#jody mills imagine
jakegyllenbaalz · 2 months
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i❤️ supernatural
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Protective~ Dean Winchester imagine
Warnings// angst, fluff and cock blocking
lil summery// just a lil cutesy protective Dean Winchester
Dean x Reader
Word count// 1400
(gif from Pinterest)
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You Sam and Dean had just finished a pretty rough ghoul hunt, once you guys had all showered the remnants of the night, dean suggested you guys head out for a few drinks to celebrate, once you got to the bar Dean and you slide into a booth, deans arm wrapping around your shoulders pulling you into his side “you get the first round Sammy” Dean said smirking at his brother, Sam rolled his eyes “fine but you’re next” he said walking to the bar
“So how you feeling after you’re first ghoul sweetheart” you looked up at your boyfriend “well I’ve gotta say I won’t be chasing one for a very long time, much prefer a simple salt and burn” Dean chuckled kissing the side of your head, “alright beers are severed” Sam said sitting down with the drinks “thanks Sammy” you said taking a drink out the bottle
You and the guys were having a great time talking about passed hunts before you’d met them “he just looked at me all upset and said ‘I lost my shoe’ all because he lost the damn rabbits foot” Dean laughed finishing his second beer, “alright my round boys just another beer?”you questioned getting up “yeah thanks Y/N” Sam said “yeah me too thank you sweetheart” you hooded moving to the slightly crowded bar you quickly got the bar tenders attention “hi three beers please” the man nodded “that’ll be 12 bucks gorgeous” he said placing three beers in front of you, you nodded handing him a 20 dollar bill, the bar tender went to get your change leaving you standing for a few minutes
“what’s a beautiful girl like you doing at a place like this” a man grumbled out from one of the bar stools, he looked to be a drunk creep no younger than mid 50s “I’m here with my boyfriend and friend” you said back hoping he’d back off at the boyfriend comment “ah bet your boyfriend doesn’t treat you like I would” the man said moving closer to you “look buddy I’m not interested I’m in a relationship” he didn’t seem too happy with that “you better watch yourself you bitch I’m giving you a choice the only thing you should be saying is yes sir, because that’s the only damn thing you’ll be saying when I’m pounding you in front of your little boyfriend you slut!” he spat out, “is there a problem here miss?” The bartender asked returning with your change “no everything’s fine thanks” you said grabbing the change stuffing it in your pocket before taking the beers back to the winchesters
“Hey sweetheart everything good? You were gone a while” Dean said grabbing his beer and pulling you back to your place at his side “yeah fine just waiting for my change” you answered quietly, you could see the man from the bar staring at you his hand holding his glass tightly in his grasp as he wouldn’t break eye contact “I’m gonna head back to the motel after this one guys I’m pretty tired” you said feeling uncomfortable either the stares the man wa giving you, dean nodded “yeah I think we’ll all head out then, you good with that Sam?” Dean questioned, Sam nodded
Once you guys finished your drinks you made your way to the exit, from the corner of your eye you seen the man get up, following your trail to the exit, starting to feel scared you grabbed deans hand tight, Dean turned to look at you concerned “you okay Y/N? You hands really sweaty” you nodded to answer him too nervous to even speak, you thought the night air would make you feel better but knowing the man was following behind was just making your feel sick, before you could get into baby dean stopping you, both hands on your arms as he looked at you “sweetheart my job is lying for a living, I know somethings bothering you and I can’t fix it if you don’t tell me what it is” Dean asked alerting Sam “what’s going on?”
Sighing you looked behind the brothers to find the man staring at you from behind a car “there was a guy at the bar, he freaked me out a little bit I didn’t care too much until he sat staring at me for the last hour so I wanted to leave but he followed us out here” you said, your heart pounding in your chest, Dean got an angry look on his face as he turned searching the parking lot “where the hell is he!” Dean moved to look around finding him quickly, Dean stormed over “hey! The hell do you want jackass? You think you can harass my girlfriend I wouldn’t find out” Dean grabbed the man by his shirt “not my fault she’s a whore man, just wanted a little taste of her sweet p-”Dean didn’t let him finish his sentence before he was released punching him in the face “my nose!” The man yelped but dean wasn’t done yet, Sam was holding you in a hug blocking the fight from your eyes
Once dean was done teaching the man a lesson in how to respect women he walked back over to you and sam “alright he’s down, let’s get back to the motel” Dean said getting in the drivers seat. Once you guys made it back to the motel you followed the brothers back to the room, Sam went into the bathroom leaving you and Dean alone
sighing dean sat on the bed you two would be sharing, he started to wrap his bloody knuckles you let out a shaky breath before sitting beside him and taking his hand “I got it” you said taking out the rubbing alcohol and rubbing it on his wounds, Dean flinched slightly at the sting “why didn’t you tell me earlier?” He asked softly you looked up giving him a small smile “I just didn’t want to bother you, I just didn’t realise how big a creep the guy was till he followed us out” dean nodded “sweetheart if someone or something is ever bothering you I don’t give a rats ass how by or small, you tell me and I will take care of it” you nodded “yeah I will I’m sorry dean” Dean was shaking his head “you have nothing to be sorry for Y/N you did nothing wrong” you wrapped your arms around deans shoulders pulling him to a hug, we wrapped his own around your waist holding you close to him
You pulled away to give him a small kiss, however a small kiss with Dean was never really just a small kiss, this one being no different as Dean was swiping his to tongue along your bottom lip, you parted your lips allowing dean to explore your mouth, you moaned quietly when dean pushed you slightly to lay back on the bed as he moved to lean on top of you as you continued to make out, deans hand was tugging at the hem of your shirt, and just when you were about to take it off the bathroom door opened, the younger Winchester emerged in his pyjama pants and shirt “seriously!” He yelped turning away
Dean sighed moving to stand up “relax Sammy were decent” you chuckled as you moved to get up and get changed in the bathroom, Dean following close behind “seriously don’t guys I don’t want a repeat of the hunt back in Chicago” you giggled “I promise Sammy we’ll keep it PG” you and Dean changed into your sleepwear, Dean sporting the same as sam, minus the shirt, he found them to be annoying when it got too hot in bed, you in a pair of shorts and deans old led zeppelin shirt
When you both emerged from the bathroom Sam was already tucked in for the night, all lights off minus the one in the bathroom, you and Dean made your way to the bed getting in either side Dean quickly grabbed your waist tugging you close enough so you could rest your head on his bare chest and tangle your legs together “we’re definitely getting our own room next hunt” Dean whispered kissing the top of your head, you chuckled at his remark closing your eyes “whatever you say Winchester”
lil repost of one of my personal favs from my old account :))
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"Who was that?" Jody asked you as you came back to sit across from her at the table.
"Uhh... Dean," you said, avoiding her eyes.
"Oh! What'd Dean have to say?" she asked, spearing a piece of broccoli particularly enthusiastically.
Your eyes lifted up to her face, your own fork hovering over your next bite. "Why'd you say it like that?"
She laughed and shrugged. "Like what?" But there was a smirk on her face you couldn't ignore.
"Why are you smiling like that?" you asked again, feeling your cheeks flush.
"I don't know! Why'd he call?" she pressed you.
You shook your head and returned to your dinner. "No reason really. Just... catching up."
Jody froze across from you and fixed her eyes on your face again. "Uh huh. Really? That's so interesting!" She shifted in her chair, the smirk on her face still growing. "Catching up since you left the bunker, what? Yesterday? How much could you possibly have to catch up on?"
Your brow furrowed even as your cheeks flushed and you set your fork down with a clatter and stared back at her. "What are you implying?"
She laughed. "I think you know what I'm implying. There are very few people Dean calls just to 'catch up' with. You're looking at one of them. And those kinds of calls can come months apart. You saw him yesterday."
Your face burned. "Jody—"
"No, no! Please," she said standing and grabbing her plate, "continue to pretend you don't know what I'm implying. It's crystal clear you and Dean have no special connection whatsoever..." She gave you another smile.
You reached for your wine glass and quickly drained it.
Her smile widened. "Need another glass? You know what? I'll just bring the bottle over..."
A/N: Bless her. I love Jody Mills. <3 Also, I could SO CLEARLY picture this interaction and her mannerisms in my head and I hope you can too.
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piedpiperart · 2 years
DC x SPN prompt idea
Sam and Dean get a tip about a haunted mansion from Bobby and they go check it out. It’s Drake Manor in Gotham City, which wouldn’t be a problem since no one was supposed to be living there. Except there was.
Sam and Dean meet Tim as they break into his house. Tim at first thinks they’re burglars but notices they’re carrying strange occult stuff. Tim looks at their stuff for a sec and just goes oh, are you here for the ghost?
And the boys, who had thought the kid was a) not alive or b) some sort of creature, are a bit thrown that this tiny child was left alone for months dealing with this ghost haunting his house.
Tim explains that he thinks she’s the ghost of his previous nanny before his parents fired her, but says she doesn’t do anything harmful, just tries to keep him company or get him to eat more often. She only breaks stuff when his parents are around but she stopped after it got him in trouble.
While Tim is sad for his ghost friend to be gone, he absolutely questions the heck out of Sam and Dean about all sorts of supernatural creatures and ghosts. Sam shows him ways to stay safe and avoid places with signs, etc. Dean teaches him how to fight and shoot weapons.
Tim is like seven or eight and pretty much blackmails Sam and Dean into teaching him how to be a hunter, and Tim ends up finding missions for them because he turns out to be a better hacker than Sam and Bobby. He gets the hunters money, sets up a network of information where hunters work together, and makes gadgets and gizmos for the guys to use against creatures.
Dean and Sam are worried about this small child alone in the house but think he’s better off there than as a hunter out in the real world. They don’t expect Tim to force his way into helping them, and every so often when they need help or info they call Tim then remind him to do homework or eat something.
Their road-trips now have frequent stops by Gotham, and even Bobby’s been able to make the trip to meet the lil guy who hacks his computer every week.
Tim also still knows Bruce is batman, and eventually becomes Robin, right. So he’s off doing that and keeping the whole supernatural world secret from Batman. Sam and Dean however, know the kid too well and eventually find out Tim is Robin. They may or may not take that well.
But! Since Tim is already aware of the ways of browsing the news and internet for crazy interesting cases and crimes, he comes across some posts about a potential zombie. Lo and behold- it’s Jason! So Tim calls Bruce and gets them sorted out. Maybe Talia still finds a way to kidnap him though, or Tim fights her on his own to keep Jason and loses, etc.
Either way, Tim ends up on the outs with the family still because he thinks he’s just filling in for Jason. So when his parents die and Tim is in need of a fake uncle? Who else would he call but Bobby!!
Just imagining Bruce and Bobby in the same room oh man. No doubt Alfred and Bobby would get along or absolutely hate each-other and no in between. I think Bobby would win in a fight against Alfred though. Just sayin.
Que Tim taking a call from Dean while he’s patrolling, thinking he’s alone as he details how to graphically kill someone, only to hang up and turn to see Jason standing right there.
Just, many shenanigans for how Tim seems a bit more unhinged than they thought. Like yeah Robin doesn’t kill, can’t kill when you work for Bats, but Tim Drake the Hunter made no such promises. Tim’s like ‘my first kill-‘ and freaks out the bats until he saves it by saying he’s talking about a game.
Sam and Dean come for a visit and Dick is suspicious. Tim goes on hunter missions and comes back with unexplained wounds. One of the bats might see him kill something and the guy turns to dust. Tim’s like no one will ever believe you.
As Tim drifts away from the bats he goes on trips with sam and Dean or helps bobby upgrade his tech. He lets Dean keep a batarang.
Maybe when Bruce is stuck in the time stream the first person he calls is Dean and Sam and Bobby. They’re like oh hey meet Cas, who then is like “Batman should not be allowed to alter the timeline” and just brings him back. He starts maybe using Cas for emergencies, or Dean tells Cas to keep an eye on tim only for him to step in whenever Tim seems in danger, even when he isn’t. Que Tim trying to convince Cas to wear a disguise when rescuing him in the field, etc..
Or maybe Tim makes a deal with a demon! He brings back Bruce but is fantastic at loopholes and gets out of hell card. Maybe Crowley is angry and takes his spleen just cuz. Dean is not happy.
Supernatural occurrences in the field happen and Tim solves it easily. No explanation. Maybe Constantine comes to solve it only to take one look at Tim and go “fuckin’ hunters, geez”. Or alternatively Tim corrects Constantine, saying stuff like you mispronounced (insert Latin word) or something like that.
Just, overall Tim shenanigans because if one of the bats had knowledge of the supernatural it would totally be Tim.
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shallowseeker · 7 months
Jody Mills, Jody Mills...I still can't find her brilliant line about how if she had the chance to see her son and husband again, "she'd do anything...and it scares her."
But it's such a GOOD line. If you run across it, send it to me so I can stash it.
I do think this tragic longing of Jody's is something Wayward Daughters could have fleshed out. So many characters in SPN serve as moral signposts, insisting bring back people from the dead is wrong, twisted, etc. Not Jody.
Jody knows her human nature so intimately, it's a lovely facet of her character.
She knows that she's alone, that a church congregation brings her comfort in lieu of having her own family. She pings that dark Kaia was motivated to kill Claire by the messy business of childish loneliness, of clinging to her twin.
Anyway, I think I've come around to Jody. Jody knows her own weaknesses, that longing for her family makes her strong, makes her empathetic. It's not "twisted up," or "wrong." Just human weakness.
And the thing is! Even though Jody has this wisdom under her belt, she knows it might not protect her in a moment of duress! I love that!
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bd-wlf · 7 months
Sleepover time with the gang
Jody is letting them stay over and that's the reason they're having a sleepover
Jody, Donna, Claire, Alex, Dean, Sam, Cas, and Jack all sit in Jody's living room. They moved her coffee table out of the way so everyone could fit.
Dean wears one of his favorite shirts, it has his favorite horror movie character on it, he has Scooby-Doo sweatpants and rainbow socks(they match castiels, they were a gag gift from Sam but they both loved them so much he never mentioned the gag part of it)
Jody and Donna have matching pajamas, not sure if they would have bears on them or if they would have a different animal or just plain colors
Claire is the same as Dean, horror movie shirt but with hello kitty sweatpants and star wars socks
Alex wears black satin pj top and short combo she found one day and got emotional attached to so hard Jody had to buy it for her even tho the only size they had was a size or two too big, they're worn on the edges and very much loved.
Sam sleeps in an old college hoodie and black sweatpants and THICK socks to keep his toes warm
Cas sleeps in a plain white t-shirt dean let him borrow and grey sweatpants that are a little baggy on him and those matching rainbow socks
Jack sleeps in an old Lady Heart t-shirt Sam gave him and a unicorn sweatshirt with grey sweatpants and cat socks
At some point Claire wants to do makeovers on The Boys and Jody makes all three of them do it.
Jack, Claire, Cas, and Donna all color while the rest watch the romcom of the week
Alex puts Sam's hair into braids at some point and then she puts dean and cas's hair in unicorn like hairstyles which amuses Jack
Before the all fall asleep Jack shows them what he do with shadows as he tells one of his favorite stories about Dean and Cas
They all sleep peacefully that night no interruptions or bad dreams
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whimsyfinny · 2 months
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Charlie discovers the Winchester boys to be struggling with keeping the bunker tidy, looking after themselves and being able to do their job simultaneously. Luckily she has a friend who’s from a Hunter family that is in need of work and can help them with research. Or so she thought that’s what her job would be. When Dean sees your more domesticated side, his head won’t stop swimming with all the wrong ideas.
Slow burn, enemies to lovers, smut
Warnings: language, violence, oral (male receiving)
Chapter Word Count: 5306
A/N: kind of an odd chapter tbh, there was a few things that I wanted to write so it felt best to squeeze them all in together. I want to start getting into the romance side of things with Dean, so I guess that starts here. Also I’ve been away sick so I’ve added a bit of spiciness.
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New readers start here: Prologue
Previous Chapter: Chapter 13
I’m Not Your F*cking Maid
Chapter 14
I grasped the hanger off the rail and slung the pair of flared jeans over my arm to join the other items I was purchasing. Dean had been kind enough to give me a hundred bucks in cash - God knows where from - to get myself whatever I needed whilst he and Sam sauntered off to the menswear stores. As I browsed, lifting a crocheted crop top up before scrunching my nose at the thought of how little it would cover, the bell to the store jingled as someone else walked in. I heard footsteps slowly pace down the short aisle I was in, and as I placed the top back on the rail, I almost jumped out of my skin as someone started talking.
“Oh hey, it's (Y/n) right? You're bunking with the Winchester boys?”
I snapped my head up at the female voice, not expecting anyone out here but Sam and Dean to know my name. My eyes met a pair of warm brown ones, faint crows feet in the corners from years of joy and smiles. I recognised her; she was the short haired woman in the bunker kitchen the night we got back from the strip club.
“Uuhhhh ye- yes! You know Sam and Dean?” My expression was clearly confused as she grinned and held out her hand.
“The names Jody Mills. I've known the boys for a while now - through hunting. It's a pleasure to meet you at last - I've heard great things about you,” I juggled the clothing in my arms and grasped her outstretched hand, giving it a firm shake. She seemed to grin at that.
“Oh, they talk about me? I had no idea,” I suddenly felt a little nervous, the knowledge that I've been the topic of conversations unbeknownst to myself made me sweat a little. Jody seemed to notice this.
“They've only had great things to say, so don't panic! Especially that boy Dean. Not sure how you've done it chick but you really got that wild card wrapped around your little finger,” she raised her eyebrows almost suggestively and I felt heat start to prickle my skin.
“Wh-what? No no no, he's not-” I watched as her head tilted in my direction, eyebrows still raised as a slight grin tugged on her lips. “Have I really?”
She hummed and nodded her head, starting to flick through the clothing rail that I'd been looking at before.
“I've known that boy a few years now, and I've never seen him run to anyone the way he ran to you that night you appeared in the kitchen, looking like a kicked kitten,” she smiled softly and squeezed my arm, “you're something special to him honey, so try not to break his heart.”
“Oh,” was all I managed to say, with what I can imagine was the dumbest look on my face as I felt myself getting redder by the second. A phone ringing suddenly pulled me from my dazed thoughts as Jody reached into her pocket and answered the call. She spoke in a sterner tone than what she'd used with me, and after a few words were exchanged she hung up and returned the device to her pocket.
“I've gotta get going, but I'll try and catch you all again later. I'm in the area for a bit so I'll try and pop by. It was lovely to meet you (Y/n),” she squeezed my arm one last time before turning to leave, the bell on the door signalling her departure. I stood for a moment, my mind spinning from what she'd said about Dean. There was absolutely no way that what she'd said was true. I mean, I beat the crap out of him when we first met, and we've bickered a lot. I guess we've not argued for a good few days. And we've had sex. Oh the sex. I bit my lip as thoughts of us tangled in his sheets came to mind. Not just thoughts, but memories. Like I said to him this morning, we're just fuck buddies. Right?
Leaving the store with two large paper bags in one hand and my phone in the other, I first dialled Sam to find out where he was down this stretch of high street. When it went to voicemail, I hung up and dialled Deans number instead. It rang and rang, and when I thought his was going to ring through as well, he finally answered.
“Hey sweetheart, what's up?”
“Hey, I'm finished getting what I need. Whereabouts are you?”
“Uhhh…” I heard him turn to the shop assistant and ask for the name of the store he was in before he relayed it to me.
“Cool, I'll be there in two minutes. See you soon.”
“See ya.”
And with a click I hung up and tucked my phone into my back pocket and walked no more than two hundred yards to get to where he was still trying on boots. As I gingerly walked in, well aware it was a men's store and I was currently the only woman in here, Deans head snapped to the door when the arrival bell jingled.
“Hey sweetheart, you're just in time! I have no idea what to get.”
I couldn't help but chuckle slightly at the thought of the great Dean Winchester getting stumped by the more domesticated side of life.
“Well I'm here to help,” I placed my bags on the bench next to his discarded jacket. “What are the options?”
We must've spent half an hour going over the ones he'd shortlisted, then he chose an entirely different pair anyway, unrelated to the ones he'd picked out for himself.
Leaving the store and a quick phone call between the brothers, we all concluded that now was the best time to stop for lunch. Dean and I made a quick trip back to Baby to drop off our bags, with Dean opting to sport his brand new boots in favour of his old and decrepit ones. It was a short walk back to the high street now that we were bag free, and I could see Sam a mile off - his tall frame loitering outside the chosen diner, the occasional woman walking past throwing a few looks his way. He, of course, was oblivious to those looks, and when he spotted us as we neared he offered a wave. He sprouted a wide, friendly grin as we came to stand next to him.
“You guys get everything you need?”
“Yep! Took Cinderella a while to find the right boots but we got there in the end,” I flashed Dean a playful smirk as he tilted his head in slight annoyance at the nickname, which pulled a light hearted laugh from Sam.
“Oh yeah? Well, at least I didn’t spend twenty bucks on a thrifted Carhartt hoodie.”
“Hey that is durable shit, it’s worth every penny.”
“You could've had one of mine, I don't wear hoodies much anymore.”
“I somehow feel like there'd be a catch with that.”
“Uuhh, I got my jacket, if anyone cares?” Sam decided to interject, and we both turned to look at him.
“Good for you Sammy.”
“Yeah, nice one Sam,” I looked around for a second, not seeing any bags, “where is it?”
He gave me a funny look.
“Seriously?” He asked, looking between Dean and myself. I looked at the older Winchester and seemed to have the same questions I did.
“Guys, I’m wearing it. Did you seriously not notice?”
I bit my lip.
“It looks exactly the same,” Dean spoke my own thoughts out loud.
“Well I mean technically it is. But it's not all scuffed up. Look you can clearly tell it's new,” he gestured with his hands that were still in his pockets, flapping the jacket around like he was an elongated flying squirrel.
“Not really.”
“Nope,” Dean popped the ‘p’ before he walked past both of us, “come on guys I'm starving, can we just go in?”
A simple lunch in the diner turned into beers in the bar which somehow turned into karaoke followed by shots. The place was bustling - all tables and booths occupied and a permanent flow of people ordering drinks. Most of the guys were of similar tastes, donning boots and leather jackets whilst the few women that were there pranced around in short-shorts and low cut tops. I for one felt a little out of place. The three of us were lucky to snag a booth, albeit close to the small stage situated up front, and I’d tucked myself into the corner, cradling my rum and coke. Dean had left his jacket beside me whilst he’d ventured off to challenge a group of guys to a ‘friendly’ game of pool, his laugh occasionally flowing over the chatter and music towards where Sam and I were sitting.
“How long do you think it’ll be until they realise they’re being conned?” I quizzed, taking a gulp from my glass and letting the bubbles fizz on my tongue before swallowing. Sam chuckled, taking a second before answering.
“Uhhh I don’t think these guys will find out until tomorrow morning.” We both laughed, knowing full well that Dean will spend all night gloating about how great he is, how we should bow in respect of the swindle master. I was lost in thought for a moment, wondering how much money he would actually walk away with when Sam’s voice pulled me back to reality.
“(Y/n), can I ask you something?”
I took another gulp of my drink, knowing full well what that puppy-dog look in Sam’s eyes meant, that furrow in his brow only accentuating it.
“Sure, go ahead.”
He took a breath.
“Are you ok? Like, really ok? Because if I’m honest, if I saw someone who I thought was dead - that I used to be in love with - stand before me after years of believing I’d never see them again; I don’t think I would be ok.”
I fiddled with the hem of Deans shirt sleeve for a second, my brain swarming with every thought I’ve been avoiding since the other night and keeping every little buzz under lock and key. I hated to admit it, but I was afraid to open Pandora’s box for the fear of ice cold confrontation. It wasn’t the wisest option, but putting the skeletons back in their closet and throwing out the key was what I genuinely thought was best. I let out an emotionally exhausted sigh before slumping back in my seat.
“I’m not ok. It still feels like some sort of fucked up fever dream, but… but thinking about it isn’t going to make me feel any better. Talking about someone who’s been dead to me for years isn’t going to take this messed up feeling away. In my mind, there’s nothing to get over where he’s concerned. Yeah, he was my teenage sweetheart, but I’m a grown woman now with a whole new brain and a whole new heart,” I could’ve kicked myself for letting my eyes flick over to Dean.
Sam sighed, resting his elbows on the table, a small smile twitching on his lips.
“If you’re sure, because you know I’m always here if you want to talk.”
“I know, thanks Sam,” I gave him a soft smile, reaching across the table to squeeze his hand. “Although, just one thing…”
“What’s that?” He sat up straighter.
“I don’t think it’s Daniel as a person that has me feeling like this - I grieved him and moved on from him years ago. I think… I think it’s the thought of that soul crushing sorrow coming back that scares me the most. The kind of sorrow that makes you forget what day it is; that stops you from eating and going outside and taking care of yourself. It makes you lose friends and interest in hobbies. It makes the whole world look grey and lifeless. You feel so unbearably numb that you aren’t even sure why you’re alive anymore. It makes you want to die.”
“(Y/n)…” Sam seemed at a loss for any other words as he held my hand softly across the table, running his thumb gently over my knuckles. I took a deep breath before carrying on.
“I felt like that when I lost Daniel, but when I lost Bobby, I… I…” I felt my voice crack slightly, “when I lost Bobby it was so much worse, I genuinely never thought I’d be normal ever again. Luckily for me, Charlie found me,” I grinned, remembering her determination to piece me back together. I looked up from where our hands joined, meeting Sam’s gaze.
“The only way I’d go through any of that again would be if I was to lose you guys. I know it’s not been long, but for once I’ve found something that makes me want to get out of bed in the mornings. That shit is hard to find.”
We both took a moment, feeling the weight of my words as we shared a gaze. I knew from the way his brows drew together and that far away look in his eyes that he felt everything I’d said. He’d experienced it first hand. And he knew that he didn’t have to say much, if anything, to convey that he understood. Slowly pulling my hand out from under his and placing my palm over his knuckles, I gave a gentle squeeze before standing, letting him go and grasping my glass. I threw the last mouthful back, the liquid vigorously fizzing down my throat before warming my chest. As I swallowed, I held my glass up and raised an eyebrow at Sam.
“Well shit, would you look at that - my glass is empty. Guess I’m heading to the bar. You need a top up?”
“Yeah, please. Remind me to get the next round,” he grinned as I slid out the booth and headed towards the bar. As I waded through the crowd I passed the pool table, glancing over at Dean who was deeply engrossed in taking a player's hard earned money out of his grasp. I watched the smug grin spread over his lips as he counted then pocketed the cash.
I looked up to see an opening at the bar so I squeezed in, perching myself on a stale beer-scented barstool whilst I waited for the barman to notice me. After a couple of minutes of being served he placed the drinks before me and I paid on one of Deans ‘special’ credit cards, scooping all three glasses into my grasp - with an insane amount of skill - and turned to leave. The moment my ass left the seat cushion however I found myself toe-to-toe with a very tall and very rugged stranger, the smell of cigarettes and old leather wafting around him.
“Not seen you around these parts before doll; I know I’d recognise such a pretty face,” he had a grim smirk on his face and his voice was like sandpaper - rough but certainly not sexy. I tried to take a step back but only ended up seated back on the barstool.
“Just passing through,” I did my best to flash a polite smile in the hopes he would sense I didn’t want to have this conversation. No such luck.
“A pretty thing like you shouldn’t be in a place like this all alone. Things might…happen.”
A shudder ascended my spine into my neck and I tried my best to subtly shake it out before I gave into my more defensive side.
“Who the fuck do you think I am with this many drinks? They’re clearly not all mine… ergo, I have company.”
His gross grin widened, the subject of my statement clearly not settling correctly in the empty space between his ears.
“Getting feisty… I like it. Can’t get much better than a little thing with a mouth.”
I shuddered again.
“What part of ‘I have company’ do you not fucking understand? And even if I was alone, I definitely wouldn’t be going anywhere with you.”
His grimy smirk faltered slightly, finally absorbing some of my words that seemed to be floating in the air around his thick skull.
“Aw don’t be like that.”
“Oh I’m gonna ‘be like that’ until you leave me the fuck alone.”
He took a lumbering step forwards, pushing me further onto the barstool.
“See now there’s a point when a mouth on a pretty thing becomes down right obnoxious, and you’re nearing that point sweetheart.”
“Don’t you fucking ‘sweetheart’ me you dick,” I was mentally preparing to buy another round of drinks as the thought of throwing these three at this asshole was becoming sweeter by the second, and people were starting to watch on but there wasn’t a single white knight in sight.
“Well now you’ve just crossed that line,” the second I saw him start to raise his arms my instincts kicked in and I gave into my previous thought and doused him in liquor, the amber liquid running down his face and neck and soaking into his clothes. He looked down at himself in disbelief before lifting his head back up, this time baring his teeth and raising his hand as if to slap me. I reflexively raised my arms and squeezed my eyes shut, bracing for impact.
“You stupid bitch.”
“If you touch a hair on her goddamn head ‘imma put you six feet under.”
My eyes shot open and I lowered my hands to see a seething Dean Winchester, a single strong hand wrapped around my harasser's wrist.
“Who the fuck are you?”
The faintest smirk pulled at the corner of Deans mouth before disappearing as quickly as it appeared, leaving nothing but quiet rage burning across his features.
“I’m about to be your biggest fucking problem.”
Before the asshole could even react Deans hand went from twelve O’clock to six O’clock in half a second with a sickening snap, breaking the jerks elbow with deadly skill. Practised skill. Whilst my harasser cried out and cradled his limp arm, Dean let go of him before a few of the onlookers gave Dean a nod of approval before escorting the creep out. Once he knew he was out of the building, Dean turned to me, softly grasping my chin between his thumb and index finger.
“Are you ok? He didn’t hurt you, did he?” He tilted my face left and right, scrutinising over my unharmed skin. When he was sure that there wasn’t a scratch on me he let go, relief flooding his gaze as he sighed.
“Dean I’m fine, I promise,” I reached up, fingers hesitantly grazing his stubbled cheek before I thought better of it and dropped my hand to his shoulder, giving it a squeeze.
“I swear to God (Y/n), if he’d laid a finger on you he’d get a lot more than a busted elbow,” his hand came to rest on my bicep, his long fingers gently wrapping around my arm in subconscious comfort, almost pulling me towards him. My own hand seemed to slide down from his shoulder to rest softly on his chest, my fingertips feeling the steady thrum of his heartbeat beneath.
“I know,” I reassured, giving him a little smile to which he returned. I felt my soft smile turn mischievous as thoughts started conjuring in my mind.
“Come on, Sam is waiting for another drink, let's order and get back to the table.”
The bartender had seen Dean step in to help me, so luckily for us this round was on the house. As we slid into the booth opposite Sam I slid his drink over to him.
“What happened back there?” He asked, mildly concerned.
“Just some asshole thinking I was gonna leave this place with him,” I sighed, sitting down, Dean taking his seat beside me. Sam's eyes flicked between the two of us.
“I'm sure I saw him leave with his arm all out of shape, was that-”
“Yeah well, shrimp-dick had it coming,” Dean was doing his best to act nonchalant, however the moment our eyes met over the top of our drinks we couldn't stop the giggles from tumbling out.
“Guys, Dean, you can't go around breaking elbows-”
“Relax Sammy. No one's gonna say anything, they all saw him acting like a creep. Just didn't have the balls to step in. Anyway,” a darker look clouded his eyes as his gaze bore into his younger brother, “he was harassing our girl, Sam. Ain't no way in Hell I was gonna let that slide.”
There was a moment of thick silence before Sam nodded, finally agreeing with Deans actions, knowing that if it had come down to it, he might've done the same. I raised my glass to my lips, taking a long sip before placing it back on the table, looking between the boys as they continued to have some sort of silent conversation that I wasn't a part of. The mischievous thoughts from earlier kept bubbling in my mind, and it didn't take any self-convincing for me to act on them. I shuffled slightly closer to Dean, not enough to draw attention to myself but enough to be in touching distance. I glanced up at him, making sure he was totally unaware and focused on his drink before I reached out slowly, letting my soft fingertips glide over the rough denim of his jeans. I glanced up at him when I heard him inhale his drink, spluttering slightly as I squeezed the inside of his thigh. I traced the length of his inseam, watching his grip on his glass tighten, the tanned skin over his knuckles paling.
“You ok there?” I asked, feigning concern with a quirk of a brow.
“Oh I'm just peachy sweetheart,” his voice came out low, lower than I think he was expecting it to as his eyes nervously darted to Sam who was too busy opening his laptop to notice. Dean leant back on the bench, the worn leather creaking under his weight. He looked at me out of the corner of his eye, pausing for a moment before lifting his arm closest to me, as though inviting me to sit closer. Eager to oblige I scooted towards him, nibbling my bottom lip when I felt his large hand rest softly on my back, subconsciously pulling me in. I crossed one leg over the other, turning into him slightly, tilting my head to get a better look at his face.
“I think I left something in the car, would you mind coming with me whilst I grab it?”
He looked a little puzzled for a moment before shotting the last of his whiskey and nodding his head.
“Sure thing,” he turned to his brother, “hey Sammy, we’ll be back in a few.”
Sam grunted a reply, too lost in the article he was reading to pay much attention to us. Dean slid out of the booth and held his hand out to me, which I grasped. His long rough fingers enveloped my hand as he pulled me to my feet. Leaving his jacket behind, we left the bar and made our way to the impala.
The night air had turned chilly, biting at my flushed cheeks as we paced across the lot, taking all of about thirty seconds to reach the impala. Dean was a few steps ahead of me, having unlocked the rear passenger door by the time I'd arrived.
“There you are, grab what you ne- whoa!”
He was caught off guard when I placed my hands on his chest and pushed him down into the car, his broad form filling the space in the back with ease. I climbed in after him, closing the door and crawling along the back bench towards him. It took a moment, but Dean eventually caught on.
“Oh, I’m liking where this is going.”
I chewed at my bottom lip, watching him settle beneath me as he propped up slightly on his elbows, the fabric of his T-shirt stretching thin over his muscular chest.
“I wanted to thank you for being my hero. That’s the second time you’ve rescued me - I wanted to thank you properly. You know, to really show my appreciation.”
It was Deans turn to pull his bottom lip between his teeth, the corners of his plush lips turning up.
“You know, I’m starting to think you might be trouble,” his voice was getting lower with every word, each syllable rumbling in his chest and vibrating into my fingertips.
I couldn’t help but chuckle at his words, feeling some truth to them as I scooted down the bench to sit between his legs before slipping into the large footwell. I patted the seat in front of me, and it didn’t even take a second for Dean to slide himself into it, sitting up straight. As I sat between his knees and looked up at him, I couldn’t help but marvel at the sight; the way the streetlights painted his face in warm amber, softening his battle-hardened features and reflecting in his eyes like dancing embers from a stoked fire. The shadows didn’t seem contradictory - the darkness we were sitting in was far from cold. Dean Winchester was not an artistic man by any means, but he himself was certainly a masterpiece.
I reached up and unbuckled his belt along with the button on his jeans, carefully dragging the zipper down after and tugging the thick fabric along with his boxers off his hips; just enough to dip my hand in and pull out his cock, already hot and heavy in my palm. He made an almost strained noise on contact and my stomach fluttered at the thought of him being so sensitive. So sensitive at my mercy. I adjusted my grip on him before going up and down, once… twice… three times… over and over at a sinfully slow pace. His hands gripped his thighs like they had nowhere else to go, and when I looked up he was watching every move I was making with knotted brows and parted lips. His eyes only found mine when I straightened my back and leant forwards, gliding my tongue up the thick length of him but avoiding the tip. Mimicking my hand, I licked up and down again and again, ever so slowly gaining speed before I finally dragged my tongue over his tip and plunged his whole cock down my throat.
“Oh fuck,” Dean gasped out, his large palms flying to my hair - long fingers knotting with the soft strands. I could tell he wanted nothing more than to shove my head down as far as it would go, but his self restraint shone through. I started to move, slowly at first, head bobbing without missing a beat. The feeling of his cock pressing against the back of my throat over and over was fine at first, but the longer I sucked him off the urge to gag grew. The size of Deans cock was not something to be taken lightly, and after a couple of minutes the impending gag hit and I pulled him out of my mouth.
“Shit, (Y/n)… How are you so good at this?” He hissed out in a breath I’m sure he’d been holding since I'd started. I assumed the question was rhetorical as I gave him a few pumps, swallowing the excess spit and precum on my tongue before leaning back in. One by one I placed hot, wet kisses up his length, placing the final one on his tip before I pulled it back into my mouth. With the new found sensitivity of my gag reflex ever-present, I avoided taking him too far down my throat, this time using one hand to reach where my mouth couldn't at his base. Adding a little twist, I felt his grip tighten once again in my hair, his long fingers absently scooping loose strands away from my face. The combination of feeling him lose his mind beneath me and the tenderness of his touch sent a flutter to my heart which quickly travelled south at the sound of his euphoric groan, his head lolling back and eyes closing. As I pressed my tongue to the large vein scaling his length I could feel his rapid pulse, my own heart rate almost as fast as his. As I continued to bob my head, I could feel him gather all my hair in one hand, his other softy tracing down over my temple, my cheek and my lips before stopping at my chin, a single swipe from his thumb removing most if the spit and precum that was threatening to stream down my neck. I would consider my next move a grave mistake - looking up through my damp lashes to meet Deans white-hot gaze fixated and fascinated with every little motion I made. The blissed-out look in his eyes could have turned a weaker woman into a puddle right then and there, and I surprised myself with my own resilience. He continued to hold me with one hand in my hair and a soft grip on my chin, my own free hand moving to grip him near the inside of his thigh. Another soft moan slipped from his lips as I started to speed up, not caring for the ache in my jaw or mess he was now too preoccupied to swipe away. I was surprised when no words left Deans lips, his usual blasphemous language replaced with velvety moans of pleasure. I could tell he was nearing his peak when his cock twitched between my lips, again and again before before he finally groaned out a strained:
“Fuck, oh shit.”
His grip tightened, like he was trying to pull me off him, however when that telltale throb made his cock graze the back of my throat I removed my hand from his base and enveloped him in his entirety, a final, breathy gasp and groan tumbling from Deans lips before the sensation of warm, viscous liquid spilled across the back of my tongue. It took a moment for the ropes to stop coming, and when they did I pulled him from my mouth slowly, looking up at his breathless form. Not taking my eyes from his, I parted my lips slightly to show his cum, glazing my tongue, before closing my mouth and swallowing the thick liquid down. He let out another groan, his grip finally releasing my hair as he ran his hands over his face, taking a moment for his eyes to find mine again.
“Holy shit, sweetheart… I feel like I just died and went to heaven.”
I couldn't stop the stupid giggle spilling from my lips as I wiped the spit from my lips and chin with the bottom of Deans shirt that I was wearing.
“For a moment there I thought you had too.”
He grinned down at me, perhaps a little bashful as he tucked himself back into his pants and refastened his belt. As he finished up, a few moments of silence hung over us as I still remained nestled between his strong thighs. His eyes met mine and they seemed to hold a thousand words that he wanted to say, and when nothing came from his lips he simply held out his hand to pull me into his lap. Just as my fingers grazed his, however, there was a loud rap at the window which spooked both of us out of our skin.
“Motherfucker,” Dean muttered before rolling down the window, and a small wave of guilt and embarrassment washed over me when I heard Sam's disbelieving yet humoured voice coming from outside.
“Guys are you fucking serious?!”
@suckitands33 @jackles010378 @aliceeinwonderland420 @tina-theslytherin @deans-queen @hobby27 @sobearcowboy @girls-alias @selfdestructionandrhum @ericasabe @lacilou @littlemadamred @anneanirac @deans-baby-momma @swimregulas @ashdoctor @littlemarvelstan8 @atcamillanorrman @deangirl96 @zannemes @kr804573 @foxyjwls007 @divadinag @cookiemonstermusic258 @mysterialee @ababy-girl @joonseuph0ria @mxltifxnd0m @deans-spinster-witch @st4bl3-ch40s @feyresqueen @roseblue373 @clusterfuck-meup @urinternetmom @rachiem4-blog @ceeshellecee @mojos-hidden-castle @snowayumi @evzyi @mymuseisbipolar @magssteenkamp @koharuheartfilia @spookyysinsanity @safiyas-world @uncle-eggy @happyt0exist @supernaturalstilinski @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @mrsjenniferwinchester
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asbeel · 3 months
I imagine Dean is protective as shit of his pie
Like he is hissing and scratching at anyone who even attempts to poke a fork into his pie
So if he lets you to reach out and eat a bit of his pie, it's a sign of respect
If he willingly hands you a slice of pie? Youre the fucking world to him
People I think Dean would let eat a bit of his pie:
- Mary Winchester
- Jack Kline
- Garth Fitzgerald
- Ellen Harvelle
- Kevin Tran
- Jody Mills
- Lisa Braeden
- Sam
People I think Dean would give a slice of pie to:
- himself (obviously)
- Sam (but he always refuses cos he's a health nut)
- Castiel
- Bobby
- Benny
- Charlie (sister energy)
- Jo (sister energy again [wdym they kissed they're literally siblings])
- Claire
- Eileen (as like a "ur my sister in law now" vibe)
- Missouri (fr she deserves some)
- Ben Braeden
I really wanted to add Crowley to this list but it's just the sad truth that Dean wouldn't trust him to be within 90ft of pie
And yes, John Winchester isn't on here. His ass does NOT deserve pie
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Destiel Trope Collection 2024 | Day 31: Cabin Fic
Crystal Clear | @envydean Rating: Explicit Word Count: 1,981 Main Tags/Warnings: Fluff, Modern AU, Anniversary, Blowjobs, lakeside cabin vacation, Dean's not a fan of lake water Summary: Dean and Cas are at the lakeside cabin for a long weekend. It's their 15th anniversary and Cas finds a cunning way to get him to swim in the lake.
Touching Perfection | @anyreiart Rating: Explicit Word Count: 4,439 Main Tags/Warnings: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Canon Universe, Smut, Friends to Lovers Vacation, Feel-good, human!Cas Summary: Dean is finally ready to make a move on Cas. So he takes him on a vacation.
Cabin In The Woods | @anyreiart Rating: Explicit Word Count: 6,894 Main Tags/Warnings: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Canon Universe, Bottom Castiel, Top Dean Winchester, Friends to Lovers, Idiots in Love, Somnophilia, BDSM Undertones Summary: Dean takes Cas on a vacation. Confessions happen.
Cabin Fever | @eyesofatragedy67 & @punk-is-notdead Rating: Explicit Word Count: 14,519 Main Tags/Warnings: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel, Dean Winchester, Bobby Singer, Jody Mills, Jo Harvelle, Ellen Harvelle, Enemies to Lovers, There Was Only One Bed, Miscommunication is the Real Villain, Angst, Smut, Fluff, Humor, Castiel/Dean Winchester First Time Having Sex, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Gay Sex, Anal Sex, Unprotected Sex, Oral Sex, Spit As Lube, Dirty Talk, Castiel Loves Bees, Dean Loves Dr. Sexy Summary: Following a booking mixup for a remote hideaway, two strangers agree to share. Nothing quite goes according to plan, and it looks like a misunderstanding will kill any chance of a friendship, but does "fate" have other plans?
The Impetuous Engagement | @thefandomsinhalor Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 27,207 Main Tags/Warnings: Modern Setting AU, Snowed In, Sharing a Bed, Engaged Castiel, No Cheating Summary: It’s early December and Castiel Novak, quite unlike him, is on a plane to Fairbanks, Alaska, at the other end of his world, after the man he met online, Michael Milton, proposed to him. Michael is sensitive, gallant, and romantic, and after months of daily, intense correspondence, Castiel believes he’s the only one who he ever truly connected with. On his way there, however, due to a series of bad luck and Mother Nature, Castiel somehow finds himself stuck in a small village, in the middle of nowhere, cut off from the rest of the world and with no way of reaching Michael. Indefinitely. To make matters worse, Dean Winchester, Castiel’s fellow passenger—who asks way too many invasive questions, doesn’t have an ounce of subtlety, and isn’t as charming as he thinks he is—seems to be the only option for Castiel to find shelter in the meantime. And Dean, being acquainted with the fiancé in question, and aware that he is not to be trusted, is very eager to help Castiel with housing, and perhaps something more as well…
The Places We Hide | @therighteousmanlovesanangel Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 39,827 Main Tags/Warnings: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel/Crowley, Lee Webb/Dean Winchester, Past Character Death, Gunshot Wounds, Show level violence, Divorce, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Grief/Mourning, Slow Burn, Angst with a Happy Ending, Light Angst, Human Castiel, (Supernatural)hunting au, Hermit Dean, Hurt/Comfort, Imagine there's no Heaven(ly influence), John died in this AU instead of Mary, Wendigo, Undine OFC, Gay Castiel (Supernatural), Bisexual Dean Winchester, Dean/Cas Big Bang 2022 (Supernatural) Summary: Castiel is going through it. He’s been dumped by his husband and demoted at work. A walk in the woods to clear his head makes it all horrifically worse. Luckily, he is saved by a bearded stranger. Through his recovery Castiel searches for the man in the woods. When he finds Dean, an unlikely friendship grows. As Cas comes to terms with the way his life is changing, Dean opens up a whole new world to him.
A Midwinter's Dream | @li-izumi Rating: Mature Word Count: 53,245 Main Tags/Warnings: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Canon Divergence, Season/Series 09, Season/Series 10, Canon-Typical Violence, Post-Mark of Cain (Supernatural), Minor Rowena MacLeod/Sam Winchester, Dreams and Nightmares, Christmas, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary: Christmas is fast approaching, but Dean doesn’t feel like celebrating--he’s too busy hunting for that sort of thing. Though he promises to get Cas back in time for the epic Christmas party Sam’s been planning, Dean has no intention of staying himself. That may be another promise Dean can’t keep when the hunt goes wrong, trapping Dean and Cas far from civilization. Worse, Dean is plagued by unrelenting nightmares of his time with the Mark of Cain and is gripped by a lingering anger that he can’t seem to escape. Back at the Bunker, Sam and the others are working a little Christmas magic they hope will show Dean the light in the dark—and prove to him that the holiday spirit isn’t something he needs to hunt.
Alpha Seeking Omega | @samanddean76 Rating: Mature Word Count: 66,666 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Castiel, Alpha Jimmy Novak, Omega Dean Winchester, Alpha Lucifer, Canon-Typical Violence, Non-Graphic Violence, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-Con, Non-Graphic Rape/Non-Con, Past Abuse (but not really as the treatment is part of the societal structure), Past Malnourishment, Mystery To Be Solved, Mating, Knotting, True Mates, Slow Burn, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Non-Consensual Body Modification, Revenge, Or Justice, Castiel and Jimmy Novak are Twins, John Winchester's A+ Parenting, Mpreg, Eventual Happy Ending, Cabin Fic Summary: Omega Dean has lived a harsh life prior to being selected to be a demonstration model at a party unveiling the latest product that Morningstar Enterprises is set to produce. Alphas Castiel and Jimmy Novak are guests of honor at the event, but when they lay eyes on the Omega that is clearly at the center of something that was not a part of the party, the twins leap into action. Unfortunately, they are separated. Now Jimmy must keep Dean safe until Castiel can be rescued. But the more that Jimmy learns about this very well-trained Omega, the more he questions what was really going on that night. The problem is will he be able to figure out the puzzle and still rescue his brother?
81 notes · View notes
wishful thinking
-warnings// angst, mentions of smut but no real descriptions
lil summery// Sam has a little crush on deans girlfriend a just little sad
Dean x reader... with a little Sam x reader (just a lil bit)
word count// 3450
(Gif from pinterest)
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You groaned as the light came through the window blinds, rolling over to hide in your boyfriends warm chest, Dean chuckled running his hand up and down your bare back "not ready to wake up gorgeous?" He asked kissing the top of your head "no. My plans revolve around staying in bed with my pretty sexy, and very nude boyfriend" you mumbled against his chest, dragging your hand down his chest and down his stomach
You jumped back when you heard a loud knock on the door "are you two almost ready? There was another attack last night" Sam called through the door, "Just taking a shower then we'll be out Sammy" Dean yelled back, you looked up at him confused "baby we showered last night" Dean chuckled, rolling on top of you, he smirked down at you, his amulet hanging down his neck "yeah but I just bought us some more time" Dean flirted as he pressed kisses down your neck, already making your eyes roll.
Sam leaned against the impala, growing more and more impatient as the time moved on, with a final sigh of annoyance he went back to Dean and your shared motel room, "Dean I've been waiting almost an hour dude serio-" Sam started to yell but was quickly cut off by the door opening revealing you dressed only in deans long red flannel, your cheeks red and your hair a mess "I'm sorry Sammy, we'll be right out in two minutes, I swear" you told him quickly shutting the door in the stunned Winchesters face 
Sam was in awe of you, ever since you and Dean came to get him from Stanford four years ago he knew there was something about you that just warmed his heart, how kind you were to him and when Jess passed, you let him cry in your arms many nights after, how beautiful you were, how smart you were, you were like a walking encyclopaedia. He knew how wrong it was, having a crush on Deans girlfriend. he just couldn't help himself 
Every day was an internal battle for Sam, he wanted you, he wanted you more than he's ever wanted anything, but he sees how much his brother loves you, and that's what kills him even more, he would never want to hurt his brother. He just couldn't help himself, especially when he heard your moans through every crappy motel walls, hell he's even walked in on you both going at it  more times than he'd ever like to admit, you would think after the eitgth time Dean would learn to lock his damn door.
It definitely didn't help Sam keep himself composed when he was popping boners left and right with the images of you after being fucked, even if wasn't by him flash through his mind constantly.
"Alright, give us the run down Sammy" dean said as he drove away from the red room motel Sam stayed quiet as he tried to avoid looking at you sitting in the back seat "Sammy!" Dean called loudly snapping his fingers in his face startling the seasoned hunter "w-what?" He stuttered out confused "gives us the run down... are you feeling good, not like you to be so out of it man" dean turned to look at him quickly worry evident in his voice 
"Yeah fine just tired. didn't sleep great"  Sam mumbled out tucking his growing hair behind his ears "you sure sweetie? you look a little pale, maybe your coming down with something. c'mere let me check your temperature" you said leaning into the front to feel his forehead "w-what no no I'm fine not sick I'm just tired so just drop it and leave me the hell alone!" Sam said flinching away defensively, if you touched him right now he was definitely gonna go crazy 
Dean turned to give Sam a hard look "watch it Sam, she was only trying to help you, no need to bite her damn head off!" Sam snorted "whatever" he pushed himself as close to the passenger side ignoring his brother for the rest of the ride his eyes stared hard out at the road as he tried to focus on the hunt... and not how good your breasts look in that shirt .
Dean looked at Sam then gave you a concerned look matching your own in the rear view mirror. 
When you got to the Swanson house you both  decided to let Sam take the lead in questioning considering he didn't give you any details on the death, what he suspected, could be demon, ghost... literally anything at this point.
"Any idea what's up with Sam?" You asked Dean watching as Sam spoke to the victims heartbroken husband, Dean sighed his eyes narrowed at his little brother trying to figure out what's going on in his head "not a clue but I'll talk to him about it" dean grumbled out squinting his eyes at his younger brother.
It was a quiet drive back to the motel , Sam was laser focused on watching the blurs of houses and cars, you couldn't help yourself but looking at him worried, you were sure he could feel your eyes burning a hole into the back of his head. Even if he did feel it he never let on, never acknowledged you or dean were in the car too.
Once Dean parked baby Sam was rushing out toward his motel room. Dean slammed the car door annoyed before turning to look at you his hard eyes softening "I'm gonna talk to Sammy see if I can get him to talk about wheatever the hells bothering him" dean told you before planting a soft kiss on your lips "okay baby, I'm gonna take a walk and go grab us some snacks and beer, hopefully Sammy opens up to you" you wrapped your arms around deans neck, his own on your hips as he had you pinned tight against the impala
Dean shook his head pulling baby's keys out of his pocket "your not walking anywhere sweetheart, I trust you'll take care of my baby, and my baby will take care of my sweetheart" dean joked making you giggle, your cheeks heating up as you licked your lips "you Dean Winchester are a man of many surprises... and I quite like that about you" dean caught your lips once again in a soft kiss his tongue slipping into wrestle with your own before giving your ass a hard smack. You gasped and pulled away your body feeling hot at his actions 
You put your hands on deans chest lightly pushing him away from you "alright I better go, good luck talking to Sam" dean shook his head his green eyes turned to look at Sam's closed motel room door sighing "yeah I'm gonna need it". 
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Your nerves were all over the place as you walked around the small corner store. You hated when Sam and Dean would fight, on one hand, Dean is your boyfriend you can't help but take his side most of the time, but Sam was your best friend. It just put you in such a shitty position until the boys eventually swept it under the rug. You grabbed a bunch of snacks because you knew Dean was an angry eater and he usually stuffed his face with liquorice and chocolate after any arguments, or if you were having make up sex and dean was still a little mad he'd eat something else...
You opened the door to your motel room so see Dean pacing the floor his hands running through his hair, clearly he was frustrated and seemed pretty anxious "how'd it go sweetie?" You asked him setting the bag of goods and beer on the table "I- uh- fi-fine yeah I guess" dean stuttered out as his pacing continued "dean what's wrong? Is it bad- oh my god please sit down your freaking me out!" You snapped grabbing deans arms stopping him from moving any further "it's nothing I just... look you know how much I care about you. Id do anything for you no matter what it was, I just when you talk to Sam please remember that" dean told you his hands coming to rest on the sides of your face his worried eyes staring into your own
"Wha- talk to Sam? Dean what's going on why do I need to talk to Sam?" You were freaking out why the hell was Dean Winchester, the man who hides what he feels on the daily pouring his heart out to you now of all times. Dean leaned in catching your lips in a slow sensual kiss, pulling away to rest his forehead against your own "I promise everything will make sense if you talk to Sam" Dean whispered "okay let's go" dean shook his head immediately "I don't think I should be around Sammy right now I'll wait for you here" okay now you were officially freaking the fuck out
You nodded slowly and headed out to towards Sam's motel room next door. You stared at the red door taking a couple of deep worried breaths before knocking. It took three seconds after the last knock until the younger Winchester was opening the door his cheek looking slightly swollen "hey... come on in" Sam said moving to the side to allow you in "hey... so what's going on? Dean seemed pretty upset" you told him, Sam sighed and ran his hands down his face his eyes closed tight "it's stupid. It's so stupid I just don't know what to do anymore I've been... fuck this is hard-" "Sam! Spit it out please!" You yelled cutting off his rambling 
"....Y/N, I think I'm in love with you" once the words left Sam's lips your whole body froze. You felt like the air was sucked right out of you. "You what?" You asked "I think I'm in love with you... it started a couple of years ag-" "Years! what the fuck do you mean years Sam? How many?" You cut him off "i- I lost Jess and then you... you were there for me and it just kinda escalated from there. Look I don't want to feel like this. I don't want to be in love with my brothers girlfriend, I've felt like the worst person in the damn world every day because of this... I just I can't help it" Sam confessed
"Sam Jess passed four years ago. Are you telling me you've had feelings for me since then?" You asked him calmly and he nodded quickly "honey I don't think your in love with me. I think you went through an extremely traumatic experience with Jess and me being there for you every day. I think your confusing the feelings you had for jess to me. Sam, I love you because your my best friend... and I'm with dean and I haven't even told him yet but I love him Sammy..." you told him and Sam took a deep breath "I uh i guess I never thought about it like that. I think your right I'm confusing my feelings I had for Jess to you" Sam agreed making you relax 
"I'm sorry I sprung all this on you and Dean today. When you put it like that it makes sense... I mean Jess was the love of my life… I even had a ring. Before you and Dean came to Stanford I had it all planned out, then it was taken away from me in the blink of an eye... and dean still has you-" Sam paused taking a shaky breath "I guess I'm just jealous of you guys, of what you have with each other. I've never seen Dean love someone so much and that's why me feeling like this bothered me so much because I want my brother to be happy and I want my best friend to be happy too" Sam ended his speech and you had tears falling down your cheeks feeling your heart break at his words
"Sammy I'm so sorry about what happened with Jess. You deserved to have the happy life you always wanted with her" Sam nodded his eyes filling with tears he sucked in a harsh breath of air "yeah.... I miss her every day. I just... I want what I had with her back- I want Jess back, I see you and Dean and I want that. Jesus I fucking had that. Life deals me the crappy hand of yellow eyes and Jess has to pay for it?" Your cheeks were wet with tears, you couldn't help but bawl at Sam's words. Life had been so cruel to the Winchesters 
"I know honey... I know. It's not fair, I know you feel like Jess was the one for you but sam, I only met her once and I seen how much she loved you. She would want you to get out there and find the girl your meant to spend your life with, it's not me, but she's out there... she's just waiting for you to find her" you smiled taking his big hand in yours and giving it a comforting squeeze. Sam nodded slowly 
"I really i appreciate that Y/N, I'm glad this crap got brought out. Talking to you has really made me feel a lot better about this so thanks, I uh do you mind giving me some time just to think. I kinda want to be by myself now" Sam told you and you nodded heading towards the door, Turing to take one last look at the sad giant "we're right next door if you need anything at all, okay Sammy?" His lips curled in a soft smile and he gave you a quick nod.
Once the door was a shut you leaned against it your hand going to your chest as you took a deep breath, hunting gouls was easier than that damn conversation. Your heart was beating like crazy thinking back on every word, Sam thought he was in love you, I mean of course he wasn't. He was in love with the idea of you... of love that's what he wanted.
You squeezed your eyes shut to calm down before going back to your and Deans room. You opened the door to find Dean sat at the edge of the double bed, his head facing the ground as his hands ran through his hair “Dean?” You called to him. His head snapped towards you his feet moving faster than the rest of his body as he stunned his way toward you “Y/N…. H-how’d it go? Did you-” “talk to Sam… yeah we had a long talk. I think everything’s gonna be just fine now” you told him 
Deans shoulders visibly relaxed, his arms wrapping around you and pulling you into a hug “thank god… thought I was gonna have to kick his ass” dean joked but you thought back to Sam’s swollen cheek. You pulled back from the hug and gave dean a hard look “Dean Winchester… did you punch your brother because of me?” 
Dean shook his head quickly “no of course not… I punched him because he told me he wanted to be with my girlfriend, maybe had he phrased it better to me I wouldn’t have lost my temper but if someone tells me they want to be with my girlfriend and they’re in love with her… I’m gonna loose my shit” you tried to hide the small smirk from your face by leaning in to give dean a hard kiss on his soft lips “that’s really sweet baby. Please don’t fight with Sam because of me, seriously we had a really good conversation tonight” 
Dean noodles slowly “can you tell me what you talked about?” You smiled and sat down on the bed and pulling Dean with you so you were both laying down on the hard mattress “well he told me he was in love with me-” deans arm around your waist grew tense as he pulled you closer so your head was resting against his chest  “but we talked about things and we got to talking about Jess and-” you paused taking a deep breath and looking up at dean to find him already looking at you 
“Sam is still hurting over Jess. He was confusing his love for Jess to love for me, thats all, he’s not In love me. He’s in love with the idea of love because he had that, then he lost it in the blink of an eye and then he sees us together. He just needs some time and he needs us to help him get back out there find a distraction, hey maybe even find the love of his life like m-” you stopped yourself quickly, Dean opened his mouth to say something but you quickly jumped back in
“We should take him out tomorrow, there’s a bar down the block. I saw it when we were driving earlier, it looks like it could be fun, what do ya say?” Deans eyes crinkled as he smiled lovingly at you. He loved how much you looked out for Sammy, it’s part of what made him fall in love with you. “I’m down, any time I get to spend with you I am down for it” dean told you taking your hand in his placing a soft kiss to it “how about we crack open those beers over there eat some junk food and watch a little Dr sexy?” Dean suggested. You smiled and nodded your head “i love that idea” you leaned up to give him a quick kiss before he grabbed the goods.
You were hours into the doctor sexy marathon you and dean had unintentionally started. Deans arm hung loosely around your waist while you cuddled comfortably into his warm side, your leg wrapped loosely around deans hips. You looked up to see deans green eyes lolling to sleep slowly, still somewhat awake “dean?” You whispered, his eyes opened quickly and he let out a low “yeah?” And turned his gaze to you “why were you so nervous earlier? Before I went to Sam’s room?” He sighed his body tensing slightly under you “I just… I hated the idea of you talking to Sam about his little crush on you because well, your my girl… and I love you” dean rushed out the end and your head snapped up 
“You what?” You asked your chest suddenly feeling tighter like your heart was about to explode “i love you sweetheart” dean told you more clearly this time. A smile immediately overcame your face as you rushed down to press a hard kiss on deans lips. Dean responded right away, his hands wrapping around your hips to pull you on top of him… well more than you already were
You pulled back slightly from the kiss pressing your forehead against his “I love you too Dean Winchester, so fucking much baby” you giggled your lips brushing against his in each movement. Dean pulled you back into another deep kiss his big rough hands squeezed your ass before moving up your waist to pull your shirt off leaving you in your black lacy bra. Your squealed into deans mouth when he ripped your bra in half, pulling the ruined fabric off off your arms baring your breasts to him. Deans lips detached from your swollen ones, he attacked you chest immediately placing kissing app over your chest, sucking love marks all over you, especially on your sweet spot to mark his territory.
Sam who was in the next room slammed a pillow over his head to drown out your screams of pleasure, Sam lied to you earlier, he meant it when he said he was in love with you. But when he saw your panic and how you talked about your one for his brother he panicked and wanted to take each word back, that’s why when you mentioned it being confusion over his love for Jess he jumped at it. He would never do anything to hurt you or dean he loved you both way to much to ever even  think about doing that to either of you, that’s why he was just going to have to swallow his feelings and curse chuck for not having you both meet first. He wished every damn night that he met you before dean, constantly living in guilt Sam knew he had to take his feelings for you and bury them deep inside of him, a life with you was just wishful thinking for the younger Winchester. 
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
next to be written is Sam Winchester, hero part 2, this was requested and I'm hoping to get it published soon, until then please enjoy :))
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aylacavebear · 8 months
She Thought She was Normal Master List
Story Summary: Maria really thought she was normal, for most of her life. It was normal for people to have natural talent, she would tell herself the older she got. Many things came easy for her, and that was probably how their rivalry began when she was five and he was seven and she met the Winchesters. Little did either of them know that it wouldn't stay like that forever, both having a far larger destiny than they could imagine
Each chapter will have warnings. Pairing is Dean Winchester x OC Lots of familiar faces will make an appearance: Jody Mills, Bobby Singer, Dean, Sam, and John Winchester, Castiel, and more. I don't want to give away too many spoilers.
Chapter 1 - In The Beginning Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 - When Dreams Are Too Real Chapter 7 - Thanksgiving Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 - So Much for Being Normal Chapter 12 Chapter 13 - Ground Rules Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 - When Things Change Chapter 18 Chapter 19 - Pt 1 Chapter 19 - Pt 2 - You Had Me At Apple Pie Chapter 20 - Pt. 1 - Confessions Chapter 20 - Pt. 2 - Azazel Chapter 21 - Time to make a choice Chapter 22 - Let the Whiskey Flow Chapter 23 Pt. 1 Chapter 23 - Pt. 2 - (18+ Warning) Chapter 24 - Apple Pie Chapter 25 Chapter 26 - A Reunion They Didn't See Coming Chapter 27 Chapter 28 - Kripke's Hallow Chapter 29 Chapter 30 - Thanksgiving & New Beginnings Chapter 31 - Revelations Chapter 32 - A Taste of Normal Chapter 33 - Hell Chapter 34 - An Unexpected Intrusion Chapter 35 - Heaven Chapter 36 Epilogue
I hope you all enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. I'd love to hear what you liked, loved, or even hated about it. Leave me a comment.
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agentnico · 2 months
Longlegs (2024) review
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His legs aren’t THAT long, jeez.
Plot: FBI Agent Lee Harker is assigned to an unsolved serial killer case that takes an unexpected turn, revealing evidence of the occult. Harker discovers a personal connection to the killer and must stop him before he strikes again.
Before we get to the movie itself I must applaud Neon for giving this film such a stellar marketing campaign. Most common complaint about modern day trailers is that they show too much of the movie. They’re essentially summaries of the entire film, giving away every major set piece, with the whole narrative showcased from beginning to end, leaving little to the imagination. Makes one wonder why even it’s worth seeing the actual movie when you’ve already essentially been spoiled. Hence why Neon’s advertising strategy for Longlegs stands out so much. Throughout the last half of the year they have been releasing small 10 second untitled cryptic teaser snippets that intentionally left the premise vague, as discontinuous editing was employed to display snapshots of brutal murders, ominous world building and nightmarishly surreal images of primal fears including snakes and blood. In fact, those teasers didn’t even show the film’s title, just the release date. Then there were the billboards that had a phone number that, if you called, you’d get to hear Nicolas Cage. Speaking of Cage, again the teasers don’t really show him at all, allowing for the build up of his mysterious character to be left till the audience were in the cinema seats. Then when the early reviews came out, praises were hailed as well as comparisons to Silence of the Lambs, so naturally expectations were high.
Unfortunately, the truth is much more disappointing: Longlegs is just another run-of-the-mill, albeit well-executed, serial killer film. It’s evident that director Oz Perkins took inspiration from the aforementioned Silence of the Lambs, as well as the ambiance and possession themes of David Lynch’s iconic series Twin Peaks. However unlike those films there is a lack of urgency or mythos here, with the FBI agent feeling somewhat unimportant to the grand scheme of the story, and Maika Monroe’s acting is as plain as a cardboard. That shtick worked for her in 2014’s thriller The Guest, as there she played a moody teenager, however in Longlegs she simply comes off wooden. Look, all I’m saying is she’s no Jodie Foster. There too is a lack of backstory or explanation in regards to the supernatural elements, and I feel like the film wouldn’t have hurt having an extra scene or two to delve deeper into Longlegs’ powers and his origins.
I love Nicolas Cage. He’s one of the greatest actors working today, and truly is one of my favourites as he manages to elevate any film he is in to another level. As Longlegs he is fantastic. They use his expressionistic style of acting very cleverly here, by making him quite over the top with his voice, but done is a creepily eerie and weird way and scenes with him are great. However, as per the marketing and the first half of this movie, Longlegs is mostly hidden from the view of the audience. We see corners of his face or him blurred out in the background, and I feel like that mystery added to the hidden uncomfortable nature of his character. So when we do finally get to see him, Cage is on top form however the make-up department have given him this mask to wear and it looks really cheap. Evidently they had a limited budget with this film, but that’s why the technique of showing a bit less worked more than showing the entire thing, as he does look kind of goofy. Also, Cage is really under-used here. Already mentioned about the lack of backstory, but also in general he’s only in maybe 3-4 scenes but isn’t allowed space to delve too deeper into the demonic mindset of this character.
I do appreciate Oz Perkins’ directing style, as the cinematography was solid and he has some fun with changing the aspect ratio throughout the film to create a sense of claustrophobia, and each scene is filled with that unsettling sense of paranoia, however the movie does suffer from a slow overdrawn pace, and the central mystery in reality is so predictable you can guess what’s happening a mile away. Then when the movie ends fairly abruptly, there’s definitely a lack of satisfaction when it’s over.
It does feel that due to the effective hyped up marketing and the comparisons to Silence of the Lambs have built this movie up to being something truly spectacular, when in reality it’s an okay serial killer flick with elements of the supernatural that has moments of greatness, primarily due to Nicolas Cage, even though, again, his legs aren’t even that long.
Overall score: 6/10
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deans-baby-momma · 10 months
Secrets & Desires- Part 1
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A/N: Please let me know what you think! Reblogs and likes are nice but feedback is better.
Sam has been keeping a secret from Dean. For a while now - it’s killing him but he doesn’t know how to explain it to his older brother. How do you tell someone you’ve looked up to your whole life that you’ve finally found someone who gets you; who has the same sexual energy, desires and fetishes? And that she’s older. 
Dean would probably not bat an eye, even be proud of his little brother for a moment. Until he found out who Sam has been sneaking around with. And it all started with one little phrase during a case. 
“Do I have to use my ‘mom voice’?”
Jody Mills was not someone Sam ever thought of in a sexual way. She was a friend, a fellow hunter but when he returned to the first floor after finding Dean’s note and the sheriff actually used her ‘mom voice’ on him, it did something to him. 
Sam wasn’t going to pursue it. He thought she was just being a caretaker, looking out for him because she saw how exhausted he was……and maybe she was but even after they retrieved Dean and went their separate ways, Sam couldn’t get the image of Jody being Mommy for him.
When Crowley almost took Jody’s life in a bid to get the Winchesters to stop trying to close the gates of Hell, Sam decided it was now or never. He was going to make a move, but before that could happen, the trials almost claimed his life.
The next time they met up for a case, Sam could barely look at Jody. The dreams that his imagination had conjured up left him wound up about the woman who’d lost almost everything. And when Sam and Dean signed the chastity vow, he figured he probably needed to just forget everything.
Until Jody said something when they figured out Dean was boning the chastity group’s counselor, Suzy, a reformed porn star.
“I’d like to whip his tail for thinking with his dick instead of his brain during a case!”
Sam couldn’t stand it anymore. So as they stood in the remnants of Dean and Suzy’s abduction, Sam pulled Jody to him and kissed her soundly before uttering, “You can spank me anytime, Mommy.”  
"Sam?" Jody says incredulously, making Sam want to shrink into oblivion.  Had he read the situation all wrong? Was the vibe she was emitting completely innocent and he just made a giant mistake?
"Oh god Jody," he begins pulling away. "I'm so sorry!"
"Sam Winchester!" Jody scolds, shutting the tall hunter up. She wraps her arms around his waist and places her hands on his ass. "I would love to use my crop on this ass," she tells him with a quick squeeze. "Fuck, I bet you could bounce a nickel off that."
Sam feels himself blush at her observation. But he mentally pats himself on the back because he had been correct, she was into the whole Mommy kink - or at least ready to give it a go. He smiles as he plants his hands on her cheeks and leans down and captures her lips again.
Jody wastes no time allowing him entrance between her lips. She had been attracted to Sam for years. He just exuded confidence and security and she had thought she sensed a bit of a kinky side to him once or twice. 
Now she knew what he was into, she had no problems being that for him. She couldn't wait to see the big, strong, brave hunter become submissive and complacent in her bed.
The kiss seemed to become a battle for dominance but Jody knew just what to do to gain the upper hand.  She slid her hands down Sam's back and once again cupped his buttocks before lifting her right hand and landing a solid smack on his left cheek.
Sam moaned into her mouth, giving her the advantage to take control. Once air became a necessity,  the two pulled apart and Jody looked up at him through her lashes. "There's more where that came from," she teased. 
Sam opened his mouth to respond but with an inhale, he got a slight whiff of Dean's cologne and remembered the case.
"As much as I want to continue this," he said remorsefully. "We need to find my brother."
Jody nods and steps out of the embrace, but not before locking Sam in a commanding look  "Once we find Dean, you come to my room and get your comeuppance. You understand Mister?"
Sam's dick twitched in his jeans at the assertiveness. The authority in her voice made him want to obey, like a good little boy. 
"Yes ma'am."
Once they discovered the monster, a Roman goddess named Vesta that was kidnapping and killing virgins, the hunter and the sheriff learned that the only way to kill it was oak stained in virgin blood.  They also learned from a staticky and short phone call from Dean that he and the others were being held at an old farm near train tracks.
With an oak stake dipped in the blood of one of the chastity group members, they arrive at the farm and hunt for the goddess and her victims. 
In a bid to save Dean and the others, along with Sam who was knocked unconscious,  Jody goes up against the monster - getting stabbed herself.
Still, she used what strength she had left to kill Vesta and save them all.  Jody Mills wasn't going to have more deaths on her conscience, especially that of her friends and possible future lover.
Only that would have to hold off, as she herself was too injured to participate in those types of events.
While Dean was off checking on Suzy and the others, Jody  and Sam concluded that as soon as she healed, she would call him.
"I'd tell you boys to stay out of trouble," Jody says later in the Winchester's motel room, looking from one to the other. "But what's the point?"
Dean hugs her and thanks her for bailing him out. She hugs Sam and then takes the bag he hands her. She glances at Dean to see he has turned his back on them so she whispers, "I'll call you. Be a good boy."
Sam subtly nods and is rewarded with a wink and an air kiss. He watches as Jody walks out the door. 
@spnbaby-67 @sea040561 @delightfullykrispypeach @larajadeschmidt13 @atc74 @vicariouslythruspn @squirrelnotsam  @sandlee44 @blacktithe7 @hoboal87 @mogaruke @supraveng @akshi8278 @lyarr24 @kazsrm67 @chriszgirl92 @deanwithscissors @raisinggray @fanfic-n-tabulous @hobby27 @stoneyggirl2 @purpleeclipseeggsland @kmc1989 @leigh70 @crownoflillies1
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reigningqueenofwords · 4 months
Leather Jacket
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Pairings: past Sam x Jess, Sam x Reader, Jody x Bobby Word count: 1,875 Warnings: Character death
Read on AO3
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“Momma!” You called out, walking in the front door to what had been your childhood home. “We’re here!” Your boyfriend came in behind you, running his hand through his shaggy brown hair. “And somethin’ smells amazin’!” You added, smelling her cooking.
Jody came in wiping her hands on a hand towel, a grin on her face. “There’s my girl!” She held her arms open for a hug. You hugged her tight, smiling. “Miss you.” She gave you a squeeze before her sights turned to your very tall boyfriend. “Well, you must be Sammy.” She walked over, taking him by surprise when she hugged him as well.
“It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Mills.” He said kindly.
“Oh, and he has manners. I like him already.” She chuckled, pulling back. “And it’s Jody, please.” She assured him.
“Where’s Daddy?” You asked, looking around. “I didn’t see his piece of crap truck.” You joked about your father’s beloved Chevy. Thing was older than you!
Jody laughed, crossing her arms over her chest and shrugged. “Off to get some whiskey. Said if he’s meeting his baby girl’s boyfriend, and I hid his guns, he was gonna need it.” She told you, making you roll your eyes at his dramatics. “Yeah, that was pretty much my reaction, too.” She nodded. “But, enough about the grumpy old man. Let’s get you two settled into your old room.”
You snorted. “You mean Daddy didn’t declare poor Sammy was gonna sleep on the couch?” You asked with an amused look. When your mother winked, you grinned. “I love you, momma.” You knew that he had, your mother had put her foot down, and he likely grumbled about how unfair it was that his wife always won. Had been that way since you were a kid. It always amused you to no end.
Sammy stood off to the side a bit, enjoying the bond you clearly shared with your mother. He hoped that one day, it was your daughter, and you like that. The thought gave him hope bubble up inside him that he hadn’t felt for a few years before he laid eyes on you.
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Sitting around the dinner table that night, Sammy grinned. “That was amazing, thank you for cooking that.” He looked at Jody. “I haven’t had a meal like that in some time.”
Bobby didn’t look too pleased as he looked at him. “Why don’t you show some respect, boy, and take off that damn leather jacket?” He grumbled, making you shoot him a  look. “Don’t look at me like that, young lady.”
Jody reached over and yanked the ball cap off his head. “If you want to bark about respect…” She waved it at him when he looked at her, a bit shocked.
“No, uh, it’s okay.” Sammy said shyly.
You rubbed your hand on his arm. “Babe, you don’t have to do this.” You said lovingly, having an idea of what he was thinking.
He gave you a sad smile before looking at Bobby. “When I was 22, I was in law school.” He started, making both of your parents look at you in surprise before they had his attention again. “I was engaged to a beautiful woman named Jessica. Jess and I had a small place together- nothing fancy. What two college kids could afford fancy?” He let out a humorless chuckle, playing with the tiny scraps of food on his plate with the tip of his fork. “I got home late one night after work, and as I was walking up the stairs…” He inhaled sharply. “I heard her screaming. There was a house fire. I rushed in.” Sammy stood up, removing his jacket. “I tried saving her, but I couldn’t get to her. I suffered burns on most of my body.” He put it over the back of his chair before sitting back down.
Your mother was crying, a hand over her mouth. “I’m so sorry, sweetie.” She said softly. “I can’t even imagine going through that, especially at such a young age.”
Even Bobby looked more emotional than you were used to seeing him. “Sorry, Sam.” He breathed.
“Thanks, guys.” He sighed. “When I got accepted into law school, I had…a huge fall out with my father.” Sam told them. “Well, after that, he reached out. My mom died when I was 6 months old, so I guess he had an idea how it felt. She died close to how Jess did.” That seemed to break your parents further. “The last thing that my dad wanted was for me to spiral out of control like he had. I tried going back to school, but just couldn’t. I dropped out. We each bought old beat up motorcycles to work on. I worked at his garage with my older brother, and that’s kinda what got me through it.”
“It’s how we met, actually.” You told them, leaning on his arm. “I went on a date with Dean- his brother- and needed my car looked at. Dean told me to bring my car to his old man’s shop, and I met Sammy.” You smiled up at your boyfriend. “Been with this guy since. Two years.”
Jody looked like she was about to cry even harder- but with love this time. “Oh, you two!” She sniffed.
Bobby chuckled lightly. “Great. Now I’m gonna have another night of her blubbering over how we shoulda had more kids.” He teased you gently, trying to lighten the mood.
Jody playfully slapped his arm, wiping her cheeks. “That’s kinda why we’re visiting.” You bit your lip. Your parents looked at each other, then at you. Even Sammy looked at you confused. “I’m pregnant!” You told them, your stomach in knots. “Someone say something?” You muttered, tearing up, worried that they were all upset.
“You’re pregnant?!” Sammy grinned, his heart hammering in his chest like he’d never felt. “Wait, should you be riding on the back of my bike?!” He panicked, making you chuckle. “Holy shit. I’m gonna be a dad.” He breathed, sitting back in his chair, a dazed look on his face.
“It’s perfectly fine. I’m about 16 weeks, but I know you, so your father is driving my car here, and he’ll take your bike home.” You assured him, kissing his arm gently.
“Balls.” Bobby sighed. When the three of you stared at him, he sighed. “Now I gotta be all soft.” He muttered, shaking his head. “Guess I gotta get used to this kid’s long hair.” He motioned to Sammy, but you knew he was just covering up his happiness with sarcasm. “Congrats, kiddos.” He gave you that half smile with love in his eyes that you’d grown up loving.
“Thanks, Daddy.” You got up, moving behind him and hugging his shoulders. “I love you, you old grump.” You kissed his cheek.
He patted your arm and chuckled. “Love you, too, sport.” Sport was a nickname he’d given you in the 5th grade when you were determined to learn everything you could about sports because some older boy made a rude comment to you about it.
You laughed, shaking your head as you stood. “I would like one more ride on the back of that bike before John gets here tomorrow, and I also want some ice cream. How about we all go to the little ice cream place in town?” You asked, hopeful.
“Why don’t we all just ride in my car?” Jody offered as she stood up, taking her plate, and your father’s.
“I want one last ride, momma.” You told her. “We rode all the way here, and me and the baby are fine.” You assured her. “What if I promise to ride with you on the way back?” Hopefully that would appease her.
She smiled and nodded. “That works for me, but first you can help me clean up.” She said teasingly.
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Bobby and Jody watched as you happily pulled your own leather coat on, with Sammy pecking your lips as you zipped it. “At least he makes her happy.” She said to Bobby, who was still under the ‘no one is good enough’ mindset. “My parents didn’t like you, either.”
He looked at her just as you were putting on your helmet. “What? They loved me!”
She laughed, patting his chest as she shook her head. “Keep tellin’ yourself that, Singer.” She told him with a smile. “Now let’s get our daughter, her boyfriend, and their unborn child some ice cream.” She chuckled. “If we thought she was dramatic over food before…”
Bobby made a face. “Yeah, good point.” He nodded, rushing to Jody’s cop car.
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The lights of the ice cream shop could be seen from the intersection they were at, and your stomach was demanding you get there soon. As soon as the light turned green, Sammy started driving forward, your parents in the car behind you. None of you had time to react as a truck came flying through the intersection you were in the middle of. It had ran the red light, and sent Sammy’s bike, and the pair of you skidding down the road.
Jody was torn for a split second, to turn her lights on and chase the truck down, or slam on her breaks and rush to you. Her choice was made when the truck went into a telephone pole. “Call 911!” She ordered her husband, getting out of the car and leaving the door open as she ran towards where you landed. “Y/N?!” She screamed.
“Momma?” You coughed, the front of your helmet barely resembling on. “I can’t feel anythin’.” Your voice was raspy, and garbled from the blood you were coughing up.
Sammy was lying on the ground near you, on his back. He’d taken quite the hit, too, but you seemed to get the worst of it. “You’re gonna be okay.” She sobbed, trying to avoid looking over your body, not wanting to see the fatal injuries again. She was on her knees, holding your hand. “You’re gonna be okay, baby.” She kissed the back of your hand softly.
You could faintly hear the sirens in the distance, but it sounded like they were in a tunnel, and soon, so did your mother’s voice. You were cold, but if you were shivering, you couldn’t tell. Black took over your vision, and she began to sound as if she were underwater. Before you knew it, you didn’t hear her at all.
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John and Dean stood on each side of Sammy, who was barely looking alive at this point. Jody and Bobby stood across from them. All of their eyes were on the coffin being lowered into the ground. Their friends and families surrounded them, all eyes wet with tears, their cheeks chilly as they rolled down.
Long after the others left, Sammy stayed, unmoving. Jody moved to stand by his side, not saying a word. She wouldn’t push him. “That should be me.” He told her, his voice cracking from emotion, and not being used. “I kill everyone I love.” Her heart broke hearing him like that. “I was going to ask her to marry me at that ice cream parlor.” His hazel eyes were dull as they looked over at her.
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deancaspinefest · 2 years
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On Wayward Tracks  |  Explicit  |  86,216
Author: Followsthebees
Artist: wigglebox
Lawrence, Kansas. 1882. Taken in by Bobby Singer almost two decades ago, Sam and Dean Winchester earn their keep on Singer Ranch, a refuge for a number of wayward souls who work for food and board but have gained a family and community in return. Entrepreneur Gabriel Novak moves to Lawrence to open his own brothel, proposing that his brother Castiel leave the family business in Boston and work for him. It’s a tempting offer that, along with his aching attraction for a certain green-eyed cowboy, makes Castiel wonder if he could find a true home on the range. When outside forces threaten the existence of their way of life, Dean, Castiel, and their families are brought together in ways that they never could have imagined as they race to save their loved ones — and keep their dreams of a life together alive.
Link to fic  |  Link to art
Pairings: Dean/Cas (Background Donna Hanscum/Jody Mills, Claire Novak/Kaia Nieves, Charlie Bradbury/Jo Harvelle, Sam Winchester/Jessica Moore)
Warnings: No Archive Warning Apply
Tags: Alternative Universe-Western, Ranch Hand Dean, Mystery
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August 2023 Fic Rec List
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A variety of fandoms. A bit of angst and smut, and a good amount of comfort and fluff.
Many of these blogs and fics are NSFW-18+. Please honor any requests from a blog regarding no minors. I am not responsible for the content you choose to consume; heed the warnings for each fic.
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No Title ~ @princessmisery666. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Rick Flag x Reader)
No Title ~ @girl-next-door-writes. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Will You? ~ @justagirlinafandomworld. Author’s Summary: None (Drabble; Bucky Barnes x Reader)
~Star Trek~
Sweet Emotions ~ @justagirlinafandomworld. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Jim Kirk x Reader)
All I Need is You ~ @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior. Author's Summary: A terrible day has stolen Y/N's joy, can Dean bring it back?
All In or All Out? ~ @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior. Author's Summary: Dean needs an answer.
All That Matters ~ @iprobablyshipit91. Author's Summary: None (Dean Winchester x Female Reader)
Black Hole ~ @jay-and-dean. Author's Summary: She saved his life, and since then, she doesn’t want to live anymore… That doesn’t make sense… (Dean x Reader)
Brick by Brick ~ @impala-dreamer. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Dean x Reader)
Cracks In The Plaster ~ @impala-dreamer. Author's Summary: After a long day in the car, Dean’s got plans to relieve a little tension…
Devour Me-Part 1 ~ @zepskies. Author's Summary: When you and Dean start to press each other’s buttons, both of your tempers ignite. To make up for it, you give him an impromptu salsa dancing lesson…one he didn’t exactly ask for. (18+)
Hotel California Masterlist ~ @muchamusedaboutnothing. Author's Summary: What first appears to be a reprieve on a long stretch of desert road turns out to be more than the Winchesters bargained for.
No Title ~ @girl-next-door-writes. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Dean Winchester x Reader)
No Title ~ @girl-next-door-writes. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Dean Winchester x Reader)
No Title ~ @supernaturalfreewill. Author’s Summary: None (Drabble; Jody Mills)
Now and Then Masterlist ~ @thinkinghardhardlythinking. Author's Summary: Y/N and Dean met a few years ago, both lost in the uncertainty of their lives which were so far from what they had hoped for them to be, but love affairs end, some with heartbreak. Y/N moves on but when her new life sends her crashing back into Dean’s orbit, she wonders if, for her, it will ever truly be over.
Sam Is Wearing Green Today ~ @princessmisery666. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Sam Winchester x Reader)
The Sweet Things ~ @justagirlinafandomworld. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Dean Winchester x Reader)
Washed Away ~ @wearywinchester. Author's Summary: Dean helps you shower after a rough hunt.
~Top Gun: Maverick~
Live In My Memory, You'll Always Be There ~ @princessmisery666. Author's Summary: Not long after moving to San Diego with your fiancé, Jake, he’s declared missing in action. The Dagger Squad rallies around you as you grieve his loss, and you grow closer to one particular member of the team than you ever imagined.
On AO3
Gone Too Long ~ @wayward-and-worn Drabble Series
Beau Arlen x Reader ~ Author's Summary: What happens when Beau is away from her for too long.
Benny Lafitte & Reader ~ Author's Summary: This is what happens when you keep them from their lover.
Dean Winchester/Reader ~ Author's Summary: This is what happens when he's away from her too long.
Soldier Boy x Reader ~ Author's Summary: Set in the same timeline as “Old Habits” but taking place in the time before Soldier Boy’s “disappearance.”  He’s back from a mission and he doesn’t want Countess.  He wants her. 
On Patreon
Rebekah Jordan (Impala-Dreamer)
Another War ~ Author's Summary: Sam and Bucky are continuously bickering... even in the bedroom. (Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, F!Reader)
Keep Watching ~ Author's Summary: The journey is a long one and Y/N is tired of waiting for some fun... (Dean x F!Reader, Sam)
Stay With Me ~ Author’s Summary: Dean is into his second bottle of whiskey, desperate to drive his problems away. But he knows deep down, the booze isn't what he truly needs... (Dean Winchester x F!Reader)
Tremble Like a Flower ~ Author’s Summary: Soldier Boy likes to keep you for himself, using you whenever he feels the need to release a little extra tension... (Soldier Boy (Ben) x F!Reader)
Someone To Watch Over Me-Parts 23 & 24 ~ Author’s Summary: (AU) Y/N is married to a very rich, decidedly unscrupulous and powerful man.  A man whose inability to trust means he hires someone to watch over his wife while he isn’t around. He hires Dean Winchester, a handsome stranger to Y/N, who is soon to become a very big part of her life.
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