#FE Blazing Sword
plagues02 · 4 months
EliHecLyn Fluff Alphabet
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Hector loves to spar with his partners whenever he can. He doesn’t hold back, and he loves to see his partners getting excited when they win.
Eliwood enjoys a quiet night when possible, staying in the room. Perhaps they’re sharing a drink, perhaps Eliwood is reading out loud as Lyn listens and Hector falls asleep to his voice.
Lyn enjoys going on hikes. Lycia might not be Sacae, but there are still plenty of sights for them to see. Lyn can see them by herself, but it means more when she can see them with one or both of her boyfriends.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Eliwood can get lost in both Hector’s and Lyn’s eyes. It’s not uncommon to find him staring at his partners, zoned out, because he looks at the colors of their eyes.
Hector admires his partner’s strengths. He’s used to being the strong one, and while he is the strongest of the three, he loves that Eliwood and Lyn can hold their own in a fight, that he doesn’t have to keep an eye out for them.
Lyn admires Eliwood’s ability to talk down the fight. He tries to avoid battles when he can, and Lyn loves to see that. For Hector, she loves the way he gets her to push herself, training to get stronger and stronger.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Eliwood will try to talk down his partner when they’re upset. Even if they can’t speak, he will sit there and talk to them, trying to distract them until they’re able and ready to talk.
Hector doesn’t completely understand or know what to do, but he will sit and hold his partner if they will let him.
Lyn sits with her boyfriend and listens if they want to talk. If they don’t want to talk about it, she will talk to them about something else to get their mind elsewhere.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
All three understand with their positions that they won’t be able to see each other as often as they wish, but they will try to spend all the time they can with each other. Whether they’re in Pharae or in Ostia, they will cherish all time together.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Hector and Lyn are the more dominant of the three. This leads them to butting heads a lot, but it’s always in good fun. Eliwood is more passive and go with the flow.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Lyn and Hector are very stubborn, and they are the most likely to get in a fight / arguments. They will walk away to cool down before turning to each other. Normally, they make up by having a sparring match, blowing off steam, as neither are good with words.
Eliwood is more likely to try to speak with his partners after an argument. He allows Lyn and Hector to calm down before getting them to speak to him.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Eliwood is very aware and grateful for what his partners do for him. Whether it’s something small or large, he tries to make note of it.
Hector doesn’t show it often, but he is grateful. He might not notice everything, but he will always try to return the favor when he can.
Lyn always makes note of the big things her boyfriends do for her. She might not notice every small thing, but she is very thankful for them anyway.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Eliwood and Lyn are very open, and they talk to their partners about everything. There is very little they or Hector don’t know about them.
Hector, given how he was raised in Ostia, tends to keep secrets. Nothing major as he’ll tell them the big things that happen in his day to day, but smaller things like what he talked about with a knight he won’t say. He doesn’t even think about it when he does; it’s just a habit.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Eliwood and Hector grew up together. They were close as children, and they remained close as teens and into adulthood. They influenced each other in more ways than one. Then Lyn found her way in their life, and she opened them up.
Lyn was changed by Hector and Eliwood. They’re the reason she decided to stay in Lycia; they’re the reason she is no longer lonely anymore. They help her get used to the new life she’s living, and she helps Hector and Eliwood see from different points of views.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Hector and Lyn don’t get jealous easily. They trust each other and Eliwood to make the right choices. Lyn might look or check out who they’re talking to if they’re a stranger to her, but Hector doesn’t pay much mind to it.
Eliwood gets jealous easier. He doesn’t mean it, but when he sees someone get too close to Hector or Lyn, he definitely sends a glare their way whether he realizes it or not. He’s vocal about his jealousy in private and gets reassured that they wouldn’t do anything outside the relationship.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Eliwood is a soft kisser. His first kiss was with Hector, it was very hesitant, but it was so light that Hector almost immediately pulled him back into another kiss.
Hector is a more rough and passionate kisser. It took Lyn off guard the first time when they kissed. He couldn’t help but laugh at her expression when they pulled back.
Lyn prefers quick pecks more than anything; she doesn’t mind longer kisses, but they’re not her favorite. Her first kiss with Eliwood was very quick, and they were both fine with that.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
I’ve already done this here
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Marriage isn’t the first thing on their mind in their relationship. They didn’t know if a three way marriage would work or be able to be done, especially with their noble statuses. They never officially get married, but everyone around them knows they treat and call each other their husband(s) and wife.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Eliwood tends to call Lyn ‘sweetheart’ and Hector ‘love’ the most
Hector calls both Eliwood and Lyn ‘dear’ or ‘hun’ the most. He doesn’t have a favorite to use for either of them
Lyn isn’t the biggest on giving out nicknames, but she has called her boyfriends ‘dear’ or ‘love’ before.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
Eliwood likes to stare at his partners when there’s nothing too important in front of him at the moment. His mother enjoys teasing him for this.
Hector is very touchy and wears his romantic feeling on his sleeve. Anyone could glance at them together and know that he was in love.
Lyn smiles a lot when she’s around Eliwood and/or Hector. If she’s standing next to them, there’s a big chance that there’s a smile on her face.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Hector is the most open about their relationship. He loves to hold Eliwood’s and/or Lyn’s hand in public, not caring about what other nobles think. He can often be seen kissing their cheeks or even steal a kiss on the lips from them. Hector also loves to boast about his partners whenever he can.
Eliwood isn’t very big on PDA. He doesn’t mind holding hands or being close to his partners, but he is very reserved when it comes to talking about his relationship or kissing in public.
Lyn gets very flustered with PDA. Whether it’s just from holding hands or a kiss on the cheek, her face will turn bright red. At the same time, she loves to talk about her boyfriends whenever she can.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Eliwood has a soft voice that his partners find soothing. Both Hector and Lyn just like to hear Eliwood talk.
Hector has the ability to keep a tune when humming or whistling. Even when the three don’t want to talk, he’s able to fill the silence.
Lyn knows a few different languages from living in Sacae, and from that, she also knows songs and tales from the different cultures. Eliwood and Hector will ask her to sing or translate the tales when they need something to distract them.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Eliwood is very cliché when it comes to romance. He loves to fluster his partners with words or flowers or other gifts, but he will always do this in private.
Hector is very romantic in his words. He loves to praise and talk about his lovers around others, and he has been shown giving them things that made him think about them. He’s known by court to be very romantic.
Lyn isn’t the greatest with romance. Her lovers enjoy her being in the same room as them so that's what she does whenever she can. She’s not a big gift giver, but she does show her emotions with words.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
The three of them share a main common goal. They work together to keep Lycia on its feet while trying to get the territories to work closer together for peace. Hector focuses a lot on Ostia, and Eliwood focuses on Pherae. Lyn supports them both in any way she can.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Eliwood likes a good routine. He doesn’t like it changing when he can help it.
Hector and Lyn like to change their routines. Whether it’s small or large, neither of them like things to stay the same everyday.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
The three of them are all very good at reading each other and being able to tell their true feelings towards something. This is one reason why Hector struggles to not tell them important things going on in his life or with Ostia.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Ostia and Pharae are important to Hector and Eliwood, and they build a lot of their life around it. At the same time, they always make time for each other and Lyn.
Lyn sees the relationship as the most important thing in her life. Yes, travel and her homeland are very important, as well as her friends, but this relationship forged how her life is currently going.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Eliwood can’t do anything in the kitchen, no matter how much he tries, but he knows how to make a mean cup of tea. Hector and Lyn will refuse anyone else’s tea when Eliwood is around
Hector likes to randomly pick up his partners to see them smile. He can pick them both up at once.
Lyn likes to wear Eliwood’s and Hector’s clothes. They’re long on her, and her boyfriends love to see her in them.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Hector is very affectionate. He loves to hold onto his partners, whether they’re laying down and they’re spooning or they’re sitting in his lap. He can and will shower them with kisses.
Eliwood isn’t as affectionate as Hector, but if he’s able to, he clings onto his partners. He likes to hug them from behind before kissing them on the cheek.
Lyn isn’t as affectionate. She isn’t great at showing her emotions with actions, but she doesn’t mind being shown in love. She shows her affection in other ways.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Eliwood can be seen staring off into space without Hector and Lyn around. His mother would tease him, and his knights know that he’s thinking about his partners.
When Hector is missing his lovers, he is often seen training more often. He uses it to distract himself from missing the two.
Lyn likes to wear Eliwood’s and Hector’s clothes when she misses them. She spends her time between Pherea and Ostia, and they always make sure to have one or two articles of clothes that Lyn finds comfort with in the territory.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Eliwood knows he wasn’t the greatest partner for a while as he was dealing with his grief of losing his father and becoming marquess of Pharea. However, even through his grief, he would defeat his relationship with the other two nobles, despite getting some backlash due to the nature of their relationship.
Before Uther passed, he gave Hector his blessing to follow his heart in any way it leads him. Knowing this, Hector has no issue defeating and fighting for his relationship. Nothing and no one will pull him away from his loves.
Lyn had the choice to return to Sacae, but she decided to remain in Lycia as Caelin became shared land between the two. She misses her life in the plains, but she wouldn’t leave their sides if given the choice again.
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ladyaster · 4 months
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Remember when I said a while back that my next drawing of them was taking a while? Well, it's done now! This is the second silent film screenshot redraw I did, and while I like this better than the first one, I still am not a fan. It's Rath's hand, I only realized until too late that it's too small. But, well, at least I think I did a good job making the picture feel soft. I promised I'd provide more food for them but I think I'm cursed because every drawing I make of them except the Halloween picture turns out really blargh in my eyes. Will that deter me from continuing? Oh heck naw. The RathLyn community is starving and even two and half star food is still food. That said, hope it's to your liking! I'm hoping to make more of these in the future but as said in the previous post I need to do something about my tablet cord. Part 1 | [Part 2]
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vieryplus · 9 months
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iubworks · 3 months
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FE7 Rath
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kiose · 3 months
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D6 - Pride
OR, the OG lesbians for me feeling the winds across the plains! Seeing their paired ending as a teen really changed something in me, abstract as it was. It felt like something I had always wanted but didn't know I could have, it filled me with hope, and maybe a bit of pride. And for that they will always be iconic to me, no matter how many canon gays we get 🌈.
Tomorrow's the last day of the @fe-pride-week so stay tuned for the last entry!
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tobegii · 4 months
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Canas drawn for fe art scuffle! I love this autistic man
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rainbowdonkee · 21 days
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Full art for Ice Tribe Nils! He is our TT free unit!
Artist: Kippu
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okiankeno · 2 months
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Art by celestikat (posted with permission)
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I love the relatively “boring” FE characters. Like I love characters like Donnel or Dorcas or Rebecca where the game just hands you a guy. No big backstory or grand ambitions or anything. They just felt like coming along. Even their designs (with the exception of Donnel’s pot helmet) just look like Some Dude.
In the next game I want to meet Rag and his horse Tag who come from a village in bumfuck nowhere who saw you guys passing by and wanted to come along because eh why not.
I love Rag and Tag
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savingthegeneration · 2 years
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minimutty · 2 months
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Nappy Time~ 😴
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plagues02 · 4 months
Fire Emblem - Blazing Blade Queer HCs
Pride Month 2024 - Day 10
Lyn is a trans woman who uses she/they and is bisexual with a masc lean
Eliwood is a trans man who use he/him, and he’s pansexual.
Hector is bisexual with a masc lean.
Sain is bisexual with a very heavy fem lean; Kent is also bi but with no strong lean.
Florina is a lesbian.
Erk is a trans man who uses he/they, and he’s on the aroace spectrum. He’s very indifferent to relationships, but he’s not against them.
Vaida is a trans women who uses she/her, and she’s pan.
Uther is gay, and he’s very open to this.
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ladyaster · 1 year
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A small doodle I made the other day because I need to keep posting for this ship but I'm still working on the big piece-de-resistance (I just need to get more markers first because a bit of a hint it involves a color palette and a gold ink pen and the for the former my coloring markers are very old and the latter runs out way too fast and in general trying to make sure I get everything just right). If I like a thing enough I will make a Pokemon AU and it is inevitable.
Since the mons are a bit scattered across the piece, Lyn's mons here are Treecko, Skarmory, and Hisuian Zorua while Rath's are Rowlet, Mudsdale, and Rockruff (gonna become Midday Lycanroc so sadly it won't match with Zoroark :( ). I also like how the fandom unanimously agreed for Pokemon AUs of FE7 as a whole that Lyn gets a Treecko/Grovyle/Sceptile. She and Grovyle match a lot. I was originally also gonna give her an Electrike instead of a Zorua and then it'd be kinda cute because it kinda started making me think that in a different meta where they're just literally playing the games, Lyn started in Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald (I know Skarmory is Gen 2 but it'd still be obtainable in RSE) and Rath started in Sun/Moon which is oddly fitting. Oh well. The headcanon probably still stands and Zorua is just a new favorite of hers. ^_^
Should I color this one day? Please let me know.
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vieryplus · 1 year
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mishkinis · 6 months
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drew my fav fe7 lord :]
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jebbeesketches · 1 year
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Eliwood/Ninian Dancing :3
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