#GOD I am fucking sick of fighting over ships
Fandom is so tiring sometimes. Like girl(gn) not everything you dislike has to be for some moral reason! And you trying to justify disliking/liking something harmless by basing it in morality is not good for your or anyones mental health. Please stop doing that. It gives reason for my intrusive thoughts to say I’m bad for disagreeing with you even if I know logically your point is fucking stupid. Like it’s FANDOM, it’s not that serious. Chill out. A person is not morally wrong for not having the same favorite book in a series as you.
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adhdzagreus · 9 months
curtain call
The Mechanisms are uncharacteristically quiet as they walk off the stage. Even Jonny doesn’t know what to say as the remaining eight space pirates file into the dressing room of the venue they booked for their last ever show on Earth. 
The first one to break the silence is the Toy Soldier who sniffles, gasps tremulously, and then wails, “Is all that really going to happen? With the—the black holes and the bar fights and the octokittens and everything?” 
Jonny stifles a groan. This is exactly why he’d locked it out in the first place. What’s going to happen is what’s going to happen, and they all might as well accept it. 
To make matters worse, the Toy Soldier’s sniffling has set off some of the more sensitive Mechanisms. Ivy pats it on the shoulder with a forlorn look, eyes glassy with unshed tears, and Marius’ fragile expression suggests that if Ivy starts crying, he’ll follow suit. 
Tim has his arm around Ashes’ waist, as if worried they might disappear, and though his metal eyes betray no sadness, the firm set of his mouth worries Jonny more than anything else. 
“The odds of us changing the future now that it’s been written are over three hundred million to one,” Ivy says sadly. “It’s statistically impossible that we will live forever.” 
“B-b-but we have so many more songs left to sing!” the Toy Soldier weeps. “Tales to tell! Wars to wage!” 
“And we will,” Jonny says shortly. “None of us are instantly about to keel over, are we?” 
“N-no?” the Toy Soldier says. 
“Everyone seems in decent health to me,” Marius says quietly. He holds Ivy’s hand in both of his. 
“So don’t worry about it,” Jonny says. 
“That’s easy for you to say,” Marius says. “You’re not dying for another millennia. I could get eaten by octokittens tomorrow.” 
Jonny’s stomach twists, and he wrenches his mouth open to retort, but someone interrupts him. 
“No,” Raphaella says sharply. “You will not. We know for a fact that we each die alone. I’m not letting you out of my sight, and you’re certainly not going to check on the octokittens any time soon. I’m planning to have Ivy feed them when we arrive back at the ship.” 
“It’s not the same now that I know they eat Marius,” Ivy sniffles. 
Marius’s expression shatters. “Don’t hold it against them, Ivy! They’re just hungry! They can’t help it! Don’t be sad!” he pleads. 
Jonny feels sick as Ivy starts to cry harder, expounding on the hunting habits of felines, which only makes Marius more upset. He throws himself into a chair and starts taking his makeup off with a wet wipe, trying and failing to ignore them as Raphaella attempts to comfort them both. 
“You’re being awfully callous about all this,” Tim says, still with one arm around a stony-faced Ashes. Brian and the Toy Soldier have joined the fray, and Brian’s platitudes about everything coming to an end in time are almost as unhelpful as the Toy Soldier’s weeping and wailing. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Jonny snaps.
“Well, you could at least pretend to be sad like the rest of us,” Tim says. “I know you’re all excited to die, but that doesn’t mean the rest of us are.” 
“God damn it, Tim,” Jonny snaps, throwing the wet wipe on the floor. “You think I’m not sad?” 
“You’re not acting like it,” Tim replies. “Marius had a point. You’ve got a run-up and a death you’re looking forward to. Ashes here could go at any time.”
“Hey, babe, don’t bring me into this,” Ashes mumbles. 
“Am I wrong?” Tim says. 
“Yeah, you fucking are wrong!” Jonny shouts. “You think I want to die alone in some backwater asteroid bar centuries after the rest of you are gone? Yeah, I’m excited to die, but that doesn’t mean I want to watch the rest of you disappear first!” 
The rest of the dressing room falls quiet, and Jonny realizes belatedly that he was shouting. Worse, he feels tears in his eyes, and he scrubs at them angrily, smearing the remains of his face paint. 
“Oh,” Gunpowder Tim says. “I guess I didn’t think about that.” 
“You choose how you go out,” Jonny says. “I have to wait until it finally decides to fucking stick. You know how many times I’ve been stabbed in the heart? I could go start a barfight on an asteroid tomorrow, but I guarantee it won’t stick.”
“All the same,” Tim says quietly. “I’d prefer you didn’t risk it.” 
“And I’d prefer you wore your fucking seatbelt, but we don’t get to choose, now do we?” Jonny says. 
Tim flinches, and Ashes frowns at Jonny who takes a deep, shuddering breath. 
“I—I mean. I don’t want you to die either,” he says. “But we have to die s-sooner or later. And I don’t want to waste whatever time we have left crying about it.” 
Despite this, tears are dripping from his eyes as he speaks, flowing faster than he can scrub them away. No one says another for a long moment, but he feels the eyes of several of his crewmates on him. 
“C’mere, you mean ol’ bastard,” Ashes says. They spread the arm not curled around Tim’s waist and gesture for him to approach. 
“What?” Jonny says, standing up and shuffling closer. 
Ashes crushes him to their chest in a one-armed hug, and Jonny breaks and grabs both Ashes and Tim as best he can. Before he can recover, he feels someone else wrap their arms around him from behind, and before he can protest, he’s at the center of a tangled mass of weeping space pirates—colloquially known as a group hug. 
It’s awkward with so much metal and wood and weapons, but Jonny can’t even pretend to be annoyed by it. He’s too focused on not breaking down into sobs. He’ll be damned if he lets his crew see him cry anymore than they already have. 
“I love you all very much,” the Toy Soldier says happily. “Best space pirate crew ever.” 
Jonny rolls his eyes and sobs silently. Hopefully, buried as he is in a mass of bodies, no one will notice. 
“Well, now that that’s been dealt with,” DrumBot Brian says, “I would like to return to the Aurora. I am concerned our parking pass has expired.” 
Jonny sighs. “Fine, but you stay away from the damn airlock.”
“Your concern is touching and noted,” says the DrumBot. 
The Mechanisms disperse and hurriedly gather up their things. Jonny lovingly coils up his microphone and tucks it safely away, and the band of space pirates begin to make their way back to the Aurora and off to destinations unknown. 
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shakespearean-dream · 2 months
last of the big five yall!!!!
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happy late fourth of july! remember to keep boycotting, speak out and listen to palestinians, the people of congo, native americans, queer/trans people and women currently being oppressed this independence day because america fucking sucks!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🔥🔥🔥
here are a couple good places to donate! please remember to do your own research and take care of each other, it’s getting scary out here.
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ohhhh nimdok, where to start with you….
i have been dreading doing him because he pisses me off so bad but i actually had some decent fun with him :D. designing him and branching out farther away from his canon self was nice, but im not touching his backstory or personality really, that stays about the same for me in my head.
speaking of whichhh! like benny, i understand how the game makers had a short amount of time to fit an entire character arc of an old man undoing his deeply internalized racism/xenophobia/ableism in a singular short scenario, but unlike benny i actually somehow like his better?? nimdok had a lot more to get over (well not saying being a dickhead murderer isn’t a lot but 😭) and i enjoyed seeing him actually help out the people he would’ve previously turned in. it still feels a little hollow/unrealistic because again, he’s been like this his whole life, but considering how much AM takes him away from the group to (most likely) psychologically torture him for his actions he’s probably had a bit of a revelation.
doing his scenario was unfortunately funny at times because of the strange way we had to go about redeeming him with the golem guy😭giving him a smooch caught me off guard but ykw? i’ll take it for being able to kill mengele like immediately afterward. also speaking of whichhhh…
i would go into more detail about nimdok and mengeles relationship to give it some depth because god i love me some queers, but that is??? a real fucking guy???? a real life monster???? im less than comfortable picturing the fucker in my mind, much less giving him depth with a character who i also don’t like. like why ship ur essentially OC with a REAL LIFE N/AZI??? just another one of the reasons harlan elision creeps me out. (if that just pissed you off google search him s/a-ing 2 people, marrying a 19 year old when he was in his 40s and defending a child r/apist i really don’t feel like arguing with you. the guy was a horrible fucking person and he makes me sick, i just like this franchise.)
i cannot cough up anymore thoughts about this fella pls forgive me; these past couple days have been rough on my 3 brain cells. AM will for sure be next and after that fully rendered/decked out full bodies are in order!! so look out for that:]]]] i may also start posting some art fight things since i was just complaining about the lag a post or so ago☺️ jk ily artfight. team seafoam lets goo
ok i love u guys!!! if u have any requests for me drop a comment or an ask, and thank you so much for the continued support on my art❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ lots of links on this post but one more quick reminder to take a look at my commission page if you’d like!!! yolanda is still in the shop because they cannot figure out what’s wrong with her :(
have a good night friends 🫶
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kit-kat-jo · 27 days
My Murder Drones Finale analysis… 1/2 - 2/2
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i stayed up until 2 am with friends last night (who i roped into binging the series with me) freaking the fuck out and theorizing, so next morning post hello!
i am FAR from done with this series, it’s been my hyperfixation and comfort show for over a year, and i pray y’all don’t die out too quickly because i have so much left to share. This show and community has blessed me in so many ways, and no way I’m letting it go just yet.
so now, of course, my frame by frame crazy analysis! ready? cool!
spoilers of course!
firstly i love how the first character they hone in on is the teacher, just laying on his desk and accepting his fate. like “really?……. ok. i guess.” fucking hilarious. man is so done.
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the solver straight up pulling a Cluster from Steven Universe is not what i expected…. but so on brand. truthfully i don’t understand how in the end, uzi killed THIS whole fucking thing too when swallowing the [null], but if this finale proved anything to me its that about fifty loose ends are kept loose. and that’s… oddly okay with me?
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you spin me like a ballerinaaa-
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on my first rewatch i realized she tried to yell out “MOM!” in the vacuums of space… what if i just fucking cry?
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mother daughter bonding… i’m so glad they have the chance to properly meet. :’) give this woman a drone body post finale so she can give her girl a hug…
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SPACESHIP PILOOOTTT!! i love how all the fan content of N pulling Uzi from space into a ship came to fruition! it makes my little heart happy!!
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proud of N here for being mad at her!! it doesn’t last long like i knew it wouldn’t, but still.
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another thing i realized in my rewatch is that he stops being mad as SOON as he sees her cry? STOPPP😭💔
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and yeaahhhh that doesn't last long.
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CLOSEST to a walle kiss i got. and i’m HAPPY with it!!!!! just uh... gonna draw in that little spark later...
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solver said: stop being straight :)
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this whole scene makes my heart SCREAM, they’re so goofy and awkward and cute, they’re dating!!! i’m so proud of them!! them continuing to do coupley things throughout the fights coming next was absolutely too much.
oh you…. you hear something guys?? YOU SEE THAT?
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MY WIFE LIVES!!!!! “itd be better if she stays dead nehnehneh” /lh NUH UH!!!!!!!! ANDDD she’s riding in on the fucking sentinel! my life…. my life is complete…. and i heard that “will it ever end for me,” so Eternal Dream IS one hundred percent HER song!
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Oh, V. “We were supposed to get away, J! You said we do our jobs on this planet, and it leaves us alone!” as soon as this was said, i REALIZED. and oh, my GOD, all of V’s actions make so much sense now. J, as the leader of the squad, led V to believe that if they all did their jobs, killed blindly until no drone was left, cyn would leave her and N alone. no more messing with them, tearing them open, mutilating them and traumatizing them. as long as she made N do his job, he would be safe. I’M GONNA BE SO FUCKING SICK!!!!! J mislead them this whole time and was on the solver’s side! she knew tessa was long gone! as much as i wanted a J plot where she realizes she’s on the wrong side, i can’t say i wasn’t secretly expecting something like this.
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“There’s no escape, even in death!” J has given up. she sided with the solver to end her own suffering. she sided with the abomination that was tearing them apart, tired of fighting against it. Oh, J. That’s so tragic. Fucked up what you put your teammates through, though.
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the aforementioned coupley stuff. YAAAAAAALLLLLLLLUHHH. get a room
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now to the fucked up shit. can i just say how much i love cyn’s animations here? she’s so fucked up. love her
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you did a lot more than hurt his feelings girlie, LOOK AT HIM! his pure, horrific fear here actually broke me.
ran out of space for images! here pt 2!
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thefuzzzz · 8 months
Ranking Nico Di Angelo ships as a multishipper with a crazy imagination, a Nico hyperfixation of 3 years, and the willpower of a god:
1. Solangelo - 8/10 I love them!! I adore Will in TSATS and he’s easily one of my favorite characters. I wish Rick had let us get to know Will separately before he was immediately made Nico’s boyfriend, but I love him anyway. I think they’re good for each other and very supportive. I think I spend too much time consuming media of them than their actual book interactions, because in media I hate their fanon portrayals, but I adore them in cannon. I only had the chance to read half of TSATS, but I thought it was cute!
2. Jasico - 10/10 I love them for the same reasons I love Solangelo, but Jason got character development and Will didn’t. Also, they had a cool moment with Cupid that I think about once a week at least. Jason is constantly someone Nico trusts and (I may be wrong) hugs at some point in the series. The only people Nico has shown direct physical affection to within the series (to my knowledge) are Will, Jason, Hazel, and Reyna. This proves how much Nico trusts Jason, even after Cupid. Also they’re silly and dumb and I love them so I’m right always
3. Nico x Conner - 10/10 I FUCKING LOVE THEM SO MUCH. Lemme explain. So when Nico came to camp he stayed with the Hermes cabin, but Luke was already fucked off (I think) so Conner and Travis were probably in charge of the cabin. Conner’s age changes several times, so I headcannon him to be just a tad older than Nico. I think since he knew Nico when he was a kid he can make present day Nico less doom and gloom and know when he’s truly happy. Also, Nico went to a notably strict military school before coming to camp, yk what they say, strict conditions raise sneaky kids. Thats right, these two are fucking nuts. They are little thieves. And I don’t even wanna mention the implications of Conner’s dad (Lin Manuel Miranda) being the god of travelers and Nico essentially being an eternal traveller. They make me so sick I love them
4. Nico x Clovis - 7/10 they were mentioned as friends MAYBE once and I took that shit and ran with it tbh. I don’t even remember if it’s cannon. I just love them. I THINK it was mentioned that Clovis helps Nico with his nightmares, but atp this shit might just be my imagination or a fic I read once. Anyways, Nico is noted as a very anxious person, and Clovis is very laid back. I really like that duo and the idea that Clovis can help to ground him a lot and help him relax
5. Valdengelo - 6/10 while I do adore them, they have hardly any time together or any bonding moments at all (Note: I am a hypocrite over Clovis let’s fight abt it) I do love media about them and consume it at rates not comprehendible by mankind though. Aside from no time together, I think they’re epic. Nico experiences a lot of the same things as Leo, such as losing his mother and general sadness, but they cope in wildly different ways (neither of which are healthy). Also, Nico grew up in the lotus casino. I’m sick of us all acting like he doesn’t understand technology. Let them be engineer boyfriends PLEASE
6. Pernico. - 0/10 I don’t care at all if other people ship them, since it’s fandom and you can do whatever you want. I just personally don’t enjoy their chemistry and see them more as brothers. You do you tho.
Keep in mind this is just my opinion please don’t take anything too personal!! I love all ships (almost.) equally and if you have any fic recommendations for any of these please give them to me I’m desperate
(Also, this doesn’t represent my FAVORITE Nico ship, just a ranking based on how much I giggle when I see them. It does not take many logistics into account)
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beanghostprincess · 10 months
Putting Mihawk into divorce au is hysterical and opens even more doors for possible bullshit to happen on god? Luffy gets sick of his guardians fighting all the time and runs away. Cue both sides being extremely distraught, until Buggy gets a call from Mihawk asking if he’s missing any dark haired brats. Turns out Luffy didn’t quite know WHERE to run away to so he just went over to Zoros place. Cue extremely awkward moment of going to your boyfriends place to pick up your kid with your ex. (They do agree to schedule playdates for Perona and Uta tough)
Thank you, I am a genius and I am obsessed with all the ships that include these middle aged men.
And this is,,, This is just hilarious. Luffy would ALWAYS go to Zoro's place, of course. And also he likes Mihawk because he's cool and edgy and doesn't bother them the same way his dads do. And Mihawk is just- So fucking exhausted. So tired. Please, he didn't start dating Shanks for shit like this and tbh it isn't even because of that!!!!!! Luffy didn't even remember he was dating Shanks, lmfao, he just wanted to go see Zoro and suddenly went "Oh, you're the one banging my dad. Where's Zoro?" and Mihawk would just sigh and start typing the number so he can call those irresponsible idiots. Uta does this too, always wanting to go see Perona. Mihawk is highly starting to consider breaking up with Shanks but it wouldn't help anyway, so at least he gets sex from this suffering.
If they end up being a quad poly relationship (Mihawk/Shanks/Buggy/Crocodile) and raising these kids, you can imagine the chaos.
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 9 months
It’s time for another Fic Rec List fellow humans!!!
And boy howdy do I have a LOT this time lmao. A good chunk of them are Kyle-centric, bc I, like my son Stan Marsh, have been fixated on that guy. Also there are multiple from the same authors bc I find something I like and read EVERYTHING by them.
There’s a range of pairings on this list too bc I’ll read pretty much anything (still mostly style they do be my favorite) so hopefully if u see ur favorite ship or an intriguing concept this’ll steer you to somethin u like!
Here ya go!
* (rem)ember by boxwinebaddie. Ok we all knew I was gonna start the list w this one bc I am OBSESSED!!! Style holy shit! Crimson Dawn! Mentally unstable law student Kyle! RAVEN!!! The friendships and group dynamics! Rm lives rent free in my head dude plsplspls check it out!
* Painted In Shrouds by courtanie. Y’all want some Kysterion? This is one of my favorites! And NOBODY does Kenny like this author seriously. We got espionage! We got organized crime! We got overworked cfo Kyle! We got working together to take down the bad guys! We got blood and injuries and falling in love!
* Swansong by OrcaTimes. Fair warning this made me ugly cry. No one writes Craig like OrcaTimes YALL the Cryle destroyed me and doctor Craig always slays!!! It’s a beautiful story about love and grief, just GORGEOUS!!!
* Collector by cement_shoes. WHOLESOME STYLE ONESHOT!!! Them over the years, taking care of each other, Kyle handling bugs for Stan when he’s scared of them, growing up together and the trials of being human, but with someone always on your side. This one is SO sweet and gorgeously written, and a quick read too.
* A Ballad Of True Hearts by luckypoppies. Dude we all know I’m feral about SOT Style and THIS RIGHT HERE EATS!!!!! The history, the betrayal, the FANTASY VIOLENCE AND THERES THIS FIGHT SO FAR THAT SLAYS SO HARD! Being falsely accused of treason and subsequently exiled, tasked with escorting your prince to safety, GOD you just FEEL for the boys in this (plus we got them taking care of each other like yes yes gimme that fantasy whump) the world building is AWESOME I love sot AU’s and how different authors come up w the lore!
* Behind The Wall by Jwink85. Alright this one STARTS OUT nice, and is such an accurate representation of manipulative abusive relationships. Damien man holy shit. There’s so much going on in this, and the STAN PLOT OMG (yes style I love them) Kyle and Stan reconciling, Ike is my DISTRUSTING KING, high school angst, Tweek and Kyle friendship, Kenny being an icon, and I’ve said before but I love when Kyle’s written as generally wanting to see the good in people but still fiery in his own right, this is (a lot of jwinks stuff really that’s why I like their works so much) a great example of that!
* Simply Expandable by Kivea. YO WHO ORDERED THE MOB AU!!! Dude we got private investigator Craig, rival gangs, supernatural elements and mystery, conspiracy, fucking MOB BOSS KYLE?!?!? Kyle’s a bamf in this holy shit and bodyguard Stan, (this is Cryle btw and it’s fantastic) former k2, twenny, underground fighting rings, some KICKASS gang fights and the true antagonists bro the reveal was SICK! And when I say it’s a The Gangs All Here fic, I mean EVERYONE it’s wild and such a fun read it had me on the edge of my seat!
* And The Lightning Cracks The Sky by PastorCraigEnjoyer. Yeah yeah it’s cringe to rec your own shit sue me. But like Druid prince Kyle, Smokejumper Stan, forest fires, little mermaid but in the northern rockies ass plot, OVERLY PERCEPTIVE KENNY, mutual pining, magic, my beloved injury recovery (I gotta fuck Stan up ok) (I’m the worst)(giving Kyle chronic pain who me never) falling in love and saving each other’s lives, EVIL Cartman, I LOVED WRITING THIS ONE SO FUCKING MUCH it’s truly my baby.
* A quiet place (where I can scream how I love you) by sleep2thefr33zing. Coming of age style!!! So much emotional tension dude the pining is so fucking good, the first chapter is Stan’s perspective and the second one is Kyle and it’s BEAUTIFULLY PAINFUL WHEN THEYRE BOTH DOWN BAD BUT THINK THE OTHER ISNT!!! I love them being there for each other through all the bullshit of growing up, how resonant their falling outs are, it’s just so incredibly gorgeous and you really feel their emotions along with them.
* Knives by SparrowGrim. Ok so kyman isn’t my cup of tea but I’m putting it on the list bc some people do like it and this is an OBJECTIVELY FANTASTIC STORY!!! Tbh I only clicked bc I saw that it was Kyle centric (and that injury tag what can I say I eat that shit up) but I was HOOKED! Dark urbania, gangs running the streets, THE CODE NAMES SLAY SO HARD, we also got creek bunny stendy dip, the character relations are all so cool and the plot is WILD! Also Butters Kenny Stan and Craig are so badass jesus. Not even a ship I like but I loved the story.
* Peering Through Windows by Jwink85. C’mon I gotta have another jwink on the list and this one is SO. FUCKING. GOOD. K2 has been one of my favorites lately and THIS!!! We got dark cryle (my beloved) but when I say dark I mean CRAIG IS SO DEPRAVED!!! Like dude. But the story is THRILLING and artist Kenny is so kickass, Stan is a dad I literally cried over that small detail lmfao and I love jwinks Kyles and their idealistic nature (also I’m a sucker for any artist character) this story broke my heart and mended it again it’s incredible.
* Hunger Pains by Bellweather. Ain’t nobody doin Stan like bellweather MY SWEET PRECIOUS BOY UGH!!! The style is so great omg. The main four dynamic in this is wonderful, them trying to help Kyle through his ED (damn I really do read a lot of shit where Kyle’s suffering huh) all the characters are so well fleshed out and IKE I LOVE IKE IN THIS! The chapters have individual content warnings which is a great touch. Craig having prophetic dreams! Kenny dying multiple times! Chaos! Teenage camaraderie! There’s plenty of humor to make up for the dark shit but it DOES get dark. The mystery element in the beginning is really cool too I definitely have read this one multiple times.
* Find Somebody by hypercatt. STYLE!!! Stan-centric and so so so good, I love a platonic stendy team up too. some of the senior class goes “missing” and WHEN I TELL YALL I WAS so nervous that I read it out of order to make sure everything turned out okay lmao seriously this one had me WRITHING! There’s a gorgeous analogy throughout of physical hurts as a metaphor for mental illness and healing that just SPOKE TO MY SOUL!!! And there are so many beautiful moments, especially near the end, and the message of opening up and not running from your problems is beautifully written. Another one that occupies my brain lmao.
* To Have And To Hold by courtanie. Yes this is another one where Craig is SERIOUSLY DEPRAVED but hear me out!!! The plot, like I would DIE to adapt this to the screen, you feel like you’re watching a dark kidnapping race against time when reading this. And THE K2 IN THIS HOLY FUCK!!! Another one of my favorite Kennys ever and it’s so frustrating for the reader and the characters because WE ALL KNOW WHO TOOK KYLE BUT THE COPS ARENT DOING SHIT! The ending is unbelievably satisfying and the rest of the gang teaming up is so awesome STAN AND KENNY GOING FERAL OVERPROTECTIVE I live for that. But god the shit Kyle is subjected to, but he doesn’t lose that fire (Kyle ily sry)
* When The World Shakes, Hold Me by Bellweather & Blinkxs. The world building in this is PHENOMENAL!!! Post apocalyptic stuff, survival, STYLE!!! Some serious dark themes tho this is a heartbreaking read like damn check the tags frfr but the writing is MAGNETIC!
* -South Park- Style Sickfic/ Injury Fic Requests by AlwaysInSTYLE. Alright alright we all know I love my style hurt comfort and this is a request book/ oneshot series that’s JUST Stan and Kyle taking care of each other and I LOVE IT. you’d think it would get old but it DOES NOT. they’re not repetitive at all, and really fun reads! If you check it out, tell her PCE sent you we’re homies.
* Rookie Mistakes by espyonz. I love me some stenny and BRUH STANSTERION!!! Long oneshot that had me hooked. We got gentle hearted detective Stan who truly wants to protect and serve and is out of place in a corrupt police department. KENNY AS MYSTERION we know I love that shit, and he’s so awesome in this!!! The team up of Kenny Stan and Wendy to find missing people and uncover the truth behind their disappearances is AMAZING. We got Wendy as the tech girl which is SO slay (plus she and Heidi are together asjdhdks) and Kenny is hilarious in this, like he’s such a little shit and I adore this adaptation of his superhero persona. This one dropped LAST NIGHT and I’m so glad I didn’t make a red list post until now bc THIS NEEDED TO BE ON IT!!!
* Seven Candles by courtanie. Yep another one I’m tellin u, one of the best Kenny writers out there. So uhh Kyle in a Very Bad Situation again, like some of it was really tough to read. BUT!!! We got a war between heaven and hell!!! KENNY AS A FUCKING ARCHANGEL ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!? (I live for courtanie’s overprotective kenny holy shit) this is legitimately my favorite Kenny interpretation IVE EVER READ HES SO FUCKING AWESOME!!! Plus we got satan being Done with Damien’s shit lmao and Kyle making friends with a hellhound which is fun. THE FINAL BATTLE WAS SO COOL TOO I LOST MY MIND!
* Why Remind Me by Kasen. One of the best style oneshots BRUH it’s so good with such a wholesome ending and the FEELINGS CONFESSIONS!!! The boys playing superhero, then later we got high school style and an accident that leads to a reminder of a kiss and UGH ITS SO CUTE!! Just- just read this one I love it sm.
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blacklegsanjiii · 6 months
Your thoughts about Marco x Sora are so good omgggg (<- the anon who asked you about them)
I can't stop thinking about Sora being a pirate after some time, because she's already living on the Moby Dick and married with the First Commander, so why not? (Marco loves loves loves see her fight, actually)
And if the acesan happens would be very funny, and the StrawHats reaction about this?!
Welcome back and I'm glad you like it, truly i am obsessed with Sanji having good parental figures and Sora getting the love she properly deserves. Sora became a pirate in NBL so I don't see why she wouldn't here. Even if she played a more behind the scenes roll there.
Also we didn't really set a time frame for them? So like Sanji could be eight when they join the Shirohige. Sora and Sanji both freaked out by Marco flying them in his talons but they need to make a quick escape from the Navy and animal brain went 'mine' when he saw them. Marco's only explanation is to quite literally look at White Beard and go 'my bird brain went "oo shiny" so i had to bring them' which makes the man laugh so hard the Earth shakes. Vista starts calling him a crow and Marco sets him on fire with a singular look. Marco is so thankful Sanji and Sora are in the infirmary so they didn't see that.
Marco explaining his fruit to them and his place and job in the Shirohige fleet. How his fruit helps because it allows him to treat more than one person at a time or give enough time for back up to come. It doesn't always work. Marco uses it on Sora a lot first mostly because the poison is still affecting her and it's like a god send almost because his fire over time basically cures her. They also use the time to get to know each other and start "dating" because it's really hard to date as a pirate, or a doctor, or a fleet commander. All of which Marco is. They tell Sanji first and he approves of Marco and Sora and Sanji have already joined the crew so ya know, they just gotta tell the crew. The party is extravagant.
Sora makes a comment that she wants to be able to help defend the fleet and the family and Marco agrees and says they'll talk to Jozu and some others about training for her. Sanji is probably already training his kicks and everything because Thatch insists on protecting the kids hands and Jozu has been doing well with him. So them taking on Sora to train is nothing and Vista finds she does very well with a sword and his eyes light up as he looks at Marco and damns him for getting to her first. Marco says he better watch it and they scuffle.
Sanji has to set himself on fire at like thirteen. Marco is watching him and Sora train with Jozu and Vista only to then see his kid set his legs on fire and be thrown into the ocean. He flies out to collect his son and then laughs his ass off at Sora wailing on Vista and Jozu screaming about the dangers of throwing a child off a ship. Marco says she has that covered and checks Sanji over and yep, that's his over abundant(sensitive) haki. Marco says Sanji might be a good candidate for learning to sky walk which is like flying but not really. Sanji is fucking excited. Marco is also so thankful all the god damn time that he and Sora have their own room and they sound proofed it because Marco fully believes Sora hung the moon and the stars and pulls the sun up each morning. Sora has it just as bad back and thinks Marco makes the waves and sea foam. THEY ARE SO GROSS I LOVE THEM OMG
Also could you imagine Ace rocking up to kill the old man and is then held hostage and thinks that blondie around his age is super cute? Too bad he's in the shirohige and Ace fully plans to demolish the fleet until he's forcefully adopted with love and care. Like Ace has no clue what's going on at first because he looks at Marco and then the woman he knows is the guy's wife and just how draped over her he is, like they have to make everyone sick all the fucking time. They have some the highest bounties in the New World. Ace starts flirting with Sanji without a clue to who his parents are and Sanji just gives him that "oh darling" small smile while he leans on the railing and smokes.
During one of these flirting sessions Marco strolls up and is like 'Hey, Thatch said you're in charge of shopping this time, you can head to the island if you want' and Sanji nods and sky walks to the land mass. Marco laughs at that and takes Sanji's spot and gives Ace a smile. When he asks Ace what his intentions are with his son Ace goes pale and sinks to the deck as Marco fucking loses it. Marco pats his shoulder and says he takes after his mom just like Sanji takes after Sora and they approve of the relationship.
Sanji ends up joining the Straw Hat crew on the hunt for Teach and absolutely flirts with Ace in Alabasta who flirts back way harder. Like they are the remix of Sora and Marco and clingy flirting and draping okay? Marco said that's a Roger thing and White Beard 100% agreed with that assessment and said Marco is a bird that mated for life and Marco couldn't argue because his fruit some times overwrites his human nature.
Back on track: Ace and Sanji flirt so fucking hard no one on the ship can believe it. Despite the fact they've been dating for a while, Sanji probably never mentioned he had a boyfriend(or parents) to the crew and just went along with whatever they thought. When they meet Rayleigh he and Shakky look Sanji over with a very high interest because he looks like that one brat's wife. Sanji is like 'yeah, Marco took me and mom to the fleet and we joined and they're married and he's the man I consider my father' which makes Rayleigh blink because why the fuck is he in the Straw Hat crew? He's a White Beard brat? Sanji just shrugs and is like 'idk seemed fun, bonding with my bf's little bro' which makes the Strawhats fucking lose it. They are sent to another plain of existence except Luffy who is like 'cool, we're brothers'.
Then like Marineford happens and Luffy is there, Sanji isn't, Ace is about to be fucking merced and then Sora and Marco are there like 'can't kill the son in law fuckers' and like yeah, White Beard dies but Ace doesn't. That wound is a mortal wound and so is Luffy's but Marco is a bird brained doctor and he has absolutely 'oo shiny''d his son's bf so like he's in the family in the family, ya know? It's fine if not and we can go deeper in that later need be.
Also could you imagine Marco coming up as an Emperor in this? Like the battle against Black Beard is more a draw than anything else so they are both brought to the status of Emperor and damn those bounties are fucking HIGH. Of course parental sin bullshit means Sanji and Ace's bounties also fucking go astronomical, more so than before. Like holy shit the straw hat crew is looking at Ace and Sanji post ts and how fucking gross they are but they are still two of the most wanted men in the new generation and should be feared.
Would you guys believe I got a normal amount of sleep?
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acrux-jr · 11 months
Carousel - part 3
Ahhh okok so maybe I lied, I was sick in bed and had nothing to do lmao so i did the only logical thing: sleep write smut.
Tags: smut, fluff, dreams of pregnancy, age gap(forgot to mention reader is 20 to 23, Mike is said to be around 25-29)
Word Count: 1.8k
Summary: It gets hot and steamy with Mike.
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The two of you sat like that for a while, basking in each other's presence. You moved your shoulder and signaled off. You started up, and his hand snaked to yours.
"Where are you going?"
You gave a small chuckle and crouched down. "I'm just going to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I'm assuming based on that fast grab you want me to stay over?"
He nodded. The Mike now was a completely different Mike from when you first met him but still the same somehow.
"Come on baby, let's go wash up and get ready for bed." Mike stood up and you grabbed his hand, pulling him along.
When the two of you entered the bathroom, a thought suddenly popped up. "Mike?"
"Who was the girl in the hospital?"
Silence hung in the air. 
"I'm just asking because the two of you seemed close and she was in a serious condition being hooked up to the machines. Plus she looked really familiar."
"Um she's a police officer. She helped me get settled with the old security gig."
"Oh okay. What happened to her if you don't mind me asking?"
Mike froze. How the fuck was he going to explain that she was stabbed by her psychotic father who also kidnapped my brother, killed him, and 4 other children who he stuffed into suits which possed animatronics that tried to kill him and Abby. Just casually blurt that out?
You saw the gears turning in his head. 
"Okay. You don't have to tell what happened, don't worry. Just one thing." He nodded. "Were you two close romantically?"
"God no. Not at all. She's just a friend." He shook his head no and blurted that out.
"Okay okay calm down you're not on trial Mike. It's been two months and if you tried to date another person or had a one night stand I would get it, like I said for 2 months we were done."
Mike tilted his head. "Were you with anyone?" There wasn't an accusation tone per say but more of a jealous one?
You raised an eyebrow and hoped on the sink counter. "Mike Schmidt. Are you jealous?" You crossed your arms and tried to fight off the smile.
He rolled his eyes and huffed out a breath. "What if I am?" Was his snarky reply.
He went in between your legs. "How could I not be?" He whispered to himself as he kissed your jaw leading down your neck.
You uncross your arms and place them on his shoulders. 
He gently nipped and sucked your l/t/d skin. Your breath hitched and your legs spread a little wider for him.
He smiled against your flesh. His hands gripped your thighs and gave a soft squeeze. You hummed in appreciation and scooted a little closer to be flushed against him.
His hands traveled up your thighs and to the small of your back, pushing closer. You rubbed against him, and he pressed firm. Your breathing became ragged with desire. 
"Mike…," he gently kissed your neck, an acknowledgment of sorts,"n-hmm not here."
You gently pushed him back. "Stay right here. Come to your room in 5 minutes." He groaned and looked at his clock.
"5 minutes?"
You rolled your eyes at his exasperated tone,"Yes Mikey 5 minutes, it's not gonna kill you." 
As you left you heard a faint, 'It just might.' You giggled and rushed to the room. Most of your stuff was left here, even your lucky lingerie. It was dark green with black accents. 
Mike always went a little longer and a little harder when you wore this. You slipped out of your clothes putting on the lingerie.
You bit your lip in anticipation, and waited for the last minutes to pass before Mike had permission to open the door.
The door knob jiggled and turned and there Mike stopped in his tracks. The tent in his pants moved from the twitch. There you were, sitting on the edge of the bed, with the dark green see through lingerie dress. He quickly regained motion and hurriedly got in and shut the door, not needing to re-traumatize someone.
It fits perfectly against your skin. He slowly walked over to you, in between your legs again. He grabbed your chin and gave you a chaste kiss. "You're beautiful." You flushed red and bashfully looked away.
Mike dropped to knees and pushed your legs open more. He caressed the inside of your thighs, capturing the full view of you.
Dark green baby doll dress, tied in the middle with a black bow. And the fark green and black lace thong that was in his way. He kissed your knee, then traveled upward slowly. It was agonizing. Your thigh twitch and another grin spread across his face, a cocky grin and eyes looked up at you and slowly licked the rest of the way towards your pussy.
You were on fire. Every kiss, lick, and breath on your skin makes you burn. And you knew Mike was being a little shit going fucking slow. You rest on your hands, looking at Mike.
He glanced up at you and raised an eyebrow. His hands were hovering above your thong, a slight nod from you and they were moved to the side. A light moan escaped your mouth as Mike gently rubbed your clit.
You bit your lip as his tongue dragged upwards and circled around it as well. Your hand shot out and snaked in his hair. You bit your lip and pressed Mike a bit closer.
Mike licked and sucked your wet heat. How he wanted to rip his clothes off and fuck you silly, but he had to wait, take his time. One more rough lick up and kiss to you abused clit and he entered one finger. 
Your hips shifted and pushed the finger in. A whimper left your lips as Mike held you in place. In and out, pumping in and tou clenching around his finger drove him insane. He pumped another finger in you and curled them. Your breathing was ragged and moany. 
He let you fuck yourself on his finger, admiring how you already looked wreck and he hasn't even unziphis pants. He kissed your thighs again and gave a gentle nip. You tightened around his finger. He gave another shit eating grin and you had enough.
When he took his fingers out of you, you gripped his jacket collar, and pulled up towards you, laying down with him hover above you. Your mouths met, and you licked his bottom lip. Your hands trailed down his firm body, stopping at the zipper of his pants. 
As you sucked his bottom lip, your hands quickly unzipped his pants and freed his cock. This time Mike was breathing hard, uncontrollable even.
You grabbed it firmly, and slowly started to move. He was thick and warm. It made your cunt ache, it clenched at the idea of him.
He whimpered as he started to fuck your hand. His big brown eyes pleading now.
"Want do you want Mike?"
He was falling apart at the simplest touch, "W-want to," he groaned, "to fuck you." 
"Oh yeah?"
He nodded feverishly. 
"I thought you knew how to ask nicely Mike."
He flushed, "Please."
"Hmm I don't know, you were oughtly enjoying teasing me earlier. Maybe I should do the same to you."
He gave a slight glare and leaned down. Kissing your neck he spoke, "Baby please. I wanted to make you feel good." 
Heat pooled in your stomach. "Fuck me Mike." He quickly got up right and positioned himself. You nodded and he pushed in.
"So fucking tight and hot." He muttered to himself. Your back arched slightly from the intrusion and adjustment.
He was flush against you now, fully in. He waited for you to nod before thrusting. 
He towered over you, and with one hand holding himself up the other found its way to the tied ribbon, he quickly pulled loose.
Your breast was exposed, and his mouth found its way to your nipple. He lapped his tongue on your perked nipple. He whimpered as you pushed his head down and grinded against him, pushing him all the way in again and clenching.
His hips stuttered as you gave him a hickey and gently tugged his hair. "Fuck." Mike groaned in your ear.
You were close, Mike thrusted hard and his hand made it down to your clit again. Gently rubbing as the two of you kissed. 
A moan made it to Mike's ear as he felt you cum, squeezing harder than he thought was possible. A couple of more thrust and Mike finished, he filled your cunt and cum leaked. He stayed in you as he softened. 
An image if you were pregnant popped into Mike's head and he twitched. You raised an eyebrow and he gave a sheepish smile. He pushed it in the back of his mind, he didn't have the energy for round 2 or to even think deeply about that image right now.
He fell next to you, both of you out of breath.
He reached out and grabbed your hand. "I'll be back. Let me clean up." You drifted in and out of sleep as you heard Mike shuffle around getting ready for bed. You felt a slight shake. 
"Hmm?"  Your eyes fluttered. 
"Let me clean you up, love." You gave a nod as Mike manhandled you getting you cleaned up and more warm clothes on.
You heard a distinct voice arguing as you stirred away. 
"Abby! Go away!"
"No! I want to see y/n!"
"Not now."
"Ow Abby what the fuck!"
As she ran past Mike, after stomping on his toe, he heard simultaneously the two of you yell, 'Swear jar!'
Abby jumped on the bed and snuggled up right next to you. You were extremely grateful that Mike helped you change last night.
You glanced up at Mike and he gave you a deadpan look. Silently giggling, you motioned him over. Mouthing 'hurry up.'
Mike sighed and climbed into bed. They three of you laid together in bed, Abby falling back to sleep. You looked at her and smiled. Mike's heart was filled with love. He was grateful, happy, and stupendously lucky to have you. He was never going to mess it up again.
An exchange of  'I love you's' was softly spoken between the two of you, as you both nodded off to sleep too.
Strangely enough, all three dreams were filled with you, Mike, Abby, and one little baby girl learning how to draw with Abby.
Ive seen those clips of those um *cough cough* josh h. edits and bro the way i scream and had to laugh was something else 😭
Hope you enjoyed- the other 3 oneshots will be a bit later I got a chem test coming up and i need to study. Wish me luck or pray for me, whichever gets me an A 😭
Taglist: @hellothisisprincesskitty @stinkii-boii
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frecklystars · 2 days
i still feel absolutely fucking nothing for my f/os and im so depressed and i wanna die and my birthday is friday and i hate my birthday and i just. rahh. i wanna self ship again. thats it!! i just wanna self ship again thats literally all i want to do!! but instead ive been in and out of the hospital every couple of weeks bc i'm having so many panic attacks that make me feel like im going to die
i am so fucked up from all the bullshit i was put through these last 2 years that i cannot fucking function, i am so paranoid all the time that anyone who interacts with me is out to get me because they [redacted reasons i cannot publicly state]. it doesnt matter if ive known someone for 1 day or 10 years, i dont trust anyone online anymore. i dont trust anyone who's nice to me because so many times it was people with malicious intentions. i dont fucking trust any TF blogs, ive been blocking any TF blog who interacts with me On Sight from all the shit that ppl from that fandom put me through.
there's 600 new inbox messages now and i havent opened any of them. people are sending me dms every single day and i havent opened any of them. i hate that my distrust towards irl people has bled into self shipping and now i am just Too Depressed to self ship. it is my anniversary w/ a character who's supposed to be such a comfort to me today and i feel Nothing. driver used to be Everything to me. driver used to make me feel so comfortable and safe. i feel so numb when i look at my f/os, there is just nothing there. it is my birthday soon and i should be so proud of myself for fighting through all the bullshit my abuser has thrown at me but i feel Nothing. self shipping used to help me at least cope with the depression. i just want to have my comfort characters again. thats it. i wouldnt care how many people are trying to kill me or stalk me or attack me if i just had my f/os to help me cope thru all of it
i genuinely think i'd feel better if i tried to be online and make edits and draw more and interact with the sweet people in my inbox. i used to feel so so so much better when people would send me nice asks, F/O reassurance, fics, fanart, etc etc but at the same time i will see a nice ask and immediately believe "oh. this is a trap. this person is going to pretend to be nice to me, try to get closer, but it's a trap" based off of MULTIPLE traumatic events my abuser put me through the last 2 years. this is such an unhealthy mindset to have, to not trust anyone kind to me, and i wish i knew how to turn it off. ive never been paranoid like this, ever, until a series of events happened this entire last 2 years and i just. i cannot fucking trust anyone on this stupid website, my god, someone sends me "hi keri! how is your day?" and my brain is like "oh hey look out, that person is pretending to be nice to you but they're actually trying to harm you!!" i will look at a group of online friends i've had for OVER a DECADE and that paranoid voice in the back of my head who worries from experience "oh cool this person is after me now. this person is out to betray me. this person wants to hurt me. it doesnt matter if we've been best friends since childhood, this person absolutely is out to get me now"
i hate everything i was put through these last 2 years and especially these last few months, one day im gonna spill my guts and tell everyone what has been happening to me bc its so goddamn unfair what ive been put through day after day, and i am sick of letting all of it fester in me without being able to tell anyone whats going on. i dont even know if its still ongoing rn bc every time i think "oh, maybe it's over" it just fires back up again. the stalking, the harassing, dude dont even get me started on the fucking stalking, do you know how fucking Not Normal these people are who have been trying to physically harm me irl and online? do you know how fucking psychotic someone has to be to spend YEARS of their life trying to make me miserable when i dont even know these ppl, im just fucking sitting here? the stupidest goddamn shit possible. i have never met these ppl in my life but they're following the orders of someone else and just. being fucking insane. if you knew what someone was putting me through, what a large group of toxic disgusting people have been putting me through these last 2 years, you wouldn't even fathom how dangerous it's been and how shitty it's been. ive had to call the police on a few of these people. you have no fucking clue what i've been going through and how exhausting it is to feel so unsafe every single second that you're alive. this shit eats at me constantly. i don't get any peace of mind. i think one day this really will kill me but at least i won't have to deal with it anymore if i'm dead. and!! i hate that i have that mindset! i hate that every time i drive to work, i hope beyond hope that a car is going to obliterate me. that isnt normal!! i should not be hoping to die!! but genuinely i dont think im ever going to be safe ever again and im so tired of dealing with this fear every single second every single day for years. years!!!! every second!!! every single second im awake i am fucking stressed out of my goddamn mind!!!!
months ago, i queued so much driver stuff for today, and i almost want to delete all of it bc its so. useless. dude i feel Nothing for my f/os. i feel unsafe with my f/os because i feel so unsafe with 99% of the people i interact with online because of all the horrible things ive been put through all this time. it's all pointless. i dont know if im ever really going to come back to blogging regularly. i just wake up, i go to work, i have panic attacks and i throw up, and then i go to sleep. sometimes i come here to vent and then refill my queue, but what is the point of refilling my queue anymore tbh. i keep trying to go through the motions to see if i can reclaim self shipping one day and then i can just bounce back, but god its been several months and ijust cant do it. i cant wait for this to kill me, ic ant wait for this to finally make me snap bc im so so sick of going through this every day. im tired
whatever ill delete this later and it wont even matter lol what else is new. keri makes another vent post about feeling depressed and unsafe. fork found in kitchen or whatever
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final-milf-ratchet · 8 months
Hello again
Yesss, Predaking *needs* a Queen, and Magnus is perfect - beautiful and strong..
The idea of Magnus actually being easy took me OUT but you know.. i actually love it. No one knows about it because they just.. never try. And Predaking is charming anyway, so Magnus is opening up pretty quickly..
omg Ratchet being so done with Optimus' pining that he wordlessly thanks Predaking for giving him something to goad Optimus with, relieved when the Prime stomps to the ship..
Even if they weren't already determined to end the War (something that will be much easier with Predaking as a secret agent on the Nemesis, my god imagine Prime and Predaking teaming up, holy shit) they would be determined anyway once Magnus tells them "nothing's going to happen until the war is over anyway". I can imagine them waiting for things to settle down and then pinning Magnus between their bigger frames, smugly pointing out that the War is over now..
They're very understanding though, despite their *need* to breed him - giving him more time, until one day he bashfully tells them that he thinks he's ready now.. He's an absolute wreck by the time the sun rises again, definitely not getting out of berth for the foreseeable future..
Also omg. Imagine Optimus and Predaking playing with Magnus' refineries. His wells. His tits. They're so big, and warm, and soft.. It's so easy to mark them up as well, pulling on the little nubs and biting them, pulling the sweetest noises out of Magnus.. And when they finally spark him up, and his tits start leaking whenever they're being too rough...
People always assume Magnus will just coldly shoot them down, so they give up before they even try. 😔😔 Poor fools don't know how close they were to ultra magnussy 😔😔😔 tragic
I think ratchet's been putting up with optimus pinning for TOO LONG. The first time Optimus and Magnus meets Optimus walked away like 😳👉👈 and went to bother ratchet about it, then every time Magnus showed up after that ratchet had to deal with Optimus doing the same thing. They may be friends but ratchet is SICK OF IT. He's tried many solutions over the years to get Optimus to act on it (Optimus' last relationship was with Megatron, who was more upfront in their relationship and usually initiated stuff. Rip Megatron u were a good one b4 u started doing space crack)
As soon as Cybertron recovers enough to have bars, Ratchets going to buy Predaking a cyberbeer, he swears it.
I probably worded that wrong earlier lol, the autobots are def trying their best to end the war!!!! but having a secret dragon turncoat that's infiltrated the nemesis helps a LOT lmao. I am now imagining a comedy of errors where Predaking keeps trying to bite Megatron's head off on the nemesis and various factors (starscream, well placed door frame, too many witnesses, starscream again, dark energon, starscream a third time, etc) keep stopping it from happening. There's gotta be some dramatic reveal too, Predaking and Optimus teaming up to fight would be SO COOL.
Mayhaps after their team-up is the first time they share Ultra Magnus, after gaining a new appreciation for each other in battle ☺️ (and maybe they fuck in the aftermath too☺️☺️☺️)
Oooooohhhhhhhhgggggg them working together to tease and grope Ultra Magnus' Megamilkers 🤤🤤🤤 2 titties mean one person can put all their focus on one boob... It's a good thing cybertronians have chest plates and don't wear actual clothes because I'm sure Ultra Magnus would always be covered in hickies lol
And I mean, they've all talked about sparklings one day being a reality... Maybe once they get to a point post-war where bots are starting to have sparklings again, Ultra Magnus goes and gets his birth control removed and then surprises Predaking and Optimus later that night, when they're all in bed together (the biggest bed in the goddamn world look at the size of those three)... Like you said, Ultra Magnus isn't going ANYWHERE for the next few days, his hips need to recover and his partners are taking every chance they can to fill him up again ;)
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thefairylights · 1 year
Starting off Kinktober 2023 @vampirefest with a playlist! Sexy songs for sexy prompts of many types. No set ship so we vibe with every pairing. Whatever feels right, is right. ❤️🖤❤️
No more sunlight. The moon awaits us. ⚰️
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Now, on to your knees to click that link, my companion heart.
31 tracks for 31 days.
one: mack loren/if i didn’t know better
I take my time and study your face
Thinking of a different place for it to be while you keep
One hand on my waist, you grip my thigh
Heart starts to race
Like you could taste what I'm tryna hide
two: zolita/holy
I can fight but the devil wins
And I will fall like a saint who sins
Forgive me Father, I am weak
And it's not forgiveness that I seek
three: the marias/hush
Don't think you've made it under my skin
Could never get in
Forget about it
Don't talk so much
Your tongue is burning up
I've had enough
four: elley duhe/middle of the night
These burning flames, these crashing waves
Wash over me like a hurricane
I'll captivate, you're hypnotized
Feel powerful, but it's me again
Come, lay me down
'Cause I know this
'Cause I know this sound
five: saint mesa/lion
You burn everything you see
Gold are your fingers
Leaving traces everywhere you go
Diamonds in your skin
My blood flows
six: chloe adams/dirty thoughts
I'm frustrated
Do you really look good naked
And I know that it ain't that holy
But Lord I need this one night only
The more that I push 'em away
The more that you're stuck in my brain
The more I mentally undress
I confess
seven: king mala/she calls me daddy
She's a little bit psycho
But she follows
When I call in the middle of the night
She's got you wrapped around her finger
You try to linger
But she's already on her way to mine
eight: hey violet/unholy
Say your name while our tongues are tied
Getting shivers all down my spine
We're in bed, we're embedded in my mind
nine: hozier/eat your young
I'm starving, darling
Let me put my lips to something
Let me wrap my teeth around the world
Start carving, darling
I wanna smell the dinner cooking
I wanna feel the edges start to burn
ten: chandler leighton/when you say my name
Does it scare you
That I already know what you're into?
You can say less, I bet I can guess
That'll you say whatever to get me undressed
Double dare you, tell me two lies
Don't need no truths
'Cause I can see right through you
You're no good at pretend
I'm using your tricks that you use with your friends
eleven: dezi/sinner
Lead us not into temptation
Your touch is feeling like salvation
If you're down for misbehaving
If you're liking this sensation
Pin me on your wall like an icon
And I pray that you leave the lights on
twelve: banks/fuck with myself
You're in the corner waiting for my love
I put two walls behind you just to lean on
Kinda need 'em 'cause I stood you up
'Cause I fuck with myself more than anybody else
thirteen: dove cameron/breakfast
I'm sick, yeah, I'm sick
And honestly, I'm getting high off it
Do you wanna see a magic trick?
'Cause you don't know what you don't know
But I know
fourteen: lana del rey/freak
Flames so hot that they turn blue
Palms reflecting in your eyes, like an endless summer
That's the way I feel for you
If time stood still I'd take this moment
Make it last forever
fifteen: ari abdul/taste
I'm begging you, untie this noose
Want your hands 'round my neck
I'm begging you, come be my muse
You're all that I have left
sixteen: ag/terrible thing
Oh honey, you're so cold
I lose my self-control
seventeen: jesse joe stark/fire of love
Your kiss rips through the shadows
Lipstick poisons this black rose
Haunted and torn from the heavens
You pull the petals from my mouth
They fall and tenderly black out
Baby, it's been so lonely
eighteen: zaryah/deep dive
Deep dive into my lips
Heat of your breath takes me into your abyss
Hold tight, I'll fulfil every need
Head up, you got me down on my knees
nineteen: lana del rey/gods & monsters
In the land of Gods and Monsters
I was an angel looking to get fucked hard
twenty: darren hayes/insatiable
Breathe in breathe out, there is no sound
We move together up and down
We levitate our bodies soar
Our feet don't even touch the floor
twenty-one: melanie martinez/high school sweethearts
If you can't handle a heart like mine
Don't waste your time with me
If you're not down to bleed, no, oh
If you can't handle the choking, the biting
The loving, the smothering
'Til you can't handle it no more, no more
Go home
twenty-two: ramsey/daddy
Baby, you're divine, I leave my body
Suckin' on your tongue, gold teeth, come find love
twenty-three: massive attack/paradise circus
Love is like a sin, my love
For the ones that feel it the most
Look at her with her eyes like a flame
She will love you like a fly will never love you again
twenty-four: aeseaes/desire
I'm an old
Sleeping in your skin
I'll take you over
And let you hide
And let you hide
twenty-five: natalia kills/problem
Sweat, dripping down your chest
Thinking 'bout your tattooed knuckles
On my thigh boy boy boy
Cold shower... you got no power to control
How I make you my toy toy toy
My hips rocking
As we keep lip locking
Got the neighbors screaming
Even louder louder
twenty-six: the pretty reckless/going to hell
Gettin' heavy with the devil, you can hear the wedding bells
twenty-seven: meg myers/desire
Baby, I wanna fuck you
I wanna feel you in my bones
Boy, I'm gonna love you
I'm gonna tear into your soul
twenty-eight: soap&skin/me and the devil
And I said hello Satan, ah
I believe it is time to go
Me and the devil walkin' side by side
twenty-nine: chymes/gity
You can trust in me, no, you don't have to hide
Have anything you want, just tell me what you like
Bring out the devil in you, it can't hide
I feel the fire trapped inside
thirty: banks/gimme
At the rock bottom baby crawl, crawl
I let you lick it from the ground, ground
'Cause I've been drippin' for your love, love
You can call me that bitch
thirty-one: nine inch nails/closer
I wanna fuck you like an animal
I wanna feel you from the inside
I wanna fuck you like an animal
My whole existence is flawed
You get me closer to God
You just have to nod your beautiful head and say yes 🩸🩸🩸
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bish-plz-haha · 9 months
Bungo Stray Dogs: my thoughts
So I'm not caught up on the manga (I'm trying). But I caught up on the anime and
I actually screamed at the second to last ep.
*Spoilers ahead*
But everything is okay because that's not the case. But I also watched it in Dub (bc I was trying to cruise through it because its been a hot minute since I've caught up on anime) and DAZAI SAID FUCK AND IM LIVING FOR IT! Chuuya too. I was giggling like a maniac when I heard Chuuya say "You fucked up, detective agency!" Then continue to fuck up the Hunting Dogs.
PLEASE SOMEONE TELL ME IS TACHIHARA OKAY?!?!? (I swear I'm reading the manga. This weekend I'm planning on reading it all the way.)
Also, I absolutely loved seeing how the agency was formed. What got me was Yosuno and her ties to the mafia. I literally doubletake-d and screamed "WhaT??" and my family thought I was nuts. Maybe I am. Its fine.
But s5 broke my heart and I'm like, over it. I need some Shin Soukoku fighting together again.
Also, can we talk about Ranpoe??? I absolutely love them, and I think they're now my third favourite ship in the series. Behind SSK and SSKK, of course. I dunno if I could see most of the ships. But, no hate to it if you do ship it because I believe we should ship what we want without judgement (FICTIONAL CHARACTERS MEN! FICTIONAL CHARACTERS!), I absolutely despise Fyozai. I just... no.
Though I do think Fyodor was a very cool character—a little boring—but interesting. Especially with his understanding of Dazai's intellect. Now I think the character with the most depth is Ranpo. Like, man's backstory - the little we know, is quite interesting. It makes me think about a lot.
Also, why is the story character based, not world based, when we know so much more about the world than we do the characters?? Like we know a little about a lot of the characters but know a lot about the world. It's insane. I love character based stories because I feel knowing the characters builds the world.
But the most we know is: Atsushi is an abused orphan; Dazai is an ex mafia member; Kenji is scary; Ranpo is an orphan too who is actually gifted with intellect instead of an ability - though it kind of is an ability; Fukuzawa is an ex assassin; Yosuno hates her ability because she was forced by Mori to keep soldiers alive during the gifted war when they just wanted to die; Kunikida is an ex maths teacher; Chuuya is a human that was experimented on so he's basically part yōkai/ayakashi (Thank you Noragami for introducing me to that delightful word—it's basically a word to describe supernatural beings/creatures and lord knows what Chuuya actually is); Tanizaki is... I don't remember anything specific about him and Naomi...; Tachihara is not a mafia member but rather a military officer sworn to get revenge on Yosuno (she didn't do anything except keep his brother alive - poor babies. She was forced to as well, which, in my opinion, makes it worse); Akutagawa is sick (I swear to god if the series ends without him...); Gin is Akutagawa's sister (HC Gin is enby); Mori was an underground doctor before he slit the previous bosses throat.
Like barely anything about a single character. Just bits and pieces for each. Those are just the main ones I remember.
OH btdubs! I'm writing a skk au fic/one-shot based off s5 ending but also dead apple. Might post the link here. Idk yet. 🤷‍♂️
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sushispider1212 · 5 months
Okay! I think I have a general idea of how Akira and Shigeru’s powers work in the Metaverse, and no, they do not have personas (yet 👀)
So basically Igor and the Velvet Room let the two have a tiny fraction of their godly powers, and that basically translates to the equal amount of power nerfed level 99 persona would have, the two are powerful as hell.
Shigeru and Akira’s powers are basically light and dark, as well as some other powers their God forms have, like Shigeru can use the 7 deadly sins as watered down status ailments/physical attacks, and Akira can use almighty attacks.
Shigeru actually likes making light constructs, if you remember me saying a while back that Shigeru could summon a bird construct, that’s basically it, they summon a light construct of a bird, and Shigeru sends it to help the pt’s sometimes when the two are at too far of a distance.
Akira can work with shadows, like darkness, not Shadows lol, his attacks are more brunt force and power house, while Shigeru’s are more accurate and more hits he gets in.
I’m really bouncing around here because It’s really hard to explain how their powers work for me, but just imagine persona 5 mechanics but they got nothin to summon.
And also, Shigeru 100% awakens to a persona when they go face to face with their godly counterpart in the final battle. Idk when Akira awakens to his…probably either in Shido’s palace or Maruki’s. But Shigeru awakens to theirs because they come to terms with what they did and admit to it, and they finally become “Shigeru Ochida” instead of “Yaldabaoth”
Akira’s is similar, he comes to terms with the fact that he’s his own person now, and is not just a part of Ren, but is Akira Amano instead, and learns to accept that.
Shigeru is also the navi for the duo, and he’s JUST like Akechi during 3rd semester, constantly making sarcastic remarks, insulting Akira whenever he gets knocked down or affected with an ailment (“Did you REALLY just get knocked out?! I KNOW you did not just leave this fight to me asshole! Did you even SEE that Shadow RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES?!”) Akira can get a bit emotional about this, but he refuses to cry about it.
also you’ve probably noticed by now, that i ship these two fucking losers around 75%, I’m a sucker for dumbasses who are forced to work together, and besides, they are forced to share a braincell the moment they go in a 5 mile radius of each other, what’s not to love? If you don’t like that, tell me and I’ll 100% stop talking about them that way 👌 (that sounded sarcastic/rude whenever i say it in my head😔)
Anyways, got any thoughts on this? I definitely know I was all over the place for this one lol
This is actively fueling by brain rot. I love this so much.
The opposing concepts thing, and! The ailments Shigeru can provide works well with his role as the navigator. I’m imagining some kind of sick ass finishing move involving those bird constructs.
You: *talking about your plans for the end game*
Me: *Looking nervously at the pile of notes for my end game. Shoves them a little bit further under the desk.*
And about the shipping. As of this point in time I am considering Shigeru to be the name shared by our Yaldabaoths. My Shigeru Ochida is a high schooler who really really Does Not Like hanging out with people and begrudgingly helps. Your Shigeru Ochida is the legal guardian who is forced to be in proximity with people and therefore acts different.
Our characters are different in my perspective. You can ship your guy, I will be not be shipping mine at this point in time.
I sure hope this is a cohesive answer my brain is currently a warm soup.
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dennisboobs · 1 year
im gonna let you guys in on a little secret.
the more macden shippers shit on other pairings, the more multishippers like me will move towards their secondary and/or tertiary pairings. if i can't go into the charden tag without seeing a post intentionally tagged with multiple ships and trying to spark discourse between them by saying people who ship "rarepairs" are stupid and delusional, first of all, that's an instant fucking block, but like. I'm not going to feel like talking about macdennis when it feels like there's such an obnoxious pressure on you to fall into line and accept the widely preached and accepted fanon canon.
I love macden too. and I would post about and enjoy it a lot more if y'all didn't make it feel like we had to pick a side. just because you prefer the big popular ship, that doesn't make you smarter, or more correct than anyone who ships charden or charmac, it just means you have different preferences. i think macden has the biggest chance of being an actual couple on the show, and obviously mac and dennis are both gay and queer respectively, but if i want to ship charden, why can't i do that too? fandom is supposed to be fun, and it's supposed to be enjoyable, i don't want to have to fight to prove that this ship that i personally see working and enjoy the dynamics of is a "valid ship" when i am fully aware that they're not going to be canon that's kind of the point, and why i prefer it. and for the love of god... if you hc a pairing as platonic, that is perfectly fine. that's how i see charmac myself, but that is your view and your problem, not the shippers'. just block the tag so you don't have to see it if it bothers you that much.
and i don't like several of the other common rarepairs, but have any of you ever seen me talking shit on charmac or chardee shippers? no. stay in your lane and let people live. i'm sick of seeing people acting superior over a fucking it's always sunny in philadelphia ship.
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yourleftpinkytoe-blog · 2 months
The Bi Andrew controversy and my opinion on some people’s reactions
-Okay so ik this is a dead topic but it’s been on my mind since this all went down and i feel like i have the words to describe my feelings on it. But first i want to preface that im not trying to start a fight with this i just have some thoughts i really want to get off my chest.-
I made a post when the whole thing was going down and honestly I really didn’t get what I ment across. It was a mess of angry ranting that people couldn’t understand without me explaining in the comments. Sorry for that btw.
When I’m being honest the whole reaction to Nora revealing that in most drafts Andrew was bisexual made me kinda sick to my stomach as a gay man. It was just legions of people celebrating the fact that “thank god he wasn’t actually gay” or “now I don’t feel bad for wanting to fuck him as a woman cause he was bi the whole time!!”. And idk sometimes about that reaction just really bothered me (I wonder why)
I would have no problem with bi Andrew if he was canon. (I’d love him just as much as I love canon Andrew) it just doesn’t make sense to me that so many people were so happy when Nora told about his different orientation in the drafts. I dead ass saw people claiming Andrew was now bi in canon because of this. There was a brief uptake in andrewxrenee shipping (idc what u ship I’m using this as a point) so many people just acting like he was not gay in the text because it was different in the drafts.
A characters sexuality is an important aspect of them. Like let’s take Neil for example, he is demisexual/demiromantic. That is an important part of his character as a whole. Hell it’s pretty inseparable from him, it is a part of what makes Neil, Neil. The same can be said about Andrew. His homosexuality is a large part of what built him as a person. If he was bi then that would have been an integral part of his character. And to see people practically giddy over the fact that in the drafts he was bi and then using that to diminish his canon sexuality was icky.
-I do want to quick say that when I say that Andrew’s being gay was an important factor in shaping him as a person I’m referring to that being a thing he needed to cope with after what happened to him in his childhood not that what happened in his childhood was because he was gay. I don’t want to get the wrong idea across lol. Also if he was bi that would have also been a thing he would have needed to cope with because no matter what he is still into men.-
Ik it’s a classic talking point but let’s switch the situation around. Say Andrew was bi in canon and Nora confirmed that he was gay in most drafts. Then with that info people started celebrating the fact that “HES NOT ACTUALLY BI!!”. That is a really uncomfortable thing to read, right.
It was not ok just cause it was gay->bi and it would not be ok if it was bi->gay.
-Just another thing if Andrew was bi there would be no problem. People resorting to biphobia over this whole situation were wrong and deserve to called tf out for their shit. A character being bi in drafts is absolutely no excuse to resorting to real world bigotry. If u did that ur gross and wrong-
I can understand a small bit about how if you are bi seeing a character you love also be bi probably feels great. But hey I and other gay men see the stuff ur saying and it kinda (really) hurts.
(Quick tw: brief mention of irl csa. Plz don’t read if that is a trigger for u)
-sorry for so many side notes. I just want to be open for a sec. I am a gay guy with a decent amount of sexual trauma. Andrew is the best example of a character in media who I see myself in. And idk there is something about how fast some people were to jump on the bandwagon of this was really uncomfortable for me to see. It’s probably stupid that this situation upset me as much as it did and I’m sorry for bringing this back up.-
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