#Especially as a young person
rooolt · 3 months
my thing with normals epilogue is that I think it comes from normal and sparrows like fundamental misunderstanding of each other. Like I think normal is unable to see sparrow as a full person past his parenting decisions, but I also think that sparrow doesn’t really understand the full extent of the effect his words had on normal and what it would’ve taken to rectify that. Like they’re both so caught up within themselves to fully understand the other and that’s so real and true to me.
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the-trans-advice-blog · 4 months
Please please please think of trans people of color when you’re going to make a generalized statement. When you’re making posts about passing tips, medical treatments for transitioning, even light hearted stereotypes include people of color in your sentiments.
As a black trans person it is so fucking isolating to see stuff I’m supposed to relate to only to find that they weren’t talking about me or people like me.
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willowser · 11 months
every single day i think about the influence touya would have had on shouto as an older brother.
he has to take him everywhere he goes, so they're always jamming to the same hardcore music in touya's shitty car. shouto, obviously, develops a taste for the same bands, same songs. shouto is also in the ride-along to buy cigarettes and beer at midnight, and touya threatens his whole entire life if he tells rei, but shouto would never because he likes going too much.
shouto 100% would attempt to kick the ass of anyone that talked shit to his brother. little string bean, doesn't matter, this little boy is throwing HANDS for touya, and touya very much has the attitude of "no one can fuck with my little brother but me". whenever shouto gets in trouble for doing something he shouldn't be doing, touya is always taking the fall for him, no questions asked. shouto lies for touya like it's second nature.
shouto wants an earring because of touya, and touya probably GIVES the piercing to him, which makes enji blow a gasket. touya learns to play the drums and then shouto wants to, too — though he ends up being better than touya and touya promptly quits after that. touya teaches him to drive. shouto gets drunk for the first time with touya BECAUSE touya wants to be there to take care of him. they hate each other, they get into fist fights all the time, rolling around the house as fuyumi screams at both of them. they're best friends. they understand each other more than anyone else ever could.
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needylittlegirl · 3 months
if you dont “believe” in aftercare you deserve to get run over by a bus btw
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shorlinesorrows · 4 months
don’t mind me I’m just busy having Feelings over the scene in the Moon Knight tv series where Marc meets the avatars/gods for the first time.
words can’t describe how distressed I got when Harrow showed up and started speaking, dripping poison into the words “he is unwell” with a tint of false concern, just the right amount condescension, and a spoonful of pity
thinking about how from that moment Marc (and the whole system) was disregarded as unreliable despite the fact that the situation had nothing to do with their DID. thinking about how the avatars and their gods stopped listening to him.
thinking about how the moment someone is neurodivergent, or disabled, or different in any way that isn’t palatable, that’s “scary”, they stop being worth listening to
not a person, just something to disregard, lock away, or pity.
And how Harrow got away with it, how he was able to frame himself as the caring “good guy” for revealing this incredibly personal piece of information to a group of people who had no business knowing it, effectively silencing someone who desperately needed to speak. For his own gain.
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ntj2pj · 3 months
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#madness combat#madcom oc#my oc#atp soldat#the soldat in the dark (tm) actually cares about his bro#a lot#but he just can't get sad when he warned him about this shit nonstop#no id#The bitten guy just acts too friendly because his program made him too altruistuc and kind#Which sometimes helps since he is one who recruits workers#Well#Probably it's more benefitial most of the time#But he gets in shit like “oh i just wanted to help civilian get out from dangerous location and they stabbed me :(((”#And he ain't bullied for it by anyone but his bro. He is too... Kinda. Uh. Hard to bully guy who is most safest option to talk with auditor#And not die lol. It also doesn't help that he is guy who knows all of the AAHW by names and will kick you hard for bullying anyone#So bullying him is a privilege of some atp soldats#not an option :D#Other soldat here is just walking anger issues and he got no friends other than his bro. Constantly lashes at anyone. The Bitten™ included#So they're got that dynamic of angry antisocial cynical guy and pessimist & optimistic kind dude (well#(well he got a lot of mental issues too#But doesn't show it and never let it hurt others.)#And he is much older than the pessimist :'D#Pessimist guy is very young actually. But just experienced shit nonstop from birthday and lost very much everyone he cared about#And the second one... just atp soldat with no past. never known any other thing than work in AAHW and orders. Easy to manipulate#He also gets “You're not a real person” a lot for it. And constanly offended by it. But it's a problem of all yellow bloods here#Especially him#since he litterally didn't had a life outside from aahw. Also don't think he wouldn't kick his friends hard for orders.#Kill even. He is a dog for orders first#Kind guy with good morals is only second
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I just talked to my friends about this but I feel like Felix is a little too well liked in this fandom. Like yeah he’s realistic, he’s a coward, he’s selfish, and he’ll do anything to help himself
And there are millions if not billions of people out there who are exactly like him
It’s not a bad thing if you like Felix but I feel like it’s really not that well understood just how actually dangerous he is. There are people who will hurt you either intentionally or by accident and what is often the first thing you hear them say?
“Don’t tell anyone.”
If Edd and Molly had lived, I have no doubt in my mind that is exactly what he would have said to them
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fly-away-flynn · 6 months
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“Look what you did, You’ll make a killer of a pacifist.”
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spideycents · 2 years
I know this is gonna be a post into the void, but I want people to know that there are some on the autism spectrum that the hug during the panic attack would work for. Not everybody though and definitely the hug would have to be someone trusted and like personally for me that I’m comfortable with, but I just want to clarify the generalization the show might have made. Not all autistic people like that physical pressure. But I do think it works for Young Woo.
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whatohitsonfirewelp · 2 months
You know what I will hate?
If someone else has to point out how Buck or Eddie feels. I know that’s a popular trope, but honestly? Fuck that.
Fuck having to tell a queer person who they’re supposed to be with, how they’re supposed to feel. I actually hate that so much. Because why, why is it that after being told we’re supposed to love certain people, and we realize we don’t, we’re told from ALL SIDES who we are supposed to love after we come out. From the people who don’t accept us to the people that do.
I don’t want Tommy telling Buck that hey man you’re in love with Eddie
I want Buck to realize and accept this on his own, it’s HIS choice it’s HIS life he’s finally free so Let Him Have The Control
I don’t want Marisol to tell Eddie he’s not in love with her, he’s in love with Buck. I actually HATE when fans decide the girlfriend has to take upon that role.
I want Eddie to have his own oh moment. I want Eddie to have this soft, happy, light feeling of being free.
I don’t want Christopher a literal chick to tell Buck and Eddie they’re in love.
I want them to discover it together on their own. I want them to talk to Christopher separately and together about it. Don’t involve a child in the love lives of adults.
I do not fucking want Hen (or Karen and Josh) to look at these two and say I called it.
THEY ARE ALSO QUEER!! They KNOW what it’s like to feel the need to keep this part of yourself a secret, to be scared, to be overwhelmed with emotions, to finally feel free.
I want them to be so so unbelievably happy and proud of Buck and Eddie and to not take away from their discovery of themselves. 
I don’t want past girlfriends showing up and saying they knew something was off.
Because you know what? Let’s not make queer characters uncomfortable and guilty for something that wasn’t their fault, something they weren’t even AWARE of, or to feel any pain for a relationship that is very much over.
I don’t think you guys understand how much you seem to demand for us to get buddie as queer, to have Eddie and Buck as queer, and in the same breath want to take what that means away from them
Them realizing they are queer is not something that other characters should have a huge opinion or input on. It should be THEM worried about what others will say and think only to find out they are so loved by those who truly matter.
Coming out as queer is HUGE. It’s not easy, it can be confusing and it’s overwhelming. Let Buck, and if it happens then Eddie as well, go about their own journey their way. Stop forcing other characters, straight or queer, to be in it. It’s not about anyone else but them. It’s not a simple love story of two men that are already out. It’s about realizing hey, this thing I thought I was my entire life? It’s not true.
Let them process that and take it in and explorer what is a completely newworld.
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aesthetic-gem · 8 months
for those of you that liked to see the q!bbh and q!cellbit dynamic as father/son and are disappointed that bad himself doesn’t see it that way, i promise you that changes nothing 🫶 whether it’s as mentor/mentee or something more or something less, their past and relationship doesn’t change. a familial bond can be more than parent/child or siblings. q!bad still watched over him and grew fond of q!cell as he taught him how to do things. the level of admiration and respect is still there. q!cell can still look to him like a guiding figure in his life growing up since he had no real parents to remember. just because bad doesn’t view him as a son doesn’t mean he cares any less 🫶
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quibbs126 · 11 days
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So I decided to finish off the day with a kid from scratch (granted I ended up finishing later than I thought), whom also happened to not be a request, but I decided to do because the pairing caught my eye when scrolling to Dark Sapote. Anyways, this is Matcha Cheesecake
…Uh, I’m only realizing now I don’t have a character for her. She just has vibes and a design. Let me make something up right quick
Let’s see, she’s an avid party lover, frequently attending her mother’s parties (though not in this outfit, rather the one from the sketch). She also tends to be a bit egotistical and vain. However, her more eccentric personality only tends to come out at parties or in social events; outside of that she’s a lot more of a shut in
She’s also not exactly helpless, as she constantly grows plants, and they even tend to grow on her. The plants she grows also tend to be sentient, and see her as their master. So it’s best not to cross her
…I don’t really have much else. I mean I guess at least this wasn’t a request so that I disappoint whoever asked for it, but I feel like I’m not giving much interesting here either way
The name’s pretty obvious and self explanatory. She’s a cheesecake made with matcha, her name is literally a combination of her moms
Matcha cheesecake:
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I’m gonna be honest, I feel like she could have turned out way better. Or at least, I think so in my head
She wasn’t that bad during the sketch phase, but it got difficult with the colors. I think it’s a case of Matcha and Cheesecake’s colors working well together as a pair, but when I try to combine them, at least how I was attempting to here with the light greens, they don’t work that well. Her final color scheme was me trying to come up with colors that looked semi nice together
A real shame too, since the pictures I found of matcha cheesecake (as well as basque matcha cheesecake since that’s a thing too) had some really nice looking color schemes
Also, during the final phases of the sketch, I was debating between this outfit and the one you see in the rough sketch above
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In my eyes, she has both outfits, but one she wears at parties and the other is her casual, I just wasn’t sure what to make her default, until my friend said the second one
Speaking of the dress, that was giving me so much trouble throughout the sketching phase, I kept having to try and make new ones over and over again until I eventually got to the two you see
I tried using Festivia from Star vs as a reference, which is why she has her horns that way and the headband. She also originally had an outfit closer to Festivia’s, but it didn’t pan out because of the legs
I swear, every time I draw a character sitting with their legs in a certain position, they end up wearing a dress or something that partially goes over their legs, and it makes my job so much harder. I know I do it to myself, but still, it’s really frustrating
To be honest, I don’t know if my frustration comes from me not liking her design, or if it’s just that I’ve been up all night and she doesn’t look exactly perfect. My thoughts on her may change come the morning. But I don’t feel like she’s my best work. Maybe I stretched myself too thin creatively by trying to make myself to a third guy by day’s end
Anyways yeah, that’s Matcha Cheesecake. Not much to write home about to be honest, but I hope you can find some enjoyment from her
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neonhog · 1 month
the fnv brotherhood of steel being such an intense parallel to being stuck with an abusive conservative family explored largely through a lesbian character whose constantly making excuses for them gighhrggurughh
#censoring so stuff doesnt appear in tags to specify#but the elders have a very specific type of control over the rest of the bunker thats very reminiscent of#the amount of power parents have over their children or fathers have over their general families#where they could be harming you and the people around you terribly#but despite#you have to remain neutral and calm and kind towards them to not risk being#the person who yelled at your beloved parent#and how elijah was able to#take on the role of veronicas father#simply because he chose too and then was able to isolate veronica from her lover likely using the bunkers homophobia#is actually a very terrifying thought#because he held the power to do this because he simply claimed ownership over a young girl as her father#and how veronica is often spoken about with exasperation#which is probably warranted in a way because all of these people are stuck with each-other and see each-other at the worse#they have very little privacy and if you look at the bunkers they all sleep in you can see that they likely have no opportunity to privatel#explore their sexuality in any way#which is especially terrible in an environment where homophobia can be weaponized on a whim#and the casual mentions of inc-st being necessary to keep the bunker running and how their x-nophobia is leading to this inc-st-ous abuse#is especially disturbing when you consider how easy veronica was isolated by an older man in the brotherhood#even if it wasn't for those intentions#it always could be with someone else#veronica santangelo
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federfleisch · 27 days
It is real missing Lil Peep, Juice WRLD, and XXXTentacion hours
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phasewashere · 3 days
i need to write vdm
#phase weeps#i need to write them beating the shit out of eachother and then fucking#young vdm were absolutely insane and i stand by that#yes they have their tender moments but i feel. atleast in how i perceive them that they never ever had they true acceptance of feelings#they were never lovers or husbands but they were partners and i think that they were in love in the way that people like them could be in#love. but i think theres a lot more potential to tem then the cut and clean “they are husbands” narrative#i want vdm to be as ugly and rife as every other relationship in game#and i especially want to put emphasis on their inability to let go of the past and living in this “free and wild” world#and i think this dream of dutchs deeply affects how he views relationships#as just another gust of wind. just another sunset#just another desert flower#his romaticazition of being on the run. painting the blood on his hands as holy#the rough and tumblr hospitality of the american dream#is so deeply packed into who he is as a person that he cannot see beyond his own viewpoint#and dutch is a self centered man#his viewpoint is his world. because dutch is the sun. and everything revolves around him. and everything that gets drawn in burns up#eventually#and i think hoseas trick is that you never get that close#there is a longing to vandermatthews that speaks of a chasm between them. on the cusp of deep understanding yet skirting around it#they are life partners#and they hold each others hands through the darkest parts of their self made hell#but their is nothing romantic or holy about it#they are a visage of the american man and twisted american kindness. and they are people soldered parts of themselves together but the deep#parts are left to be seen and not touched. i just. theirs so much potential for tragedy in vandermatthews i dont think we're touching
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ftmtftm · 3 months
I do wish more posts about Aaron Bushnell would get tagged with a suicide warning honestly. I don't really want to have to blacklist his name outright but it's likely I'll have to unfortunately - just to save my own sanity for a little while.
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