#Ethan Nestor fic
writingsbyzuzu · 3 months
high enough
five - speed drive
can we even call this an x assistant!reader at this point?
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based on speed drive by charli xcx
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You hadn't even been talking to Alex a total of five minutes when you feel someone tug your elbow.
"You have to go," Brit shouts. "What, why?" you and Alex look at her confused. "Ethan is here! You have to go before either of you see the other- out the back, Annie is talking to an employee right now."
"What? My Ethan? But we just got here like an ho-" you say.. "You have a minute max," Brit gestures with her hand for you to get going.
"Why does everyone keep giving me a time limit?? And y'all expect me to leave the club by myself?" you exclaim. Alex shakes his head. "No, I'll come with you, let's go. I can't hear your lovely voice over this damn music anyways," he chuckles.
Brit nods quickly, and with that, Alex grabs your hand, leading you through the crowd, and you try to do your best to keep up with his fast pace, his long legs blurring.
You see Annie holding the bar door open, and Alex pulls you through the back exit, the two of you running down the alley. You laugh from the exhilaration, and the two of you dart and weave through the Los Angeles streets.
Alex finally stops in front of a diner, panting. He crouches down, trying to catch his breath. You do the same, taking in deep breaths. "We should go in before someone sees us," you pant. Alex nods, fully standing back up. The two of you enter the diner, taking a seat at one of the back booths.
The two of you sit there a moment quietly observing each other. Alex finally grins at you, and you grin back. However the moment is cut short by your phone buzzing.
Incoming call: Rini 🌻
That then gets interrupted by another incoming call.
Incoming call: Ethan Nestor
You decline both calls, before peering out the window. "I'll call her back, Brit and Annie will just tell her we left, I'll meet them at home later," you turn back to Alex.
"Who's your Ethan?" he asks. He doesn't seem to be angry or annoyed, just curious.
"At the club," he lifts a leg up onto his seat, hugging his knee to his chest before continuing, "Brittney said Ethan was here, and you asked her if was your Ethan. Who's your Ethan?"
You look at him for a minute, but Alex's curious expression never falters. You look back out the window for a moment and sharply inhale. "He's my old boss, a professional boxer. I quit working for him two weeks ago. He's apparently not taking it very well."
Alex's phone begins to buzz. He looks at it, holds a finger up, and answers it. "Yeah Rini. Yeah, she's with me, we left twenty minutes ago. Okay. Okay, yeah no problem. Bye." He hangs up, readjusting his focus back onto you.
He leans back in the booth, thinking for a moment. "Is that why you didn't want to see him? Are you scared of him?"
You laugh dryly. "I'm scared of confrontation, I kind of lied to him and then bailed before the biggest moment of his career so I could advance mine. But scared of Ethan?" You turn back to look at Alex. "I could never be scared of him, he would never hurt me. Physically, at least."
Alex keeps looking at you, his eyes never wandering elsewhere. The silence felt deafening, so you opt to speak again.
"You don't think that makes me a terrible person, does it?"
"Rini said you were a glorified water girl. And that he never gave you a raise in four years."
You nod, fidgeting with your hands, looking down at the table. "I'd say more than a water girl, I did other things. But the raise thing, that's accurate."
Alex nods, then speaks. "Then I think there's nothing wrong with you, which is what I was worried about."
You tilt your head. "What do you mean?" you ask him, looking back up. He smiles at you, chuckling softly. "I mean, if I got to have a girl like you around, I'd be throwing everything I had at you. I can't blame you for wanting better."
There's another moment of eye contact, before you break the silence again. "Well let's hope I have it." His gentle smile breaks into a full grin. "I hope you have."
Your phone buzzes once more, but you shut it off without even a glance. But that's when you register the flash of light outside the restaurant.
"Shit," Alex mutters. "Paps."
You lift your hand to cover your face, but it's fruitless, there's several of them taking photos of the two of you through the window.
Alex looks over at them, then at you, who's turned your face away.
"Can I take you home?" he asks. "What?" Your eyes turn as big as saucers at the question. He laughs, then wildly shakes his head. "Let me rephrase, can I give you a ride home?"
"Sounds good to me."
The two of you exit the restaurant, the cameras following. But Alex just stops, pulling his wallet out. "Can you guys, really, please just go?" He starts passing out bills to the photographers. "You're making my friend uncomfortable," he murmurs.
They back off, and you and Alex walk back to his car. "Rini says you're going to join us on tour, you're helping her write songs."
You nod, putting your hands in your jean pockets. "Yeah, my best friend Annie and I, we used to perform as a folk duo during university. We didn't do it very often, but those are some of my best memories. When Rini offered for me to write and sing with her, I had to take up that opportunity, it would be nuts not to."
"I bet it's going to be one hell of an album, beyond a shadow of a doubt."
"I'm grateful she's giving me any opportunities. It's exciting to see life beyond a bench next to a boxing ring."
As you approach his car, he opens the door for you, gesturing for you to get in. As you slide into the seat, Alex smiles at you. "I'm glad you chose life past a boxing ring," he murmurs. He shuts the door and gets in on the other side.
The drive home is mostly silent, with Alex quietly humming to himself, thrumming his fingers on the steering wheel.
As he pulls up to the house, he shuts the car off and turn to you. "I had a fun time running away from your old boss with you," he jokes.
"I had fun too," you smile at him. Alex leans in and tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. "I'm looking forward to seeing you again," he whispers.
"I'm looking forward to it too."
And with that, you exit the car, turning to give him a wave. He waits for you to get the front door, and then turns his car on and drives off.
The moment you open the door, you can hear all the chattering cease instantly. All of the girls are sitting in the living room in their pj's, sitting on the floor.
"There you are! We were wondering when he would return you to us," Brit smirked. "How was it?" Harini raises her eyebrows, patting a space next to her. You plop yourself down next to her.
"Holy shit, Harini, that is one dreamy man," you exhale. She grins and squeals, giving you a hug. "Well, the rumor mill is already buzzing. People saw Ethan run out of the club, looking around frantically before taking his girlfriend home, and not forty minutes later, you're photographed with Ireland's most eligible musician," Kiera teases.
"What? The photos are out already?"
All the girls nod, their eyes wide. Morgan pulls out her phone and pulls up the article.
Breaking; Alex Jamie Wilson caught with former boxer's assistant.
You groan. "Great, this is going to just fuel the fires."
"Good. Maybe this will finally get him to back off," Terra grumbles, tapping away on her phone.
Ethan stares down at his phone, sitting on his sofa, staring at those exact photos. Who the fuck was this guy? He swiped through them, scanning your face for any noticeable emotions. Nothing. Ethan felt like you were drifting further and further away from him, and from the you he got to know for four years.
Lizzy sits next to him, scrolling away on her phone, while Jerry sits across from the two of them, just watching the disaster that was this stunt relationship. Jerry clears his throat, but neither Ethan or Lizzy look up, with Ethan too captivated by the photos to even notice Jerry.
Why were you holding this guy's hand? Who was this guy? Did you leave the club with him? Did you go home with him?
Jerry tries to get his attention, but it's no use. He finally just lets out a loud "Ethan!"
Ethan manages to break his eyes away from his phone, looking at an exasperated Jerry. "Now do you see my point? These feelings of yours are unrequited. She's not interested in you, buddy. Let it go before it drags you and your entire career down with it. You are about to reach the biggest moment in your career. Table this for later if you have to. You need to focus on fighting. You got into the championship but you still have to do more matches for the qualifying rankings and set ups, so you need to have your eye on the ball, and stop staring at the damn phone."
Ethan refuses to believe Jerry, but he puts away his phone regardless. He worked too hard to give up now.
"Okay. Let's do it."
You hardly ever got a phone call from Ethan in the weeks afterwards. Life went on, and you couldn't lie, you had hardly noticed. You never picked up anyways.
In between song writing, dance rehearsal, and constant outfit fittings, your life became a mountain of to-do lists like you had never felt before. Harini wanted all of you on stage dancing for the upbeat songs, and man, it was work. Vocal training for back up singing was work. Most nights, you were exhausted. Even if you weren't too tired, you didn't want to speak to Ethan anyways.
But you were never too tired for Alex. You two hadn't progressed very far past a simple flirting stage so far, but you were the first person he would flit to when entering the studio. He was electric.
You were finally building your own life, and not one spent following Ethan, and you were having a blast doing it.
It was unfortunate that your old world and current had to collide tonight.
Damon had insisted that you all come to his match tonight. The only problem was it was the one of the rank qualifiers for both championships to determine who would fight who. Meaning that not only was Damon fighting tonight, but a certain former boss would be fighting. Just not each other, luckily, because they were separate championships.
You wanted to skip out, but then Harini joined in. "Please? We are just about to release an album we made jointly, we need the publicity. Plus they aren't even going to fight at the same time, so we won't even have to interact with him."
You had taken a long pause, thinking. "We can bring Alex," she told you in a sing song tone. "Fine."
The group steps out of the limo, the paparazzi following. You hear calls for you. "Are you here for Ethan? Are you going to cheer Ethan on?"
You see Alex look out of the corner of his eye at you. Great, why did you ever agree to this?
As you filtered through the crowd to get scanned in, you see Ethan doing his weigh ins. He turns to see your group, and the cameras and reporters go nuts.
"Harini, do you have anything you want to say to Ethan?"
Harini turns on her heels to look at Ethan. "Yeah, actually. Finder's keepers, loser's weepers, you dick," she shouts, leaning over the railing. There's gasps and murmurs and cheers. Ethan flashes a fake smile. "It's called being a fucking thief, actually," he shouts back. Harini rolls her eyes. "Well, she's releasing an album with me. What did you ever do for her?" He freezes, and with that, Harini turns on her heel and continues to the VIP booth. The girls and Alex follow, but you keep standing there.
Ethan sees this, and grins a wolfish grin. Maybe it wasn't entirely hopeless for him after all, if you were willing to stay a moment, even if you brought that fucking Irish guy from the photos.
The cameras keep flashing, people murmuring at the sight.
"Hey, trouble. Miss me?" he calls out. You don't respond, standing there. You feel an arm go around you. Alex, who pulls you away. "Come on angel," he murmurs. With that, you follow the girls to the VIP booth. You don't look back at Ethan.
Ethan, however, watches you until you enter the booth, jaw clenched.
You were hoping the VIP booth would give you enough of a breather until you could leave, but as if the night could get worse somehow, you see an all too familiar head of blonde hair.
She turns from her seat. "Hi guys," she sneers. "Lizzy," Harini acknowledges her, but chooses to sit on the other side of the booth.
As your group sits down, you see Lizzy eyeing Morgan. "Hi," she tells Morgan. Morgan gives a small polite smile and wave, but Britt nudges her.
"You froze when you saw him," Alex murmurs. "Yeah, he has that effect on people," you mutter back. "Not people," Alex shakes his head. "You."
You shake your head. "I like you, Alex, I just...I hadn't seen him since I quit, and it was weird because I didn't know how he would react."
Alex raises an eyebrow, and smiles for the first time all night. "Oh, you like me?" he asks amused. You smirk and roll your eyes. "We spend literally every day together, I see you even when I'm too tired to do anything," you laugh. He nods quietly, winking.
You see someone come in, whispering to Harini. At the same time, people approach Ethan and his opponent, along with the trainers and organizers.
The person goes to Lizzy and whispers, then leaves as quickly as they come. Harini turns to the group. "Damon's opponent threw up. They need to make sure he's good to fight, so Ethan and Dimitri are going first."
Great, now you were stuck here for something you hadn't wanted to see. Alex wraps an arm around you, seeing your displeased expression. "Hey, chin up angel, it won't be any time at all, and then we can go get a bite to eat or something." You nod at his words.
It doesn't take them very long to adjust, and within minutes, Ethan and Dimitri were in the ring. He looks up at the VIP booth, and you think he's going to look at Lizzy, but he looks straight on at you. Ethan raises an eyebrow at you, a smirk appearing on his face.
You don't notice Alex's arm tightening around you.
What you do notice is the smirk leaving Ethan's face, as he turns to face his opponent.
The match starts. Most of the girls are on their phones, Lizzy included, but your eyes remained on Ethan, who seemed to be going harder than he ever had. Every muscle in his body was tensed as he went after Dimitri with an intensity you had never seen from Ethan.
Alex looks over at you.
"You alright?"
"Something's wrong with him," you whisper.
"How? He's winning."
And he does, rapidly. Dimitri stood no chance next to a new, angry Ethan.
As everyone is cheering, Ethan wipes himself off with a rag. Terra scoffs at the whole thing. "I wish Dimitri kicked his ass."
The announcer approaches the way you've seen it play out a million times. Ethan, however, pivots your expectations once again.
You expected the usual once again, the thanking of Luis, of Jerry, hell maybe even a flirty quip to Lizzy. There was no way to guess what would come out of his mouth this time around.
Ethan sets the rag down, and turns to face the VIP booth. "That one was for you, baby," he points up at you, staring you down, smirking with a wink.
You don't even get a chance to react or process, because you feel a hand grab your face. Alex looks at you. "I like you too. And I think this guy's an ass."
And with that, Alex leans in and kisses you.
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lnfours · 1 year
you leaving ur stuffed animal at ethan’s place and he wont let it go 😁
an ethan request 🥺 u know me too well
also this concept is something i will absolutely 100% die for.
blurb night!
you had made the mistake of leaving one of the stuffed bears ethan had got for you at his place one night. you were rushing to get back to your apartment to beat the traffic, hence leaving mr. snuggles (yes he had a name) behind.
little to your knowledge, he had been sleeping with it every night ever since you left it. it was soft and it smelled like your shampoo mixed with a little bit of your perfume. it was like he was sleeping next to you whenever he held it, bringing him the most amount of comfort you could ever imagine.
you didn’t know that he had been sleeping with the bear until one morning you walked into his bedroom to find him still fast asleep in bed. spencer was at his feet, his head shooting up to look at you as he wagged his tail.
“hi spence,” you giggled, giving the dog a little scratch behind his ear, “daddy’s still sleeping, huh?”
you looked over at ethan’s sleeping state, noticing the brown stuffed bear tucked under his cheek. he had ended up sleeping on top of it, treating it like it was a pillow. you smiled softly, giggling to yourself as you walked over to the boy. you shook his shoulder softly, enough to stir him awake.
“babe, i have breakfast and coffee in the kitchen.”
he mumbled something incoherent before pulling you down on top him on the mattress. you sighed, acknowledging the fact that you weren’t going to be leaving this bed anytime soon.
“you stole mr. snuggles?” you giggled as you laid your head on top of his chest. he nuzzled his face into your hair.
“it’s not stealing if you left it here.”
“okay, but you sleep with it?”
“yeah,” he lazily admitted, “smells like you.”
you smiled softly as he dozed off back to sleep, debating to yourself on whether or not you were going to “accidentally” leave it at his house again this weekend.
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japhan2024 · 1 year
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Don't encourage it!!
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ricky-tiki-tah · 11 months
Me: Shawn or Ricky (they/he)
My AO3:
AU stuff (in the tags):
Claire & The Winchesters AU
Glamrock Freddy Through The Ball Pit AU Ask the FazFam questions!
The Ego-verse (au-ish?)
Always open to questions for characters (egos, fnaf, spn)
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Find randomness and rp over on @rick-tick-tock
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memento-rory · 5 months
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20s. she/her. self-indulgent hottie. proud writer of rpf. too adhd to shift so i’m doing this instead.
minors dni. i will bully you off the internet.
i post nsfw things about real people. if that’s not your vibe, i don’t want to hear it <3 block me and move on perhaps. :)
ted nivison. jschlatt. hansumfella. angela giarratana. kalynn koury. ethan nestor. jarvis johnson. spencer agnew. amanda lehan-canto. arasha lalani. trevor evarts.
headcanons. imagines. drabbles. blurbs. one-shots. full-blown fics. very self-indulgent series where i insert myself into the lives of my favorite content creators.
i almost always will write afab!reader but can do any other gender pov upon request! :)
i love fluff and i love angst and i love smut. i will do any of the three at any time.
i take requests and heavily encourage interaction! i love to yap. i promise i see every request, some just take me longer to get to than others! i appreciate your patience as i make my way through them! :)
ethan nestor.
jarvis johnson.
kalynn koury.
spencer agnew.
ted nivison.
🖨️, 🍁, 💿, 🫐, 🪼, 🌲, 🕷️, 🐠, 🥝, 🕸️, 🌸, 🐝💨, 🦠, 🪺, 💖, 🎃, 🌃, 🩷, 🦇, ⚔️, 🦈, 🦢, 🪐 (if i missed you, please let me know!)
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emocxnteddie · 11 months
Hi! I loved your platonic markiplier fic! I was wondering if you could make something similar but with Ethan? And reader is his trans brother who gets bullied and Ethan teaches the bullies a lesson? <3
!-! Brotherhood !-!
Pair; Crankgameplays/Ethan Nestor x FTM!Reader.[He/Him Pronouns]
Genre; Platonic fluff & angst-ish.
WARNINGS; Swearing, blood, violence, fighting, transphobia, homophobic slurs, bullying.[Let Me Know If More Is Needed.]
A/N - I decided to base this on an au where Ethan is in his last year of high school & M/N is in his second year of high school.
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M/N stood in the hallway of his high school, trying not to be seen. He had been relentlessly bullied for the past year for being trans. M/N hated it, always being called names.
M/N's older brother, Ethan was however always by his side. Though Ethan wasn't fully aware of everything, he didn't know his brother was bullied for being trans specifically.
Then one of M/N's classmates, a guy named Derek walked up to M/N along with Derek's minions. "Look! It's the faggot!" Derek laughed as he pushed M/N into the locker.
"Leave me alone, Derek," M/N muttered as he was pushed into the locker. He hated high school, all because of the bullying. Derek didn't stop, of course, he didn't. Derek just continued pushing M/N into the lockers, taunting him.
"C'mon, fag! Fight me! Fucking coward!" Derek laughed and M/N tried to push him off but it wasn't so easy. Then he saw a figure dash towards them, it was Ethan. He had gone to get something he'd forgotten in his classroom when he saw his younger brother being bullied by Derek & his group.
"Leave him alone, you piece of shit!" Ethan yelled as he pushed Derek to the ground. Derek stood up and glared at Ethan. "Why are you defending this homo freak!" Derek said in an angered tone. Ethan spaced out and just swung at Derek, hitting him in the face.
"That homo freak is my brother! So you keep his name out of your fucking mouth!" Ethan yelled as he kept punching Derek until he got enough of it, his fist being bloody and Derek's face being bloody. Derek ran off with his friends, yelling names.
Ethan looked at M/N and laughed. "Sorry, got a little carried away," Ethan said in an embarrassed tone and M/N just laughed along. "Thanks for protecting me, Ethan," M/N thanked his brother and Ethan just ruffled his hair.
"You're my brother, I couldn't let those punks treat you like that, I'm the only one allowed to tease you," Ethan said proudly as he heard teachers. "Oh fuck, gotta run! Catch you back home, bro!" Ethan said as he ran away, M/N just chuckled and nodded.
"Yeah, see you back home, brother."
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dinofromspac3 · 1 year
Rules for Requests
Main Masterlist
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I do not write smut, but I will write spice
please request through asks
be patient and be kind. I might take a while to get the fic out
leave as much or as little detail as you like, but fair warning if you leave so much detail that you’ve practically written it for me, I will be less likely to write it.
ask nicely, kind of goes along with be kind. I’m not taking orders, and if you act like it, I will ignore your request.
Thank you<3
Who I write for:
Fem/GN readers
Doctor Who:
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Clara Oswald x Reader
Rose Tyler x Reader
Martha Jones x Reader
Donna Noble x Reader
Bill Potts x Reader (fem only)
The Doctor x Reader (platonic only because there’s not enough of these and there’s plenty of romantic fics out there)
The Master/Missy x Reader (platonic only)
If you think of any others just ask
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Peter Parker x Reader
Kate Bishop x Reader
Yelena Belova x Reader (platonic only, ace queen)
Natasha Romanoff x Reader (platonic only)
Steve Rogers x Teen!Reader
Bucky Barnes x Teen!Reader
Pretty much everyone x Teen!Reader
Again, if there’s any not listed, just ask.
Wizarding World:
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(I’m partial to Hufflepuff!Readers)
Mattheo Riddle x Reader
Neville Longbottom x Reader
Luna Lovegood x Reader
Newt Scamander x Reader
Again, just ask. I’ll add marauders when I’ve read all of All the Young Dudes fic on AO3
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Ethan Nestor x Reader
Markiplier x Reader (platonic only)
Jacksepticeye x Reader (platonic only)
Lord of the Rings/ The Hobbit:
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Frodo Baggins x Reader
Samwise Gamgee x Reader
Merry Brandybuck x Reader (platonic only)
Pippin Took x Reader (platonic only)
Aragorn x Reader
Eowyn x Reader
Arwen x Reader
Legolas x Reader
Kili x Reader
Fili x Reader
Bilbo Baggins x Reader (platonic only)
Star Wars:
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Padme Amidala x Reader
Anakin Skywalker x Reader (platonic only)
Obi Wan Kenobi x Reader
(Sorry I’ve only seen the prequels)
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lambyblurbsfics · 1 month
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21 | they/them or anything/goes (Agender) | Autistic & ADHD
-What I Write-
I will write anything from a small blurb of thoughts I have, to maybe even full on fanfictions
Some very much self indulgent things I'm writing.
I will write fluff, angst, smut.
I'm taking request for anything right now!
-Who I will write about-
JSchlatt (Mainly)
Markiplier (And EGOS)
Ethan Nestor
Baldurs Gate 3
The Umbrella Academy
I'm into A LOT of different stuff, so if you have a request and you're not sure if I'm into it or not, it won't hurt to ask.
Minors do not interact!!
I will be posting all kinds of writing and types of stories, especially some NSFW
I will NOT write about romantized portrayals of mental health or mental illnesses. NO subjects with piss, scat, vore, etc.
If you have a problematic request/ask i will delete and ignore it.
I usually write gender neutral or AFAB, but will write other if requested, thank you in advance for respecting me and my boundaries.
(Moving my fic account so it's a main blog)
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captainschaos · 1 year
Welcome to my chaos! Expect the unexpected, roll the dice, and believe in the heart of the cards <3 I say too many words at all times, and a pinned post is no exception WHO [about me] ♤ names; lots, captain, chip, or lonely ---< I have a hoard of other names you might see around, but these are fine for here > ♤ pronouns; she/he/mirror/any/none ---< mirror pronouns mean use your own pronouns for me! > ♤ aroace + agender/genderqueer ♤ adult ♤ pfp; the any pronouns creeper, a little girlguything I own <3 WHAT [things I do] ♤ reblog and chatter away in tags primarily ♤ write ---< both fics and a bit of analysis/theory stuff > ♤ draw ♤ game design, though not particularly here, I'll just mention it sometimes. might get the blog for the rpgthing I created up and running again though! ♤ pretty much any art More specifics about how this blog works (fandoms/tagging/following disclaimers/etc) below the cut
WHERE [fandoms/interests] [Chaos disclaimer, this is nowhere near a comprehensive list and subject to change, but hits the major things I'll rb/post about. More current/main interests bolded.] ♤ mcyt in general ---&lt; traffic smps (secret life), hermitcraft (decked out), qsmp > ♤ slimecicle in general ---< the slimecicle cinematic universe > ♤ the sorry boys ♤ generation loss ♤ jrwi ♤ the magnus archives ♤ in space with markiplier/markiplier in general ♤ ethan nestor ♤ fnaf ♤ tmnt ♤ sonic ♤ kollok ♤ lackadaisy ♤ ethoslab <3 WHEN [posting schedule, or lack thereof] ♤ you will probably notice I often reblog things in bunches. That's because I tend to save rbs to drafts, then come back and tag, comment, and post in big sweeps. If you don't want that clogging up your dash, don't follow! ♤ my activity's real random, no queue, if I'm online I'm online, if I'm not I'm not. That's the chaos way WHY [general practice disclaimers] ♤ I tag primarily for archival purposes, including duos/groups I like. Because of that, I will use one name across all contexts, romantic/platonic/etc, so you might see me tag platonic art with a romantic ship name or vice versa! ♤ I try to tag trafficshipping, hermitshipping, etc, but I mainly ship queerplatonically which I've yet to find a consensus on tagging-wise? Because of that I don't really tag it much, just be warned. (This also contributes to the above point) ♤ I don't really have any cw/tws I tag consistently, but I'm more than willing to if I get asked to tag something! ♤ I am an adult, and though I'm still pretty young I discuss adult topics sometimes- probably best not to follow if you're not about 16+ ♤ askbox is always open for chatter or requests of any sort! HOW [to navigate- tags] > #secret life smp; the tag to block for spoilers! > #captain's chatter; me talking > #captain's words; my writing > #captain's scribbles; my drawings > #captain's mailbox; asks > #friend's stuff; my friends' art/writing/etc > #friend stuff; me goofin with friends lol > #epic art/writing/etc; stuff I've reblogged that is epic but not mine
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writingsbyzuzu · 3 months
high enough.
four- the end of beginning
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notes: harini welcomes you with open arms. ethan isn't taking the transition very well
you finally meet the last few key players of the story ;)
warnings: alcohol consumption, minor angst
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“So what changed your mind?”
You and Harini are cruising down the freeway, heading to her home. 
“She ate a strawberry.” She scrunches her face up in confusion.
“I’m sorry?”
“Ethan isn’t the biggest fan of strawberries for breakfast. But he gets them every morning when his chef makes eggs. Because I eat strawberries. And he knew I don’t eat breakfast. So he gets something he knew I would take, knowing he didn’t want them.” You look out at the road, the Los Angeles spots blurring past you.
“And she ate one of your strawberries? And that was enough? I have to say, that isn’t quite the catalyst I expected.”
You turn back to her. “It wasn’t just that.”
“He told her my line.”
“Your line?”
“At practice. Every day, I get Ethan something to drink. And nearly every time he says this stupid line. ‘When I get to the pearly gates, I hope the first thing I hear is you telling me you got me my drink’.”
Harini scoffs at this. “That’s so weird and corny.” She turns, pulling the car off of the freeway. 
“Whatever. It’s special to us. He never says it to anyone else, just a thank you. But he said it to her. I fucking heard him. When his manager and I came in to debrief him. She was laughing, tossing back that ridiculously long blonde hair, and she said something, so he grabbed it and smiled at her, and then he just said it.”
Harini lets out a groan of disgust. “What a fucking pig.” She zooms through the streets of her fancy neighborhood, the mansions huge, towering over the two of you and her tiny convertible.
Sure, Ethan lived in a mansion, but this was a different tax bracket altogether. These were the absolute stars of Hollywood. You think of all your favorite movie stars and musicians, who no doubt lived in this neighborhood, or at least in one nearby. 
She sees you looking away, so she continues to speak.
“Well. I’m glad you decided to join me. I promise, you’ll have a good time. I don’t have any plans to backstab you. I mean, you’ll definitely have more eyes on you, but you have more job security. Just don’t spill my secrets,” she jokes. You shake your head, turning back to her. “I wouldn’t fucking dare.”
The two of you share a glance and a smile, before pulling up to her house. You see your car and Annie’s parked in the extensively large driveway, along with a shiny chrome Jeep you assume is Damon’s.
You observe Harini and Damon’s (and now technically, yours and Annie’s) home. “Holy shit,” is all you manage to say.
“Welcome home,” she grins. The two of you step out of the car, walking on the gravel to the front door. The front door swings open and Damon steps out, arms wide spread. “Welcome home, ladies!” he cheers. “Annie and I managed to move everything inside, you just have to decide what room you want and move your stuff into it. I’ll help.”
So far, you didn’t regret a single thing.
It only hits you hours later, when your stuff is perfectly adjusted in your new room, and you’re on a sofa with the three of them that it really begins to hit you, smack dab in the middle of a Star Wars marathon.
“Oh my fucking, it’s over. I can’t believe I did that, he was so sad, he begged me, Annie, he begged,” you sob. Annie wraps her arms around you, rubbing your back. “You needed to do it. Look what you’ve done for yourself, for me, for us. You deserved better. You were played for a fool. And now you got us a wonderful opportunity. Sure, it could have been handled better, but he could have too, with that fucking girlfriend..”
You let out a wail at the mention of Lizzy, and Harini goes to also rub your back.
Damon turns down the movie, before opening his mouth to speak. “Look, I’m sure he cared about you at some point. But no matter how much he does or doesn’t care about you, you deserved better from a job. Regardless if he ever loved you back. We’re grateful you accepted Rini’s offer. You’re going to be treated better, and we’re happy to have this be your home.”
You smile weakly at the words.
“There she is,” he grins. 
The last movie of the night is rolling its credits. You and Annie are slumped on the couch asleep, your head on Annie’s shoulder, Annie’s on top of yours. Harini puts a blanket on the two of you, before returning to her seat next to Damon. 
Damon has instagram open, scrolling through a comment section. “My comments are blowing up, since you stole Nestor’s precious Trouble, apparently. Like she can’t think for herself or something. They’re asking me to return her like she’s a toy I stole at the playground or something.” 
They both laugh at the ridiculousness of the thought. 
Damon sees Ethan posted on his Instagram story, and hesitates, before he taps to see it. There was a video of Ethan ruthlessly beating down a sandbag, with the caption “anyways, back to what’s important”.
“Jesus,” Harini whispers, watching with a look of concern.
Damon eyes her, then yours and Annie’s sleeping figures. “It’s like I said at the mall. The man only has one weakness. When you take a man’s weakness, he either crumples, or he’s invincible. You just made Ethan Nestor the most angry and solid man on the planet.”
He kisses Harini’s head, leaving her on the couch. “G’night baby.”
When you wake up the next morning on the couch, you immediately scramble to your feet, rushing upstairs to change. It was your first day, you couldn’t make Harini regret hiring you so soon. 
You change in a panic, putting on the usual “assistant’s clothes” Jerry had always insisted you wore. You had used it as your uniform for this long, why disrupt routine?
As you hop down the stairs, you rush into the kitchen. Damon is ruffling through the drawers. “Well, good morning to you!” he says cheerfully, pulling out a package of eggs. He motions you to sit at the table. “Sit down, ‘m making pancakes!” 
You raise an eyebrow. “You don’t want me to do that?” “You’re an assistant, not a private chef,” Damon jokes. You freeze at the statement. Harini comes in, in fluffy pink pajamas and slippers, waltzing over to Damon and giving him a small kiss.
You watch, your stomach hurting. You had always hoped, with Ethan… you scratch the thought.
Harini turns to you, and scans your outfit. “Babes, you don’t have to wear that if you don’t want to. Just wear your normal clothes. Unless those are your normal clothes,” she says, her nose crinkled. You look down at the button up blouse and trousers. “Really?” you ask. “My assistant needs to shine with her style. Not the corporate style. Go get changed.”
With that, you run back out the room and up the stairs, rushing to change into an outfit. As you’re putting on the last of your new outfit, there’s a knock at your door. Annie enters your room, looking slightly nervous. “What?” you ask her. “You haven’t checked your phone yet, have you?”
“No, I turned it off yesterday morning. Is it bad?” You turn fully towards her.
“Kind of,” she whispers. You motion for her to sit on the bed, so she does, and you join her. After your phone boots up, it almost immediately freezes, overwhelmed with notifications. 
“You’re trending on, well, any community sports related. Open TikTok.”
You do as she says, seeing she’s sent you a video. “Open it,” she tells you. 
It’s a fucking video of you. You click on it nervously.
“Who do you fucking think you are?” you hear yourself say, before it cuts to you jumping into Harini’s car and flipping him off, some trending song playing. It’s an edit. Of course people have edited you.
“Oh my god,” you whisper, rewatching it. “There’s a lot of those. A LOT. A lot of people think you’re really cool for sticking it to the man, a few people have thought you’ve betrayed him. A LOT of them think they just saw a breakup or something adjacent.”
“Yikes,” you whisper. You swipe out of direct messaging, but a video of Jerry is on your for you page. You groan, before Jerry begins to speak.
“Ethan regrets to inform fans that unfortunately, his assistant is no longer a part of his team from here on out, we are looking for a replacement. It’s clear from her incredibly immature response that Ethan believes this is what’s best for him and his career.”
You swipe out of TikTok and slam your phone onto your bedsheets. “That bastard. That fucking bastard,” you say, Annie nodding. “What a fucking dick! All the shit you’ve done for him, that meltdown he had and now he’s saying you leaving was the best thing for you?? Girl, fuck him.”
Your phone lights up again, as the rest of the notifications have been slowly trickling in, mainly new followers and mentions.
15 missed calls from: eth❤️‍🔥🥊
3 voicemails from:  eth❤️‍🔥🥊
30 messages from: eth❤️‍🔥🥊
“You’re fucking joking me,” you murmur. You unlock your phone and delete the notifications for the calls. You pause for a moment, before going to your voicemail and deleting them, without even a listen. You do the same to his messages, before finally opening his contact and changing it to simply ‘Ethan Nestor’.
You look at Annie, who’s looking back at you.
 “It’s a new day Annie. Let’s get to fucking work.”
“You need to get up,” Ethan hears.
He can feel the carpet of his bedroom against his face and neck, a drool puddle having formed where his mouth was. His head was pounding with dull pain, so he doesn’t move.
“Ethan.” God, does this woman ever shut up?, he thinks.
Lizzy nudges him with her foot. “You need to get up, loser. LIke now. Jerry is getting pissed, it’s 1 PM.” Ethan rolls over. “Jesus, you look like shit, and you smell like whisky,” Lizzy groans.
Ethan slowly sits up, rubbing his face slowly. He felt like shit, that was for certain. He turns to check his phone, but nothing from you. “She hasn’t called me back, Liz.”
“She’s not going to, dude. Not after you shot yourself in the foot like that. Now come downstairs, Jerry has to plan out more interviews for you so we can fix this.”
Ethan checks his phone last time, swiping to his messages. You had turned off your read receipts, because of course you did. He tucks his phone into his pocket, and with that, heads downstairs.
He wasn’t the largest fan of Lizzy. He wasn’t going to be a fan of any PR girlfriend, but Lizzy was brash and rude, and nothing like you. But at least she also didn’t want to be there. Having been fired from the big show she was on due to calling out a famous producer (who spun it around to say Lizzy was “difficult”), she needed good press. Up until yesterday afternoon, Ethan was good press. Minus the rumors he was railing his assistant. How he wished that were true. But even then, fans seemed receptive to the idea, considering the bond he and Trouble have had.
Jerry had begun to talk to him the minute he was within vision, but Ethan wasn’t listening for even a moment, his eyes glazing over. Lizzy leans over to Jerry. 
“You should give him the day off, I think he’s still drunk.” Jerry scoffs. “He’ll get over it.”
Those are the first words that cut through to Ethan. “No, I fucking won’t. Congrats, Jerry, you’ve ruined my personal life.”
“Ruined? Ruined your personal life? How? You have a girlfriend you can take out, and you’re about to fight in the highest league, you have a shot to be the world junior middleweight champion. And you’re out here threatening your life with the outbursts,” Jerry hisses.
Ethan points at Lizzy. “That’s a fake fucking girlfriend. Nothing about it is real. I love her, Jerry. And this stupid fucking plan of yours to make me look better has not only cost me her, has made me look like a dick in front of TMZ and the internet.”
“Yeah well, I fixed it, no thanks to you.”
“I blamed her outburst on her not having the maturity to continue being your assistant.”
Ethan immediately turns around, marching up the stairs.
“What the hell are you doing?” Jerry shouts. Ethan screams back. “Taking the damn day off!”, storming back into his room and slamming his door shut.
“What would you want to do?” Harini asks. You and Annie are sitting on the floor of the recording studio an hour from the house, while she sits in a bright pink office chair. “I’m gonna need you to elaborate, Rini,” you say, taking a sip of water.
“Music, dancing, do you want to model?”
You nearly choke on the water, coughing furiously, before your throat clears up. “I thought I was being your assistant,” you whisper.
“You are,” Harini nods, “but I want to help you have your own stuff, too, both of you. You sat in the shadows of that man while you helped push his career, and I won’t let that happen to you again. I told you, I want you to shine like you deserve.”
You and Annie stare in shock at her. 
Then you bring yourself to finally speak. “Let’s do all of it.”
Ethan felt like a stalker as the week progressed. While you hadn’t posted anything on any of your pages, every trace of him had been wiped from every single page of yours. Pictures of the two of you together, gone, pictures of him, things he did for you, all gone. Like you had always been Harini’s assistant, instead. You had even deleted your own birthday party pictures, ones that didn’t even include him.
“Happy birthday, trouble,” he cheers, enveloping you into a hug. “Ethan, this cake is so pretty!” you croon. The heart shaped cake with blue icing sat on your apartment counter, the candles lit. “Make a wish,” he whispers to you, as your friends all pile around the two of you. You blow out the candles and beam at him. Ethan pulls out a small wrapped box. “For you, trouble.”
What a lifetime ago that had felt.
But Harini posted you a few times. So now he found himself checking Harini’s page regularly. Annie had blocked him after he announced Lizzy, so he never bothered checking her page.
Like today. There was a picture of you on Harini’s story, your hair done, your makeup fully done, and you were in a baby tee and jeans.
Who was this person? This wasn’t his trouble. It hits him that he didn’t really ever see you in normal clothes that often. And you usually only wore mascara. Who was this?
Jerry walks up to the bench, and Ethan quickly puts away his phone. Jerry looks him over and sighs. “Alright, you got a lot to do. Hit the showers. Also, you have to take Lizzy out tonight, the paparazzi needs to see you tonight together, we are trying to sell this.” Ethan rolls his eyes, sitting up to pull on his shoes. “Fine.”
“Just breaking, Ethan Nestor and Lizzie Dee Mitchell are caught kissing in Ethan Nestor’s car.”
You look up from your clipboard at the gaggle of girls in the practice room, raising an eyebrow.
Terra groans. “Who cares, he shouldn’t even be allowed to be a thought in our mind.”
It felt weird to be in a girl squad. For most of your lives, it had been just you and Annie. Adding Harini was already a shift in dynamic, especially because you lived together, but now you had an additional 4 girls to adjust to. Not that you really minded. You liked them each in their own ways.
Morgan, who was soft, sweet, and a talent at anything she put her hands on. Brit, who was witty, sarcastic, and incredibly sharp.
Kiera, who was always in the loop on gossip (like just now), was funny, fast thinking, and good with people. And then there was Terra.
Meeting Terra was something else. As Rini’s oldest friend, you were worried Terra wasn’t going to enjoy your presence. But Terra, after looking at you and Annie for a moment with a dead stare, she enveloped you both in a hug. Terra was fierce, loyal. And she saw that right back in you. Which meant you were fast friends.
However, after a gossiping session with the girls, she was also Ethan’s number one hater.
“Let me see,” you blurt out. Annie snatches Morgan’s phone. “No way. You’ll just wallow in your misery, and we just got you to agree to my clubbing promise tonight.”
She wasn’t kidding. It took the entire girl squad an hour to convince you to go out tonight. “Okay, that’s fair,” you nod. "Now ladies, let's focus," Harini chastises.
Three hours later, there you were at the Black Rabbit, LA’s most exclusive celebrity nightclub. The seven of you strut in, the paparazzi taking pictures as you do. The music is loud, and there’s dozens of people you recognize and never thought you would meet. Harini and Morgan go to dance immediately, but the rest of you take shots, trying to get yourselves tipsy before you danced.
Once you drank to your heart’s content, you joined the dancefloor. You couldn’t lie, under the pink and green lights, you were actually having one of the greatest nights of your life. Everyone was jumping up and down and twirling and swaying. It felt good. You were among friends.
Hit it like rom-pom-pom-pom (hit it like)
Get it hot like Papa John (get it hot)
Make a bitch go on and on (make a bitch)
“God! I love Chappell Roan!” Morgan screams and you cheer in response. You stumble a tiny bit, and you accidentally elbow someone. “I’m sorry-” you turn, and face someone’s chest.
“It’s alright, you barely even brushed me,” a soft Irish voice calls out. You look up to see a man smiling down at you, with a chiseled jaw and blonde curly hair. Woah. You smile back at him, and you share a moment looking at each other, until you hear Harini squeal with joy behind you.
“Alex! You made it!” Harini bounds up to the two of you. “Alex, this is y/n, she’s my new assistant. Y/N, this is Alex Jamie Wilson, he’s my opener for the tour once we get the album out.”
Alex lifts up a hand to shake yours. “Beyond charmed.”
Oh, you could get used to this. “Pleasure,” you say.
Neither of you have broken eye contact, which gets Harini a little excited, turning to the girls every few seconds to make a shocked expression. She couldn’t lie, she was kind of hoping you’d take an interest in Alex, as watching you continue to wallow over Ethan was torture for everyone.
You were incredibly kind and sweet, you deserved the world. She knew it would take more than just a week to get over someone you loved for four years, but it wouldn’t hurt to plant a seed, right? Surely you’d get over Ethan eventually-
The universe has to be playing a sick fucking joke, she thinks.
Ethan walks in with Lizzy, an arm draped around her.
Jerry had all but forced Ethan to take out Lizzy. Lizzy, in all her infamous wisdom, suggested that they go to the club, so at least they could have something in their system before having to do disgusting shit in front of the cameras. Ethan agreed, so the Black Cat it was.
It was crowded, he thinks, and he hated thinking all these people thought she was his girlfriend. They split up pretty quickly, as Lizzy goes to the bathroom. Ethan goes to sit on a stool at the bar, ordering a scotch. He pulls out his phone to scroll as he waits for Lizzy, but he feels a tap on his shoulder. Harini.
“You can’t fucking be here,” she yells. “Why not?” Ethan exclaims back, annoyed immediately. The audacity. She stole the one thing that matters to him, now she’s yelling at him to get out of a public night club.
“You have to fucking go.”
A girl approaches, taking a place next to Harini. “Beat it, Nestor,” the girl says, crossing her arm. “Who the hell are you?” Ethan responds. “She can’t see you, you have to leave,” Harini exclaims.
Trouble was here?
He looks over their shoulders, and there you were, perfection, having an animated conversation with someone Ethan couldn’t see. His face noticeably lights up. Finally, he can just fucking see you, maybe talk to you.
He slides off the stool, but the second girl blocks him. “No,” she shouts. Ethan parts the girls with ease, his focus on you. He starts trying to push through the crowd. Harini and Terra trail behind him quickly, trying to convince him not to.
But by the time Ethan gets there, you’re gone.
He flips back around, where Harini and Terra are waiting behind him, equally confused.
“Where is she?” he asks, looking over their heads. But it was fruitless, you couldn’t be spotted. Harini’s eyes grow big as saucers, confusion becoming more apparent on her face. “I don’t know, she was just right there!”
Harini grabs the elbow of another girl, who spins around. “Morgan, have you and Keira seen y/n? I can’t spot her.” Morgan and the girl she was dancing with immediately stop, shaking their heads.
Oh, shit.
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RE8 AU Incorrect Quotes [Part 2]
I’m currently busy with other writing projects at the moment (mainly this year’s Goretober, because I’ll have to stick to an actual posting schedule if I want to go for thirteen days).
I’m still not sure when I’ll be able to write another fic for this AU, but I definitely haven’t forgotten about it! Until then, here’s more memes. (Thank you for all your patience and understanding, @that-bat )
Nate/Lord Ophio: The real secret to immortality? Not dying. You want to be immortal? Okay, that’s easy. Just don’t die. That’s it. Refuse to die. There you go. Ethan Nestor-Winters: But how—? Nate/Lord Ophio: “But how”, you may ask. Well, easy. Just don’t do it. Refuse to. Say “no thanks”.
Ethan Nestor-Winters: Shouldn’t you have something inspiring yet infuriating to say? Hunter/The Baron: Yes, actually. . . Hunter/The Baron: *stands up, clears his throat, straightens his tie* Hunter/The Baron: . . .Smash Mouth was right all along! “The years start coming, and they  d o n ’ t  s t o p  c o m i n g . ”
Nate/Lord Ophio: Life is just a hallucination caused by oxygen. Once you stop breathing, it all goes away.
Matt/Lord Loxosceles: I'm not creepy. Matt/Lord Loxosceles: I'm petty. Matt/Lord Loxosceles: There's a difference, y’know.
Mark/Lord Isurus: I’m a multitasker! Mark/Lord Isurus: I can torture fifteen people at once.
Nate/Lord Ophio: Though I admit I don’t know much about you, I am feeling pretty confident in my assessment that you are probably some sort of sick deadly fuck. Hunter/The Baron: Who told you my secret?
Ethan Nestor-Winters: The “how the fucks” and “why are you so dumbs” don’t matter. All that matters is that I have a new gun.
Hunter/The Baron: So, you three are brothers? Mark/Lord Isurus: Only in spirit Matt/Lord Loxosceles: Technically speaking, yes. Nate/Lord Ophio: No.
Ethan Nestor-Winters: Those darn tall people. Nate/Lord Ophio: Darn em’ indeed. Matt/Lord Loxosceles: Don’t worry, they'll be gone soon enough. Mark/Lord Isurus: Hahaha. . .
Nate/Lord Ophio: *sitting on the roof of The Baron’s Market, quietly talking to an undead raven* Hunter/The Baron: . . .Lord Ophio, what’re you doing? Nate/Lord Ophio: Apparently finding out that Ethan guy is pretty weird. Hunter/The Baron: Ah, so you’re stalking him? Nate/Lord Ophio: No, my pets are just helping me observe from a distance. Hunter/The Baron: Look, it’s none of my business what you decide to do with Mr. Nestor-Winters, but I’m pretty sure that still counts as stalking Nate/Lord Ophio: *pauses, then sends the raven off* Baron, do you know what the difference between people-watching and stalking is? Hunter/The Baron: I might. . . Nate/Lord Ophio: *nods* A restraining order.
Hunter/The Baron: Why do you and the other Lords want to kill Mr. Nestor-Winters? Matt/Lord Loxosceles: Have you seen him?! His neck looks so snappable!
Ethan Nestor-Winters: So, what do you do for a living? Nate/Lord Ophio: I exist against my will
Ethan Nestor-Winters: I can’t fucking handle this right now! Mark/Lord Isurus: Just remember, if you can’t handle me at my worst. . .I CAN HANDLE ME AT MY WORST, WHICH MAKES ME STRONGER THAN YOU!
Hunter/The Baron: Lord Ophio, when’s your birthday? Nate/Lord Ophio: Why? So you can look up my natal chart? So you can figure out my weaknesses? So you can destroy me? Hunter/The Baron: . . .So I know when to wish you a happy birthday.
[The Lords are getting ready for a standard ritual event]
Nate/Lord Ophio: Mark is late again. Matt/Lord Loxosceles: How did this happen? I called him at eight o’clock this morning and pretended it was eleven! I even printed up a fake schedule for him saying we were starting at nine instead of noon! Nate/Lord Ophio: I set his clock to say PM when it’s really AM. Hunter/The Baron: *not involved with the upcoming ritual, but is still within earshot of all this* . . .I think you might’ve overdone it, my lords. Mark/Lord Isurus: *bursts through one of the temple’s windows* Mark/Lord Isurus: WHAT FUCKING TIME IS IT?!
Nate/Lord Ophio: You don't know anything about me! Hunter/The Baron: I know EVERYTHING about you! You’re an open book written for very disturbed children!
[During the Boss Fight between Ethan and Matt]
Ethan Nestor-Winters: Why did you let Miranda turn you into this?! There’s so many better things in the world that you could’ve seen! Matt/Lord Loxosceles: I don’t know, Earwig. Why do you keep letting your hands get ruined?! THERE’S SO MANY WEAPONS IN THE WORLD THAT YOU COULD’VE USED COMPETENTLY!
Ethan Nestor-Winters: You’re terrible at interacting with people. When you meet someone, what’s your opening line? Nate/Lord Ophio: “Hi, did you have a happy childhood, or are you funny? It can only be one!”
Ethan Nestor-Winters: It’s strange how well you and that zombie get along. Didn’t he hate you at first? Hunter/The Baron: Lord Ophio hates everybody at first. It’s his way of reaching out to people.
Matt/Lord Loxosceles: What’s the plan? Nate/Lord Ophio: I don’t know! You’re smart, *points at Mark* and he’s mean, so come up with something!
“Adulting is hard. How do I quit?” Hunter/The Baron: Time travel. Nate/Lord Ophio: Die.
Ethan Nestor-Winters: Were you guys born AMAB or AFAB? Mark/Lord Isurus: You’re gonna need to be more specific. Are you talking about original birth or rebirth? Nate/Lord Ophio: Bold of you to assume I was born at all. Matt/Lord Loxosceles: I personally metamorphosed in a lab. Hunter/The Baron: I just straight up spawned lol.
Mark/Lord Isurus: I technically don’t have anything against you, but I can still make up lots of reasons to attack you!!
Nate/Lord Ophio: I’m gonna go check on my scouts. Try not to kill each other while I’m gone. Matt/Lord Loxosceles: Oh, please. We’re not children. Nate/Lord Ophio: *leaves* Mark/Lord Isurus: *casually* . . .Eat shit and die. Matt/Lord Loxosceles: Yeah, fuck you, too.
Ethan Nestor-Winters: *writing in his diary with a glitter gel pen* I'm losing my sense of humanity. Nothing matters. God is dead. There’s blood on my hands.
Hunter/The Baron: Why can’t we all just get along? Nate/Lord Ophio: Because most of us are assholes, Baron. I thought that was obvious
Mark/Lord Isurus: You know what I’ve realized? Ethan Nestor-Winters: Some thoughts are better left unsaid? Mark/Lord Isurus: Nice try, anyway—
Ethan Nestor-Winters: Are you trying to give me a fucking aneurysm?! Nate/Lord Ophio: Pretty sure we all are. Matt/Lord Loxosceles: Maybe you should’ve thought about that before you came here. Mark/Lord Isurus: To be perfectly fair, you almost gave me one first Hunter/The Baron: I just cause aneurysms naturally.
Hunter/The Baron: If you took a shot for every time you made a bad decision, how drunk would you be? 

Matt/Loxosceles: Maybe a bit tipsy? 

Mark/Lord Isurus: Drunk. 

Nate/Lord Ophio: Wasted. 

Ethan Nestor-Winters: Dead.
Ethan Nestor-Winters: *trying to hide his gun behind his back* If the conspiracies about life being a simulation are true, then WHOEVER’S CONTROLLING MY SIM NEEDS TO COME SEE ME BECAUSE I JUST WANNA TALK—
Hunter/The Baron: It’s not like I try to blow things up, exactly. It just sort of happens. You’ve got to admit though, fire is fascinating.
Nate/Lord Ophio: Could you maybe just like. . .stab me. . .right in the gut. Just REALLY twist it in there. ‘Cause that honestly seems less painful than this conversation.
Mark/Lord Isurus: Look, try not to roll your eyes at me, alright? I’m not in the fucking mood for that. Matt/Lord Loxosceles: . . .I don’t even have pupils anymore??
Ethan Nestor-Winters: Why do people worry when their life feels incomplete? If it was complete, they would be dead. Hunter/The Baron: . . .Do you have, like, a spirit animal to look up to? Ethan Nestor-Winters: Yeah—roosters! Because they also start every day screaming!
Nate/Lord Ophio: Yesterday, I overheard Matt saying “Are you sure this’ll actually work?” and Mark replying “Trust me,” and I have never moved from one room to another so quickly in my life.
Hunter/The Baron: I think I mostly want to see what happens when this whole place breaks apart.
Mark/Lord Isurus: Matt, I’m so ready for the Twitch stream with Lady Dimestrescu! It’s gonna be so great! I bought the best laptop your money could buy! Matt/Lord Loxosceles: . . .Did you say MY MONEY? Mark/Lord Isurus: Yeah! It’s even one of those two-for-one foldable ones! Mark/Lord Isurus: *forcibly snaps the laptop’s screen back, breaking it pretty much beyond repair* Matt/Lord Loxosceles: Mark, that was nOT A FOLDABLE LAPTOP. Mark/Lord Isurus: *freezes in place, eyes welling up with tears* ...EuH. Matt/Lord Loxosceles: . . . Mark/Lord Isurus: EuH—!!! Matt/Lord Loxosceles: . . . Mark/Lord Isurus: *gingerly pulls the laptop’s screen back up, letting out a raspy sob* I tHiNk YoU bRoKe It. . !
Ethan Nestor-Winters: *unconscious on the ground* Hunter/The Baron: Do you think he’s okay? Nate/Lord Ophio: *holding a bucket of ice water* Who cares? *dumps all of the water on Ethan’s face*
Nate/Lord Ophio: Mark has no survival skills. His need to win has replaced them. Hunter/The Baron: Prove it. Nate/Lord Ophio: Hey, Mark! Matt said you couldn’t get to the bottom of those stairs faster than him! Mark/Lord Isurus: *Throws himself out a window at the top of the staircase*
Ethan Nestor-Winters: This is a safety pin. Ethan Nestor-Winters: *cuts off the end of the pin* Ethan Nestor-Winters: It is now a danger pin.
Nate/Lord Ophio: I just realized that every person is living a life as vivid and complex as my own. Nate/Lord Ophio: . . . Nate/Lord Ophio: I feel so bad for them.
Nate/Lord Ophio: It’s called the Circle of Life because it’s POINTLESS Hunter/The Baron: Haters got you down? Nate/Lord Ophio: I show the haters how it’s DONE! By hating myself more than they ever could! Hunter/The Baron: The point of this was to tell people what the longest part of your morning routine is. Nate/Lord Ophio: FINDING THE WILL TO LIVE
Nate/Lord Ophio: Welcome to Fucking Applebees, do you want apples or bees?
Ethan Nestor-Winters: “Bees?”
Ethan Nestor-Winters: Wait—
[Matt/Lord Loxosceles approaches, shaking a jar of bumblebees menacingly]
Ethan Nestor-Winters: I think it’s time I get my life in order. Hunter/The Baron: *narrating* But he did not get his life in order. In fact, he got drunk last night and fought a raccoon.
Nate/Lord Ophio: When I admitted that I didn’t know what family I actually came from, Mark told me Mother Miranda must’ve found me in a KFC bucket next to a dumpster. Matt/Lord Loxosceles: . . .I mean, that probably is what happened. Nate/Lord Ophio: Oh crap, maybe that’s the reason why. Maybe my lackluster feelings towards their fried chicken is because subconsciously I'm reliving the trauma whenever I see their trademark bucket. My brain and cognitive dissonance won't let me completely lie to myself and say I hate their food, because fried chicken is great and I want some now, instead it just steers me away. Thank you for helping to guide me towards this epiphany, perhaps now the healing can begin.
Ethan Nestor-Winters: I’m learning what PEMDAS stands for! Ethan Nestor-Winters: Please-End-My-Depression-And-Suffering!
Mark/Lord Isurus: Y'know, I once knew a man who said to me, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” He also had a pair of sideburns that would cause even Jude Law’s face to weep in forfeit. You put those lemons in a sack and beat your enemies with ‘em! And maybe if you beat ‘em hard enough the bag will split open and lemon juice will spray into their eyes, causing intense burning pains as you crush them into a citrus-y pulp! Hunter/The Baron: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Their heads or the lemons? Mark/Lord Isurus: Whatever caves first!
Ethan Nestor-Winters: Did you win? Or just not die? Ethan Nestor-Winters: Either way, hooray. Nate/Lord Ophio: . . .Is “no” a valid answer? Ethan Nestor-Winters: The hooray is redacted.
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garciaasfluffypen · 2 years
615 days later and my LONGEST fic is complete!!!
for anyone who doesn’t know, i took a stab at writing an rpf fic back in june of 2021 and it has been a hell of a ride. but alas, the ride has finished and she is done!!!
thats right besties, backflip boy is finished.
for anyone who’s curious and hasn’t seen it yet, here’s the summary:
Y/N Fishbach moved in with Mark in an effort to save money after moving to LA. After becoming known on Mark's channel as the "most loved iplier", she decided to stay and learn the ropes of youtube, creating her own channel and gaining her own followers. At PAX East, she meets a young man by the name of Ethan Nestor. What happens when the back flip boy becomes more than just that?
it took a hilariously long time for me to finish it and good goly is it a good read. 51 chapters, guys.
please read it i spent so long on it
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Request Fandoms, Tropes, & AUs
This is a list of all the fandoms, tropes, AUs, and other content that were comfortable with writing for requests or suggestions.
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∵✧ Writers ✧∵
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♥ 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚜 ♥ ↪ female POVs, mental illness, smut, slow burn, one-shots, imagines, Corpse, Sebastian Stan, Supernatural ✘ 𝙷𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚜 ✘ ↪ unhappy endings, writing minors
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♥ 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚜 ♥ ↪ RP/Character asks, male POVs, angst, mental illness, dead dove, unrequited/mutual pining, Mechanic!____, Medical Themes, Paranormal Themes, Apocalypse AUs, Bartending AUs, Corpse, X Files, RDR, Silent Hill, Supernatural, Obey Me ✘ 𝙷𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚜 ✘ ↪ (up for debate lol)
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♥ 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚜 ♥ ↪ LUCI (Obey Me!), female POVs, angst, friends/exs to lovers, Medical/Sciencey Themes, Apocalypse AUs, Bartending AUs, RDR, Silent Hill, Criminal Minds ✘ 𝙷𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚜 ✘ ↪ (up for debate lol)
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∵✧ Fandoms ✧∵
➝ Youtube: ━━━━━━━━━━━━ ✔ Corpse Husband ✔ Dream ✔ Tina Kitten ✔ Jacksepticeye ✔ Shane Madej ✔ Ryan Bergara ✔ Markiplier ✔ Ethan Nestor ✔ Moist Cr1tikal ✔ Ludwig ✔ JSchlatt ⊛ Karl Jacobs (platonic only) ⊛ Emma Langevin (platonic only) ⊛ Pewdiepie (platonic only) ➝ TV Shows/Anime: ━━━━━━━━━━━━ ✔ Supernatural ✔ Dr. Who ✔ Stranger Things ✔ You   ✔ New Girl ✔ The X Files ✔ Castle ✔ House M.D. ✔ Criminal Minds ✔ Tokyo Ghoul ✔ Cowboy Bebop/Space Dandy ✔ Beastars ✔ Devilman Crybaby ✔ Bee And Puppycat ➝ Movies: ━━━━━━━━━━━━ ✔ Donnie Darko ✔ Scream ✔ Hellraiser ✔ A Place Beyond The Pines ✔ Drive ✔ The Shining/Doctor Sleep ✔ Death Proof ✔ Kill Bill ✔ Deadpool ✔ Wolverine ✔ Once Upon A Time In Hollywood ➝ Video Games: ━━━━━━━━━━━━ ✔ Silent Hill ✔ Resident Evil ✔ Mortal Kombat ✔ Red Dead Redemption ✔ Dead Space ✔ Phasmophobia ✔ BioShock ✔ Among Us ✔ Stardrew/Animal Crossing ➝ Musicians: ━━━━━━━━━━━━ ✔ Matty Healy ✔ Alex Turner ✔ The Maine ✔ Harry Styles ✔ Joji/Pink Guy
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∵✧ Tropes ✧∵
✔ ANGST ✔ (anything) to lovers ✔ slow burn ✔ mutual pining/unrequited love ✔ hurt/comfort ✔ fluff ✔ smut/PWP ✔ soulmates ✔ roommates ✔ fake relationships ✔ arranged marriage ✔time loops ✔ miscommunication ✔ amnesia ✔ found family ✔ domesticity ✔ love triangles ✔ canon divergence ✔ unhappy endings ✔ dark fics ✔ Dead Dove Do Not Eat ✔ holiday ✔ forced proximity ✔ reincarnation ✔ hierarchies ⊛ some cross-overs ⊛ SFW anthro
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∵✧ AUs ✧∵
✔ Supernatural AUs ✔ Coffee Shop/Bar/Bookstore etc AUs ✔ Dystopian/Apocalypse AUs ✔ Mafia AU ✔ Time Travel/Change AUs ✔ Historical AU ✔ College AU ✔ Magic AU ✔ Noir AU ✔ Prison AU ✔ Royalty AU ✔ Western AU ✔ Hallmark AU
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∵✧ Pairings ✧∵
✔ canon ✔ not canon ✔ x OCs ✔ OTPs ✔ Y/N ❌ incest ❌ minor/adult
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∵✧ NSFW ✧∵
✔ PWP ✔ BDSM ✔ most kinks ❌ CNC/Dub-con/Non-con ❌ Mpreg ❌ bestiality
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v-tired-queer · 2 years
Hi! 👋😃
I'm Blaine, and this is my blog! Here's a bit about me and my DNI list 😊
✨️ About Me: ✨️
My pronouns are they/them ⚧️
I am:
Demiflux 🩶🩷💛🩵🩶
Lesbian ❤️🧡🤍🩷💖
Demiromantic 💚🤍🩶🖤
Demisexual 🖤🩶🤍💜
Truth be told, I'm still figuring things out about myself, but over the last couple of months I've learned to be kinder to and more patient with myself in the process. It's still a process, but I'm learning to enjoy it instead of put unnecessary stress and pressure on myself over it 🩷
Do with the above information what you will ✌️
I love to read, write, and draw! 📚✏️💕
I have non-epileptic seizures 🧠⚡️
And also dyslexia, dyscalculia, OCD, and depression, but things are getting better! 💙
I'm a Lutheran so I might post or reblog things Christian-specific during holidays and such ✝️
I'm a Christian but I'm also a witch! So some things may pertain to that, too🕯✨️🪻
I'm in a few famndoms, including: Voltron: Legendary Defender; Avatar: The Last Airbender; Supernatural; Red, White & Royal Blue; Boyfriend Material; Invincible; Percy Jackson; The Song of Achillies; Bright Falls series; Annie On My Mind; Dan and Phil; One Topic At A Time; Jammidodger; The Click; Markiplier; Ethan Nestor; Jacksepticeye
Habitual emoji user and keysmasher 😅🤣
I may or may not post about: My different fandoms, books, I might draw or write and post it here maybe (who knows), I'll most definitely reblog memes and things that I ✨️vibe✨️ with and be very gay on main 💖
🚫 My Do Not Interact (DNI) Includes: 🚫
LGBTQIA+ phobes, TERFs + any and all variants of the above, kindly go away
MAPs/Ped0philes of ANY kind are absolutely NOT welcome here
Racists of any kind can also see yourselves to the door
People with prejudice against other people's personal religious or spiritual beliefes or practices please leave (this applies for all religions -- it's okay to not believe in something, but it's not okay to put others down or mock them for their own beliefes. This also goes for being mean to atheists)
❗️Some Quick Notes:❗️
I'm an adult. My following and likes are hidden from view for a reason, but sometimes a story may contain NSFW content (boarderline smut, actual smut, trigger themes if it's for a darker peice, etc). Anyone under 18 shouldn't be interacting with that stuff, so, really, if you're a minor, maybe just don't interact. Thanks 🩷
NSFW content relating to smut will not include any minors/anyone not 18+, either canotically or fic-wise
I try to remember to check blogs for pinned posts and bios before interacting, but if I've violated your DNI please let me know so I can unlike and remove any reblog! I don't want to make anyone uncomfy!
Alrighty, I think that's it for this! Bye-bye! 😊👋
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bitofaditz · 2 years
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this is from an ethan nestor/hannibal lecter/will graham fic btw
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liskade · 5 months
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My Blogs
This is my reblogging blog but I have a couple others for various things. ➳My Art Blog ➳ Warped (my ISWM fic/fancomic)
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I have my fingers in a great many fandom pies, so this is what you'll likely see on this blog. ❖Markiplier (Jacksepticeye/Ethan Nestor) ❥ISWM ❥Captinsona's/OCs ❖BG3 ❥Gale ❥Dragonborn/Tavs/OCs ❖Cult of the Lamb I also reblog great art in other fandoms I'm not in as well as furries, and the occasional airplane.
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➤#my [art/writing/what have you] reblogged: Usually me reblogging something from my other blogs. ➤#Warpedau: Anything reblogged from my ISWM fic blog ➤#Liska Answers: My answers to asks (may even contain ones from my other blogs)
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I love interacting with people! Please send in asks about anything, or even to/about my other blogs. Since I get so few [none] I'll try to answer with a drawing :3
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The Other Places I'm At
(In order of most active) ☙Twitter ☙AO3 ☙Instagram ☙Youtube ☙Twitch ☙Anywhere else I missed
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☆Commission me ☆Patreon ☆Ko-fi ☆The Warped Comic
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dividers by Cafekitsune
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