dovewingkinnie · 3 months
honestly my goal in life is to animate tons of stories that are just a few parts long and they all have the dumbest premises that are somehow turned into completely horrifying situations
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cebwrites · 8 months
HAAAIIII IM GLAD YOU LIKED YOUR REQUEST <333 I HAD SM FUN WRITING IT EVEN IF I LOWKEY COMPLETELY MISREAD YOUR REQUEST. love smut but man i do turn into a beast whenever i write fluff ANYWHO!!!! SO SO SO HAPPY YOU LIKED IT ur welcome to drop into my inbox anytime :3
FLUFF GANG FLUFF GANG no cause i get the same way i just love!! soft law!!! or any of my faves for that matter but sgjkfhfsg IT WAS SAUR CUTE EITHER WAY!!!! (oh man combining smut and fluff tho.... explodes 💖💗💞)
the same to you!! if not for requests then absolutely to say hi and stuff too :D hmu any time!
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wortverlust · 1 year
Your a chef???? That's amazing and a talented artist? The muses blessed you. That's so cool!
It's a holiday so i have the day off but i get to do school work today. Hopefully it's an easy chapter.
Your so sweet ❤️ i hope you week is starting off right! Also hehe 69 on the poll.
Schoolwork aaahhh!!! I really hope the chapter was okay and easy to understand (:
fguhfouahwougfw T-t-the muses blessed me…uhm… I also used to play drums and started playing guitar lol… maybe I'm just restless? But drawing was always a way for me to relax… probably the reason why I stuck to it.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 28 days
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License to Kitty.
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beanghostprincess · 2 months
Laios saying he's stronger and better organized than Shuro because he eats 3 meals every day and sleeps properly is probably one of the most encouraging things a fictional character has ever said to me
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millidew · 1 month
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his change in career has captivated me
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xshinina · 1 year
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*Married life playing in the background
This idea was probably funnier in my head
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kingofdoma · 20 days
best description of morgan spurlock's legacy ever
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inkjette · 10 months
So at my workplace, we fund a Food Is Free shelf. It's the basics: take what you need, give what you can - our town has a high level of poverty, there's a cost of living crisis, be the good you want to see in the world etc etc.
Today we had a guy knock on the door and ask if we had a plastic bag he could use to carry a few things - I said sure, got him a plastic bag, and he started packing up his 2 rolls of toilet paper, his 3 or 4 foodstuff items. He said he'd been to a funeral out of town (1500 kms away) and spent his paycheck on fuel - he was only broke till Friday, he said.
And I said, well I'm glad we could help, it's why we have the shelf. We want the community to use it.
And he said:
But people ABUSE it! I've seen people take heaps of stuff from it - and they don't even have kids or anything. And it's fair enough, some people are struggling until the next paycheck, but other people just ABUSE it. You need a sign that says TAKE ONE ITEM ONLY or something. I've taken something from here maybe twice, but I've seen people coming round every week! I've even put stuff on the shelf! Yeah, you need CAMERAS or something. People abuse it.
So here is a man who is actively utilising a public resource that we created to support our local community...And yet he is so brainwashed by capitalism into thinking that people don't deserve basic needs - if they're not working hard, or maybe they're struggling but they don't have it As Bad as others, or they're using a FREE RESOURCE more often than HE thinks is acceptable. He thinks that we should use security cameras to crack down on people "STEALING" from the Food is FREE shelf. Like he's more worthy, like he's a better person, because he doesn't need as much help as others might.
Sometimes, when something is free, people might abuse it. But isn't it better to offer the support to people who need it? To offer an opportunity for people to get back on their feet (even if they're only broke till Friday)? To provide help, no questions asked and no conditions needed?
So what if people abuse it - isn't it worth it if helps someone?
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restingsusvibes · 5 months
Hi! I was on Instagram recently and stumbled upon Nisreen Shehada's account. Before October 7, Nisreen posted very aesthetic, well crafted baking TikToks/videos (which looked delicious!) Since October 7, she has been sharing her daily life in Gaza.
This is the first reel of hers I saw. It's so important that she is not only documenting her daily life right now (for public record, for memory, for history) but that she is doing it in a format that is so familiar to anyone online right now.
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I think that even well intentioned people can sometimes unintentionally dehumanize groups fighting for justice amidst tragedy. It is vital that we view Palestinians not just as victims or impoverished or assume life has always been this non-stop nightmare. Literally, Nisreen is like so many people I know. Like so many people you know! Just a regular lady who loves baking! Just your friendly neighborhood dentist! Aperson who loves their families. A devoted cat mom. A very stylish dresser.
I love that her page shows how people are living day-to-day now. And I love that it shows her finding moments of joy even in the darkest of times. ❤️
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Please give her account a follow.
Edit to add: I've made a separate account for archiving videos and posts from regular people in Palestine documenting daily life. You can follow it @watermelllonarchive
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getting older can be so amazing? you get more familiar with yourself. learn tips & tricks for troubleshooting your own brain. trial & error helps you build routines that minimize discomfort, maximize reward. your preferences/interests don't get set in stone, but you do find out which ones are going to stay with you in the long-term, and which ones are fun but transient joys to appreciate in the moment.
you learn that the world is so much more complex than you were taught, and that that's okay, and that there's an endless supply of things you can learn or watch or experience or think about if you want to. if you're lucky, you loosen up, stop putting so much pressure on yourself. if you're lucky, you learn to recognize that negative inner voice, and whack it with a baseball bat until it hushes up. if you're lucky, you learn to treat yourself gently, not because you are fragile but because you are worthy of gentleness. (i hope you are lucky.)
and some things will change. some things will get better. some things will get good. and maybe you start to recover from the dehumanizing stress of childhood/education. maybe you learn the power of your own autonomy. maybe you learn how to walk away from bad situations (which is a superpower even if you don't realize it yet). and you get to choose your own clothes. and your own food. and which relationships to pursue! and what you do with your free time. and with your life (but don't worry you get to choose that gradually). and that's crazy! and sometimes scary. and extraordinarily, indescribably precious.
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r-aindr0p · 9 days
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Another cooking event, yippee !!
I love Jamil just outright refusing to eat the food and then you have Kalim suffering in silence and eating because he's too nice
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tiny--cryptid · 1 year
OK this question has been bugging me all morning so y'all please let me know
bc ours did nd I never thought much of it as a kid but know I'm thinking about it and it feels kinda gross? so pls tell me if this experience was universal or not it will haunt me forever otherwise
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gahellhimself-blog · 8 months
Aaah finished!!
Some mistakes in the details.. but I was impatient to share it with us… so
Hope u like it
(Don’t have title for this one..)
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Edit : forgot to promote my Kofi again...
So if u want and if you can, support me on KoFi :) For much more Gomens fanart and comics : Ko-Fi/GaelHimself
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