#teamiplier fanfiction
garciaasfluffypen · 1 year
615 days later and my LONGEST fic is complete!!!
for anyone who doesn’t know, i took a stab at writing an rpf fic back in june of 2021 and it has been a hell of a ride. but alas, the ride has finished and she is done!!!
thats right besties, backflip boy is finished.
for anyone who’s curious and hasn’t seen it yet, here’s the summary:
Y/N Fishbach moved in with Mark in an effort to save money after moving to LA. After becoming known on Mark's channel as the "most loved iplier", she decided to stay and learn the ropes of youtube, creating her own channel and gaining her own followers. At PAX East, she meets a young man by the name of Ethan Nestor. What happens when the back flip boy becomes more than just that?
it took a hilariously long time for me to finish it and good goly is it a good read. 51 chapters, guys.
please read it i spent so long on it
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joan-of-stars · 5 years
So I don't think you intended 44 to be with a nonverbal reader, but that's what I'm going to ask for. Not like mute, but reader is panicked or something and goes nonverbal for the time being. And maybe the reader can sign? This with Mark would be really cool!!
44. “You can’t speak?”
You couldn't move. You couldn't breathe. All you could do was stare at the camera, shattered beyond repair on the floor in front of you.
It was your fault. But it was a mistake. Your stupid shaky hands failed you again, and the camera slipped. The five hundred dollar camera was now completely broken. And it was because of you.
Of course, the sound of five hundred dollars crashing onto the hard floor was not quiet, and Mark ducked in the room to see what happened.
Immediately, you could move again, and you flinched violently before jumping out of the way and backing into a wall.
"Hey, hey," He only spared the camera a glance before he approached you. "It's okay, it's not that bad."
You shook your head. It was bad.
"What happened?"
After a moment of desperation deciding whether to hide the fact that you couldn't speak, or to confess, you pointed to your mouth and shook your head.
"You can't speak?" He asked. You shook your head, twitchy and nervous. "Okay," He said. "That's fine. Can you sign?"
"Yes," You signed. Sign language was safe. You could hide behind sign.
Mark's asl was shaky at best, but you could understand it, and that's all that really mattered. "It's okay. We can just buy a new one."
"I'm sorry." You moved your hand in rapid circles across your chest, repeating the motion over and over again: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,"
Mark kept shaking his head and signing "no," but you didn't pay attention.
“(Y/n).” That one he said out loud, instead electing to grab your wrists. You jumped, but he managed to get your attention. “It’s okay. Mistakes happen, I get it. But I want to get you out of here because of all the broken glass from the lens.”
You looked frantically at the ground, realizing he was right. He let go of your wrists. “You’re not angry?” You signed. “Are you sure?” 
“Of course I’m sure. Come here,” And in one swift motion, he swept you off your feet into his arms and carried you into the other room, which was glass and broken plastic free.
He set you down, but pulled you close and wrapped his arms around you. “Why would I get angry at you for a little slip like that?” He asked. “We all make mistakes.”
“Just... I’m just used to it I guess.” You said out loud. 
He squeezed you tight and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “You don’t have to worry about that with me. Actually, I hope you’ll never have to worry at all.”
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mythicalfanfics · 4 years
Looking for some fanfic blogs to follow!
New, old, big, small—don’t care! 
I want to love on y’all’s stuff and be more active in my community of fellow fanfic writers. ❤
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dapperappleton · 5 years
Requests OPEN
Not sure if anyone knows/cares but I take requests for character x readers. I do imagines, headcanons, preferences, drabbles, whatever, but it’s mostly sort of short (600-1100 words). I won’t do specific names. Poly relationships are cool, I typically do gender neutral, platonic or romtantic, and I don’t write smut (usually but that might end up changing at some point).
Here are the fandoms I write for:
Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children
Marvel movies
Marvel actors
Agents of shield (I haven’t seen the end of season five or anything after that)
Sanders sides
Harry Potter
Crystal gems (I haven’t seen the movie or more recent seasons)
Markiplier and affiliations (teamiplier, egos, Tyler or Ethan’s egos)
Jacksepticeye and egos
BBC Sherlock
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chuuyrr · 5 years
❀ requests ❀
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❀ requests are open !
❀ feel free to drop requests in my inbox
❀ please avoid nsfw themes in the requests because i won't be doing them
❀ okay maybe i might BUT ONLY SLIGHT
❀ requests can be headcanons/oneshot of any of my multifandoms;
teamiplier (mark, ethan and tyler)
hunter x hunter
one punch man
green pewdiepie (jacksepticeye)
the egos (darkiplier/antisepticeye)
❀ just a heads up for slow updates and short hiatuses once in a while
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imaginingteamiplier · 6 years
Title: Persistence
Word Count: 729
Request from Anon:  hello 😊 can i get a markiplier imagine where the reader is shy and not really sure if she should date mark because of all his fans but mark is persistent (cuz he really likes her)? (((basically he's pining for her)))
Summary: Mark starts pining after you, and begins to be awfully persistent of the idea of you being his girlfriend. 
Genre: Fluff, Fem!Reader
Written by: Ella
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   Your relationship with Mark had always been great, but confusing. It didn’t take long for Mark to break through your apprehensive barrier and reach the soft, kindhearted, affectionate and humane core. And it didn’t long for him to ask you out. But somehow, in the months you had been going out on dates, making out, cuddling, and sleeping together, neither of you had put an official label on what your relationship was.
    Of course, you wanted to be Mark’s girlfriend, but you had seen the way his fans had reacted to his previous girlfriends. Not only did the threat of hate frighten you, but just the thought of twenty-million people wanting updates on you, looking up to you and breathing down your neck was enough to keep you up at night.
    So when Mark suddenly asked you one night to be his girlfriend, you put off the question for as long as you could. Mark let you have your space, thinking you needed time to consider your decision, but it wasn’t until three days later, standing in the office, that he realized you were avoiding him, and he decided to confront you.
    “Y/N!” He called as you walked past, grabbing your arm gently and pulling you aside so that he could speak with you alone. “Is everything okay?” He whispered, “You haven’t talked to me since Wednesday night.” He put a hand on your cheek, searching your expression for anything that would give away your emotions or thoughts.
    You sighed, knowing it was unfair to leave his questions unanswered when he so clearly had good intentions. “Mark, I just-”
    “-I didn’t make you uncomfortable, did I?” The more you read Mark’s expression, the more obvious it was he was genuinely concerned. The thought of having made you so uncomfortable that you bypassed him made a look of pure dismay and defeat cloud over his eyes.
    It hurt to have to explain the reasons why not to Mark when there were so many more reasons why to. But you poured all of it out to him, the anxiety you felt over having millions upon millions of people watching you constantly, always wanting to see you and hear your opinion on recent events. Millions of people either saying they want you to die, or that they’d die for you. The thought of that pressure was enough to bring you to tears until Mark put a hand on your cheek and brought you back to reality.
  “Y/N,” He started, his eyes staring so intensely into yours that it sent chills down your spine, “You don’t have to be afraid of the fans. We don’t have to tell them anything. We don’t have to tell them about us,” He slipped his unoccupied hand into yours, “I just want you.”
   You opened your mouth to speak, but was cut off by Ethan calling for you to help him. You seized the opportunity and called back that you were coming, walking away from Mark and once again leaving the poor man with no answer.
    The next morning you walked out of your bedroom to see that Mark was in your kitchen, fully dressed and making you breakfast. You narrowed your eyes at the man, though a smile only grew on his face.
    “Making breakfast is a very boyfriend-ly thing to do, isn’t it?” He said, his charming grin growing into a wicked smirk that made your cheeks heat up.
    The following weeks consisted of acting the way any normal couple would. You and Mark went grocery shopping together. He took you to the dog park with him and even kissed you in public. He helped make dinner and sang obnoxiously loud with you to the songs that played on the radio, and even gave in the being the big spoon for your enjoyment. Not once did he pick up his phone to check social media mid-date, not once did a fan mention you in a hateful Tweet or post something on Tumblr about how much they loved you and Mark together. It was just you and him, and sometimes Chica. And it was only the beginning of what Mark wanted to do with you as his official girlfriend.
    So, eventually, after a week or two of Mark’s persistent flattering and charm, you gave him the answer he had been looking for.
Tag List: @sanity-is-overratedxp @iimtyler @theashofwkm  @omgsweetascandy08 @thesleeplessfangirl @anothershorthuman   piper345678  mirandaisntcool
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bahannah01writes · 5 years
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This was going to be a flower fic, but I got mildly metaphorical and now it’s called lighthouse lol. Aaaa I know I haven’t written in forever and I’m far less than consistent but I’m hopefully still a decent writer and I will hopefully be uploading more and being here for you all more as well :) Thank you, everyone, for your continued support, I love y’all big time and you have no idea how much I appreciate it<3!! 
Kind of requested by this sweetie! @glorious-idiot I know it’s very late but I hope you enjoy, love! Also this may or may not have a part two because I feel like it could but I feel like it’s also good as is. Soooo tell me what you all think ! ^^
Warnings: Slightly Paranoid! Reader  
Send in requests!
Check out the masterlist here :)  
Tags: @kourt-kay @themarkiplierexperience  @let-it-go-and-live-again @skarletton @maximum-fander @randomboxofsadness @browniebri @amostpeculiarmademoisellerp @potteritis @kindasortagood  if you want to be on the tagged list,  just message me and it shall be done!
Sent to moomoo:
are you up?
Sent to moomoo:
aaaAa i dont want to bug but please tell me youre awake
Sent to moomoo:
     Sighing, you realize that you're alone for this one. You breathe in and out for a moment to try and calm your racing heart, but it seems to do very little. The voices from your TV acting only as a buzzing white noise in the background of your mind. You try to focus, eyes struggling to stay on the screen when they feel the need to dart and survey the room. Every little sound is sending your heart and mind into a panicked state. Feet grow cold and heavy, they keep you from moving whether you want to or not. Not unlike your voice, which appears to also be stuck and hiding from what may be around you. All you can manage to do is pull the blanket, your one layer of protection, tighter around your body in a hope that you can bury yourself from the world in its warmth.
     There was another noise from behind you. The sound of floors creaking only for just a second. In a swift motion, your head swerves to look in that direction and you swear you caught a shadow of a figure. Your eyes widen once again and you try to control your breathing. Hands grasping to get your phone once again, the screen illuminating your face in the dimly lit room as you debate what to do next. You lip finds itself between your teeth, a nervous habit showing itself in this moment of paranoia. You know you are making something out of nothing, but the fear you are feeling is nothing less than real.
     You needed to try again.
Sent to moomoo:
Im scared, mark
please just call me asap, ok?
     Your cat stares at you from the other side of the couch. Her curious eyes inspect you and senses that something is off. Rather than letting her make her way over, you reach over and pull her into your lap, a meow of resistance resonating in the room. You ignore it and instead, try to pet your nerves away. She eventually settles and begins to purr, content with this odd situation as long as she's getting pet. You, on the other hand, are still far from content with your situation.
     Why isn't Mark awake? You know you tell him all the time to get more sleep but why must tonight be the one night he decides to take your advice?
     He was always there for you when you were scared. Honestly, he was one of the only people you trusted enough to talk to about things like this. Mainly because he and Amy found out after they insisted you stayed and watched horror movies with them for Halloween… but that's beside the point. They were both able to be your lighthouse that guided you through the fog of paranoia in the late hours of the night. Only, it seems as if you may be left sailing blind tonight.
     Until a certain name catches your eyes and becomes a temptation.
     A mental debate fills your thoughts with ‘yes’s and ‘no’s and yet, you click the call button all the same. Not truly realizing it at first, either. As the phone rings in your hand, you panic for a whole new reason and with a shaky hand, hang up.
     You shake your head and place your phone down. That’s when you notice that the room appears darker than before. All the little noises that you were temporarily oblivious to fade back into your world. The large glass sliding door adjacent to the couch, hidden by mere curtains that are lighter than the weight on your chest, feels like it has transformed into a dismal portal. You can feel eyes on you. But how many? What if someone is just waiting out there for you and has been watching you all along? And… what if they come in?
     Your breath catches, it is as if you can already feel their hands around your throat. Your chest rises and falls like the unsteady waves of the deep ocean, you feel yourself sinking into the unknown and losing your sense of security.
     Your phone rings and at this noise of a possible saving grace, your desperate hands reach to answer without even looking at the caller id.
     “Hello?” You call out, voice wavering from the anxiety that has taken hold of your body.
     “Hey, (Y/n). You called..?”
     Ethan. Your eyes dart for a moment, debating if you should come out with it. Instinctively, you go to pet your cat but you notice she had left at some point without you noticing. This prompts you to go forth and tell him after all.
     “Yeah, I did… Sorry,” You automatically apologize, feeling bad for the emotional strife you are about to reveal to the poor boy. You would normally not even dare tell this secret fear of yours to him in case it would somehow ruin your chances with the sweetheart, but the fear raising in your head outweighs such small concerns. You hear him dismiss your apology and a shaky smile crosses your lips and you continue with, “I know it’s late but, I… I’m kind of really scared, right now, Ethan.” And with that, a humorless chuckle leaves your lips. The feeling of weakness now mixing with your paranoia, what if he sees you just as weak as you feel?
     It’s silent on the line. You feel yourself sink deeper into the depths of your mind at the idea that he may feel just as you suspect.
      “Would you like to hear a story?”
      A story? You’re a tad perplexed but curl into yourself and nod, “I, yeah, I would like to hear one, I think.” Your voice is less than confident but all the same, just listening to Ethan tell a story sounds nice.
     You feel like you can hear his golden smile over the phone as his voice lights up and begins to tell a story back from his years in junior high. Already sensing that it will probably be one with him acting stupid or coming up with some silly and delightful plan, your heart begins to lighten. You close your eyes and try to work on your breathing as you listen, hanging onto every word that falls from his lips and into your ear.
     A distracted mind no longer swarms your thoughts with the nightmarish and impossible situations that it seems to fill with at night. Instead, it begins to clear and you realize that you have another lighthouse.
     About five stories in, the clock on the wall reminds you that you have been up for far too long. You interrupt Ethan, “Oh wow, I’m sorry, Ethan! It’s like almost 3am. I didn’t mean to keep you up this late-”
     “You realize if anyone is keeping someone up, it’s me right?” His laugh that follows is sleepy, making you smile softly and roll your eyes.
     “I’m the one that called you, though.”
     “Cause you were scared and it’s my responsibility as your friend to help.”
     Guilt tugs at your heart but you try to shake it off. Because he was right, friends help friends with even the silliest of fears. “Thank you, Ethan,” you say, almost whispering, still a bit embarrassed but also very grateful to this man you have in your life.
     “It’s nothing, you’d do the same for me.”
     There is another moment of silence, only this one is filled with mutual admiration and love for one another.
     It is his sleepy laugh returning that breaks the silence, “You feel better right?”
     “I do!” You laugh lightly along with him.
     “Good. I want you to try and get some sleep tonight, alright?”
      “Alright, and again, just thank you so much.”
      He hums in response, “Call me again if you ever get scared. If you ever need me to come over too, tell me and I’ll be there,” Ethan chuckles and is grateful that you can’t see the blush growing on his cheeks, “I’ll always do what I can to protect you, even if it’s just from the things that go bump in the night.”
      You thank you for the third time before sharing an exchange of goodnights and finally hanging up. The smile refusing to leave your lips as you feel your heart not only at peace but also in complete and utter bliss at his words.
      Maybe he really could be your new lighthouse.
So, I really hope you all enjoyed this!! :) It may be a lil obvious but this is slightly personal as I get super spooked easily when I am alone and it’s night and I always end up spooking myself further because that’s what I do apparently lol Anywayyy, I wanted to say thank you to you guys again :) Justttt aaa I know I’m not the greatest so to everyone who is still supporting me and reading my stuff, bless you all and thank you so so so much!! I will try to do better by you all!! ^^
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Imagine Mark getting nervous every time he’s around you because he’s hopelessly in love
You’re also hopelessly in love and get equally as nervous. The whole gang has placed bets on who will cave in first.
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thirdhostage · 6 years
Quit it
Tyler: quit ignoring him, he sulks
Ethan: i'm not IGNORING Mark, jeez
Ethan: *sneezes*
Mark: bless you
Ethan: -gOD?
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ao3-writer · 6 years
Cold Bruises
anonymous asked: Ethan telling the team about a past abusive relationship?
anonymous asked: yo i love ur writing! can i get some crankipler where eth comes out to his parents and they arent accepting? love ur stuff
anonymous asked: yo can I have some sad crankiplier? 
[asdfghjkl let me know if yall want a pt 2 of this? Idk where this went but here ya go.]
 The first time that the group noticed the bruises was when they were at a gravity park, jumping from trampoline to trampoline, enjoying themselves like any good group of friends would. Ethan was doing flips over flips, Mark enviously doing his best to try and match Ethan’s pace. Finally, Tyler managed to grab hold on Ethan to slow him down, and he was the first to notice a trail of bruises on Ethan’s arm. 
  “Woah, are you okay? What happened?” Tyler asked. Ethan looked confused before following his eyes to his arm. The shorter man yanked his arm away, clutching it close to him defensively. “I-it was just an accident at the gym the other day. I’m fine.”
 Nobody said a word.
  The second time they caught the bruises was when they were trying to cook together at Mark’s new apartment. Ethan was reaching for something off the top shelf when his shirt slid up and a trail of bruises followed his stomach. Amy gasped and Ethan quickly pulled his shirt down. 
  “Eth, you’re so clumsy,” she said, attempting to play off some joke. Ethan looked at her and laughed.
  “Yeah, well, you know me,” Ethan said. Amy tried to pat his back, but only to have him flinch at the action. Mark eyed Ethan suspiciously. Tyler looked over his shoulder to see why everyone became so quiet. “Like Amy said,” Ethan mumbled, “I’m clumsy...”
 Nobody said a word.
By the third time, Mark finally took action in calling Ethan out. They were in the office working on their own things. Tyler was trying to show Amy something and Mark noticed Ethan kept touching his shoulder and wincing whenever he did. Mark went over and sat by Ethan, startling the other man.
  “Hey, Mark,” he said, nonchalantly in his usual tone. “What are you up to?”
  “Ethan, is something wrong?” Mark asked, not bothering to lower his voice. Ethan’s eyes flashed fear, but he hid it behind a little chuckle. “Nah, I’m fine. Just a little tired is all. But I swear i’m fine.”
  “Why are you bruised all the time?” Mark dropped the question without much sympathy. The room got quiet and all eyes were of Ethan. “u-uh I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Ethan said, voice defensive.
  “Eth, we’ve seen the bruises. What’s going on?” Mark said, stretching his hand out to grab his arm but only for Ethan to violently flinch and fall out of his chair. Amy’s eyes were saddened and Ethan looked panicked. He stood up and took deep breaths, looking at the others expectantly.
  “I-i’m fine. I’m fine, okay? Leave me alone,” he mumbled the last bit as he grabbed his things and bolted down the stairs and out the door. The team stood still, unsure of how to feel about what just happened. 
  Ethan told them unexpectedly during their third attempt at cooking as a group. Tyler made his home style pasta and everybody basically scarfed the whole thing down in one go. Ethan cleared his throat after a second and stood up.
  “Aw, you’re going already? But you didn’t get seconds,” Amy whined. Kathryn stole the spoon from Amy’s hand and served herself her own seconds. Mark looked at Ethan, noticing he looked... nervous.
  “N-no. I just.... I need to tell you guys something.... Something I know you’ve all been wondering for a while now..”
 Everyone sat silently, giving Ethan their full attention. “I--” the single letter came out choked, almost broken. He proceeded. “I’ve been... struggling with who I am... for a long time now. Mark, the reason why I came to LA so soon is because... I literally had nowhere else to turn to. My parents kicked me out when I- when I came out. And I was jumping from couch to couch among my friends. You... you guys gave me something I never thought I’d have again... a family.”
  The words sunk in and Amy started to tear up first. Kathryn’s jaw dropped in shock. “B-but then I met somebody. He was nice... for the most part. Then he started... started to take his anger out on me. And I felt useless and he threatened that if I ever told anybody that he’d k-kill me...” Mark took a deep breath and Tyler held his own. “I was scared. I’ve been scared for a long time and I... I didn’t think I’d ever be able to get out of that.” Ethan’s voice cracked at places and Kathryn had to wipe her glasses to focus. 
  “I left him a week ago and I’ve been.. so liberated since then and I’m so happy that y-you guys a-are m-my friends,” Ethan sobbed as he collapsed back in his chair. The group rose from their chairs at that moment to crowd around Ethan and embrace him in a hug. Mark put his forehead against Ethan’s and took a deep breath.
  “I swear to God I will find him a-and beat the shit out of him for doing this to you. He’s fucking a prick a-and I swear I’m going to beat his stupid fucking face in and-and I’ll kill him. I swear I’ll kill him for you, Eth. I’ll find him and I’ll-i’ll-”
  “Mark...” Amy cautioned as they hugged Ethan through his tears. The room grew quiet, minus the lowering sobs, but they held together. Ethan stopped crying and let his friends hold him and provide the comfort that they would be there for him. They’d always be there for him. The food grew cold and the night went by, but the team stood by his side, holding him and telling him that he’d be alright.
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mayjaymayjay · 6 years
Title: Numb Word Count: 5709 Pairings: Platonic Teamiplier, Romantic Amy/Mark (Amyplier) Warnings: Break-up, Violence, Blood, Panic Attack, Nightmares, Possession, Major Character Death Summary: Mark hasn’t felt like himself lately. To paint a picture, he attacked Tyler for no real reason, Amy even broke up with him to give him space, and his typical nightmares just keep getting worse. These nightmares have gotten so bad, Mark is starting to think something is seriously wrong. It’s not a matter of something though, it’s a matter of someone. A familiar face he had completely forgotten. Author Note: Again, this was written a while back, more specifically when Ethan had blue hair. So that’s why he’s still blue boy.
The dark haired YouTuber, Mark Fischbach, otherwise known as Markiplier, shut down his desktop and leaned back in his chair. He had just finished making and editing a few videos, ready to upload for the next day. Mark was exhausted, but definitely didn't mind it, he loved his job and almost everything about it, but, lately, he felt as if he had to force himself to react to certain things, most things, in fact.
Maybe he was just getting in a funk due to recent personal drama, but making videos were always a distraction from things like that. Why was it so difficult to let himself escape, now? He shrugged it off, he couldn't think about that right now.
The young adult sighed. “I'm sure it's nothing,” he assured himself. “Just thinking too much.”
He got up on his feet and walked out of the room, making sure to shut the door behind him.
“Hey, Mark,” his friend greeted from the couch in front of the flatscreen.
“Hey, Tyler,” he replied, sitting next to him, trying to maybe start a conversation. “What are you watching?”
“Just some stupid reality show,” he shrugged with a sigh.
“Oh okay,” he said, leaning on the arm of the couch, his face rested on his hand.
As much as Mark liked silence, he didn't care for the awkward and tense silence, he needed to address the problem at hand. “Look, about yesterday, I'm really sorry,” he said, looking towards the other young man.
“It's really not a big deal,” Tyler looked back at him, lowering the volume a bit. “I was just confused about why you acted like that.”
“I, uh,” Mark didn't know either. “I'm gonna be honest, I really don't know why. I've felt a bit off for no real reason, lately.”
“Is it because of the incident a few weeks ago with Amy?” He asked.
“Maybe,” he glanced at the floor, then returned his gaze back to Tyler. “I can't say that I expected it, but I also can't say I didn't. She just did what she thought was right and I respect her for that, even if I'm not too happy about it.”
“I understand,” he nodded.“But I don't think that's it,” the man continued. “She broke up with me because she sensed something off and knew I needed time to figure stuff out, in her words, the burden of a relationship would just cause more problems.”
“Oh, yeah,” Tyler turned off the television, giving his full attention to his friend. “But I think the break up enhanced it a bit more. You weren't yourself before it, but you're definitely not yourself now.”
“I really wish I could explain why,” Mark said. “Making videos is becoming difficult too. What is wrong with me, Tyler?”
“If I knew, I would tell you,” his eyebrows lowered a bit.Markiplier looked forward, thinking about what could've caused his recent actions, sure his breakup was a damper on his mood, but, again, he felt this way for a while. Even so, normally, feelings have a reason for lingering, especially if it's been at least five months since he even felt the slightest feeling.
“Hey,” Tyler called, placing a comforting hand on Mark’s shoulder. “Whatever it is, you'll get through it. You always do.”
The YouTuber looked towards Tyler and smiled a bit, he was truly lucky to have such a great friend. He nodded. “Thanks, Tyler.”
“No problem,” he patted Mark’s shoulder and leaned back on the armrest on the couch. “Just remember, I'm always right.”
“Dude, you can't pronounce ‘archive’ right,” the young man rolled his eyes.
“I'm telling you!” He argued. “You can pronounce many words different ways and it's considered right!”
“That’s not true with archive!” Mark exclaimed using his hands to emphasize his words. “At least not the stupid way you say it!”
“Yes it is!” Tyler replied. “Don't try to tell me bull!”"You're the only one who's saying bullshit right now!”
“No I'm not, you are!”
“No, you are!”
“No, you are!”
“Oh my god,” Ethan yelled from another room away. “Shut up!”
The two boys busted out laughing at Ethan’s annoyance towards them, Mark and Tyler needed that laugh, especially after that incident last night.
To explain, the night before, started out fine until Tyler joked about something, it meant no harm, obviously, but Mark wasn't feeling quite right, so, next thing he knew, he had Tyler pinned up against a wall using only his forearm, while his other hand readied a fist about to punch the daylights out of him. Ethan broke them apart before Mark could do anything, but if Ethan weren't there, who knows what might've happened. Looking back, Mark was almost impressed with his strength, Tyler was a strong guy, so the fact he pinned him up against a wall was surprising, regardless, he still felt bad about it.
Mark awoke in a dark abyss, light enough to see his hand in front of his face, but just dark enough to not see five feet ahead of him. His eyes darted in front, left, right, and behind him to try and find an exit, but there wasn't one.“Hello, Mark,” a deep voice called. “It's been a while, hasn't it?”
“Who's there?!” He cried frantically, like a stereotypical first kill in a horror movie.“Oh come on,” it said, still emotionless. “You remember me. How could you possibly forget me?”
“Show yourself!” Wow, Mark must've really wanted to be a typical horror movie character.
“As you wish,” the being stepped towards the frightened man, only two feet away from him. “Remember me now?” He immediately recognized that man, with his wavy hair, sunken, red eyes, pointed ears, and deathly pale skin. It was himself, but not, it was himself from an alternate universe, opposite from his own. It's name was “Darkiplier”.
“Oh my god,” he gasped, putting a hand over his mouth. “It's… it’s you!”
“Didn't think I existed did you?” Darkiplier smirked.
“It's impossible,” Mark said. “You are just a figment of my fan’s and my imagination.”
The intimidating man laughed menacingly at the poor soul in front of him. “Oh, Mark, I'm so much more than that.” He looked away, searching for some way out of this terrifying situation, but this only angered the entity in front of him.
“Look at me!” The pale entity commanded, grabbing Mark’s face, and facing it towards him. “You cannot deny me any longer!”
The young man pushed the evil figure off of himself, trying to slow his breathing as he did so. “You're not real! That's a definite fact!”
“Oh, I'm real,” he chuckled. “‘Darkiplier’ is just as real as you or any other person you know. I am you.
”Chills went down Markiplier’s spine. “I-if you're me, then why haven't I noticed you?”
“You have, poor soul,” Dark replied, a wide grin creeping onto his face. “Remember that ‘off’ feeling you've been feeling lately?”
“N-no,” the strong young man stuttered. “You don't exist, damnit!”
“I'm THAT feeling,” he laughed darkly. “That emptiness, that hollow never-ending feeling, that NUMB feeling. You are only of a hollow husk of what you used to be, all because of ME.”
“H-how?!” He cried. “I would never, EVER let you in! Even if you ARE real!”
“Oh, but you did. Do you remember that stupid little video you made with me?”Mark’s eyes widened. “It can't be!”The heartless creature laughed hard, causing Mark to flinch. “When you ‘acted’ as me, you conjured me back up, from none other than the depths of your mind.”
“How is that possible?!” He shook his head. “That's not even logical!”
The dark entity shrugged. “Beats me, but I am so delighted to be here.”
“No!” Mark attempted to punch the creature, but it simply turned into a dark dust-like blob and avoided the punch by forming around it. It then tightened around Mark’s fist, slowly crawling towards him, causing the man to scream, hoping that somebody, anybody, could hear his cries.
Mark jolted upright from his bed, letting out a little shout, soon realizing that was all just some stupid nightmare. He panted until he slowly regained his normal breathing pace, then sighing in relief. He looked around the dark room just to double check he was indeed back in his room.
The man was used to nightmares, after all, he had then frequently, some even appealed to him in an odd way, however, this one was quite different from the normal nightmares he had, this one felt more realistic. It was like he was actually with that entity and having an argument that very fruitless in the sense they didn't really go anywhere with it. It was an argument with himself after all, just a more grim version of himself.
What if that was real? What if that was actually Darkiplier telling him that this was all his fault? There's no way, though, no possible way. Darkiplier was just some character his subscribers made up and he decided to add on, nothing more.
Mark got up and went to the bathroom, he just needed to wash his face, maybe it'll clear his head, that's what they did in the movies, right? So he did exactly that, but when he looked into the mirror, he met face to face with the alternate version of himself, causing him to jump back and rub his eyes. It went away after that. After calming himself down, rationalizing that as a simple hallucination due to that stupid nightmare he had.
He went back to his room and turned his phone on, it was two-thirty in the morning. He groaned and contemplated whether or not to go back to bed. He could at least get another two and a half hours of sleep. It was just another nightmare, surely he was used to them. He laid back down on his bed, he checked his phone again, it slipping from his hands and hitting him in the face.
“Ow,” he calm said, picking the phone back up and putting back on his bedside table. “Okay, that's a sign to go to bed.”
He rolled over to his side and fell back to sleep, a pleasant dream-less slumber.
“Hello everybody!” He greeted his viewers. “My name is Markiplier!”
Another day, another recording session, despite his recent emotions, he had his job to do. It was always an escape from real life anyway and he much needed that. Though, he didn't feel quite right, physically and mentally, he felt kinda queasy. So he let Tyler sit in his office to watch over him. The older man didn't do much anyway, he just played on his phone quietly, occasionally looking up to make sure his friend was okay.
The game he played was a fan game, it was like a Markiplier Misadventures type of game, the characters were quirky, including himself. Even if it wasn't a Markiplier fan game, it could easily stand on its own. For some reason, Mark was a bit anxious on finding out who the main antagonist was, he had a feeling it was going to be Darkiplier, it normally is.
Tyler sensed a bit of tension and looked up at his friend, a bit concerned. Mark wasn't playing a horror game, there shouldn't be any tension. Maybe there was just a creepy scene or something. Tyler still kept an eye out, but continued to play a mindless game on his phone, occasionally staring up at Mark.
Just as Mark expected, the main antagonist was Darkiplier. Something turned in Mark’s stomach, he felt the urge to vomit and felt the urge to pass out at the same time. He tried to play it off with a joke, but as soon as his mouth opened, he fell to the floor.
“Oh my god!” Tyler cried as he jumped out of his seat and ran over to Mark. “Mark! Mark! Mark! Mark! Ethan!”
Ethan ran into the room. “Holy hell, what the fuck happened?!”
“Mark just passed out, get some cold water!” Tyler commanded.
“Okay!” He nodded and ran to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of cold water from the fridge, then running back to Mark’s office. “Here!”
Tyler quickly grabbed the bottle, leaned Mark against the wall, and poured the water on his face. “We may have to call an ambulance.
”As if on cue, Mark woke up with a loud gasp and cough.“Mark!” The two young men exclaimed.
“What happened?” Mark asked, sitting himself up better on the wall.
“Don't strain yourself, you just passed out,” Tyler warned, giving the bottle of water to him.
“How are you feeling?” Ethan asked, fear and concern in his eyes.
“Like shit,” Mark answered, taking a sip of water.
“When you said to look out for you I just thought you just felt nauseous, I didn't know you'd pass out,” Tyler said.
“I didn't either,” Mark replied. “I don't even know what could've caused that.”
“Did you lock your knees?”
“Not to my knowledge,” he shrugged. “Last thing I remember I was just playing a fan game and…”
“And?” Ethan tried to get him to continue.“Shit! Am I still recording?” Mark tried to get up, but the two men stopped him.
“I'll check it,” Ethan stood up and looked at his recording software. “Yup, do you want me to stop it or explain what's going on?”
“Explain, I'll edit it all later,” the dark haired YouTuber said.“Okay, so,” Ethan began. “It's Ethan and Mark kinda just passed out, so he's gonna take a break, he's okay though.”
“Yeah, I'm fine!” Mark raised his hand up, giving the camera a thumbs-up.“He just got a bit sick so,” he trailed of a bit, looking back at his friends, then quickly turning back to the camera. “Like I said, he's fine he just needs a small break. Anyway, love you all, bye!”
With that, Ethan turned off the recording. “I'm sorry that outro sucked.”
“No, you're fine,” Mark assured. “My fault I passed out like a total wuss.”
“Oh come on,” the blue-haired young man said. “You couldn't help that.
”Mark leaned his head against the wall, his face upwards. “I should've just took a break for a day.”
“Well, you are now,” Ethan joked.Mark smirked a bit.
“Come on, we'll help you get to your room,” Tyler said.
Tyler and Ethan helped their friend up slowly, careful not to hurt him. They then took him up to his bedroom door. “Okay, I’ve got it from here,” he said opening the door.
“Hey,” Tyler began. “I know you don’t really like your door open but please leave it open so we’ll be able to hear you if you call for us, okay?”
“Yeah, sure thing,” Mark replied. “Thank you guys for looking out for me.”
“No problem, Mark!” Ethan chirped. “Anything for a friend!”
Mark smiled and went into his room, while his friends went downstairs. He plopped onto his bed and got under the covers. He then realized he was wearing shoes, pants, and a shirt. He groaned, annoyed with himself, he kicked off his shoes and pants. He decided against taking his shirt off, since it may be a bit too much work for him.
He began to drift off to sleep, but then remembered the dream he had last night and fought off sleep. He looked to his bedside table and realized he didn’t bring his phone. “Shit.” This was going to be harder than he thought. Unintentionally, he fell asleep after trying to fight it off for a few minutes.
Mark woke up next to Tyler on the couch. They were joking and talking with each other while Ethan sat on the other couch, laughing and joking as well. Mark felt a little bit of déjà vu, but disregarded it as a random feeling. All of the sudden, everything seemed to blur together in a weird colorful mixture, once that cleared, Mark seemed to be out of his body, like a third person video game or movie. He saw himself pin Tyler against the wall with his forearm. He knew exactly what was going on now.
“Ethan! Stop me!” Mark cried to his friend.
When Ethan tried to stop Mark’s mindless clone, he was thrown back by an invisible force, causing him to hit the ground hard on his back. He grunted on impact. Tyler attempted to kick Mark, but it was a fruitless attempt. Ethan didn’t give up though, he got back up and tried to pull Mark off of his friend again, but the same result happened.
“Mark, stop!” Ethan cried, getting off the ground again.
The real Mark screamed at himself to stop as well, but no one could hear him. Every time Mark tried to go back into his body, he was rejected. Every time he tried to run forward and stop whatever was happening, he was rejected. All he could do is watch in horror as the scene took place. No how many times he would scream or cry, there was nothing he could possibly do. He was helpless.
No matter how many times he fell, Ethan got back up. It hurt more and more each time, but he still got back up. He cared for his friends and would stop at nothing to protect him. Ethan got back up slower this time and tried to jump at Mark from behind, this time, it was the final blow. When the blue haired boy fell he hit his head on the edge of the couch. He fell out of consciousness, leaving the seemingly possessed Mark to continue his job.
“Ethan please get back up!” Mark pleaded through his sobs, but Ethan was just as helpless as he was.
“It’s pointless, you know?” A familiar voice asked. “Tyler is going to die and there’s nothing you or he can do to stop me.”
He knew that phrase, this was a dream. He couldn’t control the dream, if he could, that thing possessing Mark’s body wouldn’t be a problem. He had to wake up before he saw the rest of this story play out.
“Come on, me, wake up!” He cried grabbing his head tightly, shutting his eyes tightly. “Wake up!”
“It’s pointless,” the voice said. “Might as well accept your own and friend’s fate. He is going to die and you can only watch.”
“Shut up!” He exclaimed.
“You can’t simply dispose of me, Mark.” The voice was right in front of him, this getting a bit more physical. The mystery voice placed a hand under Mark’s chin and pointed it towards himself. Mark opened his eyes and finally confirmed his thoughts. “I am as real as real can get. I am not a little nightmare. You will eventually see what you I am full capable of, eventually, but until then, my alternate, you should enjoy the show I have provided for you. It’s quite rude to look away like you did.”
The dark alternate disappeared into thin air as Mark was forced to watch the scene unfold. He couldn’t move or blink, he was fully under control of his evil self. The thing pinning Tyler against the wall, continued with his violent rampage, this time, he decided that he would finally beat the tall man until he was rendered useless. The true Mark continued to sob and whimper uncontrollably as he watched his friend get punched repeatedly.
Each punch left a new mark, a new bruise, a bloodied nose, or a tooth missing. He kept punching until Tyler was unrecognizable. The evil being let go of his victim, letting him slump down to the floor. Tyler got on his hands and knees as he choked on his own blood, letting splatter onto the floor. The assailant looked down at the sight and smirked. He kicked Tyler in the face, knocking him down on his back. He decided it wasn’t enough to hurt him beyond recognition, he was going to finish the job.
“Please,” Tyler managed to get out. “Stop.”
Mark screamed and pleaded to someone, anything that would stop this madness. “Stop hurting him! Please! You’ve done all you could, please stop this! I get it!”
Mark jolted upwards from his supine position. He was drenched in a cold sweat and tears as he hyperventilated and shook frantically. Tears stained his face as he finally realized that he was out of that hellish nightmare. “Tyler! Ethan!” He held himself and rocked back and forth as he continued to cry.
The two boys rushed into Mark’s room as soon as they could. “What’s wrong?” Tyler asked as he and Ethan ran to Mark’s side.
Mark grabbed the two of them into a comforting embrace. He continued to sob as they returned the hug. They realized what happened, Mark had a really bad nightmare. They both knew Mark often had nightmares, but he would occasionally have a more vivid one that would really get to him. As soon as Mark gave way, they let go of each other and were prepared to listen to whatever their friend had to say.
“You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to,” Ethan stated upfront.“I-I… I just-”-his sentence was interrupted by his sobs and hyperventilating. “-I tried t-to save you.”
“Hey,” Tyler said in a soft tone. “It’s okay, we’re here, we’re safe. It’s going to be okay.”
Mark’s breathing slowed down a bit at the comforting comment. “I’m sorry I couldn’t do anything.”
“Mark, you can’t control your nightmares,” Ethan replied, becoming more and more concerned by the second.
“No, that night,” Mark was forcing his words, but it was becoming less and less of a chore. “When we got into the fight, I saw it happen and I couldn’t stop anything. You were hurt and I couldn’t stop myself. I couldn’t look away, I was frozen by HIM.”
The dark haired man started up a fit of sobs as he remembered the dream again in every horrific detail. He knew now that Dark meant business and he would do anything to achieve his goal, no matter what it was.
“Who’s him?” Tyler asked, furrowing his eyebrows.“You’re not gonna believe me,” Mark replied trying to suck it up. He wasn’t hyperventilating anymore, just crying profusely.
“Anything can happen in a dream,” Ethan tried to assure him.“No, this wasn’t just a dream, there’s more to it,” the crying man said. “I’ve been having nightmares, each more vivid, and they’re all controlled by Dark.”
“Dark?” Ethan cocked his head slightly.
“My evil alter ego my subscribers created a long time ago.” He knew he sounded insane, but this was the truth. “I know I sound crazy, but my subscribers had some kind of point. He’s real, there’s videos I barely remember posting because of him. That bad fight was because of him. These nightmares are all because of him! Please believe me!”
The youngest and eldest exchanged glances with each other, then looked back at their friend. Mark was bad at keeping promises, but he wasn’t a liar. There were some things that are beyond our understanding, this was one of those things. They may not understand it, but they care about their friend too much to just leave him and disregard his problems. Even if this problem was hard to believe.
“We believe you, Mark,” Tyler assured. “We do need to get some rest though.”
“I don’t want to go back asleep,” He quickly replied. “I can’t deal with it. I know that’s not the worst he can do, I don’t want to see his worst.”Tyler hesitated a moment in thought, then got an idea. “I actually think I have something that can help you.”
Tyler got up and walked out of the room for a few moments, just to come back as quickly as he left with a blue and red small item in his hand. “Here.” He placed the small object in Mark’s hand.
Mark held the item by its string to examine it. “A dreamcatcher?”
“Yeah,” Tyler began as he sat back down on the bed. “I used to have bad dreams as a kid often, borderline night terrors some nights, so my mom got me a dreamcatcher. After I tied it to my bed, my nightmares decreased until they finally went away. I don’t know if this can help, but it doesn’t hurt to try.”
“Do you think it really helped?” Mark asked. He wasn’t doubting Tyler’s story, more so curious as to if it really works or not.“Maybe,” his friend shrugged. “It could be just a placebo, but if it helps, it helps.”
“I had one of these as a kid too,” Ethan perked up. “I didn’t have nightmares that often before, I just liked the way they looked, but I never got any nightmares after getting one.”
“I’ll try it,” Mark shrugged.
Mark awoke in a dark area again, but he didn’t feel scared, disappointed, or even angry. He didn’t feel anything, just numb.
“I see you’re back for more,” the familiar voice said, appearing in front of him with a smirk.
“No, just trying to sleep,” Mark replied with no emotion.
“I saw your little episode with your friends a moment ago,” he chuckled darkly. “You truly are weak.”
“No,” he said, keeping the same deadpan tone. “If I were weak, you would be able to control, me right now, but you’re not.”This slightly annoyed Dark. “I can do whatever I want, I don’t want to control you right now, so I am not, simple as that.”
“I’m completely vulnerable right now, why wouldn’t you take this chance?”
“If you wish,” the creature shrugged and smirked as he lifted his hand and positioned it next to his face.
Mark watched his alternate slowly become angry as he continually attempted to snap and make something happen.
“What the hell?!” Dark flailed his arms forward, staring at them with fury, his hair getting out from its original neat position. The red and blue around the no longer composed entity separated for a split second to reveal two different screaming faces, different from Dark’s. Mark didn’t give much thought to it, simply shrugged it off.
Mark smiled a bit. “The funny thing about the human mind is when you gain full control of it, you can do amazing things.”
Dark glared at his origin with malice. “What the hell are you blabbering about now?!”
“You’re powerless,” Mark declared.“You wish!” He chuckled, standing upright. “You forget who you’re talking to right now!”
“A figment of my fans’ and my imagination,” the brave man stared into the eyes of the powerless monster. “My fans created you and I brought you to life, but I’m putting you down.”
“If you think you can get rid of me, you are sadly mistaken,” the creatures tried to put on a convincing evil smile.
“I don’t think anything,” Mark replied. “I know I can. I’m not going to let you affect me, my friends, family, or my fans again!”
Lightning clashed at the YouTuber’s words. This startled Dark as he abruptly glanced at the world around him then return his gaze back at his rival.
“Y-you can’t get rid of me! I’m part of you!” He cried, this must his last resort.
“You forget,” Mark stepped forward towards his enemy, causing Dark to move back. “You are the opposite of me, you are anything but a part of me.”
Dark’s world was crumbling around him, his glitches became more prominent. His glitches would act up occasionally, except if he felt extreme emotion, right now, he felt fear. He was going to disappear and there was nothing he could do. The screaming faces from before appeared behind Mark, now in full body, placed their hands on his shoulders, but only Dark saw this. Dark was alone now, even parts of himself were abandoning him, along with the very person who brought him to life. He failed.
Dark screamed in anguish, gripping his head, as he began to flicker in and out of the mindscape. He looked towards Mark with fear in his eyes. The red and blue figures looked down on him in disgust, the red one more so than the blue. The blue seemed more so disappointed than disgusted. Mark looked down on him in triumph, however it wasn’t with a radiant smile or puffed out chest, it was just a simple fact. The evil entity one last cry before he finally disappeared, leaving only echoes behind.Mark felt slight pressure on his shoulders, he looked side to side, noticing the two blue and red figures. Once he noticed them, the let go of his shoulders and floated forward, facing towards him. They both smiled, the blue one let out a tear from his eye while the red one nodded gently at the man.
Mark felt a slight tinge in his heart, one he hadn’t felt in a very long time, it was a bit of sadness, almost like he just lost something dear to him. The two figures grabbed each other’s hands, looked at each other, then faded away, instead of echoes, they left a great white light that completely covered the mindscape.
Mark woke up the next morning, gently opening his eyes. The sun was pouring through the blinds that covered his window nearest to his bed. He sat upwards and looked towards his door. He quickly got up and ran downstairs, like a child on Christmas morning. He was happy, almost excited. He defeated the being that haunted him.
He was about to call out to his friends, but his friends were asleep on the couch, bundled up in a mountain of blankets. He smiled at his comrades, if anyone deserved rest, they certainly did.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
Three quiet short knocks sounded from the front door. Mark suddenly noticed he was wearing nothing but boxers. Using quick thinking, he ran to his bedroom, grabbed his flannel housecoat, put it on, and swiftly ran back stairs to the door.
He opened the door. “Hey, sorry I took so long, I just”-Amy was standing in front of him- “oh, hi,” he interrupted himself. “How are you?”
“I actually came to visit you,” she smiled gently. “I got a text from Tyler, I thought I’d come by.”
“Y-yeah.” Dammit, Tyler. “I’m doing much better, I just got a bit sick.”
He realized he was standing in her way. “Sorry! Come on in.”
He moved aside, sighed out into the hallway, and closed the door behind the blonde. “Tyler and Ethan are sleeping on the couch, rough night, you know?”
“Nightmare?” She asked quietly.
“How’d you know?” He faced towards her.“Lucky guess,” she joked, holding up her phone and pointing to it.
“Huh,” He looked back at Tyler, then back at her. “Do you want anything? Food? Anything to drink?”
“I really wanted to make sure you were okay,” she put her phone back her pocket and looked back towards him. “You do look better since we’ve last seen each other.”
“Yeah.” Mark glanced to the side.
“Mark,” she gained back his attention. “I’m sorry how things turned out. I should have helped you out, not just leave you.”
“Amy, you didn’t just leave me,” he assured. She wasn’t the problem.
“When two people get into a relationship, they are supposed to be there for each other.”
“You did was right for you, that’s fine, that’s what you should do.”
“But I didn’t do what was good for you.”
“Amy, you did, I would have tried to distract myself from my issues instead of solving them. I needed to figure things out and I did. You helped inadvertently… kinda.”
He grabbed her hands and gazed into her eyes. “Amy, whether you believe it or not, you helped me. You have been my motivation and the reason for my joy. You’re the most beautiful girl in the world and I’ve somehow been lucky enough to have met and get to know you.”
She looked back into his brown eyes and gained back her smile a bit. “I’m lucky enough to get to know one of the most kind and generous people I know.”
He smiled. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” she let go of his hands and hugged him.He quickly hugged her back. He missed her, he missed little moments like this. He missed feeling happy and content.“That’s so damn cute!” A familiar cheery voice complimented.
The couple let go of each other for and looked towards the source of the voice. Dammit Ethan. Tyler and Ethan peered over the couch, watching Mark and Amy. Tyler glared at Ethan, who blew their cover.
Amy and Mark laughed at the two eavesdroppers. “Well, so much for that moment,” Mark joked.
“Sorry!” Ethan cried with a small giggle.The couple went over to the couch and sat next to them, deciding that today should just be a makeup and break day. Mark normally abhorred the thought of a break, but today did not seem that bad.
“Let’s rewatch Stranger Things!” Ethan suggested.
“Hold up!” Amy exclaimed, taking her phone out of her pocket and went to her contacts. “Let’s get Kathryn over!”
Teamiplier was finally back to normal. No more Darkiplier, no more emotional breakdowns, and no more nightmares. All was safe and placid.
A creature lurked quietly in the dark side of the mindscape, he was wounded, but still alive. He wanted revenge but he knew that would not be a smart thing to do at this very moment. He needed to gain back his strength. He was fine in his little dark corner for now, but as soon as he felt the need or grew weary of the corner, he would be ready to strike.
The creature watched the brighter side of the mindscape, watched as the man who gave him life cuddling with his rekindled romantic interest and his team of friends on a couch, watching that weird show that everyone seems to enjoy. He smirked. Yeah, Mark would meet Dark again, stronger and definitely smarter.
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joan-of-stars · 5 years
Can you do 38 with depressed chubby reader x Dark or Mark? It's like that 1 am depression and I need something
38. “Stop pretending you care.”
The digital clock on your end table was glaring 1:34 p.m. at you. You needed to get up. As much as you wanted to sink into the mattress and stay there forever, it wasn’t making you feel any better.
Mark had been busy all day. He was an early riser and you were absolutely not, so he was usually up and recording by the time you were awake, much less managed to get out of bed.
You didn’t want to worry him though. He knew you saw a therapist, but he didn’t know how bad it was. So you forced yourself out of bed. In an attempt to seem halfway functioning, you grabbed various shirts, but each one made you feel worse than the last: too small, shows too much, makes my hips look too wide, etcetera. In the end, you frustratedly yanked a hoodie from the closet and replaced the one you were already wearing. Good enough. 
But the damage was done, and now you were fixated on how awful you felt. Trapped in your own body.
You traipsed into the living room, avoiding the full length mirror you kept by the door. Really all you did was migrate from the bed to the couch, and go back to scrolling mindlessly through your dashboard, barely actually reading what was there.
Mark walked in a few minutes later, and noticed how exhausted and disheveled you still looked. “Hey you,” He said.
You glanced up from your phone and gave him the best smile you could, although you didn’t need to see it to know it was weak. “Hi.” 
He joined you on the couch, pulling you close and laying with you there. “How are you doing?” He asked.
You tensed. He was starting to notice. “Fine. Just tired.”
He ran a hand through your hair. “Are you sure? You’ve been kinda out of it the last few days.”
“How do you mean?” You asked.
“Yesterday I walked in on you staring at a wall for like eight minutes.” He said. 
Oh. Yeah. That happened sometimes. You tried to laugh it off. “Yeah, guess I get weird when I don’t sleep enough.” 
“You’ve been sleeping a lot lately. Are you sure you’re okay?” 
You felt your stomach sink. He wasn’t letting this go. “Yeah. I’m fine, Mark.”
He rubbed small circles into your back. “You can talk to me. It’s okay. I’m not going to get angry or anything.” 
Wow. He knew exactly what to say. You’d had terrible experiences telling people close to you about how dark your mind was- trauma that made it almost impossible for you to talk about it, and lift some of the burden off your own shoulders, even if it wasn’t much. “No. It’s nothing.” 
He gently kissed the crown of your head. “I want to know, (Y/n). I want to be able to support you.” 
Suddenly, you were angry. You didn’t know where that came from, but you didn’t really care. You pulled away. “Stop. Please.”
He sat up, obviously concerned. “Stop what?” 
“Stop pretending you care!” You nearly shouted. 
There was silence. That was too much. The anger drained away as quickly as it had come, and you dropped your head into your hands, overcome with shame.
“(Y/n)...” He didn’t know what to say. “Of course I care,” 
“No-” You were crying. If you spoke, it would turn into sobbing. He touched your arm, silently asking permission to hold you again. You let yourself be pulled against his chest and cradled.
“I’m sorry.” You said, voice cracking.
“Don’t be sorry.” He said tenderly. “You have nothing to be sorry for. Do you want to talk about it?” You didn’t answer, and after a moment, he asked “Please?” 
You sniffled. “I’m just so sick of me.” You said. “Why aren’t you? I’m so...” there were a million ways to finish that sentence, none of them pretty. 
Thankfully, he interrupted before you could. “I love you.” He said, as if that explained everything. He squeezed you tightly. “I want you to feel okay.” 
“How can I? I carry myself with me everywhere. I can’t get away from that.” You said, trying not to think about you weight, your clothes, your brain, how they all tag-teamed to make you feel like absolute shit. 
He didn’t answer right away. He didn’t know anything about this, and you were convinced you were putting too much of a burden on him. “I’m sorry. Forget I said that.” 
“No. I want to help. Maybe it’s time to see someone more qualified. Have you been in bed for the past few days because you feel bad?” 
It went against every instinct in your body to whisper a quiet “Yes.” 
He pulled back just enough to look in your eyes. “Let’s get you an appointment with someone, okay? We can figure this out. I’ll be here with you every step of the way.” 
“I don’t- I don’t want to make you carry that.” You wiped your eyes. 
He smiled sadly at you. “I want to. Because I love you. You don’t have to do this alone.” 
You buried your head in the crook of his shoulder and he held you tight. “We’ll figure this out. I promise.”
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2sidedmonologue · 6 years
Fic Writing Help?
I’m writing a Teamiplier superhero fic (Here is the first chapter if you’re interested) and I wanted to introduce a couple of heroes and maybe villains for cameos in the next chapter. Preferably other Youtubers, but OC’s would probably be fine too. If you want to, it would be lovely to receive a couple of suggestions. 
Just make sure to add their real name, their superhero/villain name, and their abilities. Their outfit may be helpful too. Keep in mind that this is for a cameo and not major roles. Teamiplier and Jack are already accounted for. 
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marksandrec · 7 years
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Marks and Rec: Misc #895
(Dialogue from Psych.)
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offbrandqueer · 7 years
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all-timelee · 7 years
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Imagine waking up to a sleep Ethan.
Your eyes fluttered open as the sun began illuminating the room through your curtains. Realizing an arm was wrapped tightly around your waist, you turned over, coming face to face with, your boyfriend, Ethan.
You smiled softly at his sleeping figure, poking his cheek softly in order to wake him up. He flinched a bit, but stayed asleep. You continued to poke him until he finally woke up, smiling as he pulled you on top of him in a straddling position.
"Good morning, babe," you chuckled as he rubbed his eyes. "Hi," he let out, yawning after words. Your smiled widened as you leant down and placed a soft kiss on his lips.
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