#Food allergy therapy
Good News - August 8-14
Like these weekly* compilations? Tip me at $kaybarr1735 or check out my new(ly repurposed) Patreon! (*sorry this one’s a day late, I had a family emergency)
1. Rio’s grassroots agroforestry sustains birds, bees & communities
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“[Community-created and -maintained] agroforests have reshaped the urban landscape and now attract an array of fauna, from birds to bees and even fireflies, drawn by the diversity of plant life thriving on improved soils. Perhaps most importantly, the agroforests offer free food and medicines to residents in need, plus shade and educational opportunities for the whole community[….]”
2. First giant pandas from China in decades make their public debut in San Diego
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(image source) “Tensions between the U.S. and China had temporarily paused the program known as "panda diplomacy" in which China loans its native animals to zoos around the world […] as a show of goodwill[….] But the presence of [the two pandas in San Diego] appears to show a mending of the diplomatic relationship, which Chinese President Xi Jinping pledged to work toward in a meeting with President Biden last year. [… Gov. Newsom] called the giant pandas an example of how strong worldly partnerships can protect wildlife and their habitats[….]”
3. Good news for Europe's top economies as disposable income rises
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“Poland experienced the largest increase in disposable income per capita, rising by 10.2% compared with a decrease of 2.7% in the last quarter of 2023. According to the OECD, this growth was "mainly driven by increases in employee compensation, social benefits other than in-kind transfers, and property income". […] In Germany, [household income per capita] rose by 1.4%, compared to just 0.1% in the previous quarter, partly driven by an increase in employee compensation.”
4. FDA approves nasal spray as first needle-free treatment for anaphylaxis
“The spray, which will be sold under the brand name Neffy, is seen as an alternative to EpiPen and other autoinjectors. […] “Some people, particularly children, may delay or avoid treatment due to fear of injections,” said Kelly Stone, an associate director at the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, adding that the availability of the nasal spray may reduce barriers to rapid treatment.”
5. [Colin Farrell] is launching a foundation to support adult[s] who have an intellectual disability
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““We want to take a good look at residential potential for families with young adults who are ready to go out into the world and have a greater sense of community and connection,” says the actor. […] "It’s really important for James and for all of our kids to feel like they are wanted, to feel like they’re part of the community. Not just out of charitable endeavors or being nice and doing the right thing, but out of a sincere desire to engage and learn about each other."”
6. The Berlin Zoo is hoping for more German-born giant pandas as scans confirm a pregnancy
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“Giant pandas have difficulty breeding and births are particularly welcomed. There are about 1,800 pandas living in the wild in China and a few hundred in captivity worldwide. […] The zoo noted that female pandas are only capable of reproducing for about 72 hours per year.”
7. Arizona school district highlights the benefits of free lunch
“A study by the University of Washington found free meals at school help reduce hunger, reduce the stigma tied to free lunch, and can help reduce childhood obesity. [… A cafeteria worker] said since the school district began offering free lunch, they have seen a positive shift in the cafeteria culture, and students seem happier. […] In September of 2023, the USDA […] loosened up its application threshold for applicants, allowing an estimated 3,000 more school districts in high-need areas to participate in the [CEP] program.”
8. Gigantic millipede lost to science for 126 years rediscovered in remote Madagascan jungle
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“A further 20 species 'lost' to science were rediscovered during the expedition, including three iridescent species of fish and several species of ant-like flower beetles.”
9. The climate law’s $8.8B in home energy rebates are starting to roll out
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“New York and Wisconsin are the first to launch their long-awaited Inflation Reduction Act programs meant to deploy everything from heat pumps to insulation. […] Once deployed, the DOE estimates, the home energy rebates will help save consumers up to $1 billion in annual energy costs and support an estimated 50,000 U.S. jobs in construction, manufacturing, and other sectors. They’ll also help clean up buildings, one of the biggest sources of carbon pollution in the country.”
10. Advance in stem cell therapy: New technique for manipulating stem cells opens door to novel treatments
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“Recently, a team of McGill researchers discovered that by stretching, bending and flattening the nuclei of stem cells to differing degrees, they could generate precisely targeted cells that they could direct to become either bone or fat cells. […] The first applications of this discovery are likely to involve bone regeneration, possibly relating to dental or cranio-facial repair[….]”
August 1-7 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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aaaaaaaaraaaaaraaa · 2 months
🌸 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog. 🌸
I'll do you one better and give you a three truths one lie
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gallium-spoon · 4 months
I got to pet a chicken at work today
So we regularly have therapy dogs who come to visit patients, and for some reason the therapy pet people brought a chicken with them today! (Are therapy chickens a thing?!)
Anyways most of the patients thought a chicken in a hospital was hilarious, also the chicken was very sweet and polite and perfectly happy to be held and petted by strangers
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ayyponine · 1 year
(oh victory. stern talking to frm boss on diminished performance at work prompts local woman to finally book drs appointment and figure out wtf wrong w her <3)
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cluethegirl · 2 years
weed when you're autistic is no longer just like the happy little thing you get to make you dizzy and think things sometimes it's cathartic as fuck I am in a really good rock like a little baby and i have no judgement over my thoughts so i can just let them go and even still i act more neurotypical with the people around me so i don't even get followed around as much by people in stores. Like i litterally went to Saks while high for a *really expensive but cheap sample of * fragrance and the ladies were so nice to me???? and helped me out??? I felt like I was in a world full of love and even though i didn't even buy the rollarball i wanted to get because i didn't like it they were so nice about it and i was like " omg this is why were all addicts if we weren't diagnosed and put into therapy before kindergarden" this is the only way i can feel safe and well fitting into society. Anyways so you know how Armani just released their new line and they
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chomesuke · 4 months
someone should give my cat therapy so she doesn't hate other cats to the extent of trying to fight them through doors so I can have a second cat too
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hemipenal-system · 28 days
anyway werewolf service dog task brainrot is back
werewolf who you've never met but as she passes you she sniffs you and then grabs you and goes "hey your heart rate is really high" and holds you up as you start to get lightheaded
werewolf who sits in your lap to give you deep pressure therapy
werewolf who just stands there with you menacingly to give you space from people
werewolf who learns your allergies and starts telling you when your food has something you're allergic to
werewolf who pushes your wheelchair and carries you up stairs
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totesmag · 2 years
The Impact of Food Allergies and Intolerance on Mental Health
Food allergies and intolerance are conditions that affect millions of people worldwide. They are caused by the body’s adverse reaction to certain foods or food ingredients. These conditions can have a significant impact on physical health, but they can also affect mental health in many ways. The connection between food allergies/intolerance and mental health is often overlooked, but it is…
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haojun · 2 years
Anybody else refuse to eat certain foods bc you are home alone and you're afraid you might have suddenly developed a severe allergy to said food and don't want to risk not having someone to rush you to the ER should things go south when you eat it? Just me?
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got out and also decided I’m getting mcdonalds
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mindblowingscience · 1 month
For roughly one in every hundred people, food containing even the smallest amounts of gluten can deliver a gutful of hurt. While a domino effect of immunological reactions can be traced back to their genetic roots, a number of contributing factors are also involved, making it difficult to map the precise chain of events that causes an allergy to gluten to emerge. Using transgenic mice, an international team led by scientists from McMaster University in Canada has identified a crucial role played by the very cells making up the gut's lining, describing a major stepping stone that could lead to new therapies.
Continue Reading.
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crip-writing-shit · 2 months
disabled non human characters
mermaid with bisected tail has trouble swimming as fast as her peers. She has been offered surgery and when she was younger she wore bands that held her tail halves together but she prefers swimming her way as it feels more natural and she can spin fast!
vampire with food allergies, can only reliably drink goats and cow blood. They always bring food with them because vampire functions never have allergy friendly food. They were made fun of growing up and had to eat at the allergy table
angel or other winged humanoid with one or both wings underdeveloped, he has allot of fatigue while flying and has to go to weekly physical therapy.
I love disabled non human characters who are disabled in their own society not just human society or who’s disability’s do not disable them in human society but do in their own society.
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bloodycyrano · 8 months
Little things I think team tadpole would do for one another.
Part 1.
I think Durge/Tav and Wyll would be willing to read karlachs favorite childhood stories to her, since I don't think she could really pick up and read books- being flammable and all.
Astarion would use his sewing skills to stitch up Clive- And maybe make a few more little stuffed animal friends for Karlach.
I also think Astarion would pull Durge/Tav aside when he noticed them getting stressed out and forcibly talk them through some self care.- Astarion is the king of passive aggressive pep talks.
Gale would definitely try to help Wyll try to figure out how to turn back to the way he was before Mizora turned him into a devil.
Tav hosts group therapy sessions every Sunday, prove me wrong.
Wyll has done a lot of research on vanquishing vampire lords, and has probably made up a complete vampire slaying kit simply labeled "Cazador"
Lae'zel does nice things for people all the time, it's just that nobody realizes it. She's carrying most of your weapons, you don't think she's the one who sharpens them? She does. Without being told to, without asking for praise. Sometimes, she'll go back to the traders after dark because she realizes Durge/Tav hit random on camp supplies again, and Gale has nothing to work with.
Everyone knows Gale takes care of most of the cooking at camp, but I don't think anyone realizes he has a list of everyone's food allergies clipped in the back of his spell book, and even makes potion modifications depending on how his companions react to certain ingredients.
I also feel like Halsin started experimenting with herbology after finding out that Durge is afraid to go to sleep because they don't want to hurt anyone in camp, and ended up making them a sort of sleeping tincture to help their Bhaal-induced sleepwalking.
This one will maybe be a little less popular, but I headcannon Tav/Durge to be autistic, largely because I'm autistic, and I could definitely see Shadowheart making little cards for them with like "Yes", "No", "Angry", "Sad", "Overstimulated", etc. So that they could still communicate while having a meltdown.- Bonus points, they start learning sign language together if they have really high approval.
Wyll made some flashcards to help Lae'zel understand some of the norms, pronunciations, and overall weirdness of Faerun.
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suratan-zir · 2 months
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Sad news: the biopsy results confirmed that Baton has lymphoma.
In the photo he's being fed his supplemental food. Although he has a good appetite, he's still losing weight, hence the added nutritious formula. He loves it, every rat loves it, actually.
He isn't in critical condition, it's not time yet to say goodbye. He's active, eating, cuddling, etc. But there is nothing substantial that can be done to help him, unfortunately. That's the saddest thing about owning rats. It's not about the life expectancy itself, it's about the health issues they are prone to. More often than not, you can't do anything to help them. Just throw steroids at them and hope it helps for a little while. Another thing is that in many places on earth, you have to essentially become a veterinarian for them. It is very difficult or near impossible to find a vet who knows enough about rats to treat them properly. Surgery, sure, but not therapy.
I brought Baton to the vet about two weeks ago and said from the get-go, "I think it's lymphoma." The vet asked how old he is. I said a little over two. "Yeah, he's old and looks like it. Maybe it's allergy or intoxication of some kind...his immune system is weakened because of age." I'm like, he didn't look a day past a year old just a week ago. It's not allergy. "How do you know?" It's.never.an.allergy. Then he tried to talk me out of the biopsy because it's expensive, and if it confirms lymphoma, there is still nothing that can be done. Yes, but at least if I know exactly what it is, I stop guessing and trying to treat something it's not.
It's such a shame, really. Baton was in such great health, no hind leg degeneration, no signs of aging at all. Rats go downhill so fast, fading right before your eyes. I've learned to deal with the grief of losing them, I've learned to accept it. But to accept their sickness, the constant self-doubt "could I do something differently?"...I can't accept it. It's way harder than death.
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usoppinggg · 3 months
I love Usopp so here are some of my headcanons
He's naturally right-handed but taught himself to be ambidextrous.
Used exposure therapy to overcome his fear of heights because, “snipers can’t fear the sky!” Now loves to climb and hang out in trees.
He's a pansexual demiromantic transman! He didn't realize that was Not Straight until he joined the crew. He really enjoys being perceived as Manly™️, but hanging out with Nami has made him open to “girly” things like doing makeup and painting his nails.
He loves spicy food and has the highest spice tolerance on the crew.
Prone to allergies. The constantly changing weather on the Grand Line is HELL on his sensitive nose. Or, it would be if it weren’t for his dear friend, Dr. Chopper, who whips up medicine for him.
Hates coffee. Which is great, because he and caffeine don’t get along well. At all.
Dreams often and vividly, but rarely remembers what he actually dreamt about. Usually remembers sensations and feelings. Doesn’t realize that he often has prophetic dreams.
Enjoys all types of music but loves funk and pop the best (rip michael jackson, usopp loved u). Will belt out a ballad when he’s in his feelings.
Has ADHD, anxiety, depression, OCD, and a touch of the ‘tism. The poster child for comorbidity.
His OCD manifests in his hoarding. He has trouble letting go of things because he might find a later use for it, or they have sentimental value. Is working on this with Franky and Brook. OCD also shows up in his eating habits, which are complicated when he joins the crew and really complicated after Boin. Sanji and Chopper are helping him with it.
Experiences stomach pain when he’s extremely anxious. :((
Lots of finger stimming like snapping and tapping!!
His mind bounces all over the place constantly. Even he can barely keep up, sometimes. Following a conversation between him and Luffy is near impossible.
Used to hate his hair because he didn’t know how to take care of it, which made it a nuisance. Since meeting Brook, he has learned to properly care for his hair and it’s now a point of pride for him.
That’s all for now!! Please feel free to add on your own headcanons <3
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cripplecharacters · 3 months
Alright, so long story short, my oc has a autism service dog (who is kind of also her familiar) and is a witch. What can I do to make this character realistic?
(sorry if this is vague, I have no other idea how to express this.)
Hi asker!
The most important thing would be to do research on service animals and how they specifically help people.
First, service animals are also a huge investment, both in terms of time and in terms of money. Owner training is expensive, but so can a professional trainer. Someone who gets a service dog via a charity will still be on the hook for things like food and vet bills. This means that someone who doesn't have enough time or money might not have a service dog because they're a pretty big commitment. They're not generally a first resort, because while they are very useful and can really help many people, they are also an alive being. And anything that's alive needs more care than things that aren't. Dogs have to eat and poop and pee and that needs consideration; and they can get sick, distracted, develop allergies to foods, and whatnot while machines can't. So thinking about how your character navigates these things will help them feel more realistic.
Not that you have to include or even know every detail of how they paid for training or how many hours they spent on it! But just knowing the general idea will be good.
Second, what tasks does the dog do to help your character? Basically, what does she need help with that the dog can do?
The International Association of Assistance Dog Partners has a list of tasks a service dog could perform for psychiatric conditions; it mentions depression, anxiety, and PTSD specifically but are not exclusive to those. From that list I'm including a couple that could be relevant to an autistic character, although it's in not exhaustive.
Bringing medication
Summon help from designated people
Assistance leaving an area by finding the exit
Providing deep pressure therapy to calm/ground handler
Help 'unfreeze' handler from dissociation or similar
The organization Ella's Animals also has a list of tasks a service dog for specifically autism could do; again, not exhaustive:
Providing deep pressure therapy to calm/ground handler (mentioned again!)
Trained tactile stimulation to ground handler
Behavior interruption, like of harmful stimming
Alerting handler of something they're not responding to
"Buffering" in crowds
Retrieving items
Alerting of elopement (NOTE: tethering and body-blocking are sometimes mentioned as something a service dog can do for autistic handlers, particularly children. But generally speaking, this shouldn't be done. It can be dangerous for the dog and the handler.)
You'll want to think of what tasks your character will generally need from their service dog, and while you don't have to describe them all in great detail, mentioning them when relevant will be pretty important and make your character feel more real.
Also, depending on your character's witchiness, too, you could add a little flair. Like maybe your character needs extra assistance after they cast spells because it's overwhelming, or they had to train the dog to recognize what they look like when they're casting spells so the dog doesn't interrupt!
I hope this helps!
– mod sparrow
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