#Fucked beyond belief!
fealtyfaggot · 9 months
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 10 months
SOLLUX: what diid you guy2 get made fun of iin 2chool for
ERIDAN: i wwent into public school on land for 6th grade and i pierced someones scrotum with a fencin foil that wwas missin the little rubber safety tip on the end by accident in gym and it wwas middle school so i wwas promptly nicknamed "the nut slayer" and i cried until my lusus let me movve back to the ocean and livve wwith my ancestor
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hbpseverus · 4 months
i genuinely love alan rickman so much, i think he was genius and did an excellent job at portraying snape, but damn sometimes it drives me crazy how the general public who just watched the movies casually without diving much deeper into the franchise genuinely think that snape was a 60 year old man 😭 that doesn't even make any sense timeline wise
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spaciebabie · 10 months
im so bored save me
hi so bored save me im spacie :)
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greenglowinspooks · 11 months
Liminal Scarecrow
I see a lot of Scarecrow in DCxDP, usually as a plot device in tandem with his fear gas. And honestly, I’ll accept just about anything with a Scarecrow mention in it. However, there is one thing I doubt a lot of DCxDP fans know about from the DP side, which is the Scarebeast.
The Scarebeast is what was created when the Penguin decided to experiment on Scarecrow, essentially turning him into a living weapon.
It’s a giant monster that naturally produces fear gas in its body, and Scarecrow can only return to human form once the Scarebeast has been defeated.
I think that the Scarecrow could easily be a liminal of some sort, and the Scarebeast could be a manifestation of ghostly power.
Now, it should be noted that Scarecrow (to my knowledge) hasn’t died and been revived. He also hasn’t used the Lazarus pits. He gets beaten to hell and back on a regular basis, but he never actually dies.
However, we know that you don’t necessarily have to die to become a halfa. Vlad didn’t; instead, he was shot in the face with ectoplasmic energy by the malfunctioning proto-portal.
Also, we were never told exactly how the Scarebeast was created. Sure, we know that one of the Penguin’s scientists mutated him into existence, but we don’t know exactly what she used.
It’s not really so much of a stretch to think that he could have been exposed to some form of ectoplasm in order to stabilize or power his monstrous form, and as such became liminal (or a halfa).
Hell, all the other (canon) halfas in existence were created in a lab setting! Danny was mutated by ectoplasm and electricity when the portal opened, Vlad was blasted in the face by the previous portal, and Dani/Ellie was a clone.
Basically, give Scarecrow cool ghost privileges. He’s already got the creepy aesthetic. It’s what he deserves.
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dimension20stuff · 1 year
Everyone says they support women's wrongs until Suvi is an asshole, then you're all up in arms. God forbid women to anything
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andoutofharm · 1 year
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I spent ten years in a bit of chemical haze and I miss the way that I felt nothing
the kintsugi kid (10 years) - fall out boy, so much (for) stardust
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lottieurl · 3 days
quick everyone tell me im not a horrible parasitic pathetic bitch for being on a sick leave
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demeterdefence · 6 months
everyone has already pointed this out and much more intelligently but the whole plot of lore olympus really comes down to rachel telling the audience whom to hate without putting any work into proving why
like we are no strangers to character assassination demeter legion has been going thru it since day one, but rachel is so staggeringly bad at writing genuine villains that she has to pull random ass acts of evil out of nowhere to justify her pinning certain characters as bad guys. and it’s proof of her writing by the seat of her pants yeah, but when in doubt she just throws characters under the bus so long as it props persephone and hades up
the narrative NEVER shows us zeus or demeter doing evil things, but they’ve run afoul of the main couple, so we are told they are villains. zeus has proven he’s a bad husband, sure, but not a bad king - but rachel needs to escape the corner she had written herself into, so suddenly zeus is a wife abusing monster on par with kronos. arguably the only genuine villain we see do something 1000% wrong is apollo, and rachel still can’t decide if he’s some brilliant mastermind or some idiot being played. in fact, the narrative is kinder to apollo than it is to zeus or kronos, and that’s saying something
like yeah it’s lazy writing to have zeus be the Bad Guy when we have fucking kronos and also apparently ouranos but honesty it just feels so disrespectful. rachel simply cannot figure out how to write a bad guy so she just keeps throwing random characters in the woodchipper and hopes it buys her a week. it’s such a waste of potential, such a demonstration of her failings as a writer, and a total disregard and lack of knowledge of the myths she claims to be basing this on
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thatneoncrisis · 3 months
idk just like. the core concept of treating a group like a monolith will be the death of us all. "this isnt what the lesbians of old would want for us" even if that mythical group had only the best of intentions and zero infighting of their own goals and personal pursuits which is fucking impossible because its a group of people larger than 2 of various backgrounds, who gives a FUCK what they wanted. my goal as a lesbian is to love women. thats it. my goal as a human being is to alleviate the suffering of others and that INCLUDES trans women, i do not give a single FUCK if it wasnt on the Official Lesbian Docket of 1962
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merrybandofmurderers · 2 months
they really made one of your companions LEADER of the loyalist mages, a woman who has the ear of the empress, who is incredibly intelligent and cunning and then....... proceeded to not give any proof that this woman has organized her people or provided them with a base of operations and then stuck all those loyalist mages in redcliffe with the rebels as talkable npcs to push their "the circles are good sometimes actually" agenda. and then they won game of the year
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stormofdefiance · 1 month
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🤔 this boy ain’t right………
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compacflt · 1 year
So one of the things that made me cry (and laugh) the most, when reading the whole series was in Debriefing when Ice has surgery and Mav kisses him on the forehead, then Ice types out “I am cured” with like no punctuation. (Because of course Ice is the punctuation man 99% of the time.)
One, Ice is actually so fucking funny with the “I am cured.” Like no one would believe how funny he actually is. (And I headcanon that Mav knows this, of course, but almost no one else believes him. Which drives him up the wall.) Two, that exchange was so simple but so loving??? Foaming at the mouth here. Especially after those crazy 30 years. So my question is, what are Ice and Mav’s kisses of choice? Forehead, cheek, regular ol’ lips, the world is their secretly sappy oyster.
I haven’t read that chapter of debriefing since fucking last October! Whoa! not sure how i feel about it .
regular ol’ on the lips :) it means something more than all the rest, it’s romantic in a way none of the others are (which is why it’s so dangerous)
okay yes re: ice being funny yes. wait wait wait let me find it in my doc hold on
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anonymous-dentist · 10 months
I find it amazing how many people are reaction to Pepito and roier relationship, like, expecting him to be the greatest father of all times when he has been dealing with depression for the longest time and now is facing what could only be described as one of the lowest points in his life.
While also forgetting Pepito's own feelings because he clearly wants to get closer to him and worries about him.
It's because they aren't actual Roier fans, because real Roier fans are NOT out here calling him a good father rn. He's fucked up! He needs help! He's doing his best, but he also isn't, and we all know and acknowledge that. Pepito does, too!!
But then we see all these English-POV-Only people taking literally everything qRoier does and going "See? He shouldn't be a father anymore. Let Bad (or Fit or Phil or any English CC) take care of Pepito from now on, they'll know how to do it!!!" And like. That's super fucked up!!!!! Because we had that Otipep bullshit last week that Hispanic fans were understandably really upset about, and then English fans are like "Well actually it was canon and Roier is a terrible dad and his child hates him so Bad should obviously take custody of Pepito because he's perfect!!" like?? That's super weird? Why do people only criticize Roier's parenting rn?
Think about it. Even going back to when Bobby was alive and when even Tilin and Flippa were alive, English fans were discounting Roier's parenting despite Bobby unarguably being the happiest kid on the island up until his dying breath, anyone can tell you that. When Bobby died, everyone said it was Roier's fault. When Tilin died, I saw people saying "Well, this wouldn't have happened if Roier was there instead of Slime. He should've paid more attention." Same for when Flippa died the final time. Some people still don't count Roier as one of Richarlyson's fathers, but they're practically begging for Bad to be one. Or they've been like "Well Roier can't take care of Richarlyson, he'll get him killed just like how he got Bobby killed!" since June
And now we have Roier and Pepito and Otipep's non-canon leaving a sign in English for other parents to see how bad of a parent Roier has to be. qBad saying "Well, Richarlyson is a better parent than Roier is."
But then we have qRoier himself not wanting to be a parent again but taking care of Pepito anyway and giving Pepito cookies when the other islanders could technically take care of Pepito for him. He doesn't trust Pepito at all and he thinks Pepito is evil and a clone or whatever sent to distract him from the Federation, but he's taking care of Pepito anyway, and he's done a pretty okay job at it considering how genuinely depressed and suicidal he is. He's been spending all night every night working on something in secret, but he still went to hang out with Pepito instead of continuing to work on it or instead of sleeping or whatever.
Pepito loves Pepito's dad, and Pepito has been wanting to really connect with him. When ccRoier gets better and feels well enough to get online, I wouldn't be surprised if Pepito stuck close to him to try and cheer him up because! Pepito adores him!! Pepito doesn't want a different father; if Pepito did, Pepito would've hung around Forever or Bagi or Bad all day like Otipep would've (because Otipep hated Roier and wanted a different parent)
But people- and, again, mostly English-POV-onlies, and specifically BBH-POV-Onlies- have decided that Pepito needs to be rescued. Roier is a bad father, Otipep is canon despite several ccs and admins and Quackity himself saying otherwise, Pepito needs someone who can take care of Pepito, and that person? Obviously qBadBoyHalo, who is literally dying in canon. Bad is NOT healthy at all, anyone looking at him can see that.
Not one of Pepito's other parents (who happen to all be Latin American, majority Mexican + Carre the Argentinean.) Not any of the Brazilians or the French. One of the English CCs, who doesn't even speak Pepito's language (because Pepito doesn't like writing in anything but Spanish because! Pepito's parents are all Hispanic! Why would Pepito need to write in English around them?)
So, really, people need to take a look at their attitudes and consider whether or not they think Roier is and always has been a bad father because of his actions or because he's a Mexican man. Same reason why people need to think about this regarding qMariana and Flippa, and qQuackity with Richarlyson.
Because, to me (admittedly as a gringo myself), this all reeks of xenophobia. Why else would a Mexican character and cc and his fans be constantly harassed by overwhelmingly-American fans in defense of a white American man who has not once asked them to do this. Fans demanding Pepito speak in English last night when Pepito was hanging out with Bad and being unhappy when Pepito spoke in Spanish. Fans consistently demonizing the Latin American members and characters and eggs on the server, whether it's the Latin American Hispanics or the Brazilians.
Last night, Bad's fans led a hate campaign against Roier and Cellbit fans on Twitter. They've been pulling this shit for weeks now since Pepito first showed up, and I really think that they need to take a step back and touch some grass and consider their values because this issue goes far deeper than character analysis, I think.
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if i get one more fucking wilbur supporter in my notes saying "but he's actually not a bad guy 🥺" im going to lose my fucking mind
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spreens · 1 year
thinking about that theory where the federation is keeping cellbit hooked on an artificially heightened serotonin high so he can’t focus on the darker aspects of the island. thinking about how he was willing to take a final life(!!) as soon as his ‘happiness’ was threatened. thinking.
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