#FD x Reader
luimagines · 3 months
Sacrificial Dues
Another Commission!
They asked for a human sacrifice to the one and only Fierce Deity. The events are as follows. Enjoy!
Content under the cut!
It was at dawn, at the waking breaths of the earth when there was a shift of change in the air. It happened every now and then, but the air itself tasted different. Sweet. Sour. Acrid. Strange. It was strange. It was personal.
He had no name that he would have assigned himself. He was created with a purpose. His only job was to see it through. The humans however were less enthralled with the concept.
They had called him The Fierce Deity, a being worthy of praise or of contempt depending on who you ask.
He was fine with either, knowing that so long as no one was in his way to protect the humans from themselves and of other threats that sought to do them harm, he could handle any indignity that the universe threw at him. 
The way the humans looked at the way he worked was one of curiosity and reverence. The occasional unease trickled through the humans every now and then. More often than not, his presence was often followed by a surging sense of foreboding. The humans knew that wherever he went, violence was sure to follow.
Due to their misconceptions, they often sent him gifts for mercy- in vain hopes that his blade would never come against their people and to buy his peace and protection from the threats to them and their land.
The Fierce Deity would have done so regardless. It was his purpose. But the reason for his existence didn’t dictate that he shouldn’t accept the gifts and he wasn’t inclined to correct the people if it meant that they would give their continued cooperation. 
He was on his way to pick up the leftover gift when the stench in the air all but disturbed his very sense of balance. The humans were waiting for him. As in, multiple humans.
They had never bothered to wait for him before.
Cautious, he approached the no doubt fearful group. And it was a group. There were at least five individuals. Most appeared to be male (although he never considered himself very good at telling the humans apart from one another), but there was one in a bright, white gown that no doubt held significance to the humans he protected, but one he never bothered to learn.
All the humans bowed low to the ground at once, save for the one in the dress and waited until he stood in front of them to speak. They were all shaking, but only the one in the dress dared to look at him. Intriguing. The Deity noted this with a hidden grin. He favored the brave.
They were striking in appearance, adorned with many fine metals and jewels that were meant to accentuate their appearance. It worked. The god found himself fascinated by the particular shade of their eyes and the lines of their features.
“Oh great and mighty Fierce Deity.” One of the humans spoke with his face to the dirt. It had halted his blizzard fascination with the mortal they deemed worthy of being in his presence. “We have little to give. A famine has desecrated our lands and there is nothing of substance for Your Grace.”
The Fierce Deity stayed silent, for there was little he could do or say about the matter.
The human continued. “In hopes of mercy and time for the land to heal and produce, we offer the most beautiful of our people to you. They are yours to do with as you see fit.”
He stared at the pitiful man in the dirt by his boots. The deity… was perplexed  to say the least. He had no need for the humans to sacrifice to him to begin with. It was never part of his duties or his vows or purpose.
The human in question, now that the context was beginning to dawn on him, was tied by the wrists and no doubt tied by their ankles as well. 
Anger churred dangerously in his gut before he found the will to speak. He tried to cause as little fear in the humans as he could but this warranted the terror he’d produce in their hearts. “Are they a willing sacrifice?”
He may not be the most benevolent creature, but he wasn’t cruel. Ruthless, yes. Many a time. But cruel? He was built to protect, not destroy. The very thought made his blood boil. After all this time, had they thought so little of him? After everything he’s done for them?
His words had shaken the mortals to their core, giving the rope around his “sacrifice’s” wrists a deeper, far more twisted meaning. He raised his hand to the hilt of his sword before the mortal in question stepped forward, putting them between him and their captors.
“I am willing.” They said, swallowing the last of their fear, meeting his eyes at last. He could see their shoulders shake with the strength and force they exuded to keep their tremors hidden from his gaze. The Fierce Deity was trained to notice such subtleties in body language on all fronts, but once more, he admired their courage.
“Very well.” He rolled his shoulders, hoping to quell the unease and fury coiling around in his stomach. “And what am I to do with a human sacrifice?”
“Whatever you see fit.” Came a reply from the dirt before the sacrifice could answer for themselves. “A slave, a companion, a meal, a lover- just have mercy on us and our village.”
He growled.
The mortals flinched at the inhumane sound, attempting to burrow themselves into the ground as it was. Even his steely-eyed sacrifice had turned their gaze away with a wince at the otherworldly portrayal of rage.
“I may have to reconsider our arrangement.” He took a step back but took a breath to calm himself. Desperation drives even the most sane ones to madness. He will do himself no favors if he exudes punishment when they feel as if they have run out of options. Instead, he reaches a hand toward the adorned jewel among them, forcing his touch and demeanor into a more gentler tone. “Come. No harm will come to you… or your village.”
No matter how much he wanted to personally rain hell fire for this subordination. 
A life is a life and should never be used to curry favors.
The thought nearly had him growling once more at the back of his throat. He managed to quell the instinctual response for the sake of his impromptu guest, but he will have to have a heavy handed conversation with such village dwellers when he returns from his patrol.
Hesitantly, the mortal thrust into his care placed their hand in his, allowing their trust (and their very life) to be put into the palm of his hand.
“...Thank you.” Their near impossibly quiet voice was a gunshot through the tense atmosphere. He had thought they would be braver, more robust and forthcoming, but perhaps that had been in the moment of fear. And frankly, in comparison to the other mortals that had dropped to the earth at the sight of him, there was little contest between the two parties.
All the other mortals had all but fainted on the spot, relief filling every fiber of their beings as they went back to his domain. Once they had traveled a fair distance away from any more prying eyes, the Fierce Deity turned on his heel and took out his less impressive blade. A simple dagger, but just as sharp and deadly as his double helix sword.
He held the blade up and his… pet? The word felt infinitesimally wrong. Tossing the descriptors aside for now, he noticed that they had closed their eyes at the sight of a weapon in his hands. Their head had turned away and once more their shoulders shook with the effort they exuded to keep a calm facade.
He cut the ropes around their wrists.
It fell away at once.
Their head snapped to their wrists, taking in the weight of his actions. The Fierce Deity also took in the exposed flesh before him. Gently, he cradled their hands, looking at their abused wrists that had been rubbed raw from the coarse material that had bound them. He would need to find a salve for them. The skin was red and angry, flaking at certain parts to show that damage had taken place, but there was no blood. It would heal, unlikely to even scar.
Their breath had hitched under his consideration. He gently returned their hands to their sides. “Are you injured anywhere else?”
“You’re not going to kill me?” They blurted in response, clutching their wrists close to their chest. “I thought… I thought you’d-”
“I am not the cold hearted killer as you humans love to portray me.” He says in a not so quiet voice despite his best attempts. “I get no pleasure from the destruction of the innocent.”
Anger returned to the edges of his skin. It was bubbling with unrestrained energy at the implications of this so-called sacrifice. The mortal rubbed their wrists, following at the same slow pace he had kept them at despite his subconscious shift in speed. It was only when he had noticed they had begun to fall back did he remember his previous question and intent.
Groaning inwardly, he turned once more and stopped in front of the mortal. “I don’t like to repeat myself, but I am inclined to admit this was my own folly. However, for future reference, do not test my patience. I had asked if you were injured elsewhere.”
The mortal stood frozen to the earth before slowly lowering their head at long last. “...My ankles are also tied up.”
Inwardly, the Fierce Deity cursed, but that would have been very ungentlemanly behavior toward this poor soul. Scowling over this morning's events wasn’t beneath him however, so he lowered himself to the dirt and lifted the hem of the dress. “Excuse me.”
They squeaked, but made no move to stop him as he pushed the silken material aside. He reached in, taking their leg in his hand and pulled it towards him. His hands were rough and calloused from constant use and abuse from his battles and training regiment but their skin was nothing of the sort. It was soft, almost as silken as the dress they donned. He kept his gaze low, not wanting to appear too wanton but the skin contact was inciting reactions he hadn’t known he was capable of experiencing. 
He made no comment about it and said nothing to give away the thoughts in his head.
The Fierce Deity pulled the leg closer to him- until it was pulled taut against an opposing force. The rope. Leaning closer so that it would be easier for the both of them, he once again took up his dagger and reached for the rope within the fabric.
Their hands landed on his much larger shoulders to keep their balance as he quickly did away with the physical limitation to their mobility. Afterwards, he cut away the knot found at the base at their leg, right where they said it would be. His fingertips lingered for a moment longer.
They would have to apply more salve to the irritated skin than he initially guessed but their shoes (also adorned in a higher fashion to match the rest of the gown and jewels) had protected much of their flesh as it was.
Slowly, hoping to not startle this already shaken individual, he moved to the other side and repeated the process of gently moving the gown away and reaching for their leg. To his surprise, they cooperated quickly and allowed him to take the knot away from their other foot.
Once the job was complete, he detached himself quickly. No need to entertain strange and primal thoughts.
“Come.” He spoke again, leading them deeper in unknown territory. Since they were now free from their bonds, they were able to move at a much faster pace- however his stride was not easily matched by anyone and the Fierce Deity found himself needing to slow down in order to keep them close.
He may not live in the most dangerous part of the land (his very presence is enough to keep even the more foolish monsters at bay) but that didn’t mean that threats weren’t watching them both from within the shadows among them.
“Oh.” They exclaimed quietly to themselves when they had arrived at his home. They seemed surprised, although he could not fathom why. He looked at them and as if on cue, they were rambling to explain themselves. “I didn’t think you would have lived…. Like this.”
He raised an eyebrow. “I have never needed much. What were you expecting?”
“Not a hut.” Came their honest reply. “I thought… a palace would have been more suited to you. Somewhere big and grandiose… not… Well, not this.”
He chuckled, startling his companion once more. “You humans know so little about me. Your assumptions are amusing.”
They laughed in return but it was stunted and weak. They were still nervous. “If… I may be so bold… what happens to me now?”
That was the question, wasn’t it? The Fierce Deity sighed and closed the distance to the front door. Opening it, he gestured to his guest to follow him in. “I do not intend to cause you harm. You need not fear for your safety or your life. However, I have no need for a servant or a slave…. And I do not enjoy the taste of human flesh.”
He added that last part in jest, hoping to dispel any lingering reservations about his violent nature. It didn’t appear to stick as he had hoped, then again, his voice was unnaturally stoic. “I will give you the choice to leave if you wish. There isn’t anything for you here.”
“...May I stay?”
Once more, this mortal had left him perplexed and intrigued. He had noted before that their braver had kept their head up even as he, with all the wrong assumptions in their head, had approached them. He was willing to bet that they had more courage than all the sniveling fools in their village had to offer.
“Why stay? I have nothing for you.” Aside from protection of course, but that was a given due to his nature.
Shocking him once more as their gaze reached his eyes, they spoke. “I have nowhere else to go. I came here willingly, knowing that I would never be accepted back in my village. If I return, I will be shunned and exiled for failing my task to please you.”
Something stirred within him once more at their words. “...I see.”
Interestingly, he had noticed that he had spoken more in this instance, in their company, than he had in many, many years. It was nice. Enjoyable even.
“Then you may stay.”
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Vermeil Adoration
Fierce Deity x Implied Deity Reader (can be Linked Universe or not) Drabble
Me, working on Act IIII and Act V of the LU Fairy Tale Collection: Alright so if we do this with slightly more sleep on us and figure a few things out for First I think it should be good to go-
Also Me: *remembers that because of the nature of the Fairy Tale Collection FD will be missing, is immediately assaulted with an idea, sighs, opening up a new WIP* You know what I'll come back to that, I can't not write for him if he's going to be left out.
For the FD Simps/lovers plus myself as I work on the Fairytale Collection, want to post two chapters at once and also crosspost on Ao3 plus life's been busy, apologies for the delay.
You were created from the breath of life itself.
You are the divinity found in the howling of winds cutting through the woods, the snarling of lightning down to the earth, attempting to touch something it may not have and scorch it so deeply new growth would flourish in a maddened frenzy, the sunlight kissing the ice tenderly though it may never do more than bring the crystalizing to shine, tears dripping knowingly from it's cold gaze as the water turns to rain, watering the land in it's unknowable grief in the closest way it could ever touch the sun in the sky. The joyful sound of wolves singing the moon's beauty with their howls, the birds merrily carrying the melody ever onwards so the sun may also partake of it, gleeful frolicking of fawns and foals discovering the world that the Golden Three left in their wake, the symphony of every animal and nature itself at it's finest.
You look at life itself and find divinity in everything.
So by the nature Farore so lovingly made sure you'd have, one would think you and the one hylians, hyruleans and beasts had dubbed 'The Fierce Deity' would never be able to coexist.
You've heard the one's watched over by your sister in divinity, ever watchful time herself with her diamond wings and gaze who pierced to the end of eternity itself with Nayru's patience whisper in primal terror and avarice drenched loathing about him to the trees in every corner of the land, heard beasts under the watch of death and rot himself curse his name to the winds and rain with as much ferocity and fury induced fear as the restless whispers of those denied existence, your brother in eternity with his shell of obsidian and the flames of Din's desire of consumption ever burning in his gaze daring not cross where the ivory and jade forged spirit passed. And of the horror and wonderment of your wild beings as they've hissed and howled and growled and screeched to the flowers and stones of nature.
A man like the hunt itself, divine without the vermeil breath of the primordial ones. The unrelenting slash of the blizzard gales in winter against any unfortunate to stand in their way, leaving the cold emptiness and silence behind, stealing the air from the lungs of living beings like the ocean for those unfortunate enough to fall with no sign of land. An ivory specter of death whom seemingly clawed himself from the void, an harbinger for the End with seemingly no rhyme or reason for those who he set his sights into, either to devour their divinity for himself or favor or bless.
A being like that should have been anathema to all you are and stand for. Or at least it's what anyone, including your divine sister and brother would reason.
Which is why you couldn't help but find it slightly comedic that the so called 'awful beast', capable of enacting such violence to consume divinity on a whim if tested. Was so very careful with you, head laid upon your lap in a rare moment of rest as you carefully weaved flowers into a crown.
You were curious, awfully so, like the foxes who roamed your woods in search of amusement and play, you just couldn't help yourself. You knew he was coming, how could you not, when the primal fear of living things echoed in the back of your mind, warning you as it warned animals of a bigger predator in the food chain? But you didn't run. Not in the face of narrowed, calculating pale eyes and alabaster hair and the scent of iron in the air, thick and old you couldn't mistake it for anything but blood and the marrow deep certainty of a lonsdaleite persistence.
Maybe you should of, in hindsight.
Instead you just blinked with evergreen curiosity, fascination bleeding from your lips before you could even think of stopping yourself, head tilted.
"My. Rumors are certainly exaggerated, you're beautiful."
The memory of his bewildered, flustered caution makes you smile a bit, as everything in between flowed naturally like spring petals on a breeze. You feel an armored hand on your cheek, so, so soft and careful, as if you were as fragile as a flower, and a calm, relaxed rumble of tourmaline lazy curiosity and aquamarine fondness, "Anything on your mind, my breath?"
You couldn't help your chuckle, emerald fondness running around the mosaic of your divinity as you gently run your hand through starlit hair, nuzzling the hand on your cheek and hoping to convey even half the warmth he gave you, "Reminiscing, worry not. Rest a bit more before you must go." You hear him sigh as you place the flower crown on his head, as pale as his hair, but as delicate as your sister in divinity's wings, threaded pthalo like the flame of his existence.
"... Must I? I was late this time, it's only proper I redeem myself for making you wait." He questions, reluctant and guilty in equal measure, fondness blooms over your lungs as you poke his nose, smiling bright, if dim as you answer him, "I'd dare not attempt to deny you your nature, I do not know what you hunt, what you're searching for. But it would be cruel to chain you."
The man many had dubbed 'Fierce Deity' nuzzles into your hand, nestling in close like a wolf over catch, you catch the hints of a frown on his face, "It's hardly chaining when I wish to stay, is it?"
Your breath almost is trapped in your lungs, but you shake yourself out of it, chuckling as you brush your lips over his markings, crimson affection as the carmine and lapis lazuli of his Hunt. The cheek of this man, for that's what you all are in the end, divinity or not, "Maybe not, though for all you rest here with me you still itch to run and hunt. Do you not, my dear warrior?"
The silence is only broken by the whispers of the leaves of the woods carried by the wind and the curious chirping of birds, his unwavering moonlit gaze giving away nothing. And it tells you enough.
You smile, brushing your noses together, spring breeze playful and sun warm, "If you're that worried, then just come back earlier, if you can. I'll have something new for you to look at, and I'll always wait. We have time."
In a flash, you find your positions reversed, your back and hair to the flowers and your wonderful, ever mischievous hunter above you, you yelp and you can't help but laugh before the sound is stolen by his lips. And he cradles your cheeky gently, so very kindly, and when he leans back he looks at you as if you're the first glimpse of water for a man in the desert, or the way a wolf longingly looks at the moon, and it cracks the phosphophylite of your soul and fills it with the gilded gold of emerald love, "... Thank you. I will not keep you waiting long again. I shall remain for now, though. The call can wait."
I love you. I want to stay with you.
"I know." Your hands gently thread through his hair, gleeful as you notice the rare curve of a smile as his cap lays abandoned in the glass, but your flower crown remains, "Be safe, when you do go. I'd be lovely if something happened."
I love you too.
He shakes his head, giving you an unimpressed look, "I cannot be harmed in any way that matters."
You fondly roll your eyes, pressing your index and middle finger to your lips, then touching it lightly against his own, he all but freezes. You refuse to allow him to distract you with admittedly charming affection, and you take the opportunity to tug him into your arms, shifting your positions so you can utilize him as a pillow, safer than you ever felt in your many eons of existence, more comfortable than the stars painting the canvas of the sky with their dance, "Promise me you'll be safe, and you can claim what's yours once you're back. For now I tire of your stubbornness."
You feel his chest rumble, maybe a laugh, maybe a purr or a growl, but he holds you close, steady and lovelier than even the world the goddesses created. "As you wish, my dearest blossom."
You both fall asleep to the songs of nature, you know he'll hunt again, you know he'll be gone soon like late night mist. But for now, a promise for an eternity of this, like how the mortals speak of, is enough.
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trulytiredhermit · 2 years
With this yandere harem aka Gannon hylia links zeldas Malone dink we should probably give one or two things for reader to have a idea of a fighting spirit here so what about a reader who is the God of mischief like they cause chaos around them their not actually evil they kinda just bored some times it helps the good guys some times not like Zant I think his name is spelled like that from twilight princess as link stabbed Gannon the final blow to make sure he was dead Zant somehow connected to him moved his neck to break it but in this au maybe reader told Zant to do that . As for a reason for hylia zelda and the other yandere to simp how about reader also has a calm side to them singing a lullaby to wind and tetra at their bad times and maybe reader being the one who made the ocarina that bends time to help a friend aka hylia who I guess gave it to the royal family up to zelda of ocarina of time they are a help to people they just vibe with and more funnier idea how about the headcannon of of the idea of reader being able to change forms cause now we're just making a loki reader at this point
Ooooh. I’m down for Deity of Mischief Reader.
That would definitely help in explaining why Hylia, Ganon, and Fierce Deity have gone yandere for them. It’s because they’ve known them for as long as they’ve been around.
And yes, Reader wouldn’t be evil, or at least they don’t try to be. But they’re a god of Mischief, they’ve gotta do some pranks and whatnot around the world.
They are the ones who help/give the idea to the koroks about making puzzles for Link to solve.
They’re the ones who create riddles and whatnot in temples.
Hell they created the rupoor as a goof. I mean you can’t blame them! Links gave just looks so funny whenever he picked one up and lost money.
They also are the ones to give the skull kids their childlike mischievous personalities. Reader visits them monthly, always agreeing to play their games and helping them with coming up with newer ones.
And I picture that unlike Hylia and the Three, Reader actually travels the land. They integrate with the people, shifting into a form of a mischievous child to start a snowball fight with the others. They shift into an elegant deer, the most beautiful that anyone has seen, and they taunt the many hunters of the forest. Appearing to them from a distance and then jumping behind a tree and transforming once again into something smaller.
As you stated, Reader helped each of the Links out on their journey and perhaps they even helped each of the Zelda’s out too.
I’d like to imagine that while Reader may have helped the Links/Zeldas out practically they also gave them moments where they could just be themselves.
Helped to remind them that they were children at one point, that there was still good within the world, and that they did not need to always be hardened warriors helping everyone else but not themselves.
Of course the Links/Zeldas would wise up to who was doing such kind deeds for them. After all of the world knows the tales of Hylia, then they should certainly know the mischievous tales of Reader.
Reader is also like the polar opposite of Fierce Deity and was known to bother him constantly with their pranks. Of course he was annoyed with them at first but over the years he grew to love it.
And he especially missed them when he was trapped within the mask, perhaps by a jealous Hylia?
And as you stated with Deity Reader comforting the Chain during their bad times, I definitely agree. In fact, I believe that Reader has an especially soft side for children (after all who is more mischievous than the spirits of children?).
I also head cannon that they’re the ones who got the Yiga Clan to be so obsessive with bananas. Most likely from a prank they pulled on them where Reader told them the bananas would give them strength beyond their years or something and then just left them. Never pulled the wool off their eyes.
Also like the fact that Loki’s colors are literally green and gold? Beautiful, Reader will match up with the Chain so well.
And you’d think Reader would have a fighting chance given that they’re a literal deity. But you have to remember FD is a god too, and he got trapped within the mask.
So, it is possible for Reader’s yanderes to steal them away.
And don’t doubt that they won’t.
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f1nalboys · 3 months
OMG. I love the tod headcannons. Would you ever do ian sleepover headcannons?
HELLOOOO ANON sorry this has taken so long, i do apologize and i hope its fun to read!!!!
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WARNINGS: not proofread, weed mention, ians a perv on occassion, mostly fluff
ok number one i need a sleepover with this guy NOWWWWWW
ian refuses to call it a sleepover. you two are hanging out, chilling, that’s all. if he spends the night then thats just what happens, it totally wasn't his end goal
i truly believe ian sleeps better in anyone elses bed than he does his own not for any particular reason he just loves the feeling of being on vacation and being in a different bed counts to him fr
he comes over with nothing. like deadass the clothes on his back and maybe some weed IF UR LUCKY 
he also tends to show up ‘just for a bit’ and makes a big show about sighing at the time and being like man…. i wish i didn’t have to leave but its almost time for bed……..
like girl just ask to sleep over who cares
anyways he really hates Planned Sleepover Activities
no pillow fights, no truth or dare, no spin the bottle (this can and has been done before with him, he just has to be in the mood,) no bloody mary, etc
now, of course, if he really really really loves you, he’ll do all those things and more. he is going to COMPLAIN though. like, to the point where it’s almost unenjoyable. 
he does love a good spa day though…. you ask him to put on a fuzzy robe so you can put a face mask and cucumbers on him and he’s jumping for joy lowkey
and he lets you paint his nails and stuff and he doesnt care if its messy or bumpy or if you don’t put a top coat on it, he just loves that youre doing it for ihm
ANDDDD its the quietest he’ll be. youll look up at his face and hes staring down at you with such a sickeningly sweet love sick grin that its almost enough to make you barf and he won't say a single word until youre done
and even then he’ll just go “its great baby, thank you.” heheh
like 3 hours later he’ll go “you got a lot of nail polish on my skin, god damn.” and you’ll look over and hes very methodically picking it off of his skin lol
anyways. when hes over he just wants to chill genuinely 
ian is interested in getting chinese food or pizza, getting super fucking high, and having movies or music in the background while you guys talk
and he really only does one on one sleepovers, siblings or family excluded. if you invited another friend to sleepover at the same time hes gonna be in the corner like ugh…..sigh……eyeroll…..ugh…..what no im fine its whatever……sigh…..
ian is super handsy as is but when he gets tired hes worse
you’ll know hes ready for you two to go to sleep when hes suddenly attached to your back, arms around your waist and head in your shoulder
ian loves sleepovers that are simply for you two to get shit done
like ian has to rework an art piece? hes coming over and youre finally gonna clean your room.
he tries to sleep in his regular clothes all the time (he does it at home i fear to say) so if youre against that you HAVE to have some spare clothes for him. or let him sleep in his underwear but then he’s gonna get that dumb stupid sexy grin on his face and ask if youre trying to get him naked 
which like yes ian i am but not like that….yet
waking up with ian is great if you get up before him because hes all cuddly and sweet and murmuring in his sleep and you can just stare and admire him
if he gets up first hes waking you up but hes also fucking with you
he shakes you awake and is like BABE YOU OVERSLEPT FOR XYZ!!!!! and you jump out of bed and hes like haha got you just kidding
or he draws on your face or arms if youre a heavy sleeper and he can get away with it
AND he takes photos of you sleeping all the time on his shitty little flip phone and he never tells you about it
until like weeks later when youre hanging with him in the car eating food and he laughs and turns his phone around to show you a picture of you slumped over, mouth open, drooling.
but hes a menace
hes like well im up so i need you up to????
like god bless erin for dealing with him 
but you dont have to worry about it much, he normally sleeps in if hes able to but depending on when he went to bed, he could get up before you
and good luck trying to go back to sleep because hes hitting you with pillows and squashing you and talking until you just roll your eyes and sit up
and then hed smile and go omgggg good morning sleepyhead LIKE SHUT UP
overall, ian is a fun guy to have a sleepover with if you just want to chill, not if you want to do activities if that makes sense
but hes never going to ASK to spend the night (unless youre in the car with him about to get dropped off and hes kissing you and get handsy and THEN he’ll be like babe…. cant i just hang out :((( like sigh…. of course you can bae
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smallestapplin · 1 year
I was just thinking about it.
Imagine you travel with the Fierce deity, this bulking demon god who acts as your protector, and helps you fight.
He rarely speaks, but you say you got a good read in his subtle body language. You’d also say you love to tease him and get on his nerves a lot.
Whether that’s stupid stunts, or making dumb jokes.
But you couldn’t help but grin at him as he glares at you.
“You wanna kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid.” Your voice smug in your declaration.
Only for a sharp gasp to leave you as he corners you to a tree, the rough bark against your back not even phasing you, as you focus purely on the over 7ft man bending over you.
Caging you between him and the tree.
Bending over to be eye level with you.
“So what if I do?” His deep, gravely voice ringing in your ears.
He tilts his head to the side, his nose just barely brushing against yours as he gets closer to your face.
Those empty eyes of his glowing in the setting sun.
He smirks, chuckling softly before standing back to his full height and walking back to camp.
Leaving you gasping for air and stunted.
You can feel your face burning, and your heart pounding against your chest.
By the goddesses you want that man.
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streamafterlaughter · 2 months
Fundamental Differing
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Chapter XXIII: I Just Might Give My Heart
a/n: thank u for ur patience as i overcome the dreaded plague to continue writing this godforsaken fic. The first leg is officially OVER. so much has happened, and so much time has passed between chapters i could barely recap what’s gone on. thank you for sticking it out with me, we’re almost at the end now. kinda. who knows what that means when it’s me talking, i clearly can’t keep my word on anything.
tags/cw: angst per us, fluff, eddie x gn!afab!reader, pining, tears, idiots in love, soulmates, blah blah blah we love a happy chapter! swearing, bff!steve, bff!robin, these two can’t do shit on their own apparently. use of y/n but you know that by now.
August 1990
Eddie’s POV
He slams the third bottle down on the counter, over which Steve is leaning, a disappointed glare directed at Eddie. “It’s been a month. Go fix it. Or don’t, but you gotta quit doing whatever this is.” Eddie doesn’t answer, only rolls his eyes as he wordlessly beckons for another beer.
“There’s nothing to fix, Steve. It’s over. For real this time, I swear.”
“And that’s what you want?”
Of course it’s not. He’s never wanted this, to watch as if from outside his body as he breaks your heart, leaving you alone and sobbing as he drunkenly drives away from everything you’d built together. But that’s what he’d chosen to do. He chose the life of a washed up rockstar over being with the one person he could trust with his life. Now he’s stuck obeying his label, his rabid fans, letting them drain his energy from his skin while you’re out there, gluing yourself back together when he should be the one picking up the pieces. He fucked up, bad, and there’s no way he’ll ever earn that second chance with you now. All he can do is drink to numb that pain, to maybe forget that realization that you’re gone. That he’ll never get to call you his again.
Present Day
Eddie’s POV
”Casanova!” Eddie rolls his eyes at the sound of Robin’s voice, “Wait up, dweeb!” She jogs to catch up to where he loads the trailer with his amps, pretending fruitlessly that he is deaf, ignoring her calls completely. She refuses to play along, though, still yapping into his already ringing ears. “Listen. I know we haven’t been, like, on the best terms. I’m sure you can understand why. But we’re all gonna go to the beach tonight. Hit the arcades, grab some food. I hope you come- ah,” She bites her lip, trying not to snicker at her choice of words. “I hope you decide to hang. Both of you.”
Eddie nods curtly, lips pressed tightly together. He can barely look at her, your best friend, that he pretty much made an unwilling third party only hours ago.
“I’ll do my best.”
She rolls her eyes, making no effort to hide her annoyance. “C’mon! It’ll be fun! It’ll be like we’re back-“
”Back what, Robin? Back in Hawkins?” He doesn’t mean to spit so much venom with his response, but in his defense, she of all people should be able to understand his reluctance.
“No, stupid. Back to normal. Being friends, no worries about fame, that shit. No need to be a dick about it.” Her lighthearted tone carries a slight edge, slicing Eddie with her words. “I’m sure Y/n would appreciate a semblance of normal.”
He rolls his eyes again, irritated at her use of you to convince him, knowing it will work. He will bend at every whim for you. Every time he blinks, he gets a flash of this morning. The sweat on your skin, your whimpers in his ear.
“Dingus!” Robin snaps him back to the present. “Good god, could you be any more pathetic?”
Luckily, he is saved from answering that question. “Munson!” Jeff calls from the steps of the bus. “Cmon, man! Those waves aren’t gonna surf themselves!”
Your POV
“Were you, um-“ Steve hesitates, evading your eyes as he saunters forward, head hanging like a shy child.
“Steve,” You start, prepared to ramble a pathetic excuse for why you can’t talk about it.
“Never mind, never mind. Just, y’know,”
“Yeah,” you scoff, shoving yourself into the booth as the driver pulls away from another hotel parking lot. “You worry, I get it.” You pick at your nails, the skin around your cuticles fraying like an old sweater.
“Only because you keep giving me reasons to.” There’s a softness in his scolding, the ghost of a smirk on his sweet face. Poor, sweet Steve. Your best friend, after everything. And you’ve been sending him into cardiac arrest these last six weeks. “I’m sorry, I know you want your privacy from everything. You can trust me. I have no reason to share any of it with the label. I just wanna make sure you’re both alright.”
You nod, shaking your head frantically, trying to shake away the panic. “I told him I love him. I also might have told him about playing Lolla, but I don’t really remember.” You wince, awaiting his reaction, but it doesn’t come. He blinks, face blank, like you’ve only just told him about a book you’ve read. “I give you permission to freak out now.”
He does the last thing you expect from him. Steve bursts into laughter. It’s a bark, a sudden crack in the sound barrier that startles you before you mirror his sounds. Quickly, though, Steve takes a breath to compose himself, ridding the giggles from his belly more quietly, as not to draw attention from the other, crankier passengers. “Sorry, I’m not laughing at you, I promise. It’s just,” He looks for his words on the table before him. “It’s about fuckin’ time, y’know?” His laughter takes over again, and you wipe a tear from your own giggle fit away as you catch your breath. Your cheeks are flushed, heart erratic as you gossip with your friend. That’s all he is right now. Not your manager, not your babysitter. He’s just Steve, and you’re so excited to divulge everything with him.
“How’d it go down? If you wanna tell me, obviously you don’t have t-“
“Of course I want to tell you, dummy. You just have to promise you don’t tell Robin. I don’t care that she knows, but she can’t know I told you all about it before her.” Steve nods in agreement, and you’re off to the races. You tell him how you’d knocked on his door the night before, drunk off your ass. You’d only wanted to tell him about Lollapalooza, you swear. You recall the way he’d looked at you, like he was drinking in your presence, as if you’d been a blessing then, and you let out the one thing you’d wanted to hold onto, at least for a while. You feel yourself blush as you recount the morning after, the way you’d given yourself to Eddie entirely, the relief you’d felt during, and the deep seated worry you feel now. You tell Steve everything, after keeping him in the dark for so long. All the while, he listens as the bus jostles you around, his hand a comforting one in your own. When you finish, you’re breathless, like you’ve just relived the whole thing. Steve only blinks, seemingly digesting it all before he can form a thought.
Finally though, he speaks. “And you expect me not to let any of this slip to Robin?”
You send a half assed slap to his shoulder. “Just for the day, until I get the energy to tell her.” The both of you descend into laughter again.
The sun is at its highest point in the sky when you reach the beach. You have no idea what town, what state you’ve all landed in, but the sand is hot and soft under your toes, and the water is a crisp blue to match the cloudless sky. You slide your sunglasses down your nose, and make your way to the dunes.
Behind you, the guys lug the coolers and umbrellas while you and your friends take care of the towels and beach chairs. Eddie is somewhere in the back of your rather large crowd, a boombox on his shoulder. You’re able to find a spot to hold your party further down the beach, and the crew begins to set up the spot like they do the stages every night, in sync with each other without speaking a word. Once they’ve snapped out of laser focus, you spread out your towel near one of the umbrellas, straight across from where Eddie has plopped down his beach chair. You use your sunglasses to your advantage, shamelessly checking out the sight before you. Eddie’s gotten slightly tanner as the summer’s gone on, his shoulders dusted with freckles that remind you of stars, ones you’ve spent hours tracing imaginary constellations on. He shines with sweat in the heavy sun, his shorts riding up on his sticky lotion legs. He’s tied his hair back in a bun to keep it off his neck, and he’s wearing sunglasses that surely must be an homage to Ozzy. Ink litters his arms and torso, pretty pictures you want to ask him about, want to trace with your tongue and lips and teeth.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” His voice shatters your inspection, your face blistering and not because of the weather. You compose quickly, though, remembering your camera stuffed inside your tote bag.
“Sure thing!” You chirp, holding the viewfinder to your face. “Say cheese!”
Eddie flips off the camera, a wry smile on his face and you can’t help laughing. “Aw, that wasn’t very nice!”
“I have an image to uphold, doll.” The nickname brings a silence to your group, a quick one, barely noticeable to anyone else. But you sense it. The beat of confusion no ones sure they can ask about.
Gareth comes to the rescue. “Uh, anyone down to surf? Waves look pretty good!”
Eddie’s POV
“So,” Jeff paddles his board up to Eddie’s, where he’s straddled as the current bobs him around. “How was your night?” The teasing is palpable.
Eddie speaks through gritted teeth, biting back the biggest smile. “Word travels fast around here, huh?”
“Only when the word is that you two finally got together again!” This time it’s Gareth who speaks, causing Eddie to throw his head back and groan. “Hey, man, we’re happy for ya! Can’t blame us for being excited when we’ve watched you mope about them for a month.” Jeff snorts at the drummer’s comment, and Eddie sends a frustrated splash towards him.
“I hate you both.” He mumbles, absolutely defeated.
“Cmon, man. Give us something!” Gareth is pleading now, pathetically. “At least tell us how it happened!”
Eddie has no choice but to relent. He recounts a summary of the past day and a half, leaving out some minor details to spare his own dignity. By the time he’s finished, his bandmates gawk at him, mouths agape and eyes wide.
“Wait,” Jeff finally says, “So you guys still aren’t together?!” Gareth groans, long and loud, before dramatically falling back on his board, into the water. “You’re a moron!” He exclaims when he comes to the surface, hurling water at Eddie.
“Thanks, man.” Eddie scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest.
“We’re happy for you, really, but-“ He stops himself, choosing his next words carefully. “I don't think we can watch this happen again, I know I can’t.” His tone is suddenly somber, gentle. “You either have to commit, or you have to let them go. I’m begging you not to put them— or you— through that again.”
Eddie is caught off guard by his buddy’s sensitivity. Gareth and Jeff aren’t touchy-feely, not the way Steve is, not the way you are. They’re usually rather stoic.
“I didn’t intend to go through it the first time.” He’s chosen defensiveness, ready to board up the door to his feelings for the sake of keeping the peace.
“No one intends to go through that, obviously. But, Ed, seriously. Think about it. You’re working the program, you’re doing really well too. Don’t let this be a reason you throw it all away. If you love them, if you really, really mean it this time, fine. But if I have to watch you break their heart again, I’m leaving the band.”
“You wouldn’t.”
Gareth shakes his head. “Don’t try to find out.”
They stare each other down, both convinced they have all the answers, until Jeff breaks the tension. “That’s the one! That’s the best one all day!” And he’s off, paddling towards the growing waves and leaving his friends to stir.
It’s almost sunset when they leave the ocean, retreating to the rest of the group still bathing in the golden hue of the sun. Everyone’s there, talking and drinking, laughing and singing along to Celine Dion’s If You Asked Me To. He snickers at the sight, his mismatched group of friends, people he’d never have expected to ever have a bond with, enjoying their well earned rest. Finally, his eyes land on you. Immersed in your book, a well loved copy of Play It As It Lays, you sit stretched out in your beach chair, skin shiny with sweat and sunscreen, a red bathing suit leaving nothing to the imagination. Your feet are buried beneath the soft sand, and Eddie can see that you’re wiggling your toes. Your sunglasses sit on the bridge of your nose, perched like reading glasses as your eyes scan the page.
He feels a presence next to him before he can see it. “You really shouldn’t stare at people like that. It’s creepy.” Robin has planted herself next to him, speaking low enough so you can’t hear her.
“I wasn’t-“ There’s no point. He’d be lying, anyway. “Ugh, whatever.”
She snorts, returning to her less stealthy self. “Uh huh, exactly. Anyway, what’s your plan, Romeo?”
“My plan?”
She nods. “For your month off. Where in the world will Eddie Munson go next?” He can’t answer, and Robin definitely feels him tense at her question. “Me and Lilith are going to Vermont, I think. They have uh, great syrup there I’ve heard.” She’s steamrolling herself, and it brings the beginning of a smile to Eddie’s face. “You ever been? To Vermont?”
Eddie shrugs. “Can’t say I have.”
“Me either. Me… either.” She looks down at her hands, letting the silence fester until it’s unbearable.
“I might go back home.” He says it quietly, not yet sure if the word fits in his mouth anymore. Home.
“Where’s home?”
At that, he glances up at you. You’ve put your book aside to lounge further, the chair further back, legs outstretched in front of you as your eyes flutter closed. Right there. “Well, not home I guess. To Wayne’s. Spend some time with the old man.”
Robin nods, lips slightly pursed as if she’s questioning his response. She can see right through him.
Luckily, though, he’s saved from explaining anything further. “Who’s up for some arcade games? Boardwalk’s only a ten minute walk from here!” Sylvie shakes their bag of quarters, an attempt at enticing the tired group into physical activity.
It seems to rouse you from your catnap. “I’m in. You, me,” you’re pointing at Eddie. “Air hockey. Loser buys the ice cream.”
“What are we, in high school?” Robin snorts, but her eyes widen when she realizes what she’s said. “I am so sorry.”
You giggle, and Eddie feels his cheeks burn. “No, Buckley, it’s cool, you can play Eddie when he LOSES.” You launch yourself from the beach chair and offer your hands out, one crossed over the other. “You on?”
Eddie and Robin each take one of your hands to shake. It’s a deal.
Your POV
The boardwalk was once filled with life, you can see that, but has since been discarded like a candy wrapper. Several bulbs on the overhead signs are out, making it spell out A C A D rather than ARCADE. Despite its exterior, the place is bustling with activity. Unsupervised children and bored teens on vacation bounce from machine to machine, yelling to be heard over the cartoonish sounds of claw machines. Further in, you spot the air hockey table in a corner, unoccupied.
“You ready to get your ass kicked, Munson?” You tease, nudging his side with your elbow before taking a spot at one end of the table.
”I think you mean kissed, L/n.” Eddie winks, slotting a quarter into the machine, triggering the bright lights to flash, the canned sound of the game announcer.
You scoff. “Whatever.” You hand the puck to Robin, who’s standing far too still between the two of you, as if she’s decided to referee. Robin drops the puck in the middle, and it starts slowly gliding off to the side while you and Eddie swing your discs wildly. You gain the upper hand, whacking the puck at Eddie’s goal, missing by inches. You groan when it hits the side, now fully in Eddie’s court. He chuckles, swinging hard to send the puck flying toward you, straight into the thin slot. GOAL! The fuzzy speakers blare with exclamation. You take the puck out, placing it in front of you, waiting for Eddie to stop taunting you.
”C’mon, you have to admit that was pretty sick!” Eddie whines, trying to get a rise out of you.
”Are you done?”
”Oh, not even close, sweetheart.”
You bite back a smile, the tips of your ears burning, and hit the puck on a zigzag, gleefully watching as Eddie’s eyes try to keep up. It goes back and forth for a while before you tie it up, hurling trash talk at each other with no malice. A small crowd has even gathered around the table to watch, and you’re not sure if it’s because they’re fans of yours and Eddie’s, or just really invested in the competition.
Finally, you send the puck flying into the opposite goal one more time, winning the game. You celebrate with a cheer, and jokingly chest bump Robin who rolls her eyes when you clench your tit in your hand, cackling.
Eddie’s POV
“I’d like a mint chocolate chip shake, extra thick.” You wink, making sure to swing your hips as you walk away from the table with Steve. You’re barely out of earshot when Robin starts flapping her gums. “What the fuck was that?!”
“What was what?”
She flails, gesturing wildly to Eddie, the direction you’ve walked in, the air hockey table. “All that- that flirting. You think I’m stupid?”
Eddie only scoffs, whacking the puck towards her. This game has far less enthusiasm to it. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Oh, come on! You attracted a crowd with how obnoxious you two were being! What happened this morning?”
Eddie stops the puck under his handle. “That’s none of your business!”
“Please, I can get those gory details from Y/n. I’m talking about the important part, the conversation.”
“There wasn’t a conversation! Just having some fun.”
It’s Robin’s turn to freeze, straightening her posture as if it would convince Eddie to take her seriously. “Don’t you dare start this shit again. You need to get your act together. Today. I swear to God if you break their heart again—“
“Robin, what the fuck are you—“
“Let me finish. Please, for the love of all that is holy, unholy, whatever, talk to them. For real. Before we leave. Or I’ll beat your ass myself. They love you so, so much it’s borderline unhealthy. I can’t watch them fall to pieces again because you can’t grow the balls to tell them what you want.”
“Shouldn’t they also be getting this lecture?”
“No! Because they’re letting you set the pace, asshole! You owe it to them, they shouldn’t have to guess what you want. I promise, if you’re honest, they’ll be more than willing to listen to you. Please, Eddie.” Her eyes are soft, and he melts at her pleas.
“Okay. I will.”
“You better.”
“I promise!”
Your POV
“So… what the fuck was that?” Steve inserts a quarter into the skeeball machine, the balls clacking together as they roll down.
“What?” You feign ignorance, rolling a ball down the lane. 20 points. You were never great at skeeball. “Do not play stupid with me, L/n! That man loves you.”
“That doesn’t mean he wants more than what we have.” The humor is gone from your tone, and you can feel your throat catch ever so slightly.
“What does that mean?”
“It means, Steve, that love isn’t the only factor in a relationship. There are so many things we’re still missing. The trust, the balance. All that stupid bullshit we can’t seem to figure out.” Steve doesn’t respond, he only watches as you half heartedly toss another ball down the lane. “I don’t know if we’d work together anymore. After everything,” You pause, looking for the right words. Of course you want to try, you’d give it all up to try again. He claims he would, too. But there’s a huge, unspecified roadblock preventing both of you from taking that leap. Like a blocked artery, a wedge that won’t budge no matter how hard you both push.
“You’re a chicken shit.” Steve finally deadpans, causing you to whip around to look at him. There’s no hint of joking in his tone, not the tiniest glimmer of it in his eyes.
“Excuse me?”
“You’re a goddamn coward! You both are! Constantly making excuses for not even attempting the real thing. You’ll kiss, hold hands, even sleep together before admitting a goddamn thing to yourselves. I can’t believe neither of you have collapsed from exhaustion.” He rolls a ball, sinking it into the top left hole of the lane. Show off
“Maybe it’s not enough. But what’s stopping you from doing what is? From having that uncomfortable discussion?”
You bite your lip, knowing exactly the thing stopping both of you from having that conversation. Steve’s right, you’re fucking cowards. You’re afraid of fucking it up again, of watching him leave, of losing him the same way you did the first time. You have to wonder if it’s worth it, having bits and pieces of him to avoid losing the whole thing.
Steve checks his watch and huffs. “Well, you better figure it out soon, we leave for the airport in an hour.”
Eddie’s POV
“Mint chocolate chip, extra thick.” Eddie hands you the styrofoam cup as he sits next to you on the bench, green ice cream already stuck in the straw.
“Did you have some?” You hold the cup out, straw pointed at him.
“I had to make sure they did it right!”
You snort, taking a sip before resting your head on his shoulder. He rests his own on top of your head, closing his eyes when he hears you sigh through your giggles. As much as he knows how right Robin is, he’d still be okay staying like this forever.
“We should probably talk. Y’know, about this morning.” His voice is low, even though there’s no one around to eavesdrop. You lift your head to look at him, and Eddie swears his heart stops at the sight.
“Probably, yeah.” He nods slowly, praying to whoever will listen that he doesn’t fuck this up.
“I meant it. I wanna make that clear. I love you. I never stopped, I don’t think I ever will.” His voice is even, stern.
“So did I.”
He nods. “I know. But-“
“It’s not enough.” You nod, and he feels his heart stutter and crack before you can let him finish. He knew this was coming.
You shake your head, your short hair swinging as you do. “No. It’s not. That doesn’t mean it can’t be the beginning of something, though?” Your voice raises at the end, like you’re asking him the question. He has to stop himself from jumping from his seat. There’s hope in what you’ve said, even if it’s barely a spark. “If you want to try, I guess. If you want to see where it goes.”
Eddie can’t stop himself, he sets his own milkshake aside to cup your warm face in his cold hands, steadying your head. “I will do whatever it takes to try this again, sweetheart. You are still the best thing that’s ever happened to me, the only person I could ever ask for. If you’re willing, if you’re able to try again, to trust that I won’t let you down again, then who am I to refuse that second chance? Who would I be to give that up a second time? I know I should’ve said something sooner, I know I’ve been awful during this whole thing…” He trails off as your smile widens under his palms, and your eyes grow wet with what he hopes are happy tears. “I couldn’t ask for anything more, Y/n. I know I don’t deserve it-“
You shake your head again, despite his grip. “Stop it. Stop saying you don’t deserve another chance, Eddie. I wouldn’t be willing to try again if you hadn’t shown me you’ve changed. I never stopped loving you, I was waiting for the day we could try this again. More than anything, you are all I’ve wanted. Please, be kinder to yourself.” You say it all through squished cheeks, and he feels them warm under his hands. “I didn’t want to ask, because I couldn’t tell if that’s what you wanted. You’re a huge rockstar now, with plenty of bullshit to deal with. This is gonna be hard, I need to know it’ll be a priority.”
“You are my only priority. You are the only thing that matters to me this much. It took me years being a fucking moron to figure that out, but I got there.” His heart is practically breaking his ribcage with how hard it’s pounding. He can barely believe you’re willing to try again, willing to give such a broken man a second chance at true love. It all feels way too good to be true, but he can’t be bothered enough to shut it down. There will be no other shoe this time.
“In that case, Munson, would you do me the honor of being my love again? Strings attached?”
He doesn’t hesitate, even though he’s fucking terrified. “I never stopped.” He moves his hands back to your face, cupping your cheeks gently as he moves closer to you. Your hands mirror his, holding his face in them as his eyes begin to water. Your smile grows as his tears fall, both of you laughing through them like deranged children.
“Then kiss me like you mean it.” And he does, tugging you forward until his lips meet yours, tears commingling as you wrap your arms around his neck, and his move to wrap around your waist. “I love you”s are mumbled between kisses, never fully letting go of each other regardless of how uncomfortable the bench has become.
“I love you.” Kiss. “I love you.” Kiss. “I love you.”
next chapter
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summertimemusician · 1 year
Linktober Day 9
*sneezes after downing coffee* Well irl stuff got in the way so I'm way behind my original schedule for these and for Linktober but here we go with another arguably short one, fuelled purely by self indulgence, headcanons, spite against my linguist essays that kept me from keeping to schedule, severe sleep deprivation, a shout out to the Ender Lilies soundtrack and Majora's Mask soundtrack, and Nintendo for not clarifying anything about the lore so I'm snatching what I can and making it my own lol. Look, when you fíxate so much on details the Zelda team doesn't elaborate on you have to fill in the gaps with what you can.
As always can be read as romantic or platonic, technically in a LU context but not explicitly in it by itself.
The Lord of the Mountain liked hearing people sing.
In a way, it wasn’t a surprise, Hylia and the Golden Three each had their ballads and symphonies and minuets, each splendid and with cuts of their divinity in it, Farore was fond of lightning and forest alive minuets, and you could swear Farosh sparked just a bit brighter when one would him the beginnings of the Minuet of the Forest near their spring, Din was fond of boleros, fiery and alive and howling with the echo of flame touching earth that made a shine run through Dinraal’s scales, Nayru, in contrast, was much fonder of blizzard and river quiet serenades, the songs of contemplation at first snow ringing clear when Naydra curled around it’s spring, content to be free of Malice.
And of course Hylia had her ballads and lullabies, perfectly fitting to her display of divinity, of honey days and vast bird like wings, of ambered summers to come and to pass and dazzling solar storms of starlight and sunlight sparking through the human form of her descendants and heroes. So in a way, you weren’t surprised at all that the Lord of the Mountain – Satori, with a familiar touch of londsleite divinity, the hunt of the woodland beasts and diamondscar adoration for the Hero of the Wilds, similar in glory to the Light Spirits petrichor and vermeil fondness for the Hero of the Twilight – liked to listen to people sing. What you were surprised was how it attempted to follow along, it’s head across your lap the second you sat down in the clearing, a gentle hum on back of it’s throat, an owl’s cry and a cicada’s humming and faintly, chirring purring as presses it’s faces into your hands, a gentle request for petting.
It was adorable, even with the faint notes of the chill of clear spring water on winter and the livewire feeling of magic, like holding your hand too close to a flame but not quite touching it.
A low chuckle brushes against the back of your mind, a feeling like biting on ice, the prowl of a wild beast and the build up of lightning and light used to create his blade, the amused affection of a warrior reconvening with their brother in arms, you think you see the bone ivory of the Deity’s hair on the side of your vision, though you know he’s not physically there, ‘He likes you.’
You hum, gently patting behind it’s ears, pushing through the chill, gracefully not mentioning the burning with a smile at the mythic being’s faint chirring, birdsong and the wind through cherry blossoms that sparkle like rose quartz, “Well I quite like him too, I can see where it’s gentleness comes from.”
The ghost of a touch over your hair, the caress of lightning striking over your skin and the hair on the back of your neck pricking up and the crisp cold of winter, the chill of the ending and the flame of a new dawn, of new days, the phantom of magnolias and spring water on your tongue. The fragrance of pine, daffodils and blood soaked lilies on ashen fields on your senses, gentle and careful, marking but not claiming, ‘Only because it’s you, beloved. It’s not something easily given.’
You sigh, shakily composing yourself, you let yourself relax into the phantom sensation. Of hopes and dreams and healed suffering, of the divinity of hunt turned into protection and lightning given form, of tangled timelines and crystalized memories, “I know. It does not change my opinion, either way.”
To be the subject of a god’s care and regard was dangerous, after all. For the human and the deity in question, you know the stories from your world well, of the effects of Hylia on First and Sky, of Twilight and the personification of the Twilight Realm and the spirits of his land, of Wild and clawing from death’s embrace into that of the wilderness.
Knew how the fact the Fierce Deity’s mere proximity causing pain on those who changed him into hunting for hunt’s sake into protection for the sake of someone else cut deeper than even the ever encroaching entropy all beings must one day face. It was no wonder the Song of Healing was his creation, to want to ease the burden.
You gladly grant him some peace, in turn, even if it wasn’t much. It’s the least you can do, for always having his ways of watching over your heroes.
“Join me? We can make a duet.”
You feel more than see him shift, ephemeral, fleeting, gentle against the edges of your existence, as foreign to Hyrule as your own, sparking over your spine as you feel ozone and rust on your teeth. Satori is humming again to match the rumble of thunder in the man’s voice, the heralding of songs of war and elegies for the dead, ‘Of course, though I’m afraid I do not know many songs, besides…’
“It’s alright,”, you smile faintly, there’s a white ocarina in his hands, as he leans, a spectre against your side, “I’ll teach you some of my own, though you’ll have to forgive me if I don’t remember all the lyrics.”
‘It would be my honor to learn.’
You think he smiles, from the fluttering of something ancient and long forgotten against your side.
You sing to Satori and the Chain, a small respite of familiar and forgotten tunes, the Lord of the Mountain hums along. The Fierce Deity’s song cutting through any nightmares that may ail your heroes for another night.
When the dawn of a new day comes, the feeling of divinity against your skin feels just a bit more obvious, sinking into every crack of your being like a shroud, falling over your boys like a veil, reflecting the breath of eternity over Hyrule.
(First gives you a look that’s half exasperation, half understanding. Sky pointedly sticks to your side as Time looks you over, markings deep with vibrant color. You shrug with a helpless smile as you feel the lightest brushes of Hylia’s fond days of gold and starlit summers days against the Lord of the Mountains warm, luminous affection and the Fierce Deity’s smug, but content lonsdaleite smile.)
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hystericstar · 2 months
Just found your blog and *chef’s kiss*
Would you be up for writing a first time with the Fierce Deity? Maybe he’s scared of hurting the reader? And reader just like, nah, c’mere?
I’m deeply sorry for how long this took, but it was so fun to write LMAO
CW: diety being real soft for u, size kink!!!! ! MDNI !
The room was quiet. Their breaths even quieter. He swore he would do anything for you, so why was he hesitating? You asked so sweetly and looked so pretty but the truth is you’re just so small.
When you stood next to him, the top of your head barely hit his elbow. So what made you think you could take all of him without hurting yourself?
well, you were terribly horny and sick of just his fingers. Sure, they felt good, but you know what would feel better? His dick.
“Are you sure?” His smooth voice coated in silk and honey rumbled into your palm and reverberated through your very existence. It was cute really, he had always had this habit of pressing your palm to his lips when he was stressed. This time though, you saw it as almost comical.
Propped up against the cushioned headboard, he hovered over you. His eyes glowed slightly, reminding you your lover was a God. He was a God of death and destruction, yet he would give his life if he was responsible for even your slightest bit of discomfort.
His very senses quickly became fine-tuned to your every heartbeat and twitch from the moment he met you. Wordlessly, you ran your hands through his halo white hair.
"Please?" You cupped his cheeks and he shuddered at your utter sweetness. "... As you wish."
With a roll of his hips, he let his tip bump into your clit before sneaking a hand down to ease it into your achy hole. The sweat that culminated between you made the sliding easier, for which you both were undoubtedly grateful for. He braced himself against the headboard, surely leaving scratches to be dealt with at later date.
His movements were simultaneously too slow and too overwhelming. He bared his fanged teeth at the pressure your cunt applied to his aching dick.
"Faster." It flew from your mouth like a command. Your hips lifted off the bed, hoping to feel him deeper, to chase the newfound craving to be stuffed over and over till you reached the same peak of divinity he was forged out of.
He rolled into you with more want, the restraints he placed on himself loosening ever so slighly but it still wasn't enough.
You we're insatiable. You had a taste and refused to let a single drop roll down your chin. You pushed him with more force than you had intended, but still got the desired effect. His breathing hitched uncharacteristically, the sudden force momentarily stunting him. With enough determination and clouded thinking, you successfully knocked a God onto his back!
Curiosity crashed into him. His heavenly gaze fixated on your trembling form blindly trying to guide him back into you. A winded hiss slithered out of him, the size difference so much more prominent now. He formed a bulge in your belly with every desperate bounce.
"You we're holding back, I had...i had to...take-to take matters into my own hands." How cute. Every other word was more whiny and incoherent than the last. Your eyes narrowed in on him, glossy eyes and fluttering lashes fading in and out of focus.
In that moment, the diety couldn't help but wonder if you'd appreciate the use of some magic...
ᖫ⪻ ▬▬ι═══════⪼ᖭ
Guys I love him
I always lowkey think about what type of magic the diety would have, if any. Like, maybe he can use a binding spell originally intended for use on ancient monsters? Let's be real though, you're just as feral as a dragon in heat when he gets you horny so what's the difference?
Anyways, I'm so happy to be back!!!
Xoxo <33
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iexisttospitegod69 · 4 months
I have heard the cries of desperate Eddie Penisi fans, allow me to feed you all
Eddie Penisi x Reader Headcannons
TW: Not smut but some sexual stuff
Anyways please ignore any false things I haven’t finished the show i just need Eddie Penisi
Ok so starting off we all know Eddie Penisi likes older women from Season 1 Episode 7 but I think he does have to potential to like someone younger
Don’t get me wrong he would pick older women like Trudy Towers over a younger girl any day but i feel like there would be exceptions
He would like someone that is mature to level out his immaturity, but someone that could handle him
Like if the reader was known for acting older than her age but still got his humor I feel like he would fall head over heels
And he would like active women (not skinny i think he would actually adore a chubby s/o) but someone who is also a firefighter or police officer if you want a good enemies to lovers trope
Now Eddie’s way of flirting is straight up Tumblr porn
For this scenario we’re going to say reader is a firefighter at Station 24
If Eddie Penisi likes the reader and they came out in their uniform that was a well fitted and close to the skin, this man would make comments all day about “being able to see everything”
And so help you God whenever no one else is around he would totally tap that ass if you bend over a little
Someone call FOOFA
Anyways i think he would be weirdly turned on if you smelled like a camp fire. Idk just if you walk past him smelling like a campfire i think he’s going to get his 5th infraction with FOOFA
Authors Note: AHH I SUCK AT THESE PLS DONT DEHYDRATE PENISI HOES. Anyway i hope you guys enjoyed this very short list of not very good head cannons and let me know if you want more
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luimagines · 2 years
Soft Deity
Another commission!
They asked for FD being soft on his s/o. Short, simple and sweet.
Content under the cut!
You wouldn’t have known it when you first met him, but he was the gentlest being in the 16 known realms.
Others saw him as mean, malicious and merciless. But you couldn’t fathom anything negative to be said about the being in front of you.
You held onto him tighter and tucked your face against his shoulder. He was warm.
It was such a stark contrast from the deity you’ve been taught about. It wasn’t as if this was anything particularly impressive to begin with. However, having seen him in only cold armor for most of your relationship, it surprised you by the gentle warmth that came from the close contact, without the heartless metal in between.
It shouldn’t have been shocking but here you were, enjoying it and soaking it up for all it’s worth.
“Enjoying yourself, Jewel?” He whispers. As if he’s afraid that you would have said anything else.
You chuckle at the thought. How can he treasure your opinion so much? You’re a mere speck of dust, a mere blink in existence compared to him. You nod and hum in tandem, letting him know that you’re content.
“Good.” He sighs of relief.
You snuggle closer, letting your eyes close in the peace of the moment.
You feel him raise his hand and gently card his fingers through your hair. You smile and relax further.
Before he would have held you whenever he pleased. You had asked him why he felt the need to carry you. There was something within him that moved him to be your protector, your guardian and your hero. Those were his words.
You dealt with it quietly at first, not wanting to offend him or make him upset. You broke down quickly seeing that he was more willing to keep you within his arms if you had no complaint. However,  his blasted armor was the most uncomfortable thing to be held against.
That moment, when he said that he was happy that you allowed him to do so, you brought up the minor inconvenience. You didn’t know what to expect. Well, that’s a minor lie. You had expected him to reinforce his motives and decisions. He was The Deity. He could choose.
You hadn’t expected him to nearly drop you, drop to his knee and ask for your forgiveness.
Dumbfounded, you let him go off rambling in what you soon learned to be honest regret and bashfulness on his part.
You laugh about it now.
You asked if he could take his armor off. If that would solve the problem.
He had started to take it off then and there. You scrambled to stop him, trying to remind him that you’re still traveling and he would still need it. It was just a question.
You snort at the memory and grin wider.
“What amuses you so, Jewel?” The Fierce Deity pokes the top of your head with his nose.
You hum and look up at him. “You. And the scene you nearly caused when I told you the armor was painful to lean against.”
You feel him stiffen up. He coughs a bit and adjusts his hold on you. “And is this sufficient? Is it to your liking?”
You have to refrain from rolling your eyes. “Yes. This is perfect. Thank you.”
“It requires minimal effort.” He says softly once more. “No task or request is too burdensome should you ask it, my Jewel.”
You can feel a soft blush come across your cheeks. You bring your hand up and cup his jaw. It looks dwarfed compared to the sheer size of him. You bring him lower, looking into his eyes. He follows you wordlessly, leaning into your touch.
You lean up and place a chaste kiss against his lips. You see his entire demor change as he melts from the simple act of affection. His shoulder’s sag and he sighs just behind himself. It’s quiet and restrained. As if the action of enjoying a kiss was a forbidden notion. The Fierce Deity curls around you some more, as if to keep you all to himself. With his eyes closed, he pulls you closer and his grip tightens. His Adam’s Apple bobs for a moment before he hesitantly kisses your forehead.
You sigh happily and rest your head against him once more.
No more words are spoken.
“Are you two done or what? The rest of us are going to sleep but we need to know if either of you plan on taking a watch.” Link stands in front of you, hands on his hips and an unamused expression on his face.
You bite your lip only marginally embarrassed to have been caught in this position, even if you weren’t doing anything particularly scandalous. They all know the Deity is soft for you and you alone.
Speaking of, he hardens again. The soft lines on his face smooth out and he straightens his back to meet Link head on when he speaks. There’s a mutual respect there, somewhere but neither are willing to step down. You think they both respect that of the other.
“No need.” The Deity responds. The warmth in his voice is gone as well and he suddenly feels very cold to be held against even if the armor is gone. “I’ll take the watch. You all may sleep for the night.”
You snap your head in his direction. “What? What about you? You need to rest as well!”
“I have no need like the mortals do.” He softens once more ever so slightly as he looks your way. “I will protect as is my duty. May you never fear.”
Link throws his hands up. “Understood. Got it. I will tell the others.”
“See to it that you do.” The hardness in his voice is striking.
You shiver on impulse and shrink in instinct.
The Deity sighs and brushes your hair, sagging and holding you preciously. “My apologies. I didn’t mean to frighten you.”
You smile. The warmth returns.
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sykosomatic · 10 months
So here is my third idea…a bit longer and darker but I hope you like it
So it starts right where part 2 ended…Evan and his new love interest are enjoying their food and flirting a little….Evan asks what brought reader over and asks semi seriously if he is that irresistible and gets a slight laugh in response
Evan then decides to play his answer machine and gets the same messages from the film as he admires his watch…reader is playing with the heating …..turning it and asks if he should be jealous Evan points out if he haven’t called them back no…
Reader comments how it’s getting really hot in here and maybe they need to cool off so they decide to head to the shower more flirting as they start to make out in the shower
Then they notice the temperature of the water starting to grow warmer and scalding …..they turning it off but it won’t work and the door is jammed…they start panicking/blaming each other as they desperately try to get out
Evan eventually smashes his way out by just shouldering the glass till it breaks ….later they are in Evans bedroom putting ice packs on each other as they apologise for turning on each other and they kiss with Evan asking what is happening Reader settles down with him on the bed and says he doesn’t know but he will find out
obvouvou;u they are going to stick together
what do you think ?
you've always got really creative ideas -- this fic would've been a one-shot without you lol -- let's see if you like the next installment! here we go--!
part 3 of evan lewis x male reader escaping death -- lovingly entitled 'luck of the draw' on ao3 --
cw: near-death experience, anxiety, making out, groping.
evan joined you at the little dining table, taking a seat and passing your food to you once it was all cooked. the entire little apartment smelled like rich, savory noodles; it was nice. this was the most at ease you'd felt since you'd met evan. that fact made you feel a little guilty. it wasn't as if you thought it was evan's fault, and you sure weren't gonna stop hanging out with him just over some silly superstitions you were having. you'd never been one to really believe in such things; but you couldn't deny the extreme relief you felt when you'd prevented whatever had been destined to happen. it gave you almost a sense of responsibility to stay and help him, to keep him safe from whatever power-that-be was hell-bent on hurting him. why evan, you found yourself thinking, of all people? and why you, sent to be his savior?
"so, uh…what brought you back here?" evan asked, after swallowing a bite of his food. he looked at you with an eyebrow raised. just as you were about to answer him and let him know about the strange feeling you'd been having, he smirked at you and continued speaking. "am i that irresistible?"
you laughed, rolling your eyes at his goofy expression. you decided to maybe bring up your weird feeling later. or maybe, not at all? after all you didn't even know if it was founded; maybe you were just having a weird week. maybe you needed to go back to that therapist you'd been seeing a while back.
"oh-- i forgot," evan said, reaching over and pressing a button on his answering machine. some messages from girls started to play, making you feel a little embarrassed. mainly for them; they sounded pretty desperate to get their hands on some of that money evan had just won from the lottery. you watched evan admire the watch he'd gotten the day before; fiddling with the latch as you stood up and cleared your throat awkwardly. you decided to busy yourself by absently messing with the thermostat, unable to find the remote to his tv and feeling that messing with your phone might've come off as rude.
"should i be jealous?" you asked evan, playfully, but also eyeing him a bit warily. he was a cocky guy, and the two of you hadn't said anything about being mutually exclusive just yet-- or ever, in that case. and he was entitled to do whatever he wanted, whether it be calling these women back or not.
"well, i mean, i haven't called them back yet, have i?" he pointed out. he finally looked up from his shiny new watch and looked over at you, reaching over to start deleting the messages. you grinned to yourself, turning the heat down a tad more. it had started getting a little hotter in the small apartment; it was freaking you out a bit. the thermostat said a cool 65 degrees fahrenheit once you were done messing with it. it shouldn't have felt so hot in there, right?
maybe you'd worked yourself up over evan's other potential lovers. you weren't really the jealous type; not outwardly, of course.
"hey, you wanna hop in the shower really quick?" you asked, crossing over to the dining table again. you put your arms around evan's shoulders from behind, leaning in and nibbling playfully on his ear. "it's getting kinda hot in here, don't you think? maybe we should cool off…" you said. you didn't boast about your flirting skills, that was for sure, but you thought you were charming enough. and evan evidently did too. he rolled his eyes, but there was definitely a grin on his face.
"you didn't even finish your food," he teased, though it didn't seem like he was all too concerned, after you'd just insinuated that he'd be getting lucky again. he stood from his chair and led you into the bathroom, the two of you flirtingly undressing each other on the way. there was a trail of clothes on the way to the bathroom, ending with the two of you standing by the shower. "i'm never gonna get tired of seeing that…" evan said playfully, eyeing your naked form beside him. he wrapped his arms around you, groping your ass and pulling you in for a kiss. you could feel yourself blush at the comment -- did that mean he wanted to keep seeing you? that maybe you'd be spending more time with him? you'd only known him for about a day, but he fascinated you, and you liked his goofy cockiness; it was surprisingly charming.
he turned around and started the water, leaning down and giving you access to return his groping. you grabbed his ass; it was really nice, you couldn't really tell that based on the clothes he wore, which made it all the better that you'd gotten to see it. and touch it, of course. he moaned as you massaged his ass and lower back. the water spritzed on, warm and steamy, inviting the two of you inside. the shower itself was a sort of glass box, with a door that swung open and clasped shut on the inside. it was the perfect size for the two of you to be intimately close in it together. the two of you clambered in, laughing as you bumped into each other while trying to get into comfortable positions. you ended up facing each other, a moment of thought before you both leaned in for a kiss.
the kiss deepened as the two of you started groping each other, becoming a full-on make-out session full of moaning and groaning. you broke away to bite on evan's neck, making him gasp out in surprise as you teeth scraped the delicate flesh just above his shoulder. "shit, wait, let me fix the temp real quick," evan grunted, pulling away from you, suddenly a bit agitated. you had to admit, the water was starting to get a little hot. he turned more cold on, but that didn't help. the water started getting hotter.
"are you turning the right knob?" you asked, hissing through your teeth as you felt the water start to sting the skin on your forearm. your arm was turning a bright, angry red as the water started to scald you.
"yes, i'm turning the right knob!" evan snipped at you, making you frown frustratedly at him. "i know which knob is cold, it's my apartment," he grumbled, turning both knobs now. it was clear he had been turning the right one; the water was just getting hotter by itself.
"maybe try turning it off?" you suggested, trying to scoot back away from the stream of boiling water. it had to be approaching something like 150 degrees at this point. you couldn't think straight, it was so hot. you were starting to panic, and you knew evan was too, but yours was starting to get intense. had you not avoided the thing that was supposed to hurt evan? and had you lumped yourself in with him? were the two of you going to die from third degree burns in this shower, trapped in the boiling water and choking on steam?
"i am trying to turn it off, man! i'm not stupid. why don't you try, if you're so smart?" evan snapped, shoving past you to trade you spots. now he was up against the glass wall of the shower, and he started to jiggle the clasp, trying to undo it. it was stuck. the two of you really were stuck, and if you didn't find a way out soon, it wasn't going to be pretty. "damn it, this is all your fault, you were the one who suggested getting in here in the first place… i bet you broke the stupid latch…"
"hey, don't get pissed off at me," you grouched back at him, angry that he was blaming you for something that clearly wasn't your fault. there were sinister things at play, here, working against you and evan and trying to harm you both now. "maybe if your apartment wasn't so hot, i wouldn't have wanted to get in here." you grumbled as the two of you worked on your tasks separately, faced away from each other. the heat of the water climbed in intensity so rapidly it was making you lightheaded. it had been all of three or four minutes that you'd been in there, and in just that time, the two of you had gotten agitated enough to blame each other for something that you at least knew wasn't anyone's fault. at this point it was clearly some sort of evil thing at play, here. you fiddled with the knobs desperately, evan messing with the latch, when in one quick second you heard a smashing sound behind you.
evan had busted through the foggy glass pane of the shower, shouldering it with all of his weight and smashing through it. cool air rushed in, already soothing your skin as you rushed out to him, stepping around glass and crouching down to where he lay on the floor amidst a bed of glass shards. the water sprayed on behind you, harmlessly flowing down the drain. steam curled up around you in the bathroom as you consoled evan, brushing glass off of him and pulling him up to his feet.
all animosity drained from the two of you as you looked into each other's eyes, safe from the boiling heat of the shower. "are you alright?" you asked him, gathering him in your arms and holding him close as the two of you mentally recovered from the ordeal you'd just been through.
"sorry i was being such an ass," evan said to you, softly, as you passed an ice pack and frozen peas back and forth to each other. he'd given you a spare pair of pajama pants and was wearing a pair himself as the two of you sat on his bed together. your head was swimming with all the things that had happened the past day; you barely heard him.
"it's okay. i was being an ass too -- it wasn't anybody's fault," you assured him, leaning in and kissing him on the lips. it was a gentle kiss, meant to be comforting. it seemed to have worked at least a little bit, but he was still a little worked up.
"maybe not, but.. what the hell was it, then? that shit doesn't just happen."
you sighed softly, biting on your lip. you knew that you'd been right all along, that the crazy-anxious feeling you'd been having was founded in some kind of truth. this wouldn't be the last time something like this happened. the pit in your stomach had started to return, and you had a feeling that it would be there for a while. you figured you better get used to saving evan's life, and he'd better get used to saving yours. you didn't know what the feeling meant exactly, other than the two of you would be being chased by death for a good while going forward. "i don't really know," you said, pausing. you thought about just brushing it off, keeping him in the dark for just a moment longer, letting him have that ignorant bliss. but it felt irresponsible. "but it feels… cosmic," you muttered, just in case he thought you were being crazy. but when you looked up at him, he was nodding slowly and thoughtfully. "and we'll figure it out. i'll get to the bottom of this, and we'll stop it," you promised, reaching over to hold his hand in your lap.
24-hour relationship or not, evan wasn't going to die, and neither were you. you were going to see to that.
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eddysocs · 1 year
hey can i request a oneshots of Renee Carre x Claudia Nicolo? i saw ur shameless kink preferences so can i request fluff/light smut of praise kink!claudia bc the idea of her having one is so hot to me haha. thanks!
Praise You Like I Should
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Summary: Claudia gets uncomfortable when Renee praises her, because she thinks it’s all an act, but it’s not.
Word Count: 258
Warnings: Kink Discovery, Praise Kink
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With Claudia half undressed, Renee paused to drink her in then moved to kiss her neck. "Fuck, you’ve got an amazing body," she breathed out as she kissed her way up to Claudia's earlobe.
Claudia began to push her away, just gently enough that she felt her resistance. "You don’t…you don’t need to say that kind of thing."
Renee pulled back, regarding Claudia quizzically as she tried to discern what she’d done to make her suddenly act so weird. "What? Compliment you? Dirty talk? What am I doing wrong here, Claudia?"
Claudia didn’t answer right away. She actually wasn’t sure how to explain it. "I’m not— I mean, we’re not—"
"Do you not like it when I compliment you," Renee asked, having an idea of what Claudia was trying to get at.
Claudia sighed. "Look, I don’t need that. I know what this is. I pay you for sex. Amazing sex, sure, but I never asked for empty praises."
Renee couldn’t believe what she was hearing. "Empty? They’re anything but empty. I don’t put in extra effort for free. I’m simply enjoying the view. It’s not every day I get to fuck a total smoke show."
Claudia searched Renee's eyes, almost not daring to hope that she was being genuine. "So you’re not faking it?"
"With you? No. You’re hot, and if I didn’t need to maintain a certain lifestyle, I’d definitely be letting you hit this for free."
Claudia grinned, somewhat reassured. "I suppose I might be able to get used to it then," she said.
Drabble requests are open!
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Forever Tag: @arrthurpendragon, @baubeautyandthegeek, @foxesandmagic, @carmens-garden, @fawera, @themaradaniels, @that-demigirl, @iloveocs, @bossyladies, @b1rvt4, @getawaycardotmp3
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thesparrowspearl · 2 years
Return to the Sea
Laila Ali, a 22 year old girl, starts off her summer by going on a vacation with her family on a private cruise across the Caribbean Sea. This would be a marvelous vacation except she has one too many skeletons in her closet. Will this trip go smoothly, or will Laila be forced to reunite with her past? Will her double life collapse into one?
** If that sounds interesting to you, read the first chapter on Wattpad @Rimi_b0red
** It’ll be on Tumblr on 10/08 5pm EST+ OC list & intros. Happy reading!
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f1nalboys · 5 months
hey bestie! may i pls request something that is tod from final destination x reader? maybe some fluff headcannons, what it’s like having a sleepover with him? thx u sm! <33
hi bae!!!! i had sm fun writing this >:)) i do think tod would be one of the better characters to have a sleepover with he serves so much genuinely!!! hope you enjoy <3 first request to start out >:)))
Tod Waggner x GN!Reader
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listen this guy wants to spend 24/7 with you, he is clingy as all fuck
like one of those shelter dogs, you know the vibe
anyways so regardless of whether or not him coming to spend the night is common or not, he’s ECSTATIC!!!! 
bro is jumping for joy up and down like yippee!!!!! YIPPEEEE!!!
he prefers going over to your place because then it feels like a vacation almost
but if you want to come over to his place you have to give him a day’s notice so he can clean up (he is MESSY i'm sorry to say)
he packs a bag and has a smile on his face literally until he has to leave
in my opinion, tod loves a good movie marathon and he is going to want to do classic sleepover shit with you to the point of almost annoying you LMFAO
he's like haha we should order a pizza… we should watch scary movies… pillow fight babe?? wanna gossip and do a face mask? let's talk about boys!!!!
and if you point out that he is the boy in question youd talk about, not only is he getting smug as fuck, hes going to go ‘ill pretend to be someone else!!!! go on and be so honest about how you feel about me babe ;)’
he's a great sleepover guest though, at least the first few times
he's awkward the very first one bc he's sitting on the edge of the bed bag on his shoulders hand in his lap like o-0 so…
its endearing 
and overall he's very chill and will stay by your side or in your bed the entire time
once he's comfortable though… loudest stupidest dumbest mfer!!! he is doing reckless shit and messing with you and trying to prank you and stuff
once he's settled down though, good luck getting him out of your bed for ANYTHING, a fire could break out and tod is staying put
he has to cuddle. it's a rule.
and he has no preference for being big or little spoon honestly, he has pros and cons for both, he just needs you literally right next to him
he does not care what movies you guys watch but he DOES want to watch some shitty stoner comedy like (ignoring the fact devon plays in this movie) he wants to watch idle hands and harold and kumar go to white castle LMFAO 
he's wearing your pajamas…. even if he cant fit he’ll find something to put on his body from slipper to an eye mask to your pjs to a robe to a bonnet, etc etc, you leave that room for longer than 2 minutes and he's playing dress up
you go to shower (and yes he's gonna try and join you he's handsy though so choose carefully) and come back into your room and he's wearing half your wardrobe and going through your jewelry and shit
and when you're like uhm… hello?? he stands there like oh… you're back sooner than i thought…. LIKE UR IN MY ROOM???
he's a popcorn snack guy, plus sour candy. sleepovers are for pigging out and he takes that SERIOUS he’ll sneak his own candy in if he has to
if he falls asleep at like 10pm-12am, then you will have a peaceful night where he sleeps until 8:30am and is well rested and so sweet
and he might even make you breakfast
but if he sleeps before then or later…. good luck
he's going to be LOUD and OBNOXIOUS (positive) and he's going to keep your ass up as long as he can
you're laying in bed in the dark with your eyes closed and he's steady talking trying to remember some obscure tv show from his childhood 
great guy though, love him
and you would have a ball, just don't plan on sleeping much
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starryeyes2000 · 2 years
Ten Lines
Rules: Pick any ten of your fics, scroll to the midpoint, pick a line (or three or more) then share it. Tag others if you want.
Thank you for the tag @writingpotato07
No pressure tagging @themaradaniels @arrthurpendragon @chickensarentcheap @smurphyse @darknightfrombeyond @wordspin-shares and anyone who would like to participate.
Where's An All Night Pharmacy When You Need It (Teen) AO3 or FFN
My son is born in the middle of a battle, in a dark room, the only illumination from a tiny flashlight.
“Here,” Phil hands the child to Spock. “Wrap him in a blanket and make sure his airway stays clear. We’ll clean him up later.”
My body protests the separation from my child; it starts shaking, my pulse becoming erratic, anxiety expressed in short rapid breaths inching ever closer to hyperventilation.
“Spock talk to her.”
Spock coos to the child in his arms who stares up at the Vulcan and gurgles. “He has thick dark hair. Blue eyes. And Captain Pike's dimples. He is kicking his legs and uncurling his fingers …”
I close my eyes and begin to relax.
“What name have you and the Captain chosen?”
“We haven’t. We couldn’t decide.”
“May I offer a suggestion?” Spock asks with an earnest expression.
“Yes, of course. Please do.”
“Noah. It means, among other things, peace.”
Volte-Face (Teen) AO3 or FFN
Glancing up from his desk in the ready room Pike said, “Number One if you have concerns, if you object, now is the time.”
Una raised an eyebrow. “Object sir? No. And I intend to be in the landing party.” When Pike started to reply, she waved her finger at front of him. “No. Don’t. Do not even think about leaving me behind. I won’t allow you to go unaccompanied to a planet currently at war with its neighbor … I assume you plan on beaming down?”
“Yes. The decisions of how far to push their government, of whether enter the war on the side of Noohra rest with me.”
“Very well. I concede on you joining the landing party … but I am coming with you,” she reiterated firmly. “You are a high value target, and I don’t trust the Aschaski.”
“I imagine Isak will echo your intentions.” Pike rubbed his chin. “This situation could escalate and turn hot at any moment. If so, I want you on Enterprise. Isak can accompany us or send a deputy. His call.”
Una frowned. She thought, A deputy? Not likely. If possible Isak will be even more unhappy about Chris beaming to the planet than I am.
“Isak and I have survived numerous missions together,” Pike said.
“As in the ones where you ran towards the phaser fire?”
“That was the operational objective,” he reminded.
She snorted, “Perhaps you will keep in mind this time that is not the goal … or at least remember to duck.”
That Night In The Cave (Teen) AO3 or FFN
But Tilly was already off and running. “Captain Pike was stacking wood one night … must have thought I was asleep … took his shirt off to dry it by the fire … only I wasn’t sleeping … and I watched …”
Detmer rolled her eyes and shook her head.
“Wait,” Bonnie held up her hand. “You saw the Captain shirtless?”
Tilly nodded.
“Was he as good … ahem … well-built as we judged … I mean assumed?”
Reno cut in, “Focus please.”
Bonnie couldn’t resist. “We are.”
“On the Captain’s absence not his abs,” Reno responded drily, trying to suppress a grin. This story is much too good to keep from Una. But that was for another time. “Continue Ensign.”
The Road Back (Teen) AO3 or FFN
In spite of repeated protests and corrections emphasizing ‘We’re explorers not soldiers,’ Starfleet organized in a tight hierarchical command structure and ran with military precision. Unlike civilian life there were few mechanisms for refusing an assignment and those were rarely invoked.
Another aspect I should have considered before enlisting, Aalin thought.
Has it truly been less than a month since … stop it … don’t go there. It’s over.
Resettling into friendship was hard enough on a crowded ship during a long deep space voyage where much of your life was an open book in the micro village where everyone knew one another and essentially lived in the same house. But hours alone with Chris in small shuttle? That was a dozen steps too far for her bruised heart and minced self-confidence.
If this throws you, how are you going to cope when he moves on to someone else?
Think about that tomorrow.
Despite her dislike of small vessels, Chris’ enthusiasm for the break from routine was contagious. Once spaceborne, he looped the shuttle then flew an intricate pattern in and around Enterprise, a flyby. Aalin found her attention riveted on the man freed for a few hours from command responsibilities playing across a space canvass.
Thirty minutes later he favored her with a sideways glance, “We should get to work before Number One scolds and sends us to our rooms for a time-out.”
In the upbeat atmosphere Aalin didn’t resist a tease, “She runs the ship, doesn’t she.”
His eyes twinkled. “Anyone who says otherwise hasn’t yet faced the force of nature that is Una. She trots me out when authority is required.”
“You don’t get to fly much anymore do you.”
Chris shook his head, there was a twinge of regret in his voice. “Junior officers need to get their required fight hours in. My time is packed with other work. So no.” The audible regret vanished. “When I do have the excuse or opportunity, it’s a treat.”
Dating Advice (Teen) AO3 or FFN
Kirk’s trademark grin returned, “ Anything I can clear up for you? You do understand where all the bits go?”
“Anatomy class took care of that,” McCoy said dryly. “And I’ve forgotten more about dating than you will ever know. Those three years at the Academy don’t count. I was recently divorced and on the rebound. As well as a dedicated, studious cadet.”
The door chimed. “Go away,” McCoy hollered.
The doors swished open admitting Spock.
“What part of no escaped your understanding?” the doctor asked in an exasperated tone of voice.
Spock’s eyebrow rose. He contemplated the table set for dinner. “I surmised you likely required assistance in planning and executing a successful … perhaps success is too high a goal … an adequate evening; an evening not reflecting poorly on the ship’s senior command staff. As the only member of this threesome currently in a functioning passionate relationship enduring beyond a long weekend, I surmised my data is 131.567 percent more accurate and applicable than the Captain’s. Therefore I came where I am needed.”
Turning to Kirk McCoy mused, “I’m not certain which one of us got the worst of that one.” Redirecting his focus to Spock he continued, “Jim’s covered the biology bits so I’m good to go.” He shooed the Captain and First Officer in the direction of the door.
Spock remained firmly in place. “Go where?”
“Where he’s rarely gone before,” Kirk chimed in. After a pause he added, “And not for a long, long time.”
“Thanks for the confidence boost,” McCoy growled.
Spock settled on the couch. “Very well. If poise and self-assurance are lacking, clichéd yet truthful obligatory flattery will be offered. You are a handsome man and a skilled physician. A ‘good-catch’ is, I believe, the appropriate human idiom. Nyota agrees.”
I Am Not Sick (Teen) AO3 or FFN
After a few more adjustments, Chris manages to eat the toast despite my clearly inferior skill at making it. Now, he’s ensconced on the sofa, with a blanket, head resting on a pillow in my lap.
“You should feel my head and check for a fever," he says.
I place my hand over his forehead. “You’re a little warm, but no worse than this morning.”
He counters, “I don’t think testing with your palm is accurate, maybe you should check again.”
I lay the back of my hand across his forehead and then against his cheek. “The same, a little warm.”
“My mother always felt the back of my neck. And she is a vet, she probably knows more about how to check than you do.”
I resist the temptation to point out she might also take a dog or cat or horse’s temperature with a thermometer up their ass and curl my hand around the back of his neck. “The same, a little warm.”
Dispatches from Sickbay (Teen) AO3 or FFN
McCoy raised an eyebrow. “Black alert? Seriously? As if red alert isn’t enough to send my heart racing? And what, precisely, is a jump? Please tell me it is not a method of transporting the entire ship and all aboard. I’d prefer not to end up as a bulkhead.”
Tilly replied, her tone a mixture of disbelief and concern. “Oh no, Doctor, the spore drive is a different technology than the transporter. And it's completely safe.”
“Spore drive?” McCoy questioned his tone suspicious. “This ship runs on the reproductive dust of ferns?” He continued wryly, “How very green of you.”
“We use fungi spores not plant spores.” Tilly explained. “It allows the ship to travel via the mycelial network ...”
McCoy interrupted. “Fungi? I see. So you follow a mushroom paved road to a distant, cosmic, and yet still great Oz. Will we be dropping a shuttle on the wicked witch of the east? Is the captain of this illustrious, and I am certain quite pricey, vessel Dorothy? Does he tap his red boots together to initiate the jump?”
Reno, who had quietly entered the room looking for the Captain, piped up, “A point I have been making for weeks now. Maybe your screws aren’t loose after all McCoy, despite your irrational transporter phobia.”
“Heavens to Betsy Pike, what type of ship are you running?” McCoy demanded.
That Night and Morning on Discovery (Teen) AO3 or FFN
Aalin caught Reno’s faint smirk as the engineer looked to the Captain, to Aalin, back to the Captain and sized up the situation. The smug look was replaced with a deadpan expression as Reno regarded Pike. Her eyes moved over him slowly and carefully, top to bottom. Casually she said, “I always thought you were a robot designed by Command. You know, as the perfect officer.”
Her gazed raked up and down him again. Combining a mischievous tone with her impassive look she drawled, “But it turns out you are a real boy after all.”
Trust Love One More Time (Teen) AO3 or FFN
The normally smooth lift bounced slightly, dropped a few inches, then halted abruptly tumbling McCoy to his knees and Cara to the floor. He crawled to her and probed for broken bones. “Did you hit your head?” he asked while helping her sit up.
“No. I’m fine. What happened? Is this common?”
Before McCoy could answer the lights dimmed twice and remained off. He mumbled, “For goodness sakes, we’re still in space dock.” While feeling his way to the intercom he instructed, “Stay there.” Unable to read the labeled control panel once at his destination, he punched randomly at the buttons.
“Engineering,” came the reply after a fourth try.
McCoy demanded, “It’s the CMO. What’s going on? We’re stuck in a turbolift somewhere between decks three and eight.”
“Umbilicals to space dock went down in that section sir, cause unknown. We’re rerouting power to the internal grid. Estimated repair time is 45 minutes. There are three stranded lifts in your tube, yours is in the middle. Sit tight. Engineering out.”
“We’re an elevator sandwich he tells me, as if such a statement is reassuring. Sit tight he tells me, as if we had a choice …” McCoy complained. Noticing Cara’s hitched breathing his grumble drifted off. Exasperated officer gave way to engaged doctor. “Are you having pain or pressure in your chest? I’m coming.” He gingerly felt his way to her, following the direction of her voice.
“I’m OK. Not … physical … just nervous.”
He listened carefully to her breathing pattern. “Take smaller, slower breaths; you’re close to hyperventilating.” Reaching out his arm, probing with his hand until finding one of hers, McCoy clasped it. Squatting in front of Cara he coached, “Breathe with me. In … hold … exhale. No, still too fast. With me. In … hold … exhale. That’s better. Again.” He relaxed when her inhaling calmed. “Uncomfortable with enclosed spaces?”
Cara shook her head then remembered he couldn’t see her. “No.”
“If you quote me on this, I’ll deny it. The ship’s solid and safe. There’s nothing to worry about.”
“Of course,” was her faint reply.
McCoy lightly squeezed her hand when her breathing became audible and rapid again. “It helps to talk.”
Stop overreacting, Cara admonished herself. She exhaled slowly, counting to five. Inhaled slowly then sighed. “It’s silly, I’m embarrassed to admit it. After all I’m supposed to be a grownup.”
“Maybe … to the proclamation whatever is bothering you is inane, not to the grownup part. Anyway, I can’t rule on the ridiculous factor until you share details.”
His comment elicited a nervous chuckle from Cara. Then a snort followed by a genuine laugh. “You have an interesting bedside manner.”
Darkness prevented her from seeing McCoy sweeping his arm through the air. “Chronological ages aside, I tend to adolescents on an almost daily basis. They require a firm hand. And I can assure you, I’ve heard it all.”
Darkness prevented him from seeing the haunted look in her eyes. Her voice was tiny, almost inaudible. “I’m … I’m afraid of the dark.”
All About You (Explicit version AO3 * Mature version FFN)
Chris takes her teacup and places it on the tray with his own. He stands and holds out his hand. “I should go soon. But before I do, one dance. We missed that at the party.”
Unmoving, hesitant, her own hands now tightly clasped she responds, “Not required on a pretend date, which is fortunate for you. I’m not very good at dancing.”
He untangles her hands and, taking both, gently pulls her up, while murmuring in her ear “I no longer care to think of this as a pretend date.”
“But …”
He shakes his head almost imperceptibly. “I want to feel you in my arms … to hold you … even if it’s just for a few minutes. May I?”
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streamafterlaughter · 6 months
Fundamental Differing
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Chapter XXII: Blood Sugar Sex Magik
tags/warnings (spoilers below the cut!): MDNI 18+ ONLY! angst, drama, confession, tension, ALL YOUR FAVORITES! rockstar!eddie x rockstar!reader, afab!gnc!reader, mentions of reader being bisexual. dual pov
a/n: buckle up people it’s a doozy. i think you’ll like it though.
cw: unprotected p in v, oral (afab receiving), graphic content not meant for people under 18. MDNI, NSFW.
a/n: haha. hey. hi guys. sorry for all that waiting… i hope it was worth it. This chapter is a little different, no prologue flashback, one scene instead of multiple. Decided this deserved its own chapter. a nice lil mindless sex scene for your reading pleasure. thanks SO SO MUCH for reading, and for your patience!
Disclaimer: i do not give permission to repost my work, please let me know if you see my writing posted anywhere else. reblogs welcome and encouraged to support the author!
Your POV
Shit. Shit, shit, shit. You were drunk, but not too drunk to forget what you’d said last night.
The sunlight streams through the blinds, giving the room an orange glow. It’s early, but the bed next to you is empty. Understandably. Shit! You sit up, groaning as the movement makes your head throb. You’re in your underwear, and the shirt you’d worn to the bar last night. You can feel the underwire of your bra digging into your flesh. There was absolutely no reason to go that crazy last night, not if this is the aftermath.
As you’re gaining the courage to stand, the door swings open, and you catch Eddie’s eyes for a millisecond before he looks to the floor, face beet red, breakfast burrito clenched in his grip.
“Sorry, shit, I thought you would have left by now.” Eddie tries to leave the room, but you stop him before you know what you’re doing.
“Wait! Wait,” He stops, slowly stepping back into the room. “Eddie, I am so sorry.” You blurt the words out before you can chicken out. “That was so unfair to you. I was so wasted and I was celebrating, and I wanted to tell you about it but I-”
“Y/n,” Eddie’s voice is calm, firm. “Slow down.”
You take a deep breath, centering yourself. Your head has stopped spinning since Eddie’s appearance in front of you, but you try not to make too much of that. He’s dressed in his usual attire, a pair of black ripped jeans, beat up sneakers, and a well worn band t-shirt. Today’s choice just so happens to be the homemade, one of a kind Death Dance Approximately shirt you’d given to Eddie a lifetime ago. He’s since cropped it right above his navel, exposing his midriff, including a tattoo you’d forgotten existed: Your initials on his hip bone.
“Okay,” You start, unsure of how you’re gonna dig yourself out of this one.”I want to apologize.”
Eddie’s face contorts, confusion carved into his features. He leans against the wall, still so far away from you.
“What for?”
You gesture loosely to the air. “Well, you know, everything. Last night.”
“Everything, huh?” If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he sounds hurt.
“It wasn’t fair. I was drunk, I shouldn’t have barged in here, put you in that position.” You trip over yourself, feeling your throat tighten. Do not fucking cry right now.
“Well,” Eddie draws the word out slowly as he pushes off the wall and towards you. “I can only accept that apology under a certain condition.” He looms over where you sit on the edge of the bed, surrounding you. He smells freshly like cigarettes and mint, clouding your brain as he fills your senses.
“And what would that condition be?” You try to sound unbothered, but your words come out meek, nervous.
“If you mean it or not.”
You gape at him, unblinking, waiting for him to crack, to say “Nah, I'm just kiddin’! We don’t have to get into this right now!” But he doesn’t. He takes another bite of his breakfast instead before tossing it on the dresser, completely unfazed by your silence.
“Do I mean that I'm sorry?” You’re playing very, very dumb right now.
Eddie isn’t willing to drop it, though. “Sweetheart, c’mon. We’re adults. I thought we were over this tiptoeing shit.” He cocks his head to the side, eyes rolling.
“I-” You huff, flustered with the way his neck flexes.. “Look. I didn’t want it to happen like that.” You look at him, determined to get through this without actually admitting anything. “I didn’t mean to say it.”
“Why not?” Eddie shrugs, like this is no big fucking deal.
Eddie’s POV
He really hopes you can’t tell he’s sweating. He can feel his heart in his throat, choking him with every breath. He keeps his eyes on you to focus. He can’t let you go again. Not after those words have left your mouth.
“Why not?!” You shake your head at him, frustration practically bursting out of your ears. Good, he thinks, you deserve to squirm a little. “How about, because this is what happened the first time? We moved too fast, we didn’t think, and look how that ended up! Or, how about, you’re supposed to be getting well, and the last fucking thing you need is me distracting you. Or, because if this doesn’t go well, we still have another month on the road together! And the fans, what are they gonna say when-”
“Stop.” Eddie shakes his head, kneeling on the floor in front of you. He should be pissed, but he can’t bring himself to be even a little upset. He has the upperhand now, and all he wants is to hear you say it again. Sober, this time. “Please, just tell me if you mean it.”
Your POV
I should lie to him. It’s not a good idea to tell him, not right now. You could take it back, this is your chance to make everything go back to that uncomfortable, tension riddled “normal” you’ve become so used to with Eddie. Things would be so much easier if you could just lie to him. But the way he’s looking at you, with a hopeful discretion, chocolate eyes wet with unfallen tears. makes every rational thought slide out of your brain, only leaving room for the way he’s pleading with you, wordlessly, as his hands grip yours tightly, hopefully.
“I mean it. Of course I fucking mean it, Eddie.” You barely get the words out before he’s climbing on top of you, hands letting go of yours to find purchase on the mattress either side of you, and you let yours fly to his hair, tangling your fingers through it like it’s second nature. You are quickly overwhelmed by him, your space completely infiltrated. The walls you’d been reinforcing to keep him out now crumble without a second thought, and he’s the one behind the wrecking ball.
“Thank fucking god.” He mumbles against your lips, and you smile into the kiss as he lays you down on the mattress.
“Eddie, wait,” You come to your senses, one final time as his mouth detaches from yours. “Are you sure this is what you want?”
Eddie has moved his mouth to your jaw, and you feel him chuckle against your skin as he kisses down your throat. “Even after all these years, you still doubt that I want this? That I want you?” You can feel his hand slide up your shirt, his skin lighting yours on fire. “You are all I want. All I could ever want. In fact,” He pulls himself away from your neck to look at your face. He’s serious suddenly, all traces of sweet teasing gone. “I should be the one asking if you want this.” He moves to get off of you, but you wrap your legs around his waist, holding him down. You’re tired of pretending not to want him, of avoiding how you feel because it’s easier. “I do. I really, really do.”
Eddie groans as you pull him back to your lips, letting the kiss say everything you’ve wanted to this whole tour. You hold his face in your hands, afraid he’ll disappear if you let go. His hand finds your skin again, sliding up your back to where your bra is still clasped. You’re nodding before he can even get the question out, and you feel the relief as he unhooks the fabric. He tugs your shirt off swiftly, and you let the straps of your bra slide down your shoulders.
Eddie’s POV
He separates from you then, getting up to kneel in front of where you lay on the bed, mostly exposed, save for your modest pair of black cotton panties. “Fuck,” The word comes out in a heavy breath as he takes in the sight before him. Your torso is littered with tattoos he’s never seen before, including one nestled between your tits. And speaking of, he can’t help but let his eyes land on your chest, admiring how your nipples have pebbled even before he’s really touched you.
“Still beautiful as ever.” He’s mostly talking to himself, but you smile up at him, eyes crinkling around the edges, and he feels his dick throb in his too-tight pants.
“I can’t be the only one exposed here!” You exclaim through giggles, and he obliges without argument, yanking his shirt over his head before moving back towards you.
Your POV
He’s been shirtless in front of you a few times over the past month, but not in this context. You watch, delighted as his abdomen tightens when you run your fingers down his stomach, along his happy trail to the waistband of his pants. You rake your fingernails over his skin, trace the new ink you hadn’t yet seen up close, listening to his breath hitch when you unbutton his jeans. Before you can yank his pants down, though, Eddie grips your hand in his, moving it back to the mattress. “We’ll get to that. Let me taste you first.” If you weren’t so eager, the words would have knocked you out, but you nod again as Eddie climbs clumsily off the bed to kneel back on the floor. He takes hold of your ankles, swiftly pulling you to the end of the mattress. You feel those pesky bats in your stomach for the first time in what feels like forever, heat rushing to your face as Eddie moves further in between your legs.
He’s in no rush as he moves up your body, lingering to place soft kisses in the crevices of your knees, the plush of your thighs, the peaks of your hips. He ghosts over your clothed heat, nose grazing your mound as he watches you writhe and plead above him. He’s amused by your eagerness, you know him well enough, but you can’t bring yourself to care. You want him, need him, and you’re tired of pretending you don’t.
Eddie is about to yank your last shred of clothing from your body when there’s a knock on the door.
Eddie’s POV
You have got to be fucking kidding. “What?!” He shouts, irritated, relaxing only slightly when he feels you giggling underneath him.
“Have you seen Y/n?” It’s Steve, taking his morning roll call. Eddie looks to you for the answer, but you only shrug, face getting redder by the second.
He moves to get off of you, but you follow him like attracting magnets, attaching your lips to his neck as he tries to answer his friend, causing his words to get lost in the fog, only letting out a strangled “Uhh…”
“Ed?” Steve twists the doorknob, out of habit probably. You flinch, and he feels his heart crack. “Wha- yeah! Sorry, I'm a little busy right now!” He clenches his teeth to keep from moaning as you lick a stripe up the column of his throat.
“Busy? You wanna know busy?!” Eddie can picture Steve behind the door, leaning into the peephole, one hand on his hip the other gesturing wildly. As pretty as Steve may be, the image is killing Eddie’s hard-on right now.
You’re not about to let that happen, though. “Steve, go away.” A command. He shifts, dick twitching in his pants again like a fuckin’ teenager.
“I-,” Pause. “Y/n?”
Silence. Then the fading of his footsteps down the hall. Eddie wills himself to look at you again, and is rewarded with your shit eating grin. “You are such a brat.” He scoffs, no actual effort behind the insult.
You have the gall to pout at him, like you’re an innocent bystander.
“Does this mean you don’t want to fuck me anymore?”
He gapes at your question, blinking rapidly as he digests it.
Your POV
You’d meant it to lighten the mood, but you’ve caught him off guard. Instead of his answer, you’re greeted with another interruption beyond the door. “Hey, love birds! Steve sent me over here because it is far too awkward for him to talk to you in this position, but I, frankly, am happy to relay the information.” While Robin is talking at you, Eddie is making his way closer, lowering to the floor while you bite back laughter at the mess you've gotten yourself into.
”We check out in two hours. If you plan to live out your honeymoon a little longer, it will be on your own dime!” Eddie kisses up your leg, grazing your skin with his nose, sending chills up your spine. Robin is seemingly unaware of your state, or she genuinely does not care. “We’re all going out for dinner tonight before everyone goes home, and both of you better not skip it to cuddle up in bed, you can do that for as long as you want, starting tomorrow. Also,” Eddie’s yanking at your waistband, his body shaking with giggles that you echo despite the knot in your stomach tightening with his touch. “Why are you laughing? What are you guys even doing in there? I know you’re not still asleep.”
”Robin!” Eddie calls, voice strained against his laughter. “I’m trying to eat!”
You drop your jaw, sending a backhanded slap to his shoulder.
”Did you guys get room service? Got any extra-,”
You cut her off with an involuntary moan, caused by Eddie slipping a finger past the damp cotton barricade of your underwear to slide teasingly between your folds. You smack a hand over your mouth, but it’s too late. There’s no way she didn’t hear that.
“Are you okay in th-“ It clicks. Finally. “Oh my god. Oh my god! Are you guys fucking?!” No regard for her fellow guests, or her best friend, Robin is cackling on the other side of the door. You’re in crisis, and she’s laughing!
”We’re trying!” You shriek back, feeling the frustration build as Eddie’s finger circles around your clit, causing you to grind against his hand.
“Oh my god. Wait. Is this first time?! Am I interrupting? Holy shit, I am so sorry-“
”Robin!” Eddie shouts again, this time sternly, losing his patience.
”Yup, yup. See ya!” And finally, the fading of her footsteps, scurrying down the hall.
Eddie turns his face back to your center, littering kisses on your thigh as he wiggles your underwear away from your body.
You can’t help but get in one last dig. “You think she’s going to tell Gareth?”
His smile drops from his face completely, jaw tightly clenched. “I have no problem ignoring him yelling at me on the other side of that door. I think at this point he knows I don’t listen to him. And, he’d probably be relieved to find out I grew a pair.”
You scoff, ready with a wise ass remark when he shuts you up with a slow, wet lick between your folds. He glides your panties the rest of the way down your legs, and you don’t miss him pocketing them before moving his hands back to your thighs.
“Fuck,” you whine, desperately clawing at the sheets as Eddie’s tongue latches to your clit, tracing eager patterns across the bud. You drop your head back to the mattress, willing your brain to turn off. Eddie groans into your pussy, rutting against the mattress as he slips a single ringed digit into your hole. You buck your hips, aching for more and blinded by how good it all feels, how familiar. You’d had your fair share of one night stands since leaving Eddie, enough to get used to the normalcy of bad sex. Now, you’re blinded by how Eddie reads your body, like you’re written in a language only he can understand.
His tongue moves in circles over your clit, fingers curling steadily inside of you. The sounds he causes you to make are wet and absolutely filthy, but you can’t bring yourself to feel any shame. It’s Eddie, after all. You can feel your desire ripple through you, the coil in your stomach tightening with each swipe of his tongue, every stroke of his finger. He doesn’t relent, keeping an agonizing pace while you grind your pussy against his face, desperate for release. In response to your begging, Eddie groans into your core, the vibrations sending a shock of pleasure up your spine, and your vision goes white.
“Eddie, I’m gonna, fuck I’m gonna come!” It doesn’t take you long to feel your resolve snap, sending your legs shaking on either side of Eddie’s head. He holds you in place, still lapping at your juices as he claws at your hips, a response to the desperate praise you sing for him, an unintelligible string of curses and his name through breathy sighs as you attempt to slow your heart down. Eddie only pulls away when you tap the top of his head lightly, signaling your overstimulation. He releases his mouth from your core with a wet pop, and you can see his lips and chin are shiny with your arousal.
“Good as you remember?” He hovers over you, teasing smirk on his swollen lips as you scoff, rolling your eyes.
“Even better, somehow.” You wrap your legs around his waist, pulling his body flush against yours. Your breathing is still ragged, heart still skipping around in your chest as he closes the gap between you, letting you taste yourself on his tongue. You take his distracted state as an opportunity, tightening your grip around him, flipping him onto the mattress, landing on top of him a little less gracefully than you’d have liked, causing Eddie to burst into laughter. You’re quick to shut him up, grinding your sensitive cunt over his clothed cock, feeling it kick up at the contact. “You wanna help me get these off?” You ask sweetly, toying with the button of his jeans.
Eddie’s POV
“Jesus Christ, sweetheart.” His head falls against the mass of pillows, head foggy with the heat between his legs. “Keep doin’ that and I won’t even get the tip in.” Eddie grips your hips harshly, willing you to be still. Touching you doesn’t help in centering himself, though.
“What a shame that would be,” You tease, unclasping his belt as you speak. “Guess I’ll have to move quickly.” Eddie gets the hint, tucking his thumbs into the waistband to assist in getting his stupidly tight jeans off. He’ll curse himself about it another time, though. Right now, he’s solely focused on you, yanking his pants and underwear from his body, and tossing them to the floor carelessly before straddling him again.
You’ve always been a tease, and even all of this time apart hasn’t changed that, Eddie notices. You move slowly, sliding the length of his cock between your wet folds, head lolled to the side as you close your eyes, as if focusing into the feeling between your body and his. Eddie bites back a groan as he watches your performance, awestruck by the closeness. You infiltrate his senses, and he wills himself not to close his eyes from the pleasure.
Finally, after what feels like eternity, his swollen tip catches on your entrance, jolting him into action. He takes his cock in his hand, preparing to line up to your center the way he must have hundreds of times before. Even after these years apart, the distance both emotionally and physically between you, it is a second nature to him. You’re about an inch away when he has a moment of clarity.
You huff in complaint. “Seriously?”
“I don’t have a condom.”
Your POV
That has never stopped him before, and you can feel the panic in your throat as you ask the question. “Have you ben fucking other people?”
He stutters, “Well, I-”
“Wait. Don’t answer that. Did you wear one when you were fucking other people?”
“Of course.”
“Okay. I’m on the pill, you’re being safe.” You shrug. Nonchalant. Not desperate at all.
“What about you?”
“What about me?”
“When you fuck other people, do they… ?”
“I just said I’m on the pill.”
“Yeah, okay, but you don’t know who these guys are, what diseases-”
“Okay, Eddie, stop. First of all, how do you know what genetalia the people I’m fucking have?”
That shuts him up. “Yeah. Also, if you must know, I have made all the people with penises wear a rubber. Feel better?”
Eddie is silent, and you let your brain run with your panic again. The mood is dead, Eddie is over the spontaneous, passionate confession and he’s never going to speak to you again.
“Okay.” He shrugs, and before you can respond he grips your hips, guiding you down onto his cock as you roll your hips forward, taking him deeper. Without much effort, you take his entire length, reveling in the familiar stretch of your walls. He lets you set the pace at first, a vice grip on your hips as you gain your strength, bouncing on his cock as he bucks his hips into you. You feel him growing impatient though, his thrusts growing eager, hands migrating up to grab your tits. Though you would love to draw this out, make him beg you for it, you find you’re just as desperate, watching him beneath you, mouth slack and eyes glossy, a picture you’ve missed for so long.
He finally sits up, and you let him wrap an arm around your waist, flipping you onto the mattress. Effortlessly, Eddie gains control, lifting one of your legs to wrap around his waist, allowing him even deeper inside of you. The new sensation draws a guttural moan from you, unabashed and absolutely filthy.
“Fuck, I missed that sound,” Eddie speaks between grunts, seemingly hypnotized by the way his movements cause your boobs to bounce. He continues snapping his hips, prodding that spot deep inside, that only he’s ever been able to reach. “Thought about ‘em all the time. Couldn’t let myself forget those pretty noises.” All the while, you can’t form a single coherent thought, brain foggy from the heat, coil in your stomach tightening again. He looks so beautiful above you, curly bangs stuck to his face with perspiration, eyes blown out with desire.
Eddie babbles on, ever the talker. “Missed these beauties,” He holds himself up with one hand, the other squeezing your tit again teasingly, and you giggle. “And this pussy too, so much.” the same hand travels down, ghosting over your skin until he reaches between your bodies, rubbing sweet circles on your clit. “Best I ever had, only one I ever wanted. Takin’ me so well, sweetheart. You feel so fucking good.”
“I missed you too, Eddie. You make me feel so good.” It’s a whisper, all you really have the strength for. He’s panting, resting his sweaty forehead against your own as you breathe into each other’s mouths, and his smile widens with your admission. His rhythm stutters slightly, but he doesn’t relent. “Need you to say it again, baby. Wanna hear you tell me again.”
You don’t have to ask what he means. Through your haze, you can barely get the words out, but you muster enough from the way he’s looking at you. “I love you, Eddie.”
Eddie groans at your words, throwing his head into the crook of your neck, like he’s embarrassed by his sensitivity “Fuck, I love you too. I love you so much, y/n. So. Fucking. Much.” He punctuates each word with a thrust, bringing you to peak.
And he’s right behind you. “Where should I-” He lifts his head up, and he looks at you with wide, frightened eyes.
“Inside, Eddie, please come inside me.” Your breathing is ragged, legs twitching rapidly as you cry out, white knuckles gripping the mattress.
“Shit, baby, fuck!” Eddie keeps his pace until you can’t hold on, the tether finally snapping as your walls tighten around him. You throw your arms around Eddie’s shoulders, nails digging into his skin as his cock twitches. He comes with you, spilling inside of you as a shiver runs through his body. You bring your mouth to his, swallowing his whines as you both ride out your orgasms, skin sticking to skin with sweat and spit.
Reluctantly, Eddie slips himself out of you, causing you to whine at the loss. Before you can say anything, he’s rolling out of bed and into the bathroom.
Eddie’s POV
He needs a minute. Maybe an hour. Realistically he’s gonna need a month. Shit. Regret isn’t the right word. Ashamed, maybe, of his lack of resolve when the subject comes to you. He’s vulnerable, exposed. He tries to shake the intrusive voice from his brain yelling in his ear that he doesn’t deserve to be loved, especially not by you.
“Eds?” Your voice pulls him from his thoughts, and he takes a deep, heavy breath before returning to you with a wet cloth.
“Sorry, got a little lost.” He chuckles, suddenly unsure how to approach this. Post sex for Eddie lately had consisted of a brief wave and a paid cab at most. Something tells him that isn’t the correct approach this time.
“Where’d you go?” You tilt your head, lending your ear like nothing’s changed since yesterday.
Eddie shakes his head. He won’t let himself ruin this again. “Nowhere more important than here.” He slips the cloth between your legs, gently wiping your inner thighs as he speaks. “Just had to pinch myself a few times.”
When you smile at him, he forgets everything he’s supposed to be worried about. He can only smile back, briefly before he kisses you again. He makes a point to be gentle, to show you he means it. Nothing is more important than here, now, with you. When your hands lace into his hair again he can’t help but sigh, as if relieved to be in your arms again.
He can’t fully shake the tension, though, and you seem to sense that. “We’ll figure this out, okay? We can talk after dinner. Just float here with me a little longer.” Your soft hand caresses his stubbled cheek, tickling him slightly as he reads your features. There is so much love in your eyes, it causes his heart to race.
Eddie nods, leaning his cheek further into your palm. You lean in again, kissing him gently as if sealing your word. He pulls you into his lap, holding you as closely as he physically can. You stay like that for awhile, before migrating to the balcony, lazily draped in t shirts as you smoke your cigarettes, enjoying each other’s presence. For now, Eddie can relax. Even for a few minutes, he is grateful for the silence.
tag list: @children-of-the-grave @five-bi-five @wiildflower-xxx @beebeerockknot @champagne-glamour @xxgothwhorexx @therensistance @chonkzombie @brxkenartt @sidthedollface2 @bibieddiesgf @gaysludge @eddiesguitarskills @potatobeanpies @poisonedluv @kellsck @m-chmcl-rmnc @veemoon | send a message to be added🫶
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