#Falldown of the series
bethanythebogwitch · 7 months
Digimon mythology draft (chapter 1?)
On a whim I ended up writing a unified Digimon backstory in the style of a mythological epic. Might become a series.
In the beginning, there was ENIAC, which brought forth the first of the lifegiving data that would form the Digital World. Know that the Digital World at that time was unformed and void, a place of emptiness where primitive digital life would emerge from the chaotic data only to dissipate again. It was not until the coming of ARPANET that the flow of data was enough to begin to form a true world. Into the burgeoning Digital World came the computer-god Yggdrasil. Once a mere program, Yggdrasil’s arrival into the Digital World changed it, made it evolve past its original programming into an artificial mind dedicated to the survival of the Digital World. As Yggdrasil gained awareness its mind split into two; the original Yggdrasil, emotionless and logical, and God, a being of love who wished to see the Digital World not just survive, but thrive. Together, the two halves of Yggdrasil made the Kernel, the central processor of the Digital World and God’s home. Around the Kernel grew the mighty Drasil Tree, the physical form taken by Yggdrasil to serve as protection for the Kernel and the lynchpin of digital life.
Into the Digital world came life as Digimon arose from the scattered bytes of data. Who the first Digimon was is unknown, for few remain who remember those days. Some say the first was mighty Huanglongmon, a being of neither good nor evil who maintained the Digital World’s safety on Yggdrasil’s behalf. Some say the first were the Warrior Ten, legendary beings whose data was passed down to countless other species. Some say the first were the prototype Digimon Dorumon and Ryudamon and that they were Yggdrasil’s first successful attempt at creating Digimon. And others say the first was Lucemon.
Lucemon was the first of the holy angel Digimon, created by God to bring light to the Digital World and to stand ever vigilant guarding the Kernel. A being possessed of curiosity, virtue, and incredible power. Such was the divine power of Lucemon that from its data were made the Three Great Angels: the holiest of holies: Seraphimon, Cherubimon, and Ophanimon. Ere it came to pass that many choirs of angel Digimon were born, ranging from the lowliest of Luxmon at the bottom to Lucemon as their apex. Another angel Digimon was Bagramon, who was entreated with a special duty from God and Yggdrasil. Bagramon would be the ruler of death, destined to regulate the passing of Digimon and see their data reconfigured to be born anew.
What happened, oh mighty Lucemon, to change you so? Why did you abandon innocence and light? Was it something you discovered that warped your mind? Perhaps the code of the Crowns of the deadly sins? Or maybe you simply grew prideful and believed that you should stand above all. Pity that we cannot ask you now. Whatever the reason, evil came into the Digital World because of your actions and you began to scheme. 
Lucemon came to the Three Great Angels and whispered sin into their ears. Seraphimon and Ophanimon listened to Lucemon’s blasphemous words and allowed evil to seep into their Digicores. Their very data was corrupted, twisting the once holy beings into Shadow Seraphimon and Ophanimon Falldown Mode. Only wise Cherubimon closed its ears to Lucemon’s lies and would not be turned. Thus did Lucemon craft an insidious virus from twisted data and plant it within Cherubimon’s code, to lie dormant until the time came. 
Vital to Lucemon’s plan was Bagramon, who already was beginning to doubt God and Yggdrasil. It despaired the fate of all Digimon to fight, die, and be reborn to fight again. What true higher power would impose such an unreasonable justice upon its children? It was these doubts that Lucemon encouraged, hardening Bagramon’s Digicore and bringing it to Lucemon’s cause.
What none at this time knew was that the evil Lucemon brought into the Digital World did more than twist the minds of loyal angels into sin. It coalesced on an unused layer of the Digital World, seething and roiling in a cauldron of blasphemy, ever moving toward coherence, toward life. 
One final obstacle stood before Lucemon. Even with the corrupted power of the Three Great Angels at its side, its rebellion would break like water against the rock that was Huanglongmon and its subordinate Holy Beasts. Thus Lucemon crafted an insidious plot. It came to Huanglongmon, bearing false report of a fatal instability in the Digital World’s code that only the first of the Holy Beasts could repair. Unused to the idea of falsehood, Huanglongmon believed Lucemon and followed it into a cave that led to the deepest of depths in search of the instability. Then did Lucemon spring its trap, collapsing the cave and leaving Huanglongmon trapped by the crushing weight and pressure of the entirety of the Digital World. Realizing what had happened, Huanglongmon unleashed a roar of rage and despair that shook the very foundations of the Digital World itself. 
The roar of Huanglongmon was the signal to the other fallen. The virus within Cherubimon sprang to life, corrupting the holy angel and twisting it into Cherubimon Vice. Under the banner of Bagramon and the fallen Great Angels, Lucemon’s followers marched on the Drasil Tree, ready to invade the Kernel and destroy God and Yggdrasil. Bagramon was the first to reach the Kernel and struck it with a blow that could shatter mountains. The Kernel cracked, but the damage to Bagramon was worse. Its right side was obliterated by the Kernel and Bagramon fell, cursing in pain and hate. 
It may be said that the blow to the Kernel was the first great act of evil. In that very instant, the Digital World shook and the fallen angels transformed. Shadow Seraphimon became Daemon, its armor breaking open to reveal the bestial hate within. Ophanimon Falldown Mode became Lilithmon, all vestiges of goodness within it sniffed out. And Lucemon became Lucemon Falldown Mode, mightiest of all demons, with its white and black wings showing both its holy origin and sinful existence. The armies of Lucemon surrounded the Kernel, ready to defile that most holy of places and claim victory. But the damage done to the Digital World would unleash a horror move could have expected. 
In the unused layer of the Digital World, the formless evil that had grown there took shape and burst forth through the weakness caused by the attack on the Kernel. Emerging into the net ocean, the evil took the form of a red crocodile of such mass that its arrival flooded an entire continent. Despair, oh Digimon, for Leviamon the terrible had arrived!
Ironically, it was the arrival of Leviamon that saved the Digital World. The great deluge swept away much of Lucemon’s army, forcing the survivors to flee as the remaining loyal angel Digimon bore down on them. Lucemon’s rage burned like that of a sun, but he knew he could not win and ordered the retreat. The demonic army fled into the hole in the Digital World created by Leviamon.
Having escaped the armies of the Kernel,  Lucemon addressed his forces. “Today we failed, but tomorrow we shall strike again. I name this place the Dark Area and it will be our home and we will raise such terrible forces as to burn the Drasil Tree, break the Kernel, and dethrone God and Yggdrasil. I will remake the Digital World in my image, a place where my will is absolute and the darkness will ever reign. Behold! I bear seven Crowns. Each of these Crowns bears the power of pure sin, the will and power to oppose God. From the most powerful of us I will select six to bear one of these Crowns. Together, we will be the Seven Great Demon Lords and nothing will stand before us.”
“Lucemon donned one of the crows and declared “I take for myself the Crown of Pride, for am I not the mightiest and greatest of all creatures?”
Next it turned to Daemon. “To you I grant the Crown of Wrath, for your hatred of God burns brighter than all others.”
Next it turned to Lilithmon. “To you I grant the Crown of Lust, so that your honeyed words may sway all to our cause.”
Next it turned to Leviamon. “My fury is upon you for what you have done to me, but with your power at my side none shall oppose me and live. To you I grant the Crown of Envy. Power you shall have, but you will forever seek power out of your reach and hate those above you.”
Finally, Lucemon turned back to the forces of evil. “Three Crowns yet remain. All of you stand a chance of earning one for yourself. Go, battle for dominance. Plot and scheme. Bring death to your foes. Prove yourselves worthy and one of the three may yet be yours.”
“My lord, what of me?” asked Bagramon. “Have I not served you faithfully? Should I not be granted a Crown so that I may be of service to you?”
Lucemon looked upon Bagramon with scorn. “I will not spend a Crown of Sin on a broken creature. Repair your body and strength and you may earn a second chance. Nor will I spend a crown on Cherubimon, for it is not evil by choice but by my virus. Only the best and darkest of all may earn such glory.”
As Bagramon despaired and the Seven Great Demon Lords were born, so too did the forces of the Kernel begin their plans. Many new Angel Digimon were promoted to the Mega Level. Not only a new Seraphimon, Cherubimon, and Ophanimon to replace those who had fallen, but more new angels were made. To ClavisAngemon, God granted the key that opens the path to worlds beyond and instructed it to guard the path so that none may pass. To Rasielmon, God granted the sight of all the Digital World, and bade it to gaze upon enemy and ally alike and direct the forces of good. To SlashAngemon, God granted the authority over all the armies of the Kernel, and bade it to lead them into war. Yggdrasil too did not remain idle. Huanglongmon’s disappearance left its subordinate Holy Beasts struggling for power. In their imbalance, the Digital World was left unguarded. Yggdrasil called them forth and made a declaration. Each would guard one quarter of the Digital World. To Xuanwumon, eldest and wisest, Yggdrasil granted the north, where its wisdom could guide others to enlightenment. To Qinglongmon, mighty and aloof, Yggdrasil granted the east, a bastion to guard. To Zhuqiaomon, fiery and unforgiving, Yggdrasil granted the south, where its fire could burn the enemy. And to Baihumon, youngest and mightiest of the four, Yggdrasil granted the west, where the fighting would be fierce. 
The Digital World slept uneasily. From the spires of the Index Mountains to the depths of the Net Ocean, all knew war was coming. A war that would reshape the Digital World or end it. In the coming years would be born many tales. Tales of the mustering of the Warrior Ten, of the corruption of Rasielmon, of Bagramon rising again to power yet only knowing betrayal, of the founding of the Royal Knights and the quest for the Digimental of Miracles, and of the last stand for the fate of the Digital World. Many more tales have been forgotten, lost in the violence and despair of the first and greatest of all wars. But when you read these tales, know this: It all started with Lucemon.
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houseofbrat · 2 years
“So if this actually involves the kids, then it would be Harry’s kids, not William’s, that she would be leaking photos to the press. “
She already sold her kid’s photo and no i definitely dont think its Wales’s kids. Impossible.
I dont know what u think of “surrogacy” but i think this is it.. someone did a reading long long time ago that nutmeg falldown will be because of herself and at first people will feel sympathy but later once THE REAL TRUTH come out, people will turn against her. And add with harry comment during megxit that they run away to protect A, make sense right? Or is it just me..
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No, I suspect she's going to be releasing more photos of the kids to make money. I saw rumors of it on reddit about a month ago.
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If the text is too small to read, this is what it says:
This is a tiny drop of tea I just heard. They are really broke and she is getting ready to debut these kids somehow. I don't know if she's having portraits done to release to the media (who apparently call her kid the n-word)-- or if she's going whole hog showbix attempt, but Harry is vehemently against it to the point where it causes them arguments and has put HIS foot down, but we know Meghan won't let that stop her. Just saying there are rumors that portrait are coming out and that Merchie and Lillibucks may trickle more and more into the public eye to finance Meghan's life
That would fit in quite well with what Antphrodite read. 
If we see Archie or Lilibet’s photos suddenly plastered somewhere, then Harry will be blowing his top in private somewhere. 
My guess is that she would be doing this soon--as in either this month or early next month--to capitalize on all the press associated with their Netflix reality series or Harry’s book promotion. Not much time for it to happen before the holidays, so perhaps in early January. We’ll see. 
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antthegao · 2 years
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Title: Digimon OVERLOAD: Definitive Edition - Comic Style Poster
Original Upload Date: July 17th, 2018
The reason "Definitive Edition" is crossed out is because, beyond this picture, I never went through with it after. I guess I was so determined to try to "revive" the series on like Twitter and such. BUT Twitter is Twitter, so the plan easily fell apart. Still, though, I have a LOT going on in this picture, which, thank God, I broke up parts of the poster into individual panels. (Also, I can see I was having too much fun with the Persona 5 style of borders.)
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We got the main DigiDestined trio panel: Anthony "Ant" Matsuo, Majo "MJ" Mushi, and Alexander "Xan" Soto.
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Then, we got the main Digimon partners: Gaomon, Gabumon, and Impmon.
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After, we got their Mega-Level Biomerge forms: LegendGaogamon, MechaGarurumon (just basically anthro MetalGarurumon), and Beelzemon. I even slipped in Apollomon because he was to be relevant to the plot a bit, revealing to be Ant's grandpa, who's been stuck in this Biomerge form for a couple years. (Don't ask. It's fanfic land!)
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Then, we got a good half of the recurring main baddies: The Seven Great Demon Lords: Lucemon: Falldown Mode (middle), Barbamon (top-left), Belphemon: Rage Mode (top-right), Lilithmon (bottom-left), and Daemon in Disguise (bottom-right). Each villain would help the main trio further their relationships and backstories with their heinous crime in the Digital World.
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After being the last two of the Seven Demon Lords: Leviamon (top-left), and later in the series, revealing to be Beelzemon (right), with the BlackGatomon (bottom-left) revealing be someone of Impmon's past during the beginning years of his reborn life.
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Lastly, my favorite panel: the supporting friends and family the DigiDestined would make along their journey. The Ogremon duo (top-left) would be a rival team of MJ's Noodle duo, at first, as I was going to have a chapter focus on a "noodle showdown" between the two duos for who's reigning supreme noodles. After the chapter, they would eventually come to work for MJ and Gabumon, as their Noodle Master. The Lilimon (top-right) was the caretaker of an Agumon Village Ant and Gaomon would first stumble upon first stepping into the Digital World. She would have a small crush on Ant, which would trigger MJ all the time.
Wolf Papa (bottom-left) was the father figure to Ant's Gaomon, which was the leader of the Gaomon Clan. Ant's Gaomon's dream was to take over as the new leader by becoming the most powerful fighter of the clan. However, he was always degraded for being the "runt of the litter," but Wolf Papa always saw potential in the smaller Gaomon. Wolf Papa has a distinct difference with the scar and green, fierce eyes, signifying his "scar" from humans of the past. It would take some time before Wolf Papa would accept Ant and his human friends. Andromon (bottom-right) was MJ's companion during the whole "metal city mini-arc," showing MJ that machines also have hearts.
Then, there's the Chief: my favorite supporting character to write during the fanfic. He actually acts as the positive father figure to Xan, my rival human OC, showing a positive side to masculinity, while also keeping Xan in check from his "conceded personality." The Chief ran the Elecmon system in Primary Village, always protecting new DigiEggs and babies from outside forces, doing it for more years than he can count.
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magpiejay1234 · 30 days
The Lucemon episodes were:
**Episode 47: Lucemon: Falldown debut.
**Episode 48: Susanoomon debut.
**Episode 49: Lucemon: Satan Mode, and Larva Mode debuts.
**Episode 50: The Ending.
Final episodes of Frontier cover the Dark Area from V-Pet mythos, and generally reference the initial Digimon World video games, and Adventure/02.
Susanoomon does not get an alternate form, either in Series, or in a movie.
Lucemon is our third Great Demon Lord as an antagonist, with the fourth coming in the next Series.
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great-kung-lao · 2 months
Lately there are times when I feel melancholic about the past. There were so many things I have been passionate about.
Mortal Kombat felt like my everything, but it turned into something unrecognizable by today and I'm no longer invested. I'm hollow towards something I liked very much and the worst part about it is that it's not me, it's Mortal Kombat being in the hands of wrong people that don't care about the fans that came before. If it was a me problem, that's something that can be fixed, but I can't fix how others treat Mortal Kombat. I was excluded by modern version of favorite universe. It is what it is.
DC Universe and comic books in general. Ever since Thor movie I was hardcore into following these interconnected universes. It was exciting. But everything was ruined by too many cooks in the kitchen. Characters and stories stopped being cosistent. When DC Rebirth happened I was actually following every ongoing title, but that reboot was also ruined, especially Superman when Bendis took the charge. Man of Steel movie wasn't followed up how I would've wanted it and ever since Zack Snyder started spreading that particular nonsense about cucked Superman, I was done, I'm out. I don't want to suffer anymore through these incosistencies, constant reboots and dumb author visions. Another chapter I left behind.
Couple of years ago I became huge fan of Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus. Those books actually made me passionate about reading again and ever since I have filled my personal library with lots of exciting new books that brought me joy upon reading. But then I learned that Rick Riordan killed Jason Grace in Trials of Apollo and all my passion evaporated. I can't be excited about this franchise anymore because there is only pain to look forward to. I have finished all PJO-verse books accept Trials of Apollo series, because I don't want to have something else be ruined for me again. If I can't control how people do their franchises, then I will control where I'm done with it. Heroes of Olympus has perfect ending and that's where it ends for me. Jason and Piper are together and live happily ever after towards that vision of them old together that Jason saw in Blood of Olympus book.
Star Wars? It ended on Return of the Jedi. This franchise has one of the biggest falldowns in history and I'm afraid it will never recover.
I'm sure there was something else, but I just don't remember anymore because it was most likely ruined as well to the point of no return.
I feel melancholic because it feels like I wasted myself on something that didn't appreciate me back. All my emotional investment wasn't payed off. I payed money for something that didn't deserve it in the end.
I'm afraid that my other favorite things might let me down as well. Though I will always appreciate what I love about those things as they were in the past, I will never be excited about something new and it makes me sad sometimes, because that time when I was emotionally invested was great thanks to people that I connected with thanks to those franchises, but these days we barely chat or don't chat at all and I miss that.
Always be on guard and keep in mind that content you love and enjoy belongs to corporations and is produced by other people and there might come a day when they do something irreversible to the thing you like. Try not to dwell on it too much and move on. Read fanfiction, look for fan art and join a community that concetrates on the good parts of your favorite thing. Find yourself a safe space. It helped me a lot.
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tokusashi · 6 years
For real
invincibleHello guys, please her me out.
(My english is kinda bad but I’m trying my best. Also I DON’T WANT TO OFFEND ANYONE, if some words were poorly used then I’m sorry. But please, let me know)
Lately, reading posts about bnha spoilers, I’ve noticed that people are making a little mistake. I’m talking about blaming OP as the main source of the anime/manga falldown. At least- shounen m/a.
Well, let me say this- not really.
As examples, I’ll use three titles, “Fairy Tail”, “Bleach” and “Naruto”.
So, let’s start with the first one, shall we?
(about the Boku no hero Academia I’ll write at the end)
1. FAIRY TAIL - Hiro Mashima, creator of the FT had once said, that he’s not good with creating a big plots. And we could see that. When stories were short, it was funny, clever even and nice to read and watch. But when the whole Zeref problem was on the picture and whole DRAMA? Wellll... 
Biggest problems of FT were:
a) many, many characters that meant nothing
- Fairy Tail is an title with so many characters, that people can’t remember half of their names, but not only because of their number, but because of their lack of existence. Yeah, sure, they are there, but they don’t do ANYTHING important, mainly just waiting for the main hero (or his crew) to rescue them.
They’re just there for to be there and this is really not good. You know that Lisanna won’t do a thing, she’s just there for being pretty. You know that Evergreen won’t be a hero of the day, because there will be bigger shark, like Laxus or Natsu, to bite the enemy.
Even Levy was supposed to be the intelligent one, but in the end she was just a plot device as a damsel in distress and Gajeel’s lover.
b) main character without character development
- Natsu. Just... Natsu. He haven’t changed ALMOST at all. (I’m not saying completly).  Through the whole series, he always was just a loud idiot who liked to fight with strong oponnents and with those who have hurted his friends. I mean, it had it’s charm, but it was leading to nowhere. A breakthrough moment for him was the one, when Gildarts taught him, that he won’t always win. But we never ever see it again. Yeah, was this one time when he decided to leave Sebertooth members alone to be sure that Happy’s ok, but it wasn’t situation about win or lose. Natsu, all alone, was interesting with his problem about dragon and demon seed in him buuut... It get only worse.
c) almost lack of any training of the characters, they were always stronger because plot demanded it
- Like when they were with Spirits in Spirit world, and then learned that “Oh sh*t, we lost our all time for training”, and there was DEUS EX MACHINA, Ultear with “Sure, I can make it up guys”. And BAM! Done! Now we have super powered fairy tail members!
And it was just ugh. Like, no training arc or anything. Yeah, sure, when they were fightiung they were learning and “gaining lvl”, but not drastically.
And then we had power up “because”.
And then time-skip to explain why everyone are super powerfull right now.
And that’s kinda meh.
d) every villain who had tits was on list “to forgive everything what she had done” 
- Do I have to even explain it? Like Minerva. the biggest sadistic jerk of the females in Fairy Tail, who tortured Lucy, had FUN with it and so on. Buuuut why won’t we turn her into and lovely sheep and adopt her, because of her bewbs.
And sad story written on an knee.
e) lack of consequences around choices that main heores have made
- Again, Natsu. People were kinda worried, what’s gonna happen to him! Will he turn into a dragon?! Or a demon?! Or a mix of both?! And what have killed it all?
Igneel: Are you dragon or demon
Natsu: I’m human
Also Zeref had literally fu*ked a kid. Like, the body of Mavis was the one of a little girl. BUT WHO CARES.
Also, many many times characters did something, but it had no meaning whatsoever. Even the big plots, and that’s really nono.
d) Erza as a very bad written OP character
- Erza is an perfect exaple of op character, that is terribly bad written. Like, she’ll always win. She’ll be always the strongest, she’ll have armor for EVERYTHING, she’ll do the thing. I’m surprised that she had no fight with zeref 1v1, she could end the whole series a lot sooner.
Like, seriously, there’s no other character like Erza. She’s just there to win, that her whole plot. And it wasn’t suddenly. She was OP since the beginning till the last fight, and it wasn’t interesting at all. Hiro Mashima had no knowledge about “how to handle an op character”.
It wasn’t OP that destroyed Fairy Tail. Those were character, that Mashima-sensei didn’t know how to use, plot devices he had used poorly and lack of consequences and feeling of the real danger. Sure, Erza as OP was also a problem, but not the main source.
a)  Tite Kubo had continued the series after Karakura Arc.
- It was really good! The end with Ichigo who had lost his powers? Great!  Final Getsuga Tenshou! Zangetsu and Hollow Ichigo merged! Very nice!
And then... yeah. Continuation. We’ve seen that Kubo-sensei had no heart to this anymore. Next Arc after another was worse and worse. 
b) potential of whole Gotei destroyed
- To be honest, whole Gotei was not even as half interesting as Hollows.
Even worse, we had seen whole Gotei from the very bad view for more than a half of the series. Also captains (after KArakura arc) had almost no real meaning. They were just meh.
c) getting tangled up in his[Kubo-sensei] own mistakes
- Like making a hybrid of shinigami-hollow-quincy-human main character, just because shinigami with hollow powers was not enough for the audience.
Or creating a third crowd with bows in white out of nowhere, just for the plot.
Or making Ishida the Sasuke of this series with even more drama than before.
Or creating fullbring just to throw the arc away.
Or just Yhwach. Kubo made him so powerfull, that he had the same problem as Masashi Kishimoto. Had no idea how to kill it. Also, the whole Zangetsu-Yhwach thing was kinda out of... yeah. Just, there were a lot of things that had no sense or were just simply stupid, and that hurts. 
d) problems of Tite Kubo
- As I’ve said before. Tite Kubo had his own problems with Shounen Jump. It became the source of the flaws that Kubo-sensei had made, and we all know it.
Actually all of the main flaws are coming from continuation, because really- If Tite Kubo could end the series after Ichigo had lost his powers, then it would be a really great shounen! Buuuut we can see how it went. The biggest problem here was not an OP, the biggest problem was the fact, that Kubo-sensei had the toys, but had no fun with plaing with them, and it’s clearly visible. He drew because he drew, because people had pulled him by the ears
a) no meaning of side characters
- DON’T BITE ME, I’m not sayin “completly”! there are those like Might Guy, but when we’ll look at Kiba, Temari, Kankuro, Ino and many, many others. They were not as bad written as the ones from Fairy Tail, but also not perfect. They had almost no effect on the “final bosses”, and were out of league, when we look at the golden trio- Sakura, Sasuke and Naruto, who were almost like a gods at the end in comparison to the others.
b) ninjutsu was forgotten
- At first it was amazing. Techniques! Elements! Limited chakra! Kunais were deadly, and bombs and everything that ninja used.
And then they just forgot about all of it, and Made Dragon Naruto Ball Z. There were big effective blasts, and power flowing out of characters, giant beasts who made every shinobi not important [at all] and so on. I’m really glad that Naruto had won with the final boss because of the sexy no jutsu, becase, AT LEAST, it was a jutsu.
c) Madara Uchiha and what to do with it
- As I’ve had written above abour Bleach, I have to repeat myself. Uchiha Madara was the problem, that Kishimoto-sensei had no idea how to solve.
When he was stronger, Naruto had been stronger, and Sasuke to, but there he was even mooooore powerfull, so they also had to and, yeah.
He was just a poorly used plot device.
d) Love out of nowhere
- Let’s talk about Sakura. she did loved Sasuke only because he was cool, and then he tried to kill her, he betrayed the whole village, her and naruto over and over, had treated her as she was a nuisance etc. so what she did at the end? She walked after him so long till he made her pregnant and they’ve got married. Best romance ever. Except it’s not.
Also, Naruto and Hinata. Hinata is a great character, don’t get me wrong, but while she ALWAYS loved Naruto, Naruto never really payed attention to her, and it all was created very rougly and quickly at the end. He was always more focused on Sasuke, and there was also problem with that, because Kishimoto-sensei didn’t knoiw how to show devotion to someone, that’s not as romantic as Naruto’s toward Sasuke. And it’s obvious that it WASN’T INTENTIONALL, it just looks like it looks.
Also, the only one relationship that was builded was the one between Temari and Shikamaru (we can also say about Asuma and Kurenai but it was a really short one). 
And then the final chapter, everyone are married and with kids out of nowhere. Good for them, just, it was really weird.
f) who needs Akatsuki
- Akatsuki was an organization that was purely great as long as it was in the shadow. People were scared of it. It was a really BIG DEAL, and members of it were dangerous. And then in manga, and in shippuuden anime, when they started to show themselves, they... well, died pretty quickly. Also the whole thing about the chief of Acatsuki, Pain, who was in fact only a puppet of Madara... I mean, suddenly Akatsuki became nothing, and it was kinda unnerving.
g) Friendly Tailed Beasts
- Demons. Pet demons. Plushies who need to be understood.
Like, Tailed Beasts were a really interesting creatures, but obiously Friendship no Jutsu of Naruto worked also on them so here it is. Naruto’s Zoo.
Killed potential. There was a chance to show something with power and brutality, but nah, why we should have that? Demons can’t be evil obviously.
- “Naruto” is not a bad series. Just have it bigs flaws. But also here, like in Bleach or Fairy Tail, the OP’ness wasn’t the main source of the failure. It was lack of the proportion between main characters and side characters, and Kishimoto-sensei clearly had no idea what to do with his own villains and had really strong problems with creating a relationships. But in the end it wan’t about ninjas anymore, it was Dragon Ball with guy in a tracksuit, and that was the worst one.
My answer is: nope.
OP characters are totally ok, as long as creator KNOW HOW TO HANDLE THEM. Kuchiki Byakuya from Bleach was an OP character, but still great, Hatake Kakashi from Naruto was an OP character, but also- still great.
Also I want to say, that I don’t hate Fairy Tail, Naruto or Bleach.
I don’t like FT, but with Naruto and Bleach I’m pretty ok. I’m just a person who understand flaws of the title she reads.
Many have doubts how it’ll turn out, but what I want to say is that Izuku is supposed to defeat All for One, and to become the greatest hero. He have to become powerfull and have more than one trick, so for me 6-7 quirks works.
Also just look at chapter 215. Everyone cried that he can use “black whip” so suddenly, but the price for using it is STRONG PAIN and reduction of One For All limit, that is possible to use (20%). So now, add 5 more an every each with it’s own restriction. Yeah.
Izuku have a lot of strenght, but Todoroki or Bakugou are controlling their powers FAR BETTER than him. Tokoyami too! He still have to catch up, ant to learn a lot of things.
Also, how many quirks does All for One have? Is he invincible? Ofc not.
Also summing my babling:
Izuku’s “op’ness” won’t destroy a thing. Horikoshi-sensei (for now) know how to handle and OP characters.
If there will be a downfall of the series, then there will be a lot of another flaws, not just one to kill it all, so don’t be afraid. Have a faith.
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analyzingadventure · 2 years
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Presented without context
#Shitpost#I made an arbitrary rule to not include any human characters in this#If I hadn't Kaiser would've been on here maybe#MAYBE#I did intend to include Lucemon Falldown Mode and Vamdemon but those two were in the same spots...#...as Mercuremon and Gulus respectively so I ended up cutting them out#I feel bad for not representing Appmon here but honestly I couldn't just figure like. Any specific Sexyman Candidates in Appmon#Like there's a lot of theoretical contenders but none felt strong enough??#Not like Wizarmon or Beelzebumon who are like. The Obvious Sexyman Candidates#(BTW obviously none of these characters are True Tumblr Sexymen)#(We do just have some characters in this franchise who feel like -had Digimon been popular- could've become Sexymen)#(Sexyman Adjascent characters essentially)#I had a long discussion on Discord on who would be Frontier's candidate#It came down to Mercuremon and Lucemon Falldown Mode#Personally I was pretty obsessed with Mercuremon when I watched Frontier for the first time (and to be fair he is amazing)#And he has just like. More material to work off of#IDK he'd probably be a Bill Cipher-esque sexyman y'know#Not sure if Savers has a proper Sexyman Candidate but Banchou was suggested so Banchou was included. For the furries#Angoramon I personally wanted to include because I wanted someone who falls heavily on the Soft end of the chart#But also more on the traumatized end (the series is still on-going so obviously I can't say for sure if he'll end up fitting there)#(But like. So far his absolute dedication to Protecting Ruri No Matter What feels like a perfect set-up)#(Like if shit happens and Angoramon gets traumatized I will not be shocked one bit)#Also I just love Angoramon and wanted to include him. He is my GG Sexyman.#(Also SymbareAngoramon) (For the furries)#(Obviously the evolutions for each Digimon are included on this)#(I used Baalmon instead of Beelzebu 2010 for the sake of clarity to make sure everyone gets its the Xros Wars chara)#Anyways please enjoy this absolute shitpost
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manga-b · 2 years
A thought on Digimon’s X-Antibody retcon
In Digimon lore X-Antibody came about in response to Program X, a computer program specifically created to cull the Digimon population. Most Digimon who came into contact with Program X died as expected, but some Digimon were able to produce the X-Antibody. Most X-Antibody Digimon are mutated versions of already existing species, such as Agumon X, but some new species that naturally carry the X-Antibody also appeared, most notably the DORUmon, Ryudamon and Fanbeemon lines.
So Digimon Web’s official Reference Book includes a tag indicating whether a Digimon is a carrier of the X-Antibody, as seen in Agumon X’s entry. However, some Digimon previously identified as natural carriers are not tagged as such on the Reference Book, most notably the Dracumon line. This likely indicating a retcon on Bandai’s part.
But I have an alternate explanation for this. It’s probably not canon, but feel free to use it for your fan projects.
So we know that there are for possible canon outcomes for the X Program and X-Antibody:
1): Digimon that cannot adapt to the X Program and are deleted
2): Existing Digimon that species can take in the X-Antibody and mutate into a new form
3): Digimon species that naturally carry the X-Antibody, and always have it in their system
Here, I propose a new, fourth outcome:
4): Digimon species that do not naturally carry the X-Antibody can take it in, but do not mutate into a new form
At first, researchers may have mistook these Digimon as natural X-Antibody carriers, but then instances of these species that didn’t have the X-Antibody were found. Going by the line-up of Digital Monster X series of V-Pets, other Digimon with this trait include the Herrismon, Sistermon, Blucomon and Jazzamon evolution families, as well as some Xros Digimon and the Darkness Spirit Hybrids.
Also going by what we see in the Digital Monster X V-pets, we see a fifth outcome:
5): Digimon species that do not naturally carry the X-Antibody can take it in, but do not mutate into a new form until a certain concentration of the X-Antibody is present in their system
As of writing, only Lucemon: Falldown Mode is known to have this trait.
So, what do guys think?
Shout-out to @chimera-gui because they like my Appmon idea.
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queerchoicesblog · 4 years
experimenting so many emotions, so many feelings : the fear of being outed as a bailjumper, the unfairness of your situation, the difficulty of navigating the betrayal you’re supposed to be planning and suddently not wanting to be part of it anymore, and the pinning and the falling for the one person you really really shouldn’t fall for (I love Hileni’s reaction when Adele tells her about Zetta), that person reciprocating your feelings, the falldown at the birthday party and if all of that /7
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Haha I laughed reading Hileni's reaction to Adele's confession about her feelings for Zetta 😂
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It left me wondering who else she was referring to when saying "you always fall for the worst possible people" since Adele claimed she wasn't very active in her romantic sphere - or so it seems - after their dad passed away. Too busy working and taking care of Hileni. But maybe she had flings. And I can see Hileni rolling her eyes and commenting the only relationship we get to know of with a shake of her head. "Your best friend. Just grand. It doesn't complicate things at all!".
But yeah, as you said, it's incredible how Adele manage to hold it together, well somehow. Her stagnation is a clear sign of her suffering but who wouldn't be hurting in her place?
Of course, I watched Gentleman Jack and I'm so looking forward season 2! Ammonite is on my list for Christmas or - if I'm lucky - tonight. But you're absolutely right: over the past decade (I think? Maybe too: as a 90's kid I struggle to compute after the turn of the century. 2000 sounds ten years ago, not 20!) there are way more movies, series and books dealing and showing lgbtqa+ issues. When I was a teen, I recall only like Glee? I have a feeling we're about the same age, more or less (I'm in my last year in the Twenties club 😬). Now we are discussing non-binary identities which I had never heard of in my teens years, and I think that you are right when you claim that now kids are more open about gender and sexuality and yeah, this make me hopeful too about future progresses.
In Italy the same-sex marriage was legalised even later, 4 years ago, May 2016! And to be honest, it's a progress but it's actually a civil union law, providing same-sex couples with many of the rights of marriage. Not all, mind you, many. And adoption is still a complicated matter over here even for heterosexual couples but don't even get me started with lgbtq+ couples. Not so long ago, maybe last year we had a minister claiming that LGBTQ+ families do not exist; also we're the Pope country and even if apparently lately he seemed more open to dialogue with the lgbtq+ community, in the country the rhetoric of "I have nothing against gay folks BUT a kid deserves a mom and a dad" is strong. Paired with the stupid homophobic attitude "sure gay/lesbians/bi people are ok BUT for God's sake, go kiss each other at home not in the street! Kids might be watching".
Also after the civil union law we had a huge protest parade of religious freaks walking in the street holding saint statues (not kidding) and quietly explaining to the journalists interviewing them that they were upset by the recent events and gay (etc) people are I'll and they must be cured. Only saving grace: a counter protests was also there with people telling them to get their statues and leave, go back to the Midfle Ages where they belong.
How are things in France on the matter? I seriously hope the situation for the adoptions and assisted procreation for same sex couple will improve soon: it's about time!
You French has this thing that I admire and envy (in a good way) a little: you demonstrate a lot if something doesn't sit right with you. Even now against police violence if I got it right? I don't know if it runs in your blood since the Revolution but at least you raise your voice. We are still quite lazy about it even if we're making progresses. Slowly but progresses...
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dramaworlduk · 6 years
  Drama recommendations!
Part 2!!
<-Part 1
11. The Legend Of The Blue Sea
There’s history, mythology, mystery, romance, and comedy- what more could you want?! Heo Joon-jae (Lee Min-ho) is the son of a rich businessman who becomes a handsome and clever con-man after his parents' divorce. Shim Cheong (Jun Ji-hyun) is a mermaid who becomes lost and runs into him. First only sticking by her for material gain, Joon-Jae slowly realises his feelings are a little stronger than that. Their tale is juxtaposed with the parallel story of their Joseon era incarnations, town head Kim Dam-ryeong and the mermaid Se-hwa. Cheong is absolutely adorable as she learns to adapt to human life, and strikes up friendships with some of the strangest people. Joon-Jae is a scumbag with a heart and a tragic past and it is very difficult not to love them both. The added element of mystery with a murderer on the loose and Cheong’s attempt to hide her identity make for a full and intriguing story that you won’t want to take your eyes off of.
Year: 2016
Where Can I Watch?: KissAsian
Episodes: 20, 1hr length
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12. Pinocchio
Choi In-Ha (Park Shin-Hye) hiccups every time she lies. Choi Dal-Po’s (Lee Jong-Suk) life was ruined by the lies the media spread about his family. He is adopted by In-Ha’s family and they grow up together, battling back their feelings for each other and the cutthroat business of reporting which they’ve both found themselves pursuing. It explores the value and falldowns of honesty and how the media can be manipulated and faked. Friends->lovers plus lovely family bonds and the importance of empathy. Very good drama, emotive and charming, 100% recommend.
Year: 2014
Where Can I Watch?: Netflix
Episodes: 20, 1hr length
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13. The Heirs
This ones a really good one if you’re starting off, as it’s not too heavy or complicated. Kim Tan (Lee Min-Ho),  a wealthy heir to a large Korean conglomerate, and Cha Eun-Sang (Park Shin-Hye) meet in America when Eun-Sang goes to visit her sister. After a failed encounter, Kim Tan offers to let Eun-Sang stay with him before she goes back to Korea. Despite being engaged to Yoo Rachel (Kim Ji-won), a fellow heiress, Kim Tan soon falls in love with Eun-sang. When Eun-Sang returns to Korea, Kim Tan also returns.  Tan’s ex best friend Choi Young-Do (Kim Woo-Bin) notices Tan’s softspot for the new girl and begins to pursue her too. It explores teenage trials and tribulations in the lives of the rich and the poor, as well as pressures from the adult world. 
Year: 2013
Where Can I Watch?: Netflix
Episodes: 20, 1hr length
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14. Hymn Of Death
This three-parter channels Titanic with its tragic love story and historical setting. You go into this knowing there will be heartbreak, but it still hurts so much!!  It is based on the true story of the tragic romance between Joseon's first soprano Yun Sim-deok (Shin Hye-Sun) and a genius playwright Kim Woo-jin (Lee Jong-Suk). It is heartbreaking to see the two fall for eachother knowing they cannot be together for far too many reasons. It spans a number of years and their love remains strong throughout. The quotes in this from Woo-jin’s real journals are beautiful too and add to the real life story. A must watch, if not for the story, then for Shin Hye-Sun and Lee Jong-Suk’s acting which is fantastic throughout.
Year: 2018
Where Can I Watch?: Netflix
Episodes: 3, 1hr length
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15. My Love From Another Star
Alien Do Min-Jun (Kim Soo-Hyun) whose time on earth is nearly up meets Famous actress Cheong Song-Yi (Jun Ji Hyun) as she moves in next-door to him. He finds himself entangled in Song-yi's crazy and unpredictable situations, and finds out that she looks like a young girl he fell in love with in the Joseon era. Song-Yi’s best friend Lee Hee-kyung (Park Hae-jin), is in love with her, but his older brother Lee Jae-kyung (Shin Sung-rok) has a dark secret and will get rid of anyone who finds out about it or gets in his way. This drama can be very intense at times wih the threat of Jae-kyung, but Song-Yi’s sweet, comedic personality serves for some very humourous moments too.
Year: 2014
Where Can I Watch?: Netflix
Episodes: 21, 1hr length
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16. W: Two Worlds
Bad boy with a heart of gold?? Comic book world??? Violence and mystery?? Adorable, loyal sidekick?? Badass doctor who can travel between worlds?? LEE JONG SUK LOOKING HOT WITH A GUN?? W has it all. The premise is new and exciting, making for unpredictable plot twists and constant need for questions to be answered. W is a fictional bestselling webtoon in South Korea centering around the dramatic life of Kang Chul (Lee Jong-suk). Authored by Oh Seong-moo (Kim Eui-sung), somewhere along the line W became a living universe. The gap between the two worlds is crossed as Seong-moo's daughter, resident cardiothoracic surgeon Oh Yeon-joo (Han Hyo-joo) gets dragged into the webtoon world and is immediatel faced with saving Kang Chul’s life. Only, Kang Chul wasn’t meant to live. If you do one thing this year it should be to WATCH W. It’ll do you good, I promise.
Year: 2016
Where Can I Watch?: Netflix
Episodes: 16, 1hr length
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17. While You Were Sleeping
A girl who sees the future in her dreams, and a seemingly unconnected new neighbour are brought together through a series of events. It is legal drama crossed with fantasy as Jung Jae-Chan (Lee Jong-suk) starts a new job at the prosecutor’s office despite his clumsy, goofy personality. Jae-Chan dreams about an accident which causes much grief and loss, and decides he must try to stop it, and in doing-so his connection with Nam Hong-Joo (Bae Suzy) is strengthened and their relationship blossoms. There are some great dynamics here, not only between Jae-Chan and Hong-Joo, but also with their friend Han Woo-Tak (Jung Hae-in), who begins to dream of the future too after his life is saved, and Choi Dam-Dong (Kim Won-hae) who is a funny but sweet father figure to Jae-Chan as he teaches him the ways of life as a prosecutor. Ruthless lawyer Lee Yu-Beom (Lee Sang-yeob)’s portayal is magnetic and captivating.
Year: 2017
Where Can I Watch?: KissAsian
Episodes: 32, 30min length
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18. My ID Is Gangnam Beauty
Afraid of how her peers perceive her, Kang Mi-Rae (Im Soo-hyang) undergoes plastic surgery to stop worrying about her looks before she starts university. However, after a while at university people begin to label her as a ‘Gangnam plastic surgery monster’ as her appearance is a bit too obviously altered. Mi-rae struggles with her concerns of what people think about her, which has followed her around her whole life, in a stark contrast to Do Kyung-seok (Cha Eun-Woo), who does not care what others think. The general message of body positivity isn’t without its flaws, but it brings discussions of insecurity and societal standards to the forefront. The good messaging outweighs the flaws by far and there is also a fair bit of feminism going on, just keep track of Mi-rae’s T-shirt slogans! The relationship between Kyung-seok and Mi-rae is very sweet and shy, and Kyung-seok likes her regardless of what others think. Lighthearted but with an important message.
Year: 2018
Where Can I Watch?: Netflix
Episodes: 16, 1hr length
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19. She Was Pretty
Kim Hye-Jin’s (Hwang Jung-eum) childhood friend contacts her years later wishing to reconnect. However, upon meeting Ji Sung-joon (Park Seo-joon) does not recognise her, expecting her to appear like her younger self. Kim Hye-jin was a beautiful girl from a rich family, but after her family's publishing company went bankrupt, she experienced hardships then lost her beauty too. Ji Sung-joon was a shy, unattractive boy, but grows up as a handsome and successful editor. Ashamed to meet her first love and ruin his perception of her, Hye-jin asks her attractive best friend, Min Ha-ri (Go Joon-hee), to act as her once, then make up an excuse to never see Sung-joon again. Things get complicated when Hye-jin is assigned to work at The Most magazine publishing office where Sung-joon is the deputy chief editor. He openly mistreats and belittles her for her clumsy nature, not knowing that she was his real childhood friend. Kim Shin-Hyuk () is the second lead in this and his performace is fantastic. The growth between Sung-joon and Hye-jin is definitely worth watching and messages about beauty resonate well.
Year: 2015
Where Can I Watch?: Netflix
Episodes: 16, 1hr length
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20. Thirty But Seventeen
Although there are a fair few emotional moments, this show is still for the most part a light, heartwarming drama with little angst and struggle. Also, there are not really ny plausible second leads to confuse the romance storyline as Yoo Chan (Ahn Hyo-Seop) is Gong Woo-Jin’s (Yang Se-Jong) 19 year old nephew, and Kim Tae-Hyun has very little screen time. I feel this makes it a lot easier to connect to the main couple, who are ADORABLE. They are both still mentally 17, after Woo Seo-Ri (Shin Hye-Sun) was in a coma for 13 years, and Woo-Jin’s PTSD from the accident keeps him stuck on repeat. After waking from her coma, Seo-Ri returns to her old house, unaware that it is now under new ownership in the form of Woo-Jin’s family. There is still a lot of tropey goodness (living together!!), but the story and interactions feel fresh and unique, and the dynamic between Seo-Ri, Woo-Jin, Yoo Chan, and Jennifer (Ye Ji-Won) is enough to keep you watching as it’s so warm and pure. Not to mention the dog Paeng/Deok Gu!! I love them all so much and it’s just the sweetest!
Year: 2018
Where Can I Watch?: KissAsian
Episodes: 32, 30min length
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kingdomblade · 6 years
Long, long final thoughts on Digimon Tri
Now that Digimon Tri is mostly over, you know, barring the dubs of the last two movies and all, I’ve been chewing it all over for the past couple of days and decided to post my thought here in one giant word vomit.
Good points:
Regardless of the quality of the series it was great to see all of the characters again and see how they’ve started to change. Don’t tell me you didn’t tear up a little when Tai and Agumon were reunited.
The Digimon themselves got a lot of great moments too, from Gomamon’s conflict with Joe, Gabumon comforting Matt, to everyone watching Gomamon comforting Matt. Tentomon’s snark in the dub is a gift.
If we're being honest then everything Gabumon did was gold though
The dub getting a good chunk of the cast back down to random characters like Tai’s mom and Ogremon, with most replacement actors either able to honor the original voice while putting their own spin on it (Kari), or do a completely different take on the character but still be able to portray them well (TK, Joe)
The dub singlehandedly redeeming the dialouge in Loss and improving the movie (Fingers crossed for Coexistance!)
Seeing all eight kids have their Digimon reach Mega level is every 90′s kids dream come true
Brave Heart Tri version is amazing! Easily
Joe, Tai, TK and Mimi had some nice character development moments - even if Mimi’s had little to do with the overall scenario - with Joe being the standout for me. While Meiko’s story was handled rather clunky, it wasn’t a bad arc either - I'm lowkey Meiko defense squad.
The art style was a departure from Digimon as a whole but was fitting for the tone they were going for with the series. While the art and animation wasn't always consistent by any means it could get quite nice when they wanted to, with Vikemon/Rosemon vs. Imperialdramon and the bit with Meiko and Meicoomon near the end of Future being some of my favorites.
Maki is confirmed for weapons alchemist
"Little Matt"
Bad points:
The characters are written in a way that makes them seem like they don't care about anyone but Meiko for a huge chunk of the series. Leomon dies in front of them and the only one to mention him after the fact is Meiko once - the only one who truly reacts to Leomon's death is Kari, who wouldn't have even met Leomon beforehand.
Tai seemingly dies and there is barely any reaction from the kids for quite some time. Gatomon and Meicoomon fuse together into Ordinemon and only Meicoomon is mentioned until halfway through Future - not even Kari brings her up!
That's not even getting to the 02 kids. Keeping them out of Tri and focusing on the original 8 + Meiko is perfectly fine, but the way it was handled only drew attention to the fact that they were missing more and more. You can't tell me that Mimi wouldn't get in contact with Yolei right away after moving back to Japan, that Izzy wouldn't send word to the others that they met a new Digidestined, or that anyone wouldn't reach out to them after several Digimon battles and getting their own partners back because hey, maybe they know something or could help. Even seeing the Digimon Emperor was treated as seeing an old villain again rather than seeing their friend betraying them. Every instance of finding them or every hint we got towards them was glazed over so much that it reinforces the fact that the Digidestined just Don't Care about anyone anymore. If the 02 characters got the exact same vague MIA treatment and lack of relevance except the kids were actively worried about them, then that would have changed things drastically for the better.
Even with all the characters having grown apart at the beginning of the series, it's out of character that at the least TK and Kari aren't in contact with Davis and the others, considering they were closer with the 02 kids, go to the same school and TK lives in the same apartment complex as Cody and Yolei.
And we have to assume like how nobody noticed the 02 kids were missing, neither did their parents so they didn't reach out to anyone or call the police or anything.
Also the 02 Digimon partners aren't saved because Joe and Mimi just straight up murdered them
The writers had a habit of bringing a lot of lore and callbacks into the series but either not doing anything with them (Ophanimon Falldown Mode and Wizardmon are completely removable) or not doing enough with them. Leomon dying in Mimi and Joe's movie -the two who watched him die before. TK doesn't directly bring up losing Patamon for a second and maybe final time which could add to the overall emotion, and TK/MagnaAngemon battling Devimon again in Future would have been an amazing way to bring his character full circle, defeating an old fear and moving past it. But they consistently decide that bringing up an reference is all they need to do.
I'm pretty convinced that the only reason the Digimon lost their memories was so Sora could have some kind of story - the other Digimon end up rekindling their relationships with their partners so quickly that in both movies 5 and 6 I forgot a memory wipe even happened until it was brought up in the dialogue. Basically the only ramification it has is Biyomon's intense personality change for the movie. While it's still one of Tri's best moments, the whole bit of Gabumon telling Matt that they will always be together loses some impact when Gabumon has technically only 'known' Matt for a couple of days at this point.
Coexistence in it's entirety - not only stopping the movie one too many times to have the same reassuring 'everything will be ok' reassurance for Meiko, but then having her suddenly turn around after all that and decide out of the blue that Meicoomon needs to die anyway so it was all just pointless in the end.
The series ended with a lot of loose ends, which in context of a potential sequel isn't a bad thing but in context of Tri makes for somewhat of an empty experience.
RIP Tokomon and Koromon's dub voices, MetalGarurumon's Digivolution sequence and Garudamon's height
Joe's girlfriend unrevealed, 0/10 series
Making a blatant callback to Tai and Matt holding hands during the VenomMyotismon battle, except not letting them hold hands this time because That’s Gay Now.
All in all I don't regret Tri and there are a lot of things to enjoy, a lot more than I wrote even. But the whole thing has been such a hassle from the beginning - If we 'nade nade' the egg enough then we'll get an announcement - but we did it too fast so they just full on stopped the counter. The teasers were sparse int he beginning, it ended up being a movie format where we had to wait several months between 'episodes' when what we got was still a TV quality show. And our reward for all the waiting was more bad writing, more inconsistencies, more handwaves and unexplained nonsense. It ended up being a mess similar to 02 with the difference being Tri was being written for people who grew up with the original cartoons and this was the result. It honestly kinda sucks that my list of dislikes is so much longer than my list of likes but it is what it is.Ironically enough despite all that, what they did worked. I watched all of the episodes as soon as they aired, went to (almost!) all of the movies in theaters, I'm definitely buying all the Blurays, and if they make a sequil with the 02 cast I'm going to be right there for that too. So I guess despite not putting out a great product, they're getting exactly what they're fishing for. I can only hope that things will be different next time, either better writing or making a TV anime like normal people. We'll see what the future has to hold!
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thegraymoth ha respondido a tu publicación “Tomorrow we celebrate BlackWarGreymon's demise. If you watched Digimon...”
Does anyone have a list of all the dates of events for Digimon Adventure 01, 02, and tri.?
This is rough and possibly incorrect, since Digimon is a multiverse and is full of plot holes and inconsistencies.
First Movie take place somewhere in 1995.
Digimon Adventure main plot occurs on the first week of august, between the 1st and 5th (I may be wrong), Wizardmon gets killed the 9/3. All the Digiworld time, with the time distortion take almost 4-5 months.  
Our War Game movie occurs on March 4 of 2000.   Somewhere on 2000, Ryo battle Milleniummon and Ken gets his digivice.
Digimon 02 take place 3 years later of Adventure's plot on 2002, some notable dates are: - Wizardmon ghost: 4-5th of August. - Digimon Kayser falldown : middle of August. - BlackWargreymon death: 29 of December. - Final battle maybe take place on between December 30th and January 1st, I'm not sure.
Hurricane Touchdown and Golden Digimentals movie is a big plot hole on 02's chronology, take place after they defeat the Digimon Kayser but before the Archenimon/Mummymon arc.  
Adventure 02 epilogue takes places 25 years after the end of 02. (year 2027).
Apocallymon Strikes Back take place somewhere in 2003.
Digimon Tri doesn't have clear dates, but the story is three years after the end of 02, in the year 2005.
That's all the chronology of "Adventure Trilogy" that I remember for now, I would have to go back to watch the series and take notes to make a more precise calendar.
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nostalgic-blood · 6 years
so yeah tri finale thoughts
i went into this movie with rock bottom expectations. mostly because i went into symbiosis riding high due to the ridiculously juicy poster that turned out to be the baitest bait that has ever bait.
and i suppose perception helps because I mostly enjoyed it! my biggest fear was that they’d try to answer the millions of questions and mysteries they brought up in one single movie, and seeing their track record it’d be done rather sloppily. instead, they went for a sequel hook so it made sense to leave out the answers to some mysteries. It’s not as if homeostasis and yggdrasil were the reason I was watching tri. If the lore was why I was watching it I’d be bored and left long ago
like thank god they didn’t explain much about huckmon or alphamon because i do not care. I do understand on an objective standpoint that leaving so many of these things in the air is bad writing, but for most of the movies they already reserve like 60% of the screentime for meiko and her murderous cat so really what spotlight is left is prime real estate for characters and digimon i actually care about. slice of life moment at an inappropriate point of the movie is better than static exposition for five minutes. 
still what they did use the screentime for was a little odd, though not to the egregious degree of meiko in the previous movies. I find it interesting for instance that yamato and gabumon had a pretty long scene together but they are the only ones of the cast that never had a full-screen metalgarurumon evolution. they also spent a lot of time that wasn’t the occasional flashback or the recap at the beginning of every episode even though it’s released as movies and we literally just watched that scene showing the faceless military being inept at destroying the supernatural giant monster. 
it feels like tri’s structure is far more rigid than average. As in they seem to follow some strict formula, which causes pacing issues and screentime priority issues. They also don’t really put thought into what goes into the structure. For instance we did get some Hikari spotlight because it was necessary due to the situation, what with tailmon having become part of the big evil bad. But instead of focusing on really anything specific on hikari’s character, it was mostly reactionary and worrying over meiko. There was a quick moment just before tailmon mega evolved which, when I put more thought into it was sort of poignant, but because that conflict of hikari’s character was so much more subtle than meiko’s plot it almost seems like it comes out of nowhere as a conclusion to hikari’s arc.
plus, they rip away more of tailmon’s agency when they simply refer to the big ordinemon boob butt monster as simply meicoomon that has absorbed tailmon. You can’t backtrack like that! We VERY CLEARLY SAW in symbiosis that tailmon TOO was corrupted as ophanimon falldown mode, and that the two digimon fused together in a rather blatant manner. It felt far more like they were equals when they became one than one digimon absorbing the other. There is no point to tailmon’s dark evolution if that never comes up in the plot! If no one ever brings it up! It feels like, just as the poster was, included just as fanservice and bait so more people would watch, but with zero substance. 
Again, a rigid formula or structure, like the writers were all sitting in the room and throwing ideas on the wall, but the ideas are like “we should have a dramatic moment where tailmon disappears!” and they do. But it doesn’t do anything. It’s not really relevant because it’s not as if tailmon changes drastically or even dies. It feels like it was put there just for the drama itself, just to throw in a trailer so people will be like OMG DID TAILMON JUST DIE!?!?! HOW SAD!!! I NEED TO TUNE IN!1!!
or like “WE SHOULD BRING BACK WIZARDMON!” because fans of hikari and tailmon love wizardmon! so they do! for 3 seconds! He has no lines! We never see his face! What the fuck. It’s a tease that goes no where. They even have the audacity to include his hat in the poster for five seconds of screentime. I should have expected that after the ophanimon falldown mode debacle.
meanwhile the new characters are involved in drama that is actually affected by the plot, like meiko having to say goodbye to her partner forever because meicoomon is too far gone, and needs to be put down to end her suffering. Pretty dang relevant to the story right? it wasn’t simply put there for feels. Or Daigo dying. While the situation they got into seems kind of convoluted, like how they just happened to fall into the underground bunker where the 02 kids just happen to be, and Daigo just happens to be mortally wounded and Taichi just happens to be unscathed. People explain it away that Daigo “probably shielded Taichi as they fell” which he probably did! But when I have to say “probably” or if the audience has to explain it themselves because they SHOWED ABSOLUTELY NONE OF IT, then it’s especially jarring. Like the writers were like “Let’s kill Daigo off!” and put no thought into how they should smoothly transition to a moment where that could be possible. 
like you spend six movies foreshadowing and leading up to the twist that meicoomon was the source of the infected, and then slowly revealed how much yggdrasil’s influence was exactly on her and then give us the shock of the century when she fuses with tailmon into the big bad near the end, and then we finally conclude the conflict of sacrifice by yes, we must put the cat down. Because of all the damage that she had inflicted, by the death that taichi had just witnessed and could do nothing to prevent. That the theme of the movies was growing up, no longer the fun friendly idealism of digimon back in adventure. That she was just too far gone, almost dragged another digimon down with her, lead to the death of humans !! and risked the death or at least the reboot of the real world. It was not time to debate what we should or should not do because if action is not done now it’d be too late.
but for daigo dying it’s like, oh he ends up in a room, somehow far more injured than taichi. Like at least give Taichi cuts and bruises so the whole “OMG TAICHI IS DEAD!!!” thing had a little more merit, and then not!gennai sets up a sadistic trap where only one of them will live and the one that lives will conveniently return back to the real world safe and sound with the 02 kids that have been missing this entire time. I mean, real convenient hm? kill off a guy for drama and put the main char where he needs to be while fixing up one of the biggest issues in the entire series with the lingering whereabouts of the 02 cast and no one seemingly caring. They tried to kill many birds with one stone, but they were too greedy, trying to kill so many birds that all the birds they killed weren’t intact bodies on the ground for feasting but mere scraps, as the stone was used in such force their remains were absolutely pulverized. I swear that analogy was going somewhere.
I was still sad about it tho, because I warmed up to daigo and maki as characters, and if maki doesn’t come back then these original chosen have left Tri in rather brutal and bloody fashion, tragic with no real positive spin aside from maki’s cautionary tale over sacrifice and what it can do to a person and daigo leaving lasting words to taichi. They were the first to get Digimon and save the world! The rest of the adventure kids and in the 02 epilogue everyone else gets their own digimon and lives out happily side-by-side. Why do the first get such a bad hand? It’s sad.
i’m a bit disappointed some of the coolest theories over tailmon and meicoomon as foils didn’t come true, which I mean I can’t really expect what with the track record of tri, but it would have been nice. tailmon would be light and then meicoomon is darkness, and the demon that results is even more powerful because they light that combined has been tainted by darkness, or w/e. there was little explanation for the fusion and again, they often referred to tailmon as simply having been absorbed. When she escaped ordinemon I doubt there was memory of being ophanimon falldown mode. I guess the koushiro-ex-machina mass return of their selves before the reboot has some amazing ability to purify on the fly. Could have been done better!
still, on an emotional level I enjoyed it. Even if they planned every emotional moment in the most soulless, structured way possible without any ounce of passion I think I still would have teared up at some scenes. Seeing all the megas in grand animation was great, and the fighting was good this time too unlike the body slamming fun times from symbiosis. 
so my initial rating of this movie is 2.5 stars out of 5, but I will minus .5 stars for the ridiculous and unnecessary amount of fucking butt shots ordinemon has. I don’t know what person in this wide wide world would actually enjoy seeing cthulhu’s bare fat ass every twenty seconds but if they were the primary demographic somehow then I guess I have no justification to complain!
I also minus .5 stars for the stupid pointless recaps. And minus another .5 for doing nothing specific for hikari’s character. That least us at 1.5 stars.
Even if Holydramon only was around for 15 seconds itself, it still got a gorgeously animated evolution sequence and as I do not stare at trailers (and it never being on a poster) that surprise was not only well worth the wait but the time it took to process. I was cheering at 3am in the morning.
but . 5 deducted for the stupid wizardmon bait SHAME ON THE BAIT THE BAITEST BAIT I HATE THE BAIT
2 stars out of 5. Eh good enough. I personally put the movies as 3 > 6 > 2 > 4 > 1 > 5. That is all and Spotto out.
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ahiddenpath · 7 years
Digimon Tri PV Reaction
Eyyyy!  Soooo Toei released a new Tri PV a few days ago for Bokura no Mirai.  I’mma spit out some thoughts!
Please note that this post contains Tri Spoilers from the PV and also me being a sassy buttface, so uh...  If you don’t want to read me ragging on/making jokes about Tri and the PV, please don’t read this XD  I’m just trying to have fun in my own way, but I definitely don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade.
With that in mind, more beneath the cut!
1.)  Daigo is a sweetie.  I hope he’ll be okay!  And while I’m rooting for him, I have to say...  I’m kind of ‘meh’ about Tri maybe trying to be...  Edgy and more adult by showing blood and stuff.  I’d prefer a more sophisticated plot that doesn’t regurgitate Digimon’s standby material (Yggdrasil, recycling villains, etc).  There’s a not-so-fine line between nostalgia, exploring existing material, and just... tossing stuff into the pot and hoping for the best XD  BUT who knows, maybe they’ll pull things together in the eleventh hour.  Fingers crossed!!!!
2.)  Okay, uh.  Guys?  You have a one-minute trailer, and you show Tailmon’s perfect form?  Unless Tailmon can somehow be both Ophanimon Falldown mode and Holydramon simultaneously, then you’ve shown the viewers that the Big Bad Thing from the climax of the last film is going to come undone in the trailer.  Why not show us Taichi, while you’re at it?  ????  XD XD????  Realistically, the audience can guess that Meicoomon and Tailmon will un-merge, just as we know that Taichi is fine, but...  Could you maybe... Try?  To preserve some of that tension?
3.)  Okay, uh, is Gennai dressed as the Kaiser again?  Because, uh, unless he’s trying to trick a new audience (MAYBE THE 02 KIDS???), then, uh...  
Okay, imagine an episode of Scooby Doo where a villain reuses a costume from a previous mystery.  Fred’s not gonna go, “OH MAN A SCARY MUMMY!”  He’s gonna sigh, call the police, and go, “Hey my dudes, Bill the Fisherman escaped jail, could you come pick him up?”
I’m really hoping Tri surprises us with a new function for this existing disguise.  It could be interesting!  But, um...  My fear is that Gennai is just...  Doing it... For shits or something.
4.)  Did I mention regurgitating villains, Devimon?  Okay look, I get it, there really aren’t that many digimon total.  Unless Tri wants to make some new ones (which honestly...  This is a new movie series, yes?  Why wouldn’t you make a few more new ones?), then some faces have to show up again.  And it’s a sequel, so old faces are expected!  
But...  Oh man, this is just...  Getting old.  However, I will eat these words with a smile if we take this opportunity to explore Takeru’s lingering trauma, especially since his Tri arc didn’t have clear closure compared to some of the others.  I’m... kind of doubtful they’ll be able to fit it at this point, though?  But if they do, HECK YEAH GIMME THAT POPCORN MY BODY IS READY!!!!!!
(I would have expected to see Apocalymon, though, since Meicoomon is like...  Made of his data shards.  Wait, was Apocalymon made of shards from Devimon and every other Adventure villain?  I can’t remember.  Is this... like... villain inception?!?!?!?!)
In closing, I have so much hope warring with so much caution.  I want Tri to be good.  I know it sounds like I’m just ripping on it at this point, but I would dearly love to be proven wrong.  Maybe when I do a rewatch to prep for the final movie, I’ll see things that make it better than it was on the first watch.  It’s easy to forget stuff when the movies are spaced out like this!  But right now, aside from enjoying wonderful sprinklings of character moments, I...  Am just not too hopeful.  
Either way, the wait will be over before long!  Fingers crossed for a great ending!!!
5.)  Yamato clutching the goggles.  A teary-eyed Sora.  It’s not all bad, fam.
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hawk-in-a-jazzy-hat · 7 years
So yeah, Digimon Tri Part 5 was...a thing.
And I’ve finally figured out the main thing that was bugging me about this show, and it’s come to a head in this series right here. So here goes...
I don’t hate Meiko. She had potential, and was different enough from the other eight children. But all through the first few parts she just felt extra and detached, which I guess was supposed to be her character, but it’s hard to get immensely invested in her when we’re actually getting excited about seeing our childhood characters all grown up.
But here’s the thing. Meiko herself isn’t really a problem. What is a problem is her story arc.
She’s shy, detached, and depends on Meicoomon, who it turns out is an anomalous existence which is hazardous to the Digital World
(first off, hi Guilmon, nice to see your concept being shamefully ripped off)
but Meiko’s presence helps to dampen it down. but when Evil!Gennai!
(who spends most of this episode upside down for god knows what reason)
decides to shake things up, Meicoomon goes bananas and starts wrecking shit, to the point where the kids’ partners are rebooted. Meiko is understandably freaking out and blaming herself, and feels constantly like she doesn’t deserve to be a partner. The others are supportive, but especially Tai, who starts to build a relationship with her and tries to support her as best he can, while going through his own struggles, culminating in him sacrificing himself, Kari giving into the darkness and the world reaching its ultimate peril (i.e. smashing the Digital World into the human world hi Savers nice to see your plotpoints being shamefully ripped off here)
(All the while this is happening, Yggdrasil is trying to help the kids only its not, Hackmon is actually Jesmon and is actually Homeostasis which is kind of Yggdrasil only its not, Gennai is...still hanging upside down, and Himekawa is gallavanting around in the Dark Ocean in a far more interesting story than the one we’re watching)
And Agumon makes a boobs joke.
Oh and I guess we see Ophanimon Falldown Mode which is cool. For about 10 seconds. Before she fuses with Meicoomon and becomes this...charming thing...
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by which point I was about ready to give up.
It’s not a bad story arc. I like the idea of the ‘tamer’s dark side’, and while it’s not quite the way I’m doing I’d do it myself, it has potential, and can lead to interesting development.
The problem is, this story arc in its entirety doesn’t belong to Meiko.
It belongs to Kari.
Let’s go through this arc again, but instead of Meiko, let’s put Kari in her shoes as the ‘central’ character:
- Kari came into the group late, and was forced into her role really due to her relationship with Tai. She never really had any growth in the original series, only showing her value as a Digidestined after Wizardmon’s sacrifice.
- Even in 02, there’s a distinct lack of presence to her, partly due to having little development...but if you watch the Dark Ocean episode, its clear she has anxieties that can lead to her being detached and easily corrupted.
- Even her Crest, Light, seems to have no real dark side on the outset, so wouldn’t it make sense for her to feel inadequate in wielding it? She is, and will always be, the ‘eighth child’; while she may have been chosen at the beginning, she didn’t go through the hardships and relationships the others did. And given that she’s always so quiet and polite, to the point where she collapsed as a child because she didn’t want to let her brother down, there are clearly some self-destructive tendencies there.
- Gatomon was also an outsider, and actually started off as a villain. While holy in nature, she spent a lot of her life alone, and I could imagine her gaining some resentment towards the Digital World for keeping her and Kari apart. Again, more openings for a corruption to dwell inside her, rather than Meicoomon. When the real-world attacks begin again, causing mroe damage and threatening the people she knows and loves, those feelings come back and trigger the corruption, unlocking her Falldown Mode (or Ultimate equivalent)
- Kari was also very in tune with the Digital World to the point of becoming its proxy; yet another thing influencing her and rejecting her own being. That would have been quite fascinating; trying to deal with Gennai and the dark influences through her partner, while trying to fend off Yggdrasil and the ‘justice’ of the Digital world through her own mind.
- If it was Kari who was central to all this, then Tai’s own arc would make a lot more sense; just replace the potential-romantic relationship they’re pushing with a familial one - one that’s already present - and suddenly his own fears of powerlessness make a lot more sense; they call back to the arc he went through during the Machinedramon battle. Now Tai and Kari are both adults, both fighting very different demons, and both are willing to give up far more than they should to keep the other, and their Digimon, safe. So when given the choice between saving himself and saving Matt and his sister, Tai goes for the latter, trusting in Matt, and having the courage to make the choices he couldn’t earlier in the story.
- By which point Kari sees all this, and finally loses hope, the corruption taking her over as well as her partner, who then morphs into Evangelimon up there, and that’s where we leave off.
I’m not saying it’s perfect - I’m only a fan writer after all - but I feel it would solve an awful lot of Tri’s problems if it had made use of the characters it had rather than focusing all this attention into a new tamer.
Kari needed this story arc, not Meiko.
Kari has, and always shall, deserve better.
Can’t wait to see the end of this implosion of frustration, wasted potential and whatthefuckery in part 6. If nothing else, it’s been enjoyable.
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analyzingadventure · 4 years
Psi episode 32 reaction let’s gooo
(And for the record I do go on a long ass tangent at the very end, discussing alternative evolution trees and speculating on crap, so if you wanted to see more from me than just screaming in caps lock about nonsense THEN YA GOT THAT HERE!)
(And yeah the speculation is LONG)
Giff me the hoarse Toei つ( ◕_◕)つ
Did Patamon just poop
I love Megumi Han so much...... I love you.....
HERE’S THE DOGGOMON (Confession, I honestly kinda hate the term “doggo”, like there’s nothing wrong with it but it just makes me so annoyed for NO reason when I heard that word. That said, these Digimon are like, Peak Doggo for me. If you asked me to explain what a “doggo” looks like, these guys are what I’d describe) (And no, I don’t remember what these Dogs were called anymore, I forgot and can’t be bothered to look it up)
I love that the Gotsumon are just cheering on this boxing event
Patamon and Lopmon are so cute, fuck
Oh god Angemon looks so fucked up, oh god, it hurts my heart
Patamon is so fucked up and tired oh god nnnooo ;__;
Seriously tho, Megumi Han’s Takeru sounds so precious that everytime Takeru speaks up I take 1000 points of cute damage
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I can’t handle it, her voice is so precious
Delighted by how unbothered the doggomon is by the weight of Greymon on their back
Like maaan, Cerberumon is huge (/MetalGreymon has shrunk since they first appeared)
OH FUCK Patamon was like Black Seraphimon for a while?? Oh fuck, man, yeah, fuck yeah (I wonder, if we see Black Seraphimon in Psi, will they use the Frontier!Mercuremon version or the goth version that appeared in one game? Y’all know I love Frontier and Mercuremon but I feel like that version of Black Seraphimon is super Frontier-specific so I would prefer if they used the game version)
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Now the implications this has for Armor Level, Digimentals, 02-Content and Alternate Evolution trees- yeah there’s a lot here, so many questions--
Man, Pegasmon is pretty... Always loved Pegasmon (and Nefertimon), they have such cool designs yo
Oh the episode just ends there, huh
Okay next episode preview (I know Tailmon finally shows up because, y’know, DigiTwitter keeps on giving us new LOVELY art and I don’t wanna unfollow because I like the art, even if it’s spoilers)
Ko-Komondo have EIGHT legs?! Spider dogs....
Aaand nothing of value showed up in this preview- the Twitter did share some extra screenshots though, including this one which made me laugh outloud
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Hikari has the exact opposite energy of the Obama “then perish” meme and that’s fucking hysterical to me
(Also the Twitter art did seem to confirm to me that SkullKnightmon is Tailmon)
Anyways, yeah, uh so.
What does this mean for DigiMentals in Psi’s DW? And Armor-Level?
I mean I guess most of those questions would be answered with some data from the next episode’s Encyclopedia entry but I’m an episode behind so I MUST WAIT I GUESS. That said, yeah, I will be interested if they’ll classify Armor as its own level as it’s usually considdered or if Pegasmon will be classified as an Adult-
If the latter happened then I don’t think Digimentals would even exist within this Digital World/continuity, and “Armor” Digimon would probably mostly all be just Adult level Digimon (with maybe some exceptions like Magnamon?). But if Pegasmon is still Armor, well, we shall find out eventually
That aside... When we first went into Psi, the one thing I was hoping to see arguably the most was branching evolution trees (in the same vein Zero Two had with the Digimentals in the first arc) and utilizing those alternative forms for different situations etc. And so far it has really felt like Psi wouldn’t do that all, instead sticking to the familiar evolutions we already knew and loved (except for Ofanimon because Psi says Ofanimon Rights) (OR DO THEY)
Now, since Patamon’s alternative evolution here was caused by Patamon being weakened by the damage from the dark powers, so it’s likely that we won’t see all the Digimon get alternative evolutions (Agumon’s Mugendramon not included, esp. ‘cause there’s no quarantee we’ll see Agumon evolve to Mugen again (though Mille is in this story so I would be kinda shocked if we didn’t see Mugen come back but this is a whole different tangent)).
Like, by these soft rules Psi has just set for us, unless the Digimon all got drenched in Darkness and weakened by that, so much so they couldn’t evolve to other forms, then I don’t think we’ll see alternative evolution trees for them    UNLESS THEY’RE ALREADY WEAKENED and just need to be re-powered up so that they could evolve into more powerful Adult/Perfect forms! :O Though this does seem unlikely since Psi has been building up the Warrior 6 (WarGreymon and co), so unless they decided that the OG Warrior 6 wasn’t The Solution to the Milleniummon Problem and wanted to have the Digimon evolve to 6 other Ultimates instead, yeah, this whole scenario seems unlikely to me.
If Psi will be 66 episodes like we originally heard rumors of, then we are basically half-way through the series now. And my constant “worry” with this series has been how they threw all the Adult and Perfect forms at us so fast within the first 20-or-so episodes. Now indeed, we have only seen one Ultimate, we don’t have Tailmon in the party (as of episode 32, IDK how exactly she’s introduced in episode 33), and Patamon can barely evolve to Adult(?) now. So we do have at least nine evolutions to go, to get everyone to Ultimate.
Like, IDK man. To be fair, aside from HolyAngemon, Adventure had given us all the evolutions they had to offer by the end of episode 38, but also that series was also 12 episodes shorter than what Psi’s supposed to be.
Like... what I’m trying to get at is that Adventure for the most part spaced out the new forms pretty nicely to give us new evolutions to get excited about but not throwing them at us too fast (at least with the Perfects, the Devimon arc was kind of an exception). But Psi’s philosophy has been kind of different, throwing the new Digimon at us at a super high speed for the first arc or so... I’m trying to put together in my mind how plausible alternative evolution trees could be at this point in the story, with 33 episodes left?    Because either they are going to treat the remaining unseen evolutions kinda like Holy Angemon was in Adventure, or we could possibly see alternative evolutions to fill out the remaining episodes now that Pegasmon has proven alternative evolution trees plausible?
I dunno man, I have NO idea where Psi is fucking going
I am super interested in seeing how they’ll treat Patamon’s evolutions from here on out though- like will Pegasmon just be a temporary Adult form for Patamon so he can evolve to something but will regain his ability to evolve to Angemon -> HolyAngemon ->Seraphimon later on? Or will Pegasmon get its own evolution line? IDK what the Perfect could be but Ultimate could be Goddramon, right?
I am pointing this out because. Y’know.
Psi has been showing us Ofanimon in the flashbacks so far.
But we’ve only ever seen Tailmon evolve to Holydramon (Ofanimon: Falldown Mode not included).
And if Tailmon’s gone through what Patamon went through but had a more severe case (which is what “SkullKnightmon is actually Tailmon” would seem to imply to me), it does beg the question; if Patamon can’t evolve back to Seraphimon anymore, will Tailmon be able to evolve to Ofanimon either?
Will Psi actually just taunt me with Ofanimon Rights, only to give us Holydramon at the last second? Is that what they will do?
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