#Florida Eviction
How Do I legally Remove Someone From My House In Florida
Florida Unlawful Detainer Lawyers Florida Unlawful Detainer Lawyers Have you found yourself in a situation where you need to remove someone from your Florida home, but don’t know where to start? Whether it’s an ex-girlfriend or boyfriend, a grown child, or an unwanted guest, the legal process can seem overwhelming. First, it’s important to understand that the process for removing someone from…
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mosscaller · 1 year
Ron DeSantis just signed the "Let Them Die Act" which allows medical professionals to refuse to treat patients, even if it puts their lives at risk. This isn't a hypothetical, a trans person died after EMTs refused to treat them after a car accident.
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Sauce: https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2023/05/florida-gov-ron-desantis-signs-bill-legalizing-anti-lgbtq-medical-discrimination/
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The cat, pawing at the towel in one of her boxes: Prey? Live prey?
Me, grabbing a shoe and preparing to kill yet another cockroach the size of god: Yes, yes, live prey, good kitty, thank you for letting me know that--
The second glass snake I have ever seen in my life: Oh god oh man.
Me: What the actual fuck. Why are you so tiny. What are you doing in my house.
And then I accidentally dropped the towel on it, twice, before shaking it out of the box into a planter outside the house.
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bobbertskeetz · 3 months
Derek Morgan x Female!Reader
maybe something where reader goes into labor while Derek is away on a case or reader surprises Derek with a visit to the office and brings their new born along with her ( kinds how Haley did with Jack in the earlier seasons )
AHHHH!! love this one, thank you very much for the request. Actually thinking of combining both of these into a two part imagine?? For now though, enjoy panicked Derek <3
𝙪𝙣𝙥𝙡𝙪𝙜𝙜𝙚𝙙 𝙙.𝙢 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
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Summary: Despite his desperate attempts to be by your side 24/7, Derek is convinced the universe is out to get him during the final days of your pregnancy
Themes/Warnings: pregnant!reader, fiance!derek, general themes of the show e.g unsubs, graphic cases (not in depth detail) fem!reader, fluff fluff Fluff!!! angst if you squint...
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"Derek please."
"Sit! Ah ah, stay... good girl, you get a treat."
A quick sloppy kiss is planted on your left cheek while Derek holds you down by the shoulders, trapping you in place in the nest of pillows and blankets he created to accomodate your swollen stomach and achy back. Your fiance stands behind you, knees kneeling on the arm rest, while he massages the knot growing at the base of your neck, while you lightly scoff.
"Speak to me like that again and I will knife you."
"Easy Mama, you shouldn't model such a hostile attitude for the little man!"
Reaching up behind you, you grasp at his neck gently, bringing him back down to your level for a kiss. The kiss goodbye which you had previously attempted to get up and give him, before he left for God knows how long.
A cheeky grin grew on his lips as you moved to his ear with a whisper;
"She, will be the most well-mannered child ever born, taking after her mother..."
"Shut up," another kiss lands on his lips, "Hotch is waiting."
Derek lets a low groan, one saturated in frustration, slowly spill into your shared kisses. Eyebrows furrowed together, accompanied by a small frown, he allows his head to lull to one side, rubbing the pad of his thumb tenderly along your jawline.
"Don't dare move from this couch, Sweetheart. Not without Garcia or your mother here to help you out."
"Humour me gorgeous?"
A final kiss, and a huff;
You can't find it in yourself to feel any sort of remorse for agreeing to his terms as his blinding toothy grin leaves a fuzzy warmth budding in the pit of your stomach. What harm will a few days on the sofa do you anyhow?
Hotch was growing impatient, although, trying his best to remain understanding. He knew how hard it was, how the guilt of leaving your pregnant partner at home eats you alive. However, these were the demands of the job. One last nagging phone call from Hotch, and Derek was half way out the door, reminding you of the meals in the fridge (kindly prepared that morning by Penelope) and of the vitamin supplements you have to take before you go to bed.
With a swift, yet endearing exchange of I love you's, Derek was finally on his way to Florida. He knew it was silly, hating an arsonist more for taking him away from his growing family, than the actual crimes committed. Yet, these were the demands of matrimony and fatherhood.
Three days of couch-rotting down, and you were verging on insanity. Every slight movement left a series of uncomfortable spasms in your joints, the braxon hicks were something serious, and you constantly felt as though you had a gaping hole in your stomach, almost as if you were riding a never ending rollercoaster. Baby Morgan needed to make an appearence soon, or she would have to be evicted.
With twenty minutes left on the clock before your mother was scheduled to come and help you to the bath, you awoke from your half-sleep with a start. Why were your sweatpants sticking to your thighs?
Yes, Derek forbid you from moving unless absolutely necessary, however, peeing yourself was definitely classed as an emergancy. Except, you hadn't. There, as if it was the most normal thing in the world, sat a weird bloody substance on the line of your underwear.
Fuck. Me.
Immediately you called your fiance. Should you be calling him first? What's he going to do from Florida? This was a bad idea, he's busy after all... But, before your anxiety could hang up the phone, the one voice you so desperately needed sang down the line like a prayer.
"Hey gorgeous girl, how's my little famil-"
"Baby! Now- baby is- Help."
"What?! Sweetheart hold on, are you sure?"
"Honey, my mucus plug is very much unplugged and my abdomen is being ripped apart."
A sharp wail escaped you as a dull ache made itself known in the pits of your cervix, and then the anger came.
"Derek. I need you. Now."
"Everything is going to be just fine sweetheart, let me call-"
"No! Don't leave me, please don't leave me."
"Okay angel, I'm right here." His assurance soothed you for the time being, both of you awaiting your mother's arrival. And it was safe to say, Derek was sick to his stomach.
Every damn day. Every day he tried his hardest to be there, especially nearing the end of your third trimester. His biggest fear was accidentally leaving you alone when that one awaited moment came; and his greatest nightmare had just come true.
"I should've been there Reid!"
Spencer nodded, sympathetically, "You couldn't have predicted this."
"Well, I should've. Fuck. It's just exactly what I should've predicted" He felt as though he could cry, and stifling a sniffle he continued, "Of course the second I leave that's when the little guy decides to make an appearance."
"Murphy's law! Essentially everything that could go wrong will go wrong. Named after Edward A. Murphy Jr, for centuries this belief has plagued several societies-"
"Spence." JJ shook her head gently, nudging it towards Derek's defeated countenance.
Grimacing, Spencer blushed and tried again, "Morgan, honestly you couldn't have done any more than you already have."
JJ then chimed in, "She's not holding this against you, shit happens, and you are getting ready to go home right now! I mean - you got the call a half hour ago, and already the jet's almost ready"
Opening his mouth the respond, Derek was cut off by Hotch swinging the precint's office door open, informing him that he could go home.
"Jesus, that fast?"
He was already rushing out of the room when he heard the discussion between JJ and Hotch,
"Special treatment for the family man."
Family man. He was a family man now. Non-commital SSA Derek Morgan had a bride-to-be waiting for him, and a baby on the way. And he could never be happier.
Within hours, Derek was bulldozing his way through the ward, stopping every nurse who was unfortunate enough to get in his way, to ask for your room. When he finally found you, he all but fell through the door with panic.
"Is everyone okay?" Kiss. "Hi baby!" Kiss. "Are you okay?! Is baby?"
The tenderness with which he held your face immediately soothed every anxiety within your body, even only momentarily. He was here, he made it. After an elongated silence, you shook yourself into action, reminding yourself that Derek was not a mind reader, despite what his job would lead you to believe.
"Everyone's okay honey, little rascal is still inside me," you replied softly, almost inaudibly, the fear felt previously when you had first called him suddenly returning, "You made it?"
His heart lurched and eyes softened at the vulnerability in your voice, and Derek finally took in the sheet white anxious expression settled on your face. Gently, he clasped his warm hand around your own, careful to avoid tugging at your drip, and dropped a sweet kiss to the cracks of your knuckles.
"I made it sweet girl." Another kiss, then travelling to your trembling lips, "I'll always make it doll. That, I can promise you forever."
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fatehbaz · 5 months
Some updates from the past twelve-ish months:
-- Late 2022: Portland and its mayor (Wheeler) started a major push to ban "street camping". Headlines in major media outlets also described "Portland's first sanctioned mass homeless camp" and how "Portland moves forward with $27 million plan to build mass shelters". In December 2022, Portland-area authorities used the so-called "aggressive landscaping" tactic, installing hundreds of hostile architecture boulders to prevent sitting/sleeping. Also in December, homeless advocates and Disability Rights Washington advocates attempted to halt Spokane's (Washington) clearing of a major camp for hundreds of people, and a federal judge sided with advocates to put a temporary restraining order on the sweep.
-- January 2023: Even in the immediate aftermath of historic cold as far south as Miami and Monterrey, sub-freezing temperatures across the Deep South, and sub-zero-Fahrenheit blizzards sweeping North America for a week or longer around Solstice/Christmas 2022, convenience stores "in Texas, California, New York use classical music to shoo homeless".
-- By March 2023: "Portland Mayor Wheeler unveils first location for city-run homeless camp".
-- April 2023: San Francisco and Mayor Brand announce a major "five-year plan" costing over 600 million dollars "to cut the number of unsheltered homeless in half". (Not a plan to put people in homes or find stable housing, but just to technically put them under the roof of shelter, keeping them out of sight, therefore qualifying them for the strange designation of "the sheltered homeless".) At the same time, San Francisco opened a "long-term homeless shelter on Treasure Island", pushing homeless people onto an isolated island mostly composed of concrete and asphalt.
-- Summer 2023: In May, the city of Phoenix (Arizona) began its project to clear and eliminate its largest homeless camp, known as the Zone, a refuge for hundreds of people. During the record-breaking heat of the summer of 2023, Phoenix cleared the camp systematically, block by block. At the beginning of September 2023, as "Phoenix breaks heat record as city hits 110F [110 degrees Fahrenheit] for the 54th consecutive day", the city cleared the block of the camp where most seniors and the elderly lived.
-- January 2024: About one week ahead of winter holidays (Solstice/Christmas), the City of Edmonton pursued plans to sweep 130 homeless encampments as part of what has been described as a "shocking" eviction plan. In January, the city was clearing camps amidst sustained deadly severe weather, during a polar vortex event with temperatures of negative 50 degrees Fahrenheit and daytime highs of negative 25F. When a court case presented by Coalition for Justice and Human Rights tried to slow the sweeps, a judge sided with them and shut down the evictions.
-- March 2024: Florida's governor signs a new law. NPR describes: "law that seeks to move unhoused people off public property altogether and into government-run encampments".
-- April 2024: The U.S. Supreme Court begins hearing a case from Grants Pass (Oregon) with major implications and potential to incite nationwide "banishment race" and "homelessness crackdown". Lower courts have previously said that city policies (like Grants Pass, Boise, and others) were "cruel and unusual" for fining and/or jailing people for sleeping on public land if no adequate accessible shelter is available. But now?
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deadmotelsusa · 1 year
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The Magic Castle Inn, pictured in 2018 and 2023. In 2022, the motel sold and the new owners evicted all the residents with 24 hours notice. It was then repainted and left abandoned for a year until it reopened a few weeks ago under the name Developer Inn. Located in Kissimmee, Florida.
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ominous-feychild · 2 months
Happy Worldbuilding Wednesday! Where in your setting would you most like to visit, and where would you avoid at all costs?
This is an interesting question! And a really rough one, haha.
For one, it would definitely vary in the time period / exact moment in time regardless of the location, haha. But I'll pick from overall time periods! (And assume I can easily speak the native language.)
For those who don't know the countries in my world, check this out!
Haha, sooooo I technically have a tie here??? And both technically wouldn't work for one reason or another. 😂😅
MINOGUA (during RFtA)
Minogua is a country that's drawn a lot of inspiration from Latin America + Hawaii and, uh... well previously had a lot of themes of colonialism. That's why it feels a little rough to want to go there as a kinda tourist, haha.
But! Shortly before the time of RFtA, they evicted the direct authority from the colonizing countries! So by the time the story comes around, they've had a few decades of trying to turn their country into what they want it to be / what it was before they were invaded!
I grew up both in Texas (there's a LOT of Mexican people and influences there!) and Florida (near-tropical and has a lot of Puerto Rican people / influences!). I may not be Latina, but two of my closest friends are (and one is now my gf 😂) and I have a lot of positive experiences relating to the culture. I think that's a huge reason for my fondness for Minogua and Tzakah, haha.
Besides that, as I (hopefully) alluded to, Minogua is also a tropical country! It's got a rich, surprisingly friendly culture and I'd absolutely love visiting it on holiday. It just... would feel wrong due to the whole "colonization" history, haha. 😅
To be fair, I don't think a majority of them would mind it. But it's only been a few decades since they got rid of the direct authority of the colonizing country, so other people exploiting their history for their own "entertainment" would definitely not rub some of them the right way!
The real place I'd most like to go... if I'd even be able to remember the experience!!! 😭😭😭
So, the problem with Tzakah is that they're kinda hidden! They're actually a massive city built into a seaside cliff in Cirrane's rainforest as well as an isolationist "country" (read: city-state) with no connection to the rest of the world!
See, there's two ways to go if you'd like to leave or enter Tzakah: through the forest or by the sea. Only... there's a couple problems with that.
Go by sea, and there's practically endless storms raging off the coast. And not just your average nasty equatorial storms--but hurricane-type stuff! Not close enough to bother Tzakans, and actually not even permanent! But any time anyone goes near that approximate area of the world, knowingly or not, storms begin to barrage them until it destroys their ship or they (wisely) flee the area.
Many around the world refer to that area "the Gods' Land", theorizing that the gods' home is past the storms and the storms themselves are meant to keep out all but those who are worthy.
Making the storms "the Gods' Trials", of course.
Tzakah is lucky to just barely be at the edge of the Gods' Land, managing to avoid the Trials even when they go out to sea for fish. Besides that, they don't travel much further--they learned a long time ago of the dangers associated with it.
On the other side, they have the rainforest. And, somehow, it's worse.
Beyond the usual dangers of wild nature, Cirrane's rainforest is known to be haunted by malicious spirits--theorized to both be faerie in origin and those of deceased victims--that kill all who encroach on their territory.
Those who wander too far into the forest are known to never come back. Most--the Cirranians on the other side of the rainforest--don't know exactly why people who wander into the forest disappear. Again, they just theorize it's spirits--they don't know for sure. All they do is that they should never go past a certain landmark in the forest... lest they never be heard of again.
Those of Tzakah, however, know of the "spirits" by name.
The Melijé.
Merciless hunters they're locked into perpetual war with, and will be forever until the end of time... or until one finishes the other off.
Well, for the horrible crime of having left the Melijé centuries ago!
Anyway, yeah! Tzakah is a safe haven hidden in-between the Gods' Trials and the Melijé haunting the forests of {insert forest name here, probably sounding vaguely like "Melijé"}. Uh, I've definitely named the forest, don't worry! I'm just too lazy to look it up! Yeah...
Tzakah was formed by refugees who fled from the Melijé long ago. They're a peaceful people--descended from those who hated the Melijé's violent and hateful ways--and have created a completely pacifistic utopian society for themselves... outside of a select group of warriors who've trained under Torcaiz (their god of Protection) to repel any Melijé attacks. However, they're all warned of the struggles and pain associated with it beforehand, and accept the burden.
The people of Tzakah are isolationists due to the whole "actually kinda separated from the rest of the world" thing, and... another piece of their history that makes them see the rest of the world as a much darker place than their utopia. (Which obviously is fair. I mean, have you seen most of my worldbuilding??? It's bad.)
However... that Very Purposely Ambiguous "Piece Of History™" has also made Tzakans cautious of the very few outsiders that do make it there. (There's a few ways, but it's mostly them rescuing people who got lost in the rainforest before the Melijé kills them... or idiots who try to sail through the Gods' Trials, thinking they're "worthy".)
Instead of welcoming outsiders in with open arms like they'd want to (but they pretty much still do--), they're more cautious of and careful with them. Outsiders tend to get questioned by one of Tzakah's gods--usually Torcaiz alongside one of the others to keep him from deeming them all "unworthy" 🤣--to verify they don't have any ulterior motives.
And then, if and when they leave... they're stripped of their memories of their time there.
Yeah. Another one of the Tzakan gods--Marmorin--is able to completely remove people's memories. Except... he doesn't 99% of the time. Instead, he messes with the memories to "repress" them--leaving the effects of their time in Tzakah, but making it so, at best, they'll remember it as a dream.
Soooooo... if I were to ever visit Tzakah, I'd first have to put my life at risk and then be forced to lose my memory of my time there, anyway!
Haha, definitely not worth it, unfortunately.
In spite of all of that, Tzakah is an awesome place to visit. Like Cirrane (which the Melijé was once associated with) and Minogua, Tzakah has strong Latin American influence! They're in the middle of a rainforest, but obviously completely locked within the "city" itself!
(There's always at least one Melijé huntress patrolling the woods outside of Tzakah. Their rivalry is bitter, harbored and continued mostly by the Melijé, and one of Torcaiz's jobs as their god of Protection is maintaining a barrier that keeps the Melijé out.)
Again, their culture is very utopian, with most everyone being incredibly supportive of one another and each others' problems. The few who don't feel that way are instead given space and patience to do whatever they wish. Many of which eventually become (or already were) Warriors and develop a solidarity with the others, or leave Tzakah under the watchful eye of another god...
(To anyone wondering, the Melijé aren't any sort of "native peoples are inherently violent" thing or whatever. They're actually in the minority being that way in my story! Most of the time--like with Minogua--it's the opposite. Native peoples just want to be left alone. The Melijé's history actually separates them from most indigenous groups, tbh. Send an ask if you want to know more about them or Tzakah in general! Though please specify what specifically you want to know more about...)
Aaaand on the other end of the rainforest is CIRRANE! (Somehow there happens to be both a utopia and dystopia separated by nothing but a rainforest, some magical nonsense, and a ravaging cult bent on destruction of all others and growing their own power...)
I've spoken about Cirrane before, but it's definitely scattered across posts, haha. Long story short? Since this post has been LONG--
Cirrane is an incredibly impoverished nation with a massive wage gap and next to no middle class. Their way of "solving" that?
Bread and circuses!
... no, I mean it. Almost literally--
Context! The origin of the term "bread and circuses" to placate the masses is actually from Ancient Rome, where they'd use food ("bread") and entertainment ("circuses", which originally referred to what are now called coliseums)!
So... want to guess what Cirrane does?
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Yeah, so, basically people have the option to risk their lives by fighting in arenas / coliseums to raise their status. Likewise, it's incredibly cheap to buy into and watch them! Lowkey, their entire economy is based around the arenas and the whole "political structure" around them.
Even the current monarch has fought in the coliseums before!
(In order to display their sheer magical prowess to the masses and intimidate them into falling in line.)
Similarly, Cirrane is known to be a debt-trap country, which will often try to entice people (but especially outsiders) into gambling... and using that to hook them into the many available vices.
I'm sure you can see why Cirrane is the "AVOID AT ALL COSTS" country.
Oh, and btw? It's VERY relevant in Rising From the Ashes! 🥰
Yeah, so, you'd really think it would've been Glavnran, but no. Somehow, as bad as Glavnran is, Cirrane is worse.
(PS: "Melijé" is pronounced "Mehl-ee-hey")
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Worldbuilding tag list: @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet @illarian-rambling @ashirisu @urnumber1star
@the-letterbox-archives @48lexr @aalinaaaaaa @paeliae-occasionally (Ask and ye shall be added)
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Lex McMenamin at Teen Vogue:
College students have been at the forefront of the movement for a ceasefire in Palestine since Israel's ongoing incursion of Gaza after the October 7 Hamas attack. As soon as organizing for that movement began, there was backlash against it, including doxxing and harassment at Harvard, attempted state-level bans of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) chapters in Florida, and also the banning of protests and SJP chapters at other universities. In Vermont, Palestinian college students on a walk, wearing kuffiyehs, were shot at during Thanksgiving break. (The reported shooter, who has pleaded not guilty to attempted second-degree murder, remains in jail as the case proceeds.)
Over the past few weeks, several student protesters have received criminal charges, expulsions, suspensions, and campus bans due to their involvement in protests for Palestine. This includes students at Columbia, who say they are being scapegoated before an April 17 congressional hearing to investigate Columbia University over campus antisemitism. (After a similar proceeding in December, the president of Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania each stepped down.) According to Inside Higher Ed’s reporting, "some observers have described [the April hearing as] a political trap set by Congressional Republicans critical not only of campus leaders’ response to antisemitism but also of higher education in general.” The apparent suppression on campuses, while currently intensifying, isn’t new or recent: For the past several years, the organization Palestine Legal has represented and supported student organizers facing similar backlash. A representative for Palestine Legal tells Teen Vogue that, since October, the group has received “over 720 reports of suppression of Palestinian rights advocacy on campuses across the country.”
Meanwhile, the movements for ceasefire and Palestine are credited with reanimating student organizing, as well as pushing President Joe Biden’s policy stance on US support for Israel. That outcry has manifested in Uncommitted campaigns that have built momentum in presidential primaries across US states, and may also be pushing Biden to shift his policy. But these same organizing movements are seeing pushback on forms of protest that are historically common on campuses. Some students have been suspended or arrested for occupying campus buildings. In other instances, the backlash comes after students pushed to hold student body votes on divesting university funds from Israel or Israeli companies; at Vanderbilt, Ohio State, and Harvard, attempted referendum votes on the matter were canceled, suspended, or indefinitely postponed.
Teen Vogue reports on the disturbing trend that colleges across the USA are suppressing pro-Palestinian protests and referendums against divesting funding from Israel Apartheid State by arresting, suspending, or even expelling students protesting for Palestinian rights.
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copperbadge · 11 months
Radio Free Monday
Good morning everyone, and welcome to Radio Free Monday!
Ways to Give:
oloriel linked to a fundraiser for Sean, who is close to his $5K fundraising goal for a liver transplant; he needs a healthier environment to live in once he has the transplant and they're raising the funds for a new place and at least some partial furnishings. You can read more and support the fundraiser here.
gwydion's very elderly car broke down in late October; the repair, to a cooling hose, has cheap parts but expensive labor, and ate most of zir budget for the month. Ze can't do without a car, being disabled, but can't afford to replace it either; ze's raising $280 to help cover bills and the repair. You can give via PayPal here.
nivchara-yahel and her sibling rivalconga are raising money for rent, medicine, and living expenses; they need to pay November rent by the 10th to avoid eviction. You can read more, reblog, and find giving information here.
Anon linked to a fundraiser for The Environmental Conservancy of North Port, Florida, who are trying to raise $14K to purchase a parcel of land that will protect a group of gopher tortoise burrows from being forcibly relocated, which could stress or kill the tortoises, a threatened but keystone species in Florida (their burrows are often home to numerous other species). You can read more and support the fundraiser here.
Buy Stuff, Help Out:
francescaswords is dealing with some worsening health issues which are preventing her from working as she completes her degree, which has had funding cut because she's dropped to a part-time student. She's raising funds by sharing her latest novel, the YA contemporary fantasy Rotting Trees, on Patreon between now and December 2024, where patrons can read the book in installments for as low as $1.50/month. The novel follows a girl with a cursed family necklace and the antiques shop she visits to try to break the curse. You can read more and reblog here or join the Patreon here.
Recurring Needs:
rusty-chevy is very close to her fundraising goal after her work cut her hours and thus her ability to cover bills from her reduced paycheck; she's hoping for one final push to reach goal. You can read more, reblog, and find giving information here.
gwydion linked to a fundraiser for Squirrel, a good friend who has recently lost his job and needs to raise about $800 to cover bills and food; Squirrel has had a lot of interviews and believes he will have an offer but won't start work until December. You can give via paypal here.
rilee16 is raising funds to cover November rent and possible late fees after an aggressive roommate hiked their utility bills; Rilee is now sick and also needs to be able to pay to have medication delivered. You can read more, reblog, and find giving information here.
And this has been Radio Free Monday! Thank you for your time. You can post items for my attention at the Radio Free Monday submissions form. If you're new to fundraising, you may want to check out my guide to fundraising here.
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lawofficeofryansshipp · 5 months
Martin County Eviction Attorneys | 561.699.0399
Martin County Eviction Lawyers If you’re a property owner in Martin County, Florida, grappling with tenant problems, consider Law Office of Ryan S. Shipp, PLLC for reliable legal support. Our seasoned team specializes in both residential and commercial evictions, adept at handling the nuances of landlord-tenant law and delivering prompt, effective solutions. Why Opt For Shipp Law For Eviction…
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mosscaller · 1 year
And it is no longer safe for me or my wife to remain in Florida.
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This day in history
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Support me this summer on the Clarion Write-A-Thon and help raise money for the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers' Workshop!
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#10yrsago Infamous SF “eviction” lawfirm abuses DMCA to censor video of protest https://web.archive.org/web/20140723193431/http://sfappeal.com/2014/07/infamous-sf-eviction-lawyers-use-dmca-claim-to-silence-protest-video/
#10yrsago UOregon police kept a “Eat a Bowl of Dicks List” for their enemies https://www.techdirt.com/2014/07/21/cops-wrong-firing-lawsuit-leads-to-public-release-vulgarly-titled-enemies-list/
#10yrsago California Highway Patrol seize medical records of woman beaten by cop https://www.techdirt.com/2014/07/21/california-highway-patrol-seizes-medical-records-woman-officer-was-caught-tape-beating/
#10yrsago Florida principal broke rules by cancelling summer read of Little Brother https://www.pnj.com/story/news/education/2014/07/21/thomas-policy-followed-little-brother-dispute/12957445/
#5yrsago Podcast: Adversarial Interoperability is Judo for Network Effects https://ia903006.us.archive.org/6/items/Cory_Doctorow_Podcast_304/Cory_Doctorow_Podcast_304_-_Adversarial_Interoperability_is_Judo_for_Network_Effects.mp3
#5yrsago Violent mobs of alleged Triad gangsters dole out savage beatings to Hong Kong democracy protesters, cops nowhere to be found https://globalvoices.org/2019/07/22/armed-mobs-attack-anti-extradition-protesters-in-a-suburban-hong-kong-subway-station/
#5yrsago FBI agent describes finding “Frankensteins” and a “cooler full of penises” at an unregulated Arizona body-donation center https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona-health/2019/07/19/cooler-penises-frankenstein-head-found-phoenix-body-donation-company/1720254001/
#5yrsago Nebraska Weather Service commemorates climate emergency by baking biscuits inside a hot car https://twitter.com/NWSOmaha/status/1151879325257535488
#5yrsago Louvre purges every mention of the Sackler opioid family after artist’s protest https://www.france24.com/en/20190721-sackler-name-removed-louvre-opioid-crisis-france?ref=tw_i
#5yrsago Elizabeth Warren’s banking proposals are designed to demolish the private equity sector and force finance to serve the people https://thereformedbroker.com/2019/07/21/elizabeth-warrens-banking-sector-napalm/
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
A Florida police officer was arrested after being accused of trying to sexually assault a woman during a domestic violence call.
West Palm Beach police announced the arrest of James Matthew Bush, 33, on Sunday for sexual battery and robbery, according to CBS 12.
Around 9 pm on July 12, police responded to a report of a man throwing his girlfriend out of an apartment, according to an arrest affidavit obtained by the outlet. Police arrived and Bush told the man he should leave and go to court to file for eviction.
Bush then repeatedly told the victim to “go upstairs and have some fun.”
She responded: “OK…to talk?”
Once the two were upstairs, Bush is accused of grabbing her arm and leading her to a bedroom. There, she sat on the bed and offered him a kiss thinking she was in danger and he would rape her, according to the report.
The victim tried to escape by saying she had to go brush her teeth, and Bush watched before he guided her back to the bedroom, police said.
He then tried to coax the victim to perform a sex act on him, according to police. She told him “No,” but he told her, “I want this.”
After several minutes, he grabbed her to try and get her to perform the act.
Bush reportedly told her, “I can get you out of this whole thing,” and offered her $2,000, the report noted. The woman said she was not a prostitute.
The officer left and the victim told her boyfriend about the incident. However, he ignored her and tried to evict her, according to police.
Hours later, the boyfriend called the police again, and another officer, along with Bush, responded to the scene. The woman reported the incident to the other cop, and Bush said she was lying.
The victim showed video evidence of the encounter that was on her phone and the unnamed officer watched it. However, he did not intervene, according to the report.
Other investigators got a hold of the footage and spoke to Bush. It was then he admitted to some of the crimes, police said.
“When someone abuses their position of authority to commit a crime, we have an obligation to swiftly act in the best interest of the community we serve and hold those responsible who breach the public trust,” Chief Frank Adderley said. “On behalf of the men and women who are dedicated to serve and protect, this is not reflective of the West Palm Beach Police Department. We have a zero-tolerance for misconduct and abuse of power and will hold those accountable who violate their oath.”
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thewingedwolf · 2 months
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okay listen-
❌ no one from michigan boo
✅ant problem has been worse this year 
✅sweet kenney k counts for me
✅the sheer amount of house meetings…
✅every comp is ai themed
✅tbf someone could still come out but seems unlikely
⚠️for the love of god can we get a confirmation of whether leah or angela said a real slur or whether they just cussed 😭
✅quinn absolutely counts
⚠️some of they have been a little eh but there’s been genuine thought put into them so far
✅the ai arena makes this kinda weird bc they HAVE to cheer altho they were absolutely uproarious over matt losing lmao
❌no alyssa from sarasota, florida
⚠️the girls keep saying they want to start something but i feel like they’re still being vague.
❌i mean if [redacted] has a sexuality awakening in the house this could change but so far we got kimo (gay) and leah (pan) and what heteroflexible quinn and that’s it? lmao
❌can’t believe we got a cop and not a lawyer. i mean i can but i’m mad.
there’s two separate ways i could get bingo here and i may already have it. if sweet kenney k had self evicted like he kept threatening, i COULD have had that one and i’m so mad. anyways i need leah & angela to just have potty mouths and for these girls to LOCK IN.
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plethoraworldatlas · 5 months
Progressive members of the U.S. Congress on Wednesday demanded an end to nationwide police attacks on pro-Palestinian campus protests following violent raids and mass arrests at universities across the country, from Columbia in New York City to the University of South Florida in Tampa.
"The continued repression and violence against anti-war student activists and their allies by Columbia University, NYPD, and Mayor [Eric] Adams is abhorrent and barbarous," Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) wrote on social media. "The nationwide crackdown on protesters must end."
More than 300 demonstrators were arrested at Columbia and the nearby City College of New York late Tuesday alone, bringing the total number of arrests at dozens of universities across the U.S. to more than 1,000.
In a statement Tuesday, Bush said she was "appalled" by the police response to demonstrations at Washington University in St. Louis, which is in the Missouri Democrat's district.
"The police brutality, mass arrests, suspensions, evictions, and wholesale bans on access to the St. Louis campus are inappropriate, unacceptable, and outright shameful," said Bush. "Washington University administrators have joined the disgraceful nationwide trend of violent, aggressive responses by university administrators and local law enforcement aimed at curbing the rights to free speech and assembly by students, faculty, staff, and community members."
"Violently assaulting and injuring people who are courageously advocating for peace and justice for Palestinians and Israelis alike is unconscionable," she added. "I know from experience that these actions are traumatizing and dangerous; they do nothing to address the underlying issues and simply fuel more violence against nonviolent protesters."
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kangals · 1 year
where did boone come from? were you looking for a dog just like him or was he something of a surprise? was there anything about him you didn't expect? :)
thank you for the ask ❤️
boone came from a rescue group based out of illinois which focused mainly on adopting out ex-racers from florida. i was living in chicago at the time and wanted a dog that was big and vaguely intimidating-looking for safety reasons, but would be lower energy and not make it hell for me to find an apartment, which brought me to greyhounds. he was actually very much not what i originally had in mind, i ideally wanted a female, independent personality, and any color other than solid black, so... shows you how well that worked out haha. but he was very sweet and stupid and charming and i really wanted a dog, so that was that.
there were a lot of things about him i didn't expect - basic stuff like i'd never had a sighthound before and it was an experience learning to adjust to all of their quirks, and more situational things like 'oops, the dog we told you was totally fine being left alone actually has severe separation anxiety, glhf!' i came very close to giving him back to the rescue in the first month bc i was at serious risk of getting evicted, but thankfully my family was willing to help and we eventually made it work.
i know everybody says this about their breed of choice, but greyhounds really are such unique dogs. i grew to love all of their little unique mannerisms - the happy jaw chattering, the roo-roo bark, the drippy nose, the thunder thighs, the bouncy run. they've been charming people for literal thousands of years.
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