shiloh-game · 10 months
Ah Diego Bramando Dio Godot or something like that idk
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Double the bastard double the coffee with a caffeine rushed that will hit you like a train
(I needed this to happen)
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mastermunson86 · 2 years
I know I’m 20 but damn like can someone please come fix me some Dino Nuggets and chocolate milk??
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toysrguts · 1 month
sally face hc's!!!!
been putting off posting this for god knows what reason sally face fandom plz 🙏🙏🙏
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•cuts his own hair with safety scissors
•his fav food is dino nuggets idc sue me
•runs his own lowkey piercing business. he even pierced larrys ears and ashleys nostril. he wants to make it a career in the future
•somehow so good at comforting everyone but himself
•always knows what to say when someone's having a hard time, probably cuz hes been through a lot and can easily put himself in others shoes
•always really reserved and shy until him and larry go to a concert together
•cares more about price than looks so most of his stuff doesnt match at all
•most, if not all of his clothes are from thrift stores
•most inconsistent sleep schedule ever. sometimes he goes to bed early and sleeps like a baby, other nights hes restlessly playing his gearboy until the sun comes up
•regular cigarette smoker, but will only smoke weed if larrys with him
•so fucking awkward but always has good intentions. bro just cannot communicate for shit
•when he meets new people he likes to freak them out with his glass eye when they least expect it
•definitely a big industrial fan (NIN, skinny puppy, KMFDM, etc) but his favorite band is korn
•also loves music from the late 70s-early 80s that he grew up hearing on the radio cuz it reminds him of the good memories he had with his mom
•his earth shattered when kurt cobain died
•started watching so much mtv after meeting larry cuz he wanted to be more educated on his kind of music
•his shoes are covered in doodles and signatures from the group
•theyre also hanging on by a thread cuz theyre old as shit and hes had them since grade 6 💀
•has a small collection of custom prosthetic eyes with different colors and cool shapes in them and stuff
•when he meets new people he likes to freak them out with his glass eye when they least expect it
•takes halloween VERY seriously
•writes songs for ppl he cares about and plays them on his guitar
•he wrote a song for ash once and she still asks him to play it for her every now and then
•typa fella to never cuff his pants so theyre all faded and torn and gross at the bottom
•collects random animal (or human) bones he finds around the woods of nockfell
•baggy clothes cuz body dysmorphia
•seems really calm and collected all the time but lets it all out behind closed doors
•sal’s tripsitter
•REEKS of axe body spray to cover the weed stank
•has literally witnessed murder but is DEATHLY afraid of most bugs
•pulls a lot of evil pranks and sal just goes along with it
•lisa taught him how to cook from a really early age
•whenever the gang is hanging out they force him to cook them food but he usually just goes the lazy route and microwaves some mac n cheese
•only really shows his emotions around sal because he knows he understands
•so attractive but carries himself like hes not
•uses humor to cope and often jokes about being fatherless
•has a guilty pleasure for pop music
•a grade above the rest of the group
•frequent guyliner wearer
•his paranoid ass carries a switchblade everywhere he goes for self defense
•actually carries so much random shit in his pockets
•has a framed photo on his nightstand of him and sal at a meet & greet with the members of sanity’s fall
•his band shirts are so ancient most of them have massive holes in them
•the group calls him “larr bear” to piss him off in a loving way
•the look on his face when lisa calls him that in front of people is priceless
•hair is so damaged from constantly messing with it
•loves doing other ppls hair too, especially sals (they do matching hairstyles sometimes :3)
•brings her camera literally everywhere and has a scrapbook of a bunch of memories of the gang throughout highschool
•also just takes random pictures sometimes cuz shes really into photography
•carries bandaids everywhere she goes just in case
•has to decorate literally everything she owns and make it look cute
•does not hold back on adding stickers (sal lets her stick them all over his mask sometimes)
•usually dozes off before she takes her makeup off and then just fixes it up in the morning and rolls with it
•collects everyones baby teeth to make necklaces and jewelry with
•likes to practice nail art on everyone
•has the best sense of style out of the whole group. the amount of clothes and accessories in her closet is impressive and she always puts together the most fire fits
•has a huge shoe collection from adidas, to docs, to combat boots
•so sweet and friendly to literally everyone but will actually kill someone if they fuck with her
•has a really hectic home life so she basically trained herself to sleep like a rock through anything
•literally the mom of the group, shes always looking out for everyone especially cuz she has her own little brother she takes care of
•master of diy she can make something out of literally anything and make it look amazing
•when times get desperate he sells bud from his dad’s garden
•never even came out to his parents, he didnt feel a need to they just accepted it and never questioned him
•has so many plants around the house and has names for every single one
•he doesnt allow sal to bring gizmo to his apartment cuz he once tried to eat bob
•everyones always asking to touch his hair cuz he takes care of it so well its so soft and curly
•spends the most amount of time on the internet than the rest of the group
•probably why his eyesight is dogshit 😹😹😹
•his brain is like its own encyclopedia, he’ll just randomly drop the most insane fun facts on everyone for no reason but its always a good conversation starter
•his parents randomly tell him these crazy stories from when they were young hippies
•they almost named him some hippie shit like “star”
•talks to himself a lot, like actual conversations with himself. sometimes he just narrates what hes doing without even realizing it until his mom walks in and is like “who tf are u talking to”
•on the spectrum and is deadpan majority of the time so whenever hes being sarcastic its so hard to tell
•so full of wisdom literally everyone goes to him for advice, even his own parents sometimes
•thats a left handed mf if ive ever seen one
•not photogenic at all and always has to be suade into being in group pictures
other random things:
•when theres no mysteries to be investigated, the gang likes to have sleepovers at larrys place where they smoke and watch movies and play video games and stuff
•sal and larry take “whats mine is yours” to another level. theyre always together and they share pretty much everything, from clothes to literal toothbrushes (they are disgusting)
•sal brings gizmo to chug’s place sometimes so soda has someone to play with (she likes to style his fur and he steals her stickers)
•a lot of the songs from the ost were songs that sal, larry, and sometimes rob recorded together for fun
•rob also taught them both how to skate
•chug is a massive weeb
•ashley and todd are basically sal and larrys ubers cuz sal has horrible vision and larry got his license revoked
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dysfunctional-doodle · 7 months
I have another Headcanon (I swear I should just put them all in one note):
2003 Donatello can and will fight someone for a Dino nugget (one singular Dino nugget).
2003 Raphael sometimes talks to himself in different accents both to freak everyone out and to just have a bunch of random accents.
There is an area in their fridge strictly for Donatello’s dino nuggets, that’s You Must Not Touch At All Costs.
I have a headcanon myself that all the 2003 boys fight over apple slices/fruit in general - something that turtles love, but couldn’t get as children due to it always spoiling whenever Splinter would scavenge for food. So when April brings in fruit for the first time it’s like WW3 has hit.
I LOVE the idea that Raph talks to himself in different accents and is very good at it. Mikey still thinks he’s possessed by several ghosts when this happens.
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woso-dreamzzz · 2 months
Sam eating dino's nuggets and Chook freaking out about it
Chook blames Sam for the dinosaurs going extinct
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angesaurus · 9 months
All the stuff about the escaped murderer/prisoner is freaking me out - he’s not close enough that we need to shelter in place or anything but he is a little too close you know 😅 apparently they were on his tail but it sounds like they lost him again 😅
Tonight starts our crazy Tuesdays. Basically get the kids and try to feed them something quick so one can go to soccer and the other go to gymnastics and Dan has a meeting so he’ll be later than normal and neither kid will get home until after 7 and will need to eat again plus squeeze in homework/reading/baths etc. 😅 I have like no food in the house either so dino chicken nuggets for all.
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pineappleciders · 1 year
can you write sunny x a reader who (in a sfw way) age/pet regresses? btw if you dont know what that is, the smallest explanation i could say is its when someone reverts to a childlike/animal mindset to cope with stress, deppresion, anxiety, ect.... i pet regress to a cat and age regress to about 5 if that helps... thank you :'3 i think he would like taking care of someone. i hope this doesn't make you uncomfortable.
SUNNY with a reader (or S/O) who age/pet regresses
A/N: okay im gonna be completely honest and say that i didn't really know how to do this!!!! 1. i didnt really know how to write romantic headcanons like this so it probably seems more platonic and 2. i don't know anything about pet regression so it's based solely off of what i know from the internet!!! apologies if anything is rude or unwanted, this is very new for me!!
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doesn't he like.. canonically age regress?? like how he spent 4 years in his head where he and all of his friends are 12??
i think that definitely continues post-ending. like he's kinda silent and like. idk tugs on his mom's clothes when he sees dino nuggets in a super market like he's 9
so he completely understands. he isn't really aware there's an actual term for it. like i don't think he's the type to idk. roleplay as a kid over discord. i think he does it completely by accident in real life like being distracted by kiddy things and stuff
u two definitely color and draw a lot. like he brings paper and crayons and pencils and stuff over and you two spend hours like. lying down and kicking your feet while doodling
he definitely draws his headspace friends and draws your headspace ego
you two do things like go to aquariums and smush your face against the glass cuz ur like. freaking out over the fish
bubble baths with rubber duckies. that's all
hc that he gets super excited whenever he sees something like, spiderman or mario related because it unconsciously reminds him of his childhood. so he'll have a bunch of like.. minecraft plushies and sonic stickers. he isn't even interested in them anymore, but it reminds him of being a kid again
might give u silly little nicknames like sport or any names that like. your parent would give you
other than that idk if i can really see him being a 'caregiver'. i honestly think he has too much emotional baggage and needs to re-experience his own childhood before he can do that for someone else
u remind him of mewo sometimes
he gets little balls of yarn for you and a little collar with a bell on it (i mean this in the least weird way possible)
in the future he probably gets a cat, and has like a scratching post for the cat. and he probably caught you like scratching on it one time
i don't know if sunny is really one for physical touch, but he might mindlessly pet you or massage your hair when u act like a cat. and he probably gets a little awkward when u start purring but doesn't stop
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zalcagon · 2 months
tagged by @caspercubed (and @vibrantlypastel too i suppose 🙄)
Rules: Tag 10 or more people you want to get to know better. (you both tagged pretty much everyone already lol)
Relationship Status: single...on one hand i yearn, on the other no i freaking dont
Favorite color: for the longest time it was black and purple (like that deep rich one) but ive gained an appreciation for most colors. vibing with the dark greens right now to match my sona but brown, surprisingly, is a pretty solid color. the super dark and the super pastel blues are nice too
Song stuck in my head: a LOT of undertale content right now tbh. some animatics got some non-undertale music in my head (yellow, the religion of loneliness, villain) but ive also got some original fan songs (lots of xXtha songs) and undertale the musical in here too (esp the newer ones of undertale yellow)
Favorite food: ough pas you're so right about the chicken alfredo. however for right now my food lately has been dino nuggets and french fries, dipped in chickfila sauce!
Last song I listened to: undertale genocide package - floweytale - moti. i told you i only listen to undertale content
Dream trip: i don't really have one?? i mean i would love to go hiking (very easy trails please...im frail) with some pals out in the woods
Last show/movie: uhhh i dont really. i dont really watch shows or movies. oh but i did just rewatch the animorphs tv show on youtube!! so there's that! (it sucks with all the suckage of a late 90s tv show with a low budget but they did their best!!)
Sweet, Spicy or Savory?: i LOVE salt. cant get enough of it. prolly gonna die. does that count as savory?
Last thing googled: if salt counts as savory. google doesn't really know either. before that, i was looking up some minecraft redstone stuff
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starsscarmyceiling · 1 year
Homemade Dynamite, please?
OmGGGgg yay I am glad someone asked about this! Thanks anon! Unfortunately, this one’s been on the back burner for quite a BIT, but I mean @jan-uarys and I spent several hours last night freaking the FUCK out about it and it honestly got me hyped for it all over again!
This fic came about from my first Reylo modern AU, Keep the Blinds Open, wherein Ben moves across the street and Rey has to wipe her drool away and be like OH NO HE'S HOT…and basically, Rey wants to be in denial for so long and they’re both so stubborn that they didn’t even talk to each other or MEET until Ben had been living there for like a whole YEAR haha. Then one day my dyad in the force @saratogagrounder and I were talking about what it would be like if that happened with Merrical…and we were like LOL Merrin would never stand for that…and she ofc encouraged me to write the fic after we giggled about it for quite some time and we all know it takes like absolutely NO effort for me to take on another WIP—💀
But yeah so Merrin moves in across the street, Cal FREAKS out about it obvs, and is like omg how am I even going to live my life now with her being there and being all hot all the time and stuffs FUCK—and she’s been living there for like a couple of months at this point, and then Cal is standing in his kitchen one day contemplating if he should make himself some dino chicken nuggets for dinner and they make eye contact for the first time when she comes home, and he is just like frozen in place like SHIT SHIT SHIT SHITTTT WHAT DO I DO…and WHAT does our boy do?? HEH, he ends up just like awkwardly waving at her ofc. Then she just tilts her head at him, and then promptly leaves her apartment.
“Oh my god,” Cal said out loud, “I fucking—freaked her out so much she immediately had to leave her apartment.”
He let out a severe exhale as he started to pace about his kitchen for several minutes.
“Jesus Christ Beedee, I think we’re gonna have to move now—there’s no way I’m coming back from that—I can never look at her again.”
Cal grunted, bringing his index finger and thumb to his eyes and rubbing at them.
“Why—why are you like this? That was so fucking—”
There was a knock on his door. His head whipped over to it and he thought he might have been hearing things as he just stood there for a moment—or it could have been several before he heard it again as Beedee also barked along with it.
Cal looked at his dog, “Go lay down boy, it’s fine.”
The dog listened and went to his bed, but still whined a little.
“What the…” Cal said to himself as he placed his coffee down on the counter and paced to his door in such baffling steps, “who would—”
Cal unlocked the door, and there on the other side of it, was none other than her—his hot neighbor—right in front of him.
His eyes were probably popping out of his sockets as he said nothing for a sequence of seconds and just gawked at her, almost tempted to ask if she meant to come here.
She did know that—he lived here, right?
“Well,” she stated in a voice with an accent oh god she had an accent, “are you going to invite me inside?”
Cal just blinked a couple of times as she raised an eyebrow at him.
Oh my god say something—
“Uh—yeah, right,” Cal stammered, knowing he was severely red as he cleared his throat and stepped aside, “come on—in.”
She sounded Russian to him. Why was that hot? Jesus Christ she was so much hotter up close—
Strolling past him like she’d been here before, Cal closed the door behind her and he immediately shoved his hands down the pockets of his jeans as she still hadn’t faced him.
“Did you uh—” Cal panicked, so taken aback and so confused, “did you mean to come here?”
Why did he ask that?
She chuckled a little, “No, I meant to go to the Italian restaurant down the street and somehow ended up here.”
Cal snorted, not expecting such a quip from her, but then still felt all his anxiety crushing him as he took an unsteady breath.
“You know, I get that a lot—probably from all the gourmet meals I am always cooking for myself—the secret’s out.”
His heart was racing as she laughed again, and wow her laugh was—beautiful? Was that a weird thing to think?
All he knew is that he was trying not to focus on her, but then all he could focus on was her and no he wasn’t checking out her body or her perfect ass—
“Perhaps you could pitch them your favorite meal of chicken nuggets and whiskey—I am sure they’ll be very interested in hearing the recipe,” she responded, and honestly, he didn’t know why that felt like the wind was being knocked out of him, but there were just too many implications in that sentence that he simply couldn’t brush aside—
Cal needed to breathe; he wasn’t breathing—
“Uh—huh—they’ve been hounding me for years over it,” Cal stated in a voice that really didn’t sound as steady as his last sentence…almost like he had just gone through puberty and he was pretending to sound older than he actually was.
“My my, I am sure,” she stated, and Cal really didn’t know what to say to that.
He couldn’t still quite believe that she was just walking around in his apartment as she placed her purse down on his counter, clearly judging his things as he just stood there openly gaping at her like that was going to make this situation any better.
“You waved at me,” she pointed out.
And see Cal was trying to completely forget about the fact that his innate reaction to actually making eye contact with his new hot neighbor for the first time was to fucking awkwardly wave at her.
“Yeah—I…certainly did that.”
She turned to him finally, her eyes completely scanning over him like she was trying to size him up for something.
“Was that not an invitation to come over?” She asked as casually as if this was for some reason an entirely normal, commonplace really, way to interact with someone. Step one, sure, stare at your hot neighbor like some creeper, and then step two, wave at her like a complete buffoon, which will obviously lead her to showing up at your door unannounced.
What world was he living in right now?
“Oh, uh—” Cal stammered, knowing for damn sure that was not his intention, and if he were less awkward of a person perhaps he could actually be trying to accomplish something with this gorgeous person—even if it were to at the very least be having a successful conversation, “I guess it could have been…because it’s not like I mind you being here or anything—” oh fuck where the fuck was he going with this he needed to change gears now— “do you want some coffee or something?”
Her expression was difficult to read, but it could have possibly been like she was pitying him, “I suppose so…I take mine black.”
Cal lifted both his hands and pointed his index fingers at her, “Great.”
Well that was a weird thing to do. Then again, so was everything he did.
He thought being able to concentrate on doing something would help his anxiety as he noted Beedee had approached her and started sniffing at her. She bent down to give him a pet on his head.
“Oh uh—that’s Beedee, don’t worry he’s very friendly,” Cal said as he got a mug from his cupboard. He paced to the coffee machine and grabbed the pot. She seemed to have no response to him, but she was still giving his dog attention, so that was hot—
That was hot? What? Was everything she did hot just because she was so hot?
“And I’m Cal, by the way—Cal Kestis—um—if you wanted to know.”
She looked up at him, and he couldn’t quite tell if there was an upturn to her lip or not, but she definitely had raised her eyebrow at him, “Congratulations Cal Kestis.”
Normal—he felt very normal about her uttering his full name.
“Yeah, I get that a lot too,” Cal said without thought, “short for Calcium.”
For the first time there seemed to be a crack in her mostly stoic countenance as he walked over to her and offered the coffee mug.
“Is it really?”
Cal couldn’t help it, he smirked as she took the mug from his hand, “Of course.”
Her eyebrows knitted together, “Did your parents hate you?”
Parents—what an always excellent topic with him.
“You know—I think they must have.”
Honestly, not such a bad explanation on the fly.
She eyed him, making no attempt to drink her coffee.
“I feel as though you are making another stupid joke—but your tone just seemed more confident this time,” she claimed, and then he smiled again, trying not to focus on how he loved the shade of her brown eyes.
“Yeah, and now I just ran out of material, so it’s all downhill from here I’m afraid,” Cal said back, not even sure where that came from.
“Hm,” she hummed before she now took a sip of her coffee, “what a shame.”
Frankly, he was a little gobsmacked. She was—like very intimidatingly charming? And it just rendered him devoid of any more words or stupid jokes.
Damn, maybe he really was out of material.
As she turned from him again and began to once more circumvent the room.
And he watched her, just not finding it in him to look away again, and he just—he really wanted to ask her if she really came over here because he just fucking awkwardly waved at her.
He opened his mouth, but then she began speaking again.
“You watch me,” she stated in a complete matter of fact manner. Cal was not finding it difficult to decipher that she was just an extremely blunt person.
“Oh, yeah um,” he said, placing his hands on his hips, “you’re kind of…hard to miss.”
He looked up into her eyes and those brown irises were staring into his soul just a few paces away from him now.
Jesus—could he say anything remotely normal?
“I’m sorry,” he stated simply, hoping it would suffice enough for being a total creep, “I didn’t mean it in like—I—I mean I am not trying to be—”
God—he should probably just inform her that yes, he will be prompting moving out as soon as possible.
Because could he even deny his extremely inconvenient but still very real attraction to her?
She kept her stare on him for another few moments before she spoke, “Do not be sorry,” she stated, not turning from him entirely as she walked over to his window, “I watch you too.”
Cal was incidentally and entirely grateful that she could not see him right now because his jaw dropped a bit and his brain definitely forgot how to function for several seconds.
AHHH this is very first drafty EXCUSE
After disssss things get real REAL fun as I am attempting my first NON slow burn ever as they start boning right away, and it becomes and emotional slow burn. Merrin is like oh, feelings? I had those removed several years ago and Cal is like bet.
Cal’s a paramedic, and one day him and Kanan unfortunately lose someone and they have to wheel the body down to the morgue and GuEsS wHo’S tHe NeW MorGuE DoCtoR—😏
OOOOoHHH it gets SO fun from here as they navigate just banging on the reg and Merrin is like LOLZ I don’t do feelings and also being neighbors and seeing each other at work. There’s def a time or two they also bang in a janitor’s closet. Calamity ensues as Cal gets her coffee one morning along with everyone else’s and Merrin’s like you’re not allowed to be nice to me—and Cal’s like HA well too bad because I’m gonna anyway, actually.
Also @starryjediknight, I am DEF putting in some background Sabezra in there with Ezra being a nurse and Sabine being another doctor who lowkey caught Merrin and Cal coming out of the janitor’s closet, and she’s like lol girl you banging that hot ginger mess…and Merrin’s like NOO…well..maybe…YES we’ve banged a ton what do you want from me, and then Sabine is like lol I’m not judging I’m banging that nurse Ezra. I think I should also throw in some Cal and Ezra bonding over having scary hot doctor gfs LOL
Soooo YEAH v excited for this fic. It’s gonna be the best angsty ridiculous smutty Merrical rom com I as per USH from me…so I hope you guys will enjoy just as much too!
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oliviawebsite · 1 year
if we had the technology to bring back dinosaurs there would be a bunch of freaks trying to eat them. imagine dinosaur nuggets made from actual dinosaur. dino bistros. going to a party and theyre roasting a raptor rotisserie style. jesus christ! we can NOT let this happen!! 🤬
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theboysfromaustin · 3 months
Young Ian: Is dino nuggets real dinosaurs?
Gav: Well....technically?
Kazuo: Birds is dinosaurs, little man.
Gav: Hey, Ian, you're scared of birds, does that mean you're scared of dinosaurs?
Ian: Only a moron WOULDN'T be afraid of dinosaurs. I've seen Jurassic Park.
Kazuo: I've seen you freak out and kick a pigeon. You'd kick a velociraptor.
Gav: It would be a cool, yet stupid death.
Young Ian, stuffing his face: Dinos delicious...eat birds...
Anders: What are you three teaching my child?
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spacewhalerider · 10 months
There's a freaking storm happening where I live.
I was trying to make dino nuggets and thunder happened 😭
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croissantbae · 1 year
1. I don’t know if it was my period or it was a reaction to clean eating and wanting to eat Al the sugar but my goodness I’ve done some damage in the past few weeks. I’ve been eating non stop. For a while nothing really tasted amazing. I didn’t have specific cravings but now I want to everythingggggggggg. Maybe it’s also the season changing? Spring is coming, there’s just more life (in food)? Lol
2. We’ve been going to my moms a lot the past few days and getting spoiled with the best food so today having to cook for ourselves I was like omz what do we eat. I decided to use some of the veggies we had in the fridge and made my fscorite cauliflower recipe and a delicious shredded carrot salad. Then we had Dino nuggets as Our protein lol.
3. We had Dani’s parent teacher conference today and they said she’s doing great except the English speaking teacher was a bit more honest and said (1) she has a hard time falling asleep at nap time and willlike get up and sing to herself, (2) she gets up in circle time if another kid does so they have to try to keep everyone seated, (3) she doesn’t have any interest in using the potty yet. The Korean teacher said she’s bright and doing well and loves to eat and asks for ketchup all the time lol.
But today Dani came home in a terrible terrible mood and Jason said a kid bit her today (on the finger). Dani seriously was soo complainy and crying so much for nothing. But I’m glad we knew to be extra sensitive. It made me wonder if this is going to be a sign or her coping mechanism going forward (jk…?)
It made me really sad for Dani. She was truly just very upset all night. I wonder if she was freaked out when it happened. My poor baby (I’m going to pinch you Evelyn… lol jk for real). The director said apparently the other kid has. A similar personality to Dani. So they must have gone head to head?
4. Man succession got hyped up too much. I watched episode 1 and it was good but not the AMAZING status everyone made it out to be.
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thecindy · 4 years
Im an idiot who got on web md to check my symptoms and now I've convinced myself that I'm dying so I'm going to have cheese sticks for lunch because might as well enjoy my last days on earth lmao
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geminixevans-stan · 3 years
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Lmaoo you’re either going to love me or hate with these Drabble request
Andy Barber Nanny AU Request:
1. Kids walk in on reader and Andy
2. Jake gets upset because he thinks Steve is trying to steal his “mommy” from his dad and he tells his dad about it and of course Any handles it
3. The readers ex threatens the kids and it freaks the reader out to the point where she thinks it’s best to leave
4. Family dinner with the Starks and their manny
5. Andy attempting to run the household while the reader is away for a girls trips (kids call her on FT to complain about Andy😂)
6. Reader and Laurie have a heart to heart
7. Family photos with Andy, reader and kids
8. Andy fakes being Santa
9. Andy, reader and kids do a family Halloween thingy
10. Sophie and the reader have a “mommy” daughter day
5. Andy Attempting to run the household while the reader is away for a girls trip (Kids call her on FT to complain about Andy😂)
I just want to say you are a complete menace with all these requests. I’m not mad at it lol.
Warning: Just pure good ol fluff and Sophie’s sass
Like I can literally see Sophie being the first one to call the reader while she is somewhere trying to soak up some sun. This is the 3rd time her phone has rang and she sees Andy’s face but she just knows it’s not Andy. So she answers the phone and sees Sophie’s face, lip all poked out, “Yes Spawn # 2?” By now Sophie is used to the nickname but she still isn’t pleased.
You try not to laugh at how cute she looks, but she does this really exaggerated sigh, “Daddy burnt the dino nuggies again! When are you coming home?! He’s gonna kill us.” Trying to hold your laughter in, you know that you can’t take an earlier flight because Andy and Steve were adamant that you needed a break.
Andy’s voice can be heard booming in the background, “Don’t worry honey, everything is under control! I didn’t even burn the nuggets this time. They’re just a little… well done that’s all!” You see the screen shift and you see Jakie with two dino nuggies in his mouth. He smiles at you as he waves happily.
“Hi ma!! Daddy did good with the dino nuggies. Just how I look em. Sophie’s just being a brat.” Then you see Sophie snatch a nugget from his mouth and literally slings it at his head, “Hey! Dad! Sophie hit me with the nugget again!” He gives the phone back to Sophie and she looks at you in frustration. Your poor little girl can’t deal with a bunch of boys and rightfully so.
She calls back over her shoulder, “And I’ll do it again!,” looking back over at you, “Your vacation sucks! I can’t wait for you to come home and save me.” You pinch the bridge of your nose cause this girl is just a whole character. The phone shifts again as you see Andy in view, his clean white tee now stained with ketchup.
You looked at him in confusion, “I thought you had everything in control?” The smirk on your lips is apparent as you look at the disheveled man in your face. He lightly pushes Sophie out the way as he makes it back over to the kitchen.
He looks down at the image on his phone, “I do! These spawns are spoiled and it all your fault,” you feign a fake hurt as if he hasn’t been a part of the spoiling, “That… bikini is a little revealing honey…”
You dip the phone a little lower giving him a full view of it, his adam’s apple bobbing at you look so good for him, “I’m in Bora Bora babe! Want me to be in a sweater?” Bringing the phone back to your face, you can see his eyes darken a little, “Someone being a bad boy I see,” looking at him taking his plump bottom lip between his teeth, pressing down and releasing it.
He looks over at the spawns finally filling their bellies, “Yeah… I’m so eating a bunch of honey when you get home. You are an absolute goddess to put up with these heathens,” you laugh at him as the phone shifts again. It’s Sophie again. You smile up at her cause you know she was about to say something smart.
“We are not heathens daddy! We’re not the ones that tried to shave the dog,” you looked over at him knowing he did not try to give the dog a haircut. He knew that look on you so well and before he could say anything you cut him off.
“Tell me you didn’t…” these 3 were going to be the death of you.
Andy pushed Sophie back out of the kitchen, before giving her a fake mean face, “Traitor…,” He looked over at you, “I may or may not have given lucky a little trim,” you pinch the bridge of your nose again cause this man should never be left to his own devices.
“I’m never going on vacation again…”
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fanficbitch · 3 years
Introductions // Aaron Hotchner
I raise my hand to knock on the apartment door, then I stop myself. I kind of can’t believe this is happening. Then again, I have never dated anyone with a kid before. Am I even good with kids? Yeah, I babysat when I was a teenager but that was 15 years ago.
I take a deep breath and then finally knock on the door. It takes a moment, but my boyfriend appears behind the door. I immediately notice his clothes which are a sweater and jeans. It’s quite different from his usual work attire that I mainly see him in. “I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to you not wearing a suit,” I say and he smiles. Aaron leans in and kisses me. He pulls away and stares at me for a moment then quickly adjusts himself. 
“Come in, come in,” he says, standing aside from the door. I look around quickly and glance over his living room and dining room. “What do you think?”
“It’s nice!” I assure him. I notice there are toys on the floor, but otherwise, everything is pretty neat.
“I tried to clean up, but-,”
“It’s lovely Aaron,” I say and give him another kiss. “So, where is he?”
“He’s in his room. I can go get him,” he says and starts to move, but I stop him. 
“Wait,” I say, placing my hands on Aaron’s chest. “I don’t know if I can do this,” I tell him.
Aaron places his hands on my shoulders. “We talked about this. You are ready,” he tells me, but I’m not convinced. 
“What if he hates me?” I ask.
“He will not hate you. He will love you, just like I do,” he says. “Let me go get him.”
I stand by myself in the living room, silently freaking out. Meeting your boyfriend’s kid is a big deal. This could honestly make or break the relationship. I quickly hear footsteps coming down the hall and prepare myself. 
They turn the corner and I see Aaron and a mini Aaron. Jack seems a bit nervous because he holds Aaron’s hand. Aaron crouches down to Jack’s height and smiles. “Jack, this is my friend Y/N,” he says and Jack gives me a small wave. 
I crouch down to Jack’s height as well. “Jack, it is so nice to finally meet you. Your dad is always telling me about the amazing lego sets you build,” I tell him and he gives me a small smile. “Do you have a favorite one that you’ve done?”
“Star Wars,” he says quietly.
“You know I love Star Wars,” I say.
“Do you like Luke Skywalker?” Jack asks me.
“Yeah, he’s super cool,” I say.
“Well, dinner is just about ready,” Aaron says as we both stand up straight.
“What’s for dinner?” Jack asks.
“Spaghetti,” Aaron says.
“Yay!” Jack says then jumps in a chair at the dining room table. I pull out a seat to the left of him, but he stops me. “You can’t sit there. That’s daddy’s seat.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” I say then move to his right. “Is this okay?”
“Yeah,” Jack confirms and I sit down. Aaron places a plate in front of me and Jack and warmth wafts up to my cheeks.
“Hmm, this looks so good,” I say. “Do you like your dad’s cooking?”
Jack shrugs. “He mostly makes dino nuggets,” he says which causes me to laugh.
Aaron sits down across from me with a plate of his own. “Jack, are you giving away all my secrets?” 
“Oh, no I am really enjoying learning these things,” I say. Aaron’s foot finds mine under the table to start a nudging game.
I stare at Aaron and Jack for a moment as they eat can’t believe that this could possibly become my new normal. Jack is such a sweet boy, and he’s been through so much.
“Y/N?” Aaron asks, snapping me back into the moment.
“Hmm?” I hum.
“Jack is becoming a very good soccer player,” he says. “He’s always practicing at the park after school.”
“How did you start soccer, Jack?” I ask him.
“Mommy showed me,” Jack says.
“That’s awesome! Do you score goals?”
“All the time,” Jack says which causes me to giggle.
“I’ll have to see you play sometime.”
“I have a game tomorrow!” Jack yells.
Aaron exchanges looks between me and his son. “Buddy, Y/N is very busy and I don’t know if she-,” Aaron starts to say.
“I would love to come!” I tell him.
Aaron flashes me a surprised smile. “Just to warn you, the game starts at 8.”
“Don’t worry, my boss makes me get up early for work all the time,” I smirk at him.
I carefully tip toe around all the soccer fields at the sports complex. Aaron said that Jack’s team would be wearing red uniforms. The only problem is that I see at least 3 teams in red uniforms.
I nervously shift my weight from foot to foot. Maybe I shouldn’t be here. Maybe it’s too soon. I quickly turn on my heel to go back to my car but am met with my boyfriend.
“Hey,” Aaron smiles.
“Hey,” I say a little awkwardly.
“Thanks for coming. Jack had such a great time last night and is really excited you’re here.”
“Yeah,” Aaron says as he points to the field. I spot Jack with the number 2 on his back running around the field. He looks up at us and gives me a big wave which I return. I look back to Aaron and realize he is wearing a whistle around his neck.
“Why are you wearing this?” I ask with a laugh.
“I’m kind of the coach,” he says slowly.
“No way! This is gonna be more fun than I thought,” I smirk at him.
“Listen, I gotta go get the boys ready, but do you want to get breakfast after the game?”
“Sounds perfect,” I say then plant a kiss on his lips then let him return to his duties.
The game starts and I’m standing by myself for maybe 2 minutes because a group of women at least 5 years older than me approach me.
“Hi, I’m Lauren and this is Katie and Sarah,” the middle one says.
“Hi,” I say as I shake their hands.
“We haven’t seen you here before,” she says.
“Oh yeah, I’m just here to watch Jack,” I say and point off into the field.
“So you know Aaron?” Katie, I think, asks.
“Oh yeah,” I say with a laugh. There is an awkward silence. I can tell they aren’t finished with me yet.
“Just between us,” Lauren says. “All of us single moms are interested in Aaron. So if you could put in a good word for us it would be appreciated.”
I slowly nod. “Will do, will do. He’s told me he’s seeing someone though.”
All 3 women look disappointed but nod. They tell me thanks then go back to their original spot. When they turn away I have to bite my lip to prevent from laughing out. They’re into Aaron? That’s cute. They thought they had a chance with him.
Jack’s team just won and once they finish their post game huddle, he runs right up to me.
“Did you see me, Y/N?” Jack asks breathlessly.
“Yes, I saw the whole thing. Give me a high five because that was awesome,” I say and he high fives me. “So your dad said a little something about a breakfast?”
A smile grows on Jack’s face. I take Jack’s hand and lead him to his dad. The same 3 women that approached me earlier have him cornered. I try to catch his eye, but after a moment I realize there is no use. Just as I turn around with Jack my name is called.
“Y/N!” Aaron calls and breaks through the wall of women. “There you are.”
“I was just seeing if you were ready to go eat,” I say.
“Yes, I am,” he says then throws a wave to the group of women. Aaron then wraps his arm around my waist and presses a kiss to my cheek.
I can hear the gasps behind me from Lauren, Katie and Sarah. I guess they know he’s mine now.
This time I actually chuckle out loud.
“What’s so funny?” Aaron asks.
“Oh nothing,” I hum then press a kiss to his cheek.
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