#if only so i can hold up a paper and go please dont fire me. im only lacking the energy bc i havent properly digested food in about 2 months
ayyponine · 1 year
(oh victory. stern talking to frm boss on diminished performance at work prompts local woman to finally book drs appointment and figure out wtf wrong w her <3)
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Hey Honey how are you?? Can you write a enemies to lovers with Nat Scatorccio x Fem! Reader? Nat and reader dont really get along and only gets worse when she is with travis bcz reader and travis hate each other and the girls always have to step in so they dont fight (kill each other lol). But yknow they cant stand each other because they are in love, maybe girls help Nat figuring it out that she likes reader in a truth or dare game? Thank you!!
The Night of the Party
͙⁺・༓☾ - Summary: You and Natalie practically hate ‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎each other, especially after she started ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ dating Travis, until the night of the party.
Pairing: Natalie Scatorccio x reader
Warnings: ...
note: thank you for the request! I haven't written an actual fanfic before so I hope this lives up to your expectations 😭
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"Over here!" Jackie called, you shuffled the ball trying your best to avoid the opposing team. You had noticed Natalie, throughout the entirety of practice, eyeing you; stalking your every move in attempts to steal the ball from you. This left you with no room for thought, she was constantly breathing down your neck, so you'd decided to ignore Jackie, running even faster to the goal. Normally you were a team player, making it fair and square for everyone around you, but when it came to Natalie your ego took over, you gave her side glances in attempts to get rid of her - but to no avail. As you neared the goal your palms started sweating like crazy, I mean it was just practice, but you couldn't let Nat win at any cost. She positioned herself parallel to the goal and parallel to you. Van was ready to block your kick and Natalie brushed her bangs out of the way so that she could focus on the ball. You knew how determined Natalie was, so as you gave her a hunting stare, the frustration inside of you grew like a fire.
Your strike was filled with force, it was tactical, but too rage infused. Somehow you had mistaken Natalie for the goal, subconsciously you just really wanted her to get out of your way, your brows furrowed, eyes fixed on the landing - you had hit Nat right onto her goddamn face.
You stood there as Coach Scott rushed to asses the situation, your teammates stared in awe.
"Nat I'm sorry it was just an accident I swear-" You pleaded, "Fuck off" was all she said, giving you the death stare of a lifetime and slamming her locker while holding a paper towel to her bleeding nose, you wondered why you even tried to apologise at this point, it all felt useless and repetitive. You sighed, walking up to Jackie and Shauna who had just finished changing. "You should've passed, (y/n), maybe then she wouldn't be so pissed at you" Shauna knew what was going on between you and Natalie, everyone did, it was too obvious lately, and that's why she didn't blame you - she merely glanced at you, disappointed with the constant feud you and Nat perpetuated. "You saw how she targeted me right? I mean it's not even my fault!" you spat out whatever reasoning you could, a slight guilt trailing your voice, "you two are always fighting, everyone's tired of having to break it up, just kiss already" Tai laughed, walking past the three of you. You scoffed, turning back to your friends. "It doesn't matter, (y/n), she'll get over it. Are you coming to the party today?" Jackie intervened, your team was celebrating nationals and had all decided to go to Jeff's party, you weren't too sure if you'd even wanted to go though. Jackie noticed your tight nit lips in response to her, "please?" she whined, "it'll be fun I promise.". "fine, I'll go." You gave in with a slight smirk, Jackie screeched in approval, Shauna laughed and you left early.
You didn't live too far from the school, so you'd decided to walk despite Shauna offering to drive you back. You turned your head curiously as you saw bleach blonde hair in your peripheral, and as you turned you saw Natalie talking to someone. Travis - you hated his guts, your teeth gnawed as you gazed intently while he was all over Nat, he tried to hit on you once a while back, but you never liked him, not at all. His back was faced to you as Natalie had her arms around him, looking directly at you. Still walking, you looked away, a grimacing expression painting your face. If you never liked him before, you definitely didn't like him now, you weren't sure why though, it's not like he did anything really, he was a huge dick but not enough to induce your deep deep hatred. All you wanted was for him to go away, only because he was a pain in the ass of course, I mean that was it, right? It was such a burden that you had fully convinced yourself that if he hadn't shown up your life would be a hundred times better.
You and Natalie weren't always spiteful towards each other, you used to hang out quite a lot, usually smoking and listening to music, there were moments where you two got so close it felt like something could've happened. At the end of last year, as you began dating guys and hanging out with Jackie and Shauna more, you and Natalie grew apart, to the point where she felt like a stranger to you. At first you stopped talking, then you began making remarks at each other - slowly, the anger between you built up. You didn't like it, but at this point it was second nature.
A loud honk surrounded your house, you peered outside of the window seeing Jackie and Shauna. Grabbing your bag you swiftly ran down the stairs and towards the car. "Hey (y/n)!" One of them exclaimed, "Wow you really went all out, I've never seen you wear such a flattering top", it's true, you usually wore super casual clothes - too casual, though well put together. "You dressing for someone?" Jackie winked with a sly smile, leaning her neck against the seat to look back at you. "No, of course not." You chuckled, unnoticed panic in your answer, and it was partly true, you didn't really think of dressing for someone, in retrospect you may have spiced it up for a reason, though you'd never admit it to yourself.
You stood leaned over a kitchen counter, a red solo cup touching your lips as you gazed at Lottie rambling about something, her hands gesturing and mouth moving so quickly you had just spaced out, absolutely no thoughts in your head, until you heard a familiar voice. It was Natalie Scatorccio, you didn't look, you had just assumed she was flirting with Travis or something, after all the music was loud enough to block out any coherent words from her and the people around you apart from Lottie, who was still talking to you.
"Hey Lot, I'm gonna go refill my cup - you want anything?", she paused for a moment and shook her head. Your head began spinning slightly as you filled your cup with an unknown drink, it was definitely doing a number on you, but after today it didn't really matter much. "(y/n)! Come with us we're gonna play something" You turned to Van as Tai crept behind her, "play what?" You perked up, "just some games, me and Tai got the idea", you followed them to the living room, waving your hand for Lottie to follow suit. There were less people, as everyone was mostly likely outside or making out in one of the guest rooms. It was merely your soccer team (admittedly, only some of them) and a couple of guys, including Travis. You sat the furthest away from him, next to Lottie and Shauna, leaning your head against Lot as Van and Tai tried their best to get more people. "Travis is such a dick." You stared at how he ignored Natalie, "I know right, who even gives him the right..." Lottie agreed, though her head was in the clouds. She knew how you disliked him. "what are we doing?" Inquired Shauna, "hmm," Tai didn't seem so sure, they clearly just decided to go with the flow, and you were too drunk to care "truth or dare?". "really?" you laughed slightly, "we're not in preschool, Tai".
After a while you were persuaded, alongside everyone else who were sober enough to think that idea was boring. You lifted your head off of Lottie and watched as everyone played, also noticing how everyone got more drunk by the second. Your eyes landed on Natalie as she laughed about something with one of your teammates. Eventually, it was your turn. "(y/n), truth or dare" you heard it from Van. The whole time you had observed how Van and Tai were laughing, talking about something while giving you glances, you noticed them speak to Natalie about something too, after which she playfully punched Van's shoulder. Now you were patient, as Van gave you the most malicious look you had seen, she was up to something - so you decided to play it safe. "truth". "boooring!!" Natalie remarked, "Oh shut up Nat" you bickered. She mocked you, causing a small argument, "Ladies, get a room, it's not the time." Tai broke you two up, Natalie crossed her arms and sat back down, a slight blush patterning her complexion, earning a hateful stare from you. "okay, (y/n), who do you have a crush on." "oh come on Van, ask me something interesting" Your eyes rolled around the room, music booming in your ears "nope, you have to answer, rules of the game", her snarky tone made you laugh, "fine, okay, I don't really have a crush on anyone" Van wasn't impressed at all, she gave Tai a look of disappointment, and you grew even more curious than you were before, "what? It's the truth!" You argued, slight defence in your voice, "I'm not buying it", you sighed and watched as Travis left, Natalie didn't even look at him, you became worried - did they have a fight? Did they break up without me even knowing it? It was true, you and Nat weren't the closest of friends, you weren't friends at all, but you always knew what happened in her life. "so? come on (y/n) don't be boring" you heard Nat say, snapping you out of your thoughts and scowling at her as she wouldn't put to it to rest. You gave a look of defeat towards Lottie, "have it your way. they're in this room, right now", you weren't sure what you were even talking about, and honestly you didn't care, you slurred half of your words and moved around carelessly, eventually sitting still and gazing longingly at Nat, as she looked back curiously. "is that it? that's all you're gonna give us?" Van pried, "it's childish, move on" you responded weakly. Van rolled her eyes, Tai giving her one of those looks that said 'really?'.
Most of the people had left already, you didn't blame them, the game wasn't much fun after everyone ran out of dares to give and truths to ask. You sat there overthinking what you had said, they're in this room? really? Scoffing to yourself. You never admitted it to yourself but you liked Natalie, you never actually hated her, you just hated when she wouldn't reciprocate your feelings towards her, you hated the fact that you grew apart. "you okay?" Once again Natalie had collapsed your train of thought, "hm?", you looked up at her from across the room, puppy eyes staring back at you, "oh, I'm fine". You weren't fine at all. You were too drunk, too confused and too lost, Lottie left, late for curfew, you took that as her leaving you here alone. Jackie and Shauna trailed off, Jackie most likely with Jeff. Finally, you watched as Van and Tai left together, giving you a smirk. You questioned it, and knitted your eyebrows together in confusion.
This left you alone in the living room with Nat as she sat leaning again the bottom of the couch with a plastic cup in her hand, staring at her shoes after you brushed her off. "hey Nat, what happened with you and Travis? He seemed pissed, but you two seemed fine earlier." She looked at you, parting her lips, then looking back down - she found the floor more interesting than whatever you were saying, so you just went back to what it is you were doing.
"he broke up with me." Her mouth falling into a shaky frown and her eyes glistening, "I knew he would do this, he's just..." failing to finish her thoughts, you took over. "it's not your fault, Nat, he's a dick." Your voice soft, matching her emotion. She didn't seem to acknowledge your words as her glistening eyes now trailed down to her cheek, she sobbed profusely, trying to be as quiet as possible while covering her face and dropping her empty cup down to her feet. You moved closer to her, purely inches between you two. Your warm hands trailed to her back, "it's okay, Nat, you're better than him." Mouth left slightly open, you realised how odd it was, talking to her without calling each other names or arguing, it suddenly felt like you two never even had a feud to begin with, waves crashed in your mind as you tried to make sense of it, you hadn't even noticed her yearning stare. You slowly faltered the hand that found her back, looking at her, needy and vulnerable. "(y/n), I don't hate you, you know that right?" Bloodshot eyes slightly squinted at your expression, as your sclera widened somewhat, your lips disembodied in failure to respond. Her shaky, careful voice echoed in your head. "I never have."
"Really?" Both of you laughed in a diminuendo, eventually falling back to your rather serious countenance. "No of course not, how could I," Her cheeks were red, and so were her eyes as she left them with drying tears. "I don't hate you either, Nat." Her body moved so quietly towards you, your eyes trailing towards her lips as they inched closer. Natalie kissed you gently, salt bruising the moment, but you didn't mind. Both of you pulled back, looking at each other for what seemed like forever, not uttering a word before you wrapped your hands around her neck and pulled her back in.
"I missed you."
After the party you had figured out why Van and Tai kept giving you looks. They set you up. Or at least tried to. You were just glad that Travis was out of sight and out of mind. Jackie and Shauna asked what happened between you and Nat, why you two got along so much better now. You didn't say much, though they caught on as you sheepishly smiled and blushed each time they would bring it up.
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i-politely-disagree · 6 months
Sprace- Don't forget it
Canon era
(I dont like this one too much)
Race didn’t know where he stood with Spot. If being everything to someone only when their door locked was a recognised relationship status then he would be slightly more fine, almost passing as stable. Spot barely ever raised an eyebrow or even looked at him in public. He would never do anything more than vague eye contact inside the Brooklyn lodging house on the rare occasion Race had an excuse to stay. But as soon his bedroom door clicked shut and his not-quite-lover climbed through his window from the fire escape, Spot became the man Race had fallen into… something with.
Maybe love, maybe disaster, maybe both.
Race couldn't exactly tell. All he could tell was that he was going to have to get his papers in Brooklyn tomorrow because it was way too late to walk three or so hours just to come back again. Plus, Manhattan meant organizing a bunch of small kids who shouldn’t be on the streets and Race would’ve far preferred tired kisses and warm embraces, even if he had to forget about them the minute he walked out of Spot's room. 
Everything was going to plan. That is until Race tried to get sleep. The room was painfully still but his mind became a tempest of whirling thoughts, images and words he didn’t even know he knew and he couldn't take lying around in silence any longer.
“What is it?” Spot groaned, half opening his eyes as he felt the boy next to him sit up 
“Go back to sleep… Spot.” Race’s fingers carded through Spot's hair as he whispered, “I can’t imagine calling you one of those sappy pet names. Sorry.” 
He laughed softly because it was true. He didn’t see Spot in any other name but his own. It was weird to be ignored by someone and then call them ‘Honey’ almost every other night. Maybe one day when they were comfortable and legal in whatever they had. Race thought about it a lot; being able to hold hands in public, go on proper dates, talk about each other openly or have even the possibility of a future. But for now, it was a waiting game.
They stayed in silence for a bit until Spot spoke
“You can call me anything. As soon as I walk out that door, neither of us is allowed to remember.”
He wanted to remember but he also knew he couldn’t. He was so full of emotions surrounding Race that he didn’t know what to do with himself, so he only faced them part-time. He knew it wasn’t healthy, but any commitment felt like an enticing trap. 
“Nicknames are kind of weird though,” Race began. Spot sighed, watching him speak, too tired to be annoyed.
 “Think about it. The term ‘baby’? Isn't it weird to just call your lover a child?”
“Race go t-” 
“And sweetheart? Low-key cannibal-like.”
They sat with a slightly disturbed air between them. Spot showing a rare, exasperated smile in the dark
“Sweetheart, It’s gonna get cannibal-like if you don't go the fuck to sleep.”
It was gonna take a drug far more sedating than slight affection to get Race to rest but, he lay down. Spot’s eyes were a deep, stark contrast to the rest of his face at this time of night, Race noticed. His gaze lingered longer than he intended, just now processing what people meant when they said ‘the eyes are the window to the soul’, even in the dark, lost in the strangely intimate act of staring.
“You called me sweetheart.” Race said it as almost an accusation, more accusing himself for not picking that up sooner 
“That I did,” Spot laughed  “And that’s yours to forget.” 
Race scoffed, “Yeah, don't remember I love you.”
They'd never said it before. The words were too heavy for people who couldn’t even touch when a door was open.
“Don't. We both know we can't keep this up.”
He's reached for Spot's hand under the thin blanket
“Can this please just be something real? I don’t mean acting like it’s legal, cause, yeah, it’s not. But no one’s gonna lock you up for admitting maybe you can stand me.”
“It’s just- It’s risky” Spot softly rubbed Race’s hand with his thumb. He laughed dryly in return, snatching his hand away,
“I pickpocket and cheat rich guys out of money on the regular. I’ve seen you steal, soak plenty of people and may I remind you we went on strike to take one of the biggest steps in ending child labor this city has seen in a while. Is that not risky?”
Watching Race turn to face away, Spot let his words sink in. He knew it was kind of ridiculous to act like he barely knew one of the most important people in his life. He knew he could easily fake a friendship, like Jack Kelly and New Kid, but being around Race meant drowning in things he wasn’t comfortable feeling 24/7.
‘Don't remember I love you.” 
That was really how he faced it. A whole relationship built on what felt like no-strings-attached hookups minus the sex. Something had to change. And Spot knew that change had to come from him.
 He Breathed in. 
“I’ll take that risk.”
Race almost turned as Spot’s fingers brushed over his shoulder, but stopped himself.
“You won’t forget it?”
Spot had to disregard all the ‘sense’ his mind tried to talk into him, but letting go of fear disguised as reason was the only way any of this could continue.
“Don’t forget I love you.” 
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ranposgirlboss · 1 year
THIS IS MULTIFANDOM!! also most of these are either slander or made for being a silly joke <333 so please don't take this seriously
fandoms: genshin impact, bungou stray dogs, and honkai impact
genre: fluff, slander, and sillies (it progressively gets less and less serious)
enjoy my shitty hcs from like a year ago <333 (they are actually older lol) ALSO ARE EXTREMELY SHORT SINCE IM LITERALLY JUST TAKING WHAT I WROTE WITHOUT CHANGING IT AND PUTTING IT OVER ON HERE LMAOASBHJAS (there's only so much space on paper </3)
chara list!!: albedo, kazuha, xiao, diluc, heizou, fu hua (sentience), scaramouche, aponia, dazai, ranpo, poe, ANDDD nikolai!!
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-"its all for an experiment" he says
-lil bitch ok sure
-probably gonna study what this feeling is when he holds your hand and "why he feels so warm on the inside"
-acts like he doesnt care that much but bros probably gonna draw yall holding hands like a 13 year old drawing in her diary 💀
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-i love him but
-probably would make a poem about how your hand feels 😭
-he would be so cute tho ngl
-i mean just as always but also like
-please hold his hand he just loves you so much and along with words of affirmation physical contact seems to be his thing
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-"wow y/n when you hold my hand the voices cease their calls for me to go to taco bell, thank you y/n."
-TAKE ME HIGHH AND ILL SINGGGG YOU MAKE EVERYTHING OKAY OHKAY OHKAY OHKAY (if you know that song here's your free kiss <33)
-and then you get married the end
-W H Y D I D I W R I T E T H I S B Y E -
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-could give less of a shit
-but for the sake of being a gentleman he says thank you and then continues bat manning sillily.
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-"y/n holding hands is cool but i think we should start an investigation of how fast we could make it to my place ;)"
-KILL YOURSELF. (please dont lead the way my silly detective <33)
-this gif makes me want to impulsively eat vanilla cake.
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-*holds hand* look at the beautiful sight ahead of us Y/N! no i did not make that fire-"
-fu hua arsonist era
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-"y/n holding hands is great but why don't we open our arms and eyes to god"
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-"i can always hold more then your hand~"
-a flirty bitch, but yall got chuuya knocking on your door asking you to "control your dog"
-ironic how chuuya is the one who says that
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-will hold your hand for payments
-affection?? candy??? candys nuts fit in your mouth because they sure are about to <33 (i want to erase what i write sometimes)
-gets so happy omg
-not only does he have candy, you, but NOW he gets to hold your hand too>!1/!?!?
-wow he might as well steal from a candy store at this point
-might as well
-he swears it was an accident
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-poe held your hand with such sweetness, care, tenderness, love, and affection
-karl pulls up in his Mazarati, ready to throw hands once and for all, how DARE someone get more attention then karl
-poe has some explaining to do
-(i wonder how high i was when i wrote these)
-(i think i was 5'5)
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-so you go to hold his hand in y/n fashion
-suddenly you almost get hit by a bus
-"shit my bad wrong item"
-you stare in utter confusion at the bus as it suddenly vanishes like a fucking mob from minecraft or some shit
-nikolai god arc confirmed real
-so anyways you suddenly feel warmth on your hand on you see another fucking hand gripping yours but its literally just the hand detached from the body
-you are extremely scared and concerned why there's another hand gripping yours out of nowhere but with nikolai anything is possible so you just accept it and hold his hand back
-he giggles and nikolais away with the hand still holding yours
the voices
alos my reqs are always open
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lit-works · 1 year
Spider-Man : A City in Darkness
I sit there, perched atop a 20-story skyscraper, looking north at the city. No one would know that just a few hours ago this island metropolis was plunged into blackness by some madman, a madman who would likely do it again. A madman with a colossal grudge against me, Spider-Man.
The question is, which madman? I've made more than my fair share of enemies in my career, some of them incredibly powerful. Doc Ock. Hobgoblin. Doomsie, the Frightful Four, Vulture–the list goes on and on, a fact that is not the least bit reassuring. Electro is on the loose as well, but Electro has rarely ever used underlings. He usually teams up with another super-powered felon when he isn't going solo.
Somehow, though, everything ties together; the springing of Electro, the blackout, the electrical equipment theft, the writing in the sky…it all adds up to one thing : someone really doesn't like me.
Well, I can sit on my brains and worry, or I can go out and get to thr bottom of this. I think getting to the bottom of this is the better choice of the teoz but where do I start?
Captain Patricia Amber Nash, commander of the PEGASUS security team assigned to delivering Electro to his parole hearing, sits alone in an office in the justice building. In front of her are reams of paper. She is carefully ignoring the papers and staring at the ceiling, leaning her wooden chair back on its hind legs. She might be deep in thought or just daydreaming.
Hanging upside down, I tap on the window. The sudden noise catches her by surprise, and it is only by grabbing the table that she avoids pitching over onto the floor. As it is, she scattered papers across the office.
Rising from the table, she stomped to the window I was hanging outside of with as much decorum as she could muster. Through the insulated glass she mouthed the words, "what the hell do you want?" She doesn't look pleased.
"Dinner and a movie?" I shout back, loud enough to be heard through the glass. "But I'll settle for some info? How about letting me in before someone sees me out here and calls the cops?"
She looks at me for a long moment, as if weighing the options. Then she unlatches the pane and opens it. "Come in then," she says. "And make it quick. It's getting cold out there."
"Do you know how much paperwork there is for an escaped criminal?" She asks, stopping to pick up the scattered papers.
"No, but if you hum a few bars I'll pick it up." I say.
She shoots me a glare that says, 'dont mess with me; it's been a bad day'.
"What do you want now?" She asks, trying to reorganize the papers and then giving it up as a lost cause.
"How about if I get your runaway electric company back?" I ask.
"Given a choice, id rather take a week off in Jamaica, but it woukd nake things easier," she says, picking up one official-looking form and quoting: 'If said incident involved metahuman individuals, please designate on a separate form the nature, identity, and abilities displayed by said individual(s) and their bearing on the incident.' "can you imagine what it would be like if the Avengers came by to help? At least they have this stuff on reprinted forms." She looks up at me. "Right. Information. What do you want?"
"Well," I say, "the last time we met you were loudly handling the cleanup from that little kidnapping, so we didn't have too much time to chat. And I walked right into the middle of that half-painted picture, so I have no real idea why you were there in thr middle of Manhattan in the first place, unless it's standard procedure to ship dangerous criminals through the heart of the city in the early evening. So, why don't you take it from the top and don't leave out any whys and what-fors."
Captain Nash begins to explain. She and her team were to escort Electro from his cell to a specially prepared holding area for his parole hearing tomorrow morning. While in transit, the team was ambushed by four individuals carrying electrical discharge guns. They opened fire as one, overturning the armored car transporting Electro and blowing open the rear doors. They pinned down the PEGASUS troops while two of the team went in and pulled Electro from the wreck. Electro was heavily sedated, additionally restrained with an insulated straightjacket.
Two of the men headed down the alleyway with the bundled Electro while their comrades kept Nash's troops pinned down with their shock-zookas. By the time I arrived on the scene and free their fire, the others had apparently already escaped out the other side of the alley, but not before leaving an explosive package in the sewers, which according to record, public works is citing as the cause of the blackout.
"Anyone see the goons leave with Electro?" I ask.
"We performed a building-to-building search on the side of the alley with the NYPD, but it turned up nothing. They've vanished completely." She replies.
"How about the goons I fought?"
"Resting comfortably," she says, stretching to relieve a neck cramp. "They were checked out for prior arrests, but they're small fry. They've been keeping pretty mum, but what we did get before their lawyers told them to shut up is that Electro was the prize of their operation, not the boss."
I nod and she continues, "The outfits look like those of HYDRA but are only imitation, According to a source at SHIELD. Talking to the people at SHIELD, by the way, was like pulling teeth; they know HYDRA is up to something, but they don't think they're connected to this kidnapping."
"So that leaves us with the question of where they went?"
"Maybe the earth swallowed them?" Says Nash.
I smile beneath my mask. "Maybe it did, at that. I'm going to go check out the crime scene. Maybe I'll find something else. Thanks, and I owe you a dinner and a movie." I head for the window.
As I dive out into the night air, Nash shouts after me, "how about you just bring me back a pizza? JI'll be here all night! And close the window next time, there's a draft!"
I swing out into the night.
Electro's the key to the entire operation. Whoever stole the equipment was probably in cahoots with the master of electricity and busted him out only when everything was already in place.
If Electro is working with another super-powered baddie, there may be an Intel leak in the PEGASUS security. That thought may have occurred to Captain Nash already.
I retrace my path to where the Project PEGASUS troopers were blasting it out with Electro's mysterious allies earlier in the evening. The ruined armored car has already been pulled from the street, and traffic is flowing normally (for NY, anyways) past the alleyway.
The alleyway itself is no longer empty as I remembered it. The bureau of public works has set up a generator and equipment to clear away the debris kicked up by the explosion and make repairs. Signs warning : 'Men Working' are at both ends of the alley. I land atop one of the buildings overlooking the alley. The alleyway is singed darkly from the blast, more so toward the end where the PEGASUS troopers were fighting.
What if the purpose of the blast was to wipe out any traces of pursuit…if the men ledt behind were abandoned? Then that explosion might be more than just a poor going-away gift.
I swing down the alleyway itself.
"Hey!" Says one of the workers, looking up. "It's that spider-guy!"
"Spider-Man!" I correct him, spinning through the air and landing in front of the workers–three guys apparently on a coffee and pastry break. The speaker nods, a second workman looks surprised, while the third simply bits into an oozing jelly-filled donut. "How's work going?" I ask.
"Real mess down there," says the first worker, apparently the spokesperson for the group. "Looks like they had enough explosives down there to whole the block to the moon and back!" He chuckles at some private joke.
"Then I need your professional opinion," I say, leaning back against the generator. "If someone was down there a minute or two before the explosion, could that person have survived?"
"Hmmm," the union rep rubbed his jaw. "I dunno, man, it's not likely. He'd have to move very fast or it'd be zoom…bang!"--the spokesman claps his hands together and thrn motions to the heavens. His two fellow workmen grunt in agreement. "The passage is blocked and clogged in both directions, and it's gonna take a while to dig a clear path through."
The sewers are closed off by fallen debris, and anyone down there might have been caught in the blast.
The valuable human labor resource flashes his light around the wreckage left underground by the blast. There is a thick smell of something smoldering, and the workman shouts to be heard over the steady din of water running over shattered concrete.
"The main part of the blast is this way," says the worker, making his point by panning the lught over the mess of obliterated concrete that almost fills the passageway. "The other way"--he flashes the light to the area behind me–"is almost as bad, and it leads to a dead end, according to the city plans."
"Such an option." As I glance forward and back at the equally dismal-looking stretches of alleyway.
"Mind if I lend you a hand?" I ask, reaching toward the debris blocking the sewer.
"Don't mind if you do," says the workman. "I'll hold the light."
The debris is not as tightly packed as I first thought, and I quickly dig my way through to the other side of the rockfall. The ceiling holds, as well, and my companion follows me, flashing the light around as soon as I reach the other side.
The other side of the rockfall looks just like a New York sewer. The slime on the concrete appears to remain undisturbed after at least a few generations, and nothing is out of place.
"Blast," I say, my voice echoing down into the depths of the pipes.
"You were expecting something else maybe?" Asks my new friend.
"Some kind of clue. I had a hunch Electro escapes down here. There's another blocked passage behind us?"
"Yeah, but it leads to a dead end."
The map the workmen have of the sewers shows a dead end on the other side of the passage. Which means that Public Works may just decide to forget about digging it out. A perfect way for someone to cover their tracks.
I start digging through the slime-covered rock filling the passageway. The laborer shine his light as I use my spider-enhanced strength to lift and burrow.
I am about halfway through the second blockage, and feel (relatively) fresh air on my face, when my Spider-Sense gives off a sharp warning buzz. Bits of plaster and stone rain down around me. The passage's ceilings are dangerously unstable, and the whole street is about to drop on our heads!
Thinking quickly, I brace the sagging rock above me with both hands, and call down to the worker who accompanied me.
"Quick," I shout, my voice carrying down the sewers. "Get me something to brace this wall with!"
The light that has been shining on my digging flickers and turns away, and I am left in the darkness for a moment. I hear the drip of fetid water and the shout of the worker to his fellow workmen. My arms are beginning to tire, but if I let go, the entire street could cavr in.
After a short eternity, the light returns, with the workmen behind it. "Here ya go, Spider-buddy." The spokesperson says, placing a large device next to me. "One handy-dandy sewer jack, at your service." He turns a crank at one end of the tool and it expands against the floor and ceiling, taking the weight off of my aching shoulders.
"That was close," I say, and in that same inatant, I notice the workman's light flashing down the passage that has been fully opened by the shift.
"That's funny," he says. "The sewer is supposed to end fifteen feet from here."
Instead, the sewer continues down into the darkness. Along the concrete floor of this unknown sewer, the algae and moss have been pushed aside, leaving a clear path into the depths of the city.
'Come into my parlor, said the spider to the fly'. Or is it, 'said the Electro, to the Spider-Man'?
I dig out my spider-beacon from my belt, but the workman who has been helping hands me his flashlight.
"That itty-bitty candle ain't gonna cut it if you're going in that direction," he says. "Take this one. It's halogen beam will illuminate a hundred yards down here. It's also shockproof, so you can beat the crocagators with it."
I take the flashlight, saying "thanks…er…"
"Ed. Name's Ed." Says the worker, giving a toothed grin.
A sewer work named Ed. Only in New York. I tell Ed and his buddies that if they don't hear from me or see.me in two hours, they should go to the police with what they know. With that, I head down the path.
Off to see the wizard. Or the doctor. Or whoever.
I reach a corner that carries me out of sight of the repairmen, so I turn and wave, and am gone.
The path through the slime is uncomfortably smooth, clean, and recent in origin. I've gone about a mile underground before I realized what would cause it to be that way: a ground effects vehicle, or hovercraft, traveling on a cushion of air. That cushion would push up the slime and debris as it passed.
I hear a chittering to my right, and swing my light to reveal a large rat, sitting on a pipe. The rat holds motionless for a moment, then squeals and bounds away.
Yuck. The last thing I want to do is meet up with the everyday run-of-the-mill vermin while I'm hunting down a real rat.
The sewer passage widens and crosses a wider sewer, this one carrying a stream of darker water. The path of the blasted algae disappears at the edge and reappears on the other side, about 20 feet away, and then disappears down the tunnel.
Ceiling's too low to leap. The walls are slicker than Jameson on payday. But I think it's climb or swim. I don't think they have a limo service down here.
The walls are covered with a thick gooey slime, as is the ceiling. As I reach the apex of the vault, I hit a patch of moss that must have been what prinitive man used for Teflon.
Choosing my way carefully, I make my path through the slippery muck to the other side. At that moment, I think I see movement in the water: probably another rat or something. Ahead there is a flash of light other than my own, dimming my flashlight. I check out the light at the end of the tunnel. With my luck, it will be an oncoming train.
The glow intensifies until I'm standing in front of a pair of massive doors illuminated by a single powerful light. The trail through the slime ends here. To the right of the doors is a parked hovercraft with a wide bed, suitable for carrying spools of wire.
No welcome mat, though, and I bet this place isn't listed with Triple A, either, looks like I'll have to break in.
I approach the huge metal doors. Something is rotten in the state of New York. Huge metal doors. Hmm….
I dig out a spare metal cartridge of web-fluid and toss it at the doors. The intensity of the flash upon connection momentarily blinds me.
Makes sense. Electro, electrical supplies, huge conductive metal doors. Put it all together and now it spells T-R-A-P. Now, how to get through it without becoming a bag of spider flavored bacon-bits.
I see the hovercraft and smile beneath my mask.
Using a good deal of my noninsulative webbing, I create a battering ram at the front of the hovercraft parked outside. Another two minutes and ai have hot-wired the vehicle and am backing it away from the entrance.
I back up to where the trail crosses the stream, then throw the hovercraft into high speed. The air whistles past me as the vehicle bears down on the doors.
"Cowabunga!" I shout in a loud surfer accent, jumping off the hovercraft at the last possible moment.
The craft slams into the electrified double doors at full tilt. Sparks dance off the webbing protecting the front of the craft. The door gives way with a bone-shuddering crash, and the way is clear.
Score one for Yankee ingenuity. I walk through the now-open passageway.
My feet pad across the concrete, and I notice the area is lit, though not well lit. A single light every twenty feet shines dimly, giving the impression of a coal mine.
Suddenly, the passageway widens into a larger, dark room. I see nothing and hear only an electronic hum of whirring and clicking, and I am reaching for my spider-beacon when lights come on and I see that I'm surrounded!
The lights come on suddenly, blinding me for an instant before revealing a cavernous chamber with a single entrance at the far side of the room. And before me stand five of my greatest foes!
Electro is there, blocking the far exit. Above him hovers the Vulture, beating his long mechanical wings to stay in place. Sandman, who has the ability to convert his body into sand, is to my right. To my left is Kraven the Hunter, holding a net, and behind the criminal sportsman is Mysterio, master of illusion.
Five of the Sinister Six. "What's up, fellas?" I ask a loud.
The five move toward me without a sound.
"Lemme guess," I jab. "It's International Pick-On Spidey Day. Ya know, when I was trying to figure out who was behind this mess, I never figured it would be a committee of chumps."
My foes are strangely silent as they move in. Best to hit them before they all converge. I can reach any of them. Who should I take down first?
There's no way these five could have gotten back together, even to kill me. That indicates a hoax, and Mysterio is the criminal master of such illusion.
I bound effortlessly over Kraven, and land feet-first on Mysterio's glowing fishbowl helmet. The helmet cracks and shatters under the force of my blow, revealing a maze of wires and circuits beneath. The form of Mysterio crumples to the ground, but not before violently shocking me.
I stand for a moment, looking at the shattered remains of Mysterio as the vicious voltage courses through my body. Robot, and wired to shock on destruction. How many of the others as well?
The others are still moving toward me. Picking myself up, I run to the far exit, where there is a switch and a metal door.
I pull the switch down, and the low-register clicking and buzzing of machinery in the room fades. I look back at my remaining foes, and they are frozen in position.
Dumb robots, I knew the Sinister Six couldn't have staged a reunion bash, even to bash Spidey. These little playthings were obviously guards for the main gates, and the switch allows someone from this end to shut them down so personnel can go in and out. Simple, once you know it. Pull the plug and the toys wind down.
The metal door hums and rises to the ceiling. Five down and it's obvious now who the sixth is.
I pass into the next corridor.
"Ta-Ta, Troopies," I wave back at the inanimate robots. "Time to reveal the puppeteer."
This passage is similar to the last one, dimly lit. At the end I can see through an open door and into a brightly lit room. From my far station, I can see some machinery. The smell of ozone is strong in the air. The walls of this passage are lined with wooden doors, and these are shut and have bars in the windows.
I am halfway down the hallway when a low voice says, "wait!" In a hushed tone. I see a hand wave at me from the bars.
"Doctor Jefferson, I presume?" I say, looking at the psychiatrist captive in the cell. It all fits together now–with five of the Sinister Six being used as lackeys, the sixth must be the head honcho. He must have put another robot in his cell to avoid suspicion.
The bespectacled man nods and puts a finger to his lips. He hands me a note.
The note reads : 'He can hear but cannot see us. He has captured Electro and is using him to power a weapon to destroy you. There is a trap at the end of the corridor. Look up. Don't hurt him.'
I look up and see a ventilator grill above me. I nod to him and, trying to make as little noise as possible, rip his lock out of the door. The complete, I give him an A-OK hand sign.
Trusting that Jefferson is honest and the events aren't monitored, I rip out the grillwork and crawl into the ducts. After about five minutes of crawling I reach another grill. Looking out, I see an incredible sight.
It could best be described as an electrical elephant! It is a huge, almost obscene machine, occupying most of the room. At it's core is Electro, glowing like a supernova star and apparently in pain. At it's crown, riding the elephant, is Doctor Octopus awaiting my appearance at the doorway. The "trunk" of the elephant, the barrel of the weapon, which is probably what did the skywriting is pointed at the doorway.
Definitely the work of a disturbed mind. I look at my foe as I work the grillwork off the vent. At least I'm out of the line of fire.
"Where is he…?" Hisses the Doctor, his mechanical arms adjusting power levels and turning dials on the huge machine. "Why hasn't he appeared?"
"Sorry, Ock!" I shout, leaping from my hiding place. "I had to use the service entrance."
I leapt out onto the machine where the beam could not reach me.
As I land on the machinery, sparks spread out from my fingertips. I feel a tingle akin to my Spider-Sense, but otherwise the massive machine does no damage. Atop it, the madman who has been trying for most of the evening to kill me is watching me, stock still.
Ok, hero, now what? I spy Ock's arms beginning to writhe along the machine toward me. Attack? Talk to him? Free Electro (who really looks like he's suffering)? Sabotage the machinery? He's had me on my heels and on the run all evening, now it's my turn! Think!
First things first. I scrabble across the machine's sides to where Electro is held prisoner. The master of electricity howls soundlessly on the inside of a glass prison. Above me, Octopus is starting to react. I see Doc's metallic arms reach toward me.
The bowl is designed for Electro's powers, not my spider-enhanced abilities. It shatters with a crash and a bolt of lightning erupts from the prison. I am dlung violently backwards and topple off the side of the machine.
Electro emerges from his cage shining like a bright white beacon, throwing everything around me into shadow. Ignoring me completely, Electro moves up the sides of the machine towards Doc Ock.
Ock is read as well, two of his mechanical arms grabbing nets and weapons, while the other pair extend, carrying his body high above his opponent. Electro grasps one metallic arm, and a yellow glow pulsates and courses up the arm to the mad doctor. Octopus howls and stutters in pain.
Uh-oh. The genie is out the bottle. The pair are locked in a deadly embrace. The machinery they are fighting on is breaking, falling apart.
I bound out of the chamber just as the machine starts to smoke and the ceiling caved in. The walls and floors are buckling as I run at top speed out of the complex, only stopping to grab Dr.Jefferson, the imprisoned psychiatrist and bound out. Behind me is the cacophonous roar of explosions.
From the sewer I make my way to the surface. There is one last explosion, this one reaching the surface (an abandoned garbage dump) and spreading light (and garbage) into the sky.
"You think they…" the doctor starts to ask, faltering.
"Survived?" I finish for him. "Don't know. Their kind always has a way of turning up. For now, one more bad guy plan has gone smash, leaving us and the City of New York to pick up the pieces."
The pair of us watch the fire and listen for the approaching sirens as the police come to investigate. I have saved the city, once again.
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rillils · 3 years
bucky on the run
steve is looking for him
they meet
they talk
bucky: i can get by on my own
steve: you dont have to
NONNIE!! I'm so sorry it took me a few days to reply to this, but NONNIE, NONNIE YOU'RE A GENIUS 💕💕💕 Please forgive me, I just couldn't resist 🥺 A little post-catws fic, 2404 words, just because.
It’s not until Paris that Bucky takes pity on him.
Maybe he only does it because it’s the ass-freezing end of January; and he still remembers, sometimes, how the cold used to make him softer before. How his body would know with the first chill – that it was time to hold, now, to open his arms; make his chest into a welcoming haven for the slim shape curled up on the other side of the bed.
Maybe he does it because Steve’s sitting on his doorstep, ass glued to the frosty stone and long legs gathered up to his chest, not like the (mostly) inconspicuous spy Natalia taught him to be, but rather like a sad puppy left out in the rain. Knowing, of course, that Bucky would see him long before he even realized that Bucky was near; accepting that Bucky could turn on his heel and disappear without a word, and still giving him the choice. Sentimental fuck.
Steve stands up the moment he sees him, white sprays of snow still settled over his hunched shoulders, like he’s the saddest gargoyle on the roofs of Notre Dame. Bucky wants to dust it off for him, cover Steve’s wind-burned cheeks with his hands and warm the red tip of his nose with a kiss.
He stuffs his hands in his jacket pockets instead, watches Steve’s breaths puff soft clouds of steam from his lips.
“Rogers,” he says. Walking around in this cold with your ears all bare like that? Your Ma would kill us both.
“I just want to talk.” Steve swallows. “Please.”
Bucky makes him wait. One second. I’m getting you a fucking beanie, just you wait and see. Two seconds. Earmuffs too. Pink. And fluffy. Pink and fluffy.
“Come on, then,” he nudges, snow crunching under his boots as he steps back. “I’ll let you buy me coffee.”
The café’s toasty warmth is tempting, really. But Bucky’s not ready to sit at one of those cozy little tables with Steve, in the direct line of fire of Steve’s hopeful golden retriever eyes, bumping knees with him like two kids on a date. Which is why they end up with coffee to go and a side view of the Seine.
The promenade is quiet when they stop to lean against the railing, only the occasional passersby disturbing the fresh snow with the muffled crush, crush, crush of their footsteps.
Steve is quiet, too. His gaze is fixed vaguely on the murky waters as he takes a small sip of coffee, rosy tongue wetting the seam of his lips, and maybe Bucky wasn’t ready for this, either. For Steve’s presence beside him. For the way he still curves his shoulders and hangs his head somewhat, tries to make himself small, irrelevant, as if the very fact of him didn’t brighten up every inch of space he occupies in this world. As if he didn’t carry the whole of this universe in his heart and a handful of stars in his eyes.
No, Bucky was not ready for this.
“You know, you almost got me. In Calgary,” he says, his voice only the tiniest bit raspy. “Just barely missed me in Lisbon, too, if I’m being honest. Bristol, maybe.”
Steve turns his head to him, Sirius and the North Star twinkling in the pure blue of his eyes, and seriously, how fair is that.
“Cyprus, too?” He tries softly, a smile already curling up the corner of his mouth.
“Sure,” Bucky finds himself saying, then purposefully burns his tongue with his first mouthful of latte. “Sure, Cyprus too.”
Steve nods, grinning down at the paper cup cradled in both of his gloveless hands. His pale knuckles are purpling quickly in the cold, and Bucky only just keeps himself from scoffing. Always such a martyr, sweetheart.
“Yeah, yeah, stop looking so smug.” Steve does not stop looking so smug. If anything, he smiles brighter, a nice little flash of teeth, and the apples of his cheeks grow pinker against his fine eyelashes.
Bucky’s fingers itch to touch, right there, oh, right there. He could run the pad his thumb over the delicate halfmoon under Steve’s eye, feel the heat of his skin – the faint brush of Steve’s eyelashes against his fingertip, ticklish, like the flutter of butterfly wings.
God. Not ready for this. Never fucking ready for this. “Thought I told you to stop coming after me, anyways.”
Steve snorts. “Oh, yeah.” He unzips his jacket and slips one hand inside, producing a little scrap of paper from an inner pocket. He unfolds it carefully, revealing the yellow tint of a post-it note, the quick scrawl inside spelling out Quit it, Rogers. “Yeah, I got your message.”
It’s the way he says it, soft and endeared, that makes Bucky’s skin feel flayed raw. The way Steve smooths his thumb over the smudged black ink, and holds the folded note in his fist for a long, long moment before tucking it away again, that makes this pang of longing poke like a knife into the most tender parts of Bucky’s heart.
Of course Steve kept it. A sticky square of paper Bucky left behind in Nice – or was it Marseille? – some four months ago, all of three words scribbled in one of those strong-smelling markers, just because Bucky didn’t have anything better at hand. Of course Steve would keep it, carry it in his breast pocket and sigh over it, perhaps seek comfort in it, as if it was a damn love letter. The mere thought of it makes Bucky’s chest burn with guilt.
(Maybe he should have left him a love letter. Should have torn a page off his notebook, one of the dozens filled with Steve, Steve, and words for Steve, words about Steve, words he’ll never say to Steve, words he should whisper against Steve’s lips someday, like I remember the warmth of your breath on my skin, and God but I love youand Did your kisses always taste like peaches and butter or was it just the one time, ‘cause I can still taste you in my dreams at night.) (Steve deserved more. Steve always deserved more than life gave him.)
“You never could take a hint, could you.”
“Not for anything,” Steve says. “Not when it comes to you.”
Bucky honest-to-god sighs, and watches the warm ghost of his breath fade into the cold morning air.
He hasn’t smoked since nineteen-forty-five, but God does he wish he could feel the familiar weight of a cigarette between his fingers right now; taste the grounding bitterness of smoke on his tongue when he turns to Steve, says, “What’s it gonna take for you to go home, Steve?”, because now he’s gone and put that look in Steve’s eyes, and he can’t face this alone, God help him, he ain’t got the strength for it.
“There’s no home without you, Buck.”
And it would– Jesus, it would hurt less if Steve didn’t mean it. But he does, he means it, heart in his hand and soulful eyes and all, and it’s so unbearable, Bucky wants to throw his fucking arms around Steve’s fucking neck and stay tucked there for fucking ever, that’s how bad it, how bad it makes him ache.
His foot takes an instinctive step back, flesh hand clenching dangerously around his latte.
“Don’t say that, don’t– Don’t make it difficult, Steve, fuck.”
“Then don’t ask me,” Steve says, gentle and steady, like Bucky can’t see the sheen of unshed tears in his eyes already. “If you don’t wanna hear me say it, don’t ask me. But it’s the truth. You gotta know that, Buck. ’S the only truth I never doubted in my life. You and home, that’s one and the same to me. Always has been.”
So earnest, his boy. His sweet, sweet boy.
All these years and Bucky still hasn’t figured out how Steve does it – how he manages to lay himself bare like this, and still have Bucky feel like he’s the one being cut open and bleeding love all over the place. Fuck you, you’re the only home I want to come back to, he wants to say. You’re too good, honey, wish I could keep you, he wants to say. I shouldn’t be allowed to keep you.
“If I asked you to leave,” he starts, swallowing past the thickness in his throat. “If I said that I don’t want you around.”
Steve’s whole body turns to face him; the whole mountain slope of his shoulders, the spun gold of his hair, the crease between his eyebrows that Sarah always said was made to be kissed goodnight.
“You’d have to mean it, Buck,” Steve says, love fierce in his eyes, his coffee forgotten at his side, “You’d have to mean it. ‘Cause the only way I’m turning my back on you, is if you look me in the eye and tell me that you never want to see me again, and mean it with everything you’ve got.”
And really, with all his talk of justice and fair fights, you’d think he’d at least give Bucky a chance. But the second Bucky meets Steve’s gaze, all he can do is sit back and watch his best intentions crumble in his hands like a fucking granola bar, one pathetic little piece at a time.
“And if I said–” Don’t cry, motherfucker don’t cry. “–said that I don’t need you.”
“I know you don’t.” Christ, but that one hurts. Hurts to hear Steve say is so simply, so matter-of-factly, like it’s a basic notion he’s been holding onto forever, and Please, please tell me that you don’t actually believe that, God. “But I need you. I need–” Steve’s free hand twitches, almost, almost reaches out, Bucky can see it – see the faltering of Steve’s breath, the long line of his body swaying just so into Bucky’s space before he reins himself in again. “I need to know that you’re safe,” Steve finishes eventually. “That you will be safe, even when I’m not around.”
Bucky’s jaw clenches minutely. “I can take care of myself.”
“I know,” Steve agrees, easy as anything, his voice soft like a coating of fresh snow. Bucky hates him so much. So much.
“I can get by on my own,” he rasps, and he could have tried to make it ugly, make it cruel, but it wouldn’t have made a single speck of a difference. Not with Steve so close he can smell the minty undertone of his aftershave. Not with Steve’s eyes so gentle they make his throat feel tight, and full, and raw.
Somewhere in a corner of his mind, he hears the words before Steve even utters them.
“But you don’t have to, Buck. You don’t have to.”
The latte slips from Bucky’s fingers and splashes between their feet with a muffled thump, and he wonders, briefly, if the Parisians will come for his head for defiling their precious streets – he would even feel sorry, really, if it wasn’t for the heartbeat pounding in his ears, or the sting of salt burning just behind his eyes.
“Goddammit, Steve,” he snarls, with his hands fisted in the lapels of Steve’s jacket and this ache, this ache thrumming behind his ribs, “I don’t need you– here, making a target of yourself because of me, risking your neck for me, again–”
Steve. Steve just smiles at him. Drops his own coffee on the French, slushy ground and fits his big bear paws around Bucky’s face, cupping his cheeks with a tenderness so vast, it makes Bucky’s heart hurt just to witness it.
“’S my own neck, Buck. I can do whatever I damn well please with it.”
His hands are so cold, and Bucky has missed them so, so much, so much, God.
Damn him. Damn him and the snowflakes caught in his eyelashes and the golden halo of his hair, and the grooves of his palms where Bucky’s jaw slots in so perfectly, as if they were but pieces carved out of each other.
“Go back to your life,” Bucky tries miserably.
Steve’s thumbs smooth over his cheekbones, wiping away tears Bucky hasn’t even shed yet.
“It’s barely even life without you.”
Bucky sniffles pitifully. “Go back to your friends, then.”
Steve leans in close, pressing a kiss to Bucky’s brow. His lips are warm, but the tip of his nose is a tender pinprick of cold against Bucky’s hairline.
“They’re not the same as you. No one will ever be the same as you.” He covers Bucky’s hand with his own, holding it to his chest where it’s still clutching at his jacket. “There’s a place for you right here, see,” Steve says, and his voice, his voice trembles, “center of my heart, Buck, shaped like you, wantin’ you, and nobody else can quite fit.”
And. And it’s the look in his eyes, you know.
The one that turned British lady heads, and made tired soldiers throw themselves back onto the battlefield right along with him; the one that put the soul back into a hollowed machine, and nearly landed Steve at the bottom of the Potomac for it.
Bucky was powerless against it then, and he is now, too; so he does the one thing he’s been wanting to do all along. He surrenders. Steps into the coffee puddle at Steve’s feet and lets Steve meld them together, forehead to forehead, nose to nose, his own gloved hands grasping at the back of Steve’s coat while Steve curls icy fingers over the nape of his neck.
“You really are just a stubborn fuck, aren’t you,” Bucky all but whimpers.
Steve chuckles; the wetness of his breath feels like a kiss against Bucky’s skin. “Yeah, tell me something I don’t know.”
It’s quiet; so quiet, Bucky swears he can hear his heart beat within, feel each individual du-dum, du-dum, du-dum, safe and steady in his chest. Alive. He feels– alive.
“I don’t want you to go,” he murmurs.
“So I won’t go,” Steve murmurs back.
“I want you to stay.” Stay. Stay. Stay, his heart keeps beating.
Steve kisses his cheek. His nose. The arch of his eyebrow. “So I’ll stay.”
“I need you. I do. Stevie–”
Steve’s mouth doesn’t taste like peaches and butter today, but coffee will do just fine.
Yeah, coffee will do just fine.
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xgryffinwhore · 4 years
september nights
request:  i was wondering if you could write another soft bill smut? i don’t really have a specific plot in mind, we’re just really lacking content on tumblr rn :( in some really precarious place where they don’t want to get caught
Tumblr media
warnings: soft smut, like i mean very soft.
word count: 2118
before your lips met bill denbrough’s, love was always, to say the least, a conundrum. lets be real for second, boys wasted your time, and you let them. only the cute ones of course. you are a hopeless romantic, drunk off of molly ringwald and john travolta films. you wanted any relationship you had to be just like the movies.
through your heart breaks, your best friends stood by you, your losers. eddie, richie, bev, stan, ben, and bill. for each tear you shed a punch was thrown to the man who caused it, they were protective over you. bill the most though, he always got so defensive when you were in the mix. all throughout middle & high school, bill has had to deal with every guy who even dares to think about breaking your heart.
“its not fair bill” you wailed into your pillow. he stroked your back and hushed you, his eyes welling with tears. “im never fucking good enough for any guy and its so fucking sad!” your complaints being cut off mid sentence by a choked out cry. “y-y/n. all of y-your boyfriend are i-idiots. anyone w-who would d-d-do this to you isnt w-worth your t-time. anyone w-would be the luckiest in the w-world to have y-you in their life” you picked your head up and looked at him with swollen lips and blood shot eyes “there no one out there for me bill, no one.” 
he bit his lip, fighting back any tears dripping from his eyes “they j-just dont see how p-pretty you are. how g-gentle and caring and s-s-sweet, and h-how your face c-can light up any room. theyre f-fucking idiots, and you d-deserve m-more.” you clearly thought he was being nice, because you could take a MOTHER FUCKING GOD DAMN hint, so you replied “i wish there was someone out there like you, for me, that thinks of me the way you do.” 
he furrowed his brows, tossing his head back and running his fingers furiously through his hair. “d-dammit y/n!” he cursed “cant you s-see what ive b-been trying to say? w-w-what ive been t-trying to say f-for the last f-five years!?!” your expression was bewildered, your brain was going a mile a minute trying to figure out what he meant. his frustration got the best of him, he got up and stormed out the door,  feeling embarrassed and stupid for trying to make you understand how he felt.
he was half way out your front door, fuming for his keys lodged deep into his front pocket; when suddenly:
his head turned at the call of his name, “y-y/n please i d-”
your lips locked with his, he rain pouring heavily outside. bills lips stilled at the contact, but this lasted briefly, he deepened this kiss by pulling you in to his abdomen by your mid back. your bunched the front of his base ball t shirt with your fists, and he did the same but with your hair.
the rest is basically history.
now six months later, and you couldnt have been happier. bill knew how to treat you, nights out twice a week (you always wanted to pay but bill insisted,) holding your hand to and from classes, he let you borrow have his varsity baseball jacket, which smelt just like him and was a little too big for you. 
when he would drop you off and your classes, he would always grab your hand and transfer a tiny piece of paper into your palm. when you got into class to unfold it, it was always a cute little message about his love for you. 
bill had it bad for you, everyone knew that, and you loved every minute of it. he met every and any standard you had, and exceeded your expectations. 
it was september, still warm enough in derry to wear shorts, so you and your friends thought of a last hurrah for the ending of the summery weather.
“camp out, its nearly perfect” Richie exclaimed. eddie rolled his eyes “like youve ever been near anything perfect toizer, do you even know what perfect means?” richie shoved eddie “yeah eddie i actually have. have you seen amanda’s tits?”
 you tuned out richie and eddies bickering as you’re boyfriend cleared his throat. “you g-gonna go?” he said into your ear, “only if you promise to wear bug spray bill, you know how bad-” he cut you off with a kiss, his mouth forming a small smile at how cute you were. “get a room, honestly” stan poked, pda wasn’t his favorite... “at least i h-have something to k-kiss aye s-stannie”
you arrived at the edge of the forest, parking your car at the last parking ish space. you walked toward the sounds of ben and richie fighting, and came to see that richie really went all out. three tents, sticks for a fire, and more snacks than anyone needed. 
you all spent the remanence of the daylight dancing in the light sky, sharing stories, and eating waaaay too many chips. it was dark now, you all huddled in a circle near the fire; making small talk and trying not to admit you were all very tired.
“ok folks, im off to bed” richie yawned “me stan eddie n’ mike will take the green tent, bev and ben in the red.” richie paused and smirked over at you and bill, you were tangled in his limbs, golfed in his navy blue pull over. “and uh- heh- billy boy and y/n in the yellow tent eh?” you could practically feel bills eye roll, god richie was so immature.
“w-we dont have to s-sleep in the s-s-same tent, i c-can ask ben if he’d s-switch” you look up at bill and reassure him “bill no- its not a big deal, right?” he tucks your hair behind your ear and kisses the side of your temple “c-course not.”
you both went into the tent, bill began to unroll the blankets you both had packed tightly into your bags. You both set up your makeshift bed, bill leaned against a pile of pillows while you hugged his side, your face buried in his neck. his smell was absolutely intoxicating; his skin had remanence of his milk and honey body wash, but it was slightly overpowered by wintergreen, clove, and his bourbon cologne. 
you were like this for around an hour, the orange crank-powered lantern being the only source of light. you switch positions though, you now laid your head on his lap, reading a magazine you stole from the hair salon. he watched your eyes scan every letter, when you read something funny you’d huff to yourself, and when something was intresting you stuck your tongue out from between your teeth. he adored you.
“d-dont stay up t-too late” he stroked your hair off your shoulder “we have t-to have you w-well r-r-rested.” you sat up from beside him, as he adjusted the pillows and took off his pull over, then his pants. he got under the covers and waited for you.
“nice donut boxers” you laughed. “s-shut up” he blushed and regreted not changing them when he had the chance. you turned around took off your shirt, you were shy about how you looked, but it was just bill. it was just bill. you heard his breath hitch, his eagerness radiating off his body onto yours. the air became tense as you unzipped your pants and threw them to the corner. you turned around, bills pupils growing until you were completely facing him.
“yeah i know. mine are boring” you laugh nervously, brushing your hair behind your ear and getting under the covers next to him. he didnt respond, he couldnt take his eyes off of you.you began to sit up again “i can go put back on-” “n-no!” he interrupts, his blush taking up his entire face.
“i j-j-just cant b-believe i g-get to see something s-so special” he gulped “s-so b-b-b-beautiful.”
you grabbed him by his shoulders and kissed him, hard. youve been with boys before, i mean youve dated plenty of people. but no one ever called your body special. hot, yeah. nice, yeah. beautiful, sure. but no one ever thought that it was special. 
bill was a kind boy, the most you two have ever done is get each other off with your hands, always clothed. bill never asked to see more, he felt lucky enough just to make you feel good, and that was enough for him. so when you felt the heat of his hands hovering over your body but not touching it, you new you’d have to call the shots tonight.
“bill,” you laid down “just touch me everywhere, please.” he crawled in between your legs, kneeling so that he could lean over your face “m-my pleasure.”
he traced your collar, leaving small, delicate, kisses to make up for what his fingers left behind as they trailed. he kissed the valley between your breasts, licking slow striped down your skin. he picked up your upper back a little and cocked his head to the side, you nodded and he unclipped your bra. he sat their with his mouth open, taking in the view. you blushed and muttered “hey, keep that mouth to good use.” he dipped down and sucked on your nipples, his mouth felt so good against your skin grazed with goosebumps. he was gingerly with his tongue, it was sexy, it was romantic. he kissed down your stomach, his fingers sweeping down your sides. you could see his member pressing against his boxers, the pressure made him wince every once in a while. his fingers met your panties and he hooked them. again, he looked up for permission, you nodded once again. 
he brought your underwear down your legs and off, looking back to see what he had relieved. he licked his lips, getting ready to please you more than he already did. but you felt bad, bill always gave gave and gave. “its ok, im ready right now.” bill looked up at you in shock, he wasnt expecting you’d want to go all the way. “y/n, y-youre sure?” you lean up and kiss his lips, swiping your tongue against his bottom lip “please.”
he pulled down his boxers eagerly, his member sprung out to hit his stomach. he lined up with you, checking once more that it was ok. then he pushed in, bottoming out. he felt bigger than you thought, of course he was well endowed, but he filled you up so well. you mewled, the pain and pleasure making a delicious feeling that made your toes curl.
he waited, but began slowly moving after a bit. he grunted, feeling you wrapped around him was something he’d never be able to get out of his head he thought to himself. he grunted “f-fuck this feels g-good’ he grunted, his breath becoming heavy and full of lust. with every stroke, you felt yourself get more and more lost in the bliss he made you feel. “youre making me feel so good  bill” you moan, the sound of his name coming out of your mouth driving him absolutely crazy. he speeds up, loving the view of your face contorting in pleasure and your body moving with his. 
he couldnt help but feel admiration to you, your hair formed a halo around your head, and the sweat that coated your skin made you glisten in the orange light. “im t-the luckiest in the world” he husks, holding your cheek. 
you felt the knot in your core coming undone, “bill im close” you strain, trying not to be too loud so you dont wake your friends. he moved your leg up to his shoulder, hitting you from a different, deeper angle. his fingers went to your clit, making you bite your had to stop you from screaming. “you l-look so p-pretty y/n, t-taking me s-so well. making y-you feel so good.” “so good bill” you repeat, drunken off his cock and fingers. 
without warning, you came came, your legs spazzing as you moaned “fuck bill” he followed, his hips stuttering, as he cried out into your shoulder. he pulled out and laid next to you, both of you breathing heavily and coming off your highs. 
“y/n” he looked at you “t-that was really j-just wow- thank y-you.” you kissed him, chaste and sweet “that was great yeah?” “it w-was perfect babe. t-thank you f-for t-that. i love you y-y/n.”
“i love you too bill.”
he sat up, his fingers dancing on your inner thigh.
“c-can we p-please do t-that again?”
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Dating the Obey Me! boys
So I had surgery yesterday and have to be stuck in my room not doing much for a bit so I plan to try and write lots of things and I thought why not start with Obey Me. Hope you enjoy, these are also kinda short since it was so many people! CW: Spoilers and slightly dark
Dating Lucifer is a bit of a struggle at the start
He's headstrong and cruel even to those he care's about so it can be hard to get into a relationship with him
Once that bond is formed however its a different story though he is still blunt and a bit harsh he's more open
He enjoys classic dates candle lit dinners walks under the moon or swaying in his office with his records on
Lucifer adores when you visit him in his office just to spend time with him while he works
Not much PDA but not fully against it will wrap an arm around your waist and might kiss your head if he's feeling really soft that day
Supportive even if he's harsh he wants the best for you in his eyes you deserver the world and then some
Mammon is very open about his feelings
Not good with PDA gets very embarrassed but loves it all the same
Will spend money on you without really thinking about it he wants to you everything and in his eyes money is everything
He gets you involved with many schemes but also does everything in his power to not let you get hurt
If any of his siblings are having a bad day and it gets taken out on you he steps in and will swing if needed
Speaking of siblings they dont treat him that well and though he tends to put on a front you kindness to him means so much he can and will cry
Soft just wants you happy your smile makes him feel special and truly loved so he wants you to feel the same
This is a roller coaster that's for sure
Leviathan is a tsundere on the surface but once in a relationship he's a bit more yandere then one might think
With that Levi is very tameable quelling any jealousy of another he might have is simple just give him affection
He can not handle PDA he blushes freaks out and might even faint if people are around
Indoor dates in his aquarium room and also gaming together or watching anime
Though he's not one to enjoy the outdoors if you want to go on a public date all you need to do is ask
Parise for him is heavenly you telling him he's done well or that he makes you happy means he world to him
Getting into a relationship with Satan is a friends to lovers kinda story he need so much trust to know he can be truly honest with you
Its very give and take he wants this to have the same importance on both side
Café dates often to a cat café and if you allergic dont worry he has a spell for that
Will show off your relationship to everyone
Enjoy soft PDA i.e. hand holding an arm around the waist forehead kisses etc.
Really loves talking with you about books whether about a book you both have read or simply you listening as he goes on about one he likes, Satan also loves hearing you talks about your interest
Hell protect you with his life you're someone who let him feel more then just anger someone who loves him for himself and its all he really wanted
Dating Asmodesu is not easy and there's a chance it will never be a healthy relationship
He's flirts alot and that's something you have to get use to but Asmo try's very hard to never take it to far once your together
Love PDA will always want to be all over you and hopes you feel the same
Shopping dates are a must in his eyes and of you ever feel self conscious he does his best to help
Talks about you non stop to anyone and everyone he's happy your in his life but in the end his sin makes it quite hard to ever be in a fully committed relationship
Spoils you so much, wants you to live in luxury like him after all someone as perfect as you deserves it
The genuine affection and love is something new to him its something he never thought he would have so when you entered his life he felt you could only ever make things brighter and he plans to always be there for you
This is a relationship that develops without much thought
It becomes a habit for Beel to share his food with you or to seek you out just to be with you for a while
At some point its pointed out how you both act and Beelzebub confesses
Dates are common and its often food date going to new and old places he thinks you would like
Not great at planning things but if you have something you want to do or talk about he's all in
Very soft with you though its not often that hell innate PDA or anything he's always up to reciprocate it
A gentle giant who wants you safe and happy even if it means sharing his snacks
This is a full slow burn with his hatred of humans and his lack of trust its not an easy ride
Being with him takes a while starting as just people to friends to maybe more to lovers its a drawn out thing
No PDA he just doesn't handle it well however at the house or alone he's very affectionate
You all go on dates rarely as he's not one for going out and would rather spend quite time with you at home
One of his favorite things to do with you is laze around while you talk about your day or things you've been into lately
Will always make sure you have a good nights sleep if your someone prone to bad dreams he can help with that
Though the relationship with him starts a little rocky he treasures you more then he might admit and he happy you gave him a chance
Another friends to lovers and a little forbidden on top of that but you two make it work
It starts as just him being overly interested in the human world and not so slowly he starts to take interest in just you
Diavolo spoils you when he can you've given him so much and he wants to give back
Loves PDA but knows that he has to reel it in due to him tittle so he settles for just holding your hand
Is a very soft demon for you wanting to make you're as comfortable as you can be
Really enjoys when you visit him even if it just you popping in to say hi it just brightens his day
Being in a relationship wit Diavolo isn't easy it takes alot to keep up with everything but he's never been happier then with you by his side
Barbatos (I love him so much so his is slightly longer)
A slow burn and secret relationship full of its ups and downs yet its something he wouldn't trade for anything
The start of the relationship is slow and honestly it doesn't even seem like your dating he's still closed off only being polite when you two are together
It takes him far longer then you would think for him to realize how much that hurts you he hasn't been wit someone for so long if ever he's not use to it
Once you break that barrier things are smoother he's willing to be open with you alone giving you affection when you ask and even sometimes acting with out you saying anything
Barbatos thinks about you alot when he's working always wanting to know what your up to and how your feeling
Wont want to tell anyone he takes his work very seriously and doesn't want that to ever be at risk but on top of that he knows some people dont like him and if they know about you well he doesn't want to think about that
Refuses to look into your future he knows he wont be able to handle what hell see
It a relationship that takes time and sometime it seems like it might slip away but he's always there and he strives to be with you and make you happy just please give him all your love too
A story tale romance most the time but one that almost seems impossible to keep
He's the perfect gentlemen sweet moonlight date or strolls through a garden, holding the door open or offering you his coat
With that it might seem like you never see the real him just the person/angle that he wants you to see someone perfect
Once you two have been together a few months hell start to really open up letting you see his more mischievous side and even talking about the pain from when the others fell
Simeon will always be there for you and when your down he wants to be someone you can lean on
The two of you in the in his room the soft lighting thanks to the fire with the only sounds in the room being the scribble of pen on paper and quite breathing making the night feel like endless bliss
He knows this relationship is dangerous if he's not careful he could fall but when you look at him eyes shinning with nothing but love he thinks maybe that wouldn't be so bad
An almost tragic love story that much to his glee ends in happiness
He's met you in many lifetimes yet you were never his bit this time this wonderful time you choose him
The most romantic dates with Solomon anything you want he can probably get
Tried to cook for you it didn't go well but man he tried
Helps you study and will partake in your hobbies if you want
Is ok with PDA prefers the simple stuff over anything major
Is such a lovely relationship one he's spent so long waiting for and he's wont let it slip away now
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pencilscratchins · 4 years
S’cuse me, but I love your zukka hcs — have you got anymore you’d be willing to share?
youse all indulge me too much sksk
— zuko thinks sokka’s like the smartest person alive and his catchphrase is basically “my husband says…” “my husband told me that…” “my husband knows all about…”
— ty lee has no boundaries, so you know she just walks in while theyre making out and sits between them like “hey-- stop screaming its me-- do you think this letter from mai is giving some vibes?” 
— the thing that delays their wedding the longest is sokka trying to figure out what his official title is. prince/ king consort is so long and clunky, and like… fire lord zuko and lord sokka kinda sounds like a stutter…. and king sokka was rejected by every member of their friend group… and “that guy sokka” was vetoed by the council so they just are Stumped
— — hakoda really wants him to go by chief sokka of the fire nation but only to make zuko’s cabinet members angry
— — — i really have no preference, i guess lord sokka? anyway, you know zuko heavily campaigns for fire lord sokka
— not a zukka headcanon, but amongst the gang: they all agree that whoever is currently wearing zuko’s hairpiece is the fire lord. his assistant is like “sir please” and he’s like “i’m sorry i can’t help you :( ask fire lord aang, perhaps?”
— theyre one of those couples that have like 1000 inside jokes that they will never explain to anyone else, so they’ll be in the middle of a party & sokka will just nonchalantly say something like “oh didn’t you hear? ive decided to remove my kneecaps,” and zuko laugh so hard he’ll snort champagne through his nose as everyone else just stares
— every time zuko gets a paper cut sokka fully acts like its an assassination attempt 
— sokka braids zukos hair once it gets long enough since sokka used to braid katara’s hair, so hes like amazing at it
— sokka goes grey first and finds his first one in his early thirties, which horrifies him. zuko has no mercy. he turns to him while cuddling and holds his face all sweet then just
— —“im so glad youre spending the limited time you have left on the earth with me :)” “i dont feel safe in this home anymore”
— sokka: ah yes. bedtime with me, my husband, and my husbands fifteen foot flying dragon.
— after zuko gets comfortable with being publicly out, hes basically always holding sokka’s hand in public
— pre-teen izumi figures out that while her pops sokka wants to make her know the value of a dollar; her dad zuko was, fundamentally, a rich kid so she’ll be like “dad can i have money for a fried meat stick? its 30 gold pieces,” and zuko will be like yeah that sounds right here you go kiddo.
— — sokka does eventually find out and makes her stop though :(
— they wear the same shoe size because zuko had weirdly big feet that sokka teases him about 
— before they date, sokka mentions how much he loves poetry and zuko immediately heads to the library & accosts the librarian like “i need the most impressive poetry we have”
— sokka thinks zuko is so funny even though literally no one else sees it
— when izumi has iroh ii they are the most over involved grandpas ever. when iroh starts showing a real passion in sailing, sokka bawls his eyes out he’s so happy. iroh does ballet when he’s younger and zuko sets up little stages for him to perform for the staff in the courtyard. 
— — sokka also patently lies to him about historical events.
— — — “granddad, grandpa told me that one time, great uncle aangs sky bison was taken by a giant mushroom in the sky”
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h2bakugou · 4 years
hello! May I please have a Dabi x fem reader in the lov who likes to draw? I think she finds his scars and stuff to be a work of art in itself and is like (oh heck I gotta sketch this). He glances at what she’s drawing and she gets all flustered! Maybe he even takes his shirt off at one point which can lead to some other things~ (I like smut but if you think fluff fits the prompt better that’s alright with me!) Thank you and I love your writing!
a/n: hii! of course love! this is super sweet omg i love dabi, i feel like i dont capture his character very well but imma try like hell😩😩this is probably ooc for him but it’s sappy and i love it
summary: dabi’s hard to read, but that doesn’t stop you from sketching him. you find beauty in his flaws, entranced by his scars, so much so that dabi can’t help but be interested in you.
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, fluff, sappy romance bc i love this man, some spicy themes, one mention of a slight(possible? idrk what counts) manga spoiler (e.g. dabi’s past/history) (manga spoilers in tags!!)
wordcount: 2k
;cut due to suggestive themes;
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It’s never been a really big secret that you liked drawing. But when it comes to working for the league, specifically, the League of Villains, your line of work doesn’t allow for very much downtime unless you’re in the midst of planning some sort of attack or rebellion.
Whether or not the league keeps hopping from rendezvous spot to rendezvous spot isn’t up to you, but you never fail to get a little used to the eerily calming silence that falls upon the league during the first twenty-four hours of the new four walls that seem to keep you safe for the time being.
With a barely sharpened pencil in your hand, a small drawing pad in the other, you’re staring at Dabi as you sketch him.
It started as a bit of a joke, maybe just teasing him since he liked to tease you about being into him since you were the only one he was really super close, if you could call being the first one he spoke to every time he saw you or the one you sought out to be paired up with during missions, ‘super close.’
But now, it was something you enjoyed.
Dabi was one among the very interesting members of the league. Something about his scars just seemed to entrance you. Pulling you in further and further down a rabbit hole of questions that you had but never let leave past your lips.
It felt wrong to ask, not that it was a bad thing to be curious, but because Dabi was just so mysterious. No one knew anything about him, or about who he was, his past, even his real name was a mystery. 
It felt wrong to disturb the unnerving peace that was Dabi. The resting expression on his features balancing on a thin cable between anger and poor personal resilience.
Dabi’s scars were the highlight of your sketches, always standing out. What the others may have thought to be ugly, or unattractive, you thought were beautiful, and emotional.
There was a story behind them, one you wanted to know, one you wanted to uncover and read, page by page, line by line, and word for word, discovering just how truly deep Dabi’s past was. But only Dabi could show you that, only Dabi could open that book for you. And you were willing to wait. You’d wait an eternity if you had too.
His rough raven hair is messy and strewn about as you scribble down his facial features, the groggy lighting making it just a tad difficult to see as you lead the pencil over the warm white paper littered with graphite covered fingerprints.
His arms are positioned on a counter, the art work resembling how he was sitting sloped against the kitchen table, elbows pressed against the dark mahogany wood, hands resting by his mouth as his cerulean eyes peer off at the cracked cement wall in front of him, occasionally glancing back at you.
The other members of the league were scattered about but it didn’t bother you. Toga asked you a couple of questions, wondering what you were doing, if you were excited about the new plans and such.
You replied quietly as to not disturb the peace.
But soon some of the members left, going off to go eat or find something to do. And soon you were among the few left behind, along with Dabi, Shigaraki and Mr. Compress.
Having almost finally finished your current sketch, you were stopped by a pair of hands picking up your drawing pad. Rough and calloused fingers drew your pad away and your attention away.
“Hey I’m not finished.” You glanced up at Dabi. Dabi just admired the talent poured into the sketch. Dabi couldn’t wrap his head around why you drew him so often, but he didn’t mind. It was kind of touching in a way.
“Is that really what I look like?” Dabi joked, handing you back your sketch pad.
“You have looked in a mirror once before, right?” You titled your head to the side, adding a bit more detail to his scars as you began to draw again. 
“A few times. But I’d rather look at you, doll.” Dabi’s hands reached down again, this time pulling at your hands. Leading you out of the room where the other two members sat, finding a way to entertain themselves, Dabi lead you up some stairs in questionable condition.
Picking a random room, he sat down on the rickety bed and waited for you to sit down.
“Why’s that?” You tease, returning to drawing, looking up at him every few seconds to reference. And to admire him.
“You’re easy on the eyes, beautiful and-”
“Are you saying you’re not beautiful, Dabi?” You stopped him, not pausing to look at him.
“I’m not beautiful, I’m gorgeous.” Dabi chuckled, shaking his head jokingly as he laid back against the bed, his head dangling off the opposite end.
“You are.” You confirm. Finally finishing up your sketch. You get up and walk over to him, handing him the finished sketch. 
“You add so much detail to my scars. They’re just scars.” The tips of Dabi’s ears flush as heat floods to his face. He’s flustered but he won’t admit it. He can’t understand why you think he’s so beautiful.
You don’t speak. For the first time, you’re speechless. You sit down beside Dabi, and now that he’s sitting up, he faces you.
You reach your hands out and gently lift one of his arms, holding one of his hands in your own. You run your fingers across the scarred flesh, gently caressing his skin. 
His hands are cold compared to your warm fingers. He’s getting chills all down his spine as you touch him. It’s not meant to be anything out of the ordinary, but he’s still shocked that he’s letting you touch him.
“Your scars are beautiful. I’m sure there’s a story, something about them that might make you hate them, but I love them, and I think they make you that much more beautiful. You are a masterpiece, every scar a carefully calculated brushstroke on a beautiful canvas.” Your words finally come out, overflowing with love. You can’t sit quietly anymore.
“Dabi you are beautiful.” Your eyes lock with his, and you can tell he’s unsure of what to do. 
Dabi no longer felt he had the ability to cry, but if he’d let himself, he would’ve done it in that moment. Being so open and vulnerable around you just happened. It came too easily, and he hated it, but he loved you.
Pulling his arm away form your warm touch, he tossed his jacket off and to the side before tearing his shirt away from his body, allowing you to see his chest, and more of his scar covered skin.
Sitting quietly with a faint blush on your cheeks, you couldn’t look away. trying to avoid staring directly at his toned chest and his nipples, you raised your hand and allowed your fingers to sink down across his sternum.
Soon your fingers were met with his abs, which the heat on your face noticed far too well. 
“Say it again.” Dabi mumbled. You lifted your head to look into his eyes again, your hand still resting against his chest.
“You are beautiful-” The moment the words left your lips, Dabi’s own lips were pressed against yours. Kissing you roughly, more than he intended too, his hands mangled into yours, pushing your arms over your head.
His heart was pounding and it felt like it was going to beat right out of his chest onto yours. Pulling away for a few seconds, Dabi’s hair covered his eyes as he looked down, finding interest in the collar of your shirt.
“I want you.” Dabi’s words were simple, but they didn’t have to be complex. You knew what he meant, and you knew what he wanted. You wanted it too. A chance to see him in a different light, with deeper meaning.
A chance to connect with him, one on one. 
“Then take me.” Your fingers intertwined with his, your arms still resting above your head. It didn’t take long for his lips to magnetize back to yours, sticking to them like glue.
When Dabi thought about sex, he didn’t come anywhere close to making love. There wasn’t that sort of option when it came to him. He didn’t think he was at all capable of love, let alone a relationship that was going to have any sort of emotional connection strong enough to make him feel stable.
But you, you were so vastly different from anyone he’d ever fucked. So different from an excuse to get his dick wet, to get his mind off of league business or heaven forbid, his past.
But you, you were what he needed, what he wanted. It was far from therapy, but it’d work. Having you around was like a drug, addicting, and he’d be going through withdrawals if he couldn’t have you.
Feeling you, touching you, fucking you, kissing you, it was fuel to his fire. He was damaged goods, broken and shattered, impossible to put together, but you were doing your best, working on the smallest parts, exercising precautions, and opening your heart to him.
Hearing his name in the form of your moans as he rutted into you, your legs wrapped tightly around his hips drove him wild, much like the way your hands tangled into his hair, forcing his head into your chest where he kissed and sucked on your skin, leaving marks.
Your moans and his own grunts of pleasure were spewing from the locked room. Dabi didn’t care if the others heard, he was enjoying the moment.
Every part of it. Every part of you, every part of your body, your words, your love. And before he knew, Dabi was at his highest, his face flush against your naked chest, breathing heavily as he inhaled your scent.
Still inside you, he didn’t move, allowing the two of you to catch your breath. It was in this moment, if Dabi allowed himself to cry, he would’ve cried a second time. He was so infatuated with you, so attached.
“I love you.” Your words scared him, causing his cerulean eyes to peak at you through locks of his noir hair.
“That’s stupid.” Dabi kissed your sternum, kissing up your chest, stopping at your neck to leave a little mark, only to meet at your lips in the end.
“How?” You ask softly, your hands massaging his scalp as his lips hover over yours.
“I can’t explain it, it just is.” Dabi frowned, trying to understand what your eyes were saying as they clouded with emotion.
“Love is complex, and I think that maybe you’ve never really had good experiences with it. If you’d let me, I could show you just how beautiful it can be.” You offer, a small smile on your lips.
“If you feel the need-”
“I do. I love you, and I want you to know love.” You kissed his forehead. Dabi eventually pulled out, not minding the mess, he’d clean up later. 
“I want you to know why I love you.” You whispered, hugging him closer to you.
“Why I love your scars, your hands, your strength, the rasp in your voice, all of it. I love.” Dabi’s arms are strung over your waist as he lays, face nuzzled in your neck. It’s a bit of a stretch for him, and he feels out of place, but it’s oddly comfortable.
The next couple of times you draw Dabi, you ask to see him shirtless again. And with every new sketch, there’s something new to be learned, for Dabi. He’s learning about love, and loving you. 
He finds that you still draw him incredibly cute, and though he won’t admit it, he loves when you draw him. He’ll pose for you if you ever ask, and you always tease him a little about how it was like he was born to be a model.
It’s a long road ahead of you, but it’s one you’re willing to take, to show Dabi just how important love is.
»»————- ★ ————-««
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kaz11283 · 3 years
46. “I’m in love…shit” with Loki. If you are still wanting requests. No pressure your stuff is amazing!
46) I'm In Love....Shit
I think I'm in Love
Summary: you and Loki spend some time together, later while talking to Thor in their mothers garden Loki comes to realize that he is absolutly in love with you.
Announcement: I havent been very with it these past few days and I feel like I have been slacking in a way. I have been so busy that by the time I finally get home and I am able to relax a pass out because I am so tired. I am trying to get better at this though and I am trykng ro work out a schedule for Fire and Ice maybe set a day of the week for that and just do requests durimg the rest of the week. I love you all and thank you so much for the love that you guys give me!!! 💚💚💚💚
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"Darling! It was absolutly hilarious." Loki laughted looking down at you.
"It was not and you know that very well Loki!" You said reaching up pulling a twig from your hair. You and Loki had decided to go out and ride since it was a pretty spring day and there was nothing else to do.
"Come here and let me help you." He pulled you to a stop so that he could help pull leaves and twigs from your hair. "You should have held on tighter." He smiled pulling the last of it from yojr hair.
"You should mot have slapped her tonmake her run off, Mr. Mischief." You said playfully smacking him on the arm.
"Watch yourself my dove." He warned stalking over to you.
"Oh what are you going to do about it Mr. Trickster?" You laughed pulling up you dress so you could take a few steps back. "This whole prowling thing doesnt intimidate me like it does your other fair maidens." You laughed loudly. He stopped and stared at you.
"My Lady y/n for you to think there are other besides you I would rather spend my time with." He placed a hand on his heart. "Why, you are absolutly right." He took off after you while you squealed with delight and ran away.
You ran from him up one of the paths that lead between the orchard and the castle walls. There were hidding spots all through there were the two of you use to hid when you were younger, the tall bushes being the perfect hidding spot to keep out of view from him. As you two chased and played you didnt realize there were two others observing.
Thor and Frigga warches from the balcony of her quarters as the sounds of screaming and laughing rose to them.
"How long do you think it will take for them to realize how in love they truly are?" Thor turned to his mother.
"Son, they have been doing this same song and dance now since before they were teenagers. Sometimes it takes a while for somethingblike that to become obvious." She answered leaning onto the rail.
"It is very obvious to others." Thor was happy that Loki had you but he knew that his brother wanted more he could tell by the way his eyes would light up when you were around.
"Though it is obvious to us it may not be as obvious to them. They are simply best friends that spend every hour of every day together." She sighed. She had taken you in and had let you start training with the other ladies working on how to be a princess.
"I dont understand allmother why I should start these. I am not fit to be a princess." You stated after your first class.
"But one day you will be. You may even rule over the kingdom." She said with a knowing smile.
"Thor, call for your brother please, it is time to start preparing for the banquet tonight." She placed her hand on his shoulder and gave a final look down to the garden where you and Loki where laughing loudly after he had caught you.
"Yes mother." Thor walked off.
"Loki! Mother wanted to let you know its time to start gettkng ready for tonight." Thor yelled through the garden trying to find the two of you.
"Ah, Lady Y/N, will You be joining the festivities tonight?" Thor bowed to you.
"Yes, I do hope you save a dance for me, will you Thor?" I asked smiling up at the blonde prince.
"As long as Loki doesn't stab me for it, I would love nothing more Lady Y/n." He took your hand and kissed the top of it.
"I shall see you both later." You curtsied and walked away.
"Brother," Thor smiled placing a hand on his brothers shoulder. "Does my eyes deceive me or could you possibly have a crush on Lady y/n?"
Loki moaned looking at Thor. "For the thousandth time, I do not have a crush on her. She is my best friend, someone I can talk to. Vent to when everything in the castle is just to much."
"Then I guess it would not bother you to bad to know that Fandral has asked if she would be attending tonight." This caused Loki to stumble slightly. "Said that if she wasnt escourted by anyone he could possibly have a chance to 'get to know her tonight'."
"Y/n wouldnt give that oaf the time of day much less attend anything with him. She has more class than that i dare say." Loki rolled his eyes.
"Well he hasnt asked her yet. Saod he figured he would wait till tonight and just meet her there. Said he couldnt wait to see just how pretty she looked." Thor gave Loki a sode ways glance and smirked.
"She can do so much better than him. She has better taste in book, though I doubt that he can even read," he tutted, "more grace, she is a wonderful listener, and he cant even dance that well." Loki stopped in front of his chamber doors.
"Loki, is that jealousy that i am sensing from you?" Thor raised an eye brow.
"By Norns, no Thor. It is not. I simply worry that she will be stuck with him the rest of the night and not be able to get away from him." He opened his door and walked inside his room. His heart was pounding, he did feel jealous. He was jealous that the time he would normally be spending with you would be spent with someone else. The only smart thing for him to do was to get ready and meet you.at your quarters so that he could escort you there and keep Fandral away from you. Of course time wouldnt work in his favor that night.
When you had arrived at your chambers you noticed a box with a note on top of it with Thors messy handwriting.
Lady y/n, I decided to take the liberty and pick out a simple dress for you for tonight. Though I realize that you must already have one but when I had seen this one I knew that i had to get it for you. I know the one you chose must be just as beautiful as you are i would greatfully appreciate it if youncould wear this one.
You rolled your eyes at thw thought of Thor picking out a dress for you, red and gold, he is by no means quarting you butnhe would do that type of thing just to get under Loki s skin.
When you opened the box the first thing you noticed was a beautiful golden chain that you assumed would go around your head, with an emerald that would sit lightly between your eyes. You removed more of the paper and noticed the dark green hues from the dress, when you pulled it from the box you noticed that the skirt hit midthight and the sleeves had cuts in them the material hanging from your shoulders to the ground. Next to the box was yet another note feom Thor.
Just go with it and lets see how you like it, the matching shoes are shoved under your bed. Dont worry thank me later by dancing with me.
You could see his face in your mind, picture him winking at you. You would surly kill him for this, or at least step on his feet.
After you finished pulling your hair half up and half down with a few braids falling from the side and finished your makeup you took a deep breath and stepped out of the door. You didnt understand why you were nervous but you were, its wasnt like you had never wore green before but this time it was different, this time there was nothing but green. It looked as if you were trying to say something.
You had always liked Loki, you has been friends since you were kids. Loki was your best friend, he was kind, caring, giving, compassionate in things that he truly cared about. You could talk to him about anything and he would listen, what you loved more than anything isnthat when he was with you all of his guards were down, you were the only one that got to see that side of him. You knew in your head though that he would see it as a compliment from his best friend as he sanced the night away with numerous other girls vying for his attention.
"You look....lovely?" Fendrel glanced at you as you walked into the dinning hall. "Might I be lucky to have a dance before you are snagged away by one of the princes?"
"Of course you may." You smiled holding your hand out to him. "You have always been a good lead Fandrel."
He took you spinning you onto the dance floor were some couples parted to make room for the two of you. He placed his hand on your lower back and pulled you closer to him. "You are quite a beautiful woman Lady Y/n, any man is lucky to be able to spin you around the floor." You blushed looking away from him, as you scaned the room you noticed Thor and Loki quietly talking to themselves. Loki looked handsome in his royal outfit, black and gold elegantly intertwining woth each other causing the emerald green to pop and to being ojt his eyes.
"Honestly brother, if she had planned on coming with him why did she have to wear my color? She knows by now what that stated." Loki rolled his eyes looking back to you and Fandral twirling around the dance floor.
"Maybe she didnt think much about it. You do realize that it is simply a color? There are many others here wearing it also." Thor said grabbing two glasses of wine and handing one to Loki.
"You truly are an idiot if you that she just so happened to pick out something like that, that just so happened to be my color. She wanted to make a statement." He handed his glass back to Thor and walked down the few steps leading to where you were dancing not noticing the small smile on Thors face.
"You know you are just as mischievous as your brother." Frigga came to stand beside him causing him to jump.
"Mother, I have no idea what you are talking about."
"Of course you dont son, just be careful, you could possibly be playong with fire on this one. Once they find out it was you setting this all up there no telling what they might do." Thors face dropped at the thought of the two of you teaming up aginst him.
ANNOUNCEMENT: OK Annon, I havent put the "I think I'm in love" prompt in this one because in all honesty this one I got carried away on and it was getting so long! I am making a part 2 and will add the link in once I am finished with it, i may actually have time today or tonight to start on it. Thank you so so much for the request and I love that it actually took me away and I didnt even realize how much I had wrote until I looked at it this morning! Keep an eye out for part 2 coming soon!!!
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xsarcasticwriterx · 3 years
My Boy-part 1
Summary: you need money, tony stark has plenty, all he needs is someone in his life even if he pays for it
Pairing: Tony stark x reader
warnings: Swearing, smut, Sugar daddy tony
Notes: i got this idea from the song sugar daddy by qveen herby and then other stories of characters i like as sugar daddies bUt i hadn't seen one for tony sO here we are. honestly just wanted a reason to write a smutty story pfft
my boy masterlist
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You sat on your front porch looking down at the “rent due: last warning” flyer in your hand. you groaned before face palming. “you ok there doll?” your neighbor asked. he was usually outside at this time working on his cars or some random things.you'd be lying if you said you didn't have a crush on him but hes a billionaire, hell hes THE tony stark. The genius,billionaire, playboy,philanthropist who was only staying in this house when he wanted to not because he had to no he had another place two as a matter of fact. That's not even counting the avengers headquarters.
“great” you said with a fake smile and a thumbs up. “mhm doll i can tell when your lying” he said with a small smile and walked over to you. your breath hitched. you didn't need the hottest guy you knew to know you had money problems. he sat next to you “what's up?” he asked. you shifted from side to side.
he saw the flyer and snatched it from your hands. you cleared your throat and looked around anywhere but at him. “ah i see” he said you shook your head “no you dont” you replied. he chuckled “no i don't but i want to help you” he said handing you back the paper. you took it putting it to your side “i don't want a hand out” you grumbled and tony smiled and shook his head “no dear it's not a hand out” he said “i couldn't pay you back” you said and tony wrapped his arm around your shoulder and leaned in “darling i don't want money” he said kissing your earlobe.
your breath hitched and you instinctively moved your head to the side to give him more room. he gave a small laugh against you neck leaving a small peck before pulling back but keeping his arm around you. “i belive you know the term sugar daddy?” he said tilting his head towards you. you slowly looked at him and nodded not trusting your voice. he smiled and nudged your jaw with his nose “let me be your i dont want anything from you that your uncomfortable with i just ask you spend time with me and let me help you out” he said against your jaw before leaving small kisses. “are you ok with this” he asked stopping the small touch. “yes” you whimpered out. he smiled and kept the small kisses going.
“so what do you say darling?” he asked moving behind you and started kissing your neck. you sighed leaning back into him. “ok” you whispered out. he smiled against your neck lightly biting a spot making you whimper before he lciked over it “great so let me pay for this” he said tapping on the paper. you nodded “ok” you said. you shifted feeling the wetness in your underwear. tony laugh before kissing your cheek and standing up. “i’ll get you the money tonight dear oh and dress up for me will ya doll” he said with a wink before going back to his house. you groaned laying back onto the porch. 
what just happened? you just accepted to be tony stark's sugar baby. how the fuck. you felt like you had blacked out. you stood up your legs wobbly and started back in before you heard your name called. turning to your neighbors you saw tony outside again “ that little problem there” he said pointing to your pants “leave it” he said winking at you and walking back inside.
you were left speechless before sighing and walking back inside. your thigh kept squeezing together as you sat on the couch trying to just watch tv till night but the memory of his lips and touch lingering. you groaned your head leaning back. you groaned and stood up walking up to your room opening your closet. you put in music.
You didn't have many nice things but you walked to your dresser and opening it. stripping yourself of your clothes you put on a lace bra and underwear feeling nice in it. you danced around singing loud “ooooooh Your sex is on fire” you sung smiling and twirling. you heard the doorbell ring and turned off the music quickly putting on the one dress you had which was a black lace dress. you quickly fixed up your hair before running downstair and opening the door “hi” you said with a smile he smiled back and looked you over “had fun doll?” he asked. you giggled “you heard the music?” you asked. he nodded “think the whole neighborhood did” he said. you smiled and opened up the door and he walked in.
he looked you over again and you smiled looking at the floor. tony laughed before walking around looking over the house. “this is a nice place” he said. you cleared your throat before speaking “yea it works for just me” you said walking to your kitchen and grabbing a bottle of scotch pouring some for you both. “scotch?” you asked holding the glass out to him. he smiled and took it “rarely meet a women who likes scotch” he says drinking. you laugh “well could use some liquid courage” you reply.
 he looks out into your yard “you have a pool” he point out. you nod “yea kinda crazy i got this place for so cheap ya know until it no longer seemed cheep” you said messing with the glass. “yes about that” he says putting the glass onto the coffee table and reaching into his pocket he pulled out a large wad of cash putting it onto the table. your eyes opened wide. tony laughed and walked back to you holding your face “i wasn't lying” he said rubbing his nose against yours and kissed your forehead. 
“let's go for a swim” he said  “ok let me get changed” you said starting to turn away before tony grabbed your wrist “no now” he said turning you back around. “huh?” you asked. “come on” he said opening the door. “but i don't have a suit under this. you don't have a suit” you said. tony smiled and winked “who says we need suits” he whispered to you and pulled you out.
you watched as he stripped his shirt and you shifted. his muscles prominent and his arms were large. you cleared your throating inhaling largely. he turned to you and motioned you to strip, you rubbed the back of your neck and tony walked towards you. his pants were unbuttoned hanging on his hips open you could see his underwear through and his breathing was deep and slow. 
“you don't have to if you don't want to dear but id love to see this beautiful body” he said holding your hips. you looked up at tony and put your head on his chest and nodded “i can do this” you said more to yourself.you lifted up your head and tony kissed your cheek. you slowly took off the dress and it fell to your ankles. you stepped out of it and watched as tony looked over you. “beautiful” he said kissing your collarbone “just beautiful” he said against your skin.
he held your hips and kissed up your neck. he nibbled and licked and sucked marking you. you pushed his pants down and felt tony smirk against your neck. he pulled away and you groaned “we’ll get there dear just, come on” he said sliding into the pool.
you blinked and walked down the steps into the pool you swam to the wall. tony walked to you and trace over the outline of the undergarments. “you put these on just for me?” he asked. “mhm” was all that escaped. tony wrapped his arms around your waist and put his head on your shoulder and kissed your shoulder. “tony” you whispered. “hmm?” he asked still peppering kisses.
“what are we doing?” you asked. tony's hands moved outlining your torso “whatever you want doll” he said lifting his head up. his eyes shimmered in the moon light and he had a small smile on his face. the water glistened on his chest and you traced his muscles. “what if i want you to fuck me?” you ask looking up at him. he smiled and chuckled “not that not yet doll not sex specifically” he said his hands moved down and his thumbs hooked onto your underwear “but if you want me to taste that pretty little cunt i will do it in a heartbeat” he said kissing your earlobe. you groaned and your hips moved forward on instinct.
he kissed your jaw softly. “please” you whimpered out. he nodded and left a small bit on your jaw. he lifted you onto the side of the pool but still near the edge. he kissed down your torso and left small bites on your chest. he licked over your navel and bit right below before taking your underwear off, you lifted your hips up to help him. he placed them to the side and bent your legs spreading your thighs apart. “look at that beautiful pussy all for me” he said.
He started kissing your thighs leaving small nibbles and marks. you knew you'd be completely marked up tomorrow but honestly you didn't care. he licked a strip through you before settling on you clit. nibbling and sucking you moaned grabbing the back of his head. your hips moved involuntarily onto his tongue.
he grabbed your hips stopping you. his tongue moved into you as your eyes slammed shut and your head leaned back. he lifted you putting your legs on his shoulder. he removed his face as best he could. “fuck my face doll” he said and you nodded grabbing his hair lifting yourself up. his strength amazed you as you rode his tongue. his grip on your thighs definitely leaving bruises tomorrow but who cares. you felt his tongue slide all over you as you kept your hips moving. “cum for me angel” he mumbled against you. your walls tightened and you felt a rush over you. your hips moved fast up and down and his tongue settled on your clit. you rode out your orgasm before tony set you back on the edge.
your head landed on his shoulder as you caught your breath. tony left small kisses on your neck as he massaged your thighs. “now that the ice has been broken i assume you have questions of our arrangement” tony said. you nodded “what are the rules i guess” you asked sitting up. tony's hands stayed on your thighs. “well i own you so no one else can have that delicious pussy except me” he said kissing your thigh. “do as i say” he said nudging your jaw. “and we dont fuck until i say so” he said.
you nodded. “why not?” you asked curious of why he wouldn't have sex. “We will doll don't worry i just want to get to know you if were going to be spending so much time together i want to know you not just fuck you and pay you, then your just a prostitute.” he replied. fair enough i mean it made sense and was actually sweet he saw this as something real then just sex. “of course we can always use our mouths as you clearly enjoy” he said with a wink “just no fucking yet” he said kissing your shoulder. “ok fair enough” you said. “good now if you break those rules you get punished” he said with a wink before getting serious “and i’ll actually be hurt” he said looking at the water. you lifted his jaw “i wont hurt you” you said. tony gave a soft smile before pecking holding your face in his hands. tony leaned in leaving a small kiss on your lips. it was short and soft but god it felt amazing. “ill see you tomorrow doll” and with that he got out o the pool
“where are you going?” you asked and he nodded next door “home” he said with a smile. you pouted and he chuckled walking to you and kissing you longer but still soft. “ill be back tomorrow doll don't worry” he said putting his shirt on and walking through the gate next door. “see you tomorrow doll” he said over his fence. you heard his door closed and leaned back kicking the water. was this crazy? oh who cares this perfect man just gave you the best deal you could ask for who cares how crazy it is. but yes, it was insane.
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peterrparrkerr · 3 years
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Hate sex - read on ao3
Peter storms into the office with a stomp to his feet and a rage that burns in his veins.
"No, Mr. Parker, I'm free, please, come in," Tony huffs from his spot behind the desk.
Peter slams the papers down on the desk, nearly straining his fingers with the force.
"What the fuck," he demanded, shoving them towards Tony. "I told you Extremis wasn't ready. I told you we shouldn't be doing human testing for at least two more years!"
Tony's slightly amused features settle into something bemused, and it makes Peter's blood boil.
"Thats not your decision, Mr. Parker," he said, shoving the papers back. "Now, you obviously know where the door is, since you almost kicked it down."
Peter snatches the papers up and throws them at the man, letting out a frustrated cry.
"I've been working on this since the beginning!" He snapped. "You hired me. And I'm telling you, its not ready for human testing!"
"Lower your voice, Mr. Parker," Tony demanded, his own tone growing sharp, back straightening as he sets both hands on the desk.
"Fuck you, Stark," Peter growled. He was so mad -he wanted to throw something heavier than the papers. He wanted to hit and break things.
"You're going to put lives at risk! And for what? Because the billions you're sitting on aren't comfortable enough?"
"Thats enough, Peter," Tony snapped, standing up this time. Peter didn't back down. Instead, he straightened his own spine, rounding his shoulders back.
"No," he said, glaring at Tony. "No, you can't put the lives of people in danger just because you're threatened."
Tony's eyes get darker and he stalks around the desk, right for Peter.
"Threatened?" He demands. "You think I'm threatened? Of you?"
Peter can't help but take a small step back when Tony gets too close. Hes so much taller than Peter, and holds an air of power that has most of his employees dropping to their knees.
But Peter's mad -and rightfully so. Hes not going to let Tony scare him into backing down.
"You've always felt threatened by me," Peter said. "I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Mrs. Pots. You don't like that I'm just as smart as you are, and younger than you."
Tony takes a threatening step forward and Peter takes two back. "You're threatened of me, and thats why you're pushing for human testing. Because I said we weren't ready."
"Watch it, Mr. Parker. You're dangerously close to being fired."
Peter knows he should back down now. But he's so fjcking angry. And the threat of being fired just adds fuel to the fire.
"Do it then," he demands. "Fire me and I'll take everything I know about Extremis and take it straight to Oscorp. They've already offered me a job there."
Its the wrong thing to say, because suddenly Tony's got Peter by the throat and is stalking towards the wall, pushing Peter back until his back hits the drywall.
"You're such an egotistical, narcissistic bastard," Peter spits, nearly wheezing with the pressure on his throat.
"And you're a pain in my ass," Tony growled back, eyes nearly black, features hardened to match Peter's.
Peter struggles against the older man's hold, gripping his wrist and tugging. "Let me go!" He demanded, kicking at Tony's shins.
"Calm the fuck down and I will."
"Fuck you!" Peter nearly shouted, doubling his efforts. Tony grunts, and Peter gasps when he's ripped from the wall by his neck and yanked forward.
Tony smears him to the desk and forces Peter to bend over it. He coughs as the airs knocked out of him, and his hands press into the wood to try and push himself up.
The hand on his back stops him.
"Dont forget who you work for, Peter," Tony growled. "I can destroy your whole life with the click of a button."
"You're going to kill people!" Peter barked. Tony's hand leaves Peter's back and he gets off the desk, spinning around.
He doesn't know what came over him, but the smack of skin on skin shocks both of them. Peter's palm burns, and Tony's chin is angled to the side.
The room is silent save for Peter's heavy breathing. It felt good, Peter decides, clenching his fists at his sides and stealing his features. He deserves worse.
Tony turns to look at Peter, death in his eyes, and Peter's heartbeat spikes as he lunges for him.
Only their mouths are pressed together, and Tony's biting down hard on his bottom lip. Enough to hurt.
Peter grunts, eyebrows furrowing before he surges up, biting him back, as hard as he can.
Its frantic after that. The two of them yanking at their clothes, panting into each other's mouths and biting.
Peter's barely got his pants down to his knees before Tony's shoving him back into the desk and lifting his legs up.
Peter drops onto his back, messing up the stacks of papers on the wood surface.
Tony's fumbling frantically with his zipper and Peter quickly grabs his cock, stroking it hard and fast.
Once free, Tony wastes no time in stepping up and pushing in dry.
Peter yelps, lifting his head off the desk. "Fuck!" He snaps. "Jesus fuck!"
Tony leans over Peter, grabbing him by the back of the neck and bending him in half, kissing him roughly as he slams in hilt deep.
Peter groans, biting at the tongue trying to slip into his mouth. Tony retaliated by snapping his hips forward in a brutal, bruising pace.
Its fast and dirty, and Peter makes sure to dig his nails into the skin of Tony's shoulders and back. He wants Tony to suffer. To hurt.
And apparently Tony wants the same for Peter, because he bites down so hard on Peter's lip that he feels the skin break.
"Fuck," Tony grunts, snapping his hips in and out of Peter, the dry friction making Peter's ass hurt.
He wraps his hand around his cock again, fucking into his hand at the same pace Tony's fucking into him, keeping him bent in the fetal position with the hand on the back of his neck, legs hooked over Tony's shoulders.
It ends as quickly as it started. Peter cums first on a wail, body quaking with the pulses of his orgasm.
Tony's not far behind, filling him up with cum and brutally fucking into him until Peter can feel it seeping out, drooling down his crack.
Tony pulls out with a panting breath, releasing Peter's neck and stepping back.
Peter drops back onto the desk, chest heaving and legs hanging over the edge. He stares up at the ceiling, trying to collect himself as Tony zips himself up and runs a hand through his hair.
"I'm going out for coffee," Tony said after a moment to catch his breath. "I don't want to see you when I get back. We'll talk more about the human testing when you've had time to cool off."
And Peter's anger is back, but before he can shout at the man, he's gone, shutting the door behind him, and leaving Peter sprawled naked on his desk with cum leaking out of his ass.
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reluctant-mandalore · 4 years
The Boba Fett Babysitting Archives: Interruptions
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One of Boba Fett’s criminal meetings ends up interrupted by that of the child and a present he has for him. 
Warnings: Fluff, family fluff, domestic fluff, uncle boba, canon-typical violence, the child is safe the entire time though dont worry, no reader, no romance, not beta read
Word Count: 1955
Pairing: No romantic pairing. 
a/n: this is a few weeks late now lol I ended up falling into a bad mental rut, but thank you all for being so patient and supportive during this time! I appreciate it a lot. Now please enjoy some of Boba Fett babysitting our favourite little child! 
The king of the crime world, Boba Fett, sat perched high upon his throne. His helmet glinting menacingly in the dim light, as he titled his gaze down to the cowering person sitting before him. The man’s pleading and begging bouncing throughout the large room, as he tried to reason with the Mandalorian. Though it didn’t seem like his plea for life was going to end in his favour.
The man’s terrified voice had grabbed the attention of all those in the area, and they watched in bated breaths as the scene continued to unfold before them. Some had felt pity for the man, shaking their heads at the sad display he was showing, their hearts sinking with the knowledge that this would not end well. Others took delight in his distress, their grins and mocking gazes drinking in the sight of him like it was the most humorous thing. Treating him as if he was just the newest entertainment to befall the legendary hunters wraith. Though who could really blame them for their cheer? Only a fool would betray Boba Fett after all, and a fool this man was indeed.
“You have a lot of nerve crossing me.” Boba had finally spoken to the man. His voice thick with fury and sounding stern with each word that left him. “It’s like you’re asking for me to kill you.”
“Fett please! I… I-It was a mistake!”
A huff of a laugh had left the bounty hunter at the man’s words, his amusement with the man dwindling more with each pitiful remark he had heard. “A mistake? That’s what you’re calling it? Running off with my credits was just a little old mistake, hm?”
“I… It was a poor taste of judgment!” The criminal had said, his voice wavering with each word that left his lips, “I never should have run off with your credits. I-I wasn’t thinking. Please forgive me! I’ll never do such a thing again—I swear on my life!”
Boba had appeared to tip his head in thought while looking at the groveling fool in front of him. The sight of which had brought the said man a small drop of hope, thinking that he would be spared the fearsome bounty hunters punishment. Although that glimmer of freedom he sought had died quickly at hearing the Mandalorian’s next words.
“You see the thing is… Nobody crosses me and gets to walk free.”
Fennec Shand—who had remained close to her bosses side—had brought up the blaster rifle in her hands properly as he finished speaking. The weapon now pointed to the man as she steadied herself behind the scope. The intention of her actions clear to all those around and causing for another brief silence to fall over the room. All eyes turning to watch the show that was about to reach its peak.
Everyone in the room had seemed to freeze at the sudden sound of a child's cheerful cry ringing out into the chamber. Even Fennec’s finger had twitched away from the trigger of the rifle—though her gaze never did remove itself from the scope—as everyone soon nervously watched the small green child enter into the room. Their breaths quickly catching in worry as the kid made their way to the throne where the one and only Boba Fett was still seated.
The small child had shuffled up to stand before the fearsome man. His little smile never leaving his features while under the man’s daunting gaze—a feat not even many hunters could handle themselves. The child had babbled some more, still much too young to form proper words or even be in this type of place, as the armored covered man appeared to take a great interest in the little creature. Everyone soon watching as the kid held out a piece of paper—a drawing—towards the famous bounty hunter.
Boba Fett had stared at the offering for a moment, titling his head again at the sight of it. He had stood soon after, taking the paper out from the little child’s hands and seeming to give it a look over. A quiet hum leaving him as he did, though his true thoughts had remained unknown, due to the helmet which shielded his features of view. The child only letting out a happy coo in reply as he continued to watch Fett with unbound excitement.
Meanwhile, everyone else had the same questions hanging in their minds. Who was this kid and why was he here? The child was as good as dead as far as many of them were concerned. Nobody approached the legendary hunter and just got to walk away. This was Fett they were dealing with after all.
“Well would you look at that!” Boba had suddenly exclaimed, shocking everyone at the cheerfulness they heard. His loud voice soon echoing around the room and causing a new cloud of confusion to fall over everyone in its space. He had turned to his companion, showing the picture to her as well, the grin he now wore evident in his words alone, “Fennec take a look at what ad’ika drew for me.”
The woman had finally shifted her gaze from the scope, leaning over slightly to look at the paper and allowing for her own grin to overtake her features, “Looks just like you.”
“Doesn’t it?”
Boba had bent to pick up the child who had only continued to coo and babble happily up at him. He had walked down to the man kneeling at the bottom of his throne. Turning the paper to show him and holding it steadily to his view, as if he was waiting for the man to comment on it.
The paper in question had a brightly coloured drawing etched into its surface. A scribbled rendering of what appeared to be the bounty hunter holding hands with the child under a bright yellow sun. It was something typical of what you would expect a child to draw, but something unusual for a man such as Boba Fett to be excited about—or so everyone thought at least.
“Cute, ain’t it?” Boba had asked, his voicing shocking the man out of his confused daze all of a sudden. The bounty hunter's gaze hauntingly locked with the man’s own and striking another drop of fear into the criminal who still kneeled before him.
“Y-yes! Very cute!” The man had managed to let out in between shaking breaths. His reply quick and jumbled as he tried to calm his panicked heart, “Your child is quite the artist.”
“Oh he’s not mine.” Boba had replied nonchalantly while looking over the drawing once more, another pleased hum leaving him as he did, “Just babysitting for a friend.”
The bounty hunter had pinched the child’s cheeks lightly after his words. A rumbled chuckle leaving him as the child had let out another flurry of giggles at the ticklish gesture. Seeing the other hunter distracted, the man still kneeling had finally saw his chance for an escape. No one being none the wiser to the fact that he was now reaching for his blaster.
Boba Fett had caught the man’s movement though, his free hand quickly moving to pull out his own blaster before the man could completely remove his from its holster. Now pointing the weapon square with the man’s head, as his finger rested tauntingly over the trigger. It only would take one small pull to take the man's life. A simple movement and it all would be over.
“You’re a fool if you think you can pull a fast one on me.” Boba had spoken with a snarl, the child in his arms held closer into his chest and shielded away from any danger that the man below could cause. The child’s little eyes and large ears peeking up in interest, as he peered down at the once again quivering man from the safety of his caretaker’s hold.
“Now now Fett…” The criminal had smiled wearily up at the bounty hunter, nodding his head towards the child still sitting in the other man’s arms, “You don’t want to scare the kid or anything.”
Boba had merely shrugged, something which only caused more confusion among those in the room, the smirk the hunter wore evident in his voice as he spoke, “He’s seen worse.”
The blaster shot had fired quickly, the bright light shooting out and striking its target with pin-point precision. The man’s body had slumped over just as quickly and Boba had frowned beneath his armored layers. Turning to face where the shot had fired from, as the child had let out a shrill of coos and giggles from the excitement he had just witnessed.
“You’re always taking my fun away Fennec.”
The woman had only smirked at her boss and friend, setting the blaster rifle down in a more relaxed position, as she looked over them both. She had given a small wave with her hand to the child in his arms, before shrugging to the bounty hunter as she spoke, “Should have been quicker… besides you really shouldn’t be dragging this out in front of the kid.”
A sigh had left the bounty hunter, knowing that she was right, but not willing to admit such a thing. Finding himself wiggling his own fingers towards the little one still held tightly in his arms as a distraction. Murmured whispers of those in the room had soon broken out again, their stares now lingering over the child as they conversed about what had just happened and what it meant for them.
Hearing their questioning and feeling their gazes, Boba had found himself irritated, turning to let out a snarl from deep in his throat. Intent on making it clear of what exactly would happen if they dared to bring harm to the child with just his fury alone.
“What are you all staring at?” He had bellowed out, his voice echoing throughout the throne room and causing a new air of fright to settle among those who sat within its confines. Everyone’s gazes quickly snapping away at his question and going back to their own mumbled conversations. The child now dropped from their thoughts as they found themselves afraid of what the man would do to them if they dared to mention the kid again.
Boba had sat on his throne once more, though this time the child had been seated with him on his lap. Nobody questioned him on the child, nor did they even dare to look at them both sitting together. Barely giving another glance as the bounty hunter looked over the drawing again with the kid. Trying their best to drown out the sounds of the man’s surprisingly kind remarks and the little one’s giggles that could still be heard.
Some did think of how they could use this new information to their advantage. Wondering if they could use this newly discovered soft spot of the bounty hunter’s to achieve their goals. Although, those few individuals had soon watched their plans fall apart at the arrival of the child’s father later that day—another Mandalorian who seemed just as deadly as Fett.
Soon the appearance of the little green child would become the norm. His interruptions of the bounty hunters meetings a frequent, and almost joyful, occurrence for those of his court. It was strange of course, but it wasn't the weirdest thing any of the others in the palace had seen in their time around the Galaxy. Probably wasn’t the safest place for the small creature to be hanging around either. Then of course, it’s not like anyone would dare to do anything to the little green child anyway—only a fool would cross Boba Fett after all.  
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glitterge1pen · 4 years
You Only Water Plants With Cool Water
Rukawa Kaede x reader, sfw, fluff, word count 1,435
reader is a painter 
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Rukawa and you both had practice. Studio sessions, gym time, he needed to go to the store for new basketball shoes, you needed new paper or canvas. He knew when you had had a bad day. When every stroke of pigment was wrong, when you had to change water too many times. You knew when he had messed up his scoring percentages, or when he’d landed a shot not to his liking.
You also had good days though. Ones where you would be electrified, dragging Rukawa to the tiny bedroom studio in the apartment, excited to show him a new piece. He tried to be subtle about sharing his smaller successes with you. Quietly asking to go on a walk to the park on weekend mornings, picking up a basketball before heading out the door.
While Rukawa couldn't exactly understand painting, or art, he did understand you. He saw how hard you worked, the same as him. You too were striving for something. So he lets you ramble on about new art books you had bought, different painters you admired, ones you hated, an art supplies store you wanted to try your luck at. This was also how you understood him. You saw how at home Rukawa watched all the NBA games, kept tabs on different players.
The two of your respective passions consumed lots of your life. Which is why he didn't mind when you had the door to the studio closed when he got home from the gym. You didn't bother him when he was watching a game. He would sleep on the small couch you had tucked in the corner of the studio, the radio giving a play by play of some game. Legs hanging off the arm rest, simply enjoying being in your presence. Some days you would go to his practices, half watching, half sketching out ideas for a new chunk of canvas. This was one of those days.
Looking up from your lap you see that practice is almost over. You set aside your work to focus on Rukawa completely. He really is something else on the court. Brash, aggressive, and still sly. Those parts of Rukawa were the same. The part of him that bluntly told you while out shopping what did look ugly, that way you swore he moved stuff around in the fridge to mess with you, or how he shoulder checked people a little too often. When he was playing basketball it was like the various gears and screws that made up Rukawa were perfectly made to play, like it was the only that life made sense to him. It added something to his outward psyche, a fire of energy that exuded from every pore.
You watch as the team starts to wind down. Shooting from various points on the court, running sprints from one side to the other, to end practice there was a complicated passing drill that you couldn't follow. You were prepared to leave, grab some take out on the way home, but when Rukawa came over to you he flopped onto the bleachers.
“Hey! Come on you can't sleep here”
With a sweat towel covering his face he mumbles,
“I can sleep anywhere, just give me a couple minutes”
But you know with Rukawa that a couple minutes can range from thirty minutes to hours. You pull on his arm trying to get him up, his eyes are stubbornly closed though. You poke, you blow air on his nose, you ruffle his hair and pull on his clothes. When that doesn't work you try threats.
“I won't pay for dinner”
“I was going to pay”
He says, words muffled by the towel. Exasperated you sit back onto the cold bleachers. You reach into a plastic bag you have settled down by your feet. It's from the craft store, new paint, new brushes, you had stopped there on the way to see Rukawa. Cautiously you pull out some paint and let it rest against Rukawa's skin.
“If you don't get up, I’m gonna paint you”
“I dont care”
“Why would I care?”
Before you two had been playful, teasing, but when he asks that he is genuine. Like he couldn't possibly comprehend why that would bother anyone. He has one eye open now, peaking at you, seeing that you are considering it now.
“I don't care, go ahead, just let me sleep”
At first you're still a little apprehensive. You are slow to fill up one of the paper cups from the players bench with the water fountain. You use the colors little by little. Mixing them in the palm of your non dominant hand. You start with his arm. The paint moves differently on his sweat tinted skin and you have to adjust.
Rukawa floats in and out of sleep. Lazily watching your concentrated expression move expertly over him. He likes the way the brushes feel, the cool of the paint. He notes that you're holding his hand differently, it's deliberate, your fingers not laced with his but clasping onto him. You do this so you can twist his arm this way and that. He can see blues and greens mixed onto your own skin in puddles. Then he’s back asleep.
You are no longer paying attention to Rukawa, or the dance group that came to use the gym for practice. You like working here. The gym lights are bright, the AC blasting cold air. You were originally only going to do something small. But now Rukawa's entire right arm has been consumed by paint. You are putting the last few strokes of detail on his arm knowing that you aren't done yet. You are afraid to dab at the paint to see if its dry, you blow on it and Rukawa gives a small smile at the sensation.
You pull the towel off of Rukawa’s head and lay it over his chest, placing his arm there too. You grab your bag of supplies and move to the row of bleachers below Rukawa. His left leg your new target. This is harder for Rukawa to sit through at first. The bristles of the brush more ticklish, but it is soon calming once again. He wants to see what you’ve painted on his arm but his eyes are still so heavy, he so tired.
“Wow you're really good!”
“Thanks! He’s a pretty good canvas!”
Rukawa wakes at the sound of your voice.
“Oh sorry I didn't mean to wake you!”
It must be one of the girls from that dance team he decides.
“It’s okay he sleeps plenty”
You tell the girl, she laughs a little before waving herself away. You're packing up your things, swirling brushes into the cup of water, twisting paint tubes closed. Finally feeling satisfied with his nap, Rukawa slowly gets up. Used to sleeping wherever he pleases the dull ache from the bleachers doesn't bother him much. He rubs the sleep from his eyes and sees it.
You've painted a river. From his right shoulder to his left ankle is a river. Patches of grass and flowers growing along parts of it, stones, clouds, waterfalls, waves of water. It’s dynamic, twisting over the grooves of his muscles. You are surprised at how gentle his fingers move along the outline of the water, tracing it down his whole arm. In between his knuckles the water fades off his hand in droplets. The red flowers a bold contrast to the cool colors of the water. Fish leaping in and out of the water, some not even breaking the blue surface of paint, shadows of warm color beneath the water.
“You like it?”
You ask, he only nods, still admiring your work. You get him off the bleachers, once standing the daze he was in wears off. He grabs his duffle bag and the two of you head out. The night air is refreshing, the sky dark blue but bright like how it is in the summer. The street is still buzzing from the dusk. People on the way home from work, light traffic in the street, store and street lights flickering in the newness of the night.
“I’m sorry”
You don't know what Rukawa could possibly be apologizing for.
“I’m gonna have to take a shower and the paint will wash off”
“That’s okay I knew that when I did it”
Rukawa seems discontent with this answer but you aren't sure how to help ease him. At the next block Rukawa turns the wrong way.
“Where are you going the-”
“They have disposable cameras at Walgreens.”
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  
A/N: If someone made a bingo chart of my writing Walgreens would be on it. Will post this on ao3 later today :) Also no :) I did not :) edit this :) 
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bcdwhcre · 4 years
heyyy so I'm such a SIMP for tamaki amajiki and I just saw your "secret relationship" headcanon it just so happened to be one of my favorite and I know there's no other writer for me to request for this type of scenario other than you because your writing is amazing. So that being said can I request one for tamaki? You absolutely dont have to do it. I know you already have a lot to do so no pressure! 😊 love your work!! please continue putting a smile on many people's faces including mine with your amazing writing 💙
“Untold Truths,” Tamaki x Reader
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PLEASEEE I LOVE HIM, if I don’t see more of him in the new season I will riot also your message is so cute pls, I love you.
Summary: having a secret relationship with Tamaki
Warnings: none
It happened unexpectedly.
You weren’t really looking for a relationship
Then you had gotten an internship from Tamaki to be working under Fat Gum. The more you spent time around Tamaki, the more you had developed feelings for him.
You liked how shy he was, he was always so nervous and too shy to even look you in the eyes for long periods of time.
You knew that the both of you being shy wasn’t going to take you anywhere, so you somehow managed up the courage to ask him to hang out and then it turned into cute ramen dates until he asked you out, almost throwing up afterwards when you said yes because he was that nervous.
You both wanted it to be private, the way things were going right now you didn’t want to give off the impression to Fat Gum that the only reason you got this was because you’re with Tamaki.
You were all around talented on your own but his push to help you further up the chain was more than appreciated.
The sneaking around wasnt something you cared too much about, you liked the secret meet ups in the office building and the brushing your fingers against his to make him nervous in front of Fat Gum, it was entertaining to watch.
It actually made you gain more feelings for him as time went on, the more you two had met in private, the more thrilling it was but soon enough you wanted to
One day you both had sat inside Fat Gums office, looking through the paper work he had told you to do while he was gone on a pro hero mission, simple paperwork, easy.
Your eyes kept going over to glance at Tamaki, the silence in the room had made you look to see if he was okay but you knew he was just a quiet person.
When his eyes met yours, his cheeks tinted into a pink shade and you couldn’t help but giggle at how shy he still was around you. It made you want to kiss him.
“What do you think about this one?” He randomly said, making you snap out of your endless thoughts and look down at the paper he was referring to.
“I would just leave it off to the side, we can figure that out later.” You mumbled, making him nod his head and put the paper to the side.
“Are you hungry?” He asked, his eyes looking down at you and you slightly nodded while stilling organizing the paperwork.
“Let’s take a break then.” You both had stood up, watching him walk to the office door but you had stopped him by grabbing a hold of his hand.
You had leaned up, going on your tip toes to press a firm kiss on his lips which had caught him off guard but that was most of the time anyways. He slowly kissed you back even though his cheeks were on fire from how red they were.
“Sorry, I just wanted a kiss.” You mumbled, laughing at his red face and he quickly nodded as he got more flustered.
The both of you had walked out of the office, going down the street to get some food and every once in a while you would brush your fingers against his, making his eyes glance down at you.
“Tamaki!” You heard a voice from behind you, glancing back to see Mirio and his face had lit up.
“Mind if I tag along?” He asked, looking down at you then up at Tamaki.
You didn’t mind Mirio, you two were actually good friends but it’s never fun having a third wheel while you’re with your partner- even if no one knew you two were partners.
He had stuck with you guys to get food and even came back to the office to hang out for a minute or two, knowing him- he would stay a lot longer but you paid no attention to it.
“Let me use the bathroom first then I’ll help you guys out!” He disappeared from the office, leaving you two alone again and you turned your body to face him.
“Do you think we should tell him?” You questioned Tamaki, making his eyes wide and he looked over at you.
“No no, not yet at least. Still kind of new to this boyfriend thing.” He admitted, giving you a nervous smile and you instantly cupped both of his cheeks.
“I think you’re a great boyfriend.”
You nodded slowly, rubbing your thumbs over his skin as you felt it get warm under your touch from him getting flustered again. It was cute, you couldn’t imagine being without Tamaki now that you two were dating, seeing his flustered face and his smile made your heart flutter to no end.
The way he would be nervous to stare at you but do it anyways to maintain eye contact made you melt and fall for him even more if that was possible.
This time Tamaki had decided to lean forward and kiss your lips, which was rare for him to do since he was still trying to warm up to being a boyfriend and giving you affection.
Even when he would be too nervous to show that affection, he wouldn’t hesitate to remind you how beautiful you are and how much he adores you, it was a bit easier to say it then to be bold enough to plant a kiss on your cheek or hold your hand because it made his palms sweat too much.
“So I was thinking— oh! I’m sorry!”
In seconds you two pulled back from each other, looking over at the door with wide eyes as Mirio stood there staring at the both of you. Tamaki about lost his mind, the color draining from his face and soon his face was back to hot red.
“I- uh.” He stuttered, he couldn’t find the right words to say and you giggled lightly at his reaction.
“Yeah.” He simply put it, looking over at you and back at Mirio.
“Yeah what?” Mirio said, his face growing flustered too because he felt like he walked in on you two doing something illegal.
“We’re together.” You decided to speak up, you eyes glancing between both of the guys who continued to be awkward and flustered about it.
“Ah, well, congrats.”
“You’re saying that like we’re expecting.” You raised your eyebrow and he started to laugh, scratching the back of his neck.
“Sorry, um, you two are great... together?” He slowly said, realizing how unsure that sounded.
Suddenly Mirio had ran out of the office and you two looked at each other and it looked like Tamaki had seen a ghost as he began to panic a little too much about his friend knowing.
“It’s fineeeee! Stop being dramatic.”
“I’m not being dramatic.”
“I think you are, Tamaki.”
This is short omgggg I’m sorry.
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