#Fairy Gala What if
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Fairy Mary reference, maybe??
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glidiaxoxo · 2 months
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Jack stop sneezing so loudly
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egophiliac · 2 months
As someone who hasn’t played the twst game very long I just got into it. I wanted to know about events? Like do some not come back? For example do the Masquerade, Port, Beanfest, Ghost bride, starsending events. Do those come back? I hear people say how they missed their chance to get this great card like as if it won’t ever come back and then someone on Reddit will say something like “Oh beanfest happened twice on the JP server” so which events have gotten reruns so far? I would ask about more recent ones like the Easter one but idk if it’s too recent to know if get rerun or if they clarify that it won’t come back? I was really sad to find out about the Silk outfits I missed out on when they visit the scalding sands. I also was really sad to find out i missed out on the anniversary cards because I didn’t play the game yet. I wish they would add the anniversary cards to the store at least…I want to be apart of the celebration :’)
I was looking in the shop and saw all the different groovy items you need to groovify event cards and this question just came to me so I had the urge to ask someone…
welcome to Twst! 🎉 it is a bit confusing to jump right into, especially because. they're not always consistent. :') it sounds like you're probably playing on Eng, which I'm less familiar with, but I'll try based on what I know! (I also don't always remember everything, so somebody please correct me if I get something wrong!)
first, I do recommend the Twst wiki.gg, which seems to stay pretty up-to-date on events for both the Eng and JP versions! it's a great resource for when you want to see if/when an event ran or rerun. in general, I believe that the Eng version only does reruns that have already happened in JP, so if JP has a rerun that hasn't happened yet in Eng, they should get it too eventually! on the other hand, I don't think either version has ever rerun an event more than once. :( BUT this doesn't mean you're entirely out of luck, because:
anniversary events (March for JP, January for Eng) will usually offer a chance to get both an older event SSR and an older birthday SSR in the shop, via buying a special item with exchange currency (which you get by doing pulls on the anniversary gacha, I think you need to do 100-150 pulls for enough currency to buy the item to exchange for an SSR). only SSRs though, and you're limited to one each (one birthday, one event). so if there's an SSR you REALLY want and it's already had its rerun, it's probably worth planning to save up some keys for!
as for actual reruns, they seem to come in a few different flavors:
straight-up rerun, no changes or extra cards
unchanged event story, with a new SSR of a character who wasn't in the story (e.g. Applepom Jamil)
slightly rewritten event story that includes a new SSR (e.g. Ghost Marriage, they don't seem to do this anymore though)
completely new event story that acts as either a sequel or alternate-universe version of the original (e.g. Beans Day part 2, Fairy Gala IF) (though this is pretty rare and might actually count as a separate event, rather than a rerun?)
Master Chef/Culinary Crucible events have never gotten reruns (though they might start now that we've finally gotten through all the characters in JP, time will tell). birthday and Halloween events will also rerun the previous version in addition to the new one -- for instance, Eng should be getting a Glorious Masquerade rerun this year, followed by the new (Playful Land) Halloween event. and a birthday campaign will, in addition to the new card, have a separate pickup for the previous year's birthday card.
for the specific ones you mentioned -- I think Beanfest, Ghost Bride, Fireworks, and Starsending have already rerun in Eng, so those most likely will not be rerun again (at least not anytime soon). Masquerade should be coming back for you guys this Halloween, and Portfest JUST got its rerun in JP, so that should be coming too sometime in the future! (no new SSR though, alas, I was really hoping for a little marching band sailor boy Leona. 😔) the Easter event is the White Rabbit Fest, right? that one hasn't gotten a rerun in JP yet either, so it's still on the table!
all that said, it's entirely possible they'll change the rules at some point and start doing more reruns/chances to get older event cards, especially since the game's been going on for a few years now and some cards haven't been available for a pretty long time! there's only one card that they said was for-realsies limited-time-only and wouldn't ever be available again -- Platinum Grim, since he was to celebrate the 100th anniversary -- so. there's always a little bit of hope for everything else. :D (fairy gala Ortho PLEASE COME BACK SOB)
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Personally love the thought of ortho seeing all of his friends with messy bedhead and then making it his mission to find a way for him to have it too! Idia would probably find it ridiculous but would probably have it done asap bc he loves his little brother too much to say no
[Referencing this post!]
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I could see Ortho getting really interested in all the things that living beings are capable of and wanting to see if he can emulate them. It reminds me of a kid getting obsessed with a new trend and wanting to wear the same things their friends are! I know that a lot of the gears are said to be designed by Idia (and I'm sure he would help out his little bro our if Ortho asked), but I'd really like to see the shift from Idia designing for Ortho to Ortho designing for himself. It would help showcase how much he has grown and matured since his beginnings, when he was monotone and entirely robotic, or even just the pre-book 6 ending days. Ortho already had the opportunity to entirely design and 3D print his Rabbit Gear, and he also came up with his own concept of "evolution" to put on a show-stopper at the Fairy Gala. I think he can keep evolving from hereon out by taking the initiative to engineer his own bedhead.
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twst-mer · 1 year
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more fairy gala couture jack
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toastedpain · 1 year
Fairy Gala Couture: Leona
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Savanaclaw series- start.
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yandere-daydreams · 6 months
hiiiiiiii have you seen Vil Schoenheit's latest SSR? He's truly serving cunt every time he shows up
he graduated from the uniservity of motherington with a master's in cuntology and doctorate in eating with a concentration in the study of leaving no crumbs. he holds the world record in turning a look and has never once gotten anything less than a 100% run in slaying the house down. never before has a man mothered so hard and never before will a man mother like this again. i would vore him if he asked.
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brainlessbaguette · 1 year
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Nothing like trying to save for masquerade and the entirety of chapter 7 only to be unable to resist ponytail Malleus. Dammit TWST I'm too poor to whale any further, stop dangling fine diasomnia cards in front of my face. I am trying to not pull at all until all heck breaks loose, but I am very weak willed. Round of applause to those who have saved multiple pity rounds, you guys are my idols.
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neoninky · 3 months
TWST Shenanigans: League of Antagonists (and some actual Villains)
I'm back with another long winded, stupid thought that I may draw some day but in the mean time, here's this lol (also spoilers for my Sacred Crown fics if you haven't read them?? Just FYI)
Scene: Antagonists from canon TWST side events all hang out in a bar and talk about how they fucked with the main characters for reasons unknown
Ashton Vargas: *reminiscing about the Camp Vargas event(s)* HA HA Man you should have seen their faces! We gave those punks a good ol' fashion trauma haunt in the woods. Classic. Divus Crewel: And we looked damn good doing it too. *Camp Vargas Part 1 and 2 Crewel definitely made those costumes* Vargas: Sigh...of course we got a temporary dock in pay to help provide the whimpier ones with therapy sessions but eh totally worth it. Random group of fairies all sharing a bar stool: *makes a bunch of tinkly noises talking about the Fairy Gala* Translation: That's cool but we almost ruined the entire school's ecosystem because we gave into our baser instincts and stole the mage stone cuz it was shiny... damn those kids for crashing our party with their incredibly well made outfits and near flawless sashays (Crewel: I would be more upset if not for the fact I finally got Kingscholar to have proper posture for at least 14 hours.)
Ghost Princess Eliza: *still boohooing over the Ghost Marriage event though technically she is happily married in the end* I just wanted to marry my perfect prince after years and years and YEARS of waiting!! What's a little first-degree murder in the name of true love?! (Fairies: damn gurl / Crewel: that's a mood.) And those horrible boys just kept coming to ruin my wedding! Accosting me with their unprincely behavior! What kind of man doesn't have a legendary sword or a faithful dog that comes at his beck and call?! (Vargas: she does make a good point...) Oh well, in the end, I did find my real prince so it all worked out. We'll be returning for the baby shower they promised to host! (Crewel: the school and every person on campus has at least three restraining orders against you...) - jaunty music suddenly starts playing out of nowhere and the entire room groans - Fellow Honest: *cane twirls his way on screen, ready to spill the deets on the Playful Land event* Trauma, theft, delusionally murderous courtship? That's cute. I suckered a whole group of those dumbasses into a human trafficking con disguised as a theme park! And I did it so well that I basically hijacked 90% of all social media for MONTHS while doing it! Everyone: *disgruntedly* we KNOW Fellow Honest: *much smug* Did I mention how I also cursed the whole place to turn them into wooden puppets if they broke the backward ass rule system I put in place as well? (Vargas: dude what the actual hell?) Sigh...and it would have all gone off without a hitch if it weren't for those damn kids fucking up the entire park (Crewel: our students are pretty much all assholes, yes.) ...I mean sure, in the end, I did tell my shitty boss to suck it and encourage those brats to do exactly that. But then they dared to extend a hand of friendship and understanding to ME?! Entitled, fancy boys with their fancy schmancy education *grumble grumble* Vargas + Crewel: *side-eye glance at each other at the mention of a shitty boss* ..... *both take long sips of their drinks*
Rollo: *appears with sudden intense mood change in the atmosphere* Hmph. I understand your contempt for those frivolous magic users completely... (Fellow: THANK you!) ...I invited a select few of them onto my campus under the pretense of uniting our schools in harmony and camaraderie. In actuality...I wanted to destroy them by taking away their magic and then wiping magic off the very face of the planet. Fellow Honest: ...ok well damn that's a bit harsh- *the group of fairies moves as far away from Rollo as possible*
Rollo: and I would have gotten away with it too. Had it not been for that Malleus Draconia *name said with such distain Rollo might as well be a friggin Batman villain* ...on the other hand, I did completely get away with it. Cuz they tried to guilt trip me by letting everyone believe I was this upstanding person who isn't capable of heinous acts. (Fellow: HA stupid) ...that is until karma bit me in the ass and then my childhood magical dragon friend that I don't absolutely abhor ended up bonding with the magical dragon that I hate with every fiber of my being... *talking about my OC in Her Devoted Throne hitting it off with Malleus lol* Crewel: To be fair, if watching your BFF get with your sworn enemy after you tried to commit mass genocide of magic is the worst thing to happen, you are one lucky bastard.
Rollo: Oh I'm barely as horrible as they are... *scene pans over to another group seated in the Really Fucked Up OC Villain section*
Queen Alva from Her Ivory Crown: I not only gaslighted and emotionally abused my own daughter into working herself to the bone to prove herself as the heir to my throne, I then threatened her and tried to take everything she fought for away from her the minute she had a meltdown and wouldn't marry the boy I picked out for her. Not to mention potentially damning my own Queendom by trying to deprive them of a far better queen than I in the future....now I'm divorced, shunned from society, and living alone in the countryside, forced to do my own housework *has to fetch her own fainting couch so she can dramatically swoon* Zehn Cavaliar, the 'boy' in question: ...yeah I wouldn't take no for an answer so hard that I harassed the crown princess into an Overblot state which could have killed her. I also attacked and injured her while she was in that condition. Her new boyfriend got all his friends to kick my ass before and after I lost everything.... *has the expression of someone going through a Vietname flashback* Don Muraeni from Her Lost Voice: *sitting in a large fish bowl on the counter as a shriveled up sea polyp* I literally paid and sometimes forced several women to bear my children - who I let abuse and murder each other all in hopes of earning my approval btw. I even killed a guy who owed me money and then took his wife and child, made said wife have another one of my kids - who I also abused and forced to do underhanded tasks through the majority of her childhood. I also tried to use my son to get at my sworn enemy after not shedding a single fucking tear after his brother was brutally murdered by said enemy...*stops to think* More child abuse. Collecting siren mermaids and forcing them to be sex workers. Trapping my wife for several years while letting her children believe she was dead....so yeah all that backfired horribly and now I'm trapped as this weird lil slug thing until I die. Or something. Ghost of Don Muraeni's right-hand guy, Proteus: I was a total creep who abused his power and was brutally murdered for it in the end. Also I stole magic from a defenseless, traumatized child. Everyone else: *staring at all of them in horror* .....JESUS CHRIST
Dark Fire is hot but Hell is hotter *sips tea*
Also tagging people for reasons @iscarlettappel @foxwitchaine @wysteriadelights @nuitthegoddess @victoria1676 @1ndigowitch
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claranoctis · 2 years
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I didn’t post anything about it here yet, but, in fact, I do have an AU in which both Shrouds are alive (...and equally traumatized, lol). And, well, I drew the human Ortho from it wearing the fairy ballerina outfit~
I might’ve given him the normal Fairy Gala clothes that are less... revealing, so to say, but come on, this was much more fun to do.
...some more stuff about my take on this AU and his personality in it, as well as one silly sketch:
Ortho is a first-year and also a goddamn menace. He’s very clearly not as nice as the robot Ortho is, and resembles Idia much more, but doesn’t have the “shy and awkward” debuff, and, because of this, he is a goblin AND also is pretty socially active. I’d probably call him a fuse of Floyd, Cater and Idia, in a way.
...Also he’s overprotective of his older brother, and while he maybe wouldn’t bite your face off if you do something he considers worthy of revenge, but he’ll surely find a way to make your life a living hell. 
But when he’s not in a bad mood, he’s actually pretty chill. It’s hard to say what he’s thinking about, though.
The ‘silly sketch’ I’ve promised:
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I didn’t exactly think about the “why is Ortho still on the main role if he probably doesn’t fit the theme as well as the robot Ortho does”, and I know Vil chose him himself in the original story, but... It’s just here for the laughs.
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purplecatruins · 5 months
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Can't wait either!!!!
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dimmestmorn13 · 2 years
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passing by a fairy gala ruggie art with a back window has done irreversible damage to my psyche
non-blur under the cut
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(click for better quality)
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viperwhispered · 6 months
How about 2 and 14 for Jamil for the ask game? :D
(Ask game here)
Ahh ty! :D Coming in with some tricky questions I see.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Ngl, I really love Jamil's love for dancing. Here we have this guy who's like 15 neuroses in a trenchcoat (/affectionate), and the thing that really gets to him, even makes him drop his guard in the middle of basketball practice, is dancing (yes I really love that vignette where he drops everything to show Floyd how to do a headstand (iirc) properly). Of course he also has very in-character ways of going about it (the way Vil had to tell him to actually have some soul in his performance, not just technical skill), but still. I'd just love to see him let loose and just dance freely like no one's watching, for so many reasons.
Tho to be honest, there are so many things I could be saying here. But for today, this was the first thing to come to my mind.
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
I suppose this ties into the previous one in that in my head Jamil very much would wear some hiphop / breakdance looks if he could dress freely. I mean, he already seems to really like having a hood. Plus, wearing something casual like that would probably also be a break away from the enforced formality that I'd imagine his life is full of with the Asims.
And this is where I give an amused look to my teenage metalhead self who admittedly would've very much assumed a hip hopper would certainly not be my cup of tea. Oh how the tables have turned.
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skyesilva24 · 1 year
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yuri-is-online · 1 year
Does Yuu actually do anything in the fairy gala remix? Or are they not invited to the party this time?
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Sometimes I hate TWSTs Twistunes so much...
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