peak-dumbass · 7 months
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So I finally watched Dragons Rising part 2….
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writer-room · 2 months
Its so funny that Arin and Sora have shown to have significantly better emotional intelligence than any of the ninja from all of the old seasons combined. "You should be taking care of your mental health" and "yeah saving the world is upsetting! no wonder you're having stress dreams" oh my precious children. You are surrounded by a teen dad with massive self-worth issues, the only one of two people who remembers the genie incident and also turned into the sea once, guy who's died like 3+ times and committed genocide under mind control, and a child soldier who's been living the hard knock life since age 2.
I hope to god you two are prepared to witness the most mentally unwell behavior you've seen in your entire teenage lives. You think you've already seen how bad it can get now? Fools. Just wait until you get a mission involving the Departed Realm
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satoshy12 · 5 months
Younger Beloved and Talia
Talia and around 20s Danny.
An angry Talia, without saying any words, moved into the Wayne Manor. They are all confused and just want to know why she was pregnant!!
So Bruce asked it, just to be sure.
Talia:" I am angry at my beloved! So till I am better, I am staying with Damian and Pennyworth till i am better!"
She had met Danny while in the back and fought him. Fighting is love for the Fentons. And her attacking him made her ask him on a date. Which she did; he fought Feral but was strong!
Bruce:" Why are you angry at your beloved?" Bruce is very happy that she will leave him alone now. Damian is confused as hell. But who cares? He will open a bottle of wine!
You should see her father now just spending time with his wives well their ghosts in his house, looking after the children.
Bruce:" And that is bad. Why?" The day can't get better!
Talia:" Who will save the environment when it's in danger when Father retires?" Talia said she is full of belief!
+ Stupid Phantom! All he did was talk with her father for a few days in his realm. The next thing she knew, her father had retired! + And made the league the protector of humanity against the supernatural.
Well, she didn't know about it; she was angry that she left before she heard about it.
So she will stay here few days before Danny will come and find her. His paperwork would take him few days before he comes.
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grilledcheese-savage · 2 months
Au where Jay died in the merge and his powers were passed on to sora. (Instead of tech power, she could jumpstart anything, she uses electricity creatively) 😭
I also like the idea of him being a ghost that only sora (and maybe Cole) could see.
Tehee 🤭
(Should I draw art of this)
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ghost-bxrd · 14 days
I like to think that Jason does get consequences for his actions in the aftermath. But not the ones Anon is mentioning. Hear me out, Selkie! Jason, finally home for a few months, it’s sinking in for the batfam that Jason is back and alive.
So one day, Dick is octopus hugging him until he sudden stills. Jason asks what’s up and suddenly Dick exclaims: “YOU’VE BEEN PRETENDING YOU MADE A RUG AND A FUR COAT OUT OF YOUR FUR!! YOU PULLED STRANDS OF FUR OUT OFF IT RIGHT IN FRONT OF OUR EYES, THAT WAS YOU!!!” halfheartedly bonking Jason on his front or back before grabbing him by the shoulders and shaking him. “I THOUGHT WE HAD TO RETURN A HALF PLUCKED FUR BACK TO YOUR MEMORIAL! I BEGGED YOU FOR FORGIVENESS ALMOST DAILY FOR FAILING TO PROTECT YOUR FUR AFTER YOUR DEATH!”
Jason feeling just a tiny big bit guilty for putting Dick through that, but Dick’s not finished.
Or! Or! Or!
General AU’s
Bruce finding out he implanted explosives in his helmet and Bruce proceeding to motherhenning because, no, he doesn’t want his son near any explosives thank you very much.
Or Tim, being the menace he is once he feels comfortable and sees he’s part of the Batfamily and Jason cares about him, he’ll be using that twintower incident to get Jason to hang out with him or to rope him into a prank or making him the target of a prank.
“Do I have to wear the discowing suit, Tim? ITS DISCOWING!”
“You chased me in the Twintowers and broke my arm, you get to experience horrors of the same caliber as well. Now hold that pose, that will be beautiful for my discowing photo collection.”
Stuff like that! No needing to earn forgiveness, no needing to beg or anything like that. Jason is alive and that’s enough. But that doesn’t mean that whole red hood shenanigans go completely forgotten. I like to think of these kinds of scenarios when the fics are over and don’t dive into those parts, all for funsies.
I want to pin this ask to my wall because Y E S! Exactly!! This is kryptonite!!! Fluffy reunions and consequences that don’t overshadow the fact that Jason is alive and back with them! 💚💚💚
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bramblequeen · 8 months
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Urgh, Tumblr really killed the quality of this but oh well…
While I do agree that Miles is more in line with Sora’s disposition, what Miguel said to Miles gave me Mad Flashbacks to what DiZ told Roxas.
Also, I have got to practice drawing the Spider-verses many styles/colouring. I use such neutral tones compared to it.
Also, Sora would get mad at Miguel calling Miles a Mistake…
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dreamsy990 · 7 months
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a different ending
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hexxter · 1 month
Ok but what if Ephemer’s and Player’s hearts are like literally connected (really really literally)
Maybe like, small pieces of each other heart being traded, or i guess other magical ways
So if the theory of Sora being the third reincarnation of the player.. (even tho I don’t like this theory cause both deserves to have their heart, specifically Sora with his heart hotel moments)
Maybe thats how Ephemer soul showed up in KH3? Cause the connection to player that stayed within Sora, this theory pretty common right?
And if thats works one way, could also go the other way no?
Ephemer summoning the Player’s soul with the hearts connection. Maybe even unintentionally, suddenly poof the player is there as a ghost!
Sounds like interesting angst. Maybe thats would be also like.. why the player took pretty long to reincarnated to missing link area cause Ephemer was still around so Player’s soul tied up to his heart.
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mythicalartistx · 8 months
Opinions of KH2 novels that happen that are funny/interesting
I saw a lot of sections recently
Riku Axel & Namine are a trio
Their interactions are nice
It's something I didn't know I needed
I love seeing them do stuff in the background while Sora does basic (game moments), instead of focusing what happens in the games during Disney worlds, it shows them
Axel being a grey character
He doesn't know himself if he's bad or good
But some of the others noticed it and gladly call him their friend.
Also when Goofy "dies" he helps him to see if he's alright and even gives him a potion
Instead of initially kidnapping Kairi, he does so with good interest in mind, thinking she's in danger because the organization is after her— Riku and Naminé were going to her but got caught up in a battle with Saïx.
Then Saïx fought Axel and won, obtaining Kairi.
Also Naminé helps heal Axel after he lost to Saïx.
I love his banner with Riku
At one point Mickey is like, I'm glad you're not alone Riku, Riku responds, He's my friend, but then Axel says, Nobodies don't have friends, it's not exactly word for word, but similar.
Axel comments to Riku
Riku eating ice cream and Axel is like is it good, You're like a little kid even though you look like a mean old man. Then Axel steals his ice cream and Riku like bruh really dude there is plenty of ice cream in there.
After Land of Dragons, Axel tells Riku, Seeing Sora made you that happy, and Riku is like I don't feel like telling you. Then afterwards he's like it's creepy how you smile with Ansem's face.
Mickey and Goofy can smell
So Pluto is in the novel sometimes around Axel and of course Kairi. When Mickey first sees Axel after Riku leaves, he sniffs him and is like oh it's you I thought it was Riku but you smell like Pluto.
Then later when Axel helps Goofy after his "death" he is like you smell like Pluto and at this point Axel is like AGAIN!?!?
Maleficent and Riku
Honestly I find this kinda charming and kinda nice.
At one point she calls Pete useless and how Riku was so much helpful and even got him what he was trying to do and gave him Kairi. She then admits that she was using him, but it made her kinda sad or a "thorn in her heart" that he left her without hesitation.
Then at one point Riku goes to see Maleficent and Maleficent is like oh you're alive and he says I see you came back from the dead. And it's great exchange.
He wanted to see if she'd fight the nobodies/ organization 13. But when he goes to her he wonders if he is betraying Mickey by doing that and he thinks it's all for Sora.
Riku opinion of DiZ request
So DiZ got Riku to do some things... that isn't great and afterwards he wonders if that was right.
After seeing how DiZ treated Naminé and views nobodies he is like Should I have fought Roxas? He was thinking Should I have destroyed him for him to go back to Sora? What if there was another way so he could still be here?
And I wanted to point it out that he obviously questions whether it was right and he was just following DiZ because he wanted Sora back and thought it was the ONLY way and much would have rather Roxas to stay as a person too.
DiZ offers Naminé ice cream
At one point Naminé goes back to the mansion in the middle of KH2 and she finds DiZ which she is surprised by. DiZ was harsh and mean to her at the beginning of the game and is weary of him,
But this dude straight up offers her sea salt ice cream like he didn't want her destroyed or want Riku to get rid of her (which Riku was like NAHHH I won't because he saw them as people and Sora was waking up). And then he says there are plenty more, you can share with friends 😀😁 LIKE COMPLETE SWAP
Saïx fight Riku and Naminé
First when Riku and Naminé is fighting Saïx while Axel gets Kairi, Saïx slaps Naminé and causes her to fly back.
Then he is like oh you're trying to protect your home from darkness (assuming he might corrupt it or by getting Kairi) and then he's like but you did that once before. LIKE 😭😭😭 THAT WAS UNCALLED FOR
And then he tells Riku he sold his Soul for Power. JUST wow, great character but man is he cold sometimes.
I never want Saïx to touch Naminé again though... Saïx over here hurting Axel and Naminé.
Donald and Goofy no longer tease about Kairi
So... In KH2 there are moments where Donald and Goofy tease Sora about Kairi with possible romantic implications
(though I'm not exactly sure since that is the English version which could have some transaction errors and there's a lot of added romantic moments because of English version)
In Halloween town, Sora also imagines himself dancing with Kairi when Jack and Sally dance, but in the novels none of these things happen. Donald and Goofy don't tease him about Kairi.
Shang and Mulan = Sora and Riku
So in land of the dragons when Sora sees Mulan and Shang he tears up and thinks of himself and Riku cause he missed him.
This does happen in the game, but it's more explicit here that he missed him and thinks of Riku and himself when he sees Shang and Mulan.
Sora always wanted to fight by Riku's side
In the novels throughout the ending battle Sora is so excited and is just glad to fight by Riku's side and he had always wanted to have him as an ally.
He states how he always hoped and dreamed he'd be able to.
He feels so excited and just glad to be able to do so.
Also want to point out that they feel better together and they're okay in the dark realm because they have the other
Sora doesn't care as long as Riku is okay
At one point Sora says, so what if he's in organization 13, it's fine.
Donald is like it's not they're a bad group of people.
This just shows how much he cares about him.
Axel pretends to betray Riku and Naminé to help Kairi
He told them he was going to and would give them their location and reassures them that he doubt Xemnas would come over.
And Xemnas ends up being the one going over....
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brandontheoutcast · 1 year
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Doodles from a hangout stream today.
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heartkade · 1 year
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kh pokémon partners :O
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writer-room · 8 months
Obsessed with Lloyd never mentioning his grandfather is the First Spinjitsu Master, apparently to the point even Arin didn't seem to know, because "eh, it never came up". Cause like, yeah, sure, my grandfather is God, what of it? Normal day for me. Shit happens. My dad is also evil, you wanna talk about that? I sure don't.
It's also funny from a character arc perspective. Here's itty bitty baby first season Lloyd, loudly proclaiming he's the son of Garmadon, and probably also making sure everyone knows he's God part 3 electric boogaloo. And then one Tomorrow's Tea and a few more years later and he's doing everything physically possible to NOT care about his heritage. In fact he'd probably rather his parentage was literally anyone else. Dude could care so less he forgets about it most of the time. King behavior.
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thebluestrokes · 7 months
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grimcatician · 1 year
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Yoooo Happy Birthday to Kingdom Hearts and to the sweetest silliest goodest boy 🥺💖
Still a WIP but I really wanted to get something out for him! He deserves the world!!!
I only recently began playing KH. It was always on the list of “Things I Know I’ll LOVE to Bits Because It’s Got Everything I Love But I Am Putting Off Until I’m Ready To Commit™️” but thanks to needing to clean my room and some certain YouTube videos a couple weeks ago I finally started playing and I have noooooot stoped thinking about it!
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the-ghost-bracket · 10 months
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Obi Wan propaganda
Sora propaganda
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