#Everyone I have ever loved has received a knife at some point
teaboot · 2 years
Firm believer that weaponry makes for the perfect wedding gift.
Appliances? Unwieldy. Flowers? Short-lived, fragile.
A knife is so much more poetic. Personal. Defends your home, defends your honor.
The ceremony of the occasion only adds to the mysticism. Ties it to the family name. Will it be blessed? Cursed? Passed down the generations? Locked away after a tragic maiming or demise? A... disappearance?
It's the gift that will not stop giving. Love that. Sword for you
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celaenaeiln · 1 year
Am I interested in Dick Grayson's innovativeness and how that makes him a terrifying opponent?
Nah, not really, no, it's no- EXCEPT THAT I AM!
I love your analysis and honestly, I always surf through the dick Grayson tag once a day to see if u have posted. Pls drop the innovatiness wala analysis. I would absolutely eat it up
But I am here to deliver *bows*
Let's start this off with a bang
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Dick is completely naked except for a towel and with one (well defined) leg he hooks the handle of the beer bucket and sends it smashing into Midnighter to stop him from using the knife on another person.
Pure. Fucking. Platinum.
That move was so delicious, there's an ease-fluidity-grace-to that split second movement. Also notice how accurate his aim is despite swinging it with the arc of his toes. The bucket slammed right into the medulla oblongata, or more specifically the pyramidal tracts which are crucial for controlling voluntary muscular movements. Nerves from the brain cross over at that area as they go down and then synapse onto other nerves that are responsible for controlling muscles when they leave the spinal cord. The precision at which he aimed the bucket is glorious. And with what? His feet.
The only reason Midnighter wasn't injured is because he is a meta which is the point. Otherwise Dick wouldn't have aimed there unless he was fighting an enemy.
Oh that brings me to my next point.
Dick has extraordinary control of his actions
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He's so right though. Nightwing doesn't need to kill because fighting is too easy for him. I swear he has some kind of messed up idea (aside from his need to be absolutely good) that killing someone with a gun would take the joy out of fighting. He loves to live life on the hardest mode only.
The rapid fire throw of the gun, calculating the distance, time, velocity of return, and angle? I mean I studied physics and calculating even half of that on paper is a headache. The fact that he did it in one second? It's extraordinary. Things that are pure, dumb luck to literally everyone else is carefully calculated at a speed faster than light, making it look like luck. Damn.
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Forget Slade. Midnighter is my new favorite nemesister.
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Please take a moment of silence to relish in this sight.
Dick's innovativeness is a formidable skill when fighting allies.
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Dick and Ras are evenly matched in sword fighting.
Wait, wait. I don't need any doubts about Dick's strength in sword fighting so I'm going to include a couple panels here:
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Dick fights Azrael to a standstill which is absolutely incredible because Azrael solos. He's gone through many upgrades and skills and is one of the best fighters ever. He's even defeated Bruce.
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He also defeated Jason and Tim together in Batman and Robin Eternal.
This is just another point towards the fact that Dick actually won in his fight against Bruce before going into Spyral. They weren't holding back.
Oh yeah. Ra's vs Dick panel, Dick and Ra's aren't going anywhere because Dick is a swordsman equivalent to one of the best in the world. So how do you win a draw? By one upping the opponent. He swings his foot up in midair and completely defeats him. "But that isn't a defeat...Ra's just stopped fighting!" It was complete defeat because Ra's is intelligent and knows when he can't win. Also they have been fighting for a while until they reached the breaking point in the battle. This move is a show of how Dick has that just one inch more that will lead him to be a victor.
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Ra's honors Dick so much he tried to give the sword he used to fight with Batman because he thinks Dick is worthy of it. Can anyone receive a higher honor than this from that man?
He'll also use the broken glass of a car window to take down his opponent. If that's not innovation, then what is?
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But one last thing since a car door cannot be considered innovative these days.
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sticks. He literally took two twigs off the ground to use as weapons against his highly skilled, one of the best assassins, great-grandfather who is fighting with daggers in his hands and all over his body.
But you know the best part?
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He draws his opponent to a tie. A tie? Not a win? No it was win after, considering he used his relative's falling body as a launching pad in the middle of the air when they were falling off the bridge to grab onto the bridge with the help of his friend. So it was his win but it's insane how incredible Dick's skills are.
It's really innovative because who thinks of using twigs and winning? Let me also clarify another point. Dick could've used the knives he'd gotten from his talon suit and thoroughly won because when he was brain washed he almost killed Red Condor from how skilled he was but he conscientiously chose to use twigs. In a sword fight. This man.
His improvisation is an asset that many have come to know him for and classify him as dangerous because he can fight with anything, anywhere, and win.
Something I want to end with. Dick only fights people who are stronger than him. I know he's fought mob characters and stuff but his enemies? They are all metas, assassins, skilled fighters, Russian Black Ops, and more. Essentially, people who are the top of the class in their categories and him defeating them equally and fairly is the reason why he has the respect of his enemies. He's just that good.
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sakumz · 6 months
a/n : this has been on my mind for awhile now ever since I started mashle omg. oc yn kinda and maybe ooc rayne lol slight orter too
[ a. rayne x fem reader ]
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you were a year older than rayne, orca's previous prefect. a divine visionary, the dark cane. your magic majorly consists of smoke. you can solidify the smoke. (reference to kurono from fire force omg I love his power but the character...☠️☠️)
rayne saw you multiple times around the school but never spoke, though he found you prettier than any other person he came across. he first saw you winning a candidate seat as a divine visionary when you were in your first year as max drags him along to watch back in their middle school years. you were an inspiration to the other students. despite being in the orca dorm, he did see you in the library with different students from either lang or adler. you were tutoring them.
when he first attended a meeting with the rest of the divine visionaries in his third year at easton, you happened to come in last, so the only seat available was one between orter and rayne. during that particular meeting when you spoke an option on how to deal with the world's problem, orter would shut you down. saying it was unrealistic and impossible to pull off.
rayne would peek from the corner of his eyes to see a pout form from your face. everyone could tell orter had some serious issues with you. your option wasn't unrealistic nor impossible to pull off but one that made complete sense. you were from the orca dorm afterall, the dorm of wisdom and willingness.
just when you had enough of orter in the room, you can't help but summon a small solidified smoke kunai knife, pointing the knife at his neck in a threatening manner. he wasn't faze by such a threat, he could transform his body into sand and dodge the attack. everyone in the room wasn't shock, seeing this happen before. rayne on the other hand, was slightly surprised you would do something like that to orter of all people.
" maybe this is why your younger brother isn't as close to you anymore, because you can't shut your mouth! " you shout as kaldo sniffles a laugh.
" who are you to talk? you don't even talk to your younger sister. last I heard she enrolled in easton and is in the adler dorm. nothing about spending time with her adoring big sister, " orter says in a matter of fact way. the other divine visionary did not want to interfere, hearing all the juicy sibling gossip spill from the two of you.
" ha! lucky for you, I did visit her two days ago. " you slam your hands on the table.
" what's the evidence that you did? " orter crosses his arms as he raise a brow.
" she did visit the adler dorm. " rayne starts, making everyone look at him as he clears his throat.
" I saw her exit the building. then I heard a loud sound from upstairs so I rush to the noise. a girl was happily screaming as finn and his other friends try to calm her down. apparently someone gifted her homemade cookies. she was just too happy receiving them. " rayne finishes as they stare back at you.
" seriously? that's all you did to make your sister happy. " orter playfully scoffed as you glare at the male.
" at least I try to spend time with her... unlike a certain glasses sandman. we're all so busy and I'm sure wirth would be over the moon to receive a letter filled with compliments from his dearest big brother. maybe that would bring you both closer. "
" really? " orter was sure to believe you. he was aware you and his brother has met multiple times back when you were still in easton, having heard your name spill out in the family's dinner get together though their father wasn't bothered by the name of a mere female on the table. orter was convinced his brother may have developed a crush on you.
" no. I'm sure he'll burn the paper afterwards, " you bluntly spoke. kaldo couldn't help but burst out laughing, the rest slowly following after except rayne.
the other time he's met you as a divine visionary was when you barged into orter's office room. rayne was still new and was being assisted by orter in settling and knowing more about the job as visionary.
" ryoh was supposed to join me in this mission and I'm not allowed to go by myself, said the light cane. he got sick as what his wife said on the call. I would've asked kaldo to come but he's busy tonight and this mission is said to last for at least two days. " orter was silent as you continued to ramble on.
" so please come along with me. I wouldn't want to bother sophina and the others. "
" take rayne with you. " orter replies as rayne awkwardly puts the paper stack orter told him to take on his table.
" okay, " you say as you look over at rayne, before motioning him to follow you.
closing the door a soft, " stay safe " can be heard from orter. despite how mean he can be towards you. you did make wirth comfortable in easton, students adored you so did the people in the outside world. you didn't care about titles or status. as long as you can care for your sister and make a living for yourself for survival. orter did bump into you several times when you were still a student in the streets he usually patrols in, you would give food and toys to the less fortunate children. going as far as to teach a thing or two if you have plenty of time on your hands. you did fell for orter at first sight. you'd crack jokes around wirth about marrying his brother but he'll brush off calling it a faraway dream as he can't imagine his brother with a wife. when you became a divine visionary, you pushed your feelings aside for the man. he was a meanie towards you.
rayne was quiet the whole ride to the place of the mission. he didn't know what to say. you had to break the silence as the carriage was going slowly to your destination.
" this mission... we're here to take back a lost relic. should be easy, "
" um.. what's your relationship with orter? " he can't help but finally ask the question.
" just co workers I guess... "
it was a relief to rayne. the mission ended smoothly, rayne was amaze by your battle skills. you summon a smoke screen as his partisan swords blend with the thick smoke, appearing right in front of the thieves.
you invited him to dinner as thanks but he kindly rejects, saying he'll have morning classes the next day so he'll have to be back in the dorms. you bid farewell but that didn't stop you from wanting to treat him to a good ol meal. so you pack him a bento lunch box.
you got an owl to deliver the bento with a note. he had no choice but to accept when the owl enters through his class's window and land on his table. students were curious but he simply brushes it off, saying its nothing. when it was lunch time. he was delighted to read the note. it was short and sweet. thanking him for the help and how you were happy he was willing to come. you hope he'll enjoy the lunch and he did. it had cute cut rabbit shaped vegetables. max didn't tease him but assume he had a secret girlfriend.
when he came to the divine visionary building, he was looking all over for you. he would like to thank and return the lunch box to you. when he entered your office, you and renatus were conversing. he notice you crying into a tissue as renatus awkwardly pushes the box of tissues towards you.
" what's wrong? " rayne asks as renatus smile awkwardly.
" I don't remember uhh, " renatus looks over to you as your sobbing self was replaced with a glaring you to him.
" what do I do with my dead cat? do I bury it in the cemetery you're always at? "
" so that's what's happening. well rayne, y/n's cat is pretty old and has passed due to old age. I guess you can bury the cat. I'll get it a tomb and stuff if you want. just let me know later, " he pats your head as he exits the office. leaving you alone with rayne.
" um, thanks for the bento. it was nice and I enjoyed the meal. " rayne starts as he places the empty clean box on your table.
" ah, no problem. thanks for looking out for the adler kids. " you replied as rayne remembers the conversation he had with your sister a week ago.
he had invited her and the mash gang to the lounge room to discuss about you. it would be very nerve-racking if it was just him and your sister and the possible rumours to spread if it was really just the two of them. they all squeeze on one couch as he awkwardly shifts in the couch he sat. was he that scary that they didn't want to sit next to him?
" um what's this about? " finn questions as mash noms on his beloved cream puff.
" what does your sister like? " rayne replies as lance starts shaking in his seat.
" my sister? my anna? " lance shakes as he slowly starts seething to the thought of rayne being with his sister.
" oh no, another pedo. " mash starts to shake next to lance.
" no way, " lemon whispers.
" dude, you're like so handsome and talented and you're after a young girl? " dot starts to bubble at the mouth at the conclusion he managed to make out. confusing bubbling in his mouth. finn was confused as well so was your younger sister. how did he meet Anna crown?
" no, not your sister idiot. y/n l/n. what does she like. I don't even know this Anna girl. " they all stop overreacting as the rest look over at the younger l/n.
" sorry my guy, she likes orter madl. " your sister responded monotony has gotten everyone going "huh" even rayne was confused.
" what? " he was certain there was nothing of that sort between you and orter.
" are you free tonight? let me take you to dinner. " rayne says as you throw away all the tissues.
" yeah sure, just give me ten minutes to finish cleaning up. " he sure waited.
settling down at your comfort restaurant, you and him got your orders and then food. you happily ate to your heart's content. rayne wanted to ask questions and call you his but the courage to do so was slowly biting his leg off. it was hard to talk about things he felt normal people would want to ask but can't be bothered to poke their noses in so they take their guesses as truth. he felt you kick his leg from under the table as he jolts at his seat from the sudden impact. snapping him out of his gaze.
" you're starring. "
" sorry. "
"what is it on your mind? you look like you're dying to ask, " you joked as he sent you a glare of his own.
" just thinking... are you and orter... together? " you drop your fork at the sudden question, he panics a little. maybe he shouldn't ask that question.
" no, we're not together. I'm a naive fool. it's one sided love? but it's okay! I'm not in love with him anymore. " rayne heaves out a sigh at the confession. he still has a chance and chance he will take.
" so, will you go out with me? I vow to protect you. I'll be your shield and sword. your everything. I've loved you since the first time we met. you are the beauty of what the world does not deserve to see, " he confessed as his ears starts to tint red and he looks shyly away from you.
" sure we can go out, I like you too! " and so your love story with rayne ames slowly starts to bloom.
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storywriter007 · 1 month
Thank you for answering my other two requests, I loved them!! I have two more if you are interested!
1) Can you do a Percy Jackson x reader (I'm imagining this occurring on the Argo II) that's basically an enemies to friends to lovers? Where maybe they both just don't really like each other based on the encounters they've had, but then end up going on a small quest off the ship just the two of them and some sort of trauma happens that makes them friends, and then you can decide how they get to lovers from there! Basically just want some angst!
2) This one has a little bit of a trigger warning with suicidal thoughts, so I understand if you don't want to write this one. Percy Jackson x reader (this one I'm also envisioning on the Argo II, but this one could also be just at camp when Percy is like 17) where they are good friends and the reader is struggling mentally but tries to smile for everyone else, but she is sitting alone in the woods at some point holding her knife to her wrist just kind of thinking about it but not sure about it, but then Percy appears to check on her and scares her so the accidentally slips and cuts herself there, and from there basically Percy comfort. Idk if that made sense but basically Percy angst and comfort.
You're amazing!!! 🩷
Friends? - Percy Jackson x Fem!Reader
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author's note: this is request one. thank you for your request :) i kind of had to cut it short bc this was getting too long.
warnings: cursing, mentions of suicide, betrayal, mentions of death, battle scenes, kissing
genre: angst ending in fluff
word count: 1.8k
-> heroes of olympus masterlist
send me requests here! (these are my guidelines)
y/n took her seat at the table alongside seven other demi-gods. she noticed percy scowl at her and she rolled her eyes back at him. they'd never gotten along. and chances were, they never would.
her intense hate for the son of the sea god had begun a few summers back during capture the flag. they were on the blue team, and she was assigned to offense with annabeth and percy. suddenly, four members from the red charged at the trio, swords in hand. y/n and percy swung and slashed at two of them until they fled. one of them yanked off annabeth's invisibility cap and decided she was their next victim. the other one came for y/n, hitting her ankle hard. percy was quick to defend annabeth and run away with her.
but he left her. y/n was left to fight two members of the opposing team, who were merciless. they were violent, they were twice her size, and to y/n's dismay, her ankle didn't provide her any support to run away. it was a terrible and cruel beating. the two kept going even when they didn't need to. she could barely see by the end of it. y/n remembered that capture the flag game as "don't trust your teammates."
ever since then, y/n had made her distaste for percy clear. everyone admired his loyalty, until they were on the receiving end of his betrayal.
"we need to find a map." annabeth started.
"it's our key to finding out which way is the safest to go." jason explained. "it's somewhere in the woods, according to what hecate told hazel."
"we're going to have to split up." annabeth continued. "it's a huge forest, and we need to cover ground efficiently."
"i've split you guys up. i don't want to hear any whining." jason said, looking at the group, but his gaze lingered longer on percy and y/n. "annabeth, piper, and i are going eastwards towards the mountains. frank, leo, and hazel are going south to the rest of the woods. percy and y/n will head north, towards the shore."
"why is it 3-3-2?" hazel asked curiously.
"because we need a power balance." annabeth said politely. "it's matched with each person's strengths."
"strengths?" percy chuckled. "i'm the strength. she's going to slow me down."
douchebag, y/n thought.
"i don't want to go with you either, but i'm not bitching about it, am i?" she snapped back.
"you don't have to bitch because going with me does you a favor."
"i'd rather drown."
"lucky you, i can make that happen."
they stared at one-another in an intense fury.
"we'll meet here again in four hours." jason instructed. "and when we do, all eight of us better be here." he said, eyeing percy and y/n.
it was already eight. and they had to search the stupid northside until midnight. she couldn't even run away if she wanted to.
they continued walking. the sun slowly set as the night sky arose. the woods looked scary at night. tall, thick trees hovered over the two demi-gods as strange creatures and noises came by. after what felt like a long time walking, y/n could hear the sea.
"do you hear it?" she asked him.
"i can feel it." he said, walking quickly.
she trailed behind him as they reached sandy terrain. the sea was dark and terrifying. y/n and percy searched the shore for what felt like another eternity.
suddenly, it got colder and y/n heard a voice. it was a sweet, soft voice.
look at me it whispered.
"do you hear that?" she asked percy.
"yeah." he said, shakily.
look at what you've done it demanded.
suddenly, y/n was watching something in front of her. it was a battle. she looked at the gory scene in front of her. it took her a minute to realize it was the battle of manhattan. she felt a lump in her throat as images of dead campers raced through her mind. silena, charlie, ethan, and luke.
this is your fault the voice said, but it wasn't sweet anymore. it was hoarse, raspy, and cruel.
look at what you've killed. look at what you've brought it continued.
the images flashed terrible battle scenes. it replayed deaths of each and every camper.
you did this the voice yelled.
"n-no, i didn't." y/n whispered, shaken by the images.
look at what you've done
"i didn't do it!" she pleaded.
you did! you did it all!
"i had no choice." she said, tears spilling from her eyes.
terrible, tortuous images kept playing. the deaths of the campers she'd grown up with, the reactions of their mothers and fathers, and the destruction that had been caused.
you deserve to die.
"i know." she whispered. "don't you think i know?"
do it the voice encouraged. do what you should've done years ago.
y/n tried to think through it. this voice, this voice wasn't human.
do it.
it was a siren. it was trying to get her to sacrifice her life.
"no." she said, standing her ground. "i did what i had to. i can't be blamed for it."
then who can you blame?
"kronos." she said, gripping her sword.
the siren showed it's demented face and y/n quickly slashed it. she snapped out of her trance, and the images faded and so did the voices. she turned to see percy holding his sword to his neck. she saw the twisted siren circling around him. she swiftly ran up to him and took his sword from his hand, before slashing the siren. percy too snapped out of his daze, and stumbled a little. y/n caught him, and looked up to meet his sea green eyes. they were teary, and he looked so disheartened.
"you saw it too." she confirmed.
he nodded.
"thank you." he said, his voice low and sincere. "i would've done-well you know what, if you hadn't saved me."
she nodded.
"we should probably get back to the ship." he said quietly.
when percy and y/n got back, it was half-past midnight, and everyone was already there.
"we ran into sirens." y/n briefly explained.
they all nodded as the ship entered the air, sailing to its next location.
"we found the map." hazel informed. "goodnight guys."
y/n tossed and turned in her bed. she couldn't get those images out. those dam sirens. she needed to talk to someone. someone who would understand. she sat up and opened her door. she trailed the hallway until the came across the door that read percy jackson. she lightly knocked before pushing the door open.
"couldn't sleep either?" he asked, laying down and staring at the ceiling.
"yeah." she said. "i can't get what the sirens showed me out of my head."
"c'mere." he said, patting the area next to him.
y/n laid down next to him.
"i know it's not our fault." he said quietly. "but it feels like it is."
"i know." she said softly. "it's like i should've done something. but there was nothing to be done."
"exactly." he said. "on one hand, i know i couldn't have saved them no matter what i did. but on the other, i feel like i should've figured it out."
"mhm." she agreed. "they were good people. that's what makes it hurt more."
"they didn't deserve death. and i don't deserve the hero title." he chuckled. "i let them die."
"you had no choice." she reminded.
"did i?" he questioned.
"percy, i saw and heard the same things you did. it just wanted to get in our heads." she explained. "and they did it through guilt. guilt that isn't ours to carry. it's kronos'."
"you're right." he agreed.
y/n had spent years hating him. but maybe, just maybe, he was alright. they had both seen the same things growing up. the same wars, deaths, and betrayals. in an odd way, she felt almost identical to him.
a few moments of silence passed by before y/n realized percy had fallen asleep. and after a few more minutes, she felt herself drift off as well.
the next morning when y/n awoke, percy was already awake.
"morning." he smiled.
"oh dear god." she said, sitting up. "what time is it?"
"it's five-thirty. and i'm sorry." he said, sitting up as well.
"for what?"
"for how i treated you all these years." he exhaled, as if this was something he'd been meaning to get off his chest. "i'm sorry for leaving you in capture the flag."
"so you did know what you were doing, huh?" she retorted.
sure, the cuts and scars from that beating had been healed a long time ago. but, the betrayal never did.
"i didn't know you." he explained. "i didn't care about you. i just wanted to get annabeth to safety. that was wrong of me. you were on my team, i should've helped."
"'sorry' and 'i should've' doesn't fix anything. we're not best friends because we got along for a day." she said bitterly. "i know for a fact you would've left me in the woods the way you did all those years ago."
"that's not fair y/n." he frowned. "i would never do that to you."
"and you get to decide what's fair now?" she chuckled. "are you forgetting you continued tormenting me instead of swallowing your pride and apologizing?"
"that's the thing about your loyalty, jackson. everyone admires it until they're on the receiving end of your betrayal." she said coldly, getting up.
"y/n, you might not trust me today, hell, you might not trust me for the rest of our short lives. but believe me when i say, from the bottom of my heart, i'm sorry."
"how do i know you're never going to do the same thing again?" she asked.
get got up and moved closer to her. he was practically towering over her. she felt her back hit the wall.
"you have my word." he promised, looking at her eyes.
she nodded in agreement, feeling herself breathe heavily being this close to him. she could feel him leaning in, and she did too. their lips pressed against one-anothers in a passionate kiss. his hands were placed on her waist, and her arms snaked around his neck. he tasted like salt and blue frosting. she felt herself get pushed backwards towards the wall as he continued to kiss her. it grew more passionate and ferocious until they both pulled away. she rested her head underneath his.
"friends?" he asked.
"we just made out. we are not friends." she laughed.
"i thought it was too bold to say lovers."
"lovers." she agreed.
hope you liked it :) sorry for the wait!
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tteokdoroki · 1 year
aali………please please tell us exactly what Rin said about Isagi not being able to fuck that had Egoist Yoichi baby boy fuck reader right in front of Rin 😭 i KNEED to know I must know babes or I’ll go insane
*ੈ🌩️‧₊˚—  lost in the lights, out of my mind + yoichi isagi, rin itoshi.
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૮˶ᵕ ༝ᵕ˶ა synopsis — rin itoshi has a bad habit of dishing out what he can't take and a locker room fight with his rival, yoichi isagi, leaves him in the most vulnerable place he'll ever be in. all because of his little unrequited crush on you.
⭑ warnings — please read + mdni ! heavy!smut, porn with some kind of plot, characters aged up to 20s, established relationships (with isagi), unrequited love (rin lmao), some crushing, manipulaton, reverse cuckholding (?), voyuerism, unprotected s!ex, clothed s!ex, fingering (f!receiving), finger sucking, nipple play, body worship, dry humping, multiple orgasms, male masturbation, overstimulation, edging, orgasm control, aftercare, light!degradation, light!dacryphilia, light!sub/dom dynamics, sort of a threesome, creampies, psychologically tormenting rin lmao!!! pro player!yoichi isagi, pro player!rin itoshi, fem!reader - not beta read !
⭑ words — 8.5K.
⭑ notes — happy birthday tew me!! this is my gift to you all, i feel like its such a tradition for me to post something on my bday like i have for the last three years so here you are!! anon, i am so sorry this took so long, i hope you like this... i lost my mind writing it but it was sososo much fun!! enjoy my loves <3 m.list / fic that this refers to (you dont need to read it to understand!) ✩
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if there’s one thing rin hates more than anything, it’s losing. after a sour defeat, three goals to a frustrating two, emotions are running high and the locker room fills with an atmosphere so tense even a butcher's knife couldn’t cut through it. it suffocates the boys as they flood into the room, defeatedtly shoving their cleats and water bottles into their cubbyholes — their breathing ragged and muscles aching. 
the silence is shattered by a vicious snarl from blue lock’s main star, yoichi isagi, as he walks in last and heads straight for his rival. “way to fucking go, rin! your stupid little act just cost us the entire game.” the striker bares his fangs, frothing like a rabid dog. “you happy now?” 
“oh fuck you, isagi. were all your shots supposed to be that half-assed? or was that just a weak attempt to impress your little girlfriend up in the stands.” rin fires back, equally as riled up, throwing his sweat soaked shirt into his designated cubby for this game. 
the rest of the team knows not to intervene when two of their best players go head to head, slowly retreating to the showers and changing out of their kit. rin is too highly strung, everything is his way or the highway and everyone is beneath him. isagi is hot headed, switches up on you faster than you can say your own name — and only gets worse if you mention his girlfriend during a fight. 
for a moment, the dark haired striker’s face falls and his deep blue eyes cloud with something rin itoshi only ever sees on the pitch. but isagi quickly recovers, offering the other player a tight lipped smile. 
“let’s keep her out of this, yeah?”
that only makes rin want to double down. 
his relationship with isagi is complex — he’s better than the guy in every way he knows is possible, and yet he envies him. no matter what rin does, his fellow player will always have some kind of leverage over him. whether it be sae’s approval, ego’s favouritism, you. the history between the three of you is even more confusing and flustering, and to this day, rin still doesn’t know who he wants or hates more. jealousy reaches its boiling point at  the forefront of his mind, it’s perplexing and he hates the way it makes him feel — like he’s out of the loop, out of control and it only makes rin want to lash out at isagi more.
so he does. 
he pokes and prods at isagi, twists at the parts of him that really set him off because he has no other way to cope and no other outlet for his build up of emotions. 
“she must be embarrassed,” rin drawls as if he’s enjoying taunting his teammate, though his face shows no signs of it. “to have a boyfriend who can’t even play soccer without looking luke-warm or mediocre. this is your job. your life. and yet, you’re still not getting it. you’re nowhere near being on the same level as me.” 
isagi grits his teeth. “i’m warning you, rin. quit while you’re ahead.” 
but he can’t, he won’t. not until he makes isagi hurt the same way he does. for losing this match, for losing control.
“if soccer is your life and you’re this bad at it, then i wonder what else you suck at,” the younger itoshi brother adds coldly with the petulance of a child still learning how to navigate how he feels. standing up to his full height, rin smirks as if he’s finally put his enemy into place. he lets his emotions spill into every word he says until they weigh down his tongue and all he can spit out are phrases of malice. “being a good boyfriend? fucking her right?” 
satisfaction curls around rin’s beating heart as isagi looks to him; wide eyed and bewildered. there’s nothing like reminding someone where they belong in the food chain. beneath rin itoshi and never above. isagi flounders like a fish before him, searching for words of defence that never come and when rin thinks that the shorter of the two might finally say something — the door to the locker room creaks open and in comes…
if there’s another thing that rin hates, it’s how weak you make him feel — especially when he knows that you’re out of reach. not his to touch. to hold. to keep. you can’t be the reason he feels so open an exposed, like a patient on an examiners table, because he can’t have feelings for you anymore, because you belong to isagi. your heart beats for him and that makes rin sick. 
he wants to hate you, even though you’re sweet and kind and understanding. even though you step into the room wearing isagi’s number with doe eyes that glisten underneath the white artificial light. even though your voice fills him with warmth when you call out for your boyfriend (not him) and say. “yoichi, is everything okay?” in that mawkish tone that sends shivers down the length of rin’s spine. 
and like he’s been snapped out of a trance, isagi looks away from rin’s face and searches for comfort in your own — his body instinctively gravitating towards you for affection. “yeah precious, what are you doing here?” he grins at you like he wasn’t just about to rip rin’s throat out with his teeth. “thought i was meeting you outside.” 
“yeah but…some of the other boys and your manager got worried that something was happening between you and rin, so i came to check on you…i hope that’s okay?” you’re so good, well behaved and it’s all for isagi. it makes rin want to scream, rip his hair out, hurt something but he can’t. he won’t because he’s never been good at feelings. he has his older brother to thank for that. 
rin watches the interaction between you both like he’s on the outside looking in. isagi treats you like you’re the world encompassed into one being. yet, there’s a glint swirling in those ocean eyes rin despises so much. “more than okay, baby…actually, i think you might be able to help us make up.” isagi hums, twirling you in his arms until your back is to his chest and you’re facing rin now too.
“…i can?” regrettably, your interest is piqued. isagi has that look in his eye, the one that he gets when he’s scheming and he has all the cards in his hands. except this time, he’s not looking at you. 
rin itoshi seems to be the target of your boyfriend’s games tonight — and you, a mere chess piece on the board. 
“mhm…” yoichi’s voice drops, brushing over the patch in your brain that controls your pleasure. you know that voice, you’ve heard it a million times before…during showers, early in the morning, right after games. the way he speaks switches up whenever isagi wants you. “you see, pretty girl, rinnie over here—“ the striker juts his chin out in the direction of his rival, using the sweet little nickname he knows you have for him. “doesn’t think i can be a good boyfriend, thinks i’m embarrassing, thinks i can’t fuck. would you say any of those statements are true?”
you frown, lips drawn into pout and brows creased where they meet in the centre. “n-no! of course not.” 
and rin thinks he might die there and then, with you looking at him like you’re disappointed in his opinion. 
for as long as he’s known you, you’ve never cared about the feud between himself and your partner but this particular comment seems to bother you. upset you. and as much as he pretends to be indifferent towards you, the last thing rin itoshi wants to do is hurt your feelings. he’s never quite known what it’s like to care for someone — aside from sae, pre-spain. so for him to consider your feelings with every interaction you have is weird, at least for him. you’re a baffling enigma to rin, he finds himself drawn to you like a moth to a candle flame and finds comfort in your sugary conversation and polite laughter. 
you seemed to like rin, for all his awkwardness and lack of charm. you had once called him cute despite his rough exterior and cold nature — leading him to believe that he could maybe try a little harder for you, be with you. that was, at least, until isagi came along and swept you off your feet with boyish smiles and rose tinted cheeks.
isagi could do with you what rin couldn’t do for himself. 
be open with his admiration for you.
for a second, you cut the connection between rin’s aquamarine eyes and your own to glance back up at your boyfriend. 
“we should prove him wrong, then.” 
“but rinnie— i mean, rin,” you correct yourself when isagi tightens his grip on you as you try to diffuse the situation as best you can. “he wouldn’t… he doesn’t care about stuff like that. i know you’re a good boyfriend. isn’t that all that matters?” but in a twisted sort of way, you like that he’s a little pissed off, that rin is there watching you all loved up on each other too.
you feel his excitement press into your behind, arm wrapping around your tummy this time. “you’re all that matters to me,” isagi affirms because it’s true. he shouldn’t really care what rin thinks, but he left his rationality on the pitch. he’s pissed off and he lost and all he can think about is fucking you up and proving his point. soothing his ego. his flirtatious voice tickles the shell of your ear and sends a strong current of electricity straight down to your centre. “but baby, i wanna fuck you. don’t you want him to watch? help me prove that i’m so fucking good to you?” 
he just can’t let it go, not this time. 
is it because he thinks rin’s words are true? that he’s not good enough for you? that you might even deserve better than a man that puts his heart and trust into soccer? 
yoichi loves you so much he think he might rip stars from the sky, and maybe the the sun if you’d asked him to. he’s so good to you, he knows that. you know it too, but he wants to prove it. 
have the one up on rin just this once. 
you give a slight nod of your head because maybe you’re just as much of an egoist as isagi. you don’t want him to doubt himself, he’s the best in japan. in the world. at soccer, at loving you too. he deserves to show off that much. so you agree, hesitantly, “but, yoichi… rin is still…” you say. not that you care, you’ve partially forgotten that itoshi still exists — isagi’s loving touch as he feels you up from over your jersey provides a perfect distraction. 
he’s always like this with you, makes you feel like you’re the only two people in the room.
“don’t worry precious. he’ll look but he won’t touch, unless he asks and you say yes. right, rinnie?” 
it’s the first time in minutes that either of you finally acknowledge rin. the stretching silence filled with ragged breathing and the rustling of clothing as rin watches you lose yourself to lust. to isagi.
“right.” he scoffs like he doesn’t care, barely able to tear his eyes away from your slither of skin revealed as you pull up your jersey to give isagi better access.
“spread your legs baby, lemme see that pretty pussy. wanna show her off.” isagi hums in satisfaction but he doesn’t push, letting you lead. “you want it any way, precious? tell me what you need, i’ll give it to you.” his hands run down to your soft tummy, resting just above the hem of your boy shorts while he grinds into you from behind. “just wanna make you feel good.”
choices, choices.
the ghost of yoichi’s touch along your skin, a thumb on your faint adam’s apple, then over your nipple — it makes saliva pool heavily on your tongue and your eyelashes flutter. “w-what do you think, rinnie?” you gasp, lifting your head to face him. 
the younger itoshi swallows thickly. “fingers.” he says without hesitation. “you gotta prep her first, idiot.”
“still so rude, rin,” your boyfriend tuts mockingly. “c’mere. get ‘em nice and wet for her.” isagi points to his mouth — gesturing for his rival to open up for his fingers. 
“fuck off, isagi. i-i’m not— you’re not going anywhere near me.” 
“oh come on, you’re the one that wanted to prep her. my girl can take it with or without.” isagi presses, the corner of his mouth twitching up into a cocky smirk. “this was your decision, remember?” 
the mere thought of doing anything remotely sexual with yoichi has the fortress of rin itoshi’s mind crumbling, starting with it’s foundation. he’s not disgusted by the idea, no, but he fears letting his mask slip. “if you’re not willing to take care of her properly, then you’re just proving my point. you’re half-hearted. lukewarm. you don’t care to fuck her proper.” rin scoffs, ignoring the shake in his voice.
“please, rinnie,” you hiccup. “he won’t touch me if you don’t…p-play along.” 
but when it’s you, rin can’t ever seem to say no to you.
you’re like a siren calling out to him to drown himself in all that he desires — your saccharine and salacious strings of words setting his insides alight with wanton. begrudgingly, rin strides towards you both and grabs your boyfriend’s wrist with flaming cheeks, heart hammering in his chest so hard he’s afraid you might hear it and think him weak. 
the gentle part of his lips encircle two of isagi’s fingers and is tongue, once tucked away behind rows of brilliant white teeth, breaks free from its barrier to roll over the slender digits — glazing them in a of spit. rin feels degraded, it pours through him in the same thickness as his blood and replaces all the oxygen in his lungs. but then you look at rin like you want him, dainty gaze honed in on the way his tongue weaves between your boyfriend’s fingers and soaks them in his claim. he can’t help but grow more confident in the action.
but then yoichi reminds you both of his presence, thrusting into rin’s obedient mouth until his gags and his tropical ocean eyes blow wide in shock at the sound. isagi’s own blue pair drown in mirth. 
“satisfied?” rin let’s your boyfriend go with a wet smack of his lips, rasping his words out as he regains his breath. 
“not really, but she can help with that.” isagi sounds like he adores you, plunging his spit slicked fingers past your swell of your plump lips so you can get them even wetter for him. you seem eager, sucking on them as if you’re chasing the younger itoshi sibling’s flavour and the visuals make his cock twitch behind his elasticated shorts as he pictures you mouthing at the ache between his legs. 
once isagi is truly satisfied, he pulls out of your mouth and pats your cheek lovingly. “did such a good job, precious. i’m gonna touch you now, okay?” he doesn’t wait for you to respond since you’re too delirious, giggling on trickles of ecstasy from being pampered in your lover’s hold. his hand slips in between your plush thighs and underneath your clothes easily, yoichi dragging a single digit along the length of your puffy folds to get a feel for just how messy you are. you’re dripping with sweet juices, the scent of you intoxicating and potent to both boys as isagi eases the finger past your clenching hole experimentally. 
you hiccup and tremble, your head rolling back against his shoulder the more his thickness presses into you and stretches you out for later. rin can see just how much you make isagi’s skin shine with your wetness, clear strings of it oozing down your thighs and into the seat of his rival’s palm — all this from being barely touched? from watching rin suck on your boyfriend’s fingers so pathetically? you’ve barely been touched as it is.
it only makes the throb at rin’s core that much more painful. 
“don’t you even think about touching yourself to this. you’re lucky enough to even be watching her,” blue lock’s shining star grunts out to rin possessively, his voice laden with a lust that scratches at his throat. you whine out for more, hips jutting downwards to chase more of isagi and his attention switches back to you. “sorry for the wait, precious. there we go, is this alright? is this how you want it?” his softness has you melting like butter in a pan, isagi easing a second finger alongside the first before he curls them to bare down harshly on your g-spot.
the moan that escapes you is a far cry from your angelic nature in rin’s eyes, reminding him that isagi’s the one who cast you out of heaven. “m-more yoichi,” you squirm impatiently, back arching away from the striker’s chest as he used his free hand to toy with yours. “faster, c’mon—!”
“alright baby, relax. we’ll do whatever you want.” isagi moans back desperately, as if your pleasure is his pleasure. he changes the angle of his hand so that the back of it is facing rin, creating the visual of him cupping your sweltering, glistening pussy. you drool into the seat of his palm while he works you open, stroking your velvet and sopping insides like the tide lapping at the shoreline to indulge you and build the pressure that bubbles just under your naval. “oh, you like that? want me to rub your clit too? just like that precious,” 
the rough pad of his thumb draws signatures of love against your budding clit as your arousal pearls on it it. every push and pull of isagi’s fingers have you a syrupy mess, glinting under the artificial lights and only drawing rin’s eager gaze to the treasure between your thighs. when he looks to your face all he sees is your insatiable appetite and dire need to run after the high your boyfriend plans to give you. 
rin’s tongue darts out to wet the crack on his lips and he attempts to swallow the saliva that coats his tongue and floods his mouth — making it difficult for him to breathe. and if he does, manage to breathe in, the scent of you is intoxicating and fills rin with a level of desire his body can’t even handle. shame brews below the surface level of his skin, intertwined with the blood cells that surge through his veins and right to the tip of his shaft. 
he flinches as it pulses to life inside his briefs, pathetically wet from how wet you sound. 
“listen to that, fuck,”  isagi groans, his lashes fluttering against the side of your face the deeper he plunges two fingers into you. “cunt sounds so pretty baby. sucking me in like that, s’like you never wanna let me go.” 
the way isagi touches you is intoxicating — casting a dark veil over every thought that dares to cross your mind and clouding your better judgement. with him it’s easy to be this vulnerable and allow yourself to crumble to pieces in front of the hawk-like gaze of someone you know all too well. you find yourself not caring about the way rin watches you, pools of tropical ocean eyes dropping from your eyes to your pulsing sex where your boyfriend pinches and toys with your folds to get you wetter and wetter.
you’re fucking enjoying this. isagi knows it. rin knows it — the three of you trapped under the spell and vulgar scent of sex that mingles with the air you breathe in. you hardly feel bad for teasing the poor itoshi baby like this, finding the shaky mewls and squeals that you usually save for your boyfriend are a little louder than usual — spiking even higher when blue lock’s star egoist pulls back the hood of your clit to maximise your sensitivity and receptiveness to his touch, rubbing your juices into the little nub. 
“tell him how good it feels.” yoichi is so loving but oh so condescending, commanding the will of your body as he curls his fingers just right to brush over the spongy spot inside of you to make you see the gates of heaven. 
your pretty pussy gushes in response before you can, milky white running down isagi’s forearm as it gathers in the seat of his palm. you’re desperate to speak, but your mouth feels as if it’s been stuffed with cotton and your words are replaced by shaky and choked moans. between being finger fucked to the brink verge of collapse and watching rin try to grind against his boxers for friction — you don’t know how your boyfriend expects you to form a cohesive thought, let alone speak. 
still, you manage to stutter out some kind of praise to him. “oh god, f-fuck, yoichi!”
when isagi hits your g-spot, you spasm so hard you think you might die and at the same time, rin’s needy whimper echoes around the locker room as if to taunt him.  “she’s close,” rin bleats, the pain in his cock becoming too much to bare as he fumbles over the front of his shorts to reprehensibly relieve himself. “aren’t you gonna make her cum?” 
the question is meant with no malice or harm — more innocent than rin allows himself to appear and isagi quickly picks up on it, licking a hot stripe up from the base of your neck to just behind your ear. “you can always tell when my precious girl is close,” he scissors his fingers along your insides, clear strings of your arousal keeping him tied to you. “she clenches so fucking tight around me, like she wants to make me a mess and claim me. keep me all to yourself, right precious?” he coos to you slyly, stroking you into the shape of him and flicking at your clit — arousal gathering copiously between your pussy lips. “you wanna cum so bad, don’t you.” 
“y-yes!” you nearly scream, legs buckling beneath isagi’s ministrations, pumping in and out of your velvet walls with newfound motivation. 
pleasure grows inside of you bit by bit, as if isagi has laid the foundation for bricks of pleasure to stack up high and the fact that rin itoshi is watching you just cements it all together. “make yourself useful, and hold her up.” he instructs, lazily sucking marks into your skin. “so selfish, rin. just like always. getting yourself off while my precious girl’s a shaky mess. you could have been helping all this time.” 
a smile that could rival the devil’s tugs at your boyfriend’s wet lips when rin staggers forward to hold you up in the comfort of his arms. the path to what he wants has always been clear and isagi plays on that like it’s a part of the game you all play — knowing that rin would never give up the chance to hold you this close. you can feel the outline of his bulging cock against your tummy, the thought of it grinding inside you alongside isagi’s fingers doing nothing to sedate the desire coursing through you. your selfish need to cum. 
blood rushes through rin’s ears at he way you cling onto him life a lifeline. you might be creaming on yoichi’s thick fingers, letting them stretch you out in preparation for his even thicker dick, but right now — you need rin to ground you and keep you back down on earth. 
“can’t,” you whine over the lewd slushy sounds reverberating from between your thighs,  and bat your eyelashes up at the younger itoshi — pride internally rumbling in your chest as the black abyss of his pupils swallows his pretty green eyes. “can't hold it, ‘ichi.” there’s nothing greater to you than humbling someone like rin itoshi. he forgets that while you follow whatever pleasure is given to you, you’ll always be loyal to yoichi isagi. hearing you moan his name only shatters rin’s confidence. 
“let go for me, baby. cum all over me like the good girl i know you can be,” a deep groan takes hold in isagi’s chest, roots intertwining with his lungs and his very being. much like a sturdy tree. his thumb goes back to signing his name over it, gaze honing in between the sinful movement beneath your clothes. “get on your knees, rin. see how i fuck her nice and good.” 
doing as he’s told, rin bites back his humiliation and sinks to his knees before you — keening into your fingers as they move up to grip his broad shoulders and your nails dig into his milky flesh hidden by his kit. from here, gets a front row seat to your gushing sex and how it soils the tiny threads of your boy shorts stuffed between your fattened pussy lips. 
sex crazed hormones drift into the air, rattling about and colliding with kinetic energy as isagi picks up the pace — the seat of his palm now grinding against your clit, rubbing you raw and relentlessly. he bites down on your pulse point, and that’s really all it takes to throw you over the ledge. the stacks of ecstasy that had been building within the depths of your soul finally come crumbling down and your release shoots out of you, slapping to the floor in a crude manner.
“o-oh! ‘m c-cumming!” you cry out, feeling evidence of your orgasm blaze a trail down your inner thighs in clear streams as isagi guides you through it. rin doesn’t bother fighting his biological instincts, craning his head up for just a taste, a smell, anything — your sugary and musky scent sending him spiralling while heady precum oozes from his time painfully. 
“ah, ah fuck, baby. keep that orgasm goin’ for me, keep cumming. so pretty.” soft praises fall on your ears despite the white noise that overwhelms you, letting yoichi control the way you twitch and react with his large hands still working you through it all — perfectly nestled between your trembling thighs. you came so much, so sweet.” 
it’s like yoichi is in awe of you, kissing your cheek as you come down from your high — still clenching and fluttering around his fingers. the pair of you forget about rin sitting on the floor between your legs — bearing witness to the way your orgasm rhythmically drips out of you. it’d be foolish for both boys not to become obsessive over the way you guys. slowly, one of your hands leaves rin’s muscled shoulder to grip your boyfriend’s hair and tug him into giving you a wet and loving kiss.
“you always make me cum so hard, yoichi,” you praise him, your shaky voice sounding angelic to both men. “thank you, baby.” 
still licking his way into your mouth, isagi sighs in content, circling his hips into your ass. “all i wanna do is make you feel good,” he breathes his want into you. “are you okay to keep going? we can stop right here. rin doesn’t have to see anymore.” 
it’s only then that  you remember rin between your legs, discreetly humping the floor for some relief — practically shaking at how bad he wants you.
“you need me,” you say, hunger curling around the tone in your voice. “we can keep going.” 
isagi fucking loves you. he’s sure he’s never quite met anyone on the same level of ego and desire as him. maybe you’re both insane, beyond the brink of normalcy with enough danger between you to destroy the whole world — but instead you stick to ruining the man before you both, ripping his ego down until it’s nothing but measly pieces and rin itoshi can no longer look either of you in the eye.
a pair of eager lips land on yours once again — tasting of freshly cut grass and the sweat on your lover’s Cupid’s bow. you suck and bite on one another, leaving your claim visually on each other while your hearts remain tied. isagi grabs at your fleshy ass cheeks, takes your tongue down his throat and lets you own him just as much as he owns you while rin bares witness to your boiling and passionate love. 
familiar hands yank down your shorts and underwear in one go — desperately exposing your hot skin to the air conditioned room, causing a wave of goosebumps to erupt over your body in anticipation. excitement. “i wanna fuck you so bad, i can’t ever get enough of you, precious girl.” he whispers menacingly against the shell of your ear, like it’s a threat but instead directed towards the man at your feet. “‘m so lucky,” his hands wander again, cupping your cunt squeezing your waist and pulling the sweetest sounds from between your lips. “being the only one to have you like this.”
once again, you collapse forward and dig your nails into rin’s shoulders — relishing in the way he looks up at you like you’re a forbidden prize to be won. an angel. a diety. you smile at him, innocent and cute, whimpering a breath’s width away from rin’s lips as isagi arches your back for himself — peeling apart your juicy ass cheeks to set his sights on your glistening pussy. your squelching hole pulses around nothing, sending beading droplets of your arousal through your folds.
“hi rinnie,” you simper and struggle to keep your gaze focused on the athlete, feeling isagi rub his seedy hot cockhead against the entire length of his sex. teasing the both of you. “how’s are you doing?”
there’s so much he wants to say to you. to do to you. if rin had a little more confidence and higher self esteem — maybe he could acknowledge his feelings, he could kiss you, make you his, make you forget all about isagi. but rin is a coward paralysed by his own fear of feeling something real. he lets you walk all over him instead. both of you. 
“i’m good, how are you feeling?” he mumbles in response, all needy-like. you almost feel bad for him, revelling in the way rin tracks your moans, his mouth dropping open just like yours when yoichi drives his hips forwards and bullies his heavy cock past your fluttering entrance. “f-fuck, you’re so…”
“so what, r-rinnie?” 
“so pretty.”  
his eyes shine when he speaks, glossy with desire causing pride to curl around your heart and fan the flames of debauchery inside of you. isagi pulls back, his brows creasing in the centre of his sweaty forehead as he adjusts his tender grip on your hips and pulls his cock from the snugness of your drenched heat. he thrusts forward, hitting every pleasure spot he’s ever mapped out along the length of your slippery walls, making you shudder and press your forehead to rin’s for support. 
“pretty girl, how are you still so…” isagi grunts, high-pitched and borderline whiny, choking on the spit that pools against the pad of his tongue and slips out of the corner of his mouth. “so fucking tight. god, i needed this. needed you.” 
the way in which isagi yearns for you will never fail to make you melt, following your biological instinct which tells you to push your hips back and throw your ass back on him too. “it’s all for you, yoichi,” you drawl, a wet sigh lying on your glossy lips while your boyfriend's milky tips drags along your insides, churning you up just as he kisses your cervix. rin’s face crumples and you feel a little mean for getting lost in his rival right before his very eyes — but the other half of you enjoys the psychological torment  you’re putting him through. 
you like how at any point he could have gotten up and left yourself and isagi to your fun. but rin stays, because he likes the position of vulnerability you put him in. he trusts you, both you and isagi. 
yoichi pacifies himself by latching into your shoulder with pointed teeth, licking over the bite marks as his chest rumbles in content and his hips set a steady stream to fuck you with. his dark hair tickles your skin every time he pumps his cock in and out of you, feeding your body his lust for you and painting you with opaque layers of pre between your thighs. it mixes with your arousal, clear strings slinging against your legs each time isagi’s balls tap at your sensitive clit.
he breathes his ego into you, making your face burn, making you cry out until your throat is raw. isagi has always been able to fill you up so good, his cock is pretty — decorated with spiralling blue and green veins that hit spots you can’t reach with your fingers while is shaft slightly curves, up just enough to never leave your g-spot. even when he’s fucking you from behind. 
“oh precious girl, that’s it, throw it back on me,” isagi slurs, hardly able to focus on anything aside from the way you take him in — the lewd pap, pap, pap of your pussy rippling around him. “show me how you want it. how you want me to use this cock for you.” 
isagi tells you encouragingly between thready breaths. he’s always been a giver, his pleasure has always been your pleasure and his end goal to make you see stars when you cum. like you, isagi always finds a way to get what he wants. and he wants you to lose your mind to him. in front of rin. 
“right there, yoichi — need you right there!” comes your heavenly little whine as you throw your head back onto his shoulder for the nth time that evening. your attention tears away from rin for only a second, giving him the perfect view of your breasts that bounce as yoichi pounds you from behind and the crystallised beads of sweat that run down the collum of your throat. “y’so big, oh my god.”
“you, hah, you hear that rin? she keeps cryin’ my name, praising me like i’m her fucking god.” he somehow manages to snap to his rival.  
you have an inkling that yoichi going insane since his voice drips with a huskiness that lowers its octave.  he seems to lose his goal, however, succumbing to your selfish cunt that refuses to let him pull out and forces the striker to keep his thrusts deep and targeted inside of your heated core. 
bliss is pungent in the air, lays heavy across every inch of your mind and you find yourself succumbing to it — once mover digging your nails into rin’s shoulders until they form pretty crescent moons on the expanse of his milky flesh and you can use him as leverage to fuck yourself back on yoichi’s creamy dick. 
everything sounds so fucking nasty, and rin really can’t fucking help it. all of his shamefulness that once painfully panged at each of his nerve endings seems to have fizzled away into shameless. he finds himself no longer caring that his cock is pulsing from watching his friend ( his rival, his enemy, his … crush? whatever …) fuck the girl of his dreams to high heavens and back. with his emerald gaze laser focused on darting between your viscous and drenched cunt sucking yoichi in, and your angelic expression ( creased brows and perfectly pouty lips) — rin let’s his hand slip beneath his shorts to finally relieve himself of the ache. 
he hissed at the first contact with his erection, the sound quickly turning to pathetic blubbers that make his ears burn red at their tips — because it feels so good. finally touching himself in sync with isagi’s thrusts, getting himself off to the way he fucks you, loves you. torn between wanting to be either of you. it’s a large thing to admit to himself, sifting through a maze of lust, attraction. rin has been chasing after the want to be loved for so long and somewhere along the way it morphed into wanting to be between you both.
he won’t admit it out loud, however, but he feels lucky enough to watch right now. grateful that he pushed isagi this far.
the sounds of him jerking off his crying cock, rubbing at his slit from time to time, merges perfectly with the sinful symphony of your mewls, your cries and the weightly slap of isagi’s skin against your own. his guttural moans too, and his breeder’s balls smacking down wetly on your equally wet, puffy cunt. you catch on first, teary eyes drifting down to the movement beneath the younger itoshi’s clothes and then back up to his face — which looks lighter, relieved and less tense. 
“oh rinnie,” you coo, voice rising an octave — delighted by the sight in front of you and the way in which your boyfriend eagerly chases the hot grip of your abused, leaky hole. “y-you’re so cute… you like watching me get fucked that bad, hm?” 
“y-yes, god yes.” he lets out a choked moan in response, his throat dry from holding back and not having spoken in a while. 
you grin lazily and lift a hand from rin’s shoulder to cup his cheek, brushing away a stray tear with your thumb. one that he didn’t even know had fallen. “you’ve been such a good boy, watching so well ‘n listening to ‘ichi up until now…” even though your voice wavers, and you’re just as submissive to your boyfriend as rin is to you right now — you somehow manage to reach out to him, lick at the longing parts of his soul that crave affection like this. 
“he’s pathetic is what he is,” isagi rears his jealous head while slumping over you — aiming to steal your attention away. he’s rutting into you so fast that you swear you see a blinding white light, gushing down his dick and slicking him all up with your early release. “rubbin’ one off on your stupid cock to my girlfriend even when told not to. seems like you never listen, not on the field. not here. you just live to piss me off, don’t you man.” 
it’s humiliating for rin, but he likes it. stuck between your loving praise and isagi’s harsh words. “seeing her cum for me wasn’t enough for me to prove my point to you, but now she’s on my dick and you still won’t admit it.” he barks but doesn’t let up on fucking you senseless.
the hand that squeezes and tugs at rin’s sorely, hard cock only seems to move faster the more mean, embarrassing shit isagi spews at him. tearing the younger player down but making him feel this amazing. he can’t ignore the small spurts of pre cum that his iron hot tip releases just from having the two of you watching him. it’s evident in the dark stain that seeps through the fabric of his soccer shorts. 
his cheeks are flushed and his eyelids droopy as he looks up at you, palming himself to your very vision of beauty. the three of you are a mess. you can’t help but sequel like a lamb being dragged to slaughter between rin and isagi — who tears you apart by plunging into you as deep as he can go and pieces you back together with sloppy kisses to your back, tonguing at your neck possessively. 
isagi’s veiny hands grab at your ass next to pull you onto his thrusting cock, pushing anything that leaks out of you back into your clenching hole. he peels his sweat soaked chest away from your back and you whimper at the loss of his body heat — only to let out a surprised sob when he spits onto the point at which your bodies join, fucking the froth past your entrance. 
everything your boyfriend does to you, has a snowball effect on rin. he no longer holds back, wildly bucking his hips into his hand wishing it were your sluice sex, or your mouth. dying to have his hands all over you the way isagi does. you terrorise his thoughts but your moans and squeaks soothe him — dragging him closer and closer to his high. you’re dangerous, rin concludes, but it only makes him want to see you like this even more. 
meanwhile, you’re in no better condition — every time isagi bends you over and ravages you like this, you’re reminded of the many reasons why he is blue lock’s star player. his strong build from playing soccer all around the world pays off in he’s with you, making good use of his new found stamina to wreck your entire being and pound you all the way to hell. though yoichi is shorter and lean where rin is taller and agile, he never fails to make your brain void of any thought and your legs soft thighs  with how wet you are. he fucks you like he hates you, like he’s mad at you for your own existence but he speaks to you in ways that emulate love.
“you’re milking me, precious girl,” he mutters as if he’s in awe. “you want my cum that badly? you want me?” yoichi purrs, sending shockwaves through your system and right down to your pelvis — adding to the orgasmic knots that twist there, threatening to unravel at any second. “you’re so pretty, grinding up on me. so dirty, loving how rin watches you. my precious girl.”
“‘m yours, yoichi,” you reaffirm, preening into his touch as it cascades up and down your body like a rushing waterfall. “wanna cum, wanna cum f’you.” 
your admission is like a bullet to the chest for rin but he doesn’t want to give this up, revelling how you look down at him, his milky white dick and his blushing face  with an expression so sweet his teeth might rot and his ears fill with your honey-like voice — melting his brain. he wants this for as long as you’ll give it to him, for as long as isagi will allow him to witness it.
“i know baby, but you know what i want, feels so much better when you wait for me,” your boyfriend’s thrusts begin to grow sloppy and irregular — indicating the approach of his own high. but isagi knows you and your body better than anyone else, knows how to make you cum so hard that you might black out. you love to be edged, and you love him even more so. you’d do whatever he wanted and then some. and he would do the same for you. 
he throbs within your tightness, your pussy papping and pulsating, smeared with isagi’s thick precum that douses your puffy folds in white. the mix froths, creating a foamy ring of white at the thickest point of his length. “p-please, yoichi. i don’t think i can,” you wail in denial like you always do, the sound causing both boys to squeeze the base of their cocks and groan in unison — attempting to stave off their orgasms. “hurts so good.” 
rin is reminded of just how good his rival can fuck you. even when you’re desperate to cum (and he’s just as desperate to watch it happen again) — you still have a burning hunger for isagi to control your ecstasy. he wants to give up control like that too. with you, or with his destined enemy. liquid lust rolls down rin’s dick in large waves, his eyes threatening to roll back as he listens to your moans get higher and higher the closer you are. yoichi is in no better condition, growling and chasing after your cunt as your hips attempt to run away from him. 
“she wants to fucking cum, you idiot.” rin grunts, finding his voice amidst the sound of crying, moaning and skin on skin. “please, let her cum.” 
“why? so you can bust a nut to my fucking girl. jeez, rin. get a fucking grip.” 
maybe this is what makes isagi the bad boyfriend rin so desperately wants to make him. putting his pleasure above your own even though rin knows that’s far from the truth — almost relenting while he jerks off to the same pace that isagi fucks you with. but then you call out to him, like a siren from the high seas.
“rinnie, please touch me. h-help me cum.” 
his body moves on his own accord after that, the hand that’s not getting himself off to you and his so called friend reaching between shaky legs and salty skin to fumble with your clit awkwardly. rin has never touched a girl a girl before, not even like this. but he tries to recreate it in the way that isagi does, to listen to you moan for him and see you tremble above him.
“h-how’s that?” he breathes, watching in awe as your eyes roll back into your skull. 
“more.” you say. barking out the command while your cunt spews a fresh wave of juices onto rin’s hand.
your body seizes up, pleasured from all angles. between yoichi’s cock and rin’s calloused thumb drags random shapes over the pearl between your folds. “motherfucker….”  the curse spills from isagi’s lips before he can stop it and admit how fucking amazing it feels to have you tense around him, warm and wet. it’s worse when rin accidentally catches his cock as it slips in and out of you rapidly, churning up your insides. “fucking bastard. at least touch her properly, rub in circles.” 
rin does what he’s told, following the simple command and obediently flicking at your clit. it’s totally worth it, surrendering his autonomy to the older player just to have you tug at his hair and squeal his name. you jut your hips back and forth, meeting both boys in their bid to make you see heaven. your limbs threaten to give out on you, you pulse and pleasure tremors through you like an earthquake.
“oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!” you chant like it’s a prayer.
the world around you falls away as you’re finally pushed over the edge — a bright white light flooding your vision accompanied by static fizzling in your ears. rin watches you cum a second time as if he’s witnessing the eight wonders of the world, your cunt flooding with isagi’s cum at the same time that you squirt with ease. his load floods your womb, filling you up to the brim and you feel so good you might die. a scream tearing in your throat and the knots in your lower tummy rapidly unravelling. the both of you cumming together, at last.
you can’t help it, surging forward to press your lips against rin’s, kissing him hazily, your tongue prodding through his lips — licking into his mouth. rin creams his pants at the very sensation, damn near sobbing into your open mouth. “f-fucking christ, that’s so hot.” isagi whines, slowly pulling out of you and letting the crude mix of your arousals hit the floor. 
it’s only then that rin realises love is not binary.  there are no clear paths to achieving the perfect love. there hat tricks or dribble techniques. love is unwinding and binding and there are too many possibilities. and that scares rin, for him to love a girl he can’t have.
your knees buckle under the exhaustion of it all and rin reaches out to catch you before you can pull away and the oxygen from reality floods his brain again. he misses you when isagi reaches you first, coddling you in his arms and kissing all over your face to calm you down and reassure you. loving you in ways rin isn’t sure that he’s capable of. 
nosing your cheek, isagi coos out to you — his personality doing a complete 180. “you okay, precious. i wasn’t too hard on you, right?” 
you’re so happy to be in his arms, close to dozing off. “‘m okay, yoichi. you were perfect. you always are. i love you.” 
“do you need help getting to the showers? i can carry you there.” 
eyeing rin on the floor, you look back up to isagi and shake your head adoringly — knowing that they’ll probably need to talk this out without you.
“i’ll be alright, find me when you’re done here. okay?” 
the striker lets you back down and accepts a kiss on the cheek from you. you pad away to wash off — leaving him in silence with his younger counterpart. the tension fails to dissipate as they fix themselves, tucking away their dicks and floundering to speak. 
rin watches the way isagi longingly looks at the door, wanting to be with you instead of dealing with the consequences of his actions. it dawns on him then, that he literally cannot win against isagi, that perhaps he is better than rin in all ways possible. he’s a loser. he lost to you and to isagi. 
“i’m… i’m a good boyfriend. for her, yanno,” isagi says awkwardly after some time, scratching the back of his head shyly. “there isn’t anything i wouldn’t do for her…but how much i love her doesn’t reflect in my plays and she knows that. the way i love her and love soccer are different. i could never blame my mistakes on how much i care for her. it would be on me. like today was on you.” 
rin can only blink back in response. “that’s true. i’m—“ he wants to apologise, but something inside him, something that he’d worked so hard to undo this past hour doesn’t let him. he can’t submit, be truthful and vulnerable. not when the setting isn’t as intimate as before. 
rin still can’t let go. 
something familiar — akin disappointment swirls in the blues and azures of yoichi’s eyes, but he doesn’t comment on rin’s silence. 
it reminds rin of his brother, sae. 
with nothing left to talk about, isagi nods quietly and shoved his hands in his pockets to head for the showers — no doubt to check up on you, be with you openly and happily, but pauses just shy of the door. he throws his head back to address rin once more. 
“oh and by the way,” isagi mumbles, pushing his tongue around inside his mouth and against his cheek. looking for the right words. as if he’s holding back — saying whatever comes next against his will. “she did really like you. so, every day i have to prove to her that i was the right choice, the better one. a good boyfriend. so don’t get it twisted. alright?”
he makes his exit shortly after — leaving the younger player with no time to respond.
and rin can’t tell if those words were supposed to comfort him or not. in fact, all they do is make him feel worse. 
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laugtherhyena · 2 months
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Finally getting around to posting refs of my termina ocs, writing these kinds descriptions takes longer than i thought it would.
Character story
The silent Bohemian night reigns with an underlying uneasiness to it. You can't help but feel as if something sinister lurks in the horizon, just beyond where your eyes can reach..
In an attempt to ignore the chill underneath your skin, you reminisce about what has led you to this point in life…
You are the bastard daughter of the minister of All-mer’s church. From the moment you were able to understand the world around you, you knew you were not born to be loved. Your mother hardly paid any mind to you and your father was no different, if it wasn't for her threats to expose him for infidelity he would not have brought you into his home. You never saw that woman again, as the anchor that kept her stuck to that decrepit man was now in his own possession. For her benefit and your suffering, you stayed with your father.
Neither he nor his family were kind to you, it was clear as day that you were nothing more than an unwanted pest in their lives, one of which they aimed to take some benefit from by making you serve them as a houseworker. You were not allowed to eat at the table with everyone, nor receive beautiful clothes or a luxurious room. Years trailed at a snail’s pace as the man you loathed to call father continued to ignore your presence, on occasion he would allow you to enjoy some of the manor's luxuries, but only if you did an exceptional job on the house chores. The small room under the stairs was truly the only place you could call yours in the manor.
His wife despised your very existence and took it upon herself to make your life miserable, expecting you to excel on the most arduous tasks whilst still being available to tend to the family's every needs. There were many times you went to sleep with an empty stomach as a punishment from the mistress, other times you were left with a bruised face and a bleeding nose. With no one to care for you other than yourself, you learned how to tend to your injuries and illnesses with the help of some old medicine books from the mansion’s library. You took pride in your abilities to keep yourself alive and continued to improve your skills as the abuse became progressively worse.
On top of what you endured by the hands of the minister's wife, your half-sister was hardly any different from her, if anything, Madeline’s favorite activity was torturing you for her own amusement. Your shrieks of pain as she cut your face open with the ritual knife were a source of laughter for her, blood and tears stained the floorboards as the burning pain numbed all your other senses. You stitched your face back together, but no amount of healing could ever clear their remnants off of your face. She made you horrendous. Far too undesirable to look at to be around the manor when visits came by.
Your self-taught medical skills weren't enough this time, the depth of the cut was irregular, parts continued to bleed and stitches came off no matter how hard you wrapped your head with dirty old cloth fragments to keep it together.
Hate swelled inside of you with every string of pain, you were determined to never experience such suffering again. And so, you…
Stayed on the lookout for Madeline (Gain nearby awareness)
You stayed alert for your sister's ill intentions during all times of the day. The mixture of the aching of your injuries and the paranoia were incredibly taxing in your young mind, you became restless, anxious to the point where your heart always thrumped at an accelerated rate.
Nevertheless, it worked like a charm. You were able to evade your sister's grasp and even stop her in her tracks whenever she tried to hurt you or damage your few belongings. You felt proud of yourself even if it led to the mistress handing you more work out of Madeline’s complaints to her
Utilized your resources to the max of their potential (Gain resourceful worker)
To treat your pesky injury you made the absolute best out of the few materials you had in hand, reusing the same old cloth fragments to stop the constant bleeding and mixing a couple crushed herbs into blue vials to increase their capabilities. Keeping notes of your doings for whenever such tactics were needed again.
They worked, but not without undesirable consequences as your methods granted you a nasty infection that kept you bedridden for weeks. If it wasn't for the knowledge you gained on medicinal herbs from those old books you're certain you wouldn't have made it. You felt incredibly proud of yourself despite your rocky recovery.
After the fact you went on to dedicate all your free time into studying medicine. Countless sleepless nights were spent flipping through medical journals in the manor's library and filling notepad after notepad with knowledge you deemed essential. During the day, you dragged your exhausted body through the house chores, repeating whatever you read last night in your mind as you worked. Now whenever you got sick or hurt, not a single desperate tear was shed as you knew exactly what to do, which in turn made Madeline disinterested in tormenting you. It wasn't fun if your pain wasn't visible.
You watched as your half-sister’s physique blossomed into a beautiful woman while the conditions you grew under made yours grow skeletal and lanky, which paired with the nasty scars tainting your face made you loathe your appearance almost as much as you despise your sister and her entire family.
One evening, luck knocked at your door as a burglar broke into the manor and stabbed Madeline in the stomach amidst his escape. Your room under the stairs kept your presence unknown to the attacker, when it was safe, you followed her cries of agony and marveled quietly at the scene.
Your sister was dying, she couldn't even stand when the pain from the wound kept her legs in place. Blood soaked her clothes as her eyes screamed despair while you simply watched from barely a feet away.
For all the suffering she made you go through, her death would have brought you nothing but happiness…
Yet, you didn't allow that to happen. You grabbed a large towel and pressed against her abdomen to stop the bleeding, keeping her conscious as you waited for her parents to return home so she could be brought to a hospital. That woman couldn't fathom why you were doing this for her, but you were more than aware of where your intentions stemmed from.
Madeline would have died if it weren't for your actions, she's only alive because you allowed her to do so. Attaining a level of power over your beloathed sister of which she could never surpass, she owes her life to you for the rest of her pathetic existence and that fact filled you with a joyful sentiment much greater than if you had watched life drain from her eyes.
Your newfound brought you external consequences that had never crossed your mind at the pivotal moment. Madeline began treating you nicer, she started bringing you along her trips around town and lending you her belongings, chatting with you about life, seemingly interested in forging a real sisterly bond with you. With her abrupt change soon came her mother's, the mistress stopped demanding that you work around the house and began giving you money to buy good clothes and whatever your heart desired. 
In a matter of months you were treated no differently than your sister, even if your father would never officially recognize you as his daughter. These people now smiled kindly at your sight but none ever apologized, nor did they ever acknowledge the abuse you suffered in their hands as horrid as it was. You paid no mind to it though. What you seek in their care is the places their power can lead you to, and for that you can pretend to enjoy their presence.
You told your father of your interest in the medical field and he went on to pay for your tuition in Bremen’s most prestigious university. For the following years you were able to put all your time into something you truly loved while being miles away from those people, learning about procedures and tools you would never have access to if it weren't for the power you acquired over your disgraceful family.
During your studies, you couldn't help but think of the different ways your skills could be put to use…
Study anatomy and amputation (Gain hacking saw + ×1 bonesaw) 
Study anesthetic procedures (Gain chemical slumber)
When you graduated you wasted no time in joining the Bremen army. You were no fool to fall for Kaiser's lunatic preachings, but a lunatic with power certainly has its worth. If you were able to catch his attention then perhaps a fraction of this power could be passed onto you. Giddy with delight over the prospect, you packed your belongings while thinking of ways to make your abilities stand out amongst all other doctors and nurses in the army.
The reality of the situation was much harsher than you had anticipated, but you never cowered. Countless men on the brink of death came to you daily while the frail nurses grew sick with all the death and destruction, you took it upon yourself to put order in the situation and keep the men alive no matter how challenging or exhausting the procedures were. Each and every soul clinging to earth out of your doing added more power to your name, you were certain that if you kept this pace sooner or later Kaiser would direct his gaze towards you.
Keeping your sanity in check amidst the horrors of war was no easy task, you could feel your mind deteriorating as the months went by and the conflict worsened. Still, you never allowed anyone to see through the cracks in your persona, remaining as a miraculous savior for the most gruesome injuries despite being increasingly closer to your breaking point.
You were well aware that you would be unable to remain this way for much longer, not without a way to take off the edge…
Do some reading (Gain ×1 All-mer skin bible)
You used the brief moments of respite through the nights to read through the bible your sister gifted you the day you left home for university, it had been laying in the bottom of your bags untouched for several years. In the absence of anything better to do you decided to give it a shot, though it did nothing but remind you how much you despise magic and everything associated with it, especially the ones that dabble in your field.
You had heard about healing magic once or twice through casual conversations with your classmates back in the university, the reminder alone made your blood boil. A ritual circle and a sacrifice of some kind were all it took for any weak minded moron to achieve medical wonders that defied nature, requiring not a fraction of the effort you put into your work, yet capable of doing so much more than you could ever achieve with your own hands…
Your burning hatred pushed you towards working harder than you had ever before, dead set in showing your superior proficiency in comparison to those deranged cultists.
Drink your worries away (Gain ×2 Vodka)
Through the cold nights you navigated towards places where you could numb your senses with alcohol, be it establishments nearby or the army's own settlements where you knew soldiers would always sneak little things that could briefly take their minds away from the horrors.
Surrounded by men, you were thankful for having a good alcohol tolerance, but you had a hunch that they wouldn't try to do anything to you even if you were the type to become tipsy after a few sips. You could see it in their eyes, your efforts gave you an enormous level of respect amids both the soldiers and lieutenant. Your presence was striking and unquestionably imposing, if you ordered, these mindless buffoons would do anything you wished without question…
To have the confirmation that your power did increase significantly stroked your ego and pushed you towards working even harder.
But despite your continuous efforts, Kaiser hardly bat an eye on you. It seemed as if, in his eyes, you were no different than the countless other nurses in the Bremen army. Day by day that man’s ignorance filled your heart with ire as you grew to hate him and everything he stood for, but you were never the kind to give up, especially not after all the turmoil you endured thus far.
It may not have been what you envisioned but this project of yours certainly wasn't for nothing, as you received a command to travel to Prehevil, capital of Bohemia. Tasked with making a report on the town and assessing when would be the best time to coordinate and invasion. Perhaps if you excel in this task Kaiser will finally set his eyes on you…
With an unexpected trip on the horizon, how did you prepare?
Stock up on medical goods (Gain ×2 blue vial and cloth fragments)
Stock up on self-defense items (Gain Lugr Pistol and ×10 9mm Bullets)
Stock up on food (Gain ×2 dried meat and moldy bread)
Staring at the walls of the stuffy apartment you booked in order to lay low, you couldn't help but wonder if Kaiser himself hand-picked you for this task. Perhaps you are closer to your goal than you had anticipated.
Possibilities swarmed your mind until your consciousness slowly faded as you drifted off to sleep…
Character skills
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cultofdixon · 1 year
Sharing is caring
Daryl Dixon x Reader x Rosita Espinosa • She/Her Pronouns • They’re best friends…and you are theirs. • NSFW - Oral (F Receiving) / Hickeys / Biting / Face Riding / Missionary / Grinding / Fingering • TW: Canon Violence Mentioned / Injuries / Scars
Requested by: Anon
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It was nice…
No longer having to worry about Negan and the Saviors. The group along with the many communities they’ve become close with through the troubling times can finally thrive and work together. To make everyone feel safe…
Daryl couldn’t help the smile that would grace his face as he finally felt a moment’s peace. Especially with the help of his human ray of sunshine. She was perfect. Didn’t push him to his breaking point, but still never left when they both knew deep down he needed her. She’d always patch him up after their more hairy runs with walkers. Lay with him and listen to every word that comes out of him with this loving and invested gaze that draws him in. She’ll look at him the same even when no words leaves his lips. She made him feel so cared for during all the chaos, even before and after. She was there.
His sunshine was perfect
But he wasn’t the only one to have a special someone.
Rosita has her querida, her love. She never thought she could love anyone after Abraham or as much as she did before he ruined it. Then came this woman that has been in her life for some time and shook her. Showing her that she can love with reasonable hesitation and that she would never hurt her the way the past did. Her smile always brightened the room and she knew just the right words to get a laugh out of her. The way she held Rosita close at night, running her fingers through her hair calming every nerve from the day just by protectively holding her close.
Her querida was everything.
But everyone knew their partners as Y/F/N Y/L/N. A literal human ray of sunshine and always knowing the right words to say to anybody. She is the most optimistic person you’ll ever meet, and the realist. Even happy people have bad days and she’s not afraid to express how she’s feeling.
Everyone knew Daryl, Y/N, and Rosita were this unspoken trio that went on runs together and got shit done faster since they work the best together. Little did everyone else know that Y/N was seeing the both of them, romantically.
It wasn’t kept from either of them. No offense to the archer and the warrior but they can be jealous of things important to them. While Y/N was more of “who could only love one person” type without all the mess that can be a misconception or fact for some people of said type.
When they had gotten used to it, Daryl had said out loud once during their run that if he had to share Y/N with, he wouldn’t want anybody else other than Rosita. And she couldn’t agree more. They each have their boundaries and all live in the same house at Alexandria, with their own rooms. Some nights Y/N will be with Rosita, other nights with Daryl, and sometimes she’s by herself. There will always be time for alone time. Again, no one really knows even if Y/N is an open affectionate person while Daryl is not and Rosita prefers privacy…but if someone had to bring it up, it wouldn’t be addressed with hostility.
Love whoever the fuck you want (within reason of course)
Packing has always been stressful. The old world made it a hundred times worse but in the apocalypse, one has to make sure they’ve got everything. Flashlight, knife, first aid, canteen…depends on the trip one would go on. In this case, Y/N was packing to head over to the Sanctuary and at a very late hour so that she’d have the morning with Daryl before she helps around then ultimately head back to Alexandria.
“Hey, mi amor” Rosita smiles leaning against the door frame as Y/N shot her a smile while she finished up. “You sure you don’t want me to drive you over there? I don’t mind one bit”
“I know you don’t. But you promised Rick you’d join him on the early run tomorrow morning. You need your sleep”
“Always so worried about lil ol me” Rosita laughs bringing herself into the room, wrapping her arms around her waist bringing her close. “I just want you to take the truck and not your bike. You’re not the smoothest biker”
Y/N tried to contain her laugh to an insult directed toward her as she turned around to hold her girl close.
“I’ll be safe. And if I eat shit, we both know Daryl will find me in minutes”
“I sure hope so or I’m going to have to kick his ass” Rosita smirks as the look on her face told Y/N for sure that she wasn’t lying. She will kill the man if shit happens.
With a quick kiss from her querida, Rosita let her finally leave before the light in the sky completely went out. Y/N started up her bike with her pack on her back as she had a helmet to ease both their anxieties. She gave her a quick sign of ‘I love you’ before heading through the gates once Eugene opened them for her.
The ride to the Sanctuary felt faster now compared to times before. Probably because they had to take the longer route to go unnoticed. Now it’s slowly becoming a community with Daryl’s help, which was a whole can of worms when he first told Y/N about it. The man would do anything for his brother, even risk his PTSD.
Daryl heard the knock on his door while he was drawing out farming plans for the Sanctuary. He waited a moment until he heard the familiar rhythmic knock that was a code for the two when they used to sneak around during the time they lived under the Grimes’s roof. He got up from his seat and went to open the door, instantly smiling to find his partner as she returned with her radiant smile.
“Hey sunshine” He continued to bear his smile letting Y/N in and closing the door behind her when his smile faded noticing the bit of a limp. “Did yea take another spill?”
“What? No!” Y/N lied setting her helmet down on the counter of the kitchenette along with her pack.
“Then why are yea wearing fresh pants?” Daryl crosses his arms leaning against the door waiting for her to admit it herself as all he received was a scoff to begin with.
She next went into her pack pulling out the torn jeans as she didn’t see the pothole on the way in and only ended up with road rash. Thankfully. Daryl helped her out of the pants she was wearing to cover up the fact as he went slow to avoid the open wound already sticking to the pants to cause more discomfort. As Y/N situated herself on the bed, Daryl tossed her pants on his chair before getting his first aid and cleaning it up then applying a bandage.
“Gotta get yea a new bike. Or force yea to take a car next time”
“Not my fault the pothole tends to win every fight”
“Mm. Can’t argue with that” Daryl finishes with the bandages and putting everything away. “She’s gonna kill yea”
“Mm. But if I tell her that you’re not as mad, she’ll direct her anger toward you” Y/N smiles as she brought her knees to her chest watching him roll his eyes fighting back a small smile. “Can I take the truck back?”
“Please, do.” Daryl exhaled a lot of the stress that built up from such, bringing himself to sit on the edge of the bed as Y/N uncurls herself to crawl on her knees to bring her beside him. “I’m glad you’re here though”
“You should come home soon. I’m slowly but getting there with my convincing to Rick. There are some trustworthy people here that could watch the place”
“Or get rid of it entirely” He frowns bringing his head to rest on her shoulder as she instantly kisses the top of his head.
The two went to bed shortly after getting ready for such and making sure she was settled as Daryl found himself comfortably laying on Y/N with his head on her chest after. He hums softly feeling her fingers run through his hair enjoying the feeling. He could lay there for hours and he did until he naturally shifted to be beside Y/N, bringing her into his embrace holding her protectively.
The Sanctuary didn’t get much natural light in their rooms as they were like solitary confinement. But the rooms still had that basement size window that gave just enough natural light to fill the room.
Y/N felt the warmth from the light hit her face but there was more happening as she felt the heat rise in her cheeks. A breathy choked off moan escaped her lips feeling his nose brush against her clit while his tongue lapped at her sweetness between her folds. Guess he had other plans in mind this morning. She felt her core build up as she instinctively bucked against his face when she felt the cord snap.
“Fuck…” Y/N moans, getting comfortable once again in the bed as Daryl brought himself out from under the covers releasing her panties back into place after pulling them aside just enough to enjoy his “breakfast”. “That better not be it, my love”
“Mmm…‘course not, sunshine” He smirks bringing his lips to hers as she could taste herself on his lips letting his tongue explore the inside of her mouth while his hands worked to completely remove her panties.
Once he did such, Daryl positioned himself in between her legs as he only parted from kissing her to catch his breath. Y/N brought her legs around him pulling him into her core as he got the hint starting to grind into her while he attached his lips to her neck.
“Dar…please” Y/N moans feeling the cord tighten as she wanted more than just the friction with his boxers.
“So polite” Daryl chuckles against her neck sucking on the spot to leave a hickey. “Be a good girl and tell me what you want, sunshine”
“God!” She moans feeling his dominant hand squeeze her breast through her shirt. “Please. For the love of god, fuck me!”
Daryl chuckles once more, pulling his lips away from her skin admiring the mark. “Okay sunshine. Rid yourself of your shirt while I get a condom” he pulls away entirely getting out of the bed, taking his boxers off as Y/N got a bit distracted staring at his naked form…tracing his image with her eyes admiring every scar and freckle she could see.
As Y/N started to get her shirt off, Daryl climbed back into the bed pulling her by the legs the second she got her shirt off…her core instantly meeting his dick as she lays back watching him align himself at her entrance glancing up at her every inch he pushes in.
“Fuck me…” Y/N moans hitting her head back against the pillow as Daryl smirks bringing his arms on both sides of her head reconnecting their lips while he started a slow pace.
As he gradually got faster with his thrust, he couldn’t help his own moans from escaping…especially when he hit the right spot that practically got Y/N screaming when his lips weren’t on hers. She held onto his shoulders being carefully not to dig her nails in, not like he’d mind. But as she felt the cord tighten again and Daryl felt her walls clench around him, they were both close.
“Fuck, you feel so good” Daryl groans, picking up the pace and going a bit rougher the closer he got.
“Daryl. Please. Fuck!” She moans feeling him slam into her as she gripped onto his shoulder blades when the cord snapped and her walls clenched tightly around him.
That drew a low moan from his chest as he reached his climax spilling his seed into the condom. He lays on top of her a moment to catch his breath while Y/N didn’t mind him laying on her as she gently caresses his back listening to him sigh contently.
“Should we get started with the day or…?”
“Mmm it can wait a few minutes”
More like an hour. The two took a shower to clean up before getting started with the farming plots Daryl drew up. Y/N took one of his shirts hostage and let him re-bandage her leg before going to get some ex-Saviors to help.
Once the day was finished, Y/N tossed her pack in the bed of the truck before approaching Daryl with a smile and kissing him goodbye. But he held her close for a little while longer.
“Don’t cause too much trouble, or imma have to come back”
“Maybe I want you back”
“Soon, sunshine” Daryl smiles giving her one more kiss. “Soon”
And with that Y/N made her way back to Alexandria, waving at Gabriel when he opened the gate for her. She parked in front of the house and was instantly met with Rosita’s warm embrace. Y/N tightened her arms around her hiding her face in the crook of her neck as Rosita rubs circles on her back.
“He knows mi amor. I know he does” Rosita frowns wishing Daryl would get the hint that her visiting him at the Sanctuary was a bit triggering. Given what they both been through during the war. Then there’s Rick who made the mistake of having him watch the place. “Come on, I can cheer you up”
“Oh yeah?” Y/N parts from her, her smile returning as it brought warmth to Rosita’s heart as she couldn’t help but kiss her partner before leading her inside.
While Y/N went to put her things away and get undressed, right before she got into something more comfortable Rosita approached her from behind wrapping her arms around her naked form pressing a kiss to her shoulder.
“How about we take a shower? We’ve both worked hard today…a nice hot shower sounds nice right about now”
“The only hot thing about such is going to be us. When’s the last time we had hot water?”
“Hmm. I’m not entirely sure. But you’re very right about the hot thing” Rosita smirks kissing her shoulder then her neck while moving her hair aside to continue kissing her exposed skin. “I’m all ready for you, sweetheart”
“Hmm…that shower will have to wait” Y/N sighs relaxing against her touch as her hands moved from her hips to her breasts gently groping form behind until she wanted to see all of her. Making Rosita suddenly spin Y/N and shoving her onto the bed. “Eager aren’t we, my love?”
“I missed you”
“I’m right here, Rose” Y/N quickly sat up taking her face into her hands crashing her lips onto hers as Rosita pulls her to the edge of the bed by the hips keeping her hands there. The two continued to make out then and there until Y/N parted smirking at her love. “Sit on my face”
“You have a way with your words” Rosita laughs gripping her hips softly as Y/N rolls her eyes keeping her smirk.
“I’m forward is what you’re looking for and I know what I’m craving” Y/N smirks kissing her once more before laying back and bringing her entire self on the bed waiting for Rosita to eventually climb on top of her. “I don’t bite”
“I know that” She scoffs followed by a smile. “I don’t want to crush you”
“Oh trust me, that’s a hell of a way to die” Y/N smirks as Rosita smacks her shoulder. “But I promise I’ll tap out if I get too high on your body. Trust me though, I can never get enough of your gorgeous self”
Rosita felt the heat rise in her cheeks but a cute little touch was the blush that met her shoulders that Y/N could never get enough of when she gets her blushing. Rosita carefully positioned herself above Y/N’s face as she wanted to go slow lowering herself but when she felt her partner’s hands find purchase on her hips…she’s getting pulled down.
The initial contact caused a gasp to escape her but it quickly turned into a moan once Y/N brought her tongue through her folds. She was slow at first with her tongue as her nose occasionally brushes her clit. With the way they were in the bed, Rosita couldn’t hold onto the headboard but she did lean forward against the wall. The side of her bed was up against the wall in the corner. So as she leaned forward she felt Y/N’s hands grip onto her hips to keep her in place but scooted down a bit so that she could continue to eat her out and start her licking and sucking on her clit. Rosita bites down on her lip to contain the moans escaping her, ultimately failing when she felt her release one of her hands bringing her index and middle to start fingering her while sucking on her clit. The cord was tightening and she tried to keep herself from climaxing too quickly but the way her slender fingers brushed against that spot made it difficult to keep it together.
When Rosita felt Y/N tap her, she couldn’t help the whine that escaped her when she didn’t reach that snap. But she was immediately tossed onto the bed and Y/N brought herself back in between her legs looking at her woman with a smile on her face before bringing herself back down to her core and returning her lips to her core.
“Oh fuck!” Rosita moans arching her back feeling one of her hands reach up to grope her breast as the other started to finger her again.
The way her fingers thrust at the same pace she lapped at her clit, the cord snapped and boy did it. Rosita gripped onto the bedsheets arching her back moaning louder than before as she reached climaxed. Her back falls back onto the bed as she panted watching through hooded lids, Y/N pull her face away sucking her sweetness off her fingers and brushing what’s wet on her lips on the back of her hand.
“Holy shit…”
“Felt good, baby?”
“Always” Rosita exhales happily as Y/N brought herself leaning over her body pressing her lips against her lips. “Fuck…how could yea tire me out before I could do anything?”
“I wanted to take care of my girl, and I ain’t done. Imma start a bath for you and of course I’ll join you” She smiles kissing her once more before climbing out of the bed as Rosita watched her naked form approach the bathroom.
“What did I do to deserve you?”
“Don’t know, but I’m glad I have you”
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Pt.6 the +1
Steve's radio goes off again. "Situation at the Munson bar."
Robin gives him a look. "We're going to respond to that right?"
Steve sighs. "We have to."
When he walks in it's definitely not what he's expecting. Gareth runs up to him.
"Hey Steve."
"Hey Gare what's going on?" He's still looking around for Eddie but he doesn't have to look long.
Eddie's drunk on the stage. Performing for karaoke Friday.
"I WAS MADE FOR LOVING YOU BABY" He has a glass of whiskey in one hand and a mic in the other. He's stumbling around.
"I've been trying to get him down for 30 minutes. He keeps saying it's his property so it doesn't matter but look at him, he's a danger to himself and he's scaring the customers."
"I'll handle this." Steve walks up to the stage until he's in Eddie's eyeline.
"Oooohhhh look who it is! Look everyone!" Eddie points at Steve. "The guy who doesn't want to date me!" He's laughing.
"Eddie that's enough. Get down."
Steve can't believe he's acting like this over him. He's just some guy. Eddie wouldn't want him soon. He wouldn't want to stay. Steve was saving him from being hurt. He was doing the right thing.
"Eddie. Get. Down."
"No! I can do what I want it's my bar! It's my heart! It's my emooooootioooonnnssss" He sings into the mic.
Steve is silent. He doesn't know the best, safest course of action.
"Of course you're silent," Eddie scoffs. "You were silent when you ran off and I was pleading for you to come back. Why wouldn't you be silent when I'm publicly putting you on the spot."
"No. Not until you give me an explanation."
He waves the mic in Steve's face until he leaves it at his lips.
"So what's it gonna be Stevie? Tell the people? Or leave. Again."
Steve's face is stone. He will remain professional.
"I'm not doing this here." It echoes in the mic.
"Why not!" Eddie yells. "You won't do it here you won't do it when I'm pleading!"
"Can we go somewhere-"
"I just don't know what you want to hear. I don't know what you want from me-"
"Why don't you want me!" Eddie's screaming at him. Still on the stage.
Steve stares up at him and it all feels right in that moment. Like he's not doing something wrong. Like he can have what he wants. He's ready now, he's going to put everything on the line.
"Answer me!" Eddie pushes at his shoulders and Steve stumbles a bit.
"Of course I want you! You don't want me!"
Eddie looks shocked. Tears are streaming down his face. He's still so drunk.
"Wha- what. What could you possibly mean by that." He walks leans forward, almost falling off the stage. He holds Steve's face in his hands. The look he gives him- god it cuts through Steve like a knife. He's never been on the receiving end of so much emotion, so much affection.
"I always want you, Stevie. You hurt me."
Steve chokes out a sob.
"No- no you want me now. You're drunk, you don't want me forever. I'm too much I love too much. I'm protecting you. I'm helping. The cop thing is a lot, people can't handle that. I'm doing what's right."
Eddie looks at him like he can tell Steve repeats the mantra in the mirror.
"I've sobered up. As soon as you looked into my eyes I was sober. You make me feel drunk. You make me feels things i didnt know i was allowed to feel. If you ever doubt me know im serious in this moment. I want you Steve Harrington. I love you too much. I want whatever you're willing to give me and I promise I'll give you so much more. Be with me. Date me. Never leave me and I'll be yours forever."
Steve crushes their lips together. He's too happy. There's no way this is real.
He pulls back and kisses all over Eddie's face. Eddie giggles and launches himself off the stage and into Steve's arms. His legs wrap around his waist.
They hear whistling all around them. People are clapping and jeering.
They're too wrapped up in each other to care.
"God I love you I love you I love you-"
"Okaaaay," Eddie pushes his face away and looks deeply into his eyes. "I love you too."
"Do you want to?"
"The good part of owning this place is I can leave whenever I want, plus today's my day off I just wanted to get your attention."
Steve cackles and holds him tighter.
"You have it. You have me."
"You have me always babe. Let's get out of-AAAAH AHAAHAHA"
Steve is still holding him as he runs out the door Eddie scream laughing in his arms.
Thanks for reading my second complete fic! Lemme know if you like it:)
I'll probably be editing this for like the next week idk
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strawb3rryshortcak5 · 2 years
Headcanons For Task Force 141
simon ‘ghost’ riley, john ‘soap’ mactavish, kyle ‘gaz’ garrick, captain john price
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Summary: cute, random, and dumb headcanons about task force 141
Contains: SFW, literally just headcanons
A/N: hi! i wanted to do something small for you guys so i decided a headcanons post would be fine. you will probably find this a bit more boring than my usual stuff but i wanted to write something 😵‍💫💕
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley
- Simon has the most contagious laugh on the planet. It first comes out as a belly laugh, loud and gruff, and then turns into a breathless wheeze if whatever he was laughing at was that funny.
- He hates coffee. He has tried to like it multiple times but he can’t take a proper sip without gagging. On occasion he will try it again to see if anything has changed
- Pumpkin carving king over here. It’s no surprise that he would be good at this, considering his knife skills. But he is so good at it.
- When he is with the team, he will secretly do everyones laundry and clean up the filth around the base. He is adamant about being clean and can’t stand when people smell bad.
- Simon is stupid good at bored games and things like chess. He isn’t very competitive, he is just smart.
John ‘Soap’ Mactavish
- Soap is definitely a picky eater. Like an extremely picky eater with a violent sweet tooth. Doesn’t eat spicy or sour food, only savoury and sweet things.
- Big cereal guy. Eats it as a snack, for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, another snack, etc. His favorite cereal is Kellogs Shreddies.
- When he is at home and gets the chance, he watches stand up comedy shows. He has a giant smile on his face while he watches them, and then binges more shows after he is done the first one.
- He is a really good cook, and a very intense food critic. Gaz cooked a couple steaks for the team and they don’t have a heavy sear? Soap will let him know, and at some point teach him how to do it the correct way.
- Soap is really good at coming up with handshakes. Thats it, thats the headcanon.
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick
- Hands down the most musically talented out of the whole team. When he is bored, he will tap his fingers to random drum rudiments. He can play almost any instrument and is really good at it.
- He loves bugs. Like a little too much. Whenever he sees a cool bug during a mission, he picks it up and takes it with him until he forgets about it and accidentally kills it.
- Scares people on purpose. Like, all the time. Someone is walking around a corner in the base? He is literally right there so scream in their face for no reason.
- He is mediocre at cooking but phenomenal at baking. Everything he bakes is great, but nothing he cooks is ever good. His cooking is just the right amount of edible where you don’t throw it out.
Captain John Price
- He loves hugs. It is very rare that he will receive one, but every time he does it fills his heart with joy.
- Cannot for the life of him wake up to alarms. You would think constantly being around loud sounds he would wake up instantly, but he sleeps like a rock.
- He carries around a disposable camera wherever he can. Price loves taking photos of the trees, flowers, sunsets, animals, and anything else nature related.
- He is really great at giving massages. If anyone on the team is super stiff or sore, he is able to fix it.
- He sets up little relaxing field trips for the rest of the team. Sending them to who knows where so they can finally relax for a little bit.
- During or on special holidays he sets up small parties and turns some things into competitions. For example: pumpkin carving competitions on halloween. (Which Ghost always wins)
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inamindfarfaraway · 2 years
I’ll never get over how Twisted is so good at setting something up comedically and then using it dramatically. The Sultan’s… ah, infertility problem is the obvious example, but there are more.
Like how the people of the kingdom hate Ja’far and blame him for all their troubles despite him being nothing but polite and affable and having devoted his life to helping them. This is presented as funny, with the contrast between his unfailing courtesy and the sheer intensity and illogicality of their vitriol, from the very first moments of the show: “And all the grateful citizens will say to me -” (to a cheerful tune echoing “Belle”) “Fuck you!” “Fuck you!” etc..
But then we see him prepared to destroy whatever’s left of his reputation beyond repair in order to rise up from his lowest point and save everyone. He asks himself with tears in his eyes, “Who cares if no one will ever mourn me?” And we have to process that he has no friends; hasn’t for possibly well over a decade; has instead been relentlessly bullied and slandered for years on end; and is completely resigned to dying alone, forever condemned for crimes he didn’t commit and not even posthumously receiving any of the gratitude, respect or love he deserves. Which really isn’t funny at all. It’s just tragic. And to further taint those earlier scenes, the flashback sequence has revealed that he used to be popular because of his compassion and sense of justice, and calling everyone he meets “friend” is a now-incongruous holdover from that happier time.
Or Aladdin being a serial sexual predator of teenagers. His extreme libido and misogyny are established early on. We learn that he has sexual relationships with much younger women and girls very frequently, manipulating and isolating them, viewing them as disposable objects for his own pleasure and callously abandoning them once he’s satisfied. Yet despite how inherently horrifying that is, he’s so stupidly overconfident, shamelessly sleazy and simply fun to watch that he’s overall a lighthearted villain for a predominantly lighthearted show. It’s impossible to take sexual advances like “Hey babe, it’s such a beautiful night - take off your clothes” seriously. From admonishments (“‘Cause you stole my daughter’s hymen”) to warnings (“A song is a dick in sheep’s clothing!”), this subject is a source of far more comedy than drama on the whole.
But then he says coldly, “I’m a thief; I take what I want” and restrains the sixteen-year-old Princess by force holding a knife. That’s a rape threat. This is a serial rapist. Holy shit, I’ve been laughing at a serial rapist seducing a child.
And of course, there’s “Why did my Mummy have to die?” “Mine too!” “Mine too!” “Mine too!” “Mine too!” “Mine too!” as a crack at Disney’s trend of dead parents, followed by the genuinely emotional revelation that one of the main characters, a parody Disney princess, has a dead mother.
You know? I just think it’s cool, and a very good way to balance and progress the tone. There isn’t a clear delineation between funny stuff and serious stuff, just different lenses on the same ideas, characters and themes. Some stories have designated comic relief characters that disappear or take a backseat for dramatic moments, but in Starkid shows everyone can be comic and dramatic when it’s appropriate.
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Is It Really That Bad?
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Women leading superhero films has a long and troubled history even before losers online decided to make it their life’s mission to bully Academy Award-winning actress Brie Larson for the crime of being in a mediocre MCU movie. 2004’s Catwoman is the film that is usually pointed to as the movie that poisoned the well in regards to superheroine blockbusters, but it takes two to tango; the following year’s Elektra is just as much to blame for the negative perception of these sorts of films.
And how could it not be? It was rushed into production, Jennifer Garner really didn’t want to do it but was contractually obligated, it was supposed to be rated R until more contractual obligations nipped that idea in the bud, and on top of everything else it was a sequel/spin-off to a movie that was already extremely unpopular (Daredevil vindication was a long way’s off at that point). With all that in mind, is it any wonder that it’s one of the lowest grossing films to ever be based off of a Marvel comic? The only films that did worse were Punisher: War Zone, Man-Thing, and The New Mutants. Even the Howard the Duck movie did better than this shit!
The career of director Rob Bowman as tanked because of this film, with his credits being relegated to TV. Garner, meanwhile, fared just as poorly, with her career cooling off and leading roles not being a thing for her after that point. But worst of all is the career of the poor boat house in this movie, as it ended up appearing in Fifty Shades of Grey. And obviously this film dragged down the idea of a woman headlining a superhero flick for about a decade until Genocide Barbie Gal Gadot stepped into Wonder Woman’s boots. And while Catwoman would receive better adaptations on the big screen, Elektra would get no such chance…
...Until it was revealed that Garner was reprising her role in, of all things, Deadpool & Wolverine.
While the film isn’t out as of the time of this review, the announcement of her presence in it really got me intrigued about the last time she donned the red ninja outfit. I’m a huge apologist for early to mid-2000s superhero garbage, so it only made sense to check it out in preparation for the massive Marvel crossover Deadpool was about to deliver. And you know what question I always ask when going in to an infamous film like this: Is it really that bad?
This film is just hilariously corny when it wants to be. I think when it does stupid stuff other superhero films of the time did, it tends to do them at least a little better. For instance, like Ghost Rider it has a quirky miniboss squad full of boring flat characters who exist for Elektra to kill. But while the ones in Ghost Rider are completely forgettable and bland, this film at least has some striking visuals with Tattoo and hot forceful lesbian murder smooching with Typhoid Mary, something I’m sure awoke things in the five people who watched this.
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Garner herself is really, really trying, and to her credit most of the action scenes she’s in are pretty ok when they aren’t being edited to death. As I watched the unrated version, the brief glimpses of insight into her backstory are nice, and I do love that bright red costume on her. If nothing else, she does sell how cool Elektra is supposed to be with how she carries herself, even if the writing isn’t doing her many favors.
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The final act is where things really get fun, because we have a big stupid battle against magical tattoos, teleporting ninjas, and genuinely the funniest possible way to kill a villain ever. I legitimately burst out laughing when I saw this:
Unfortunately, no matter how funny Typhoid Mary taking a knife to the forehead after saying her only two lines in the movie, two lines that actually give her more character than every other villain in the film, it can’t really completely save the film from its two massive, crippling issues.
Literally everyone in this movie is a fucking moron. The biggest moron is easily Elektra’s buddy, who sacrifices himself so Elektra can escape from the bad guys… but his sacrifice is pointless because they pull the info from his mind with psyhcic powers. He would’ve been better off running away with them! But it’s not like the villains are much smarter; one of them chops down a tree, and then almost immediately forgets this and walks into its path before getting crushed to death. It is genuinely absurd how dumb these characters manage to get. The dumbest of them all, however, has to be Stick. I genuinely have no idea what the fuck this man is trying to accomplish at any point, because he is recklessly gambling with people’s lives here.
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But hey, dumb decisions are fine in a trashy 2000s superhero movie as long as they lead to some enjoyably dumb scenarios, right? Well, about that… Barring a couple of ridiculously goofy action scenes, this film is pretty bereft of memorable corniness. Remember how I said the minibosses in Ghost Rider were not as good as the ones here? Sure, maybe it’s true, but no amount of murderous lesbian smooching makes this movie more memorable than Ghost Rider, which features over a dozen insane Nicolas Cage moments. But maybe that’s cheating, it’s not fair to compare a Jennifer Garner vehicle to a Nicolas Cage one… so how about Catwoman? As absolutely shoddy as that movie is, there are a bunch of cringey, campy scenes that have helped earn the movie at least a handful of ironic fans. There’s just nothing like that in Elektra. It’s trashy and stupid in safe, unimpressive ways for the most part, and it doesn’t do anything at all to really stand out from the crowd.
Yeah, I guess it’s bad, but the level of bad that it is is greatly exaggerated.
The movie I’d most compare this to is, of all things, Morbius. I love Morbius more than most people, and even I’m willing to admit it’s multiple bright spots of trashy charm are interspersed with the dullest shit imaginable, and Elektra has a similar issue. It’s just so goddamn unmemorable and dull for the most part, with only the final act being packed full of silly nonsense to latch onto. But even that comparison isn’t great, because Milo was sprinkled throughout Morbius and was genuinely hilarious the whole way through, while Elektra just plods along until it remembers to actually be a little cool for the finale.
I guess really the film is less “bad” and more “not good.” Like if you throw this on in the background as noise while you do something else, it’s not the worst you could do, though even then something like Black Adam would probably be better. If you want to watch a trashy 2000s superhero film, I guess it’s not unwatachably unpleasant, but why wouldn’t you watch Catwoman or Ghost Rider instead? It just is in such an unenviable position where it’s the bottom of the bottom of the barrel, the least engaging super-schlock ever made, a movie not good enough to be vindicated but not bad enough to deserve the hate it gets. Elektra is just a film that exists. That’s all there is to it and aside from the single funny death, I have no strong feelings about this movie. I think a solid 4 is where this belongs. Not good enough to be average, not bad enough to be awful, it’s just there.
All this being said, I’m honestly very excited to see Garner become a teleporting ninja assassin again. Every comic character who was in a crappy adaptation deserves a second shot, be it as a new character (Michael B. Jordan as Killmonger) or as a reprisal that improves on the untapped potential that was there (Jamie Foxx’s Electro in No Way Home). I’m rooting for Garner to get her due, and for Electra to get the respect she truly deserves… But I just don’t really think this movie’s going to be getting a reappraisal no matter how good she ends up doing.
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ghostlywritings · 2 years
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Summary: You're an accomplice of a wanted drug lord that has been under the radar for years. Until on the day you're to meet with him, you get taken into custody hoping to get any information out of you that will lead to his arrest. However, Ghost has some interesting interrogation tactics.
Warnings: Smut with some plot, very rough oral, slight blood play, slight knife play, mention of breeding, slapping, choking, coercion, use of slut/whore, no explicit consent, overall intercourse is on the rougher side.
A/N: This is my very first work ever! I hope you enjoy it might not be the very best but I tried to make it as perfect as possible. I hope you enjoy </3.
 Never would I think this day would happen, but maybe that’s just what happens when you become too cocky, the world will find a way to humble you. Years ago you were down on your luck until one night a man in an expensive suit, well more expensive than anything you’ve ever seen, approached you with an offer that seemed to be too good to be true. A life full of luxury, all the days of constant worries about where your next meal was going to come from would be no more. You were piss poor, nothing to lose at this point, you didn’t have to hear another word to tell him you were in. You would do anything to experience the amazing life everyone else seemed to be living. You meet with the mysterious man. His name Ludovin Petrova. He sold drugs. Lots of drugs. But needed help moving them, which is where you would come in. My job was simple enough. Move the drugs into the states without arising suspicion. Ludovin needed a woman to do this since you would be less likely to arise suspicion of even being capable to carry out such an operation. You get the drugs to the drop-off location and receive 100k. Seemed easy enough. You did a test run and went without a hitch. The second time, better than the first. You were making money so fast that you didn’t even know what to do with it anymore. Every single time it became easier and easier. You couldn’t stop now, you had to keep going. That’s until one night you were to meet Ludovin at the pickup point. He didn’t show. You met at the same place, same time, every two weeks. He was never late. Never early. Always on time. But something didn’t feel right. Did you mess up the dates? Were you at the wrong location? Before you could even call Ludovin to ask what the fuck was going on. A swarm of men comes out behind the shack where you were supposed to meet Ludovin, guns raised. You were arrested and taken to a holding center. You were engaging in illegal business but weren’t given any other explanation as to why you were there. You’ve been in here for what seems like hours. The clock on the wall would say otherwise though. You’ve been in here an hour max. The boring grey walls with no decor could drive anyone insane, to be honest. Your thoughts were quickly interrupted when two men walk through the door. One holding a manilla folder. He has a green tactical vest over a plain short sleeve black shirt. Stubbled covers the lower half of his face, his hair styled into some sort of Mohawk. However, the man behind him is much more interesting to look at. He’s big, no huge. 6’3, 6’4. He’s so big he has to duck under the door frame. He wears the same clothing as the first. But he’s wearing a skull mask. You can’t make out any features but his eyes. Any skin around his eyes is covered in black. He’s muscular and incredibly toned. One of his forearms is covered in a tattoo that you can’t entirely see. His hands were covered by black gloves. Curiosity takes over you. What was the reason for the mask? Better yet you’d love to find out what was under the mask. They pull the chairs across you and sit. The first man speaks in a Scottish accent. 
“I’m sure you’re wondering why you’re here right now…well at least to a certain extent.” He states.
“Mmm can’t say I’ve been a very good girl lately.” You sigh. Was this the point where you refuse to talk about anything else because you might talk too much and ask for a lawyer? That’s what they always do in the movies anyways. 
‘I’m sergeant “Soap” MacTavish and this is Lt Ghost”. You can’t help but to scuff. Ghost. Really? What a pretentious name.
“Is something funny?” MacTavish stares at me head on as if trying to intimidate you; it was working, you can’t make him think that though. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t petrified right now.  
“Uh no continue”, you try giving an apologetic look. 
“Like I was saying, you were arrested today for your involvement with Ludovin Petrova.-” You cut him off maybe denial would be your best bet right now.
“Don’t know who that is and before we continue further with this…..interrogation I want a lawyer here present, with me.” Soap and Ghost share a side-eye look. 
“Do you not know how much shit you’re in right now? This isn’t an arrest because you got too many speeding tickets, sweetheart. You’re heavily involved with a man that’s been on the most wanted list for smuggling an insane amount of drugs into the country and selling and exporting young women for sex trafficking. You don’t get a lawyer. You either tell us everything you know to help arrest him or you’re going to be spending a very, very long time in prison. As far as anyone else is concerned they don’t even know you’re alive. We can get rid of you once we’re done here and no one will know.” 
“Woah wait what? Sex trafficking? Uh sure I was moving drugs here and there but I wasn’t doing anything with sex trafficking let's get that straight”. Now you were really starting to panic. Sex trafficking? Was it dumb for you to just assumed Ludovin was only in the drug business? Jesus Christ. If you weren’t before you were definitely fucked now. Who knows what other things they had on you. What if they try pinning any random thing they find out on you?
“I thought you didn’t know him? No?”, Soap questions.
“Never said I did, I said I just moved drugs here and there.” You tried talking with confidence but were lying through your teeth hoping they wouldn’t notice how hoarse your voice started to become. Your mouth was so dry all of a sudden, your words only coming out as a small squeak. Who was going to get you out of this big ass mess? You didn’t have anyone. At least you couldn’t think of someone right now. Who would you even call let alone try to explain any of this, “Hey mom I got arrested for moving drugs for a huge drug lord who was also dabbling in sex trafficking but I didn’t do any of that stuff just the drug stuff!!!” God this is so fucked. 
“Well since you say you don’t know Ludovin maybe this will jog your memory a bit, eh?” Soap opens the manilla folder pulling out various photos. Some are of you on your first run. Others are taken of you meeting with another mover. One is even you in your home in a heated conversation with Ludovin. Another of Ludovin and you discussing a plan over dinner and another of you leaving his home in Mexico only two weeks prior. 
“Still wanna claim you don’t know this guy?” What can I say now? No, I don’t know him? You try to think of something quick but your mind is blank, Nothing, not a single excuse or lie could save your ass right now. So you sit there in silence. 
“Ludovin was supposed to meet with you today for your drop off but he didn’t sho-“
“I already told you I don’t know anything.” You say sharply.Denial would have to be your strategy for now till you figure something else out.
“I don’t think you’re understanding what’s going on here, you have no choice no one is coming to get you as far as anyone is concerned you’re dead. No one even knows you’re here. It would be in your best interest to help us figure out where the fuck your boss is at or you’ll end up dead.” Mactavish was growing with anger standing up from his seat to pace around the room when his phone begins to ring. 
“Mactavish what have you got for me?” He speaks into the phone. You try to make out the conversation from the other side of the line but it's too quiet. “I’m on my way” he ends the call closing the burner phone and putting it back in his pocket. “Price needs me to go deal with something I’ll be right back and keep an eye on her will ya?” With that said he leaves the room and it’s just you and “Ghost” now. If they wanted you to talk they should have had him interrogate you instead. He didn’t have to talk to intimidate you or do anything for that matter. I couldn’t tell if he was intimidating given the certain circumstances or was it because you couldn’t stop thinking of what was under the mask. He had to be attractive under it just by looking at the whole package. He’s tall and muscular. His muscles practically bulged out of his clothing. He readjusted himself in his seat. Still not taking his eyes off of you. What you would pay to know what he was thinking about right now.
“I can ask you a question?” No response. “Okay…do you, you know wear the mask all the time? Like do you wear it when you’re having sex?” I move closer across the table trying to get a better look at him but mostly to tease him. Having to readjust my arms as the handcuffs strain against my skin. “Now that's something id pay to see.” I can’t help but laugh like an idiot. I feel like an angsty teenager but I did want to know but mostly because I wanted to find out for myself. “I’ve never had sex with a guy wearing a mask before but I’m willing to try anything once.” Ghost crosses his beefy arms across his chest. Still no response. Geez, rough crowd. “Alright, I get it not much of a talker…” Enough with the failed flirting you had to find a way to get out of here. With just one of them here you could probably take one of them on. Of course, it had to be one of the biggest men you'd ever seen but you had to at least try. One of the handcuffs was loose enough to slip out of if you tried a little harder. Once loose you could just kick up the chair Ghost was sitting on. While he’s on the floor you can bolt for the door. You don’t know what the fuck you were gonna do after that but you'd have to figure it out once you got there. Oh god, here goes nothing. In a swift motion, you pull Ghost’s chair towards you using your legs causing him to fall to the ground. Yanking your hand out of one of the handcuffs you make a run for the door. You yank the handle. It’s locked from the outside. Ghost right behind you slams you against the door. An unbearable pain starts at your nose, blood already splattering all over the floor. Ghost throws you on the table you’re scrambling to hold on to something to keep you from falling over. 
“Are you always that fucking stupid?” Ghost spits out. There's a hint of sarcasm when he says it like your failed attempt was something to laugh about. Taking the handcuffs and looping them once again under the metal bar on the table making sure the cuffs are tighter now. You wince when he tightens them. Any movement and they were practically cutting into your wrists. 
“Ahh so he speaks, I was starting to think you were mute”. You say, hoping to break the tension once again. Red droplets of blood start to drip on the table. You try using the sleeve of your shirt to stop the bleeding. You have to move your whole body to get close to your arms, moving your arms toward your face is too painful now. “Also not really but I thought I would have at least tried,” you reply. Even trying to escape was rather embarrassing of course the door would be locked from the outside you were being held in a secret facility. “Shit I think you broke my nose too”, you suck in a breath. You try to not touch your nose the pain becoming more excruciating but at least the bleeding had finally stopped. Ghost comes up to you hooking his finger under your chin and angling your face towards the light to further examine the damage he had done.
“Hmmm maybe”, is all he says while taking a look at your nose. 
“Dick” is all you’re able to murmur under your breath. That’s all he was gonna say? He couldn’t even offer to clean you up or get you a tissue? Anything? 
“What was that?” Ghost is quick to hear what you said even though you practically whispered the insult so quietly you weren’t even sure if you said it out loud or it was just in your head. 
“I said you’re a fucking dick, you enjoy beating on women or something?’ You say it louder this time making sure that he heard it. Ghost still looks at you only letting out a quiet sigh.
“I don’t have a preference love, I do what I have to.” He replies in his deep British accent. “How would you like me to treat you instead? Do you want me to treat you like the whore you like to act like?” “Hmm?” He’s right behind you talking into your ear. All of a sudden the room is starting to feel 10x smaller than it was 5 minutes ago. “I asked you a question.” He presses on. His voice was extremely serious, any form of emotion was gone from his voice. He’s so close now you’re sure he can hear how fast your heart is beating now. He uncuffs you from the table. He holds onto the back of your shirt positioning you on the floor on your knees. 
“If you want to act like a whore I can treat you like one too.” He says. You're stunned, speechless and your mouth seems useless at making any words of protest now. He starts to unbuckle his belt from his blue denim jeans. He pulls out his dick and boy does it match his build. It's big. 8-9 inches rock solid, beads of pre cum teasing the tip of his cock. He holds it in one of his big hands, despite his hand being so large it only holds half of his dick. All you can do is just watch him. He grabs the back of your head forcefully pulling you closer to his cock. Your scalp burns with how rough he is with you but he doesn’t care. He drags you by your hair as if you were a rag doll. His gloved hand slaps your right cheek, a prickling pain starting from his slap and you can feel your cheek start to heat up.
“Open your fucking mouth slut”, is all he says. You comply opening your mouth as wide as you can. His cock is so big he’s not fully in your mouth and he’s already hitting the back of your throat. You gag at the sudden force he uses. Tears already starting to form in your eyes threatening to fall down your stinging cheek.
“Oh come on don’t tell me you can’t take it?” He teases. You try again taking his cock into your mouth and using your hand to jerk off whatever didn’t fit in your mouth. He pulls you by the hair off his cock slapping you again.
“Did I say you could fucking touch me?” He barks. You’re in shock by the sudden slap. You take him in your mouth again and make sure you’re only using your mouth now. Your attempts at giving head weren’t good enough. His glove-covered hands hold the sides of your face as he starts to face fuck you. His cock stretching your throat, you can feel him sliding in and out.
“I’ve had whores do better than that” is all he says as he continues to drill his dick into you. You try to fight off your gag reflex as much as you can. Tears from your eyes are practically streaming down your face at this point. He slides out of your mouth. You gasp for air trying to catch your breath. He lifts you up by the collar of your shirt throwing you against the table again. Bracing yourself he grabs your arms and handcuffs them to the bar once again. He pulls a knife from one of the holsters on his leg. Pulling your jeans down he uses his knife to cut your panties off. He nicks the side of your thigh, it's very subtle you barely feel the knife scraping you, but it stings. Bent over the table you stay frozen in place, not knowing what to say. Ghost is on his knees his mask at level with your sex. 
“Oh that poor little pussy,” he says. Taking his dick in his hand he softly glides into you. It doesn't take you long to realize why he said that. He feels even bigger inside you. Your walls stretch in an attempt to take all of his length in. It burns and you swear he could just split you in half with his dick alone right now if he wanted. Despite how rough he had been with you he was showing some remorse. He stayed in place for a couple of minutes letting you adjust before slowly moving in and out of you. 
“Holy fuck” is all you manage to mutter out. Despite the pain that came with his length he felt amazing inside you. 
He begins to speed up, the small room being filled with sounds of skin slapping. His groans become deeper and louder. He snakes a hand around your shoulder grabbing you by the neck and squeezing you so you're against his chest him still pumping into you. His mask is right next to your face the material scratching your cheek that he slapped only a few moments ago. 
“Now when that nice Scottish man comes back your gonna answer all his questions, right doll?” He whispers in your ear. 
“I-I can’t” you can barely speak but you know you can’t talk if you even make it out of here alive Ludovin’s men will find you and even kill you for speaking. Using the same knife Ghost used to cut your panties off he holds it to your neck. 
“I’ll ask you again think of a different answer okay? Plus you’re so close to cumming I can feel your walls closing on my dick trying to milk me. Don’t you wanna come?” He replies.
“You’re a fucking dick”, you bark back at him. He still has the knife pressed to your neck. Surprisingly it doesn’t intimidate you, you’re more concerned about finishing right now. 
“Please you know I can’t do that” you’re practically begging at this point. Pleading.
“Can’t or won’t, love?” He starts to pick up the pace you’re so entranced into the rhythm you can’t even focus your so close you can practically reach it. 
“Answer me you fucking slut or I swear I’ll stop right now”. He’s yelling at you now.
“Okay! Okay! I’ll say whatever just please let me come I’m begging sir,” you respond. 
“Now I’m sir? Oh, you are a whore,” He laughs at your pathetic begging. It doesn’t take long for you to feel a tightening in your stomach again. You’re so close. He starts to speed up in and out in and out. You throw your head back in absolute ecstasy as your orgasm ricochets through your whole body. Ghost guiding you through your orgasm.
“There you go atta girl,” is all he says as you go utterly limp over the table. Ghost slides out of you. All the juices that were inside you start slowly slipping out of your sex dripping onto the back of your thighs. You’re still frozen in place but Ghost unlocks the cuffs and removes them from your hands, roughly turning you around so that you’re facing him. He grabs you by the hips lifting you and pinning you to the wall. Wrapping your hands around his neck he repositions himself back inside you. His vertical movement forces you to move up.
“Please I can’t anymore,” you whine. Despite the pleasure he brought you he was so rough with you, you were completely worn out.  
“Oh come on you can give me one more? Can’t you?” He says. You don’t reply but hold onto him tighter and hide your face into the neck of his mask. You can feel his throaty moans coming from his chest, his breathing becoming more rapid. 
“Christ, I’m about to cum, should I cum inside you? Do you want my seed to shoot up inside you? I’ll come inside you and let it drip out of you when I’m done.” He holds onto your head whispering into your ear waiting for an answer. “Wouldn’t you like that huh? For soap to come back and see a big puddle of my cum in your chair and you’ll have to explain to him that you were being a little whore? Tell me how badly you want me to fucking breed you right now.” 
“Fuck please, c-” it was so hard to even make a coherent thought. You’re so overstimulated if it wasn’t for him keeping you up you would be jelly on the floor.
“Come on use your words like the good little slut you are.” He replies.
“Please come inside me sir I am begging please I want your hot seed dripping out of me.” You can barely finish your sentence as you can feel yourself again hitting your peak. You squeeze Ghost closer your legs starting to become numb from being around his waist while his cock drills in and out of you. 
“Fucking shit just like th-.” Before he can even finish his sentence you feel his cum shoot into you, his strokes becoming sloppy and lazy. You’re right behind him squeezing every last drop of cum his dick has to offer as you cum. Ghost releases you from around setting your feet on the ground. You attempt to stand on your own nearly falling over, you reach out for the table to catch yourself. Ghost takes your panties and throws them in a trash bin nearby. He grabs ahold of your jeans holding your ankle to signal you to move your leg into the pant leg so he can slide them back on for you. He sets the chair behind you so you’re able to sit. Gently he takes your hands cuffing them to the bar once again, except this time he doesn’t tighten them as much as he did the second time. It was funny seeing him this way now. He was so rough and harsh with his words. It’s not that you didn’t enjoy it but all of a sudden he was being so nice and gentle with you. Ghost takes the chair across from you again staring blankly ahead. As if on cue the door clicks open and in walks Soap.
“Holy shit what the fuck happened”, he says surprised. You suddenly become aware of your appearance. You probably look like shit from Ghost smashing your nose in and slapping you around. 
“Not much but I’m sure she’s ready to talk now”, is all Ghost replies. 
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bethanydelleman · 2 years
Fanny at Portsmouth
One of the biggest complaints that people have about Fanny is that she is judgey. And to be fair, she is, but she has become that way because she’s an abused child who is terrified to break a rule and be banished from the house/education/company that she has been told is the greatest single blessing that poor, unworthy her will ever receive. And also to be fair to her, everyone around her is a selfish jerk, at the very least. Elinor Dashwood is similarly judgey to Fanny but I think the people she is judgemental towards are more obviously flawed, maybe? It is also a bit later in the book. Both of them also tend to be internally judgemental, they rarely tell people what they think.
The culmination of Fanny’s judgey-ness, to those who dislike her for it, is displayed on her visit home. However, I don’t think the impression we are supposed to have is that Fanny is sitting there thinking her family is awful. It’s more like Fanny very excitedly went home and hoped to love her family and be loved back, and she was utterly disappointed:
Fanny could not conceal it from herself, in almost every respect the very reverse of what she could have wished. It was the abode of noise, disorder, and impropriety. Nobody was in their right place, nothing was done as it ought to be. She could not respect her parents as she had hoped.
Much of all this Fanny could not but be sensible of. She might scruple to make use of the words, but she must and did feel that her mother was a partial, ill-judging parent, a dawdle, a slattern, who neither taught nor restrained her children, whose house was the scene of mismanagement and discomfort from beginning to end, and who had no talent, no conversation, no affection towards herself; no curiosity to know her better, no desire of her friendship, and no inclination for her company that could lessen her sense of such feelings.
Fanny was very anxious to be useful, and not to appear above her home
The narrator emphasises that Fanny does not want to feel this way. She wants to respect her parents, she wants to be loved by her siblings, she wants to feel at home (I would go so far as to say she almost needs it), but she cannot conceal the truth even from herself. The truth is that her mother and father hardly care if she is alive or dead. Her siblings, except Susan, don’t care about her at all and will not let her win their affections. There is nothing Fanny can do. And this is despite Fanny trying her very best to be helpful to them.
I always feel somewhat ambivalent about Fanny taking Susan to Mansfield with her, in full understanding that Mrs. Norris is still there, because 1. why is Mansfield so great and 2. it almost feels like brain drain. Susan is the only person at home judging rightly and trying to oppose her mother’s spoiling of Betsey. However as Fanny observes, Susan is almost completely ineffective (she’s been trying to get the silver knife for two years) and she is also unloved by her mother. To Fanny, Mansfield is better than Portsmouth, and I think she’s probably objectively correct, so I guess I’m okay with it.
Last point, is it fair to blame Mrs. Price for her neglect of Fanny and the state of her house when she has so many children and lives in relative poverty? I think it is fair to judge her for not even loving her daughters. As the narrator notes: “The instinct of nature was soon satisfied, and Mrs. Price’s attachment had no other source. Her heart and her time were already quite full; she had neither leisure nor affection to bestow on Fanny. Her daughters never had been much to her.” We never hear that Mrs. Price even writes to her eldest daughter, who has been gone for 8 years. She has been unfairly withholding a knife which Mary bequeathed to Susan for two years because Betsey wants it. It doesn’t have anything to do with poverty, Mrs. Price plays favourites and pointedly does not love her elder daughters any more than the bare minimum required of her by nature. 
As for some of the other faults, I doubt Mrs. Price could hire a servant as good as the Mansfield ones because there is more prestige in working there than for a poor sailor in Portsmouth, so that may be hard to fix for anyone. I get the feeling that even after around twenty years of this life, Mrs. Price has no idea what she is doing or how to do it better. But she also did marry to disoblige her family and has to deal with the consequences. I think this sentence really sums up the problem and also contains my favourite Austen phrase “slow bustle”
Her days were spent in a kind of slow bustle; all was busy without getting on, always behindhand and lamenting it, without altering her ways; wishing to be an economist, without contrivance or regularity; dissatisfied with her servants, without skill to make them better, and whether helping, or reprimanding, or indulging them, without any power of engaging their respect.
So to sum up, Fanny can be internally judgemental, but narrator makes it pretty clear that her opinion of her family in Portsmouth is what anyone would be forced to think. And without any love from her parents, Fanny cannot help but clearly see their faults.
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obscureblorbos · 2 years
König NSFW Headcanons
This imagine was brought to you by: All of you sick freaks who REALLY liked an idea that should've stayed in my head. Love y'all <3
Contents: 18+, third person, gender neutral insert, primal play, knife play, size kink, D/s (on both sides)
A/N: srsly though holy shit i wasn't expecting so many people to like my post. like,, 500 NOTES?? that's the most i've ever gotten on any of my blogs. i swear y'all encourage me to write the most deprived things on this site
As I've said in my previous post, whether he Doms or subs depends on who wins. This can range from a typical struggle for dominance, to going out into the woods for a "hunt". The chase during the latter is the most fun part. Just the thought of it leaves him anxious to find his prey. No matter his role, though, he's jittery from start to finish
Often uses names like "hase" and "maus" during these activities
König roughhouses quite a bit in these scenes. As much as he likes subbing/bottoming, he does not intend on making it easy for his partner to achieve that part of him. Neither person is leaving the scene without at least 3 bite marks and a couple nicks.
Likes to cut off his prey's clothing and use it as makeshift restraints
He can sometimes get too excited and carried away, which is why he makes sure they both remember the safeword beforehand
For sure has a size kink. The man's almost 7 ft tall, so he towers over everyone. He loves how easily he can overpower his S/O with this stature alone. His fingers can reach places they probably couldn't, and he can switch positions however he likes — use them however he likes. The momentary fear that he might actually break them makes him shudder with taboo excitement. Don't even get me started on watching them struggle to take his length-
That being said, it gets him so riled up when his smaller partner can pin him down and take what they want from him. Straddle his torso and point a knife at him, and soon enough his gnashing and growling will fade into pathetic whimpering. At some point he learns to just give in and be their victim
Overall, there's something about the mutual "You're alive because I allow it" dynamic that really sparks a flame in him
König is the type to poke and prod at his partner when he's in a certain (bratty) mood. Like he'll genuinely piss them off sometimes, and when they finally tell him to shut up, he uses his large frame to corner them
"And what happens if I don't?"
Also really enjoys praise. Being called a "good boy" makes shivers run up his spine. Internally, he wants to drop to his knees and do whatever his S/O desires at the mere slip of those magic words, but usually decides not to in favor of playing hard-to-get
Curses in German in the heat of the moment
A mean top. He likes to tease and demean his S/O, and makes them earn everything he does to them. He gets off on his sub begging for his touch — telling him how much they need him
I say he likes to tease, but that's only half true. König enjoys the tension that comes from saying and doing certain things, and playfully getting himself in trouble. However, he does not have enough patience for orgasm denial or edging. He can only tolerate one instance before ramming into his partner, regardless of what role he was meant to be in
Words of affirmation are essential during aftercare — giving and receiving. He needs reassurance that his partner doesn't mean all the nasty things they've said and done — that there was no real hatred behind that. He's often on edge when it comes to being vulnerable at any capacity, so praise gives him some momentary peace of mind. He extends the same treatment to his partner, since his type of play as a Dom isn't far off from what he does in battle
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cityandking · 1 year
1, 9, 74, 80 for dai, minah and eniko!
ty!!! // 100 warm up questions
1. If your character wasn’t an adventurer, what livelihood would they lead?
DAI — if Everything hadn't happened he'd still be the cleric on duty at the northern garrison, where he would have completed his service and then gone to whatever next posting the Skysingers assigned him, working his way up the ranks of the priesthood. it would be, I imagine, a somewhat ascetic livelihood of stalwart and unquestioning service, and he would have considered himself content. (I don't think he could go back to that life after everything. I don't know what he'd do instead.) MINAH — if Nora hadn't recruited her, she'd have slipped the city guards (possibly with the help of the Orchestra) and been back on the road performing. they'd have played their tour stops in Tevinter and then gone east again, and honestly probably weathered the Blight in Antiva or Rivain. I imagine it would have been a lean few years (decade and a half), but life with the troupe is often feast or famine, and they'd have gotten through it. if something happened to the troupe... man. I don't even know. ENIKO — if Wick hadn't assigned him to join (spy on) the party, he'd still be in the business of selling secrets, doing all sorts of unsavory jobs for unsavory people, living in the shadows and scraping by however he had to. honestly, since Wick was one of his biggest employers/sources of work, I think he'd probably have eventually ended up working for/with the rebellion anyway and probably intersected with the party at a later point in time
9. What deity, if any, does your character worship? What’s their opinion on other people’s worship?
DAI — Pelor! they had a rough patch, but honestly, he came out of it with a steadier faith and a stronger bond. when it comes to other people's worship, his opinion is largely that his opinion doesn't matter—everyone's faith is their own to tend however they will, so long as it isn't doing harm. ozy and the owl traveller is an outlier adn should not have been counted. (honestly it's not ozy's worship he takes any issue with, it's the blindness of the devotion. though I suppose it's tricky for ozy to go anything with both eyes open when one belongs to the traveller.) MINAH — none. fuck the Chantry. she thinks other people's worship is stupid at best and harmful at worst. (she has a little more respect for the dalish and their gods—I think she'd find their continued worship in the face of such overwhelming prejudice and hatred a little inspiring. still dumb, because divinity isn't real and there's nothing out there that cares, but the ritual and community seem nice.) ENIKO — he doesn't worship anyone or anything. the concept of the gods scare him a little—he doesn't do well with authority, and gods are the ultimate authority. as with most things predicated on belief or faith, he finds worship to be stupid, useless, and a little laughable. if he were ever truly forced to confront divinity, I think he'd be resentful—surely if there were anything that cared or loved him out there, he'd know by now.
74. What makes your character feel safe?
DAI — I gotta be honest I'm actually not totally sure. he's been living in such a perpetual state of waiting for Something To Go Wrong that it's kind of hard for him to completely relax. I think it would have to involve His People also being safe and un-menaced. zaref, just in general. and being able to see the clear, open sky. MINAH — a key thing to understand about minah is that she never feels safe. no matter what there is always a tiny little part of her that is making calculations and keeping an eye out. that said, a locked door and some privacy are nice. so is having a lot of cash to fall back on (she has some pack rat tendencies) ENIKO — wall at his back, clear lines of sight, a knife in his hand and a lot of money in his pocket.
80. How does your character feel about receiving/giving orders? Are they more of a leader, or a follower?
DAI — he's made a transition from follower to leader over the course of the campaign. six months ago he'd have taken any order from a trusted authority, and would have considered any orders he might give (i.e. as the cleric on duty at the garrison) an extension of that higher authority. these days he's a) more discerning and b) more likely to take initiative unprompted. and he's a captain! aren't we so proud of him MINAH — honestly, I think she's pretty chill with both giving and receiving orders. she's used to receiving orders (and direction) from Alesso to ensure the smooth operation of the Orchestra, but she's also been in spots where she's the authority (directing her own act, calling the shots on a job, etc.) she's not going to go out of her way to be in charge, but if she found herself in a position where she had to be, she wouldn't sweat it too much. that's actually been a pretty easy transition in the wardens—though she hasn't had to taken any order she didn't like (except to Join in the first place, and that went—well, not great). chameleon that she is, she can play the leader or the follower with ease. ENIKO — considers himself a follower. less than a follower; he's a well-honed tool for others to use to achieve their own goals. he'll take any order if the pay is good enough—he has no scruples. (he has one scruple: he won't hurt kids.) even when he's giving orders, his authority is a secondhand thing—I think he's far more comfortable receiving orders than making his own decisions.
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umbralsound-xiv · 1 year
Patience And Pastry.
Sayuri was with Bexy, and so... The thought to make her a rolanberry tart for when they got home settled in my thoughts... ...I had been given the recipe. It was... Quiet, down here, so...
Mahi'a Tehrfel takes a softer approach to the stairs than usual, stopping halfway down the first set to lean over the bannister and look across into the dining area and the kitchen. They carefully balance there, remaining as quiet as possible to take in the sight.
Eir Fellfrost leans halfway over the oven, a small slip of paper in hand which he reads with some concentration. His clothes are peppered in flour, a faint trail of which leads to the counter, where a lump of pastry had been rolled into a ball. He hesitates at the sound of faint footsteps, and upon pausing for a while, seems to go back to his reading; seemingly thinking it a trick of the mind.
Mahi'a Tehrfel spends a few long moments in the silence, looking over at Eir and searching for any others in the room. When it appears to be calm they continue on down the rest of the stairs, not quite making it towards the kitchen before they speak up. "Hi, Eir! What are you making? Not rice again, I hope, there's no one around to eat it all."
Eir Fellfrost immediately jerks his head around his shoulder; suppose he'd expected someone at some point, though the nature of his reaction speaks of his alarm. Wide-eyed and silent, Eir looks about poised to run… Until Mahi'a's familiar face stops him in his tracks. A slow, quiet exhale is all that is given at first, eventually speaking. "M-mahi'a…?" He begins, voice cracking where he'd not quite wanted it to. "I-- R-rolanberry tart…" Eir begins, a little unsure. He does, however, move a little closer to the edge of the kitchen.
How long... How long was it since i had seen them last? I... It was before... Before they... ...They made me an omelette, but... I never got to see them, then.
Mahi'a Tehrfel tries to stay as still as possible where they'd ended up, hands initially clasped behind their back. They smile once they receive his attention, even if it is initially startled, eventually raising a hand to wave their fingers at him in greeting. "Yes! That sounds good. Do you need any help? Please say yes, I'm sure I can do… something to help!"
Eir Fellfrost: "I… I…" He swallows, wavering to look over his shoulder, and back. "…I would not mind help slicing the r-rolanberries. There are… So many of them…" He trails, looking to the lofty punnet atop the icebox. "…Have you e-ever made this, before?"
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "Never!" Mahi'a announces, brightly. "I'm sure I can figure it out. Slicing rolanberries, how hard can it be?" With their confidence in tow they wander over towards the kitchen, first smiling to Eir before following the look he'd taken to the punnet. "I know it has pastry, that seems difficult to make. Everyone always complains about making pastry."
Eir Fellfrost: "…I h-have made it… Some few times. In Thavnair…" He trails. "B-but that part is done. The oven is warming… I have w-washed them, and now, they are t-to be cut into thin slices." As Mahi'a draws closer, Eir smiles; but his gaze flees away to the workspace. "…I-it is for Bexy. As a… Thank you."
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "Thin slices, okay! I can manage that. Are we cutting -all- of the rolanberries? Just in case I get carried away with a knife," Mahi'a adds with a couple of nods. "It's a very sweet idea! She will love it. Thankfully I didn't see her upstairs, your secret is safe for now." They move along further, intent on looking closely into the punnet for themselves.
Eir Fellfrost: "Y-yes. Well… P-perhaps save a few? For the top, as… Decoration." Eir nods, offering a faint smile. "N-no, she is… Out with Sayuri. So i thought to… Cook? Or… Bake." Eir gives a longer pause as he wanders back, a little slower than his usual gait. "H-how… Have you been?" He asks, reaching to take the punnet and an empty bowl to hold the slices. He eyes the knife he'd set aside, but doesn't move for it.
...I do not know how people have been in my... Absence. It should not affect so much, i do not think. I have friends, yes, but...
Mahi'a Tehrfel takes a look over the rolanberries curiously, turning on the spot to follow their path along with Eir. "Oh, right, decoration," they agree with another nod. "I'm alright! I've been - uh. Alright! Well, not really, it's been very stressful. But that's gone now! I'm just glad to see you."
Eir Fellfrost pulls his lips to a frown, looking over Mahi'a. It's clear he's already trying not to cry, instead focusing his attention on the fruit in front of him. "T-the omelette was… Very nice, t-the other sun…"
Mahi'a Tehrfel hesitates, giving a short, nervous laugh. "That - I'm glad! I've been practicing, you know? There's so many things you can put in omelettes! I don't know why people don't eat them all the time…" they go on quickly. "I just figured you both might want something to eat."
Eir Fellfrost: "…We did. Food was… It… H-has not been…" He trails, and allows it to end there, inching a little closer. A new scar is visible on his right arm that runs along almost the full length of it, ending between two fingers. "…I have not eaten them o-often. But it was… It was n-nice." He nods, agreeing. "And you. You are… O-okay now?"
Mahi'a Tehrfel nods a little, not minding if his explanation was finished or not. "That's a relief! I will have to try more, I can only get better, right? I'll be a master of making omelettes, just you wait!" they profess with a grin. "Yes! I'm alright. Everyone is home, nothing else could ever be the matter."
Eir Fellfrost wilts a little unneasily, nodding. Though part of him doesn't quite agree. "I w-will be happy to eat them." He stalls, considering. "Wh-what is… Your favorite thing to eat, Mahi'a…?"
Mahi'a Tehrfel pauses for a moment or so in thought. "That's a difficult question," they say, moving a -little- closer to pick up one of the rolanberries. "I think it changes a lot. I like spicy food! Just in general. The noodles Aethwyn makes for me sometimes are very nice, though I don't know if that's the noodles or the soup. Broth?"
Eir Fellfrost: "…Broth. M-most likely. I remember. From when S-sayuri and i were in the east." He takes a rolanberry, and using one of the knives, plucks out the stem and begins to slice them with unsteady hands. "M-maybe i… Will learn to make th-that next? As… A th-thank you, to you…?"
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "Right! That part is very good. It's soup adjacent," they determine. They look over the rolanberry in hand before taking a small look around, finding themselves a knife to help as they'd initially intended. They do take a second to observe Eir, copying how he slices the fruit for the most part. "That would be lovely! Could I help with that too? Or is that against the point?"
...It sounds nice. To... To make something together. Learning. Cooking. Better to keep my thoughts busy rather than let them run idle. Of course, there are many nice things to think of, but... ...There are a lot of horrors, too.
Eir Fellfrost: "I… I-would like help." Eir speaks in a quiet voice, wide eyed and a little hestant. He takes a step closer to Mahi'a. "…I w-would like your company. I… M-missed it. I still have a bedtime story to read to y-you. And a s-stuffed animal to find." He gives the most fleeting of smiles, dipping his head to a nod, looking to Mahi'a.
Mahi'a Tehrfel blinks, then lets out a soft laugh. "Yes! The bedtime story, that's true. I've been looking forward to it! I also -really- want to see what stuffed animal you pick…" They mull over that thought for a second, laying aside the slices of rolanberry. "I've missed you a lot. It's not the same without you around! Every time I came down here I expected to see you by the oven, or eating with Sayuri…"
Eir Fellfrost: "I… Would h-have liked to have been…" He nods, a little unsteady for it. "B-but i am here now, h-hm? I… I am no chef. But there is a… C-comfort to cooking… Especially for my f-friends." Eir dares another smile, brightened by Mahi'a's presence. "…I… M-missed being home. But it is… Good, to be back."
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "You're basically a chef! All of the food you've made is wonderful. The food I have tried, anyway!" Mahi'a announces. "You are a wonderful friend for that and more! See, this is even more of a reason why I need to learn more. I can make so many things for you in return! I… might have to test them a few times first, though!" To that thought they nod, then their expression softens. "It's very good to have you back."
Eir Fellfrost: "Well, i have h-had… Many, m-many cycles of practise." Eir pauses. "-Many- cycles. But if you ever cook for me… I would not say no to eating it." Sighing, a little more at ease, he continues to slice through the rolanberries, one after another. "…O-only because people came to h-help. You… Were one of th-them, yes?"
Mahi'a Tehrfel beams at him. "A little bit more than me! I still might test it, I don't want to make you sick! I have done that to myself before. Meat is a scary thing to cook," they say, making a face at the thought before smiling again. They continue helping with the rolanberries, getting into more of a rythym with slicing them. "Yeah! I saw you, briefly. But Neoma got you away, that was the biggest relief."
Eir Fellfrost: "W-we had to… G-get away." He slices more of the rolanberries, setting them in the bowl when done, a small pile of stalks amassing between them. "Vex. B-bexy says… She will look for her. I… I hope they find her. That she makes it out." The hesitance brings him to a standstill, then. "Did… D-did they hurt you, Mahi'a…?"
...I know Mahi'a helped. Helped to bring me back. I... Do not know if they were hurt for it, but... ...The guilt, if they were, i... ...I already feel guilty enough.
Mahi'a Tehrfel's expression falls into a frown, a little hesitation before they lower their head in a nod. "Vex, yes. She's nice, she spoke to me a bit… a couple of times. I thought she would come out when we were there, but…" they trail off, a small shrug of their shoulders. "They didn't - I mean, I got into a fight, so a little hurt! But that's how it goes. I'm okay!"
Eir Fellfrost: "…She… Risked herself. To… To get us out. I.. H-hope she is… Still alive…" The guilt is more than evident in Eir's features, but he takes a deep breath to steel himself. "…B-but you are okay." Eir confirms. He picks his gaze up enough to look Mahi'a over a little more properly, then. "Y-you… Met her too?"
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Mahi'a Tehrfel: "Me too," Mahi'a agrees quietly. They give him another smile, then look down at the berries they're slicing into a… semi-neat pile. "I'm okay!" they confirm, "In one piece! And I did. I was… looking at the places Bexy had hurt their people. She was told to go and investigate, and we came across each other! Then I saw her again later with another of them."
Eir Fellfrost: "…She.. I-is not well liked b-by them. But Bexy says… Says she will get h-her back. I believe her." He slices carefully with a knife; there's still rolanberries left, but Eir moves for the pastry, now. "I… W-want to thank people… S-somehow. I… Cannot dance, or run, o-or… So… I cannot go s-so many places. So… Cooking w-will have to do."
Mahi'a Tehrfel hums quietly in agreement. "I bet she's not. She tries to fight with them, argues… as much as she can do," they say with a sigh. "I hope Bexy does. I will try to help, if she lets me." They watch him move away, then look back at the rolanberries, reaching over to carefully push away a small group of them, saved for the decoration Eir had mentioned. "Well, let me help when you do all of this! All the silly little things, even if I can't make most of it. I can cut things up! And… Mix things? Whatever is needed that will make it less work!"
Eir Fellfrost moves to gather the rest of the instructions. "N-now… We bake the base. A-and… Use cream to fill the bottom of it, when it i-is done. I… Am o-only following instructions." At the mention of Mahi'a helping, Eir's expression shifts to one of alarm, to one of fear. "H-help? You… You are… G-going to help…?"
Mahi'a Tehrfel they slowly nod along, imagining the steps as they are said. Simple enough. Their mouth opens to ask a question, yet at the sight of Eir's expression they stop, uncertainty flooding them instead. "I - uh. Is that… bad?" they ask after a second of panicked thought.
Eir Fellfrost: "-- N-no. It…" An uncharacteristic whine leaves his parted lips, and he moves to step in and wrap Mahi'a into a hug. "I-- D-do not… Want you to get h-hurt, Mahi'a…"
I--- I--! No. No, i... I cannot ask them not to go. People have to go. To help. Would i, if i was well? If i was... Strong enough, or brave enough to fight? ...I have to stop being so... Selfish...
Mahi'a Tehrfel remains still, their brief panic turning into confusion. There's a couple of seconds where they continue not to move even while being hugged, yet they slowly move to wrap their arms around him in turn. "No one is going to get hurt," they manage shortly afterwards. "Not here. I will make sure of it, everyone else will too."
Eir Fellfrost: "People… Th-they have got hurt enough, y-yes? A-and…" He swallows, steadying himself, but doesn't let go. "I… A-am just… Scared. Y-you are very brave."
Mahi'a Tehrfel tightens their hold on him ever so slightly, holding him in the hug firmly. "They have, but they won't here," they repeat. "It's safe here. Everyone will protect you, Bexy, me…. anyone in the company. They'll all protect each other too. Hopefully… you won't be as afraid after a while. But it's okay that you are. We're here no matter what."
Eir Fellfrost pulls his lips into a line, doing his best not to cry, holding Mahi'a a little tighter. "S-safe. I… I know you are right. That… That things will be… Okay again. A-at some point. But you are here. A-all of you. I am n-not alone." He gives a small waver of a breath, and slowly pulls his arms away. "S-sorry. That was a little… M-much." He begins, slowly rubbing at his hip. "…W-what is… Your favourite dessert…?"
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "You're not! And you won't be. Not for as long as you need or want everyone around," Mahi'a adds, gradually releasing Eir once he begins pulling away. "It's… okay! I have missed hugging you too, you're very good at it." They smile over at him, linking their hands together. "Ooh… I like most desserts. Cakes are good, and cheesecakes! Especially the ones with all the fruit syrups on top. They're the best. What is -your- favourite?"
Eir Fellfrost: "I… I have m-missed you. You a-always have such… K-kind things to say." Eir smiles a little gently, returning to the pastry and rolling it flat. "…I like… Fruit. Lassi i-is nice. Peaches are a favourite…"
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "Only things that you deserve to hear!" they say quickly, looking down to the pastry - hiding the brief flash of embarrassment in their expression. "Lassi… I am not sure what that is! I can always find out and try to see how it's made, though. Maybe I will have to start leaving fruitbowls outside of your room when I don't see you…"
Eir Fellfrost: "A-all tthe fruit in my room was… It was… Not good to eat. W-when we got back. A-and my plants…" He sighs, a little deflated. "…P-perhaps i can… Salvage some of them." He lays the pastry over the dish, neatly tucking in the edges. "It is a yoghurt and fruit drink. Good for unsettled stomachs… It hails from Thavnair." Eir replies, a little straight-faced. "Predictibly."
...My plants. I... Should tend to them, soon enough. See what can be saved. I have watered them in hope that some can be salvaged, but... It is... Not looking so hopeful.
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "Oh no! I… it makes sense. I'm sorry, I wish I had thought, I could have tried to water the plants or… whatever else you do to plants," Mahi'a hesitates. "Maybe I could have asked someone. But we can get you more fruit! And maybe the plants will get better! They can be strong, right? Seem bad for a little bit, but then they will bounce back as good as ever!" They nod a little at their train of thought, then smile again. "I will find a recipe for it! It can't be that hard to make!"
Eir Fellfrost: "P-perhaps. W-with enough tending. I… I a-am trying." Eir smiles, a little half-heartedly. "The th-thought is a kind one. A-and i… W-would be happy to recieve it. S-so long as you try it, too!"
...Bad for a little bit. But... Bounce back. Were you talking about me, Mahi'a...?
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "They will appreciate it! Did you know some people talk to plants? They think the plants can hear them. I don't know about -that- but… maybe how much you care for them will have some affect!" They take a second to look over the pastry Eir had laid out, impressed by the neat presentation. "I will try it! It does sound very good, I can't see how yoghurt and fruit would ever make a bad combination."
Eir Fellfrost: "I… H-have heard. I have not… Spoken to them? Though… Suppose i am a quiet enough p-person. A c-conjurer w-would have better luck, i th-think." He gives the faintest of chuckles, taking the tart base to set in the oven. "I m-made persimmon cakes th-the other sun. They were g-good, too."
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "I could talk to them. I have a lot of things to say, especially to plants," Mahi'a says, adding the last part with a small frown. It passes soon enough. They spin on the spot to continue watching Eir curiously, eye following the pastry's journey into the oven. "You did? They sound good! It feels like you can make almost anything."
Eir Fellfrost: "Th-they were only t-tiny. I will m-make more, next time." Pastry in oven, he looks over his shoulder; cheeks colouring a little. "I… I g-gave one to Sayuri. We had a picnic. I… Proposed, to her." The admission brings warmth to his features. "Y-you are the first i have t-told…!"
...Happier things. I am getting married. It does not make the bad go away, but... To know there is happiness still to be had. Mahi'a is often a reminder of this too. After the Locket, they were the first to come and find me... Always so happy, and full of enthusiasm. I have seen them sad, several times... But they bounce back.
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "Like cupcakes? Can you make… persimmon cakes that look like persimmons? That would be adorable!" Mahi'a says with a bright smile. They listen along, taking a couple of moments to register what exactly is said, eventually grinning at Eir. "You -did-? That's incredible! You're going to get married… you basically -were- already married, but it will be official! That's great! Congratulations!"
Eir Fellfrost: "I c-can try. It.. W-was the first cake i made in… A v-very long time. But she… Sh-she said yes. I… W-was going to ask her in Thavnair, but…" He hums, dipping his head. "…Th-thank you, Mahi'a. I… S-should probably ask. Y-you… Will c-come to the wedding…?"
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "Of course she did! Anything else would be impossible!" Mahi'a says excitedly. The comment about Thavnair causes a little confusion, though they assume it is best not to ask. "You want me to go?" they ask after a short pause, surprised. "I would love to go! I have… not been to a wedding? Not that I remember. I have to dress fancy, right?"
Eir Fellfrost: "She… She said she would have said yes… M-much sooner. B-but yes. We will marry here, in Eorzea. I will learn… Traditions? There is a… Pilgrimage involved. A-and yes.. Fancy. But you are always fancy, Mahi'a. I-in your own way."
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "There -is-? Do you have to go far?" Mahi'a asks, observing him curiously. "Do you go together? If you do… that could be a fun adventure! Then the fancy ceremony itself. Surely I need to dress -fancier- than normal? Though I appreciate you noticing, I do try very hard!"
Mahi'a Tehrfel jokingly attempts to pose, yet mostly ends up laughing at themselves.
Eir Fellfrost chuckles faintly, though gives a small wince as his hand darts to his side. After a pause and a conflict of emotions on his features, he nods. "Y-yes… Together. To see the Twelve. I… D-do not believe in… Any deity, r-really. Do… You?"
Eir Fellfrost: "Th-they have stones. I f-found a book on the shelf about th-them."
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "Ah…" Mahi'a pauses, running a hand through their hair. "Not really. No. A lot of people here do, though! I know about some of the stones, there are a couple in Coerthas! They're in very pretty locations."
Eir Fellfrost: "I… Still have n-not been. I know it is cold. Which… Is your favourite p-place?"
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "Of the stones, or Coerthas? The latter is a much broader category! But if the stones, Halone's is my favourite. It's in a cave full of ice, with reflections everywhere! It's very pretty."
Eir Fellfrost: "That… Sounds so nice. B-but… Cold. N-not that i have any quarrel with the cold. O-obviously. And we will not be going until i am… A-at least a little better. And i have something s-suitable to w-wear. Where is… Your favourite p-place to see, besides…?"
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "Yes, you need to be warm! It can be a bit surprising if you're not used to it, though it's not too bad after a while! Other than that… Huh. Looking from Ishgard over the Sea of Clouds is amazing, though if you don't want to go into the city, there's an observatorium that can give you a great view over some of Coerthas!"
These... All sound lovely. Maybe, when we go to each place, we will have many little picnics. See what we can find from our travels... ...I look forward to it.
Eir Fellfrost: "That… Sounds nice, too. A-and… High up. If my legs feel kind t-to me, maybe i will ask to climb it." Eir considers quietly what to bring for such a trip, quietly humming to himself. "It w-will be n-nice. I h-have yet to go so f-far North. There are a lot of… Traditions, that i still do n-not know of."
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "Going high up means that you get the best views! It's fun to climb on the walls of Ishgard too, though it's a long way down. Well… I assume it is. Does anyone know how far down the ground under there is?" Mahi'a ponders, eventually shaking their head. "If it's a big pilgramage you'll probably find a lot of traditions on the way! It'll be interesting to hear about afterwards!"
Eir Fellfrost: "It… W-will be nice. I am lookiing f-forward to it. A-and… Also to being m-married. A… L-little nervous about th-the ceremony. S-sayuri has help with her vows. I… Hope mine will at l-least be f-fitting." Another small tilt of Eir's head is given. "…You have… N-never been to a w-wedding?"
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "I bet whatever you say will be wonderful! She will think so more than anyone else, as long as it's how you feel!" They excitedly move around before stopping themselves, leaning back against the counter to try and resist the temptation. "No… I know people who have got married! But I didn't know them very well, or… I was busy…"
Eir Fellfrost: "It.. W-will. Even if i mess up… We will still m-marry." Eir beams warmly, and retrieves he tart pastry from the oven, carrying it in a teatowel to set in aside. "Ah… It looks as it s-should. We need to wait for it to cool… A l-little. Put in the f-filling, and the rolanberries on t-top. I… H-hope she likes it…"
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "You will! And it will be incredible!" Once Eir moves they step away from the counter, leaving plenty of room for him to bring over the cooked pastry from the oven. Once it's close they give it a curious look over, uncertain how it's -meant- to look, yet pleased all the same. "You're almost done! She is going to love it. Going out of your way to do something like this means a lot!"
Eir Fellfrost: "A-after all she has done for me… It was the v-very least. She s-saved us. B-brought back our things. I… Do not know how to bake so m-many things. But it has been nice to l-learn. Where i… Cannot do anything else."
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "It's going to be perfect! And you can do plenty! Learning how to make the tart is only proof of it! Everything else will come back in time," they say, offering him another smile. "Don't worry about what you think you can't do! You're already doing a lot. You wouldn't tell anyone else to overexert themselves!"
Eir Fellfrost: "No…I… W-would not." He nods, quietly. "I… I f-feel a little… Guilty." He confesses, moving with the filling to the side, and pouring it into the thin casing. "S-sayuri mentioned. A-about wanting to help g-get Vex back. And i… I panicked… A-and begged her n-not to."
I felt the need to confess to... Someone. Someone who would understand. Mahi'a speaks a lot, but they are a good listener, too. Perhaps it is why i feel so at ease speaking with them...
Mahi'a Tehrfel moves forwards, resting against the counter again to watch him fill the casing. "I… understand that. After everything, it'd be hard to let her out of your sight again. Maybe we could do it without her? But… she is very strong, too. If she knew she had to come back to you then she wouldn't let anything happen to her."
Eir Fellfrost: "N-no. But…" He smoothes the cream out with the back of a spoon. "…N-not them. Anyone b-but… Them. They would lunge for her a-again. I… I cannot lose her. I cannot l-let them take her. She w-would be a… Target." He frowns quietly, staring at the half-made dessert. "…She… Said she would… S-stay. For m-me. But i feel so g-guilty asking h-her to…"
Mahi'a Tehrfel hums. "If she said she will stay for you, that's her decision too. She doesn't want to make you hurt any more than you do already," they reason quietly. "You want her to be safe, that's nothing to be guilty about. And she will know that Bexy will do whatever she can to help Vex, with or without the help of others."
Eir Fellfrost: "I… I know you are right. B-but still." He gives a half-smile, nudging the tart towards them. "D-do… You want to help me arrange th-the topping…?" Eir asks, layering flat pieces over eachother from the outside in, like a spiral. "…I-it is not… Usually with so much f-fruit. But i got the recipe f-for it from the cook. She eats one… A-almost every sun…"
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "You're going to worry no matter what! That's okay. Afterwards, maybe you will feel better about this situation? We'll see!" they say brightly, leaning over to watch him layer the pieces on the tart. "Yes! I want to help, this looks fun," they say quickly, gathering up a few slices of the berries in their hand carefully to assist. "A whole tart every sun? That's… wow. I kind of feel as if I'm missing out!"
Eir Fellfrost: "…I like f-fruit. And i do eat… Much of it. But… This is. It seems a little… Excessive…?" Eir questions, layering more rolanberries. "…I w-worry. Always. About Sayuri. About my f-friends. It has always been th-the same." He offers a simpering little smile, seemingly not too upset about the fact that he does.
Mahi'a Tehrfel looks over the tart as it's built up, adding the slices of rolanberries to follow Eir's pattern. "If I was really hungry… I'm sure I could eat a whole tart. Maybe she eats it over the whole day!" they suggest. "So much worrying! We have to prove you wrong sometimes then, it's easy to say don't worry, but when everything goes well there's no argument!"
Eir Fellfrost: "…P-perhaps. I would get bored of eating th-the same thing…" The last few slices are settled on top, and the rest of the whole rolanberries sit as deoration in the middle. "W-well. You need not prove me wrong. I am h-happy to be wrong… If you are s-safe." Eir smiles, looking to Mahi'a. "…Th-thank you, for helping. It… It was nice. For this. A-and… To see you, after s-so long…"
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "Maybe… if it was your -very- favourite food, though?" Mahi'a asks, looking up at him curiously. "I know I don't need to! But… I will be safe no matter what! If I stay here or I help, I promise. I'm not going to give you any more reasons to worry on top of that." They nod a couple of times, observing the tart with their smile, then directing it up to Eir. "You are welcome! I'm -always- happy to help! And… spend time with you altogether!"
Eir Fellfrost: "Even if it w-was my very f-favourite… I think. B-but it would take longer." He offers a brief laugh, turning to Mahi'a. "…You… You are a good f-friend, Mahi'a." Eir offers them the warmest smile, much more at ease from when they had first arrived.
Mahi'a Tehrfel grins at him. "Maybe she saves some! A secret icebox full of tarts for emergencies…" they theorise. "You're a great friend too, Eir! You make everything better when you're around!" Another glance is given down to the tart, then back up to Eir their attention goes. "…I might go and try to sleep! It's been a little difficult but… I do feel tired. As good a time as any! Will you be okay?"
A... A great friend. That i make everything better... I... ...Do i? Truly...? ...It warms me so much to hear it...
Eir Fellfrost: "P-perhaps. Perhaps i w-will ask her." He grins, which softens to something more heartfelt. "…Th-thank you. You… You get rest, y-yes? I will be fine. I h-have my book to r-read… A-and Sayuri will be back s-soon." He nods. "A-and i will see this to Bexy. I will tell her you h-helped."
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "You should! If you give her a tart, she should let you know where it goes. That's only fair," Mahi'a nods. "I will rest! But - but you don't need to tell her I helped! I only did a little bit. You did all the hard work!"
Eir Fellfrost: "Y-you helped." Eir repeats, adamant. "B-but… Yes. Things will be better. They already are." He smiles, looking over the finished dessert. "…Rest well, y-yes? We will find s-something nice to cook, n-next we talk."
Mahi'a Tehrfel sighs quietly, though it's not quite as serious as it could be. "Fine!" they say, feigning defeat playfully. "I helped a tiny bit. But we will find something nice! Maybe I can look for -more- recipes… I should go before I get carried away. Have a good night, won't you Eir?"
Eir Fellfrost: "I will do m-my very best." Eir promises, turning to clean up the kitchen.
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "Good! Then I will see you soon! With… recipes and whatever else I can find in tow!" they announce with a small laugh, making their way towards the stairs. "Goodnight! See you soon!"
Eir Fellfrost: "Goodnight, Mahi'a!" Eir calls from across the kitchen, a clatter of pans in his wake.
...It was so nice to see them again. I have been so... Anxious, about seeing others in house. What they might say. How they might react... But Mahi'a is nice. They are always nice, to me. ...I will have to learn this noodle dish they spoke of...
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