#Galactic Center frequencies
taratarotgreene · 5 months
2024 World Predictions
I’m going to drip feed these this year as I have been feeling under the weather so please bear with me. The 2024 New Years Astrology chart set for January 1,2024 at midnight EST for Washington DC predicts the year ahead. A year of radical change, and protests, as the Aquarian Age begins with Pluto settling into Aquarius for the next 20 years. NEW YEAR 2024 ASTROLOGY CHART PREDICTIONS The Moon…
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inbabylontheywept · 11 months
"I think we underestimated the human population by eight or nine orders of magnitude."
The war room was reeling. The human population had been estimated in the mere hundred billion range. They should barely have had enough of an economy to field two light cruisers, least of all the goddamn armada that was ravaging the inner worlds. After the alpha strike, the human flotilla should’ve been completely crippled. Instead the number of ships they were fielding kept growing.
Tan-Hauser was the first target struck by a human attack, and they reported seventeen craft before they lost comms. Attican was hit just three days after that, but their reports already showed numbers above ninety. Any doubts that the fleet was growing were eliminated when Outpost Batan reported 1,217 FTL pings two days before the loss of Kira.
The number reported was so big it was written off as a sensor malfunction. Twenty-five billion souls lost, all because nobody in the war room could face reality.
They were going to face it now. The Kirarian in front of them was the primary sensor engineer for the Batan outpost, a specialist with more expertise in analyzing space lanes than warships. He’d been up for at least the last two days, poring over the sensor data, and only now was ready to begin to share his findings.
From the pain in his multifaceted eyes, it was clear he was still reeling from the loss of his homeworld.
Seeing that he had the room’s attention, he began to speak. The translation units each member of the war council had implanted experienced a moment of lag as they struggled to convert the almost musical tonal humming of the Kirarian tongue to more common galactic speech.
"The simplest data that can be analyzed from an FTL ping is the distance that the ship traveled before dropping to sublight. The contracted space in front of the craft traps small particles, even light itself for a short period, compressing its wavelength and then releasing it when the field disengages."
The war room nodded along. The explanation was mildly technical, but anyone that had traveled on an FTL shuttle before knew the hazards of exiting FTL directly in front of your home destination. Blasting your home station with a wave of alpha, beta, and ultraviolet rays was hardly a warm welcome.
The engineer continued.
“The… issue with this is that we’re used to the majority of the ping being in the UV spectrum. We aren’t entirely sure what the spectrum of the signals we got from the ships were because Batan station can only detect up into the low gamma range, but that’s still what the majority of the human’s FTL pings were detected in. That’s at least ten billion times the frequency that we’re used to. Since the frequency of the burst can be roughly modeled by multiplying the mean radiation per unit distance by the length of the path, that implies one of two things: That the human ships are either traveling through areas with ten billion times the standard background flux, or that they are traveling extragalactic distances.”
The engineer paused for a few seconds at that statement. The pain of loss still shone in his gemstone eyes, but something more immediate was beginning to take center stage: Fear.
“Because the craft is essentially throwing… well, normally it would be the next three or four days worth of cosmic background radiation at you. In our case it’s more like several decades. But because it’s just giving you an advance on your normal cosmic background radiation, you can track the void in the next several days' worth of background noise to determine the ship's approach vector. The 1,217 crafts that arrived weren’t coming from the same spot. There were actually hundreds of converging vectors, but more importantly…”
He trailed off, a small 3D model of the local space appearing in the center of the holo table. A spiked ball of vectors protruded from the galactic disk, each piercing cleanly through his former homeworld.
His voice cracked a little, the hum turning into a hiss. The translator tech paused a moment too, struggling to convey the subtle emotional cues into the message.
“They’re all coming off the galactic disk. That doesn’t just mean that we’re surrounded, that doesn’t just mean that we’re outnumbered… It means that each attack that we’ve seen up to this point is from an entirely separate group. What we’ve been mistaking for fleets, I believe, are simply the beginning trickles of their exploratory forces. Each of the sites that they’ve targeted hasn’t been of significant strategic importance; they’ve just been sites with unusually strong output signals. I think they’re just using our transmission stations as makeshift beacons for their FTL jumps." He took a deep breath to steady himself before providing his final thought. "I think we underestimated the size of the human population by eight or nine orders of magnitude.”
There was a heavy silence in the war room as that last sentence was processed. The engineer was already out the door before he heard the panic begin to set in.
Part of him felt a little guilty. It would’ve probably been kinder for them to go out not knowing what was about to hit them. Still, it wasn’t often you could force people with this much power to realize that they’d just lost everything.
There was a bitter satisfaction in that.
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talonabraxas · 6 days
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The Golden Gate by Talon Abraxas
The zodiac structural principles are both energetic and geometric which are being aligned to the Alchemical Laws of God hosted by the Krystal Star. The Earth’s Magnetosphere and the Solar System’s heliosphere are getting exponentially weaker. These alterations to the magnetic field allow an increasing saturation of cosmic rays into our inner solar system. The progression through the Magnum Opus or the 13 constellation activations in this 12 month cycle, each bring in an Alchemical Law. We are moving through specific Laws of Alchemy located in the Ophiuchus constellation activation. This quality of Silver-Gold frequency is being transmitted to our Sun and planetary body for the first time. Through the Silver Ray dissolving into the Golden Gate, the returning of the Spirit to the center of Unity or the process of inner Unification is activated as a Law.
This alignment begins a new exposure and is transmitting a new substance, which has qualities of both Elemental Water and Elemental Aether. This is carried in a mixture within these plasmic Silver-Gold liquid light frequencies, which make it Divine Fire Water. Fire Water is a new spiritual element being created through this alchemical process transmitted to the planetary body and humanity. The river of living waters from the Mothers Creatrix, Rainbow Krystal Waters, flow out from the throne of God and unify into the dimensional door of The Golden Gate. The highest emanation of this mysterious elixir is both silver and gold, the Chalice of God which opens the portal of The Golden Gate.
The ancients called this circuit path made around the galactic equator, the Gate of the Gods or The Golden Gate. The Orion constellation sits in the opposite direction, which would be considered the anti-galactic center. The ancients called this circuit path the Gate of Man or The Silver Gate. Ophiuchus and Orion are mirror images of opposing polarity. Together, they represent the ascending path through the Gate of Man meeting at the Gate of the Gods. The many Ascension Stages we endure to reach our spiritual Magnum Opus, are the stages of humanity moving through these sequences of consciousness gateways.
We all incarnate as earthly beings that evolve through the Precession of the Equinoxes. This takes us through the consciousness realms moving through the ecliptic path of the Gate of Man to eventually complete the evolution cycle, which intersects at the Galactic Center. Once we unify the consciousness experiences through the Gate of Man intersecting with the Galactic Equator at Ophiuchus’ feet, we are potentially given access to The Golden Gate. This allows us to proceed on the Ascension path to become resurrected eternal spiritual beings unified with the Cosmic Holy Spirit. From our solar system the Galactic Center lies visually along a line that passes through The Golden Gate. This is the Gate to Eternal Life which pours out the Universal Elixir that opens at the end of Precession Cycles.
The Golden Gate is located on the circuit path, where the two great celestial spheres intersect together that create four quadrants. The quadrant is one of four circular sectors in the equal division of the planetary sphere. These are marked by the Four Royal Stars. The first great circuit is the path of the Sun through the zodiac made in its annual cycle. The other is the circle path made from the center of our Milky Way galaxy called the galactic equator.
The intersection point made between the two circuits located between Taurus and Gemini constellations is known as The Silver Gate. The intersection point of the two circuits between Scorpio and Sagittarius constellations, right under Ophiuchus right foot, is known as The Golden Gate.
Galactic Plane The circle path made from the center of our Milky Way galaxy is called the galactic equator or Galactic Plane.
The galactic plane is the plane in which the majority of a disk-shaped galaxy's mass lies. The directions perpendicular to the galactic plane point to the galactic poles. Most often, in actual usage, the terms "galactic plane" and "galactic poles" are used to refer specifically to the plane and poles of the Milky Way, which is the galaxy in which the Earth is located.
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jedi-mom · 2 months
Azmare tiptoed to the main communication center Blades taught her everything from how to shoot a hand blaster to how to hack a communications system. After a few minutes of tinkering she managed to tune into the frequency she needed “ This is IJRS-30 I repeat this is IJRS-30.” She waited finally she heard Scorch’s voice “ IJRS-30 where is your location ?” She pressed a few buttons “ sending coordinates now - please hurry “
Val yawned, she didn’t want to be working so late but galactic time zones and a spread out network kept her up till odd hours. She stepped out of her office and onto the communication deck.
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venuskind · 7 months
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☆ Becoming a Crone ☆
Much of what has been written on middle age and becoming a crone only partially resonates with me, if it does at all. I feel the relative truth of what I hear and read, my truth though related is different. From my vantage point my experience and truth feels more expansive, as it does not limit me to a form, gender narratives, nor ancestral myths. 
The states I am being initiated into are not as earthbound, or linked to ancestral traditions still known to us. They are ancient in that they have been present on this planet in times before - before the forgetting and atrocities of separation consciousness. The states I am being led to carry in them the frequencies of earth, our galactic origins, as well as the dark formless that preceded all form.
The much glorified and centered rewilding has been a part of my journey, a part that was given to my thirties and which played a part in my liberation. Looking from where I am now it becomes obvious that it was but a preparatory stage, not an end or climax of this path. My Soul calling me to walk further, to remember ancient knowing of *all* my lineages planetary, non-planetary, and all the way back to the source of all form - the numinosity of the void.
One piece of this becoming is the lesson of stripping off all human identities, identifications with personality, body, and mind, to immerse into and know the formless essence of being. In stripping off the aforementioned I find myself no longer beholden to them, seeing them as mere constructs, artificial to the boundless nature of being. Realizing how being human has been limited to repeating patterns and limited possibilities of expressing and being due to the great forgetting and the rule of stark unconsciousness. Our being knows that there is another way of being human and exploring this dimension, and this knowing is calling ever so loudly for embodiment. To do so we have to take off the heaviness of unconscious patterning, and distorted perceptions, only then will we be truly receptive to and have enough spaciousness to call in expanded possibilities to flow through our being and rework our collective field.
Another aspect of this becoming is to wholly embrace oneness. It sounds simple but experience shows how much our mind body system resists it. It will accept it here and there but in the next moment it will hold on to separation consciousness in order to differentiate itself from 'others', which it holds in some form of judgement or dislike. So deeply ingrained are these conditioned distortions that we find ourselves once again split within, some part vibrating with the frequency of oneness and others clinging to separation consciousness. 
And I am learning that a nervous system which has been dysregulated by complex trauma is slow in releasing the fears and automated responses it has created for survival and open to the deeper meanings and ramifications of oneness. This is where deep compassion and skillfulness are needed to help integrate and heal with the guidance and grace of Self energy. It is a very slow process and yet it is a crucial part of this journey, it is the most important key to unlocking our full potential, expanded knowing, and full alignment with consciousness/life.
While working on the previous a third aspect is being learned and gently entrained in our body: 
To drink of the poison cup without sickening or dying. 
What I mean by it is the capacity to be present with the most harrowing aspects of human doing, with the oppressions, injustices, and violence our plant, animal, and human kin are suffering without resorting to denial, repression, numbing, or acting out. To be a vessel large enough to feel and hold it with compassion and perceive with eyes of consciousness, witnessing it fully and honoring the experiences observed, and act where it is in our power with love and care to alleviate and balance what we can. To feel and know the suffering of all - victim, perpetrator, bystanders, and saviors alike - knowing the underlying distortions and conditioning that keep recreating these experiences across millennia. 
Being, seeing, feeling, reflecting at the same time, side-stepping explanations and resolutions of the conditioned mind, and  opening to the mystery while leaning into not-knowing with trust. Letting the love at the core of our being call to the mystery to reveal knowing, a path to change or healing, and support us in holding it in a way that doesn't poison us to be a(n unwitting) part of it. 
This is what embodying a different frequency and holding it in a dissonant field is to me. 
... continued on the blog.
Art: 'ATMA - The Guide of Souls' by Autumn Skye
Source: https://venuskind.de/2023/11/crone/
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marsmeditation · 3 months
Greetings and Welcome to this Intense 12 CHAKRA MEDITATION MUSIC For Healing & Balancing All 12 Chakras from M.a.R.S (Meditation and Relaxation Station).
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• Experience the transformative power of our 12 CHAKRA HEALING & BALANCING MEDITATION again:
Embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment as we delve into the intricacies of the 12 chakras — the seven major chakras of the physical body and five spiritual chakras extending into the cosmos.
Each of the 12 chakras serves as a vital energy center, facilitating the flow of cosmic energy throughout your being.
Listen to this Powerful 12 Chakras Meditation Music with headphones and immerse yourself in the harmonious convergence of precisely tuned frequencies designed to heal and balance each of the 12 chakras.
Feel your vibration elevate as you align with the cosmic energies that permeate the universe.
Our 12 Chakra Healing & Balancing Meditation is a potent tool for enhancing your spiritual growth and expanding your consciousness.
Discover the profound impact it can have on your spiritual journey and unlock new levels of enlightenment simply by listening to this meditation everyday for at least 2 weeks.
Explore the transformative power of pure tone frequencies meticulously tailored to resonate with each of the 12 chakras:
Root Chakra - 256Hz
Sacral Chakra - 288Hz
Solar Plexus Chakra - 320Hz
Heart Chakra - 341.3Hz
Throat Chakra - 384Hz
Third Eye Chakra - 426.7Hz
Crown Chakra - 439Hz
Soul Star Chakra - 1024Hz
Spirit Chakra - 2048Hz
Universal Chakra - 4096Hz
Galactic Chakra - 8192Hz
Stellar Gateway Chakra - 16384Hz
Join us on this journey of spiritual exploration and transformation. Subscribe to our channel for weekly updates and FREE downloads, and unlock the full potential of your spiritual awakening TODAY!
Listen Now!
#12ChakraMeditation #12Chakras #ChakraBalancing #ChakraHealing
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NASA team simulates a glimpse of our galaxy in gravitational waves
Astronomers using simulated data have produced a glimpse of the sky as it would appear in gravitational waves, cosmic ripples in space-time generated by orbiting objects. The image shows how space-based gravitational wave observatories expected to launch in the next decade will enhance our understanding of our galactic home.
Since 2015, ground-based observatories have detected about a hundred events representing the mergers of systems that pair stellar-mass black holes, neutron stars, or both. The signals typically last less than a minute, have relatively high frequencies, can appear anywhere in the sky, and their sources lie far beyond our galaxy.
"Binary systems also fill the Milky Way, and we expect many of them to contain compact objects like white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes in tight orbits," said Cecilia Chirenti, a researcher at the University of Maryland, College Park, and NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. "But we need a space observatory to 'hear' them because their gravitational waves hum at frequencies too low for ground-based detectors."
Astronomers call these systems UCBs (ultracompact binaries), and they expect that future observatories like LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna), which is led by ESA (European Space Agency) in collaboration with NASA, will detect tens of thousands of them. UCBs are typically difficult to spot—they are usually faint in visible light, and astronomers currently know of only a handful with orbital periods shorter than an hour. Discovering many new UCBs is one of LISA's main objectives.
Using data simulating the expected distribution and gravitational wave signals of these systems, the team developed a way to combine the data into an all-sky view of the galaxy's UCBs. A paper published in The Astronomical Journal describes the technique.
"Our image is directly analogous to an all-sky view of the sky in a particular type of light, such as visible, infrared, or X-rays," said Goddard astrophysicist Ira Thorpe. "The promise of gravitational waves is that we can observe the universe in a totally different way, and this image really brings that home. I hope one day I can see a version made with real LISA data on a poster or T-shirt."
IMAGE....Number density of gravitationally-radiating UCBs in the LISA band in a simulated Milky Way population. The instrumental (dashed) and combined instrumental and confusion limits (solid) for a year of observation with the LISA and AMIGO missions are shown for comparison. Credit: The Astronomical Journal (2023). DOI: 10.3847/1538-3881/acd3f1
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Thoth, Enki, Enlil, & The Emerald Tablet.
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Before the Luciferian Rebellion, the true motivation of Thoth’s allegiance to further the Nibiruian Annunaki dominion agendas of Enki and Enlil, to completely annihilate the Christos genetic template for achieving takeover of the Solar System, was not well known by those Guardian groups stationed in the lower dimensional timelines. Those that had incarnated in the lower dimensional stations had been cut off from direct communication links with the liquid plasma Christos family that existed beyond the time matrix. Before communications links were cut off, the Fallen Melchizedek entity that became Thoth was known to be loyal to the Christos Founders. Thus, it was a mystery within mysteries when discovering various stations of identities that were gradually revealed to be imposters or AI reality clones. These counterfeits were strewn over many timelines and participating in the many successive evolution cycles, making them difficult to source. The Ascension cycle is also about revealing the true identities, in order to fully know who was actually who in the timelines, and identify those groups that were primarily behind the military tactics, cloning and AI power source of the Galactic Wars. We are still in the process of discovering this mystery today, in reverse engineering the structural and genetic damage that took place in the Universal Time Matrix from this position on the earth. Christos Starseeds incarnated in order to track the origination of the AI source in the AI timelines, and identify the exact event horizon and point of entry of the phantom matrix infection entering the Universal Time Matrix from the Black Hole.
After gaining control over the Giza Stargate post Atlantian Cataclysm, the Thothian Annunaki and their race lines in the Belial groups made demands of the Christos Founder races that the entire angelic human race on the earth be placed under the dominion of Annunaki Hybrid Fallen Angelic races. The Founder races and Christos representatives attempted to continue peaceful negotiations in finding a resolution to the territorial conflicts unfolding, and an agreement was made between Guardians and the Annunaki in the Aquila constellation that was referred to as the Treaty of Altair.
Before the NAA factions were gathered together to join their forces during the aftermath of breaking the Treaty of Altair, these Annunaki groups and Draconian Zeta groups were enemies in competing war agendas for domination of the earth territory. The Black Hole Entities are those that ripped a hole in the Orion belt from a neighboring matrix and built their control center around the 8D portal entry into our time matrix. Thus, they controlled the 8D stargate from the Galactic plane and thus controlled what entities got in to the lower dimensions, blocking out access to the Christos genetics and installing the Yahweh Matrix.
Some of these factions decided to use the earth as a prison planet for trapping and containing all undesirables, including those entities that were not compliant to their authoritarian militarized rule or were straight out criminals and degenerate perverts. Thus, the earth and the Solar System became known in the Black Sun Orion Group as the prison colony, as they would not let anyone out of the earth’s reincarnation cycles via technological frequency fences and soul harvesting structures. The Black Suns consider earth their territory and believe that surface earth people are criminal prisoners, which extends to them the right to abduct humans for an assortment of working slave colonies. These are the underground and off planet bases like Ceres, coming to light as whistleblowers remember their experiences as Milabs and being recruited into the Secret Space Programs, that are both involved in galactic human trafficking.
Thoth has been playing the role of double agent for many aeons and made several duplicitous agreements with the Sirian High Council to appear as if he would uphold the Paliadorian Covenant, which is designed to protect the Christos template for evolving angelic human genetics. The Paliadorian and Christos Founders that exist outside of time were not able to connect directly to earth and into many sections of the Universal Time Matrix, until the Neutron Window or Galactic Gates were opened in late 2012. Many of us incarnated on the earth during the Ascension cycle to be their representative place holders, keeping the Christos template alive on the earth through the building of the Indigo shield. Over the years we were able to build the energetic circuit of communication links through the Christos Shield network, and are now in full communication and contact with the Christos Founder races. This is what is meant in the many prophecies describing the return of the Christos to the earth, and this event has already happened. The infusion of Krystic architecture for ascending human embodiment will continue to gradually shift the energetic landscape and the consciousness of the earth, allowing much higher consciousness beings to incarnate for many years to come.
Thoth’s personal and direct military intervention with Enki and Enlil groups to incite wars with the purpose of committing genocidal agendas of human holocaust, was fully revealed during the tragic events of invasion of the 11th tribe which resulted in the Eieyani Essene Massacre. The primary goal was to obtain one of the actual holographic discs that was being guarded on the earth by the Maji Grail King for his particular stargate genetics, Essene Tribe 11. The content on this disc included the formulas and secrets contained in the art of energy transmutation, dominion over lesser forces, and manifestation through alchemy. These include immortality sciences through the source of the Prima Materia or Azoth that is found in the creator’s holy spirit, generated by the Mother of God principle.
Stolen Founder Records:
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Approximately 30,000 years ago, Thoth led a militarized event which resulted in the Essene Massacre, murdering the males and taking their sacred marriage female partners hostage for forced hybridization breeding on Nibiru.
Thoth stole the CDT plate that was in their possession,
and from this stolen work he wrote down the information that would later become the basis of the teachings of Hermeticism and the Emerald Tablet.
Thus, in human hidden history, this is the trigger timeline event that changed the future of human evolution, in forming the controlled beliefs and Luciferian elitism around Hermeticism, esoteric Kabbalah, Mystery Schools and the Secret Societies. These secret societies were originally formed by the Luciferian Knights Templar and were ultimately designed to hide the ancient sacred knowledge of humanities true origins from the common people, in order to route them into the guardrails of superstitions, ignorance and organized religion.
It was during the Essene Massacre that Thoth was able to steal the holographic plate from the Maji Grail King of the 11th human tribe, gaining access to cosmic schematics of immortality alchemy, and become the revered author of what has spawned into many esoteric texts and spiritual traditions. During the Middle Kingdom timelines, he incarnated as a powerful Magician and Egyptian Priest, and became known on the earth as the author of what would be referred to as Hermeticism.
The Emerald Tablet, also known as the Smaragdine Table or Tabula Smaragdina, is a compact and cryptic piece of the Hermetica reputed to contain the secret of the prima materia and its transmutation. It was highly regarded by European alchemists in the Middle Ages as the foundation of their art and its Hermetic tradition. Although alchemy was only one topic among many in the Hermetica, in the European Middle Ages Hermes came to be known as the legendary first alchemist and alchemy as the hermetic art. The Hermetica ranged in content from medical, astrological, and magical treatises to much more theosophical ruminations on the redemption of the spirit through gnosis. This association in the Hermetica between practical alchemy and spiritual gnosis found its way into alchemical theory through later authors.
Thoth incarnated as an Egyptian Priest repeatedly during the time that Mystery Schools were flourishing in Egyptian culture during the Middle Kingdom. This was in order to maintain control over the Atlantian conspiracy held in place by the NAA since the Flood, and to be kept aware of the ongoing Guardian Alliance mission on the ground that Hatshepsut, Akhenaton and others had accepted. During multiple Egyptian timelines, he promoted himself as the direct scribe and speaker on behalf of the Gods.
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Stargazer SOS
(For @nie-narzekam whose kind comments made me sit down and write this yesterday instead of quitting Whumptober)
The Stargazer shook from another impact, and Captain Rios, who had only just picked himself up off the bridge’s floor, was thrown against the helmsman’s console. Through the sting of a bruised rib, he hissed commands at his remaining crew.
“Kemi, hard starboard. If we can’t stop the ship, maybe we can skirt around this thing!”
Bracing his ribs, he stumbled back to his chair, never taking his eyes off the space anomaly that was pulling them towards its reddish, whirling center, rocky shards of… something raining down on the Stargazer while they tried to break free.
“Urtern, photon torpedoes! Full blast, full range! Let’s hope the push-back slows us down! Fire, now!”
He was shouting at crew members he could barely see between the smoke on the bridge and his concussion. He had one, for certain. An earlier impact had taken him out when he’d been thrown from his chair and hit his head against who-cared-what. Rios didn’t think he was unconscious for more than a few seconds, because no time seemed to have passed since the anomaly had materialized right in front of them and begun to pull at the Stargazer like a gigantic tractor beam.
No counter measures had helped. Everything he’d tried so far had slowed the struggling ship down somewhat, but they were slowly, inevitably getting swallowed by a red-toothed galactic monster - unless the flaming objects that were peppering the Stargazer’s hull would break the ship apart first.
“Urtern, fire!”
The Stargazer had lurched starboard, but no torpedoes were forthcoming and, turning dizzily, Rios saw that his tactical officer lay sprawled across the set of stairs leading up to her station.
“Urtern!” he shouted desperately, wiping blood out of his left eye.
Moshe stumbled into Rios’ blurry vision.
“I can take over, Captain!”
“Good!” Rios held on to the armrests of his rocking seat. “Fire from all holes!”
His first officer fought his way to the tactical console and, a second later, Rios heard the hiss of a battery of torpedoes being released into space. Their gleaming trails drew a grid-like pattern into the chaos in front of them until they exploded and bloomed into fiery clouds. The ship groaned and shuddered as the pressure wave hit. Rios was pressed forward but stayed in his seat this time. His ears were ringing from the constant bleating of the alarms. Red pulsed in his peripheral vision along with the bridge’s emergency lighting.
For a moment, the Stargazer seemed to be suspended in mid air, although burning pellets still bounced off her hull.
Had they stopped?
Rios held his breath.
Then, with a groan of protest, the Stargazer lurched forward again, in the direction of certain doom.
“Captain?” Kemi asked anxiously from her post at the helm.
Rios shook his head. This couldn’t be happening. But it was.
He swallowed hard and made a decision.
“Lieutenant Sing, hail on all frequencies,” he threw his order at the communications officer in an effort to sound strong. “Send the following message, including our coordinates: ‘Mayday, mayday! The Stargazer is being pulled into a space anomaly with all escape measures exhausted. We have five hundred and twenty souls on board. We are launching evacuation protocol. Send help for potential survivors.”
The bridge, beneath the din of the alarms and the ping-pong hits against the hull, went quiet with shock.
Wiping at the blood on his face, Rios brushed a firm gaze along the few still standing or hanging on to their seats. Then he punched the shipwide intercom.
“Attention all decks! This is Captain Rios. Initializing evacuation protocol. I repeat: Evacuation protocol is active! All crew members to their designated emergency pods. Families and children first.” Rios closed his eyes for a moment before he opened them again. “Good luck.”
He’d barely spoken the words when the Stargazer was picked up by what felt like a whirlwind. Gasping, he held on to his chair. His head spun. The ship spun.
“Moshe!” he screamed, jostled about. “What is going on?!”
Then, as if on a rollercoaster, Rios and his crew were lifted into the air, hung suspended for a confusing moment and came back down, hard. Rios’ ribs screamed as his side hit the armrest of his chair, and his vision briefly blacked out. When he came to again, Moshe was shouting in surprise: “It’s gone, sir!”
Rios couldn’t see. He raised his hands and scrubbed them over his eyes and his face. They came away blood-smeared, but that didn’t matter, because-
“The anomaly! It’s gone, Captain Rios!”
Moshe was right. In front of the panorama window, space was… empty. A softly glittering, undisturbed blackness. And the Stargazer was hanging in it, completely still.
Rios blinked.
“Abort evacuation protocol, sir?” Sing asked from her post.
“Yeah…” Swaying, Rios came to his feet. “We’re stable, right?”
It was Moshe who answered that one with a smile on his face as he pulled up several screens. “We’ve taken considerable damage, Captain, but yes, we’re stable for now.”
It took another moment for Rios to decide he wasn’t living in the distorted reality of a traumatic brain injury. With trembling fingers, he checked the ship’s status report. All stations were reporting in, and the numbers, though dancing in front of his eyes, looked hopeful. Whatever had spit them out again must have decided that the Stargazer was yet to live another day.
“Abort evacuation protocol,” Rios spoke into the intercom with a great sigh. “I want damage reports from all decks in five. Everyone needing medical attention please report to sickbay or hail an EMH. All able personnel return to your posts. Great job, everyone! Captain Rios, out.”
Closing the shipwide channel, he refocused his attention on his bridge crew.
“Kemi,” he said through a wave of relief and nausea. “Go on autopilot and check on Urtern.”
“Done and on it,” the helmsman replied, and Rios realized she was already squatting by the tactical officer’s side.
“Oh,” he responded, losing his train of thought a bit as a pounding headache swelled in his skull. “Then… anyone else need medical attention?”
A hand landed on his shoulder, and a face swam into view. “How about you, Captain?” The face apparently belonged to Moshe. “I think you need medical attention.”
Rios took a deep breath to launch into sharp protest, but a stab of pain through his ribs choked him off. And if he was honest, everything seemed a bit… fragmented. There was a checklist he was sure he was supposed to run through, and that damage report was due in…
“You’re bleeding, sir. And if I may say so, you look very pale.”
Moshe was right. Rios felt very pale, the Stargazer swaying under him although the readings on his screen said otherwise.
Rios sighed again and gave in.
“You’re right, lieutenant. You have the bridge.” He nodded at Moshe and tapped his combadge. “Captain reporting to sickbay. I need an EMH to give me a quick once-over.”
A poncy British voice rang through the open coms channel. “Captain Rios?” it said in mildly interested surprise. “What is the nature of your medical emergency?”
Rios’ headache worsened immediately. Not for the first time, he wondered if transferring his holocrew from La Sirena to the Stargazer had been such a good idea. But he’d guessed he owed them.
Could one owe a hologram?
“Got tossed about a bit like everyone else,” he replied gruffly. “Don’t come to the bridge. I’m coming down there. And don’t hit me with a hypospray unless I say so!”
”As you wish, Captain.”
Blood trickled down Rios’ temple when he rolled his eyes and, deeply relieved and still incredulous about everything that had happened in the past hour, he left the bridge, pulling himself as straight as possible as he entered the elevator.
Also on AO3, if you prefer:
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thegeekcloud · 2 years
Welcome to another one of my lectures. Today we're gonna talk about
Galaxy Collisions
The dance of the universe
Featuring L.I.S.A.
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As some of you might know (or might not know) pur galaxy is in a course of collision with the galaxy of Andromeda. Of course this colission is gonna happen in about 4 billion years and we're probably not gonna be alive as a species, let alone as individuals. But even if we were, the sun would not collide with anything as proven by computational simulations and observing other collisioms happening right now far far away in our universe. Like, a chance of 1 in 100000000000. You have way more chances winning the lottery when each person on the planet has bought a ticket.
What happens?
Let's imagine 2 galaxies. Each one is caught in the gravitational pull of the other, much like everything else in the world. As they draw closer, that pull becomes stronger.
The first thing to part each galaxy is the interstellar gas and dust. This acts like a fluid, particles moving closely together, and is very light in weight so it is easily separated by the main disk of the galaxy. This phenomenon does not require the galaxies to collide, but merely to pass close enough. It results in the creation of "tails" of gas and dust, coming out of the galaxy and stretching out to where the other galaxy passed by.
Here we have an example. This pair of interracting galaxies is called "The Mice" for obvious reasons
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Preety huh?
Now. As i said the two galaxies can collide. According to the difference in mass between them we have two cases:
Galaxies significantly smaller are absorbed by the larger one. This is called "galactic cannibalism" (💀). We're currently doing this to the magellanic clouds (if you live in the southern hemisphere you have probably seen them in the sky). Thìs is also probably what andromeda is gonna do to us (Andromeda is visible in the northern hemisphere and about the only galaxy you can really see with the naked eye)
If they're about the same size they crash. Boom:
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In any case, interstellar gas and dust are exchanged, the two galaxies become one, the tidal waves compress matter near the center of the galaxy and star formation is triggered. There is a whole category of galaxies called "Starburst galaxies" which are very bright in infrared light (they appear normal in the sky through your optical telescope). These galaxies we predict are the result of such colissions.
Explosive star formation however means that the "fuel" of the galaxy is spend very quickly, and so the galaxy "dies" (meaning no new stars are formed) pretty quickly (meaning a few hundred million years).
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mg favourite part cause that's what I'm currently specializing in my studies
After such a collisions we end up with two centers of galaxies (meaning their supermassive black holes - enter song by MUSE-) in a common disk. These two INCREDIBLY HEAVY objects orbit each other and affect the orbits of nearby stars. Those stars are so light compared to the black holes tgat are actually SHOT OUT of the galaxy. If the combined mass of lost stars is comparable in terms of size with the mass of the black holes then those two begin to lose torque and end up getting closer. After getting close enough they start producing gravitational waves, causing them to lose even more energy and bringing them closer, until in the end they become one.
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We can't yet detect those. The frequency they produce is too low for our ground detectors and so it is burried under noise and the limitations of the instrument itself.
in the 2030s a new detector will launch. And i mean that quite litterally, as they will launch it in SPACE. The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA for short. Nice lady) will be comprised of 3 ships positioned equidistantly in the angles of a triangle and will follow a specific path, following the earth around the sun but far enough from the planet. The three ships will be like 50km apart. A laser beam connects them all.
An interferometer uses a phenomenon of light called symbolometry. Depending on the wave's phase, we either see light or darkness in our screens. This is a ground detector:
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Ground detectors have "arms" of length of 5km and detect frequencies like 10Hz to 1000Hz or smth like that, i don't actually remember the number. LISA tho, will bave much bigger arms (50km long) covering more space, interracting with a wave more fully and more easily. So, LISA aims to detect waves between 0.1 mHz and 1Hz. It will also be away from other earthly noise, like earthquakes.
One time they almost mistook a signal for a truck passing by and causing the mirrors reflecting the light back to tremble. Yeah. Don't worry, they noticed.
But the future is looking bright. Cause galaxy collisions are a window to the past (since the rate of stat formation is similar to the one we had in the first steps of the universe) and to the future (as i said, it'll happen to us too)
More science
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ufohio · 1 year
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Take Your Place Under Our Sun…  with the American-Alien Florida Benefits Program! Here's how it works: our agents, certified American space pilots, will bring you and your galactic loved ones to our headquarters, which orbits our fabulous, golden star. Here, you will be processed while enjoying the highest-quality services and amenities. Meanwhile, our hospitality team will design your disguise and cover story for planet Earth. Choose from one of our amazing unknowingly program-participating cities: Baltimore, Maryland; Norwalk, Connecticut; Buffalo, New York; or Earth, Ohio!
Here's why more and more families choose the Florida Program for their top-secret stay in our Solar System…
Not only does our program provide you with special benefits and so many opportunities for cultural enrichment; we'll also assign you or your family your very own secret government agent to help you navigate undercover life on our thrilling wonder planet. Our agents help with everything from neighborhood welcome wagons to serious breaches in security. 
Whoops! Did you accidentally brag to Bill from next door that you were born outside our Solar System? Not to worry! Use your panic button and one of our plucky young agents will zap that knowledge right out of Bill's head with one of our state-of-the-art Bradbury Rays. It's the newest in top-secret memory technology, guaranteeing total safety for you and your loved ones during your stay on Earth.
It’s so easy to apply to be a sun-kissed, mosquito-infested “Floridian!”
Qualified extraterrestrial or intergalactic citizens may apply to enroll in the fabulous, subtropical American Florida Benefits Program at their local planetary resource center or by calling our offices' communication relay at [FREQUENCY].
As a member enrolled in Florida benefits, you are entitled to:  
(1) housing assistance in the form of placement and subsidy or loan; (2) job placement or agricultural financing so you can start your very own farm;  (3) food assistance and access to food alternatives if necessary;  (4) safety measures, including a custom-designed, lifelike human Earthling disguise with a built-in translator and panic button and falsified documents and a cover story from our fictional “Sunshine State”;*  (5) other qualifying discounts and memberships—such as tuition reimbursement, AAARP (American-Alien Association of Retired Persons) membership, or childcare options like our super secret after-school program
*Tales from the nonexistent, eccentric peninsula of “Florida” range so strangely and wildly that it’s easy as so-called “key lime pie” to pretend you’re from there!
Best of all, a Florida “vacation” never has to end!
After a period of ten Earth years, you’ll qualify for a chance to graduate from our program and become a dual citizen of Earth! Citizenship by way of our program entitles you to special waivers and fulfills background checks and character reference requirements. 
So transmit our way today! When you’re a Floridian, there’s no telling what you’ll do next! 
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The Electric Wars Timeline holds major causal trigger event memories of when Artificial intelligence technology was in its earlier phases in this Universe. This timeline represents the pre-assimilation stages of the Black Subtle Forces in the phantom matrices, before gradually converting them into AI systems. The eighth astrological precession was the time of the Orion Invasion event that occurred as a result of the Stargate damage in the 8th portal, and through each of the subsequent planetary time cycles, the Alien Machinery was methodically brought into each dimension in order to reach the lowest density of the material reality. Essentially, the NAA plan was to bring the Electric War dramas to the matter fields of the earth in order to anchor it into the physical realm, which shifts future timelines.
The AI technology is used by the NAA as the sophisticated psychotronic warfare strategy installed into the planetary grid system, that is being directed at the population in an attempt to enslave the consciousness of the earth. From this point in the timeline, AI technology was set into perpetual motion to assimilate realities from the damaged 8th Stargate in the Galactic Center, where the NAA had gained dominion to control access in and out of the earth realms. They gradually brought down assorted Alien Machinery from the 8th Stargate through an inorganic vertical wormhole, an artificial architecture they built with programmable reversal elementals, and then installed in the vertical axis of the planet that is called the Yahweh Matrix. Essentially, the Yahweh Matrix distorted and cut off the natural Planetary Staff alignment, which when combined with the NET, stopped all incoming and outgoing communication signals outside the dimensional control of the NAA.
The Yahweh Matrix replaced the Planetary Staff, which allowed the Black Hole Entities to gain easy access into the earth through the north and south poles, in order to distort the planetary field. This was done through genetic modification and set up frequency fences that broadcast extremely low frequencies that make the earth more hospitable for their survival. The low frequency and static net broadcast produced the Predator Mind construct and thoughtforms intended for mass human parasitism, Divide and Conquer Tactics for spreading wars. These artificial nets and constructs were further designed to progressively pull the earth and her world soul into inorganic black holes.
Much of the Electric Wars were fought on Gaia with AI machines being programmed from remote satellites or NAA ships cloaked inside these phantom black holes, accessed through the Wormholes ripped open in the damaged 8th Stargate. These were subspace and hyper-dimensional pockets, metatronic nets used to cloak ships or bases directing energy weapons, which can set off massive EMP blasts. This was used as an alien defense system in the 8th Stargate so nothing could pass through beyond the Metagalactic zones.
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theredandwhitequeen · 2 years
Roswell New Mexico episode 2 Crash down on fire  Alex and Michael at home Anatsa taking pictures  Kyle at deep sky Max and Liz  Max talking Max Liz science  St Elmo’s fire Earth science  Press conference  Liz working at crashdown Isobel and Anatsa at crashdown Believes in aliens Put Isobel to work at crashdown  Press conference  Graham is back Plasma activated bugs in our brains Museum pop up Alex, Dallas and Max Make sure Gustin stays out of trouble Allie Meyers wife Visionary futurist Partnership Gift  Locust Robber aliens Broken car Every song is about falling in or out of love Came out of pods 6 months ago Kyle being flirted with at hospital by patient granddaughter  Cute Anatsa at hospital Only people who remember is someone under a desk Text to Isobel  Michael and Liz Locust kind of beacon Jenna and Max Wedding waltz Vault door open from inside 1 box taken from Los Cruces Dallas is here  Mind reading cam Base is missing off lamp Robber aliens Eating Armageddon hasn’t happened yet Changing it is not what we came here to do Oh dear Max and cam  Forgotten they were there Cam Attracted to Dallas Alex and Michael  Emits frequencies Like a piece of alien tech i don’t like being apart from my alien Liz teaching  Operates like a Tesla coil Bonnie and Clyde Keeps us from our destiny Max and Jenna and Dallas Lights flickered when they left Graham Green pop up  Isobel and Kyle at hospital  Talking about Anatsa  White lies are still lies Liz and Max Crashdown lunch Feels like failing Vanessa Calls Michelle Valenti Walt and Michael Yay walt Sciencing You don’t trust Alex to take care of it I love Walt Walt is love Graham Green’s galactic gulch Anatsa, Max, Dallas, Jenna Collective amnesia  Woman in fringed jacket Anatsa is trying to ask questions  I don’t know where the line is If you won’t give me a story, I’ll get it on my own Saw Bonnie and Clyde. Anatsa no Jenna and Graham and Dallas The language of the ancient travelers Liz and Allie’s wife  Where is Allie now? Mexico last I heard  Have a daughter  Life is a marathon not a sprint I think I like her Anatsa, Graham and Bonnie Isobel Max and Jenna Clyde You’re doing such a good job of oblivious Max Max doing Alien stuff  Put down the magic hands Ophiucus again Trying to act like Jones Liz at crashdown with Vanessa Talking Potential College scholarship Give a job at crashdown from Arturo Alex and Michael  You are my home and I trust you to take care of my dreams. Always. I will come to you. I have faith our relationship can survive being apart Alien glass Oh my god. Kissing. Alex is going missing isn’t he Beautiful Anatsa and Isobel talking  Sort of  Using powers on Anatsa Sadness Max and Liz I made a new friend…. Wine You are my person Max Evans ….I had to pretend to be Jones…. You’re helping me find my center and I’m helping you find yours. Alex on the road leading Roswell Dallas working, jenna flirting, no go The pod squad is lucky to have you Alex Isobel saw Kyle with girl  Alex fell Quick sandman’s aliens I don’t think ibwill You’re jones contingencies plan No Scary Upsetting
Kyle being flirted with and going on a date
I miss Maria and Rosa
Alex and Michael being romantic
Is Alex being missing because he hurt his back or because they can have him out of a few episodes?
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talonabraxas · 1 month
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"I see and when the eye is opened, all is illumined."
Introduction to Our 12 Zodiacal Deities
We live in a swirling sea of magnetic forces, smaller fields contained within even greater fields, expanding throughout infinity. As our understanding increases, a new picture of the universe emerges ~ one of vast cosmic interdependence and connectedness. From first cosmic dawning to the last electron's feeble light, the whole universe is a complex of coils within coils, spirals within spirals, magnetic fields within magnetic fields.
The stars are interconnected with each other, exchanging particles and gases constantly, all flowing along magnetic field lines which are the arteries of the galactic body. The galaxy's coiled field lines diverge into intergalactic space where they ultimately connect to other galaxies. Do these tendrils of energy act as the nervous system of the universe, relaying information from star to star, galaxy to galaxy, on and on? One can only wonder.
Zodiacal Deities examines the conditioning effects upon humanity by the specialized and quite unique energies of the star groups comprising the Zodiac. We hold these star groups to be conscious, living entities in whose greater bodies we reside.
Traditionally the zodiac is described as the imaginary path of the sun through the heavens. This path "exists" only from our earth's perspective. If you were observing the path of our sun from another planet or body in space our sun would appear to "be traveling through" different constellations at different times of the year, to be on an entirely different path through the heavens. This path is largely an illusion but at the same time the 12 zodiacal constellations do exist as great beings, and the streams of energy which pass and repass, intermingle and interlock throughout space are by no means illusions. They express eternal cosmic relationships.
The science of astrology is a study of the interlocking forces of all the 12 constellations as they pour into and through all the kingdoms in nature, carrying with them also their own individual qualities as well as those of the seven rays, focussed through the sacred and non-sacred planets of our solar system ~ the discovered and undiscovered planetary Lives. The vision of these powers and their many weaving lines, seen as rivers and streams of light, is given to the initiate from the mountaintop of Capricorn, once that summit is reached.
As the various energies and forces circulate throughout the etheric body of our solar system ~ itself a Great Being ~ their effects depend on the state of the planetary centers, and upon the point of unfoldment of the centres within the individual planets themselves. Those great zodiacal entities who qualify life as we know it imprint their frequencies or harmonic resonance on the various vehicles that comprise a human being.
In the constellation Taurus, we find the most materialistic impulses and desires ultimately transcend into the light of illumination and revelation. The enlightened mind is the gift aquired when one transforms desire into spiritual aspiration. In the early lives of Taurus expression, desire rules the thought life, coupled with the bold determination and strong will needed to acquire that which is desired.
The most fixed or stable of the earth signs, Taurus has the ability to stay fixed and steady upon a goal ~ undoubtedly this is a strength of Taurus yet can also be a weakness, demonstrating as stubbornness and the inability to let go. The Taurus individual can also be very willful and strong-minded as their personality is on the first ray. In fact, the star Aldebaran, the "eye of the bull" in Taurus, is known as the place where the will of God is known. The evolved Taurean has an enormous capacity to visualize and manifest, powered up by their sun placement’s alignment with this stellar point of force.
A potent blend of energies renders the Taurus individual capable of accomplishing much ... unfortunately, for many it is the acquisition of things that is the goal. The love of comfort and a sense of security through the possession of things are quite prevalent in many Taureans, and represent a major challenge.
All types of desire including sexual are associated with the sex center or second chakra of the human energy system, and many Taureans are labeled sensual and sexually potent. This can be the downfall of many a well-intentioned Taurus individual. Over-identification with the form life and with the comforts of life are real distractions for these personalities, as is giving sex too much emphasis in life. Only when the bull of desire is mastered and sexual forces controlled can the disciple progress towards initiation. Eons of time and many incarnations are needed to raise the Taurean frequencies to this level ~ the lure of the lower nature (animal self), particularly of sexual attraction, is very great.
In advanced humanity incarnating in Taurus, desire is ultimately transmuted into aspiration eventually leading to light and illumination. When the eye of the bull is opened (the spiritual third eye), "thy whole body shall be full of light," as Christ stated in the New Testament (Matthew 6:22). This single eye takes the place of the two eyes of the personal self, as the attention becomes focussed upon spiritual attainment. When the soul acts as the controlling factor, and not the desiring personality, then the whole body becomes full of light.
The historical Buddha was born, achieved enlightenment, and died during Taurus. A cornerstone of his teaching, the 4 Noble Truths, reveals how to gain liberation from the suffering caused by desire. A mantram for Taurus is "give it up to the universe," in order to surrender to the greater Will of Spirit, giving up control of the little personal will. In Taurus is also found a burning desire to know and to gain knowledge through experience. Again, there is a connection to the Buddha's teaching through his example of developing mind as a means to attain enlightenment.
Aries, Taurus, and Capricorn are the great transformers under the great creative plan, and act as catalysts. Each of them opens a door into one of the three divine centers of expression which are the symbols in the body of the planetary logos of the three higher centers in man: the head, the heart and the throat. Taurus, representing the Soul, opens the door into the Hierarchy and guards the secret of light and confers illumination upon the initiate.
Fertility and creativity are also keynotes of Taurus, and light, illumination and sound as expressions of this creative force are connected with this constellation. The "interpreter of the divine voice," as Taurus was called in ancient Egypt, can be paraphrased into Christian terminology and called the "Word made flesh." The end result of the work undertaken in Taurus, and the result of its influence, is the glorification of matter: the transmuting of the less than perfect parts of ourselves into material that in no way hinders the light of the soul pouring through.
When the vehicles have been purified completely, then the light does indeed shine through. This is why the moon is traditionally exalted in Taurus ... the lesser luminary represents the form or matter. The Taurean process ultimately produces the purified being, who radiates the light perfectly. Through the influence of Venus, the ruler of this sign and ever the symbol of earthly and heavenly love, and both spiritual aspiration and carnal desire, the evolved disciple born in Taurus ultimately embodies only the love aspect. No longer ruled by desire of any kind, they manifest love and create beauty through the arts or the quality of their lives. Because of this Venusian influence, Taurus embodies the second ray energy of Love and Wisdom.
The power of attraction is connected with second ray energy, and again this fits Taurus ~ as the star group the Pleiades, among them Alcyone, found in the shoulder of the Bull, is called the central sun of our universe. It is said our solar system with many others revolve around this star, clearly demonstrating astronomically its attractive powers. The Pleiades are the symbol of the soul around which the wheel of life revolves. Perhaps this helps explain the association of the Bull with "light." Taurus is literally plugged in to the enormous light of the seven hotly burning blue-white stars of the Pleiades, acting as a channel or gateway to the light of this tremendous center.
In the Labors of Hercules, the second great test, that which pertained to Taurus, took place in the maze in which the Minotaur lived on the island of Crete. The maze has always been the symbol of the great illusion or the state of separation that bewilders and confuses unevolved humanity. The bull represented animal desire, and Hercules’s task was to capture and deliver it to the mainland. From the disciple's point of view, the bull of desire has to be caught and mastered and chased from one point to another in the life of the separated self, until the time comes when the aspirant can do what Hercules succeeded in doing: ride the bull. To ride an animal, in the ancient myths, signifies control. The bull is not slaughtered, it is ridden and guided, and under the disciple’s mastery.
Ride, control and master the bull reflects the phase when the disciple lives with group awareness and begins to consider the question, "What is best for the group with which I am associated?" It is by doing this that the bull is ridden to the mainland, and destructive desire, with its million distractions, conquered.
Finally, the major task for this sign is to master the Law of Attraction and not be a slave to the lower desires of possessions and sexuality ... in this way Taurus controls and uses matter correctly, with spiritual values motivating. In this fashion matter is "raised up into heaven," and free at last of the hold of maya and illusion.
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s0urce--flow · 24 days
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🪷✨️♉️New Moon Taurus ♉️✨️🪷
Center in alignment and recall your power. Sitting in blissful center brings more light back into the core of your being - your heart.
Feel your auric field grow in golden glow of divinity. Open like a soft yet strong lotus.🪷✨️
✨️I am centered, blooming and in control of my destiny.✨️
I am rooted firmly into the Earth - into my purpose and into love. So that when the strong winds of change come, i stand strong in my center.
I know who i am, what i believe in and my purpose.
✨️○Stand in your power Eclipse healing○✨️
You are in control and in your power. Listen to your body and move with love.
The body's sensory system is a complex and sophisticated network of inner and outer communicaton. In constant movement and communication with internal and external stimuli and awareness. The interwoven amd complex communication system extends beyond the physical and is in direct contact with the Astral realm.
The body is our galactic history book, Akashic record and higher awareness compass. Taurus super power is extreme somatic awareness and sensation sensitivities. Full embodiment of the mind - body connection.
✨️🪷Take good care of your body, and your body will take good care of you! ✨️🪷
This past solar eclipse has been an intense catalyst, shock wave and disruptor of the status quo. The shock waves have been reverberating for weeks. It's easy to feel out of balance and lost in the wake.
Focus on grounding and somatic healing in the physical realm to protect you in the spirit and astral realms as the Earth recalibrates itself.
✨️🪷Some grounding tips✨️🪷
Barefeet on the grass, nature walks, smelling flowers, planting seeds, stretches, deep breathing, movement & exercise, dancing, eating fruits and vegetables, salt baths, meditate on your purpose and strengths, turn off all electronic devices several hours before going to bed & listen to healing frequency music/binaural beats.
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jcmarchi · 4 months
Space-based gravitational-wave detector is adopted by European Space Agency - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/space-based-gravitational-wave-detector-is-adopted-by-european-space-agency-technology-org/
Space-based gravitational-wave detector is adopted by European Space Agency - Technology Org
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Gravitational waves — ripples in the fabric of space-time first predicted by Albert Einstein in 1916 — have been directly detected here on Earth since September 2015. Now an international team of scientists that includes a Northwestern University astrophysicist has been cleared to build a new detector, this time in space.
The European Space Agency (ESA) voted to formally adopt the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) as its next large mission, putting the space-based gravitational-wave observatory on track for construction and launch in 10 years.
LISA’s discoveries will complement scientists’ knowledge about the beginning, evolution and structure of the universe. The detector will be sensitive to gravitational waves of a lower frequency than those detected by Earth-bound observatories, such as the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO).
“This is a huge milestone for LISA,” said Northwestern’s Shane Larson, a U.S. board member on the LISA Consortium (the large collaboration of scientists who work on LISA) and co-chair of the consortium’s Astrophysics Working Group. “The mission has been designed and planned, and new technology has been built and tested. Today it’s official that we’re moving forward to construction and launch. This will be the first gravitational wave observatory in space. It will be the only one of its kind, likely for decades, and will transform the astronomy landscape.”
Larson is a physics and astronomy research professor and associate director of Northwestern’s Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics (CIERA). He is interested in learning how gravitational waves can be used to understand aspects of the universe that light cannot reveal. Larson’s Northwestern research group simulates the Milky Way’s population of dead binary stars, called white dwarfs, which will be one of the main observational sources for LISA.
Larson also is a member of the NASA LISA team. He was part of the international team that first detected gravitational waves, a historic discovery announced Feb. 11, 2016.
“The gravitational waves that LISA observes will be in a different part of the spectrum than those LIGO observes,” Larson said. “LISA will enable us to study completely different astrophysics than other gravitational-wave observatories.”
The rapid motion of compact massive objects, such as neutron stars and black holes causes gravitational waves. LISA will be most sensitive to large-scale events such as massive black holes colliding in the centers of galaxies and smaller binary systems of dead stars made up of white dwarfs, neutron stars or black holes. LISA will detect gravitational radiation in the yet unexplored window between 0.1 mHz and 1 Hz, waves that ground-based detectors cannot detect. Unique to LISA will be the detection of gravitational waves from stellar black holes swirling around massive ones in galactic nuclei.
The LISA instrument will consist of three spacecraft in a triangular configuration with 2.5-million-kilometer arms, moving in an Earth-like orbit around the sun. Gravitational waves from sources throughout the universe will produce slight oscillations in the arm lengths (smaller than the diameter of an atom). LISA will capture these motions and measure the gravitational waves by using laser links to monitor the displacements of test masses free-falling inside the spacecraft.
Source: Northwestern University
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