#GX Round 3
yugioh-rare-pair-poll · 4 months
Round 3: Final Round
Propaganda under the cut
Pairing 1: Emasculateshipping(Professor Cronos de Medici | Dr. Vellian Crowler/Napoleon | Jean-Louis Bonaparte)
Propaganda: As the Funny European Team Rocket Men of GX, the two are almost too obvious-- not just in how much time they spend together or how much of that time seems a bit too intimate for men who are supposedly just work buddies. The ship, with its participants being based on historical figures (obviously, Napoleon Bonaparte and the Medici family respectively), the ship therefore has a real-world historical precedent of sorts (Napoleon was Italian; two Medici women married into French royalty); the two have similar and compatible priorities (Cronos being first and foremost concerned with his babies-- ahem, *students*, while Napoleon is mostly worried about his own son; the step-father potential in Cronos is Immaculate) and, of course, the ship is very funny-- not in the least because you have two men, one single in his mid-thirties while the other is divorced in his fifties, thereby trying to navigate their relationship like a pair of stupid teenagers. But of course, there is also serious potential in the ship as well. After all, Napoleon's divorce means that he's going to be extremely anxious about screwing up a good thing again, while for Cronos it's a potential red flag that their relationship will end in disaster. The plot of season 3 also gives them both immense pain to work through, after all that they've been helpless as their respective kids suffered. It's easy to overlook them both, especially Napoleon (I promise that's not a joke at the expense of his height, he's just kinda mainly remembered for how he's introduced in season 2 as French Cis Cronos and has little unique character of his own until Martin's introduction), but there's absolutely something to engage with both in the characters themselves and in the interactions between them. Also they literally went on a picnic date while watching Judai duel once they're gay your honor
Pairing 2: Lacunashipping (Yubel/Manjoume Jun | Chazz Princeton)
Propaganda: It's my absolute favourite !!! Two emotionally messes up goths together !!! Not only is it funny for Judai to be the 3rd wheel between his rival and his soulmate, but I also think Jun and Yubel can vibe together in their own weird way. Yubel is a living weapon who is very much not used to anyone other than Judai caring for or respecting them, so I think Jun's casual (and rude) attitude towards duel spirits would really Do Something to them emotionally. They should kiss sloppy style. They should
Now, let’s keep things civil. This is a silly poll where we can share why we love our overlooked ships. There’s no need to be nasty to prove your point.  Bashers will be consumed by darkness.
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bestygogirl · 6 months
BEST YGO GIRL: Round 3, Group D
Match 3
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please use this as an opportunity to say why you like a character, not why you don't.
Propaganda under the cut!
Asuka Tenjoin
Badass duelist the queen of Obelisk Blue, elegant and skilled asuka, my girl. double passe is kind of an insane card to give a main girl - she is willing to take damage to deal as much damage as possible. she's got a rich inner world that exists outside the protagonist: you could literally have a second show with asuka's entire schooling career. girlie pop is an insane duelist, nearly beating judai in their first ever duel btw. she's powerful and insane, making her a clear winner.
Ema Bessho
An absolute queen who is a mercenary duelist/hacker for hire and makes lots of money off of it by digging up data and secret information in Vrains and making bargains/profits off of them, her archetype “Altergeist” is wicked cool and super strong! She owns a motorcycle. She’s playful, smart, and skilled. Helped the protagonists and the other main characters big time with her skills and tech providing them with the information needed to get them into areas they can’t reach or warning the protagonist of a card he needs to keep an eye out for that helped him with his duel against the antagonist. very hot hacker, also rides a motorcycle and flusters all genders
Some proper-ish Ema propaganda I would like to provide us that I think it's wonderful that she is the keystone of Aoi’s arc. I love how she took Aoi on as a mentee and is one of three female characters who inspire and propel Aoi forward, the other two being Aqua and Miyu. Ema is the centrepiece of this sub-plot for Vrains and I think it's lovely. Vote for the unexpected female mentor, Ema Bessho who has a little arc of her own where she goes from being quite detached and distant to both Zaizen siblings but Aoi in particular (see Aoi’s return to the call in s1) to close and protective of her.
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straightbaittournament · 10 months
only the option with the LEAST votes will be eliminated. propaganda under the cut (and more always welcome!):
akko kagari and andrew hanbridge:
Very typical hetero-love-interest introduction, rival vibes, aloof rich boy & headstrong "commoner" girl, learning to see each other's point of view, she dresses up for the first time in the series to sneak into his party to try to talk to him. Just classic 'ugh they're clearly gonna get together' but... they don't. Nothing romantic is ever explicit, and by s2 they're friends and that's it. there's no discussion or drama. they're good friends. literally shocked me. apparently a guy and girl who fit a bunch of romantic tropes... can just be friends
sam winchester and eileen leahy:
The last season set them up to be together, and then in Sam’s finale flash-forward, they replaced her with “blurry wife” literally a random blurred out woman rather than having him end up with Eileen Eileen is the coolest Supernatural character: she's deaf and also formerly dead (like Sam)
asuka tenjoin and yuki judai:
The ship name (fianceshipping) comes from the episode where Judai *accidentally* duels some guy to become Asuka's fiance (said guy never asks Asuka how she feels about this, ugghhh greater Duel Academia student body be normal about ladies challenge). Turns out that he *didn't know what a fiance was* and just wanted to have a good ol' time cardgaming. I think that this says more about this ship than anything else I could tell you. During the final season, Asuka almost confesses to him but cuts herself off & they then thank each other for giving each other some clarity of mind because they're both going through pretty rough times at that point in the plot. Looks concerningly like they're about to do a whole "ohh we need to make the main girl and boy romance out of obligation" bit and then they just don't do it. It's great. judai is the gayest guy of all time (subtext) and im like 80% sure asuka was experiencing comphet bc he's the only guy in their grade that treats her like a person. besties 4ever!!!!!!!! [straightmod has been informed that judai is also textually queer because he is canonically attracted to a non-binary character.]
kurosaki ichigo and kuchiki rukia:
Oh man, where do I even begin? So, for some context, Bleach starts when Rukia (a shinigami) gets critically injured saving Ichigo from a monster, and she transfers her powers to him so he can finish it off. Instead of transferring half her powers as planned, however, she transfers all of them, which forces Ichigo to take over her job as a shinigami. During this time period, Rukia... lives in his closet. Yeah. The entire first arc of the manga is dedicated to their relationship, and while a lot of it is playful banter, Rukia's presence in Ichigo's life fundamentally changes it for the better. Rukia then gets kidnapped by the rest of the shinigami who aren't at all happy she gave her powers to a human, and the main plot ensues from there. Throughout the story, Rukia and Ichigo constantly save each other when they're at their worst. When Rukia thinks she deserves to die, Ichigo is there to tell her she deserves to live. When Ichigo is in a funk about his superpowered evil side, Rukia is there to snap him out of it (something his canon love interest explicitly realises she was unable to do). They share a sun/moon motif for crying out loud, and yet like that last sentence said... they don't end up together, but with other people instead. Yeah. No shade to the canon ships, but Ichiruki is peak straightbaiting, honestly. They have a lot of banter/chemistry, fundamentally change eachother's lives for the better, save each other when they're at their lowest, and have a very deliberate sun/moon dichotomy... but they both end up paired off with different characters instead asdfghkl
izuku midoriya and ochako uraraka:
It’s the classic main character x friend who is a girl ship. They have no actual romantic interactions outside of their friendship. Ochako has “feelings” for Izuku, but they are clearly feelings of friendship until one of her friends insists that she must have a crush on Izuku, making her feel confused and embarrassed. Izuku clearly sees Ochako as a good friend, but when they first meet, he blushes and thinks “I can’t believe I just talked to a girl.” On the same day, he also blushes when he sees that a famous male hero is proctoring their exams. It’s literally so boring as a romantic ship. They have no chemistry as a couple.
edward elric and winry rockbell but SPECIFICALLY in the 2003 anime:
literally in different dimensions by the end! they still have a lot of the hallmarks of "ohh endgame childhood best friends" or whatever but fma 2003 just said. naah. winry got the shortest end of the stick and i feel so bad for her!!! continuity specific straightbait. in every other universe they get married and have kids but screw you two specifically 🙏
mako, korra, and asami:
it's that one meme where the guy ignores his girlfriend to check out another girl, only the two girls get to know each other and get together. S1/2 has love triangle drama between who Mako will be with (Korra or Asami). S3 no one is together but Korra and Asami become really close friends. S4 Korra and Asami are together. Mako is single. Like the only example of exes being good friends and Not getting back together, as well as giving the middle finger to heteronormative assumptions when after the love triangle is over, the two girls get together Shipping the two girls in a love triangle together but it actually happens
pat and ink:
Pat has a crush on Ink early on, and it seems possible at first that she may feel the same way. However, it is later revealed that she actually has a crush on his sister and is a lesbian. It's okay though because then Pat realizes he's in love with his childhood rival and they become wlw mlm solidarity! Everyone wins!
maka albarn and soul evans:
Throughout the series, they have a deep friendship with each other which is consistently extremely important to the story's narrative. In order for them to be able to fight, they must get along and resonate with each other, and due to the mechanics of their world, fighting independently of each other is extremely difficult. In multiple instances, they are shown to be willing to put themselves in harm's way to extreme degrees to keep each other safe. They are even shown to live together. They are The Singular Straight Ship I have ever shipped and I love them. Also they are really cool and Soul can turn into an awesome scythe weapon that like only Maka can wield. And they fight really awesomely together.
luke skywalker and leia organa:
The idea of Luke and Leia was used in advertisements but they obviously decided not to do that. IT’S SO FUNNY. Like, I think this is the closest white straight people will ever get to ‘they were cousins’ing a couple. I looked up advertising to see if it was just in the movie proper or it WAS used to sell it and https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5z1SziDPKQw&t=118s&pp=2AF2kAIB ‘Luke and Leia: in danger, in love, in Star Wars’ is going to be one of the things that rolls around in my head for ages. It’s not just the whole ‘het love triangle advertises 2nd pairing that everyone knows won’t happen’ like Twilight, it’s the backpeddaling ‘no no it can’t happen, they’re actually siblings! It’d be weird! Ignore the ‘good luck’ kiss and the ‘I’ll be back’ kiss in the medbay and of course the full on make out session scene that happened! And even our own advertising’ Of it all.
good luck everybody! now go vote!
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kaiowut99 · 2 months
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX Episode 110 Subbed (Finalized)
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(Previously: Episodes 108-109 Subbed [Finalized])
(Check out my Subbed!GX Stream Masterpost!)
TURN-110: Tyranno Kenzan VS Fossil Dragon Jim
Jim Crocodile has noticed an outbreak of strong electromagnetic waves at the Duel Academia. Accompanied by Judai, Johan, Shou, and Kenzan, Jim decides to investigate in the jungle. As they do, some strong electromagnetic waves spring up, causing his crocodile Karen to pounce on Kenzan--and at the same time, the effects of the electromagnetic waves cause Kenzan to forget who he is and pounce on Jim.* This leads to Jim having a duel with Kenzan, and as Kenzan instinctively summons his powerful Dinosaur Monsters, Jim activates his Kaseki Yuugou -- Fossil Fusion Magic Card to summon his Fossil Dragons. *Worth noting that the pre-airing summary text here makes it sound like Karen biting Kenzan and Kenzan lunging for Jim both happened as they're looking around in the jungle, when in the episode proper, Karen biting Kenzan is what gets Jim onto the scene; wonder if that was the original idea in production...
[EDIT, 5/19: Episode reuploaded after correcting two of Cobra's lines near the end, and also fixing an animation error I missed initially with Kenzan's Disk near the end of the episode; details added below the cut.]
*runs in to post this in Engrish*
Well, mates, episode 110 is now up and finalized! With Season 3 starting off with a couple of two-parters, I figured I'd take a slight breather and work on just 110 this go-round given the multiple two-parters on the way. And it's a good one, as we're introduced more to Jim Crocodile Cook (and his well-done Australian accent in the dub, for some kudos there to 4Kids [some dialogue choices for him (and Kenzan [that's not how Tail Swing works???]) aside]) while also seeing how quickly Judai seems to have recovered after his duel with O'Brien, and we see the debut of Jim's Fossils, which would go on to take a good 18 years or so before finally being printed with some buffs to them; it was always an archetype I liked. Kenzan also just spending a good 3-4 minutes growling was A+ (a shame the dub just made him talk semi-primitively, even if it mostly works), more of Jim's Engrish was just as good, and I liked how Jim and Kenzan came away with some respect for each other by the end after how offended Kenzan was by the Fossil Fusion concept. Fun times!
Animation error-wise, like with 108-109, I mostly did some quality-of-watching touch-ups around split-screens (with some of the fixes I did also allowing me to get rid of some of the ghosting in the footage), though there two card fixes I applied with Kenzan. Details below under the cut as always for the interested!
Quick housekeeping: in case you missed it, I re-released my finalized episode 1 work, as I went back and applied various card fixes that were bugging me and that I've grown to be able to fix, lol. Still shook I first started finalizing everything in 2014... 💀 Currently, I don't anticipate going back to re-finalize anything pre-84, mostly due to the annoyance of cutting/splicing stuff to get around not having the original unreleased scripts I'd keep with the ATK/DEF counter subs and whatnot thanks to a 2022 data drive failure, and hopefully it stays that way. 😅 I also applied a few minor styling fixes to the ending credit subs for 105 and 108 (noticed the text for a few names in the cast lists were scaled inconsistently) and reuploaded those; rereleased episode 1 has been posted on NAC, while re-finalized 105 and 108 will be posted there with 110.
Anywho, enjoy! I'll likely be going back to some TFSP stuff for a bit (in case you missed that news~) and then I'll dip into episodes 111-112 and Manjoume VS Amon; stay tuned!
As Jim first activates Fossil Fusion, we see the card first before he fades in holding it, but his thumb is missing as his fade-in starts, and then it just appears, fully faded-in, in the next frame even though the rest of him is still fading in. I fixed this in Sony Vegas by masking out his thumb and adding it to the first frame in which Jim starts fading in, then making his thumb fade in with the rest of him.
Later, as Kenzan thinks Dark Driceratops bested Jim's Skullgar, Skullgar turns around and defeats it, causing Kenzan some damage; as he reacts while his LP drop, Jim slides in on a split-screen exclaiming "Bravo!", but his split-screen slide-in starts with his split already about 50% into the shot. After that, Jim sets one card face-down and ends his turn, and as Kenzan opens his eyes and starts to growl while the split-screen ends, Jim's split starts to slide out the frame after Kenzan starts to move. Fixed the first in Sony Vegas by re-doing his slide-in to be more natural and start closer to the edge of the screen, then fixed the second by just removing the one frame where Kenzan has moved but Jim hasn't so that they move simultaneously, holding a frame once the split-screen's over a frame longer to compensate.
As #2 here leads into Kenzan taking offense at how Jim woke his dinosaur out of its sleep to use as a piece for Jim's fossil "freak," he says he'll make Jim pay for that as their match gets going for real; Judai and co look on as Jim and Kenzan stare each other down on a split-screen leading to the eyecatch (the split-screen here cut from the dub, likely for time), but Jim's split slides in unevenly compared to Kenzan's. Fixed in Vegas by redoing his split's slide-in so they both slide in evenly.
Later, after Jim uses Dowsing Burn to take out Sabersaurus, Kenzan reacts as Jim slides in on a split-screen to declare his Sample Fossil summoning, but Jim's split starts to slide in with it already about 50% of the way into the shot. Fixed this in Vegas by redoing his slide-in to make it slide in more naturally, while also redoing Kenzan moving in the background to eliminate the ghosting during this split-screen's forming.
A bit after #4, Jim uses Sample Fossil to dig up Sabersaurus from Kenzan's Cemetery to make a specimen out of it, and as we see its chains working to drag its remains up from the ground, we see Kenzan still has Sabersaurus on his Disk despite it being in his Cemetery. Fixed this first in Photoshop by cleaning up the Monster Zone in question on the shot's first frame, then threw the fixed frame into Vegas, where I then shook it along with the screen for the rest of the shot, also slightly zooming it out and fading it out as the transition from Kenzan into the dug-up Sabersaurus happens.
Shortly after, as Jim taunts Kenzan about his lovely Sabersaurus specimen, Kenzan growls in response; Jim then slides in on a split-screen to say that Sample Fossil's ATK becomes equal to Sabersaurus's, but his split again starts to slide in with 50% of it already in the shot. Fixed this in Vegas by redoing his slide-in so it slides in more naturally, and redoing Kenzan moving to again eliminate some footage ghosting.
A bit later, Kenzan activates his Treasure of Variation card, and as the close-up shot on it transitions into a split-screen splitting apart to show Kenzan behind it explaining its effect, each side of the split-screen jitters slightly in the frame before it properly starts to split apart. Fixed this in Vegas by holding the earlier frame over the jittering frame so that it properly splits apart in the next frame.
After Kenzan's next turn, as Jim wonders if the electromagnetic waves aren't behind Judai and co's exhaustion, he draws another Fossil Fusion; he smiles upon seeing it, but his smile ends up being slightly drawn onto his eye bandages. Fixed this in Vegas by just masking the eye bandages over it to keep his smile off the bandages.
(continued below due to Tumblr's dumb characters-per-block-of-text limit)
(9) After Kenzan's Brachion switches into Defense Mode from Jim summoning Skullgios, Jim is impressed by its 3000 DEF; Kenzan slides in on a split-screen to think that there's no way he can hold off an attack from Skullgios, but his split only starts to slide in the frame after Jim starts to move for it, and with it starting about 50% of the way into the shot. Fixed this in Vegas by redoing Kenzan's slide-in to start as Jim moves and slide in more naturally.
(10) As Jim has Skullgios pause its attack on Brachion, Kenzan looks up and wonders why, but as he does, we see that Brachion is on his Disk in Attack Mode despite it just going into Defense Mode. Fixed first in Photoshop as I blanked the Monster Zone in the first frame of the shot, then took it into AfterEffects to add a proxy in Defense Mode, and then took the fixed frame into Vegas to re-pan into the footage, masking in Brachion as it starts to cover the Zone up.
[EDIT, 5/19] (11) After Jim and Kenzan are drained of their Duel Energy, Kenzan shudders for a second or two before falling to his knees panting, but as he does, the end of his Disk (on our right) isn't fully drawn in for the five frames of movement that takes (each lasting 2-4 frames), though it comes back near the end of the shot. As noted here, fixed this first in Photoshop by using one of the initial frames as reference to snip out the end of his Disk and adjust it into place for three of the five movement frames, while I just painted in what was missing for the last two; once done, I threw the fixed frames into Sony Vegas and re-panned them to complete the fix.
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shitpostingkats · 2 years
Crack Theory: Jaden Yuki is (at least partially) Atlantian
As usual, this is 100% my own connection making brain going crazy, I doubt this is what the writers intended, if they thought about it at all. Also, this essay is not free of infodumping or absurdity. 
So, Atlantis has always been... kinda weird, in yugioh. Other than just the absolute wildness of it just. Canonically existing. The Waking the Dragons arc has some of the most far reaching lore implications for the franchise as a whole, introducing ideas like the spirit world, duel monsters appearing in history (outside of egypt lol), and some major afterlife magic. Things that yugioh will expand on in following series, and things that were, I reiterate, introduced in a throwaway filler arc of the anime because they had run out of manga to adapt. 
But one character in particular not just builds on the concepts introduced in DM’s Atlantis season, but shares some interesting similarities with the main villain of that season, Dartz.
Jaden Yuki.
The first thing that caught my attention was the eyes. While yugioh has an almost ridiculous number of characters with magical eyeballs, heterochromia with one turquoise, one orange/yellow? Incredibly specific. I can’t think of a single yugioh character whose weird eye horror even passingly resembles anothers, yet here Jaden and Dartz are. Even further, both of them spend time serving as a “king” with pure gold eyes, before coming into contact with a foreign entity and developing the bilateral asymmetry. 
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But Jaden’s eyes are based on Yubels, and more thematically, the colors of the polymerization card art. And Dartz’s seem to be just a random anime villain power up. 
Let’s put a pin in this for now.
The next weird link between the two is in the strange flashback we see at the very end of GX season 3. Jaden sees one of his past lives, when Yubel pledged themselves to be his guardian. In this era, Jaden is the young prince of a vague and never named kingdom. When was this? Where? We don’t know.
But the few characters we see share some interesting design elements with the people of Atlantis.
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The primary front skirt panel being this narrow rectangle ending in a point at the end. The gold crown featuring a solid band with a diamond shaped piece right over the forehead embedded with a bright red gem. These capes and the big round brooch thingies. Jaden’s father’s belt has this segmented gold design that looks quite a bit like the necklace of the Atlantian king. (His granddaughter, Kris, has a similar one, I was just running out of space for references.) In fact, both Jaden’s father and the Atlantian king use red gems as their primary design element.
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And finally, the biggest detail I want to point out is this little gemstone on human!Yubel’s forehead. Crowns are a pretty universal thing, but a delicate little jewel right on the forehead? That’s an iconic piece of jewelry worn by one Dartz Yugioh. It’s also worth noting, Jaden supreme king armor has the same blue diamond on its forehead. 
Now, before I tie this all together, let me take a quick aside to reassure that yes, I am aware, this sounds like the furthest reach I could possibly make. Sure, the two kingdoms might share some design elements, if you squint. Yeah, Jaden and Yubel might each have one weird feature that Dartz also flaunts. But really, is that enough to posit a connection between the two?
I mean, absolutely, I’ve built fan theories on far less and I WILL DO IT AGAIN
But no. Here’s the plot twist of this post: 
I’m not trying to prove that past!Jaden was the prince of Atlantis.  
Past!Jaden was the prince of New Atlantis.
All right buckle up kids it’s time for me to pull out the thumbtacks and red string also yes this essay is only 50% crack theory and 50% me wanting to infodump about mythology and historical dress. 
Now, ygo Atlantis is based on the “real” Atlantis described by Plato in a trio of his allegorical dialogues, wherein he invents a fictitious evil island nation and then recounts how the ancient Athenians singlehandedly stopped them from invading the known world. And ygo Atlantis actually references parts of the texts and uses some neat Atlantis details that I never see anyone else get right. For one, the three dragons, Timaeus, Critias, and Hermos, are named after the three chapters of the dialogue. Though Hermos is shortened from Hermocrates, but it means someone on the writing team gave at least a passing glance to the source material. Secondly, the layout of the city uses the concentric ring design laid out by Plato.
“-dwelt into a palace and enclosed it with three circular moats of increasing width, varying from one to three stadia and separated by rings of land proportional in size. The Atlanteans then built bridges northward from the mountain, making a route to the rest of the island. They dug a great canal to the sea, and alongside the bridges carved tunnels into the rings of rock so that ships could pass into the city around the mountain”
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 Thirdly, (and this is my favorite) Atlantis itself does not resemble grecian architecture. It is SO easy for writers using Atlantis as a cool fantasy location to just slap some marble pillars on it and call it a day. But while we are getting the dialogue from Plato, and the text states that they encountered hellenistic Greeks, doesn’t automatically make them one in the same. In fact, in the text itself, we are assured that all of the proper nouns are being translated from their original records. And where did these fictitious records come from, you might ask?
So yeah, props to the ygo writers for actually using a fantasy civilization that has legitimate ties to Egypt in their dm filler arc. And it would in fact make sense for Dartz to be in Egypt 5-3,000 years ago, since he would be the one of the only survivors of his kingdom and as such any records that survived would have to have come from him.
I’m getting distracted. Back to Jaden.
While Jaden’s kingdom shares some similarities with the Atlantians, there’s a much stronger historical inspiration at play here.
Specifically, some of the modern perceptions of Spartans. 
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The Atlantian long robe retains the shape of the front panel, but it’s been cut short at the knee to form a sort of pteruges (that armored skirt made from strips of leather). They maintain the shape of the Atlantian cap sleeves, but instead of cloth they have been made into bronze pauldrons. The capes, in particular, have now taken on the form of a chalamys, the iconic cloak of ancient Greek military attire. 
We even see some ancient Greeks in capsule monsters, further cementing that Jaden’s people are very much similar, but not quite. They’ve still got some Atlantian flourishes that set them apart. 
And see those capes I can’t shut up about? 
The Atlantians fastened theirs with two big round gemstones, one on each shoulder.
Historically, and in yugioh, Greek military fastened theirs at the right shoulder, using what archeologists like to call a fibula brooch.
And Jaden’s people fasten their cloaks on the left, using that ancient Atlantian gem. 
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Do we have enough evidence to even begin to guess what happened to the citizens after Atlantis sank into the ocean? No. But here’s my theory.
Atlantis, an enormous empire, crumbles. Its people were decimated by war and tragedy. A surviving group slowly migrates to Greece, either willingly or through the Athenian conquest. They take refuge with another famous enemy of the Athenians, the Spartans. They slowly assimilate with the city state, blending the two cultures together, but the Atlantian citizens still delineate themselves in small ways through fashion and political influence. These people know of duel monsters, but are hesitant to share that knowledge, fresh on the heels of the spirit war. Orichalcos is rare, coveted, and nowhere near as pure as the stones once used all throughout their city. But it still exists. And some learned few still know how to use it.
Remember Dartz’s forehead jewel? It’s not just a fashion statement, it’s actually a chunk of orichalcos. And remember who else I said had one?
I mean, we’ve seen from flashbacks what overexposure to this stone when paired with the right magicks can do, right? It turns people into monsters.
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And it’s not like we have a magic artifact that is literally called the eye of orichalcum. Or even that both these stories strongly feature a mysterious red rock falling from the sky and heralding the forthcoming evil.
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This leads to my final piece of evidence:
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Anyways, yugioh fanworks should use that fact that Atlantis 100% existed in the ygo world, as well as has been apparently rebuilt/succeeded into a major city, more often. Also, from now on I will be headcanoning Jaden as half Atlantian. Because I can. <3
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blueboybracket · 1 year
Round One of the Ultimate Blue Boy Bracket has officially started! The first round consists of 90 match-ups, which will be split up into two halves over the course of the next two or three weeks
I'll be posting 10 matches per day for Round One across the next couple of weeks, all matches will run for a week each!
The second half of Round One will begin on the 22nd of May!
Here are links to the current on-going matches! I'll add the rest as they are posted
Jack Power/Mass Master (Power Pack) vs. Jaime Reyes & Khaji Da (Blue Beetle)!
Kaito (VOCALOID) vs. Kyle Marlon (Evillious Chronicles)
Inkling Boy - Default (Splatoon) vs. Lancer (Deltarune)
Darington (Blaze and the Monster Machines) vs. Blue Robot (Bomb It)
Goo (Inanimate Insanity) vs. Leonard McCoy (Star Trek)
Michael J. Caboose (Red vs. Blue) vs. Santa (9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors)
Sniffles (Happy Tree Friends) vs. Ludwig von Koopa (Super Mario Bros.)
Genie (Aladdin) vs. Rex (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)
Titan (Show by Rock) vs. Seragaki Aoba (DRAMAtical Murder)
Langa Hasegawa (Sk8 the Infinity) vs. Adolin Kholin (Stormlight Archive)
The above matches conclude on the 15th of May 2023
Blue M&M (M&M's) vs. Every male Sentai Blue (Super Sentai)
Toy Bonnie (Five Nights at Freddy's 2) vs. Whirl (Transformers)
Rimuru Tempest (Tensura) vs. Equius Zahhak (Homestuck)
Stitch (Lilo & Stitch) vs. R2-D2 (Star Wars)
Leonard L. Church (Red vs. Blue) vs. Gus Porter (The Owl House)
Reed Richards (The Fantastic Four) vs. Pegitan (Healin' Good Precure)
Gil Webber (Monster High - G3) vs. Dr. Manhattan (Watchmen)
Vanitas (The Case Study of Vanitas) vs. Ed (Get Ed)
Romero (Zombie Land Saga) vs. Nagisa Shiota (Assassination Classroom)
Shuichi Saihara (Danganronpa V3) vs. Makoto Yuki (Persona 3)
The above matches conclude on the 16th of May 2023
Beast (X-Men) vs. Quirrel (Hollow Knight)
Falco Lombardi (Star Fox) vs. Grimmjow (Bleach)
Johan/Jesse Andersen (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX) vs. Caspar (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
The Blue Guy ("I'm Blue (Da Ba Dee)" - Eiffel 65) vs. Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Kaladin (Stormlight Archive) vs. Rei Suwa (Buddy Daddies)
??? (The Binding of Isaac) vs. Branch (Trolls)
Captain Haddock (The Adventures of Tintin) vs. Flik (A Bug's Life)
Riliphin (Witch Hat Atelier) vs. Ice (Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia)
Glossaryck (Star vs. The Forces of Evil) vs. Sam the Eagle (The Muppets)
Lo'ak (Avatar: The Way of Water) vs. Sigma Klim (Virtue's Last Reward)
The above matches will conclude on the 17th of May 2023
Tailgate (Transformers) vs. Shay Volta (Broken Age)
Leonardo (Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles) vs. Wirt (Over the Garden Wall)
Ice King (Adventure Time) vs. John Egbert (Homestuck)
Continued in reblog
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Round 3
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yu-gi-poll · 4 months
Submissions are now closed!
Sorry for going silent about submissions went silent, I had a bit of a tiring week. But I've gone through submissions and since it is now Friday, I will now be closing them. We have enough for a 64 bracket. We have a few over 64, exactly, though I rejected a few submissions for not being in the GX anime or not being a monster. What I'll likely do is just have a few polls in the first round be 3-ways instead of 2-way polls.
Tomorrow, I'll answer the two or three asks in my ask box & post the list of submitted monsters :)
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byronicherobracket · 5 months
The Byronic Hero Bracket: Qualifying Round Batch E #14
Zane Truesdale from Yu-Gi-Oh GX vs. Jasper from Steven Universe
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Reasons under the cut (spoilers for both)
(All sources from TV Tropes)
Zane Truesdale:
Zane Truesdale becomes one in Season 3 of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX. He's a complex, tragic, Secretly Dying Spirited Competitor with an indomitable drive to find a Worthy Opponent and go out on his own terms. Byronic Heroes don't get much more definitive. The passion in his dueling contrasts with both the "perfect" and collected duelist of Season 1 and the Blood Knight of Season 2.
Jasper can be seen as a Byronic Villainess, a skilled and powerful Homeworld soldier with a firmly ingrained belief that the purpose of all Gems is to serve the Diamond Authority. The Byronic aspect becomes apparent with The Reveal that Rose killed her leader, Pink Diamond, leaving her emotionally hollow, self-loathing, and determined to seek revenge.
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judai for the ask game? (if it isn't too late)
NEVER TOO LATE i love chattering about yugioh guys....judaijaden my friend my beloved pal
favorite thing about them: wwaughhh judai/jaden is such a good character and i adore his character arc..... i love that he effectively has to learn how to have fun with dueling again (and thats its the King of Games himself who helps remind him of that!), and that you don't have to sacrifice your passion for what you love as you grow up. Real shit. Also he's just,, so fuckin funny (especially in the dub.))--both his dub and sub VAs do such a great job with him.
least favorite thing about them: man season 3!jaden is........rrrrrouuughhhh. not my favorite, the things that season does to his character. s3 is just. kind of clumsy in its execution dfsfdgdf it drops a lot of jaden's most endearing traits and struggles to make those personality shifts fully worth it. i do think s4 helps bring it back around though.
favorite line: IT'S SO HARD TO PICK JUST ONE HE HAS SO MANY GOOD LINES ESPECIALLY IN THE DUB. "Um, I read the card?" "Alright, Ap :^)" "This is no time to be speaking Australian!!" "I guess bear hugs and old people just don't go together :^(" DUB COMEDIC TIMING HITS DIFFERENT
brOTP: WAHH I LOVE HIM AND SYRUS'S FRIENDSHIP thats his BESTIE!!!!! His dynamic with Zane is so good too....honorary truesdale brother. I'm also a bit in the minority in that I much more enjoy thinking about and playing in the space of his bond with yubel being a sort of platonic soulmates situation. yuub being jaden's cool metalhead older sibling type beat 4 lyf round these parts
OTP: sorry for being a heroshipper it's not my fault i just LIKE THEM. his dynamic with aster is just so funny and kind of sweet and im enamored with them. what if we both liked superheroes and we were both boys and we kissed. 😳 (i like a lot of jaden ships though. rival, spirit, fiance..... i do think he'd be kind of a bad boyfriend for a number of reasons so his relationships might not. last. but. at least he has plenty of friends!!!!)
nOTP: just dont vibe much with jadenyubel as a romantic ship im afraid u__u like its fine but not really my jam.... i've talked about it before but the "ive loved you since you were a child" thing that yubel has just works so much better as a platonic read to me than a,, romantic one. sits weird with me otherwise.
random headcanon: god. so many. gay fat trans guy who's gonna grow up to look like jack black. can and will see every superhero movie that comes out. absolute s-tier smash bros player. has a fondness for pokemon firered. i could go on.
unpopular opinion: the aforementioned preferring his dynamic with yubel to be platonic, also season 1 jaden (and season 1 of gx in general!!) fucking rules. masterclass of just peak silly yugioh.
song i associate with them: One of my favorites for him is Odds Are by Barenaked Ladies.... something so upbeat and hopeful to it. "Sure things go wrong, but I'll take my chances/Odds are long, so why not play"
favorite picture of them:
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i love this tag force 3 sprite of him....so cute
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yugioh-rare-pair-poll · 4 months
Round 3: Third Place Poll
Propaganda under the cut
Pairing 1: Tomorrowshipping (Tenjouin Asuka | Alexis Rhodes/Jim Crocodile Cook)
Propaganda: They complete each other! Jim’s focus on the past vs Asuka’s focus on the future, Jim’s nature theming vs Asuka’s technology theming, the way their attitudes complement one another. Not to mention “Tomorrow Girl,” the cutest nickname in the world.
Pairing 2: Egoshipping(Manjoume Jun | Chazz Princeton/Edo Phoenix | Aster Phoenix)
Propaganda:  i just think they’re REALLY fucking funny. two worst guys ever who are both insufferable in the same but different bad horrible way
Now, let’s keep things civil. This is a silly poll where we can share why we love our overlooked ships. There’s no need to be nasty to prove your point.  Bashers will be consumed by darkness.
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bestygogirl · 8 months
BEST YGO GIRL: Round 1, Group C
Match 3
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Neither were submitted with propaganda, so 🔪I better see some in the notes!
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straightbaittournament · 11 months
only the straightbait with the lowest percentage will be eliminated; everyone else goes on to round 2! propaganda under the cut:
kit tanthalos and graydon hastur:
Classic arranged marriage trope but the she-hates-him part never goes away because she’s in love with her best friend/bodyguard Jade
tobias funke and debrie bardeaux:
It’s maybe not exactly right but Debrie starred in a series of softcore gay porn films called Straightbait where she seduces a guy but tells him he has to sleep with another man before he sleeps with her to prove how attracted to her he is, thus proving he isn’t gay. Tobias is also super gay. They date for like 40 episodes and raise a son together. Tobias gets left by his first wife for not being sexually attracted to her and then has an affair with a gay porn actress from a series called straightbait I just think it’s pretty funny.
izuku midoriya and ochako uraraka:
It’s the classic main character x friend who is a girl ship. They have no actual romantic interactions outside of their friendship. Ochako has “feelings” for Izuku, but they are clearly feelings of friendship until one of her friends insists that she must have a crush on Izuku, making her feel confused and embarrassed. Izuku clearly sees Ochako as a good friend, but when they first meet, he blushes and thinks “I can’t believe I just talked to a girl.” On the same day, he also blushes when he sees that a famous male hero is proctoring their exams. It’s literally so boring as a romantic ship. They have no chemistry as a couple.
willow park and hunter:
THEY ARE NOT STRAIGHT THEY R BI4PAN BUT IT IS AN M/F RELATIONSHIP They are an M/F relationship in The Gay Show and they are hinted and teased but never confirmed
travis touchdown and sylvia christel:
in the first game travis spends the entire game trying to get with sylvia (HE FAILS MISERABLY) and inbetween the sequel and the spin-off they get married, have kids, you know the drill HOWEVER COMMA in that same period of time travis runs away from said family and later moves in with a man. So.
raleigh becket and mako mori:
Literally everything about the writing of Pacific Rim make it seem like they're setting up for a romance between these two and then they just. Don't. Despite this, "drift compatable" was one of the most popular AUs for couples after the film came out for a hot minute because of how romantic they made the concept seem. *gestures to the entire movie* seriously
jeff winger and britta perry:
the show starts off with jeff creating the study group so that he can get with britta, they serve essentially as narrative foils, with jeff not caring about people and britta caring too much about people, they nearly get married on THREE (3) separate occasions, they're secret friends with benefits for an entire season but break up when the group finds out, they're the only two people from the core group left in greendale when the show ends; but in the end they make jeff's "true love interest" the girl who was half his age when the show started (36/18)...
asuka tenjoin and yuki judai:
The ship name (fianceshipping) comes from the episode where Judai *accidentally* duels some guy to become Asuka's fiance (said guy never asks Asuka how she feels about this, ugghhh greater Duel Academia student body be normal about ladies challenge). Turns out that he *didn't know what a fiance was* and just wanted to have a good ol' time cardgaming. I think that this says more about this ship than anything else I could tell you. During the final season, Asuka almost confesses to him but cuts herself off & they then thank each other for giving each other some clarity of mind because they're both going through pretty rough times at that point in the plot. Looks concerningly like they're about to do a whole "ohh we need to make the main girl and boy romance out of obligation" bit and then they just don't do it. It's great. I have no idea if this counts because I didn't personally feel baited but I think they're very fun as a pair and I like them 🫡. judai is the gayest guy of all time (subtext) and im like 80% sure asuka was experiencing comphet bc he's the only guy in their grade that treats her like a person. besties 4ever!!!!!!!! straightmod has been informed that judai is also textually queer because he is canonically attracted to a non-binary character.
kwan and win:
This is a Thai teen drama that focuses on many teens going through hardships and it's very dramatic and very fun I love it so much THESE TWO. They circled around each other for two whole seasons and the tension was there!! He was a bad boy, she was a good girl, every time they spoke there was something in the air. They were both arguably the leads of an ensemble cast and it really felt like they were being set up to get together but then it just... never happens. This show has been out for 10 years and I'm still mad about it. THE WASTED POTENTIAL OF IT ALL
valkyrie and thor:
Like a lot of ships with a white man and a woman of color, their chemistry and history get shunted to the side by racist writers and fans who refuse to acknowledge them as anything other than friends.
good luck everyone! now go vote!
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its-to-the-death · 1 year
Yu-gi-oh Master Duel Showdown Round 3
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Shay Obsidian (Arc-V) vs Zane Truesdale (GX)
Raidraptors vs Cyber Dragons!
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Round 3, Match 5
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She's still in this, folks! Our only contender from GX has made it through two matches already, but can she make it through a third? Or will Lazar's mom hit her own winning streak here? That all depends on you guys! Match 5 is officially live!
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