#Facebook Group Join:
pkfuturejobs · 2 years
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okayigetitifuckedup · 4 months
I hate men so much what the fuck is this?
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To be fair, the comments were full of (Mostly women) lighting him the fuck up.
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Okay I think we all agree that Keyleth was not in that rudius club and the attack was meant for someone else, but can you imagine???
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clairenatural · 28 days
seeking out posts with opinions you know you won't agree with, to add long additions on why they're wrong, is widely seen as impolite and even combative on Tumblr. You're going to be met with hostility because people see it as a hostile act to begin with. similarly, it's considered rude to tag your hate of a ship or fandom content with the tag of that ship or content. Tumblr is structured to allow people to tailor their own communities and most people won't like you barging in going "actually, you're wrong." Most posts, unless actually specified, are not invitations for debate - building upon ideas, yes, and even asking questions is fine, but not "you are wrong." The culture is that we're doing our own thing over here, and you can stay over there, and coming into our spaces just to tell us we're wrong is rude. And embarrassing.
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scarefox · 7 months
What wonders me is that not more genderqueer folks are into kpop or general asian idol or japanese fashion, visual kei or even just gothic. Like that's such an A+ fucc gender norms style source and inspiration.
Instead I rather see more people who mock it or disregard it. But for me it was a revelation. I was looking for a style for me since years, but in my area all genderqueer folks go with the hipster vibe and that is so not my thing at all (which even had me questioning myself if this identity is what I am looking for, little bit dumb in hindsight but hey). I grew up as goth and in the visual kei scene that already had me steering in that androgynous & asian style direction anyways. Till college and uni days made me tone it down cause everyone was so serious and kinda posh in uni I couldn't be the weird goth kid anymore. We had to look professional and mature. Felt awful but I generally lost myself during uni days and had to find myself back.
So yea (re)discovering Taemin and kpop a few years ago was like an eye opener and jumpstarter to finally pull through with the outer genderqueerness adjustment of myself.
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inmyperfectworld · 3 months
Positive and melanated Facebook Groups
Are any of you looking for any melanated aesthetic or positive groups to join on Facebook?
If so, join these 3 amazing groups right here. You won't regret it, at all! I promise you.
Melanin Aesthetic:
Women Luxury Aesthetics:
Healing Her:
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bluesandhoney · 2 months
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gettingintoknives · 4 months
It sucks because facebook kinda sucks but SO MANY groups that offer local assistance programs, networking, mutual aid, etc are on facebook. Buy nothing groups, queer friendly housing groups, neighborhood cleanup projects, etc- not all of them but a LOT of them are facebook groups. Like genuinely if you are in need of kitchen supplies or want to organize a park trash pickup day, or whatever, facebook can actually be a great place to do this
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timemachineyeah · 5 months
You mentioned that jobs like yours are hard to find- would you mind sharing a bit about how you found your job or pointers in general on places to look? Do you just use the usual job sites or are other places like temp agencies more useful for finding part time work?
I used to work in archives before I became disabled and so what you just described sounds like a dream job for me if I could get my health a little more stable again. Just hearing that there *are* jobs out there like that, however elusive, is huge. Any advice you may have as to where to start looking would be massively appreciated!
Thank you!!
Both times I found jobs like that it was just on Craigslist. I just checked every day.
I’ve had some luck with Indeed and FlexJobs, but I don’t know if I had enough luck with FlexJobs to make the premium worth it, and the hands down *worst* job I ever had was also found on Craigslist, so ymmv.
But a lot of the jobs for one competent person to do one specific task for very few hours a week are jobs for smaller companies, families or family businesses, hobbyists, etc. They are far more likely to post to Craigslist or local Facebook pages than something like indeed.
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octarineblues · 11 months
aromantic achievement unlocked: took part in a research interview on aromanticism & queer community
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jakey-beefed-it · 5 months
So there's... far too much to unpack with regard to these genuinely awful people we used to know through my shitbag nazi cousin- they were her shitbag nazi husband's shitbag nazi parents from eastern germany -but among their many, many, many objectionable qualities they saw fit to give me a weirdly horny advent calendar every christmas, where you like pluck the little window open and take the mediocre chocolate out and there's boobs underneath or whatever. And at the time we were trying so hard to just get along with these people* so I was like "right, different culture, nudity is much less taboo in Germany, this is probably a perfectly normal gift to give someone you barely know" and had to sort of go "Thhhhaaaaaaaanks!"
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And like. Look. I'm straight (as Bob Belcher says, "I mean, I'm mostly straight) but I'm kinda low libido and/or demisexual idefk which and mostly, any sort of public acknowledgement of horniness just makes me slightly uncomfortable. And these women were... like I'm sure they're fine, I'm sure there are lots and lots of men who like that whole bleach-blonde plastic boobs spray tan kind of look or else it wouldn't have been a thing at various points in horny history, but I'm not one of those men, these women do not really appeal to me much at all. Like if they'd gotten me a 'flirty bespectacled goth nerdy girls' calendar it still would've been awkward as hell but at least a little more targeted, you know?
Anyhow this is getting off track. The point was that it was honestly the most painfully awkward part of a whole painfully awkward ordeal with these fucking people and so no, I don't want to respond to your fucking Facebook message ya freaks.
*knew the husband had some... dubious far-right ideas, weren't aware that he was a full-on goddamn nazi and that he'd gotten it from said parents
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wheelwheelwheel · 1 year
WHY is it when I try to look up a specific character moment or costume from the show almost ALL of the results still are “why x character was ruined in the show” or meta articles about the books?? WHERE are all the articles of fans recapping the show with screencaps of important moments? Is the best I’m going to get really random listicles about “10 best costumes in the show”???
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picsfortheday · 2 months
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cetitan · 2 days
If I am ever Required to have a Facebook or Instagram account for anything at all I'm becoming a terrorist
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bucephaly · 1 year
Man I haven't looked at tumblr in days. Hi guys
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quillkiller · 7 months
did anyone watch the twin flames documentary
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