#As someone who loves both normal and sparrow
rooolt · 6 months
my thing with normals epilogue is that I think it comes from normal and sparrows like fundamental misunderstanding of each other. Like I think normal is unable to see sparrow as a full person past his parenting decisions, but I also think that sparrow doesn’t really understand the full extent of the effect his words had on normal and what it would’ve taken to rectify that. Like they’re both so caught up within themselves to fully understand the other and that’s so real and true to me.
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jaeedraszaerysz · 1 year
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SFW 💕💕
It would probably take him a while to trust you if you hadn't known him very long.
If you grew up with or close to the Starks he tried to befriend you before Robb did
He would always be scared that he would steal your heart away
You would spend hours mocking the men and women of the courts
When Robert Baratheon came to visit you both sat outside taking the piss out of all the Lords and ladies and any twat who dared speak low of either of you.
Tyrion Lannister defos assumed u were a couple and when you told him otherwise, he just shook his head.
Catelyn would probably despise you for being so close to him.
Ned would love you though, thanking the gods silently that the boy had someone by his side.
He would probably have kissed you before he left for the nights watch and spent his nights wondering whether leaving you was worth it all.
When you eventually found your way back to him it was rather chaotic.
You were probably interrogated by tormund on arrival
Atleast until Jon saw you, never forgetting your face.
You probably punched him square in the face and then proceeded to have a huge, westeros equivalent of Oscar worthy, makeput session infront of everyone.
Ghost, when not growling at random twats, would act like a second protector when Jon wasn't by your side.
Arya either loves you or hates you
Sansa is, just like her father was, happy Jon has someone.
Bran doesn't care. He's too busy wheeling around doing seven eyes Sparrow shit or whatever he called it.
You and Davos defos spend ages tryna talk some sense into him.
He always seems to be holding you in some way
Whether it be your arm, hand, waist. He would probably play with your hands or you hair often.
Is always bloody staring
Like never stops
His eyes are for you and only you
Takes. You. Everywhere.
Like no debates. He goes, you follow. Or vice versa.
He took you with him to meet with ramsay and if he made any comment whatsoever it was straight up a routine by now.
Death stare, holds onto you twelve times tighter, kills the offender within 24 hours.
Loves it when you fall asleep on him because he's happy you feel safe with him.
Head kisses.
Need I say more?
Everywhere anytime.
Head. Fucking. Kisses.
Walking past. Head kiss.
Sat next to him at dinner. Head kiss.
In an extremely serious situation requiring your full attention. Head kiss.
Dying. Head kiss.
It's like his fucking bread and butter.
When you first met daenerys it was bad vibes.
Like very bad.
No clue why she just doesn't sit right with you.
Either grows to love you or ends up hating you with a passion.
No in-between.
He dreams of having a normal life.
He would want three kids, two boys and girl so they could protect their sister.
Maybe another direwolf or four. One for each and one for you.
Can't sleep when you aren't next to him.
Teaches you to sword fight extremely early on in your relationship.
If you were ill or pregnant he would never leave your side.
Never ever ever never.
He's convinced that you could have a hundred children and you would still be the person he loves most in the world.
Would do anything for you.
Minors DNI below this line.
NSFW ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 (implied female reader)
Worships you like no one else
Touching you always.
Passes it off for his hand on your back but in reality he's secretly caressing your ass, or will have his arms under your cloak, passing it off as a hug, and will gently squeeze your boobs.
Neck kisses.
His favourite thing in the world.
Loves to leave marks on you wherever he can.
Has definitely kissed every inch of your body
Gives no fucks about scars or hair or anything of the sort.
Lives laughs loves your boobs.
Will lay with his face buried in them at any time.
Minor inconvenience? Someone was being a twat? He's tired?
Boob pillow.
Will eat you out for hours.
You have any problems at all? Sit on his face.
If he's had a bad day he will legit just stuff his face between your thighs.
His fave place.
Says that if you suffocated him it would be an amazing way to go.
Probably prefers giving but he will never say no to receiving.
His dick is probs like 6-7 inches.
Takes tormunds advice very seriously.
Loves to see how many fingers you can take before he stuffs you.
Will go for as many rounds as you need.
Always a gentleman, making sure your comfortable and that your satisfied.
Cockwarming he loves.
Cuddles afterwards.
He will slide out of you and pull you onto on him, pulling the blankets up and wrapping his body around yours.
Calls you love but with his gorgeous deep voice.
Has a sexy asf morning voice.
He's so whipped for you he can't function somedays.
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entamesubs · 16 days
Yu-Gi-Oh! Go Rush!! Episode 118-124 Sub Release
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For the past couple of weeks, we have received extremely concerning emails and messages from people demanding us to release subs faster.
For the record, asking us to divulge personal information just for the sake of knowing why subs are delayed is not only stupid and invasive, it is also grossly entitled. Knowing why is a privilege, not a right.
In the past, when I gave reasons for delays, it was not out of obligation but just being nice as a fan who understood other fans. No one needed to know but I said why anyway. However, I realize now that giving so much information bred a culture of entitlement to the team's personal matters.
From now on, delays will not be given reasons. They will simply happen when they do, come what may. No one needs to know why.
The entitlement that people have for our free, unpaid work that we offer to the community out of love for the series and nothing else will not be tolerated. I am done being nice or silent about it.
In the middle of this long delay-break, we also had someone leave the team due to no longer having time to help. The reality is that we are all people with full-time obligations elsewhere, and life will always take priority over fansubs for an anime. This is normal, and you do not need to know why. Unless you begin bankrolling the entire team for the cost of labor, no one deserves to know why but the team itself.
So stop harassing me, my team, anyone close to us, or making up weird unfounded rumors to suit your delusions of us.
I also feel like I shouldn't have to say this, but death threats will not make the subs come out faster either.
A spot of light in all this was a single email wishing us well and hoping everything was alright. To this single email, I say thank you. It was truly wonderful to read such kind words after an onslaught of hate for not doing free work fast enough. These subs are for you.
As always, there are translation notes below, so spoilers ahead for this batch of episodes.
"How can a sparrow know the ambitions of a swan?" "Her worldly desires..." "One is the beginning of everything."
Over the course of these couple of episodes, Zeyet and Sabyuas both begin speaking strangely and in a lot of idioms. These are a mix of old Chinese idioms and Buddhist belief.
It reads like the Darkmen are slowly achieving a form of "enlightenment" (satori) in the Buddhist sense. After speaking about satori in a previous translation note, it begins to make more sense.
When Fukamura speaks about Sabyuas and Zeyet gaining "wisdom" (知恵, or chie), he is actually using the Japanese term for prajna, which means the knowledge you must gain in order to actually achieve enlightenment in Buddhism.
You could say that Zeyet and Sabyuas have found religion, haha.
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bubbles0bop · 8 months
Could I ask for jjk x f reader? Yuji is my comfort character but in season two he seems to need more comfort! Could we get a reader comforting him after shibuya. If your too busy don’t worry about it thank you 😊
Comfort in silence- Yuji Itadori x F!Reader Drabble
~ - - - - - - - - - - ~
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Disclaimers: established relationship, crying, not following the manga plot
This was super cute! Thank you for requesting 🫶
At this moment, you are enveloped by darkness, sitting to the far corner of the hotel room that you've been accommodated with for the time being. It was later in the night then you'd like to admit, but there was no way you would be able to rest any time soon.
You had not long ago arrived back from your meeting with the higher ups. You assume many of your other classmates have had to do the same. However, the only person on your mind at the moment was a certain pink haired boy which was no where to be found.
You two had promised each other that this would be the place you would meet after all the chaos has ceased. But in reality, no one really did know for sure now if any of this would ever end. Some dead, most injured, and a heaping most of Shibuya had outright disappeared. There was a lot of TLC needed.
To your relief, the door opens reveling your boyfriend, battered and bruised and with a few new scars adorning his face. You didn't pay much mind to that however; a heavy sigh left your lungs just from the thought that he was for sure alive and here for you.
You stood up from the chair that you had been sitting in, but you were silent. The silence felt almost illegal to break and both of you were waiting for the other to speak. It was the type of silence that kept you waiting because the air grieved with the unknown.
He slowly walked towards you and not surprisingly, his normal cheerful demeanor was long gone- you doubted it would fully come back any time soon.
To your relief, his arms opened widely as he reached to you and you enveloped him into the warmest hug you could muster. His face buried into your shoulder, seeking comfort as he slowly started to sob.
You said nothing but reached your hand up to his hair, shushing him.
You tugged his hand towards the bed in the center of the room and invited him to lay with you. He wiped a few stray tears across his face but they just kept flowing.
"It's all my fault..." was the first thing he had said to you. Oh, he sounded so broken. Your boy was in the deepest darkest moment in his life and you were not sure how you could fix it but for now you hold him tighter.
"It will never be your fault Yuji... You have no idea how much we all love you. You are just a boy with a big heart who somehow got dragged into all this mess." His sobs grew louder as you spoke but you know that you had reassured him a little.
His cries slowed down until he could manage to respond. "Will you leave me because of all this- all this mess?"
You grabbed his face closer to yours from where it had been stuffed into your chest.
"Of course not, my love. We're in this together!" You grinned at him but he didn't return it. You decided to pepper his face in kisses to really push your message.
This seemed to work because you soon heard him giggling softy. He sniffed away his tears and you wiped a few stray droplets from his cheeks before sharing a long deserved kiss.
He stuffed his face back to the crook of your neck and you both shared a moment of comforting silence. You thought to yourself about the events that had unfolded over the last several days. You both can hold each other until the end of eternity, but that doesn't dismiss the fact that this battle isn't over for either of you. However, having someone to love you was damn sure the best thing you could ever ask for in all this chaos. And if there's one thing you could do for him, for Yuji, you'll be here. You'll be by his side forever until all his sparrows fade away and you know he knows that.
Before long you feel his body start to relax and soft snores are coming from his lips. Your hand rests in his hair before you join him, falling asleep in each others arms.
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zvmz · 11 months
A few Daring Charming HCs <3
Growing up, anytime he expressed interest in anything considered girly, his father would lecture him on how he needs to be more manly or whatever
For example, He did like rom-coms, and he would sometimes watch them with darling, but got a lecture and told to ‘spend his time on something more befitting of a man’ when he was caught
Since his father considered the guitar a manly instrument, He started learning to play when he was young to impress him
his dad was impressed. And that made daring happier than anything. That’s when he realized he would do anything to earn his fathers approval. So, he worked hard at it, changing things about himself to live up to his fathers standards.
he did, of course, succeed in this goal, but in the process took on many of his fathers flaws, such as his arrogance and sexist ideals
Now at eah, he’s slowly realizing that his father is capable of being in the wrong. He can embrace all the things he likes and still be a man. He can express his emotions and still be a man. He’s realizing his life should not revolve around earning his dads approval, that he needs to become his own person.
character development!!
anyway, he really showed his growth when he finally stood up to his dad for how he treats dexter, and defended darling for everything going on with her and apple.
why am I trying to write a whole character arc rn um anyways
With cerise and darling, he learned that women can be more than just “damsels in distress”.
with Lizzie and Dexter, he learned to put others ahead of himself.
now he can admit he hates the guitar. He loves romance movies, Katy perry, shopping, theatre and acting. he even likes to wear pink sometimes. hes still finding out what he likes and doesnt like without his fathers influence
he LOVES sweet drinks. if hes at a bar hes getting a daiquiri. if hes at a cafe its a frappuccino.
when hes getting drinks with lizzie, the waiter always assumes the fruity/sweet drink goes to lizzie
sparrow makes so much fun of him for it
he doesnt like cerise like that anymore, but they are great friends now. they mostly bond over sports and movies
he excels at history and literature, but has trouble in science and math. apple tutors him.
their tutoring sessions can be really awkward, though. they dont really know how to talk to each other normally.
he never really had a crush on her at any time, but he has always very much admired her for her hard work and intellect.
hes extremely chivalrous and polite. he always holds the door open for people, always offers his seat to someone if theyre all full, never looks at his phone during a date. things like that
hes always over-dressed, no matter the occasion
probably spends at least a third of his time in the gym flexing and taking pictures in the mirror
lets bfr teens in the eah world definitely make tiktok edits of him
daring is obsessed with them. theyre all over his fyp.
understands every one of briars daily mean girls references
he only auditioned for a play for the first time in order to spend more time with lizzie, who got dragged into playing a part. they both ended up loving it.
i am retconning the whole thing with duchess in the books. never happened.
the actual reason daring and lizzie broke up was because daring felt guilty about the bet with sparrow, so he confessed to her. which ended in lizzie yelling at him for half an hour and dumping him
they missed each other SO much. daring basically tried to apologize to her almost every day, and after some months lizzie decided to give him another chance. he absolutely did not waste that chance.
he plays fortnite with dexter and darling once a week
as a kid he used to climb trees with darling all the time. they got caught and lectured on it pretty often
has been to jail for going 50 over the speed limit before. dexter and darling had to bail him out
once dexter and darling tried to prank daring by filling his entire room with merch of himself
it completely backfired bc daring loved it and kept most of it where it was
hes definitely one of those boys who says "im him" about any ryan gosling character and says ryan reynolds is hot
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kaseyskat · 9 months
something about how sparrow blamed himself for releasing the doodler even though he wasn't involved at all. something about him taking lark's place and telling henry that if anyone deserved to die for this it should be him. something about him being the one to actively make the decision to swap the realms and doom people he knew and cared about in favor of his family. it was the right decision, if the main families had died nobody would be left to stop it when the doodler started poking holes into the other dimensions and both worlds would've gone down anyways. but sparrow didn't know that when he chose it, he just knew that someone had to be the bad guy and instead of making lark do it he did it himself he spared lark of that burden. knowing both of his parents will never forgive him. knowing that despite what they said, he couldn't do any better than this because he doesn't know how and the only thing henry taught him was how to love and that's all sparrow can do. he can only love. it was his love for lark that let him step up and have lark stay behind, it was his love for normal that fueled his desperate desire to make sure they all made it out alive, it was his love for henry and mercedes that had him frantically going for the amplifier knowing that his might alone wouldn't save them and they would all die in that room if he didn't do something about it. and it was his love that would doom his relationships with everyone he cared about. except lark, who is the only one that tells him he made the right choice. no wonder sparrow clings so hard to lark nowadays. what do you do when your twin is actively making you worse and you choose to enable it because you've already burned every other bridge in your life and this is all you have left?
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magioftheseas · 3 months
The Concept Of Self
Written for @sayakazine Please check out the fundraiser!!! Summary: Sayaka needs a change in direction when it comes to her image. Who better to ask but the Ultimate Fashionista? It's strange, then, that Enoshima Junko doesn't act like expected at all. Rating: PG Warnings: None really. Notes: This is one of my two fics posted for the Sayaka Zine! It's Ikuzono-focused but you can read it platonically. I've always been super interested in the idea of Sayaka interacting with Mukuro while she's disguised because, uh, Mukuro's not the best at acting and Sayaka would definitely notice. I love writing Sayaka as more shrewd and inquisitive while Mukuro is floundering. I think they're cute. Currently, the Sayaka Zine is running a fundraiser, so please show them support! Special thanks also to @softausterity for the illustrations, which are included in both the zine and the Ao3 version. Go check them out, too! ***Alternative Ao3 Link*** Commission? Donate?
She didn’t look at many fashion magazines growing up, even after she debuted.
She loved fashion and pretty dresses as much as the next person, but it had never been her passion. Just something she appreciated and respected from a distance with little understanding beyond if she thought an outfit was cute.
At the beginning of her career, she was told it was okay to not concern herself with such things.
“You’re cute enough without trying!”
Except now it’s become,
“You can’t keep coasting on your natural charm forever.”
She supposed she had expected this to a degree. As distant as she was from the normal teenage girl, she would’ve been a fool to not notice the rising star of the fashion world.
One Enoshima Junko.
There were other girls with noticeable style, of course. The Black Cherry girls were a strong example with the guitarist especially standing out. That guitarist, Mioda Ibuki, had a personal style that was as bold and brazen as her music.
Sayaka admired that commitment to individuality, but when she looked at herself, the difference between her and Mioda-senpai was as stark as peacocks and sparrows. No, Mioda-senpai knew herself better than anyone, but Sayaka didn’t think that she’d be understood at all.
But someone like Enoshima-san might be different. Enoshima was similarly bold and outspoken, but her interviews also depicted her as someone with a keen perception and a knack for understanding not just people but people at their deepest and basest.
When she finally met Enoshima, she had been on edge.
…but Enoshima-san wasn’t what she expected.
“Enoshima-san, can I speak to you for a moment?”
“Uh, why?”
What caught Sayaka’s attention first was that Enoshima was always on edge around her.
“It’s nothing serious! I just want to talk!”
“O-Oh, that’s, fine, I-I guess?”
Enoshima would cross her arms defensively and not at all like the powerful young woman who was predicted to take Japan by storm. Almost as if that person had been nothing more than an illusion.
But the Enoshima-san in the magazines absolutely isn’t a person that the press could fake.
There must be something that Sayaka is missing.
“Have I done something to offend you in some way?” she asked innocently, taking in the twitch in Enoshima’s eye. How Enoshima just barely manages to disguise her grimace as a grin. “I’ve actually come to you for advice, Enoshima-san.”
“Oh. Oh!” Enoshima does perk up at that, but she still seemed strangely flustered. “L-Like about…boys?”
Oh. Oh.
“It’s not about Naegi-kun at all.”
“I-I didn’t say–!” Enoshima balked, face a now brighter shade that rivaled her red nails. “W-What even gave you the impression?!”
“It’s a joke,” Sayaka chirped with a laugh. “I know there are rumors about Naegi-kun and me, but an idol is nothing without her fans. I’d never do anything to break so many hearts.” She does pause, switching to a more serious mode. “It actually is about my fans. More specifically, the image I present for them.”
The sky was unbearably bright. A more blinding blue than the shade of Enoshima’s widening eyes. Enoshima was no doubt taken aback.
“How am I supposed to…?” Enoshima stopped herself, flushing again. “Wait, so you’re looking to change…your look?”
Sayaka felt her smile strain. A shameful slip that had her want to dig in her nails and heels.
“In a manner of speaking, Enoshima-san. I’m glad you understand.”
It’s supposed to be Enoshima’s talent. Enoshima should understand fashion and image better than anything, from the matter of boys to the matter of her own heart.
Enoshima’s shoulders hunch in the most pitiful way. She worries on her lower lip extensively. Her bright blue eyes go downcast. Her mouth works to speak, but hardly a sound comes out. The bright red of her cheeks really does bring out those homely freckles.
“If you don’t have the time,” Sayaka said, with a pang of sympathy overriding any disappointment. “That’s fi…”
“It’s fine!” Enoshima exclaimed, finally bursting. “I-It’s absolutely fine, Maizono!” Tilting her head back, she forces a hearty laugh. “I’m just surprised! Didn’t think you’d go out of your way to ask me about something like that!”
She’s being honest.
Enoshima clears her throat.
“S-Say,” she says, quirking an eyebrow in a way that only slightly distracted from the sweat dripping down her cheek and the clamminess of her clenched hands. “How about a shopping trip? J-Just us two girly girls.”
She’s uncertain, but she’s earnest.
Sayaka doesn’t have to force her smile in the slightest.
“I would love that, Enoshima-san.”
There’s a shopping district nearby Hope’s Peak Academy. Since a lot of Ultimates flock there, it’s always bustling especially in the afternoon. To call it a cornerstone of trends would be an exaggeration. It’s a perfectly ordinary distinct, it’s just in a convenient spot.
Not that Sayaka would know for sure. Enoshima was wetting her lips in a clear sign of nerves rather than offering any judgment on the matter. When Enoshima noticed her curious stare, she forced a grin and snatched up her arm.
“Let’s do this, Maizono!”
Her voice cracked at the honorific. Likely also nerves.
Sayaka had already put on her best-disarming smile, but Enoshima was already tugging her into the first clothing store, closest to the entrance.
Was it convenience, or…?
It wasn’t her place to assume.
“This is cute, isn’t it?”
She had picked out a soft blue dress. Rather plain but the kind of thing worn in movies going for a rural charm. It’s the kind of unassuming but lovely thing that Sayaka would usually go for.
She can’t help but think that the Ultimate Fashionista would call it drab, but Enoshima is terribly tense as her gaze flickers from Sayaka’s innocent face to the cloth.
“It’s, uh, fine, yeah.” Enoshima finally forced a grin and a thumbs-up. “Is it what you’re looking for?”
…so that you can hurry up and leave?
“I’m not sure,” Sayaka said, and it was a nugget of truth despite everything. “Can we keep looking?”
Enoshima looked like she might be sick, but kept up that grin.
The next outfit that Sayaka entertains is a poofy blouse. Enoshima simply nods along, agreeing that it’s cute. She even points out that the mannequin was wearing it so it must be popular.
Shouldn’t she know based on her own intuition?
She did notice. Enoshima looked over clothes as well, but idly like she had never been clothes shopping before. Enoshima did seem partial to some colors and designs, but they largely seemed more suited for blending in with the bushes over dazzling a crowd.
Just to test her, Sayaka did pick up a dress that was patterned with earthy tones of green and brown. She knew who it’d remind Enoshima of, and she saw how Enoshima’s eyes brightened when she brought it over.
“How about this, Enoshima-san?”
It’s a dress that even Sayaka knows she wouldn’t be able to wear, regardless of how charming it was. It’s too unassuming. Even her plainest clothes needed to have some level of flashiness. The Ultimate Fashionista would also say as much.
“Uh…” Enoshima-san hesitates, cheeks pink. “Is that…what you’re into?”
Sayaka just smiled as she always did. Smiled, smiled, smiled.
“Why? Do you think it’d look good on me?”
“Well,” Enoshima stutters. “I don’t want to recommend something you don’t want to wear. And I’ll be real, I don’t even know what you want to wear.”
“I’m not picky.” Her smile wouldn’t twitch. “This is for the fans as much as it’s for myself.”
Enoshima just frowned at her.
“Are you sure? Are you sure it’s for yourself as much as it’s for your fans?”
Ah. Enoshima-san is making herself into a problem now.
“Sure I’m sure!” A cute laugh here. Smile, smile, smile. Turn up the CHARM! “Why wouldn’t I be sure?”
Rather than at her, Enoshima looked up at the store lights.
It smarts a little.
“Do you like the dress or not?” She finally cut straight to the point. “Do you think it’s cute? Unassuming but so very charming? Because I’ll trust your opinion on anything, Enoshima-san. You’re the Ultimate Fashionista, so this is your talent, right?”
Enoshima looked at her shoes next. Her cheeks are flushed, and it’s likely not because of the dress.
I feel like I’m bullying her. That’s not how an idol is supposed to act at all. What’s wrong with me?
Enoshima doesn’t even assert herself. She just shrugs before sullenly nodding. Sayaka had once thought that the Enoshima-san she read about would tear someone apart if they dared to cross her. She had envied that idea to an almost sickening degree.
I’m already twisted, but…
“Do you think I should just forget about my fans?”
Still, I…
“That I shouldn’t consider them at all?”
Enoshima’s shoulders hunch.
She sounded so unsure.
“I-I mean.” She’s stuttering. “Isn’t this about you and what image you want to put out?”
“In a sense.” Sayaka is calm. “But idols aren’t anything without their fans. Not considering them at all would be cruel. I exist for their sake, so…”
“So you’re going to restrict yourself based on what you think they want?” Enoshima’s frown deepened. “I don’t think that’s what self-expression is about. It, uh, sounds like the opposite, actually.”
The thing is that Enoshima’s sentiment was sincere. She still wasn’t confident at all, but it was still a belief from her heart.
And it was ridiculous. Cliché and cheesy, but Sayaka had begun to suspect…
Maybe Enoshima-san has a secret twin or something.
That should’ve been the end of it. If this Enoshima wasn’t actually the Enoshima-san that she read about, then what actual good was she? This trip was a waste of time. A total waste, but she supposed it made for a pleasant enough detour.
And this Enoshima-san isn’t a bad person. She’s cute much the same way that Naegi-kun is. But my fans always come first.
“It can’t be helped,” Sayaka found herself saying. “I’m an idol, so that’s the way that things need to be. I can’t be like Enoshima-san.”
Enoshima warily regards her. That’s her first cue.
“I had a great time.” She made a move to put the dress back on the rack. “And I really do appreciate your help. I’m sorry for wasting your time.”
“You’re just going to cut things off here?” Enoshima’s voice rose. “Seriously?! You haven’t even tried on any of the clothes you showed me!”
Just like how unassuming Naegi could be full of surprises, it was a shock when Enoshima reached out and grabbed her wrist.
“So what if it’s not what the fans want? The fans aren’t even here, Maizono-san! If you want to wear these outfits, you should! I won’t judge!”
Enoshima’s grip was stronger than she could’ve imagined. Enoshima realized that too when she winced, hurriedly retracting her hand.
“S-Sorry, I just…” Enoshima scratched the back of her neck. She dug in her nails like it itched terribly.  “I’ve just been thinking… I want to see what you want to wear. Even if it’s not what others want; if it’s what you want… What’s the harm in dressing up? That’s…what I wanted to say.”
Her wrist wasn’t swollen, and she really should leave. She really should.
Instead, she says. “It might be underwhelming or disappointing. I’m…afraid I’m not as sparkly on my own as I am on the stage.”
“That’s fine,” Enoshima almost replied too quickly. “I still want to know more about you. Despite our, uh, differences, I think we could get along.” Then, quieter, she mumbled. “You kind of remind me of someone I really like and admire, so I do want to help you…”
“Ah. Hm.” Sayaka tilted her head, genuinely curious because that person couldn’t be Naegi. “Who?”
“N-Not important!” Enoshima squealed. “Do you have to try and distract me instead of just answering the question?!” She’s whining, too. It’s so childish. “You always do that!”
She’s the one that’s like Naegi-kun. I can’t help but tease her.
She can’t help but laugh.
I can’t help but like her.
She takes the dress back and holds it close.
“Alright!” She exclaims like it’s easy. Like it’s simple. Like her heart really is light. “I’ve actually always wanted to wear green. I like green more than pink if you can believe it.”
“I don’t,” Enoshima said bluntly. “But I understand it.”
Sayaka smiles wide, and it doesn’t even hurt in a bad way.
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acertainmoshke · 5 months
New Intro Post!
(If you’re mostly a Doctor Who or Batman blog I probably followed you for my side blog @autisticstevenuniverse and you might be more interested in that one than here)
Including full details for all my WIPs was getting long, so I've decided to make an abridged version with links to full intros
Updated: 9/17/24
General tag list (ask to be +/- for any or all works): @ashirisu
Published work
7 Days for Fae: A low-stakes realistic middle grade story about an autistic girl learning to accommodate her own needs, making a new friend, and helping her aunt understand that having a nonbinary parent isn't that big a deal. MC is also physically disabled and her new friend is ADHD-coded.
Available now as a paperback from Amazon or Booshop.org, and in paperback or ebook form from Lulu.
In Progress
Cracks in the Stone: A steampunk high fantasy following a royal bastard prophesied to save the kingdom when all they really wanted was to have a normal life. Set in a kingdom with an entirely different gender system, MC is physically disabled, important side character is intellectually disabled. No one is white.
Word count: 16,075/150,000
Story intros: Legends of Halara series, book 2, book 3, book 4, book 5, book 6
Character intros: Ko'a, Nalki, Azja, Sunka, Lila
Tag list: @amielbjacobs @starsoughtfrost @rbbess110
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Cold Iron: A dark urban fantasy set in the 50's about two adult changeling siblings on a quest to release from captivity the humans they replaced as infants. MC is autistic and both are trans.
Status: first draft done (85,039 words). Second draft in chapter 8
Current goal: have draft 2 done (typed up with narration smoothed, placeholders filled in, and details added) by the end of November
Character intros: Shaka, Kris, Maggie, Zuri, Cassie, Sparrow
Tag list: @stesierra @amielbjacobs @ettawritesnstudies @the-inkwell-variable
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Title TBD (Cold Iron book 2): A dark urban fantasy set in the 80's following the same characters from the first book and their new found family in underground queer culture as they investigate the mysterious disappearances of changelings with no one to miss them, people the authorities won't look for.
Stage: Planning
Character intros: Shaka, Kris, Maggie, Cassie, Sparrow, Vick, Mal, Megan, Jun
Future/Hiatus Projects
To Die Among the Stars: A dystopian sci fi in which people no one is supposed to miss—the poor, mentally ill, outcasts, and inhuman—are quietly stolen away to experiment on. But each of those people left behind someone who cares, and they won't rest until they've unraveled the mystery and saved their families. All of the 5 POV characters are disabled and/or mentally ill, and 2 are trans. The group is also racially diverse.
Word count: 19,569/85,000
Emerald Outpost: A sci fi thriller following a team of spies sent on a nonsense mission as punishment, only to discover that they might be the only ones who can save their planet as well as their enemies'. MC is Jewish and bi, the rest of the main cast includes a gay Muslim man, lesbian Latina woman, aro ace Latino man, and Black bi trans woman.
Word count: 392/50,000
Dragonfly Wings: A middle grade fantasy about a changeling girl who is taken back to faerieland but finds she no longer knows how to stop masking as a human. MC is autistic-coded.
Falling Petals: A historical story covering 100 years and 4 generations in a family that loves each other but is living in a world they don't fit into in very different ways and find themselves hurting each other instead. Entire family is Jewish and all 4 MCs are autistic-coded (except for the last one who is able to realize she's explicitly autistic).
After the War: An urban high fantasy following a war between the human and elfen countries, as people struggle to return to a peaceful normal after 30 years of violence. Werewolves, vampires, and mers were unwillingly affected by a conflict that wasn't theirs. No one trusts each other. But they have to move on somehow. Basically everyone is physically disabled and traumatized.
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yandere-kokeshi · 2 years
Hi i hope you're doing well
Can i request A Hawks with a Darling That has a Quirk called "Angel wings" they can manifest 6 wings(they are also Bigger than his)
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Warnings: reader has Stockholm Syndrome, talks about heights; if you have a fear of heights, don’t read; tracking device, and bird traits (slightly nsfw towards the end, tried to keep it as sfw). 
Authors note: Of course!! This was so incredibly fun to write; sorry if it’s short, i wrote this real quick while eating dinner. Feel free to request again, ☺️
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He thinks it’s so cool!! He's extremely happy that someone relates to him about the struggles with wings: how annoying small rooms are, how people are touchy with your wings, and the chilly air brushing through your hair while you fly. 
Now, he only has two wings, but you? His most angelic and squishable darling, who has six of them? You are hardcore. He’ll be asking a lot of questions, even if he knows the answer: “Do you... lay eggs?” -- “How many feathers do you shed per month?” -- “How much do they weigh? Wait! Can you carry me with them?”
He loves to help you groom them, clipping off the damages/non-usable ones and makes sure to be as gentle as he can. Keigo will also pry in the showers with you, wanting to wash your wings as they are huge; I mean, you can’t get all of the dirt and dust off with one quick shower, why not have two more hands who can help you better? 
When you preen, he will there, helping you sort them out. Your feathers uneven and uncomfortable? He’ll gladly rearrange them to a perfect order, making sure to press light kisses on the wings when he’s done. Having a bad back day? Don’t worry! You sweet winged-husband has back and wing lotion ready when he gets home, ordering your favorite take-out. You have scratches in the middle of your wings and can’t reach it? He’s there to help you, itching it while blowing on your wings to see them flap. 
This man uses the nicknames ‘angel’, sparrow, birdy, darling, and precious; if he’s in a teasing mood, he’ll call you his chicken nugget. 
Keigo loves to touch your pretty wings, brushing his calloused fingers through the silky white feathers. Not only will he ask to lay on them, but have the ability to smoother his face in them. 
Once he knows it’s ‘safe for you’ to leave the shared home of yours, both of you will be going on flying-trips and hang out on high buildings. Though, don’t roam too far, Hawks implanted a chip into your wings and if he sees you fly past the ‘barrier’ he set for you? He’s gonna be a bit upset.
When your feathers fall, which is normal, he will collect them and put them in a safe-keeping box in the closet near your bed; after a while, he will start to leave his feathers around on purpose, hoping you’ll take them and do the same thing.
Cuddling is quite a mess, but it works in the end. Hawks absolutely loves to be held, especially after a hard day of working; the moment your wings wrap around his, blocking out anything outside of view and the small talks you two do, it makes him feel all butterflies inside. Though, don’t be surprised to wake up in the morning, him clinging onto you like a koala... naked. 
The slight bird traits you both share make his heart speed a bit. Whenever you flap your wings or coo when you’re excited, how your feathers slightly sharpen when your annoyed, or when you stare at something a bit too long, examining the object whilst cocking your head. 
Wing and face-care routines! You bet that he’ll be massaging special oils onto your wings, digging gently into the muscles as he tickles your cheek with his own feathers. 
If you do have a rut, he’ll be taking good care of you; watching how your behavior changes, your scent, and stress level highs up. He’ll request a total month off, saying it’s a ‘family emergency’.  
Thank you so much for requesting!!
Here's my masterlist for more content. Stay well!
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dndumb · 1 year
I have what might be a controversial take about the whole “is Lark actually Normal’s dad” which is that I recently realized that I don’t really care either way and I kind of hope we never find out.
From the start the show has been hammering down on the idea that family is what you make of it and is a lot more about the connection you have with someone than it is about biology.
In season 1 we see this theme mainly with the Stampler (mostly the growing relationship between Ron and Terry), but by the end of season 1/ the beginning of season 2 we see a bunch more familial relationships that are not based on blood relation (Glenn as Nick’s dad in spirit(?), Terry as Scary’s step dad, Grant and Marco as Link’s adoptive parents), and those relationships are not perceived as any less valid.
In a similar way I feel like it doesn’t really matter which one of the twins is Normal’s biological father because at the end of the day it changes nothing about their relationships.
they both serve as a father figure to him and I think in a way it’s pretty valid for him to view both of them as fulfilling that role in his life.
But even if we were to look at it differently and decide that only one of them can be the true dad it still wouldn’t really matter because than it’s just Sparrow, who cares if biologically normal is his, or Larks, or Scam Likely’s for all I care.
They view each other as father and son so THEY ARE father and son.
TL;DR: I think that in sticking with the theme of “sometimes family is just the people who love you” it shouldn’t really matter which of the Oak twins is Normal’s bio dad.
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writertyozzie123 · 6 months
A fun theory from yours truly: Why Lark is Normal's Dad - dropping before the finale and then running away:
So the Oaks are all about Twos, Barry Oak being born from two different worlds (Faerun and Earth, Elf and Human), Henry living two lives (on Earth and Faerun) and having twin boys, the twins themselves being identical in every way until magic separates them and of course, Normal and Hero (“two siblings”). However, looking at Lark and Sparrow, we get our divergence from pairs to foils. The twins quickly go from identical in every way to being identical only in appearance, due to magic they have differing personalities that are opposites. To keep things simple, Lark is Hate and Sparrow is Love. BUT these are also the same traits the Doodler requires to be set free. You could free it by either love or hate (and presumably fear), effectively giving the Kiddads the opportunity to save Dood and themselves, however, because they can not let these two sides coexist for an answer, they were doomed to fail. 
SO here we are, Sparrow and Rebecca have a child, name her Hero, and are DETERMINED that she is the “chosen one”. However, she is THEIR chosen one, not Dood’s. And humans never choose their own savior, fate does. But! I think that Hero is Sparrow’s because of the foils thing. Hero is like her father, she doesn’t want to fight or kill, she is kind, she wants a normal life, but she was trained to believe she was the chosen one. Lark probably trained her in a lot of things in preparation to defeat the Doodler, but he no doubt trained her with hate towards the Doodler and probably instilled fear of the Doodler into her as well. ESPECIALLY because he probably told her more about what he saw when he sat on the throne than anyone else, even Sparrow. He thought the only way to stop it was to kill it. 
However, she is NOT the chosen one, because she was not born to the one who hates. I fully believe that to truly save the Doodler, BOTH Love and Hate were required. Hatred freed the Doodler from the Oak bloodline when the blood of the unsung hero was spilled. This must mean that the child of the man who spilled blood in Hate to “save the world”, thus dooming it in the process, MUST be a child who would save the world through Love. Someone who was not trained or forced to view the Doodler with any bias that would lead to violence. Someone…”Normal”. Seeing as how Hate was already used, and because things come in pairs and foils with this family, Normal saving Dood from Willy and finally truly “freeing” Dood with LOVE completes this pattern. SO with Normal being Lark’s kid, this would also complete the pattern. Dood was freed from the family’s bloodline through Hate via Lark, but Normal will save the universe through Love. So Normal is the real chosen one because he was born to Lark but raised by Sparrow and Rebecca who were trying to keep him AWAY from everything involving the Doodler. Thus cementing him as, well, part 2 of the savior, with Lark being part 1. 
Not to mention Normal and Lark both sat on the throne, leaving the Doodler’s fate up to BOTH of them, Sparrow and Hero never had direct contact with Dood. On top of other things like we know this was probably not a one-time thing for Lark and Rebecca because even Rebecca slips up and says “fathers” then corrects herself to “Father and Uncle”, so even she isn’t sure who the father of her children is. 
However, due to the idea of things coming in Twos, pairs and foils in this family, Sparrow the “love wolf” being Hero “the begrudging false savior”’s father, while Lark “Dood’s freer” is Normal “Dood’s savior”’s father would be very fitting to me, especially because of the Doodler’s influence on the family.
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adastra121 · 9 months
Touchstarved x The Amazing Devil
Since I use a bunch of The Amazing Devil songs on my Touchstarved OC playlists, I decided to match them to each of the main LIs. They're mostly the romantic songs, I highlighted the words that made me think of the characters.
Kuras= “Inkpot Gods.” Fighting god for the one you love. Walking a lonely path. The wild feeling of breaking free from the fate you thought you were bound to, the one you believed you deserved. Rewriting tragedy into redemption.
“Oh, what? These, these aren't tears. It's just the rain that wasn't brave enough to fall.”
“And what you see is not the dark, It’s just the gods upturning ink pots 'cause they know what you’ll become.”
"And to those gods, I will speak bluntly 'We've an accord, if you ever touch or harm him Please, rest assured that you might not fear a man But to me, by the end, you'll kneel and plea. 'Cause I'm more than what they all told me to be.'"
"And I wish that I could take their hand, But where I'm going is for me and me alone."
"If I don't make it back from where I've gone, Just know I loved you all along."
Leander= “Fair.” Mostly just vibes. Maybe it’s the gentle guitar, the autumnal sound. A space of solace, so achingly and heartwarmingly normal. The hint of insecurity and bitterness toward the world. The charming awkwardness and humour. I don’t know, this song sounds like Leander's giving you a hug. XD
"And he, he curses at the world For leaving him behind, and he's falling out of touch And they are stronger than he's ever been, he knows."
"And if you asked me to, if you asked me, I would lose it all Like petals in a storm."
"And calm throughout his melodrama They will turn and say, 'Dear heart, it's me, it's me. You don't need to pretend to be someone you're not.'"
"'How unfair, how unfair,' they'll sing As they dance across the darling rooftop wreck."
Vere= “That Unwanted Animal.” It’s either feral in a horny way or horny in a feral way. I don’t know which. Both, maybe? I imagine this is what it’d be like if Vere devoured you.
"And as you grip me like an animal that you're about to spear 'Be good to me,' I whisper."
"I'm the touch you crave, I'm the plans that you made, But fuck all your plans, I'm bored! ‘And can't you hear that scratching?’ I ask your eyes."
"And we fall into each other, the scratching grows so loud Because that unwanted animal wants nothing more than to get out… Oh, and you rip my ribcage open and devour what's truly yours."
"'Be good to me,' I beg of him. And he replies, 'No, no, not I.'"
Ais= “Ruin.” The wreckage after a storm. The strength and the fight inside you that has helped you survive until now being the very thing that destroys what matters to you. Ill-timed jokes. Unspoken regrets. Second chances among the ruin. Also the bird sounds throughout, because, you know. Sparrow. Hehe.
"Our mortar was your laughter And you hurled curses at the land. We didn't talk, we made universes Out of bitten lips and broken hands." This is basically the summary of Ais's scenes in the demo
Mhin= “Drinking Song for the Socially Anxious.” Not belonging, but desperately wanting to. Screaming silence and yearning to be heard. Chance meetings with someone else on the outside looking in. Being outsiders together. Oh, and there’s a cat.
"And I know I won't be long 'Cause I know I don't belong."
"As all my steps too far keep telling me 'This is who you are,' I should go home. I'm not lonely. I just like being on my own."
"Now I'm lying on a bed full of coats Trying desperately to cope. When you open up the door, say something stupid like 'You're lying on some coats,' I say, I know."
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nagarashi · 4 months
Love Spreaver, it's so sad and cruel at the same time.
Warning: headcanon ahead)
This relationship is always on the edge of wanting to kill each other. One moment they are ready to tear each other apart, and the next they are already on the floor in each other's arms. Or, on the contrary, the sweet lovemaking turns into a fierce fight with each other.
Reaver and Sparrow are both strong personalities... and psychologically traumatized, which means fights are inevitable.
Reaver is immortal and he knows it, so he takes what he can and wants from life, he lives freely. Why should Sparrow be an exception? He doesn't want to think about it, but inside he knows that she's not eternal, so he'll take everything he can from her too, as long as she's around, as long as she's with him... It's that passion, that dark love that is terrifyingly pure and destructive. He can love, but that love will be like a nightmare for the one the Reaver has fallen in love with. This love has the power to bare down to the very bones, it will torment. The worst part is that even so, it's still love...
Sparrow had spent her whole life struggling and thinking that she always had to do something, and driven by her revenge like a stick. She hated herself, for not being able to leave her sister from her scheme with that music box, for not being able to save her from being shot, for doing anything! She hated herself and blamed herself for everything.
She always had to be at the ready, no right to even a moment's rest, she always had to control what was going on around her. She didn't know a normal life. The people around her were just passing firures that appeared and disappeared. One can only imagine how exhausting such a life is.... And as if that wasn't enough, she spent 10 years in the Spire, a place where she slowly loses her humanity.
And then, she returns to a changed world... She's confused, but her goal is still not accomplished, she doesn't have time to accept the new world.
And then she meets him. The complete opposite of her. Loud, arrogant, living a life of absolute freedom and incredibly in love with himself.Would she be like this if it weren't for her duty to avenge her sister?
Sparrow is attracted to how different Reaver is from her....
Reaver looks at Sparrow and sees what he can never be, what he's running from. what he's running from - an obsession with one goal, because once it's achieved, there's nothing but desolation. He's been through this before, when he was so desperate for immortality.
Reaver sees the weariness in her eyes at times, it lies a shadow on her face..... a fatigue that is not given vent. And he's only too happy to nurture the vice in someone like Sparrow. She is unbearable in the way she reminds him of what he has lost.... For that he likes her and at the same time he hates her. That's why he'll take what he can from her, too...
Sparrow is drawn to him like a moth to a flame and she feels the fire licking her wings wanting to burn them, and so she is in a constant struggle with this fire. She's not used to backing down, because her whole life is a struggle....Until Reaver begins to break her down and overwhelm her, making her forcefully feel her weakness and defenselessness. To feel that she can't always control what happens, which means that it will be it will be easier and more pleasant to finally accept humbleness. After all, she remembered... how in the Spire, the humbleness had brought about the salvation of her consciousness, had prevented her from forgetting herself.
With him, she allows herself to be vulnerable, allows him to touch that vulnerability ... if he could once again break through her stubborn resistance. Who else could be as stubborn as she was? Only himself.
Only they could give each other what they wanted - fight and passion.
Reaver gets right into her heart to feel Sparrow resist him, to then surrender when she gives herself over to his hands... To surrender control to someone else for just a moment, to forget about being strong. It intoxicates them. And when she looks to him as the... a goal in her life. She poisons him with that look. Reaver strips her bare with his passion, but at the same time, he gets lost in it.... He feels the need to take more and more from her, as her life slips from his hands with each passing second. He doesn't want to lose it... again.
Inside, this addiction is driving him crazy, but he can't stop. Stop? What is this even about?
They will devastate each other, chasing after the coveted thing, until one of them dies... and leaves behind an irreplaceable void.
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"It's the only way we know
To define what we call love
No mercy when it comes to love".
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sleepycyb0rg · 6 months
I have a lot of Thoughts about Sparrow Oak-Garcia-Swallows that have been rotating in my mind all season...
(under the cut, it got a little long oops)
Sparrow was my favorite kid in s1. he & Lark were v funny at the start, but the story got really interesting when their personalities diverged. Sparrow had to keep the peace between Lark & Henry. Sparrow had to reconcile that he and Lark were both changing as people, different worldviews while being inextricably tied to each other, always. Sparrow chose love.
he changes as an adult. obviously that makes sense, and I can see the logic to it at the start of the season. he wants to have a normal life, for himself and for his family. he makes compromises constantly. he marries a centrist, and says "It's fine" when she cheats on him. he loves Normal, but he's not proud of his son, in the same way that he's not proud of his own life. that's an engaging development for someone who used to be a happy kid.
but the direction that Anthony took with him as the show progressed... honestly disappointed me. in the few times that Sparrow is there, he is impatient with Normal, talks over him, acts as though he always knows better. Sparrow never genuinely listens to Normal in the way that Henry did with him. there's a point where he Yells at Normal, unhinged shouting that Anthony usually reserves for Willy. Normal adds onto it - "My family yells at each other, then apologizes after, as if that makes it okay."
so Sparrow turning into a love wolf in the finale... falls flat. only at the very end does Sparrow show real pride for Normal, and it took him saving the world through gratuitous violence.
the way that Will runs with it makes complete sense to me. "This is what it takes for you to be proud of me?" OBVIOUSLY that fucks with Normal's head, and stays with him into adulthood. there's no easy way to resolve the fact that Sparrow treated him poorly.
Will worked with what he was given, and I think he did a fantastic job. I just think that, for someone whose central theme in s1 was choosing love... Sparrow's actions in s2 felt out of place.
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Normal, Sparrow, and something about heroes
EDIT: Raised the "read more" cause tumblr wants to make self-rbs a nightmare smh smh
Y'all it's so difficult to write ANYTHING lol fuck... But yeah yeah definitely got some post ep. 30 thoughts. Do need to start with some explanations/clarifications on my general stance regarding Normal which is mostly for the mutuals LOL and they know that so if things appear to lack a bit of context on that front well that's why.
There are some things regarding Norm where I lowkey almost don't want to say anything because I'm sooooo wishy washy myself ahahaha and I feel like I'm definitely gonna end up writing some stuff here and be like "ehhhhhh" later on but what can you do what can you do.
I guess I can at least start by saying that when I say that like, Norm can be self-centered, or prideful, or something to that effect, I am *definitely* not trying to say like "this negates Norm's compassion" or that like, Norm needs to be made to feel bad about that? I hope I'll be able to explain what I mean properly here but, a lot of my feelings regarding Norm's more negative traits do genuinely come from a place of concern for him??
Yes I think Norm can be self-centered, yes I think it comes from a place of loneliness and insecurity, yes I think it bleeds into his actions in a way that can negatively impact both himself and those around him, and yes I think that all of these things make him very very VERY similar to Scary... Is my general stance atm but let me, let me *try* to explain what all that means for me LOL.
I think Norm is a good person. I don't think he's *the most* empathetic or selfless or kind character we've seen in the show, but I also don't think he needs to be, or ever will need to be. He has a good heart (all the teens do, yes that includes Scary, fight me), he *does* care about other people very much, and like the other teens his frustrations are valid and generally pretty justified!
But I think Norm is someone who, perhaps pretty fundamentally, requires a pretty high level of external validation and social acceptance to feel loved, has generally gone most of his life not having that need met outside of his immediate family, and is pretty all-or-nothing and rejection-sensitive when it comes to this validation. I don't think Norm is a bad person for any of these traits (at all), even if it can impact his interactions with others negatively at times. No, above all else, these traits lead me to feel quite concerned and altogether just kinda sad for Norm.
And that's where things get a bit messy. On the one hand, Norm *is* a kind person, with good intentions, and even when I feel most frustrated with his actions, I don't take them as coming from a place of malice or ill-intent. But Norm wants to feel loved so bad, and his conditions for feeling loved (as aforementioned) are very difficult to meet, so, yes, (I do personally feel that) Norm often does, largely without knowing, prioritize this endless search for validation over other things, and having this at the forefront of his mind so frequently does inhibit his ability to truly connect with the people around him and (in many cases) actually *empathize* with them.
The difference- the difference for me between Normal and Linc with regards to Scary isn't whether or not they *care* about Scary. Even if it's a bit old now, I didn't write a whole thing on Normal/Scary and Sparrow/Lark parallels because I don't think Norm cares about Scary. Normal has *absolutely* put a tremendous amount of effort into trying to keep Scary around, to disappointing results that are justifiably frustrating for him. Normal and Linc both care about Scary, the difference for me, and what I just find so spectacular about Linc compared to all the other teens here, is that Linc goes *beyond* himself when he breaks the pic. He's not the first person to care about or try to help Scary, he's just the first person to do so in the way that she actually needs- because his general selflessness allows him to be the first person to actually *understand* Scary. He's not the first person to feel *for* her, he's the first person to feel *with* her. That is... Well I guess that is also to say that when I use the word "empathy" I mean it fairly precisely.
Which also isn't... I'm not trying to knock Normal (or Taylor) in saying this btw. The teens ALL have their strengths and weaknesses, and this was simply a moment that brought out one for Linc and another for Norm (vice versa can has and will be true at other points in time). Normal not being able to do what Linc did here is not something I'm trying to hold against him. With regards to their argument, I genuinely think that they both have plenty of reason to be upset, and ultimately it's all just one big misunderstanding. Still, I do personally think that much of why Norm is so upset with Linc in this scene has not so much to do with Scary nor with the Doodler- but is in fact at least in part Norm feeling rejected by Linc (invalidated, unloved, etc.), and acting out accordingly. Additionally, I think these feelings get in the way of Norm actually being able to understand and appreciate why Linc did what he did. They were both hurt, they both lashed out. I'm not trying to gloss over Linc's part in this either, I'm not saying one of them was right and the other was wrong or that one was mean and the other wasn't, but from what I've seen at least it seems people are almost unanimously siding with Norm on this one without much consideration for the points Linc actually makes here, choosing instead to focus solely on what *Linc's* hurt caused him to say (without acknowledging of course that in Linc's case too it comes from a place of hurt), and that much is a bit frustrating for me admittedly.
I wouldn't have expected or wanted Norm to behave any differently in this scene than he did. I think everything about Norm's behavior makes perfect sense for where he's at, and "where he's at", for me, isn't "selfish kid who doesn't care about other people" it's "scared kid who feels rejected and alone". That said, I think if Norm wants to get any better he, like all the teens, needs to start introspecting a bit more and work on himself.
And when I say that, I'm not saying "Norm is prideful and needs to be more humble" I'm saying, Norm needs to get to a place where he can feel loved, and allow himself to be loved, without it being so all or nothing.
Enter Hero!!! The chosen one! I kinda don't get why some people are just seeing this as Anthony trying to bully Norm rather than a very important opportunity for growth!!!
This feels like a point that could be easily misconstrued, so I'll try to be careful? When I say that Hero being the chosen one is an opportunity for Norm to grow as a person, I am NOT saying in becoming more humble or something like that?? Normal's pride isn't his fatal flaw, it's an afterthought of it, a manifestation of it, a defense mechanism vis a vis his fundamental insecurities, if you will.
Normal, as I see him, is convinced that he will only ever be loved, that he will only ever have "solved" love, when he is validated in absolutes. When he is the most popular boy in school who is friends with everybody. When he's the hero of the story. When he's the chosen one. If part of him sees himself as being without flaw (or the best part of teen high or whatever), it's not because he's some arrogant little brat, it's because he can't imagine himself as being lovable unless he is perfect. He isn't selfish for feeling this way, but from an outside view I think it's fairly easy to say that if Normal continues down that path, he's never going to get where he needs to go.
Hero being the chosen one, not Normal, gives Normal an opportunity to learn (or at least start to learn) that his perceived prerequisites for love (of himself) are false. Normal doesn't have to be the hero of the story. He doesn't have to be a hero. He doesn't have to be Hero, it's enough to just be Normal.
Sooooo... I think it's pretty ironic that... Upon learning that Hero is the chosen one.... So many people have jumped the gun and assumed that this means... Sparrow doesn't love Normal.
But seriously, wow, it pains me sometimes how little faith people have in Sparrow. Hero is "the chosen one"... So every single time Sparrow has relayed how much he loves Norm goes down the drain?? At a most basic level folks, your child can be unplanned and still be loved, actually. Some might even say that that's... normal.
But do you get what I'm trying to say here? The assumptions much of the fandom has made about Sparrow and his love exactly reflect the toxic trains of thought that will probably be plaguing Normal's mind and feeding into his insecurities as the whole Hero thing develops?? And these insecurities (and again false prerequisites for love) are exactly what Normal needs help working through???
But let's move away from the Norm side of things a little bit, cause the assumptions being made about Sparrow currently are much more vast than this.
Let's make something clear. We don't know Sparrow's side of the story. We don't know Lark's side of the story. And of course, we don't know Rebecca's side either. We don't know if Rebecca did or didn't know about the prophecy. It seems that at this point in time, the spouses have had their memories erased. *Not necessarily* the case, but I genuinely can't fathom a scenario in which Cassandra somehow doesn't notice that the father of her child is always kind of a little bit on fire- and conspiracy theorist Rebecca to me also might hint at the fact that at some earlier point in time she would have known more about what's going on? But that's purely speculation, obviously.
So why are we suddenly so sure of Sparrow's intentions, feelings, and *role* in bringing Hero into the world?
I... Well I've been reluctant to bring this up even though the notion has been an itch in my mind since yesterday, but eventually you see enough upsetting Sparrow posts that someone needs to step up and offer something new I guess.
So... Allow me to suggest that, Sparrow being against the idea of having a child purely to fulfill a prophecy, and refusing to partake, actually makes *more* sense.
Most especially, if Sparrow was adamantly against going through with such a plan, we now have the most sound and in-character reason so far to explain... Why Lark slept with Rebecca.
As I see it anyways! Because, yeah, it's always felt like a weird elephant in the room, and I don't really feel satisfied with the existing theories at all! Someone with as strong as a resolve as Lark sleeps with the wife of the person who means more to him than anyone cause... He was horny? Or maybe as part of some strange convoluted ploy to push Sparrow away? I'm not saying these aren't still valid possibilities, and I'm not saying that this theory I'm proposing is what happened, really it's an assumption based on an assumption, but nevertheless I think it would make a lot of sense honestly.
(More specifically, what I'm suggesting is Sparrow not wanting to go through with the plan, Lark seeing it as a necessary evil to deal with the Doodler- and we know how hellbent Lark is on dealing with the Doodler, and accordingly "doing what needed to be done", as he is one to do, of course at Sparrow and at least in theory Hero's expense.)
This would also make sense of a lot of Sparrow's more extreme behaviors towards Normal, particularly the question of his name. Through this lens, it was perhaps an affront towards Lark (and possibly Rebecca??), an assertion to the effect of "no, you will not do this again, this child will not be doomed to be a hero". This, or something less aggressive but in a similar vein.
Of course this puts Normal and Sparrow at fundamental odds with one another! Er, despite being so very very similar which isn't what this post is about but still... Anyhoo, yes, there is an important conflict at play here, wherein Normal, as we discussed earlier, sees being the hero (the chosen one, what have you) as the only way to solve love, to be loved- and Sparrow who, more than anything else, doesn't want anymore heroes in the family, because he loves his family, and what happened with Henry... Can't happen again.
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
hi! can i request a yandere jack sparrow scenario? i thought a plot where darling is new to the crew, and a rookie pirate would be interesting, maybe jack feels the need to support and help them constantly? thanks! <3
Of course! I hope this has a good length and plot ^^ Jack's age is never said in the movies, but people assumed he was in his twenties, early thirties on a forum so I went with that.
New To The Seas
Yandere! Jack Sparrow Scenario
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Heavy manipulation, Vague partnership, Threats, Murder, Possessive behavior, Implied Darling loves Jack just never specified how, Drinking, OOC Jack at times.
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Being on the seas has been one of your biggest dreams. The freedom from the rules of the shore would quickly be forgotten. You already had to steal to survive...
Would being part of a pirate crew be much different?
Since you were young, you had lived on the streets. A dirty young kid who could barely get enough coin to feed yourself. Life was tough until you had grown past eighteen.
You had come across a bar and entered. That's where you encountered the infamous pirate, Jack Sparrow. Drinking rum and looking for a crew. This had been your big break.
You, an eager rookie-to-be, sailing with Jack Sparrow. Needing a crew, he had accepted you with open arms along with a few more men. You've heard stories of him never being able to keep his crew.
Though you felt anywhere was better than here.
That was your simple origin story as a rookie. From street kid to pirate, you felt it was destined. As you soon come to learn, maybe meeting Jack was destined too.
Jack liked how eager you were. You were eager for freedom, for adventure, eager to travel with him. You're naive and able to be manipulated.
The idea of using you was possible. Jack thought about it on a few ocassions. Yet... he couldn't help but see himself in you. Sure, he was born a pirate, but that yearning for freedom was admirable.
You were both in your twenties although Jack noticed you still acted starstruck. You were a rookie pirate that would soon be hardened into a fine traveler of the seas. The more he influenced you, the more he enjoyed you.
Jack was your idol the more you two worked together. His charisma lured you in and how could you not like him after a few drinks? Jack was the closest you've ever been to someone...
The closest you've ever been to a man in general.
The crew acted like the family you never had. Even if Jack took up most of your time, the crew aided you in your travels. Being a pirate was... fun.
Although there was always the tragedies. You'd lose a crew member here and there, there would be lying and theft, murder even. Jack did a good job helping you through your tears and feelings. He felt like a mentor...
That or you were falling for him.
Jack was starting to accept his role towards you. As your captain... he needed to keep you safe and help you. Although, compared to the rest of his crew, he was biased....
Jack never cared too much for the rest of his crew. But the rookie that joined him with eager eyes? The rookie who looked up to him? The rookie who stroked his ego?
The rookie named (Y/N), whose name pleasantly rolls off the tongue....
Naturally, Jack and you grew on each other. Other members saw how much Jack liked you. The close hugs and drinking sessions said as much.
The relationship between you was vague. It was on the fence of recruit and leader, to borderline romance. Jack made you happy, you even made him happy.
Your partnership had dark turns at times. You were so used to Jack, you never saw it. Jack never acted normal with you.
He was possessive, threatening crew members in private to stay away. He played it off as light-hearted... but the threat was very much real. Jack wanted to be your only partner.
Jack also was not above using his sword against others. The moment you're threatened, murder comes to mind. Jack had made you go from rookie to first mate.
Not without a price.
You didn't know Jack killed your superiors. You didn't know those hugs of his held possessive implications. You were still naive.
Which is why Jack felt he should be the only one for you.
Sure, he may be manipulating you. He's sweet talking you and making you rely on him. Yet, who else did you have?
You'd give everything to him, your captain. He was the one who molded you into a fine pirate. If he planned on acting out romantic desires later, you wouldn't refuse.
You loved him, you wanted to thank him for giving you a chance. He wouldn't let anything hurt you. You were... nothing... without your captain.
Each time you drank with him, spoke with him, felt his warmth... you trusted him. He could betray you if he wanted. He doesn't...
He loves you more than you'd ever know...
But he'd never tell a soul.
No, Jack knows if anyone knew how close you two were, you'd be targetted. That's why any crew members who wished to leave... are strangely found dead. Jack was never a man with high regard for morals anyways.
All he cares about is freedom, the sea, and you sailing with him in it...
Even if it requires him to threaten and murder those around you to keep that fantasy.
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