#Finnish Education
How to say "I love you" in your partner's language - Part 1
English: I love you
Spanish: Te quiero / Te amo
French: Je t'aime
Italian: Ti amo
German: Ich liebe dich
Portuguese: Eu te amo
Russian: Я тебя люблю (Ya tebya lyublyu)
Chinese (Mandarin): 我爱你 (Wǒ ài nǐ)
Japanese: 愛してる (Ai shiteru)
Korean: 사랑해 (Saranghae)
Arabic: أحبك (Ana bahebak)
Hindi: मैं तुमसे प्यार करता/करती हूँ (Main tumse pyaar karta/karti hoon)
Greek: Σ'αγαπώ (S'agapo)
Turkish: Seni seviyorum
Dutch: Ik hou van jou
Swedish: Jag älskar dig
Bokmål: Jeg elsker deg
Finnish: Rakastan sinua
Polish: Kocham cię
Hungarian: Szeretlek
Nynorsk: Eg elskar deg
Dangme (spoken in Ghana): I suɔ mo.
We'll add more languages in the nest posts. Ask if you want to add your own language or different phrases. We're always open to feedback!
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artharakka · 11 months
Your art just absolutely never fails to hit! It's so inspiring and beautiful and gives the same vibes as playing Skyrim or Zelda BOTW for the first time (koska se on innostavaa ja kotoisaa niin kuin open world täynnä seikkailuja, yksityiskohtia ja tarinoita).
You are very skilled and inspire me to do more art and improve as well! <3
Oh thank you! 🧡 I just happened to tell in the previous ask that Skyrim is one of my comfort games, I love the rustic, detailed but not too bright and clustered atmosphere. So I really love this comparison and compliment 🧡
And gosh as a mostly self taught artist it really means a lot to inspire people <3 I wish you a lot of inspiration with your art!
(Ja kiitos myös suomeks 🧡 mua on aina innostanu tehdä ennen kaikkea tarinoita ja ihanaa jos mun kuvituksista tulee samanlainen fiilis kuin näissä maailmoissa kulkemisesta)
Here's a really small painting of Skyrim's Rift-like landscape, because it's my favourite hold
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littlemaple · 10 months
i had a horrible(ly funny) realization
yall know old town road? that shit was so popular in the us with the 6 and below crowd when it came out, i know because i worked with that age group at the time and it was all i heard. every single day. every single movement break. old town road. but not by lil naz x. by kidz bop.
so, the realization: if cha cha cha was released in the usa, there'd totally be a kids bop version
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dan-0-nino · 5 months
Dear Swedes,
Do yall have any funny, stupid, amusing podcast recommendations in swedish? My swedish matriculation exam (a big ass test) is coming up and I am trying to find low-effort ways to study
Your Finnish friend
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stressedbeetle · 9 months
sometimes I watch video footage of Sweden from several years ago (70s, 50s, 1920s etc) because, I like history and I find it interesting. But then when I unfortunately check the comments there will without fail always be so many racist, xenophobic, Islamophobic comments saying that Sweden has been overrun and that the time from the video was the "good old days". Which just makes me SO FUCKING MAD PLEASE JUST SHUT UP YOU RACIST PIECE OF SHIT
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lunar-system · 19 days
I listened to "being human" from steven universe future again after so long time. and remembered how huge it was that steven left beach city at the end. that he got to leave and go find out who he is, without all… that.
and lately i've been reading books by people growing up in crazy environments, who make it out and gain new perspectives, slowly realising how fucked up everything was. that their parent might have had undiagnosed mental illness, that they were carrying way too much responsibility at a young age, or just that their living conditions were not normal.
i'd really, really love to read that book written by steven. written decades later in his life. after he has had time to be angry about it all and to come out from the other side, having made peace with it. i'd really, really, really love to read it. a memoir by steven universe.
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higherentity · 1 year
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fitzrove · 2 years
GUYS! if anyone has experience writing successful personal statements/motivation letters for uni (especially MA/grad school, but other info might help too) i'd love to hear tips & thoughts <3
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unenomainen · 2 years
When you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers <3333 self love. now.
5 things i like abt myself you say? Let's see
1. I'm good at languages, it's always been easy for me to learn new languages (which is why i took like 4 of them at school..... ok swedish and english are compulsory in finland but i chose to take french and german as well & had a great time with all 4 of them)
2. I'm also good at math! Basic math at least, like if i go to the grocery store i can count how much my total's gonna be or if sth's on discount i can count the dicounted price in my head etc. You know, actually useful every day math stuff
3. I like that i'm aro ace, can i say that.... fuck it gonna say it anyway bc i haven't always felt this way abt it and i'm proud of the character development 😤
4. Uhh ok idk the word in english :^) but i'm good at finding my way around even in places that i'm not so familiar with as long as i have a map (in finnish it's called suunnistusvaisto, is there even a word for it in english lmaooo)
5. I'm really good with remembering faces and names which is very handy when you work in a hotel
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finlandhub · 3 months
K-12 Finnish education system
Discover the comprehensive K-12 Finnish education system at Finland Education Hub. Learn about Finland's innovative approach to education, renowned for its equity, excellence, and student-centered learning methods. Explore resources, insights, and guidance on navigating Finland's world-class educational landscape.
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genshaon · 3 months
Finnish Education System
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patchesbeanie · 10 months
Listen our sex ed in finland is like top tier compared to theirs, if they even get it
yeah i know, all US education varies so much especially when it comes to sex ed
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homunculus-argument · 4 months
Honestly, friends should be able to listen to each other rant. If you were taught to never voice your dismay about anything, or have never been in a situation where you and your peers are ever in the right headspace to support one-another, this might sound like an absurd claim. But in a good situation, ranting in the group chat is a team sport and good for you. Something you get to do, not something you grit your teeth to endure when you're already barely holding on as it is.
Just yesterday one of my friends unpromptedly posted "it's honestly incredible to me that there really are grown adult people out there who can't read." And the whole group chat perked up like a bunch of dogs hearing a food packet crinkle like oh? Are we gonna be talking shit? Who fucked up and what did they do?
And before anyone even said anything, she clarified that she meant like literally can't read. She had just met a middle-aged man who had told her he's more fluent in reading finnish than he is in reading his own first language, because back at the old country he never had the chance to go to school. Ah, so we're discussing what a huge privilege it really is to be born in a place where the standard of education is so high that you legit forget that having a practically 100% adult literacy rate isn't the default everywhere. This is fine too.
I wasn't the first to admit that I had been expecting some fiery "this co-worker keeps smoking right next to the 'no smoking' sign every single day" -rant, and had been looking forward to it. If one of us is having a bad day, the whole group chat is instantly turning into a hate club of this person who pissed you off.
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rooksamoris · 2 months
yalll i saw a tweet about how some of guys don't know that epel is meant to be sámi, not a southern american??? babes... he's very sámi. just as the original tweet said, not everything his "gringo-centric"
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i suggest really looking into the sámi people and the oppression they face by their governments!! the 1960s saw a wave of forced assimilation in norway. culture and language is constantly under threat, with children having not been allowed to speak their native languages in educational settings. this oppression goes all the way back to the 15th/16th century, and it is not unique to norway. there have been campaigns to eradicate their customs, language and religious practices for centuries.
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like, y'all, there's heavy inspiration, especially in the collars!! these intricate designs and the jewelry... my goodness this is so pretty???
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correct me if im wrong, but the term gákti is used to describe these garments. there have been controversies over finnish people dressing up in fake gákti and performing "traditional rituals" for tourists. this is extremely similar to various other cultures. the act of exoticizing and orientalizing the sámi people and their culture serves no purpose but to fill the pockets of non-sámi capitalists who oppress them.
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on that note, when writing epel fics please stop with the southern american shenanigans, especially when the culture he is implied to be from has actively been eradicated for centuries.
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9jacompass · 2 years
Apply Now: Finnish National Agency for Education EDUFI Fellowship for International Students 2023
Apply Now: Finnish National Agency for Education EDUFI Fellowship for International Students 2023
Do you need financial aid to assist you enlist a foreign student to do doctoral research? The EDUFI Fellowship is especially designed to offer beginning financing for conducting research for a PhD thesis in Finland. The fellowship has brought outstanding young researchers to Finland, the majority of whom have also been successful in obtaining further financing for their studies. The fellowship…
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tuherrus · 20 days
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iris rukka (i believe it's best translated as "poor iris"?) is a finnish story written by anni swan about a girl who has to leave her cottage home by the forest to begin a proper education in helsinki with her wealthy uncle and cousins, though it quickly becomes apparent that she's the odd one out
admittedly i never read it as a child but now reading a bunch of finnish fairytales and children's books i'm starting to see a lot of similar themes and values and with iris rukka it's again more or less about how important tenacity and humility is, but also about not sacrificing your integrity
i could talk more about the story itself but i don't wanna make this too long, i unfortunately can't seem to find an english translation of it anywhere either....
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