#Friday d&dorks
narrlsy · 1 year
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Au where goodbid and Friday get to be friends
naethan him self would have to pay me 12 dollars for me to draw goodbid in his white suit again
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platonic-fo-quotes · 2 years
Platonic f/o: How little faith do you guys have in me? Do you think I would make a reference that obvious?
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blitzendoggo · 2 years
Wise Men Say...
No matter what universe, Friday is a goddess of fate. Goodbid/Mercury Human!au (7,951 Words)
October 9th, 2022
“I’m tellin’ ya she was right here!” Goodbid groans looking around the food court frantically.
He had decided to take his daughter to the mall after work and his friends had decided to tag along. It was supposed to be a fun day of ice cream and shopping, but instead, his lovely little girl disappeared.
“She’ll turn up, Bid,” Glib soothes despite his own nerves. He wrings his hands on his black jacket, but he stops when Goodbid looks at him.
“Yes, and we’ll keep searching for her,” S.G. asserts, their accent coming out stronger from stress. S.G. always considered themselves a secondary parent to his daughter, down to even demanding to have every other weekend with her.
“But what if she doesn’t? What if she walked off with some-”
“Found her,” Emmy whispers, cutting Goodbid short, as he points into the crowd. Glib goes to the black-haired kid as Goodbid and S.G. shoot up, immediately running toward the shining white hair in the distance.
On the other side of the food court, his social butterfly of a daughter is chatting happily with a man around Goodbid’s age.
“Friday!” He shouts, more relieved than angry as he runs toward her like a bat out of hell, not caring about the strange looks he’s getting from the other customers.
Friday turns and smiles innocently at him. “Oh hi, daddy!” she says happily. He drops to his knees and pulls her into a death-grip hug. She pulls back and pears up at him. “Daddy? What’s wrong?” she asks genuinely, her green eyes catching in the light.
“Friday, you can’t just disappear like that! You scared me plum to death!” Goodbid chides, his accent coming out thicker than he normally lets it.
“But I was with him!” She laughs pointing over her shoulder to the man who is still sitting. Goodbid’s gaze snaps to the man who looks genuinely guilty.
“Sorry, mate,” he says with a thick New Zealand accent, scratching the back of his neck. “I was trying to keep her here until someone claimed her.” Almost as an afterthought, he sticks out his hand with a kind smile that would have knocked Goodbid off his feet if he weren’t crouched on his knees. “I’m Mercury.”
From somewhere behind Goodbid he hears S.G. mutter something that sounds suspiciously like “oh my god, he’s hot.”
Goodbid accepts the hand and slowly stands up, not acknowledging the Russian. “Goodbid, John Goodbid,” he says with his most charismatic grin.
“He’s leaving out the best part,” S.G. teases. “His middle name is Brixton and they used to call him Johnny which makes his full name Johnny B. Goodbid.”
Mercury looks at them incredulously but without malice.
“Right, well, they’re leavin’ out the part where I was named after my Daddy’s best friend who died in a farmin’ accident right before my Mama got pregnant with me, and Brixton was my grandaddy’s name,” Goodbid explains as he picks up Friday and sets her on his hip. “Not to mention their name is S.G.!” Goodbid counters.
“What’s that stand for?”
“Some Guy,” Glib says as he joins the group. Friday squeals, “Uncle Glib!” and gets a fond look and a bit of ruffled hair in return. “Oh and I’m Gilbert, but everyone calls me Glib.”
Mercury laughs good-naturedly at them. “I can’t fault you for your names,” he laughs. “My name is Mercury Avery Saylor -that’s with a y and not an i- and I’m from a family of seamen, but now I’m a pilot.”
“Really?” Glib laughs, flinching as it pulls at the fresh cut on his cheek. “There’s no way that’s your family name.” As always, Emerald seems to just appear next to his adopted dad, hiding his face in the back of Glib’s long black jacket.
“No, no, really!” Mercury laughs. “And my dad used to be called Legs and I used to be called Legs Jr.”
“What’s so funny about that?” S.G. asks, plucking a fry off of the pilot’s plate. Friday and Emerald laugh in a strange, all-knowing way, as the blonde lays her head on her father’s shoulder and Emmy steps more into the open. Without missing a beat, Mercury grabs his pant legs and pulls them up, revealing two prosthetic legs. S.G. chokes on and then spits out their food, turning away as they hack-cough.
He cracks a smile and then says, “you can laugh” to which S.G. starts howling with laughter as the others stare at him.
“How? Or- no- why that nickname?” Glib sputters out, slack-jawed.
“The prosthetic legs have nothing to do with the nickname, actually,” he says, dropping the pant legs and smoothing them back down. “My dad used to have these short stumpy legs so they used to call him Legs, and I used to have these really long legs so, of course, they had to call me Legs Jr. to mock my dad.”
“Well, do they still call ya Legs?” Goodbid asks slowly, watching Mercury’s expression to see if he’s overstepping.
“No, uh, they haven’t called me that in years,” Mercury says with a slightly solemn expression before shaking his head as he stands up, coming out about half a head taller than Goodbid. “Not because of the prosthetics though.”
“Oh, uh, sorry I didn’t mean to hold you if you got somewhere else to be,” Goodbid says as he backs up slightly, making a way for Mercury to leave. He pushes down the several less-than-civil thoughts that appear in his head as he looks up at the man.
“Ah, no, I don’t really have anywhere to be,” Mercury says lightly.
“You should stay with us!” Friday says joyfully, to which Emmy nods.
“Now, Friday, I’m sure that this lovely gentleman has something better to do today other than follow around a group of strangers,” Goodbid jokes lightly and is met with a warm smile from the pilot which makes him a little weak in the knees.
“But Daddy, don’t you want to talk to your future husband?” Friday asks with genuine concern. Everyone goes dead quiet and stares at her, only to be broken by Mercury’s laughing.
“Quite the little one ya got there,” Mercury says through his laughs.
“Honey, you can’t just say that,” Goodbid chides her, ignoring the blush that is sitting high on his cheeks. “I’m so sorry,” he apologizes quickly, “She’s six and has no filter.”
Mercury chuckles and shakes his head. “Nah, mate, you’re alright,” he claps Goodbid on the shoulder and ruffles Friday’s hair and offers Emmy a fist bump to which he nervously accepts. “It was nice meetin’ all of ya, but I gotta be off now!” He picks his bag off the floor and leaves the group, waving over his shoulder as he does.
As soon as Mercury is out of ear range, Goodbid looks down at Friday. “You and I are goin’ to have a talk about what we can and cannot say to strangers in public.”
October 11th, 2022
Mercury was in so much trouble. He was running so far behind because the stupid joints in his prosthetics were acting up this morning, putting him about an hour behind. Normally, that wouldn’t matter except for the fact that he has a meeting with the CEO of the company he is hopefully starting to ship for.
“I knew I should’ve got these stupid things replaced!” He groans as he runs up the stairs to the company building, his suit jacket flying in the wind. He is suddenly very glad for his foresight to put his hair back into a ponytail before running out the door because if he hadn’t, his hair would be akin to a rat’s nest right now.
He starts babbling to the receptionist, panting and wheezing. The man, sympathizing with his dilemma, waves him onto the elevator, giving him basic directions to the boss’s office. As soon as the elevator doors open, many floors up, he bolts out of them, skidding to a stop in front of the personal assistant’s desk. He glances down at the nameplate and then back up to the unimpressed woman.
“Can I help you?” she asks in a flat tone, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes, um,” he fishes a note out of his pocket and reads off the crumpled ink. “I have a meeting with Mister, uh,” he squints at his writing but the receptionist waves her hand and silences him.
“Mr. Goodbid, yes,” she says and types quickly on her computer before looking back at him and adjusting her glasses. “Mercury A. Saylor?” She asks.
“Yeah, that’s me,” he says with a nervous smile.
She scans him with an extremely critical eye before saying bluntly, “You are ten minutes late.”
He tries to keep his shoulders from slumping. “Yes, miss, I know, but my-”
“I’m not the one to plead your case to,” she says coldly. “Go on.” She points to the door to Mr. Goodbid’s office. “He is not an overly patient man.” She doesn’t spare him another look as she returns to her work.
Mercury swallows every mean thing he wants to say to her and turns to the door. He hesitates and knocks on the door.
“Enter,” a muffled, but distinctly southern voice shouts from the other side.
He breathes a shaky breath before slowly opening the door and stepping through.
“I’m so sorry I’m late, sir,” he says as soon as he gets a foot in the door. “You see I have these issues with my-”
“Mister Mercury?” A faintly familiar voice cuts him off.
His head snaps up and sitting behind a very ornate dark oak desk is the man from the mall a few days ago.
“Johnny B. Goodbid?” He laughs, stepping through the door and shutting it behind him. “I didn’t know you were going to be my boss.” He cringes and adds, “My hopefully boss.”
Goodbid laughs with his full chest and all of Mercury’s anxieties fade away.
“Well, I didn’t know that you were the Captain I was interviewing!” Goodbid says, reaching up to toy with the end of his mustache.
“Really? My name was on the paper!” Mercury says as he slowly approaches the desk.
“No, I thought I was interviewing Captain Mercy Skylar!” Goodbid says, lifting his paper up before putting it back into its neat stack.
“How did you mess it up that badly?” Mercury asks, voice full of mirth.
Goodbid sighs and leans back in his chair. “My PA -you met Sandra, right?- has horrendous writin’ that only she can read,” Goodbid explains with a shrug of his shoulders. As they talk, Mercury notices Goodbid’s southern accent becomes steadily heavier as he seemingly relaxes.
“Yeah, quite mean, that one- AH!” he shrieks as his left-knee joint locks up, sending him falling forward onto Goodbid’s desk. Goodbid shoots up and catches him by the arm and waist, protecting his papers and desk. Mercury straightens up, blush painted high on his tanned cheeks. “I am so sorry,” he apologizes quickly.
“No, no, you’re fine,” Goodbid soothes instantly. “Are you okay?” He asks with genuine concern. Something about his expression and his worrying about Mercury sends the ex-sailor’s heart fluttering.
“Yeah, I’m, uh, fine,” he says as he sits down in one of the chairs facing Goodbid’s desk. “It’s actually the reason I was so late. My joints have been giving me trouble all week. It made me run about an hour late this morning so the fact I got here at all is really impressive.”
Goodbid tsks before saying, “can’t ya have them replaced?”
“Not without sending the entire legs in to get fixed,” Mercury says tiredly. “And then I’d be wheelchair-bound for at least a month which means I couldn’t work for a month. I don’t have that much money saved up to live off of for that long, not to mention actually getting them fixed would cost me an arm and a leg.” He pauses and looks up at Goodbid and grins. “And I only got an arm to give.” He shakes his leg, letting the metal squeak a little.
Goodbid laughs with his full chest again. “We’ll have to talk about covering those costs, my friend,” he says as he stands up and walks around the desk. He sobers slightly, but the joy doesn’t leave his face. “That bein’ said, I have another meeting here in around three minutes, so how about we resume this conversation tomorrow, after hours.” He stops in front of Mercury and gives him a blinding smile. “How do you like coffee?”
“I like it quite a lot, yeah,” he says with a grin.
“Good! How about you meet me at The Holy Coffee House -it’s not actually a religious organization, don’t worry- at, let’s say, 6:30? It's about a block down the street, and I have to say that it is the best coffee I’ve had in a long while,” he offers a hand for Mercury to grab.
“Well, how could I resist with a sales pitch like that?” the pilot says with a smile of his own as he accepts the hand and pulls himself to his feet. “So, I assume it's safe to say I’m not out of a job yet?”
Goodbid laughs again as he walks Mercury to the door. “I am quite certain that you and I will work quite well together.” He says with a smile that is a little too genuine to be a salesman's grin.
“Until tomorrow, Mr. Goodbid,” Mercury says as he steps back into the waiting lobby.
“Oh, please, everyone just calls me Goodbid, no ‘mister’ necessary!” Goodbid corrects happily.
“Well, in that case, until tomorrow, Goodbid,” he says again with a friendly wave.
“Until then,” Goodbid smiles at him before shutting the door and, assumingly, returning to his desk.
Mercury passes Sandra who is staring at him slack-jawed. He gives her a polite smile and wave, as he continues to the elevator. He starts to undo his tie, as he begins to plan what he is going to wear tomorrow.
October 12th, 2022
Straighten papers.
Check watch. 6:15
Shuffle things around.
Check watch. 6:15
Sip coffee.
Check watch. 6:16
Straighten papers again.
Check watch. 6:16
Look busy.
Check watch. 6:16
Goodbid has been impulsively checking his watch for the last hour. He’s not very sure why he is so anxious. He hasn’t been this anxious to meet anyone since he met Friday’s social worker for the first time. He has no reason to be so worried! He is just conducting an interview. An out-of-office interview. At a coffee shop. With a ridiculously handsome sailor. That his half-prophet daughter said he would marry.
Goodbid sighs heavily, as he runs a hand through his hair. He has no clue what has gotten into him. He’s like a schoolboy with a stupid crush.
He shakes his head to clear the thought as he checks his watch again.
Three more minutes and he can leave. He hasn’t gotten any work done since five o’clock, but he doesn’t want to incur the wrath of Sandra, who is already skeptical of him leaving ten minutes early. He chuckles at the irony of that. Everyone thinks he is this strict, iron-fisted CEO, but truly he is a pushover who is scared of his personal assistant.
He stands up and pops his back, stretching in the ways that S.G. taught him to help with his back pain. He runs a flat hand down his suit, smoothing out the non-existent wrinkles for possibly the thousandth time today. He decided on a clean charcoal-black suit with a dark green button-up. He was going to wear a slick black and green tie, but Friday demanded that he wear his black and white mustache-print tie, and who is he to deny his precious little girl?
He packs his briefcase, checking it once, then twice to make sure it contains everything he needs. He checks his watch again, almost praising God that it is 6:19. He picks his top hat off his hat rack and walks out the door.
“Evenin’, Sandra!” Goodbid greets happily as he bounds past her.
“Mr. Goodbid, leaving already?” Sandra asks, peering up at him over the rim of her thick red glasses frames.
“Yep, don’t wanna keep the man waitin’!” He says as charismatically as he can. She looks him up and down, eyes lingering on his fun tie, before humming judgmentally and returning to her obnoxiously loud keyboard. Goodbid nearly audibly sighs before trotting to the elevator.
He taps his foot the entire way down, watching the floors tick by. He has to restrain himself from sprinting out the door as they open, reminding himself that he is the CEO and is currently in the office building.
He walks calmly out of the building and struts down the block, smiling at everyone he passes.
Just as he predicted, he arrives at Zalkas’ right at 6:30. With a calming breath, he steps into the brewery. He quickly spots Mercury sitting in a booth near the window. Goodbid has a fleeting thought about how Mercury somehow picked Goodbid’s favorite booth before he walks over.
“Howdy, stranger,” he says lightly as he sits down across from the brown-haired man.
Mercury jolts before his features soften into a happy expression. “Heya,” he greets with a soft smile which becomes slightly nervous as he pushes a cup over to the businessman. “I took a guess on what you like because I got here early.”
Goodbid takes the cup and prepares himself to lie and say he likes it, but is completely astonished to find that Mercury managed to guess his coffee perfectly. “How did you get it so perfectly?” the CEO asks as he takes another drink.
“Wait, really?” Mercury asks.
“Black with two sugars?” Goodbid replies, taking another sip.
“Holy crap, I was right?” Mercury laughs as he puts his own cup down.
Goodbid nods before a question comes to his head. “Why were you here so early?”
“Oh, uh, I’m either really, really early to things or horrendously late,” Mercury explains. “Not when I ship things, obviously, I have other people to keep that from happening, but when I am left to my own devices, well…” He sweeps his hands out in a broad gesture before shrugging and taking a drink from his cup.
Goodbid laughs and nods. “I used to be like that, but then I got Friday, and now I’m late to just about everything,” he jokes.
Mercury looks at him for a moment before cautiously asking, “can I ask you something that might be a little rude?”
Goodbid, having an idea of where this is going, smiles behind his cup. “I didn’t name her Friday, I adopted her, and no I’m not married and never have been.”
“I guess you get the same questions a lot?” Mercury asks sheepishly.
“More than you’d know, but I’ve gotten used to it,” Goodbid soothes effortlessly.
“No, I get it,” Mercury laughs. “I get the same questions about my legs.”
They settle into a comfortable silence as they continue drinking their respective beverages.
��So is there a test or something that I need to pass?”
“Test?” Goodbid murmurs before he puts the pieces together. “Oh, no, I did all the paperwork, you just need to sign this.” The businessman takes his briefcase from the floor, plops it on the table, clicks it open, pulls out a few documents and a pen, puts it back on the floor, and places it in front of Mercury all before the pilot could process what was being done, all while drinking his coffee.
Mercury laughs as he picks up the pen. “How’d you do that?”
“I’ve done this for years,” Goodbid explains with a shrug.
Mercury accepts the answer with a noncommittal hum as he scans over the paperwork.
“Uh, Mister Bid?” Mercury says quietly as he slowly looks up.
“Yes?” Goodbid starts running through any legal jargon he could’ve messed up.
“I think you’re tryin’ to pay me too much,” Mercury says, hesitantly pushing the paper toward him. “I agreed to about two thousand less than that.”
Goodbid picks up the paper and reads it quickly before clicking his tongue and putting the paper back onto the table. “You did, but after a quick consultation with the finances and the shipping department, we decided that we can easily pay you two thousand more than originally agreed on.”
Mercury studies him for a moment before slowly asking, “why?”
“Because I like to take care of my employees when I can,” Goodbid explains in a tone that leaves only a little room for debate.
Mercury looks at the paper before looking back at the businessman, who is trying to maintain his composure under the intense gaze. Suddenly the pilot starts to grin.
“I knew there was a reason I liked you,” he says under his breath before leaning back with a sly grin on his face. “That and you are apparently my future husband.”
Goodbid blushes up to his ears. “I’m real sorry about that,” he spits out before his brain has fully caught up.
Mercury laughs warmly, and Goodbid is suddenly very glad for the blush already on his face. “No problem, mate. She’s a sweet one.”
Goodbid preens slightly at the compliment. “She’s a real gift,” he says happily before a thought occurs to him. “She wants to see you again. She’s not typically like that with strangers, so you must be special.”
Mercury smiles and tilts his head to the side. “I wouldn’t be opposed to seeing her again.” He pauses before tentatively saying, “maybe we could get coffee more often and you could bring her?”
Goodbid smiles at the idea. “I’d love that.”
November 3rd, 2022
“Heya, Mr. Bid!” Mercury greets him on their weekly coffee meet -not date, no matter what S.G. says. He pauses and looks him up and down. “You look stressed.” His eyes drift down to where a certain six-year-old is bopping alongside her father. “G’evenin’ Friday.”
“Hi, mister Mercury!” she says happily, giving him a grin that is all teeth.
Goodbid slumps down into his regular seat across from him, sighing as he does, and Friday wastes no time in clambering into his lap. The bags under his eyes are dark, his normally perfectly groomed hair and mustache are frizzy, and the top two buttons of his suit are undone, not to mention his lack of a tie.
“Like ya wouldn’t believe,” he says, his voice coarse, exhaustion lacing every word.
A silence falls over them as Goodbid spaces out, the only sound being Friday’s scribbling on a piece of paper that her father pulled from his briefcase.
“Want to talk about it?” Mercury asks, pushing Goodbid’s coffee towards him.
“Well, it’s just-” The businessman breathes out a long breath before bringing his eyes up to Mercury’s for the first time since he got there. “I’m stressed about Friday and Emerald.”
The pilot sits up straighter at that. “Why? Is something wrong?”
“No, nothing major,” Goodbid dismisses with a wave of his hand. He runs his fingers through Friday’s long white hair as he gathers his thoughts. “It’s just that- well, ya know how Glib and I are goin’ on that business trip tomorrow and won’t get back until next week?” Mercury nods, thinking vacantly about how they will probably not have a coffee-meet next week, but he doesn’t acknowledge the twinge of pain that courses through his heart at the thought. “Well, S.G., normally keeps them while we’re gone, but they just caught the flu.”
“Oh, that’s not good,” Mercury says sympathetically. “Are they alright?”
Goodbid nods, smoothing down Friday’s hair before speaking again. “We don’t really know what to do,” Goodbid continues, taking a sip of his coffee. Mercury stifles a laugh at the euphoric look on the businessman’s face when the caffeine hits his tongue. “We can’t hire a babysitter on such short notice, none of our parents live close enough to get here in time, and we don’t really have anyone else around here that we can drop them off with.” He sighs and puts down his cup. “I’m worried we’ll miss the trip which we can’t do because this is really important for this, that, and a third!” He groans and drops his head down on the table.
“Why can’t you just take them with you?” Mercury asks.
“They’d miss too much school and they would have to stay in a strange apartment in a strange town alone all day,” the man explains, head still on the table. Friday giggles at her dad, but says nothing.
“I mean, I could take care of the buggers,” Mercury offers carefully, watching Friday happily draw what looks like a family picture.
Goodbid’s head snaps up and he looks at him with wide pleading eyes. “You could? There’s two of them, and they can be quite the handful and-”
Mercury, much more confident now, shrugs him off. “I wouldn’t offer if I wasn’t sure.” The gratitude in the businessman’s eyes nearly melts Mercury on the spot. “Besides, it's only for a week.”
Goodbid sits up straight and with a dopey grin and says, “I could kiss you right now. Thank you so much!”
Mercury blushes slightly but covers it with a laugh. “How much sleep did ya get last night?”
“Not enough!” Goodbid declares as he stands up, picking Friday up with him.
“Wee!” Friday cheers as she takes her picture with her. “Can we go to Mercury’s house now?”
The businessman looks at Mercury with a slightly shyer look on his face. “Would you mind? I would kinda like to look around your home first to make sure everything is alright.”
“Yeah, of course!” Mercury agrees quickly, easily understanding the father’s concern. “I actually live about a ten-minute walk away.”
Goodbid gives him a warm smile. “Lead the way then.”
The air outside the coffee shop is nippy and dry, but it’s not unpleasant. Friday walks between them, holding her dad’s hand, but when a car whizzes by them, too close and too fast for comfort, she latches onto Mercury’s hand. The ex-sailor ideally thinks about how they must look like a little family on a walk before shaking the thought from his head. It doesn’t take long to reach his apartment complex, and before he knows it he is showing his boss his apartment so that way he can babysit his daughter and nephew.
“It isn’t much, but it was the first thing I bought on my own, so it means a lot to me,” Mercury says with a skittish smile as he opens the door.
“Hey, I get it, I had helicopter parents too,” Goodbid says with a smile.
The pilot makes a slightly pained expression. “Yeah, something like that.”
Goodbid does a thorough, yet entirely sleep-deprived, inspection while Friday explores.
“Everything looks good!” Goodbid praises. “Alright, Friday, let’s go home,” he says as he starts to look for his daughter.
“Oh, she’s in my room, taking a nap,” Mercury explains quietly from the kitchen. “Hope you don’t mind.”
“No, not at all,” Goodbid on instinct. He glances at his watch and realizes that he missed Friday’s nap time.
“Yeah, she told me she was sleepy and since I don’t have the guest room set up for her yet I just told her to sleep in my room.” Mercury slides past him into the kitchen where he starts to cook himself some food. “Hungry?”
On cue, Goodbid’s stomach growls. They both laugh before Mercury gets out enough ingredients to cook for three.
“Maybe we could add you to the rotation of babysitters,” Goodbid jokes, yawning as he does. “Give S.G. a break.”
They continue to talk while Mercury cooks, but Goodbid slowly becomes quieter, yawning more frequently. By the time the food is ready, the businessman has gone completely silent.
Mercury walks out to the living room but stops in the doorway.
Goodbid is dead asleep on his couch.
“Hey, you should probably eat something before taking a nap,” Mercury whispers, shaking his arm. Goodbid stirs groggily, blinking up confused at the pilot. Mercury chuckles and explains, “food’s ready.”
The cogs in the businessman’s head are slow but they are turning. After a few seconds of them staring at each other, Goodbid nods, slowly standing up. Mercury carefully guides the shorter into the kitchen. Goodbid stands like a zombie, clearly not thinking and just existing. The ex-sailor takes pity on the raven-haired man and makes both of their plates before leading him into the dining area.
Goodbid eats slowly, but he eventually does finish his food. Mercury finishes his food in silence as Goodbid zones out, fighting for his life to stay awake. Eventually, the businessman looks up at the other. “I like your voice,” he says suddenly.
“Yeah?” Mercury says with a chuckle. The poor man is clearly half asleep and not thinking clearly.
“You should keep talkin’,” Goodbid says with a nod.
Mercury stifles a laugh with his hand. “Why don’t you go sit on the couch? We can watch a movie or something.”
“Sure,” Goodbid says as he stands, walking unsteadily to the couch and collapsing across it like he was before.
Mercury laughs loudly at that. He cleans up the plates, packing Friday’s away for later. Once everything is clean, he returns to the soundly sleeping man, trying to decide what to do.
“Mr. Bid, wake up,” Mercury whispers, shaking him lightly, to which the sleeping man grumbles, but does not stir. After a moment of internal debate, Mercury drops down and removes the man’s shoes and suit jacket. He slips his hands under Goodbid’s knees and the small of his back before lifting him up bridal style; he is surprisingly light.
He briefly considers taking him to the guest bedroom before deciding that Goodbid will probably feel better if he is with his daughter.
His room is messy, stray clothing is scattered about and a few empty cans here or there, but Friday is fast asleep in his bed. Mercury gently lays Goodbid down next to his daughter before pulling back the covers and throwing the blanket over the man. He quietly backs out of the room, returning to the living room to wait for them to wake up.
TRIGGER WARNING for abuse and homophobia! I will put a chapter summary in the end note if you just want to skip this chapter!
February 15th, 2023
The rapid knocks at the door startle Goodbid out of his light sleep. He sits up from the recliner and glances at the time on his phone. 12:26 am. He must’ve fallen asleep in his chair after putting Friday in bed. He stands up and stretches, but the rapid knocking draws his attention back. He assumes it’s his neighbor's as he tucks his phone into his pocket and starts for the door.
“Hold ya horses, I’m comin’!” Goodbid grumbles as he opens the door. Standing on the other side is Mercury with his hair down, shivering as snow falls around him. “Mercury?” he says, astonished and confused to be seeing the pilot at this odd hour.
His head snaps up when Goodbid speaks like he didn’t hear the door open. “I’m sorry to be bothering you, but I don’t have anywhere else to go,” he says instantly, teeth chattering. Goodbid studies his face and his stomach drops as he sees dark bruises forming on the dark-haired man’s face. Sitting by his feet is a bag overflowing with clothes and other small items.
Goodbid is struck silent for a moment before swinging the door wide open and gesturing the younger man in.
“You are drippin’ wet!” Goodbid says as he takes the bag of clothes from Mercury and brings it into the living room.
“I’m- I’m sorry, I can ch-change if you w-want.” Mercury makes a move for the bag but Goodbid stops him.
“Oh, you’ll be changin’ alright, but you’re takin’ a hot shower first!” Goodbid says as he places a hand on the pilot’s shoulder and is startled to find how cold it is. Mercury mindlessly nods as the businessman guides him into the bathroom. “This one’s the hot, this one’s the cold.” He explains simply before tacking on, “I’m gonna get you a fresh change of clothes.”
He doesn’t wait for Mercury to respond before leaving. He quietly creeps past Friday’s room, praising any deity that will listen that his daughter could sleep through an apocalypse, and goes into his bedroom. He fishes out a clean pair of underwear, socks, and a comfy set of pajamas, and returns to the bathroom. He’s relieved to hear the water running and decides to just set the clothes outside the door.
He then goes into the kitchen to do what he does best: make southern comfort food.
Since most of the ingredients were already made and sitting in the fridge, it takes him no time at all to whip up a warm bowl of chicken noodle soup. He pauses for a moment to listen for the sound of running water before continuing with his plan to make a small batch of cookies and some fresh hot chocolate.
The shower clicks off as Goodbid cleans the kitchen up, the smell of freshly made food and baking cookies wafting through the house. Mercury timidly appears in the doorway, damp hair laying across his shoulders.
“Anything I can do to help?” he asks, his posture tense and drawn in on himself, like he’s worried he’ll get in trouble for not helping.
“Um, yeah,” Goodbid says after a moment. He throws the rag he was using over his shoulder and points to the bowls of soup. “Take those to the table, and then start eating. I’ll be joinin’ you in a minute.” He flashes Mercury his signature blinding smile before he continues to wipe down the counter.
He listens to Mercury’s socked feet pad into the kitchen before going into the dining room. He hears the wooden feet of the chair scrape against the wooden floors before Mercury sits down.
Goodbid gives the counter another once over before deciding his work was satisfactory. He notes how much longer until the cookies come out before picking up the cups of hot chocolate and joining Mercury at the table.
They eat in silence for a few minutes before Goodbid decides to try and address the elephant in the room.
“Now, I won’t force you,” he begins as gently as he can. He notes the way Mercury tenses up even further. “But I do want to know why you showed up at my door, not dressed for the cold, at 12:30 at night.”
Mercury nods and sits up a little straighter. His eyes focus on the wall behind Goodbid and he purses his lips, before laughing slightly manically.
“I- I don’t really know where to start,” he says, running a hand through his hair.
“Take your time, I have all night.”
Mercury is silent for a minute, the thousand-yard stare still fixed in his eyes before he looks at Goodbid. “Did I ever tell you about my dad?”
“Only that y’all argued a whole lot and you moved in with him a month ago because of his bad back.” Goodbid sips his hot chocolate.
“Did I ever tell you why we argued?”
“He was upset that you got your mother’s plane,” Goodbid recalls from previous conversations he’s had with the pilot. “Which is weird because he’s a sailor who can’t fly it?”
Mercury chuckles tiredly. “Yeah, dad wanted me to still be solely reliant on him like mom was, down to making me give up my apartment so I wouldn’t be able to go back…” Mercury trails off, the distant look returning to his face.
Goodbid tries to not react to that statement. Mercury talked frequently about how much his apartment meant to him, and he had no idea that he no longer had it. “But?” Goodbid prompts.
“But that’s not all we’d argue about,” Mercury says quietly.
Goodbid is silent for a moment, waiting for him to continue, but once it’s clear that Mercury has no plans on doing so, Goodbid says, “I won’t force ya to talk about it, but I won’t judge if it's somethin’ bad.”
Mercury looks down at his food before looking back to Goodbid with a determined expression. “You’re not homophobic, are you?”
Goodbid chuckles and shakes his head. “It’d be awfully hypocritical of me if I was.”
“You’re gay?”
“Pan, actually,” Goodbid clarifies.
Mercury is quiet for a moment before saying, “Okay, then this will be easier to explain than I thought.” Goodbid flashes him a smile and waits for him to continue. “I’m gay, and my dad knows. He hates it and regularly uses it against me.” He hesitates and takes a drink while he gathers his nerves. “We got in a bad fight over the fact that I won’t be marrying a woman, and he probably won’t be getting biological grandkids.” His grip on the mug tightens. “He gave me ten minutes to gather my stuff before he was going to shoot me with his shotgun.”
A heavy silence falls over them.
“I’m so sorry,” Goodbid says gently. He tentatively places his hand over Mercury’s. “That shouldn’t happen to anyone.” Mercury shrugs but doesn’t try to remove Goodbid’s hand. The businessman studies his face before saying. “We have an extra room. You can stay here for as long as you like.”
“Really?” Mercury asks quietly like if he raises his voice this moment will shatter and he will wake up in his dad’s house again, fearing being berated or beaten for sleeping in.
“Of course,” Goodbid says with a genuine smile. “I wouldn’t offer if I wasn’t serious. Besides, Friday will be thrilled to have you here!”
Chapter Summary: Mercury shows up at Goodbid’s house at midnight. Goodbid brings him inside and after Goodbid has made their food, Mercury reveals that he got into a bad fight with his dad and was kicked out. Goodbid offers him a place to stay.
June 11th, 2023
“Merc! Fri!” Goodbid calls tiredly into the house as he shuts the front door. “I’m home!”
“Okay, I’m in the kitchen!” Mercury replies. He hears Friday happily run up to her father. “We have guests by the way!”
The click of Goodbid’s shoes echoes through the hall as he pops into the kitchen, Friday sitting on his hip. “Oh really, who’s here?”
“Hey, mustache,” Glib says from the couch.
“Oh, howdy, Glib!” Goodbid says tiredly but with a smile nonetheless. “What ‘re ya doin’ here?”
Glib stands up from the couch and stands in the kitchen doorway. “I was dropping Friday off, and needed to wait until you got here so I could give you these papers from Mystery Man.”
Goodbid groans. “What now?”
Glib laughs. “My thoughts exactly.” He shakes his head and holds out a manilla folder. There’s fine writing across the front, but Mercury learned months ago that Callisto is very specific about who sees what information. He quickly diverts his eyes back to the stove as Glib continues, “nothing urgent this time. Just some paperwork that he decided would probably be best in your hands.”
“About our last… task?” Goodbid asks cautiously.
“Yep, apparently you have to fill out a field report about the…” he looks at Friday who is playing with her tablet in her hands. “The accidents.”
Goodbid, still holding Friday on his hip, takes the folder and instantly starts pouring over it.
“It’s really nothing important, it can wait ‘til tomorrow,” Glib says to him before turning Mercury with an apologetic look. “Make sure he gets some rest.”
“I always do,” Mercury jokes, taking Friday from the distracted businessman and putting her on the ground. He takes her tablet and puts it on the counter. “Go wash up for dinner.” He looks up to Glib as Friday hurries off, yelling something about how fast she can be. “Will you be staying for dinner? We’d love to have you!”
Glib shakes his head. “While I would really like some of your cooking, I got things to do back home. I’ll leave you and your boyfriend alone. Goodnight!” He turns and leaves, not acknowledging the confused look on the pilot’s face.
“Boyfriend? We aren’t dating?” he says quietly.
But then he starts to think about it. They do everything couples do. They cook for each other, go out to dinner when it's just the two of them, sleep in the same bed (Friday accidentally ruined the guest bed by spilling a number of strange liquids on it and the best solution was to just share a bed until it got replaced. They still share the bed three weeks later), share clothes, call each other pet names, buy each other small gifts, and are always together. Hell, Friday’s even started calling him Pa!
Mercury, lost in a stunned silence, barely notices when Goodbid clicks his tongue and pulls away from Mercury.
“I’m gonna take this upstairs, change, and come down for dinner, I’ll be only a minute, baby,” he explains quickly. He kisses the pilot on the cheek before running up the stairs and into his office.
Right, there’s also the cheek kisses.
Mercury, with the help of a chatty Friday, sets the table and awaits Goodbid’s return.
Once the businessman arrives they eat dinner quietly, discussing each other’s days; Mercury strategically waiting until Friday goes to her room to play to ask his real questions. Once he hears the little girl’s door shut, he takes a bite of his salad and looks at Goodbid who is sitting across from him.
“So, how long have we been dating?” he asks, not accusatory, just casually.
Goodbid scrunches his eyebrows in thought before saying, “about two months, why?”
Mercury starts laughing and drops his fork.
“Is that wrong? Did I miss an important date?” Goodbid asks, becoming increasingly more concerned.
Mercury, still laughing, shakes his head. “Well, that’s news to me!”
The businessman cocks his head to the side and stares confused, “What do you mean?”
“John, my love, when did we establish that we are dating?” Mercury asks, the disbelieving smile still plastered to his face.
“Uh, it was when we- we had uh…” Goodbid trails off, the gears turning too rapidly in his head for him to focus on speaking at the same time. Mercury looks at him expectantly with a barely concealed smile. “Oh my god.”
At that Mercury loses his composure entirely and starts howling with laughter. “Welcome to the crisis I’ve been having for the last twenty minutes!” he teases as Goodbid bluescreens in front of him. Mercury snickers for another minute before he regains control of his laughter and Goodbid’s brain boots back up. “So I suppose today is the official date, then?”
The businessman runs a hand through his hair. “Yeah, I suppose it has to be,” he says, completely dazed before a smile breaks across his face, “but now you’re officially mine.”
Before Mercury can respond there’s a small cheer from the stairs overlooking the dining room. “Woo!” Friday yells, “my dads are together!”
Mercury devolves back into laughter as Goodbid goes red to his ears.
“Friday! We talked about this!” he scolds. Friday’s laugh rings through the house as she darts back up into her room. Goodbid shoots out of his seat and runs upstairs, “get back here missy!” he yells, laughing the whole way.
October 9th, 2024
“Oh god,” Goodbid groans, spinning on his heels as he scans the entire food court. “Where did she go?”
Goodbid had stupidly decided to go to the mall with Friday and their friends. They were supposed to be shopping for a birthday gift for Mercury, but his eight-year-old has suddenly vanished from his side.
“Why am I getting deja vu?” Glib mumbles as he puts a hand on Emmy’s shoulder, pulling him closer as he anxiously wrings his hands and smoothes his black jacket, shrugging when Goodbid flashes him a confused look. “But I’m sure she’s fine, she wanders off all the time, mustache.” Glib looks for S.G. for backup, but they are rhythmically running their hands through their hair, eyes wide, unseeing, and worried as they stare out into the large food court.
“Dad,” Emmy whispers, tugging on Glib’s coat. “I see her.” He nods into the crowd, eyes intently focused on the white-haired girl.
“Bless you, Emerald!” Goodbid exclaims as he sprints to the other side of the massive food court, not paying attention to who Friday is chatting to. “Friday!” he cries as he scoops her up, crushing her against his chest in a bear hug. “You can’t keep wanderin’ off like that! You’re gonna get kidnapped, child!”
“But I didn’t wander off,” Friday’s muffled voice says.
“Like hell, you didn’t!” Goodbid scolds, “What do you call this then?”
“I think I know how this one goes,” a familiar New Zealand accent says with a bashful smile. “I think my line is ‘sorry, mate, I was just keeping her safe until security came.’” From behind a dumbfounded Goodbid, Glib, and S.G. laugh. He flashes Goodbid that smile that almost makes him forget why he was upset. Almost. “I’m Mercury by the way.”
“Mercury, what in the hell are you doin’ here?” Goodbid says through a slack jaw.
“That’s not how this goes!” Mercury teases as he takes a sip of his drink. He wipes his mouth on his sleeve before he speaks again, “Well, I was enjoying my lunch when this little girl-” he ruffles her hair to which she squeals, “came bounding up to me, and who am I to say no to this cute little face?”
“I saw Pa and wanted to say hi!” Friday explains as she wiggles her way out of her father’s arms.
“Friday, you didn’t say anything! You just disappeared!” Goodbid explains exasperatedly.
“Again,” Glib tacks on, sipping his bright red drink.
Goodbid nods before turning to Mercury. “Why didn’t you tell me you were gonna be at the mall?”
Mercury shrugs. “I was just gonna eat lunch and then return to work.”
“You should stay with us!” Friday interjects happily.
“Now Friday, we shouldn’t keep your Pa from his work,” Goodbid says gently as he places a hand on her shoulder to calm her down.
Mercury glances at his watch before shrugging. “Well, it’s not like I have anything better to do.”
“What about your work?” S.G. asks.
“Nothing dire, mostly busy work.”
“Stay with us! Stay with us!” Friday begins to chant, Emmy joining in not long after.
“And you’re sure it won’t put you behind?” Goodbid asks, already giving into his precious child’s demands.
“It’ll be fine, John.” Mercury stands up and presses a kiss to Goodbid’s cheek. “Besides I want to spend time with my husband.” He links their hands together, his gold and green wedding band catching in the light.
“Fine, as long as we aren’t inconveniencing you,” Goodbid -the absolute softy who is well aware of it, damn it!- giggles as he melts like butter in the sun.
As they begin walking off, S.G. begins to laugh.
“What’s so funny?” Mercury asks, leaning over Goodbid to look at them.
“Friday was right again.”
Mercury and Goodbid share a confused look before looking back to S.G. for an explanation.
“Two years ago Friday demanded that Mercury stays with us because he was going to be your husband.” S.G. laughs before adding, “And she was right!”
Friday, who is holding onto Mercury’s hand giggles. “I’m always right,” she says in an innocent yet all-knowing tone.
“Well, Blondie, what do you think will happen next?” Glib asks jokingly as he saunters behind her.
Friday is quiet for a moment as she and Emmy whisper to each other before the little girl confidently says, “Uncle Glib is going to get a really big and strong husband who works like daddy and Pibling S.G. will get a pink-haired magic friend!”
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steddieunderdogfics · 5 months
it was love, love alone by wynnyfryd
This fic has a podfic read by reena_jenkins!
Rating: Explicit
2,498 words, 1/1 chapters
Archive warnings: No Warnings
Tags: Established Relationship, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Fluff and Humor, Cleaning, Throne Sex, Blow Jobs, Public Blow Jobs, Semi-Public Sex, Sexual Roleplay, or a really bad attempt at it, Dorks in Love, Switching, Sort Of, there's like, very light d/s dynamics if you squint
“Eyes on the prize, Munson! We help clean out the prop attic, you get to take your beloved Hellfire throne for keeps; them’s the rules.” “Them’s the rules,” Eddie mocks. “They sure are,” Steve smiles brightly. Then he bends down low, breath hot in Eddie’s ear. “And if you can finish helping me without being a total fucking drama queen about it, I might suck you off on that throne before we load it into the van.” You had my curiosity, but now you have my attention. -- Steve and Eddie get nasty on the Hellfire throne.
Thanks for the rec!
This is a MOD rec as a part of our Fic Fridays.
Know a fic that deserves extra love? Submit through our asks or the submission box!
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baewriites · 1 year
Chemistry [ Kuroo x fem!reader ]
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"WHAT?!" you exclaimed in disbelief when you heard that your school, Nekoma lost against Fukurodani in the prelims, more specifically about your crush, Kuroo Tetsuro losing. Okay they still had a chance of making it to the nationals and...... They did it.
Rainy day, noise of chatter surrounding you and your best friend, Yuki who was mindlessly rambling. Your eyes were searching for a specific person, Kuroo and that's when he entered with his classic smug smile.
He was pretty popular in your school, owing to his somewhat good looks, good grades and since he was the captain of the volleyball team. There was a common perception that he was a fuckboy but in reality he was pretty much a dork who liked to play with balls.
In your peripheral vision, You watched him walk towards you and occupy the seat in front of yours. Did you two know each other? Yes. Did you two talk? No, not really. But there was this slight tension whenever you two made eye contact. Not to mention, both of you made a lot of eye contact.
It's not like you were afraid of talking to him or anything, it's just that...... you don't want to. Who likes socializing anyways? But your polar opposite bestie, Yuki was bent upon on making you two talk and she did succeed at times, but only small talks. But this time, this time she bribed with the latest Jujutsu Kaisen Manga. There was no way in hell you could refuse that offer.
Okay as per the plan you two whispered which probably half of the class heard was that you would go up to him during recess and ask him to teach you chemistry, conveniently ignoring that you were a bigger nerd than him in chem. Anyways simple right? You took a breath and saw Kuroo talking to Kenma, giggling like a teenage girl. Which idiot did you even choose to have a crush on? You sigh and walk towards him and as you were about to ask him for the favour,he interrupted you and said, "Can we study chem together? I have missed out on the new lessons due to the volleyball matches."
"S-sure" the way you mentally cringed and wished to turn into a ball of nothingness and cease to exist when you stuttered in front of him. He said again, "It's okay if you are busy" "No it's fine, what about Friday? After school?" "Sure, I am free"
It was finally D-day, Friday (as per how Yuki worded it). Him and you were sitting poles apart, sparing no glances. Everyone's energy was pretty much non existent as it was the last period. But Yuki? She was rambling and rambling about the delusional things she think would happen today. Although you secretly liked her rambling and delusionships, you still felt shy to admit that but finally you got a little annoyed when she started to give you sex education. Which motherfucker thinks you two will fuck at the first meet already?
The never ending class finally ended. Yuki cheered and left and you were walking alone to the stairs. Suddenly you feel a towering presence and see him. "Could we study at my place? " "Sure", you replied, a little startled. Surprisingly the session went well. Both decided to meet for more lessons.
And a few lessons afterwards, you two had gotten closer. It was pretty interesting to study with him. He is genuinely good at chemistry and is really smart in academics. Plus point that he is helpful smart instead of mean smart. But his humour....... no way it was that bad. He says the most randomest stuff.
Like one time, you two were solving past test papers, pretty quiet, just the shuffling of the pages. His pen stops and he looks at you and with a quiet voice he says, " Y/N.... you know why do I only say bad chemistry jokes?" "Why?" "What do I do? All the good ones ARGON" he said and proceeded to laugh as if it was the funniest thing.
One thing you always wondered about him was his hair, his rooster hair. You always had the urge to pet it. And one time your impulsive thoughts won and you just out of nowhere pet it, not noticing the way his entire face went red.
As for Kuroo, he was a total fool in matters of girl which led to him consulting another genius, Yaku. Kuroo whined, "YAKUNN WHAT DO I DO?" and Yaku replied, almost unbothered, "Confess to her. What else should you do?" Kuroo got a little pissed and yelled, "IS IT THAT EASY? YOU SURELY LACK DOCOSAHEXAENOIC ACID" Yaku yelled back and said, "HUH! SHUT UP YOU ASTAXANTHIN" Both of them kept on screaming until Fukunaga spilled water on them. Then Kuroo decided to ask Nobuyuki instead, who was actually mature. He pretty much praised you saying, "You should confess to her before it's too late. She is a good girl and anyone may take her before you do. Don't delay. And you can play the guitar so just sing her a love song" And our captain, Kuroo chose the most generic song, Perfect by Ed Sheeran but it was his feelings that mattered and his feelings were genuine and strong. And the plan was that he would confess to you at the end of your study session this weekend.
The day came and everything went normally, as it goes everytime. To be honest, you were content with the bond you two have now and didn't want more than that. You were focused when you noticed your phone vibrating from a phone call, It was Yuki and she seemed in an emergency, You quickly arrange your belongings and was about to go, when you heard Kuroo call you from behind. You turn around to see visible panic and hesitation on his face, probably from his plans being ruined and he just blurted out, "You- You know one thing, after studying chemistry with you, I realized that we have a lot of chemistry." And in a hurry you gave him a slight bow with a soft smile, your brain registering it as one of his stupid jokes. And after you left, he was pretty much rethinking his life choices.
What happened was that Yuki had found a stray injured cat and she took it to the vet but she had no money so she sent you to her house to collect money. After the vet you two went to her house and were chilling. Suddenly you remembered what Kuroo told you and you told her.
"YOU IDIOT!" Yuki yelled. "what?" "HE PROPOSED TO YOU!" "When?" "HE LITERALLY TOLD YOU THAT YOU GUYS HAD CHEMISTRY. ARE YOU DUMB OR WHAT? OH GOD" To sum it up, he indirectly asked you out and you just did... nothing. Which idiot did Kuroo even choose to have a crush on?
The following day, you two didn't even look at each other. And Yuki being Yuki was being all menacing. She had to be so much involved and unable to take the obvious awkwardness between you two and the taunts of Yuki, you just decide to ask Kuroo out. What could possibly go wrong?
It was departure time. Everyone was talking on the school ground. He was a little far away from you, walking with his teammates. It's now or never. You approached him and tapped on his shoulder. Then you said, "Kuroo wanna go on a date with me?" You said it really fast, not taking a breath. And the gasp you heard from him was a harm to not only yours but everyone near's eardrums. Everyone was staring at you two . Finally words come out of his mouth,"S-sure" the way he mentally cringed and wished to turn into a ball of nothingness and cease to exist when he stuttered in front of you. Yousaid again, "It's okay if you are busy" "No it's fine, what about Friday? After school?" "Sure, I am free"
A happy ending hehe :)
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Cartoon Network Friday Spotlight: Dexter’s Laboratory- “D&DD”
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Y’all probably don’t need me reminding you of this, but the Dexter’s Lab crew were big ol’ dorks. And this translated to other shows in the Cartoon Network canon- Craig McCracken will gladly recount the tales of The Powerpuff Girls team holding speed run contests for Ocarina of Time.
So yeah, it shouldn’t be a surprise if Genndy and crew were into tabletop games like Dungeons & Dragons, because why wouldn’t they be? While tabletop RPGs have slowly crept their way into the cooler side of nerddom, they were still kind of niche 25+ years earlier when this episode first air. You could get a non-geek to see a super hero movie, but for the most part, only the biggest losers would play one of these games. Luckily that’s changed, but hey, that works for Dexter back then, doesn’t it?
In “D&DD”, we see some of Dexter’s inconsistent friends, but not Douglas (or Mordecai, I guess, which he’s later called in the post-revival seasons. Apparently that’s his last name, which I assume they came up with to not make people think of Dexter Douglas from Freakazoid!) play Mazes & Monsters, with Dexter as the dungeon master. Dexter is an unforgiving master, causing his friends to revolt and anoint Dee Dee when she expresses interest in joining.
Unsurprisingly, it turns out that Dee Dee is a solid, if unconventional DM, and she leads Dexter and his friends to victory in a fun little lark. I’ll confess that I’ve never been a TT RPG guy, so while some things fly over my head, it still works as a fun episode thanks to the ever-enjoyable conflicting personalities between Dee Dee’s bountiful joy and Dexter’s ego. That said, I wish we could have seen more of the other game Dee Dee started up at the end.
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bingbongsupremacy · 1 year
Pairing: Ellie Williams x !platonic reader x Dina
Warnings: kinda asshole ghost!ellie
Summary: You meet the ghost of Ellie Williams, a dead high schooler at Jackson High. Strange way to start off a friendship.
Idea from Pinterest.
*Not Proof Read* TLOU Masterlist
Jackson high's been around for decades. Of course with a school this old there's bound to be some fucked up stories or legends that come with it.
The latest one is about an old senior named Ellie Williams. She died 2 years ago in an accident, way before I came into town. Of course I don't believe the stupid rumors. Frankly, it's pretty fucked up to make stuff up like that. Just let the girl rest in peace.
With a loud sigh, I set plop open my math text book. I carefully begin jotting down the questions, trying my best to remember what my teacher taught this morning.
I never seem to be able to retain what she tells me. Maybe it's her boring monotone voice or maybe it's the fact that I'd much rather be scraping my eyes out with a fork that causes me to get so easily distracted. I have to get this shit nailed though. If I fail again I won't be able to graduate.
My parents will be so pissed.
The library is empty. Who knows where the librarian is. Probably talking gossip with the office secretaries. I mean, who in their right mind stays after school on a Friday to finish school work?
Me. That's who.
Against my will of course.
The sooner I get this shit done the sooner I can go home and play some games. Come on. Just fucking focus.
" X= 930. " A voice whispers suddenly, scaring the shit out of me.
I look around for the culprit, only to be met with no one. " What the hell? " I mutter, shaking my head. A shiver runs down my spine. I feel like someone's watching me. Who though? There's no one here and there's no fucking way Jackson High has enough for cameras in the library.
I shake off the feeling and try to return to my work. It had to be my head.
I begin re-reading the problem, trying to solve it. What the fuck am I supposed to do here?
" X= 930. " The voice whispers again, this time slightly louder.
There's someone fucking here. Either that or I'm going insane.
My head snaps around to the direction of the voice. " Who the fuck is that? Jordan, I swear to god if you're fucking with me I'll kick your ass. " I threaten. I stand up, walking over to the book shelves. I peek in and out of the isles, looking for whoever was talking.
" Oh my fucking god! For the last time, the answer for 3 is fucking X= 930. " The voice yells from the table area, clearly annoyed.
I rush back to the noise, my jaw dropping.
A faded figure stares at me, annoyance clearly displayed through their expression.
" I-I can see through you. " I stumble over my words.
The figure rolls their eyes. " Yeah, no shit sherlock. I'm a ghost. "
" Ghost? "
The girl sighs, rubbing the middle of her forehead. " Now I see why you were stuck on that problem for so long. " Yes, I'm a ghost. I'm dead. My name's Ellie Williams, mighta head of me, ya? "
I swallow harshly. " Oh my god. You're fucking real. You're fucking real? "
Ellie nods, sitting on top of the table. " Yup. And I was trying to help you with your homework. Now, do you want my help or do you want to just stand there like a dork for the next hour? "
I shake my head and move towards the table. I sit back down, glancing back at Ellie every few minutes. " How are you..? "
" Here? " Ellie finishes. She shrugs. " Fuck knows. Just popped up one day. "
" How come I didn't see you a minute ago? " I ask, still shocked over the situation.
" I can control whether you see me or not. We both can. "
" Both? " I ask in confusion.
Ellie looks across the room. " D, you can come out now. "
Another figure pops up on one of the couches. Another girl around our age smiles slightly. " I'm Dina. "
" There's two of you. "
Ellie groans in annoyance. " What the fuck. We just went over this. "
" Ellie, be nice. " Dina walks towards us. " This is a lot to take in for a normal person. "
" It definitely is. " I begin grabbing my stuff. " I um, I've got to go. I have to go...water my...dog. " I nod, wanting nothing more but to get the fuck out of here.
" Ellie, look what you did. " Dina hisses as I begin walking away. " Do you really have to go? Ellie didn't mean it. She's just kind of an asshole. "
I look back at her. I chew on the inside of my cheek nervously. I glance between the girls.
Dina glares at Ellie.
" Yeah, sorry. " Ellie apologizes. " I was a little rude. "
" A little? " Dina scoffs.
" A lot. " Ellie corrects, clenching her teeth.
Dina rolls her eyes and crosses her eyes, looking back at me. As soon as she looks at me her expression brightens. " Please stay. We'll help you with your work. We haven't had very many new people to talk to in ages. It'd be so nice to catch up with someone not...dead. "
I glance at the door. Should I stay?
" Fine. " I sigh. " I guess I can stay for a bit. " I set my stuff back down.
If you had asked me what I was going to do today, talking to ghosts would definitely not be on my list.
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cheddertm · 3 months
I like totally forgot I made this thing and decided well fuck it, let's revamp it! I decided to change a few things about the initial version I had thought up so hopefully this is better :]!!
So, the gang is still board games in the Bennett household, and all the games are stacked in the living room closet. Fridays, this can happen from every Friday to only one Friday a month, the board games have their Game Night! Game Night is when all the board games hang out with one another! This ranges from two checker pieces talking on the closet shelf to pieces from Sorry! playing Monopoly after a round of Jenga.
When a piece travels to another game, they're instantly dropped into that world! From boards like Clue or Monopoly, the place becomes a mansion or city the pieces can walk through!
Each board game has a personification of themselves in the game. The personification can come from a playable piece to a card. That piece is quoted as the "heart" of the game. Once that piece is destroyed or lost, the personification and the fun disappears.
The personification's personalities help shape the game greatly. This is why two people who have played the same game, might play it differently. These personifications have their own special ways they like people playing their game! Reading the rules will show the human how to "properly" play it, but the more the game is played, the more its personality is shined through the gameplay.
Facts about the Big Four + art :D
Rapunzel (Candyland):
The Candy QueenTM, but even as royalty, the blonde is a giant dork and quite down to earth. When people meet her, they’re usually surprised she’s the queen of the entire kingdom when she’s not as stiff as one imagines.
She's the second oldest game in the closet. She and Hiccup have a deep bond that no one understands as the two had to deal with a lot before the others came. While everyone sees Rapunzel as this effortlessly cherry and bubbly character, Hiccup has seen her through her roughest days. The blonde was never the first queen of Candyland even if everyone else thinks she is, and plans to keep it that way.
For fun, Rapunzel handmade each of her citizen's outfits. She says it’s a stress reliever and a small gift to her loyal citizens. However, the queen is usually never wearing shoes! She’s tried them before but has sworn off them. Rapunzel claims they’re too restrictive and she wants to live a free life!
Since her game is hardly as stressful as the others, Rapunzel doesn’t have to worry about too many guests coming in and out of her kingdom! This lets the blonde hang out with her friends during Game Night worry-free. Until the after party that is…
Her best friend is Merida! The two had a rocky start, but Rapunzel's nice and caring attitude crumbled Merida's walls. Thanks to this, Merida is usually the guinea pig of Rapunzel's newest dessert recipes and outfits.
After game nights, the blonde invites everyone to her game to have a grand feast! Even though the food mostly ranges from hard candies to soft ice cream, everyone adores Rapunzel's food
Merdia (Exploding Kittens):
Merida was the newest board game to come to the house. It was a rocky first start as half the games avoided the redhead. After she met Rapunzel, Jack, and Hiccup, everything went much smoother for her. She's a lot softer with the three than anyone else, even though they don't see it themselves.
The redhead is the most competitive person in the closet. She turns almost anything into a game to be won, even though there’s rarely a prize attached to it. Each competition gets her blood pumping, stating that even if they’re stupid games, she’ll make sure to make it the most fun she’ll ever have! Believe it!
She probably has the strangest appearance out of the lot, with cat ears and tail to match. Jack asked once if she had whiskers, and he immediately got decked for it. Though Merida isn’t ashamed of how she looks, she takes great pride in the fact, the redhead hates embarrassing questions asked by a white boy
Because of her explosive game, Merida is usually seen with all sorts of injuries. This can range from burnt hair and a tiny scar to a broken leg! While the redhead knows how to care for herself as she’s proficient in treating burnt scars, no one is surprised when they see Merida as the newest patient at Operation. Thankfully, whenever her injuries are serious, one or all of Merida’s friends are with her!!!
No one knows, but Merida wasn't a store-bought game. The Bennetts found her game during a yard sale in almost perfect condition. While this is not a new phenomenon, the redhead didn't want to be treated differently, so, kept it to herself. Yard sale games are usually found with missing pieces, ripped or damaged cards, and their box is torn, meaning others tread lightly around them, as they don't have a long stay before getting thrown in the trash or sold again.
Hiccup (Chess):
Hiccup is the oldest game out of the bunch. While Rapunzel is a close second, the brunette is technically the first to be placed in the closet. Hiccup jokes about this as he’s the king piece of his own game, so it’s as if he’s the ruler of his own game and the others. Though with the brunette's more awkward attitude, no one takes him too seriously.
Like his best friend Jack, his appearance changes. This only happens when he’s in a game, however. Depending on his side, Hiccup will change from the white to the black king through a coin toss. On Game Nights, Hiccup’s outfit combines both sides, though the brunette is often never seen wearing his crown.
To most people’s surprise, Hiccup is the person who’s playing his game the LEAST. The king explained that since his game is only two players, he misses opportunities to play with all his friends. Thankfully, recently Hiccup figured out he could make multiple people play his games by switching out pieces for his friends. The brunette has been playing his game much more after that discovery
Once Sophie accidentally dropped the king piece, breaking the cross. Thankfully, the family instantly prepared him with some hot glue, Hiccup lost his leg that day. On the next Game Night, Rapunzel surprised him with a peppermint replacement! He still tries to make it up to her.
Jack (UNO):
Jack Frost is known as the most social, and annoying, game of the lot. Everyone knows his name and his game. It’s hard not to when he’s the most popular game in the closet. The white-haired guy soaked in all the attention, but his favorite days are when it’s just him and his best friends.
Like his colorful game, the man can change his appearance on a whim. Each Game Night the man is wearing a different outfit or rocking out a different hair color. Though this is limited to his eyes and hair, Jack takes this and runs with it. Though, his favorite colors are his white hair and blue eyes.
His best friend is Hiccup. One glance at the two would clearly show that they’re polar opposites! There was no way they were friends, let alone could be in the same game together! Yet most failed to realize how unhinged the chess king was, and the two got along well—besides the exceptions of chaos.
Even though Jack was already competitive, a certain redhead made Game Night for him. He wasn’t sure how, maybe it was her passion or stupid competition she makes, but Jack always competed right beside her. The two of them now have a tally of how many competitions each has won. Jack barely remembers what life was like before Merida, and he plans to keep it that way
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personifications and their pieces in the game :D!!
Anyways thats all for now, tell me if you think its neat or want more :]!!!
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penelopetheconartist · 11 months
Orange Porch Light : Part 4
Coral Island Fanfiction about Rafael and OC. This is what I do when I'm bored at work so it is not polished. I wrote it to give myself more Rafael content. Plz enjoy!
Coral Island 1.0 is released tomorrow :D
"Oh, you're going to the tavern this evening? Cool I'll see you there", said Pablo. "Rafael you won't go?" Inquired Penelope trying to sound chill because she wanted him to come but the whole point was to get to know other people. Raf shook his head, "nah. Uhm. I like my quiet evenings." Penelope nodded, “that's fair. Maybe I'll convince you some other time.” He liked that she didn't push him to go out and he especially liked that she was going to ask him again. “I definitely think people need to get out more”, Pablo said nudging Raf who only rolled his eyes because of course, Pablo will always try to push him to go out. “Alright cool, well I suppose I'll see you guys later.” “Byeeeee”, Pablo said like a dork and Raf just nodded and smiled. As soon as the door shut Pablo turned abruptly to Rafael. “Come out tonight.” “What? no.” “Yes! If you come out, it'll be a group setting and there will be no pressure and you can spend more time with Penelope! And maybe even ask her out!” it was a foolproof plan according to Pablo. “Pablo, it'll be too crowded, and I'll be too uncomfortable to talk to her at all.” “Oh my god, you're killing me. Raf c'mon.” “No.” “C'mon.” “No.” “Come OOONNNNN!” Raf grunted and walked away. “Uuughh,” Pablo lamented. If you don’t ask her out soon someone else will!”
Rafael ignored Pablo and continued working. Their stubbornness infuriated each other.
“Fine! I'll flirt with her tonight! I'll ask her out!” Raf tensed but continued to ignored him and started to hammer away to drown out his stupid brother. Pablo went to change so he could head out to the tavern. As he left, he called out, “don't be surprised if I bring Penelope home tonight. “ In frustration, Raf slammed the hammer as hard as he could and Pablo was gone. He knew Pablo wasn't serious but he aslo knew his brother was charming af and probably could easily win Penelope over. Angry, he went up to his room so he could watch movies alone.
Pablo was sitting with Luke and Alice and called over Penelope as soon as she arrived. Penelope waved and walked to the bar first to grab a beer. She sat with them and both Luke and Alice had so many questions for the new girl. This is exactly what Penelope wanted, to get to know more people than just the blacksmiths she had to see daily because she kept breaking her tools. Pablo attempted to flirt but all his advances fell flat. He was actually pleased because this meant she was seriously into his brother. Luke and Penelope both offered to collect more beers for the table. As soon as they were out of earshot Pablo leaned over to Alice, “I think I need your help.” “With what?” “Raf is head over heels for her and I'm pretty sure she feels the same way about him.” “Awwwwwww!” Alice beamed, “That’s adorable.” “It is until they try to talk to each other,” Pablo stared into the distance remembering the ‘cringe’ he had to witness, “oh my god Alice, Raf is so goddam stubborn.” Alice smiled, “Aww no he's just shy.” Pablo shook his head and leaned back, “same thing.” Alice only giggled. “I couldn't get him to come out tonight. Alice raised a brow, “Yeah he'll never come here on a Friday. Maybe a Tuesday.” Penelope and Luke returned with new drinks. Pablo tried to flirt a few more times but Penelope just didn't react. Alice did and kicked him a few times. A few more people came by to chat with the newcomer. Overall, Penelope had a good night. But as she walked home, she found herself feeling a little sad that Rafael didn't join them, but she didn't blame him. The place was busy and loud, and Penelope drank a little more than she intended so she wouldn't feel overwhelmed. But that was probably enough socializing for the rest of next week. Pablo got in late. The shop was quiet. He crept up the stairs like he always does on Friday. They still worked a half day on Saturday, and he didn't want to wake Raf. Pablo did feel like a dick for saying what he said to Raf and even flirting with Penelope. He decided he’d wake up early to make breakfast to show he was sorry. If Raf was still awake, he'd apologize now. He peeked into Raf's room and there were zero lights. Sometimes he's still up watching a movie on his tablet but not tonight. Alright, Pablo will apologize tomorrow. Pablo woke up before Raf and made breakfast. When Raf joined him in the kitchen Pablo was plating it up. Raf yawned and raked his hand through his messy hair, “what's this?” Pablo sighed, “sorry for what I said yesterday. I was being a dick.” Raf nodded in agreement and sat down to start eating. “Also, I'm sorry I flirted with Penelope last night.” Raf tensed and gripped his fork, he was preparing himself for the worst. Was Penelope about to join them for breakfast? Pablo sat down across from his clearly distraught brother, “you'll be happy to know she did not flirt with me in return. She barely paid attention to me. “ Raf relaxed and finally looked up at Pablo, “really?” Pablo leaned back looking disappointed, “Yeah. That doesn't often happen to me.” Raf just laughed and started eating. They were good now. Penelope arrived a little before they closed in a very good mood. A bit too enthusiasctically she slammed some money on the counter resulting in both her and Rafael jumping just a little.
He smirked slightly confused, “Uh hey. How’s it going?”
Penelope was embarrassed for slamming the money, “Hey. It’s going good. I got paid!!!”
“Ah”, his smile brightened, “congratulations.”
“Thanks! I’d like to get a new pickaxe! … please”, she added because she was taught to always be polite.
Pablo could hear them chatting from the other room, so he decided to eavesdrop.
Rafael was getting a work order ready for Penelope and tried to make conversation, “did you have fun last night?” “Yeah, uhm, Pablo seemed to have a little too much last night.” “Oh?” “Yeah. I think he was flirting with me but everything he said was so cheesy.” Pablo stayed in the other room as now he was slightly offended. Rafael just laughed, “he can get flirty when he drinks. And when he’s sober… He’s just flirty. Harmless really.” Harmless??!! Pablo was more offended. Penelope sighed in relief, “Oh good.” Raf’s heart did a happy dance because Penelope is NOT interested in his brother, “Hey so I’ll have this new pickaxe ready sometime this week. Is that okay?
Penelope was so excited to have money and new things, “that’s perfect!”
Her enthusiasm was endearing, and Rafael couldn’t stop smiling as she left.
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melodiousramblings · 11 months
Get to Know Me (and you)
@seiya-starsniper Thanks for the tag friend! :D
Three ships I really like right now:
ToxiGriffe (aka ShadyClaw?) - That Miraculous Ladybug Paris Special sure was something omg so gooooooood. And I loooooved the dynamic between Toxinelle/Shadybug and Griffe Noir/Claw Noir and I so want a spin-off of them please. I went hunting for fics of them last night and found a few small ones to read. I need more
The Love Square - Look, I’m always going to have these dorks on the brain. They’re my biggest brain rot and I’m here forever.
Lokius - I haven’t watched past episode 1 of season two but from the spoilers I’ve seen, just aaaaa. This one’s mostly just surface level for me though. A few tumblr posts here and there but not much else. I just think they’re neat.
First Ever Ship: I think mine was also Sailor Moon/Tuxedo Mask, as a little girl. But the first one I like really got into fandom-wise would be Violetshipping/Puppyshipping. They’re what got me into reading fanfiction and I still love them all these years later.
Last Song: Uhhhhhhh, I can’t remember… I can’t even remember what the last song I had stuck in my head was and that was earlier today.
Last Movie: I went to see The Marvels with my dad on Friday. It was his choice tbh, not mine. But it wasn’t bad! I enjoyed myself. There was a bit in the middle that was hilarious and dad and I were losing our shit.
Currently Reading: Various Miraculous Ladybug fanfiction. Like I mentioned earlier, I hunted down a few ToxiGriffe fics, but I after I read those I’ll tackle a much longer ML fic.
Currently Watching: Nothing really. Unless you count whatever’s currently on tv right now lol.
Currently Eating: I had dinner a few hours ago, breaded chicken, rice, cauliflower, and avocado. Yum!
Currently Craving: Garlic Bread. Garlic Bread. Gaaaaaaahliiiiiiiiic Breeeeeeeeed.
Tagging (with no pressure):
@alectoperdita @cookiejuicedesu @head-full-of-things @sapphira-mydnyte
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“Lab Safety? What’s That?” | Klaus x Reader
《We love Klaus on this blog <3》
✎Reader is a Trans Man
✎Trigger Warning: Slight yandere, obsessive behavior, yandere with a willing darling
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reblogs with comments > reblogs > likes
You're sitting on the couch drawing, a plate of your favorite food next to you half eaten and your phone playing music quietly on the other side of you. Today you planned for it to be just a chill day, a day where you can relax and draw all day. Hopefully nothing interesting happens that makes you get up.
And there it is...
You quickly get up and rush into your partner's lab, seeing Klaus covered in smoke with broken glass sticking out of his arm, a tiny fire on his shoulder.
Klaus looks over and sees you standing in the doorway. "D-Don't worry, everything's fine! Uhh...j-just a minor setback!" He sheepishly says.
You walk over to him and pick up the glass of water he left on the table, pouring the water on the small fire on his shoulder. "Are you hurt at all?" At this point, you're not fazed anymore.
"Uhmm...th-there's some glass in my arms..." Klaus says sheepishly, rubbing his neck awkwardly.
"Sit down, let me patch up your wounds." You say as you walk over towards the first aid kit you started keeping in here. Klaus nods and takes off his lab coat, rolling up his sleeves as he sits down on a nearby chair.
You walk back to Klaus and begin patching up his wounds. "Let's see...how many times has this happened this week? Four times? Five? It's not even close to Friday yet."
"It's actually six-"
"Seriously? Haven't you ever heard of lab safety?"
"Lab Safety? What's that?" Klaus jokes lightheartedly, a cute smile on his lips as he watches you work.
"Ah, so that's why you keep getting hurt." You humor him with a smile.
"Actually, it's because I like it when you patch me up! I feel loved." Klaus admits inadvertently.
You perk up, looking into his green eyes. "You...get hurt on purpose?"
Klaus looks surprised for a moment. "Wait- d-did I say that out loud...?"
"Klaus...if you want to feel loved, you can ask me for affection any time. Really, I don't mind. I don't want to see you hurt..." You tell him.
"R-Really? I-I'm so sorry, I didn't know you-" Klaus cuts himself off and glances away with guilt. "I-I'm sorry..."
You cup his cheek with your hand and face him towards you. "I forgive you, but please; never hurt yourself on purpose. It hurts me seeing you hurt."
"I-I promise." Klaus nods, blushing slightly at your touch.
"Thank you..." You pull him in for a soft embrace, which he gladly returns. "Now, when I'm finished, do you want to watch some TV with me?" You pull away to face him.
"I'd love to..." Klaus smiles lovingly at you.
There's a blissful silence for a moment as you two stare into each other's eyes.
You grin upon thinking of an idea. "Hold on, there's something on your cheek."
"Wh-What is it?" Klaus asks with a cute head tilt, like a confused dog.
You lean in and kiss his cheek. "There, all better!"
Klaus blushes brightly and lets out a soft giggle. "Aww, you're so cute!" He pulls you in for a tight yet comfortable hug. "I love you so much, my handsome Y/n..."
"I love you too, you dork." You smile, petting his hair soothingly. He does the same to you.
"You're the man of my dreams...have I ever told you that before?"
"Everyday, my love."
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finn-shitposts · 2 years
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I posted 41,927 times in 2022
52 posts created (0%)
41,875 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,286 of my posts in 2022
#kenobi spoilers - 233 posts
#andor spoilers - 210 posts
#dw spoilers - 201 posts
#good good meta - 124 posts
#fave - 91 posts
#finn.txt - 86 posts
#moon knight spoilers - 84 posts
#anakin <3 - 42 posts
#my art - 37 posts
#treasured mutual &lt;3 - 37 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#choosing how dark the colour of the lines should be and whether i should use black lines here or there to seperate parts of the drawing out
My Top Posts in 2022:
Its so funny that i got my email confirming my first HRT prescription on trans visibility day! Like fuck yeah the universe said trans rights babeyyy
11 notes - Posted March 31, 2022
I start my first day of work tomorrow :OOO its not an actual planting day yet, just getting to know the team/office and doing lotsa paperwork, but still im hella excited :D
first proper tree planting day is thursday n friday so im gonna be satisfyingly knackered for the weekend heh ^_^
Despite it only being part time im just so happy i found a job that i can actually enjoy instead of a soul sucking corporate hellscape skssksks
12 notes - Posted February 13, 2022
Guys someone i beg help me find this one thing of Thrawn and Anakin
im still catching up on star wars content after being out of the fandom for ages so i have no clue where to look for it ;;
A while back i listened to an audio clip of anakin trying to pronounce thrawns name and failing terribly, but ive been looking for it for ages and cant seem to find it T.T does anyone have it on hand or know the title of the audiobook (if it even came from one)
17 notes - Posted October 1, 2022
Oh holy shit? The regenerating cybermen
old man dan struggling to climb a ladder and then superhero landing xD
Cyber masters... so dramatic lmao
Dan looking at his smashed in helmet like. Wtf. How am i alive
Dans gentle train conductor voice <333 what a dork
Nouhhhhh not the kiddo :(
19 notes - Posted October 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Girl help im slowly being drawn back into kpop....i cant do this again... im not strong enough.... it consumed so much of my time from 2017-2019.......
but i keep seeing skz in my youtube reccomended and the urge to just. Rewatch all their content and start doing kpop fanart again. PLus chens new songs dropping. GAh someone help
25 notes - Posted November 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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nightshadehasblorbos · 4 months
Real ask here
What was a book/book series that you were obsessed with as a child?
The Sisters Grimm series by Michael Buckley
The Tales of the Frog Princess by E. D. Baker
The League of Princes by Christopher Healy
Dork Diaries by Rachel Renee Russell
The Ever Afters by Shelby Bach
Percy Jackson and the Olympians/the Heroes of Olympus by Rick Riordian
Oz by L. Frank Baum
I expect you book report by next Friday (jk jk though now I’m thinking of rereading all of these and also The Wide-Awake Princes by E. D. Baker but just that first book)
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thedorkdisorder · 1 year
Geeky Friday: One week to go
Only one more week to go until Release day :-D #geekyfriday #geek #friday #nerd #dork #videogame #gamer #game #games #nintendo #nintendoswitch #zelda #thelegendofzelda #thelegendofzeldatearsofthekingdom #fan #zledafan #nintendofan
I hate counting down a game release. I don’t do it often. There are many games I would love for sure, but I’m a parent, so time and funds for this hobby are low. I will always make money for a Zelda title, with it being so meaningful and sentimental for me, I like to keep up to date with at least this one game franchise. As you might have guessed from the title, it is only one week until the…
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blitzendoggo · 2 years
Truly Meant for Each Other
Sandra has always knew her soulmate's voice, but she wasn't prepared to meet him.
Sandra (the recepitionist)/Glib Soulmate!AU
Fair warning this one gets sad.
“God Damn it, they went after the horse again!” the voice swears bitterly in her ear as she continues typing away at her computer.
“Take a deep breath before you work yourself into a frenzy,” Sandra replies calmly. She knows he won’t listen to her, but it’s worth a shot if it keeps him from shouting profanities into her head while she is trying to get work done.
She had always heard his voice in her head. Everyone always had someone’s voice in their head. People always said it was their soulmate, but Sandra never thought she could ever love her internal voice. He used to always be scared and anxious, the only thoughts she would hear from him were swear words and silent prayers that whatever accidents he would encounter wouldn’t kill him.
“Shit! Oh, God, please don’t kill me!” He used to scream, most likely unaware that he was telegraphing it mentally as well.
And one day he changed.
Arguably, for the worse.
He was thrown out of college and turned into a vampire, morphing most of his emotions from fear and anxiety to a constant simmering rage.
“I’m gonna kill that fucker!” Would play like a mantra at least once a day for about a year after the incident.
Rage makes him unpredictable, chaotic even.
Sandra didn’t like this. She was born in the order realm under Aldor’s reign but once the old “King” was disposed of, she was far more aware of her surroundings; however, she, like most Aldorians, valued Order above all else. Of course, she doesn’t hold it to the same standard she once did, but her old ideals make it very difficult to agree with any of the thoughts her “soulmate” sends her way.
But, of course, Sandra preferred the rage to the bouts of depression that would sour her mood as well.
“Why can’t I just die?” He would moan pitifully, and Sandra would have to remind him that if he killed himself, she would probably also die. The threat of killing an innocent person kept him stable for most days.
The worst days would be when he was completely silent. Sandra made it a point on most days to not try and talk to her soulmate, wishing he would stop talking to her, but on those days she would get worried. She would ask pointless questions, just hoping he would respond.
“Do you have a favorite color?”
And some days he would respond. Tired, broken, but not dead.
And he might keep it going for a few minutes.
“How about you?”
Before stopping the conversation with a simple, “I don’t want to distract you from your work.”
But the days she dreaded the most were when he wouldn’t respond to her questions, or to her pleading. She had heard the stories of what it would feel like to have your soulmate die. It would be the worst pain she had ever felt. Sometimes he would apologize or tell her he was just having a bad day, other times he wouldn’t say anything for a few days, leaving her to be anxious the entire time.
Since living under Friday’s rule, things have definitely been better for the receptionist. Her job is fun, and she doesn’t have to pretend to be a drone. Her soulmate has also been quiet, but not alarmingly so, allowing her to have enough peace of mind to work undisturbed.
At least it was undisturbed.
S.G. and Mr. Goodbid had come, just as Friday had told her they would. She led them to Friday’s chambers before returning to her desk. Not even ten minutes later a little frog man, a very old Shadar-Kai, and a bored-looking warforged came in through the front door.
The frog approaches the desk and very tiredly, yet obviously frustrated, says “we are looking for a sparkly mannequin and a man in a business suit who are probably yelling about Friday, have you seen them?”
“Oh, you mean Mx. S.G. and Mr. Goodbid?” Sandra asks, reading over the file.
“Yeah, them,” the little frog says, looking at her strangely yet not saying anything.
“Well, they were just led upstairs, but I can take a message for you,” Sandra says, and the frog goes from frustrated to borderline fuming.
“And why the hell can’t I go upstairs?” He all but shouts. Something in his voice makes Sandra pause in her writing. She knows that voice from somewhere, but she can’t place it.
“Because you are not authorized?” She says slowly, stopping typing for long enough to look at the angry frog and the other two men questioningly before returning to her work.
“Bullshit!” The frog screams.
“I’m sorry, but I have no idea who you are,” Sandra says, only a little apologetic.
“Do you have any idea who the fuck I am?!” He roars at her, which would be more intimidating if her wasn’t on his tip toes to see over her desk’s edge. “I broke into this building not even three fucking months ago!”
Sandra opens her mouth to respond when in her head, clear as day, she hears, “this god damned receptionist! Who the fuck does she think she is?!”
Sandra studies him for a long moment before squinting at him. “Now, that was quite rude to say about me,” she says bluntly.
Glib looks at her confused, not noticing as S.G. and Mr. Goodbid walk down the stairs.
“Hi guys,” the old man says, head still staring forward -it was at this moment that Sandra realized the old man had no eyes- drawing the frog’s attention away from her.
“Oh, hey,” Glib says slowly before seeming to come back to his senses. “Can you tell this lady I’m with you?”
S.G. looks to Goodbid who nods and steps up to the desk.
“I’m sorry, Miss, I didn’t get your name,” Goodbid says apologetically, but his face is all smiles.
“Oh, I’m Sandra,” she tells him, straightening her blouse. Glib’s eyes never leave her, as if he is trying to wrap his head around everything.
Goodbid chuckles before nodding. “Well, Sandra, the frog is with us. Oh, and the old man.” He flashes her a grin that probably works on most people, but Sandra has a strong will and no tolerance for flattery. She smiles at him anyway.
“Oh, my apologies,” Sandra says turning back to her computer. She begins tapping away to update, fix, or create files on all three of them. “There must have been an error in my system.” She types for another few moments before there is a ding and a flash of green light from the machinery around her desk. With a mostly feigned apologetic smile, she motions them up the stairs.
They start up the stairs immediately, everyone except for the frog who is still staring at her.
He slowly approaches the desk, cocking his head to the side.
“I’m Glib by the way,” he says slowly, almost unsure about what to do with himself.
Sandra makes a noncommittal hum. “I’ll update your file, then.”
He watches her silently for a few moments before asking huffily, “that’s it?”
“What do you mean?” she asks, deciding that playing dumb will hurt them both less.
“Well, I’m your soulmate and you don’t seem to care.” He is barely containing his rage; Sandra can tell by his tight tone.
Sandra stops typing and decides that its now or never to cut off this damaging relationship that they seem to have. With a deep breath, she forces out “We are not soulmates. You are a parasitic voice that has caused me nothing but stress and frustration for all of my life.”
Glib stares at her slack-jawed before it is quickly replaced with anger. “You fucker-!”
“Oh please, I have to listen to you scream all the time. Save it for later and go catch up with your friends before you get left in this realm and I have to deal with you for the rest of forever.”
She goes back to the systematic typing of her computer. She doesn’t look up when Glib screams, nor when he stomps away.
She barely flinches when she feels that cord that wraps around her heart pull dangerously tight. She doesn’t react when the faint hum of an open telepathic line goes startling silent.
She doesn’t react until later, once she has gone home, and she habitually waits for her internal voice to complain about something mundane.
Then the pain comes as she suddenly realizes all the little things he would do for her. Like only yelling when he knew she was awake despite having mentioned to her that he was practically nocturnal. Or how he always complained about something at around the same times of day. Morning (about an hour after she woke up), midday (when she would be eating lunch), and evening (just before she would go to bed).
It hit her like a ton of bricks that he was subtly letting her know he was still alive while maintaining her peace.
She also realizes one thing that makes her heart squeeze painfully. Glib’s life is a series of unfortunate events, something that they had talked about on one of Sandra’s more chatty days, and he probably views his soulmate as just another mistake.
Religion had been ruined for her when she was quite young -Aldor made it mandatory to worship him as Order itself but Sandra was never a mindless drone like the rest of them, something that she always blamed on having a soulmate while no one else did- but she slowly sank to her knees at the foot of her bed and sent a prayer out to Friday.
Within seconds Friday was walking into her small apartment, a tight fit for a horse so large.
“You prayed for me, my child?” She asks in her normal benevolent tone.
“Tell me I didn’t fuck up,” Sandra says. She’s not going to cry. She simply won’t. “Please tell me I didn’t mess this up.”
Friday studies her for a long moment before slowly lowering herself into a sitting position and guides Sandra into a tight hug with her neck.
“I’m so sorry my dear,” she says quietly.
Sandra will never admit to the tears that are streaming down her face or how hard she is truly crying.
“It wasn’t supposed to happen this way,” the white horse says soothingly, Sandra is lost to the feeling of grief which was catching up to her.
“Can’t I fix it? Please tell me how to fix it!” She pleads, burying her fingers into the soft white fur.
Friday shakes her head sadly. “I’m sorry, but he belongs to another, now.”
A choked sob rips from Sandra’s throat.
“You were never truly meant for each other.”
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Happy Fresh Friday! 
Mama Mantis loves all Freshes/Blixers.
Also, heights are inaccurate. Mantis is usually 350 ft tall.
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