#Education System
becomingvecna · 6 months
reblog if you think these are all valid reasons for a student or an employee to take a day off from their school or their job without their grades or paycheck being affected in any way:
- period cramps
- exhaustion, be it mental or physical
- depression, anxiety, and other mental health related issues
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reality-detective · 7 months
Japanese’s education system vs. The West 🤔
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I don't think education was supposed to be about students breaking down and having bad mental breakdowns and panic attacks about submissions and exams. I don't think school was supposed to be about ranks and cutthroat competition and bad mental health.
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northlight14 · 14 days
Speaking as someone who was constantly late to school, I think punishing kids/teens for being late to school is stupid. Like, I get it. When they’re older, they can’t be late to work and stuff and they need to understand that. But majority of kids/teens are getting to school via their parents or someone else driving them or hell the school bus which is also driven by an adult. So when a kid arrives late and gets punished for it, all that’s happening is a child getting punished because the adult responsible for getting them there on time wasn’t successful. That’s not teaching the kid anything, that’s just annoying. Especially when, as a kid I was always ready on time and it was my parents I was waiting on and then in detention I’d be expected to write down a “what will I do better” that didn’t apply to me because I didn’t do anything wrong
I get that sometimes it will be the kids fault but I feel like those cases are few and far between and punishing a kid for the adults in their life is just counterproductive
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fru1typunch · 1 year
Here's a little post ranting about the Floridian education system and how it fucked over public school librarians this year, from the adult child of one who spent his whole summer helping his poor mom try and keep up with Desantis's ridiculous requests.
Every school year, the librarian always gets a couple weeks with a "closed" library to take inventory of the school's stock at the end. Normal stuff, y'know, if a bit tedious and boring. Scan every. Single. Thing. See what you have and figure out who last checked out what you should have, that sort of thing.
Well, Ron Desantis, in his genius, decided that concept had to be applied to all the books in the entire school to determine if they're "appropriate" (by his batshit conservative standards).
My mom didn't JUST have to do the usual inventory thing for her own library. She ALSO had to do something similar but far WORSE for her entire school's personal classroom libraries.
The objective of this SCHOOL WIDE requirement was to "approve" every book in the school as "appropriate". Every. Single. Book. In. The. School. Not the school library, no, the SCHOOL. All classrooms.
My mom's an elementary school librarian. There's around 1000 students at her school, give or take, and around 50 or so classroom libraries to sort through. And this was supposed to be done over summer, before the kids came back in the fall. Entirely unpaid.
She had to personally approve around 25,000-30,000 books school wide based on whether or not they're "appropriate for kids" (again, by Desantis standards), entirely unpaid, in about 2 months. Keep in mind these classroom libraries had been pre-existing for many years or even decades in most cases, so it's kinda useless to just now care about whether the books are "appropriate".
Mind you, you can't read that many individual books in under two months and then approve them in the system if you tried, even if most were children's books. She spent every single day of her summer, her only real time off each year, logging into the online portal and manually approving books from 8 in the morning to 8 at night, looking them up and trying to determine if they might be okay by the new standards since she couldn't possibly have the time to read them all and check, and again, entirely unpaid on her own. Teachers were scanning in their classroom's books to the system to be approved by her in real time, so she really never could get very far ahead. At most she'd knock out a few hundred a day, which I think is wildly impressive given the circumstances.
Even with all that work, she couldn't open her library for nearly a month into the new school year this August because she spent every school day finishing that approval thing for the classroom libraries for teachers. At least by that point she got paid for it. She was also way behind on getting her library ready for the school year, she really hadn't had time to prepare like normal. It was a crazy stressful time for her all around, moreso than back-to-school time normally is each year.
I helped as much as I knew how to, which mostly just meant looking books up for her or texting back and forth with my friends that work at Barnes and Noble or Books A Million asking if they could skim through certain books that might pose a threat at times, and coming up to the school with her sometimes while she worked on approving books and I worked on preparing her library for "business" again.
My mom was upset because she didn't have time for a real summer vacation, the most she got to do was occasionally visit the beach a few hours away for a day trip. (On one of the beach days, she even took her blessed laptop with her to work on it in the car ride over.) She was in the thick of it neck deep all on her own for months with hardly any time off and no pay to show for it.
It's frustrating because if she were to have approved a book that a parent later complains about, it could mean bad news for her. Again, no way in hell would she have been able to both read every single book, determine if she thought it was okay by Desantis's standards, and then approve every single book within the system. She did her best, but she's still nervous someone will complain.
All this conservative bullshit around books is hurting so many kinds of librarians and educators in so many ways, so just take a moment sometime soon to appreciate your local librarians and public school teachers putting up with this crap. They could use the love. Maybe some strong alcohol. And a big wad of cash, they do a lot of shit unpaid.
And do vote these assholes out of office that are making these poor librarians' and teachers' jobs harder with no additional support or pay.
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my-midlife-crisis · 3 months
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alpaca-clouds · 10 months
Why Education Systems Suck
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Something that is kinda universal in most of the world is one thing: The education systems suck. And where they don't suck, they are on their best way to sucking. The reason is, basically, the same problem like with everything else: Capitalism. Because capitalism does actually does not want well educated people. Capitalism wants what we in Germany call "Fachidioten", which translates into "specialized idiots".
We see that probably the strongest in the USA. Because while German education over here sucks hard... it does not suck half as much as American education. Stuff that we learn at times early in our equivalent of high school, folks in the US will never learn unless they are studying it at college or university. I talked about media literacy before and it is probably the most clear example of this. Again, not saying Germany is great in this regard... but at least it is not the US.
There is other stuff, of course, that ends up hurting education a lot. Standardized testing, grading in school, having those rigorous curricula and stuff like that. It is all hurting it. And for example standardized testing is something that gets more and more popular over here in Germany. And it is bad. Because standardized testing does not aim to test the actual understanding kids have of a topic. Rather it tests how good you are at standardized tests.
But why does capitalism want "specialized idiots"? That, too, is simple. Because "specialized idiots" are easier to control. For two reason: People who are better educated have more opinions and think more for themselves. As such they are more likely to question politics and the like, or the running narrative. They might in fact question capitalism itself, which of course would be bad for capitalism.
There is another reason why "specialized idiots" are good to control. See, if you have an economy where job opportunities are bound to your specialization. So, you pick one specialization and then you are basically stuck with it. It limits your ability to choose jobs and hence takes power from you as the employee. And capitalism wants disempowered employee, because - again - they are easier to control.
So... I want to talk a bit about school and how to improve school this week. You know, among the rest of the usual fandom postings and such xD
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b0bthebuilder35 · 4 months
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Chaotic Academic ✨
I am happy with my productivity today....
Ig today I'll complete my target of studying 14 hours....
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Y'know how Edward Cullen has a metric fuck-ton of high-school degrees?
Well, I'm pretty sure that it would be perfectly in character if Adrian Tepes had a similarly sized collection of college degrees.
Thanks to Dracula, our boy is sitting on more generational wealth than he probably knows what to do with, and since his appearance is that of an eternally twenty-something, he'd fit right in with the sleep-deprived academic masses. He likes accruing knowledge, and I can think of no better way than re-attending college every other decade or so for him to stay up to date on current worldly affairs and discoveries.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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reality-detective · 3 months
Orphan Trains World Reset in the 1800's 🤔
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saskia-mae · 5 months
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how to revise effectively
revision is a very important part of education, but many people have no idea how. in this post i'm going to outline the basics of revision. it's important to note that different subjects will require you to revise differently, there is no one size fits all when it comes to revision.
less is more- studying for 30 focused minutes is way more effective than a 5 hour study session while you watch tv.
work on exam technique- this is such an overlooked part of revising for an exam, but if you know how to answer the questions and what structures to use, it will really help you. ask your teacher or search for your exam board online to find out the best way for your subject and exam board.
manage distractions- if like me you get distracted super easily, you need to create an environment with limited distractions. this means put your phone on do not disturb, if your house/place of study is noisy put some headphones on and listen to classical music or study ambience (my favourites are the Harry Potter rooms by Asmrweekly on youtube). if you get distracted while studying by thinking of things you need to do, something that's really helped me is to have a piece of paper next to me that i can write all my thoughts on, so i can continue studying and do what i've written afterwards.
set precise goals for your study session- this helps to reduce procrastination. for example, if I put "study geography" on my to do list i'll procrastinate, but if I put "do 30 flashcards for the topic hazards" I have a clear idea of what I need to do
use the pomodoro method- having breaks is really important in keeping you engaged while you're studying. I don't follow the typical timings, but I usually do between 30-45 minutes of studying followed by a 10-15 minute break depending on how I'm feeling
utilise your study breaks- it's so easy to pick your phone up and scroll through tiktok until you realise your 5 minute break turned into a 3 hour tiktok binge. when I go on a study break, I only go on my phone to snap people back, or for a little scroll on pinterest. I also like to get some more water, grab a snack and stretch. If I'm having a longer break, I'll try to get outside and go for a walk, especially if the weather is good (in England this is about 5 days of the year haha)
now, onto different ways to revise
doing past papers
doing flashcards
making timelines
doing essay plans
making mindmaps
if you study languages, practicing translations or specific types of questions that come up in the exam (for my exam board this is things like gap fill activities, 90 word listening or writing summaries, finding synonyms in a text etc.)
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gamer2002 · 1 year
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School board removes a man for reading from the pornographic book they allow in a public school library.
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study-diaries · 7 months
Point to remember :))
It doesn't matter if someone you know has completed the whole material twice or thrice, what matters is how much of it you actually remember.
Sadly, our education system does not test how much we know, it only tests how many of the questions we can answer. So, the content you put in your answers matters more than what you know.
So, you're doing good, just don't stop and focus on your own progress. :)
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curiositysavesthecat · 7 months
*this poll was submitted to us and we simply posted it so people could vote and discuss their opinions on the matter. if you’d like for us to ask the internet a question for you, feel free to drop the poll of your choice in our inbox and we’ll post them anonymously (for more info, please check our pinned post)
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deesi-academia · 8 months
will I kill the education system before it kills me-
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