#Fangs of Frost
nuwildcat · 1 year
Hot off the presses. In case you were wondering what the heck I’ve been doing with my free time from Silvered Perceptions, the answer is this. Welcome to ‘Cat writes Irish Mythology into a Thai BL. Cause that makes total sense. I blame @dr-lemurr who started this whole thing. And thanks @luckydragon10 for the beta on this puppy. I’m running you ragged but it’s cause I love you.
Porsche was raised on tales of the sidhe by his mother, told faerie stories at night before bed about Kings and magic spears and a whole different world in the Underground. But they were meant to be stories, lessons in packages children could understand and listen to.
This is not a story.
One of these days, Porsche is going to have to learn not to be so damn curious. Not if the world is filled with beasts like this.
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heartnosekid · 7 months
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vampire cake 🧛🏻🍰 by sheri_wilson_ on ig
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girlkisserr · 2 months
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mhs2 au where we put a small child in direct danger instead
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fisher-price · 4 months
Pretend Play Series
Agere Vampire Stimboard!!!
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9haharharley1 · 1 month
7 and 10 though? 👀👌 Some of my faves
With love, Fang
Ha! I told myself I was gonna do mermay this year, and I did! Take that executive dysfunction!!
Have some monster fucking! I hope this is ok!!
7. You can take it. And 10. Spread your legs wider
He hadn't expected being friends with a sea monster to go this way.
Really, Jack hadn't had any clue what way being friends with a sea monster was suppose to go, but laid out on a sun- warmed rock, quickly cooling under him as the sun set rapidly past the horizon, with one leg thrown over said sea monster's shoulder as a tongue, long and smoother than it had any right to be worked over his cock, Jack was pretty sure things didn't normally go like this. He gasped as his flesh was licked over, wet heat descending on him, and his back arched off the rock. His fingers clawed at the rough surface of the rock, finding no purchase. Instead, he lifted one shaking hand to his head, grabbing at his own wet hair and tugging in an effort to bring back thought.
"Pitch!" he cried out as his length was swallowed, sharp teeth barely grazing sensitive skin. A shock of fear coursed through him, making his whole body shake more than the cold water on his skin, and he couldn't stifle a moan as he tried to buck further into that mouth. Those teeth should be nowhere near his skin, certainly not wrapped around his most sensitive area, but the danger was what had initially led him to even meeting Pitch; it's part of what appealed to him when he decided he wanted to stay friends with the sea creature, and the danger certainly appealed to him when Pitch moaned low in his throat as he sucked him in, his nose burying in the soft curls at the base of Jack's member. Pitch could kill him in a hundred different ways, be it with teeth or claws or even drowning if he felt like being boring about it. Instead, he chose to press his weight down on Jack's hips with gentle hands, careful of his claws nicking into soft flesh. He held Jack in place so the little human wouldn't be tempted to buck wildly in his mouth and cut himself on sharp teeth, and Jack appreciated that immensely.
It was also agonizingly frustrating.
"Oh, god, Pitch, please!"
The hand that wasn't in his own hair sought the creature between his legs, back arching as Pitch licked him from root to tip, long tongue wrapped around his cock along with his lips. Jack's hand found feathery black hair, taking a handful to just hold on for dear life as Pitch gave him pleasure like he had never felt before. Pitch hummed in his throat, low and guttural, the vibrations traveling down Jack's length and straight to his core. He gasped and arched, yanking at his own hair as Pitch swallowed around him. His orgasm hit him, making him nearly scream from the unexpected force of it. Pitch hummed again, delighted, and Jack gasped as he tried to get his body to relax after going completely rigid. Pitch kept sucking and licking at him, Jack well past the point of over-sensitive, and he kicked his leg against the sea monster's back.
"N-no more," he cried out weakly.
What sounded like a huff of laughter escaped his friend, and Pitch slowly pulled away. His tongue was still wrapped around Jack's cock, dangling out of Pitch's mouth as the shadowy creature met his gaze, grinning. His tongue slid slowly from him, Jack moaning and biting his lip. He was unable to look away from that bright gaze.
Pitch had the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. They were the first thing he had seen, glowing gold in a sea of black where Jack had been diving off shore. There was a cave system at the base of the cliffs, an old lighthouse standing guard, and Jack loved to explore their depths. The water was just deep enough to hide some old sailing ships just below the surface, and Jack had taken to exploring their holds. The old boats were already picked clean by scavengers and researchers of anything that could have once been of value, but Jack simply enjoyed diving for the love of it, and being able to swim through the old halls and rooms of the wreckage was as thrilling as diving through any cave. The sea life that grew there was new and fascinating, the fish he met always breathtaking in their otherworldly beauty. The ocean called to him, and Jack was easily pulled along by her will.
It was in the dark halls of one of these ships that he met Pitch.
The sun was setting, Jack reluctantly maneuvering his way through the ship to leave and head home when he felt a chill. It wasn't the usual chill that came from being so deep in the water, nor was it from how far north these waters were. He was used to the cold by now and had grown up swimming in these cold waters that he knew the proper precautions to take. He knew what wetsuits to wear at any given time of the day. He knew when to return to the surface and how often to check his oxygen tanks. He knew first and foremost not to panic.
So that was, of course, the first thing he did.
His instincts screamed at him that there was danger nearby, despite him having not seen any sort of predators in the area after diving there a hundred times now. He managed to keep his heart rate under control long enough to swim through the wreckage, but as he came upon the nearest exit, his way was blocked.
A body, one he had never seen before and only heard about in fairy tales and horror stories from old seamen, floated just inside the entrance to the ship. It's body was a large inky mass, blocking out what little light filtered down this far, and had it not been for the small flashlight clipped to Jack's suit, he would have been trapped in complete darkness. The mass in front of him writhed in a way that made his stomach twist in anxiety, tendrils of black weaving every which way in the dark, making the creature seem even bigger. His little light could only reveal an inky black body, barely noticeably shimmering in the light like wet velvet. The thing drifted closer to him, and Jack kicked back hard away from it.
His light glanced off the thing as he swam back, plunging it in darkness once more. Two glowing eyes peered at him, pupils slit vertically like a snake, predatory. Jack froze under their gaze, his body seizing in fear as the mass pushed closer.
He had been terrified that day, paralyzed by those glowing eyes and his own fear. He couldn't look away as the creature circled him, turning slowly with it to maintain eye contact. His oxygen levels were quickly lowering as his breathing continued to spike, chest heaving. When the monster moved closer, invading his personal, Jack's back hit a wall, trying to get away. His heavy breaths came faster, and those glowing eyes blinked slowly at him. The creature tilted its head.
Suddenly, Jack gasped audibly as he was wrapped in something simultaneously firm and squishy. His breather fell from his mouth, Jack sucking in a lungful of cold, salty water. He first reaction was to cough, horror growing within him when he tried to reach up but found his arms bound by his sides. He struggled, tears filling his eyes as panic made him breathe in more water. His vision quickly darkened, barely noticing the rush of water around him as the thing around him tightened.
One second, he was against the wall of an old ship. The next, he was laid out on a bed of sand, two palms pressed to his chest and pushing. He quickly rolled to his side, vomiting up water and coughing violently. A hand rubbed his back as Jack pressed his head to cool sand, breathing heavy and ragged. It took him a minute to register his oxygen tank was no longer strapped to his back.
When he finally had enough strength back to look over his shoulder, he realized the sun had set completely during his panic attack under the waves. Two brilliantly gold eyes stared down at him, unblinking. Jack's breathing picked up as he realized the creature was hovering over him in the sand. It could breathe air, too?
He tried to crawl away, weak hands grasping at sand, but the thing tilted its head, surprisingly human in nature. A hand, strong and firm - human, save for the claws - nothing like whatever had been wrapped around him in the ship, was placed on his shoulder and stilled his struggles.
"Breathe," the creature murmured. Its voice was silky and soft, distinctly masculine, and it sent shivers down Jack's spine. He told himself it was just from the cold and almost drowning, too stunned the thing could speak at all. "Rest."
Jack couldn't look away from those eyes.
It wasn't until he realized that something was wrapped firm around his leg, writhing in a way that was distinctly inhuman, that he finally managed to tear his eyes away. He tried to sit up, to look down at whatever had a hold of him, but the creature recoiled. Whatever had a grip on him loosened and slid away, the inhuman eyes disappearing in the dark.
"W... Wait!" Jack sat up as he heard a splash in the waves lapping gently at the beach, realizing too late the creature was gone.
It had taken him several more minutes before he managed to stand on steady legs again, gathering his discarded gear to hike back up to his house. He waved off his mother's concerns and his sister's questions, going through the motions of storing his gear, showering, and eating dinner. All the while, he thought of his encounter, of gold eyes and black shadows. He fell into bed with the ghost of a touch on his leg and wrapped himself in his blankets to mimic the feel of... something wrapped around him, but it didn't envelop him near as tight as the creature had, and he drifted off into a troubled sleep, dreams filled with gold.
He lasted two days before his curiosity got the better of him.
Jack double and triple checked his gear before heading down to the ocean, hesitating for only a minute or two before shaking his head at his own ridiculousness and plunging in. Drowning was an occupational hazard when it came to diving, and he refused to let one incident hold him back.
Especially when he had a possible sea monster to find.
Jack gasped as suckers pulled at his skin, sticking to him and popping as they released. He squirmed under their sticky exploration of him, arching into the one sliding over his chest. It slid over his nipples, catching on each nub individually, making him moan. A long tongue licked over him, where leg met hip, by-passing his twitching length, over his stomach. It dipped into his navel, flicking in and out, and Jack quivered. More tentacles crept over his skin, snaking over his arms. The one on his chest settled decisively over both nipples, pulling incrementally so his nipples were tugged with each short pull of the arm. It made Jack whine, arching and writhing as he tried to escape the constant push and pull of pressure. That long tongue licked up from his belly, up his chest, the suckers pulling off on one side so Pitch could get his mouth on it instead. Jack threw his head as he moaned loudly.
He was glad they were so far from shore. No one would be able to hear him this far in the rocky outcroppings, especially with the sun casting its last few rays over the horizon. Ha wouldn't be able to see much of anything either, save for Pitch's glowing yellow eyes, but that was part of what made it so fun.
Teeth sank into the meat of his chest around his nipple, sharp and piercing, and Jack screamed. The tendrils on his arms held him in place as he jerked, intending to push Pitch's head away, but the creature soothed the mark with his hot tongue, licking over the punctures and sucking. He moaned as he did, sounding almost feral. Jack wrapped his legs around his waist, pulling the bigger male closer, careful to avoid the slats of gills on his ribs. He rubbed himself against the sticky-smooth shadow that made up Pitch's lower half, only a little put-off by the fact he didn't feel a matching hardness from Pitch. It helped to return some blood back to his brain and remember that Pitch didn't have the same kind of anatomy. Jack knew that. He had done extensive research on that.
Pitch trailed kisses from his aching chest, Jack arching as the suckers returned to his nipple to resume their attentions, kissing and licking up his neck. He turned his head with a pleased sigh, giving the sea monster more room to work. A giggle huffed out of him as Pitch licked at his ear.
"You beautiful thing..." whispered Pitch, sharp teeth nipping the lobe. "You really don't mind all this, do you?" He kissed Jack's cheek.
Jack turned his head to meet him, catching those lips with his own, tasting the sea and adoring every second of it. He licked into Pitch's mouth, meeting that long tongue with his own short and stubby one. Moaning as it wrapped around his to suck, Jack rutted a little harder against his waist, his cock starting to swell with renewed interest. A tentacle rested at the dip of his leg and hip, rubbing up and down as though stroking itself. Jack's cheeks went red as he thought of which of Pitch's arms it might be, and he pulled away, sucking on Pitch's long tongue as he did until it slipped free with a light pop.
"Wh-why would I?" Jack muttered back. The back of a clawed finger stroked down his cheek, Jack leaning into it. "You're hot, and I'm interested. That sounds like a good time to me." He gave a shaky grin.
Pitch stared down at him with those bright eyes. "Last chance to back out of this, Jack." He kissed trembling lips once again. "Surely you have plenty of suitors waiting for you on land."
Jack scoffed. "Suitors? What are you, a hundred years old?" When Pitch looked back up at him with heavy-lidded eyes, Jack's eyes having adjusted enough to see his mouth pull taught. He looked away. "Dont... don't answer that." He tugged at the binds of his arms, the tendrils not budging save to get a better grip on him. "A-Anyway, you don't seem like you'll let me go anytime soon."
Pitch leaned in close as he tilted Jack to face him with a warm hand on his cheek, hovering just over Jack's lips. "Do you want me to let you go?" he asked softly.
Jack met his bright eyes, his breathing shaky, his body spasming under the constant pull at his skin from the various suckers on his body. His palm was hot, his thumb tingling on his skin where it stroked his cheek. The hold on his arms was firm; he couldn't break free if he tried, but it wasn't bruising. If Pitch wanted to snap him like a twig, he could; he'd seen those monstrous tendrils stop and break a charging bull shark that swam a little too far north over the summer in half. Pitch nearly caused him to drown when they first met. The eight arms that made up his lower half had left behind bruises ten times over as they had gotten to know each other, until Pitch figured out the correct amount to pressure to apply to hold him without hurting him.
Jack had no doubt that he would let go if he told him to.
Instead, he smiled, wiggling one arm until Pitch got the hint and released it. Jack reached up to place it to his sea monster's shadowy cheek. He smiled as Pitch leaned into his touch, closing his eyes.
"I'm not going anywhere," he said softly. Pitch opened bright eyes again to stare down at him. His fingers slid back into feather-soft hair, tugging. "Kiss me?"
Pitch did.
He wasted no time devouring Jack's lips for his own, angling his head just right to plunge his tongue into his mouth. They both moaned, Jack's writhing renewed with a vengeance as the suckers sticking to his body continued their exploration with loud, vulgar pop's all over his skin. The other hand found his hip, gripping hard with a dig of nails into soft flesh to encourage him to move against Pitch once more. The tentacle that rubbed over his crotch - the only one with no suckers at the end of it - circled his dick, squeezing gently. Jack threw his head back with a gasping moan, pulling away from Pitch's mouth so the big octopus could latch onto his neck, teeth digging in and piercing thin skin. Jack screamed.
"What the fu-uck..." he trailed off with a moan as Pitch attached his lips to the spot and sucked, licking over the wound. He then trailed kisses back down his neck, over his chest, and down his belly. All the while, the tendril wrapped around his length jerked him in long, smooth pulls, Jack hearing Pitch's breathing stutter just so. His face was aflame once again by the time Pitch settled over his crotch, shrieking as that hot tongue licked the tip of him to poke inside the hole.
"Gods, you taste wonderful..." Pitch growled into the night. He licked along Jack's thigh, teeth leaving light scratches as he nipped at his skin. All around them was silent, save for the gentle crash if waves on the rocks, of Pitch's large body slipping in and out of the water. Every time Jack's skin started to dry in the cool night air, tightening uncomfortably from the salt water, another splash of water would rush over him, dripping from one of Pitch's many appendages. His body was alight with sensation, and he tossed his head.
"Please don't tease," he whined in frustration. Pitch placed both his hands on Jack's thighs, lightly scratching his nails over soft skin.
"I wouldn't dream of such a thing," he lied, so painfully obvious Jack couldn't help but laugh.
"Oh, yeah? That's not what this thing tells me!" He gently slapped the tendril still pulsating on his chest, only to gasp as his hand was caught in another. It held his arm up by his head, the one on his chest undulating even more over his nipples for the comment. He was sure to have little circular marks all over his body when the night was over, and he dreaded the excuse he would have to give his mother.
He could not wait to look in a mirror.
"Spread your legs for me," Pitch murmured in that dark way of his. Jack moaned, opening up as far as he could. Pitch clicked his tongue at him, and Jack worried fleetingly that he might have disappointed his lover. "Now, now, Jack, you can do better than that." He gasped as two sticky-smooth tendrils wrapped around his legs, the suckers catching on his skin as they took a firm hold. "Spread your legs wider." He whined as his legs were stretched even further.
He scrambled at the skin of the thick black arms near his hands, his fingers sinking into squishy flesh but unable to grab a decent hold of them. Pitch manhandled him to lay the way he wanted, bending Jack nearly in half, legs spread wide to expose his ass while holding his knees down by his ribs. Jack's face flushed deeper than it ever has, realizing too late that his entrance was exposed to the hungry monster watching him.
"There you are..." Pitch muttered, hungry and dark, and Jack felt warm heat on his ass before he threw his head back with a shout, eyes wide as that wickedly long tongue plunged inside him.
His moans were loud and guttural, Pitch's tongue flicking over his prostate with each thrust inside. Jack tried to squirm away, unable to do more than shake and accept the assault, turn on two as he couldn't even thrust up into the tentacle wrapped around his length. It slid up and down his cock with each torturous prod of Pitch's tongue, and Jack was soon as shaking, drooling mess. His legs were held fast, muscles twitching with each sharp flick of the tongue, his arms trying to pull at the appendages holding him captive. He couldn't even thrust down on the muscle, completely immobile as Pitch gave him pleasure the likes of which he had never known.
Not that he had known much before Pitch.
"I'm... I'm gonna-!" He screamed as his orgasm hit him hard and fast, a tentacle cradling his head as he threw it back. Waves crashed around them, drowning out his noises to anyone who might be standing out on the rocky bluffs this late at night, but Jack could only feel the spray of water on his body, splashing his sides as Pitch continued to suck at his hole. His ass felt uncomfortably wet, the tendril milking his cock for everything he had squeezing just shy of becoming painful. Jack tried to catch his breath, wheezing slightly as his lungs were compressed a little more as Pitch tries to bend him further in half. Jack felt like he was gonna break, tears beading in his eyes as the pleasure on his cock tipped over the edge of pain, and couldn't even kick the bigger male off him. "S-stop! Oh, god, stop, I can't-!"
The tendril on his cock slid away. Jack breathed a sigh of relief, Pitch pulling his tongue out to lean over him once again. His eyes shown with a ferocity Jack wasn't used to, his breathing heavy and uneven as he licked up Jack's mess, all the while maintaining eye contact. Jack couldn't look away even if he wanted to, moaning as the arm on his chest suddenly pulled free. He gasped as his nipples were exposed to cool air, sensitive and sore, only to nearly scream again when Pitch latched onto the unbitten one. His tongue flicked and curled around the nub, sucking and nibbling gently. Meanwhile, the arm that was free of suckers on the last few inches slid over his crotch, teasing ticklish skin at the seam of his leg and hip. He tried to squirm, tried to get a word out , but Pitch bit his chest again, Jack screaming at sharp teeth sinking into his flesh.
"Just like that, Jack..." Pitch growled into his skin after he unhooked his teeth. Jack lay there, a panting, sweaty mess, trying to catch his breath and relax his shaking muscles, but he tensed as something new prodded at his entrance. "Relax for me, darling... You've been so good for me, Jack, just a little more..."
Pitch's voice sounded broken and near hoarse. Jack whined, barely managing to stop seizing enough for the appendage to poke in. It was no bigger than maybe two fingers to start, but he knew how thick Pitch's arms were, had spent enough time studying them to know how quick the stretch would widen. He moaned, pathetic and pained, his cock barely managing to twitch in response. Two hands pressed into the rock by his head, Jack prying open his eyes to meet Pitch's, the big creature hovering above him in the dark. Jack could just barely make out his shadowy features past the fever-bright eyes, but Pitch's cheeks seemed darker than usual, his mouth gone slack. He wondered if the other male was blushing.
"I got you, love," Pitch whispered. His voice cracked on the last word, Jack's heart swelling at the sound of it. The tendril cradling his head was gentle, angling him just so. Pitch leaned down and kissed him, gentle but all-encompassing, claiming Jack for his own as his specialized arm pushed in a little deeper. "I got you. You're opening up so beautifully for me, Jack, you lovely little thing..."
He leaned back enough to look down the length of Jack's body, watching the arm pull out an inch or two before pushing back in. He released a guttural moan, Jack gasping at the stretch.
"I can't -" he gasped brokenly, even as his body started to relax against his will.
"You can," Pitch muttered. "You can take it, love, you can take everything I have to give you..." Jack threw his head back as his prostate was nudged, his poor abused hole clenching and making his cock twitch. "There you are..."
Pitch's breathing grew more ragged as the tentacle thrust a little hard, stretching Jack more. Jack could do nothing but take it, moaning and gasping and whining as Pitch used him as he saw fit. His mouth fell open, Pitch's tongue plundering the wet cavern, and Jack felt his eyes close. His whole body shook as with every other hard thrust, Pitch pushed in deeper. His weird tentacle-cock rubbed over his prostate with every thrust, sending spasms of painful pleasure throughout Jack's body. His cock bounced against his belly, full and painful, and Jack could only be thankful that Pitch kept his movements slow and steady - probably for his sake. Who knew what would happen to a poor little human if Pitch went fast and hard, even if Jack kinda wanted him to pick up the pace.
Pitch pulled away from the kiss, panting heavily. One big hand found Jack's cheek, stroking the skin under his eye, and Jack was made aware of the wetness there. He realized he was crying a little too late.
"Should I stop?" Pitch whispered. His voice edged on desperate as the tentacle moved a little faster. "I can - o-oh, f-fuck... I can stop, J-Jack, I-"
He looked down as he spoke, his whole body shuddering as the tentacle forced in a little deeper. It moved a little harder, Jack's peering up through bleary eyes to watch Pitch's own widen with unbearable desire.
"Fuck, you're perfect..." Pitch hissed. "Look at you... You really can take it, can't you, you perfect creature...."
Jack moaned pitifully as his head was lifted a little more. He gazed down at his own body, not quite registering what he was seeing in his foggy mind.
There was movement under his skin, a vague push and pull that aligned with every thrust of Pitch's dick. His belly protruded with every thrust in, settling again when Pitch pulled back some, only to rinse and repeat. When he made no outward signs of a reaction, Pitch paused, leaning back a little as he pulled his dick out. Jack watched with heavy breathing as his stomach flattened, his nerves sparking and lighting up as the very tip of the tentacle brushed his prostate. His cock twitched, Jack not really feeling it as something nudged his balls, fondling them gently. He moaned, clenching around the tip of the appendage. The his eyes went wide as it was suddenly shoved back in, hard and deep, and Jack wanted to throw his head as he screamed, but he was held in place, eyes locked onto his stomach and the sudden bulge that appeared as Pitch fucked him.
His body seized as yet another orgasm hit him, mouth falling slack as weak eyes watched his skin move. He flicked them up to find Pitch, the sea monster's own eyes locked on the skin of his belly, but they briefly flicked up to meet Jack's foggy blue. Jack didn't register the noise that escaped his lover, low and broken and terrifying. He barely felt the cock inside him pulse and twitch, didn't notice the way his stomach continued to expand. He only had eyes for that brilliant gold, mouth opening and closing weakly as he tried to say something, anything, beside whatever pitiful noises were escaping him just then. Pitch leaned over him, hot lips finding his easily in the dark, and Jack sighed a the strain on his body started to lax.
The cushion under his head lowered enough so his neck was no longer bent so much. The restraints on his arms loosened, suckers popping as they pulled away from his skin. His legs were slowly lowered and stretched, the tendrils massaging blood back into his limbs. More popping was heard in the quiet night, barely drowned out by the sound of the waves, but Jack couldn't really hear it. There was blood rushing in his ears as his body was moved for him, his whole body feeling more loose and relaxed than it ever had before. His belly felt full to bursting, Pitch's cock still pulsing inside him, but he felt limp and sleepy now that Pitch was no longer moving.
Pitch's tongue traced every inch of his mouth - over his teeth, sucking on his tongue. He pulled away with sharp teeth on Jack's lip, careful not to bite too hard. His eyes were heavy as they gazed down at Jack, so adoring and soft that Jack wanted to cry.
Oh, wait.
He already was.
"Shh..." Pitch soothed gently, wiping his tears away with the pads of his thumbs. "It's alright, Jack, you're alright." Jack tried to speak but couldn't, moaning low and pained. "You did so well for me, my good little Jack." The tendril inside him finally ceased its pulsing, Pitch starting to gently remove it. He moaned as he did, gazing down at Jack with a kind of hunger that made Jack feel loved. "Feel that, Jack?" Jack did, barely managing a nod as way more than what Pitch had told him would be inside him slithered out. "You took so much, and for your first time, too!" He laid a warm hard on Jack's full belly, rubbing gently. "Such a good boy..." He leaned down to kiss Jack's distended stomach. "You'd make such an exquisite parent to my spawn, Jack..." He kissed his belly again. Jack sighed.
The hand pressed down hard on his belly, Jack sucking in a sudden breath of pain. He gritted his teeth. "Wh-what..."
"Sadly," Pitch continued to mutter, regretful and resigned, "I think keeping these inside you might actually kill you."
Then he pushed down. Hard.
Jack screamed.
Something shifted inside him, multiple somethings. At the same time, two tentacles were back at his entrance, spreading his hole, and something pushed out of Jack. It squished embarrassingly, Jack's face lighting up with mortification, but Pitch leaned down to kiss him.
"It's alright, darling. I got you."
A second something popped out of Jack's body as Pitch kept up the pressure on his body. "P-Pitch... w-hat the f-fuck?"
Another slid out, Jack whining as his body tried to clench around it, trying to keep it in.
"You can't keep them, Jack," Pitch told him gently. "They won't live."
"K-keep... wh-at?"
Pitch gazed at him with those loving, bright eyes, smiling gently. "My spawn, Jack. Eggs. Maybe someday we can figure something out, but right now, your body can't hold them." As he spoke, more... eggs slid out of Jack despite his body doing the best it could to keep them in.
"You di... didn't say... there would be-eee eggs inv-ah-lved!" Jack tried to shout between panting breaths, but Pitch simply chuckled, kissing his parted lips.
"Oh, fu-ah! F-fuck you!"
I just jumped so far out of my wheelhouse that I had to end it there! I am soo sorry!
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jackalhf · 11 months
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Moving in to the new blog nicely bois
Here’s the uncropped but still censored version
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rise-my-angel · 20 days
Okay, real talk. The next main series chapter is up in arms when it will be released. I have it ready to go, but I also have an intermission chapter that are from various pov's from other characters to catch up with whats been occurring in Westeros during the past 3 chapters. I can release that sometime this week as a bonus chapter, or I can release it on Monday as the next proper update, and the monday after that we return to Jon and the Reader.
It includes pov's from characters we've yet to see through the eyes of, and a new book only character who will be introduced later, but there is no Jon or reader whatsoever, so it's up to you guys if you want that released as its own proper update as normal, or if I should release it in the next few days as bonus content.
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ask by @foodielovethealicorn
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
DC Characters I Headcannon as Autistic:
Cassandra Caine:
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Bruce Wayne:
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Tim Drake:
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Kara Danvers:
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Oliver Queen:
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Killer Frost:
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The Riddler:
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Oswald Copplepot:
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Jim Gordon:
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Ivy Pepper:
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nuwildcat · 1 year
That’s a wrap folks! All four chapters are up and I am going to come back to this universe at some point but I’m taking a break for now. I hope you all enjoyed reading this and exploring some fae culture with me. HUGE shout out to @luckydragon10 as always for betaing in record time while I’ve been out running around with my mom. You da best Nems.
💜 ‘Cat
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frosteee-variation · 1 year
my friend you do not know the can of worms that you have opened with those five words alone
I typed up a full explanation before my tumblr crashed because there was so much I put
hang on okay
okay. okay. okay. missy. miss direction. miss interpretation. miss ellaneous. my beloved. my loathed. my cringefail girlboss miss direction.
upon the second time typing this I realize that it’d probably be much quicker for me to get past the context
OKAY TL;DR my friends and I are part of this campaign in a system called Anime Campaign which is also tied to the series Epithet Erased and we’ve been obsessing over it for about three years now even though nothing has actually started yet.
basically, some people have these things called Epithets and they’re random words tied to a person that lets them do cool stuff, yeah. like, someone in the campaign has Project as an Epithet. she can like, make film-style projections that come to life. it’s very cool!!
So Missy. Missy. Missy is my character. She originally started off as a silly evil NPC the first time we tried to start a campaign but I grew attached and started playing her as a PC in this one. Her Epithet is Concept. There’s a whole lot of complicated nuance surrounding how it actually works but bottom line is she can make things act like other things if people believe that, conceptually, the two things are one in the same. Like making plastic money act like real money, which is something she definitely does not do frequently she is a very honest person and not at all scamming people what are you talking about.
So she was silly!! She was so so silly!!! Basically played up the goon bit of “yeah boss” and all that. She was also a massive theater nerd, and made an active effort to ensure that literally nobody could forget that she was an actor and she knew several plays and shit. So when the most recent attempt at starting a campaign came around, I started thinking to myself, “hm. yeah, missy’s funny… but why is she funny?”
worst mistake of my life (/j)
So. Miss Direction (not her actual name) was an actor. Or she was learning to be an actor, at least. Absolutely loved the stage. And she was a really charming person, too!! But then for reasons I SADLY CANNOT ELABORATE ON HERE BECAUSE I KNOW THE PEOPLE WHO ARE IN THAT CAMPAIGN ARE FOLLOWING ME AND WE’RE PLANNING ON KEEPING THE MAIN BITS OF OUR BACKSTORIES SECRET she eventually booked it halfway across the country to this coastal city, Gallenset Gulf.
And she’s like “hhhhhouGHGGGGGHFUCK my life is RUINED” because of said nondescript Horrors™️ in her backstory that I cannot elaborate on and she’s kind of like. Not doing good. At all. She’s really shaken by the whole thing. Like it’s bad. She basically comes to the conclusion that she’s a horrible person for leaving and eventually gets roped into working for these small time criminals because (because of The Horrors™️) she’s technically a wanted criminal herself now.
So she works for them for a while, until she gets noticed by this woman named Ritz. K. Ritz, to be exact. Terrifying woman. Has a lot of “Hell” symbolism surrounding her for obvious reasons. You know the hound thing? The hound thing I mentioned in the last post? This is where that comes in. Hounds of hell, dogs of war, however you cut it. Ritz basically looks at this pathetic woman and goes “yeah, you know that stuff you said about you being horrible? You’re right. You’re totally evil. Like, holy shit, you’re bad. I’m worse though, so why don’t you work for me and you can go be a lot more honest with yourself.” AND IT WORKS.
After that, she ends up developing this whole brand around herself and takes up the Miss Direction moniker. She does some freelance work as a henchperson for a while and plays up the “VERY EVIL” gimmick to get more business and gets fairly far because she treats it more like a show, than anything. And she’s cunning, too! Really smart!! Absolutely PERFECT hitman material!
Right now, she’s basically easing off the gas and taking a bit of a breather by the time the campaign starts. Most of her attention has gone towards her startup (HenchPeople Incorporated, or H.I.P. for short because she’s a bad guy and doesn’t listen to the rules of acronyms) and she’s absolutely horrible and I love her so so so much.
She’s a dog person. She sings while she works. She failed to intimidate a kid one time and said kid turned around with a nat 20 and completely and utterly disgraced her. She constantly changes her name. Her jacket is this weird fucking white trenchcoat with baroque trim for some reason. She has an irrational hatred of Julius Caesar (the show). I absolutely adore her
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evilhorse · 2 years
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Any of you beat up the frost giants or Fin Fang Foom this year?
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malewifingonside · 10 months
When i see reviews on nu saying 'mc is too dumb like thinking their death would solve everything just bc they transmigrate d into a villain' and i had to disagree cause 1) if the protagonist is fucked up crazy op bastard i too would rather die and second 2) I fuckin love seeing them wrong. Go on babygirl kill yourself after you made such an integral change to the story that it couldn't live without u <3
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jay8934 · 1 year
Elementia chronicles but they have weapons from Minecraft dungeons.
Minecraft dungeons weapons are so cool tho can you imagine elementia chronicles characters with them
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comicwaren · 2 years
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From Marauders Vol. 2 #007, “Here Comes Yesterday, Part 1”
Art by Eleonora Carlini, Rachelle Rosenberg and Matt Milla
Written by Steve Orlando
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