#Flash backs
New head cannon: Carmen Sandiego’s growth was stunted on The Isle of Vile
She may have seemed happy & free growing up, being able to run around & do whatever she wanted, but that doesn’t mean the environment wasn’t stifling. Between the lack of friends around her age, being the faculty’s kid & hearing all the world had to offer, being trapped on that island would’ve taken a mental toll (even if subconscious)
Add in her diet being provided by Vile (an organization who canonically try to make people rely on their food products despite not even bothering to try to make it taste good & probably not caring abt health) & you can see how one’s body might not being growing right
So when she finally got a taste of freedom & real food, her body finally had the capacity to grow as much as it wanted to
Hence her crazy growth compared to Player between the flashback & present
(also: Player is always seen sitting & had a haircut he liked so his growth would be less noticeable)
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chaotically-coz · 4 months
Yall I remember in 5th grade we took pride moth VERY srs
like- that was everybody's gay awakening year? I think? yeah idk but we used to make anybody who accidentally misgendered somebody else sit in a corner and face ' the tree of sadness ' it was all silly ofc but yeah we were and still are very insane.
(@that-nonbino-dino IK YOU REMEMBER..)
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obsessedwithitall · 4 months
Speak Now (Eddie Munson au)
I have been on a month long Taylor Swift kick so this is came from Speak Now. I've got a few bits I took out so I may write some extra bits to add them as sides... see how I feel. Theres also a few flashbacks, if its confusing I'm sorry.
Enjoy 🩷
Word count: 2.2k
Read part 2 here
“You are married. You can kiss now.”
“Ewww.” The boys all groaned dramatically and the girls giggled. You were all stood behind the tall wall on the playground, you holding hands with Toby. Becky held some daisies she'd picked from the grass in one hand, and had a handful of freshly cut grass for confetti in the other. This was the best 7 year old wedding this school had ever seen.
“Stop the wedding. You can't get married.” Eddie threw his hand in the air.
You stamped your foot and protested, dropping Toby’s hand. “No, we’re already married.”
“I saw on TV, that someone goes, “stop getting married, he’s dead.””
“How can my husband be dead, he’s here?”
“I don't know, it was on TV.” He shrugged.
The metal bar burned your hand as you spun upside down on it causing your plaits to fall away from their normal position.
Eddie’s face crowded yours. “Why did you marry Toby and not me?”
You flipped yourself the right way up and pulled your dress down. “You went to the bathroom and Toby asked me.”
“I asked first.”
“But Toby has been my boyfriend all day so I had to marry him.”
You both sat down on two wooden steps and you started picking at the grass beneath them. Neither of you spoke for a few minutes until the bell rang for you to go back to the classroom.
Eddie tapped your shoulder in the line. “I’ll marry you tomorrow, ok?”
You nodded. “Ok.”
Growing up was hard. Keeping in touch with friends was hard. After school finished you thought you'd be friends forever but things get in the way. You moved away for college, you forgot to call, they forgot to call. Nothing happened you just grew apart.
You came back from college and your mum managed to get you a job in her church café. You weren’t particularly religious but they basically let you pick your own shifts and they paid decently. One thing you loved about your job was that you were able to sneak off and look at the events happening. You did always enjoy seeing people in their best clothes, all the family and friends together for big life changes.
This one particular Saturday, there was a big wedding in. When the café was empty and you’d spent the last 20 minutes cleaning the same table, you decided it wouldn’t hurt to lock the door and take a peak next door.
The church yard was bustling with people trying to find their friends and meeting family members they hadn’t seen for years. There was a face you recognised, it wasn’t a huge town, that was going to happen, but this was your old school friend.
“Y/N!! You’re here! I was waiting for you to turn up.” Becky hugged you tightly, “How you doing?”
You prised yourself from her grasp and stood back to look at her dress. “Yeah, I'm good. You look lovely.”
“Thank you so much. You look...” she paused, looking you up and down.
“This is my work clothes. I’m technically working at the moment but I just popped in from next door. The cafe will be ok for a bit.”
“Thank god, I was worried this was a choice and you’d lost your mind.”
A few more old school friends wandered over, greeting Becky, probably not quite recognising you after these few years. All your old school group was there and a lot more you knew but weren’t friends with. It was strange.
“Is someone from school getting married?”
“What? Y/N.... you don't know....”Toby questioned.
“Meg. Meg is getting married.” Becky shouted, giving the boy across from her a warning look.
“How beautiful is this?” Meg gushed. “I want my wedding just like this.”
You had known Meg for years. She was always in the background at school, not really hanging around after class. Annoying was probably a good word for her without being too mean. She was pushy and demanding usually got what she wanted in the end. So it was no doubt that she'd get the pink wedding of her dreams. Unluckily her cousin was marrying your cousin, so when she saw you and suggested you sit together, you were so glad your mum had said Eddie could come along too.
“This is nice, but it's very...pink.” From the pink ribbons and flowers on the pews, to the pink carpet down the aisle and the pink bridesmaids dresses and even your cousin, the groom, in a pink suit, it was all a bit much.
“When I get married it won't be anything like this.” Eddie whispered.
You laughed in disbelief. “What?”
“Can you imagine me getting married in a church?”
“No offence, but I can't imagine you getting married at all.”
“At all?”
“Yeah, you’ve never seemed like the type.”
“You think I'm that hopeless?”
“No, just one to be a bit wild and free. Maybe if the right person came along.”
Eddie went quiet for a second. He looked away from you towards the front of the church, thinking about something.
“I think sometimes the right person is already there. We just got to realise it.”
What was that suppose to mean? “You've got somebody in mind, have you?” you played it off as a joke but you were secretly desperate to know more about this mystery person Eddie was planning his life with.
“Maybe.” You’re heart ached a little. Not only was he planning a future wedding but he’d already thought of who it was to, too. He’d put more thought into his future than his no cares attitude made out. If only that future could be yours too.
“Well, you better invite me to the wedding. I want to see that with my own eyes.” You smiled, hoping this was the time he'd confess his secret love for you and you'd be living the wedding of your dreams marrying your childhood crush.
“Don’t worry. You'll have a front row seat.” Confirmed, not you.
“Shhh.” Meg scolded, “I can't hear the organ music.”
After the reception, while seeing the bride and groom off Meg popped up next to you. “I haven’t really spoken to Eddie before. He’s quite cute really, isn’t he?”
“Eddie, I like him.” She whispered. “He’s cute.”
Eddie caught your eye across the path and rolled his eyes when he saw you’d got trapped with Meg again. You tried not to laugh.
“Yeah, I suppose.”
“Is he single?”
Her brashness surprised you. He was but you really didn’t want Meg to stop him being. “I don’t know if you’re really his...type.”
“We’ll see.” And she smiled a sickly sweet smile.
The church was....the only word you could use to describe it was pink. Very pink. Looks like Meg got the wedding she wanted, you laughed to yourself. Guests were milling around seeming to look for seats.
“Come sit with us.” Becky pulled on your arm.
You shook your head. “I'm not actually invited, I'm just having a look, I can't stay.”
“They won't know and you’re here now anyway, just come sit with me.”
Against your better judgement you say down next you her at the aisle end of the pew, close enough to the back that you could dash out whenever you needed without being noticed much.
“Eddie’s here.” Someone behind you said.
Before you could fully turn around he was in aisle next to you. After all these years he looked even better than before. Hair done all neatly, very smart in a suit , nicer than anything you knew he owned...shit...was this his wedding? Was Eddie actually getting married? Front row seat my arse, he hadn’t even invited you.
Eddie didn't see you as he made his way to the front of the church pulling a tight lipped smile at people saying hello to him. You were glad he hadn’t seen you. He hadn’t invited you, he obviously didn't want you there. You regretted not exactly staying in touch, but you didn't think he was that mad about it. He clearly was.
“He looks very smart.” Your voice came out in a whisper.
“Meg looks like a pastry. Like a huge danish.” One of the other girls from school told Becky quietly. “I did her make up and ran out of that room as quickly as I could. I was not spending any more time with her than I had to. She kept yelling at everyone. I get its stressful, but calm down.”
You laughed. But inside you were breaking a little.
“I feel stupid.” Your arms flapped down at your sides against the poofball skirt of the bright green dress you’d pulled to try.
“You look stupid.” Eddie chuckled from his chair in the dressing room mirror.
“I needed Becky for this not you.”
“She’s at busy working. I’m helping.”
“You’re not helping, you're just laughing at me. You don't know anything about dresses.” He didn’t. You weren’t sure why he’d even agreed to come. You hadn’t seen each other in months, you being at college now and him still being at high school.
“What did your mom want?”
“She said whatever I felt comfortable in.”
You stepped back into the changing room and sighed. There was only a couple dresses left. Your mom had sprung this wedding on you very quickly. You’d known Derek for years. You know he’d been looking in on your mom after you went to college. You even knew they’d been out on dates. But you didn’t know it was this serious. Your summer home from college was meant to be spent with your friends having a good time, not helping your mum plan her second wedding to a man you didn’t really like.
Eddies voice interrupted your thoughts. “You going to do the I object thing?”
“People don’t do that in real life.”
“You don't like your stepdad, do you?”
“No.... not really. But Derek makes my mom happy. And I suppose he’s not an awful guy. As long as someone’s happy surely you should leave them alone.”
“I missed you.” Why did he need to do that now?
Stepping out the doors, Eddie didn’t say anything. Bad. He never not got something to say, you thought.
Tears threatened to spill from your eyes and you turned to go back to get your clothes on, but a hand on your wrist stopped you.
“You look beautiful.”
You did. Eddie stood behind you looking in the mirror at you in the dress. He didn't make eye contact and you were thankful because you would have been to embarrassed to ever look at him again. His face was full of love and admiration, and you weren’t quite sure you deserved it.
You pulled the tag out to the side to get a look at the price.
“Oh my god. My mom’s going to kill me.”
“It’s 80$.”
“But you look so pretty.”
“Ed, I can't afford this. I need to take it off right now.”
He put both hands on your shoulders and held you to stop you running away. “I’ll pay for it.”
You shook your head violently. “No.”
“No, you can't do that.”
“Why not?”
“Because you need that money. You don't have 80$.”
“You don't know how much money I have.”
“I don’t exactly but I know you don't have 80$.”
“Whatever your mom gave you, I'll pay the rest. It won't be 80$ and you get the dress.”
His thumbs stroked your shoulders and he span you around to the mirror again. You took another look at yourself in the dress. It was perfect. It was exactly what you'd wanted, you're mom would be happy...no, you couldn't do it.
“I’ll meet you by the register.”
And that was that. You couldn’t, but Eddie would.
The music started up and there was no chance for you to leave now. You were trapped. The bridesmaids started down the aisle with the groomsmen and then Meg with her father, looking exactly like a danish. Eddie looked as if he would vomit.
“Are they happy at least?” your eyes still on Eddie's face but the question aimed at Becky.
“Personally...I think this is a mistake. I told him, but you know what he's like. He only would ever listen to you.”
“Well, he’s marrying her so she can't be that bad.”
She disagreed. “This is all her. I don't think he wants to get married. There’s also a rumour she sleeping with her dentist.”
Your mind raced through the eyes of the crowd, looking for anyone who knew Eddie who looked like they thought this was a good idea. Why hadn't he told you? Why hadn't anyone else told you? It was too late now...he’d made a decision.
The pastor began his speech but it was all a blur until he got to the bit everyone was waiting for.
“Speak now or forever hold your peace.”
Everyone took a breath. Complete stillness. It was as if everyone expected someone to say something.
Becky gave you an almighty push and you fell onto your knees in the aisle. Everyone turned and looked to where the noise had come from. You stood back up quickly but Becky moved down the pew so there was no longer anywhere for you to sit.
“Y/N...” Eddie spoke quietly. Your eyes shot to his. He smiled. A genuine smile. He looked...relieved.
“Y/N?” the pastor questioned.
Your brain returned to you. “Sorry, I...” What were you going to say? You turned and began walking out, you weren’t even invited, why had you sat down, you should’ve just left. His face when he saw you though...
You stopped. Maybe.
Read part 2 here
Thank you for reading. Any feedback or comments are 100% welcome 🩷🩷
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mycptsdstory · 6 months
I remember a weird memory.
So let's set the scene and backstory, before I go into the memory.
So, just after my adopted got murdered, I was sent back to England. This was when I started to say "no" to different things and my ex friends, thought I was the most rudest person ever. Tbh, I honestly believed them for a very long time.
My mother was best friends with the next door neighbour, and this neighbour (at the time), fostered teens. I used to hang out with these teens and some of them, are extremely unruly and had a lot of trauma. So they cause arguments, fights, drinking, do drugs and of course my neighbour would let them. (TDLR, my mother used to work in social services. My mother got her into foster care because my neighbour wanted money. My mother committed fraud by doing this and sending fake letters saying how the person is okay to foster. When they're clearly not).
So one of the teens (let's call her Emma), I knew as a young kid and I knew her biological mother and step father. The step father knew the sperm donor and was best friends, the family came over to my house, A LOT. Later on, the step dad turned out to be a monster, sexually assaulted one of Emma's sisters multiple times (Emma has 2 sisters and they are identical twins) as a child and all of them got taken away from social services. Now Emma was in foster care and separated from her 2 sisters.
Now back to the memory.
I used to hang out with Emma, but I always felt uncomfortable. My mother would force me to hang out with her and we always argued, because Emma would get into trouble, to a point the police got called. Mostly petty crime like damaging people's property or go into abandoned buildings and get high or drink. I'm NOT into that. Emma called me "you're such a goody goody two shoes". Tbh, I didn't care, I didn't want to get arrested or get into trouble. Not my thing, even as a kid. It just wasn't my thing.
One day I finally caved in and hung out with Emma and her two other guy mates. The boys, bullied me for being goody goody two shoes. One day, they stole some of the things from the house, one guy kept saying he knows karate and will beat me up. (Ha! He didn't know, I'm a trained fighter) I got so mad, I chucked him out of my house, threatened him to break his collar bone if he didn't give me my stuff back. Then I found out he stuffed my favourite brush in his pants. So I made him undress, got him half naked and that's when I got my stuff back. I nearly called the cops. (But at the time, I was so afraid of calling the cops because when I tried to call the cops about the sperm donor raping me, i got called "you're just making it up for attention". So I just didn't call the cops).
Honestly, that should have been a warning sign, but I didn't listen and my mother forced me to hang out with Emma again.
My mother and neighbour, told the 2 boys and Emma what they saw is all made up. I can't fight and it's all imaginary. (So basically, they gaslight and manipulated teens. Why? Who the fuck knows. I stopped asking questions a long time ago).
This memory, really gave me the ick, for such a long time.
I hung out with Emma again and her best friend (let's call her Chelsea). The two boys, me and Chelsea, all went to this Quarry (not abandoned, they just like to get caught). So everyone decided to play this game and the two girls tried to force me to suck one of boys dicks. I kept saying no, they were like "oh go on, it will be your first time". I kept saying no and eventually the boy whipped out his dick and said "go on, suck on it". I burst into laughter on how small it was. They kept calling me rude and said "but you're a virgin. You don't know what a small dick looks like". I'm like, that looks like a 3 inch. The boy replied "it's 4 inches actually". I'm like "3.5 then". It got heated, turned into an argument and I shouted at the top of my voice "I said FUCK OFF AND I MEAN NO". They were shocked that i did that, I ended up walking away and I didn't say anything to them. I just got my things, walked away and when I went down this hill to the main entrance to leave, I saw a security guard for the Quarry and he said "hey! You shouldn't be here". I replied back "I know, it's why I'm leaving". He was gonna call the cops on me but I said "look, I didn't want to come but these 4 did and forced me to go with them". Told him what happened, told them the names and where they lived. He didn't call the cops on me and he was glad I was safe. He ran up with his colleague, and he quickly called the cops and thanked me for the tip off.
When I was walking home, I saw a bunch of police cars going to the Quarry. I went back safe. The next day tho... I was scolded for calling the cops on Emma, Chelsea and the 2 boys. Everyone was not happy with me and they kept saying I was rude and inconsiderate. That I don't deserve to live and shit like that. They didn't do anything to me tho, but I know Emma is still not happy with me.
But looking back, I think I did a good thing. I didn't back down, I didn't bow down. IF I did, I would probably got raped but I didn't. So the security guard was on my side because I basically grassed on them. Oh well, maybe don't force a person to be raped and go somewhere, you shouldn't have gone to.
It's probably why Emma hates me. No idea what kind of trouble Emma, Chelsea and the two got into. I just know, they all fell out with each other and blamed me for it. Projection much.
Anyway, that's the weird memory. Just thought I would write it down. It helps with my memory and it helps me regulate my emotions. Thanks for reading this.
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glacierruler · 2 years
Page 5
CWs: slight physical violence, mentions of a panic attack, flash backs
A loud SLAP is heard, echoing in the mostly empty room. Virgil takes a step back, left cheek stinging from the force of what happened. Fae didn’t expect Roman to react like that. From their confusion, comes their disorientation; the world feels like it’s swaying. Nothing was standing still. Virgil’s hands are curling into fists, and fae are digging faer fingernails into faer skin. Faer vision blurs, and Virgil sees vague faces that look familiar. That look like them. Faer breathing is picking up. Fae try to ground themself but it’s barely working. And Virgil needs to get ahold of faerself before anyone figures out that they’re about to have a panic attack. Managing to take a few deep breaths, faer breathing slows down. Fists uncurling, Virgil feels a small sting on each of their hands, from gripping them so tight. Fae no longer see their faces now. As all of this is happening, Roman takes a step back. 
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Thanks to my beta readers
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everydaylouie · 1 year
ghost swing 👻 🎸
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Beverly Marshal
Beverly Marshal never thought she’d one day be in an abusive relationship; but then again, who does? Beverly’s relationship with her wife, Kiara, started like a fairytale; woman meets another woman, and the two fall madly in love, get married and live happily ever after. But unlike in the fairytales, Beverly and Kiara’s story didn’t end with the wedding. Instead, their ‘happily ever after’ was the beginning of a new story, a story of control, possession, and toxicity. Fast-forward a few years, and now for Beverly, hell is the place which she calls home. Slaps, broken dishes, and shouting is her new normal. But when a couple moves in next door to Beverly and her wife, Beverly soon realizes that she isn’t the only one living in a personal hell. Despite never meeting her next-door neighbors, the shouting, breaking of glass, and the sounds of slaps, are enough to paint a crystal clear picture of what goes on behind closed doors. But when the shouting stops, and a body is carried out of the apartment in a black bag, Beverly realizes, that if she allows her own life to continue on the path that it’s on, then she’ll be the next one in that black bag. But now the question remains, how will Beverly escape?
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newt-with-a-keyboard · 8 months
Get flashbacks sometimes
Leave me feeling scared
Except for one
Brain replays the memory
It hurts so much
Then a stranger comes out of a shop
She is small like me
But is ignoring people who hurt me
She bends over and gives me handful of tissue
And asks me if am okay
She can see me nod
There is nothing either of us can do
She seems to know this
So we both pretend it is the truth
That these people are fine around me
By the time she leaves
Their anger is gone
They let me get up
Hope she knows she did enough
Hope she saw me get up
Want to tell her
Her actions are louder
than anything they did to me
That she was very brave
And then.
it is possible for me to escape the flashback
To walk away in my mind
Hope she knows she did help me get away
Even if only in memory
This post was written during mild enough flashback. Caught the moment finally. It leaves me feeling calm. Have not experienced anything else like it. Wanted to say. Just in case some other very brave person is reading . Who does not think they did enough
Because she looked back for a moment. And looked very sad
She did enough. You did enough
Okay. thank you for reading
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hoodedjelly · 2 months
Still Feel by Half Alive
(there is a second of flashing at the start was unsure if i should tag it or not, but this is the warning)
[youtube video link]
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creativitycache · 9 months
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strangelittlestories · 9 months
After the occupation, the princess was confined to the palace.
Once a month she'd be taken on a walk around the city, heavily guarded of course, to show the people that she still lived. It also served, of course, as a reminder of what they stood to lose if they made trouble. The princess did her best go wave and smile and give the people what encouragement she could.
The rest of the time, her life was spent in musty rooms and dusty towers. She filled most of her time scouring the castle for materials which she would sew into more and more elaborate outfits, which she would show off on the days when she was allowed outside.
Indeed, the public loved their princess and her dresses so much they'd often sketch or paint them along the route and pass the images on so that all could see the princess at least was well.
This pleased the occupiers for two reasons. First: it kept the princess out of trouble. Second: it gave them a reason to sneer and they did love a good sneer.
"What a vain creature she is!" They would remark.
"Doesn't even care we murdered her brothers so long as she gets enough satin to make her little dresses!" They squawked.
This was unfair, of course, for to call her creations "little dresses" was to call Queen Murderfun the Needlessly Genocidal "a tad piquey". Her dresses were gravity-defying wonders lace and pearl. They were thunderstorms captured in velvet and waterfalls summoned in silk. She was a wizard with silk.
Still, she bore their mockery with a tight smile and careful deference.
"Please, good sirs, my home, my people and my city now belong to you. Let me keep, at least, this one last joy."
And they sneered and they crowed most unpleasantly, but they let her keep her sewing room.
Of course, they would have known their mockery to be doubly unfair had they realised the true purpose of the princess's elaborate designs. For hidden in the intricate embroiderings across her gowns, jackets and fans, the princess had encoded secret (and very detailed) messages. When she would go on her monthly walk, the city's loyalists would line the route, sketching down the patterns to decode later.
Thus did the princess transmit all the occupiers' secrets (unearthed while supposedly 'searching the castle for old fabrics') to the city and thus did she build her resistance.
On the day the revolution finally came, she girded herself in armour of thick spider silk and whale bone. She cut a fine figure with a lacy handkerchief in her top pocket and a razor sharp knitting needle keeping her hair up.
As she waltzed through the castle to open the door for her army, the Usurper King tried to stop her and she simply unfolded her handkerchief and showed it to him.
Upon seeing the impossible arcane pattern emblazoned across it, he fell to the floor with blood streaming from his eyes.
She always had been a wizard with silk.
Thank you for reading. If you'd like to support my writing, you can do so at https://ko-fi.com/strangelittlestories
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cedrickjuans · 1 year
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THE LOVERS Trailer by Studio Heartbreak
An animated thriller about the romantic tension between a seafood chef and a siren, set in a dark fantasy Philippines
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s-oaps · 4 months
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windwaver · 5 months
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thiscoldheart · 6 months
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NICOLA COUGHLAN as Penelope Featherington
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otaku553 · 16 days
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Whoops! What do you do when you accidentally kidnap the daughter of the man who recently single-handedly executed the violent takeover of a nation
(Law and Bonney AU)
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