#Floating Structures Consultants
floatingstructures · 5 months
What are some of the impacts of floating structures to the marine environment?
Floating structures offer potential benefits like renewable energy generation and increased living space, they can also have various impacts on the marine environment. Here are some key points to consider:
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1] Potential positive impacts:
Adaptability to rising sea levels: Since floating structures can adapt to rising sea levels unlike fixed structures, expensive modifications required to fixed structures to adjust to changes in sea level and corresponding carbon footprint can be avoided.
Sustainable “Land” creation: In bustling coastal cities such as Mumbai, the creation of land involves reclamation which in turn means dredging at some other location. Both dredging and reclamation have significant and non-reversible impacts on marine life (flora & fauna). Further, the marine environment is also impacted such as changes in current flows and strengths that impact existing marine facilities. Using floating structures to create artificial “land” can overcome these issues.
Relocation Ability: Unlike fixed structures, floating structures can be relocated to different locations depending on business case or project requirements.
­Floating windfarms: Noise from windfarms on land can impact the quality of life for populations in nearby locations. Floating wind farms that can be located further away from population centres can avoid this situation.
Floating Data Centres: Floating data centres have a lower carbon footprint as surrounding water can be used for cooling purposes thereby reducing energy consumption. ­
Habitat creation: In some cases, floating structures can create new habitats for certain marine organisms, such as barnacles and mussels, that colonize the submerged parts of the floating structure.
Renewable energy: Floating structures can be used to support offshore wind farms and other renewable energy sources, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and their associated environmental impacts.
2] Potential negative impacts:
2.1) Physical impact:
Habitat disruption: Floating structures have the potential to cast shadows, decrease light penetration, and impact the growth of underwater plants and organisms that utilize photosynthesis.
Sedimentation: Structures have the potential to alter water flow patterns, resulting in increased sedimentation in certain areas, which could potentially overtake benthic organisms and have an impact on delicate ecosystems. However, reclamation has much more serious impacts as compared to floating structures.
Collision risks: Floating structures can create collision risks for marine animals, such as fish, whales, and sea turtles, depending on their size and location.
2.2) Chemical impact:
Pollution: Accidental discharges from offshore structures, such as antifouling paints, lubricants, and sewage, from drilling platforms can pollute the surrounding water, harming marine life. However, floating structures are designed and built to Classification Society Rules and need to comply to MARPOL Regulations to prevent marine pollution.
Noise pollution: Construction and operation of industrial floating structures can generate noise that can disrupt the communication and behaviour of marine animals.
2.3) Biological impact:
Introduction of invasive species: Structures can be a stepping stone for invasive species to establish themselves in new areas, which can disrupt local ecosystems.
Artificial reefs: Structures can attract certain fish species, but they may not offer the same ecological complexity and functionality as natural reefs.
­Overall, the impact of floating structures on the marine environment depends on various factors, including the size, type, location, and operation of the structure. Careful planning, environmental impact assessments, and mitigation measures are crucial to minimize negative impacts and maximize potential benefits.
Here are some additional points to consider:
For floating structures that have long-term ecological impacts, more studies are needed to fully understand their potential consequences, as research is still ongoing.
Implementing sustainable practices, such as using eco-friendly materials and adopting responsible waste management strategies, can help minimize the environmental footprint of floating structures.
It's important to weigh both the potential benefits and drawbacks of floating structures when considering their development and implementation in the marine environment.
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thelampisaflashlight · 8 months
Headcanons surrounding the abbey, the siblings, and the ghouls. Let's go.
-The abbey is a mix of new and old architecture, with an emphasis on cohesively blending the newer wings with the older parts of the building, at least from an aesthetic standpoint.
However, there are some parts of the abbey that have been intentionally cut off by modern additions, in other words; There are parts of the abbey that are visible form the outside, but completely inaccessible from within.
These parts of the abbey are either structurally unsound, thus dangerous for anyone to venture into, or have been sealed for reasons unknown.
As a result of this decision to conceal rather than demolish these areas, the abbey has a very mazelike layout akin to the Winchester Mansion, and new and old siblings of sin are often seen consulting maps to find their way around.
-The basement where the ghouls reside/where their dorms are housed is NOT the abbey's "real" basement; The abbey's actual basement, where the electrical panels and pipes feed down to, is only accessible through two points on the property.
The first entrance is located through a door labeled, "Custodial Services Only", and is pretty obvious, given that the door itself is painted bright red and has a keypad beside it, whereas the other one is located... somewhere.
Yeah, no one actually knows where the second entrance is, but it's somewhere outside.
The ghouls also have another way of getting into the actual basement, but that's because ghouls really love to dig.
-Speaking of weird shit underground, if it wasn't bad enough that the abbey is a maze, there's plenty of places where one could accidentally wind up in the catacombs, because, yeah, not only do they have two basements, they have a tunnel of bones, too!
Mountain says it used to be used for burials back in the olden days, but that it eventually took on a more sinister history that he prefers not to delve into.
Dew sometimes hangs out down there with "the nuns", and he won't elaborate more on what he means by that, and everyone is lowkey a little concerned.
-On the topic of the nuns though... Yeah, there's a bunch of dead nuns floating around the place, which may or may not be the reason why the library is so fucking haunting, but we digress.
Many of the siblings report seeing apparitions of nuns -not sisters of sin in their habits, straight up nuns- traveling through some of the more secluded hallways, and on occasion one of the old chapels seems to be filled with the sounds of prayers spoken in Latin despite the room itself being condemned and empty.
This is another place where Dew can be found from time to time, seemingly having conversations with the air.
-The infirmary is one of the newer additions to the abbey, as the older wing dedicated to medical services was bricked shut during renovations decades ago and has been left to rot ever since.
There's a challenge among the medical staff, ghouls included, in which they have to travel from the infirmary to the old wing, touch the wall where the door used to be, and come back, and there are marks from where they've placed their hands there.
Aether undertook this mission solo after his retirement, needing to feel some kind of connection to the abbey and leave his mark, and truth be told he's never quite been the same since.
According to him, once you see the wall, it's impossible not to feel different.
"You'll always know someone is looking out for you... whether you like it or not."
And lastly;
-There's a rumor among the siblings that there's a secret cemetery in the woods surrounding the abbey, but no one has been able to find it... at least no one who's lived to tell the tale.
Many more scientifically minded folks think these individuals may have fell victim to sinkholes or one of the edgeless, cavernous wells -such as Ol' Dens' Pond- that have cropped up over the years, but no one can say for certain.
In a way, perhaps, it is a self made graveyard, born of aimless wandering and a lack of caution.
Though the worn crosses turned to naught moss covered stones beg to differ.
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ask-annamary · 1 year
Do you make your tuna sandwiches correctly? As in, devoid of those dreadful pieces of celery, properly salted, and with the right mayo-to-tuna ratio?
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I have an inkling as to who you are, Anonymouse... but I will not make any assumptions.
To be completely honest, it is actually quite easy to keep tabs on what you consume and how your perchases impact the world around you. If you wish to have a tool around to help be more mindful of your food, I highly recommend https://www.seafoodwatch.org/ , it is an immensely helpful resource and I even used it to formulate this response. You can even contact them for printed guides on what you should and should not eat. I personally carry around a few cards for myself and to share with-
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Ah... I have noticed a good number of you expressing interest in hearing more about my "infodumps", so I surpose it wouldn't hurt to indulge every now and again. Many of my coworkers have commented about how verbose I can be, so I try to scale down my words from time to time. This will not be one of those times.
Ah yes... the world of industrial fishing. To be as clear as water, I am fully aware of how flawed that system is as a whole. Certain practices are downright devastating to oceans, but alas it is what these companies do to "make ends meet." If you asked me I'd believe the only end they're meeting is the deep end.
Now, where should I begin... ah, let's tackle Bluefin Tuna as a whole. The reason behind this strict avoidance is shrimple: it's overfising. The rate at which these fish are being collected far exceeds the rate at which they can reproduce, meaning that if current practices continue on these fish will not be able to make up for all the numbers lost to fishing.
The method of which these fish are caught can also be quite problematic. Methods such as FADs and drifting longlines can be detrimental not only to tuna, but to many other ocean going creatures. Drifting longlines for example, have a dire habit of getting other creatures ensnared by their hooks, such as various sea birds and sea turtles. FADs, fish aggregating devices, are floating structures created to attract the attention of Tuna, but they bring along other fish that are not intended to be caught like various species of sharks. The phenomena of animals other than the target species being caught is called bycatch, and many of these animals needlessly perish in this process.
Now, one may think farming these fish will be the shorefire solution to this conundrum. Many fish can be sustainably farmed, but one must keep in mind that tuna are gargantuan predators with appetites to match their size. It can take up to FIFTEEN TONS of fish caught from the wild to just produce one ton of tuna meat, meaning more fish are hunted for a mere fraction in return. On top of that, these farms produce a great amount of... er... effluent into the surrounding waters, which then throws the local ecosystem off its balance.
Truly the best way to avoid these issues in fishery is to focus on Tuna whose species are not threatened by over fishing, and more importantly to make sure the fisheries you are purchasing them from are not practicing harmful methods of fishing. One more thing to keep in mind is which ocean they hail from. While species such as Skipjacks and Yellowtails are by no means threatened in the Indian Ocean, many fisheries do not follow rules put into place to prevent over fishing.
Did I cover everything? Or... most of everything? That must be a lot to take in at once, but I am not quizzing any of you on anything. Again, if you are feeling unshore about what youre buying, whether it be tuna, trout, tilapia, or really any seafood, don't hesitate to consult a Seafood Watch guide.
The Deep Diver's excitement slowed to a stop as he remained silent for a moment, realizing how long he had gone on and on and on about... what, something that had initially begun as a debate on tuna sandwiches? Lights within the dark of his helmet began to glow dimly... as if she were... blushing!
... Thank you for listening. I have work to dive back into. Goodbye.
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ace-trainguys · 11 months
What if I posted the draft of the prologue to a fic of an au I haven't talked about on Tumblr. For a Halloween treat.
It's not edited up to where I want it. That and because this is only the first part of this au and it will be a long while before I write the rest is why I'm not posting it on ao3 yet. But if you would like a little something spooky, here is:
Heart of the Subway, part 1: Descent
Ingo sweeps his flashlight out in front of him. Even though Chandelure floats beside him, it is the proper safety procedure to illuminate the path ahead. The sensor that went offline is rather deep in the maintenance tunnels, but it shouldn't be too far now. Ingo hums to himself and Chandelure whistles along.
He reaches the next intersection and pauses. Instead of the two branching paths he was expecting, there are three. Ingo consults his mental map- he had been certain he was going the right way, but he must have made a wrong turn. A rare occurrence - one that hasn't happened since Ingo and Emmet became Subway Bosses, in fact. But that's the only explanation for the discrepancy. Each tunnel has the even shape of a man-made structure - no chance of a subterranean pokemon causing mischief.
All three paths slope downwards.
"Chandelure," Ingo murmurs. "Have I made a wrong turn?" She, too, knows these tunnels well. Chandelure chimes in confusion, confirming that she is also in the dark. Ingo had presumed as much - if she had noticed something wrong, she would have stopped him earlier. But he had to ask. "Very well. Let us retrace our steps."
Ingo turns around and heads back the way he came. He could have sworn that this tunnel had a slight downward slant when he had originally gone through, but he must have been mistaken. It's certainly sloping lower now.
Sooner than he expected, he reaches another intersection. It's wrong. There should be an opening to his left, and an opening forward, but there are four tunnels splitting off. This is not the way he came, but how could he have ended up somewhere else?
"Chandelure, do you sense anything?" Ingo asks. If it is a trick by a ghost, she will certainly be able to tell. When he doesn't receive a response, he turns and finds the space beside him empty. "Chandelure?!" He calls, but only his own voice echoes back to him. His loyal partner would not wander off and abandon him, but her purple tinted light is gone. Where is she? Ingo whips around to the direction he came from and-- it goes down.
No, no, he definitely descended coming this way. Did he get turned around? Which way did he come from? He shines his flashlight into the other tunnels, but all four slant deeper into the earth.
That's not possible. It-- the direction he came from, he went down. He didn't hear anything. Nothing could change the tunnels so silently.
It feels like a dream, but Ingo bites the inside of his cheek and feels pain. He's awake.
Ingo pulls out his radio and gets blasted by static. No matter how he tries to tune it, the results are the same.
Ingo... does not know the protocols for a situation like this. But he cannot simply stand around. He picks a tunnel and descends.
After several yards, Ingo turns and shines his flashlight back. The tunnel does not appear to be going back up like it should. He shudders and turns around again. What a horrible optical illusion, he tells himself, and desperately tries to believe it.
As he walks further and goes deeper, he begins to see cables run along the walls. He shines his flashlight on them, and though they are in line with the electrical wiring used in the subway, their placements and directions do not make logical sense. Ingo is intimately aware of how messy the wiring of the subway system was when he and Emmet began their careers. It was one of their highest priorities to repair when they became the bosses. It would make sense that there could have been wires they missed when doing the power system overhaul, so deep in the maintenance tunnels, but... these cables dip in and out of the walls in a way he's never seen before.
As he continues going deeper, he encounters cables drooping down in loops from the ceiling. An egregious safety hazard in five ways he can count off the top of his head. No one must have been in these tunnels in decades.
The wires grow thicker on the walls, running in all directions. Yet it is quiet - no hum of running electricity, despite the forest of cables. The only sounds Ingo can hear are his own careful breaths, and his rapid heartbeat.
It is not long before the cables have grown so thick that the walls are no longer visible. Ingo nearly trips before he realizes there are wires reaching out of the floor as well. He trains his flashlight and eyes at the ground, stepping carefully around the growths.
The tenuous beam of light hits a slab of solid metal. Ingo raises it to view an ancient door, wires twisting around every inch. Thick cables have entirely replaced the walls and floor - and a quick look upwards confirms the ceiling is covered as well. He swallows his dread and turns the doorknob with a shaking hand.
Immediately after stepping through, the door closes behind him with a sense of finality. The chamber he has entered is much wider than the tunnel he was in previously. Cables twirl and flow all around, congregating in a massive pillar in the center. Ingo realizes with a start that he can see outside his flashlight’s meager view - the whole room is filled with a dim sourceless light.
When he returns his eyes to the central pillar once more, he feels–
welcome happiness home
Ingo finds himself relaxing despite the incongruous nature of the emotions. It doesn’t make sense to feel this at home in such a strange, alien location, and yet. It’s as if he’s sitting on the couch, one arm around his brother, surrounded by their pokemon. Comfortable, safe, warm.
He can’t hear anything, but he can almost feel a noiseless sound. A pulse. Gazing upon the monolith of intertwined lines, he gets the sense that these wires, despite the lack of electricity flowing through them, are not lifeless.
He is suddenly, indisputably sure that this is the heart of the Unovan subway system. There is no logical evidence, nothing that could have led him to this conclusion, but he is certain.
Ingo is awestruck. Nothing could have prepared him for the power and life that the core of the subway emits. After all these years, all the effort Ingo and Emmet put into restoring a run down transit system - seeing that it has blossomed into something like this makes him want to laugh and cry. It was worth it.
The corners of his eyes pinch, his version of a wide smile. He wonders if he should feel reverence, in the core of the place he and his brother dedicated themselves to, but instead he’s filled with love, love, love that is not his own. Ingo realizes that it’s the subway itself, communicating with him in pure emotions, and he laughs. His own joy is reflected back at him. He loves and adores the subway, and it seems it loves him back.
With a noise like leaves rustling in the wind, cables shift in the pillar, opening a small entrance. Ingo feels a gentle pull forward, an invitation to enter the heart. happy closer appeal. Ingo notices he’s taken a step closer without realizing it.
He steps back and plants his feet firmly to the ground. Come come come. No, Ingo will not do anything blindly. Love safety stay happy, the subway croons wordlessly, yet he feels himself start to sweat.
Suddenly he’s sure that if he enters the heart, he will never be able to come back out.
Comfort love safety. It’s not bad, down here. Pleasant, really. The subway loves him. He could be happy, nestled securely in the heart.
But he cannot do this. To stay here would be abandoning his responsibilities. It would mean leaving his job and his passion behind. Never seeing his friends or his pokemon or his brother again.
Negative false reassurance. Still there still there
Ingo shakes his head and shudders. He doesn't understand how staying here could be anything other than abandoning everyone. He tries to turn back around and--
He can’t move.
Despite the subway’s faith confidence trust, Ingo feels his breathing speed up. It won’t let him leave. It won’t-- he doesn’t want this but he can’t even lean backwards.
Ingo shivers, and thinks of Emmet alone. Not knowing what happened to his brother. Worrying about Ingo. Worrying Ingo left him, falling into those old self doubts. Ingo promised he would never leave. He promised - and in a burst of frantic energy, he turns and manages to take a step away.
No love safe comfort stay stay STAY
Ingo struggles to take another step, while a whispering rasp hisses behind him. As he pushes his frozen legs as hard as he can, he spots squirming black shapes approaching in the edge of his vision. Cables reach out to him, wrapping around his arms, ever so gently. More circle his wrists, his legs, his feet, his chest, his neck, with extreme care. Like handling fine china, like holding a precious treasure, the wires cradle Ingo, embracing every inch of him. Ingo’s terror and panic fight the calm safe love, but he can’t move at all in the wires’ tender hold.
Paralyzed, Ingo can do nothing as the cables begin to drag him into the heart. He tries, he desperately tries, but he can't even twitch a finger. He can't move, he can't move, he will be stuck down here for the rest of his life and he will never see his brother again-
adoration safe calm belonging stay
Drawn into the subway's heart, a path made specially for him, all Ingo can do is scream "EMMET!"
Then the wires fall back into place, as if the entrance was never there at all.
No– stop- what's going on? He doesn’t want this! He can't move! He doesn't -
Home safe belonging love love love
the pressure, it's everywhere- he's being crushed, he - air? Is he breathing? He can't move, he can't move- help-
Calm safe peace secure
What is that sensation- running through him, he's never felt something like that, he doesn't understand- rumbling stopping and starting, in him - pinch and itch and drag on parts a body doesn't have, how- he doesn't want this, please stop-
Right belonging acceptance
There's no color- How is he seeing so much at once - too much, it's too much, he can't- make it stop, please-
Rest reassure love
It doesn't hurt but he doesn’t understand- he's not supposed to be– he is supposed to be…what is he supposed to be?!
Right correctness cherished belonging
help, he can't– it's so quiet- this is too much, he can't–
Reassure calm love adoration
He can't- he can't…
Acceptance belonging home
H-help… Em… met…
Belonging belonging belonging
Calm safe belonging
He calms.
Emmet is doing paperwork in his and Ingo's office when the lights flicker off for a second. They're back on almost immediately, but Emmet groans regardless. The subway's backup generators prevent essential functions from shutting down, but a power outage, no matter how brief, means there are many safety checks that must be run.
Emmet blinks, and places a hand on his chest. Nothing happened other than the lights going out, but he feels like something is different. He can't put his finger on what or how, exactly, but…
Hm. He'll have to ask Ingo if he felt it too after he gets back.
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scribefindegil · 10 months
HI I LOVED the new chapter- can you talk about Serizawa a little bit? Is it that his anxiety is fending off the effects of the broccoli since he wanted to take Tsubomi’s request immediately or is it that Reigen’s behavior is reminding him of Suzuki and he doesn’t like that? He’s very interesting to me in this situation
(Also the way Reigen’s anger and panic is what finally tipped him over to Remembering because the brainwash is overcome by strong emotions- just So Good)
I'm so glad you liked the chapter!!
Serizawa's super interesting here because he's VERY susceptible to what Dimple calls "the passion of the masses;" I sometimes see speculation that he would have resisted the power of the broccoli because his psychic powers are so strong, but I think this is a bad read. Serizawa cares a lot about fitting into society, and he often doesn't feel like he has enough lived experience to trust his own judgment. Divine Tree takes place only a month or so after World Domination, so he's very much still adjusting to living on his own, and while he's starting to make his own decisions, he has a tendency to look to authority--Mob, Reigen, the business books his mom gave him--to provide structure and guidance. So when suddenly everyone in the city is exerting huge social pressure to care about the Divine Tree and the Psycho Helmet Religion, he's going to be swept along in that. His anxiety, rather than protecting him, just makes him more susceptible.
So why doesn't he speak up in defense of the Psycho Helmet Religion earlier in the chapter? Because of Reigen. I wanted to follow through with the way that Reigen's brainwashing manifests in canon; instead of becoming an outright devotee of the broccoli, the mind control just makes him complacent. He stops seeing the Divine Tree and its cultists as the threat that they are, and instead sees them as just a bunch of people having harmless fun. Nothing to worry about. And this is terrifying to me in its own way and makes him incapable of taking Tsubomi seriously when she shows up, but it also means that one of Serizawa's main authority figures has been advocating for complacency instead of devotion. That's why I included this bit:
Reigen grins. Gotcha. “But I don’t even like the Psycho Helmet Religion!” he says. “I’ve been complaining about how little business we’ve been getting now that everyone’s off having fun with the broccoli, haven’t I Serizawa?”
So basically before Tsubomi's visit, Serizawa's been sort of happily floating in a state where he just accepts what's going on in Seasoning City and doesn't really think about it. Both the societal pressure of everyone else in the city and the authorial pressure of Reigen are telling him that this is nothing to concern himself with. He's been made to forget Mob along with everyone else, and while he's probably aware on some level that something's missing, it's easy not to think about it. Not to worry about it. Not to worry about anything.
And then this girl shows up.
And Serizawa defers to Reigen during consultations. He's still learning. Reigen is so much more knowledgeable than him, so much more experienced.
But they're supposed to be helping people. He took this job because he wants to help people. He's not going to simply defer to authority if that authority is cruel; that's exactly what he was trying to get away from. And so when Reigen gets mean and sharp and dismissive, that, more than anything that Tsubomi is saying, is what gets Serizawa to push back. And once he refuses to blindly listen to Reigen, he also starts to break away from the influence of the Divine Tree.
The climax of this chapter is very deliberately evocative of both Separation Arc and World Domination. Reigen acts in a way that reminds Serizawa of Suzuki, and he refuses to accept that, and it makes him remember the first person who told him that he could have relationships that weren't just built on deference and fear. And Serizawa's refusal to back down reminds Reigen of Mob, and that makes him realize what he's doing, and instead of continuing down the path of control and denial he stops and decide that he isn't going to repeat his old mistakes.
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cr4yolaas · 2 years
I could write an imagine where reader likes viktor, but there's a thought that ""everytime I look at you, I feel my heart breaking, because I need you so desperately and you never realize."pleases
— inattentive . viktor x reader
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synopsis . you’ve always adored your long-time friend, but he never seems to notice.
warnings . breakdown (??), crying, stress from school, hurt/comfort (emphasis on hurt), not proofread, i use italics too much
notes . i am so sorry this took so long for me to do 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 school and band have been stressing me out sm (ironic) this isnt my best work but ty for requesting!
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friends since the beginning, you would call it. starting from your childhood in the undercity, to your positions at piltover’s academy, you and viktor were two peas in a pod. you can’t have one without the other!, people would say in reference to your long-time friendship.
you were happy with the mutual understanding and the tight-knit bond you shared with the man, of course you were. however, the nauseating feeling of your stomach bubbling up at the simple sight of his face, caramel eyes and chiseled bone structure and all, began to appear more and more and you couldn’t do anything to stop it.
a friendly coffee date. that was all it was. some small talk over hard black coffee and freshly baked croissants.
“. . .so, i decided to consult you about what i should do next. what do you think?”
you paused for a moment to pull yourself back to the conversation and remember what he was saying. “well, for one, i think your idea is great. it’s unique, well-structured, and isn’t controversial whatsoever. i can’t say it’s flawless, though. maybe replace the energy system with something like. . . solar power? it’ll appeal to your audience more while being convenient for all users.” your eyes floated to his hands, thin and calloused, drifting across ivory paper with a pen in hand, jotting down what you had told him in quick notes. “other than that, it’s great — beyond that, even.”
viktor rested his pen down and lifted his head to smile softly at you while thanking you for your input.
that damn smile.
the same smile that held such a strong amount of youth in it, reminiscent of his teen years back in zaun where he would grin at you with shining teeth. “thank you,” he spoke genuinely. “and thank you for the meal. i’m glad i got to talk with you, even for just a moment.” his words fluttered around in your chest, your lungs contracting painfully as you watch him slowly pack his belongings up.
he was always thankful to chat with you, and he would always love to talk more. he consistently said those words every time you would ask to meet up, before disappearing again for days, or weeks, or months. your conversations would border between soft small talk shared idly or full-on rants about your projects or deep conversations either about yourselves or the world around you. each time you would talk, there was a spark of hope, a little desperation in hoping he would notice your growing infatuation with him and his passion. and every time, the little daffodils growing in your stomach would begin to wilt away as you caught on that he would be disappearing yet again, and you would start back at square one.
you weren’t sure if he was doing it intentionally (you hoped he wasn’t), but either way, it hurt knowing that you had little to no chance in getting to express yourself to him. small letters written at the crack of dawn and little gifts you collected over time began to pile up on your desk and in your trash as you slowly began to destroy yourself from the inside out over his inability to notice your affection. next time, i’ll tell him, you would assure yourself each and every time, only for the words to get stuck in your throat, their attempts to claw their way out of your mouth all for naught.
next time, maybe.
the next time didn’t come for a long time. your conversations were, once again, reduced to quick greetings in the halls or hasty waves across the street as you both ran to your destinations, eager to get to work — the very work that was killing you inside. you were strongly averse to due dates, as time management wasn’t exactly your greatest skill. this weakness would only bite back at you as the school year progressed.
it was only until he caught you at your lowest point that viktor could finally slow down and talk to you. eventually, the stress from both school and your aching heart would overspill, you knew that. and yet, your break point hit you like a truck, hard and unrelenting, akin to waves crashing against rocks.
viktor held you in his arms in silence while you cried and cried to, seemingly, no end. your clock read 2:03 in the morning, a sigh nearly escaping the man’s lips as he realized how late it was. he could have scolded you then and there for being so careless about your health, but that would have made him a hypocrite.
“talk to me whenever you’re ready,” he whispered to you. your chest hurt with how soft he was being towards you, his skin on yours making your face flush. he wouldn’t be able to tell with your tear-soaked face, anyways.
after several moments, your sobs reduced to sniffles and short breaths, your face numb from how long you’d been crying. “i don’t know- everything feels so much more . . . difficult out of nowhere, and i feel so unproductive. i wanna get out of this hole but it feels like i’m digging towards nothing. and-“ you cut yourself off a second too late before realizing who you were talking to. you bit back a groan as he pushed you to continue. “and you. i don’t know what’s wrong with me, but you make me hurt so bad while making me smile so much. it’s just- every time i look at you, it hurts, because i need you so bad but you’re never around to notice it. i hate it- not you, i hate this- this feeling of want that i know i can’t have.”viktor turned silent after that, a response you were dreading but expecting all the same. you could feel his fingers twitch as his arms slowly unwrapped themselves from your arms. perhaps your sudden confession would push him away. you would understand.
“oh, miláček,” he spoke just barely above a whisper, his tone tantalizingly soft and delicate. his pet name in his mother tongue didn’t go unnoticed by you. “i apologize for not being present. while your confession was . . . abrupt, to say the least, i cannot deny that i feel the same. i always thought you were out of reach, too great for the likes of me, so i . . . tried to separate myself just a bit more as to not get attached. i’m so sorry,” he muttered while holding your hands in his. your heart was beating rapidly, the sweat beginning to pool up everywhere. “i know it may not be the right time, but . . .” viktor leaned his face towards yours, desperately trying to hide his awkwardness behind confident eyes. “i hope you can accept my affection for you.”
your eyelids fluttered shut as he pressed his lips against yours, tiny tears running down your cheeks as he kissed you with a passion similar to what he poured into his work. you had gotten what you wanted, albeit a little out of place. you weren’t complaining, though.
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averyhollow · 1 year
OFMD S1E5: Izzy, Lucius, & The Command Problem: Or, How Izzy Hands Helped Take The Revenge And All He Got Was Insubordination Due To Unclear Command Structure
In which I incoherently ramble (you’ve been warned) my way towards making the case that both Lucius and Izzy (but Izzy more so) were justified under their understanding of the chain-of-command and that Izzy was absolutely not bullying Lucius, but that it doesn’t matter because the writers only really cared about setting up a character dynamic.
Every so often I see floating about, the argument that Izzy was bullying Lucius by trying to make him do physical labor in episode 5, or somehow out of line and acting without any legitimate reason to believe he had authority to give orders. I reject that view due to my conviction the show just didn’t care, and this is supported by how no clear command structure is established by S1E5.
The captain goes down with the ship. & A ship can only have one captain.
At the end of episode 4, Ed’s line about the captain going down with the ship suggests that he sees the Revenge as his. Earlier in the episode we get lines from both Izzy and the crew, specifically Frenchie, Oluwande, and Jim that indicate an expectation that the Revenge, and its crew, are now in the custody of Ed. In E7, Ed further hints at considering the Revenge under his command when, as a partial explanation for his decision to leave, he says a ship can only have one captain.
Izzy has reason to believe they’re still doing a hostile takeover of the Revenge, albeit covertly when it comes to the hostile part, and are to bring it line with Ed’s expectations of how a pirate crew and ship should function. Even if they’re all to be executed, in the meantime they’re still a ship and crew that is under Ed’s command & tutorage, and therefore reflect on his reputation.
Whereas Lucius, in his capacity as That Man’s scribe, is mostly seeing things from the angle of Ed working with That Man as a consultant.
Fang backs Izzy up.
Until he doesn’t, of course.
Given how quick Fang is to abandon his task to supervise Lucius and how little he cares that Izzy’s about to find out he’s posing nude for the guy who’s work he’s supposed to be supervising, I doubt he would’ve followed Izzy around enforcing orders he knew Izzy didn’t have the authority to give.
Fang backed Izzy up and was ready to enforce his orders, until he dropped that responsibility for a bit of portraiture and flirtation. We’ve seen that Fang will acquiesce to Izzy’s commands when Izzy is acting on Blackbeard’s orders. We see how little regard Fang has for Izzy’s authority, absent the backing of Blackbeard. I’d argue that we also can see that Fang was apologetic about not pulling Lucius up when Lucius first asked him to, which suggests Fang considered supervising Lucius’s work something he had to reluctantly do.
I think Fang’s actions of initially backing Izzy up and enforcing his orders, only to later abandon his post and flagrantly disregard Izzy’s orders, make the most sense if they don’t need to make sense. There need not be rhyme or reason to how Fang engages Izzy’s authority when it’s bestowed by Blackbeard vs. when it’s not, if all that matters is using him to escalate the absurdity of the situation and the conflict between Lucius and Izzy.
Buttons is That Man’s First Mate, and didn’t attend the party. If Lucius was 100% certain in the rightness of his argument, he could’ve directed Izzy to Buttons so the two first mates could sort it out between themselves.
If chain-of-command mattered and had been laid out in-universe, it means Lucius passed up a chance to use Izzy’s adherence to structure and hierarchy against him and make dealing with Izzy someone else’s problem. But he didn’t. Am I really to believe Lucius would pass up such an opportunity?
So, if the reasoning behind Lucius’s refusal to follow Izzy’s orders and Izzy’s authority to give those orders doesn’t matter, why do I think it happened?
As a convenient way to facilitate a conflict between Lucius and Izzy that would come down not to an appeal to rules of chain-of-command and rights of conquest/boarding, but snipping and personal attacks.
I don’t think the show cared about anything else, least of all who was “right.” Lucius and Izzy needed to be set up to butt heads, and the confrontation needed to be between them and not something either could address by appealing to That Man or Ed to make a decision.
All that said, Lucius was clearly in the wrong.
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cannoliparty · 8 months
the maid of hope
i LOVE writing about maids, so this was perfect! the hope aspect is also so fun to explore, as its very influential to the morale & even the fate of a session itself ^_^
the maid
here's a snippet on the maid class, taken from my guide to classpecting!
"as the active creation class, maids "prepare the others in their session through their aspect and serve/take care of their aspect” their job is to prepare other people of note for what lies ahead. they must also take care of the housekeeping of their aspect (like a real maid) making sure that it does not go to chaos in their session. this "housekeeping" is their challenge, where the maid must learn to rely on themselves and their aspect."
the maid takes the utmost care of their aspect in a session. hussie also used the play on words "maid/made of ___" to dictate that maids also closely embody or harness their aspect. maids are guaranteed to end up in great control of it, creating and therefore "cleaning up" their aspect to their will. but maids will start out in a session lacking in their aspect. this is part of their challenge to learn to rely on themselves for their aspect, therefore putting that "made"-part to use. theyll often consult others for aid in this aspect, or be at a loss of how to use it. but eventually they find a way to become greatly self-sufficient through the overcoming of outer and/or inner conflicts & doubts.
a great example is aradia, maid of time. she starts out lacking time, and is basically frozen in death, away from the flow of time itself. but with the help of outer forces and godtiering, she is able to become alive again and therefore made of time. her demeanor is patient and on the cheery side, as if she has the utmost faith in how time resolves all, and finds comfort in its forever presence. other instances where aradia is harnessing time is when she floats around through dream bubbles and centuries worth of doomed timelines, now being immortal through godtiering, she is further made of time and uses this to her utmost advantage (more than other godtiers). aradia is adamant on staying alive, but she is still aware of time's unwavering certainty. when she tells john shes sticking around to "watch this whole place break apart", she is saying "what's another death?" because to her and her long history of mortal torment, mortality and immortality are the same. as long as her death is neither heroic nor just, aradia remains. on a more physical standpoint, aradia's powers included freezing/harnessing time and being able to travel through different timelines whenever she pleases, and for however long she wants. she could also possibly have her own sort of created way she travels about time, as centuries of travelled doomed timelines was just a few years to everyone else until aradia was back.
hope is a morale-based aspect. it's based on the belief in a positive fate, with a great acceptance and diligence towards achieving it. no matter how they go about it, hope players can be adamant on their beliefs.
jake english, page of hope. he always managed to look on the bright side, and was cheery as ever. his potential abilities in hope shone through his belief in his friends and their powers, but as a page, this hope lacked a lot of substance at first. pages do not start out strong in their aspect at all, and jakes constant berating of positivity often brought his friendships to disarray, for he lacked in actual foresight for his hoped outcomes. lets present this thought through an example, jake and janes friendship and one-sided romance. though jake believed in jane and how great of a friend she was, he failed to actually put that hope into their actual conversations, as in he was completely clueless on how uncomfortable jane was. in short, he was positive but it lacked structure/something to be built off of, there was nothing very positive in his relationship with jane. but often whats forgotten is the immense potentiality in pages. at their full power, they might have some of the strongest levels of raw ability in their aspect across all the classes. jake's untapped abundance of hope allowed him to accumulate a self-made dirk, through his sheer hope and belief in his friend. this hope, in a more raw form, is so strong that its a blinding and unwavering light (see aranea forcing jake to reach his full potential!)
a more moral-twisting example is eridan, prince of hope. a prince destroys/destroys through his aspect. what eridan hoped for was romance of his own, but his destructive hope-related tendencies made him helpless. his own class turned him over, and even if he didnt necessarily give in to destroying his own hope/himself, eridan basically destroyed any hope he had of a single quadrant! he also destroyed a lot of the hope in his session by killing feferi, blinding sollux, and overall just dragging the trolls' morale down. through a magic wand, eridan harnessed raw hope (again with the blinding, unwavering beams of light) to destroy his aspect.
the maid of hope
a maid of hope would start out negatively stubborn (though hope players tend to be stubborn, this wouldn't be in a good way T_T;). they might depend on others for their own morale-boosting, and could be driven to giving up easily.
but after overcoming their challenge, the maid would be practically unstoppable. imagine being MADE of hope! nothing but the utmost belief in yourself and your team, just an unwielding force of faith in what the maid believes will happen, or what they wish to happen.
and this maid can create hope, both for themselves and the people around them. itd be a super useful morale booster, and they can even just harness hope, twisting it from the enemy and further drive the maid's willed/wished fate into existence! the maid will be self-sufficient and highly confident in their beliefs, especially in the abilities of themselves and the forces around them can very easily end up in their favour. even out of godtier, theyd be useful!
omg.... sorry for the super lengthy character explanations!!! i got carried away but overall im happy with how i explained the maid of hope. i just loove the classpect itself, it was soso fun to explore! let me know if you have any analysis requests, classpect questions, or your own insights on this classpect/classpecting in general! toodles!! ^_^
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~Child Of The Storm~
Nikolai Lantsov x OC
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Image by - @brokendreamtale2
Warnings- none 😽
A/N- Let me know if you'd like to be added or removed from the taglist!
Taglist- @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @sirisuorionblack @nadeleine123n
Ch-24 ~Unexpected manoeuvre~
Later that night, Anaya was jerked awake by Tamar calling her name
“Time to go,” she said.
“Now?” Alina asked blearily. “What time is it?”
“Coming on three bells.”
“In the morning?” she yawned and got out of her hammock
“Where are we?” Anaya asked hoarsely
“Fifteen miles off the coast of West Ravka. Come on, Sturmhond is waiting.” She was dressed and had her canvas bag slung over her shoulder.
As Anaya was putting her kefta on, Tamar handed out a tawny coat in front of her, "I'm sure those people won't exactly be happy to a see a grisha from the little palace"
She put on the coat and left her kefta on her hammock, stuffing her notebook in the inside pocket. 
On deck, Mal stood by the ship’s starboard rail with a small group of crewmen. It took Anaya a moment to realize that Privyet had been wearing Sturmhond’s garish teal coat. The boy would've been hard to recognize if he hadn't been the one giving orders. He was swaddled in a voluminous greatcoat, the collar turned up, a wool hat pulled low over his ears.
A cold wind was blowing. The stars were bright in the sky, and a sickle moon sat low on the horizon. 
“What’s happening?” Alina asked.
“We’re going ashore.” Mal responded
“In the middle of the night?”
“The Volkvolny will raise my colors near the Fjerdan coast,” the captain spoke. “The Darkling doesn’t need to know that you’re back on Ravkan soil just yet.”
Sturmhond bent his head to conversate with Privyet
Anaya looked up at the starry sky. Whatever sort of trouble was coming their way, she was ready to face it. And whatever the mad captain intended to throw their way wouldn't be much of a surprise to her, she'd already seen worse.
She looked over at Rabeah, who'd been talking to the fabrikator from a few nights ago. 
She noticed Alina and Mal speaking in low voices.  Mal bent to kiss her, a sight that made Anaya grimace. Sturmhond’s voice cut through the dark. “Can we get to the cuddling later? I want us ashore before dawn.
Mal took Alina's hand and they returned to the group.
Sturmhond gave Privyet an envelope sealed with pale blue wax, then clapped him on the back. They boy appeared as he was about to cry. Tolya and Tamar slipped over the railing, holding tight to the weighted ladder secured to the schooner.
Anaya looked over the side. She was surprised to see a smaller structure, similar to the sketches she'd seen in Sturmhond's cabin, floating alongside the Volkvolny. IIt was quite an extraordinary ship. Its two hulls looked like a pair of hollowed-out shoes, and they were held together by a deck with a giant hole in its center.
Mal and Alina followed, stepping onto one of the craft’s curved hulls. They picked their way across it and descended to the central deck, where a sunken cockpit was nestled between two masts. Sturmhond gestured Anaya to follow and then leapt down after them, then swung up onto a raised platform behind the cockpit and took his place at the ship’s wheel.
Anaya looked around but was quickly relieved to find Rabeah standing near the cockpit, glancing in her direction with curiosity
“What is this thing?” Alina asked the question building up in Anaya's mind
“I call her the Hummingbird,” he said, consulting some sort of chart. "Though I’m thinking of renaming her the Firebird "
The girl's expression quickly changed but the bloke only grinned
"Cut anchor and release!” he ordered
Tamar and Tolya unhitched the knots of the grapples that held them to the Volkvolny. Anaua saw the anchor line slither like a live snake over the Hummingbird’s stern, the end slipping silently into the sea. 
“Make sail,”  Sturmhond called
The sails unfurled. Though the Hummingbird’s masts were considerably shorter than those aboard the schooner, its double sails were huge and rectangular, and they required two crewmen each to maneuver them into position.
They pulled farther from the Volkvolny.
The captain shook himself, then called out, “Squallers!”
A Grisha was positioned in each hull. They raised their arms, and wind billowed around them, filling the sails. Sturmhond adjusted the course and called for more speed. The Squallers obliged, and the vessel leapt forward. 
“Take these,” the privateer spoke He dropped a pair of goggles into Alina's lap and tossed another pair to Mal. He then handed similar pairs to Anaya and Rabeah.
They looked similar to those worn by the Fabrikators in the workshops of the Little Palace. All of the crew seemed to be wearing them, along with Sturmhond. 
Anaya pulled them on along with the others. 
The boy soom called for more speed, he seemed to be in a hurry. 
The Hummingbird sped over the water, its shallow double hulls skated from wave to wave, barely seeming to touch the surface of the sea. 
“All right, Squallers,” commanded Sturmhond, “Take us up. Sailors to wings, on my count.”
Anaya looked around in confusion, unable to comprehend what was going on
“Five!” the captain shouted.
The crewmen started to move counterclockwise, pulling on the lines.
The Squallers spread their hands wider.
A boom lifted between the two masts, the sails gliding along its length.
“Heave!” cried the sailors. The Squallers lifted their arms in a massive swoop.
“One!” Sturmhond yelled. 
The sails billowed up and out, snapping into place high above the deck like two gigantic wings
Sturmhond was laughing like a lunatic. The Squallers were calling out to each other in a volley, making sure they kept the updraft steady.
That was when Anaya finally realized, They were flying.
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@o-craven-canto asked me this here so I might as well use this as an opportunity to talk about what exactly the "Primum Mobile" is and where exactly my OCs like Alexander come from
The Primum Mobile is basically my own little worldbuilding brainchild project, being a sort of Shin Megami Tensei inspired mythology world that's meant to combine aspects of Abrahamic and Greco-Roman mythology and folklore. It's one of many worlds based in a sort of multiverse of mine, made by the earth literally being fractured into different realms based on bodies and cannons of stories and folklore.
As for the Primum Mobile itself, it's a layered world built around the concept of "what if the underworld blended with the real world" and thus ends up sort of having people and monsters either living together or vying for control on the various layers. Keep in mind that I'm constantly changing my mind on how this works, so everything here is subject to change, but as it is the general layout is as follows:
Limbo, essentially the surface of the world, corresponding to the circle of the same name as well as the "purgatorio" section of the divine comedy. This is where a good majority of humans make their housing, in cities that literally rise above the wastes below them, and oftentimes have nearby forests, oceans, and other biomes that rise alongside them. One of these cities, New Eden, sort of corresponds to Florence and is the home of Alexander Durante- before he was exiled to the realms below for his crimes.
Lust essentially describes the abyss below limbo right between Limbo and gluttony, with the bases of these cities also making up the majority of people's dwellings here, and filled with winds of gasses so dense they form their own ocean. Most of the population consists of harpies and aerial demons who are capable of fighting against the winds here, as well as wayward souls who are trapped by the maelstrom. Massive effigies of long forgotten gods and legendary humans rise from the abyss- some with their own followings and cults. One such effigy, one of Minos, is consulted by those who have been exiled to the layers below regarding where they have to go to be free from their punishment.
Gluttony is the swamp below lust, and arguably where the "inferno" really begins. It's a bizzare mix of organic matters, with plant, animal, and fungus blending together to form the monsters and vessels for the souls here. Watch your step, lest you be devoured by the land itself.
(I'm going to be real with you guys I don't know what to do with greed yet, so like, just a forge with a ton of gold perhaps? Mechanical inspiration would be fun)
Wrath is basically an underground sea, with waterfalls and cascades leading to the circles below. settlements here usually consist of either floating, manmade settlements, or within the bellies of the aspidochelones of this area. Be sure to watch for the cetacean orcs of this place, and especially their lording cetuses.
The city of Dis is the other major settlement for humans, and quite possibly the most significant area of magical studies on this plane. Dominated by a circle-wide metallic city, and navigated by the streams that pour from the ocean above, it is home to demons and gods (as well as their aspects) that might have fallen out of favor with the humans above. Farinata, a major cult leader within this circle, is currently a significant figure for his attempts at a transhuman cult- one where his idea of "freedom" is achieved by locking yourself within a metallic body and incinerating your impurities.
Violence is one of the most bizarre layers, being dominated by massive trees holding up the foundations of Dis where there seems to be a constant war breaking out along the branches and supported settlements- one where monsters and overpowering wraiths of humans fight for dominance, as their blood spills in a rain below.
Fraud is arguably the most "artificial", being a labyrinthine, constantly shifting structure meant to prevent entry or exit from the layer below it, and built by a genius inventor know by many as Daedalus. Some legends even say he built his very being into the structure, building his soul into the structure as it carries his unknown goal. The group of demons known as the Malebranche reside here, ruled by Malacoda, and make it their life's work to contort any unfortunate tresspassers into whatever designs they decide fit.
Finally, Treachery stands at the center, where the bodies of giants and other beings posing threats to those above are sealed. Proserpina, the "ruler" of the lower layers, resides on this one, with a bizzare and legendary being known as "The Adversary" trapped in the core of this very core. Almost no humans who have embarked on the path of exile have made it to this region in centuries.
Like I said earlier, I'm constantly changing ideas for this world, but this is really the first time I've gotten the basic idea of how it works out online. I would appreciate feedback and questions as to how this works on a deeper level- both because I need to figure out some details myself and because I have some ideas for lore and stuff I want to share. Hope you guys enjoy this, and find it a bit interesting.
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thesparklingwriter · 2 years
I was so glad to see that you appreciate detailed reqs bc I've got a really niche scenario floating about my head. //fluff AND angst. my Favorite >:D okay so: Zhongli x Male!reader reader who is guizhong's brother, the god of mist. Close friends with Zhongli and also mutual pining, but alas alas :( In the archon war, guizhong dies, and reader *barely* survives with fatal wounds. And so, reader decides to fall into a self-inflicted coma and try to heal themselves, but there's a 50/50 chance they die in their sleep. Zhongli sits by our injured body and promises us that he'll be there when we wake up again. he leans down to kiss us before we dissolve into mist. delicious "I might be hoping and waiting for nothing, but its *you*, so I will keep waiting for a thousand years until you return to me" Angst thankfully reader wins their 50/50 and goes searching for Morax. hopefully they find some information in Liyue about him. and oh? the citizens direct them towards a funeral consultant who's oddly knowledgable about Morax. When they meet this, 'zhongli', they wonder why he looks so shocked and emotional 👀👀 delicious "finally. you've returned" fluff
click here to read the fic!
ooooo okay this is interesting!! my lore knowledge is all over the place so whatever i make probably will not be canon compliant, but it should be close enough (I'll mooch on the wiki for a bit and see what i can learn through osmosis)
i am really liking the pining potential here wow, there's so much here to consider and i love it so much. i like reqs like this because i can always focus more on the structure and other literary features (sorry English student, i can't help it) than coming up with the idea myself. im thinking i can do flashbacks and all sorts of fun stuff (woo)
i don't know if i've said this yet but i'm super excited!! leave it with me, hopefully i'll have the time to get it done in a week, and I'll be sure to tag you in it when i finish :))
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sanjeevannetralaya · 1 year
Uveitis Symptoms Causes & Treatment
Uveitis, also known as middle layer inflammation, is a condition in which the eye develops. The iris, the ciliary body, and the choroid make up this structure. They control light penetration, produce aqueous hormone (fluid filling up front parts), and supply blood and oxygen to the retina.
Uveitis may be caused by infection, an autoimmune disorder, or idiopathic (of unknown origin). Uveitis can cause eye pain, blurred vision and sensitivity to light. Uveitis can be treated with steroid eye drops/injections, oral medications, or surgery in the most severe cases.
If you suspect you might have uveitis, it is important to seek immediate medical attention. Untreated, it can lead to vision loss and glaucoma.
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What are the symptoms of Uveitis?
There are many symptoms associated with uveitis. They can vary depending on the cause. Nevertheless, there are some common symptoms and signs associated with this eye condition:
Eye pain
Eyes are red
Blurred vision
Photophobia - Sensitivity towards light
Floaters are small spots or specks that appear to float in your field of vision.
Vision loss or decreased vision
Tearing or watering down the eyes
Eye irritation or discomfort
Uveitis can present in various stages. Some people may not have symptoms at all, and some inflammation may only be diagnosed during routine eye exams. Consult an eye doctor if you have any of these symptoms, or have concerns about your eyes health.
What is the treatment for Uveitis?
The treatment of uveitis depends on the severity, location and cause. The goal of treatment is to reduce inflammation, alleviate symptoms, prevent complications, and preserve vision. The following are common treatments for uveitis:
Uveitis must be treated immediately to prevent complications and maintain vision. It is recommended that you have regular follow-up visits with your eye doctor to monitor the condition, adjust treatment, and report any changes.
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Regular visits to your doctor are important. Advance Ayurvedic Eye Care by Sanjeevan Netralaya is extremely effective for Uveitis and all other retinal problems. Each patient's health and history is considered and a customized treatment is created for them. This ensures that there are no side effects and pain-free treatment.
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matrotas-muse-hub · 1 year
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The sun beat down upon the cracked and barren land, warming the land from a cool night that had only just recently given way to day. A lone woman trekked across the terrain, the boundaries of a great city only half an hours’ journey away. Even from this distance, she saw signs of... irregularity. Yrsa was a monk who drew power from spiritual teachings and internal energy. She could sense the energy thrumming beneath the earth, but it was not the internal energy she possessed, cultivated through meditation and practice. It was raw, arcane power.
Perhaps a testamemt to the magic of the land, Yrsa perceived floating structures within the limits of the city. Gravity-defying buildings of strange design. The monk couldn’t help but wonder at their suspension, but she was not yet close enough to make out specific details. 
She continued her trek, approaching at last the edge of Nerimazeth. Yrsa had heard whispers of this place as well as rumors regarding the one who reigned over it. Xerath. An ascendant being - one that might be able to provide insight into her plight. Yrsa smiled as what she could only guess to be guards approached her, displaying no outward signs of hostility but being nevertheless ready to defend herself at a moment’s notice. Rumors of this Xerath figure concerned more than just power, after all. He had a reputation among Shurimans.
“Guardians of Nerimazeth, I take it?” she asked. “I’m hoping to consult with the one called Xerath.”
(closed starter for @infinite-xerath​)
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blueweave8 · 18 days
Saudi Arabia Flat Glass Market Growth, Industry Trends, Forecast 2023-2030
BlueWeave Consulting, a leading strategic consulting and market research firm, in its recent study, estimated Saudi Arabia Flat Glass Market size at USD 1.88 billion in 2023. During the forecast period between 2024 and 2030, BlueWeave expects Saudi Arabia Flat Glass Market size to expand at a CAGR of 7.60% reaching a value of USD 3.02 billion by 2030. Saudi Arabia flat glass market is projected to grow owing to many factors, including increased investment in the solar energy industry and a growing demand for electric vehicles (EVs). During the forecast period, Saudi Arabia flat glass market is expected to be driven by increased demand from the construction industry due to fast urbanization and an increase in the number of building projects for economic growth.
Opportunity - Growing population in expanding urban areas
The rapid urbanization and increasing construction of residential and commercial buildings are fueling the growth of Saudi Arabia Flat Glass Market. Flat glass is used more frequently in windows, facades, and internal partitions as a result of the growing need for infrastructure and structures in metropolitan areas. In addition, rising government investments in solar energy installations are further anticipated to boost the demand for flat glass in the Kingdom. Solar panels use solar glass that provides solar power transmission and high reliability under sunlight exposure.
Sample Request @ https://www.blueweaveconsulting.com/report/saudi-arabia-flat-glass-market/report-sample
Solar Flat Glass Segment to Grow at Fastest CAGR
Saudi Arabia Flat Glass Market is comprised of major end user industries including building & construction, automotive, solar glass, and others (electronics and aerospace). Among these end users, the solar glass industry is projected to register highest growth rate over the forecast period, owing to a rising focus on energy-efficiency in buildings. With the rising levels of heat, the demand for solar glass is expected to rise owing to its capability to reflect and absorb sunlight and control the glare. Solar glasses help in reducing power costs by enhancing energy efficiency of photovoltaic (PV) solar panels and lowering the cost of running cooling systems.
Competitive Landscape
Saudi Arabia Flat Glass market is intensely competitive, as a number of companies are competing to gain a significant market share. Key players in the market include Saudi Guardian International Float Glass Co., Obeikan Glass Company, Saudi American Glass Company, Al-Zamil Glass Industries, United Glass Company, Corning Incorporated, Guardian Industries, and Saint-Gobain Vitro.
To further enhance their market share, these companies employ various strategies, including mergers and acquisitions, partnerships, joint ventures, license agreements, and new product launches.
Contact Us:
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solargreen01 · 19 days
Solar Module Mounting Structures: The Backbone of Efficient Solar Energy Systems
Are you considering solar power for your home or business? Understanding solar module mounting structures is crucial for maximizing your investment in solar energy. These essential components, also known as solar panel racking systems, play a pivotal role in the efficiency and longevity of your solar installation.
What Are Solar Module Mounting Structures?
Solar module mounting structures are the frameworks that support and position solar panels. They ensure optimal sunlight exposure, provide stability, and protect your solar investment from environmental factors. Let's dive into why these structures are so important and the various types available.
Why Solar Module Mounting Structures Matter
1. Maximize Energy Production
Proper mounting structures position your solar panels at the ideal angle and orientation to capture maximum sunlight throughout the day. This optimal positioning can significantly boost your system's energy output.
2. Ensure Durability and Safety
High-quality mounting structures are built to withstand:
Strong winds
Heavy snow loads
Extreme temperatures
Rainfall and humidity
This durability protects your solar panels and ensures the safety of your property.
3. Minimize Shading Issues
Strategic design of mounting structures helps prevent shading, which can dramatically reduce solar panel efficiency. By keeping panels unobstructed, these structures ensure each panel operates at peak performance.
4. Adapt to Various Installation Sites
Whether you're installing solar panels on a residential rooftop, large commercial property, or even a water body, there's a mounting structure designed for your needs.
Types of Solar Module Mounting Structures
1. Rooftop Mounting Systems
Ideal for residential and commercial buildings, these systems come in three main varieties:
Ballasted systems: Use weighted blocks without roof penetration
Penetrating systems: Attach directly to the roof structure
Non-penetrating systems: Utilize clamps and weighted bases
2. Ground-Mounted Systems
Perfect for large-scale installations or when roof space is limited:
Fixed-tilt systems: Set at a stationary angle
Tracking systems: Single-axis or dual-axis options that follow the sun's path for optimized energy capture
3. Floating Solar Structures
An innovative solution for installing solar panels on water bodies:
Conserves land space
Reduces water evaporation
Potentially increases energy production due to water cooling effect
4. Solar Carport Structures
A dual-purpose solution that provides:
Shade for parked vehicles
Clean solar energy generation
Stable support is crucial. Depending on your installation type, this may involve:
Concrete footings
Ground screws
Specialized roof attachments
4. Weatherproofing
Protect your investment with proper weatherproofing:
Seal all connections
Use corrosion-resistant components
Ensure proper drainage to prevent water accumulation
Solar module mounting structures are more than just support systems – they're the backbone of efficient and durable solar energy installations. By ensuring optimal panel positioning, providing stability, and adapting to various installation scenarios, these structures maximize the return on your solar investment.
As the world increasingly turns to renewable energy, choosing the right solar module mounting structure is a critical step in harnessing the power of the sun. Whether you're considering a residential rooftop installation or a large-scale commercial project, understanding the importance of these structures will help you make an informed decision and contribute to a cleaner, more sustainable future. Ready to take the next step in your solar journey? Consult with a solar energy expert to find the perfect mounting solution for your needs
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ttsw-01-tata · 20 days
Discover the Tata Nexon at TSW Tata Showroom in Salem
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If you're searching for a vehicle that perfectly blends style, safety, and performance, look no further than the Tata Nexon. As one of Tata Motors' flagship models, the Nexon stands out in the compact SUV segment with its robust design, advanced features, and impressive driving dynamics. At TSW Tata Showroom in Salem, you can experience the Tata Nexon firsthand and see why it's a top choice for drivers across India. In this blog post, we'll dive into what makes the Tata Nexon a must-see vehicle and why TSW Tata Showroom in Salem is the perfect place to explore it.
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Why Choose the Tata Nexon?
1. Award-Winning Design
The Tata Nexon is known for its bold and contemporary design. With its aggressive stance, sharp lines, and signature grille, the Nexon exudes confidence on the road. The compact SUV also features striking dual-tone color options, sleek projector headlamps, and stylish alloy wheels, making it a head-turner wherever it goes.
2. Advanced Safety Features
Safety is a priority for Tata Motors, and the Nexon is a testament to this commitment. The Nexon is equipped with advanced safety features, including dual airbags, ABS with EBD, ISOFIX child seat anchors, and a reinforced body structure. It has also earned a 5-star safety rating from Global NCAP, making it one of the safest cars in its class.
3. Powerful Performance
Under the hood, the Tata Nexon offers a choice of turbocharged petrol and diesel engines, both delivering impressive power and efficiency. The SUV's multi-drive modes—Eco, City, and Sport—allow you to customize your driving experience based on your preferences and road conditions. The Nexon’s well-tuned suspension ensures a comfortable ride, whether you're navigating city streets or hitting the open road.
Book Your Test Drive:- https://www.thetruesai.com/test-drive
4. Smart Connectivity
Stay connected on the go with the Tata Nexon's advanced infotainment system. The SUV features a floating 7-inch touchscreen with Android Auto and Apple CarPlay compatibility, allowing you to access your favorite apps, music, and navigation easily. The Nexon also includes voice commands, a Harman sound system, and seamless Bluetooth connectivity, enhancing your driving experience.
5. Spacious and Comfortable Interiors
The Tata Nexon offers a spacious cabin with high-quality materials and thoughtful design elements. The ergonomically designed seats provide excellent support, while the ample legroom and headroom ensure comfort for all passengers. The Nexon's boot space is also generous, making it ideal for long trips and family outings.
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Book Your Favorite TATA Car at The True Saai Tata Today!!!
 Why Visit TSW Tata Showroom in Salem?
1. Comprehensive Model Range
TSW Tata Showroom in Salem offers a complete range of Tata vehicles, including the Tata Nexon. Whether you're looking for a specific variant or color option, the showroom has you covered. The friendly sales team is always on hand to guide you through the available options and help you find the perfect vehicle.
2. Expert Consultation
Choosing the right car can be overwhelming, but the experts at TSW Tata Showroom in Salem are here to help. They offer personalized consultations to understand your needs and preferences, ensuring that you make an informed decision. The team is well-versed in all aspects of the Tata Nexon and can provide detailed insights into its features, performance, and benefits.
3. Test Drive Opportunities
Experience the Tata Nexon for yourself by scheduling a test drive at TSW Tata Showroom in Salem. A test drive is the best way to get a feel for the Nexon's performance, handling, and comfort. The dealership makes it easy to arrange a test drive at your convenience, allowing you to explore the SUV's capabilities in real-world conditions.
4. Flexible Financing Options
TSW Tata Showroom in Salem offers a variety of financing options to make your purchase more affordable. Whether you're interested in a loan or a lease plan, the finance team will work with you to find a solution that fits your budget. With competitive interest rates and flexible terms, owning the Tata Nexon is more accessible than ever.
5. Exceptional After-Sales Service
Maintaining your Tata Nexon is crucial to ensuring its longevity and performance. TSW Tata Showroom in Salem provides top-notch after-sales service, including regular maintenance, repairs, and access to genuine Tata parts. The service center is staffed with certified technicians who are dedicated to keeping your vehicle in optimal condition.
1. What are the engine options available for the Tata Nexon?
The Tata Nexon is available with two engine options: a 1.2L turbocharged petrol engine and a 1.5L turbocharged diesel engine. Both engines offer excellent performance and fuel efficiency, catering to different driving needs.
2. Can I customize the Tata Nexon at TSW Tata Showroom in Salem?
Yes, TSW Tata Showroom in Salem offers a range of customization options for the Tata Nexon. You can choose from various color options, accessories, and packages to personalize your vehicle.
3. What safety features are included in the Tata Nexon?
The Tata Nexon is equipped with a range of safety features, including dual airbags, ABS with EBD, ISOFIX child seat anchors, electronic stability control (ESC), and a reinforced body structure. It also has a 5-star safety rating from Global NCAP.
4. How can I schedule a test drive at TSW Tata Showroom in Salem?
You can easily schedule a test drive by contacting TSW Tata Showroom in Salem directly or by visiting their website. The team will arrange a convenient time for you to experience the Tata Nexon.
5. What financing options are available for the Tata Nexon?
TSW Tata Showroom in Salem offers flexible financing options, including loans and lease plans. The finance team will help you choose the best option based on your financial situation and preferences.
The Tata Nexon is a remarkable vehicle that combines style, safety, performance, and comfort in one package. If you're in Salem and looking for a new car, make sure to visit TSW Tata Showroom to explore the Nexon in person. With expert guidance, flexible financing options, and exceptional after-sales service, TSW Tata Showroom is your go-to destination for all things Tata. Visit today and discover why the Tata Nexon is the perfect choice for your next vehicle.
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Website: https://www.thetruesai.com/
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