#Finance CMS
i really don’t know how to like things a normal amount because why am i rewatching industry, i finished it 2 days ago
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ifcpltd · 8 months
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enihk-writes · 10 months
[hard to recall]
part of the [architect!reader] series can be read together with the other fics or as a standalone
pairing: pbss!chung myung x gn!they/them!reader
will be alternating povs from pbss!chung myung and mhdd!chung myung
summary: a hundred years and a few remnants later
word count: 5.50k
author's note: i got very demotivated towards the end but the og plot was supposed to be reader comes back from work to see mt hua in shambles and they tear down all the buildings they built just to secure funds and that's why the current sect looks so bare, and it's heartbreaking because reader is an architect and this was their life's hard work and cm knows that too and he realised there was virtually nothing left of that could remind him of them, like they put their soul into these structures and now it's gone type of thing,, and in the chaos of the aftermath when there was no one to lead the sect as the remaining elder they have to do it and everyone knows they tried their best and that they died miserable,, cm was supposed to find this out bit by bit through hyun jong and the other current elders... BUT like i said, i got suuuuuper demotivated towards the end because of writer's block so i scrapped the og idea... maybe i might come back to try writing it, but not in this story rn...
what does it mean to be loved?
what does it take to be loved?
power? fame? money? or was it a good heart?
they've always had a good head on their shoulders. some have said that it was a little too good. poised steady and head held high no matter the situation, had they been able to carry a sword like he, who knows what they could have accomplished?
but alas, they were not destined for such things.
the natural state of their qi clashed with the martial arts of mount hua. like water on fire, and it had left them weaker after each training session. they were lucky, having discovered this flaw early, or else they might have suffered more down the line.
talent is something you nurture to bloom.
he looks at them, eyebrows raised in questioning.
i'm going off to see what else i can do.
and just like that, they left. nothing much changed in his life. though, sometimes, he does feel as though it wasn't as noisy as it should have been. it's almost like there was a hard-to-ignore scratch on a perfectly polished marble.
the food tasted more bland now that they weren't watching over the cooks with an iron fist. the clothes didn't feel as crisp now, since the ones on duty these days didn't leave it out in the sun for as long as they used to. and dust was now left to collect in corners until it became too much to ignore, it wasn't like that when they were here — they would have gone down on their hands and knees to clean those annoying places obsessively.
he also might have missed that there was someone who talked to him like a peer, an actual peer, over most of the others who either talked to him like a child, their unreliable junior, someone to be feared and respected. it's nice to have someone your age to talk to, and he never really thought he needed that sort of companionship until they were gone.
well, he doesn't mind waiting. he was a pretty hard worker too, and wouldn't it be a little embarrassing for him if he had nothing to show for when they came back?
three years flew by so quickly, and he walks up to the front gates one unassuming day to find them reaching over to knock on the door.
he was a little shocked.
well, not shocked in the ah sense. but in the ahhhhh sense.
when they stood next to each other side-by-side, his mood went a little sour when he sees that they were still not much different in their height. he was hoping that he had grown more then they did.
welcome back.
mmh, i'm home~
he didn't ask about what they've been up to in the past three years while they were wandering across the country.
the elders seemed pleased when they all walked out of that long meeting, the elder in charge of the finance hall in particular looked a little happier than when he walked into the room.
huh. he would be lying if he said that this didn't make him wonder what happened to them in the past three years.
still, he kept his mouth shut, preferring to watch from the sidelines instead. grinning at them when they walked over in his direction, slinging an arm over their shoulders, annoying them like they hadn't ever left home.
dinnertime was noisy, the table where they sat was swarming with so many other disciples — all wanting to hear of their stories of the outside world. chung myung can't blame the others much, most of them weren't allowed to leave the sect grounds until they reached a certain age.
oh, him? he didn't get permission either, he just does it because he never cared about the rules. and it was this mindset that had all his seniors and other elders of the sect rubbing their temples in exasperation.
he watched from across the dining hall, chin propped in his hand, as the littlest ones tried to garner their attention by pawing at their thigh with small and chubby hands.
they laughed at the children's antics, carrying the youngest up from the ground, resting her on their lap as she was lulled to sleep against their chest. for a moment, they caught chung myung's gaze, looking at each other through the gaps between the crowd of people. they smile shyly at him, looking away when one of the older sect sisters asks them something.
chung myung's lips pull into a thin line, looking down at his half-empty plate of food awkwardly.
he wasn't sure why he wished for a moment that they were the only ones there in the dining hall then. maybe he wasn't used to having to share them with anyone, it was always just the two of them. with how chung myung was so quick to pick fights, nobody his age wanted to hang around him. only they had the patience to even try. and because of that, they slowly lost their friends — because if anybody wanted to be friends with chung myung, that person surely had something wrong with them.
he felt bad. knowing that he was the reason why nobody wanted to associate with them was a shitty feeling. he tried to chase them away in the beginning, never resorting to hurting them but he wasn't ever nice to them either.
go away!
that was always the way they greeted each other back then. he would hide from them in the tallest cupboards in the kitchen or in the trees or even the rooftops but they must have learnt something from his chung mun sa-hyung with how they still caught him each time effortlessly.
this is how it's supposed to be. seeing them surrounded by so many people, all looking at them in awe and wonder. this was how they should have lived all this time.
the usual appetite he had vanished. pushing the food away, chung myung gets up to leave, slipping away into the cold night and away from the action.
white puffs of air float upwards at each exhale, gravel crunched under his feet as he drags them to bring him back to his room. he doesn't make it far though — there was a pitter-patter of light footsteps coming his way. he sighs and chuckles to himself.
he would know that sound of footsteps anywhere.
looking over his shoulder, he sees that the toddler sleeping soundly in their arms. it was amazing, how they managed to carry the child running without waking her up from all that shaking. he wonders for a moment if...
chung myung-ah.
he tilts his head.
let's put her to bed. she must be tired from staying awake for so long, poor baby.
he listens to them coo softly over the little girl's nose scrunching up from the cold. chung myung curiously pokes at the mounds of fat stored on the child's cheeks, snickering when the kid frowns in their sleep, grunting in protest.
they gasp and slaps his hand away.
hey! don't do that!
they whisper-yell, cradling the fussing baby's head closer to their chest, shushing her cries. rocking their arms, hoping the child would go back to sleep, which she thankfully did.
chung myung only looks away from their accusatory gaze.
there used to be a nursery a little aways from the main dorms.
it wasn't there anymore. much like most of the buildings that used to stand here in mount hua back in its heyday.
it was just one of the many little things that had been torn down from trying to salvage sellable materials. that was nothing more than a product of time, and the actions taken by a sect struggling to feed the mouths living there.
it's been a hundred years, after all.
why would you do something this pointless?
chung myung couldn't understand them. he leans against the wall with his arms crossed, talking to them through their window, with him on the outside as they were drawing out lines on a parchment paper by candlelight.
hm... but i don't think it's pointless though?
they state simply, not once looking up from their work. feeling neglected, chung myung whines a little. they were finally back after a good few years and now that he wanted to spend time with them, they're too busy? please look at me. he wants to say, beg even.
you're awfully clingy these days.
he hears their breathy chuckle. and the corners of their eyes crinkle up, lips barely hiding that wide toothy smile he'd missed seeing. though, it looked less childish than he last remembered. that's right. they're both grown up now, they're both adults now.
he wishes that they could be kids forever.
mostly because kids don't think too hard or dwell too long on things that hurt their brains. and whatever new winds that have begun to sail on the ship since they've returned to mount hua, was bringing them to a different destination than he thought they'd end up. he wasn't going to gamble on the possibility that they might have taken notice of this subtle change like he did too. all these thoughts hurt his head.
he listens to the sounds of the calligraphy brush dragged across the paper, tingles travelling up to his brain. it was late, he should be back in bed... but...
chung myung yawns, not bothering to be polite around someone he's known his whole life. he hears them giggle again, but this time, they set their brush aside. leaning across the table, their fingers fiddled with something, soft clanks of wood bumped into each other for a moment before the window was finally thrown open.
come inside.
they call out to him with that same soft smile.
woah there! you shouldn't be inviting a man into your private quarters so easily like this! what if he misunderstands something... this is so intimate you know...
he gasps dramatically, even if this wasn't his first time in their room, this was his first time in their room as an adult. it was very much a significant thing to him.
they laugh again.
...you jest. we're friends, what's there to misunderstand?
ah. of course. they were only friends. nothing more, nothing less. what was there to get confused about?
he wordlessly climbs in through their window. taking off his boots before putting his foot down on their pristine floorboards. it's hard to forget about that time they scolded his ear off for dirtying the floor they had freshly cleaned.
you still remember to take your shoes off huh?
they mumble quietly.
you don't have to do that anymore though. i'm not as nit-picky as i used to be. i can always clean it up again.
he thinks they've certainly changed quite a bit.
his thoughts wander more, but his gaze never once leaving the drawings that came into being on the paper. thin and thick lines that formed into what he recognised as the entire scale layout of the current mount hua seen from above. he marvels at their small drawings of furniture in each of the miniature rooms.
he moves to stand behind them, eventually sitting on their bed after changing into the spare set of sleeping attire they've kept in their wardrobe just for him.
as the night wore on, he finally succumbs to his tired state, burrowing under the covers of their bed. he calls out to them to go to bed too, but it seems they've chosen to ignore him in favour of their work. he didn't have half the mind to try again — not when they had that look in their eye. it was almost like a possession, some innate obsession that they'd somehow unearthed within themselves in the three years they were gone.
he doesn't remember them ever being like that. if anything, they were the most laid-back person he's ever known. with no particular ambition, no wants beyond what they needed... not much plans for their future. he didn't know what happened to them before they decided to leave, he still hasn't asked them about what happened in the time they were away. they've changed, and deep down he feels a little bitter for getting left behind, falling asleep with those thoughts running in his mind.
the next time he woke up, it was the beginning of daybreak. the room was still dark even with the sky slowly turning into a pale violet. he felt the covers lift and they climbed into bed as quietly as they could, not realising chung myung was very much awake.
they gasp, startled by the red of his irises staring right at them from under the blanket's dark shadows.
you scared me...
they mumble and whine tiredly, falling into his chest, his outstretched arms circling their waist, pulling them closer.
his lips ghost on the crown of their head, a hand hesitates to cradle the back of their neck. what if that was too much? sure, they've huddled together under the covers on cold mornings like this countless times before... but they were younger then. now, things have changed. but maybe it's more him than they, or it was both.
he could think about that later. right now, he feels so warm and relaxed he feels himself drifting back to sleep again.
that day when he had dug into the ground to find the secret vault for the ledgers, he just barely missed the pile of scrolls sitting on the bottom of the bookcase.
he got curious, opened them and saw a set of familiar drawings.
the lines were faded from a vibrant black to a faint grey and the parchment had also turned a little yellow on the edges. his fingers traced over the writing at the corner of the paper. it was a signature of that person's name. he tries and fails to remember the way their hands held onto that brush they'd often used.
it's been a hundred years, after all.
recently, the elders have been discussing about what to do with some of the main halls.
you see, they've neglected the management of the buildings in favour of setting aside the budget for other matters like investing in expanding the local businesses or other miscellaneous affairs. they'd figured there wasn't really a need to keep up with building maintenance, not when these halls have been standing well and good for the past few centuries.
though the main issue now was that there was a wee bit of a nothing-too-serious case of termite infestation going on in the wooden frames on a select few of the said buildings. ugh, more work everyone around.
oh! but it's not for chung myung though!
he remained blissfully unaware about the current plight of a certain person until he comes across them slumped against the outer walls of the back gates, head in their hands.
there was a slight hesitation in his voice.
they look up to meet his worried gaze with a confused, sheepish smile. loud growling of their stomach interrupting the moment.
he feels his irritation grow. seriously! they were old enough to take care of their own needs! no sane person would choose to ignore those needs to keep on working!
nausea hits them hard when chung myung pulls them to their feet, the world around them spins as their knees grow weak and buckle. thank god for his reflexes, catching them before they fall to the ground — but now what?
he does what chung myung does best.
throwing the poor and sick, now his supposed patient, over his shoulder like a sack of rice.
they don't even bother fighting back instead, they fade in and out of the intense feeling of wanting to throw up on chung myung or passing out — wondering to themselves if this guy was genuinely trying to put them to an early grave.
put me down...
nuh-uh. you need to eat.
they groan in exasperation.
and they passed out soon after.
in the days following that fainting scare, everyone agrees to take a step back. probably feeling guilty that they were driving one of their own like a workhorse. but that isn't enough to stop someone who's a known workaholic. chung myung doesn't remember them being like this before.
though a friend was a friend, and he shoves down the ugly feeling slowly brewing in the pit of his gut to take care of them. he was dependable when he wanted to be. just don't expect it to happen every time.
he knew the corners of the sect they liked to be, and in each of those corners, he'd put down his clumsily made step-stools — uneven and shaky, made from scrap pieces of branches and logs he found. it wasn't the best workmanship in the world, though they were delighted that he did this for them nonetheless.
not long after, there was a second, more polished and well-made stool that stood next to each and every one of those misshapen ones. and in the duo's later years, a third one was added to the lineup.
it was a common sight for the younger disciples to see two of their elders and another guy hunched over, roasting water chestnuts by the back gate like a bunch of delinquents until sect leader chung mun would drag their two elders by the collar as the third person trailed behind sheepishly.
the back gates once made out of brick and stone had been torn down with only a low fragmented outline left behind. chung myung walks around that area until he stumbles on a mound of dirt by a wall still standing.
curiously, he kicks off the top layers of soil, revealing a splintered and rotting piece of wood. the more he unearths, the more the mound begins to take the shape of three step-stools.
his mouth waters at the smell of roasted chestnuts wafting from the kitchen. he hasn't had that in a while.
it's been a hundred years, after all.
loud banging noises from dawn till midday were the norm this past week.
almost everyone bit their tongues from complaining. it was a necessary process, after all. even the elders held back from commenting on the ruckus. of course they did, this whole mess was their fault! who asked them to neglect building maintenance!
they were perched on a bamboo scaffolding, mumbling curses under their breath. straining to pull out rotted wood, trying not to squirm at the disgusting look of wet mold. cleaning out the gaping holes and filling them out one by one was a cheapskate way really — but what the elders ask for, they had to deliver. no matter how tiresome the job was, they have to prove themselves.
somewhere in the back of their mind, a voice was always condemning them. telling them over and over on repeat how useless they were, not being able to pick up on the basic skill of using a sword in a martial arts sect. the odd one out, the nail that stuck out, the stubborn thorn that got on the soles of one's foot. all descriptors that applied to them. their master, a man whose name they didn't want to speak of, was a cruel one. they always felt like a freeloader, taking and taking like a parasite, his words, what use did they have other than being another mouth the sect had to feed?
just as the rest of the world faded into a blur, a familiar voice cuts through the fog of their spiralling thoughts.
he calls out to them, face red from a combination of alcohol, running away from the seniors and the heat of summer. he clamours up the scaffolding with a small basket and a bottle of wine, trying to hide himself from view.
you aren't expecting me to hide you from our seniors... are you?
chung myung laughs nervously.
i'm not going to lie to someone to cover your ass.
urgh... you sound like those shaolin monks talking about the five virtues of righteousness...
they were about to snap back when a flurry of footsteps came their way — chung myung retreats further into the shadows, stilling from making any more noise. they glance over at him, before turning over to continue with their work.
a few of the junior brothers stop at the foot of the scaffolding, panting a little. the boys look up to their senior, nudging amongst themselves to ask the whereabouts of their other runaway senior.
uh, senior... have you seen...
the timid voice of the junior was interrupted by the loud banging of the hammer against the wood. and every time there seemed to be an opening, the banging quickly resumed again.
the boys decided to just give up and report to the elders that they'd lost track of their runaway senior. grumbling amongst themselves about how they've wasted their time.
chung myung remained in his spot, only coming out when the coast was completely clear. all while they were still hard at work, pulling out the wood, and filling out the holes.
he reached into the basket, plucking out a kumquat from the bunch. he blows the dust off it and wipes it clean before nudging the fruit to the other's lips.
open your mouth... ahhh...
the kumquats were just as sweet and tart as expected. they chew on it thoughtfully, gathering the seeds under their tongue to spit it out. chung myung's hand moves to hover under their chin, and they raise an eyebrow in question.
you can spit the seeds on my hand.
ew. that's so disgusting. what are you? a pervert?
the man looks at them indignantly. urgh, they were so rude! it's even worse than when they first left mount hua! to have believed life outside shaanxi would have changed this block-head potty-mouthed person was a pipe dream after all!
you... you're cussing me out, aren't you?
chung myung shakes his head quickly, knowing they weren't above tattling to their elders if he pissed them off. he's known this first-hand since childhood, and it doesn't seem like things were going to change in adulthood either.
you can buy my silence with some of those mooncakes you have or with the mandarin oranges in the basket.
he sucks in a breath. they were asking for his favourite mooncakes... they were so cruel... evil, evil bastard! what friend? this was clearly the devil in disguise, maybe he should have brought talismans to test that theory...
he grumbles in defeat, getting to work by diligently peeling the skin off the mandarin oranges, splitting the fruit into its little segments, and feeding it to them piece by piece with slices of mooncake in-between each fruit to cleanse their palate.
mmh... our chung myungie can be such a good boy too eh~
shut up!
they cackle and drown out his insults with the loud banging.
the sect had been gifted a few carts of mandrin oranges by the merchant guild. chun myung had taken a few to snack on in his free time, and as he peels the skin off the fruit, he thinks about how nice it'd be to have someone to share these little slices with.
he bites on a piece.
it was sweet, but not like he remembered. and there was also a bitter aftertaste that left him feeling emptier than before.
it's been a hundred years, after all.
war was such a devastating thing.
beyond the obvious loss of lives, there was also the grief gained from seeing someone who is still alive and kicking lose all that made them... them.
chung myung hasn't been himself in a long, long time. he barely remembers through the haze of liquor-induced stupor the type of person he used to be before this endless bloodshed. he smiled less, got agitated more often, and even for someone who had always seemed to attract wayward troublemakers this was all too much. he wonders what went wrong, did that person also notice something was wrong with him?
no. that person surely noticed. they were an architect for god's sake — being observant was part of their job description. he wanted to ask them why they hadn't been so hard on him like everyone else. the tension hanging in the air had made the sa-hyungs lash out at him, he somehow became the scapegoat that took on the blame for the smallest errors. not that he minded, he understood they didn't mean it, but it doesn't make it any less hurtful.
he looks up, eyes clouded over and dazed. a vaguely familiar figure makes their way towards him, talking with someone, presumably the tavern owner, in hushed voices before a hand caresses his head gently. chung myung leaned into the touch, it was as comforting as it always was. he hasn't been seeing them as often as he'd like these days... he frowns at the realisation.
myung-ah. let's go home.
he groans as he feels them lean him against their shoulder. he's been told he smells like plum blossoms, most of the other swordsmen that practised the plum blossom divine arts did too — but they didn't, and he becomes curious about what they smell like. nuzzling his nose into the side of their head, he catches a whiff of what could only be described as laundry left under the sun.
this person... how was it possible for someone to be this comforting in every aspect of their being? it doesn't make sense, they were human were they not? how was someone able to have such a clear mind at all times? even chung mun sa-hyung slipped up once in a while, losing his patience, just like he did earlier today when he chastised chung myung for not taking things as seriously as he should have been.
do you... do you also think i haven't been doing my best?
he mumbles under his breath, voice strained and cracking just a little. he felt his stomach drop, out of nervousness or dread, he wasn't sure. maybe it was even both.
the two stop walking. they were at the foot of the steps leading up to the front gates. he looks at them, afraid to hear what their answer would be. he tries to laugh off his question, peeling himself off them and was just starting to go up the steps when he feels their hand grip at the back of his uniform.
they pull him back towards them and hesitantly pushed him to sit. chung myung watched the expressions on their face morph through the gaps of his hair hanging over his eyes. he was the most terrified he had ever been in his life — ever since he'd come to terms with the fact that he saw the person standing before him as someone more than a family or a friend, any prospect of them thinking of him in a negative light was enough to have him running with his tail between his legs.
he dare not say he was in love with them. not when he held so much unresolved resentment towards them for leaving him behind. he wished, still to this day that they hadn't gone off to find what they were good at. they should have stayed within the walls of the sect, they should have stayed here with him, where they would have never bloomed their talents and made everyone want to take them away from him. they could have been all his if they stayed, and he could have held them as close as he wanted, envelop them with his whole being. his love, all his, his, his.
chung myung-ah.
he tried not to make a face.
our chung myung works hard in his own way. i don't know about the others, but i do. i know you have your own ways of working hard.
they brushed his hair back, tucking some strands behind his ear. he hated it. he hated how it made him melt under their fingertips, hated how even after all these years he didn't have the courage to admit to something this simple.
they didn't know all of him. if they did would they still touch him this tenderly?
his hands find their waist, and then their hips. musing at the way their pupils dilated and shook, he tugged them towards him. they stumble over their feet, falling into his chest. there was a stupid grin plastered all over his face as the other tried to get up from the embarrassing position. his arms circle around them, pulling them in once more, setting them on his lap.
...you're drunk. you know that right?
they push away his face that had been inching closer. he holds their hand covering his mouth, pressing his lips against the inside of their palm — kissing it once, twice, a few more times until he felt satisfied, before moving their hand to rest on his cheek. he rubs his sand-papery jaw against their smooth palm, the tip of his nose tracing their wrist, thumb pulling down the long black bracer so his lips could reach the thumping vein lying under the thin layer of skin.
their breath hitches as his teeth grazes over their wrist, he ponders for a moment before biting down on the flesh. hard enough that they wince, whimpering softly, but not enough to draw up blood. they feel the back of their ears grow heated, not really wanting to find out whether it was from embarrassment or arousal. hitting at his shoulder with their free hand, they chide him for doing something so indecent out in the open, where anyone could see.
do you hate it?
that's not the point!
but... you don't hate this... right?
they turn away from his prying gaze. he wasn't wrong, they didn't hate that he was doing this. it's just... what if...
chung myung clicks his tongue. with a snap of his fingers, the alcohol in his system leaves completely in a translucent haze. he scoffs at the way their nose crinkled in disgust from the overpowering smell. he cradles their face into his chest, saving them from their little predicament. now sober, he agrees that he had been a little too carried away, so he digs his heels to the ground and kicks off into the air — still carrying them in his arms, jumping on rooftops until he reached the front of his private residence.
he refused to let them down even as he walked inside, despite their balled fist thumping on his shoulder. using that same scolding tone, still said in a soft voice, not once raising it in annoyance or anger.
with wide strides and feet falling heavily on the wooden floorboards, he locks every door and window in the residence — just in case someone becomes too nosy. tense body only relaxing in an exhale when they were both in the privacy of his bedroom. setting them down on the soft covers, he kneels at their feet, resting his chin lightly on the plush of their thigh, mumbling about how sorry he was for the roughness earlier.
it's okay.
their hands work their way through his hair, nails scratching lightly at his scalp, cupping his cheek and turning his face up towards them.
chung myung was a beautiful man.
he knows it, but their look of quiet admiration made the blood rush to his face. he wasn't used to seeing someone look at him so lovingly, not when men and women would throw themselves on him from the lust they felt, not when most people closest to him always had a furrow on their brow from the antics he pulled. this was so new to him, he didn't dare move, lest it broke this tender moment.
have they ever looked at anyone like this?
probably not, he thinks, closing his eyes to savour the smooth pad of their thumb drawing circles on his cheek. smile tugging up the side corner of his mouth as the scent of the sun grows a little closer, their lips brushing over the hard lines on his face, his sun-kissed skin.
he doesn't have a lot of joys in this second life.
though there was one that everyone around him seemed to have picked up on. it was strange that someone as seemingly money-hungry as he was found content in the simplest things — his bedding washed in plum-blossom-scented soap, freshly dried to a crisp under the blazing sun.
what the others don't see was how behind the closed doors of his sleeping quarters he would hold onto the sheets so tightly in his grip his knuckles turned white. burrowing his face into the fabric, he breathed in deeply, trying to recall the face of his sun.
a hazy figure, a blurry visage.
it's been a hundred years, after all.
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I'm on tour with my new novel The Bezzle! Catch me TONIGHT in LA with Adam Conover at Vroman's, then on MONDAY in Seattle with Neal Stephenson, then Portland, Phoenix and more!
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Vice died the way it lived: being suckered in by smarter predators, even as it trained its own predatory instincts on those more credulous than its own supremely gullible leadership. RIP, we hardly knew ye.
For those of you who don't know, Vice was a Canadian media success story. It was founded by a motley clique of hipsters, one of whom – founder of the Proud Boys – has since grown to be one of the world's great fascism influencers. Another perfected the art of getting young people to work "for exposure" even as he built a massive, highly lucrative media empire on their free labor:
Eventually, Vice transitioned to a string of progressively worsening corporate owners, each more dishonest, predatory – and gullible – than the last. The company was one of the most enthusiastic marks for Facebook's infamous "pivot to video" – in which Mark Zuckerberg destroyed half the media industry by tricking them into thinking that the public was clamoring for video content, based on fraudulent viewing numbers:
Vice went all-in on video, spending hundreds of millions to finance Zuckerberg's doomed attempt to conquer Youtube. But unlike other the rubes who got zucked, Vice found greater fools to scam, convincing giant, slow-moving meidia companies that the best way to get in on the Next Big Thing was to shower them with vast sums of string-free money:
And yet, at every turn, through a succession of increasingly incompetent owners who bought the stumbling, declining Vice at fire-sale prices and then proceeded to hack away at the wages and tools its journalists depended on while paying executives salaries so high that they beggared the imagination, Vice's reporters continued to turn out stellar material.
This went on literally until the last moment. The memorial posted by 404 Media rounds up a selection of major stories Vice's beleaguered, precarious writers produced even as Vice's vulture capitalist leadership were pulling the rug out from under them:
True to form, those private equity scumbags locked all those workers out of the company's CMS without notice – and then forgot to lock down the podcasting back-end. That allowed a group of Vice veterans – Matthew Gault, Emily Lipstein, Anna Merlan, Tim Marchman and Mack Lamoureux – to gather for a totally unauthorized, tell-all session that they pushed out on an official Vice channel:
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It's a hell of a listen. Not only do these Vice veterans have lots of fascinating history to recount, but they also describe the conditions under which those blockbuster stories of Vice's final days were produced. As the "visionary leaders" of the company paid themselves millions, they halted payments to key suppliers, from Lexisnexis to the interview transcription service the writers depended on. Writers paid out of pocket to search PACER court records.
Not only did Vice's reporters do incredible work under terrible and worsening circumstances, but the Vice writers who got out ahead of the total collapse are also doing incredible work. 404 Media is a writer-owned investigative news publisher founded by four Vice escapees – Samantha Cole, Jason Koebler, Emanuel Maiberg and Joseph Cox, which is both producing incredible work and sustaining the writers who founded it:
All of which leads to an inescapable conclusion: whatever problems Vice had, they didn't include "writers don't do productive work" and also didn't include "that work isn't economically viable*. Whatever problems Vice had, they weren't problems with Vice's workers – it was a problem with Vice's bosses.
Which makes Vice's final, ignominious punishment at the hands of those bosses even more brutal, stupid and inexcusable. According to the leaked memos emanating from the company's investors and their millionaire C-suite toadies, the business's new strategy is abandoning their website in order to publish on social media.
This is…I mean, this,..
This is…
I mean, wow.
The thing is, the social media business model is a giant rug-pull. They're not even bothering to hide their playbook anymore. For social media, the game is to encourage media companies to become reliant on third parties to reach their audiences. Once that reliance is established, the companies turn down – or even halt – the ability of those media companies to reach their audience altogether. Then, they charge the media companies to reach their audiences:
Now, this wasn't always quite so obvious. Back when Vice was falling for Facebook's "pivot to video," it wasn't completely obvious that the long con was to take your audience hostage and ransom them back to you. But deliberately organizing your business to be reliant on social media barons today? It's like trusting your money to Sam Bankman-Fried…in 2024.
If there was ever a moment when the obvious, catastrophic, imminent risk of trusting Big Tech intermediaries to sit between you and your customers or audience, it was now. This is not the moment to be "social first." This is the moment for POSSE (Post Own Site, Share Everywhere), a strategy that sees social media as a strategy for bringing readers to channels that you control:
Predicting that a social media platform will rug the media companies that depend on it today doesn't take a Sun Tzu – as cunning strategies go, the hamfisted tactics of FB, Twitter and Tiktok make gambits like "Lucy and the football" look like von Clausewitz.
The most bonkers part of this strategy is that it's coming from private equity bosses, who laud themselves as the great strategists of the 21st century, whose claim on so much of our global capital and resources is derived from their brilliant insight, which allows them to buy "distressed assets" like Vice, "restructure" them to find "efficiencies" and sell them on.
The reality is that PE goons – like other financiers – are basically herding animals. Everyone's hit on the tactic of buying up beloved media companies – from the 150-year-old Popular Science to modern publications like CNet – and then filling them with spammy garbage in the hopes that Google will fail to notice and continue to award them pride-of-place on search results pages:
The fact that these billionaire brain-geniuses can't figure out how to "turn around" a site whose workers a) produce brilliant, popular, successful work; and b) depart to found successful firms that commercialize that work tells you everything about their ability to spot "a good business opportunity."
PE – like other mafiosi – only have one business-plan, the "bust out," where you invade a business that produces useful things, force them to pay your chosen suppliers sky-high fees for things they don't need, extract massive fees for your "management" and then walk away from the collapse:
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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ratwithhands · 6 months
Character relations/opinions!
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Alright before I post any more Battle Addict stuff I should probably explain what a League Council is. Here's a summarized diagram:
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A Pokemon League is a region's network of specialized skilled trainers. It is run by the League Council, which includes finance, HR, marketing, PR, and other managing departments which are divided into different branches depending on who they work with.
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This is all to say that everything gets messy very quickly when news of the diagnosis spreads through the network. Originally the diagnosis was supposed to be private information for only the Battle and League departments, however certain higher ups felt it was a safety risk and notified gym leaders as well in the event of future collaborations.
The network is mostly divided into people who are positive/neutral about the news, and people who feel negatively about the twins as a result. Coworkers who were already familiar/close with the two tend to be positive, or at least supportive, whereas those who didn't know them got another reason to avoid them. Some people think they should go on leave for "recovery", but some are more forward and want them terminated.
If you're wondering where Cynthia falls in this, she's a foreign top league worker (Sinnoh Champion) who is hosted in Unova. Basically she has dept. employees assigned to help her connect to people around the region and get different services if requested. She's basically watching everything unfold from the sidelines, with every interview about her opinion boiling down to "lol if you're scared of people stronger than you then get good". She does also bring up historic accounts of CM/HCCM though, mostly to clarify that CM is not a new or scary thing. She's not for or against the twins, rather just hoping to use this as an opportunity to teach others.
I didn't end up drawing her because I got tired but Elesa got the news too!! She actually got it before everyone else since the twins decided to go tell her beforehand. The general scene basically had Ingo and Emmet deliberating in the car, Ingo telling Emmet it's not too late to turn around and go home while Emmet was hesitant but adamant that they needed to tell her first. She probably took it the worst out of everyone but that's mostly just cause it caught her off guard that her friends would just randomly drop in to deliver the news. She's still rooting for them though, mostly trying to support the Subway with more collaborative events to make the twins look better after the hit from the media. She also tries to rework Emmet's restraints where possible, usually trying to make them look more cohesive with the rest of an outfit or trying to make them less visible (cause as much as Emmet says it's not a big deal it's still the first thing he looks at in his reflection).
Here's them in alt clothes :7
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Man is cuffed under there (T_T)
Can't really think of too much to say so hope you guys like the art and see you later!
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shiningbean · 16 days
Yennefer & Tissaia cookie cutter pre-order
Hello folks. New sideblog, but it's me, Bean, your resident supplier of silly Yen and Tissaia things (what silly Yen and Tissaia things you might ask? Well then, head to my etsy shop, there you will find stickers and acrylic charms of them). This time we have: cookie cutters.
1. The items:
Plastic cookie cutters with imprint/stamp, each measures about 5 cm (2 inches) wide. The designs I have planned for Yen and Tissaia:
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Samples of cookies made with this type of cookie cutters (photo courtesy of the manufacturer on facebook):
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2. Costs & shipping:
Pre-order: 7€ for one cookie cutter or 12€ for the pair, in case of product defects you will get a full refund.
Shipping: the production + shipping to an address of your choosing will take 1-2 months. Exact shipping fees (2€-12€) under the cut*.
3. Sign up:
Write me a chat on tumblr (@shiningbean/@mercisnm) or discord (anhsdo)
Have questions? Read more under the cut:
Why pre-order? Since cookie cutters are much more niche than stickers and keychains, I cannot be certain how many of these I will sell, if at all. Previous interest checks didn't always mean buyer, with pre-order I can be certain interested people would commit to paying for the goods.
How long will this take from pre-order to finished product? The whole process might take up to 2 months (manufacturing: ~1 month, goods' shipment to me: ~2 weeks, goods' shipment to your address: ~2 weeks)
Oh that's a long waiting time, why? Because I don't have these in stock, they are already designed but production hasn't started yet. Also I need them shipped to me first to check for quality before shipping them out to you.
Why do I have to send you money twice? The first fee is the pre-order fee, to make sure you will buy the finished products, and also to finance the whole production of the cookie cutters. The second fee is the shipping fee, you'll pay this so I can ship the cutters to you. For anywhere but Germany the shipping itself costs almost as much as the cutters themselves, so unfortunately I cannot cover this fee for you.
What if the cookie cutters are defective? Once I receive the cutters from the manufacturer and they are defective (don't cut well, don't leave deep enough imprint etc.) then I will not ship them out, you won't need to pay me anything, I will give you a full refund of the pre-order fee.
What if the goods are in order, I just want to opt out? Or I just change my mind? As previously explained, these are quite niche knick-knacks that I don't plan on selling long term, so if you want to opt out once production has started I could only offer a 30% refund (2.5€ for one cutter and 4€ for the pair).
* The goods will be shipped with Deutsche Post/DHL services for: Germany: 2.25€, EU countries: 6.49€, UK and Austria: 8.99€, rest of the world: 11.99€ (tracking for 2.50€ - 4€)
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nordickies · 1 year
Iceland Headcanon Masterpost!
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Halló! It's time to update my Nordic 5 headcanons! I'm offering you this (way too long) master post of big and small headcanons I have for each family member, and first up we have Iceland
Note: My headcanons are just my interpretations of the characters. As a warning, I am known to drift away from the canon quite a bit when necessary, focusing more on history and culture. I love hearing how other people view these characters, especially if they contradict my ideas, so feel free to share them! Also, all my headcanons are free to steal - feel free to add them to your own interpretations
Read the whole list under the cut!
Physical Features
Iceland is the second "shortest" Nordic at 180 cm / 5' 11″
Iceland has a lean and soft body type, which lacks definition or muscle
He may not be physically strong, but his active lifestyle keeps him in good shape and makes him relatively enduring - he could hike up mountains without problem, while his older brothers (Denmark) would keep complaining the whole time
He has a birthmark on his right leg, below the knee, supposedly presenting the Vestmannaeyjar
He has a red spot on his forehead, that is teasingly called Surtsey
Iceland has ashy blonde wavy hair, which he keeps in its natural state. Though for formal occasions he tries to comb it to the side, which usually causes frustration in a hurry
He tried to grow facial hair once but got teased for it, and now he's too self-conscious to try it again
He has faint freckles on his nose and acne scarring on his forehead and cheeks. He also has bacne
Iceland has a tendency to get reddish skin. Whether it's the cold weather pumping his cheeks red or just a physical reaction to emotions. He often experiences windburns
He gets voice cracks more often than others
Iceland has always been very independent and free-spirited. He hates when others tell him what to do, even when it comes from a place of just trying to help
He values self-efficiency and has taken care of himself from a very young age. He's calm and composed, at least on the surface
He's a young nation and a bit childish. It's something his family loves about him but something he might get judged for in work-related settings
Ice has this innocence and child-like naivety. He follows the world news quite intensively nowadays but he can have a rather simple outlook on life and its problems. He can also be a bit reckless and inexperienced, like with finances, which might backfire occasionally
He's known to be the daredevil of the group. Also lacking common fears, such as the fear of heights, which let him remain calm in unexpected situations
He's a proud person but not arrogant. He's proud of his country and people; he talks about it with a big smile. He thinks he lives in the best place in the entire world and has a close relationship with his tight-knit population
Iceland is the type of person to make everything out of anything, both positive and negative. A small victory is a huge celebration, but a minor inconvenience can ruin his day
He's a bit blunt. He might accidentally say something rude but immediately realize it and be embarrassed. Iceland is very respectful and fears offending anyone
Ice is emotionally the most open and vulnerable of the Nordics and isn't afraid to cry if he needs to
He's also a bit hotheaded and gets frustrated easily, especially if things don't immediately go as he wants. Learning new skills takes him a while due to his bad temper
Iceland can be a loud personality who proclaims his space, at least with close friends and family. A trait he learned from Denmark. He just gets irritated when the other Nordics pester him, and he will let them know about it
He's extremely caring and always ready to help others, lending a hand even to complete strangers
If anyone takes the time off to go and visit him, it's a huge deal but also something that makes Iceland feel a bit anxious. It feels bad that a person dropped everything just to see him. But if people do it, Iceland will make sure to be a lovely host and welcome them with open arms
He may overreact to people having arguments or petty disagreements and he wants them to get resolved immediately. He hates seeing people angry and can make him emotional. Iceland is remarkably pacifistic and having grudges seem like a total waste of time; fighting always leads to the other side feeling bitter or hurt
He has a weird, even dark, sense of humor. He finds Hugleikur Dagsson's illustrations extremely funny
Iceland has no organization or time management skills whatsoever. He's very flexible when it comes to planning, but you can never be 100% sure that things go as you initially planned with him
Iceland feels stress from his position and fears of burning out. He's still fairly young and not that experienced, but he has difficulty talking about it in case his abilities are questioned
Iceland appreciates when people have trust and confidence in him. He feels like his skills are downplayed a lot, but he's actually very reliable and intelligent
Whenever he feels down, he goes to one of the local farms to take care of horses and sheep; they're therapeutic to him
He plays fiðla (Icelandic fiddle) but he's not particularly skilled at it. He still tries though, even if he's not musically talented. Iceland wants to preserve as many of his unique traditions as he can
Iceland had to learn how to make traditional sweaters (mostly Lopapeysas) because all of his friends kept asking for one. He usually gives them away as a birthday or Christmas present
Ice is a decent cook but not a creative one. He can make you a traditional meal without a problem but learning any new recipe can be time-consuming for him. He has done things this way for centuries, so being constantly introduced to new trends and ideas can be overwhelming to him. But Sweden is trying his best to help him out
Iceland doesn't like baking. He does enjoy pastries and such, but he doesn't have the patience or energy to make them. To him it's annoying to follow complicated recipes, the ingredients are expensive, it takes too much time and the kitchen is a mess afterward. He just doesn't get the appeal of the hobby
Ice likes all things weird and unusual, and he collects strange items and trinkets he comes across, like ceramics or just weird stones in nature
Growing up, he was rather sheltered and lonely. One way for him to ease that loneliness was by sending letters to various places, in search of a pen pal - and there are a few friends he made that way! Ice might still send letters on special occasions, and he remembers that time fondly
He's into photography, and has been into it for a while! He still has all his old retro cameras stored somewhere. His land is particularly picturesque, so Iceland is snapping photos quite frequently. He just adores his land and nature, and photos are just a great way to store memories
When the weather allows, he'll head outdoors for a beach picnic or hiking in the mountains. Out of the Nordics, he's the most used to bad weather and never complains about it. In his words, "There is no bad weather, only bad clothes"
Ice loves relaxing at the local spas, saunas, and hot springs. Recently he has developed a skincare routine, and he is trying to teach the rest of his family to adopt something similar too
Iceland knows a thing or two about football and handball. But other than that, he's out of the loop regarding sports - He just likes hiking by himself or trying ice and rock climbing!
Iceland is familiar with his local wrestling sport, Glíma, but he quickly realized that contact sports aren't his thing. His brothers might still teasingly challenge him into a match though
He's quite gifted at chess, being the land of surprisingly many chess grandmasters. He and Norway might play for hours if they have time to do it
Iceland is a fast and active reader with an impressive bookcase wall at home. He has read all the classics. He mostly likes gloomy fiction, Icelanders can just relate to cynical topics - and he likes historical sagas and poetry, of course
Fantasy is one of Iceland's favorite book and tv genres. Though he tends to point out all the inaccuracies relating to his country and culture, especially about the Vikings
Iceland also likes fantasy RPGs! He enjoys coming up with storylines and playing campaigns online with his teen-nation friends; it's an activity where his literature geek side gets to shine through
Iceland is a bit of a linguistic nerd. He speaks multiple languages and likes studying them. He is active in preserving his own native language as well
He goes by the human name Eiríkur Ingólfsson, but his nickname is Eirí or Erik. Iceland doesn't know who his dad is, so he named himself after the supposed first settler of Iceland
Iceland is, of course, the youngest of the group and is in his early twenties. He was born in the late 9th century but developed very slowly throughout history. At the time of his independence, he was around 18 years old
Due to his job, Iceland finds it the most convenient to live in Reykjavík. To him, Reykjavík feels massive and busy, so he wouldn't mind living somewhere a bit more peaceful, like the Westfjords
He fears he has a heavy accent when speaking in English, but actually, he speaks the best out of all the Nordics due to his long historic connections to English-speaking countries. He also speaks Danish, and can therefore understand most Norwegian and Swedish. Other languages he has been exposed to throughout history are Gaelic, Latin, German, French, and Basque
Iceland is known for his weird customs and rituals, and he's still very superstitious. He believes in supernatural things and events, even when others might mock him for it. He, for example, believes in a lake monster (Lagarfljótsormurinn) and elves (Huldufólk)
Ice has his own secret spots where he likes to go hiking, swimming, and picking berries. He generally finds the tourist spots annoying and too crowded
He always carries chapstick with him and can't leave the house without at least one in his pocket
Ice loves the smell and taste of fresh coffee but can't handle caffeine. It just makes him more anxious and trembly. Thankfully there are decaffeinated options available nowadays
He enjoys soft, mellow music. Just a man and a guitar is enough. He has a long list of his favorite indie bands and artists
Iceland feeds and looks after birds, through which he has made adorable Puffin friends. They're curious and sociable animals, always cheering up his day
His favorite foods include traditional lamb or fish stews. Plokkfiskur with traditional Icelandic rye bread is also a classic. Maybe a bit hesitantly, he'll also admit that he does enjoy fermented shark, Hákarl, as a guilty pleasure. But quickly add that Pylsur are a classic Icelandic hotdogs everyone should try
Though he pretends to be super mature, he can't help but look forward to Fastelavn and most importantly, Bolludagur, every single year. And he drinks kókómjólk occasionally, to become stronger and not because chocolate milk tastes great
His house is hot because he is a bit sensitive to cold. When the other Nordics visit, they complain that his heater is turned all the way up
He likes celebrating national holidays, birthdays, and even little accomplishments. His favorite is the tradition of Sólarkaffi when the residents of a small village will come together for a coffee in the house where the first sun ray of the year lands
Iceland takes part in réttir every year on horseback! It's the annual roundup where people retrieve their sheep stock from the mountains and valleys. It’s a nationwide event, where people come together to play music, picnic outdoors, and help each other gather their sheep
Iceland, as a small remote country with no railway system, is used to traveling everywhere by car nowadays. At least if he needs to get out of Reykjavík
Iceland is a diva when it comes to sleeping. He needs block-out curtains, a warm room, no sounds, comfortable pajamas, and a soft cold pillow. Thus he dislikes sleepovers. He can get adjusted to anything once long enough time has passed, though he's definitely taking in all the luxuries of the modern age
Ice dresses up for practicality. It's better to bring too much clothing than too little, and you might catch him with a winter jacket well into the summer season. Back home, he's not too concerned with his style, but if he's visiting some other place or having guests over, he suddenly gets very conscious of what he'll wear. He fears that he dresses up too "old" at times, but instead, he gets a lot of praise for his clothes. He's probably so late on trends, that his clothes end up becoming fashionably vintage. Sweaters are his favorite, with a high-quality pair of outdoor pants and hiking boots
Due to the far distances to the continent, Iceland often experiences loneliness. Iceland has spent most of his life alone or with his family, so he doesn't really have long-time friendships outside the Nordics. But he has a strong urge to make friends, preferably with other younger nations, as he's tired of being always treated like a child in his family. He tries his best to reach out to others, but his shyness occasionally hinders that. Due to his distance, Iceland doesn't travel as often as other Nations, and nowadays does most of his meetings online. Iceland takes his job very seriously and wants to prove his abilities. He's an active listener at meetings and follows the world news constantly. He hates fighting and isn't afraid to stand up against bullies. When he has a lot to say, he'll take the initiative (after trying to get others' attention for half an hour)
Denmark Iceland has a huge need to get away from Denmark and appear as independent as possible. Denmark has always acted like Iceland's guardian and still has difficulty trusting him with adult responsibilities. Ice thinks Denmark can take his role as a former guardian too seriously and fall back into the overprotectiveness he used to have. To Iceland, Den can appear very pigheaded and forgets Iceland has been independent for a while now and has his own culture and life. Den calls Iceland all the time and makes sure he's okay, which Iceland finds condescending. But, when Iceland needs "dad's help" with something, he's immediately calling Denmark in panic. Denmark can be pretty playful and teases Ice a lot (and bores him with dad jokes), but he's just proud of the kid and sees Ice as a brilliant young man. Den knows Iceland can be shy when trying things out of his comfort zone, so he pushes him to new situations for better and worse. The Copenhagen nightlife was more traumatizing than fun for reserved Ice, so now Denmark opts for simple board game nights at local Icelandic pubs with him. Ice gets self-conscious when visiting Denmark, fearing he will somehow embarrass himself with how he speaks or dresses up. In return, Denmark gets very defensive if someone is making Iceland feel uncomfortable (which Iceland sees as another form of overprotectiveness). But as long as Denmark doesn't come to tell him what to do, Iceland doesn't mind him. Growing up, Denmark was always the father figure young Iceland so desperately wanted. So he has to take Den's fatherliness, in both good and bad
Norway Norway has never been good at parenting or taking responsibility for others, so he has a lot of regrets concerning Iceland. He has always known Iceland is his brother but has never been able to connect with him. That doesn't mean he doesn't care about the kid; he absolutely does, but Nor just never found a way to claim that big brother status. Iceland can feel insecure with Norway - like he needs to prove himself and his capabilities to get his validation. He's afraid to ask for Norway's help in case he appears weak or Norway would somehow judge him (which he of course wouldn't). Norway's attempt to reclaim their lost bond is sometimes irritating to Iceland, even though he knows it shouldn't. He has lots of disappointing memories when it comes to his brother, which is the reason for his underlying insecurities. He fears Nor will abandon him once again On the other hand, Norway has always given Iceland the freedom Denmark never knew how to give. He took Iceland on long trips and taught him necessary life skills. Iceland adored Norway growing up, always choosing him over anyone else. He even got jealous if someone else took his brother's attention. When Iceland was nervous or unsure as a child, Norway would tell him fantastical stories and restore hope in him. Norway sees a lot of young himself in Iceland. He wants to make sure Ice has everything he needs and the tools to do better than he did in the past. Norway has difficulty putting his love in words, so he keeps buying Iceland stuff and asking if Ice has always got what he needs, which Iceland insists he has. Norway feels terrible that he wasn't there for Ice when he was still a small child. But Norway wouldn't have been much of a parental figure even if he had been with him. He still feels a sense of failure in this and tries to make it up for it nowadays. In order to build their relationship, they go camping and fishing together whenever possible. They tell stories and talk about the past. Iceland is fascinated by his roots, and Norway tries to help to the best of his abilities (but the fading memory isn't helping). They both have regrets and disappointments regarding their shared past, but they will always have that unique family bond no one can take away from them
Sweden While historically they have been pretty distant, Sweden has always worried about the kid and ensured that whatever dispute and fighting happens, it doesn't directly affect little innocent Ice. During Union times, Iceland was a bit scared of Sweden, but Sweden managed to get on Ice's good side with various toys he carved for him. Little Iceland occasionally guided practically blind Sweden around and told Denmark to stop bullying him. Iceland and Sweden have gotten closer during modern times, and Sweden usually takes the mentor role. Whenever Ice has a problem that he will definitely not bring up with Nor or Den, he'll go straight to Sweden. Iceland is always welcome at Swe's place, and Ice can always call for any troubles or issues he might have. Ice never says it out loud, but he does appreciate this. Sweden isn't pushy or obsessive about it but rather a trustworthy adult he can rely on. Sweden actually listens to him and offers some genuine advice as he trusts Iceland's ability to make decisions himself. Swe is always happy to see Ice, makes him his favorite foods, and offers him a room to stay. Ice can become a bit uneasy about this because he feels Sweden does so much for him and never expects anything back. He'll start working and cleaning around the place to show gratitude, and Sweden tries to stop him. Lately, Sweden has taken time to teach Iceland skills, like cooking, and they're slowly getting somewhere
Finland Finland and Iceland have the most distant relationship out of all the Nordics since they are on opposite sides of the region. Ice finds Fin cool, but even he can fall into parental-protection-mode like the rest of the Nordics. Finland is always lending a hand to Ice when needed. Iceland likes Moomins and asks Fin to bring him a new mug when he visits. On the other hand, Finland admires Icelandic nature and wants to try all the craziest activities (like having a barbeque on lava). Finland can relate to Iceland and bond over the fact that they're both considered strange within the family. They both have a morbid sense of humor, which the others sometimes find a bit concerning. During the union times, Finland was left out of discussions and decision-making, and he had to spend time working or taking care of the youngest members, like Iceland, probably bringing him along to work and taking care of chores. Care for animals is something that unites them both. Nowadays, they go camping occasionally, which is a lot of fun, and they always say they should hang out more often (but they never seem to have time to do so)
England Iceland doesn't have enemies, but he feels like he has always been England's target. In his eyes, England is a bully, and he doesn't respect Iceland (or many others, for that matter). England finds Iceland petty and immature, but he won't say it out loud; he has frightening big brothers after all. They have had many little disagreements throughout the ages. Little Iceland was known to be mischievous, and he would often prank England when he was visiting their house. The other Nordics found this hilarious but tried to stop Iceland before he could do any significant damage; they didn't want to embarrass their important ally, after all. The Cod Wars against the Brit were important for Iceland, even if others saw them as unnecessary. The victory offered a well-needed confidence boost and showed others Iceland was more than capable of taking care of himself
Ireland When it comes to other island nations, Iceland has nothing but nice words to say about them. They have all been very friendly and welcoming. Iceland is especially friendly with Ireland! Ireland and he share history, and Ice is fascinated by this. He might sometimes inquire Ireland and ask him questions about the past, which Ireland would gladly answer if he had much to offer. They both have harsh environments and rocky relationships with England, so they get along great on that front too
United States America is one of the few countries Iceland has historically interacted with. He was the first to recognize Iceland's independence and considers Iceland an ally he is always ready to support. Iceland isn't sure how it happened. Their relationship just started with young America claiming, "You're my friend now," and Iceland was too confused to say anything to that. America finds Iceland cool and shares a similar upbringing to him, though Iceland would disagree. Iceland is happy to know he has a strong ally like America, but he's not exactly sure what to think of him. America is an important business partner and someone who supports Iceland no matter what. But America has a very different status and lifestyle, and he can be oblivious to Iceland's life or problems, so their friendship is rather one-sided at times. Yet, they get along surprisingly well
Miscellaneous Iceland is a small nation that supports other small nations. He was among the first to recognize Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan from the USSR - also Croatia's and Montenegro's independence from Serbia. Significantly, Iceland was also the first Western state to recognize Palestine. His solidarity and recognition have given him a lot of praise among other small nations. They remember this by sending Iceland postcards and flowers occasionally, which Ice gets flustered by - He's just doing what he'd want others to do for him Iceland also feels a special connection to other younger nations, such as Seychelles, Latvia, and Hong Kong - and the South-East Asians, who have always welcomed him. Iceland has an easy time making friends and connections due to his friendly attitude. He's a well-connected Nordic, with strong diplomatic relationships that have over time turned into friendships. Ice might just stay a bit quiet and unnoticeable in a crowd. And he doesn't even seek any attention on himself. He's quite content with the way things are - he's just happy that he gets to finally do his own thing
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And there it is, more or less copypasted from various sources haha. If you were wondering, no, I will never beat the insanity allegations because no sane person has this much to say about a fictional character. I adore Iceland, and it's always fun trying to find a balance between the awkward hotheaded teen and the well-read modest young man that he is. I was about to add my historic headcanons for him too, but maybe some other time, this is too much already
Next up is either Denmark or Sweden, let's see which one I finish first (and when)
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cinefreaks · 4 months
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BIRTHDAY :: JUNE 14, 2000
HEIGHT :: 174 cm (5’8″)
He is the oldest of CINEFREAKS.
Yongrae was the 4th member to be revealed when they were known as NIGHTMARE, but after signing with KILLJOY Entertainment, he was the 2nd member to be announced as an artist under the label.
He is the second child of his parents office finance manager Han Sang-min & real estate agent Bae Minah. He has an older sister named Han Sihyeon who is an idol trainee who is also under KILLJOY Entertainment.
Before auditioning for ONEWAY Entertainment, he had auditioned for previous other companies such as GLASSHOUSE, SM Entertainment, & Cube Entertainment but was never accepted by them.
He was the first member of the group to terminate his contract with ONEWAY.
Yongrae's English name is Owen.
Yongrae thinks that CINEFREAKS' lore and sound is fun and interesting since it's based on horror movies.
He wants to try horror concepts like Psycho or Alien.
mentioned :: @glasshcvse
​psd coloring credit goes to bobbisbird on polarr !
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blueiscoool · 11 months
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A 1,900-Year-Old Ancient Greek Inscription Found in The Roman Baths of Hisarya, Bulgaria
An ancient Greek inscription was discovered by archeologists in the resort town of Hisarya, Southern Bulgaria which reveals who ruled the finances of the province of Thrace.
The marble slab, is dedicated to the Emperor Antonius Pius and Marcus Aurelius, and was found in the Roman baths of the city. It is believed to be 1,900 years old.
The text gives precise information that the baths were built in the middle of the 2nd century and the finances of the province of Thrace were managed by Volusius Severus.
“The inscription is intact, 1.3 x 70 cm in size. When we talk about an imperial cult, it means that it was placed in a cult place. The room in which it was found is a deep pool, a huge amount of marble, cipher slabs and certainly this room was sacred,” Mitko Madjarov, the Director of the Archaeological Museum at Hisarya said, according to Bulgarian National Television BHT.
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Ancient Greek inscription found at the spa capital of Thrace
After the site was declared an imperial possession, construction began on the Roman Baths, which then became the spa capital of the province of Thrace and the Balkans. Even today the resort is visited by over 200,000 tourists mainly for its healing mineral springs, BHT reports.
According to Madjarov, the valuable artifact is a prerequisite for new discoveries in the Roman Baths: “A few years ago, we found a male foot of a solid statue, and it is very likely that we will find this statue here as well – whether it will be of an emperor or of the God of Health, future excavations will tell.”
The marble slab is now on display in a special place in the Archaeological Museum and can be seen by tourists and visitors to the resort.
Hisarya, or Diocletianopolis in Roman times, was founded by the Roman emperor Diocletian because of its unique and numerous hot mineral springs.
The ancient Romans were well aware of the healing power of the mineral springs, which is why not only Roman thermal baths but also sanctuaries of their healing gods were built nearby at that time.
The Roman baths in Hisarya are one of the few preserved authentic Roman baths in Europe.
The baths were probably built in the second half of the 3rd century, and their original construction, together with the nymphaeum (sanctuary of the nymphs), dates from the middle of the 2nd century.
They were discovered in 1935.
By Tasos Kokkinidis.
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hibernationsuit-remade · 10 months
oc interview
tagged by wonderful @katsigian thank u so much <3
tagging @westernwind-s @elmshore @quickhacked @farharbour @darkfire1177 @reaperkiller @dekarios @ncytiri @artbyeloquent @envergothash and anyone else who wants to do this (and also no pressure to do this abdbfjfjfj)
Anyway Klara time <333
Name: Klara Berg (pronounced in a swedish way, she Will correct you and make you say it that way)
Nickname: Kay is the only one she is okay with! Though she also loves 'Cinnamon Roll' which is more of a private nickname btwn her & Tobias
Gender: Trans woman, she/her pronouns
Star Sign: Capricorn
Height: 5'7" / 170 cm
Orientation: Biromantic Demisexual
Nationality/Ethnicity: American-Swedish
Fave Fruit: Apples, strawberries, bananas, peaches
Fave Season: Late summer / early autumn
Fave Flower: Tulips
Fave Scent: Coffee, freshly baked apple pie or cinnamon rolls, newspapers, lemon scent in her hand cream
Coffee, Tea, or HC: COFFEE!!!! though she also drinks white tea as part of her evening routine
Average Hours of Sleep: 6 hours, 9 on weekends
Dog or Cat Person: cat person :) the only dog she likes is Anubis
Dream Trip: she doesn't like traveling that much :((( but um. weekend in a grand colonial hotel's penthouse mayhaps
Favourite Fictional Character: She really liked one serial's detective character at some point <3
Number of Blankets They Sleep With: 1
Random Fact: I already mentioned her being secretlh a personal finances guru in an ask game so you'll get a much cooler fact. She can play several instruments but her favorite is bass guitar, and she used to play in a band during university :3
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radical-revolution · 5 months
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The Bodhisattva Padmapani Lokesvara, 11th century, copper alloy with gilding and semiprecious stones, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, 54.8 cm high (The Metropolitan Museum of Art)
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lienwyn · 5 months
15 questions, 15 people
I was tagged by @clawbehavior! Thank you so much 💜
1. Are you named after anyone?
I am not. My grandmother picked my name to somewhat match my big sister's (we both have names beginning with L) but that's about it.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I guess yesterday? Because my back pain suddenly got ten times worse and sometimes when I tried to move I'd get a stabbing sensation that made me spontaneously start crying. Which is pretty impressive considering that I have a pretty high pain tolerance.
It was also confusing because it wasn't a conscious choice of mine or anything. My body just decided it hurt too much and therefore tears were required. While I was just completely baffled by what was happening because crying from pain isn't something I do very often.
It was an interesting experience.
3. Do you have kids?
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Not anymore, no. When I was a teenager, it seemed to be the only kind of humour I could actually pull off, but I've been steering away from it more and more. Now I'm saving it for special occasions ;)
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
I genuinely can't say. I think it depends more on the person I'm seeing/meeting than anything I have control over. Like, with some I might notice their posture, with others it's their hair colour (if it's something very noticeable), with others it's the way they speak.
I really don't have a set order or something I look for first.
6. What's your eye colour?
Greenish blue
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
Happy ending. Always.
8. Any special talents?
I'm really good with my hands and usually excel at most types of crafts or creative pursuits I attempt, from art and sculpturing to sewing, weaving, embroidery, making furniture, baking etc.
I'm also good at reading people and situations, which comes in handy when I write.
9. Where were you born?
In the north of Sweden.
10. What are your hobbies?
Honestly too many to count. But the ones I spend most time on right now are drawing, writing, reading, playing video games, and taking walks.
11. Do you have pets?
Sadly, no :C
But I grew up with dogs and love them to absolute bits. One of my favourite words in Swedish is "hundlängtan" which basically just means "dog longing" or "longing for a dog."
That's me. I am in a perpetual state of longing for a dog.
12. What sports do you/have you played?
Basketball, floorball, and badminton were the most organised, but I also did gymnastics and skiing as a kid.
13. How tall are you?
176 cm (5'9)
14. Favourite subject in high school?
History! Because I had an AMAZING teacher who made it so, so much fun, especially with the ugly little drawings he kept making on the whiteboard. Half of the time, we couldn't even see what he was drawing, but that was a part of the charm.
I also really liked English :)
15. Dream job?
I would honestly love to be an artist or a writer full-time, but I'm too scared (and comfortable with my current salary) to attempt it. But if I could choose without having to take finances into consideration? Definitely an artist or a writer.
I tag: @miss-ingno, @sjazna, @mesaimouse, @a-very-fond-farewell, @fr-wiwiw, @stl29tide, @writingfanficsfan, @k-s-morgan, and whoever else wants to do it! (I really suck at tagging x'D)
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crow-stars · 2 years
Might I ask for your hcs for the Octavinelle boys dating a tall (6’0) S/O that was a model? Thanks!
of course dear reader! i absolutely adore that underwater dorm, so interesting and the dorm leader is quite adorable!
let's see...
the dorm of octavinelle dating a taller partner! now that is certainly something that sparks some ideas! let's see how this book turned out...
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❦summary; love comes in all shapes and sizes. it just so happens that some contribute a lot to the sizes part.
♪the characters in this story; azul ashengrotto, jade leech, floyd leech, gn!reader
❀what do the ghosts say?; romantic, bullet points, usual octavinelle-esque antics
☛the author's notes; why the fuck is azul 5'9 i coulda sworn he was shorter. also something to get out while i work on those other two requests i got
☪look at the catalogue?
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✧ Why are you so tall? 
✧ Shrink, perhaps?
✧ Azul is a good 5’9, 176 cm, but he feels so small when he stands next to his s/o. You're just so tall to him! 
✧ And a model no less? He has no idea how he was able to attract your attention, but he did. 
✧ Azul is thankful that you chose him out of all the people in this school
✧ In all honesty, Azul was sure that you and Vil would get together, seeing as you both were in the modeling world. So he was thoroughly surprised when you admitted your feelings for him. (Or when he decided to muster up the courage and confess to you)
✧ Speaking of Vil... 
✧ It’s not to say that Azul is jealous of Vil, no. It’s just that Azul dislikes the fact that Vil seems to have your attention a lot more than he feels he should. He’s not jealous.
✧ Moving on, Azul fully supports your career as a model and is happy to help on anything that you need
✧ Azul buys any magazines or products that you're a part of. He wants to be a supportive s/o to you too! 
✧ He’ll manage any finances you have if you want him to, he’ll be happy to help 
✧ You’re the resident retriever, getting books from the highest shelf in the library. Very, very helpful! 
✧ If you kiss him in public, on the cheek or the lips, he’s going to blow up. He’ll get all red in the cheeks and try to hide his face. And Seven forgive if Jade or Floyd, or even both of them, are in the area. Azul will never hear the end of it.
✧ Also kisses on the top of the head, he'll melt. 
✧ Azul just adores you, all of you
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✧ He's intrigued
✧ Like, you're so tall. Not to say he dislikes it, he thinks that your height is endearing. 
✧ Jade just wants to know how you've grown to this height. Was it genetics? Perhaps your diet? He wants to know! 
✧ Your height doesn't affect him. Jade is 6'1, 190 cm, so he's about an inch taller than you. 
✧ He finds having one inch of height over you hilarious, though, and constantly reminds you of it. 
✧ Doesn't matter when you two are on a date, saying hello in the hall, or just cuddling. 
✧ Jade will find a way to mention your one inch height difference 
✧ He doesn't mind your career either. Jade likes seeing you model. 
✧ Especially when the outfit requires you to be wearing something that increases your height like heels or boots with more of a heel
✧ Jade likes seeing how much taller you get. 
✧ He won't admit it out loud, but Jade actually really likes when you wear shoes like that.
✧ When you're wearing stuff like that and decide to kiss his head or his cheek and you have to lean down, it makes Jade smile and heart warm
✧ Sometimes, he'll buy one of your magazines, peruse through the pages until he finds you. Any of the ones he really, really likes, he'll keep
✧ If you do a shoot with Vil or any other model, Jade won't mind that much. Unless it's a couples shoot. Then he'll tag along and glare at the other model. 
✧ Jade just adores you so much, you in all your glory. 
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✧ “Finally, a worthy opponent” - Floyd probably
✧ He's so happy to have someone that's around his same height! 
✧ Floyd is 6'3, 191 cm. He doesn't mind that he's a bit taller than you, he just loves that he can lean over and kiss you without any troubles
✧ Though, he does get a bit frustrated sometimes because he can't easily pick you up or carry you. Floyd tried that once and while he did manage to pick you up in a princess carry, your limbs made it hard and Floyd ignored you for a bit. 
✧ But Floyd doesn't mind your height, finds it one of the most interesting parts of you. 
✧ One of his favorite games to play with you is the type where he grabs something of yours and holds it above his head or just out of your reach. And the only way to get it back is with a kiss~
✧ He knows you'll get it eventually, but Floyd likes seeing how long it'll take. 
✧ Sometimes he'll drag you to basketball practice, sometimes just hacking you watch and other times begging you to join in (much to Jamil's dismay) 
✧ But Floyd wishes you didn't have that stupid modeling career! You're always hanging out with the Betta fish! 
✧ Floyd has seen you in some magazines, he keeps up with some fashion stuff, so he knows the type of clothes you model for. 
✧ He hates when you have photo shoots, he wants to be hanging out with you, not in that stupid room with constantly flashing cameras
✧ So many times you've had to bribe your boyfriend with kisses so that he'd stay still during your shoots. It's a 70/30 shot though, with it flip flopping on which is the 70 or the 30. 
✧ Sometimes he'll cooperate, sometimes Floyd will just walk in front of the camera to the other side of the room because he didn't like where he was sitting before
✧ Usually, he'll behave for a bit longer with a quick affection fix
✧ Floyd may be a bit annoying at times, but he's just trying to show his love
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Union pensions are funding private equity attacks on workers
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On October 7–8, I'm in Milan to keynote Wired Nextfest.
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If end-stage capitalism has a motto, it's this: "Stop hitting yourself." The great failure of "voting with your wallet" is that you're casting ballots in a one party system (The Capitalism Party), and the people with the thickest wallets get the most votes.
During the Cultural Revolution, the Chinese state would bill the families of executed dissidents for the ammunition used to execute their loved ones:
In end-stage capitalism, the dollars we spend to feed ourselves are used to capture the food supply and corrupt our political process:
And the dollars we save for retirement are flushed into the stock market casino, a game that is rigged against us, where we are always the suckers at the table:
Everywhere and always, we are financing our own destruction. It's quite a Mr Gotcha moment:
Now, anything that can't go on forever will eventually stop. We are living through a broad, multi-front counter-revolution to Reaganomics and neoliberal Democratic Party sellouts. The FTC and DOJ Antitrust Division are dragging Big Tech and Big Meat and Big Publishing into court. We're seeing bans on noncompete clauses, and high-profile government enforcers are publicly pledging never to work for corporate law-firms when they quit public service:
And of course, there's the reinvigoration of the labor movement! Hot Labor Summer is now Perpetual Labor September, with 75,000 Kaiser workers walking out alongside the UAW, SAG-AFTRA and 2,350 other groups of workers picketing, striking or protesting:
But capitalism still gets a lick in. Union pension plans are some of the most important investors in private equity funds. Your union pension dollars are probably funding the union-busting, child-labor-employing, civilization-destroying Gordon Gecko LARPers who are also evicting you from the rental they bought and turned into a slum, and will then murder you in a hospice that they bought and turned into a slaughterhouse:
Writing for The American Prospect, Rachel Phua rounds up the past, present and future of union pension funds backing private equity monsters:
Private equity and hedge funds have destroyed 1.3 million US jobs:
They buy companies and then illegally staff them with children:
They lobby against the minimum wage:
They illegally retaliate against workers seeking to unionize their jobsite:
And they couldn't do it without union pension funds. Public service union pensions have invested $650 million with PE funds. In 2001, the share of public union pensions invested in PE was 3.5%; today, it's 13%:
Giant public union funds like CalPERS are planning massive increases in their contributions to PE:
This results in some ghastly and ironic situations. Aramark used funds from a custodian's union to bid against that union's members for contracts, in an attempt to break the union and force the workers to take a paycut to $11/hour:
Blackstone's investors include the California State Teachers Retirement System (CalSTRS). The PE ghouls who sucked Toys R Us dry were funded by Texas teachers.
Then there's KKR, one of the most rapacious predators of the PE world. Half of the investors in KKR's Global Infrastructure Investors IV fund are public sector pension funds. Those workers' money were spent to buy up Refresco (Arizona Iced Tea, Tropicana juices, etc), a transaction that immediately precipitated a huge spike in on-the-job accidents as KKR cut safety and increased tempo:
Petsmart is the poster-child for PE predation. The company uses TRAPs ("TrainingRepaymentAgreementProvision") clauses to recreate indentured servitude, forcing workers to pay thousands of dollars to quit their jobs:
Why would a Petsmart employee want to quit? Petsmart's PE owner is BC Partners, and under BC's management, workers have been forced to work impossible hours while overseeing cruel animal abuse, including starving sick animals to death rather than euthanizing them, and then being made to sneak them into dumpsters on the way home from work so Petsmart doesn't have to pay for cremation. 24 of BC Partners' backers are public pension funds, including CalSTRS and the NYC Employees' Retirement System:
PE buyouts are immediately followed by layoffs. One in five PE acquisitions goes bankrupt. Unions should not be investing in PE. But the managers of these funds defend the practice, saying they "facilitate dialog" with the PE bosses on workers' behalf.
This isn't total nonsense. Once upon a time, public pension fund managers put pressure on investees to force them to divest from Apartheid South Africa and tobacco companies. Even today, public pensions have successfully applied leverage to get fund managers to drop Russian investments after the invasion of Ukraine. And public pensions pulled out of the private prison sector, tanking the valuation of some of the largest players.
But there's no evidence that this leverage is being applied to pensions' PE billions. It's not like PE is a great deal for these pensions. PE funds don't reliably outperform the market, especially after PE bosses' sky-high fees are clawed back:
Pension funds could match or beat their PE returns by sticking the money in a low-load Vanguard index tracker. What's more, PE is getting worse, pioneering new scams like inflating the value of companies after they buy and strip-mine them, even though there's no reason to think anyone would buy these hollow companies at the price that the PE companies assign to them for bookkeeping purposes:
To inject a little verisimilitude into this obvious fantasy, PE companies sell their portfolio companies to themselves at inflated prices, in a patently fraudulent shell-game:
What's more, PE funds aren't just bad bosses, they're also bad landlords. PE-backed funds have scooped up an appreciable fraction of America's housing stock, transforming good rentals into slums:
PE is really pioneering a literal cradle-to-grave immiseration strategy. First, they gouge you on your kids' birth:
Then, they slash your wages and steal from your paycheck:
Then, they evict you from your home:
And then they murder you as part of a scam they're running on Medicare:
As the labor movement flexes its muscle, it needs to break this connection. Workers should not be paying for the bullet that their bosses put through their skulls.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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My next novel is The Lost Cause, a hopeful novel of the climate emergency. Amazon won't sell the audiobook, so I made my own and I'm pre-selling it on Kickstarter!
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fabslikestron · 8 months
„i‘ve lost you before, i won‘t lose you a second time…“
Name: Ava Flynn (née Yarrow)
Aliases: Nerdy Hacker, Troublemaker, Arlekino
Gender: Female
Origin: Sacramento, California (USA)
Resides: Center City (USA)
Species: Human/User
Age: 21 (1982), 36 (1997)
Physique: Small built, curvy woman
Hair length and colour: Long, black hair
Eye colour: Grey-blue
Suit colour: Black
Circuitry colour: White
Height: 155 cm | 5ft 1in
Weight: 59 kg | 130 lbs
Occupation: Hacker, software engineer
Weapons: Identity Disc, Baton, Admin Rights
Hobbies: Hacking, creating viruses, playing guitar, playing video games, listening to music
Mother: Julia Yarrow
Father: Stephen Yarrow
Partner: Kevin Flynn
Offspring: Sam Flynn
Allies: Kevin Flynn, Sam Flynn, Alan Bradley, Lora Baines, Tron, Clu (formerly), Dyson (formerly), Arlekino, Eclipse, Vriss, KerØsene, Jet Bradley, Java
Enemies: Clu, Dyson, General Tesler, Ed Dillinger
DISCLAIMER: my AU is built up differently, TRON: Uprising plays AFTER TRON: Legacy, plus they find Kevin in 1997, not 2010!
Ava Yarrow (now Flynn) is a brilliant hacker and software engineer that specialises into creating viruses and getting access to sensitive data. She got into touch with technology pretty early in life, even going to CalTech before moving away to the Central City as her father got a better job there at ENCOM, Ava being employed as a trainee at the age of 20 as well. As her father knew that Ed Dillinger wasn’t so smart and could have never developed the games that Kevin created, he had tried to get some proof via a program that Ava later took over, both ending up on getting fired after only a few months. She called the program Arlekino, a stylised version of the Italian word for jester due to her being a pretty funky but effective program (later on also acting as her alter ego on the Grid yet being 200 cm | 6ft 7in tall with white hair and blackened out eyes with white, diamond-shaped pupils (the diamonds of the card deck)).
She met Kevin in his arcade after a work day, now being self employed together with her father while her mother works as an accountant at a bank, selling computer utensils while they would work on softwares. Ava stayed there until closing time as he was sometimes coming over to her to flirt while she was playing with an arcade, ending up on hitting things off with him yet choosing to stay as she didn’t want it to end like a typical one night stand, wanting to get to know Kevin a lot better and actually helping him with trying to obtain the evidence to prove that Dillinger stole the games, working with him to create Clu.
After Dillinger was exposed, Ava and Kevin married and she eventually gave birth to their son Sam in 1983, being happy to actually be able to finance some stuff and helping her family too, yet realising that Kevin had changed a bit after his journey to the digital world, sometimes joining him there when he was working on his digital frontier that he called the Grid while either his parents or Ava‘s parents watched over Sam, having admin rights there and adding Arlekino to help them alongside Tron and Clu yet she was accidentally turned into a Trojan Virus which was neutralised by her husband, turning her into some kind of anti-virus that resides at the portal to make sure that nothing bad enters and exists, also programming her to be able to track down Kevin as Ava got lost in the Grid once while she was exploring, ending up on having a panic attack when she couldn’t find him anymore.
Ava didn’t spend much time on the Grid as she was more focused on raising her son, often asking Kevin to spend more time with him and her as he was rarely at home, yet it being open promises which upset her, continuing to live her life until day X in 1989 where her husband did not return anymore as he had always returned at a certain time at night to sleep, becoming extremely paranoid that something had happened, contacting Lora and Alan yet they knew nothing as well. Ava‘s first thought was that something must have happened in his digital frontier yet also doubting it, mainly because she was too upset with Kevin‘s disappearance but also because she simply was too scared to go in as one of the programs could’ve gone mad in there, immediately derezzing her on sight if luck wasn’t on her side.
During her search for him she would get help from her family with managing ENCOM and the arcade, finally having the courage to go into the Grid to look for Kevin as she had taught herself how to properly tweak Arlekino so she could move around instead of only being bound to the portal, being a perfect bodyguard, leaving Sam with her parents as she didn’t want to risk his life yet he secretly followed her, ending up on being sent to the Grid as well, where they meet Vriss, KerØsene, Eclipse and Arlekino. Vriss explained the situation that Clu had turned against Kevin, Tron and Eclipse, ending up on enslaving both security programs. While Tron‘s whereabouts were unknown, Eclipse escaped and was restored to 80% while the other 20% of her were corrupted, unable to get rid of it due to her code being too sophisticated.
The group had two goals now: find Kevin and Tron. Finding the creator was a fairly easy task thanks to Arlekino, Ava being able to make them travel around undetected due to her admin rights on the Grid yet not being able to get rid of Clu as he was getting more powerful for god knows what reason, but finding Tron was pretty much a hard task as they would have to confront some black guards and maybe Clu himself, yet they also had another problem: the portal is only open for 8 hours so they had to be quick if they wanted to return to the real world again…
Ava is a pretty friendly and optimistic person that doesn’t immediately think of the worst things that can happen. She likes to joke around and acts a bit childish at times but is a quick thinker if you don’t put her under pressure and even gets serious, especially when her family is in danger. She is an intelligent individual yet always putting family first instead of programming, one of the reasons why she didn’t like joining Kevin on the Grid and only did so if she had time, was in the mood and if he needed help with Arlekino.
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artwork by me!
faceclaim: sinisterdarling
filter: kaijucat
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