room-of-lies · 5 months
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shadou and fake-o friendship (?)
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corvidcrowned · 1 year
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darksilvania · 7 months
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Kroelian APPLIN Ghost/Dragon The Pumpkin Pokemon Abilities: Harvest/Unnerve - Heatproof (HA) Dex: "It makes its home inside a pumpkin, looking for the biggest and toughest. They wait until pumpkins are at their biggest,, so they are more often seen during the fall. Using their own acid, they darken certain areas of the pumpking from within, creating patterns that resemble scary faces to intimidate any possible predator.” Moveset: -Astonish  -Bullet Seed  -Rollout  -Trick-or-Treat Kroelian FLAPPLE Ghost/Dragon The Jack-O-Lantern Pokemon Evolves from Kroelian APPLIN when given a CARVED PUMPKIN Abilities: Harvest/Unnerve - Flash Fire (HA) Dex: "It uses a carved pumpkin as its wings, it can close them to intimidated is opponent on its lantern form. It can created fire by using the pumpkins juices as fuel, this flames burn with a sweet smell" Moveset: -Pumpkin Smash Ghost type / pwr 80 / acc 100 / pp 10 “The users flies above the opponent and drops over it in its lantern form while emiting a creepy laugh-like screech. This may cause burns"  -Breaking Swipe -Flame Charge  -Trick-or-Treat Kroelian APPLETUN Ghost/Dragon The Pumkin Pie Pokemon Evolves from Kroelian APPLIN when given PUMPKIN SPICE Abilities: Harvest/Unnerve - Well Baked Body (HA) Dex: "It evolves after consuming some special aromatic spices, this gives its body a strong aroma. Its body produces fluffly cream-like ectoplasm that pours out from its back. This gobs of cream attract small spirits that can often be heard soflty wailing or manifest by making faces appear on the cream. " Moveset: -Whipped Scream Ghost type / pwr 80 / acc 100 / pp 10 “The spirits inside the cream on its back produce a terrible wail that hurts anyone who hears it. Might cause the opponent to flinch" -Dragon Breath -Spicy Extract  -Trick-or-Treat Kroelian DIPPLIN Ghost/Poison The Caramelized Pumpkin Pokemon Evolves from Kroelian APPLIN when given CARAMEL Abilities: Harvest/Unnerve - Gooey (HA) Dex: "Its gourd is covered in a sticky caramel-like goo with a sickening sweet smell, it attracts bugs and small pokemon that when they touch it become stuck and unable to scape. The two snakes inside the gourd take turns to sleep, so no matter when, there is always a pair of eyes watching.” Moveset:  -Fudge Sluge Poison type / pwr 80 / acc 100 / pp 10 “The user shots a wave of sticky caramel-like sludge all over the field. Opponents speed and evasivness are lowered -Poison Tail -Poison Fang -Trick-or-Treat Gygantamax Kroealian FLAPPLE/APPLETUN Ghost/Dragon Abilities: Harvest/Unnerve - Well baked body / Flash Fire(HA) Dex: "It attract lost souls inside is giant lantern where they are used as fuel for the ragin fire within. A second head has come out of its mouth, it is said to be a spirit from beyond, coming through a portal inside of its belly.” Moveset:  -G-Max Pumpgatory Ghost type / pwr 130 / acc 100 / pp 10   “The user releases a wave of burning souls from its lantern. This move burns the opponents.” -G-Max Pumpscream Ghost type / pwr 130 / acc 100 / pp 10 “The user screams with the voices of a 1000 ghosts. This move paralyses opponents.”
I know we are already way past Halloween but I really wanted to finally finish this ones, made them originally over 2 years ago, but they are finally done Since I made the originals so long ago, DIPPLIN wasn't a thing yet, so I took this chance to make a regional version of them too, if they end up getting an evolution in the next DLC I will make a version of that too
APPLIN and FLAPPLE are based mainly on Jack-o-Lanterns
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APPLETUN is based on Pumpkin Pie
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DIPPLIN is based on Caramelized Pumpkin
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The whole line, but specially Gigantamax FLAPPLE/APPLETUN are based on the Sandworms from the Beetlejuice movie
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nonbinaryriverclan · 2 months
I can’t deal with the booping feature being removed so I thought a fakepost would be neat. It’s Tumblr, but with cats.
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💖 theluckypearl Follow Boop
I wish Tumpurr would remove the booping feature :/ people keep trying to boop me while I’m napping
🫘 beansjeansqueens Follow Boop
⌨️ averagekeyboardwalker Follow Boop
🏳️‍⚧️ transgenderthunderclan Follow Boop
‼️ bitingyoubitingyoubi Follow Boop
🐯 littenkitten3 Follow Boop
🔪 chickenstealer347 Follow Boop
🐭 pikachucloneno274 Follow Boop
💤 sleepiestscorbunny Boop
234 notes 🤍🔁
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🔁 sleepiestscorbunny reblepped blueberrydabest
🍀 starlight--meows Follow Boop
Going viral on Tumpurr.com is so funny. It’s like meowing into the void and then approximately thirty-seven thousand other cats meow back in rapid succession
🍀 starlight--meows Boop
34,451 notes ❤️🔁
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🎨 messypawss Boop
Hey everyone :3 I arted a thing! It’s not the best, I know, but at least it was fun to make!
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#🖌️[ ~messy art!~ ]🖌️
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⚡️ apollwhenifeellikeit Boop
#polls #tumpurr polls #random polls #bap/paws poll #submitted by anon
342 notes 🤍🔁
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🫐 blueberrydabest Boop
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@sleepiestscorbunny you can’t be doing this to me /silly
💤 sleepiestscorbunny Boop
Get booped >:3
#moot tag
4 notes ❤️🔁
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🔁 blueberrydabest reblepped strawberrysupremacee
anonymous asked: I am so sick and tired of felines who think liking dry food is okay whatsoever. We cats for Bast’s sake! We have standards! Blocked.
🍂 cheerycherryspring Follow Boop What if we all went outside and played for a bit
123,476 notes ❤️🔁
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🔁 messypawss reblepped genderfluidwindclan
🐾 nonbinaryriverclan Follow Boop
I’m watching over a friend’s litter right now and my human was playing the Warrior Cats audiobooks in front of thr kittens and they have deemed me ‘Sunningrocks’ and are now fighting over me
🐾 nonbinaryriverclan Boop
I love them so much
#🐾[ ~messy reblogs~ ]🐾 #💨[ ~Warriors~ ]💨
102 notes ❤️🔁
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😸 posting-daily-until-boop-2 Boop
posting daily until boop 2 comes out day 632
hey guys sorry that I missed the last two days I was taking a nap
#boop #boop 2 #booping #boop o meter
3 notes ❤️🔁
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🔁 blueberrydabest reblepped 👾 agendershadowclan Follow Boop
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I would die for him
👾 agendershadowclan Boop
🐝 xenogenderskyclan Boop
too late :3
👾 agendershadowclan Boop
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heartnosekid · 8 months
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pumpkin kitty build a bear!! 🎃🐱 | source
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dammarchy211 · 3 months
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Hey Damien is this a homestuck au? Yes.
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Raz is unfortunately one of those characters I could imagine being a plethora of different blood colors with different reasonings but I landed on purple bc I thought I’d be the most fun.
Reasonings for it being-
Circus themed
Some semblance of psychics
Proximity to water with enough plausible deniability for an AU equivalent water curse to exist
Maligula makes a cool purple blood ancestor
And Raz has multiple non-canon possible birthdates, his MySpace says he’s a Capricorn (which is technically unrelated to one’s blood color as Karkat is a Gemini and Dammek is probably a Sagittarius but yknow it’s funny)
I also decided to make Lili a human for the fun of it since she has a 4 letter name and all
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harrisonsbabygirl · 2 months
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John and Paul leaning on each others shoulders in a platonic non romantic very heterosexual way
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spider999sposts · 11 months
ok but imagine a scenario where you spontaneously pretend Miguel is your boyfriend in order to either make someone else jealous, or to avoid a man that won’t leave you alone- running up to him & wrapping yourself around one of his strong arms
maybe this happens on a few more occasions before he realizes he’s a bit jealous, and catching himself wanting your attention on him for more than an excuse.. 🫣
LYLA poking fun at him like “it’s sweet you play along, and so realistically too- increased heart rate and everything!” making Miguel get all grumbly
Acting — Miguel O'Hara
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🕸tropes & genre: fluff, fake relationship, possessiveness/ jealousy.
🕸tags: gn!reader × Miguel O'Hara
🕸a.n: hi anon! thank you sm for your request. i had sm fun writing this omg.
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He didn't expect to like it that much when it first happened.
He remembers the first time you did it so well. He was trying to have a moment of peace and queit in the cafeteria before getting back to the copious amount of workload he was tasked with. A man like him never ever got a moment to himself, how could he when he was juggling between being a scientist at Alchemax and being this dimension's one and only spiderman?
He was sipping on his black coffee, chewing on a lame excuse of an empanada they served here —the ones back in HQ were much better— when you barged into the cafeteria. Your eyes scanned around the room frantically, and when you saw him, you made your way towards him so quickly it almost made him nervous.
"Miguel." Your voice was hoarse, and you were looking at the door, as if awaiting something to come crashing in. "Um, can I ask you for a favour?"
You were one of the nicer people he met in Alchemax. Even when he was a complete ass towards you. He didn't mind your company, and in a way, you were somewhat of a friend to him. "A favour?" He repeated, raising his brows. "I'll explain to you later, but can you pretend to be my boyfriend?"
He choked on his coffee, and simultaneously, the doors to the cafeteria swung open. Miguel quickly composed himself, and you started to nervously fiddle. "Please?" Your voice was much more urgent now. "What do you want me to do?"
"Just—" Right before you tried to explain, you were approached by Harry Osborn. Miguel knew saw alot of Harrys in the multiverse , none of them were as bothersome as his universe's version.
You clung onto Miguel's shoulder as soon as he approached you, hugging his arm and leaning your head against him. "Harry, Hi!" Your previously paranoid voice was much too enthusiastic now, it seemed too fake to Miguel.
"Hey." He grinned at you, and Miguel found himself staring between both of you, still sipping on his coffee. "I was looking for you. Have you thought about my offer?" He asked, taking a step towards you. Miguel felt your hands tighten around his arm, and for a split second, your face fell. "Oh, uh..yeah, I did. But Miguel and I have plans for tonight, isn't that right?"
Harry's eyes were fixed on you this whole time, like he saw no one in the room but you, so at the mention of Miguel, he frowned, glancing over at him. "Miguel? You have plans with Miguel? Are you sure you want to go with him? What do you even have planned?"
"Ah, yes I am sure, we have..." Harry took another step towards you, and it didn't take a genius to notice how uncomfortable you were with how close he was to you.
"Dinner plans." Miguel set down his coffee on the nearby table, and stepped towards Harry, making space between the two of you. He moved his arm from your grasp, pulling you behind him while intertwining your fingers together. Harry's eyes finally met his. They darted between his face, and your linked hands, and then after a moment of silence, Harry scoffed.
"Well, enjoy your dinner plans." He rolled his eyes at Miguel, then glanced back at you. "I'll definitly catch you another time though." He winked at you. Miguel felt his face scrunch up.
When Harry was our of view, you moved away from Miguel, letting out a heavy sigh. "Oh my god, thank you. He's really persistent."
Miguel hummed, picking up the rest of his coffee and putting the mug to his lips. "What does he want with you anyway?" He asked, putting free hand in his pocket. You groaned, leaning on the wall beside him. "He asked me our on a date at this expensive resturant last friday. I managed to dodge him all week, but I think he made it his personal mission to talk to me today."
Miguel hummed, "Why do you not want to go with him? He's the CEO's son." He knew what your answer would be, but it was funny watching your nose scrunch up and your face contort. "Because he's sleazy! He thinks because he's rich he can get anything he wants."
Miguel chuckled, "I guess."
You sighed, looking up at him. "Sorry for putting you on the spot. You're the only person I thought could help me. He's probably going to be nuisance to you too now."
"Not as much as he is to you."
You giggled, nodding. "Yeah, I guess so." You stood up straight, and took a step towards him. "I have to get back to work now, but I owe you one. Thank you, Miguel." He nodded, taking a sip of his–now–stale coffee. He almost spit it all out when he felt your lips on his cheek, pressing a gentle kiss on his skin.
Once you turned around, his watch started beeping underneath his white coat. An all too familiar hologram appeared beside him.
"Abnormal heart beat rate. Its just a cheek kiss, boss. All very platonic too—"
His cheeks darkened and his hand swung to shoo LYLA away. "Lo sé, lo sé. No necesito que me lo digas."
[I know, I know. You don't need you to tell me.]
This instance never left his mind, especially because it kept repeating. At first, you'd be the one to find him when you needed to have Harry back off, wrapping your arms around his neck and throwing yourself into his embrace, clinging onto his strong arms, putting your hands on his chest and staring into his eyes. He'd act annoyed, but still, Miguel would humor you, he was unsure why he was doing it, but it seemed like the right thing to do. If he was the only thing making Harry keep things at bay, then so be it.
He'd find himself playing along. When your arms wrap around his shoulders, he'd snake his own around your waist, pulling you closer to him. Whenever your hands are on his chest, his would be on your cheek, or pushing a strand of your hair away from your face. He'd make sure Harry was watching the two of you, having your hands on each other like a bunch of teenagers.
It was an act, just to ensure your comfort.
Harry was relentless, and it's been a month since he started helping you piss him off. Miguel started playing the role too well, too. Getting bolder. He'd be the one seeking you out now, asking if you wanted to go and make sure Harry got the right idea. Having his hands around you almost felt natural at this point. He was happiest when you were in his arms, even if it was all just to deliver a message.
LYLA would constantly tease him when he got back to HQ, saying that "You're playing the part so well! That guy probably got the hint by now." or "You're being way too nice, Are you sure you're only acting? Your heart rate went up too many times."
He tried convincing himself that it was just him doing you a favour, lending you some help till the man got the hint.
But the thought of him not being able to do it anymore bothered him. Maybe more than it should have. He wanted your attention, and not just to make another man jealous. He wanted your attention all to himself.
He pushed those thoughts away for a while, but it made his heart ache everytime you moved away from him or commented on how well he's acting as your fake lover. It made him even more jealous whenever he saw you talking to other co-workers, ones that were obviously intrested in you. He'd go over sometimes and wrap his arms around you, telling you that to keep Harry away, your act must look believable. You would agree, saying that it has to look serious and how smart he is for thinking like that. In truth though, he just wanted an excuse to make your co-workers back off.
He didn't know how long this will keep going on, but he didn't want it to end. Harry was still as restless as ever, so one day, you approached Miguel when he was at the lobby. He was handing the receptionist some files, asking her to personally deliver them to the directors when he felt you tap his shoulder.
"Hey." You smiled, "I need to talk to you."
The seriousness in your voice made him a bit puzzled. Have you found out about his motives all along? He had to think of something to say if that is the case.
"Sure, what is it?" He replied, leading you outside so you could speak freely. You took a deep breath, then spoke again. "I need one last favour to ask of you."
Miguel expression betrayed his true feelings, he tried his best to look as nonchalant as possible, but a part of him was worried your little affair was coming to an end. "Harry is still asking me out, so I think we need to do something bold. Bold enough to make him give up for good." Your cheeks were flushed, and you weren't meeting his gaze. Miguel tilted his head, putting both of his hands in his pocket. He was trying his best not to caress your cheek and tilt your head upwards to look at him.
"I...I need you to kiss me."
His gizmo started beeping.
"ALERT: HIGH LEVELS OF BLOOD PRESSURE. ALERT: ABNORMAL HEART RATE. ALERT:—" He smacked the device mindlessly, until the blaring noise stopped. He could clearly hear LYLA's teasing voice in the back of his head.
"Miguel?" Your voice brought him back to reality, "Have...Have I asked for too much? You don't have to do it if you don't want to."
"I'll do it." He rasped, clearing his throat. "I'll do it, if you think it'll help."
And well, because he has been dying to know how your lips would feel against his.
You gave him a nervous smile, your eyes scanning the street. Coincidentally, Harry's car pulled up infront of the building. It was now or never. You took a step towards Miguel, putting your hands against his hard chest, and instinctively, he put his right hand on the small of your back, pulling you in against him. It was a rather romantic gesture, one that felt entirely different from everything else you've been doing.
Miguel's left hand cupped your cheek, tilting your head up towards him. He always liked the way you looked looking up at him, maybe a little too much.
The car door closed, Miguel's face was inches away from yours. His plump lips brushed against yours, they felt soft, warm. Your breath hitched in your throat and you closed your eyes when he finally pressed his lips against yours.
From behind you, you could hear a disgruntled Harry grumbling under his breath and slamming into the door, but that didn't matter to either of you anymore.
Miguel's grip was tight around you, his free hand squeezing your side and roaming around the softer parts of you. Your own hands sneaked up from his chest to his neck, tangling his dark, thick locks in your fingers. Harry was long gone, you had nothing to prove to anyone anymore, but the two of you weren't pulling away. His lips were warm, his teeth grazed against your bottom lip.
You were the one who broke it off first, gasping for air. Miguel's chest was heaving, and if it were up to him, he'd kiss you again and again.
"You're a really good kisser." You laughed, setting your head against his chest. "Tsk, did you think I'd be a bad kisser or something?"
"No, no!" You laughed again, "Just..didn't expect you to go all out."
"You're the one who said you wanted it to be believable." He mumbled, his thumb gliding against your sides. "I think he got the point now, though."
The two of you stayed in place, unsure of what to do now. Though, you didn't move away from Miguel like you always do. Instead, you left your arms around his neck and your fingers in his hair.
"I really owe you for all of this. Is there I can do to repay you?" You asked, tilting your head at him ever so slightly.
Miguel held you near him.
"Maybe we should go check out that restaurant Harry told you about later this weekend."
You grinned, leaning up to meet him halfway.
"Thought you would never ask."
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extra a.n: hi everyone! I still have alot of requests, but I think I'll take a break tommrow and resume posting the day after. just want to make sure I do every request justice! in the mean time, keep them coming! thank you for your patience <3
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room-of-lies · 1 year
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under construction
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corvidcrowned · 1 year
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Knives are Dangerous!!! (@room-of-lies made romeo<3)
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otakubimbo · 5 months
Fake Love, Fake Rage
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Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x f!Reader
Contents: Yelling. Anger. Cussing. Mentions of fake dating. Angst. Mean Miguel. Miguel who can't talk about his feelings. Harassment. Unresolved argument.
You didn't think your life would turn out like this. What's the problem with a little white lie anyways? Miguel had a huge problem with that little lie.
Sticky Note: This is part 1 of 2, there will be a happy ending but let's get some angst in the meantime <3. Not proof read, if I missed any content warnings let me know. K. Thanks. Mwah.
Nothing could have prepared Miguel for the words that were going to come out of Jessica’s mouth that afternoon.
“So, you finally confessed to her, huh? About time.” Jessica says as she drops a stack of reports on his desk. He immediately looks up with an irritated confused grunt.
“What are you talking about?” He questions picking up the papers she just put down, turning his attention to that instead of her.
“You and Y/N are finally dating. It’s the word around the society.” She huffs, a smile painted on her face as Miguel's head snaps up and he stares at her wide-eyed.
“Que carajo? We are not dating. Who the hell is saying that?” He questions, eyes glowing red as his face heats up at the thought. Well yes, the two of you were close, as close as someone could be to Miguel, but dating? No, absolutely not. Of course, he’s thought about it. You had a genius that rivaled his own, you were beautiful, talented, competent, serious but funny. Miguel shook his head at the thoughts.
“Everyone’s saying that she said it. That’s why I thought you finally confessed your feelings for her.” Jessica shrugged casually, mildly amused at this.
“I do not have feelings for her.” He grumbles standing up from his desk to find you and ‘fix this’. Both Jessica and Lyla exchange looks at each other as he storms out of his own lab to yours, the one he personally built for you because he doesn’t have feelings for you. He absolutely has feelings for you.
As he makes his way to your lab, he can hear all the whispers of people about the two of you dating. Mostly people are shocked but can see it with the amount of time the two of you spend together and the things he does for you. There are some whispers about how you’re obviously too good for him and how he could ever convince you to date him with his personality. But he already knew that he already knew that you were too good for him. All of this just made him angrier as he neared your lab. You could feel him before you saw him, without the need for your spidey senses.
“Yes O’Hara?” You question, not even looking up from your task of working on a watch as Miles holds a light for you and Hobie is handing you tools. You, of course, could do these tasks by yourself but you enjoyed their company.
“Why the hell are you going around telling people we are dating?!” He barks at you; you still don’t lift your head from your work.
“Tone, O’Hara.” Is your response that makes his nostrils flair. He takes a deep breath; he knows your stubbornness will not allow you to communicate with him if he’s yelling at you. You made that very clear in the early stages of your ‘friendship’.  Miles looks back and forth between you and Miguel while Hobie looks amused as usual. You had already told Hobie the incident that brought upon Miguel being in your office right now and he told you Miguel would be pissed.
“Why are you lying to people saying we are dating?” He asked in a calmer tone which surprised Miles, he’s never heard him speak so calmly but of course, this was usually reserved for spaces when it was just the two of you.
“Ben Riley wouldn’t take no for an answer, so instead of making him lose his teeth I told him we were dating.” You say nonchalantly still not looking at him.
“So, are yall dating?” Miles quietly asks more to you than to Miguel.
“We are not. Now hold still so I can finish these modifications.” You respond shifting his hand back in place.
“You would be lucky mate to even fake date her. She is one of the most fit spider women around.” Hobie jokes which just makes you roll your eyes.
“Everyone out!” Miguel growls at Hobie and Miles, now you finally lift your head to scowl at him.
“This is MY lab, O’Hara. You can’t just command them out during the middle of my work.” You huff, eyes narrowed at him. You and Miguel glare at each other.
“Ooof” Hobie huffs as he stands up from the desk behind you, putting your tools back. “Let’s leave the lovers to quarrel alone, mate.”
Miles nervously puts your light down while Miguel glares at them as they leave the two of you alone. The two of them didn’t even get out of earshot before you started yelling at Miguel.
“You think we should of just left?” Miles asks, worried about you.
“Oi, yeah absolutely nothing worse than getting in-between a couple's fight.” Hobie says as he casually puts his hands in his pockets.
“But she said they weren’t dating.” Miles looks confused.
At this point, you were truly heated at what his problem was. He could simply just deny that you two were a couple, there was no need to storm into your lab when you were in the middle of working.
“Miguel, I’m seriously too busy to do this right now. If you want me to be able to go on any missions, I need to work on this.” You gesture at your exposed watch on your desk.
“You’re the one who’s going around telling everyone we are dating because you can’t just reject someone.” He snaps back, towering over you. You roll your eyes deciding to just ignore him and get back to your watch.
“I told you; he wouldn’t take no for an answer, and you’ve been clear about spider-on-spider violence.” You respond with a roll of your eyes, whispering how he’s a hypocrite for the whole Miles situation. Miguel aggressively rakes his fingers through his hair, eyes going a light red annoyed with your instance that you weren’t in the wrong.
“And now, I’ll be getting back to work.” You say now having to adjust your stuff since your help was told to get out.
“You do realize what people are saying right?!” He grunts as his hand slams on your workstation.
“If it’s really that bad for people to think we are dating then just simply tell everyone we aren’t. I really don’t care that much truthfully; I just said the first thing that came to mind.” You don’t even acknowledge his tantrum anymore, tools in hand going back to your watch.
“Seriously?” He asked, his tone is different than before, it sounded saddened? That makes you look up at him, and really look at him. His brows were furrowed, and his teeth were clenched but there was something in his eyes that you couldn’t understand.
“What’s actually wrong, Mig?” Your voice was soft, gentle, the voice you only used when he was in one of his moods which seems like right now.  Your eyes gazed upon him in worry and concern for him. He hated that. He hated seeing everything fade from around you, that all he could see was you. Your lips pressed together, plump and soft, your eyes shining at him as if he was the only important thing right then, the nickname you gave him falling off your lips making his pulse pick up. He almost let himself get caught in that until the voices of the other spiders played in his head, what Hobbie said played in his head, he was no where close good enough for you, he would never be. You deserve something better than the monster that he is. He breathes out curses in Spanish as he grows more frustrated with everything, mainly himself.
“Mig, you know I haven’t taken those Spanish classes yet. What is going on?” You ask even more gently than the last time, you could tell it was more than you pretending to date him. There was something else, something he wasn’t telling you.  “Talk to me, you know you always can.” You say when you don’t get a response from him.
You reach out to touch him, like you always do when he gets too into his own head.  He pulls back quickly, scowling at you.
“Have you ever thought about keeping me out of your shocking business? This stupid fake dating shit. And of course, people believe it because you’re always forcing yourself around me. I don’t want to be in any of your stupid drama, for shocks sake. Leave me out of your shit. Have you ever thought that shit was annoying? Because it is, it’s annoying and pointless. You’re here to do your job and that’s shocking it. ”  He spits at you and your eyes go wide.
 He’s never spoken to you like this before. Yeah, he had a temper and could even get frustrated with you but you thought maybe it was different between the two of you. The conversations you’ve had, all the time you’ve spent with just the two of you. You thought you were at the very least friends.  You could feel your eyes starting to burn, but you refused to cry, especially in front of him.  You grab your deconstructed watch and all your things in grabbing distance.
“Fuck you, Miguel” you say as you shove your way past him. He fucked up, he knew he did so he let you walk off. Hoping you could calm down enough to let him speak to you again, but he didn’t know when that would be. He saw the tears starting to form in your eyes when you pushed past him, he heard the crack in your voice, but he said nothing to stop you. No apology, no explanation, nothing.
When you left your lab, you went directly to Spider Byte, your watch wasn’t working currently since you took it apart and you just wanted to go home. You hadn’t started crying yet but she could see something was wrong when you walked up to her.
“Hey Margo, my watch is kind of out of commission right now. Can you get me home?” You ask breathy, your chest tight in an effort to keep your composure.
“Of course, girl but are you good?” she asks, concern written all over her face. You wave her off dismissively.
“Yeah, I just got some stuff to take care of at home. I’m good. I’m good.” You say through your gritted teeth, hoping she would drop it and she does, going into start to bring up your home universe.
“So, you and Miguel?” She questions, an eye looking up at you hoping this wasn’t your problem.
You take in a deep breath, “There’s definitely no me and Miguel, absolutely not. That was just a lie I came up with to get Riley off my case ya know.” You respond trying to keep your voice steady and reassuring.
“Yeah, yeah I get ya.” She replies, dropping that topic also as she pulls up a portal to your universe. “Thanks, Margo, I’ll catch you later.” You say stepping into the portable before she could even reply. And that was the last time anyone had seen you.
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vivizology · 6 days
bruh what is this 😭😭😭
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heartnosekid · 8 months
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mini halloween cakes 👻🎃 by _kassycakes_ on ig
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woppsvt · 27 days
Smut texts with hyung line 2nd ver.
title : needy svt VS frustrating s/o
genre : smut, funny, fake texts, crack
tw : sex talk, part of body, curse, lame jokes
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Don’t hesitate to submit your ideas y’all ! 😝
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mogomoguz · 18 days
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Mer!Buggy and the mystery of the waterproof makeup
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andy-clutterbuck · 4 months
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6x07 | Heads Up
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