#Extremely nervous but they were very nice to me
whatitsdecending · 1 day
Chokehold: Pt. VIII
Vessel x Reader x Noah Sebastian
Word Count: 5.1k
A New Year’s Eve party makes an extremely tense situation even worse as old faces are shown and old wounds are reopened.
Content warning: smut, angst, drinking, toxicity
New Year's Eve rolled around and so did the start of you getting back into work mode. Starting the week of the New Year, you went back on tour with Bad Omens and were going to be for a month as they toured Europe; first as a supporting act for Bring Me The Horizon and then their own headlining tour continuing the Concrete Forever tour. You were excited to get back on the road especially around Europe, you missed the crew and the band themselves. Well, you didn't really know if you fully missed one of them, maybe more so felt an extreme distance between the two of you.
You sighed as you worked on your laundry and folded the dry clothes into a pile for what you were packing. For the most part, it was pretty much everything you’d brought from home when you originally came over here. In the time you’ve been here though, you’ve accumulated about twice as many clothes that you had brought with you.
It was still pretty early on in the day and you planned on using this holiday to your advantage: laundry and chores before you really had to go fully into work mode. The only thing you had to do later was attend a party hosted by Oliver Sykes of Bring Me The Horizon with Vessel. It was something they were usually invited to when schedules worked out, and luckily this year they did.
Your outfit was already laid out on the bed and you were very excited to wear it tonight. It was something new and a little out of your comfort zone, but after trying it on in the shop you just knew it’d be perfect for a NYE party. With Vessel being out most of the day doing some errands for the house, you knew the dress would remain a surprise for him and a smile pulled at your lips each time you thought about the kind of reaction he’d have to it.
Since Christmas dinner at IV’s, your mind was still racing around the interaction you had with III. Had something happened between the first time you met and that night? You wondered if he’d learned something about you that threw him off a little, or perhaps he’s just being a protective friend and not wanting to see Vessel hurt again, nevertheless you could not shake the feeling that he doesn’t trust you.
It was eating at you all week and each time you’d gone to send him a text asking if you could meet up and talk, you would get nervous and not send it. You were scared of what he might say or what he might think of the fact that you’re so adamant on knowing what he meant on Christmas. Knowing he would be at the party tonight, you're going to try and talk to him before either of you have anything to drink so the conversation would be true without any infliction.
You decided that cleaning up around the house would be a nice way to get time moving quickly, focusing more on the lived-in areas like the kitchen, library and the living room. Might as well make the house look nice as you went into a new year, right?
As you cleaned the living room, you noticed a picture on the mantle of the fireplace that you hadn’t noticed before; it was of you and Vessel when he took you around London to see all the touristy things you hadn’t really seen before, only a small glimpse as you drove by during your other trips to the city. It was a picture that a woman took of the two of you in front of Big Ben, a big smile on both of your faces as you had been laughing at something the woman said, but Vessel faced you instead as you beamed toward the camera. You didn't even realize she had taken such a lovely candid photo of that moment, and you never realized Vessel had been looking at you in such a way… where it was like you were the only person on that busy street and nothing would ever take that loving gleam from his eyes as he focused on you.
He was as in love with you as you are with him. And yet, you still couldn’t tell him.
It was something that also preoccupied your mind since last week. Not being able to tell Vessel your feelings as he so easily did. He loves you and the least you could do was reciprocate the confession… but that wasn't going to come so easy for you. Saying “I love you” especially to Vessel might be the hardest thing you’ve had to do, and it killed you constantly how hesitant you were.
You hoped the hesitation wasn’t bothering him or else it might legitimately kill you for how guilty that’d make you feel. Fuck… why was it so hard?
The time came for you to start getting ready for the party. Vessel came back an hour ago and was putting away the dishes you used for the takeout he brought home for dinner. You stood in the bathroom as you applied your makeup, going for a bit of a smokier look that you thought would fit well with the dress. As the time got closer to when the party started, you grew more and more excited. It should be fun meeting all these new people that Vessel knew, getting to know the guys in Bring Me The Horizon and their crew before going on tour with them. It’ll be a good night.
You applied the finishing touches to your makeup and stepped back a bit to get a good look at the work. The smoked out eyeliner with the cat eye inner corner brought out the color of your eyes, and the deep red you put on your lips was stunning against your skin. Probably one of the best makeup attempts you’ve ever done if you do say so yourself.
“Darling, are you almost ready?” Vessel called from downstairs as you fastened the buckles on your heels.
“Yes, I just need to put my perfume on and then I’ll be done.” You hurried to where your perfume was as the sound of his footsteps echoed up the stairs.
“Was just thinking about how… wow.” His voice floated into the room and you turned after he’d stopped. His eyes were fixated on you, roaming around every part he could take in. The laced fabric of the dress that really left nothing to the imagination as it hugged every curve of your body and was doing exactly what you knew it would.
You smirked. “Thinking about what?”
He swallowed hard. “You know I don't think Oli would be mad if we showed up late.” He stepped toward you, his hands coming to rest on your hips as he kept his focus on your eyes.
“Now, I don’t think that would work this time around, Ves. He did say on the invite that he doesn’t like those who come late.” You placed your hand on his chest, feeling his rapid heartbeat.
A low groan came from his throat as his hands roamed to feel the curve of your ass in the dress. “He could take it up with me, because all I can think about is bending you over the bed and fucking you in this dress.” A blush crept across your skin as you saw the feral look in his eyes.
“Later, Ves. We can ring in the new year in private if you’d like.” You kissed him and slipped out of his hold, noting how hard he was because of you. “All that because of me, pretty boy?” You loved to tease him especially in moments like this.
“Keep doing shit like that and I’m definitely making us late to the party.” He said as he tried to adjust himself in the tight pants that he wore. Now you took the time to soak in his outfit, the tight black dress pants and a button down white shirt that had the first few buttons undone, showing off the necklace you got him for Christmas. You resisted the urge to get down on your knees and help him out, knowing you were just going to do that later anyways.
“Let’s go.” You held out your hand and waited for him to take it before you headed downstairs, seeing a car had pulled up and was waiting for you. He’d ordered an Uber while you were still getting ready and yet wanted to fuck you so badly he’d miss the ride… what a dork.
The drive to Oli’s wasn’t all that bad, you just sat back and relaxed in the car while Vessel kept a firm hand on your thigh, giving it a small squeeze here and there. The snow was beautiful as you drove further out into the country, the rolling hills covered in white that seemed to sparkle under the stars. Oh how you dreamed of living in a place like this.
After an hour you arrived. Cars lined the driveway and even more were down the street for those who were coming in Ubers or Lyfts. It was a much larger party than you anticipated, apparently Oli really knew how to throw one.
As you entered you handed off your jackets and were greeted by Oli himself. “There you are! I’ve been waiting for you to come. How are you, mate?” He enthusiastically said as he engulfed Vessel in a hug.
“Doing well, thanks for asking. This is my girlfriend Y/N, Y/N this is Oli.” Vessel motioned between the two of you as he did his introductions.
“Hi, nice to finally meet you.” You said, sticking your hand out to shake his but he pulled you into a hug instead.
“Ah yes! I’ve heard lots about you love, excited to get back on the road soon?” He beamed down at you and you felt as though you were warming up to him quicker than most.
“I am. I’ve missed touring with everyone, it should be a good time.” You smiled back at Oli, noticing his attention sweep behind you as more people came inside.
“Sorry to dismiss you so soon but I’ve got to be a good host, you all enjoy the party and don’t get too hammered!” He moved off to the people behind you, leaving you to the open house and the party happening. Vessel placed his hand on your lower back and guided you to where everyone had gathered. The music wasn’t quite loud and people were more so mingling than partying. The bar was packed with people getting their drinks started for the night.
You tried your best to spot III in the crowd, especially at the bar since he likes to get his drinks early. But there was no sight of him, either he was elsewhere or coming later. You sighed as you looked at everyone here, no one you knew or even recognized, all in their own little bubbles as the conversations grew louder.
Vessel squeezed your hand to get your attention. “Want to get something at the bar?” You glanced over at the huge crowd still over there and shook your head, he followed your gaze and understood. “Yeah it is a bit crowded, I could still get you something if you’d like?” Without III here yet and more than likely the fact he’ll be arriving pretty late, you said fuck it and asked Vessel to grab you a drink.
You stood in the same spot, every so often saying hi to people who passed by and sharing compliments on outfits you really loved. It became draining just standing and watching the doors to possibly spot III before Vessel came back, so you moved your focus to the room behind you. Basic New Years streamers were scattered across the room, balloons were being held up by a net on the ceiling and were going to be released when the clock struck midnight.
As you took another turn, you noticed a familiar face lighting up the room around him. An excited squeal almost slipped from you at the same time as your stomach fell to the floor. You cautiously made your way over to none other than Nicholas Ruffilo, bassist of Bad Omens and Noah’s best friend. Despite the latter, he was also one of your good friends.
“Nicholas!” You shouted as you made your way to him. He turned and his face lit up with surprise.
“Y/N?” He engulfed you in a long hug. “I didn’t know you would be here.” You pulled away from the hug and admired your friend, he hasn’t changed since the last time you saw him.
“I’m here with someone. How are you, honey? Anything new going on?” You ask, glancing around him to see if any of the other members were around to say hi to.
He smiled. “Not exactly, we’ve just been working on music since October.” He noted the way you looked around, the weariness written across your face. “He’s here, I’m not sure where exactly but I can always let him know you’re here if you want to see him?” Your heart raced at the thought of seeing Noah and you smiled at Nicholas.
Before you could say anything, the strong grip of Vessel’s hand on your hip stopped you. “Here you go, love. Vodka cran with a hint of lime.” He handed you the drink and kissed your cheek, noticing the company you had. “Oh, hey Nicholas. How are you doing?” You stood back and watched as the two conversed, going back and forth about touring and music. You know, the things all musicians tend to talk about when they haven’t seen one another in a while.
“So when did this happen?” Nicholas asked as he motioned between you and Vessel.
You smiled at your friend. “We’ve kinda been a thing since November, but never really made things official till this month.” You caught the slight eyebrow raise that Nicholas did before he smiled.
“That’s wonderful. I’m happy for you guys, you make a lovely couple.” It was genuine and that’s all that mattered to you, at least for now while Vessel was standing with you. Nicholas looked past your shoulder, catching your attention you turned to see who he was looking at. Standing near the stairs in the shadow of a doorway stood Noah, his eyes were focused on you despite Matt standing next to him and talking.
Noah’s POV
Since the moment you saw her standing alone and looking around at the shitty decorations that Oli put up, you knew this night was already fucked. You had no clue why she was here and how she ended up getting an invitation since most of the crew wasn’t here besides Matt. You tried to keep yourself preoccupied with the drink in your hand as Matt talked about whatever came to mind for him, but you could not keep your attention away from her.
The way that black lace dress hugged every single part of her that you’d grown fond of and cherished every second when you were together was debilitating. Her hair was pulled back, showing the angles of her face and making it more beautiful each time the lights cast upon it. She was the most beautiful person in the room and you were unable to keep your eyes off her, especially when she found Nicholas and her face lit up like a star.
You watched them talk, a feeling of relief hitting you as they conversed like there hasn’t been a two month gap since the last time they saw each other. Another thing about Y/N that you loved; no matter how long of a break between a tour, seeing her was the easiest thing because she talked to you like you had just spoken a day ago. And now that you were about to be around her for a month, things were going to be different. Especially because you decided to be a dick and stop calling or texting her. So that was going to make things weird between the two of you.
Before you could move over to say hi, movement caught your attention as you watched Vessel make his way to her with two drinks in his hand. He switched to holding both with one hand so that he could place a hand on her hip. Your lip twitched as you watched her relax into the touch and lean against his chest.
So that’s who you heard in the background when you last spoke to Y/N? Your fist tightened as you watched him kiss her cheek again, his hand remaining on her hip but slowly inching its way to one of your favorite parts of her. You caught Nicholas glance at you from around Y/N’s shoulder, leading her to turn and catching your gaze with her own. Fuck, she’s seen you now.
She didn't do anything until Vessel turned too, noticing you and giving you a friendly wave. The three of them made their way to you and you could tell Y/N was hesitant about it. Matt loudly greeted them and gave her a tight hug, boasting about how he couldn’t wait to fuck shit up in the venues with her again.
You stood by quietly, watching the interaction between everyone. Nicholas stood on your other side now and he put a hand on your shoulder. “I’m sorry man.” He whispered, pointing to the couple in front of you. She stared at you as Vessel and Matt engaged in some sort of a conversation, her eyes searching yours for some sort of answer from you. It was hard to look into those same eyes that had been something you looked forward to seeing every morning when you woke up on tour. She was one of the only things that kept you going during those long days and some nights that followed. But now? You couldn’t have her because she looked happy, happy to be with someone who probably gave her his all and it was all she needed in comparison to you.
You had enough and stormed away, finding a quiet spot in the basement of Oli’s house. There was no one down here and you hoped it remained that way so you could collect your thoughts. You stared down at your hands, seeing the red marks you left from your nails while they dug into your palms. It felt pathetic to react the way that you were, but nothing could’ve prepared you for this.
The sound of music flooded down the stairs as someone entered, and quickly went back to the muffled sound that you escaped down here for. “Spots occupied, I suggest one of the many rooms upstairs.” The sounds of heels coming down the stairs made you sigh. “Not looking to hookup with random chicks tonight-” You stopped as Y/N came down and gave you a small smile.
“Pretty sure I’m not some random ‘chick’.” She says, coming a bit closer to you but still maintaining a good distance. She crossed her arms as she gave you a long look. “Hi Noah.”
“Does your boyfriend know you’re down here?” You question, glaring up at her from where you sat.
She ran her tongue over her teeth as you stared. “He knows I went to go talk to you since you left so abruptly.”
“Yeah and for good reason.” It stayed quiet between the two of you for a while, only the muffled sounds of the party upstairs keeping it from being fully silent. Before she even had the chance to get the words out of her mouth, you cut her off. “Why him Y/N? Why did you run off and choose him?”
She stood there stunned. “What do you mean, Noah? I didn’t fucking ‘run off’ I came here because he wanted me to, and guess what? I wanted to as well, especially after the tour ended and I had no one to talk to.”
“So you flew out all this way because you were lonely?”
She tightened her arms against her stomach. “Yes. You hadn’t talked to me in a while and Vessel was the one to call me everyday and check up on me. In fact, I was flying to London when you finally decided to text me again.” Something stung in your heart as she said that she was already on her way to him when you wanted to speak… and what makes it worse is that she probably was already wrapped around his finger when you were understanding your feelings for her.
“I should’ve never introduced the two of you that day.” You shook your head and wiped the sweat from your palms onto your pants.
She tilted her head. “So you regret that day? You’re mad because you brought me and Vessel together-”
You stood suddenly at the words. “I’m mad because he has you!” The shock spread through her wide eyes as she stared at you. “Fuck Y/N, are you that fucking blind?”
“I don’t know who you think you are for calling me blind, Noah. Last time I checked, we were fucking with no strings attached. All for pure pleasure and a way to let stress out. In no way did I ever see us being together.” Her voice caught at the end and tears flooded her eyes, a look of sorrow filling them as well.
“Yes you did.” You whispered, taking a step towards her and then another. “I know you did, Y/N. It doesn’t take long for you to grow attached to someone and want something so much more from them, that’s probably why you were so quick to run into Vessel’s arms when he offered you somewhere to stay where you wouldn’t be alone.” Your hand rested on her cheek now, watching the tear fall from her eyes and land on your thumb. You moved it so now your fingers held her face up by her chin, her watery eyes gleaming beneath the lights in the basement. Her breaths were heavy as she stared at you, it was hard to keep your composure around her, especially after not being around her for so long. The smell of her perfume was so alluring you couldn’t help it as you leaned down to her neck, rubbing the tip of your nose along her skin where she liked to be kissed most. Your lips made contact with her, feeling the rapid pulse beating through her as a whispered moan escaped her lips.
“Noah-” She tried not to let her head fall back and pressed her hand against your chest. “Noah I can’t. I’m sorry.” She pushed you away, noting the sadness that flashed in her eyes. “I have Vessel and I love him, I’m sorry but we cannot be together.” She loves him.
“No you don’t.” You whisper as she begins to turn away.
“I do. I really do, you cannot tell me otherwise.” She whispers back. “I will see you on Saturday.” As you watched her leave, you felt as though the whole world just came crashing down around you and it was hard to breathe.
She loves him.
Reader’s POV
You rushed back upstairs as the tears threatened to spill down your face. How could Noah pull some shit like that? The audacity he has to try and tell you that you don’t love Vessel when you’ve known for a few weeks that you do.
The music was much louder now as the time neared midnight. People were drunk and dancing around, couples made out in every corner you could see. You needed Vessel and you had to find him now. You eventually found him where he was talking with the band, III eyeing you as you walked up to them.
“Oh there you are, darling. I’ve been looking for you.” He kissed your forehead. You quickly said hello to the guys and they did the same, before you grabbed Vessel’s hand and pulled him away. You dragged him upstairs, heading past the rooms with closed doors knowing they were already occupied. You found an empty room and pulled him inside and slammed the door shut. “You disappear for a little bit and come back insanely horny?”
You smirked at him as the blue lighting in the room took hold of his features. “I did… and I do remember you saying earlier that you wanted to bend me over something and fuck me in this dress?” Your fingers toyed with the buttons of his shirt as you placed a kiss along his jaw.
“Glad you remembered that. But darling you know it’ll be midnight soon, do you not want to celebrate downstairs with everyone?” He brushed a stray hair behind your ear.
You shook your head. “I’d rather spend it alone with you. Whether its us just curled up in bed together or fucking each other’s brains out, I don’t care.” You felt the emotions bubbling up again and immediately forced them down. “I just want to be with you.”
“Both options sound good, but let's start with the second one.” A devious smile tugged on his lips as he placed his hands on the back of your thighs and tapped you twice, indicating you to jump up so he could carry you. Your lips crashed together and his tongue slipped into your mouth, the taste of the alcohol he’d been drinking mixing in with yours. Music from downstairs droned on in the background, the occasional thumps from the beat added to the racing beat of your heart.
Vessel carried you over to the bed and laid you down on it, not breaking the connection between your mouths once. Your fingers pulled at the buttons on his shirt as he worked on his belt, both being flung into a corner of the room. His hands ran up both of your thighs and to the waistband of your pantyhose and underwear beneath your dress, pulling both down with ease and adding them to the pile of clothes.
He kept his hands on your hips to keep you pinned to the bed. You reached for his pants to get them off but he gently swatted you away and broke your kiss. “We’re doing this my way tonight, darling. I want to please you first.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead before he backed off the bed and got on his knees on the floor in front of you. He leaned forward and pulled you to the edge of the bed, the skirt of your dress riding up as he did so. “Look at you darling, so perfect.”
Vessel grinned up at you before he put his head between your legs and ran his tongue through your folds. Your back arched off the bed at the feeling, his tongue moving in circles over your clit and a finger toying with your entrance. He didn't even hesitate as he pushed two fingers into you, pumping slowly with the pace of his tongue.
“Ves.” You breathed, squirming under his touch. “Go faster, I need you to go faster.” And he obliged. He pumped his fingers faster as his tongue picked up its pace too, flooding your body with pleasure. Your moans echoed through the room as you gripped tightly to the comforter beneath you. He took your mind away from everything. The only thing that you thought about was him and how good he made you feel, and how right it was for you two to be together.
You hit your climax with a scream, the pleasure overwhelming your senses as he kept the pace with his fingers in you. He watched as you came down from that high, breathing hard as you collected yourself. “You ready?” He asked, flipping you so you were on your stomach. The sound of his pants being undone made your ears perk up and you pushed your ass towards him. “Someone is a little desperate tonight, huh? You want my cock in you that badly darling?”
You nodded. “Yes, I need you in me baby.” The plea came out like a whine, earning a chuckle from Vessel as he ran the tip of his cock through your arousal.
“Whatever you need, darling.” He said as he pushed into you, making your head fall forward at the pressure of his cock in you. It always took a bit for you to adjust, especially in the position you were in. He slowly pulled out and thrust back in, repeating the motion until he could do it with ease.
He slipped out of you and instructed you to remove your dress and lay down against the pillows, watching you as you slowly removed the tight dress from your body and rested against the pillows. He settled between your legs and filled you up once more, your moans mixing together in the space. Vessel’s body pressed against yours as he thrusted into you with kisses being left across your skin as you held onto him tightly. He pressed his lips against yours, nothing but passion dripping from the kiss as he fucked you.
This is what this was, pure passion for each other and no longer the lust that had been the ongoing reason for your relationship. This was all it was. Not longing to just get off because you’re attracted to each other… no, this was wanting your bodies to be connected for as long as possible and never wanting to let go of the other. You loved every second of this, it was all you wanted for the rest of your life.
You pulled away from the kiss and looked him in the eyes. “I love you, Ves.” His pupils widened as he took in what you said. “I want you to be mine forever.” He kissed you again, gentle but loving. You could tell he was on the brink of his climax as he thrusted harder into you, kissing every last bit he could before he came in you.
He pulled the comforter over the two of you and took you into his arms, never cutting the connection between the two of you as you laid against his chest. “I love you too, Y/N. You have always been mine since the day we met.” You placed a kiss against his chest where his heart rested when the loud cheers and noise of people shouting “happy new years” from downstairs pulled you back to reality.
“Well. Happy new years, Ves.” You smiled.
“Happy new years, Y/N.” He said and kissed you once more.
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octa-ex · 2 months
Tumblr media
Me, new VRChat user, being introduced to my friend's group for the first time
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aro-ortega · 5 months
had a dream about pirates but not about my pirate characters.. so i guess i have new pirate characters now
#dream was mostly following the first mate#who was a non op/non transitioned trans man#and the crew was totally fine and respectful of it#but others were Not#i dont remember how but they lost access to their ship and were grtting ready to catch a ride on a train to the next city/port#but the people running the train were like YOU need to sleep down w the rest of the girls#the captain wanted to square up for his first mate but he was like its fine its temporary just let it go#the women were like um this isnt where you sleep ? youre a man ? and hes like dont worry ladies i will be keeping to myself#but i DO need a bunk in the meanwhile so whos sharing#(he is very very handsome so there were eager volunteers)#also he (along w a lot of the lirate crew) had like. all of his things stolen#so hes just got the clothes / first mate garb on his back#also hes bisexual and speaks french#there was a moment in the dream where he noticed a frenchman too nervous to shoot his shot w a girl#and he was like ah well you know. i am not very impressive to women... down there#and the first mate was like dont worry man i assure you plenty of women love a man w a small dick#it was a nice convo and also all in french which is so weird i dont think ive dreamed in french before#i also remember him saying about the sleeping arrangements something like. well. dont blame me for#me for the consequences of putting a cock in the henhouse#he was just extremely cool and blase. he knows who he is and his crew knows who he is and that was enough for him#op#also i think the captain has a crush on his first mate
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m00npiez · 9 months
Modern Steddie AU
“Oh she’s cute.” Robin points over to a table near the bar.
Steve follows her finger and the blonde in the pink pleated skirt is, in fact, very cute. “You should go talk to her.”
Robin gives him a look, “Literally everything about her screams ‘straight’ so no thanks,” she takes a sip of her cocktail, “Don’t feel like getting humiliated today.”
Steve rolls his eyes, “I doubt she’d humiliate you but suit yourself.” He stands and fluffs up his hair a little, “If you won’t, I sure as hell will.”
Before his friend can protest, Steve’s strutting over to the girl’s table. She looks up at him when he stops and leans slightly against the chair opposite from hers.
“Hi!” she greets before he can say anything. Her whole face lights up as she smiles. She’s definitely cute, but not exactly what Steve had in mind for the night.
“Hey,” Steve flashes his own smile, “I was just telling my friend how cute you are and wanted to know if I could maybe buy you a drink?”
Her face goes pink, but her smile falters slightly and a small frown forms. “Oh that’s so nice of you, but I’m actually a lesbian,” she seems genuinely upset at having to break this news to him. “I’m really sorry, you seem lovely.”
Steve’s eyes widen slightly, but his smile remains, “Oh, god, sorry I should have asked,” he laughs, “That’s totally my bad.”
She shakes her head and leans forward in her seat, “Not at all, sweetheart!” there’s a slight southern accent slipping through and her smile is back. “You couldn’t have known, I know I don’t exactly look the part.”
“Well, since I’m already here,” Steve smirks, glancing over his shoulder to where he can see Robin watching the scene unfold. Her eyes snap away once she realizes he’s looking at her. “My friend over there is single and also extremely gay.”
Chrissy looks over and her smile turns coy, “Now she’s cute,” her eyes snap back to Steve. “She’s the one who told you to come over?”
“The opposite, actually. She thought you were straight so, I came over instead.” Steve explains.
Chrissy nods, glances over her shoulder and then stands. “Well, I’ll just have to go over there then.”
Steve smiles, “I’m Steve, by the way.”
“Chrissy.” The blonde extends her hand and Steve shakes it. “Thank you for letting me know the girl I’ve been eyeing is queer.”
Steve gives her a two-finger salute and goes to walk away, but she grabs his wrist to stop him.
“Do you like men, by any chance?” Chrissy asks, her smile alluding to something.
“Is it that obvious?” Steve laughs.
She gives him a once-over, “The tight shirt sort of gave you away.”
“Fair enough. Why do you ask?”
Chrissy points over to a curly-haired guy covered in tattoos, who’s ordering at the bar, “You should go talk to my friend, Eddie, he’s been blabbing about the hot jock in the polo since you walked in.”
Steve swallows, he’d seen the guy when they walked in, but hadn’t allowed himself to look. He was the kind of hot and scary Steve usually avoided due to their usual disdain for preppy guys like Steve. But surely if he kept Chrissy around, he couldn’t be all bad.
“I don’t exactly seem like his type.” Steve points out, giving Chrissy a nervous glance.
She laughs, “Oh please, pretty boy with big eyes and a great body? You’re everyone’s type.”
“Not yours.”
“Trust me honey, if you were a masc lesbian I’d be all over you right about now.” Chrissy winks and Steve can feel his face heating up.
“I don’t want to bother him…”
Chrissy rolls her eyes, “Just use the same line you used on me, he doesn’t bite.” she pauses, “Unless you ask really nicely.”
Yeah she isn’t exactly easing his nerves with these little jabs.
“He looks like he carries a knife.” Steve’s just stalling at this point.
“I know he seems kinda mean and scary, but he’s really just a big ol’ softie, trust me,” she pats his shoulder, picks up her drink and starts walking towards Robin, “Now I’ve got a pretty lady to talk to, so get! Go make a move on the scary metalhead, Steve!”
Steve watches her go, his amusement growing at the sight of Robin’s panic when Chrissy plops down at their table.
Mustering up the courage to walk to the bar, he turns but immediately bumps into someone. The person manages to steady their drink and somehow prevent Steve from falling on his ass, grabbing him around the waist.
“Shit sorry!” Steve finds his footing, only to nearly lose it again when he looks up to find his face a few inches away from the aforementioned friend of Chrissy’s.
Eddie smiles, squeezes Steve’s waist once before releasing him, “Don’t sweat it, sweetheart.”
Steve’s face must have been bloodshot at that point. Two people had called him sweetheart within the span of a few minutes. At this rate his brain was going to malfunction entirely.
Eddie studies him for a second, his eyes twinkling, before looking over to the now unoccupied table. He frowns, looking around the bar.
“She’s over there.” Steve points to where the two girls are deep in conversation.
Eddie’s eyes look from Steve to Chrissy and back again. “Were you heading back there?”
“Uh, no, actually,” Steve clears his throat. Why was it so hot all of the sudden? “I was told to go talk to the scary metalhead?”
Eddie’s grin returned, showing off his dimples. Steve was allowing himself to stare at the man now, and god was he stunning.
“Scary? That’s rich coming from the girl who literally carries a knife with her.” Eddie sits down at the table and looks at Steve expectantly, “I don’t bite,” he gestures for him to sit, so he does.
“Apparently you do if I ask nicely,” Steve says, then feels his face heat up again when he hears what he said.
Eddie laughs, loud and beautiful, “God, she really knows how to play wingman, huh?”
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youneedsomeprompts · 6 months
~ FORBIDDEN LOVE ~ PROMPTS about showing love without confessing
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requested by: anonymous request: forbidden love prompts? where you can never say explicitly what you want for fear of being rejected or caught
Feel free to use and reblog!
always making sure the other is safe
being happy when someone else is doing something nice for the other because it would be suspicious if they were the only one constantly showering the other with affection
making an effort to tease them regularly because in no way could that be suspicious
"You look very... alright, I guess."
trying to keep their distance because they can't trust themselves not to confess their feelings
"Really? You thought about me? I... I thought about you, too."
"Nooo, I would never date a friend/enemy. Of course, there are no exceptions." *blushes heavily*
trying to tell themselves that there are no romantic feelings involved
A: "Would you like to hang out on Sunday?" B: "Sure! It's a date!" A: "What? Like a 'date' date?" B: "What?" A: "What?"
A: "Don't be upset! Don't listen to them! You're the most special person!" B: "You really think that? You think I'm special?" A: *blushes heavily*
A: "I love spending time with you. That doesn't mean I have a crush on you." B: "Good. I never thought that."
testing the waters by casually dropping how romantic some of the things are the other does
A: "My dream partner would have to have [this trait] and [that trait]." B: "Haha. This sounds just like me! I would be your perfect partner. Isn't that funny?"
being torn between wanting to get rid of their feelings for the other and wanting to nurture the feelings in a hopeless, masochistic way
"I think we met for a reason."
C: "You never shut up about B." A: "That's because they annoy me so much."
being extremely happy when the other seeks their company
trying to act cool and casual but getting more awkward and nervous in the course
B: "You don't need to pretend that you like me. I know you hate me." A: "I'm sorry, what? I don't hate you. Quite contrary!"
making up endless scenarios about how they would confess their love, knowing they'll never do it anyway
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lovelybrooke · 4 months
Platonic Yandere Angels x immortal reader
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Very long awaited, I know. This takes place at the same time as my Overlords x reader headcanons (so during pt2). I'm very nervous about writing this, so please tell me how I did. Also, just like the Overlords, I'm only talking about the Angels we know about, not anyone that was on screen for like a second.
Heaven knew something was up.
A few weeks ago, there was a sudden shift, something only Sera seemed to notice. It was small, but it made Sera stop in her tracks, almost like she was waiting for something. It made Emily nervous, seeing someone so strong become so confused over--something. Sera spent days trying to figure out what was up, she knew Hell had to be a part of it. There isn't anything else it could be, she thought.
She soon found you--a human child in hell. Your arrival in hell must've been the thing that she felt that day, it all makes sense now. However, her feeling of accomplishment soon became fear, a human child is, for some reason, in hell and is being taken care of some of the strongest demons. What worried her even more was the fact that you were alive. You were still human, at least as human as someone can be in hell, and something was holding you back, keeping your humanity within you. She was terrified for your safety, so when Charlie was invited to Heaven to figure out in souls in hell can be redeemed, she knew that your presence would be a topic of conversation.
Before that though, she tasked Adam with keeping an eye on you. She didn't want to tell Emily, she knew she would ask questions that couldn't be answered. She knew Emily would figure it out eventually, but that was a worry for another day. What's more concerning is Adam. He sees you as a prize to be won, not a person. He saw you as just another thing he could use against those demons. He noticed how taken they were with you, and instantly knew how great it would feel to rip you away from them. Lute was really the only one who supported her boss in this endeavor. She didn't really have any strong opinions on you, other than that you should be in Heaven, but that's mostly because that's what her boss wants.
The others down in Hell have no way of knowing about the Angel's knowledge about you until Charlies official Heaven visit. Charlie had no reason to think that Heaven knew about you, so when they bring you up, she's extremely confused. Emily is even more confused, and slightly upset that Sera would hide this from her. Out of everything she could hide from her, the existence of a human child is definitely one of them. She couldn't stay mad for long, because Sera was quick on informing Charlie that Hell is no place for a human, especially one so alive. Sera suggested that they bring you to Heaven, and you stay there until everything is sorted out and you're back where you belong.
Emily knew Sera felt something for you, something much deeper than Sera felt comfortable admitting. She was a Seraphim angel, older than the Earth itself, strong and powerful and wise, all brought to a head because of the existence of some human in hell. Emily couldn't deny that you were interesting, and even though she was upset that you were kept a secret from her, she was less upset with Sera and more upset that she didn't get to meet you until now. Well meet is a weird word, more so found out. You seemed nice, very sweet, too sweet to be in Hell. You deserved to be somewhere nice, and maybe once you were brought to Heaven, you two could become great friends. She knows that eventually you would have to go home, but she wanted you to smile more, you seemed so sad down there.
Adam reveled in the confused look on Charlies face. She really thought you, a human, were just going to stay in Hell forever? This was all hilarious, watching as the stupid little demon princess try to argue that Hell is your home and that you're not going anywhere. It was the first time he saw her actually frustrated, angry almost. It just made you more interesting to him. Adam's never cared much about Humans, but there must be something great about you to make you so important to these demons.
Sera knew you needed to come to Heaven, you were in grave danger with these demons, and in her heart she knew she was doing the right thing. As she and the rest of the court watch you down in hell, alone in your room of the hotel, she knew you needed her help. You were tired, shown through your exhausted behavior. You could barely keep your eyes open, and before she knew it, you were asleep. According to Adam, this is the first time you've slept in weeks, and Sera instantly knew she'd seen enough. You were neglected, a helpless child with a pit of vipers, and she would be the one to save you.
Charlie and her partner adamantly disagreed to sending you to Heaven. This, paired with the Sera's decision to refuse the reforming of demons made Charlie extremely upset and tired. She tried to do everything to prove to them that demons could do good, so why wasn't it enough. She just wanted to go home and see you, make sure you were okay.
Sera felt another shift again, and suddenly, you were gone. She watched as Charlie scrambled to find you, and she herself looked everywhere she could for even a trace of you, but there was nothing. You must have somehow gone back to Earth, she should be happy. She should be content knowing that your back where you belong, but for some reason, she disappointed. She wished to know who you were, what you were like. She wished to give you a better life than the ones those demons were providing. But now you were gone, and there was nothing she could do about it.
Maybe once you actually die, she'll get to meet you again. But until then she'll be waiting for you.
A/n: This is short I know but the angels are so hard to write for. Please help me...
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vampiric-tempt · 8 months
Hello!! I love stories soooo muuchh >^<
Since it’s that time of year, how would Smoke, and other mk1 cast of your choice react to being in a haunted maze with the reader?? TYYY🎃🎃🎃
↳˳❝ mk1 cast in a haunted maze☾⋆。° Pt. 1 🎃
✦ headcanons w/ liu kang, kung lao, raiden, lin kuei brothers, johnny cage, kenshi takahashi, shang tsung, havik, & syzoth
a/n: My brain was thinking really hard on how they'd actually be in a haunted maze and this is the best I came up for the first half! Part 2 will include the mk women too!!!
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Liu Kang ➤ He finds the attraction somewhat amusing. However he does not find it scary. Being a god has trained him to become wise and undeterred to such things, but he does enjoy your company and how you push him from behind so he could lead. It even boost his ego a little, feeling your hands cling to him with a small smile on his face.
Kung Lao ➤ He talked a big game, claiming that he'd protect you and that you can cling to him. However, deep down inside he is actually afraid. Will he show it or admit it? Probably not, but his hand does clench whenever a scare actor jumps out. When you guys reach the end, he puffs out his chest. "See babe? Wasn't scary at all."
Raiden ➤ He was pushed to the front and admitted he was a bit nervous. He does get scared, but is extremely nice about it. Saying things like "Woah, you really got me there!" or "That costume is really. . .realistic." And he's okay with people clinging to him, he feels better knowing that you can be safe around him. Raiden is a sweet boy so he really enjoys the concept of Halloween, he finds it very fun and a great way to hang out with others.
Bi-Han ➤ He is. . . unamused. His face is grumpy throughout the whole thing and when people try to scare him, he just kind of stares with a raised brow. He charges through the maze without an ounce of fear, dragging you behind him because he wants to get this whole thing over with.
"Did you have fun?" You ask him.
Kuai Liang ➤ Like a father who finds it fun, but isn't really scared by it. He'd laugh in amusement every time someone jumps out and he has an arm protectively around you. He's heard of Halloween before, but never really experienced it in his younger days, so truthfully, he liked it when you dragged him along to the event. Of course, you did it only to use him as a shield, but Kuai Liang was okay with it.
"Are these truly supposed to scare people?" He'd ask, grinning at you.
Tomas Vrbada ➤ Took some convincing to get him to even go in. He tried his best to make excuses because yes, he was afraid, but more of Bi-Han's opinion. However, Kuai Liang told him it was okay and to have fun. So it resulted in the two of you both clinging to each other throughout the whole thing, screams leaving your throats every time something happened. Even though Tomas was scared shitless, he enjoyed the absolute thrill it gave him. He never got the chance to enjoy the simple pleasures of just being scared and having fun so he loved it in the end.
Johnny Cage ➤ "You go in first." He says.
"No, you go in first."
"You're being a pussy."
"Says you."
You and him ended up going in at the same time faking confidence and ended up clinging to each other in fear. You guys screamed the loudest screams you've ever scrumpt (Ik this is not a real word) and even ended up trying to push open a pull door. The scare actors were very entertained by you two to say the least.
Kenshi Takahashi ➤ He can't see, but was happy to be there as you helped him walk through the maze. He did get spooked by the random sound effects and louds screams they did so being blind didn't make him miss out on the maze entirely.
In the beginning though, he thought it was childish, saying "Really? You want me of all people to go in with you?" But he had fun nonetheless. He didn't outright say it though because he did not want to seem soft.
Shang Tsung ➤ He thought it was a waste of time, childish, and stupid. Did he go in though? Reluctantly, he did. He would get scared, but would be irritated by it. Huffing like the sassy man he is and rolling his eyes every time they managed to spook him.
"That was ridiculous, but the contraptions in there did give me some great inspiration."
. . .yeah, please don't ever show him the "Saw" films.
Havik ➤ An absolute menace. He laughs every time they try and scare him and sometimes he screams back just to see if he can spook them too. Most of the time he does because he not only screams, but tears off his limbs to terrify them even more.
"Earthrealmers are scared so easily." He chuckles in the most villain way possible.
Loves it because all he can hear are the screams of people and the decorations were pure chaos. Although he is a little upset that they aren't real. Why can't you just use real human corpses and skeletons? They're easy to get. . . to him at least.
Syzoth ➤ He was always very aware of his surroundings so don't blame him if he's a bit defensive the entire time. You had to reassure him that they wouldn't actually attack him and even if did understand, he'd still remained cautious. Even so, the maze did manage to spook him several times. Eventually, he eased into the concept of the holiday and began to enjoy himself. It was also a perfect place for him to be in his natural form, everyone complimenting him on his "costume". It made the zaterran happy as he gazed at the decorations in curiosity and awe.
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╰┈➤ masterlist
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signedkoko · 4 months
hello, good afternoon/night!
I was wondering if you could do a vox x character (?) oneshot where the other person has royal status (something similar to stolas).
I’m interested to see if vox would change his attitude if he was interacting with someone above him, or if he would act the same as usual.
either way, I hope this makes sense and thank you so much!
Vox X Reader [Romantic]
In which you are apart of the ars goetia family, and Vox doesn't know much about royalty. Reader is genderneutral.
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Being one of the 72 members of the family didn't feel special from your point of view; you were royalty, yes, but what that actually meant was beyond you
Nevertheless, you were representative of innovation, and your role as an 'aristocrat' was quite literally the most dull of all: an archivist
Your role was to document, file, or archive every piece of information that has ever existed or will exist, and to protect it all in your library
You were a vast network of knowledge, not too different from a computer
That was where you and Vox became so similar, he was certainly an impressive overlord worth meeting.
You found yourself archiving logs upon logs of his creations, of his ad campaigns, of his scandals; he was always up to something
It piqued your interest, so you were sure to note the next time you were in proximity so you could meet him
Vox didn't give two shits about royalty, but what he did care about were the opportunities it presented
It was worth being nice to them and biting your tongue, and in all honesty, he wasn't much of a hot head when it came to people he didn't know
He had files on every member of the Ars Goetia, including yours, and he'd developed a bit of a 'celebrity' crush
You seemed so like him, but he knew pictures could only say so much about a person and moved on
Both of you knew the other would be at the same event, and like magnets, you came straight to one another
Vox used his television charm to lure you in, and just like you'd hoped, it worked
He is extremely nervous around royalty because, truth be told, they really are far more powerful than he or any other overlord
Not to say he doubts himself, but he understands his limits
And being technology itself, he also knows that your ability nearly pales his technology—computers are without a doubt more capable of storing information and processing it than any human or demon ever could, but you were beyond that
That is to say, he is extremely impressed with you and asks a lot about your ability, almost hoping it'll reveal some kind of trick he could use too
Unfortunately, no tricks, but he does find you to be just as kind as he'd imagined
Ars Goetia is extremely strict about the relationships they have, but fortunately for you, you knew every rule and loophole there was to know and managed to get by with 'one of hell's strongest overlords'
He is very adaptive to rules and customs, so it's no issue impressing your family with his seemingly infinite skills
" I didn't know you knew all that, Vox. "
" Yeah! You know, I didn't either! "
He absolutely goes autopilot a lot around other royals because he does not want to cause you any trouble, but you always tell him to relax and let him know you'd never let them get in the way
The hardest decision is who is moving, and when you eventually offer to abandon your lavish lifestyle for his minimalistic city style, he does whatever he can to help you adapt.
Really, you are his prince(ss), and he will treat you like the royalty you are
" So, does this make me a prince now? "
" Are you proposing? "
One of his favourite perks is that now he can really stick it to Alastor
Not that he would ever intend on putting you in danger—even if you'd win—but let's be honest
You would win against that stupid radio demon
Oh yeah, he's proud of that too
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Author's Note - I ended up doing headcanons because I felt the prompt didn't have enough for me to go off of, I apologize for disappointing!~ Even so, I hope this still catches your interest 🖤
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jjkeverlast · 1 year
accidental roommates | jjk (m)
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✦ pairing dilf!jk x fem!reader
✦ genre/au's dilf!au, roommate!au, roommates to lovers, enemies to lovers, smut, fluff, crack & teeny tiny sentimental angst
✦ summary moving apartments is stressful and difficult enough as it is. all the planning and packing and multiple moments of rearranging furniture; all you crave is peace.
yet it seemed like peace was far within reach as the owner of the apartment had left out one tiny crucial detail from the ad — a ripped tattooed adonis, coupled, with a tiny baby daughter will come as your roommate.
✦ word count 14.7k 🌚
✦ warnings second hand embarrassment | jungkook's abs | annoying antics | suppressed feelings | both of them are stubborn and petty (it's gets tiring lmfao) | mentions of past relationships | a lot of time stamps | sexual tension | ft. namjoon 👀 | !constant change of perspective between reader and jungkook
✦ sexual warnings fingering | oral (f. receiving) | semi-hand job? | grinding | riding | biting (like once) | teasing | protected sex!
✦ author's note oh my god.... can you believe i actually finished this shit? lmao no me neither. i have to thank my amazing co-writer's for this collab @kooktrash & @jeonjcngkook for being extremely helpful when i've been stuck with some scenes! along with my favorite person and hyung @gimmethatagustd who was there whenever i needed to plan some scenes and for reading out my entire outline. also, big thanks to my beta @pjiminbloomx who took her time in listening me rant about this for over a month. i love you jyad. <3333 and just overall every single one of you who have encouraged me about this. i can't believe it got this long BUT hey! it didn't get above 15k which was my maximum for this fic. enjoy this super cracky and long stupid fic with these two idiots. <3
this fic is a part of illicit desires collab! go read the other stories if you're hungry for more dilf jungkook ;)
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For the first time since a week ago, you’re finally able to breathe for once. The sigh you let out is comforting and freeing. The awful ruckus of moving has caused you to roam on the streets with a lack of sleep, eye bags that can be caught from miles away and a groggy voice not daring to disappear from your vocals. A mess really. You know it, your ex-roommate Ash knows it too and even though she and her partner are at fault here, it was bound to happen. 
You see, Ash had met Lucca through a mutual friend, the mutual friend being you and you were surprised at how well they complimented each other. The night they met was filled with nervous glances and flushed red cheeks due to the excitement. They both deserved each other. So, when they finally announced their relationship with you, you were more than thrilled. Although, after a year of them dating they had come to the conclusion of moving in together, which was a big step for their relationship and a step back for you, due to you ending back to square one and having to find an apartment yourself.  
The image of Ash’s expression when she kindly asked you to move within the next month was imprinted in your mind. She didn’t want to kick you out this way, but it was an important and big step into her relationship with Lucca, and the decision needed to be made regardless. You didn’t really have a say in this. Firstly, the apartment was Ash’s and in the end, it is her decision on whom she wants to share it with. 
It took you a week. A whole week to find the perfect place for you. The pictures sold the place nicely, the living room looking spacious and decorated firmly with stable furniture and you being desperate to find anything you called the owner. The conversation went great. He was very quick on letting you get the apartment, sending you a confirmation email the day after you had agreed to the deposit. You were doing it, and it felt great. 
Although, your lack of sleep had been caused by the last-minute packing, having to clear out your room as quickly as possible. It was mostly because of Lucca themselves, having to move out of their sister’s loft, so the timing was indeed tight. But hey, everything turned out well even though you look like a Yeti who hasn’t been able to find a place to rest. It’s fine really, now you’ll be able to at least lie down before unpacking everything. 
With a trembling hand, you manage to push the code in, the door opens and you’re just about to step in when you look up and find a shirtless man in your apartment. You don’t say anything, the both of you staring each other down for a quick second before you manage to close the door, convincing yourself you’re hallucinating. 
It’s a thing, Ash told you countless times whenever you managed to withhold an all-nighter in your shared place. First, there’s being overtired where every ounce of energy left bounces like a little child on a trampoline, then there’s the lack of sleep eating you alive although your eyes fail you to shut, being used to staying open, which creates the last step: hallucinations. 
Maybe it’s the lack of sex which made you paint a beautifully sculpted man with tattoos only in a towel in front of you. You’re praising your brain for creating such a lively picture that causes you to grin and shake your head before you decide to re-enter. 
He’s there again. Your horny hallucination. 
The hallucination takes a turn when he screams into your face. ‘’What the fuck are you doing in my apartment?!’’ It’s then that you snap yourself back to reality, realizing this indeed is a real person and you’ve managed to scare the shit out of them. The only thing you find yourself doing is screaming back, which turns into violent screaming in unison and by now half of the neighborhood is probably writing a complaint to this very apartment. 
‘’What the fuck are you doing in my apartment?!’’ You find the courage to finally scream back and the man in front of your eyes squints in discomfort, shaking his head as he swallows your words. 
‘’Y-your apartment?’’ 
You fold your arms, scoffing as your head turns towards the open kitchen. ‘’Yes. Mine.’’ 
He begins to laugh, his abs tensing along with the rhythm and you hate yourself for growing hot over his upper body. 
‘’You’re funny.’’ He points at you and to prove yourself to him, you look for the confirmation email that proves you have the right to own this place. 
‘’Here.’’ He steps closer, the scent of his shampoo infiltrating your nostrils and you notice a form of sweet yet musky scent. While you’re too busy trying to ignore the scent, the man in front of you has his full attention on your screen. He smacks his lips, his composure straightening along. ‘’There has to be some sort of mistake.’’ 
You hum in agreement. How wrong could this possibly go? The only solution that comes to mind like a wave, is to call the owner. You hold a finger up, pausing for whatever word is about to come out from the stranger in front of you while it starts to dial. It quickly gets interrupted, by a voice telling you the number doesn’t exist. You refuse to believe it, so you continue to call three to four times while the man crosses his arms, sighing out loud. It’s at that moment you notice the detailed and colored tattoos covering his arm in a sleeve. 
“He’s… he’s not picking up.” The defeat drags itself at your feet. The proof you once had to own this apartment is gone, except the confirmation email but then again there must’ve been some mistake — a big one to say the least. 
“Do you honestly believe that?” His tone indicates he’s irritated and the water droplets on his skin have almost dried out — the fact that you notice scares you more than the situation you’re currently met with. 
“I mean, clearly, you’ve been scammed.” The words swallow you whole, your composure losing against you and your head drops with your heart. Of course, it was too good to be true, because again since when have you ever been lucky when you’re on your own? 
It seems as if you’ve lost, but you’re not willing to give up just yet. You spent all of your savings on the deposit and the last thing you’ll do is ask your strict parents for money, which isn’t only super hard but exasperating as well. 
‘’Well now that this whole problem is settled, get out.’’ The tone is harsh and you flinch, tears threatening to spill as you slowly walk to the entrance. 
‘’Wait—’’ You hold your hands up, your feet freezing down on the tiled floor and the stranger’s expression turns into pure disgust yet confusion. You aren’t really sure, your mind is basically clouded reasons being your lack of sleep. Which currently isn’t helping the situation you’re currently standing in. If only you could snatch it like Margot Robbie snatches bags and watches in ‘Focus’. This reminds you, you should probably watch it again, it was really good and—
‘’Hello?!’’ The sound catches you off guard, your eyes roaming back onto the half-naked stranger whose name still stays unknown. 
‘’Just. Please.’’ You’re fucking tired and this was the last thing that needed to be added onto your plate yet you’re still standing, except you’re hopeless and homeless. 
‘’Please?! Get. Out.’’ 
You drop down to your knees, your tears falling freely and you plead. 
‘’I have nowhere to go. My old roommate is finally starting a new life with her partner, my parents are fucking strict and are the last I’m calling for help. I’m basically fucking homeless and I just wanted to lay down in my apartment after moving out last minute and sleep.’’ You’re rambling all kinds of nonsense, throwing a whole scene in front of a guy who’s stepped out of the shower. You feel bad but you’re lost. You have nowhere to go. 
‘’Seriously, I’m fucked. Help me out, just— just for six months and I’ll be out of your sight.’’ Your voice cracks, every limb that has managed to withhold your posture, collapsing all together into one. You’re done. 
A deep sigh catches your attention, your glossy eyes looking up to see a semi-smile resting on the guy’s face. ‘’Six months.’’ He repeats as he traces his fingers on the patterned ink, decorating his arm. 
‘’Fine. Just don’t make me regret this. I’m Jungkook by the way.’’ Finally, you discover the name of the pretty stranger. 
‘’Thank you. Thank you so much.’’ You’re holding yourself back from hugging him, mostly because of his naked chest and the last thing you need is to feel warm skin on your own. Instead, you introduce yourself and he smiles awkwardly making you reconsider your awful ruckus from before. You basically admitted how fucked your life is at the moment, bringing along the strict parents into the mix and we all know, this won’t end well. 
A sudden cry snatches every ounce of your attention, coming from one of the rooms. Has someone been here all this time? 
‘’Shit. I think we might’ve woken her up.’’ Her. Great, you’re gonna live with a clingy couple, after having no mercy in showing you were checking him out — multiple times. This is going to be absolute hell. 
All while you’re imagining the messy and mostly awkward encounters you’re going to face while living with a couple, you don’t notice Jungkook walking back out accompanied by a certain someone. 
‘’A baby?!’’ Great. Not only are you going to live with a couple, but their newborn baby too. 
‘’You sound… surprised.’’ He decides to sit down, the baby’s head resting on his bare and tatted shoulder, doe-eyed and mouth agape. 
‘’Where’s… where’s your girlfriend?’’ Shit. Are you even listening to yourself? You met this guy not even an hour ago and you’re already invading his private life with intense questions. 
‘’Don’t have one. It’s just me and So-ah here.’’ He taps her back, a few burps escaping her as you stay quiet. 
The scenery in front of you causes a faint smile to appear on the brim of your lips. If you weren’t determined to own the apartment yourself, you’d let every ounce of you swoon over how careful Jungkook is with his daughter. 
Jungkook takes a hold of her, changing positions as she faces him, her eyes as big as his. It’s crazy how alike they look. 
Your heart melts into a thick puddle when Jungkook rubs his nose against So-ah’s, a soft giggle sounding like a lullaby escaping her right after. 
‘’Oh my god.’’ Jungkook’s mouth drops and before confusion seeps through you he continues. ‘’So-ah you just laughed for the first time.’’ Fuck. You’re so screwed. 
‘’She’s adorable.’’ You smile fondly, Jungkook breaking eye contact with his daughter at your comment. 
His eyebrows frown, clearing his throat as he shifts in his seat. ‘’Thanks.’’ 
Okay, there were exactly two things that fumed you over his flat-toned answer. One was that he was still a complete stranger and you’ve always felt somewhat threatened and uncomfortable when people you didn’t know made or said anything that clicked an icky feeling at the pit of your stomach, which quickly turns to irritation. Because here you are being fucking nice and you get this in return? What a fucking asshole. Second, it’s probably an ego thing, thinking he’s hot enough to get away with being quite literally rude. If it weren’t for his sudden act of rudeness towards your very tired Yeti-looking state you might actually grow fond of him, but that is all forgotten now. 
You’re getting that fucking apartment. 
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Working as a kindergarten teacher meant a lot of things. Patience, energy, and consistency. For you to reach there before showing up at work, you’ll need to fuel your body with a smoothie. 
The clock hasn’t even turned six when you push the mixer’s button, a loud noise erupts in the quiet apartment. Did you do this on purpose knowing Jungkook isn’t starting work yet? Maybe. Did he notice, is fucking angry and walking up to you at this moment? Very much so. 
‘’Seriously? What the fuck?!’’ The shouting from your roommate pleases your early morning state and you force an annoying smile as you greet him with a cheerful good morning.  
‘’It’s for work!’’ You push the button for a little longer, his eyes rolling back when So-ah starts crying in the room next to you. The daughter does make you feel an ounce of regret but that’s mostly because you love babies and she’s made a good impression on you already. 
Jungkook groans in frustration, his grumpy state returning back to his daughter to soothe her while you hurriedly get to work. Your colleague is probably already there, having a different schedule than you. 
Traffic isn’t terrible and you’ve caught onto the lost sleep that vanished during your moving week. As you reach work, Taehyung waves excitedly to you from the entrance, while holding a cup of coffee. 
‘’You look awfully happy.’’ Taehyung remarks when you walk past him and inside, re-adjusting a few things before parents begin to arrive with their sunshine of kids. 
‘’I am.’’ Your mood definitely has something to do with nailing to piss Jungkook off early in the morning. That’s what he gets for being a complete ass after you’ve embarrassed yourself multiple times and just trying to be kind. 
‘’Care to tell me?’’ Taehyung moves his eyebrows, suggesting you got lucky and you quickly shut down the idea, shaking your head no along with you explaining it was an early win for you. 
‘’I basically pissed off my roommate this morning. He’s an asshole so he deserved it.’’ You shrug your shoulders, Taehyung following behind you as you both make the place ready, the clock ticking loudly behind you. 
‘’Roommate? I thought you had the place all to yourself?’’ Taehyung hadn’t gotten any updates from you since your stressful week, so it made sense for him to be completely lost when you mention Jungkook in the context of your cheerful mood this morning. 
‘’I got scammed. But I’m not surprised. I’ve carried bad luck all my life and I blame it on my strict parents.’’ You joke, Taehyung chuckling nervously unsure rather you’re completely kidding or deadly serious. It’s hard to tell.  
‘’Scammed, meaning the apartment you thought you had was already occupied?’’ Taehyung has lived in the city all his life, and he has been familiar with the scammers roaming in between others, and cheating the system who carries a blind eye. 
‘’Exactly, and here I was thinking shit like that only happens in the movies.’’ You scoff at the ridiculousness of the overall situation. How come you ended here? Not only with a scam, but a buff tatted guy and his baby daughter? Truly fucking wild. 
‘’Oh babe, you’d be surprised. So who’s the roommate? An old lady?’’ Taehyung jokes once again, the sounds of chairs clinging against each other roaming in the air, the both of you settling in the common room ready for the children. 
‘’I wouldn’t exactly say an old lady…’’ Taehyung’s interest quirks an ounce higher, his movements stopping to a halt, waiting for you to spill. 
‘’His name is Jungkook and he has a baby daughter named So-ah.’’ Taehyung’s face drops, eyes wide as his mouth hangs wide because clearly, no old lady is named Jungkook. 
‘’If you tell me right now he’s hot, I’m gonna think you’re living out everyone’s fantasy.’’ Taehyung holds up his pointy finger, eyebrow intact with his overall movement and you cringe because you really don’t want to admit Jungkook is hot — even though you ogled his abs for a good 20 minutes the first time you met him. 
‘’He’s—’’ You try to form words, your mind flashing images of Jungkook with wet hair, droplets of water covering his abs that tensed whenever he chuckled at your ridiculousness the day you got scammed. 
‘’Oh my god… You’re living with a DILF.’’ The term Taehyung uses makes you wheeze, losing composure as you move your body along with the laughter that escapes you. 
Taehyung doesn’t get more of a word before the first pair of parents walk in, hand in hand with their child. The day has just begun. 
Meanwhile, Jungkook is currently taking care of So-ah. She hasn’t stopped crying since you decided to be annoying and flush down the good morning that Jungkook had anticipated. Maybe he should kick you out because right now his left ear hasn’t stopped ringing while his daughter’s face is almost pure red due to her countless cries. 
‘’So-ah, please.’’ Jungkook places her down on his chest, her face rubbing on it, wetting it along, the discomforting sound continuing. Jungkook feels lost and he wants to revenge himself on you because you’re probably dancing at work while he’s here, with dark eye bags and a crying baby under his arm. 
Sometimes it makes him wonder if it would be different if So-ah’s mother were still around. Maybe she wouldn’t cry as much. A mother’s touch is important for babies at her age and Jungkook feels guilty. In reality, he just wants So-ah to be okay, to feel understood, and frankly, at the moment understanding her is difficult. He continues to pat her back, rocking her back and forth in his gaming chair, set up by the computer that has an awaiting meeting for him in two hours. He can do this, he’ll just freshen up as soon as she goes back to sleep. 
The day spins around faster than possible, the sun already setting behind the building in an orange glow and Taehyung is currently wiping down the mess that was left on the tables since lunch. 
‘’So, regarding your dilf, is he single?’’ You’re close to spilling the scene where you asked Jungkook where his partner was only to get a no, which only made you more curious than before. It isn’t likely for you in the span of living to have met a single father. In most cases it’s single mothers, so to say you were surprised was an understatement. 
‘’He— Yes, apparently he is.’’ You’re uncertain and Taehyung casually nods at the response, making you reconsider if you’re even allowed to be curious regarding Jungkook’s living situation. 
‘’Well, this is the start of a beautiful love story.’’ You stick your tongue out in offense to Taehyung’s joke, while he cracks himself up, his boxy smile on display as well. 
‘’You’re the worst.’’ He trails right behind you, as you close down the place and leave it behind for tomorrow. 
‘’Right, but if anyone were to ask you’d still point at me for being the best colleague you’ve had.’’ He’s not entirely wrong and you get to prove it to him by remaining silent. 
After you and Taehyung part ways, you hurry home in desperation to see if the grumpy expression is still remaining on Jungkook’s face from this morning. To your surprise, it isn’t. You find Jungkook sprawled on the couch, his chest exposed and his baby daughter laying on top of him, both of them breathing in sync. 
If Jeon Jungkook didn’t open his mouth from time to time you’d start to like him, because seeing him sleep in complete silence makes him seem… not so bad as you had thought. But then again he was rude even though he certainly helped you out after your scam episode. 
You decide to make dinner, leaving the both of them to rest while listening to soothing jazz music. Somehow with time passing by and the smell filtering through the apartment as it cooks, Jungkook stirs awake, So-ah along with him. He manages to push himself upwards, holding onto So-ah and finds you swaying as you cook in the open kitchen. 
Memories cloud Jungkook’s mind back when he was still with— 
‘’Oh! You’re awake.’’ You had felt a pair of eyes boring at your back, so when you turn to see Jungkook spacing out you make yourself noticeable. 
‘’Yeah, smells great by the way.’’ It’s then Jungkook realizes he’s yet to wear a shirt and it’s become an accidental habit of being shirtless in front of you. The last thing he wants is for you to get the wrong signal. 
‘’Thank you.’’ You take the compliment lightly, letting it pass by your head so your focus remains on the main goal; having Jungkook willingly move out. 
Jungkook is completely oblivious to your plan, although it would make sense if he slowly started to catch on to your smoothie early morning surprise. But for now, you’re hungry and there’s still a good five months left before you leave each other’s sight. 
The dinner turns out successful, So-ah doesn’t cry once and both you and Jungkook groan afterward, bloated from overeating. He thanks you before returning back to his room, leaving you to do all the dishes. 
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Living with Jungkook had run smoothly, your hopes in gaining the apartment fading the more time went by with him being extremely kind. It hadn’t offended you but you were certain he was rude and didn’t like you. But an early Monday morning, Jungkook proved to you exactly how much that apartment means to you. 
You hadn’t gotten a lot of sleep that night, the walls a lot thinner than you had anticipated and So-ah had cried most of the night, not only waking her dad but you as well. Babies are wonderful creatures, but at night it surely paints a different motive than the one you’re being met with during the day. 
Blaming Jungkook for your lack of sleep would be rude on your part, so you accept it by making a cup of coffee early morning. It was the next best solution and as you’re sitting on the counter, waiting for the water to boil, Jungkook walks in dressed in black joggers and a white t-shirt. 
‘’Morning.’’ You’re holding back from laughing at how alike the both of you look. So-ah really destroyed you for the better. Jungkook joins in on the coffee solution, making his mug ready right next to you in silence. 
When the water is ready, you jump down, pouring the warm water after adding a few teaspoons of instant coffee. Jungkook follows you right after, stirring it with his spoon. As you walk towards the refrigerator, Jungkook is quicker than you, pulling the milk out and pouring it into his mug. 
‘’Could you pass me the milk?’’ Jungkook grins at your question and it’s then you notice he’s poured the remaining drops, leaving no milk for you. Fucking marvelous. 
‘’Better luck next time.’’ He winks at you, slowly walking back to his room as you flick him off without him noticing. 
Yeah, you definitely spoke too soon when you even let yourself think Jungkook might be a nice guy. He’s not and he just started a war. 
Taehyung notices how different your state is today, the flatlined smile throwing him off guard. Being the good colleague that he is, he makes you sit down as he prepares everything. 
‘’I’m not doing this for free, spill.’’ You groan out of tiredness and anger, holding your face that can barely keep up with everything around you. 
‘’Fucking… Jungkook.’’ You squint your eyes, already plotting how you’ll manage to rip every part of him apart. Taehyung would lie if he admitted that you in your current state isn’t scaring the shit out of him. 
‘’I was beginning to think he was remotely nice, until this morning.’’ Taehyung hums along, uncertain where exactly you’re heading with this conversation. It’s something Taehyung has learned about you in the past years you’ve worked alongside, your conversations always turn in a different direction no matter how precisely you start them.  
‘’Taehyung, would you get pissed if someone took the rest of the milk when you’ve already prepared a cup of coffee?’’ 
‘’He didn’t—’’ 
Everything makes sense for Taehyung. Jungkook has practically started a war with you because one thing everyone should know when it comes to you is to never mess with your morning coffee. Specifically when you desperately need one. 
‘’He surely fucking did.’’ You scoff out of disbelief. ‘’He even laughed when he emptied it.’’ The images flash through your brain once more, a betrayal that has caused a lot of damage to your already ruined morning state due to So-ah. 
‘’Go make yourself some coffee, don’t let him get to your head for now. It’s not worth it.’’ Taehyung was right, it would stupid to hold milk accountable for Jungkook and your reasons for despising him. Hopefully, it was a mistake and you’ll return home with a better state of mind, Jungkook leaving you rather at peace.
You follow Taehyung’s instructions, walking inside the semi-small kitchen for staff, and begin making your fuel for the day. 
Work turns out easier after you get coffee in your system, Taehyung takes most of the tasks throughout the day to ease down any forms of headaches that might come along due to your lack of sleep. Small moments and gestures like these, remind you how truly lucky you are to have a colleague like Taehyung. He has never made things more difficult, always managing to make everything easy and simple. 
As soon as the clock strikes, parents fill up the entrance awaiting their children who are too busy playing outside, enjoying their free time. The sun has already moved down further, creating a beautiful sunset, whose golden rays move along the filled playground that’s messy due to every toy in sight being used throughout the day. The parents were kind enough to teach their kids to always clean up after themselves, leaving the entrance the remaining spot to clean. When you’re about to reach for a broom, Taehyung catches it before you. 
‘’Go home. I got this.’’ His voice is stern as if he already knows you’re about to plead to do it yourself. 
You let out a sigh, thanking him as many times as you can in the span of you dressing yourself up to go outside. Taehyung brushes you off, a semi-smile resting nicely on his framed face. 
The apartment is empty, silent, and dark when you enter. You wonder where Jungkook must’ve gone, the sky from outside already an ounce darker than when you stepped out from work. You’re not too worried, your petty self still being remotely annoyed with the morning incident. 
When you walk past the living room, you feel yourself crash down and watching a movie. It’s much needed after today and maybe it’ll slowly lull you to sleep. Since you were little, sleeping at night had always been a difficulty so a distraction in the background could likely push you towards the sleep you’ve been craving. 
You settle on watching a crime film that piques your interest on Netflix. You’ve managed to add a bit more lighting inside the apartment, a few lamps surrounding the couch.
The plot starts to reveal itself, leaving you speechless as you bite down on the blanket, eyes fully open, trailing along whenever someone moves on screen. You’re just about to catch a big lead to why the certain murder occurred when Jungkook walks in with So-ah drinking from a bottle.  
‘’Oh, hey.’’ You quickly say before averting your attention back on the screen. Jungkook squints his eyes, having trouble seeing the big screen but as soon as he catches on, he tsks. 
‘’Wait— Isn’t that the film where the protagonist is actually the killer?’’ The moment Jungkook speaks, a clue leads to having the protagonist on the list of who might’ve done it and now Jeon Jungkook just asked for a ticket to hell. 
‘’Are you fucking kidding me?!’’ You exclaim loudly, throwing both hands and arms in the air, frustration seeping through every vein coursing through your body. You’re seeing absolute red. 
‘’Oh shit, my bad.’’ You aren’t even glancing towards him, but you can hear the shit eating grin he’s trying to suppress. You close your eyes, taking a few deep breaths to calm yourself down, remembering Taehyung’s words from earlier. It’s not worth it. He’s right, it truly isn’t and you’re being weak by letting small annoying things set you off like a grenade. 
You’re not letting him win. Things have only just begun. 
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Returning the favor with annoying gestures had only turned the next two months into a living hell. The apartment went from walking on a dream to walking on eggshells. It had started with a minor mistake in the early morning with the dreadful lack of sleep and constant bickering. Your dreams of owning the apartment slowly crashing as you’ve been looking for new apartments, wanting to get furthest away from Jeon Jungkook and his annoying behavior. 
If it weren’t for Taehyung you would’ve handled the situation differently, but Taehyung has always assured you to stand your ground and not let him get to you. Jungkook has already been kind enough for you to stay, so to make it easier, it’d be best not to mess it up by revenging yourself. But you badly wanted to. Just once. To see Jungkook’s face twist to annoyance in a mere second, while you try your best not to sing happily right after. 
Although, the only thing keeping both you and Jungkook on the ground from ripping one's hair out, was So-ah. Her magical baby powers overrule the both of you, and her eyes are wide and full of hope for what’s to come. 
When you had first moved in, Jungkook wasn’t exactly fond of you being near his daughter but with time and his suddenly busy schedule, he had you keep an eye out for So-ah who was distracting him too much with her cuteness. So-ah quickly loved your company, your small jokes, and countless attempts in making her giggle. Jungkook couldn’t keep you two away from one another, so he accepted it. 
The weekend had finally rolled around and after a week of none other than small bickering and disagreements between you and Jungkook, you were finally at ease in your bedroom. The discussions between you were ridiculous — Taehyung’s words not yours. It could go from a minor detail, like the temperature in the apartment to a full-on debate on whether the film he wants to watch is better than your own choice. 
As you’re laying in your bed, you look up at the painted dark blue ceiling, your curtains open, accepting the outside light to shine in. You’ve always loved the natural darkness and how it covers every room differently than if everything is covered, turning to full darkness. You turn constantly, your mind being more awake than you had anticipated. It humors you that you always feel exhausted after speaking with Jungkook, yet here you are alone full of energy. 
Tossing and turning continue for what feels like an hour and you decide to give up. Rather than reading a book, you walk out to grab a glass of water, your throat feeling a bit dry. You figure Jungkook isn’t awake at three in the morning, which explains why you don’t put on pants, walking out in nothing but a satin white t-shirt, with black lace underwear. 
Even though you don’t like Jungkook, you still show respect to him and his daughter by carefully walking to the kitchen to not make any sounds. The living room has the same light as your bedroom and as you’re about to turn, you bump into Jungkook. His skin feels warm, but you quickly pull away and Jungkook blinks at you with tired eyes. 
‘’M’ sorry.’’ His voice is deep, groggy even and you collect the dots that Jeon Jungkook just woke up. 
‘’All good.’’ 
Thankfully, Jungkook is too busy going to the bathroom to notice your sleeping attire that exposes half of your body. You sigh in relief, accidentally catching a glimpse of Jungkook’s ass, being hugged by his boxers as he walks further away from you. 
You shake your head, ignoring what your eyes caught onto, focusing solemnly on getting water as planned. 
You’re about to drink your last cup when Jungkook walks past you once again. You’re not in the mood to talk to him, so you chug your water wanting to leave the kitchen as quickly as possible. It doesn’t exactly go as planned, the water trickling by the corners of your lips, further down your shirt. 
‘’Fuck.’’ You groan, realizing how much you’ve accidentally spilled. The fabric clings onto your breasts and as you’re about to pull on it, you catch Jungkook turning his head quickly from your direction. The action doesn’t throw itself in your head, instead, you become annoyed. 
‘’What?’’ Why is he still standing here? Shouldn’t he already be back in his room by now? 
‘’J-just grabbing some water.’’ Jungkook mumbles, his voice becoming an ounce lower and somehow it catches your attention that he sounds nervous? 
‘’Be my guest.’’ You move further away, trying to cover your lower half who’s exposing too much to your roommate who has managed to piss you off for two months straight with absolutely no reason. 
Jungkook keeps his eyes on the sink, although you throw a glance at him and you really wish you hadn’t. His arms are flexing as they hold onto the counter, and the prominent veins and lines of his definite muscles are showcased. You begin to notice each small detail of his tattoos that have managed to flow into one big art piece on his arm. 
You’ve been too annoyed with Jungkook to notice the minor details of him. His Adam's apple bops in the rhythm of the gulps he takes, almost inhaling the water quickly. Somehow your body reacts quicker than your mind, shivers coursing through your body the longer you stand and watch Jungkook. The staring gets cut off when Jungkook places the empty cup down on the counter. 
He throws a glance your way, your skin already feeling hot by the close space. ‘’Well, goodnight.’’ Jungkook walks past you, your faces inches apart for a split second before he’s gone from your sight. 
When you lay back down in your bed, your heart is beating incredibly fast and your body doesn’t stop growing hotter. What is wrong with you? This is Jungkook. As in your roommate, who’s made it his life’s mission in pissing you off and almost made you explode like a grenade for the whole world to see and the neighborhood to hear. 
All while you’re wondering why exactly your brain feels fuzzy, Jungkook is freaking out in his room. His dick has managed to betray him. He blames it on his lack of hookups, but deep down he knows it was because of you. His mind had fogged for a minute when he caught a glimpse of what was hiding underneath your t-shirt, but as soon as the water dripped down he didn’t even have to try and guess. He’s angry and frustrated at himself and if it were possible to have a one-on-one fight with his dick, he would’ve. His body had only betrayed him and that made him certain that he had to stay far away from you. 
Although, whenever Jungkook closed his eyes he could see your naked thighs, and the black lace seeping through the material of your shirt. He could see the water dripping down your neck, rolling further down your chest and creating a wet patch on your— 
This has to stop. Jungkook begins to think of everything that turns him off until his state finally gives in, letting him sleep. 
It takes longer for you. Your mind has always loved to play tricks, letting you imagine the what if’s of every situation you’re met with. They’re simple at first, only showcasing what you had seen earlier when your eyes didn’t stop studying every minor detail on Jungkook. But then they turn an ounce wilder. You’re tracing your fingers on the ink, while his arm is holding onto your waist, keeping you close and letting you feel his warm breath against your cheek. 
Do you… do you want Jungkook? 
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Taehyung notices it the moment you step into work, how quiet you are, not daring to meet his eyes when he cheerfully greets you. Something happened and you’re not exactly proud of it. 
‘’So, am I gonna have to ask or are you going to tell me what happened?’’ Your eyes pop open, gulping down as you mumble out a weak ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about’ and quickly move on with your tasks for the day. 
Taehyung isn't letting that slide so easily and sooner or later he’ll either find out for himself or you’ll tell him out of panic. 
It takes Kim Taehyung exactly four hours to know exactly what has been bothering you and just as you’re about to leave the kindergarten, he decides to bring it up. 
‘’You want to fuck him.’’ You stop in your tracks. 
Okay, now is the time to use your fifth grade theater skills and act as if Taehyung didn’t speak your thoughts out in the open. 
‘’Fuck Jungkook? As in Jeon Jungkook, my annoying roommate who’s made my living situation a living hell the last two months? Oh please.’’ 
‘’Y/N, you know that doesn’t work on me.’’ You sigh loudly, rolling your eyes. 
‘’Fine, fine!’’ You throw your hands in the air, giving up and Taehyung just shakes his head over your dramatic antics. 
‘’I thought you, ‘hated his guts’.’’ Taehyung quotes you from the past hundred conversations you’ve had regarding your roommate and the new banter you’ve yet shared before you left for work. 
‘’I still do! This will fade, do not worry.’’ Not only are you trying to convince Taehyung, but yourself as well. 
Taehyung doesn’t argue with you. You have enough on your plate already and he knows you’re very much conscious of the mess you’ve brought upon yourself. 
When you leave work and Taehyung, your phone starts to ring in your pocket and you’re thrilled to see Ash’s name displayed. 
‘’Hi!’’ Your friend cheerfully greets you and the conversations immediately flows. She tells you how amazing it’s been living with Lucca and how they’re currently making her favorite dish. 
‘’That’s great babe.’’ When she’s about to ask you how your new apartment is, Lucca cuts her off, talking on the phone instead. 
‘’Y/N, come over! We have your favorite wine.’’ The offer tempts and you agree, taking transportation towards your old apartment. It doesn’t even faze you to text Jungkook that you’ll come home a bit later, too excited to see your friends again after so long. 
Jungkook has just finished changing So-ah’s diaper, when he realizes it’s dark outside and you haven’t come home yet. Just as he begins to worry, he scolds himself internally for worrying about you as if he even cares about you in the first place. You’re doing fine without him. Right? 
So-ah grabs Jungkook’s attention when she manages to roll over for the first time and Jungkook cheers her on, grabbing her face to give her kisses everywhere, her small arms flapping excitedly. 
‘’Wait, you have a roommate?’’ Lucca asks, as they pour a glass of wine in your almost empty glass. You find yourself sighing whenever Jungkook is mentioned and you quickly see the images of his body against the natural darkness in the kitchen. 
‘’Yes, two actually.’’ 
You spend the following thirty minutes explaining your scam situation, Jungkook and his baby daughter now being your roommates for the next six months. You mention your irritation towards Jungkook due to his annoying antics, and the kitchen encounter. 
‘’Woah.’’ Ash’s mouth has gone dry from keeping it open for a while, and Lucca doesn’t hesitate to drink up the rest of the wine in their glass. 
The situation is indeed complicated and overwhelming and you chug along with Lucca on the wine while Ash starts coughing. 
‘’But listen, just because I’ve thought about it doesn’t mean I would.’’ Excuses, that’s all you can bring to the table and Ash rolls her eyes at your ridiculousness. 
‘’Are you fucking kidding me? You haven’t had sex for almost a year. Babe, sorry but you’re gonna cave.’’ 
Your mouth drops in offense and you turn to get Lucca on your side, but they stay quiet which indicates they agree with every word. 
‘’S-seriously? You’re gonna pick Ash’s side over mine?’’ You point at your ex-roommate who smirks, knowing she’s won. 
‘’Y/N, you need a distraction.’’ Ash speaks first, holding onto both of your hands for comfort because she’s worried, you can see it in her eyes that slightly crinkle when she speaks. 
‘’A distraction?’’ 
‘’Yes, someone who isn’t Jungkook.’’ Lucca winces at the idea, watching Ash explain an idea that’s nothing but awful and stupid. 
‘’Um, maybe this isn’t—’’ Lucca tries to butt in, but Ash is stubborn. 
‘’Nonsense. Isn’t your friend Han-bin still single?’’ 
‘’Well, yes but—’’ 
‘’Perfect. Y/N, you should go on a date with Han-bin. Not only is he a very sweet guy, but he’s an excellent cook.’’ Ash tries her best to sell Han-bin as best as possible for you, and at this point you’re desperate to try anything. Anything to get Jungkook and his beautiful body out of your mind. 
‘’Okay, you can give him my number.’’ Lucca is about to throw a fight with Ash, but you’ve already agreed so there’s no point. 
‘’You’re not going to regret this babe.’’ Ash convinces you but deep down your gut feeling shifts uncomfortably at the idea. 
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Two and a half weeks. That’s how long it takes for you and Han-bin to find some time for the date that he’s planning. The pictures frame him nicely and it’s no lie that the guy is attractive, although your mood is dreading a weird feeling that you can’t exactly pinpoint. 
As you walk towards the exit, Jungkook notices how nicely dressed you are. Normally you don’t bother adding a formality to your outfits, but this… this is too classy, just not you. 
‘’Going somewhere?’’ You turn your head, Jungkook watching you from the couch as So-ah is laying on his legs, holding onto her dad’s pinky. 
‘’Actually, yes I am.’’ You answer confidently, holding tightly onto the strap of your bag. The bag whom your mom gifted you for your eighteenth birthday, when in reality you just wished for Jackson Wang merch. The bag is more expensive than your rent, and you feel weird using it today. Somehow you aren’t that comfortable being yourself yet, also the restaurant Han-bin has picked out is way too expensive for you to just wear your casual attire. 
‘’But, I’m gonna be late for my date so I’ll see you later yeah?’’ Jungkook tries not to react to the word date, but his jaw clenched as he tries to force out a fake smile. 
‘’Good for you.’’ Jungkook expects you to leave right away, but you catch him by surprise, walking towards him and So-ah. 
‘’Bye, pretty.’’ You squish her cheeks softly, as she coos excitedly and Jungkook’s heart skips a beat at the love seeping through the room. His daughter watches you with careful eyes as you remove yourself from the frame, walking towards the front door and Jungkook’s heart doesn’t stop pounding, he thinks he might faint. 
You’ve only been gone for an hour and Jungkook can’t stop thinking about you. His mind constantly brings back the small kitchen encounter and how both your faces were inches apart for a split second before he continued to walk towards his room. 
He needs to make this stop. He’s here at home groaning and frustrated over you, you who’s currently on a date and having a wonderful time. 
‘’So, then my roommate proceeded to drink the same water!’’ Han-bin explains jokingly and you’ve lost track of the many gross experiences he’s had with his four roommates. You’ve lost your appetite halfway through, the gross details clouding your mind, but thankfully it’s that and not Jungkook. 
Before you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom, Han-bin compliments your hair and you smile at the sincerity of his comment. It makes you realize that Jungkook has never once pointed out something great about you. Wait, why are you even thinking about Jungkook? 
There’s only one solution for Jungkook to get you out of his mind. He’s collected the dots and it’s because he hasn’t sex for a year that he’s acting this way. You just managed to set him off. It’s nothing more personal than that. 
So, easily he’ll just need to get out there, maybe Jimin would be down to go clubbing tonight, and hopefully Jungkook gets to take someone home. Which explains why he’s now talking to his sister, arranging for her to have So-ah for the weekend. She gladly accepts, her husband shouting nonsense in the background which causes Jungkook to laugh before his sister has to hang up, because her husband is messing up everything in the kitchen. 
The date for you might’ve started out a bit weird, but slowly you realize Han-bin is a really nice guy and you enjoy talking to him. The conversation has a good balance, both of you speaking equally about interests, experiences… 
‘’Want me to walk you home?’’ Han-bin suggests. 
You have a lot on your mind, even though you managed to have a nice evening it doesn’t stop the nonsense that you’ve created for yourself regarding your roommate who you have the hots for. 
‘’I’m okay, thank you for tonight Han-bin.’’ 
It’s a little over midnight when you arrive home. The apartment is dark which is code for bedtime for the whole house. So, you play quietly, tiptoeing to your room and trying your best to not make a sound. 
You hear a sudden whine echoing in the apartment, and before you can ask any questions, Jungkook’s name is being moaned loudly and your body freezes in place. You’re stuck. Although, the moans don’t slow down, only increasing — the thin walls doing no favor for you. 
Emotions are all over the place. You don’t know if you’re angry, irritated, sad, happy, uncomfortable… you’re just stuck with no words. 
As you finally lay down, you squish your third pillow over your head, blocking out the skin slapping sounds and somehow — weirdly — the situation motivates you to get Jeon Jungkook out of your head. 
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Step one to get Jeon Jungkook out of your head, find a clubbing partner. 
‘’Taehyung, shut up you haven’t done anything else than complain about the lack of sex you’ve been experiencing lately.’’ You reason, as you look through your closet for eye-catching clothes that surely will get you laid. 
‘’Fuck you, you always know what to say to get me to agree.’’ With a groan Taehyung finally says the magic word, telling you he’ll see you later. This was easier than you had expected. 
Step two to get Jeon Jungkook out of your head, find a club loaded with hot people. 
Thankfully, Taehyung knows his way around town and the club he’s picked out is perfect. As soon as you both step in, the neon lights catch you off guard along with the hard base and the moving dance floor. 
Going out with Taehyung is fun, until he’s shoving his tongue down a guy’s throat. Apparently they met by the bar, and Taehyung being the flirt, persuaded the stranger easily. 
Sipping on your straw, you keep your eyes on a lookout for a potential hookup. Most are occupied, either sexting someone or having someone close by. The bartender in front of you notices the wearing frown that covers your beautiful face. 
‘’You okay?’’ The unrecognizable voice catches you off guard and when you set eye on the bartender, your mouth tries not to drop. 
The bartender is wearing a tight black t-shirt, showcasing his pecs and built shoulders. His hair is long, pulled behind a snapback. He looks at you with a worried expression, holding onto the counter. 
‘’I’m okay.’’ You force a smile. 
‘’Come on, I can tell something is bothering you. I’m all ears.’’ 
The offer is kind and just as you’re about to say no, the bartender continues. 
‘’Listen, I couldn’t help but notice your friend making out with that guy for the past thirty minutes.’’ You turn around, Taehyung is still going at it and you roll your eyes over your colleague being better than you at getting some. 
‘’Yeah, he’s got more luck than myself.’’ You sigh, folding your arms over the counter and the bartender cracks a laugh. 
‘’Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll get lucky.’’ He winks and your body grows hot. 
‘’I’m giving it an hour, or else I’m leaving.’’ You crack, and the bartender raises his eyebrows. 
You watch as the bartender walks to the far side of the bar and comes out front to stand right in front of you. He towers over you and you have to lift your head to look into his eyes, watching as they darken. One of his hands snakes around to the small of your back as he pulls you towards him. Your chest is flushed against his own and now you can really feel the hardness of his pecs and your mouth waters. He places his other hand around to the side of your neck, lowering himself closer to your face. His lips ghost your ear, the skin making the slightest contact as he speaks.
"You don't need an hour."
A shiver rakes through your body at the proposition.
"I don't even know your name," you say with a hint of a giggle laced in your tone.
"The name's Namjoon.’’ You nod, tracing your finger on his broad shoulder while his eyes continue to explore every inch of you. 
His grip tightens on you, and before you get a chance to speak Namjoon beats you to it. 
‘’Wanna get out of here?’’ 
It takes nothing more than for you to drag Namjoon home with you, leaving Taehyung and his hookup behind. 
Namjoon is bold that you’re completely blown away by his confidence. He’s managed to make you wet before even reaching your apartment. His words only build up the intensity of the situation and when you finally reach the front door, you look back, Namjoon biting on his lip as he patiently waits. 
When the code is pushed in, you grab Namjoon by the collar of his bomber jacket, until you reach your room. 
Namjoon doesn’t waste another minute, grabbing you once again by the waist to connect your lips in a needy and passionate kiss. It’s full of tongue, along with lip bites. You whine against them when the tip of his tongue coats your bottom lip as he mischievously smirks. 
Your hands tug on his neck, pulling him as close as you can, all while his hands slip under your shirt and roam on your naked back. His hands are slightly cold, sending a shiver. With enough pulling on each other’s clothes in desperation, Namjoon is the first to pull away trying to catch his breath. 
‘’Take off your shirt.’’ You don’t hesitate to obey, tugging on your top in a hurry before it lands on your bedroom floor. 
Jungkook had just finished a last minute task at work, realizing he had enough time for a game of Overwatch. He’s focused on aiming, the mouse moving at a speed, along with the clicks on his keyboard. Just as he’s about to reach a win, he hears the front door lock. 
He removes his headset, in doubt if he should walk out and greet you, ask you about your night with Taehyung or stay and play stubborn. The decision gets made for him, when he hears an unfamiliar voice coming from your room. 
Namjoon hovers over you, his hands wandering over your upper body, not missing one inch. His warm breath almost swallows you whole as you slowly spread your legs further beneath him. 
He catches the signal quickly, moving more downwards, letting his mouth trail wildly on your naked skin. He nips at it softly, before replacing it with a wet kiss. 
As he’s reached further down, Namjoon locks eyes with you, supporting both hands on your waist. 
‘’Can I eat you out?’’ 
When Jungkook hears the first moan from your room, he feels instant irritation. In reality, it’s not anything he can actually get mad about, when not even twenty four hours ago, he was knees deep in a stranger. But something ticks in Jungkook when he hears how someone else is making you moan like that. 
‘’Ah— Fuck!’’ Your grip tightens on Namjoon’s long dark hair, his tongue rolling over your clit in circles. 
Namjoon is making sure you feel every inch of pleasure, taking his time with his mouth and fingers. You’ve forgotten how great it feels, and Namjoon was definitely the right guy to bring home.
His mouth pushes further against your core, lapping his tongue wherever it can reach and your legs begin to shake under his touch. It’s been a while for you, so your body doesn’t hold you back any further from the reaching orgasm, coming from beneath you. 
Jungkook has blocked out the sounds from your room with his headphones. The sounds from Overwatch are helping him hear only the gunshots and effects the game carries, yet the sounds don’t stop him from feeling a tinge of jealousy. He doesn’t want to admit it, too stubborn to do so. But the thought of someone making you come this second, settles itself as an uncomfortable pit in his stomach and he grabs his mouse more aggressively, frustration coursing through his veins. 
What are you doing to him?  
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Time passes quickly, both you and Jungkook distancing each other from one another. You barely throw a glance at one another. For example, yesterday when Jungkook passed by the living room, you were sitting in silence as New Girl rolled in the background. He knows you could hear him passing, but you didn’t even bother to acknowledge him. Jungkook wishes deep down that the action didn’t hurt him, but somehow it did and now he can’t be around you for his own well being. 
Which results in one month of barely any contact. 
Although, it changes the day Jungkook has to go to a meeting. His boss was okay with him bringing So-ah, as Ji-eun didn’t have time to pick her up for a few hours — and he surely didn’t want to ask you. 
So-ah behaves, zero disturbance caused to the meeting and Jungkook lets her hold his pinky while his boss throws in the plan for the upcoming year. 
When the meeting ends, Jungkook gets a lot of praise from his boss which flusters him as he leaves the building. 
‘’Ready to go home So-ah?’’ She responds with her mouth doing all kinds of noises. She’s slowly growing more, and Jungkook is touched of how beautiful his daughter is becoming with each passing day. 
Going home doesn’t go as planned. You see, Jungkook had always worked from home, due to his job consisting of mostly online work. So he barely leaves the apartment except for grocery shopping or to meet Jimin. Which is the reason behind his big mistake; forgetting his keys. 
It was a new system. The code for opening doors had been dropped after scam episodes had increased. Last month the whole residency got new locks along with a pair of keys. 
Jungkook hates himself, because now there’s only one solution and he really doesn’t want to go there. 
When he pulls up by the kindergarten, Jungkook mentally prays the interaction won’t be awkward. Not that it hasn’t been awkward the last month, but this is different. He’s about to enter your workplace for a goddamn key, because his ass rushed out the apartment instead of being smart and double checking that he had everything before leaving in a hurry. 
You’re gonna hate him for this. He can already imagine the slight frown you’ll have, trying your best not to scold him harshly. 
It’s empty when Jungkook walks in, So-ah sitting comfortably in the infant car seat, which Jungkook holds onto tightly. 
‘’Hello?’’ He calls out, the hallway completely deserted. That’s until a man peaks his head out, raising both brows. 
‘’Hi, can I help you?’’ He walks towards him, drying his hands in what seems to be a cloth. 
‘’Hi, yes. I’m looking for Y/N.’’ 
The man in front of him drops his mouth before it turns to a boxy grin. 
‘’Oh my god. Are you Jungkook?’’ The face Jungkook makes, proves the man’s assumption. 
‘’Taehyung? Could you help me with— Jungkook?’’ He turns to see you, your brows in a frown as he suspected. 
‘’Oh, you’re Taehyung?’’ Jungkook completely ignores your confused state, too excited to meet the Kim Taehyung that his roommate is very fond of. 
‘’An honor.’’ Taehyung bows comically, and Jungkook cracks a laugh from the action. Just as Taehyung is about to crouch down to greet So-ah, you step further, meeting Jungkook eye to eye. 
‘’Jungkook? What are you doing here?’’ You ask. 
Taehyung ignores your question, greeting So-ah gently as Jungkook explains to you the situation. He tries to make himself sound less stupid than he was in the situation, but you don’t seem to buy it. 
You sigh, crossing your arms. ‘’How do you even forget a key?’’ Great, you’re starting a fight. 
‘’It just happened, now can I borrow yours so I can get home?’’ Jungkook’s tone is a bit snappy, and you notice, quickly fuming on the inside. 
Taehyung notices the tension, sending a glance to So-ah that screams ‘am I seeing this too?’ So-ah starts laughing and Taehyung knows internally that she agrees with him. He loves her already. 
‘’Fine, just— Don’t let this happen again.’’ You say sternly, before walking away to grab your keys. 
‘’Trust me, it won’t.’’ Jungkook rolls his eyes when your back turns. 
You aggressively shove the keys in Jungkook’s hand, Taehyung still having a conversation with So-ah throwing funny glances, but neither you nor Jungkook notice, too busy staring each other down. 
‘’Great!’’ Jungkook responds more aggressively, saying a calm goodbye to Taehyung who excitedly waves to So-ah. And then he’s out of there faster than lighting. 
‘’Jesus, what crawled up your asses?’’ Taehyung asks, scoffing in disbelief. 
‘’Nothing. Now come help me with the outdoor tables.’’ 
He doesn’t ask any further, seeing you really don’t want to talk about it this moment. 
Jungkook has already started to cook when you ring the doorbell. He opens, greeting you with the expression he left you with at work. 
You return the same energy, not speaking to him as you remove your coat. 
You’re about to walk into your bedroom, to avoid Jungkook when So-ah catches your attention in the living room, rolling around on her own and chewing on a toy. She’s too cute to ignore, so you decide to join her, sitting beside her as you squish her cheeks in a playful manner. 
‘’Look at you, you’ve grown so much.’’ You can’t believe you’ve been a witness to So-ah’s growth. She’s already able to grab onto things, rolling around and rocking back and forth which is a sign she’ll be able to crawl soon. 
As you continue to play with her, letting her explore and sing as she babbles all kinds of nonsense, Jungkook turns to watch the scene. 
You’ve always been careful with So-ah, grasping her as your own and caring a lot for her. He’s noticed how So-ah barely cries anymore, being more calm in your presence. He can get used to this, watching you play with his daughter as he cooks for all three of you. He’s at peace, comfortable with everything in front of him and—
The realization hits Jungkook. 
He doesn’t hate you. 
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You don’t know exactly the moment you realized you didn’t hate Jungkook. It just happened. One day you were in the kitchen and he walked past you, minding his own business and you didn’t have any urge to throw a remark. No, you felt at ease, letting your eyes admire him rather than watch him out of spite. 
Panic seeped through you when you looked at the overall situation. You don’t hate Jungkook, you’ve thought about fuc— Shit. What does this mean? Do you… do you like him? 
That’s crazy, there’s no way you’re possibly liking Jungkook or even starting too. Which is why you agree to go on yet another date with Han-bin. Last time hadn’t turned out that bad. The company was nice, you felt comfortable and yet something just didn’t feel right. Maybe it was the gross experiences Han-bin wasn’t so afraid to share with you, or maybe… because he isn’t a certain someone. 
You’re going on that date. 
The moment you leave the apartment, Jungkook is taking his afternoon nap with So-ah so you don’t bother notifying him where you’re going. There’s a certain ache in your heart the closer you are to the location picked out by Han-bin. 
Once again, it’s too fancy for your liking but Han-bin makes the environment comfortable with the company of his wild stories. They’re less gross this time and you find yourself laughing at a few of them. 
Time flies rather quickly with Han-bin’s company. If this weren’t a date, you’d be more at ease because Han-bin is a kind person. But dating him might be a stretch for yourself, seeing your mind keeps tracing back to your roommate who probably still hates your guts. 
‘’Hey, can I be honest with you?’’ Han-bin throws you off guard with his question, but you nod regardless. 
‘’I’ve had a great time hanging out with you but,’’ Han-bin looks at you with a genuine and soft smile, ‘’I don’t really think there’s that spark you know?’’ 
‘’Spark?’’ Sure, you’ve dated a few people in the past but no one threw the word spark in the conversation. You think it’s cliché, like every romantic comedy who makes the spark obvious from the beginning. The spark that messes with the main character and their love interest, them tumbling against it until they get in a fight or have to share the same bed, which results in them sharing a passionate kiss and one of them magically proclaims the love they’ve always had for that person. 
That surely doesn’t exist in real life. 
‘’You know, the spark where you know that this person is much more to you. Someone who isn’t just a friend.’’ Han-bin says, his tone laced with hopefulness. It’s then you realize that Han-bin is a romantic, a person who believes in having a special someone for the rest of their life. 
‘’Yeah. I’m sure you’ll find that Han-bin. You’re a great guy.’’ 
‘’Wait, you’re not angry?’’ It’s cute how scared he is to offend you. 
‘’No, no of course not. I see where you’re coming from.’’ Han-bin’s shoulders loosen at your words, feeling more at ease since he’s decided to throw it in the conversation. 
Before you depart your ways, you both come to an agreement of keeping in touch as friends.
Arriving late at the apartment, you move quietly by the entrance. As you’re reaching your bedroom, Jungkook catches you off guard. 
‘’Sorry, did I wake you?’’ 
Jungkook shakes his head, ‘’you’re all good.’’ He doesn’t deny it and you feel a tinge of guilt, seeing the time is past midnight once again. 
You’re about to enter your bedroom door with a simple goodnight, when Jungkook catches you off guard with a question. 
‘’Hey, where were you?’’ Jungkook is leaning against the wall, his arms crossed which only showcase more of his prominent chest and his sleeve sneaking out of his loose t-shirt. 
‘’On a date.’’ You respond coldly, letting go of the handle. 
Jungkook hums, mumbling something along the lines of, ‘’I figured.’’ It throws you off, in a not so cute way. 
‘’What’s that supposed to mean?’’ It’s almost as if he spoke in a tone for you to hear on purpose, and you’re falling into his trap. 
He shrugs lightly. ‘’Nothing.’’ He’s about to turn around, wearing a smug smile when you continue, setting yourself up for whatever he’s trying to do. 
‘’Clearly it was something.’’ 
‘’Not really.’’ His unbothered attitude sets you off like a grenade, and you’ve finally lost your cool with Jeon Jungkook. 
‘’You know what? You drive me fucking nuts!’’ You aren’t bothered to care how much you’ve raised your voice. 
‘’You’re always pissing me off! For no fucking reason!?’’ Your face feels hot, the anger spilling out of you. 
Jungkook scoffs, unfolding his arms and moving closer to you. 
‘’I pissed you off because you started this! With your fucking morning smoothie.’’ He isn’t helping with the noise, raising his voice as much as you. 
‘’That was one time. Do you need me to quote every time you’ve managed to throw me off?!’’ Your veins are straining against your neck, giving everything you have into your shouting. 
‘’Go ahead!’’ 
‘’You took the rest of the milk. You spoiled the movie I was currently watching. You threw remarks whenever I did the slightest thing, and now? Now you’re commenting on my date!’’ 
Jungkook rolls his eyes at your comment, not bothering to answer you. Yet you continue, because you’re fueling on the inside. 
‘’You have no rights, when you were fucking someone else!’’ You’ve given the signal that you were somehow affected by it, and Jungkook quickly catches it. 
‘’You sound jealous.’’ 
‘’I’m not.’’ You cross your arms, determined to not let him think otherwise. 
‘’Just admit it!’’ 
Your faces are mere inches apart, both panting at a rapid pace. The whole room is heated and you feel yourself sweat underneath your shirt from all the shouting. 
‘’Fuck you.’’ It’s barely a whisper. 
Neither of you move. Eyes are wandering on each other’s faces and that’s when you notice Jungkook’s gaze dropping down to your lips. 
You’re seeing red, although your body feels heated as you move closer, Jungkook’s breath melting into yours. 
Jungkook studies your gaze, before he moves closer, his lips about to brush against yours. 
Just as you’re about to lean in yourself, So-ah starts crying next door, snapping the both of you out of your trance. 
‘’I– I better…’’ Jungkook starts. 
‘’Y-yeah, go ahead.’’ You stutter, moving further away and when Jungkook leaves the hallway, you breathe out. 
What the actual fuck. 
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The following days you avoid Jungkook like the plague. You’ve never been more confused and irritated before. And yet, you can’t stop thinking about it. How close his face was, how his lips were about to seek yours until So-ah started to cry. 
Decisions need to be made. You can’t continue on like this. You need to talk to Jungkook, without screaming at him and wanting to rip his face off. 
As you’re laying under the covers, your thoughts are spiraling around you. You’re contemplating if you should ask him to talk now, because your mind won’t let you rest if you don’t. 
Fuck it. 
You get up in a hurry, walking in a straight line directly to Jungkook’s room. After a few minutes of just staring Jungkook’s door down, your body gives in, knocking on his door calmly. 
When he opens the door, he’s surprised to see you. 
‘’Hi, can we talk? No fighting, just talk.’’ Jungkook nods, grabbing a hoodie by his desk. 
Jungkook doesn’t want to wake up So-ah, so you sit outside, with a cup of tea. It was your idea. Somehow tea always managed to calm down your nerves, and if you wanted to withhold your promise to not fight, you needed to drink some tea along the way. 
‘’What did you want to talk about?’’ He sounds nervous, and your mind re-directs you back to when the both of you were about to kiss in the heat of the moment. 
Instead of bringing that onto the table, you want to ask Jungkook some things that have never left your mind since you moved in. 
‘’It’s more a question.’’ You make it clear and Jungkook turns his head, nodding for you to continue. 
‘’What happened? Why is it only you and So-ah?’’ 
Jungkook lets your question sink in. He’s uncertain if he wants to talk about it, or rather with you. It has somehow been easier for him to distance himself, push you away as much as he could, but that isn’t enough. 
You’re still here, sitting next to him as you admire the stars while awaiting his answer. 
The silence overflows, the wind curving itself as a comfort blanket around you both as you admire the small lights peaking out in the city. 
Jungkook has always been scared of your curious gaze, yet now, it makes sense for him to tell you everything, let his shield down and give you everything that’s needed for you to understand him completely. 
It’s what is needed for you to stop fighting and stepping on each other for no reason. 
‘’Her name was Seul-ki.’’ You turn, surprised he’s answering your question and you stay quiet, letting Jungkook speak. 
‘’She was always selfish. I should’ve known better.’’ Jungkook trails his finger against the mug, images of Seul-ki flooding his mind. 
He looks up, meeting your eyes and you smile softly at him. The smile brings an unwanted comfort, but it helps Jungkook to go through with answering your question fully, 
‘’So-ah was around one month when Seul-ki got a huge opportunity for her career. She didn’t hesitate to take the chance. But with So-ah, it made it difficult for her to go through with it, so she wanted to give So-ah up for adoption and I just—’’ Jungkook takes a deep breath, slightly beginning to tremble. 
‘’I couldn’t. I couldn’t let her do it.’’ Jungkook’s hand trembles against the mug, keeping his emotions locked in, even though they’re close to breaking out. 
‘’So, she left us.’’ 
‘’That must’ve been really hard for you.’’ You’re trying your best not to hold him for comfort, knowing he isn’t exactly fond of you. But something aches in you when you see the tremble he’s currently carrying and how his voice has turned broken. 
‘’Yeah.’’ He’s in doubt of what to say. But something in him continues, letting his inner thoughts win him over. Every frustration, pain and heartbreaking moments he’s felt since Seul-ki left. 
‘’Sometimes I wonder if I have made the right choice. In the beginning So-ah would cry constantly, she’d be distressed and I couldn’t help because I’m not her mother. Sometimes you just need both of your parents and she— she hasn’t…’’ 
‘’Jungkook.’’ Your warm hand lands on his, catching him off guard. 
‘’You’re an amazing dad. So-ah doesn’t need anyone else. You’re all she needs.’’ Your voice is soothing, melting him softly. He believes every word, trusting you much more than he had anticipated and with the hopeful eyes you’re giving him, he knows he’ll be okay. So-ah and him will be okay, without Seul-ki. 
‘’Thank you.’’ Jungkook smiles, the first genuine smile he’s given you since you moved in. 
You stay in place, letting the silence sink in between you as the cold wind flows. 
The starry night is beautiful, alive even. Sparkling and twinkling above you, reminding you of the beauty behind this earth. As you admire the details, Jungkook looks at you, his heart healing the longer he does and he never wants to let go of this moment. 
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Everything becomes easier. You and Jungkook don’t fight anymore, instead you talk and grow closer as time passes. 
You’re still looking for a new apartment, even though the tension has eased down. A plan is a plan. 
Whenever you bring up the apartment search into a conversation between Jungkook and you, his demeanor changes quickly and he immediately shuts himself off. Here you were, thinking he’d be happy that you’re withholding your deal, not irritated. 
Instead of letting it get to you, you continue to hang out with Ash and Lucca. 
“So, Han-bin was a bad idea.” Ash repeats as you’ve told her how the two dates went. 
‘’I already called it the moment you recommended that idea. Like it was the best plan you’ve ever had.’’ Lucca intervenes, crossing their arms. Ash rolls her eyes at her partner, too embarrassed that they might’ve been right. 
‘’But, Ash was right. Han-bin is a sweet guy.’’ You say to hopefully cheer up your friend who’s about to mop in a corner. ‘’We even decided to stay friends.’’ With that, Ash excitedly cheers, and it’s probably because she’s a firm believer in friends to lovers and that it’s the most realistic trope there is out there, meaning she thinks in two three months you’ll finally have a spark with Hanbin. 
‘’How’s the apartment search going?’’ Lucca directs the conversation somewhere else, mostly to cool down Ash who’s probably planning a pinterest wedding board for you and Hanbin in the future. 
‘’It’s going, I think I found a place.’’ 
The supermarket isn’t as crowded as Jungkook anticipated when he came to the conclusion at the last minute that groceries were needed.  
So-ah is clutched tightly onto him, due to the baby sling that Jungkook had mastered the older So-ah got. With her head squished under his chin, Jungkook walks freely, collecting the products at a slow pace. 
‘’Jungkook?’’ His eyes avert to the sound, catching Taehyung waving at him. 
As Taehyung moves closer, Jungkook places down the item to greet him properly. 
‘’Hi So-ah.’’ Jungkook turns so Taehyung can get a better look at her, her eyes turning wide when she sees Taehyung. 
‘’She likes you.’’ Jungkook notices and Taehyung squishes her cheek carefully. 
‘’The feeling is mutual.’’ He cracks a smile. ‘’How’ve you been? Last time I saw you, you and Y/N were about to bite each other’s faces off.’’  The tone indicates he’s joking, although still curious as to how the relationship stands between the two. 
‘’It’s… It’s better.’’ It actually is, and Jungkook’s lips curl into a smile with the memory of your conversation. 
‘’That’s great to hear. She’s been super stressed with finding an apartment.’’ The information throws Jungkook off guard. Are you that desperate to leave? Right after he opened up to you? 
Taehyung quickly catches how Jungkook’s eyes turn downward, his jaw clenching. He’s uncertain if he should point it out, or leave it as it is. 
Thankfully, he gets saved by a call. 
‘’Hey, sorry my brother’s calling me. I’ll see you around?’’ Jungkook nods, and Taehyung softly says goodbye to So-ah before leaving with his phone by the ear. 
The uncomfortable pit never leaves Jungkook’s stomach after his run-in with Taehyung. He knows that there isn’t much time left, and you had made him the promise to leave the moment it hits six months but now? Now Jungkook isn’t so sure if he even wants you to leave. 
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The last few weeks are spent on apartment hunting. You’re barely home, too busy being to open houses after work and on the weekends. It’s an easy distraction from your repressed feelings towards Jungkook and it’s exactly what you need. Sooner or later you’ll leave your roommates and start over on your own. 
Jungkook has an urge to tell you how he feels, how angry he is that you’re leaving but you keep missing each other. Whenever he passes by your room, he’s close to doing it but then you’re in a hurry to reach the next open house. 
If he hadn’t felt anything for you, he’d be extremely grateful that you’re doing all of this. You actually kept your promise and made yourself trustworthy. 
But, time is ticking and Jungkook is running out of time. He needs to do something, fast.  
The weekend rolls around, and Jimin comes to pick up So-ah for the night. 
‘’I owe you big time. Thank you.’’ He hands Jimin an overnight bag, with everything he needs to take care of So-ah. 
‘’Don’t mess this up Jungkook.’’ He gives a warning and Jungkook’s palms start to sweat. 
‘’I won’t.’’ Jimin leaves quickly after, leaving Jungkook alone with his thoughts. 
Work runs smoothly for you, Taehyung and you, having fun with the children throughout the day but as soon as the golden sunset comes to view, you’re excited to come home. 
Home. Soon that home will turn into a different place and it makes your heart drop by the thought. You’ll miss Jungkook, with his crazy and annoying remarks. You’ll miss So-ah, her galaxy eyes and her curiosity. 
But nothing lasts forever. 
The apartment feels empty when you walk in. You don’t hear So-ah or Jungkook’s Overwatch that he always forgets to turn off. 
When you move to the living room, Jungkook is sitting on the couch, his leg bouncing at a quick pace. 
‘’Jungkook?’’ His head snaps up. 
‘’Y/N, hi.’’ He gets up, moving closer to you. 
‘’Are you okay?’’ He hasn’t stopped rubbing his palm on his neck, a nervous habit you’ve quickly caught onto while living with Jungkook. 
‘’I’m fine. I need to say something.’’ His voice is stern and you quickly step back, nodding. 
‘’I don’t want you to leave.’’ Your heart stops at his words. 
‘’What? Why?’’ 
Jungkook steps closer, his breathing uneven as he studies your face. ‘’B-because…’’ The nervous stuttering doesn’t stop and Jungkook closes his eyes for a moment. 
‘’Because I–’’ 
Jungkook doesn’t continue his sentence, pulling you closer by the waist before he lets his lips glide above yours. His lips feel soft, and your breath hitches subtly right as he presses them down to yours. 
The kiss is short, Jungkook pulling away just before you have a chance to act upon it yourself. 
‘’That’s why.’’ Jungkook doesn’t let his arm fall from your waist, still holding onto you tight. 
You don’t respond, instead your hand moves upwards, resting it by his cheek. Jungkook gulps by your action, leaning into your hand for more comfort and you smile softly at him. 
‘’I won’t leave.’’ You confirm and Jungkook’s body loosens, melting against yours as he reconnects your lips in yet another kiss. 
You clutch yourself to him, as your lips move in sync, giving each other every comfort needed. 
Neither of you move away, letting the kiss grow heated. When Jungkook slips his tongue past your lips, you’re almost drowning in his touch. He’s careful, teasing you along the way while giving you a taste of himself. You’re just about to pull him further in when he stops, leaning his forehead against yours. 
‘’Do you want to—’’ 
‘’Stop? No.’’ You hover your lips above his, before you whisper. ‘’Please, don’t stop.’’ 
You’ve waited too long for this, and now that you finally have Jungkook you don’t ever want this moment to stop. 
Jungkook’s demeanor changes completely, his softness somehow disappearing and an ache begins to grow between your legs on what’s to come. 
He turns you both around, pushing you down on the sofa. Jungkook continues to kiss you, his hand wandering on your breasts, before it drags further down, grabbing your thigh softly. 
You offer to touch him everywhere, starting by his back. Your hands slip through his t-shirt to roam on the naked skin. It feels delicate against your palm the further you drag it upwards to his nape. 
Jungkook’s breathing changes due to your touch, his lips moving further down, reaching your neck. His tongue traces patterns, letting you feel the wet sensation while your hold on Jungkook tightens. 
It doesn’t exactly click for you that Jungkook is hovering above you, giving you his time with his tongue on your neck. And it only excites you more that it’s finally happening. 
‘’Jungkook.’’ You murmur under your breath, bucking your hips forward in hopes of grazing yourself against his bulge. 
He groans against your neck at your neediness, giving you a small bite which makes you gasp. 
‘’You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting this.’’ He says softly, his words trail gently on your skin, and you smile from the confirmation he just gave you. 
When he reaches your waistband, you grab ahold of his cheek. 
‘’What are you doing?’’ It’s not that you don’t want to, of course you do. You haven’t thought about anything else for the past three months of living with Jungkook but you’re nervous. 
‘’Let me make you feel good. Can I?’’ You gulp, nodding nervously, letting him have his way with you. 
Jungkook doesn’t even struggle when he takes off your pants, removing them perfectly and it almost makes you crack up at how ideal it was. 
Your grin is exchanged with a frown of pleasure when Jungkook traces his fingers on the fabric of your thong. He’s making you work for it and frankly, you don’t mind. 
The pad of his fingers press down on your clit, making your breath hitch by the sensation. You feel everything yet nothing and it makes your body buck into his hand. Jungkook smirks by the sudden action, continuing to tease you with his fingers until you’ll plead. 
The touching continues, a few presses once in a while making you hiss. He hasn’t dared to move beneath the fabric and your patience is running on a thin thread. 
Without thinking further, you grab ahold of his wrist. You’re done with his teasing. It’s unfair that he’s here, taking his time with you when you’ve both been longing for this exact moment. 
‘’Jeon Jungkook.’’ He grins at the use of his full name and you want to throw a fit. 
‘’I’ll stop, I promise.’’ He pecks your lips, and considering you trust him, you let go of his wrist. 
Some things truly never change. 
He keeps his word, removing the fabric instead of teasing you further. The cool air hits your core, making you shudder before Jungkook can continue. His palm keeps itself rested on your thigh, while his tattooed hand comes in contact with your slit. 
The first few strokes are slow, collecting some of your arousal and spreading it all over. Jungkook’s mouth is agape, eyes heavy as he watches your exposed heat and his fingers decorating it with slow movements. 
‘’Fuck, baby.’’ Jungkook breathes out, stunned to have you like this. 
The nickname causes your cheeks to heat up, flustered by such. 
No warnings, and Jungkook inserts both fingers slowly, stretching you with ease. The feeling causes you to moan, as you’re too entranced by the pleasure. 
There’s something about the way Jungkook works with his fingers that almost sends you into orbit. The way he gently curls them, making them pet on your g-spot whenever he manages to get his fingers all the way inside. The way his thumb traces circles on your clit, increasing the feelings evoking. 
When you begin to feel overwhelmed, you grab onto Jungkook’s forearm, pressing down. Jungkook is even more determined to make you come, maintaining the same pace. 
You feel the familiar pit in your stomach, forming as time passes. Although, Jungkook has a lot more on his sleeve than just touching you. 
Being too focused on the thrill of the situation, you don’t notice Jungkook crouching down. It’s first when he replaces his thumb with his tongue that you’re aware of the what he’s doing. Your legs are shaking beside him, feeling yourself get much closer and Jungkook wants nothing more than to taste you. 
To his luck, your body shudders followed by a high pitched moan as you finish. Jungkook pecks your clit, before moving upwards to face you. Your breathing is uneven, your whole body warm and you’re smiling softly at him.  
When Jungkook pecks your lips, you take him by surprise, grabbing onto his cock through the material. He groans against your lips, astonished by your bold move. You don’t stop, pumping him while your tongues consume one another. 
Jungkook is already hard. He’s been ever since you laid beneath him, spreading your legs out for him. Even though Jungkook is enjoying your touch, he’s impatient. 
‘’Stay here.’’ Before you can even question anything, Jungkook runs out directly to his room. He quickly returns, with a condom in hand. When he’s about to lay down, you push both of his shoulders, making him land in an upright position. 
You straddle him, wrapping both arms around his neck. ‘’Come on big boy, show me what you got.’’ Maybe you’re saying this because you know Jungkook will absolutely fall into your trap and amaze you. 
‘’I’ll show you.’’ His gaze is intense, yet he’s already fiddling with his pants, desperate to get them off. You aren’t exactly helping, grinding down on the material of his pants, which gets him distracted. 
‘’Y/N, please.’’ You’re suppressing a smile, commanding either way and lifting your hips to help him get his pants off quicker. You aren’t exactly better yourself, wanting nothing more than for Jungkook to fuck you. 
Jungkook is quick on his feet, rolling the condom with ease before gently pressing into you. Your knees sink further down, inviting more of him in and the unfamiliar stretch feels pleasant. When your knees have sunk fully down, you take a moment to adapt. 
‘’Shit.’’ Jungkook moans, mind spinning at how nicely you wrap around him. 
You start bucking your hips, a hiss leaving your mouth as you ride him tenderly. 
‘’Fucking hell,’’ Jungkook curses, his eyes now roaming your body and how smoothly you move above him. He takes the chance of grabbing your ass tightly, making you jerk your hips out of the sudden control Jungkook is regaining. 
His eyes avert downwards, watching how your bodies dissolve and how he disappears inside of you. 
The movement of your hips slow down, your body still processing your orgasm from earlier which had somewhat made you exhausted. 
Jungkook helps you, grabbing onto your hips, leaving you to sit still while he bucks his hips at a much faster pace. Your moans are clogged, too stunned to process the feeling of his cock hitting your g-spot repeatedly. 
‘’Fuck—’’ You breathe out, clutching yourself onto Jungkook who isn’t slowing down. He’s surely showing you everything he’s got and you’re already close. 
With no warning, you tense above him, your orgasm washing over you, filling your body with warmth. Jungkook follows soon after, giving one last thrust as he moans against your neck. 
The both of you stay put, trying to regulate your breathing. 
‘’Was that good enough for you?’’ Jungkook asks between pants and you slap him lightly on the shoulder, because he knows it was better than good enough. 
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‘’Oh my god! Jungkook hurry!’’ You scream excitedly, still holding onto So-ah who’s standing on two feet, ready to take her first step. 
‘’Don’t let her walk!’’ Jungkook screams from the bathroom, finishing up his shower after his workout from earlier. You roll your eyes, holding tightly onto So-ah who’s trying to move out of your grasp to walk. 
Jungkook runs out quickly not long after, in only a towel because moments like these are rare and there’s no way he’s about to miss out on his daughter walking for the first time. 
‘’Okay, come here So-ah.’’ Jungkook kneels, spreading his arms open for his daughter and she screams softly, wobbling towards her dad but managing two steps in before Jungkook has to sweep her in. 
You clap excitedly at So-ah having taken her first step and you catch Jungkook’s eyes watering. 
‘’So-ah, you did it.’’ Jungkook kisses her on the cheek. 
Moments like these are only the beginning for the three of you, and you’re thrilled. 
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© jjkeverlast 2023 [do not copy, translate or repost any of my works]
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3K notes · View notes
myhappylittlesideblog · 3 months
Gotch-yer Back
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.5K
Warnings: Violence, Walker death, other TWD character death (Amy), Daryl being a bit of a jerk and then fixing it, let me know if there's anything else! Basically what seems to be regular TWD fanfic warnings. Also I believe this is only Fem!Reader because he calls Reader "girl."
Summary: A retelling of the night walkers attack at the quarry and how you and Daryl help each other deal with the aftermath.
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You tried to remember the last time you’d eaten fish. It had been a while, a few weeks maybe? A few long weeks forcing yourself to eat squirrel or a rabbit if you were lucky. Or if you were unlucky, even snake. You’d eat whatever was caught if you were hungry enough, or simply to stay alive another day.
Fish was a delicacy these days. The girls- Amy and Andrea had caught a load of them in the quarry. It was white fish which had always been your favorite. It was easy to cook and fell apart in yummy flakes. Hell, you didn’t even need a fork.
It was hot in your mouth and the heat of the meal radiated in your belly. The group chewed and chattered while you were lost in your own thoughts. Your mother used to make a great dish when you lived with her. Cod with a breading on top that was made with Ritz crackers. You missed her. You missed her cooking. You wondered where she was now-
Everyone laughed suddenly and the sound made you jump.
“William Faukner,” Dale said, smiling.
Lori reached over Carl and rested a comforting hand on your arm. Understanding glowed in her eyes in the firelight. Loud noises always made you nervous these days.
By the time you saw the pan of fish that had been passed around, the last filet was being pulled out of it by a stabbing fork.
“Shouldn’t we save some?” you asked Lori. “The guys’ll be back soon.”
“We’ll catch some more tomorrow,” Andrea said to you, catching your attention from a few seats down.
“Yeah,” Amy said. “We’re pros.” 
Despite the light conversation, Lori looked grim. You and her seemed to be the only people worried about the men who’d gone off to find Merle and the bag of guns that was left in the street in Atlanta. She had her arm around Carl as he munched and grinned at Dale. You couldn’t imagine how she was feeling about her husband’s return, nevermind his volunteering to lead the charge back into one of the most dangerous places in this new age. He’d just gotten back. It was written all over her face as she gazed into the flames of the fire.
You weren’t a fan of Merle. In fact, you disliked him thoroughly. The pit in your gut surrounding his abandonment had nothing to do with his safety, or his life, but with Daryl’s. You weren’t even sure if you liked the younger Dixon either. He seemed to follow too closely in his brother’s footsteps to be safe or dependable. Or even nice. But you did respect him. After all, he’d helped to keep you safe and almost single handedly kept the group fed with his hunting and tracking skills. 
Still, no. He wasn’t very nice.
You had a feeling, however, that you had his respect in return. It only took a few crude remarks from Merle for you to fire back at him with enough force to keep him off your back for a few days. Daryl apparently hadn’t been too far away that day and had heard your reply to Merle’s degrading comments. 
“Impressive,” he’d said. “For a quiet girl.”
The next time Merle got colorful with his words towards you, Daryl was the one to take the heat for you. Told his brother to quit it. Since then, your relationship with the older Dixon was extremely minimal and even when it was forced, he left you alone.
Though you wouldn’t have missed Merle one bit, you watched Daryl take the news of his desertion when the cop- Rick- told him what had happened on the supply run. While you of course expected fury from Daryl, you hadn’t expected such emotion to fly out of him. He was a wrecking ball of threats and fists with tears running down his dirty cheeks. It was sad.
He must have seen the pity in your face then. When you called to him, tried to calm him down and move him away from Shane, he’d shoved you. “Get lost, girl.”
Needless to say, the men in this group were difficult. But at least the others were in the group. Daryl was on the outskirts of it and without his brother, it would be too easy for him to get thrust out. While you didn’t want that, you knew it was also vital for the survival of the group for him to stay. You had a feeling he wasn’t as impenetrable as the armor he wore.
You were worried about Daryl. You were also worried about Glenn and T-Dog, and Rick- Lori and Carl included. And as you sat there before the fire, you wondered what the hell would happen if Merle returned.
That was when you heard Amy scream. You didn’t recognize the sound at first, it was so sudden and so loud. It was a cry of anguish and fear. One that begged for help.
After that, it was chaos.
You turned over your shoulder, watching Amy and her assailant, even pondering for a split second who had snuck into the camp. What stranger would go after a girl just trying to go to the bathroom. But of course, it wasn’t a who. It was a what.
“Get behind me!” Shane roared. 
You knew there wasn’t time. Reaching into your pocket, you grabbed the unfamiliar hunting knife you had with you and unsheathed it. You stepped over the log you’d been sitting on, away from the fire, but also further away from Shane and the safety of his gun, towards one of the geeks. It wasn’t just ugly and rank and dead, it was terrifying. The look of it, the smell of it made your stomach sink so far, it felt like it’d fell out of your body.
It snarled and gnashed its mouth at you while its thin, wiry fingers reached for you, but all the while, you focused on its hair. It was the same in death as it was in life- long locks of protein that couldn’t hurt you. Harmless. So you aimed your knife there.
In the brain, in the brain, it has to be in the brain, don’t you know anything-
The thing stopped once your knife sunk into its skull. Its arms dropped to its hollow sides and its lifeless eyes looked at you, long enough to send a shudder through you before it dropped to the ground, taking your one and only weapon with it. 
“Get up here! Come to the RV!” you heard.
There were more screams, the thunk of childhood baseball bats slamming into hard skulls, the echoing sound of gunshots. Closer to you, though, and more urgently, there was deep guttural snarling, groaning and gurgling- the sound of the dead coming for you.
Shane had brought the children to the RV, safe, their backs leaning against the cold metal. Lori and Carol were there, Jim was at the treeline with his bat, Andrea on the ground with- with Amy. Amy’s body. You were alone. In the middle of the chaos, too far from any other living humans to take any aid.
“(Y/N)! Get up here! Jim!” Shane’s voice was hoarse.
You dove for your knife, yanking it out of the walker’s head with a squelch. You could only manage three or four steps up the hill before another undead was upon you. It was too close, its long nails a hair’s breadth away from your bare skin and its decaying teeth lunging closer with every stride. Again, you had to gather all your strength, grip your knife tight and focus- be calm enough to aim for the enemy’s brain. You had one chance, or you’d turn into one of them.
Carl would have to see it, Sophia, Lori. Daryl.
You grunted with the effort and the tip of the knife hit home and sunk into the geek’s head. This time you were able to free your knife before the thing fell to the ground. You scanned the land in front of you, looking for more threats. There were so many bodies on the ground. Bodies of people from your group, people that you’d gotten to know. They were lying still now. Leaking onto the dirt.
Then an arm wrapped around your middle and dragged you uphill. You screamed and thrashed, but whatever had you was strong.
“It’s me,” his voice rasped in your ear. 
It immediately calmed you. You held onto Daryl’s arm as if it were a buoy saving you from drowning in gray, storming waves of a murderous ocean. He led you to the others near the van and deposited you there before letting go of you.
He was back. You saw Rick, T-Dog and Glenn, all in various states of emotional disrepair, but Daryl just looked around, calmly taking in the carnage. 
“Daryl,” you said to him, “you okay?”
“Whaddah you think?” he snarled. “Ya see mah brother anywhere? Huh?”
So the moment was short lived. You ignored whatever he said next, running your hand along the outside of the RV, using it as a crutch as you moved to check on Carol and Sophia, then on Lori. You didn’t have it in you to survey much more than that. You trembled from the inside out and watched Rick hug his little boy as tears streamed down his face. 
At least they were back. 
It was somewhat painstakingly decided that you would all save the cleanup for tomorrow morning. The survivors had vans or tents to escape into. To leave the dead outside. Except for Andrea. One look at her- that was all you could handle- and you knew she wasn’t going to leave her sister any time soon.
You fell to your knees, jeans sinking into the soft dirt and stared into the flames of the campfire that was still burning strong. It was only then you found the hunting knife still in your tight grip, crusted over with brown, lumpy goo. At that point in the night, you couldn’t understand exactly what the remains were and for that, you were grateful. The bit of blade still showing reflected in the light coming from the pit, shades of orange and red glowing between your fingers. 
Shane crouched beside you and though his landing was silent and agile, you jumped.
“S’alright,” he said, taking the weapon out of your scrunched hand. “Lemme clean it.”
“I can clean it,” Daryl grumbled from above, snatching the knife from Shane. “S’mine anyway.”
Shane let it happen, concentrating on you. He carefully set a hand on your shoulder. “Ya did good,” he said.
“You too,” you answered, like a little league pitcher on the losing team. 
He stood and put his hands on his hips. “Try ta get some rest,” he said from the air.
You nodded.
Only when Shane was gone, did Daryl move closer to you. He sat on the ground and leaned back against the log the group had been using as dinner seats less than an hour ago. He sat back for a while, leaving you to watch the flames die down as he worked one of his rags into the crevices of the hunting knife. Slowly, you heard the others of the group- those living- say goodnight to each other and slide into their respective dwellings for what was left of the evening.
Distantly, though he sat just beside you, you heard Daryl speak. “S’right bout one thing.”
“Ya did good. I saw ya when we were runnin’ up the hill. Doin’ what I told ya to do.”
You turned to him, but he wasn’t looking at you. Your feet stung under you, asleep after kneeling on them for so long, as you moved to sit on your bottom next to Daryl. He turned the cleaned knife in his hand before passing it you, handle out.
You shook your head. “It’s yours.”
He plopped it on your lap. “S’yours now. I gave it to ya. You’ll need it.”
You didn’t want to need it. He knew that too. All the same, it was a good thing he’d left it with you when he went to Atlanta. If he didn’t, you wouldn’t be sitting next to him right now. Speaking to him. Feeling the heat that didn’t just emit from the fire, but from him by your side as well. 
“Thank you,” you said, sliding the knife back into its sheath and into your pocket, where you hoped it would stay, unneeded for a long time. Or at least for the rest of the night.
You turned to him, but again, he wasn’t looking at you. He rarely did. But you knew he was still there, still with you by the way his head tilted towards you. Like he was watching you out of the corner of his eye. As if you were a deer in the forest, ready to bolt away from him at any moment.
“I’m sorry you didn’t find Merle.”
He shifted uncomfortably. “Yeah right. You hate Merle.”
“Hate is a strong word,” you said.
He chuckled- a grim, gruff sound deep in his chest. 
You watched him, feeling free to do so since he so rarely looked you in the eye. He was biting the inside of his lip over and over and picking at his fingernails. 
You waited.
He peeked at you, inhaling deep. “Didn’ mean ta snap atcha. Earlier.”
When he yelled, you thought. By the RV, after he’d pulled you to safety. 
You nodded. “S’alright. It’s been a tough day all around.”
Humming in agreement, he turned back to the fire. You two were square now. But you also hoped he knew that if he snapped at you like that again, you wouldn’t be so quick to forgive. 
There was a flapping from above that shook the leaves in the trees. It was a soft, peaceful sound of nature, but after this night, in this new world, it startled you to your core.
“Just a bird,” Daryl said.
You sucked in a breath that made your lungs quake in your chest. “I’m sick of being so scared all the damn time,” you mumbled, tipping your head forward, holding your face in your hands. Things had only been like this for two months? Three? And you were already exhausted, tired of it all. How much longer could you take? Or, how much longer would it take for you to just-
Daryl stood. “Come on,” he said. He waved toward his tent. “Gotta getcha away from this damn bloodbath ‘er you’ll never calm down.”
You violently shook your head. “I can’t- I don’t wanna be alone-”
He was already walking toward the tent he shared with Merle. “Yer stayin’ with me. So I know where ya are.”
Your system went from fight or flight to frozen. He- Daryl- wanted you- where? After every shove and snap and swear towards you, now he wanted you to come with him? To be in his space? Overnight?
You stared at him. He tossed his crossbow into his tent, lifting the flap and heading inside when he turned back and saw you still on the ground in front of the fire.
“Or do ya wanna stay out here alone?”
“Then get off yer ass.”
You scrambled to your feet and scurried to the tent’s flap. You felt like a scolded child, like your dignity had been left in the dirt, but you didn’t care. After the walker attack, you couldn’t be alone and you had been trusting Daryl with your life for weeks now, not that you’d ever tell anyone that. You felt the safest when you were with him. Tonight you needed that. Especially tonight. 
“Ya can take that side,” Daryl mumbled, pointing. 
The tent was small. Big enough to stand up in, but not very wide. There were two sleeping bags strewn out close to each other with a lumpy pillow on each. He tossed an extra blanket onto the side he told you to take. It was the one with the crossbow at its foot. And you recognized his cut off flannel shoved into the duffle beside it.
“I can’t take your bed.”
“Ain’t a bed,” he said, spreading the other sleeping bag open flat and sitting on it.
“Well, I can’t take your bag.”
“Would you rather stick your face in Merle’s pillow all night?”
You grimaced, thinking of the monster of a man and what he’d probably done to that innocent pillow.
“Thought not,” Daryl said. He grumbled it, but you heard the smirk in his voice.
“The definition of ‘pick your poison’,” you said, crouching to sit on the soft sleeping bag. 
“Girl-” Daryl said, swatting at you as he rolled over, putting his back to you.
You swung back, smacking his shoulder. “I was kidding.”
In answer, he gave another blind swat, making you giggle. 
You laid back into the double layer of sleeping bag, enjoying the way it was cool to the touch underneath you. The pillow, though thin, felt nice when you situated it under your head the way you liked it. Everything around you smelled like him- gas, grease, cigarettes- yes, but something else too. It wasn’t a bad smell, just a natural one. Just Daryl.
You were laying on your side, facing him. You watched him sink into the darkness as you spun the dial on the lantern until it turned off. Dark, though it was, you could still see his form clearly. Not sleeping yet. 
“Thank you, Daryl,” you said.
He grunted, flopping to lay on his back and folding one of his arms under his head. “Get some sleep.”
It was then you realized how small the tent really was. When he laid on his back, his leg could almost touch your knee as you curled up on your side. He was an enigma, alright, you thought. Couldn’t bear to look you in the eye, saved your life, snapped at you in front of everyone and now slept beside you like it was nothing.
You sighed, following suit and laying on your back too. “Don’t think I’m gonna be able to catch much of that,” you said.
His pillow rustled as he looked toward you. “What the hell happened there?” He took your hand from where it rested over your forehead and studied the angry red scrapes and purple bruising on your knuckles. “This happen tonight?”
“No,” you said, taking your hand from his grasp and tucking it under you, embarrassed. “Happened earlier.”
“How’d you bust it up like that?”
“I, um… I just hurt it. Against Ed’s face.”
Daryl gave a laughing hiss. “I saw his face. You did that?”
“Some of it. Shane did the rest.”
“Fuck yeah.”
“He had it comin’,” you said, barely finishing the last word and regretting saying anything at all. Ed may have deserved a few punches, hell, he deserved jail time. But what happened to him tonight- eaten alive, alone- you weren’t sure anyone deserved that. It made your stomach roll in your gut and you stung with shame.
“Fucking badass, girl,” Daryl said.
It was quiet in the dark for a long moment. 
“M’not, Daryl. I’m just fucking scared.”
There was more rustling beside you as Daryl shimmied around on his sleeping bag. 
“Turn over. That way,” he said.
You did as he told you, laying on your side with your back to him. His body moved up against yours, his heat blooming on your shoulders, bum, and the backs of your legs. A little too forcefully, he lifted your head to slide his arm underneath and cradle you close.
“Ain’t nothin’ gettin’ in this tent tonight. I gotch’yer back. You can handle your front.”
You nodded, feeling tears gather in your eyes. Your cheeks were hot, as though they were on fire as you cried, finally letting out the emotion of the evening. The death, the kills, the fear, and the relief all ran down your face and into your shirt or onto Daryl’s pillow or his arm supporting your head. As your breath caught, he reached around you with his free arm, hugging you close and rubbing his thumb on the skin of your injured hand. You grasped him hard. You needed to.
Before this night, you weren’t sure what you thought of the younger Dixon brother. He was rough and nasty and you wondered just how much he took after Merle. Before this moment, you thought he’d run for the hills if you ever touched him with one single finger, nevermind your whole body- your whole being like you were now. But he was there, still with you and unbothered. Safe.
“Sleep,” he mumbled.
You nodded, squeezing his hand again before letting it go and allowing your body to relax against his. And eventually, in his arms, listening to his steady breath, you slept.
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xzaddyzanakinx · 3 months
Not That Kind of Guy
Part Four: Stalker!Anakin Skywalker × femme reader series
Warnings: stalking, weirdo behavior, psychotic/delusional behavior, possessive/protective, sexism/misogyny, one-sided relationship, sexual content, pervy behavior, male masturbation, panty kink, sex daydreams [eventual warning for smut; be sure to pay attention to future warnings in the series]
Info: Anakin is doing his very best, he just loves you and wants you to be comfy around him. Just let him worm his way into your heart babe [diary entries from Ani] extremely not proofread. I’m illiterate so apologies in advance MDNI 18+
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Diary Entry: July 8th
Mr. Nelson’s funeral was today, it really was a beautiful ceremony as I look back on it. Even more so when my inner self smears the background enough to bring you to the front of the mental image.
You’d spoken to the man a handful of times, but I didn’t expect you to come. When I saw you accept the invite to the event on Facebook I thought surely it was a mistake. That was until you messaged Luke and asked him to accompany you, funerals make you nervous, but feeling obligated to do something and avoiding it makes you more nervous.
So your moral support was happy to attend and fight off dear old Alan’s corpse should he rise from the casket and set his sights on you.
And I though I had irrational fears, geez babydoll, how old were you when you watched Night of The Living Dead for the first time? If I had to guess it was too young. It’s alright though I get it, you know what movie traumatized me? The Mummy. Heebied my fucking Jeebies so bad I avoided the beach on family vacations.
You’re telling me there’s not a sarcophagus under all that sand? There’s at least one under there and you can’t convince me otherwise.
Solid ground for me only, please and thank you.
I had a thought that I initially considered to be a sweet reminder of my dear friend Alan. His obituary was in the newspaper and I happened to swipe one from the guest book table at the viewing as well. Have you ever scrapbooked before? I bet you’ve at least tried it.
Well I thought it would be nice to make him a page in my journal. A little celebration of life for the man who gave me an opportunity to grow and nurture my love for you.
Then I realized mid-glue stick on the newspaper clipping that the idea was something that a clinically insane person would do.
I’m not that guy. That guy’s not me.
But the glue was already on there and it felt wrong to toss Alan’s wrinkly old face into the trash so I pasted him into my journal anyway.
Crazy people don’t know that they’re crazy. I’m well aware that little idea was less than tasteful, just felt like I should mention that.
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July 28th
Anakin Skywalker hadn’t been this happy since… ever. The previous record being his discovery of you, was now toppled into second place and overshadowed by ‘Move In Day’.
He could hardly contain himself. It was a dopamine high that he would ride out until he’d drained every last drop.
The movers lugged in box after box, furniture and books, until finally they dropped off the last load and thanked Anakin for the business. He eagerly shook their hand and shoved them out. He had preparations to make.
He set up his Tv, screen mirroring the live feed of the apartment building entrance to the big screen so that he could easily keep an eye out for you while he unpacked his kitchen.
He’d planned your ‘meet-cute’ meticulously, looking to your bookshelf and streaming services to gather intel on your ideal scenario. You were an odd bird, but he liked that about you. It’s part of your charm, it’s part of the challenge. You’re not as predictable in your tastes and interests as others can be.
Anakin formulated the interaction step by step, frame by frame in the storyboard of his imagination until he had the perfect scene. His box office hit that he’d replay over and over again until the next time he stood face to face with you.
It took quite some time and a load of practice. Discarded dialogue, awkward movements that made him feel stiff and less than human when he practiced them in the mirror. Endless options of clothes, shoes, and hair.
Should he get a new piercing? He wanted to. So he did, he knew you’d like it.
It’d match the one he already had on the opposite nostril. It made him feel more complete to add something so permanent to his body, he wished he could do something similar with you. He wanted you to be permanent, so maybe it’s his subconscious’s way of telling him that this was going in the right direction.
He was on the right path. His journey of life alone was coming to a close and a new trail would reveal itself. No more rocky, unsteady tread. No more sharp turns and blind spots, no more impossible inclines.
Scraped knees and bloodied hands would be distant memories. Maybe even distant enough that he could toss them into The Pit.
He would have no need for anger or sorrow anymore.
How could he feel anything but the warm embrace of love as he strolled down the flowered path ahead with you?
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Who knew that you could position one box in 83 different ways and hate every single one of them? Anakin was so thankful there weren’t any actual surveillance cameras in the apartment building. It’d be really difficult to explain why he was in the hallway for an hour with his hands on his hips, scooting a box of books a centimeter or two at a time. Turning it sideways and then making sure the book on top was perfectly positioned and would effectively fall to the ground to catch your attention.
He checked his watch nonstop, stared at his Tv screen, willing you to just hurry the fuck up before he vomited from anxiety. He’d waited months for this. If he fucked it up now he’d… well he’d probably keel over on the spot.
Which would promptly traumatize you and not even his ghost would be able to peacefully haunt you. It’s hard to peacefully haunt someone if they watched you die, or at least Anakin assumed it would be difficult. He wasn’t willing to test that theory though.
So, he puffed up his chest and walked back into his apartment and rehearsed the upcoming conversation a few more times. He needed, desperately needed to ensure his facial expressions conveyed what he wanted.
Soft, trustworthy, dependable, safe, caring.
He practiced softening his eyes, knowing sometimes he stared alittle too hard. He worked on his facial fidget; chewing on the inside of his cheek was a quick tell of his nervousness. He didn’t want to be perceived as nervous, he wanted to be confident and sure of himself so that you would be confident in your soon to blossom affection for him.
His eyebrows, that’s a hard one, but he’d meticulously watched bar goers trying to flirt. The successful ones he learned, sometimes use their eyebrows in place of questions or words. A difficult concept, but one he studied until he mastered it.
Now, the other facial expressions and mannerisms… he gathered that information from your watch lists on your streaming services. For the visible examples at least, but your books were just as helpful in describing how he should approach you, speak to you, and simply exist near you.
He hadn’t realized these things were this important until now. Standing and posture was surprisingly very, very important to women. As well as hand movements and subtle glances and minuscule changes of expression.
You were worth the time and effort it took to learn all of it. He’d read and research and practice until he couldn’t stand to look at himself in the mirror any longer. He was determined to make sure you were happy with the results.
He was startled by a loud ping, someone had entered to building and holy shit it was you.
Anakin shook out his hands frantically, remembering the breathing techniques he’d learned as a child, he grounded himself quickly.
It’s okay.
‘She’s gonna love you. She’ll warm up to you quickly, you know everything you need to know about her to make her comfortable and loved.’
‘There’s no way she won’t fall head over heels.’
He smoothed out his band-tee and ran his hands through his hair quickly and headed to his door that was propped open slightly. A few boxes sat in the hall, including the most important one, the one instrumental to his plan.
The apartment hallway was ridiculously tiny, which worked in his favor in this situation.
He heard you come up the stairs, counted your steps until he knew you were almost at the door, 17 and a half steps. Then he swung open the door and bent down to grab one of the boxes.
As expected, he startled you and you dropped your keys. You always wore your backpack on one shoulder, one strap. So when you quickly went to scoop up your keys, your bag swung out of place and toppled a few books from one of the boxes.
Perfect. Absolutely perfect.
Anakin could gloat to himself about his magnificent setup later, right now he needed to woo you with his sweet words.
“Oh, sweetheart I’m sorry.” He said softly, coming over to offer you a hand up.
“It’s okay, my bad.” You laughed, taking his hand.
He managed to keep calm and collected despite his insides boiling him alive at the willing skin contact.
“No, not at all. It’s my fault for startling you like that.” He chuckled, squeezing your upper arm and using his hand already in yours to give you a small handshake. Smooth.
“I’m Anakin.” He said with a bashful smile, dropping your hand and reveling in the lingering warmth your palm left on his.
You introduced yourself in return, gesturing to his apartment door.
“So I take it that you’re my new neighbor huh?” You said, making small talk as you crouched down to pick up the books you’d knocked over.
“No I’m just a one man moving crew.” He grinned.
“Very funny.” You laughed, standing up as you looked through the titles. “Hmm, you’ve got good taste.”
“You think so?” He asked, remembering to make his eyebrows swoop up toward the middle of his forehead to give a quizzical look.
“Oh yeah, this is one of my favorites.” You said, showing him the cover of The Silmarillion by Tolkien.
“Not many people actually read that one, I’m impressed.” He smiled.
“Impressed? Yeah well I’m jealous.” You laughed.
“What?” He chuckled, holding his hands out to take the other books from you.
“This is a really nice edition, it’s similar to mine. I recently lost it.” You sighed. “I think I must’ve left it the park or maybe it fell out of my bag or something.”
“Ah, that sucks… well, I mean I’ve read that one a few times now. It’s been well loved.” He said tipping the books in his arms toward the one you were holding. “Why don’t you keep it?”
He shrugged, acting nonchalant as though this didn’t mean the entire world to him and if you said no he’d sob about it later.
“You’re serious?” You asked in surprise, he was offering you a 50$ special edition book and you’d barely known him for a minute.
“Yeah, ‘course sweetheart.” He said with a cute, crooked smile. “Think of it as a… reverse house warming gift.” He chuckled.
“Thank you, I- this means a lot to me.” You said, grinning widely. “That’s real sweet of you Anakin. I owe you one.”
“No worries.” He chuckled, “I’m sure we’ll find a way to make it even sweetheart.” His gaze flickered quickly from your eyes to your lips, and he turned to go back into his apartment after giving you an almost-missed wink.
You stepped inside your home, and went straight to the bookshelf to put your new-to-you book where it belonged. After the fact you stood there and buffered, just staring at it.
‘There’s no way, this guy has to be too good to be true.’
But he seemed… so genuine. He didn’t ogle you, he didn’t make you feel weird or like he just felt obligated to speak to you.
He seemed to actually, really be a good guy.
Rare. Few and far of those exist in this day and age. It’s uncommon to meet someone who would do something, even as simple as giving you a used book, without expecting anything in return.
But he didn’t seem to expect anything. He didn’t seem to even expect a thank you, it was like he’d already decided he would give it to you before he even offered.
What are the odds that a hot, tattooed and pierced man moves in next door and gifts you an expensive book that just so happens to be an even better replacement for the one that you just lost? That couldn’t happen twice even if you tried to make it happen again.
What kind of second dimension did you step into? The land of dreamy men?
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Diary Entry: July 28th
It’s late. But I have to write to you, it can’t wait til tomorrow.
Everything went more perfectly than I could’ve imagined. Thank you so much for being you sweet girl. It made my job of curating the scenery so much easier, you clumsy little thing. I am sorry for having to spook you though, but it worked didn’t it?
Research pays off. Always.
And of course there’s the issue of your book, I hated to see your frustration and your mad scowl when you realized it was missing from your backpack. I really did.
But I’d do it every goddamn day if I knew I’d get the same reaction out of you from giving you that new copy.
Oh god you’re… you’re beautiful. You’re so beautiful. You look angelic when you sleep but you look like competition for Aphrodite when you smile at me.
You smiled, grinned. You smiled all the way up to the corners of your bright and beautiful eyes. For me.
You even laughed for me.
It was so sweet I could taste it. The honey of your voice, I could fucking bathe in it. Just the sound of you speaking, knowing you were speaking to me. Really speaking to me.
In the flesh.
It’s intoxicating. It’s emboldening, it’s dangerous. I’ve never been more worked up in my life. I’m torn all to pieces from at two minute and 6 second conversation.
I think I’ll have to fucking recover from this like a damn hangover.
But what has me so drunk you might ask? Was it your laugh at my stupid jokes? Was it your perfect smile, your radiant glow, your soulful eyes? The softness of your skin or you willingness to let me touch you?
No baby. It’s how you said my name.
I wish I could’ve stayed longer, I wish I could’ve spoken to you more. But it’s so hard to concentrate when my dick is leaking precum down my leg at a rate that should probably be concerning.
The minute you closed that door I shoved those boxes into my apartment and locked the door. Took my elated ass straight to the couch and watched you in your living room, admiring your gift from me while I fucked my fist with a pair of your dirty panties in my mouth.
I couldn’t have your honeyed lips soothing my angry red cock just yet, but I sure as hell could imagine licking your gorgeous little cunt while I tasted you.
I tugged my balls and pumped my cock for over half an hour until I was a fucking mess for you in my new living room’s floor. The cool hardwood letting the heat from my flushed skin seep away from me as I came back down to earth.
I made myself dizzy. Didn’t give myself a break, didn’t slow down, just stroked my cock like the desperate little manwhore that I am for you. The only thing missing was you being there to watch me fall apart.
I think you’d like that wouldn’t you? Watching a man like me get on his knees and beg for you?
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Diary Entry: July 29th
I’ve replayed that moment in my head for hours on end. The beginning always stays the same, but the ending… that’s been subject to many changes. It started off simple, we’d chat alittle longer, I’d ask you how your day was; you’d tell me it was ‘fine, thank you’.
Or you’d ask me why I decided to move in, why I chose this side of town, this side of town, this apartment building, across from you. That one always ended questionably and I’d rather not explore that one on paper.
My favorites however were the ones where you’d laugh at a stupid pick-up line and somehow we’d end up in your bed. The bed I’ve sat and watched you sleep in. Those were the best additions.
Now, I’ve been fortunate enough that you’ve been loyal, faithful and devoted to only me since the very beginning. So I don’t really have a clue what you’d actually be like in bed.
But god it’s so fun to imagine it.
You’ve got such pretty, soft skin. You let me mar it up with my teeth and soothe it with my tongue. You let me grip the pillowy flesh of your thighs to spread you open for me. You let me pinch and roll and pull your nipples until they were raw and begging for a break. You let me caress the sensitive slick covered folds between those beautiful pussy lips, plunge my fingers in as far as they’d go.
I took you from behind, watching your perky little ass bounce off my cock while I plowed into you. Your face smushed against the couch cushions and your body folded over the arm rest for me to fuck you like the good little girl that you are.
Against the wall with your arms around my neck while I’ve got my hands holding you spread open and in place by the crook of your knees. You promised you stay real still so that I could drill up into you like you deserved.
God damn. Do you know how good you look like that? Back arched against the wall, tits jiggling in my face with every thrust. Your legs pushed up and back to the sides of your torso, to pin you in place?
It was like a pretty pink flower had bloomed and spread its buttery smooth petals just for me.
Don’t even get me started on how good you suck cock. Have you ever been told you could be mistaken for a warm, wet Hoover? No? Didn’t think so cause that would be rude as hell, but I bet someone’s thought it before.
(Me. It’s me, I thought that.)
Fuck those soft lips. Fuck that smooth snake of a tongue. Fuck that tight, hot throat that just loves to take a beating from my dick.
Can’t wait to prove my imagination right.
Speaking of, my dick has been beat. Like actually. If one didn’t know any better they’d assume it’s on life support, but I’m a freak of nature. Cumming upwards of 16 times in the span of 40ish hours would probably put a weaker man in a hospital bed. Or maybe a psych ward.
But I am not a weak man even if my dick feels raw. I’d still fuck you if you asked.
I’d be curious to know if I’d be able to stave off cumming longer from all the abuse or if I’d be so fucking sensitive that I wouldn’t make it in half an inch.
Probably the latter.
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Diary Entry: August 2nd
Being so close to you is killing me. Truly it is.
You’ve sunken your claws so deeply into my very soul and you don’t even realize it. It’s torture. To you, I’m just the new guy, nice dude who gave you a book. But to me? You’re my entire world.
I’ve been told I have the personality of a guard dog. Soft and squishy on the inside, dangerous and fierce on the outside. Which I suppose could be true, but really I think it’s for a different reason. For a human, a dog is one small but very impactful blip in your life. But for the dog? You are it’s life.
Am I comparing myself to a dog right now? Yes I am.
I’ll beg for you to throw me the scraps of your affections until you finally toss me a bone.
I’ve been trying my best to give you space. To plan accordingly and in advance. I have our next two interactions simmering on the back burner.
I know that if I go too hard, too fast, you’ll be overwhelmed. That’s the last thing I want. I never want to be the thing that causes you stress, I want to siphon it from you. So, in one week I will set out to help you with a few of your errands and plant a few seeds.
But until then, we have late night snacks and couch chats with Boogie.
I’ve also been doing- you guessed it- more research to do with helpful vitamins and medicines. You’ve responded so well to your SleepyTime tea and since I’ve started making sure your birth control packet is plainly visible in the countertop basket directly beneath that cabinet, you’ve been taking it so well.
I’m so proud of you sweetheart, that’s my girl, look at you taking care of yourself. You’ve done so well in fact, that it’s in my personal opinion that you have earned a very special reward.
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Anakin sat on his couch, the live feed of your living room screen mirrored to his Tv. He was watching you cook dinner, he knew you’d be making a stir fry. He’d seen it in your planner, so he’d taken the liberty of ordering himself the same, it’d be here any minute. As would your good friend Sam.
Anakin had originally burned red hot with jealousy at the thought of you inviting a man over to your apartment, that he hadn’t vetted via social media and a quick drop-in. But he was relieved to discover that Sam was just a girl from your book club.
This wasn’t one of his well thought out plans, this was decided upon this morning after you’d returned from book club. So, he was anxious to see if his hunches served him well. Sam seemed like a punctual gal, at least from what he’d seen on social media and the text messages between the two of you from weeks/months before.
Anakin had the wonderful idea to log into your cell service providers website to pull your deleted messages from their data bank. You really should have better passwords.
The thing he was most worried about was his door dasher arriving on time. It was rare that one was too far off on arrival time, but it would be his shit luck and lack of planning that could ruin this little glimpse of you.
The minutes ticked by and he was alerted to the new motion sensors he’d placed near the LED pathway lights on the paved entrance to the apartment building. He quickly switched over to the hallway feed at the front door, seeing that it was his door dasher.
Damn you Trevor. How dare you get there before Sam.
Not to worry, he’d call for the door code and Anakin wouldn’t answer the first time. It wasn’t much but it would buy him a few seconds.
Though it seemed to be that luck was on his side as it often was when it came to you. Sam was so kind, kind enough to let the delivery guy into the building. Which is technically a security concern but Trevor didn’t seem like the type of guy who’d be able to remember a 6 digit door code.
He was too busy staring at your friends ass to pay attention to the numbers she entered anyway.
The footsteps approached your door and his, Anakin waited until he heard Sam knock on your door before he opened his. Trevor stood patiently as Anakin slowly counted out his tip in cash and thankfully you were quick to let your friend inside. After the exchange was complete Anakin gave you a smile and wave.
He could’ve had a heart attack at the response you gave him.
A flirty little finger waggle and smile.
He had to remind himself to breathe and keep his expression a happy-neutral. He’d hate for you to see his blushing cheeks this early on.
“Have a good night girls.” He said as he closed his door and to his surprise you actually answered.
“You too!”
If he weren’t confident that you were a sweet and loving soul, he’d think you were trying to kill him with the siren song of your voice.
Stir fry had never tasted so fucking good.
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Diary Entry: July 8th
Grocery day baby, here I come.
I love that you’re so predictable. I love that you’re so fucking cute and always try to strong arm your groceries in one trip. I love that it takes at least two good whacks to the trunk of your shitty old Nissan to properly close it.
It’s cute to watch you struggle with it, the annoyed huffs and angry scowl.
I thought you’d combust on the spot once when your paper grocery bag of flour and sugar ripped open and sent a plume of flour up on your black jeans. The parking lot was very empty and I was very glad because I’d hate for someone to have seen the cursing contest you had with yourself as you picked up your spilled items. Very unladylike you know. But it’s you so I don’t mind, I just like to hear you talk.
It’s almost time. I’ve been sitting in my car for about 10 minutes. Gotta account for the traffic on highway 76. Do you really have to shop all the way out there just because of the Whole Foods? C’mon baby they have the same shit at Kroger.
I’ve been watching your little blue dot on my phone and you’re rounding the corner so I’ll write you later doll.
I love you.
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You pulled into the parking lot and sat in your car for a moment. Giving yourself the much need quiet to decompress from your work day and the grocery trip. After you’d checked your messages and scrolled for a moment you decided it was time to head inside before your frozen foods got… not so frozen.
You popped the trunk and fumbled with the faulty latch, your fingers feeling blindly under the metal lip until it finally detached and you were able to open the trunk.
You took a deep breath and scolded yourself for buying the extra few things that could’ve waited till next time. Second trips are for wimps and you weren’t one. So you loaded up your left arm bag by bag until you heard a humored puff of air and the beep of a car locking behind you.
“Need a hand sweetheart?” Anakin grinned, shoving his keys into his front pocket.
He waltzed over and took a few bags off your hands without waiting for a response. It took you aback, not because he hadn’t waited for permission, but because of the way he exuded an odd charm that made you falter.
“Anakin, really it’s alright I can get it.” You said, eyebrows furrowed together in confusion by his kind gesture.
“Mmm no, this seems like a two man mission sweet girl.” He smiled, gathering up a few the last few bags from the trunk and shutting it with one solid push.
“You really don’t have to-“
“I know I don’t have to.” He said tilting his head toward the apartment building to encourage you to walk with him. “I want to.”
“Thank you, that’s… thanks.” You smiled, a light blush creeping across your cheeks.
“Atta girl.” He chuckled, tapping in the door code and holding it open for you despite holding many more bags than you.
Something about the low tone of voice or maybe just the way he looked at you with his icey blue eyes… just sent a chill down your spine. A quick one that was gone in an instant, replaced by a warm glow in the center of your chest.
“Guess chivalry’s not dead.” You joked.
“I’m no knight.” He laughed, “but you’re sure as hell a princess.”
‘Oh that was smooth.’ You thought, trying to ignore the heat at the bottom of your stomach.
What is happening? How on earth can one man be so… everything? Kind, caring, chivalrous and gorgeous to boot.
You felt a wave of embarrassment at the squeaky giggle you let out. He had you tore up from one little comment.
True to the gentleman he seemed to be, he chose not to push it and tease you about your beet red cheeks. He just waited patiently for you as you unlocked your door.
“Do you want me to bring these in for you?” He asked, watching your movements closely.
“Oh that would be great.” You said in relief, leading him into your kitchen.
“Cute little place.” He said, looking around the kitchenette and over to the living room.
He sat down your bags on the counter and started unloading them neatly into rows.
“Oh, you-“
“Mmm mmm.” He shook his head with a smirk, “Just let me help, it’s no big deal.”
You let out a puff of air in an amused sort of amazement and pulled out your little step stool to open up the cabinets. Anakin snickered from behind you as you stepped up and started putting things away.
You shot him a glare over your shoulder and almost said something snarky until you realized he was folding your paper grocery bags in the same way that you always do.
“Huh.” You laughed. “I thought I was the only one who did that.”
“Did what?” He asked, his head cocked to the side.
“Fold the bags.” You said, turning back around to continue placing your things where they belonged.
“Oh,” he chuckled, “I dunno it’s just a habit I guess. Fits better in that stupid slot on the recycling bin this way.”
“Yeah I never really understood why they made them that way? I guess so people don’t just shove other trash in there.” You mused.
“Mmhm probably.” He agreed, stacking them neatly and gathering it in his hands. “Do you want me to take these out back for you?”
“I can do-“ You stopped yourself when Anakin raised his eyebrow and cocked his head to the side with a crooked smirk.
You sighed and gave him a downturned smile. “Yes, I would love for you to take them out back for me.”
“Good girl.” He nodded, clicking his tongue and heading for the door. “See ya princess.”
After he shut the door you let yourself breathe alittle easier, blowing out the air in a short puff through your nose. Maybe even letting a little smile cross your lips before you finished up your task.
You’d be thinking about that low rumble of his voice later. Good girl? Shit.
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pixiesfz · 2 months
inspired by canada's new series
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camera shot j.f x reader
plot: you are hired to help film the canadian womens soccer teams documentary throughout the gold cup and end up socialising with the players
warnings: none
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“Oh c’mon Joan I’ve been looking for a promotion for weeks and I know my way around San Diego, my auntie took me everywhere and I-“
Your boss put her hand over your mouth “Shush child” she said, her British accent thick “If you had let me finish my sentence I was going to tell you that you’re coming with me to film a short documentary”
Your eyes lit up “Really? Like you’re not fucking with me?” you ask with a smile and your boss nodded with a smile “We know you’ve been stepping up and you deserve it”
You smiled brightly “Thank you so much!”.
“Meet me at five in the morning for the plane ride” She called out as you started walking away and you shot her a thumbs-up.
When you got home to your apartment in Portland, where you had recently moved with your boss who got a better offer and took you with her you started packing, asking your neighbour to look after your cat muffin.
You only knew little about your neighbour, you knew she played soccer professionally and you knew she was Canadian, she’d had some more friends over recently, and now you were scared to open the door and have someone else open it.
Luckily Christine opened it with a smile “Hey y/n” she smiled before seeing the fluffy cat in your “and muffin”.
“I’m sorry to interrupt but I just got this documentary series for one of the teams in the ‘gold cup’ thing and I need someone to look after my cat” You smiled shyly, holding muffin up like he was a prize.
“He only scratches when you don’t give him belly scratches when he wants it” you instructed and the older woman just nodded, grabbing the cat out of your hands “You’re filming Canada by the way,” she told you and you smiled “are they all nice?” you asked and she nodded “extremely, way more than me,” she said as she started playing with your cat's ears.
“Yes, because you’re so scary”
Christine gave you a deadpan stare before dropping the cat onto her floor which he then immediately ran onto her couch and made himself comfortable.
“I can give you a rundown on everything if you’d like,” Christine said as she saw your shaky hands, you were very nervous and you nodded “Yes please, I just need to pack,” you told her “You can tell me whilst I do that,” you told her before running back to your apartment, Christine walking behind you before closing the door on Muffin who had now fallen asleep on her couch.
“Okay so I retired from my national career last year so I’m not there”
“oldie” you teased and the woman threw a Canadian scarf at you, which she had grabbed on her way out “I’m not old, and that is if you need to go to a game” You folded it into your suitcase “Thanks”
She explained to you the new girls and the younger ones before she went in depth about some of the others “And then there’s Jessie, she’s the new captain, I like to call her a mini-me” You smiled “Well that’s cute”
“She hates it though, so don’t call her that”
“I hardly think I’ll have a conversation with her or any of them,” you said with a shake of the head “They’re Canadians, they love to talk also Jessie isn’t the biggest fan of social media so maybe keep that in mind when she found out about the series she called in a nervous mess,” Christine said and you took a mental note to remember it “she is the captain though so that might be hard” you mumbled.
“You’re talented I think you can do it,” Christine told you before looking at her phone “It’s twelve, go to bed, where’s muffins food?”
“Next to the potted plant in the front” you sighed before zipping up your case.
Christine got up from her seat and rubbed her hands on her lap “Just look after Fleming for me, she can get in her head sometimes” she said softly and you nodded “I can do that”.
Christine nodded before leaving the room, you heard her pick up the food before she left.
The next twenty-four hours were a bit of a blur for you, you boarded the plane with Joan and two other camera guys and flew to San Diego where the Gold Cup was being held, and arrived at your hotel where Joan let you all take a long nap before you were needed in the meeting room.
You roll out of bed, putting a pair of jeans and a sweater on before walking down with your camera.
“You must be one of the camera people?” a voice popped up and you turned to a blonde woman “Yeah I’m y/n” you introduced yourself and the Canadian nodded “Chloe, I can walk with you to the meeting room, you look a little lost”
You gratefully nodded and followed behind the girl who you learnt played for Arsenal which Christine had told you, but you didn’t want the players knowing their ex-captain gave you a lesson about all of them.
When the two of you walked in, you felt people staring at you before Chloe smiled “this is y/n one of the filmers?” she asked and you nodded “Pretty much”
Some of the girls who arrived early started asking you questions right away.
‘Where are you from?’
‘Do you support a team?’
‘I like your sweater’
“Guy’s leave her be for a second she just got here”
A voice popped up and you looked across to a girl who had brown short hair, a little bit shrivelled up and her hands were in her pockets. She must’ve just woken up from a nap.
But you recognised her from Christine’s ‘lesson’
You smiled shyly at her before the Canadians gave you all sympathetic looks “It’s okay umm to answer your questions Uhm unfortunately I’m not that into sports, I’m from Los Angeles and thankyou I like this sweater too” You smiled and some of the girls laughed, including Jessie who still seemed tired, or maybe nervous.
You excused yourself to set up your camera and started to film once the meeting began, there were little introductions and you smiled and waved when their coach announced your name, catching eye contact with Jessie, both of you quickly looking away.
Their coach announced Jessie as the captain as you did your job, zooming up to the girl who glanced at you through the corner of her eye before being congratulated by friends.
Once the meeting finished you started to pack up your camera as Joan told you to interview some of the girls as she saw you talking to some of them.
When she left you saw another figure approaching you “Hi” a Canadian voice popped up and you whipped your head around to see Jessie “hi” you smiled and she looked down at your feet “Do you live in Portland by any chance?” she asked and you quickly zipped up your bag.
You didn’t want them to know you were friends with Christine, you felt like it would effect your job as their interviewer.
“Uhm yeah, why?” you asked and Jessie blushed “Oh I just- I just thought I had seen you before that’s all” she said, one hand brushing her hair back behind her ear.
“I’m guessing you live in Portland then?” you ask, standing up and she nods “Only recently though, I used to live in London before” You smiled “I have friends from college who live there, they say it’s nice but just really cold” Jessie nodded with a smirk “They are not wrong trust me”.
You just laughed and pulled your bag across your shoulder and Jessie looked to the door “I can walk you back to the room, It’s a bit hard to navigate” she offered
You thought back to when her teammate had found you at a loss because of that you had remembered how to get up but for some reason, you didn’t want to say no to the girl in front of you.
Jessie smiled before setting off out of the room, you beside her.
“What room are you?” she asked “307” you replied and she smiled “I’m 310” she revealed and you laughed “maybe we’ll run into each other more, “I really want to go to the hotel pool and spa but there's no free time during the day, the schedule is packed”
“Late night swim then?” Jessie asked and you nodded “maybe”.
You didn’t realise you had made it to your room before Jessie stopped walking “Well have a good night and maybe don’t try to wake me when you go the the pool” she teased and you rolled your eyes
“Maybe another night, I am dying for some sleep,” you said and the girl laughed as she reached her door.
“Bye Y/n’
‘Bye Jessie”
The first couple of days in camp were full of training for the Canadian team, sometimes you would pull some of the girls out for one-on-one questions which they always smiled and answered with full honesty.
Sabrina and you had to take a break from how much she made you laugh with silly comments.
After the first game, Canada came on top and you tried hard not to scream out in cheers as you were filming but once you stopped you greeted the girls with hugs. Squeezing Jessie a bit harder and congratulated her first game as the official captain.
“It’s um- It’s-“ she stuttered before shaking off her nerves “Thanks” she smiled and you laughed “Nasty black eye” You pointed at her eye which was red and blotchy, already bruising in some parts, Jessie lifted her fingertips up and lightly pressures the skin surrounding her eyes “Hopefully it will make me look badass” she laughed and you tilted your head to get a good look at it.
“Hopefully it’s not too bad for a coffee date tomorrow”
Jessie’s face turned red “What?” she asked and you blushed as well but laughed “Your interview at the café” you explained and Jessie looked at her feet “Oh yeah- I- I forgot” she admitted running her hand through her hair.
“I’ll leave you guys to it then, see you all at the hotel” you yelled out to the team before running after Joan who was already out of the arena.
Once you were sitting in the car your phone buzzed “Is that from Jessie?” Joan asked and you swivelled your head “Umm what no!” you said quickly, and your boss laughed “I’ve seen you two mingling”
“Please never say that word again”.
In the morning you were excited to get out of bed, even if the sun was still rising and it was weird because you were not a morning person.
Then you thought about your boss's comment.
Have you started to have a thing for the Canadian captain?
You hesitantly knocked on the girl's door which she quickly opened right after “Hey” she smiled and you waved your camera back at her “Hey Fleming” Smiling Jessie stepped out and closed her door “What café are we going to?” she asked “I chose a good one don’t worry”
You both tried to ignore stares from the public eye once you started setting up your camera and Jessie pretended to be preoccupied by her phone.
“all done” you smiled sweetly at Jessie “Can I press record?” she asked, confused by the video camera on the tripod, you found it adorable “Absolutely,” you said and the girl dived in.
“What does this button do?” she asked, and you peered your head over her shoulder, not realising that the impact made the girl red “That switches the brightness” you explained, brushing your fingertips to show her.
“I think if I wasn’t always so busy with soccer, I’d be taking pictures and videos of beautiful things all the tim,e” she told you and you nodded “It’s my favourite thing to do” you told her and she smiled, finally finding the record button.
“Can I say action?” she cheekily asked, and you nodded, laughing “if you really want to”
Jessie walked away from the camera, and you took over the camera as she walked over to the barista “hi” her cheery Canadian voice sounded, and she ordered her chair but turned back to you “do you want anything?” she asked and you popped your head up
“You don’t have to”
“I want to.”
You went silent before you remembered you hadn’t drunk or eaten anything yet “Just a hot chocolate please”
The barista smiled between your interactions as Jessie added a hot chocolate to her meal.
You both moved outside to start your interview, you smiled as Jessie talked about her passion, catching her eye a couple of times which made you both blush.
When your drinks came out you thanked the waitress who smiled at you both before telling Jessie she supported Chelsea but quickly came back with “we’ll miss you on the pitch”.
You laughed as Jessie got embarrassed, happy to catch It on film.
“That was sweet,” you told her and she laughed “Some Chelsea fans aren’t as sweet,” she told you and you hummed “I can imagine, as I’ve heard it’s a very hard on club”
You both went back to the interview before finishing up “Can you see my black eye?” she asked and you shook your head “Only when you looked straight at the camera but you hardly did that”
“I’m not the biggest fan of being filmed or doing social media” she admitted “I can kind of tell” You laughed and Jessie picked up your camera “Can I try and film?”
“film what?” you ask “Beautiful things” She shrugged “Like you said” she added and you felt a weird tingly feeling in your stomach.
You weren’t sure if it was from her words or the way her arms flexed when she picked the camera up and turned it towards you.
Jessie seemed to make it evident that she was filming you, making you blush “I see the appeal” she hummed before passing it back to you.
“Have you gone to the hotel spa yet?” Jessie asked and you nodded “I swam around the night after the game but I’m planning on going again” You responded, “Maybe this time I’ll join you?” Jessie asks hesitantly.
You smiled at her question “I would like that Jess” you told her, and she turned to you, slightly shocked “Yeah?” she asked and you nodded “yeah it be nice to have some company”.
Throughout the day you couldn’t stop smiling, thinking of Jessie and your conversation in the coffee shop but you tried to dial it down, filming the girls training as if nothing happened.
You will admit you found yourself filming Jessie more than the others at certain times.
You joined the team huddle next to Sabrine and Janine, Sabrine whispering ‘action’ in your ear, her arm around your waist making you laugh, catching Jessie’s attention as her eyes glared daggers at her Canadian teammate, which did not go unnoticed by Janine who pointed her brows at her friend.
To which Jessie ignored.  
When the small meeting ended between the group you filmed everyone leaving, getting ready for the game against the USA.
Jessie was watching as you panned the camera around, not seeing her best friend behind her “Jessie” Janine said and the girl shrieked, the sound going from nowhere “Where did you come from?” the ex-Chelsea player said, her voice slightly raised from panic.
“Well you would’ve noticed if you weren’t too busy ogling the camera girl,” the blonde girl said, her eyebrows raised “Her name is y/n,” Jessie said with her eyes looking to the floor “Right, y/n” Janine nodded.
Janine looked back over to you as you were now packing up, cocking her head as she took a good look at you “She’s familiar” she hummed as Jessie span her face around “Stop looking at her, or else she’ll know we’re talking about her”
“Oh calm down Jess, she’s probably into you too” Janine brushed her friend off who was now blushing “I’m not-“ she tried to lie but her friend shot her a look “Okay I’m into her”.
Janine gasped “I know how I know her now!” Jessie bulged her eyes, slapping her friend “Shut up” she said before running away into the rooms, blushing as you looked over, waving to Janine who held a smile and ran up to you.
“You’re Christine's neighbor!” she said loudly, proud of herself as you stuttered “Y-yeah I am” you smiled and Janine stepped back “Oh did you not want people to know” she cringed and you shook your head “No it’s fine I think, I just didn’t want to bring it up or brag about it” you explained and the girl nodded and you continued, finding a flow in the conversation “I tried to be very professional coming into this and not really talk so I didn’t think people needed to know but you guys are all nice” you shrugged and Janine nodded “I just recognised you, I’ve been to Christine’s a lot”
You nodded “Yeah she’s looking after my cat right now” you laughed and she joined you, silently judging your character for her good friend.
“I need to see a picture”.
The weather was horrendous for the American game, limiting your access to filming in certain area but you were still drenched under your big raincoat that covered you. Filming as all the women practically swam around the ground.
Some of them even apologized as when they kicked near you, a gush of water fell on you from the impact.
You just responded with a smile and thumbs up. Hoping your camera won’t break soon.
You got up for penalties, finally going inside with your camera as you were called in “They lost?”
You asked as Joan walked in, helping you check the camera’s and nodded “I would allow you to check on Jessie but the two guys I had come with us have disappeared somewhere so you’re all I got right now” she sighed, the feeling of defeat on everyone’s shoulders.
“So we go home tomorrow?” you ask and the woman nodded
“We go home tomorrow”.
When you were sat in your room you watched the digital clock as it hit midnight, but you weren’t tired, you weren’t tired at all.
So you got up, put on your triangle bikini and the hotels dressing gown, grabbed a towel and walked out. You thought about knocking on Jessie’s door but elected not to thinking she needed her time.
She was probably asleep anyway.
You sat in the spa, your head laid back on your shoulders before you heard the door open, revealing a tired Jessie Fleming.
“I can leave if you want” you said, not sure if the girl wanted alone time but she shook her head “I was actually hoping you would be here” she gave you a half smile and you smiled back before she jumped into the spa with you.
There was a comfortable silence before you looked at Jessie “You okay?” you asked and the girl shrugged “This was just my first tournament as captain” she explained “can’t help but feel I let them down”
You nodded “You didn’t let anyone down Jess”.
The girl nodded, smiling at the nickname. “Can we talk about something other than football?” she asked and you smiled “sure, do you have a big family?”
The both of you talked, bringing smiles on each other’s faces, slowly gravitating towards each other until you were sitting next to each other both of your thighs touching.
“I can’t believe you took dance classes in college” you laughed, looking at the girl “I had moves” she defended herself but you just gave her a look, your eyes quickly looking at her lips as you saw she did the same.
The lights had been off the entire time as it was night but as you both started leaning into each other the lights turned on, both pulling away from the brightness as a worker walked in, oblivious to the two of you.
“What’s the time?” You asked, hiding your eyes “Five in the morning!” the worker yelled out to you both as your eyes popped “I’m on a plane in two hours!”
Jessie watched as you panicked, quickly jumping out of the spa and grabbing two towels for you both “here” she threw it to you and you wrapped yourself before quickly turning to the girl “I’m sorry”
And you left.
Jessie was sitting in Christines kitchen playing with a bowl of cereal after her flight.
“So you met a girl, flirted with her and didn’t kiss her” Christine listed as Jessie groaned “well technically I tried but we were interrupted” she said and Janine laughed “you shoul’ve seen it she was so into her it was insane”
“It wasn’t that obvious”
“We had a bet going on, her workmates were in on it!”
Christine furrowed her brows …workmates?
“What was her name?” Christine asked but her doorbell rang, Christine going up to answer as she knew someone was coming “wait my neighbours getting her cat”
“I was wondering where this cutie came from” Janine cooed, scratching the cats head.
You were at the end of the door waiting for Christine to open the door, if there was anything that could make you feel any better right now was your cat.
“Hey y/n!” Christine cheered opening the door before two heads peeked through
“Oh I forgot to mention she was Christines neighbour”
And that’s how you met your future wife.
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luckych · 5 months
ʚ 𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞 ౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹ : how ___ react to becoming jealous : JUJUTSU KAISEN edition! ɞ
ʚ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 ౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹ : jujutsu kaisen x reader ɞ
ʚ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 ౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹ : some small fluff moments here and there and most definitely smut. ɞ
ʚ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 ౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹ : there may be some bad use of punctuation, maybe some spelling mistakes, nanami lowkey being kind of rough, mentions of oral sex, mentions of whining, crying, many pet names, some suggestive themes, JUST SOME KINKY FREAKY SHIT. ɞ
ʚ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 ౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹ : 2979 words. this is honestly the longest shit i’ve ever written.. at least on here. i’ve been gone for so long but i have this small little thing for people who’ll look. ɞ
ʚ 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰 ౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹ : you and the character would be somewhere together with your either group of friends or just each other when some random guy comes up to you, flirting with you and asking if you had a boyfriend. ɞ
ʚ 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐛𝐲 ౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹ : me @luckych the idea might not have come directly from me and might’ve been done before, but none of my work is plagiarized. i wrote everything by myself, so you can obviously use the idea for yourself, but do NOT take my work and pass it off as your own, please and thank you. ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ ɞ
⋆ ˚。⋆୨ ʚɞ ୧⋆ ˚。⋆
୨୧ - gojo satoru would most definitely playful about it yet totally obvious about his jealousy. once your waiter starts talking too much about you and how pretty you are, gojo definitely grabs your hand under the table, squeezing it slightly.
after the waiter had finally written down your order after yapping your ears off, he looked up from his notepad, looking your pretty body up and down in a flirtatious manner.
“you’re actually really pretty, ma’am–”
“oh, i know she is. she’s a reeeaal sight for sore eyes, isn’t she.. ben?,” he questions the guy in an annoyed tone, tilting his head to the side as if he was actually curious on what this puny imbecile had to say.
his tone was clearly extremely irritated as he softly squeezed your hand as you softly winced from his roughness.
“oh, is this your girlfriend, man? that’s my bad, dude.. w-what do you want to drink?,” your waiter questions your boyfriend, pretty much avoiding gojo’s jealous blue eyes as his stare alone intimidated him.
gojo couldn’t even hold back the scoff that escaped his lips as the complete audacity of this guy stunned him. he turned towards you, chuckling with masked anger.
“satoru, not here..”
“are you ignorant or what? you see two people alone at a two person table and you don’t think, “hmm, just maybe they might be on a date?,” gojo says, softly slamming his fist down against the nicely decorated table, shifting the table slightly as you could see a muscle in his jaw twitch.
“i said i was sorry. what else do you want me to say, man?,” the waiter asked in a slightly nervous tone, placing his pen in his chest pocket and his notepad in his clean, black apron.
“i’m about two seconds away from kicking his ass, babe. you should either hold me back, or let me hurt him,” gojo remarks, a muscle in his eye twitching as he stands up from his seat, cracking his knuckles.
the altercation quickly ended with you and gojo getting your entire meal for free, not before gojo got a few small punches in.
𐙚 - toji fushiguro wouldn’t even let a guy flirt with you in the first place. on the off chance that a guy actually had the chance to even talk to you, you and toji were out to go get boba and ramen obviously from your pockets because you wanted to treat him to something nice.
you two were walking around on the streets, toji drinking his boba in once hand as his other was wrapped around your waist, holding you close in an extremely possessive manner. your head was resting against his shoulder as he was talking about buying (stealing) some jewelry for you to make up for the money you spent.
that was before some random guys were in front of you, obviously talking about you, pointing out your features very clearly as they continued to look back at you with smirks. toji was already becoming increasingly annoyed, his smirk turning into a scowl almost immediately at their childishness.
“bro, just go talk to her! he’s probably just her guy friend, dude!,” once of the guys murmured under their breath, looking back at you immaturely as they met toji’s harsh eyes. he narrowed his eyes at the boy as he immediately turned away with an anxious look.
whoever they were hyping up finally grew the balls to talk to you, his group of friends walking in front of him as he walked towards you with a nervous yet confident expression on his face.
he stood in front of you, making you and toji stop in your tracks.
“hey, i can see that you're gorgeous, but what else should i know about you?,” he says, his gross pick up line being so disturbing cheesy that you could actually taste it.
it was as if your boba had suddenly turned sour, the seemingly sweet taste becoming instantly bitter as you took a sip.
“i’m gonna stop you right there. you’re either blind, stupid, or both if you don’t see my hand CLEARLY around my GIRLFRIEND’S waist,” toji says in an displeased manner, exclaiming certain words he said to get his point across, passing his boba to you as he shoved the guy.
his friends immediately came to his rescue, running over towards him as they stood behind him, trying to tell toji that they were the ones who encouraged him to pursue you.
toji obviously couldn’t give less of a fuck, raising up his muscular arm as he punched the guy dead in the face with an extremely tight fist, the guy falling to the ground as his nose was bleeding profusely.
“toji fushiguro! that’s enough, i think he’s learned his lesson, don’t you?!,” you cried, running over to toji as you hold both of your boba drinks in only one hand, grabbing toji’s bicep softly.
“hell no he hasn’t. once he’s fucking dead, then i know he’s learned.”
once you guys were finally home after he beat that guy’s ass, you were busy gagging and choking on his dick as he teaches you a lesson because a guy flirted with you. yes, his logic is clearly flawed, but it was his best excuse to fuck you in the most aggressive, roughest way ever.
౨ৎ - kento nanami would be the type to be chill about his anger during the situation but totally take his anger out on you in private, even if he’s totally against being rough with you. he’d just keep his anger pent up for way too long, his anger surging inside of him for too long for him to handle it properly.
when you and kento were out at a party one of his new friends invited him to, he decided to invite you as he didn’t want to leave his precious baby by herself all night.
since you wanted to make a good impression in front of friends, you decided to wear one of your favorite black dresses, the dress being extremely tight and hugging your curves well.
you did your makeup exceptionally nice, catching your boyfriend’s attention quickly.
“you’re really going to the party like that, baby? you look gorgeous, my love, but there’s going to be guys at the party,” he commented, placing his hands against your hips as he pulled you close to him, your face against his broad chest.
you felt him place a soft kiss against your forehead, a small blush creeping against your cheeks.
“i know. i wanna look good for you, not other guys,” you tell him with a reassuring grin.
nanami was extremely hesitant about letting you out of the house looking so seductive but he decided to allow it as he didn’t expect anybody to actually flirt with you.
sadly, he was dead wrong.
multiple guys at the party were flirting with you, even some of his new friends even though nanami was right there.
he just gave everyone who flirted with you an irritated stare, keeping himself composed to not ruin the night
once you guys were back home, you were crying, screaming his name as you took him harshly from the back.
you were pretty much so incredibly overstimulated to the point where you were cumming way quicker than you ever had in your life, your core being full of his seed and covered in your past orgasms.
afterwards, he definitely gave you the most wonderful aftercare of your entire life, giving you anything and everything you wanted.
୨ৎ - megumi fushiguro would give you the silent treatment, not because he’s mad at you but because he needs a moment to calm himself down and think before he does something extremely irrational just because of his jealousy.
when you and megumi were hanging out at the park eating ice cream together, a guy who was on the swings with his little brother came up to you two, smirking softly as he looked you up and down in an obviously flirtatious way.
megumi looked up at the guy, seeing that he was obviously attractive.
you also looked up at the guy, becoming awkward and nervous as he stared at you.
“hey, i can see that you’re pretty bored with your friend here. want me to steal you away?,” the guy asked, holding his hand out as you didn’t return the favor.
you turned towards megumi, waiting for him to do something, anything, but he just sat their clenching his fists in angry silence.
you scoffed in an annoying manner, seeing megumi look up as you handled the situation by yourself. you told the guy to go fuck himself, telling him that megumi wasn’t your friend but your boyfriend.
he got the message as he walked away embarrassed, going back to his brother.
the date was awkward afterwards as you weren’t over the fact that he didn’t do anything at all even though you would’ve for him.
you both went to his house afterwards, giving him the silent treatment as he did to you earlier.
“babe, i’m sorry. i - i just froze up. you know if i could’ve done something, i would’ve! i love you, you know i do..,” he said, grabbing your hand as he turned you around, pulling you in as you rolled your eyes softly.
you knew that you couldn’t stay mad at him forever so you eventually gave in, feeling him press the most gentle kiss against your forehead before kissing your lips.
ೀ - suguru geto is extremely quick to just shut down any type of flirtatious conversation between you and a guy whether you like it or not. he’s just possessive like that.
when you’re talking to one of your old friends from back in the day, he can’t help but listen from the sidelines.
you two were out at a coffee shop just chatting about anything that came to mind.
the barista called out your name as it was the one that you put for the order. you and geto stood up from your table hand in hand, walking to the counter to grab your coffee and cakes.
you stare at the barista’s face for a long second, finding the structure and look of his face to be really familiar.
geto just decides to leave you to your weird actions, grabbing both of your coffees and cakes, taking them back to your seat.
“oh my gosh, chris? is that actually you?! holy shit, i didn’t think i’d ever see you again!,” you exclaim slightly, chris gasping at the discovery that it was you, one of his childhood friends.
you both started to have a conversation, catching up with each other about all the things you’ve missed over the years.
“you’ve definitely gotten prettier, y/n. you look way better than all those years ago,” chris says, reaching out to grab your hand. before you knew it, your hand was in geto’s as he dragged you away from your ‘friend.’
“don’t ever talk to that stupid monkey again. if he can’t take a hint, you shouldn’t even be friends with him,” geto said, pushing your cutely decorated cake and coffee over to you, rolling his eyes as chris still eyed you and your body.
geto caught your eyes staring at the barista, becoming annoyed that he still didn’t get the message.
he turned towards your fake friend, sticking his middle finger up high towards him, telling him to fuck off in the meanest way he could muster.
ʚɞ - choso kamo would definitely be really needy and desperate for your attention whenever he’s jealous even if it’s a little bit. he always hates it when you talk to other guys, becoming really self conscious for god knows why.
he will NEVER ever tell you why he’s jealous so don’t even ask him.
when you and choso are out at the beach (you dragged choso out), you were laying against a beach towel under and umbrella as choso sat next to you in a chair trying to ignore the heat and how boring it was, knowing that he could’ve been playing video games right now when a guy comes up to you, softly tapping the umbrella as it catches your attention.
you open your eyes, seeing a tan guy with his shirt off, his abs being extremely prominent as he was a muscular guy.
choso looks at the guy then at you, immediately climbing out of the chair to sit next to you on the towel.
you sit up, listening to the way the man flirted with you so confidently and persistently.
choso leaned against your shoulder, whispering soft whines and begs for you to tell him to go away. “c’mon, y/n, tell him to go away already..,” choso pleaded, softly shaking your arm.
eventually, the guy caught the hint that your pale baby was your boyfriend, walking away with a silent scoff. you turn towards choso, seeing the pout on his face as he clings against your arm.
he was obviously frustrated as this wasn’t the first time a guy has hit on you.
he was trying to mask his anger but it was way too obvious by his body language and how he was acting. when you ask him what’s wrong, he can’t help but talk your face off, ranting for about an hour.
really, all you can do for this baby is just hold him in your arms, telling him that everything was gonna be okay and that you’d never leave him for another guy when he’s all that you needed.
afterwards, he definitely tries to control the way he reacts to his jealously as he can tell that he was overreacting just a little bit.
ꕤ - yuji itadori is honestly the least likely to be jealous out of the bunch. he’s honestly never jealous as he recognizes that there’s no reason to be.
he doesn’t care about guys flirting with you that much because he knows that you’re loyal to him and wouldn’t leave him for some other guy.
when he sees some random guy deciding to flirt with you when you guys are at the movies, he doesn’t really do much about it, not because he was too nervous or he froze up but because he literally knows you can take care of yourself and doesn’t need him to fight your battles for you.
( he definitely fights the battles you actually need help with though. )
once you finally get the guy away from you, you get your large popcorn bucket with your coke, handing yuji his drink before you two head into your movie.
ꕥ - sukuna is literally the most possessive of them all. he literally feels the slight urge to go ballistic when any guy even pays you any mind that isn’t him.
when you and sukuna are at the carnival together, getting ready to go on another ride, a guy comes towards you two with a large cone of cotton candy in his hand.
sukuna glares at the guy with pure disgust, a frown appearing on his face as he sees a puny human that isn’t you in his line of vision.
you thought that seeing sukuna’s harsh glare would make him go away but no. he just had to embarrass himself by persisting.
“hey there, pretty lady. do you believe in love at first sight or do i have to walk by again?,” he says in the flirtatious manner, a smirk plastered against his face as he holds out the cotton candy to you.
as you go to grab the cotton candy, sukuna’s hand immediately slaps your hand away, grabbing it instead of you as he drops the delicious looking cotton candy onto the floor, stomping on it and using his shoe to smush it down against the concrete.
how dare any other man try to grab your attention? another man trying to get your attention was almost like the world getting nuked.
“if you EVER in your pathetic, sad life decide to flirt with what’s mine, i won’t hesitate to kill you, freak,” he spat, spitting against the guys shirt as he pushes past him, shoving him as he grabs your hand, dragging you towards the line that you wanted to be in before some despicable loser interrupted you two.
“you’re mine, alright? and don’t you forget it.”
⋆ ˚。⋆୨ ʚɞ ୧⋆ ˚。⋆
₊˚⊹ ᰔ * - i made this extremely sleep deprived being extremely bored without anything to do so if it’s bad, then that’s understandable
₊˚⊹ ᰔ * - again, this was made by me @luckych
₊˚⊹ ᰔ * - i can agree to you using the idea because i feel like this has been done before, but please, don’t copy my work word for word.. (。•ˇ‸ˇ•。)
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sports-on-sundays · 6 months
hi hi hi!
i was wondering if i could request something where reader is arthur's best friend and he introduces her to charles. but then charles falls in love with reader first while reader has a partner and he confesses to her but she tells him she can't. and then a while later reader breaks up with her bf and charles shoots his shot again and she agrees to go out with him?
thank you sm 🫂
taken / CL16
Summary: Charles x female!reader - Your best friend's brother just so happens to have a thing for you. You just so happen to have a boyfriend.
Requested?: Indeed.
Author's Note: Did you read my mind? I was just thinking of an idea very similar to this one!
You're a little nervous to enter the Leclerc household. Not because you think they won't be just the sweetest people you've ever met- you're sure they will be, considering how Arthur turned out. No, you were just a little nervous to meet his older brothers. Particularly Charles.
You aren't even sure why. Maybe just because of his extreme fame. But Arthur is famous too... He races in F2.
But Arthur invited you to dinner with his family, saying his mother and brothers wanted to meet you, from all the good things he always said about you.
You had grinned and teased, "What sort of things do you say about me?"
And he had teased back, giving a playful smile, "I said you make the best fruit salad. That got them interested."
Now you sit in the passenger's seat of his car, a bowl of fruit salad sitting in your lap. Arthur pulls up to his house. "How you feeling?" he asks, shooting you a grin.
"Never better. Come on- I can't wait to meet your brothers."
"Aw, never mind my brothers! It should be my mother you're excited to meet!" He gets out of the car, and you follow, falling in step with him as you walk up to the house.
As you're halfway up the walk, the door opens, and Pascale Leclerc opens the door. "Bonjour Arthur et Y/n!"
You respectfully smile and respond back in French, "It's a pleasure to meet you!" You shake hands, and she holds the door for you and her youngest son.
"The other two are making a mess in the living room. I'm working on dinner. Why don't you join them?"
"Merci," Arthur smiles, giving his mother a kiss on the cheek, before leading you to the living room.
And there they are. Charles and Lorenzo Leclerc, lounging on the sofa. Both of them look away from the television when you enter with Arthur, and their faces brighten.
Charles stands up and shakes your hand. Lorenzo follows, doing the same thing. "Nice to meet you, Y/n," Charles chuckles, "Arthur has said so much about you."
"Oh, really? Other than my professional fruit salad making?"
Arthur cracks up as the elder Leclerc brothers give confused smiles. Arthur explains, "I never actually told them about your fruit salad-!"
"You liar!" you snap, giving him a playful shove.
Then the four of you settle down, and Lorenzo says, "So... You've ought to tell us about the fruit salad, then."
You shrug, your nervousness already dissipating. There's something about all three of these guys- they're just so natural, so sweet. "It's nothing much. Arthur just really likes this fruit salad I make." You roll your eyes.
"Really? Maybe we'll have to try it sometime," Charles smiles.
"I brought some for our dinner tonight!" you grin, meeting the man's eyes, which are nearly the same color as Arthur's- at least in this lighting.
"Oh, good," he nods.
The conversation continues like this for the rest of the night, and dinner is sweet. As the night goes on, your heart grows fonder and fonder of Arthur's family, just as it did when you first met Arthur himself.
Before you're about to leave, you ask awkwardly, "Oh! Uh, Charles, I was wondering..." The F1 driver looks up. "If I could, you know, get a picture with you. You know, so that once you become a world champion I have proof I met you." You are fully aware of how stupid this reason is, and are just avoiding the fact that you're totally the biggest Ferrari fan around.
Charles, laughs at this and starts to say, "Sure, we can-"
But his mother interrupts, "Come on, now. Charles isn't so special. Let me take a picture of the four of you. Give me your phone, honey." You hand your phone to her gratefully, and you stand for a picture, between Arthur and Charles, with Lorenzo on the other side of Charles. You feel Arthur's arm over your shoulders, and Charles' hand gently on your lower back.
After taking a few pictures, she hands your phone back, and you thank them, saying with a laugh, "Sorry if that made it awkward!"
Lorenzo says, "We don't mind," at the same time as Charles saying, "I'm used to it," at the same time as Arthur saying, "Yeah, Y/n, you made it super awkward."
The whole ride home in Arthur's car, you babble to him about his family and how sweet they are and this and that and the other thing. You find yourself especially mentioning Charles' name, though.
Arthur just listens as he drives, every so often putting in his two cents. When you make it to your house and he drops you off, you wave and get out. For the rest of the night, you can't stop thinking about the Leclerc's.
For the next six or seven months, Arthur invites you over a few more times. On this night, you're staying the night, because your house is having renovations on it. And probably because Arthur wanted some stupid slumber party or something, but was too cool to say it, as a grown adult man in his twenties. But facing it, Arthur totally has the heart of a stupid baby.
You could have just stayed in your home, but Pascale invited you over as soon as Arthur apparently mentioned to her that it was tough for you because of all the renovations.
Your boyfriend wasn't available to help you out because he had an accident about a workweek ago and has been in the hospital since. He's going to have to undergo surgery for a fracture. It hurts you to have to be away from him, but you have responsibilities, and have been staying with him, getting nearly no sleep, for the past four days. You boyfriend understood and even pushed you to let yourself go home, assuring you he'd be fine.
The whole Leclerc family has been warming up to you, but especially Charles, it seems. He often gives you nice comments on your looks and praise on your sweet personality.
Now you sit on Arthur's bed in his mother's house, on your phone. He's just gone to take a shower, leaving you by yourself. You believe that the only other person home is Pascale, who you assume is in bed by now.
You feel a shiver at the cold air conditioning, so you slip off Arthur's bed and walk to the corner of the room, grabbing a hoodie hanging on a hook, assuming it's Arthur's and knowing he wouldn't mind you wearing it. You pull it over, instantly feeling warmer as the soft cloth rubs against your cold arms and the scent of men's cologne fills your nose. It's a little big on you, so feels like a warm cozy blanket, almost.
At the growl of your stomach, you quietly slip out of Arthur's room, figuring you'll go unnoticed and be back on Arthur's bed before he ever knew you left his room. You head to the kitchen on soft feet. I'll just grab a little something from the fridge. You gently push open the door to the kitchen, but stop dead in your tracks when your eyes settle on the man standing in the kitchen. Charles looks up from the eggs he's making on the stove, and your eyes meet.
"Oh... Hey, Charles," you smile softly, awkwardly stepping into the kitchen. "Why are you here...?" You don't think before you ask that question.
He chuckles. "I'm sorry. Why are you here?" But the smile on his face is sweet. "Arthur mentioned you were staying over for the night offhandedly. I figured maybe I'd drop by."
You nod slowly, feeling a little awkward.
There's a soft smile on Charles' face as he looks down at the food he's making. You watch as he transfers his eggs onto a plate. "You look cute in my hoodie, by the way. Where'd you find it? I've been looking for that one all over; I swear."
"Oh, God," You can't help but feel embarrassed. "It was in Arthur's room- I'm sorry, I didn't know, I'll take it off n-"
"No, it's fine," Charles says quickly. "I haven't seen that hoodie in months. Not sure why it was in Arthur's room, but I don't mind. In fact, you can keep it if you want..."
"Oh, well, I don't know about that, but..." You trail off, not exactly sure what you were going to say next anyway. You glance to the refrigerator as you feel another pang of hunger in your stomach.
Charles seems to notice this and says, "Want some of my eggs? Here, I'll split them in half." He grabs a plate.
"Well I wouldn't want to take your food," you quickly say. "You made that for yourself."
But Charles shrugs, handing you the plate. "I made myself too much anyway. This will be enough." He leans against the kitchen counter and starts eating, so you shrug and stand next to him, starting to eat your own food.
"Thanks, Charles. This is good." It's really not good. Kind of bland and the texture is weird, but you don't complain. You're just happy he's feeding you.
"You're welcome," he says softly, staring out. His eyes are glazed over as if there's something bugging him. You're about to ask about it when he suddenly turns to you, that look gone from his eyes and replaced with a much brighter one. "Hey, Y/n." He speaks in an overly casual tone, and a little quickly. "I know you've probably figured this out by now, but I was just wondering-" He hesitates, and finished with a little smile, "Next Wednesday night, are you available? Sorry it's a random day- my upcoming week is pretty full, but..." He trails off, apparently deciding he's rambling too much now, and just looks at your face, waiting for an answer.
Only now do you realize how close his face is to yours. Only now do you see his constant sweet comments were more like flirting. Only now you notice the look in his eyes is less like the one of an older brother, and more like the one of a man who's interested. This shocks you. While of course you can't deny he's extremely handsome, and while of course you can't deny you're kind of a huge fan of his, and while of course you can't deny he has one of the sweetest personalities ever, it's never honestly really crossed your mind at all that he could like you in a way like that. And you know why this is. If you didn't have a boyfriend, you're sure you'd already have a huge crush on Charles by now. It would be a classic 'being into your best friend's hot older brother'.
But you feel so such feelings now. You swallow, meeting his glimmering eyes. "Are you asking me out?" You just want to be sure.
His face brightens, his little dimples showing with his smile. He nods. "Exactly."
You blink and look down. You carefully choose your words: "I'm very flattered, Charles. Thank you. I'm afraid I'll have to say no- You must not know that I already have a boyfriend."
Charles looks over and opens his mouth to say something, but suddenly the need wells up within you to quickly add, "I mean the reason why I'm not staying with my boyfriend tonight while so many of the rooms in my house are getting renovated is only because he's in the hospital right now so regularly I'd be doing that but you know he's gone so I was gonna just stay in my half-done flat but then Arthur and your mum suggested-"
Suddenly Charles very gently cuts off your anxious rambling, placing a hand on your arm, "I'm so sorry to hear that, Y/n. Sounds like... a lot's just kind of coming done on you, huh? I've been there. I... I'm sorry for bringing that up... you know, asking you out and all. I had no idea; I swear." He genuinely looks like he does feel bad for it.
"Oh, it's okay, Charles..." Your eyes meet his, and you can't help but realize how much of a sweetie he really is. "Thanks... It's fine. You didn't know. I just- yeah. Thanks for understanding. You probably know how it is- sometimes in hard times it's nice to just have a few people that have got your back." You hesitate, before finishing in nearly a whisper, "Honestly, Charles, you and your family feel like... You're all so dear to me. You're starting to feel more like home than my own family." Your own family who don't have your back right now, while the Leclerc's do.
He smiles and gently gives you probably the softest hug you've ever received. It's short, and he pulls away quickly, saying with a soft smile, "I should have assumed you have a boyfriend already. I can't imagine a woman as beautiful as you not." He winks.
You smile softly, staring at the kitchen floor. There was something about that hug... Just so needed. It was so comforting. Arthur is good at comforting too, but in a different way. He's not a hug type of guy. He just jokes and distracts and keeps your mind off your troubles. You weren't expecting such a sweet hug from Charles just now.
You chuckle and look back up to meet his eyes. "You are not smooth, you know," you tease, although in all honesty, he kind of is.
"Alright," he nods, clearly enjoying a little bit of teasing, "you keep telling yourself that."
Then Arthur comes in, saying, "Y/n, there you are! Let's go to my room; I'm done showering. I have some funny sh*t to show you."
You walk away with Arthur, but can't help but glance back at at Charles. He attempts at another wink, but ends up pretty much just blinking. You chuckle to yourself.
"What?" Arthur asks.
"Oh, nothing. Just your brother."
About three months later, Arthur stands up from the sofa in Charles flat when his phone starts ringing. "I've got to take this," Charles' younger brother comments, walking out of the room. He shuts the door to the hallway behind him. Charles really doesn't care and is about to take out his own phone and start scrolling, but his ears perk up when he hears his brother say, "Hey, Y/n. What's good?"
Charles knows he shouldn't, but can't help himself from listening to Arthur's half of your phone conversation, which is: "I'm good. Any reason you called?... What is it?... Oh, I'm sorry, Y/n. How are you taking it?... Oh? Why?... That's good, Y/n. The last thing you need is a broken heart, huh? Then I'd have to fix it up for you... No, I didn't mean it like that!" Arthur laughs. "...So, how's it feel to be a single woman again?" Charles' eyes stare at the door, his heart involuntarily beating faster. "...No, no, Y/n! That's not what I meant! Gosh, why do all the things I say sound so obnoxiously flirtatious? I'm not even trying to sound like that... Oh, yeah, I don't... Okay, hah... Oh, I'm just hanging out with Charles... No, no, he didn't. I'm out of the room. I know sometimes you have personal things to say... Why do you sound disappointed?... Oh, right, sorry... Alright, bye bye, Y/n... Bye." As soon as Charles hears the phone beep and the doorknob to the room starts to turn open again, he stares down back at his phone, trying to calm his nerves as best he can. He'd feel terribly bad if he knew Arthur had known he was eavesdropping.
"Who was it?" Charles asks, trying to sound as natural as possible, at the same time as trying not to sound obnoxious or nosy.
"Oh, just Y/n," Arthur says, and quickly moves on with another topic of conversation. But the whole time, Charles can't stop thinking about you.
There was no way you weren't going to be going to Abu Dhabi with the Leclerc boys. So here you are, Sunday race day, on the paddock for the last F1 race of the season.
Suddenly, though, you feel a distinct touch on your arm, different from all the other people bumping into you from around. You turn to that direction and fix your eyes on Charles Leclerc.
Oh God. Why is your heart suddenly racing like this? It's been about three months since cutting it off with your now ex-boyfriend, and pretty much the day after that, a little seed of liking for Charles that you had been keeping from nourishing for all this time sprouted.
It's like it's been an underlying feeling you've had for... Well, probably over a year now. And even before that, you certainly had a little fangirl crush on him; no doubt about that one.
His hair, which is in need of a little trim you think (not seriously bad) is slightly messed up, and he has the sweetest little shine in his honestly quite lovely eyes. He's recently shaved, and his little dimples are so defined right now in the outdoor light of the late afternoon. You can't help but notice how his defined jawline turns into his strong neck, and how broad and strong his shoulders are. And on top of it all his tight fireproof defines his pecs so clearly you-
God, why are you checking Charles out like this?
"Y/n?" Charles asks, "Did you hear me?" Apparently, you'd been so taken away by his appearance (which is literally how he looks pretty much every race weekend...?) that you hadn't even heard him the first time.
You blush. "Oh, right, sorry. Yes?"
His lip twitches, and he seems to study you now, before leaning close and saying as soft as possible while still having you hear, "I was wondering... When we get back to Monaco, could I take you out to eat? It's just that I heard you broke up with-"
"Yes," you blurt, and kind of want to slap yourself. Just a little bit.
But his face lights up at your seemingly extreme willingness. "Really? So do you feel the same way?"
"Well," you put a teasing smile on, "I'd have to know how you feel about me first before answering that."
"You know..."
"Then say it."
"Well, I have feelings for you."
"Well, then maybe I have feelings for you, too." Your heart is pounding.
"So that means you'd like to go out to eat with me?"
You smirk softly. "I guess it does."
You open your door, wearing your best. Charles insisted on bringing you to a very nice, expensive place. You weren't so sure- that's not quite your type of environment- but agreed to it.
And, well, he looks amazing.
He wears a fitting black tuxedo, dress shoes, and a lovely smile on his face. Lovely dimples.
But he says, "Oh my God, Y/n." Intense feelings briefly flash in his eyes. "That dress... those shoes... your makeup... your hair. You look... gorgeous."
"Oh, stop," you murmur, smiling softly, looking away.
"Well, then, princess," he takes your hand in his, gently in his and kisses it, before walking to his Ferrari with you, still holding your hand. Despite how cheesy and cliché this really is, you can't help but be charmed.
He opens the car door for you and you get in. He shuts it and when he starts driving, takes your hand in his again. "Y/n," he says softly, "I'm going to make this the best date you've ever experienced and treat you like the princess you are."
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Clever boy - Eddie Diaz smut
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Summary: after weeks of tricking you into thinking he’s a bottom, Eddie pulls the ultimate switch engaging in a very sexy game of sex.
Warnings: mommy kink, daddy kink, bottom! Eddie, top! Eddie
Eddie was a smart man, clever in fact, He had been seeing y/n for weeks, and it's been the most fun he's had. After having a long talk with his best friend about his quickly drying up sex life, he went out and found someone to spice it up, and that's exactly what you did.
For weeks, he had put up with being submissive with you, letting you think you had full control of his body, but that was the fun part, he was gonna flip your entire world around tonight. You had both talked about it previously, what would happen if he ever decided he was taking control, you had no issue, telling him it was at his own pace, but you'll miss his submissive side.
As you walked into your boyfriend's apartment, you couldn't help but to feel like you were being watched. Shuttering as you walked down the hall you sighed "Eddie! This isn't funny! Your text said it was an emergency!" You shouted "I swear you're gonna regret this, Edmundo" You sneered, looking into his bedroom, and yet, nobody. As you went to turn around to search the living room again, you were met with a torso dressed in a nice blue suit, you could tell just by the fabric it was expensive. You gasped taking a step back to run, but a hand grabbed you tightly, pulling you flush against his chest, looking up you were met with Eddie's coy smirk. "Relax. I've got you, princesa" He whispered "I think we need to have a little chat" He whispered, almost like you were in trouble. "Edmundo, I left work for this, you're so gonna re-" He cut you off with a harsh glare "Hush" He demanded walking you backwards to a chair in the corner of his bedroom. You let out a breath of air as you felt yourself fall into the seat, looking up at Eddie, fully taking in how hot he was.
"I've let you prance around, letting you think your in charge..but papi's getting a little bored of it" Eddie whispered, leaning down grabbing the armrests, meeting you at eye level. "Eddie" You warned, resting your hands on his about to stand up, but he quickly rotated his wrists, trapping your hands "Not uh, stay." He demanded, his tone deep, almost unrecognizable. "What're you doing?" You asked, slowly growing more irritated as he spoke "I like to play with my food, y/n" He whispered in your ear before biting your neck gently "But this is my game, and it's time, we're both on the same page" He continued, kneeling on the ground slowly, not breaking eye contact with you "Don't get me wrong princesa, I love watching you tell me what to do, its adorable, but now I need you" He grunted pulling off your leggings with ease, running his hands up and down your thighs slowly.
"Yes sir" You said jokingly, rolling your eyes, Eddie was quick to grab your jaw roughly "Keep up the attitude, brat. Now. Again without the bitchiness" He spat, you shifted in your seat, now feeling extremely nervous under his gaze. "Yes sir" Your voice was barely above a whisper, you could feel his deep breaths against your inner thigh, looking down you moaned under your breath, Eddie's head was placed perfectly between your thighs, his eyes never taking their gaze off of your face. "buena nina" Eddie praised, you gulped, watching his hand creep up your thigh towards your underwear. "E-Eddie" You whined, he grunted, swatting your ass swiftly "Sir?.." You questioned, he responded by raising his gaze back to you, you were trying desperately to find the words "Speak, mami" He whispered, kissing your inner thigh softly, god damnit this man is gonna kill you. You licked your lips, your mouth suddenly dry, your heart was racing with excitement. Eddie gently took your wrist into his palm, pressing his fingertips against your artery to find your pulse "Hey, you're okay, princesa, relax" He whispered kissing your palm gently "I've got you" Eddie added on before pulling you up and towards the bed "I want you, sir" You finally mustered out, the smirk on his face returned, and so did the dark look in his eyes.
"All you had to do was ask, mami" Eddie whispered before pulling off his shirt, you grunted grabbing his belt undoing it yourself, you could see how hard Eddie was breathing once his shirt was off. Before Eddie could do anything else he rolled onto his side "W-Wha..-" You whimpered, Eddie chuckled "I wanna see you be mami again" He smirked, he knew exactly what he was doing, and my lord was Buck right, this is totally spicing things up. "Very funny" You said, trying to keep your voice level, but failing miserably. It was almost crazy how Eddie managed to switch, his gaze changing to look at you with full submission and admiration. "Please, mami, please" He begged, letting his head fall into the pillows, you took in a shaky breath, the knot in your stomach was so tight you felt like you could puke. "More" You demanded quietly, ghosting your hand over his cock that was pressed against his slacks so much you could start to see outlines. "I can't hear you, mami! please touch me anywhere" He begged, his back arching as he tried to grind against your hand, you felt a wave of confidence rush over you, pressing your hand down, watching as he bit his lip fighting back a moan "Yes! fuck!" He grunted as you straddled him, leaning down ghosting your lips over his, right as you felt like you started to get control, Eddie quickly flipped you over "My turn, mami" He whispered in your ear, pinning your hands above your head, you leaned further back on the bed, your underwear was soaked, you could feel it between your legs as you squeezed your legs together "Naughty girl" He whispered using his other hand to open your legs, using his leg to keep them open "I'm s-sorry, you're just so fucking hot, and not doing anything" You whined, grinding against nothing trying to find any type of friction. Eddie smirked pressing his thigh against your pussy, making you gasp, digging your nails into the side of his hand.
"What, princesa? What do you want from me?" He teased, tracing his fingertips over your clit, even with a thong on, you could still feel everything. "Fuck me, Eddie, please" You begged, Eddie was about to cum right there, since you two had gotten together he had never heard you beg, especially not for him. "Fuck..." He whispered, you watched as Eddie looked down towards his slacks then slowly working his gaze up your body. "Please, sir, please fuck me, Eddie, I need you, please" You whined, arching your back desperate to feel his skin against yours. Your boyfriend dropped his hold on your hands, ripping his own slacks off as he kissed you deeply, you kissed back happily. You felt his tongue slowly find it's way into your mouth, his hands busy with other things, you gasped as you felt him push into you slowly.
"Such a slut for me" You heard him grunt, you bit your lip watching him lean up, running a hand through his hair as he bottomed out inside of you, taking your opportunity you ran your nails down his chest, leaving faint red lines. He grunted thrusting his hips taking you by surprise "Oh my god" You panted trying to lean up to kiss him, but Eddie pressed a hand onto your chest forcing you back onto the bed. He took your hips in his hands flipping you both again "We're gonna play a game, got that, princesa?" He asked, you met his gaze finally as he lifted your chin with his finger "Yes sir.." You whispered, biting your lip, desperate for him to do anything, you felt like you were going to die if you didn't cum soon.
"We're gonna switch..to see who cums faster" He whispered "Just to see who's a better dominate" He added on, you nodded faintly, Eddie looking towards you, grasping any sense of reality you had, you started grinding your hips against his. You could feel his legs tense, his fists grabbing at the sheets "What, baby? Is this too much?.." You teased, running your hands up and down his chest "N-No no please don't stop, don't stop" He whined, you grabbed the base of his neck, making eye contact with him "Don't worry, mami will make it feel better" You teased further, as you started moving your hips faster, Eddie moaned loudly, bucking his hips up meeting your grinds. You stopped immediately, squeezing his neck just enough to cause his cock to twitch inside of you “did you ask to fuck me?” You growled, Eddie smirked flipping you, reversing the roles as he know held your neck “I don’t need permission to fuck mi amor whenever my cock is buried inside of her” he growled, bucking his hips harshly, you whined covering your mouth much to Eddie’s disliking “did I say be quiet? Papi wants to hear you” he whispered biting your collarbone lightly as he slammed his cock further inside of you “Eddie!” You screamed out arching your back “buena nina” he growled not slowing his pace “fuck Eddie!-“ you moaned “say it.” Eddie demanded squeezing your neck roughly “f-fuck! Only you can fuck me like this!” You moaned, feeling yourself near that edge before Eddie flipped you again. My lord you wanted to smack him, why couldn’t he just let you cum?
“You fucking brat” you growled “I was so fucking close” you added on grinding against him, watching him lick his lips as an idea sprung into your head. Pulling yourself off of him, his face fell in pure sorrow “w-what? Baby p-please!” He begged thinking you were ending the game, maybe he went to far, he never should’ve done this, as his chest started to tighten he felt your hand cup his cheek. “You’re okay..you’re gonna help mami” you whispered grabbing his hair, repositioning his hand, almost as soon as it came out of your mouth, Eddie visibly calmed down with his anxiety, holding your thighs to hold you steady. “Ready?..” you whispered “you don’t stop till I say.” You said before grabbing his chin “only outside. I’m not losing” you challenged, Eddie whined loudly, leaning his head up before you pulled his hair pushing it back down on the bed. “Stop it” you growled smacking his cheek gently before lowering yourself onto his mouth. His tongue attacked you like he was starving, licking up any wetness that had made its way out of your pussy, you could feel his tongue going over your clit as you grinded against it.
“Just like that baby!” You moaned arching your back, you could feel his nails digging into your skin before feeling his tongue push inside of you, you immediately curled in pleasure, tightening your grip on his hair as he flicked his tongue inside of you. “Ooh” you moaned loudly as you attempted to lift your hips off of his face but he held you down, as his eyes flipped towards your gaze you could see the darkness cloud back in and immediately you knew you were fucked, literally.
His tongue moved a lot faster, at a speed that even shocked you as his head bobbed slightly as he continued to eat you out “oh fuck! Fuck papi! Fuck!” You whined your voice going higher as you grinded against his face, his grip tightened on your legs, flipping you onto your back as he threw your legs over his shoulders. You whined trying to pull yourself off of him, his speed being way too much combined with your sensitivity “I-i can’t-“ you whimpered, Eddie pulled his mouth away from you, a dangerous glare on his face “you can take it. You’re my buena nina, you can take it. I wanna taste you, I want to see my slut make a complete mess” he growled before pulling your hips back down to continue his abuse on your pussy.
“Eddie!” You cried out, feeling his tongue flatten against your clit, along with three fingers pushing their way inside of you “fuck papi!” You cried out digging your nails into his shoulders “my little fucking slut” he spat curling his fingers, you whined, Eddie grunted pulling his fingers out before replacing it with his tongue again, taking your breath away.
“Cum for me princesa” he whispered, you clenched your teeth shaking your head “no?..we’ll see about that” he whispered against your thigh. “Papi got a present” he smirked reaching up towards his night stand pulling out a small pink device. Pressing a button the small object buzzed to life making you whine loudly, your legs visibly shaking with anticipation. “You want this, slut?” He asked, leaning in front of your pussy making you whimper nodding your head rapidly “want you to make me cum, please papi” you whimpered spreading your legs wider, almost like an invitation.
You almost screamed as he pressed the vibrator on your clit full power, shoving his tongue back inside of you, returning to his job of eating your pussy out. You bucked your hips quickly against Eddie’s face, almost ripping a hole in the sheets from how tight you were squeezing them. You could see Eddie grinding his hips into the mattress, that was almost enough to make you cum. You gasped, the knot in your stomach exploding out of nowhere against Eddie’s mouth, his tongue licking everything your body offered. You slowly pushed him onto his back, leaning forward to slip him into your mouth, letting his cock slip down your throat as you swallowed around him.
Eddie smirked moving your leg to the other side of his head pushing the vibrator inside of your pussy turning it on. The sensation took you by surprise, making you choke slightly around him, he groaned bucking his hip, using his other hand to guide your head pushing your head down repeatedly, making sure you didn’t gag too much. “Fuck yea baby, just like that. Take my cock, you’re so fucking good at it” he growled moving the vibrator in and out of you, you could feel the knot quickly forming again as you pressed back against it, swallowing around him again.
Eddie growled bucking his hips up, bottoming out down your throat, you swallowed around him making him tense, trying to shove his cock deeper inside of your throat if possible, he pushed the vibrator as deep as it would go inside of you. You moaned around him feeling his cum shoot down your throat, the feeling itself made you cum again, this time squirting on the toy and a little on his hand and mouth. “Fuck yes. Every night. From now on” you panted slowly falling onto your back next to him “deal” he panted
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beautifulbrainrot · 6 months
first time
spencer reid x fem!reader
cw 18+ fem!virgin!reader, implied age gap (reader in 20s, spencer in like.. s7-15) soft fluffy sex, a bit jokey (you’ll see), swearing, oral (f!receiving), unprotected p in v
a/n def the longest thing i’ve ever written so please lmk if this is nonsensical babble ..
when you first met spencer reid, you thought he was one of the most handsome men you’d ever seen.
as you got closer to him, you realised that no only was he extremely attractive, he was smart, awkward but charming, all around the perfect man. of course you wanted him! who wouldn’t?
except there were a few things stopping you from making a move as most people might do. first of all, he was your coworker. you had recently started at the BAU, and you did not want to be that new girl who sleeps with her more senior coworkers. another thing was that you were slightly.. more inexperienced than most in that particular feild. you had never had sex. or dated anyone. or even had a first kiss. god, you were pathetic! you wanted those things, so desperately, but many factors had stopped you.
and who would want the pathetic, over 20 year old virgin? at least that’s what you thought.
spencer had had his eye on you since you joined the team. at first it was innocent, you were smart and seemed nice, and awfully pretty. then, being a profiler, he started noticing things about you. you were extra nervous around him, blushing when he would talk to you. and recently you had even begun to avoid him. ducking away when he called your name from across the room, avoiding conversation if not pertinent to work and just overall staying away from him.
he had grown quite fond of you over the time you’d been on the team, even developing a small crush on you. who was he kidding, it was a huge crush. his eyes lingered on your pretty face a little too long, he didn’t mind it when you touched him (which was uncommon for someone he didn’t know very well) and he found himself thinking about you more than he normally would with his friends, even his closest friends.
spencer reid had a crush on you.
and you had a crush on spencer reid.
problem was, you were avoiding him like the plague and he didn’t really know how to talk to you.
you were at a impass.
good thing is, spencer had gotten better over the years at his people skills, and talking to people wasn’t as daunting as it once was for him. he just needed to wait for the right moment.
the right moment came in the office, late in the evening, when you, him and two or so others were still there. he walked up to your desk, knocking quietly on the wood of the table to alert you to the fact he was standing there.
you looked up, eyes widening as you saw it was spencer. standing at your desk. about to talk to you.
“hey, can i- can i talk to you for a second? in private.”
you nodded, blush dusting your cheeks. you followed him to an empty office, where you both stepped inside and he closed the door behind you.
“you’ve been avoiding me.” he started, looking down at you.
“i- i haven’t!”
“actually you have. we haven’t talked about anything not essential to work in… 1 week, 5 days and 2 hours.” he said, glancing down at his watch to see the exact time.
“you know the exact time we last talked..?” you asked, raising your eyebrow slightly. spencer’s eyes widened and he grimaced. real smooth.
“that’s.. not important. why are you avoiding me? i haven't said anything or done anything, have i?” he fretted, frowning slightly, wracking his brain for anything he might have done to upset you.
“no, spencer, you haven’t done anything! this is me- i’m.. i’m being unprofessional.” you sighed, gently placing your hand on his arm to calm him.
he gladly accepted the touch, holding back a smile as he realised this was the first time you touched him in weeks. your touch made him feel warm, heat radiating through his body from the spot on his arm where your palm lay.
“unprofessional, how?” he asked, tilting his head in a way that was akin to a confused puppy, which you thought was quite cute.
you sighed, deciding whether you were going to tell him or not. either he was going to be uncomfortable, or maybe, just maybe he might like you back.
“i had- well- i have a bit of a.. crush on you..” you whispered, grimacing as you realised that there was no taking back what you just said. no where else to go but forward. so you just started rambling.
“and- i mean! i didn’t want it to be uncomfortable or be unprofessional at work so i started avoiding you because you obviously don’t like me back so-“
“how’d you know i don’t like you back?”
“because who would like a pathetic twenty something year old virgin, who’s never even been kissed!” you yelled exasperatedly.
spencer’s eyes widened.
yours did too.
“i did.. not mean to say that.”
spencer didn’t say anything for a second.
“what i was trying to say.. is i do like you back.”
you looked up at him, shocked.
“even- even after what i just said?”
he shrugged, nodding.
“yes, i mean i was inexperienced in my twenties too. and now that i’m more experienced.. i can help you out.. if you want?” he breathed, voice low, his hands landing softly on your hips, thumbs rubbing small circles on your work skirt.
you knew you were blushing like crazy, embarrassment and lust heating up your cheeks.
“so.. i guess what i’m trying to say is.. do you want me to kiss you?”
you nodded dumbly, and barely a second passed before his large palms were cupping your heated cheeks, and his soft lips were of yours. you practically melted into him, turned into mush from the sweet and simple kiss.
he gently pulled away, and you looked up at him, eyes lidded and dazed.
“so.. how was that for your first kiss?”
you bit your lip, smiling softly.
“i think i want you to do it again.”
he didn’t waste any time, capturing your lips again, moulding them with his as he kissed you deeply. the kiss quickly got even deeper, more passionate, and when he pulled away you were flushed and panting.
emboldened, you initiated the next kiss, pushing yourself against his lean body, tangling your hands in his messy hair. he accepted this touch gladly, moaning lowly into your mouth at the feeling of your fingers tugging slightly on his soft locks.
by this point you were more than hot and bothered, practically soaking through your panties from just a few kisses. though who could blame you? you were a virgin kissing the most handsome man you’d ever seen in your life, and he was kissing you back. deeply. fervorously. passionately.
but just kissing wasn’t enough to satisfy this need inside of you. this want, this desperate urge. you needed him to touch you, to hold you, to fuck you. and you needed him to do it now.
“spencer-“ you whined, pulling away from his lips, pressing yourself closer against him.
“i need you.”
he cupped your cheeks again, looking down at your desperate face, eyes wide and wanting.
“i’m not taking your virginity in an empty office in the BAU.”
you groaned, and he laughed softly at the pout on your face.
“my apartment is near here! please spencer, please, i’m tired of waiting, i want you. now.” you cried, pressing yourself closer against him. it was then that you felt it. a bulge in his slacks.
holy fuck. he was hard. he was hard, because of you.
you trailed your hand down his body, ghosting over his crotch. you smiled as he closed his eyes with a shaky breath.
“c’mon... please can we go to mine?” you smiled softly, looking up at him, your smile widening as you saw that glint of pure lust in his gorgeous eyes.
he didn’t say anything for a second, seemingly weighing up the options, and deciding what to do. then finally, he spoke.
the trip back to your apartment was quick, and as soon as you entered the door, you were up against the wall again, your hands back in his hair and his on your hips.
slowly, you started grinding together, slightly clumsily at first on your part, but he quickly hooked your leg up and around his, pressing his clothed cock into your clothed core.
the pressure against your aching, soaked cunt was perfect, your head falling back slightly as you moaned. spencer took the opportunity to kiss on your jaw and down to neck, before going to your collar ( under where your work shirt would be ) to start sucking in a dark hickey.
you breath came out in pants, whimpering and moaning softly as he ground up into you.
“bedroom, please- please.” you gasped. you needed him. right fucking now.
you gasped, wrapping your hands around his neck as he suddenly picked you up, legs hooked around his hips, face in his neck as he carried you over to your bedroom.
he placed you gently on the bed, and stood over you. you were both looking at eachother with lust in your eyes, unable to tear away.
“do you want me to continue. do you want to have sex with me?”
you nodded quickly.
“words, baby.”
baby. holy fuck.
“i want to. please.” you answered quickly.
“do you want to take your clothes of for me?”
“only if you take yours of too.”
he smiled at that, quickly unbuttoning his shirt as you shedded your blouse.
“can you help with my bra?” you asked softly, turning, back to him.
he helped you unclasp it, and you turned back around, shedding the garment.
“beautiful.” he whispered as he looked at you, now only left in your panties.
you smiled softly, feeling completely comfortable as he looked at your nude chest. you in turn, started at his. he wasn’t muscley by any means, but he was lean and tall, with a small soft tummy you wanted to litter with a million kisses.
your eyes drifted down to his boxers, biting your lip as you saw the tent in his underwear. he smirked slightly as he watched your awestruck face closely, monitoring your expressions. spencer had come a long way with how he felt about his body, but he was still insecure. but seeing the way you looked at him, the pure awe and lust in your eyes made him feel better than ever before.
he whispered your name, and you looked up, small smile on your face.
“lie back, baby.” he said, his voice gentle and you couldn’t help but obey.
he helped you shuffle out of your panties, pulling them down off your legs, before pressing himself inbetween your legs.
your eyes widened as you realised what he was going to do.
“you don’t have to-“
“i want to. do you want me too?” he quickly answered.
you nodded, before quickly saying yes, remembering that he wanted vocal consent. you were blushing like crazy, and you leaned your head back into the pillows so that you could hide your heated face from him.
spencer didn’t notice, too busy gentle parting your thighs with his large hands, pushing them apart to reveal your glistening pussy to him.
overcome with lust and need, he leaned in, licking a broad stripe from your hole to your clit before circling his tongue around your clit softly.
you gasped and moaned lewdly, your lips parting as he continued licking your pussy, desperate to hear those sounds from you again.
he ate you liked a starved man, and just like his kisses he was passionate and feverous, moaning lowly into you. your taste was like honey to him, and the sounds you were making were angelic, music to his ears, the soft, needy noises coming from your parted lips as you squirmed on the bed encouraging to go faster, sloppier, deeper until you were screaming out with pleasure, legs trembling and shaking as you came hard on his readily awaiting tounge.
“holy.. holy fuck!” you laughed, quite literally in shock as he removed his face from between your quivering thighs. and fuck, if you didn’t almost come again at the sight of spencer reid, between your thighs, lips and chin slick with your juices, smiling softly up at you, pupils blown with lust.
he moved up your body, capturing your lips in a deep kiss, and you moaned at the taste of yourself on his tongue. it was sloppy and messy and dirty and perfect.
you parted from his lips, panting quietly.
“fuck me.” you said, biting your lip, “please?”
he kissed you chastely, before pulling away to remove his boxers. your eyes almost popped out of your head when you saw him, unrevealed to you at last. he was big. fuck. how were you going to take all of that?
“it’s okay. it’ll fit.” he breathed. you looked at him, jaw dropped. he talked about it so nochalantly, like he wasn’t constantly carrying around that fucking thing. you picked your jaw up and smirked softly. you could not wait to have him inside of you.
he lined himself up with you, and you shivered slightly with anticipation when you felt the head of him brush against your quivering hole.
holy fuck. this was happening.
he slowly pushed in, and you threw your head back into the pillows. the stretch burned, but soon the pain turned into pleasure, the feeling of being so filled, so fucking perfect you felt like crying and praising god. or spencer, really.
“feels- s’good spence-“ you chocked out, panting harshly into the quiet room as he stretched you open with his cock.
you both moaned as he bottomed out in you.
“are you ready?”
“so, so ready.”
he met your lips in a gentle kiss, that quickly turned rough and passionate as he started thrusting into you, pulling himself out before pushing back in.
as his thrusts got faster, you clung onto him, hands scratching down his back as he rhythmically fucked into you.
a continuous string of moans fell from your parted lips, the sounds going straight to spencer’s cock, making him go faster and deeper, holding you close as he fucked you.
he connected his lips to yours again, both of you moaning into eachothers mouths. the kiss was lewd and sloppy and passionate and so fucking perfect.
it didn’t take long before your legs were shaking again, your second orgasm of the night nearing. spencer could feel you clench around his cock as you neared the edge, the extra pressure causing him to get closer as well.
you both came together, holding each other close, moaning and panting. he pulled out gently, rolling over to lie next to you. you turned onto your side to look at him, and he did the same. you kissed him softly, chastely. unlike your previous kisses, this was gentler and softer, filling you with a different kind of warmth than the heat of lust.
“how was that for your first time? i hope i didn’t disappoint.” spencer grinned, and you couldn’t help the smile that formed on your face just looking at his.
“definitely didn’t disappoint.” you giggled. he wrapped his arm around you, holding your body close to him, both your eyes closing as the exhaustion of your long day and.. extracurricular activities finally caught up with you.
hope you like! reblogs and comments are always appreciated !
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