adolfusraptor1985 · 3 months
This is a post for nonhumans, alterhumans, otherkin, therians, etc. Please read.
A list of shout outs to people who experiences things that are often looked down upon by the community.
Shout out to those with violent urges
Shout out to those who actually hunt/want to
Shout out to those with delusions or other mental illnesses
Shout out to those who want to attack something/someone
Shout out to those who feel more comfortable nude
Shout out to those who want to live in the wild
Shout out to those with kinks/fetishes related to their identity
Shout out to those who want to live/be treated like an animal
Shout out to those with "ugly", "gross", or "nasty" 'types
Shout out to those who want to sh because of their identity
Shout out to those who want raw meat
Shout out to those who like gore
Shout out to any "negative" experiences I've missed
Shout out to those who feel guilty for some/all these things
Shout out to those who don't.
Being alterhuman, nonhuman, etc. isn't just identifying as a cute little creature. When your identity leaves you often outcast by society, it can carry some pretty dark and/or negative traits. It's simply our nature as alter-beings, and we should learn to except ourselves and others for having these experiences.
I understand some of you may be triggered by dark, gorey, or generally morbid things, but that doesn't mean you should look down on or discriminate against those who deal with those experiences. There is a dark side to being alterhuman. Always has been.
My message here is that no matter how gross, violent, or otherwise your experiences may be, you are still loved and valid. Imbrace being a monster if that's what you'd like. As long as you're not hurting anyone you shouldn't hide from these feelings.
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i-am-trans-gwender · 3 months
@welldrawnfish I just saw this movie and it reminded me of you. Ariel's daughter Melody says "Fuck humanity! I'm a fish". Unfortunately it has a sad ending where Melody choose to be human because of "responsibilities and family".
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nabbit-unmasked · 7 months
I might start isolating myself in public.
Pretty much all my old friends have started to treat xe/xem/xer pronouns as a joke and a laughing stock. I'm very tired of the consistent discrimination against neopronoun users and therians here. Speak up and you become a laughing stock too.
The other day, I was wondering what would happen (hypothetically) if I wore my mask to school. What would the people I'm around everyday suddenly think of me? Would their entire view of me change because of an accessory? A painted piece of cardboard on my face? Yes, I think it would.
I don't understand. People are just...living. And you (my classmates) are so insistent on treating them as inferior for just living their lives comfortably. Seriously, I don't know what's wrong with humans. I don't know why they formed their society in this way.
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aardwolfpunx · 3 months
punk as in i support SW
punk as in i support all plurality
punk as in i support “contradictory” or “cringe” queerness
punk as in i support all disabled people
punk as in i support alterhumans/nonhumans
punk as in i support
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xdextarx · 9 days
my mother just told me that
the OWNERS of hundreds of parrots from where I adopted my bb live in part of the city where there was a lot of water and THEY DID LET ALL PARROTS DROWN and DIDN'T EVEN TRY to help them out of cages full of water.
let's pray that they end up being drowned or torn by wolves for letting so much innocent beings die in pain, cold, suffocating and suffering
humans don't deserve to have animals
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Im tired of pretending like magneto isn't right.
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shiutsu · 4 months
People who say "revenge is for the weak" are the same type of people who defend horrible people, blame victims for their abuse & throw a tantrum whenever someone doesn't wanna be near others anymore.
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pawsthatcausechaos · 11 months
Fuck communicating using human language imma merrp all I want
Also Fuck walking on two legs
Fuck being insulted for wearing gear
And Fuck having to try to hide your shifts
Just fuck society in general,
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hobgobknowsbest · 11 months
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bensalah96 · 3 months
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حقا انا لم اتوقع ان يكون العالم بهذه القسوة و ان لا معني الانسانية التي كنا نعتقد ان الجميع يتحلي بهذه الشعور و لكن اعتقد ان الانسانية شعور منعدم و منقرض لدي البشر ، بال اظن ايضا ان البشر قد انقرضو كل الذي اراه في هذا الزمن ما هو الا عالم مفترس حقا ليس لي الحق بان اشبه هؤلاء البشر بالحيوانات فلن اظلم الحيوانات بهذا التشبيه ، لان الحيوانات في هذا الزمن يتحلون بالإنسانية و الرحمة عن البشر ، فما انتم الا كائنات طفيلية سامه ليس لديها اي مشاعر الا التدمير والقتل ، كل ما تهتمون به هو الموت .. عندما نصل لمرحله ان الاطفال يقتلون بالرصاص و القنابل و الجوع و العطش!
فما معني السلام في هذا العالم اذا
English Translation:
"Truly, I did not expect the world to be this harsh, nor that the sense of humanity we believed everyone possessed would be so absent. But I think humanity is a feeling that is extinct and nonexistent among humans. I also believe that humans have become extinct; all I see in this age is a predatory world. Indeed, I have no right to compare these humans to animals, as I would be unfair to the animals with such a comparison, because animals in this age possess more humanity and mercy than humans. You are nothing but parasitic and toxic creatures with no feelings other than destruction and killing. All you care about is death. When we reach a stage where children are killed by bullets, bombs, hunger, and thirst!"
What is the meaning of peace in this world?
German Translation:
"Wahrlich, ich hätte nicht erwartet, dass die Welt so grausam ist, und dass der Sinn für Menschlichkeit, den wir glaubten, dass alle besitzen, so abwesend ist. Aber ich denke, Menschlichkeit ist ein Gefühl, das unter den Menschen ausgestorben und nicht existent ist. Ich glaube auch, dass die Menschen ausgestorben sind; alles, was ich in diesem Zeitalter sehe, ist eine räuberische Welt. Tatsächlich habe ich kein Recht, diese Menschen mit Tieren zu vergleichen, denn das wäre unfair gegenüber den Tieren, da Tiere in diesem Zeitalter mehr Menschlichkeit und Barmherzigkeit besitzen als Menschen. Ihr seid nichts weiter als parasitäre und giftige Kreaturen ohne andere Gefühle als Zerstörung und Töten. Alles, was euch interessiert, ist der Tod. Wenn wir den Punkt erreichen, an dem Kinder durch Kugeln, Bomben, Hunger und Durst getötet werden!"
Was ist die Bedeutung von Frieden in dieser Welt?
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Hello!! It's time for our next Podcast Hottie of the Week poll! This week's face-off features: Akmazian of EOS 10, Cheri of Fuck Humans, Medea of Khôra Podcast, and The Interviewer of The Amelia Project!
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monster-untamed · 1 year
I am THIS close to adding humans to my DNI list
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marandina-001 · 1 year
i wish humans didn't make kissing in the lips a romantic thing, what are we supposed to do now????? hug? humans suck and they made a word for smth i feel too often (basorexia)
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transkittyinatoaster · 7 months
I hate this.
I sadly won't be able to donate to KOSA.
No, not because I support it, I'm fucking disgusted by it, but because I don't have a cent to my name that I could be able to donate.
The only thing I can do is reblog tweets and posts about websites you can donate to stop KOSA from getting accepted.
The US doesn't care about it's people. That's something we need to tell everyone because everyone is still thinking that it cares. It doesn't
The 2025 plan disbands the FBI and the educated department. And for what? Fucking fossil fuels. The very thing that's destroying the planet.
America is supposed to be the land of the free. My opinion, as an American? It's the land of hypocrisy and greed.
An unborn child is more protected than rape victims. Rape victims get laughed at. Get told they're making it up. We're told to speak up but how can they'll just get laughed at.
America is also currently supporting the genocide of Palestine and sides with Israel, at least to my knowledge, I don't know if this has changed for not but either way, I$real is disgusting and colonists
This land is disgusting.
If it's not the global warming, or whatever that kills us, it'll be our own hands.
America is stained with the blood of its own people.
America is not real. It never was. And it never will be.
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So I finished relistening to TMA yesterday and now (even though I still have the Q&As to listen to) I am contemplating. There are several podcasts on my "to listen to" list, sooo I will let the general public decide which one I should dive into first.
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mollyjimbly · 1 year
we all should have died because of covid, but noooo. we lived and thrived bc humanity is SELFISH /hj
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