No more time.” He said calmly as he tried to pull away but your other hand cupped his other cheek pulling him back “she was beautiful Billy.” You soon started seeming to get a tiny reaction out of him. “You surfed… she was happy you were happy… you were her pride and joy.” You continued eyes sad as a shaky breath seemed to leave his lips the real him coming forward “she’s still your mum… she still loves you… no matter what… the way your dad treats you isn’t your fault. None of it is your fault.” Your thumb brushed against his cheek gently “your mum still loves you… max loves you… I love you… I love you so much.” You said tears threatening to spill a soft sob leaving your lips as you stared into his eyes and within a second it was like a light switch had been turned on and he gently grabbed a hold of your wrist turning his head to press a kiss against the palm of your hand “I’m sorry.” He said quietly before his head turned to look at max “I’m sorry for not being a good big brother.”
He then stood, standing in front of you as the tall shadow figure appeared large and scary and you stared in horror as one of its tentacles came down piercing into Billy’s chest his agonised screams torturing you day in day out as you were pulled back by Mike and will your eyes wide as you stared at the love of your life being hurt, and in a synchronised scream both you and max yelled out his name in despair…
“Y/n!” A voice called as you were shaken awake your eyes fluttering open as you stared at the boy in front of you… Billy… “did you have another nightmare?” He asked and you nodded crumbling into his arms soft sobs leaving your lips as his fingers brushed through your hair, hand rubbing up and down your back “I’m right here… I’m right here… I’m okay… I’ve got you.” He soothed in a caring tone not daring to let go of you as soft sniffles came from you the grip you had on him soon loosening as the familiar coldness caressed against your fingertips and you pulled back gazing down at him a soft sad smile on your lips “I missed you.” You continued before wiping your eyes letting out a shaky breath before leaning into another hug again… gripping onto him like your life depended on it… not letting go for a second as you sniffed squeezing your eyes shut, max and the others standing at the car, watching as your fragile body grasped onto Billy like your life depended on it… Billy’s grave… silence intertwined with each one of them as they didn’t dare say a word… grief was a powerful thing, but grieving as a group who couldn’t explain what had actually happened was a lot worse. Billy deserved better… but he couldn’t get better… all he could do was rest in peace.
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drummergetwicked · 2 months
So I’ve had the JSuds crush for a while. Since Last Man On Earth. But lately I’m getting real weird with it. Obviously. I’m here doing this. Like, Idk if it’s the perimenopause or that I haven’t been laid in years. Whatever it is, I’m on the Jason Sudeikis wagon and I’m riding it till my ADHD has me fixated on the next thing. Wheeeeee!!!
I watched Sleeping With Other People a few days ago for the first time. Whhhho boy, that movie hit a NERVE. Yeah, so I had a Matthew. But it was worse. For 15 years he used me for emotional and physical intimacy when he knew I was romantically fixated on him. When he was lonely, in between relationships (sometimes during), he’d tap into my weakness for his own gratification. The second his marriage fell apart, there he was, wrapping me around his finger again. Much like Lainey, I was waiting for him to choose me.
What made it worse is that we had a friendship outside of that, for lack of a better word (because a real friend doesn’t do this shit). We were inseparable for a few years when we both lived in NY. We even lived together for a few months. He knew exactly how I felt. I was not subtle. He didn’t want to date me. Fine, whatever. But then he’d be intimate with me. Knowing it hurt me. He apologized a few times. But it always happened again.
We took a road trip across the east coast and Deep South together a couple years ago. Hadn’t seen each other in 10 years. And guess what happened? Yep. Not only did he hook up with me, he took a phone call with a girl he was trying to get with, then tried to get with me again when he hung up. I threw him off me and that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Still, it took 2 more years to fully lay it to rest. I had gradually minimized contact until I was fully ghosting him. Part of me could not let go.
Enter the movie. I ugly cry. A lot. Like off and on for a good 24 hours. Seeing that toxic dynamic that I lived on screen? It had me feeling seen for the first time. But guess who texts me that night? You guessed it. My Matthew. I swear the timing couldn’t be more kismet. I had a feeling he would. I sent him a strongly worded message telling him that I’m unequivocally done and to never contact me again. Then blocked his number. That movie changed my life. I mean, I was gonna get there eventually. But I finally had the guts to just say it to him. This was literally just a couple days ago. 17 years of toxicity over with thanks to my crush on Jason Sudeikis. He is my hero.
Can I also discuss the scene where Jake beats the shit out of Matthew? Oh man, the catharsis. I watched it so many times. Yes, Jason, please pummel the bane of my existence!!!! *swoon*
On top of that, seeing the respect and boundaries between Jack and Lainey in contrast to the lack therof with Lainey and Matthew. UGHHHHH😩
So. Much. Ugly crying.
Thank you, JSuds, for saving the day.
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“Can you shut up?!”
The room fell silent as everyone’s eyes fell towards the speaker. She looked to be no older than a teenager and yet there she stood, fuming at everyone for talking over her. She stomped towards the stage, the sounds of her boots echoing around the hall as she grabbed the microphone that stood in the center. Now that she stood there, she could truly see everyone watching and waiting. She had no real clue what, but it was her own fault for putting all the attention on herself.
“Typical Luce,”She mumbled into the microphone,”Always wanting to just chant and drone and rave about the problems without listening to someone that actually deals with a lot of what you all speak about!” The woman paused, scanning the room for any change. All she received in return were blank stares.
“The Luce, who have been preaching about how things must change for everyone to be on standing ground, instead of working with the Dux to stop the inequality! We have spent decades at each other’s throats, for what? A small agreement where you are still in power and we are still treated like dogs?!” The crowd began to shift with unease, sharing glances and murmurs with one another as the young woman hopped from the stage.
As she walked among the crowd, many turned away to avoid her glance. Others kept their eyes locked with hers, looking at her with rage and disappointment.
“Typical,”She chuckled into the microphone,”Typical for you to either look away when the problem is in your fucking faces! Even more typical that some of you even look at me as if I’ve done something wrong. What’s the matter? Don’t like it when someone looks at you with scorn and anger because we know you’ve done wrong? Or is it that you dislike it when it’s demanded that you give us the respect we deserve?!”
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xphoenixdom · 2 years
As human beings, we want the same love we give others to be reciprocated. What does love really mean? Are we supposed to expect pain in affection? Well..Nature gave me an answer!
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aye-of-newt · 2 months
guillermo del toro’s pinocchio is a beautiful film but my god no one has adapted that story like neverafter. you can never look at it the same way again after listening to lou wilson, a black man, explaining that he chose to play as pinocchio because it’s a story about a little boy who isn’t allowed to make mistakes. that in pinocchio's story, he is fundamentally barred from childhood at once upon a time. he must earn something that everyone else is granted from birth. the other boys get to tell lies and play and get into trouble, but when pinocchio does the same thing there are grave and violent consequences. his pinocchio is trying to understand why the world is so unfair, why the rules are so different for him, why everyone else gets to be a real boy.
and I think about it every day.
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navyugshaktinews · 14 hours
गांव ने मिलकर भरा बेटी का ऐसा मायरा, एक झलक पाने के लिए उमड़ पड़ी भीड़, भावुक हो गई दुल्हन
नागौर. डीडवाना जिले के मौलासर के निकटवर्ती गांव बावड़ी में एक वाल्मीकि समाज की बेटी की शादी होनी थी. बेटी के पिता बालू राम बाल्मीकि की मृत्यु कोरोना में हो गई थी. बेटी की मां गांव में साफ सफाई कर अपना गुजारा चलाती है. पति की मृत्यु के बाद लगातार आर्थिक स्थिति खराब रही. माता कंचन देवी ने मजदूरी कर अपने चार बच्चों को पाल पोसकर बड़ा किया, जिसमें तीन बेटे और एक बेटी है. तीन बेटों में से दो बेटे मंद…
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atikulislamnur · 1 month
আমার ও একটা মানুষ ছিল,|| যে আমাকে, পাগলের মতো ভালবাসতো,,, || Creative Content By Atik
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justabeginner56 · 6 months
The Power of Calm: A Story of Friendship and Anger Management
Join us for a heartwarming tale of friendship and personal growth. In a small village, two best friends, Ravi and Raj, face a challenging situation that tests their bond. Witness the aftermath as Raj's anger gets the best of him, leading him to hurt Ravi. Follow Ravi's remarkable journey as he showcases immense strength and resilience in the face of pain and anger. Discover the valuable lesson Ravi imparts to Raj, teaching us all about the importance of keeping our cool in difficult situations. Don't miss this powerful story that will inspire you to approach conflicts with calmness, understanding, and growth. Learn how managing our anger can lead to better outcomes and stronger relationships. Watch now and let this heartwarming tale touch your heart and guide you towards a more peaceful way of life.
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lead-painted · 6 months
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Saw this guy just standing there....
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And knew he needed someone ❤️💔❤️ 🥺😢
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stil-lindigo · 9 months
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the fox god.
a comic about a trickster.
creative notes:
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all my other comics
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israfulmohammad-blog · 11 months
Kadam chhote|Sapne bade|
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egophiliac · 3 months
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(almost) four years in, and I finally had time to draw something for the anniversary! woo! 🎉🎉🎉
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sandflakedraws · 6 months
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hug time 🌺
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tawnysoup · 1 month
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Learning to accept support
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The death of Vanessa and the birth of Vanny in FNAF
(Inspired by this art by Yuto Sano)
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