#Everyone thinks she's scary but she's actually pretty chill
valorianknights · 3 months
Azrael, Angel of Death
Just my take on Azrael for Hazbin Hotel. I think Charlie deserves a loving but misunderstood Aunt.
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I figured that the exorcist Angels' helmets were designed to mimic her helmet, since she is known as the harbinger of Death.
I also drew Emily cause' she's the best girl!
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I'd like to think that since Azrael's duty to guide souls from the mortal realm into the spirit realm, she's akin to a reaper. When she takes the souls from their physical bodies, she also goes through their memories to create a soul scroll, which acts as a human's "Life in review" or "Record of existence". Azrael then takes this scroll, along with the soul, to the Hall of Divine Judgement. Where the Council of Archangels and God will Judge the soul. After the sentencing Azrael casts Instant transmission on the soul and they spawn in either Heaven or Hell.
Human souls never retain their memories of divine judgement since they're too overwhelmed with their lives flashing before their eyes.
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akq96618 · 2 months
[ king ohger oc ]
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i think i should make a proper post abt them, so here it is!
(thx a lot to @ponopyonq for reading my rambles about them, i keep doubting myself to post them but i got encouraged by you ;-; ily bro)
Selen (Selen Idmonarak ne Brasieri Hastie)
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-Son of Gira and Jeramie -his name based from Selenopidae (wall crab spiders), i love how it's eyes described as 'resemble the moon'
-calls jeramie by papa and gira by toto (shorts of otou-san, but as he grow up he called gira by otou-san)
-everyone's friend <3
-spent most of his time at shugoddam, but sometimes he visited bugnarak cave.
-loves reading encyclopedia, esp. about animals and insects
-his bugnarak hand can't shoot spiderweb, but he's agile and good at climbing
-also good at hiding (either his feelings or hiding for hide and seek-)
-jeramie's bedtime story is his favorite, especially story of the ohsama sentai
-his close friends are buun (as his right hand) and diabolica (pao's oc!!!)
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brief idea of selen here!
Takane (Takane Dybowski-Hastie)
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-Daughter of Racles and Suzume
-her name based from takane-ruri kuwagata (platycerus sue imura)
-Older twin
-truly women of toufu
-nobody knows what's inside her mind (except Mitsuba)
-she has no interest on being king or succesor
-she pursued medical studies at ishabana instead
-calls everyone by '-chan' (selen---ren-chan, mitsuba---micchan, rion--ricchan)
-friends with Rion. Since they shared the same interest on fashion
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Mitsuba (Mitsuba Dybowski-Hastie )
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-Son of Racles and Suzume
-His name based from Mitsubachi (honeybee)
-Younger twin
-admires his father and sometimes help his job as chikyuu's 'tool'
-mitsuba and takane calls racles by otou-sama and suzume by okaa-sama
-loves to eat, but never gained a lot of weight
-kaguragi's student, maybe soon to be succesor
-really excel at talking and persuade others, esp. after being kagu's student
-Selen is like a little brother to him, not just his cousin
-pretty chill and not as energetic as his twin sister, but he'll show his scary side to those who disrespect his family (including those who badmouthed selen and giramie)
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brief ideas of hastie-dybowski twins here!
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-Yanma's pupil -go by they/them
-their name based from coenagrion puella (azure damselfly)
-around the same age as dybowski-hastie twins
-for some reasons, the Nkosopaz raised them since they're 6 yrs old and Yanma took them as his pupil
-their relationship with yanma is kinda like yanma and gin. Sometimes they'd fight, but Rion respect him a lot, actually
-closest to shiokara and usuba
-only use honorifics to shiokara
-actually they don't really care abt their gender, ("what's important is being the coolest ever and aiming to the top!!!!" -rion, perhaps)
-even if with no shugod soul, they create their own shugod for transportation (it's a damselfly, ofc)
-had a crush on mitsuba-
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lol they're fun to draw
also last one, their dynamic chart! (?)
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arcaneacolyte · 9 months
@batcadillac and I were talking about which Ghouls we think know how to drive a car/drive during a road trip and this is what we came up with lol
Swiss: Can drive. He's pretty chill and smooth driver, but he doesn't ever signal, and somehow never gets hit. Takes really convoluted back ways to get places because he claims that, 'I know a way that's faster'. It has yet to be determined whether or not these 'shortcuts' are actually faster. Picks obnoxious radio stations when it's his turn that makes everyone groan, but he puts it on full blast because he thinks it's funny.
Rain: Cannot drive. He vehemently denies that it's because he's a little bit of a klutz, it's more that there are plenty of others in the pack who can, and why should he have to learn if he doesn't want to? He is a passenger princess and will not help with navigation or anything. More than likely he is asleep with his own little travel neck pillow and sleep mask.
Dew: Does not drive. He gets road rage on the driver's behalf, so the idea of him actually driving is too scary of a thought for the others to comprehend. One time he threatened to disembowel another driver for cutting them off. Actually incredibly good at navigation though, so he's usually riding shotgun. The others aren't even sure he actually knows how to drive, and whether he does or not is a moot point, because even if he can't, he's going to pretend like he can. Cumulus: Can drive but doesn't. She gets too much anxiety over it and will 100% cry about it. She almost had a full breakdown trying to merge onto a highway once, so she doesn't have to drive ever. She's is perfectly content in singing along to the radio or playing car games and is really good at heightening the groups morale when it comes to long car rides. Cirrus: Cannot drive. She never really bothered to learn since like Rain, she noticed that there are at least several others in the pack who can and actually like to drive, so what's the point? Unlike Rain though, she's not a passenger princess. She's a master at organization and timing. There's never a missed bathroom break or forgotten item on her watch. Sunshine: Can drive, but she is the most terrifying behind the wheel. Just because she can, doesn't mean she should. She is a speed demon and wants to see how fast she can go. She weaves in and out of traffic because, 'it's fine, I'm not gonna hit anyone'. She has driven Copia exactly once because he almost had a heart attack. Mountain: Can drive. One of the only Ghouls who isn't Multi that can drive a car with ease. Due to his abilities on the drums, the multi-tasking of driving a car is fairly easy in comparison. He is the safest driver and drives calmly and obeys all of the traffic laws. The only unfortunate thing is that he can get physically uncomfortable pretty fast since it's difficult to find a car that fits his height well. Aether: Can drive, but he's not a huge fan. Being a Quintessence Ghoul, with a lot of cars on the road, it can be hard to block out the Quintessence energy coming off of everything, so he has to concentrate really hard to be able to drive as safely as he wants to. Still will drive in a pinch if someone is too tired, but he's really tense and it can lead him into getting a migraine if he does it for too long. Unfortunately there can't be any music or really any conversation over quiet talking, because he might actually implode from sensory overload. Aurora: Can drive. She may be tiny and have to pull the seat all the way forward, but she's one of the best drivers in the pack. Even with her small stature, she loves driving big cars when she gets the chance. She loves being able to see everything, and the actual feeling of driving is pleasant for her. More often than not, besides Mountain, she's the pick for first driver. She will drive until Cirrus tells her that she needs to take a break, but she usually will be the one to volunteer for a second driving shift. Phantom/Aeon: Can't drive. He's the youngest in the pack, so it really isn't expected of him? He also gets too excited about all of the things they pass by, so his distractibility isn't really wanted when it comes to driving. However, he is the keeper of the snacks and drinks and he loves that job. Rations everything out perfectly, and knows what snacks go best together. He is the best at any of the car games and loves to play them with Cumulus.
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hersterical · 10 months
Loving the love that soccer player Robin has been getting lately so I decided to share some of my thoughts on it
She has a huge water bottle that’s the same size as her head that she absolutely refuses to share with anyone (unless it’s someone she has a crush on and then she’s too flustered to say no)
She also brings little snacks to every game and practice. Mostly fruits, like oranges, grapes, and watermelons and things like that. But she’ll also bring crackers. She’s much more willing to share her snacks than her water but would still rather not unless she really likes them.
Robin always tucks in her jerseys (too much fabric gets in the way and is super annoying).
Off the field her teammates think she’s pretty chill and laidback (she still masks around them) but on the field she’s really intense and fouls just as much as she gets fouled.
Everyone thinks she’s really good at flopping but really she’s just that clumsy.
Robin is the best trash talker of any and every team she has ever been on, but she only ever trash talks if a player is a jerk.
She might fall down a lot and is a little on the slower side (but not as slow as she thinks) but her footwork is phenomenal.
She usually plays left defender (she’s one of the only players who’s any good with her left foot) but enjoys and is passable at every position except for goalie.
Between having to be coordinated with your hands, the weird texture that the gloves always have, the being confined to a small area, and having to spend so much time just waiting for the ball to come to her but still always needing to be on high alert anyways just in case, goalie is by far her least favorite position. Plus that one time she took a ball to the face and got knocked out gave her a bit of a sour taste for that position.
She has gotten into two fights during games and it’s generally agreed that she won both of them (though she did have to sit out for the rest of the game after getting a bloody nose).
It’s largely debated who started the first fight (Robin insists she didn’t but everyone else thinks she did), but for the second one Robin was trying to stop her teammate from getting into a fight when the other player threw a punch (giving her the bloody nose). After that, all bets were off.
She did stop playing before season 3 because she just had so many extracurriculars to keep up with, but Steve got her to start playing on an inter mural team after they defeated Vecna as a way to help her cope.
Steve taught her how to play basketball (she sucks) and went easy on her the first time they played. Then Robin taught him soccer and refused to go easy on him (he sucks, but not as bad as Robin does at basketball). After that, all bets were off while playing basketball (it’s fine though because Robin was always on a team with Lucas which evened things out until Lucas got better than Steve at basketball, then Steve and Robin would be on the same team).
Steve and Robin go to all of each other’s games. Everyone’s annoyed by how loud they either cheer or heckle each other (depending on their mood).
Robin is a little disappointed that Lucas never took to soccer like he did basketball, but he’s always willing to play.
Mike and Dustin flat out refused to play, Will tried it but he was really bad and hated it, and El is actually almost scary good at soccer but only ever plays when they play an adjusted version that allows Max to play as well. Max is down for any and every activity that allows her to be physical even if soccer isn’t always her first choice. Erica hates playing soccer but will occasionally play to make Robin happy (not that Erica looks up to and thinks Robin is cool or anything…shut up).
Robin loves soccer because it feels like the only time she can trust her body just as much as she trusts her mind (or even more so after everything with the Russians and Vecna went down).
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somberauthor · 7 months
Hello there stranger can I request TADC with male reader who have body like a human and pretty much tall looking scary with his head was TV
But he pretty much nice and chill making some stupid joke
And he know how to calm down everyone or making them feel safe
When he got here in the first day he was surprised but not scared he just surprised and when he know he had to stop here he say jokingly like "well at least I don't have to pay taxes" yeah something like that I'm not good with joke I try
I'm not English by the way so I hope you have a nice day
Bye-bye stranger hope you have a nice wonderful day!
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Gangle would be either scared of you or completely comfortable with your company. But she's leaning towards the former, not the latter.
Zooble would actually enjoy your company, thinking your chillness was pretty... chill
Kinger would just be kinger. He's cool with you, and he's kinger.
Ragatha would enjoy your company. You two would be the parents of the group with how well you guys can calm people down when people are upset.
Jax and you would always crack jokes with eachother. Theres not much else to say, you two are buds. buddies. PALS even.
Caine has no opinion of you, but he thinks your T.V. head is cool.
Bubble is bubble. Bubble is too silly for opinions
Pomni is just glad she's not the only new one there. You two can relate on some things, but other than that you two arent super close.
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Booyeah (this is all i could think of doing)
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isavelvel · 10 days
Euphoricly Gone.
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You feel empty, you are empty. You’ve always been empty. Nothing and I mean nothing has ever made you feel fulfilled. Maybe the childhood birthday parties you’ve had and the cute games you’ve played with your friends sparked something but now.. now that doesn’t matter.
You’ve done it again, you went back to the one thing you’ve quit. It took only a couple weeks for it to crawl back into your life and slither down your throat and make you feel again.
You know it was wrong, your parents would probably go crazy if they found out you were taking those drugs again. You didn’t care, it made you nervous of course but there was to much going on to even care that much.
Your tired, so so tired. You have a lot of energy at the same time, everyone doesn’t seem to notice your state.
‘Thank god.’ Is what you would think of your mind was running straight. You looked at Taylor, she looked so happy. She’s chatting with Logan, Ashlyn is sitting by them, listening to the conversation quietly. Aiden yapping to her, she’s not really listening but she has a vague idea of what he’s speaking of.
Tyler’s right next to you, you don’t really talk to him, sadly. Ben is next to you, but closer to Taylor, your all in a small circle. At a park, on a nice blanket.
You feel guilty, but so light on your feet. Your happy, but you know it’s temporary.
“(Name)? (Name)? Are you okay? You’ve kinda just been staring off into the distance.” Taylor looks at you kinda worried, you smile lightly.
“Yeah.. I’m good.” You talk pretty slow, you smile again. Tapping your foot and look at everyone else. They’ve directed there attention to you for minute.
“I’m just chilling.” You make a thumbs up. You laugh a little, they all look content at that answer. Maybe your just crazy, maybe there actually worried and your convincing yourself that there content.
“Are you sure?” Logan pipes in quietly. You look at him sternly but kindly. “You do look a little.. off.” You frown.
You stick out your tounge jokingly. “Yeah, hello!! It’s me, I’m like super awesome and cool.” You joke, your not horrendously high or anything.
Everyone just goes silent and suddenly it’s like the conversation never happened and there conversing again. Tyler stares at you a little longer before sighing and going back to what he was doing. Which was nothing.
your phone rings.
Ding, ding, ding.
You breath in at the loud sounds, the group goes silent.
“Shit, sorry guys! I’m gonna go.. uhh,” you stare at the contact. It’s your older sister. You blink groggily and sigh. You stand up and walk away as far as possibly without leaving the park. Which isn’t far cause the park is small.
“You need to come home.” She says on the other line. Why? “Please, mom and dad said so.” She’s lying.
“Dad and mom aren’t home for another week.” You say, she sighs and ramble a little bit before you tell her your not leaving and hang up. You sit back down and fiddle with your hair. Shit. You feel around your pocket. Where did your baggy go? You had your shit in there. Where did it go?
You bite your lip, you can’t even ask the group. You feel around your pockets one more time and sigh. It’s not there. That stuff was expensive. You payed for that and now it’s gone. It wasn’t anything crazy but it was something to help your through the next WEEK of school and all these Fuck ads teachers.
You look at the group before looking down. What if they found it? It didn’t really have your name on it or anything so they wouldn’t know it’s yours but it’s scary.
“Hey, I think I’m gonna go.” You say aloud, everyone looks at you again. This time it makes you feel anxious.
“I thought you said you’d stay this time?” Aiden says questionably. He’s not budgy about it, just upset. You can’t tell.
Tyler speaks up, “Everytime we make plans to hangout you cancel or leave during it. It hasn’t even been 2 hours.” He’s right, you do do this. You shrug.
“Just been busy lately.” He doesn’t buy your shit but that doesn’t matter. “Sorry?” You say and smile. “My sister called and-“ a loud sigh interrupts you.
“What’s your problem?” You say looking at Tyler. He looks at you innocently.
“What do you mean?” He mocks a expression of innocences, clearly sarcastic.
“Your acting like I want to leave early. I don’t.” You say. You frown again. “I’m leaving, bye everyone.” You left, quick and swiftly.
You didn’t want to leave. After you left you felt content and comfortable.
Back at the park the group continued, a little bummed you left but all the same.
“What’s that?” Ashlyn says quietly, not to loud but not meekly. Everyone looks at a baggy on the ground. Right by Tyler.
“Is that yours Tyler?” Logan asks, Ben looks over to Tyler aswell. Tyler shakes his head.
“It’s (names), I saw her drop it.” He says, dryly.
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audhd-nightwing · 2 years
more of punk!steve bc i adore him
steve first runs into the Party at the arcade (where he works part time because he wants to make his own money as a ‘fuck you’ to his parents and cuz it’s a chill job) and he becomes their favorite worker and they become his favorite customers. one day steve takes a smoke break in the parking lot and sees some kids bullying the Party and his older brother instincts kick in.
he walks up behind the party like “well well what do we have here?” and the Party is like “steve!! :D” and steve in his leather jacket and ripped jeans and combat boots glares down the bullies and they scamper off. from then on steve tells the kids to go to him if someone is bothering them and it becomes town-wide knowledge not to mess with byers wheeler henderson & sinclair. he basically becomes their personal Scary Dog.
the parents end up wanting to meet this young man who kept bullies away from their kids (and they’ve heard all sorts of rumors about him and he dresses like That so they’re suspicious) and steve’s like “yeah sounds great!” and immediately charms all of them because he’s a sweetheart and does genuinely care about and want to protect their kids. from then on he’s the go-to babysitter / ride to school / campaign host. steve pretends to be annoyed but he loves it and treats them all like they’re his younger siblings (especially lucas and dustin)
joyce and steve bond especially and they have coffee dates every sunday and just talk (joyce tries to get steve to come to her when he needs help or just someone to listen). at first everyone who sees them is super confused because what is paranoid mother Joyce Byers doing with the high school bad boy Steve Harrington?? but after a couple months it just becomes commonplace and people will even stop by to say hi
i also think jonathan and steve would end up being best friends in like freshman year and steve would get jancy together in s1 (steve and nancy don’t date). he’s never a third wheel though they have a great “this is my boyfriend and our best friend steve” type relationship. (plus jonathan never takes the creepy pics and the whole fight never happens so they’re all chill).
steve and robin are fellow outcasts so they’re chill. then steve beats up some guys who harassed her and they become actual friends and steve lets robin come over whenever her parents are being shitty. steve lowkey converts her into a punk and they basically do illegal shit and have a bunch of fun.
btw steve is a fully realized biromantic demisexual (or just queer whatv lol) and he has an extremely accurate gaydar which is partially why stobin become friends. anyways i’m mentioning this becauseee
steve meets will byers and Immediately Knows and pretty much comes out to him and tells him it’s okay and he becomes wills Gay Mentor (imo jonathan can either be straight or queer and just not really informed abt gay shit so steve would be the mentor in his place bc they’re basically brothers anyway (joyce absolutely tries to adopt steve multiple times)).
steve meets max at the arcade before any of the Party befriend her and she immediately becomes another of his favorite customers (the ranking is dustin, will & lucas & max, mike). she thinks he’s super cool and basically projects onto him as an older brother figure and he’s happy to play the part. he notices the way billy treats max and threatens him that if he ever treats her like that again he will kill him and hopper will help him hide the body. things are pretty peaceful for max after that. additionally neil hargrove gets arrested for domestic and child abuse and billy takes his car and leaves without a word. max’s mom still drinks so steve kinda unofficially adopts her, she has her own room in his house and ends up staying there most days. he ends up actually adopting her later but they’re still more of an older brother & younger sister dynamic than father & daughter
steve doesn’t interact with eddie until s4 but they know of each other and are on neutral terms until the byers move to cali and eddie starts DMing for dustin lucas mike erica and max (who steve managed to convince to play). they’re wary of each other at first but eddie realizes steve is actually a huge softie and steve realizes eddie is just a cute dork who reads LOTR and plays D&D.
steve isn’t on any sports teams or anything but he works out on his own, goes for jogs every morning with jonathan and nancy especially after the demogorgon and demodog shit. basically he’s fit and good at fighting (due to more experience with it) and nancy taught him how to shoot so he can do that too. most of his scars are from demo-creatures instead of fistfights, though he has a few of those too (not from jonathan or billy tho).
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chaoscriess · 2 years
Fezco imagine where reader is a a bad bitchhhh ( almost like Maddy) she takes matters in her own hands and doesn’t bite her tongue. I feel like that would complement fezcos chill and quiet personality.
honestly I love this idea..
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𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒! reader is a bad bitch, kissing, pda?
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒! on mobile, format might be weird. lowercase intended, unedited, double periods intended. a bit short
fezco x fem!reader
you and fez met in highschool, in tenth grade.
you immediately hit it off, you expressed your interest in his.. 'occupation' and he liked that you were bold and outspoken.
he was quiet and reserved, and you were loud and weren't afraid to speak your mind.
it was a match made in heaven, man!
you met ash late into tenth grade, when fezco finally decided to let you meet him. he was always reluctant to let you meet ash, he thought it got you too involved in his shit, he didnt want you to get hurt because of him.
you quickly took a liking to the young boy, basically taking him in as your own.
soon enough, you and fez were seen everywhere together
every time someone went over to his house, you were there
when he went to get groceries, you were with him, holding the list.
when you went anywhere, fezco was always there, watching over your shoulder
he liked to protect you, you were bound to have some enemies. someone had to be out to get you, it wasnt possible for nobody to hate you with how often you openly disagree with people.
but, surprisingly, people left you alone. maybe they were scared of you, you two were a pretty scary pair, after all.
soon enough, people started asking if you were dating.
you weren't, so it always caught you off guard, no matter how many times people asked.
eventually, fezco realized he had feelings for you.
he always knew he felt differently about you, but he always thought it was in a friendly way.
yeah, he was way off.
actually, he had been in love with you for months.
and it turns out, you had been in love with him too.
you didnt know it though, if you did, you would have told him, even if it would have had bad consequences
it didnt though..
here's how it went,
"fez, I love you". you two were sitting on his couch, watching an episode of a show the both of you loved. he turned to look at you, not actually paying attention to you. you were focused on the tv, suddenly extremely nervous. you didnt like the feeling, it felt like you had food poisoning or something. "yeah, I love you too, y/n". you sighed and rolled your eyes, turning to look at him with a deadpan face. "I dont think you understand, I'm in love with you, like, actually." his face wilted into confusion, tilting his head as if asking you if you were serious. "wait.. like, actually?" you scoffed and rolled your eyes again, looking back to the tv. "yes, like,actually, fezco."
you watched through the corner of your eye as he smiled, looking you up and down a few times. your brows furrowed, was he seriously checking you out right now? "shit.. you serious?" you scoffed and stood up, walking towards the front door. "wait, wait, no, dont leave.. fuck, I love you too, y/n". you looked back at him to see him standing with a worried look on his face, it was odd to see him like this, it wasnt really 'fezco behavior'. you were too focused on his behavior to understand what he was doing or what he said prior, but the next thing you knew, his hands were on your hips, pulling you towards him and his lips were on yours.
after that, you and him were somehow together more often than before.
when he sat down, you were always sitting next to him or on his lap.
you were always at his house, practically abandoning your own.
everyone said you shouldn't be together, that you were too different.
you didn't think so, though.
you two were perfect.
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icequeenlila · 5 months
Avatar Human AU- Christmas (slight Locorro)
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It's Christmas Day
Spider comes over to the Sully household
the holidays turn Neytiri soft enough to let him stay the night
Neteyam and Neytiri are in the kitchen, preparing for dinner
Jake and the rest of the kids are in the living room, decorating the tree
there are christmas songs playing through the house and Jake, Lo'ak and Spider are singing along, horribly out of tune
they think they are hilarious, but Kiri is actually considering violence
also, she is annoyed bc the boys and Tuk have no sense of aesthetic
she has her own vision for the christmas tree, but dosen't stand a chance against her family's chaos
but she's having fun ofc
Lo'ak and Spider are goofing around as always
Spider almost lands in the tree at one point, Tuk screaming at the top of her lungs
when they are done, Neteyam comes from the kitchen to lift Tuk up, so she can put the star onto the top of the tree
Lo'ak and Spider are badly pining, and painfully oblivious
Kiri is SO done with them, and Neteyam is laughing at her misery
uncle Norm is chillin on the couch, tipsy from one eggnog too many
tipsy enough to laugh at Jake's dad jokes
later that day, Tuk freaks out bc Jake forgott to set a timer for her christmas cookies
they turn out slightly on the burnt side
what is she supposed to leave for Santa now? He won't leave her any presents! Dad, you had one job!
everyone helps trying to save her cookies with a hideous amount of frosting
Tuk: "But they won't taste good!"
Jake: "Don't worry, Santa eats so many cookies in one night. Most of them, he only takes with him, so the children won't be sad. I heard we are pretty much the last house on his list, so he'll just save them for his elves. He'll never know."
Tuk is impressed with her father's knowledge
Neytiri is torn between smiling and frowning
she never was too big of a fan, telling their kids the lie of an old man climbing down their chimney, bringing them gifts
her parents never made her and Sylwanin believe in Santa
but still, she loves the way her daughter's eyes light up, and how fond the smile on Jake's face is when talking about it
so she says nothing
Lo'ak actually believed in Santa until he was fourteen
Jake was already starting to sweat when he realized his youngest son wasn't taking the hint
how do you explain to your child that you basically lied to them their whole life?
Easy. You let your daughter handle it.
Kiri did the job
Lo'ak was surprisingly chill when she finally opened his eyes
Lo'ak: "Actually, that makes a lot more sense."
Spider is super happy to spend christmas with his friends, since the relationship with his dad isn't the best
the Sully kids have a present prepared for him
they have worked on it collectively
it's a collage with pictures of all of them:
the freak trio (Kiri, Lo'ak, Spider) on the ice rink, Spider and Lo'ak to each of Kiri's sides, holding her hands so she won't lose her balance
Neteyam holding Spider in a headlock, grinning widely at the camera (Spider bet he could beat him in a fight)
Spider sitting on the ground, bows all over his hair, eyes closed shut as Tuk sprays glitter all over his head
Spider in Jake's wheel chair, screaming, Lo'ak behind him, laughing his ass off as he drives both of them down an empty steep road (it's actually a screen shot from the video they had took to send Kiri)
(they had stolen some weed from Norm before doing this, hence their stupidity)
(Lo'ak got grounded for a month after this, and Spider wasn't allowed to come over during that time)
Neteyam was the one to go to the copy shop to print out the pictures
Tuk had colored the frame herself (very colourful, with a heavy use of glitter)
Lo'ak was the one to work strictly under Kiri's command, cutting out the pictures neatly as she arranged them to look good (Kiri could get a tiny bit scary when it came to her aesthetic, Lo'ak didn't argue once)
Spider smiles and laughs over the pics they had chosen, but everyone can see that he's barely holding back tears
they don't make it a big deal, the present says it all (they care!)
Kiri secretly gifts him another framed picture, one of the time the trio had a movie nigh
the boys both fell asleep on the couch, and somehow Lo'ak ended up on Spider's chest
Kiri had taken several pictures (as blackmail)
Spider blushes madly when he sees it, and immediately stuffs it into his bag
This is vague, but it's just supposed to be something short and cute, sooo....
I came up with all of this while decorating our tree. I have a vague part 2. The Locorro part to be more clear. If I get the impression you like this, I'll give it more thought.
A happy Christmas to all of you! I hope you are well and healthy and I wish you all the best!!!✨
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honey-minded-hivemind · 3 months
(I may send in a few more requests for Dino squad as well-)
what about in the Dino squad a reader who is a Compsognathus (one of if not the smallest dinosaurs) who has hidden from everyone that they are anything less then human, and don’t know about the other Dino kids either? I’m thinking they were at the beach that day as well but at a different time then the others
Ahaha, yes! Let's see what I can whip up for ya:
You aren't sure what your life had come to.
You'd been with your biology class on a fieldtrip, down by the beach, and somehow, someway, it turned into something a lot more than just a quick trip to the shore.
Because by the time you'd gotten home, you discovered you could turn into something new. Something impossible to be.
A dinosaur.
A small one, a Compsognathus, but a dinosaur nonetheless.
It was... insane.
It started to become worse when other dinosaurs started popping up.
And they were a LOT bigger than you.
So, with all the reasoning you had, you kept hidden. No need to reveal yourself and possibly get eaten, right? Nope, not you.
The situation died back a bit, things going back to a weird, settled normal... Yet somehow that didn't last, either...
They saw you.
There were a few of them, fighting mutated plant thingies, and you'd been helping on the sidelines, guiding animals to safety, when you crossed paths with the carnosaur. It locked eyes with you for a moment, then something burst inside your mind:
There's another one?!
That caught the attention of the other dinosaurs, who came thundering over, all tall and imposing. You took the opportunity to dart between their feet, aiming to escape into the streets.
Woah, woah, WAIT!
We're like you!
You ignored whatever the h*ck was grating at your thoughts, letting your feet carry you swiftly to safety. The rest of the night, you slept in a curled-up ball, hidden amongst your blankets, trying to keep your fears at bay...
After that incident, the dinosaurs always seemed to be looking for you.
Dino you.
And your classmates seemed a little rattled in class. The class was full of odd, strange kids, but these five tended to stick together no matter what. But something seemed to have excited them, because now they were talking with others in class, asking questions, listening to the biology teacher, who only sighed at their antics and told them to be careful.
They ended up talking with you.
You had Lance, a team leader of sorts, into sports, and always wearing shades of brown and black and red. A cool guy, but a little intense.
You had Fred, large and adept with plants, who enjoyed working at animal shelters and helping strays, in overalls and camo. Sweet, and didn't tolerate bullying at all.
You had Wanda, stoic, unstoppable, and dressed in red. She put any person to shame in the intimidating apartment. A twin, but the older, more scary, of the two. She tended to study medicinal plants and animals.
You had Pietro, fast, loud, talkative Pietro. Never seen without pale blues or greens, with a white shirt or blouse, he was someone who was quite popular with the school. He was also a bit of a diva. Wanda's twin, the ... less scary... one. He knew how to talk with people, how to make them feel welcome.
And there was Todd, or Toad, as people called him. Short, long legs, shaggy hair, and always wearing green. The guy loved amphibians, wore bracelets, and seemed pretty chill. Not too bad to round the whole group out.
You weren't sure how you caught the attention of all five of them. To be fair, you don't think they knew either.
Asking how long you'd been in the class, what animals and/or plants you enjoyed, what you thought might help the environment... Basic questions. Until they weren't.
"So, you remember that field trip awhile back, right? Went down to the beach, note the environment, clean up anything hazardous... Teach says you also happened to be there. Which group were you assigned?"
"I was... assigned to your group, actually. I just, hung back a bit. Stuck closer to the shoreline."
That seems to cause a ripple effect amongst them, some unspoken agreement.
"So... did Teach tell you anything about how to earn extra credit?"
"It's quite simple: You join up with one of the class groups, and we do a presentation on one of the prehistoric creatures who they've mentioned. We already have one in mind, if you're game."
"Sure! Sounds good."
"Okay. How does a ... Compsognathus, sound?"
And suddenly you believe your secret isn't so secret anymore.
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total-drama-shark · 1 year
First impressions on every contestant!
Warning this gets long.
Was really interested on the possibility of a nerdy character from her introduction, but I feel like my biggest gripe with her is the whole “my generation” thing, it just feels slightly mean spirited and not realistic for a personality trait. Teens generally don’t like being told that their generation sucks or that they’re all dumb or have their use of technology criticized. The ones that do dislike their generation are those either trying to receive approval from older people or “I was born in the wrong generation” type kids. She’s just, unrelatable.
Her voice is higher than I expected, I like the survival theme and was surprised we got another zombie conspiracy nut in the cast (so happy we got a Shawn cameo/reference as well!) she really is like a mix of Jo and Eva with a sprinkle of Shawn and I wish we got to see more of her!
Super interesting to see a contestant raised by TD fans, and her intro was amazing! Baby and toddler Priya! Owen reference! She is 100% going to be an interesting character. I guess there’s also a subversion of a big Desi stereotype with her, she wants to go to med school but her parents want her to enter a more unconventional and unstable field, I don’t know exactly how to feel about this, specially since I’m not desi myself.
My man!!! I love me a skater/surfer dude and the Jude vibes are impeccable!! He is so chill and just here to vibe. I’ve audibly laughed at multiple of his lines and just love him so much. I also think he’s neat amputee rep, he’s casual about it and was just born that way, but can make fun stories up about it.
Am I disappointed by the fart and potty jokes? Yes, but besides that I actually really like his character! An annoying bully who despite his best efforts is a loser. Also if his voice doesn’t fuel the nowen child headcanons out there I don’t know what will.
A total newbie! Very opposite to Priya in this case and also super interesting character trait for him, I hope both him and Priya can function a bit to show off the POV of both old and new fans alike. He’s also very entertaining :)
Scary girl
Exactly what I expected from her and more! She is very much one dimensional compared to most the rest but I love her! I love wildcards! So excited to see her shenanigans
Introducing yourself as the first openly gay contestant is definitely a first impression! I’ve got to say I adore his competitive and scheming nature and you can tell he’s in it to win it, he also has amazing social skills and is overall an icon. I know not everyone will be into the idea of the first openly queer contestant being very stereotypical but I’ve always thought that just as while his sexuality isn’t the center of his personality and there’s at least another queer character that isn’t as stereotypical it’s all good, and by the looks of it that will be the case. Also I know multiple gay dudes that act just as him so I have a bias.
Did not expect a stunt Youtuber type guy but I definitely should’ve seen it coming, also DRAMA?? Pre established EXES??? I am so interested in seeing how this pans out
I love her voice first of all and I did not expect her to have been part of the stunt Youtuber group, hope the ex drama isn’t all there is to her character and I really enjoy her friendship with Bowie so far!
Oh I love her, we haven’t seen a character like her before and she has so much potential! A character that knows she’s underestimated and takes advantage of that? Yes please!
Pretty much a Justin copy, I can’t really say much about him and we knew how things were going to pan out so I can only hope he’ll make if farther and get more development next season.
Wayne & Raj
Hockey dudes! They’re such jocks and can sense the “makes fun of me lightly for being unathletic but cheers for me when I finally start participating in sports” energy from them so hard, they’re fun guys and feel so much like real teen boys.
An actual TV star! I didn’t see that coming but I love it! Love seeing the little flashbacks to her shows and movies and seeing someone in the show be treated as an actual celebrity, she’s also as far as I’ve seen pretty smart, level headed, and humble for a TV celebrity! So interested in seeing her work!
The influencer chick! Her intro was amazing and I definitely didn’t expect her to be into healing crystals, feel like she’ll be a very interesting character and I await her interactions with Nichelle.
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headkiss · 2 years
Hello! I’m not sure if this is “fall themed” but could I request Eddie helping the reader who he has a crush on (and maybe their siblings) decorate their yard for Halloween one day after school or on the weekend?
thank you for requesting!!! hope u like it :) | 0.6k words, younger siblings, and fluff!
When Eddie’s driving by your house, crushing so hard he’s only hoping to catch a glimpse of you, he’s not expecting you to be outside.
But, there you are, standing on a ladder that doesn’t seem too steady with nobody around to keep it up but your younger siblings. Who are far too distracted with other decorations to help you.
He can’t control himself when he pulls over by the curb, stops the van and gets out. He waits to speak until he’s close enough to stabilize the ladder in case he scares you.
“Sweetheart, whatcha doing up there?”
He’s glad he was nearby because, of course, he startled you and you flinch and your ladder wobbles. He grabs it with one hand, the other on the back of your leg.
“Jesus, Eddie,” you peer down at him from your height. He looks pretty, the wind blowing his already messy hair around, a flush to his cheeks from the October chill. “You scared the shit outta me.”
“Sorry. Was driving and saw you up here…looked like you could use some help.”
You’re decorating your house for Halloween, a tradition you like to keep up. Your siblings always have the simpler jobs like sticking stuff into the lawn or wrapping caution tape around the trees that sit in your front yard. You, however, we’re always stuck putting up the lights and garlands up high.
“That would be great. You don’t mind some Halloween decorating?”
“Not at all. It’s my favorite holiday, actually.”
“Right. Eddie Munson, lover of all things scary,” you joke, finishing with the strip of skull lights you put up. “I should’ve known.”
Your sister comes running over, while your brother stays distracted with the caution tape. She’s always liked Eddie, even though she’s only met him a few times. You understand her though. You’ve always liked Eddie, too. A lot.
“Eddie!” Your sister hugs his legs, and you climb down from the ladder to peel her off.
“Okay, okay.” You smile shyly at Eddie, almost an apology.
“It’s all good. Hey, cutie, how are you?” He waved at her.
“Good! Halloween is soon!”
“That’s true. What are you gonna dress up as?” He asks her.
“A princess.”
“Amazing! You’ll be best dressed, I bet.”
She runs off to join your brother after that. Her attention span short, but she’s still cute. You feel shy at how Eddie looks at you. His smile devastating and his eyes always shining. He’s really pretty.
“Sorry about her. She really likes you for some reason.” You say.
“Hope she’s not the only one in the family who likes me.”
“No,” your eyes lock onto his, “she’s definitely not.”
He feels something bloom in his chest. Hope and happiness at what that implies. You like him, he thinks. He feels so silly sometimes, about how much he likes you and how often you’re on his mind. The way that you have him crushing like a middle schooler.
You keep decorating, Eddie holds the ladder and hands you what you need. You always ask him if it looks good and he always says yes without taking his eyes off of you.
He even helps your siblings when they ask, not a single complaint about it. He seems to be having fun even with them and you can’t help but smile at it. He’s sweet, gives them his attention. You wished everyone else could see this side of him.
They’re all missing out on so much.
When everything’s done, he helps you carry the leftover stuff into the garage, your siblings going inside. He stands a little awkwardly after that, he could leave, but he doesn’t. He wants a reason to stay.
“I’m gonna make hot chocolate. If you wanna come in.”
The relief he feels comes quick. He didn’t want to leave you and you’ve just offered him more of your time. He would never dream of saying no.
“Yeah. That would be great, sweetheart.”
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hemipenal-system · 5 months
merry christmas to those who celebrate. have some debauchery on the house.
✨ reindeer post-job shenanigans ✨
it's a long night for everyone, and the whole sleigh crew gets back cold, hungry, and exhausted. they just need something nice to lift their spirits, you know? here's how you can help each of them, should you find yourself into a position to do so:
✨Dasher ✨ - usually gets delegated all the leadership jobs when Rudolph isn't there, and returns obscenely stressed every single year because of it. she's really not cut out for this job, but her name comes first in the lineup so she's stuck with it. she probably won't even want anything really, just snuggle up to her and tell her she did a good job – she needs to hear it. put on a movie or something, make a warm dinner, and put your arm around her and pepper her with gentle kisses. she'll fall in love.
✨ Dancer ✨ - limitless ball of energy. she spends the night entirely just hyping Dasher up enough to do her job, and she's still absolutely pumped afterwards. whatever position you end up in, she's probably doing all the work in an attempt to tire herself out, but she never seems to be able to. do some stretching first, it's gonna be rough and hard and will probably leave you gasping and bruised, but she'll be reassuring while she rails you senseless.
✨ Prancer ✨ - doesn't really want to be there either, but is fine with it. really is just chill as hell. she likes to show off her partners, so expect to be displayed on a pretty leash or railed in front of the others fairly often. she also tends to be down for whatever on your own time, so if you suggest something she'll probably try it out with you, in front of everyone, of course, since she just likes to be around you (and in you. preferably in you.)
✨ Vixen ✨ - she may be the most overtly feminine one on the crew, but don't be fooled by that. her job requires strict discipline, and she'll hold you to the same standards, whether it's brusquely making sure you've eaten enough and hydrated that day or it's learning three new commands a session and practicing all the previous ones until you don't even have to think about it anymore. when you say that makes you feel like an animal, she smiles and says it's hotter that way. lean into it for her.
✨ Comet & Cupid ✨ - they do pretty much everything and everyone together, and you're no exception. they may both be goofballs who can't stop joking around the entire time, but that won't make it feel any less good for you. whether it's both ends or both in one, they will both be involved at once, and it occasionally does get competitive as they fight to see who can make you enjoy it more. really, they're here for your pleasure, so don't be afraid to tell them what you like and they'll try to do it!
✨ Donner ✨ - scary as shit. like, fur dyed black, horn piercings, threatens to crush elves under her hooves if they get in her way scary. she will most likely seem initially standoffish to you and graduate to just being fully mean. if you cry during it, she will find that attractive and keep doing whatever made you cry. multiple safewords are almost definitely a must if you like any form of cnc so she can casually ignore the first one. you will have to tell her every time you fuck to put her knife collection away. you're pretty sure she has murder charges. she might cry afterwards though. just hold her and tell her you had a good time and she didn't hurt you that bad. affection is hard for her.
✨ Blitzen ✨ - spends a significant amount of time blitzed and is also absolutely massive. if you ask her nicely she will shotgun weed with you. she'll actually probably do it if you don't ask either, just be careful kissing her before you end up higher than the sleigh. very very into having you sit in her lap, she loves how surprised people get when she stiffens under them. she knows her size, and she's really gentle, but it's still a lot, so just be safe. she understands if you can't fit her, but that's ok! she'll be plenty chipper regardless! aftercare for this is probably gonna be a warm bath or some kind of massage to put your guts back where they're supposed to be. she's also the switchiest, and would probably enjoy being tied up by you or by her teammates. (especially bc she's so much larger than them it's the only way they can handle her) good luck.
✨ Rudolph ✨ - very confident as the team leader and nowhere else. he spends most of his time hiding from the girls when they're not pulling the sleigh, not because he doesn't like it but because he has actual jobs that aren't taking reindeergirl cock to the base 24/7/364 and he literally doesn't have time for all of them. he'd be happy if you'd take some of the strain off him, and would find some innovative ways to reward you if you asked.
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juannaflippa · 6 months
random total drama reboot sexuality headcanons (made these while listening to laufey)
priya is pan, she just kinda knew she loved any and all genders. demiromantic, falls in love at first sight but always thinks twice about if its a crush or not (it never is). uses she/they. scared to tell her parents
millie gives lesbian tbh, never felt attraction to a guy. had crushes on girls and always brushed them off until she was like wait. holy darn i'm gay what the flip okay. also demiromantic, just like, never has crushes but knows she can
julia's bi. idk she just like, likes girls. she's never dated a girl but she lowk wants to, never told anyone
hear me out. mk, aromantic. always joked about how she was too busy with her tech to be into romance, then she realized she wasn't joking. also lesbian and nonbinary
nichelle is THE closet lesbian my god, straight on air but lesbian off set. got caught on a date with a girl once and literally had to make a whole 10 page insta slide explanation (everyone skimmed it, no one even cared, literally everyone still thought she was still straight UNTIL she made the post.)
axel is just so lesbian to me idk. her and ripper get together in season two tho so idk but i still live by the lesbian hc tbh
scary girl is just. scary. idk man she's not a girl or boy they are just an essence. unlabeled, asexual, probably uses any pronouns because as long as you're scared she don't care
emma is so transfem to me she is just a trans girl trust me. she's also bisexual and uses she/they. chill about telling people she's bi, but doesn't really bring up that she's trans unless she trusts you
raj is obviously gay. felt more free when he realized. lowk forced himself to have crushes on girls to fit in, like just thought you could choose someone and be like "yup ur my crush now"
wayne is either the BIGGEST straight ally ever or aroace. idk he just gives aroace vibes to me, also faked crushes. raj and wayne would LOWK be jealous of eachother for actually having crushes on girls ☠️
bowies gay of course. always just kinda knew, very very open about it. get's bullied for it sometimes but he doesn't care (the other person always get BODIED by his insults if bowie feels like it)
damien is transmasc and bi, pretty open about it. he doesn't mind telling people cause he doesn't care if they hate him for it. always shocks people when he comes out, he finds it funny
chase is so transmasc oh my god he has literally never told anyone and he is scared to. also the HARDEST bisexual closet case my god
zee idkk like maybe genderfluid bisexual asexual and uses any pronouns.
ripper is an on the low bisexual. wants to held by a MAN
anddd caleb idk probably straight ally
non sexuality related but
emma listens to laufey!
emma and chase havent come out to eachother about being trans. emma told chase about being bisexual and chase just kind of ghosted her for a few days
raj is autistic and wayne has adhd
damien listens to tyler, the creator
axel is def hispanic, she got that puerto rican blood in her i swear
damien got snake bite piercings
chase still payed for all of emmas subscriptions after they broke up ☠️
chase was buying tampons for emma and deadass asked her "babe what size yo pussy". she blocked and ghosted him for a good week
emma is an avid minecraft player, lowk got chase into it (they had a hardcore world for THREE YEARS and chase got them killed by a creeper when they were making a bakery for emma because he SWORE emma was paranoid for wanting to wear armor)
bowie used to be a track kid
emma tried to go vegan for like a week before she quit
damien is probably autistic
chase used to work at one of those kiosks at the mall that sell shitty overpriced sunglasses
priya has watched total drama more times than she can count. her parents didn't let her watch any other shows until she could memorize all the lines to island, action, and world tour if she was LUCKY
chase is a kpop stan
that's it. that's the post. same time next week guys???
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Kokichi with a very tall (like around 6’1), curvy S/O who is very insecure. He flirts with her constantly but she always thinks he’s making fun of her because she doesn’t think anyone would like her. They’re not together yet.
Height differences are always great, but add in some insecurity and outward affection? *chefs kiss*
Kokichi with Tall Curvy Insecure S/O
When he first met you god damn did he want to climb you like a tree
He was already used to being short so anyone he liked was naturally taller than him. But you being 6' 1" was something he never experienced. You were a LITERAL foot taller than him! He was entranced
Pretty much instantly he turned on the Ouma charm~
And by Ouma charm I mean the charm of a middle school boy pulling the pigtails on the girl he likes
His flirting is a bit more of a teasing type. It not anything bad, but he definitely likes to poke fun and joke around
Whenever you do something like eat a weird food or have an odd hobby, he likes to playfully gasp
"Aw, you like ketchup on your hot dog? Man, I don't know if this is gonna work out between us anymore..."
You tend to watch TV as a group with your friends. Anytime a couple kisses on screen, Kokichi likes to nudge you in the side
"Hey hey! You know, that could be ussss~ Come on, come on!"
When next to you he likes to give little pokes and pinches to your body, and when you look he gives his little shit eating grin
"You can't blame me when you have a body like that, I can't help myself! You're just too cute!"
Whenever you catch him eyeing you, he gives a little wink
You do notice most of his compliments focus on your body, so it seems like he just wants to get in your pants. I mean, he does. But he actually really thinks you are adorable and so kind! Everytime you laugh or smile he can feel himself melt inside
Anytime you walk in the room he instantly perks up, everyone can see that clearly. He'll jump up from his seat and call out your name sweetly to get your attention
Although he almost constantly washes you with praise and makes flirty comments, they really only make you feel worse. In the past you've had very bad experiences with relationships. There were even a few boys that asked you out as a joke. It fucking hurt then, and it still does now
Also, you've heard from the others how much he likes to lie to others and cause problems. If he's such a well known liar, how could you trust he's being genuine with you? He's probably lying so you'll fall for him, then pull the rug out from under you and laugh
At first you seemed to blush and play along, but as time went on Kokichi noticed you become more and more distant. Sometimes you would even walk right out of a room if you saw him. He knew he shouldn't care that much, you're just a girl. But he soon found himself following you
The more he tried to sweet talk you back, you just kept on walking faster. Eventually it got too much and you just exploded. You told him off, telling him he can stop mocking you already. You were already broken down by the past decade of your life, he didn't need to add onto it
This was the only time you've ever seen him serious. There was no cheeky smile or trickster eyes. The look on his face was almost scary with how serious it was, it sent a chill down your spine
"...Mock you? That's what you think I've been doing?"
As you nervously nodded your head he kept his glare, but then his face gently softened. He opened and closed his mouth multiple times, you could sense his hesitation and inner conflict with his words
When he managed to find the words, his voice was... oddly meek?
"Tch, really? I can't believe I fell for a dumbass like you..." It was in a condescending tone, but his averting eyes showed his anxiety. It was quiet and low, but you heard it loud and clear
Overwhelmed by emotions of all kinds, you quickly wrapped your arms around him. You don't know why you did it, your body just acted on it's own
His body was stiff. Kokichi isn't used to affection, especially physical. Everyone he knows pushes him away both literally and emotionally. This was... weird. Sure he found himself crushing on you, but the reciprocation was NOT expected. Eventually he found himself hugging you back
There were no more words spoken in that moment. It wasn't needed
From then on, Kokichi still continued to tease you, but this time, you understand his intentions and enjoy it
Jesus lord this turned out long, I am so sorry-
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archivalofsins · 11 months
Let's talk about the Dissociation Gang a little more~
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"I will deny you, a distorted image needs to be purged. Let's strangle his throat thoroughly, so he will never talk back."
"I’m the one who chose, let you and you and you all in -Happy or Sad? Why decide? Where’d you get your half-baked sense of justice? So, nauseating...so creepy...will you please disappear?" X
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Q.06 What do you hate?
Mikoto: working overnight / reptiles / violence
Q.09 What do you think about Kotoko’s attacks?
Haruka: Scary- But aren’t they all the people you thought were bad?
Yuno: Is she an idiot? Nothing’s going to change in the world if you just act out violently where everyone can see.
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"Nice to meet you, my name is Kashiwagi Yuuko! Well then, where shall we go? I don’t need to be lectured to like that. Do you just want to make yourself feel even better? I won't be bothered...."
Q.16 Do you have anyone you hate?
Haruka: I don’t have the right to do that
Yuno: People who like to lecture you.
Q.06 What do you think of your father?
Haruka: I don’t think he was particularly interested in me
Yuno: Didn’t you ask about my family structure before? I don’t have one, remember?
Q.08 Do you have any memories of fun times in your childhood?
Haruka: I had fun when I was little. My mother was kind to me then.
Yuno: It was always fun. I think that’s pretty normal.
"That's right- You know those sorts of people who just want to convince themselves; so, they stick their nose into the affairs of others knowing it's not their place? I despise those sorts of people the most. They're only getting involved to make themselves feel better, right? In the end they never actually accomplish anything."
"No matter how many chilling memories I had to endure, those people never gave me any warmth. He-he I ended up going off topic there! Um, what did I wanna say again?"
"Where’d you get your half-baked sense of justice? So, nauseating...so creepy...will you please disappear “Phew. Anyway!”."
"Er, so…… could you listen to what I say without laughing? I……Hinako, I love you more than anything. I'm so dumb; why did I have to dream?"
Q.04 Are your family proud of you?
Kazui: Nope. They probably don’t consider me anything more than an embarrassment.
Amane: Of course. You couldn’t find a more exemplary daughter than me.
Q.07 Do you like yourself?
Kazui: Well, not especially I suppose.
Amane: I’ve never really thought about myself in terms of “like” or “dislike”, but I do think I’m a good child.
Q.08 Which do you prioritise between logic and feelings?
Kazui: I put my feelings first and it ended badly. So, I don’t want to act just based on feelings again.
Amane: Both are unimportant.
"Alright, I see you're very professional for your age. Heh, ha-ha. Well, you've told me a lot so let me return the favor. We haven't really had this sort of self-introduction. So, it's sort of refreshing. Once again, I'm Mukuhara Kazui, age 39. Nice to meet you, warden."
Liberties have been taken but we is literally what he uses in the translation I'm looking at.
"Hah ha, ha, ha was Shidou like this as well? Well, he's really calm and relaxed, isn't he? He seems like the type to not become unsettled in unfamiliar situations."
"Are you any different? You've been acting all cheerful as well."
"Mmm- Do I seem that way? That's good."
"What's so good about it? I don't like this. That shallow smile you've consciously crafted just to present yourself a certain way. Only acting based on how you want others to view you- while wearing that expression full of lies."
"This is, this is... Well, you're pretty strict. Ah ha, ha. It's not as though I'm not scared either."
"But- I've got a responsibility that comes with being older, too. Even in an abnormal situation like this, there's no way I could just let myself panic in front of the kids. Well, even if it's fake... Adults need to keep up a smile in order to not let the young ones down, you know."
Kazui: By the way…… thanks, Shina-chan. You keep going around and talking to people to make sure the mood never gets too sour, right? It’s a big help. We’re all in here together, after all. If a fight broke out the whole group could fall apart.
Mahiru: ……eh? Huh~? Ah, no, I’m just talking to people because I personally want to talk. All the kids are so cute, so I can’t help but want to fuss over them! A fight, huh… But if that ever happened, then you’ll definitely be a big help, right~? Since you’re so big! And buff!
Kazui: Ahh, no. I mean, I’ll do what I can. Based on appearance, as long as nobody has a weapon, I think I can probably get everyone under control…… No, we should just hope that nothing like that ever happens.
Mahiru: You know, I quite like watching martial arts, actually. I don’t really get it, but it looks super cool. Hi-yah! Hi-yah!
Yuno: Hey, Mikoto-san. Don’t you get tired of being so conscious of others all the time? I mean, you’re free to do what you want though.
Mikoto: Eh…… Aha, what are you talking about? I’m not being conscious or anything. It’s normal to make sure to get along with everyone, right? I mean, when you put it like that, aren’t you the same, Yun-chan? You’re always smiling and getting on with everyone too.
Yuno: I don't smile unless I actually want to. But with you, when you're talking with other people it's more like you only smile deliberately. So, I kept thinking, don't your cheeks get tired? Ah, is this just what happens when you become a working adult? ......you see people like that sometimes.
Mikoto: Haha, you don’t mince your words do you. …….that was never my intention, but now that you mention it, yeah, I guess I do. This might’ve been since I started my job too…… But like, if I was rude to everyone I met, all my efforts would come to nothing, right?
Mahiru: Yeah, I’m asking for what you like in the opposite sex! I mean, with a lifestyle like this we have a lot of free time, right? So earlier when I was talking with all the other girls we got onto the topic! It’s not often you get a chance like this to live with a mix of men and women together, so I thought it might be nice to use the chance to talk about stuff like this in preparation for when we leave.
Kazui: Ah…… Haha, I understand. I can see that’d be the sort of thing girls your age would be interested in, huh. How peaceful. What I like in the opposite sex… I don’t know if what I say will really be a good reference for you…… Ah, you know, since I’m at this age. I like a girl who can just smile free of worries. Seeing that’d make my old, tired heart feel young again.
Yuno: Uh-huh, I see, I see. ……that’s a total lie, right?
Kazui: Haha…… Give me a break here. You sure don’t make things easy for people, Kashiki-chan.
"Father is a very praiseworthy person. Once his virtue increases, he'll come back home, right? It's a little lonely, but I'm fine! I'm sorry! Sorry! I'm sorry for breaking the rules! You've scorned me! And you've scored God! You won’t be forgiven! I definitely won’t forgive you!"
Q.02  Who do you look up to?
Kazui: You won’t know them even if I say, but I have a childhood friend I really respect. Sorry for just answering someone from my personal life.
Amane: My father. He’s been away on a trip for a while, but I think that’s very honourable of him.
Q.09 Tell us your family structure.
Kazui: It’s only me now.
Amane: It was my father, my mother and me.
Q.13 Who do you want to see right now?
Kazui: They won’t see me anymore.
Amane: My father. I want him to praise me for all my hard work.
Q.03 If you were able to get away with anything, what would you want to do?
Kazui: I’d like to try living honestly.
Amane: Nothing in particular. I don’t feel I’m lacking anything.
Despite saying that she feels there's nothing she's particularly lacking when question seventeen comes up she answers with,
Q.17 If the world was going to end tomorrow, what would you do?
Kazui: Relax and go trawling. The childhood friend I mentioned before has a boat.
Amane: You mean if absolutely everything was going to end? In that case, I’d probably do a bunch of things I’ve never done before.
Meaning that Amane would probably do many things that she couldn't get away with doing when tomorrow came around if there was a guarantee that it would never come around.
Q.06  What would you say is the difference between adults and children?
Kazui: Responsibility. Adults can’t just do whatever they want.
Amane: I don’t think there’s a strict boundary. There are adults who act like children just as there are children who are mature like adults.
Q.07 Do you like yourself?
Kazui: Well, not especially I suppose.
Amane: I’ve never really thought about myself in terms of “like” or “dislike”, but I do think I’m a good child.
Q.08 Which do you prioritise between logic and feelings?
Kazui: I put my feelings first and it ended badly. So, I don’t want to act just based on feelings again.
Amane: Both are unimportant.
Q.14  Do you listen to music?
Kazui: I guess I do from time to time. It’s all super old music though, so I don’t think you’ll know it.
Amane: I don’t particularly listen to it for fun.
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"AAAHHHHHHHHHH!! DESTROY EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING! EVERYTHING!! AHHHH! You’re all fucking annoying! I’ll beat you all to death, pieces of shit!!! My life... it wasn't supposed to be this way..."
Q.01 Tell us your family structure.
Mikoto: My mother, me, and my younger sister. My sister’s a blossoming high school student.
Q.16 What’s your relationship like with your parents?
Mikoto: My parents are divorced. I get along well with my mother though, she’s the one who raised me. I don’t want to make her worry.
Q.10 Do you ever get angry at other people?
Mikoto: I don’t really... Don’t you think it’s kinda shameful, getting mad?
Q.13 Do you tend to be forgetful?
Mikoto: Ahh… Lately it’s maybe happened a lot.
Q.20 Are you more of a morning person or a night person?
Mikoto: I used to be basically nocturnal. Recently though I’ve been falling asleep pretty early.
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Q.28 How do you decide what clothes to wear for the day?
Haruka: I wear what’s there
Yuno: I pick something to match with the person I’ll be with.
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So, with all of that out of the way let's talk about what I recently learned. I was looking into information on alters yesterday and learned there's a such thing as non-human alters. For this post I'll specifically be focusing on animal alters-
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X oh and this X The second link is not for the faint of heart and deals with incredibly heavy topics in detail.
So, you know what this means?
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Dissociative Gang Final member found.
Skill- Dissociative on Dissociative Violence unlocked. :D
I'm so sorry dissociative pack of hounds- I was uninformed and dismissive before. Though now that I've learned this I can't unsee it.
This new information recontextualizes a lot of Kotoko's behavior. Along with making it possible for people to now speculate the reason Kotoko was so quick to state Mikoto's behavior was indicative of dissociative identity disorder is because she may have been diagnosed with it at a point.
Something that tracks if we take a step back to question why someone going to law school would need to know the symptoms of dissociative identity disorder or be capable of spotting them in others?
Q.07 What did you study at university?
Kotoko: Technically, I’m studying law. I’m on a break right now because there’s something else, I want to do, though.
Q.12 What is your motto?
Kotoko: “There’s no other way that could let us live, so I walk this path.” [TN: Quote from Mushanokouji Saneatsu.]
Considering everyone else this explains why Jackalope said a situation like Mikoto's was the first they had. Along with why he'd be so annoyed by it and embarrassed by it.
This also gives Kotoko's actions a bit more nuance. Her disdain towards Mikoto possibly being a projection of her own self-loathing, something that's alluded to within her first cover Anti Beat.
"Painfully unpleasant, come and receive this punishment for loving me." - "If I'm told, 'I love all of you every single part', I'll just be filled with hate. I absolutely detest the 'me' that loves you." - "I just want to die already, so I can finally be at ease. Anti Beat. But all I know is pain and I'm stuck with no way to escape."
On top of that, it would make sense for her to become more hostile towards Mikoto even understanding that he has dissociative identity disorder after his verdict to better distance herself from him. Something that she's been attempting to do from the beginning all while suspecting he had this.
Mikoto: Hey, hey, Koto-chan. I’ve been thinking this ever since I first heard your name, but don’t you think the names “Mikoto” and “Kotoko” kinda sound like siblings?
Kotoko: No.
Mikoto: Don’t say that! Let’s get along well from here on as the Koto-Koto combo!
Kotoko: I’m not doing that.
Q.14  Are there any prisoners you don’t get on with?
Kotoko: Mikoto. He’s loud and bothersome.
Especially since Kotoko wants to align herself with Milgram. Regardless of her personal feelings on Mikoto or anyone else here she'd do what was necessary to reach her objective.
Q.15 Which is more important, the objective or the means?
Kotoko: Objective. Does that not go without saying?
This also makes it an even split between prisoners that show dissociative tendencies and those who do not. This facet of Kotoko's character can tie into her need to be a part of the group with the most control. Unlike others who are hostile towards Milgram and are actively looking to collect information on it in order to combat the system.
Amane and Kotoko both try to align themselves with the facility.
Amane stated that if she were forgiven then maybe the facility and herself could work together. Kotoko took it a step further, endearing herself to the system by protecting one of its agents at the detriment of the group.
She stopped the one person physically capable of fighting Es from doing so all to be in a closer proximity of power. A reasonable extension of Futa's mob mentality into system-justification. Kotoko while presenting as believing in Milgram's System is attempting to endear herself to it not necessarily because she views Milgram as right but because she does not wish to be viewed as wrong.
In many instances people who deviate from societal norms in one way will overcompensate in another to avoid being discriminated against. So, Kotoko's insistence on being Milgram's fang could be a defense mechanism brought about by her own hypervigilance. Since, she very well may have learned through her life experiences that as long as she's useful people will let her do what she wants.
This could also be why instead of intervening immediately Kotoko sits back and let's Es get beaten up for a bit. Because as shown in Harrow she doesn't care about intervening before harm is done but only about if she can intervene at a moment where her violence appears justifiable.
However, she very well could have been debating with herself over who was really the bad guy in that situation since after she helps Es she does bring up her misgivings in regard to Mikoto being judged. If Kotoko was observing up to the point Es kicked her out she would have seen Es at points purposely doing things that stressed Mikoto out. Something she's shown to be uncomfortable with even in good fun as she almost intervenes when Yuno, Futa, Kazui, and Mikoto are playing a word game in the minigram because Kazui appears visibly stressed and as though he's being harassed.
Actively having to tell this wolf to wait a second.
Q.20 What do you consider “evil”?
Kotoko: The persecution of the weak and innocent.
Under this framing her behavior could be considered attempting to come off as one of the good ones. There are people like that amongst multiple groups regardless of the circumstances. People will attempt to differentiate themselves from the more undesirable aspects associated with certain immutable traits they have to avoid stigmatization.
This could play into her disdain towards Mikoto due to how his dissociative traits present themselves. His presentation may very well come off as jarring or offensive to her maybe even bringing up some bad memories consequently. She only says that she dislikes him because he's loud and bothersome but ultimately doesn't go into depth on how so.
She also clashes with Yuno and Kazui as well. Yuno specifically stating she'd never be friends with someone like her, Kotoko has threatened Kazui, and when she was tutoring Amane she bluntly states that Amane isn't as smart as she thought she'd be. We haven't gotten a portal timeline of Amane studying with anyone since that either.
Amane: Thank you very much for teaching me. ……but, though I realise it’s strange me saying this after I asked you, I must admit it’s kind of unexpected. You give off the impression of someone who wouldn’t want to get involved in things like this.
Kotoko: ……well, you’re not wrong. I’m surrounded by people who could all be murderers, so I don’t plan on going out of my way to talk and make friends. I can’t let my guard down. But I like ambitious people like you. If you want to study more, then I’m happy to teach.
Amane: I see…… You look scary at first impression, but I quite like the way you treat everyone equally regardless of whether they’re older or younger than you. You don’t just treat me like a child or anything like that.
Kotoko: Treat you like a child? Hah, you’ve got to be kidding. Back when I was your age, I was already the person I am today. I don’t have any plans to let you get away with something just “because you’re a child.” ……remember that. There, I’ve finished marking. 83%. How do I put it… Even though you act like this, it’s not like you’re super brilliant at studying or anything, huh.
We also have yet to see Amane speak to Kotoko again after this happened. Just saying when Mikoto went up to Kotoko and said I figured no one would wish you happy birthday he probably would have still had good reason to think that even if she didn't jump anyone.
(Star here! This would put an interesting spin on this part of the voice drama:
Es: You have to ask them why… to watch them interact with each other… for the sake of… understanding them more…
Kotoko: Guard-san?
Es: “Gurad-san”… is that really… me?
Kotoko: *slams table(?)*
Es: Ough…!
Kotoko: Don’t space out. The interrogation isn’t over.
Es: … Yeah.
Kotoko: Eh, well, if you’re done with it anyway, then it’s not a problem.
Es: …
Kotoko: Guard-san? No… Es. Don’t you want to join forces with me? I think the two of us will make good partners
With the idea that Kotoko not only has d.i.d but knows ways to mitigate/alleviate the pitfalls of having such disorder, this comes off moreso as her trying to ground Es. She then proceeds to avoid using the term Guard as that appeared to be the trigger for a dissociative episode on Es' part.
Also, to bring up a point about d.i.d from earlier in this post, you could make the argument that this answer comes from a place of denial or avoiding talking about a negative experience in her past by using the loophole that it didn't happen to her personally:
Q.18 Have you ever personally been prosecuted in the past?
Kotoko: I haven't. But are you trying to say that if you haven't had those experiences, you can't hate evildoers?)
Gunsli here, other than all that I really don't know what else to say. It's late and I've been typing all this up since midafternoon. I hope this all makes sense.
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