boiledpizza · 5 months
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pinksilvace · 2 months
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shrugsinchinese · 2 years
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My grandchild, probably: “Because the M9 Reunion ending killed my Grandma, okay?!”
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miabrown007 · 1 year
Félix: kidnapping is a love language Kagami: you have no social skills, idiot
*two weeks later*
Félix: okay, so when Marinette's at her most vulnerable, I'll gaslight her into thinking I'm her boyfriend, so she'll follow me into an abandoned building where we can put her in an altered mental state and present to her my family's life story in the imaginable most cryptic play of theater she has ever seen, which will reveal to her our horrible secret and the fact that her abusive father-in-law is also her arch-nemesis Kagami: you're so big brained, bae 🥰
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preseriesdean · 1 year
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It's cute, though. You pretending you're trying to save Sam for the greater good, when we both know you're doing it for you. You can't lose him. 
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vladdyissues · 4 months
I have a theory that TUE AU is not AU. Phantom-Plasmius fusion damaged Danny really hard but didn't kill him. Vlad saved the boy whom is in coma since that moment. All next eps are Danny's comatose dream. So, episodes where he's about to lose his power is an attempt to wake up. Although Danny has chosen to dream his 'happily ever after' forever (Phantom Planet is the END), we can imagine that Danny woke up after all. I just want to know what words Vlad would say first to him. (I hope, it's not "Okay, Daniel, we both are going to psychology help")
The image of Vlad caring for a comatose Danny is giving me major Snow White vibes, anon, and I love it.
Picture a frantic Vlad scurrying around his lab immediately following the carnage, trying to get his systems back online so he can save Danny. He repurposes the cloning tanks—or tank; all the others were destroyed—to serve as life support. He gently hooks the comatose teen up to the respirator and inserts the intravenous nutrition tubes, then lowers him into the glowing green stasis gel with his own scratched, scabby hands.
Vlad hasn't showered or eaten or slept in days at this point. Preserving Danny's life is his first and only priority. (He feels so pitifully weak without his ghost half to give him strength. But he must go on, for Danny's sake.)
He watches Danny for a few moments to make sure the boy is breathing normally. The rhythmic expanding of his chest indicates he is. Vlad swings around to check the monitors' cracked screens. They dutifully mark each beat of Danny's pulse, blood pressure, brain activity, and other vitals. Sighing with relief, Vlad seals the hatch on the tank and slumps against the glass.
Now he can sleep.
Over time, the tank becomes a coffin holding all that's left of Vlad's hope. He treats it like an idol. He builds a dais around it, shrinelike, and tends it devotedly, polishing the glass until it gleams without smear or smudge. He lights candles around it, drapes it with cloth to make it look holy and sanctified, and spends long, silent hours on his knees in front of it, staring, praying. He makes living quarters in his lab so he can be near Danny 24 hours a day and leaves the rest of his castle aboveground to molder in ruin. He becomes paranoid. On the rare occasions he ventures into the outside world, he gathers flowers to place around the tank: offerings of life. He plays soft music for Danny, talks to him as he eats his meager meals, reads to him in the evenings. When it's time for bed, he touches the glass over Danny's sleeping face and whispers, "Good night, little badger," before crawling into a ratty army cot that is now his bed. He falls asleep gazing at the tank, waiting for a miracle, waiting for Danny's eyes to open. Waiting for him to come back.
And should he die before Danny wakes, he prays whatever is left of his soul will take up the watch.
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aceofstars16 · 11 months
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You can’t tell me this isn’t canon
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aingeal98 · 5 months
Ram V's tec run is so good like wow you can respect Cass and utilise Selina and Talia without pitting them against each other? You can respect their history and relationship with Bruce without needing to make one superior to the other? You can write women well? In batman comics? Is this allowed?
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horsetailcurlers2 · 6 months
the most upsetting thing to me about sam on private practice isn’t even that he started off as a somewhat likeable character and ended up being the worst. it’s that the entire show keeps trying to tell me what a “good guy” he is. like every character on the show is always going on and on about what a great person he is and what a decent man he is but his actions just tell me the exact opposite. it drives me absolutely nuts when a show just tells you how you’re supposed to feel about a character regardless of what their actions tell you.
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clockwayswrites · 1 year
Just to note, there may have been a bit too much thought dedicated to planning out Danny's tattoos for 'Hollowing Bones'/'Salt in the Bones' already.
...I'm going to have so much fun designing them. And I'm dragging @mokulule along for the ride. (And anyone else who wants to join the discord madness. Moku has a link up on her blog.)
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Eclipse, having backlash from the star’s wish: *starts coughing and throwing up, shaking and having chills with a fever high enough to start a fire*
Sun: What are you faking now? You already have the star, you made your wish, you can stop faking now.
Eclipse, incredibly sick: *passes out, whimpering*
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elmax-week2023 · 10 months
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Elmax Week begins in eleven days (see what i did there, i am so funny haha) ! So excited to see what you guys have planned, for this ! Reblog this post with how many prompts and what prompts you are planning to do and your progress on them :D
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saltpepperbeard · 2 years
hey guys quick question how are we expected to make it to season two’s release when one (1) day of filming is making us all take critical psychic damage
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crystal-grotto · 1 month
//debating on taking a internet break for the next few days, to give my brain a chance to choose other things or do tasks around the house
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greppelheks · 3 months
me after having a perfectly pleasant and fun time with other people: I need five days to recover from that
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butchdykekondraki · 4 months
kondraki is so funny bc hes just fucking surrounded by queers at all times and yet has not figured out what the fuck his deal is. that comphet is KILLING HIM
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